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No. 24

-.t^^pBi* TjgrJ H A^T -




How to Send Money
There are several methods of
Our catalogues, Bymoney. 1st By Post Office Order. 2nd
Express Money Order. 3rd By Regist
order sheets and re
ered Letter. 4th BankBy Draft. 5th By
turn envelopes are Postal Note. 6th
who ask it. denominations
free to all Postage Stamps (as large If the goods you order
as possible). weigh less than 2 Ibs
Use our order sheet Do not be afraid of sending too mnch they should be s=nt by pust to you. To sei.d
always when filling money with your order. If there is your goods by mail we must prepay the post
out an order, answer any over age, and it is thettfore
it will be
promptly returned to you. necessary for you to
ing each question on the list clearly. We re enclose enough money with
your order to
ceive Boores of letters, with money and ordeis, cover the required amount of The
from persons who forget to give their names postage on all articles is lo for each ounce. If
and addresses. This always causes much de a parcel weighs 2 Ibs. it would cost you 32c for
lay and unpleasantness, which we would postage and 5c for insurance or registration.
gladly avoid. Study this catalogue from We the amount required for
postage on
cover to cover, skipping not a single item. In our own opinion, of many articles in the catalogue, but should
The catalogue speaks clearly, pictures accur course, our word is as have any doubt what the postage would be on
ately, and is thoroughly reliable and trust feood as a Bank Note, but your gojds, then send plenty of money and
worthy. The quality of goods we sell is ranch such a statement will scarcely satisfv a stran we will return the balance to you. If you
above the average. We avoid cheap articles, ger. We refer you therefore to the tens of do not send enough money we may have to
and we nrge you, as you will see, to buy the thousands of persons who may be found in all omit some article or write for more money.
best andhighest pricd articles you can afford. parts of Canada who have been, and who are,
When your order is cwnolete, enclose the customers of ours. If vou have an oppor
fuuda-and mail it to ua. It will receive our tunity to call personally upon us, pleaee
immediate attention. report dir, ct to the manager of our Letter
Order Department, who will always be glad to
welcome you. and who will be pleased to show
you our ability to fill orders for all goods in
this catalogue promptly. One
thing you can
always depend upon, we will never sacrifice
If yonr order weigha
quality to price. Our object is to conduct a
over 2 Ibs. and under
satisfactory business in a satisfactory manner, 30
and we are doi.ig it. The descriptions of the Ibs., then Express is the best way to send it.
is prompt and safe. The charges
goods we sell, as given in this book, will be Express
found reliable and accurate, and any vary according to the distance the goods are
goods we
Our terms are positively cash
may have the pleasure of selling you wil open carried. 1
On your order you should always
with the order. We will NOT to your expectations. say what is your nearest express office. Ii
up there is no agent at that office the chargt s
send goods C.O.D. The cash
must accompany yonr order if
you wish to deal with us. On the other hand,
INSURANCE would have to be sent to us to prepay.
there is an express agent then the transporta

If you T7ill send us the Bum of five centa

our prices are lower than those of any other tion charges may be paid to the agent when
reliable Mail Order House in Canada. (5c), our Insurance Department will insure
the s&fe arrival of your goods (the
you get the goods.
Our Spring catalogue prices taka effect on goods from
the Crockery Department alone
February 1st, and our Fall catalogue prices We recommend jexcepted),
on September let of each year. every one to take advantage
of this insurance, and enclose 5o with each HIPMENT5
order for this purpose. This applies to every
order, whether it is to go by Freight, or Ex"-
Most of our orders being
press, or Mail. In the case of club orders, it
large ones, are sent by freight.
To our cus applies to each man s order. We are not re It is slower than express, but
tomers living at sponsible in any way whatever for articles if the order weighs 100 Ibs. or
a distance we re lost or broken in transit unless you take ad more, then it ia
by far the cheapest method of
commend the vantage of our Insurance Department and transportation. On the back cover page we
enclose with each ordtr 5c to insure.
sending of Club give the freight rates per 100 Ibs. from Hamil
Orders. Two or more persona ordering to ton to many different stations in Canada.
gether can make up a shipment of 100 pounds From these rates you can form torn*
or more, which will greatly reduce the trans
good idea of what the charges on a ship
portation charges. When ordering in this ment to you would cost. All shipments
way ( uee onr order forms, and kindly put the from us secure the very lowest rates.
order for each person on a Our territory for
The lowest charge the railway companies will
separate sheet,
with name and address on each. doing business ia the make on
Always say C r eat Dominion of Canada, from ocean to ocean, any freight shipment is the first-class
to which person the gooda are to be rate on 100 Ibs., and even then in no instance
shipped. and, from all
We parcel and t*g each separately, enclose in places in Canada, orders less than 45c. You should always, therefore,
ona or more cases, and ship to uue address. arrive for our goods.
when you are making a freight shipment, gee
Our Letter Order Department grows and
lhat your order amounts to 100 Ibs. or 12S
grows and grows, until our warehouse has be Ibs. or
come a great national distributing store. If over, then yon will secure the best
there is in the rates. If you cannot make
you have n ver tent us an order we ask you to this wi
ight with your own order, then ask
try our system of Shopping by Letter. some friends to join you. All tools, hardware,
Hamilton is only the centre of
great harness and all other

net work of electric railways, but she is the poods which can be
in boxes secure the 2nd-clss rates,
centre of the great manufacturing district of packed
also iron beds, iron pipes and iron barrow
Wa offer the following induce east, west, There are towns and cities to the
north and south of us, all within a
wheels are Snd-class. Such articles as organs,
ments to bring out large orders circle of barrel churns, sewing machines, nnpainted
fifty milps diameter, which together carts and
Orders of Form a district which produces nine-tenths of buggies go as first-class freight.
5 to $50 we allow 2% discount. all the articles made in Canada. The most important thing to remember in
5O to $IOO "

4 , We mention thia to show that Hamil makingKO up a freight order is to see that it
$IO and upwards 6% ton, beii g right at the source of supply of
weighs Ibs. or 125 Ibs. or over. If
you wish
Do not take off the discount in sending such a number
further information upon any article, write to
great of different articles ia a
your order, leave it for us to return to grand centre from
you with the invoice. Business.
which to do a Letter Order STANLEY MIMA &CO.,
Hamilton, Ontario,
To Messrs. STANLEY MILLS & CO,, Hamilton, Ont.
Please fill the following order as promptly as possible, and oblige.

(Write yonr name and address very plain.)

Honey enclosed.

91m. Cash, $ .

Postal Notes, 1
- -
Stamps, j
Post Office,.
Post Office Order, $..

Bank Draft, $

Freight Station ,__ Express

Money Order

Express Offlce,__ Total


Upon what Railroad is yonr nearest station ? How far is

This order Is made ap from
Catalogue No.
it from your home ? Miles. Has the Bailway Co. an Agent there ?



sell is complete with weights and has hardened steel bearings, and is stamped and
Every scale we
inspected in the usual way. The cost of the stamping is included in the price we quote. The
our customers. We only catalogue here the most saleable scales, but on applica
larirer scales will be shipped direct from the factory to
tion we will quote you for Grocer s Tea, Butcher s, Druggist s, Letter,
Confectioner s, Dairy, Warehouse, Fish, Flour, Hopper, Hay or
Cattle Scales, and for Standard C4rain Testing Machines.

Weigh Beams Stamped and inspect

ed, and complete with weights.
Capacity. Capacity.
J 100 Ibs. .$3.50
Ib. to | lb. to 400 Ibs. .$5.00
i lb. to 150 Ibs. 3.75 . 1 lb. to 500 Ibs. 5.50 .

i lb. to 200 Ibs. 4.00 . i lb. to 600 Ibs. . 6.00

i lb. to 800 Ibs. 4.50 .
Wood Platform Scales, with wheels
Iron Platform Scales with wheels. Cap y 500 Ibs., $13.00 Cap y 1500 Ibs. $22.00
Cap y 500 Ibs., $11.00 Cap y 1000 Ibs, $14.00 "

600 "

14.00 "
2000 "

700 "

12.50 1200 15.50 "


700 "

15.00 "

2500 "


1000 "

16.00 I

3000 "


1200 "


Iron Weights Solid

i, 1, 2, 4 oz. each, 15 Brass Weights
41b. andllb.,ea., 25 1 oz, I oz, 1 oz, ea. 20c Side Beam Even
Balance Scales
2 lb., weight, ea. 35 C 2 oz, weight each, 25c
30c Capacity, i oz. to 4 Ibs, tin scoop $2.75
31b., weight, ea. 40c 4 oz, weight each,
Joz. to 10
3.75 " "

4 lb., weight, ea. 45c ^ lb., weight ea., 45o

51b., weight, ea. 50o 1 lb., weight ea 65c Shipping weight 4 lb. scale, 18 Ibs., 10 lb.

2 lb., weightea. $1.25 scale. 28

Our prices for iron and
brass weights include 3 lb., weight ea. 1.75
the stamping. 4 lb., weight ea. 2.50

Miller s Scales For weighing gold Wood Platform Scales, with

dust, also used for letters. Weights and pans wheels and drop lever
brass, will weigh smallest quantity of dust. Cap y 1200 Ibs., $20.00 Cap y 2000 Ibs., $28.00
Each scale packed in a neat tight tin case 1500
24.00 "

2500 34.50 " "

for pocket; size of case, 8 x 3| x 1-J inches; Capacity 3000 Ibs.. $40.00.
price $1.25, postage 25c.

24O Lb. Union Scale, $5

Farm House Handy Scale, with scoop and
platform (about 10 x 13 inches). Capacity,
I oz. to 240 Ibs shipping weight, 50 Ibs. ;

boxed ; price, only $5, all complete.

Biittermaker s Special Scale
Even balance, with 1 lb. weight $2.50
" "

1 lb. and 2 lb. wts. 2.75


Platform Stock Scale

Capacity 3000 Ibs., on wheels, with drop
lever, extended platform and rails. Room
for one horse on the platform. Shipping
weight, about 700 Ibs.; price, all complete,
except the platform ruus, $1(1.50.
All scales are shipped a^ first class freight,
and tin- following are estimated shipping
weights of plat cirm scales I :

Wood Platform Scales, without 500 Hi. wale, 100 Ibs 1500 lb. scale, 220 Ibs
wheels (il)0 II,. scale. 110 Ibs 2000 lb. scale. 300 Ibs
Cap y 500 Ibs., $12.00 Cap y 1500 Ibs. $21.00 TOO II,. 120 Ibs 2500 lb. scale, -UK) Ibs
Iron Platform Scales, without 600 " "

13.00 "
2000 "

25.00 1000 130 Ibs 3000 lb. scale, 500 Iba

lb. scale,
wheels "


14 00 "

2500 "

31.00 1200 11). scale. ItiO llm

1000 " "

3000 "

3U.OO All platform scales have adjusting ball

y 500 Ibs, $10.00

Capa Cap y 1000 Ibs, $13.00


700 11.50
" "

1200 14.50 "

1200 "

I l.oo attachment.


No. 1 Saddle Mexican

Saddle, made on a 13 inch Mor
gan rawhide saddletree, half
No. 5 Saddle Men s Cap.
covered leather seat, 1 inch stir-
tain Jack Saddle, made on a
rnp straps, with leather fenders Somerset tree, 16 inch cut back
attached, cotton web girth to tree with patent safety bars,
bnckle on both sides, plain 3 Saddle Mexican No. 4 Saddle Boy s Cap
wood stirrups. Price, only $2.50. made on a 13 inch Mor tain Jinks Saddle, made on a quilted leather seat, large leather
Saddle, full-sizedman s saddle,
Ne. 2 Saddles-Mexican gan rawhide saddletree, covered Somerset tree, quilted leather
leather stirrup straps with iron
made on a 13 inch Mor leather seatwith underskirt, seat with leather flaps and good
Saddle, stirrups, cotton web girth of
gan rawhide saddletree, covered girth works on a ring at each pad, iron Stirrups, cotton web
good length, a large, deep pad
leather seat, 1 inch stirrup side, 1 inch stirrup straps with girth, 1 inch stirrup leathers, a ded saddle. For Ontario farm
straps, with fancy leather fen fancy leather fenders attached, good, low priced saddle for boys ers there is no better saddle
ders attached, girth straps work plain wood stirrups, price $3.75. knock-about use. Price $4.50.
than this "

Capt Jack." It is
on ring at each side of saddle, a low priced, serviceable article.
plain wood stirrnps. Price $3.
Price, only $6.50. Weight 8 Ibs.

