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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Report
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Name of Observer_Hyunjin Kim___


Observation Environment

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was online)

2/18/1 UCR IEP


Observation #





Christine Tsai

Focus on relevant areas from the What Can Be Observed handout. Notice how the
teacher handles these areas during the class.


Notes while observing:

T collected homework
T reviewed the previous class
T informed Ss about the discussion test
T repeated the important points of the test
T explained how to make a note for points
Ss asked some Qs about it and T explained deeply
Practice for the test
-T divided Ss into four groups and let Ss to decide the group leader
-Ss started discussion about topics that was given last class
-The leaders of the groups asked other members some Qs using words and
phrases on the print which T gave previously
-T rang the bell, which let Ss to know stop the discussion
-T showed how to close the discussion
-Ss resumed their discussion with a new leader
-Ss helped each other when their members of the groups got stuck somewhere
-T rang the bell again and Ss stopped discussing

Last Updated: May 30, y AM/PMt 4:58 A5/P5

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
-T gave advices about the gestures during discussion
-T appointed a new leader of the groups
-Ss resumed their discussion again
-T rang the bell to stop Ss discussion
-T called Ss names to announce a new leader of the groups
-Ss continued their discussions with their new leader
-Ss seemed enjoying the discussion
-Ss were participating actively and freely contributed to the discussion
-T monitored Ss during the discussion
-T rang the bell again and Ss ended up their discussion
-T gave feedbacks for todays works
-T pointed out what was good/bad from their discussion
-T previewed the next class which they have a test base on discussion

What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson? Discuss your
observation focus, and the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes. Consider
the three levels of teacher reflection (surface, pedagogical, critical). (100-300 words)
In this observation, I focused on the lesson. From this class, I learned that how a
small group discussion with a leader make Ss to engage more in a discussion. T utilized
Presentation, practice, and production(ppp) lecture structure pretty well. Since she gave
a discussion time during the class, she did not disturb or engage with Ss, rather she gave
Ss a sufficient time to discuss themselves. On the other hand, she still monitored Ss while
they were having a discussion and made sure that all Ss to have a chance to talk by
changing a discussion leader. The only thing that was missing was working as the whole
class since Ss were divided up into several groups.
What activities/techniques from this class do you want to remember for your own
teaching practice? Discuss your future teaching environment and your students
needs/goals. Discuss specific ways in which you could adapt and apply the techniques
and methods you saw. (100-300 words)
In the future, I would like to put my students in a group for discussion. From this
observation, I learned that small group discussion can be more effective than a larger
group discussion for not just promoting Ss deepen thoughts but also to help every Ss to
take a part of the class. Moreover, a small group activity with a group leader also made
Ss activities more effectively, especially by rotating the role to give equal change to Ss.
Also, I would like to try not to involve too much when I bring the discussion for the class,

Last Updated: May 30, y AM/PMt 4:58 A5/P5

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
rather I will carefully watch Ss and will provide feedbacks together at the end just like
this T did.

Last Updated: May 30, y AM/PMt 4:58 A5/P5

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