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Unit: History of Native Americans

CCSS or State Standards:

5 U1.1.1 Use maps to locate
peoples in the desert Southwest,
the Pacific Northwest, the nomadic
nations of the Great Plains, and
the woodland peoples east of the
Mississippi River (Eastern
Woodland). (National Geography
Standard 1, p. 144)

Lesson Title: Native

Americans: Life and


ISTE Standards for Teachers 2.a

Resources and Materials:
Explore Native American Cultures!
Native Americans life and home
End of Lesson Paper

What students will know and be able to
do stated in student friendly language
(use Blooms and DOK levels for higher
level thinking objectives)

Essential Question(s):
Over-arching questions of the lesson
that will indicate student understanding
of concepts/skills What is it you want
the students to learn/know? Why?

I can: state where different Native

Americans are from.
I can: Find their locations on a map
I can: State why the location of a
tribe has an affect on how they live
How do you think Native Americans tribes
lives were different based on where they were
How did their environments change how the
tribes lived?
What is different about each of these areas?

Inclusion Activity:
Describe an activity that will ensure that
all students and their voices are
included at the beginning of the lesson.

Sequence of Activities:
Provide an overview of the flow of the
lesson. Should also include estimates of

We will start of this lesson with the students writing

down the different areas: Desert Southwest, the Pacific
Northwest, the Great Plains, and the Eastern Woodland.
They will list factors about each other the different areas.
Give the students around 5 minutes to write items down.
Then as a class we will go around and talk about each
area. Students will each give one thing that they wrote
for each area. On the board the teacher will make a
master copy. This should take about 15

After doing the inclusion activity tell
the students that you are going to use
these factors as well as others to learn
about the lives of Native Americans.
Have the students get out their
Explore Native American Cultures! Book to the
introduction section. They will be using their
books to look up other information on
each tribe.
Pull up the power point labeled
Native Americans: Life and Home
This powerpoint will have
information on each area and some
information on the Native American tribes
that live there.
Tell the students to take notes about
the information. When a student writes
the information in their own handwriting
they are more likely to remember it. Also
you will be covering more than what is in
the power point
Each region in the powerpoint starts
with just the name of the region and some
basic information.
Give the students three minutes to
look in their books to review the tribes
from the region that you are covering.
When the three minutes are over,
have the students talk about the regions
and tribes from there.
Ask question such as:
What is unique about these tribes?
How did they have to change to
adapt to their environment?
Where did they live? Show where

Instructional Strategies:
Research-based strategies to help
students think critically about the

List both formative and summative
assessments that you will use to assess
student understanding. Formative
assessments are given during
instruction (check for understanding),
summative are after completion of
instruction (how will you grade quiz,

they lived on a map

What did they eat?
Were they hunters, gathers, or both?
There will be other things that the
students think of to discuss but these
questions should get a discussion started.
The powerpoint will have the answer
to these questions. Some questions share
a page on the power point.
Make sure that every student is
giving answers.
If one student does not seem to
want to give an answer to any of the
questions, try giving them a question that
is easy. This way you can see if they dont
understand what the class is discussing or
if they arent paying attention. There may
be another reason that they arent
Each region should take about 10
minutes to discuss. Some might take
more while others take a little less.
10. While the class is discussing the
different regions and tribes walk around
and make sure that they are taking notes.
These notes will be helpful at a later date.
11. When you are done with all of the
tribes from the different regions have a
short discussion with the students about
what they learned.
Ask them what their favorite
tribe was and why
Ask for one fact they found cool.
12. The students will then be given a End of Lesson
paper and answer the questions on it.
The powerpoint will give the students other answers
to the question that they were asked. They will be
able to see if they were on the right track in what
they are saying and learning. Student discussion on
topic keeps them involved in topic
Formative: When the students give
examples of factors for each area that
shows that they know about the areas we
are discussing and can use this
information to learn about the Native
Americans. When discussing the different

test, project, paper, presentation,

demonstration, etc.).

Describe who will need additional or
different support during this lesson, and
how you will support them.
Differentiated instruction could include
testing accommodations, preferential
seating, segmented assignments, a copy
of the teachers notes, assignment
notebook, peer tutors, etc.

Summary, Integration and

List the way that you will bring students
together to integrate and reflect on
their learning from this lesson

tribes when they contribute it shows that

they are understanding what you are
Summative: The students will be given a
End of Lesson paper. The paper will
contain questions from the lesson. There
will also be a map where the student must
fill in the blanks for where each tribe is
from. The students must answer the
questions without their books or notes.
When they are done they turn the papers
into the teacher and return to their desks
and read quietly while the others finish.
The powerpoint will be available to students that
need extra time to take notes. If needed students may
move closer to the board so that they can see what is
written on it. Also if a student needs help a copy of
the teachers notes are available. The students can get
a print out of the powerpoint to take notes on if
In the next few lessons the class will continue to
discuss the lives of Native Americans. We will end
each lesson by discussing the new things that the
students learned. They will talk about what was their
favorite new fact. The unit will end with the students
creating a virtual museum about a Native American

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