No. 7 Saddle "Cow

boys Favorite." Men s Mexi

can Saddle, full covered leather
No. 6 Saddle Men s Mex seat, made on a 14 inch rawhide
ican Saddle, j leather covered covered Morgan saddletree,
seat, made on a 14 inch rawhide fancy stamped leather fenders
covered Morgan saddletree, of large size, extra large size
fancy leather fenders of good solid leather skirts underlined
size, larg^ size solid fancy w-ith wool, double-rigged with
leather skirts, underlined with two good cotton weh cinches,
good material, double rigged
with two cotton web girths, THE PRIDE OF THE NOR WEST. plain wood stirrups with 1J inch
stirrup straps. A handsome,
plain wood stirrups. This sad No. 15 Our New
Pride of the Nor west Saddlo is one of the

well made saddle, at a very

dle requires no blanket. Price, strongest, best and most desirable stock saddles made in this coun- reasonable price. Price, as il
as described and illustrated Iry. The stock is the best Oregon oiled skirting, and this is wi!h-
lustrated, only $12.50 if want
out question the best saddle leather tanned. The sewing, Stamp

above, only $7.50. If wanted ed with fancy leather covered

with leather covered stirrups, ing and carving are all done by hand by men who are artists as stirrups, add $1.00. Wt. 14 Ibs.
add $1 extra. Weight 10 Ibs. well as the most expert saddle makers. \Ve guarantee these sad
dles to be made on tin: best and strongest trees, to lie made of the THEY SAY WE CAN T
very best saddle leather, by skilled workmen. Tree, 16 in., steel fork," genuine Montana, rawhide
The regular harness makers
covered skirts, 30 in. long, wool liced, extending well back of cant le, all hand stamped loop in
; ; say we can t sell a first-class open
front; tine hand sewed roll cantle; stirrup straps, 3 in. wide to fasten with whangs, 10 inch fenders top working farm horse collar for
attached border, hand stamped stirrups, 2 in., heavy wood, 3 in. roller bars; double cinch rigged
; ; ;
$1.50. We say we can. Those
covered rings, 2 in. latigoes ; two best connected hard hair cinches, with wool lined leather chafes, who have bought them from us
connecting strap and martingale brace from ring to ring. Weight, about 26 Ibs. Price, $25 as above. say \ve are doing it. If you
Price $20 with haTidsome leather covered stirrups. want some collars, test us.


Ranch Sad
No. 13 dle, made on a 16 in.
made on a 16 inch Califor raw hide covered

Montana" steel
nia "Steel Fork" Tree, choice
led leather skirting, horn
fork tree, skirting Wo. 12 Saddle "The

of best selected Cow Girls Favorite, a compan

full covered solid leather seat,

sice] strainer; skirt 25 inches stock, 2S inches ion to the Cowboys Favorite
long; fleece lined, (our No. 7 Saddle), made on a
long, semi-lined with pure wool side tree, best leather
fleece on the pelt ! i Qcn select
8 inch best stock Morgan
skirting, padded bars, leather

ed stirrup straps, best California fenders California ;

wood stirrups, 8 inch fenders nf wood stirrups, 2 inch stirrup straps, full covered horn and seat, slipper stirrup, leaping horn,
double cotton with beaded roll cantle, double hair cinch rigged. Price as des fancy stamped skirts, two best
good stock, A thorough cotton web cinches. Price $14;
cinch rigged. All hand made. cribed, $20; price, with leather covered stirrups, $21.
ly good general purpose ranch saddle
and well made throughout. price, with good hair cinches,
Weight about 21 Ibs. Price $17. 17 Ibs.
Weight, about 23 Ibs. _^_____ $15. Weight
Child s Side Saddle-
Suitable for a girl from 6 to 12
years of age. Nicely made on
small tree, single cotton girth,
plush covered seat, good skirt
ing, iron stirrup ; weight, about
8 Ibs. Price $5.50.

No. 1 Saddle Blanket, very

large, stuffed and cross quilted
and shaped, urice only 75c.
Riding Bridles, with X C plated
Port bits, best russet leather
No. 1 1J in. head, J reins, bit
rivetted in, $1.10.
No. 2 If in. head, 1 reins, bit
rivetted in, $1.25.
No. 3 1J in. head, | reins, bit No. 11 Saddle Ladier
buckled allleather side saddle, made on
in, $1.35.
No. 4 1 reins bit an 18 inch Somerset side tree,
If in. head,
buckled in, $1.50. with leaping horn or head,
No. 2 Saddle Blanket, light Riding Martingales, best russet quilted leather seat, large fancy
felt, $1.25. leather, with neck strap, 85c. stamped skirt, two cotton web
No. 3- Saddle Blanket, medium Pony Bridles, russet, each $1.00 girths, good full padded saddle,
felt, $1.50.
leather slipper stirrup a splen ;

NO. 1O Saddle Ladies No. 4 Saddle Blanket, heavy did good side saddle. $11.60.
Hi His.
all leather sidesaddle with quilt felt, $1.75. Weigh!
ed scut. 2 cotton web girths, Hobbles, best
large fancy stamped skirt, good leather, swi
full pad with leather slipper vel chain,
M irrup ;
price $9.50. pair 65c.
Swivel Hob
Web Cinches with riugs, 25, 35c
Rider s Cuffs Hair inch, each 40c. I
ble Chains,
6 inches. n ed Men s Iron Stirrups, pair 25c. Hair 5 inch, each 45c.

japan ,

Men s Wood Stirrups, pair 20c. Hair each 50e,


(i inch,
Per each lOc.
Men s heavy Wood Stirrups, 40c. Connected Cinches, two U inch
Plain, leather, 75c
Leather Covers for pr. $1 heavy belting. Avith wool lined


.90 chafes, tongues and conn,
Plain, lined,
strap, per pair. $2.25.
Fancy, Connected Cinches, two ti inch
Haw Hide Kiding Whips, 25c. Picket pins, malleable, 15 inch, ( alit ia hair cinches. 20 strand.
Itidci s Waterproof Capes, each l"n .

2 liar, with leather ehafcs.

large. $1.50. ianc swivel
Picket pin or lariet
link gues, connecting strap. |i
Rider s Waterproof Pants, Tethering Chai steel
$1.25. small, medium
or large. with s\\ i !
Com n Web Saddle Qu
Women s Slipper Stirrup, a

Hider 20 ft. chain 60c -10 ft.

ll. ;ivybcst
s Waterproof Jackets, ;

30 l- - O Women s mil Stirrup, each

I 20c. Kider s Spurs, pair. C
STYLE A, f 7 Style B, $8.50
Bridle, over Bridle, over
check. Strap Sac!-
die, X C white pla
, check. Strap Sad
ted. Breast Col dle, X C plated.
Breast Collar,
lar, single ply, with folded and stitched.
H inch single ply
Traces, 1| in. stit
traces sewed on to ched and buckled to
collar. Li i lies, f
in. black. Breecll
collar. Breech
ing, folded stitched.
ing, single ply. A Lines, fin., black.
light harness. Style A. $7 per set. Style R, $8.50 per set.j A good cheap harness

STYLE C SINGLE HAR Breast Collar, broad, single

NESS, $10. ply and shaped to fit breast and of
selected stock. Traces, 1 h, i<

This set makes a good buggy best single ply stock, buckled to
harness at a very popular price. It collar, with box loops. Back-
is a nickle mounted set of hand baud, half-pad pattern, with
some appearance and -will give fancy nickle mounted line rings
good wear. and check hook. Very good
Bridle, check or side
over bellybands. Breeching,
check desired, round winker
as single ply, best stock, $ inch straps.
stays, box loops, patent leather Altogether a good buggy harness,
blinds, etc. Lilies, | inch black, having our special recommendation
with 1 inch russet hand parts. for a harness at $10 per set.


Bridle, very handsome, either side or ovei check as ordered,
ronnd blind stays, round side chock, box loops, patent leather
Winders. Lines, 1 inch Mack, with 1 inch russet hand parts. A good, stout buggy harness. Bridle, our best, with side or
Breast Collar, best selected stock, shaped to breast, box overcheck as ordered. Straight Collar and Breeching,
loops, nicklo trace buckles. Traces,
li inch, best stock, single both folded and stitched and of best stock. Traces, 1J
ply. Griffith Bellybaiid. Single ply Breeching. Back- double and stitched and buckled to collar. Backhand, half-
band, best patent leather full pad pattern, padded with best pad pattern with best nickle mountings. Lines, 1 inch, black,
genuine leather, anil with very handsome fancy nickle lino rings and 1 in. russet handparts. A strong Breast Collar harness.
and cheek hook. A splendid, handsome harness. Only $12.50. Price $13.50.


Onr most popular set. Bridle, onr very best, side or
as ordered. Lines, 1 inch black, with russet handparts, best
selected stock. Breast Collar, choice stock, folded, layered, This is precisely the same design as our Style F Single Harness,
stiu-lu il and shaped to breast with best trace buckles and box loops except that the mountings are of warranted very best Genuine
on all parts. This makes the, best breast collar on earth. Traces Hard Rubber. Price per set, $20.00.
Hindi, double and stitched and of best selected stock. BreCCh- Onr Styles F and G Single Harnesses are positively the best
iiig, like collar, folded, layered and stitched, with box loops. values in single Harness being offered in Canada to-day. They are
Backhand, our very best, full padded with genuine leatherand
Jewels, both of them.
handsomely mounted. Phis harness is an excellent one to order.
Nickle mounted or Davis imitation black rubber mounted, same When ordering harness of any kind, if possible, give ua an idea
price, viz., only $15.00 per set. of the weight of the horse they will be used on.


Plain ovor check Bridle. mounted Back- This harness isdesigned for light waggon delivery harness and
band. Plain leather open top buggy Collar, with black iron is also splendidly suited for hay rake use on the farm. It is a
names with hame tugs. "Traces, 1-ir inch, double and stitched strong, plain set and is a heavy harness. Bridle is plain and
to buckle to hame tugs. Plain folded Breeching. .Lines, strong, round side check only, X
C straight or jointed bit, strong
| inch. Price per set $13.75. browband. Medium weight open-top working Collar. Low
STYLE I SINGLE HARNESS, $15.5O top wood hames. Traces, 1 inch, doubled and stitched, with
cockeyes. inch, black. Very broad half pad
Lines. 1 C X
Over check or side check nickle mounted Bridle with box mounted stout, heavy shaft tugs and Belly-
leops, round stays, patent leather blinds, etc. Fancy nickle hands. Breeching, folded and stitched, double hip strap ;
mounted half-pad Backhand. Open top patent leather buggy
price $16.75.
Collar. Black iron hames, nickle trimmed, with box loops.
Traces, 1| inch, stitched, to buckle on to hame tugs. Folded
Breeching and 1 inch Lines. Price per set $15. 50.
Best Bridle, over check or side check, with nickle side chains.
Backhand, best nickle, fancy mounted, patent leather, with
Boston loop and genuine leather full padded. Best open top
patent leather buggy Collar, with nickle mounted ii on
with box loops. Traces, li inch, doubled and etitohed.
Breeching, folded, waved and stitched. Lines, 1 inch,
black and russet. Price $18.50. A
thoroughly first-class collar
and hames buggy harness.
Style K is exactly same pattern as Style J, except that the
mountings are entirely of brass.
This again is same in pattern as style J, except that the mount Brass mounted throughout. Bridle, heavy, patent leather
ings throughout are of genuine hard black rubber. Price, 8et $25. express blinds, with nose band, side check only. Full padded 4 j
inch sliding backhand, brass mounted, full collar cloth lined
Open top collar. Low wood hames with brass mountings.
Shaft tugs, 1J inch. Traces, H
inch, stitched. Folded
breeching, with double hip strap. Breeching straps, inch. H
Folded hcll.ybaiids. Lines. 1| inch, black. A strong brass
mounted express harness ; price per set $25.


Brass or nickle mounted, as ordered. Extra heavy Bridle,
round blinders, chain bit, nose band, side check only. Collar,
heavy patent leather. Heavy Gladstone hanies of nickle or brass
finish. Martingale strap. Heavy Belly hand*. Traces, 1J CART HARNESS, $1.OO
inch, heavy and stitched. Handsome box loop hame tugs with Bridle, H inch head, no check inch, black.
rein. Lines, -J
heavy buckles. Regular heavy Gladstone sliding Backhand, Collar, regular open top farm liook hames.
collar. Heavy
4^ inch, swell or straight, pedestal hook and heavy line rings. Leather top backhand, lined with collar check cloth. Breech
Heavy shaft tugs. Breeching, heavy folded pattern with ing is 3i inches wide with 1 J inch stitched layer and with li inch
double hip strap. Lilies. 1 inch, with russet leather hand-
hip straps. With back chain, complete, $16.00.
parts. Price per set, complete, only $25. This harness is well
suited for Gladstone, Surrey or Coupe harness. It is stylish,
strong and high class. DON T YOU FORGET IT
Special Notice The splendid heavy farm work-horse open top
Whenever you order single harness with collar and hameg, or
any style of team harness, or collars alone, firct thing you do collars that wo sell for $1.50 are sold in many
write downthe size of collar wanted. Horse Collars are measured,
in inches, right through the centre of the collar, from top to bot pLu i s at twice our i

tom, on the inside.


