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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Report
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Name of Observer___Hyunjin Kim___

# _4__

Observation Environment

(include URL if the class

was online)

2/26/1 UCR IEP






Mindy Longoni

Focus on relevant areas from the What Can Be Observed handout. Notice how the
teacher handles these areas during the class.

Notes while observing:



started and had review session from last class

(7 S total, 4 were absent all S are Saudis)
T had book/note on the desk kinda read it while kept her head down
T asked whether Ss want an example
T Drawing on the board
work on the book, S could work in a pair-group or solo
T helped one student doing
one by one coach since it is a small class
keyword illustration
Ss started writing/drawing on the board after finishing them on the book
T interacted w/ Ss
asked student if they can figure out other Ss drawing w/caption
complemented what S did. I seeI liked it
- Parody
- candor

Last Updated: May 30, y AM/PMt 4:58 A5/P5

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook






- vigilance
Clap together act as a class
honored what S did/ continuously said how she like Ss drawing / thanked Ss for
doing activities
3 ppl draw first and then next 3 did
- vigilance
moved on comp checking
tragedy politicians- parody peru the contract
Do you agree? S nod, yes.. short answers
very good.
: 35 work in a group 4/3
When she gave an instruction, she kept her head down to the book several
helped Ssgave hint, checked what they doing
Picked a S in silence to make them participate in a class more
comprehension check, step on to peru
Peru gave ex of checking ingredients
Ss said, lease contract, test direction, statement, calories
what else you peruse?
other way to use them
reconcile try to rationalizerephrased what S said
T asked Any Q on reconciliation?
T asked what are some ex of candor
Corrected as a class
asked to give a example Ss-T
what should parent speak with candor dangerous situation
Vigilance when
vigilante about what? be vigilante crossing st.
what else? give action- driving, teacher,
giving a funny example to refresh
review for next class

What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson? Discuss your observation
focus, and the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes. Consider the three levels
of teacher reflection (surface, pedagogical, critical). (100-300 words)

Last Updated: May 30, y AM/PMt 4:58 A5/P5

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
: I focused on the classroom management during this observation. Students first
worked individually, and then worked in a pair or a group, after that, they worked as a
class. The activity that the teacher created included individual to the whole class works.
Since it was a small class, the teacher gave students a choice whether to work in pairs or
3-4 small groups. According to the textbook, Practice Teaching, it is easier to give an
assignment to pair work, but the most effective way is a small group discussion. From
this lesson, I learned that small group activities create a synergy effect on students
What activities/techniques from this class do you want to remember for your own
teaching practice? Discuss your future teaching environment and your students
needs/goals. Discuss specific ways in which you could adapt and apply the techniques
and methods you saw. (100-300 words)
: When I was in S. Korea, I never had a vocabulary class. The only way that I
learned from studying vocabulary was memorizing definitions or synonyms and then
taking quizzes to check comprehension. Thus I was curious about this vocabulary class
but also did not expect too much from this class at the same time. The way that teacher
approached to illustrate students learning in vocabulary was impressive. She asked
students to draw to describe the words. This activity is useless unless students are fully
understood the vocabulary, however, students will remember the expressions even more
longer and quickly by doing this drawing activity since they have been visualized into
students brain. In the future, if I start teaching vocabulary, I would like to teach this
technique to help students in dilemma of memorizing everything. Thus, they can learn the
same thing more fun and easier way.

Last Updated: May 30, y AM/PMt 4:58 A5/P5

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