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Summary: Nationalism and Cultural Conflict

Paper by: Martha Aguilera
The influence of globalization in world politics has created new debates and discussions about
the changing nature of nation-states. The concept of nationalism has multiple references and
associations that make it difficult to define but nonetheless is a pivotal part in politics and in
nation- state building and dissolving.
Nationalism can be considered as an ideology, or as a binding knowledge that creates a bond
between groups among territories, in this regard nationalism has a function, because it is a
political and social phenomenon that can have different kinds of outcomes; like the creation and
recognition of a new nation-state or can be the basis for political struggle and social unrest.
When considering the sources of nationalism, one must take into account the culture and values
of a community, these factors will play a considerable role in the continuity of a nation, the
emergences of new ones, or its dissolution.
The rise of nationalism led to the breakdown of many political entities, which initially shared
similar ethnicity, language and culture; the emergence of new nations enabled the expression of
sub-groups that were often overlooked. Nationalism has several degrees or classifications, there
are two main typologies: Civic nationalism, which is focused on the state and the normative
values that sustain it and are shared by the group. The second type is Ethnic nationalism and it is
centered in the common descent, or the cultural bonds that precede a state.
The emphasis is that nationalism is a cohesive phenomenon because it can subvert a state or can
strengthen the identity of people belonging to a nation and maintain the cultural and political
loyalty of the people. Although globalization is shifting the way nationalism is assumed it is not
bounded anymore by the borders of the state, but now should be taken into consideration ethnic
networks of nationalism.
Another perspective that must be considered in the analysis of world politics is culture, but more
precisely how religious affiliations are basic to the definition of self and others this dichotomy
is active in contemporary political matters. Culture enables a sense of belonging but also
differentiation, which can have consequences in diverse aspects, because it influences the way
globalization, is embraced or rejected by nations and communities.

Culture goes beyond sharing a religion, language or ethnicity; the globalization of culture is
occurring and some have argued that is undermining cultural particularities that are being
absorbed by the imperialist culture of the West.
The struggle between the local and global cultural manifestations is showing the assumptions
and cultural divisions that people have, because it is confronting the fact that boundaries are
being dissolved and new cultural formations are emerging and this can be perceived as a threat.
Instead globalization should be addressed as a place suited for exchange and interaction despite
the differences.

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