Style No. 1, $1O.5O Two 1 inch black rivetted halter
PL.OW HARNESS. heads .with 4 bit snaps and 2 X C plated team bits attached. One
set of parted best Russian hemp rope lines. Two pairs, high or
Style No. 1, ^19.OO Two 1J inch black rivetted halter low top, iron bound hames with 1 inch x 3 ply best leather hame
heads, with bit snaps and straight or jointed X C plated team bits. tugs attached. Hame tugs have billets attached and stout hooks
One set of parted best R. H. rope lines Two pairs medium at the ends. Two belly bauds and four | inch hame
hook hames with four J in. hame straps. Two pairs 7i foot med Two pairs 5^ foot medium steel trace chains. One pair best web
ium steel trace chains. Four 2 foot leather trace tubes or pipes. backhands with line rings. Price per set, as above described,
One pair best web backhand*with line rings. Four billet $10.56 ;
if collars are wanted, add $3 ; if chain breast straps are
straps and two bellybands. Price per set, as above $9.00 if :
wanted, add 35c.; if 1 1 inch best leather
martingales are wanted,
collars are wanted, give sizes and add $3. add $1.
PLOW HARNESS. Style No. 2, 14.5O Two 1J inch best heavy stitched
halter heads with 4 bit snaps and 2 X
C plated team bits attached.
Style No. 3, $13.OO Two 1J inch heavy stitched black One set of | x 20 foot team lines. Two pairs, high or low top,
halter heads, with 4 bit snaps and X C bits. One set J inch x 20 iron bound hames with 1| inch x 3 ply leather hame
tugs with
feet best team lines. Two pairs heavy hook hames with 4 one hooks at rear ends. Billet straps and bellybands and 1 inch
inch hame straps. Two pairs 7$ foot heaviest steel trace chains. hame straps. Two pairs best heavy steel 5$ foot trace chains. One
Four 3 foot leather trace tubes or pipes. One pair leather back- pair best leather back bands with line rings, hook, etc., and
bands, with line rings, hook and felt padded. Four billet felt lined. Price per set, as above, $14.50 ; if collars are
straps and 2 belly band*. Price per set, as above, $13.00; if add $3.00 if H
inch martingales and breast straps are
collars are wanted, add $3.
wanted, add
$2.00 ; if cruppers and backstraps are wanted, add $1.20.
NOTE. The above pictures are not quite accurate about the bridles, but the illustrations serve to show you the general style of
the harnesses. They are handy furm harnesses, every one of them.


Style No. 1, f!9.9O One Style No. 2, $23.5O One
pair open team bridles with pair blind or open bridles with
checks. One set x 20 leather checks. One set inch leather
lines. Two pairs varnished hames lines. Two pairs varnished hames
with 1-i x 3 ply hame tugs, with rear and 1^ x 3 ply hame tugs with double
hooks, four -J inch hame straps, bil grip trace buckles. One set traces,
lets attached, and heavy belly- best leather, 2 inches wide, with 1^
bands. Two pairs 5^ foot steel inch layer. Two leather back-
trace chains. Two chain breast bauds, with line turrets and hooks,
straps. Two 1| inch leather martin felt lined, with backstraps and
gales. Two cruppers and backstraps. cruppers and trace bearers. Heavy
Two leather backhands with bellybailds, 1J inch leather
line rings, etc. Two farm open top martingales and breast straps. Beet
heavy collars. Price per set, heavy open top farm collars.
as above, $19.90; wanted without
if Price per set, $23.50; if collars are
collars, deduct $3. For general ap not wanted, deduct $3. This makes
pearance of this harness see the up a good farm team harness for light
per right hand p ctnre on this page. Our Style No. 2 Light Farm Harness, $23.5O. use.


This famous Gall Cure has cured more animal flesh than any other known remedy. It will
cure collar or saddle galls upon horses, under the harness while the horse is working ; chafes,
bruises, cuts, mud scalds, scratches, grease heel, rope burn, or any minor wound
or sore upon
horses or cattle. It gives immediate relief and quick cure for cracked, sore teats in cowe.
Price, per 2 oz. box 20c. Postage, 4c by mail. Every stable ought to have it.

Canada s Every
Best Farmer s
General Favorite

Purpose General
Farm Purpose
Harness, Harness,
$29.00 S29.00


We flub this splendid team harness "TheCanadian Farmer s bamls. reversible, doubled and stitched. Backhands, best
Pride." Every piece of leather used is specially selected stock. leather padded, with housing and stout X C mountings, with back
The style of the harness cannot be much improved. It is only strap, crupper and hip strap. Breast straps and martingales, 1^
made in X C mountings. Bridles, open or with blinds, as or inch. Price, as described, only 829.00. We claim for this harness
dered, round winker stays, rosettes, box looped sides, straight your best attention. It is a good harness in every detail, and only
or jointed bits. Lines, best selected, 1 inch x 20 feet long. Col by manufacturing and selling Jarge quantities is it possible to offer
lars, best open top farm collars, cloth or leather faced ; give the such a good harness at this price. You can t buy a better harness
sizes required. Hames, X C Mounted, iron hound, painted for the same money, iior the same harness for money.
names, low top or high top, as ordered, broad staples, with 1 inch If this harness is wanted without collars then deduct $3 without;

name straps. Haiue tugs, 1J inch x 3 ply best selected stock bridles, deduct $3; without lines, deduct $2.50. If sweat collars
with double grip trace buckles. Traces, best selected leather, are wanted, then add 50c. per stt. This is a grand good harness
2 inches x 2 ply, Northwest pattern, with cockeyes. Belly- and the quality of stock in every part will give good satisfaction.


Bridles, best strong team bridles, open or blind as ordered,
round check rein and winker stays, good plaited brow band, NORTH ONTARIO LUMBERING HARNESS,
nickled rosettes on each side of each bridle, heavy X C plated $31.50
straight or jointed bits. Linos, 1 inch wide x 20 feet, best Extra heavy open bridles, X C mounted. Lines, H inch z
stock. Hames, high knob top heavy painted bolt hames, 1 in. 20 feet, best leather. Heavy concord bolthames with 1 inch
name straps, new improved metallic hame tugs. Traces are 2 in. hame straps. Tugs, If inch x 3 ply, with heel chains.
x2 ply, very bust stock. Martingales and breast straps Mart ill*

li incli, best selected leather. Collars, best open top heavy gales and breast slraps, best se encd, if inches wide.
farm collars, leather or cloth faced, as ordered ; always give size Breedlillg Heats, 3 inch, stitched and layered, with breccb-
illg Straps. 1 inch wide and double hip straps. Heavy open
of collars. Breecllillg, best full stitched, 2| inches wide and top collars. Price per set. $34.50. I this harness is wauttd
layered, double hip straps and f inch straps to side rings, thence with I J inch side breechiug straps for twin ni ckyokes, add $1.06
to hames. A good general purpose farm breeching harness, X C, to the price.
mounted and made of very best stock. Price per set if


In the lumbering districts of North Ontario, Quebec, and of

Weight, about 90 Ibs. If wanted without collars, deduct if ,; if .

without linos, deduct $2.50 if without bridles, $3 if sweat collars British Colombia we have had great success with th is pattern of
; ;

are wauled, add 50c per set. heavy h:u ncs . It is designed fur heavy work, and every part is
Note. This Farm Breeching Harness may be ordered extra of the best material.
heavy, with If x 3 ply traces and li.imc tugs, 1 J inch breast straps Note We will be glad to manufacture to order any other style
and martingales, 1 inch breeching straps, 3 inch breeching seats of heavy harness, and will quote prices on application. Be par
and li inch lines for $4 extra price. ticular to giro full instructions in such cases.


Bridles, medium weight, over checks, patent leather blinds, Bridles, light weight, over checks, patent leather blinds,
box loops, rounded stays, X C half cheek bits. Lilies, black, round stays, box loops, nickeled half-cheek bits. Jiiies. black,
inch, with 1 inch handparts. Collars, plain leather open top | inch, with 1 inch russet handparts. Collars, patent leather,
buggy collars. 1 1 a inos. best X
C white plated, J inch haine open top. Hamcs. black iron haines with nickle turrets and
straps, llaim- tugs, 1 inch, with box loops. Traces, 1J drafts, f inch hame straps. Hauietugs, patent leather with
inch, doubled and stitched, with or without cockeyes, as ordered. box loops. Traces, 1| inch, 2 ply, stitched, without cockeyes.
Backhands, best C X white plated, heavy, straight or swell Backhands, nickle mounted, fancy housing, straight skirt,
pattern, folded bellybamls. Martingales, 3J inch. Pole belly bands folded. Martingales 1 inch, pole straps, 1$ inch.
straps, ii inch. Price $25 per set. Give size of collars. Price $26 per set. Give size of collars.

"QUEER S OWN" stitched. Backhands, best coach

CARRIAGE HARNESS, pads, full with best nickle
chain housings, swell skirts and round
$39.50 ed trace bearers. Folded belly-
Bridles, best patent leather bands. Martingales, 1 in., heavy,
blinds, box loops, over checks, with with patent leather drop. Polestraps,
patent leather nose bands, round stays, 1J inch, best selected stock. Price for
fancy rosettes, nickled chain fronts, this splendid carriage harness is only
half cheek nickle bits. Xiines, 1 in., $29.50. Note The same harness with
black, with 1 russet hand parts. best brass mountings throughout would
Collars, best bent back patent be $2 extra. This Queen s Own har

leather, open or closed tops. Hamcs, ness is an elegantly handsome carriage

full nickle. HaillC tugs, patent harness and will not fail to give every
leather with box loops, best nickle buyer the best of satisfaction. It pays
buckles. Traces, 1 inch, 2 ply, always to buv the best.

Wecarry in stock a wonderfully complete
stock of nearly all parts of all kinds of har
ness. Only by manufacturing these parts in
quantities can they be offered at the prices
we do here. The old-fashioned harness
maker is simply "not in with the new

one. We are ready to* sell you a complete

set, or we can sell you any part of a harness ;

or, if you wish, we will supply yon with

Team Checks similar to those on our team
leather, buckles and tools, and you can make bridles, full length, rounded, with buckles.
your own harness or pieces. Price, 50c each.
Closed Team Bridles for farm horses, 1J
inch head pieces, best nickeled rosettes, long
round side check, plaited leather browbands,
straight or jointed bits, best leather blinders
with round blinder stays. First-class arti
cle. Price, only $1.75 each ; $3.50 per pair.

Plow Harness Bridles These are

Bridle Crowns for farm harness, each 25c. made with onr 1J inch black leather heavy
stitched halters (without the shanks) and to
Open Team Bridles for farm horses, 1 inch these headstalls are attached best X C plated
head pieces, nickeled rosettes on each side, straight or jointed team bridle bits by means
long round side checks, best plaited leather of double bit snaps. This makes a good plow
browbands, straight or jointed X C plated team bridle. It has no winkers and no cheoK.
bits. A first-class, well made Farm Harness Browbands, No. 1, for farm bridles, all Price, 90c. each $1.80 per pair. ;

Team Bridle in every respect. Price, $1.50 leather, J inch fronts of russet leather and
each $3.00 per pair.
creased, very durable. Price, lOc each; $1
Bridle Cheeks, flat, swell pattern, same as per dozen. Postage on each, 3c.
on above bridles, for open team bridles, pr. 65c No. 2 Light Farm Harness Browbands, 7o.
Blind Team Bridle Cheeks, per pair $1. each, 75c. per dozen.
Bridle Fronts, for single harness, besf
We offer good discounts, from already low prices, for largn orders. Read the cover nickel mounted, good articles, many patterns.
pages of this catalogue for farther information regarding this important subject. Price, each 20c. Postage on each, 4 cents.

No. 1 IJin. wide,
usual length, ring
stitched in, best
leather, each. 50
No. 2 1 j in. ditto,
60c. each.
No. 32 inch dittc
Bridle Rosettes, No. 1 For Team Bridles, 70c. each.

Single Harness Bridles- plain nickeled, per pair, lOc postage pair, 5c.
No. Nickel mounted, over-draw check, No. 2 Single Harness Rosettes, plain nick
dozen pairs, $1.25.
plain side loops, patent leather blinders, eled, pair 12c ;

No. 3 Single Harness, fancy glass, with No. 1 1 Jin. wide,

nickeled rosettes, snaffle bit. Priceeach $1.75.
head or flower pattern, per pair, 15o. best leather, each
No. 2 Best nickel mounted, overdraw 50c.
check with nose piece, best fancy patent No. 2 If in. wide,
leather winkers, with best box loops, round best leather, each
winker stay s, nickeled rosettes and browband, 60c.
and nickeled snaffle bit. $2.25 each. No. 32 inch, 70c.

Farm Harness Lines

Team Lines, g inch, 20 feet, best leather,
per set, $2.50.
Team Lines, 1 inch, 20 feet, best leather,
per set, $2.75. Patent Handy Breast Straps for farm ha
Team Lines, 1J inch, 20 feet, best leather, ness, 1^ inch, doubled and stitched, wit
per set, $3.00. heavy snaps and slide iron, each 60c.
Spread Straps for team lines, each lOc.
No. 3. Nickel mounted, flat side check, Third Horse Lines Chain Breast Straps, patent
patent leather blinders, plain loops, snaffle Two straps 8 feet long, 1 inch wide, and steel liriko, with snaps and
bit, nickeled rosettes and brow-band, $1.75. with buckles at each end to attach them to breast A good,
strap slide.
No. 4. Best Nickel Mounted, round side team
harness, in order to drive three horses. strong breast strap; price 20c
check, fancy patent leather winkers, best box Price, per pair, for Third Horse Lines, 85c. each 35c per pair. ;

loops, fancy nickel or glass rosettes, nickeled

round winker nickeled
Lines Rope
browband, stays, No. 1 Best Russian Hemp Plow lines,
snaffle bit, $2.25 each.
made tapering, with heavy hand loops,
Open Bridles are same price as Blind 19 feet. Price, per pair, 25c.
Bridles. Black Mounted same price as length
No. 2 Special Pattern Russian Hemp
Plow lines, made like regular leather linos
(to cross in the center) and snaps spliced in,
length about 19 feet, looped hand parts.
Price, per pair, 65c.
Riding Bridle Martingales, best russet
Bridle Crown for
Double Driving Lines neck strap, price 85c.
leather, with
buggy harness, 30c. Black leather, russet hand parts, 1 inch
wide, per set, $2.85.

Open Bridle Cheek Pieces, pair 75c. .

Single Harness Lines Single Harness Martingales, black leathet

Single Harness Lines, f inch, per pair, $1.10. with, white or black rings, 60c.
Single Harness Lines, | inch, per pair, $1.15.
Single Harness Lines, 1 inch, perpair,$1.25.
Single Harness Lines, 1J inch, pair $1.50.

Closed Buggy Bridle Cheek Pieces, pr. $1.

Rein Hand Loops, russet leather, pair 50c.

SINGLE Double Carriage Martingales, nickel
HARNESS mounted, 1-J inch, each 45c.
CHECKS Double Carriage Martingales, nickle
No. 1 Overdraw mounted, 1-J inch, with collar strap, as shown
in the picture, each 70c.
plain, 40 cents.
No. 2 Overdraw
nickel mounted,
with nose piece, 50c.

Rein Buttons, for single or double har

No. 3
Plat Side nesses, can be attached to any
lines, and
Check, plain, 40c. gives a splendid grip for the driver. Price, Double Carriage Pole Straps, 3j inch.
per set, 15c.; postage, ;V e\tr:i. nickle mounted, each 45c.
If .YOU fliould receive two of these rjt;i
No. 4 round
Kicking Straps Strong straps to past
Beat side check, nickel ]>leae give
one to some one of your from shaft to shaft over the rnniii to pro
mounted, 60 cents. friends who ha* not been so fortunate. vent kicking. Price, 65c each.
Chain Hame Straps
For heaviest team har
ness, can be attached to
any pair of hames, very
durable and quick fas
tening ; price, 35c each.

Single Harness Breeching, complete with

Breast Collars, with neck strapa breeching seat, holdback straps, hip strap,
back strap and crupper. With single ply
1 Single ply, straight, box loops, $1.15. Single Harness Backhands breeching seat, $2.25; with doubled and
2 Single ply, breast shaped, loops, $1.35. The prices range as follows $1.50, $1.75,
stitched breeching seat, $2.50.
3 Straight, doubled, stitched and lay We
$2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 each. offer you
ered, box loops, price complete, $1.25. good value at any of these prices. Those at
4 Doable, stitched and wave layered, $2 and $2.25 are extra for the price. All
with box loops, complete, $1.50.
except the $1.50 one are best nickel mounted.
5 Breast shaped, double, stitched, layered Price is without shaft holders, as in picture.
and box loops, splendid article, $1.75. Black mounted are same prices.
All breast collars are mounted with nickel
unless ordered with black mountings.
Single Harness
Backhand Pads,
Double Harness made of .plain Single Harness Breeching seat, single ply,
felt with straps, with hip strap buckles as pictured, $1.10.
Breast Collars each 15c. Single Harness Breeching seat, doubled
and stitched, $1.25.
Complete as pictured, Single Harness Cruppers with buckles, 30c
nickle or black mount Same, with pat Single Harness Backstrapand Crupper at
ed, price, per set for 2 ent leather venti tached, 60c.
horses, $6.00. lated top, each Single Harness Hip Straps, each 20c.
Plain leather, open top, each
Patent leather, open top,
Backhand Housings for single Harness, 35, each $2.25.
50 and 60c each, nickle or dark mounted. Patent leather, bent back
Straight Breast Collar, with tugs attach top, $2.50.
ed, nickle or black mounted, complete with
neckstra p, traces doubled at rear ends. Hames with
Price, with 2 inch collar and 1 inch traces, Hame
$3.25 ; price, with 2 inch collar and li in. Tugs
traces, $3.50, complete. No. 1 Best Black
Iron Hames, with box
looped hame tugs at
Shaft Tugs, cheapest per pair, 40c.; med black trace
ium, 50c.; best, 70c.; all are nickel mounted, buckles, and complete
and have billet straps as shown in left cut. with hame straps, ex
Shaft tugs, very heavy and large for ex
$1.00. actly as pictured, T>rioe

press harness, with billet straps, pair $1.65.

Buggy Shaft Tugs, without the straps,
shown in right hand picture, and as used No. 2 Best Black Iron Hames, hame tugs
with our Griffith bellybands ; prices 35c, 45c, with best box loops and nickel trace buckles,
Shaped Breast Collar and traces attached,
with 1-J inch traces, $3.50 with 1J inch and 65c per pair.
line ringsand hame and trace staples best
traces, $4.00 complete. nickeled, complete with straps, price $2.00.
No. 3 Davis Black Rubber Finish Iron
Hames with straps, hame tugs and box
Harness Bellybands, single plj loops, per pair, $2.75, complete.
Single All of the above may be used on single
leather, 25c. each doubled
and stitched as
harness or on light double harnesses.
pictured, 35c. each.

Straight Breast Collar felt pads, plain, 35o. Griffith Belly

Straight Breast Collar felt pads, with pat bands See illustra
ent leather tops, 50c.
tion. To wrap about
Shaped Breast Collar pads, with patent shafts, single ply leath
leather tops. 75c. as
er. pictured
Buggy Hames and Traces attached, com
with straps, 60o.
hame straps
plete with
No. 1 Black Iron Hames, with 1J single
ply traces, $3.75 complete.
No. 2 Black Iron Hames, with 1J two ply
.single Harness Hame Straps, \ inch wide 80 traces, $4.00 complete.
Single Harness No. 3 Nickel Ring Hames, with 1J single
f inch, each 9o
" "

Single Harness | inch, each 9o ply traces, $4.00 complete.

" "

Farm Harness "

"3 inch, each lOc Single Harness Holdback Straps, f in. 25o No. 4 Niekel Ring Hames, with 1 two
Farm Harness " "

1 inch, each 12 30c ply traces, $4.25 complete.


g{ ii_Best all black iron hames for single


harness or for double light harness. Price

per pair, 60c.
No. 12 Black iron hames, with best nickel
line rings arid trace staples, pair, 75c.
full length,
No. 13 Light harness hames,
nickel, pair, $1.00. Farm Harness Crupper, with buckles, 25c. to quite recently a good horse collar for
No. 14 Light harness hames, full length. Farm Crupper with back strap, 60c. *1.50 was considered an
impossibility. We
brass, pair, $1.15. Farm Harness Crupper, back strap and are, however, prepared to supply any
No. 15 Light harness hames, Davia hard ip strap with loops; each, 80c; set, $1.60. of good, heavy working collars, with

rubber finish, pair, $1.25. open tops, for that extremely low price.
We have all the following sizes, viz. 17, 18,

19, 20, 21 and 22 incnee.

When ordering;
please don t forget the size. Horse collars
ire measured in inches, straight through the
centre, from top to bottom,
on the inside.
Light Harness Hame Tugs, with
box loops,
These leather collars are splendidly shaped,
black or nickel mounted buckles, with trace to follow
85c. These Team Harness Breeching seats, with bu ek being full just at the right place
staples and rivets, per pair, the shoulder bone. They are stuffed witl
will take in 1 or H
n oh traces. es for double hip straps ; width of breeching,
long straw, and made by men who
2 inch, well sewed and layered ; price (with
$3.50 nothing but horse collars, and who should
out the breeching straps), each, 81.75 ;
know their business thoroughly. You may
set for 2 horses.
order either leather or cloth face. The best
Open-top Working Horse Collars, $1.50
Single Harness Traces Sweeney and Half Sweeney collars, made
inch, doubled and stitched, each $1.00
specially to order for $1.75 each.
14 single ply, stitched 18 inches.. 1.10 Ventilated
11 doubled and stitched, each 1.15
Zinc Collar Pads
It smgle ply, stitched 18 inches.. 1.2C
doubled and stitched, each 1.25 Used on the top of
2 ply, with cockeyes, each 1.35 the neck, under the
Team Harness Breeching seats, with buc- collar, and prevents
iles forone hip strap, 2J inch, sewed and galling at that part.
These are not the cheap
ayered; price (without the breeching straps; thin zinc articles com
each, $1.60; pair, $3.20. For price ot
jreeching straps see below. monly sold. They are heavy thick goods,
and will wear for years. Price 35c. each.
Farm Breeching Complete
No. 1 $4.00 per set, or $2.00 each. This is
ordinary farm harness breeching, and may
be Success
ased with any Farm harness. Price in
eludes the hip straps and breeching straps Sweat
Team Harness Backhands Piice $4.00 per set.
No. 1 X C mounted, check hook with Pads,
backstrap loop, line rings, best gennim
leather padded, with housings, and complet
with side straps (which are not picture(
25 Cents
above), price 2 each S4 pair. ; Our Success Sweat Pads are all made of
No. 2 Plain leather bands, with heavy the best of cotton drill, brown on the out
felt pads, X C or black turret rings am side and white on the inside.
check hook with loop. A good serviceabl There is nothing like a Sweat Collai
backband, well suited for farm harnesses Every farm horse should have one
price, $1.50 each S3 pair.
; There are 4 spring clasps on each. We hav.
No. 3 Same as No. 2, but made with dro No. 2 Crotch Breeching, complete a sizes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. Alwayv
tnrrets and drop check hooks, for working i pictured, with double hip straps, top give size when ordering.
These splendid
the woods or under fruit trees; same price ing straps to hames and side breechin pads will absorb the sweat and keep
as No. 2. straps, each 1 inch ;
width of breeching, L>

condition. They are stuffed

shoulder in good
inch, stitchtd and layered price per set ;
with Reindeer Hair, brought from Norway.
complete, $5.50 per half set, $2.7.",.
Price only 25c each for any size.
No. 3 Same as No. 2, but with 2.V inc
breeching seats and 1 iuoh straps ; set, $6.0( FELT
No. 4 Lumbering Crotch Breeching, 2
inch seats, 1 inch top breeching straps to th SWEAT
Backband pads, thick felt, for workin hames, and 1J inch side straps to run up t
team harnesses, with straps, each 20c. twin neckyokes ; per eomplete set, *?. PADS...
Team Breeching Straps Best
50 CTS.
stock, usual length, j} inch wide, 30c. each ;
1 inch wide, 35c. each. These are made of very
best yellow Felt, have 4
Trace Carriers, short straps, from breech or
Farm Harness Beliynands ing rings to carry traces. Price, 12c. each.
spring clasps, pinked
Doubled and stitched with buckles on eac scolloped edges as pic
tured. Price for any size
and stout, each 50c. We goods that give satisfaction.
only50c. each. We carry
end, heavy only
Billet straps, with squares, to connec Our never misrepresents
"Silent Traveller"
these in same sizes as the Success Pads, viz.:
backband and bellybands on plow harness anything. He tells the truth, the whole
21, 22 and 23 inches.
each, 12c ; per set of 4, 48c. truth, and nothing but the truth. 17, 18, 19, 20,


Heel Chains, li- inch, per set of 4, 70c.
" " "

14 4, 80c.
" "
2 " "

4, 90c.
No. 10 High top, X C plated, painted hames, FARM HARNESS HAMES,
with knobs and clip. Price per pair, $1.00 WITH HAME TUGS
No. 1 High top, with hooks, light iron Farm Hames, with hame tugs at
bound, per pair, 65c. tached, with hame
straps and with belly-
No. 2 High top, with hooks, heavy iron bands, billets and trace buckles, price per set
bound, per pair, 75c. (for two horses), $5.50. These sets are ex
actly the same as used on our Farm
Harness. They may be ordered with low
No. 100 X C or high top painted hames.
High top, plated, painted
hames, with knobs and broad staple;
pair, $1.10.

No. 3 High top, with clip, light bound, per

pair, 65c.
No. 4 High top, with clip, heavy bound,
per pair, 75c.

Farm Harness Hamc Tugs

No. 1 3 ply stitched, 1| x 18 inches, with
trace staples to rivet, and with douhle
trace buckle bale at rear end ; each 60c

complete buckle, lOc extra.

No. 30 High top, with staple, light bound,
per pair, 65c.
No. 2 Same, in If inch x 3 ply, 7oc each ; Plow Harness Backhands
complete buckle, 12c. extra. No. 1 Plain good webbing, with straps
No. 40 High top, with staple, heavy bound, No. 32 inch x 3 ply, ditto, 90c. each ; and buckles at the sides to buckle to trace
per pair, 75c. complete buckle, 15c. extra. buckles ; each, 40c ; pair, 75c.
Billet straps, 1 inch, with double grip No. 2 Plain 2J in. leather strap, with loop
buckle attached, as shown in above pic for lines and with trace holders at the sides
ture ; price per pair, right and left, 50c. to buckle; each, $1 pair, $2. ;

No. 3 Broad leather backhands, with line

rings and check hook and heavy felt lining;
$1.50 each, $3 pair.

No. 5 Low top, with hooks, light bound,

per pair, 65c.
No. 6 Low top, with hooks, heavy bound, Metallic Hame Tugs
per pair, 75o. No. 4 New improved metallic tame
tug, Steel Trace Chains
,with short leather end to hames, 1| inch,
can be attached to any farm Note. The picture shows a link of this re
price each, 75c. markably strong, machine made, steel chain.
No. 5 Same, 1J No welding is used in its construction, it
inch, each, 90c.
No ; 6 Same, 2 inch, each, $1.00. consequently has no weak parts. There is a
Note. When ordering hame tugs strong hook at one end and long link at
V state they are to be attached
always the other end of each trace. These steel
to your traces are
No. 7 Low top, with clip (see picture above), hames, whether for clip, broad staple or bolt superior to every other chain trace.
hames and we will send them accordingly. Trace Chains, med. wt., 7i ft. long, pair. 65c
light bound, per pair, 65c.
Low top, with clip, heavy bound, pei heavy 70c
No. 8
med. 5* 55c
pair 75c

Tug med. 3* 45o
heavy 3* 50c
Team Harness Traces
1J inch x 2 ply, best leather, each, $1.35
U inch x 3 ply, <

u 14 inch x 3 ply "

No. 70 Low Top Hameg, with broad staple, - inch x 3 ply, "

9.25 Leather Tubes for covering trace chains

2 inch x 2 ply, with 11 x3 ply ends, ea 1.75
light bound, per pair 65c. Leather Tubes, 2 feet long, each 20c.
No. 80 Low Top Hames, with broad staple, "

" " "

heavy bound, per pair 7fic. "
3 " " "

. 30c.
" " " "

3i 35c.
" " "
"4 . 40c.

Team Traces, with heel chains, for

bolt or staple or clip hames, with straps to
buckle bellybands to.
li inch x3 ply, with the chains, each, $2 00
flo. 9 High Top, mediom weight, bolt
If inch x 3
2.25 " " "
Single Harness Tie Straps
Step] ",s,
for ordinary farm work, 2 inchx3 "

" " "
Light, 15c. each ; medium, 18c. each ; heavy,
pric c pair. 20c. each.
No. 90 top, extra heavy farm or lum- On
the cover pages about onr li ra<l Team Harness Tie Lines I inch,
be i with bolt staples. Price per discounts for large orders, and take advan 20c. ; 1 inch, 23c. ; 1J inch, 25o. ; 1J inch,
pair, $1.00. tage of them. 30c. each.

Halter Shanks 1 inch, 23c. ; Stallion Halters SLEIGH BELLS

inch, 25c. 1J inch, 30c. each. No. 5 Very Extra Heavy Best Black

Leather Halters, for stallions, buckle on th

lOe Open Bells A small
Open Sleigh Bell, with strap and
nose, 1 J inch black leather shank. Price $1 50. .

buckle. Postage 5c extra.

No. 6 Stallion Halter with 10 ft. leading 1 2c Bells This is a,
rein instead of shank, each, $1.80
line of small Open
leather Neck Halters Sleigh Bells, and
Stout neck halters, somewhat similar
Rope Tie Straps
Light, 12c; med used for horses which to the illustra
tion on the right.
ium, 18c very heavy, are in the habit of pul
ling "back" on their Postage 8c extra.
halti-rs. These are 2Oc Open 4

heavy articles which Bell A large

buckle about the neck Open Team Bell,
and have heavy with a good clear
shanks. Width of ring. Snap is on each bell (see cut), b., !H8ans
neck strap, Ij inches, of which it may be secured safely to any part
of the harness, or removed in a moment.
heavy buckle, width
of shank, 1J inch, Price, with snap, 20c. Postage lOc extra.
Price, 85c. each.

Nos. 1 and 2. No. 3.

Web Halters
No. 1 Sucking colt s size, good web, No. 1 Shaft Straps 25c per pair a pail
leather throat latch, rope jaw and rope means 2 straps with 2 bells on each strap
shank, each 18c.; 6 for 90c. ROPE SNAP HALTERS (4 bells in all). The straps are flat steel
No. 2 Horse size, good web, leather throat Complete with snap and ring, good length .
and the bells well rivetted to them. Price
latch, rope jaw and rope shank, each 20c.; No. 1 Pure white Sisal Rope, medium,
6 for $1.00. each 7c.
per pair (2 straps) 25c. Postage 16c extra.
; dozen, 80c.
No. 3 Horse size, best wide web, leather No. 2 Pure white Sisal Rope, heavy, each
throat latch, leather jaw strap with buckle, lOc. ; dozen, $1.00.
tope shank, 25c. each, 6 for $1.50. No. 3 Russian Hemp Rope, medium, each
9c. ; dozen, 90c.
No. 4 Russian Hemp Rope, heavy, each
12c. ; dozen, $1.25. No. 2 Shaft Strap 45c per pair 3 bells on
No. 5 Hand made, extra heavy, best each steel strap. Price per pair of strap*
hard laid pure sisal rope, each 25c. 45c. Postage 22c extra.
We cannot quote a price in this hook for
harness leather by the pound as the price
fluctuates from time to time. A good plan if
you want a side of harness leather is to put
on your order, 1 side of harness leather, $6, No. 3 Shaft Chimes, four bells (all different,
then if, owing to the weight of the side, or steel straps.
sizes), well rivetted to heavy
Leather Halters. the current price per pound, the cost does A sweet penetrating chime of clear tone.
No. Blaek leather, 1 inch wide, "Econ
1 not amount to $6, we will return the balance Pnee75c per straporf 1.45 per pair of straps.
omy" pattern, rope shank, each
50c. of the money to you. We will send you only
Postage -lOc extra.
No. 2 Black leather, 1J inch wide, the very best leather.
Economy pattern, rope shank, each 60c.
" "

No. 3 Black leather, 1J inch, "Econ

The most convenient way to order harness
omy pattern, with leather shank, 75c.

leather to be found in our Harness Leather

have these straps cut to all
widths, from J to 2 inches. Each strap is BELLS
No. 1 This is
the halter we blacked and creased ready for use. Every
size is a useful one, and with a stock of
want to sell on. No. 1 Back Strap, 12
these Ready Straps any farmer can make his

It is a first-class bells on rnsset strap,

own hame straps, martingales, breast straps,
Farm Halter in etc. Prices of these harness straps are :
to hang over the back.
oveiy way, very Price on y 38c a string.
stout in inch, per foot.. 3c inch, per foot. 7c .

No. 2 -Back Strap, 12

every " "

.. 8c
" "

| ..3Jc best nickeled bel s on

part well made, I "

.. 4c

9c "

and best of all, a "

.. 5c
good heavy russet strap
cheap hal er. The 1
.. 6c

..12c "
Pi ice 50c. string.
picture shows it Note. This is a great way to Duy leather,
No. 3 Back Strap, 12 best heavy nickeled
accurately .
bells on felt lined leather strap. Price 75c
as you have n
that the lialtei we,
per siring.
sell for $1 has a No. J llo.iy strings, 21 bells on heavy ruaaK
snapon the throat leather strap to go around the body and
latch. It is made buckle, best heavy nickeled bells well
only of the best harnessleatlier, It inch inthe rivetted. Price prr string only $1.
halter and 1 inch in the shank. Well st liehed wire safety pins, 2| inches long, No. 5 Body strings,
-10 bells on beavy russet

in every part, and known as a 5 ring halter.

Heavy leather strap, buckles round the bod
used for horse blankets, shawls, overcoats
Buckle on head piece and nose piece, with heavy nickeled bells. String, only
and a variety of such work. Each, 5c ; 6 for
nap on the throat latch. Doubled throat 25c; postage on would lie V. e-;lra. No. 6 Body strings, 50 bells on heavy russet

latch, 1^ inch head piece, 1J inch full stitched leather strap, buckles round body, best
cheek pieces, shank full length, IJinch wide. Our solid leather stit ha t-T for $1,
heavy nickeled bells. Per string, only $2.
Our price for this splendid halter is only $1. and which is fully on this page, is di> .

Our harness department has become famous one of the best ^ Silent Traveller Goods that give satisfaction. Read about <

has to offer. our $1.50 Famous (Icftnan Horse Blankets.

through this $1.00 halter of ours.
As will be seeu by the illustrations we
Carry nearly all styles of bridle bits in stock.

No. 106 Double Wire Scissor Bit, with

No. 100 Stiff bit, for farm horses, X C plated,
snaffle, X C plated,
each 20c. Postage 8c.
No. 116 Riding Bit, smooth month-piece
80. each 6 bits for 45c.
Postage on each jointed, with double snaffle, each 15o
bit lOc extra when wanted by mail. Postage 8c each.

No. 107 Stiff, Rubber Covered Bit. XC

No. 100J Same as No. 100, bnt with the
mouth-piece covered with leather, stitched
on. A good bit for cold weather, 18c.
plated, each, 20c. Postage 9 cents each.
each ; 6 for 90c. Postage lOc. each.

No. 117 Riding Bit, twisted single month-

piece, jointed, double snaffle, X C plated,
No. 108 Stiff, Rubber Covered each 15c ; postage 8c each.
Bit, bright
plated, with snaffle, each 25c. Post. 9c.
No. 101 Jointed bit, for farm horses, X C
plated, lOc each ;
6 for 50c. Postage, lOc

No. 1014 Jointed 4 Ring Team Bit X No- 110 Flexible Chain Rubber Covered
C No. 118
15c.each postage ]0c extra
Bit nickel plated, with snaffle, each 50c. Riding Bit, twisted double mouth

Postage 10 cents each. piece, jointed, double snaffle, X

C plated,
each 20c ; postage 8c each.

No. Ill Lolling Bit, used on horses that

No. 102 Straight bridle bit, nickeled, with hang out their tongues, 50c. Post. lOc.
snaffle, each 18c. Postage 9c each
No. 1184 Large Ring Riding Bit, XC
plated, jointed, each 20c postage 8c.

No. 119 Hanoverian

No. 112 Rockwell Severe Bit, X C
Bridle Bit, X C pla
plated, ted for double
each 18c; postage lOc each.
No. 103 Jointed bridle bit, reins, each 25o ;
nickeled, with postage 15c.
snaffle, each 20c. Postage 9c. each. J.I.C.BIT

No. 104 Single wire bit, XC plated, each

lOc. Postage 6c. each.

No. 113 J. T. c. Severe Bit, X C plated,

each 45c postage 13c each.
No. 1190 Hanoverian Bridle Bit stiff
month, XC plated, price 25cea.: post loc
No 104J Double wire XC No. 1191 Hanoverian Bridle
bit, plated, each Bit port
Postage 7c. each. mouth, XC plated, price 25c ea.; post lac
No. 114 Overdraw Check No. 1192 Pelham Rule Jointed Ridinn- Bit
Bit, nickel, each
5c postage 3c each. for double rein, with curb
chain, 90c"each!
va@g6iseee^ j)

No 105 Single Wire Bit, with snaffle

r XC
No. 116 Port Rid
ing Bit, X C pla
ted, each,
postage 12c each.
15c ;

No. 120 Heavy Stallion Bit, straight heavy

solid mouth-piece, large X
C plated
plated, eacfi 15c. Postage 7c each. rings,
each 25c. Postage 15c each.

As with Bridle Bits, so with Harness Snaps.
We carry in stock all snaps of importance
now on the market. The standard size of
snap used on harness lines is 1 inch, while Coleman s Popular Patent Bit Snaps, bronze
the best size of snap to use on breast straps Improved Bolt Harness Snaps, white plated- plated, 5c. each ; dozen, 50c.
is If inch. Snaps are so cheap and so heavy 1 inch eye, each 3c 12 snaps for 30c. ;
that it does not pay any one to have them 4c; 6 22c. U " " "

sent by post. if 5j; 6 28c. " " "

Heavy Roller Breast Strap Snaps, bright

plated, roller eye
Special Steel Harness Snaps, nickel plated Round Eye Bolt Snaps, white plated- li inch eye, each, 18c ; pair, 35c.
1 ii.., for lines, etc., doz. 20c; 3 doz. foroOc. " " "

-J inch eye, each 4c 6 for 20c. If 20c;

1| in. 3c each ; full dozen for 33c.

f 5c 6 for 25c.
" "

If in. 4c each full dozen for 40c.


Breast Strap Buckle Snaps, bright plated

1-J inch, eye, each, 15c ; "pair, 25c.

Special Round Eye Steel Rope Snaps

round eye, each, 2c 6 for lOc. Round Eye Swivel Bolt Snaps
i inch :

" " "
Sc 6 for 15c. f inch eye, each 5c ; 6 for 25c.
6c; 6for30c.
" "

7c 6 for 35c. "

lOc; 6for50c.
" "

STHandy Box of Snaps, 5Oc
This box contains 4 German Line Snaps, 4
Special Swivel Steel Harness Snaps New Triumph 1 inch Snaps, 8 New Steel 1
1 inch eye, each 5c ; 6 for 25c. inch Snaps, 4 Triumph Bit Snaps, 2 Triumph
U 60 ; 6 for 30o.
" "

If inch Breast Strap Snaps, 2 German If inch

" "

7c; 6for35c. Breast Strap Snaps and 1 Round "Eye Rope

Round, Open Eye Bolt Snaps, for chain, etc- Snap 25 snaps for 50c. Every farmer should
i iuch eye, each 8c 6 for 40c. have a box.

IVo. 1OO,
Round Eye Swivel Steel Kope Snaps
inch eye, each 4o 6 for 20c.
$1.25 Super
qnality wool car

5c ; 6 for 25c. "

riage rug, plain

6c; 6for30c.
" "
daik blue color,
Patent "

Harness Snaps, X. C "

plate. with binding;

1 inch eye, each 4c 6 for 20c. ; weight, 3 Ibs4
" "

5c ;
6 for25c. size, 54 .x 60 in
H " "

6c ;
6 for 30c.
ches; price, only
" "
7c ;
6 for 35c. $1.25.
German Harness Snaps, black japanned Extra quality wool
37, $I.5O
1 inch eye, per dozen 18c 3 dozen for 50c. ;
carriage rug, with dark body and fancy bor
1J each 3c ; per dozen 30c.

der patterns, full binding ; weight, 3 Ibs.;

H " "


40c. size, 50 x 60 inches ; price, $1.50 each.

50c. Extra quality -wool
" " "

If 5c; Bfp. 2O, $1.75

Garman Swivel Snaps, flat eye for harness carriage rug, dark ground with full fancy
1 inch eye, each 5c ;
G for 25c. Hubbard Harness Snaps, bright plated check pattern, full binding; weight, 3 Ibs.;
1 inch, each 5c 6 for 28c.
size, 50 x 60 inches price, $1.75 each.

8c; 6 45c.
" " "

If lo. 26, Heavy, $8.25 Extra super

Bridle Bit Snaps quality wool carriage or lap rug, check pat
tern, full binding; weight, 4 Ibs.; size, 50 x
60 inches; price, $2.25 each.

Triumph Harness Snaps, white plated

inch, per dozen 25c 3 dozen for 70c. ;

1J inch, each 4c ; per dozen 40c.

H 5c;


1} 5c "

50c. ;

Small Triamph Snaps, nickeled, for shoulder

or satchel straps Improved Triumph Double Bit Snaps
| inch eye, 2 for 5o ; per dozen 25c. 2 snaps for 5c ; per dozen, 25c.
Triumph Round Eye Snaps, white plated
if inch eye, each 3c 6 for 15c. ;

4c 6 for 20c. "

The larger the order you send us, the PLl SII LAP ROBES
better the discount we allow you. Study our At $3.50 and 5 each. We have two excel
discounts as given on the cover page of this lent lines of plush carriage lap robes, for
catalogue, and show your neighbor it will Improved Steel Double Bit Snaps, nickel the finest carriages. Both are most splendii
pay him to join you in sending an order. plated and unbreakable, 2 for 5c doz. 25c. ;
value. Fancy designs and good quality.
2 rows of braid strengthen the back. Weight
of each blanket over 8 Ibs., nearly 17 Jbs. -o
the pair. This steel blue gray color, with
the deep red check, makes one of the best
colorings for blankets. Give tha catalogue
number. 500/7 D. Price, $2.75 each, $5 per
pair. For bus horses, or cab horses, or car
THE blanket.
riage horses, this is
These are not shaped or strapped, and may
be used as either bed blankets or horse
blankets. Some persons know these Grey
Wool Blankets by the name of Army Blank
ets. They are. usually sold in pairs, and are
therefore priced here in that way, at so much
JUTE HORSE BLANKETS per pair. If only one blanket is wanted it
Ho. O, 38e A light jute blanket, shaped, will be of course, just one half the price of a
and finished with buckle and strap, feet IB The weight given is per pair also.
length, light material, not any warmth with
OUR "FAMOUS" pair.
We stock these grey blankets in only one
in itself, but makes a shape that could be GERMAN HORSE BLANKET quality of wool, and teat is the extra super
lined with other goods. Price each only 38o. No 2OO D, $1.5O This is the host 6 Ibs., size of each, 56 x 72 in., pair, $2.5A
No. 1, 5Oc. This is an unlined jute value in farm horse blankets on the Canada 7 60x80
" "

" "

market. They are made specially for our 8 " " "

62x82 " "

blanket, somewhat heavier and better than 3.5n

own trade, and blankets, exactly the same 9 " " "

64 x 84 " "

No. O, usual size, shaped at the neck, and
in all respects, cannot be purchased else 10 " " "

70 x 90 " "

the cloth doubled where the strap and buckle
is fastened on. At the sides of the blanket where. The shape is the nsual one, but to
are colored stripes. The weight is 2 Ibs. its size, weight, warmth and price we direct
The price of No. 1 is 50c. each ;
6 for $2.80. your particular attention. Upwards of 7
Ibs. each in weight ; color, fawn brown with
No. 2, 75c. This is a much heavier un
lined blanket than our No. 1 blanket. Its colored stripes ; length, 78 inches width, ;

wt. about 4 Ibs., very nice colors with large 72 inches ; substantial buckle and strap at
wide stripes at sides. Shaped at the neck, front with reinforced grips, wide binding all
supplied with good leather strap and buckle around, material uniform throughout of
in front, these articles being rivetted as well very heavy Kersey cloth, sublined in all
as sewed. It is a tightly woven blanket of parts. No one ordering this blanket, in
good weight, regular length and of good tending to use it on farm horses, will be dis
width, and altogether, for an unlined blanket appointed. Doling past seasons we have ALL WOOL BLANKETS
is a good one. 75c. each 6 for $4.20.;
had exceptionally large sales of this blanket, No. 41 B, $2 5O Warranted all wool
For price of geod all wool blanket linings and with the present improved manufacture horse blankets, for doctor s use or for fine
see third column of this page. we know our customers will be better pi eased driving horses. Shaped, and with strap
No. 3, $1. At this price, viz., $1.00, we than ever. You make no mistake ordering and buckle, fancy colored bright check pat
offer a good lined horse blanket, that is, it is this blanket for general purpose use. Price tern. Too good a blanket for any but the
known as a of this No. 200 D German Horse Blank best use. Price. $2.50 each.
blanket, but strictly speak

a half-lined blanket.
it is The lining is et is only $1.50 or 4 blankets for $5.50. For ALL WOOL BLANKETING
of heavy cheap cloth. The cover or blanket cold localities this blanket is well adapted. Horse blanket material, 72 inches wide,
proper is of heavy jnte, it is shaped at the fancy check pattern, all wool. Price, $1 a
neck and strapped similar to the No. 2 yard, and we cut it to any length from the
blanket. Its weight, is near 5J Ibs. It has roll as ordered.

fancy colored stripes running along the side

from end to end. Each $1.00 ; 6 for $5.50. Blanket Lining, all wool, very heavy,
steel gray color; size, about 54 inches
square makes splendid lining
for horse
blinkets, with very warm effect. Each. $1.

CARRIAGE Horse Blanket*

No. 5OO 1>, $2 This is a shaped
blanket, made of very handsome Kersey
cloth. Color of ground work bluish steel
gray with dark red check, very attractive
and yet not in any way loud. Buckled at
KERSEY BLANKETS front, with reinforcements and bound all STALLION BLANKETS
Kersey material is a mixture of wool and around. Size, 78 x 72 inches, and uniform No. 7, f 2.OO Heavy Jute Lined Stal
felt, and has a warm toucn which is not Blanket for stable use, size 80 inches
ly sub-lined. Price, $2 each, or $3.80 pair. lion
present in the Jute blankets. No. 82.75
5OO/7 I>
Special, long, shaped at neok, weight about 10 Ibs.,
No. 22 D, $1 This is a light weight Square pattern, carriage horse blanket, size price $2.00 each.
Kersey blanket of usual size, dark colors 84 x 84 inches, made of exactly same material TEAMSTER S BLANKET
only, shaped and strapped at the neck and as our No. EOO D blanket and of same color. Teamster s Horse Blankets, very strong
bound. A good blanker for the price, suit- The picture above shows a clever illustration Jute blankets, full lined with heavy cloth
4ble for light driving- harness. Each $1. of how this blanket looks in use. There is and quilted in rows every three inches. Col
No. 75 D, $1.25 is a This also a stout russet leather strap and buckle in ored stripes and full bound, shaped at front,
shaped Kersey blanket, made of heavier ma front, and a good plan is to also purchase with buckle and strap. Weight, upwards of
terial than our No. 22 D blanket. Length, one or more of our 5c. blanket pins for use 8 Ibs. each. Price $2 each. This blanket is
neatly 6 feet, shaped, strapped and bound, in very severe weather and by the use of a good one where strength and durability-
and (lurk blue in color. A good medium which the cold winds can be excluded en for rough work are required. Makes a good
blaukei for buggy horses. Price, $1.25 each. tirely. This blanket is bound all around and blanket for lumbering districts.

Blanket Girths, with Buckles

I Plain web jute girth, usual length, not
padded. Each, 15c ; 6 for 80c.
No. 4 Calored Cotton Net, full length body
and neck (body and neok nets may be nn- Waterproof HORSE COVERS
snapped and used separately if BO wished), These articles are made of good oiled duck
price 81 each postage 20o extra.
; and are thoroughly waterproof and wind-
with centre pad. No. 6 Fancy Colored Net (body and neck as proof. They are black in color. Each of
2_Cheapest jute girth, in No. 4), very pretty, $1.25 each; post, 20o. them has a buckle and strap in front, and
Each, 20c ; 6 for $1.
No. 6 Very Fanoy Colored Nets (body and loops through which the traces pass and
3 Colored cotton web girth, medium width,
neck separable), variegated colors, price which keeps the rear part of the cover snug
padded. Each 25c 6 for $1.1 5. ;
81.60, 1.75 and 2.00 each, according to pat on the horse. Provision is made for the line
4 Colored cotton web girth, good width
tern and mesh; postage 25o extra. rings on the backhands to protrude, and also
and padded. Each 35c; 6 for $1.75. No. 7 Heavy Russet Leather Body Nets for high top hames.
5 Fancy colored girth, extra wide, padded, for farm horses, each 75c
well made. Each 60c ; 6 for $3. Size No. Waterproof Loin Cover, $1.35.
No. 8 Corded Covers or Fly Sheets, varie Size No. 1 Length from rear to collar on an
gated colors, for working horses, 75c each. average horse, price each, $1.75.
Size No. 2 Length from rear to front of
collar. Each $2.00.
Size No. 3-Length from rear to throat, cover
ing the neck, collar aud back each. $2.50.

No. 1 "

usual length, each
15c ;
7 for $1.00.
No. 2" Corker," 6 feet long, rubber filled

cover, well ferruled, each

25c ; 5 for $1.00.
No. 3 Buggy Whip, 6 feet, rubber filled
cover, rubber tipped, loaded butt,
Summer tap Dnsters We have and good. Price, 40c each.
a large stock of Lap Dusters. variety The
is so great that it is difficult to describe
them except in a general way. The prices
range as follows: 45, 50, 60, 75c, $1, $1.25, No. 4 Half Length Raw Hide Whip, 6
$1.50, $1.75 and $2 each. Each one is good
value. Select any one you wish, and you
feet,heavy, each GOc.
No. 5 Full Length Raw Hide, waterproof No. 1 Waterproof Lap Rug, with pocket
will receive good value for your money, and very durable, a Keen Cntter." _ . 75c for buggy dash (see illustration), made of

No. 6 Full Length Whalebone Whips, $1.50 best English black oiled canvas, lined. $1
No. 7 Soft Long-Top, Buggy Whips ...2c each. Always give the width of your
No. 8 Long Binder Whips 50c
buggy dash when ordering No. 1.
60c No.
No. 9 English Cart Whips 10 Same as No. 1, but unlined, 90c.
No. 10 Gladstone Carriage Whip $1.00
No. 13 Dog Whips, best leather 60c

No. 14 Farmers Wood Stock and Lash 20c .

Pl.ain Linen Lap Dusters, best English

manufacture, washable; price $1 each.
The postage on any lap duster is about 15c. No. 15 Teamsters twisted hick ry, black
Whip Lashes.
2 for fie.
leather covered, whip stock and lash, GOc
unimim Whip Crackers,

No. 16 Teamsters weighted, russet leather


Common Plaited Whip Lashes, 1 ft. long, 5c 65o No. 11 Waterproof Lap Rug,
made of best
covered, whip and lash
7c English black oiled canvas, thoroughly
" " "

u 4 10c waterproof and strong, size 46 x 54 inches.
" "

44 12c
" "
A good article and at a low price, viz.,$l.
" "

5 15c
" "
No. 12 Waterproof, linen lined, lap rug,
size 46 x 54 inches a very strong, durable ;

Riding Quirts, fancy plait, white and yel rug; price $1.25 each.
low calfskin, shot loaded, 85c. No. 2 Rubber Lap Hug, extra heavy, a fine
article, should be in every buggy
waggon, has eyelet holes at the sides, and
Drovers Whips, oiled may be used as a cover for a democrat or a
kip, revolving handle, market waggon load and tied down. An
California style, length all-round useful article, made in two sizes.
10 feet, price $1.75 each. No. 2 size, 4x6 feet, price, $1.50 each; No.
NETS 2J size, 6x8 feet, price, $3.00 each.
large one makes a good waterproof sleep-
No. 1 Dark Colored Cotton Flank Nets, tas
ins; sheet for prospectors.
sels at sides, price 60o each postage 12c.
No. 2 Dark Colored Cotton Deep Flank Nets,
Reversible These Rubber Rugs
feature Reversible Rubber Lap Rugs are beautifully
very pretty and durable, special is
lined with fancy colors in plaid patterns.
eide depth, price 75o each postage 15o.
This makes them reversible for dry or wet

No. 8 Fanoy Colored Cotton Deep Flank K:i\v ll ilo. Killing Whins, plain, each,
Raw Hide Riding Whips, covered, v. u.Mhrr. y nro wind and waterproof.
J 1

Nets, 1 inch mesh, price $1 ; postage lie.

The one side is rubber cloth of good thick
ness, and is absolutely waterproof. The siz
No. 4 Made of Rocky Bear skins, black
is 46 x 54 inches. Price, only $1.50 each. Tm natural pelts (undyed), size, 50x60 inches
Reversible Rug is probably the best kin
of a waterproof rug to purchase if
you pro
well lined and trimmed, a good wearin TIE WEIGHTS
robe and nice color, price, $9.00.
pose to use it exclusively for buggy "use. I No. 5 Same as No. 4, size, 56 x 66 inches
is a good one, and should
All iron, solid, weighing 15
give you good nse well trimmed and lined, price, 810.00 each
Drivers 11 vs.
each; price without chain,
Waterproof JJapes Fur Robe Lining. 65c each price, with patent
Made of very best black waterproof duci
All wool, check pattern, 72 inches wide

link 7 foot steel chain and

canvas, large roomy size, patent snap but cut to any length as ordered, price $1 per yd
tons in froni. a grand, good article snap, 90c.
Covers the shoulders and arms and ches Fur Robe Trimming.
Pinked edge, 2 colors, white on purple, cu
thoroughly. Length from neck down 3 to any length, per
inches all around. Price $1.50 each. yard, 124c.
Drover s
Men s Storm Caps, 25 and
4oc each.
Halter Chains Made of patent steel
Men s Short Waterproof links, no welding medium weight, 6 feet ;

Coats, $1.25. long, 30c.each ; heavy weight, 6 feet. 35c.

Hitching Chains For posts or man-
s Long WaterprooJ AMERICAN BUFFALO ROBES jers, 4J feet long,
4 j feet long, heavy weight, 30c. each.
medium weight, 25c. each,
Coats, $2.50. These tobes are not animal skins. They
ire made of very heavy woven fabric, which
MOD S Waterproof Pauls, Ji appearance is very similar to the old Bnf-
$1.25. alo skin of the prairies (now
extinct.) The Post
color is a rich, deep brown. In the U. S. Chains, for tieing
robes have been in use for many
horses, 2J feet long, inclndiug
years, a heavy staple for securing
and, owifig to their durability and handsome chain to post ; price 13u.
appearance, they have come to stay. They
five the greatest satisfaction. Between the
ining and the robe is a heavy rubber sheet,
which makes the article windproof and
Hitching Rings For
waterproof. They are as strong as any posts or mangers; heavy Iron
eather, handsome, soft and pliable, warmer rings, with stout screws at
;han a skin robe, and are easily dried after
tached, each, lOc ; dozen, $1.
wet. Made in dark brown color, suit

ably trimmed and lined with best blanket

Heavy staple and ring, pritfe 6c.
or the pair, or 60c. per dozen.
These covers are made of heavy black
waterproof duck, and are invaluable to all
ining, and the inside rubber lining already
nentioned. Made in 3 sizes
Juggy Top Enamel Dressing, per can
teamsters, farmers, city delivery men or American Buffalo Robes, 52 x 54 ins., $7.00. 25c
others who carry grain or goods which are Note. One can of this dressing is easily
American Buffalo Robes, 62 x 54 ins., $8.00.
liable to damage from wet weather. nfficient to coverany buggy top, and which
They Vtaerican Buffalo Robes, 72 x 54 ins., $9.00.
are made in two sizes. Each size has large twill preserve as well as freshen the appear
eyelet holes in the sides, by means of which ance. It is applied with brush or padded
they may be laced or tied down to prevent loth or sponge.
wind lifting when in use. They are abso
lutely waterproof and windproof, very dur
able and not expensive ; when not in use HARNESS
should be hung up and not folded. Many
farmers use them as Binder Covers in the
field, for which they are admirably adapted.
Frank Miller s Harness
No. 1 Size. 6x8 feet, for light waggons, Dressing is an oil, and at
each, $2.75.
the same time a jet black
No. 2 Size, 6x12 ft., for farm
waggons, $3.75. TETHERING CHAINS finish (not a varnish). It
oils the leather, and there
Liverymen s Ap- Light, strong, patent link steel chains,
is nothing detrimental to
rons Male of best black ith picket ring and snap and swivel,
the life time of the leath-
waterproof duck, with bib ft. Tethering
chain, each, 60c ; per doz.$6.00
and eyelet r, like so many cheap harness oils. It is put
" " "

fastenings, good
80c; 9.00 "

length, reaching below the



11.00 "
p in neat square cans with screw top as pic-
" " "
ured. Each tin holds a pint. Price 25c.
knees, total length 41 in
1.20; 13.00
ches, width 35 inches, price
75c. each. Used to good Miner s Har
advantage when washing ness Soap, each,
buggies or any other similar Iron Picket Pins, 15 inches long, weight,
work. 15c.; 2for25c.
Jibs, complete with swivel, each, 15c,

No. 1
Natural Grey Chinese Goat
Lariat Swivels, light
weight, easy working,
Angora or
Robe, size 50 x 60 inches, well lined and strong steel swivels, Waterproof Black Paste, for shoes or har
trimmed, price, $5.75. eyes large enough to ness, small tins lOc, large tins 25c each.
No. 2 Natural Ofrey Angora Goat
50 x 60 inches, made of best selected
take any rope up to
inch diameter, each 5c ;
skins, Refined Neatsfoot Oil, 1 pint tins, each. 25c.
wearing qualities the best, well trimmed per dozen, 50 cents. " " "

1 45c. " "

and quart
lined, price, 87.00. When making out an order to us, you "


4 75c.

No. 3 Best selected Natural Grey Goat Robe, lould start right at tlie beginning of this Best Tanners Oil, pint tins, each, 25c.
54 x 66 inches, picked
size, skins, well ook. It will pay you to read every word " " " " "

1 quart 40o.
trimmed and lined, price, $8.00. ur Silent Traveller

has to sav. "

" " "


J gallon"
Made of best solid
rubber balls of dif
ferent sizes, strung
on good leather
Silver Cleaner. strap. Price, 25o.
No Pntz Pomade, for cleaning the nic
kel mountings of harness, price, 5c per black
box. No. i Cr.rry Comb, steel, handle,
box 6 boxes for 25c. Postage, 3 a per closed back, each 7c
No 2 Shinon, a black colored liquid tor light, 5 bars teeth, j

cleaning the nickel mountings.

A real good 4 for 25c.

article, small tins, 13c.;

medium tins, 20c.
Harness Cleaning Brushes, each, 5 cents.

Ankle Boots, leather lined, each 20c.

Ankle Boots, zinc lined, each 25c.
Ankle Boots, cloth lined, 2 straps, ea. 35c
Curry Comb, 6 bars, black han
Ready-Cut Carriage Washer*. No. 2 steel,

be well dle, open back, each lOc ; 3 for 25c.

Every rig, of every kind, should
washered. It makes a carriage ride easier,
and greatly adds to the life time of the .

wheels and axles. These washers are put up

in boxes containing 50 of several different
sizes, suitable for light buggies, heavy bug
gies, road carts, light and heavy democrat solid rubber, to fasten
Waggon Bumpers,
waggons. There are many sizes in each box. to the springs of waggons to prevent the
Fifty washers in each box, per box, 25 cents. Price 35c each.
Endless Washers, to be cut off as wanted. springs striking when loaded. han
No. 3 Curry Comb, 6 bars, steel, black
Put up in boxes of 100 rings. Price per box,
dle, closed back, each lOc ; 3 for 25c.
25c.; postage on a. box, 8c.

For buggies and light waggons there is Shaft
Anti-Rattlers, rubber, pair 5c.
nothing better than good castor oil for the Shaft Anti-Rattlers, wire, pair 5c. No. 4 Curry Comb, solid heavy steel, black
axles. For heavy farm waggons, a good extension
Shaft Anti-Rattlers, flat steel, pair lOc. e namelled handle, Tivetted in,
wearing grease cannot be improved on. For a grand, good curry
outdoor and indoor machinery Postage on a pair, 3c. extra. strikes, closed*back,
agricultural each 2 for 25c.
we can strongly recommend our American comb, price 15c. ;

Amber Oil, as it has excellent wearing

qualities, and is not thin
in hot weather.
Best refined Castor Oil, 1 pint tins, each, 20c

1 quart 38o " "

4 gal.
65c " "


" "

"$1.25 Horse Tail Fasteners, 20c each ; postage 3o.

Clock Spring Curry Comb, black
Common Patent Yellow Axle Grease, 1 Ib. No. 5
rivetted handle, price 15c. each 2 for 25c.
boxes, each 5c ; 6 boxes for 25c. ;

Fraser s Fish Oil Axle Grease-

Thi.s is the very best grease for heavy
1 Ib. boxes-, each, I3e ;
2 for ........ 25c
. $1.25 \>

FRANK Toe Weights for horses, nickel plated, put

up 1 set in a box. A set consists of 1 pair of No
6 Curry and Mane Comb, black enam
each 2 3 oz. and 4 oz. Price elled rivetted handle, all steel, price 15c.
weights, oz.,
16c. each 2 for 25c.
AXL.E Oil. per set, 75c postage, per set,

For the finest car

Rider s Spurs-
riages and coaches, su Nickelplated, with
perior to castor oil,
will not chain, improved pattern.
lasts longer and
Price, pair, 60c., 75c

run from the boxes if

$1 ; postage, lOc.
properly used ; not ef-
fected by climatic
changes. Put up in neat pint
25c each 5 for $1.
tina. Price,
NOSE FEED BAGS No. 7_Handy Grip Curry Comb,
wood handle, open back, pri.e
loc. eacn ;
Made of best, heavy, white cotton

Best American Amber Machine Oil, price 2 for 25c. ______ -

duck, wood bottom, 10 inches
in r
includes the tin can in each instance lent
you need a good watch our~
American Amber Oil, 1 gallon tins, each 50c. diameter, depth, 15 inches, good can a genuine.

ii 90o. "
harness leather strap and buckle, Traveller

sell you
2 "

See index for page.

at a riglit price.
$2.00 each, 60c.

No. 3 Horse Brush
black katoel wit
leather strap handle
short length, eac.

Horse Stable Brooms, brown cocoa

with or without
handles, thoroughly well
No. 8 Selfcleaning Curry Comb, black ban made and durable. Well suited for barn or
die, steel, closed back, price 20c. each ; J stable floors, made in six sizes.
for 50c. Size No. 1 60c30c Size No. 4
No. 9 Metal No. 4 Horse Brush, rice root, small size, loc 2 70c40c 5 " "

lie Horse No. 5 SameasNo.4, but large size, 20c each 3 6./....80050c
Brushes, or Horse Stable Shovel, sheet steel, long han
toothless cnr dle, 35c.
leather hand
les,oval pat
3 for 50c.
No. 6 Our "Dandy" Katool Horse Brush
made heavy and thick and with rounde<
surface, best black katool, varnished top
thoroughly well made, a good article in Double Grip Trace Buckles, blacK or white
every respect, better than you would ex plated, with improved screw bale.
pect to be produced for a quarter of i 1J inch, each 8c; If inch, each 12c.
dollar. Price only 25c each ; 3 for 70c. "

lOc; 2

No. 10 Horse or Cattle Card, wire teeth, 8c 14 I5c.

each 2 for 15c. Screw Loops or bales for double grip

buckles, any size, 5c.

Tongues for double grip buckles, any size,
3c. each.

No. 7 Our Dandy Katool Horse Brush,

with leather side grips, 30c. each.

o. 11 Cattle Comb, flat black

handle, each lOc ; 3 for 25 c.
Halter Trimmings Improved
Economypattern, X C plated.

fo. 8 Horse Brush, oval pattern, solid wood ?or 1 inch halters, 5 pieces in set
; per set
back, leather handle, mixed fibre stock, lOc 6 sets for 50c.

price 35c. each 3 for $ 1 ;

1J inch halters, 5 pieces in set

; per set
15c ; 6 sets for 75c.

o. 9 Horse Brush, oval pa tern, leather

No. 12 Cattle Comb, curved pattern, 3 rows back, mixed fibre stock, leather grip, 35c. Halter Squares, black japanned
each 3 for *1. Size No. 1 Inside measure 1 x 1J inches,
teeth, each 15c.; 2 for 25c. ;

(\ 10 Horse Brush, oval, leather back, ozen, 15c,

mixed quality bristles, leather handle, Size No. 2 Inside measure 1J x 1^ inches,
price 50c. each. lozen, 20c.
larness Rings, black or C plated X
J inch, dozen, 5c 1J inch, dozen, 12c. ;
" " " "

i 6c; 14 15o.
1 "

8c; If 18c.
" " "

H 10c; 2

" "

inch Rings, extra heavy, 4J inch, each..5o

No. 13 Mane Comb, metallic, 7c. 11 Horse Brush, oval, heavy stitched Mixed Harness Rings For the convenience
No. 14 Mane Comb, very large, hard black <To.

leather back, leather handle, bristle stock, f fanners who wish a variety of sizes of har-
rubber, smooth finish, a good article, 15c. ess rings handy, we sell a box of mixed rings
price 75c.
o. 12 Horse Brush, oval pattern, heavy f assorted sizes, 25 rings in the box, price
stitched leather back, leather handle, war er box, 25c.
ranted pure bristles, price $1 each.
Mixed Harness Ruckles
onvenience of farmers and others who would
For the
1 Horse Brush, green corn, common
ike to keep by them a small assortment of HARNESS
brush, So. each.
landy sizes of harness buckles, we have boxes BUCKLES
f buckles, containing 25 assorted sizes (all
price per box, 25c.
->ues), ^ inch, dozen 6c 1^ inch, dozen 13c.
I inch, dozen 7c 1J inch, dozen 15c.
go part of the goods wo soil are man- J inch, dozen 8c 1J inch, dozen 18c.
No. 2 Horse Brush, vollow rice root, a go ured here in Hamilton, Ontario. Buy- dozen 22o.
| inch, dozen lOc If inch,
cneap stiff mini hrush, Iflc each. I
from us means buying from the fountain head 1 inch, dozen 12c 2 inch, dozen 25c.
Loop Buckles Celluloid Keepers-
Used for reins and hal
ters. | inch, 15c.; 1 inch, Red, white or blue, 5c.
18c.; 1J inch, 20c. per each; 6 for 25c., postage,
dozen. each le.
Sickle Harness Line Rings 5c. each 6 for 25c. ;

Buckles Breast Strap Rings, each 5c.; 6 for 25c.

f inch, dozen, IBc
" "

25 !. "

lin.,fortraces, each 6c.

11 6c. " "

" "

lj "c.

Terraloid Spread Rings, a hard composi-

Breeching Dees, Black Japanned with iron centres, in colors o*r in white.
Farm Harness Turrets, black or white on,
1^ inch, dozen 18c.
lated, each 6c. White Spread Rings
If inch, dozen 20c. each le
[o.1 Farm Harness Check Hook, each 6c.
inch, each 3r.; 6 for 15c.; postage,
Buckle Covers, nic- 3c.; 6 15c.;

kled or Brassed
Xo. 2 Farm Harness 4c ;
6 20c ;

Check Hook, with 5c.; 6 22c.;

f in., ca. 4c, doz 40c back strap loop, X 2c
43c " " oc 6 25c.;

4c, ;

1 "

45c C or black, each 6c.; 6 30c., 3o

6c.; 6 33c.;
Blue, Red and Black spread Rings
inch only, each 5c.; 6 for 25c.; postage, 2o

Check Loops, pair .. 8c.

Virianned Over
Japanned Hame Strap Loops, each 5c.
Wood Enamelled Spread Rings, red, -white,
Drop Pad Hook, XC plate, lOc. each. jlue, orange and natural wood, all colors
Breast Strap Slides. Drop Turret, XC plate, lOc. each. anae price, 5c. each ;
6 for 25c.
Black japanned,
If inches, heavy
grey iron, per pair,
10c.; per dozen
/airs, $1.00.

Stable Whip Rack, each 15c

Black Japanned If uich steel, per pair lOc Single Harness Turret Rings, nickle, 15c
Trace Carriers, X C



plated, to ee w on as an
pictured, each 6c. Japanned
Cock Eyes
Trace Carriers,
rivet on, each 6c.
With Screw Bolts
For IJ inch trails, each ."

G for 25c.
w or 1|
" "

oc; 6 for 25c.

5c; Gfor 25c.
" "

For 2

5o ; 6 for 28c.
Store \\Hiip Rack, round, 16 inches di
each 75 cents.
ameter, win hold 64 whips,
Military Bit Burnisher, each 45c; post
lOc. Staples, for farm harness, bes
iron, each 3c.; per dozen, 30c. each 6c ; 6 for 30e. Money Saved is Money Earned.
Clip Cockeyes, 14 in., in cvi

8c; 6
45c. "
It is money i
farmers pocket when lie be
comes a ensromi r of Stan
ley Mills & Co. Onr prices
are right and our goods are
bar satisfactory. AVe know
Side Check Chains, nickel, for single
Gc. pair.
there are oilier letter order
nees, pair, 60c.J postage, houses, lioth in anada and <

Hame Staples, for farm harness, best mal

in the I nited States, whose
[cable, iron, each 3c ;
dozen 30c. their catalogues,
llamo Staples for prices, ill
il oarriag mas here and then appear
arc same prices.
lower than ours, lint, and
Utility Trace Siaples wit here is the point, do their
with screw bol 1

for fan Chain Spread Straps, nickeled steel,
goods openJ up to yonv
3c. Ours always
harness traces, black ja ring, luc ; postage, pcctat ions .

panned, 1J inch, each 8c will, and we are carc fnl to see they do.
If inch, each 9c.; 2 inch Scud us a trial order. Make il as I,

each lOo. If convenient to do so, ask your

yon can. We
a club order.
neighbors to join you in
We make a socially of everything fann allow 4% or from our regular c
Ring Spreaders, 2 white, 1 red, 1 blue rini

Read this ratal. -arefnlly, les

era use. ;ne
with nickel keepers and with snap, each loene prices, according as the order is,
over every page nwl d Q8 trial ordcJ

lOc. each. $60 or $100.

?\ o order is too large; and none too small. 40e; pair, 75c.; postage,

. .

Farm Waggon Neckyokes, very best tim
ber, all ironed off ready for use, length 42 in
ches, price $1.
Extra Heavy Neckyokes, best
material, 48
inches long, for heavy
work, price $1.35 each.

Farm Waggon Sets, as above, all finished in natural wood, striped and varnished ready
for use, best material, and consisting of double tree with the 2 end clevises, 2 whiffletrees
and neckyoke. Price per set, $3.25.

Neckyoke Irons, best forged steel, for farm

neckyokes. Price per complete set 50c.
Neckyoke Center Irons, complete with the.

Farm Waggon plates, each 30c.

Whiffletrees,- ironed off, unpaiuted, of very best second growth white
ash, 30 inches long. Price, 50c each.

Neckyoke End Irons, If inch inside large

endjof ferrule, lOe each.
Whiffletree End
Irons, made of best forged
steel. The sues given
in inches indicate the
diameter of the large end of the ferrule. The
Patent Triple Trees medium is the standard size in use. Farm Waggon Neckyoke Woods, best sec 1

This article be used as a triple tree or

may End Iron, 14 inch, each 8c.; 6 for 45c. ond growth ash, 42 inches long, each 40c.
&i a doubletree. The cbarige may be made in
lOc.; 6 for 50c.
" " "
a moment, and without the use of any tool. " " "

Waggon Neckyoke Woods, extra heavy,

12e.; 48 inches long, each 60c.

The whifHetrees may also be used separately
if so required. Made of good material.
Price for the complete article is only $3.35.

Farm Waggon Doubletrees, very choice

second growth timber, bored for clevises, Pole Ends, best forged steel, com
50c each (without the clevises).
plete with holdback, pole cap and wear
No. Whiffletree woods, for farm waggons,
for farm waggons, each 30c.
best white ash, 30 inches, oval
chucked at the ends for ferrules, and bored
with 3 holes to fit our 3 bolted centre irons.
Price for wood, 20c each.
No. 2 Whiffletree woods, oval
shape, 30 in
ches, unchucked and not bored, best ash
each 20o.
No. 3 Whiffletree woods, extra heavy, round Agricultural Wrench, heavy, 13c. each.
shaped, 30 inches, not bored or chucked
. 20c each.

Center devise, for general farm work, best

malleable iron, with improved key as pic Common Buggy Wrench, 1 in. nuts, each 8c.
tured, extreme length 7 inches, inside mea Common Waggon Wrench, 1J inch, lOc.
sure at open end 2^ inches, from center of
key to inner end 5-J- inches, a splendid good
article, each 20c.; 3 for 54c.
Whiffletree Center Iron, for farm \vhi ffle-
uialle.-iMe iron. I! bolt holes,
length 7
inches, large eye, one of the best centre Patent Buggy Wrench, each lOc.
Whiffletree irmis made. Price with 3 bolts
(5-16th x 3J inches). ,/,,. 1, ij t

Steel Axle Clips, price complete with nuts,

and lengths given are from end to end.
To. 0, 5J inch, Axle Clips, each, 4c ; doz., 40c
End Clevise, for general farm work, mal No. 1, 5i 4c; 40c
leable iron, improved key, extreme length 5 No. 2, 6i 5c ;
inches, open end 2| indies, from key to inner No. 3, 6J oc ;
Whitl!. -tree Center iron, style No. to end 4J inches, standard Canadian devise, No. 7 5c ; 60c
2, 4,
close around the 50c
wood, 15c each. each fi for 8()c.
No. 5, 71 5c;

Small Plow devise, No.

10, malleable iron, 8c each ;

6 for 40c.

Felloe Plates, for buggies, each Ic doz., ;

light waggons, each,

" "

Swivel Plow Clevise, No.

Shaft Couplings, complete malleable iron, screw
with bolt and draw eye for 45c.
40o bolt, each 18o ; 3 No. 1 Whip Socket for leather dash, luc.
2 Whip Socket fur wood dash, lOc.
1 inch, per pair
45c No
14 heavy, per pair . . .

No! 3 Whip Socket for road cart, lOc.

" "

...50c Swivel Combina

tion Clevise, No. 12, No. 4 Whip Socket, round pattern, plain,
malleable, iron, open for leather buggy dash, 15c.
Axle Ties, 1, 1, No. 5 Whip Socket, leather dash, uickle
end, 1\ inches wide,

1J inch bet ween

the mounted, 25c.
length inside 4 inch
centers ii the holes,
es, each 30c.
each 3c doz., 30c. ;

Swivel Clevise Hook, f

No. 13. with drop gate,
or 15c.
malleable iron, price Toe Rests, buggy waggon bottoms,
Democrat Whii tVirce Woods, round, 20c. 25c. each. Buggy Hub
sword pat Bands, size 2J,
Buggy Whillletrce Woods, fiat ~^q^^r
tern, 20o. The Kruse Kross Klevis for plows, will fit 2| or 2i inch.
I malleable iron,
Whiffletree Spring Clips any plow, 25 each. i

price per set of


25c 4, 25c.
J inch, per pair
n "
30c Democrat Hub Bands. 3 inch, per set "Oc.


Democrat Seat Fasteners, per pair, with

screws, 15c. No. 1 Democrat Neckvokes, trimmed, nn-
painted, best 2nd growth wood, h-ather
center with steel band, !H c. each.

No. 1 Whiffletree Hook (see, left picture).

each do/en, 30c.
:!< :
NQ. 2 Democrat Neckyokes, iron swivel
No. 2 Whiffletree Hook, to use
with leather
center, 90c.
rach Ic; dozen, 40c.
No -(8ee right hand picture), Whiffletree for buggies,
Hooks (right and left), pair 15c; dozen King Bolts, i inch or 9/16,
each :

pairs. $1,50. for 4oc.

King Bolts, f or f inch, waggons, Democrat Neckyoke Woods, each 2oc.

Buggy Crr
Democrat Doubletree Woods, best stuff,
cles, | inch,
each :!.">c.

Light Wag
gon Circles, f
Neckyoke Centers, steel baud, heavy
inch, $1. stitched leathers, screw I aMeners, price 50c
e diameti of your neckyoke.
<Ji\ i

Democrat Circles, i in., $1.35

Neckyoke Strap Loops. Kir pair.

Body Loops, finished, forged

steel, $1.25 per set of I.

Whiftletrri- Vlates, ].air 15 ;

doz. pairs, $l.nO.
Whitllrtrre I .i-.ices. inside measure Sj inches,
mor isrd
complete with bolt, each li c do/en Buggy Shafts, unpaintcd,

crossbar, pair includiag crossliar.


Holdback Iron Buggy Shafts, nnpainted, not morti-.- d,

Body Loop Bolts, raised head, 4 in set, 20c
each 3c; dozen, without bar, pair lir.r.

Waggon Box
Staples, Ii, If
2 incbes. each
lie dozen, 3()c.
No. 1 Buggy or Light Waggon Step, 20o.

No. 2 Buggy
or Waggon

Waggon Box Rods, usual length, 20r each. Step, each Buggy Shafts, iinpaiiited,^
j QO
lOo. leathers), with 1 inch
Fav iu Waggou Lock Shoes, for jvheels with
Whiffletree, pair $2.50.
tires 2} inch or under, weight 20 Ibs., $1.35.
Light Waggon Wheels Light wag
gon wheels, 1 inch tread, 1J inch spoke,
length of hub 7 inches, height front wheels
3 feet 6 inches, height of hind wheels 3 feet
Tee Headed Shaft Bolts, 4c ;
6 for 20c.
10 inches. Sarven pattern, hub bands on.
Nickeled Shaft Tips, pair 15c. Tires 5/16 x 1
Shaft Leathers, guide straps and whiffle- Spokes, for wood hub wheels, XX quality.
inch round edge steel.
Prices per set of 4 as follows :

i-aps, patent leather finish, per

set liSc.
No tires on With tires on
No. 3 Grade, per set $6.50 $12.00
No. 2 "

7.50 "

No. 1 "

8.50 "

Light waggon wheels without tires per set
D/mocrat Shafts, 2J- ineh, XX, half fin weigh 75 Ibs.; with tires 145 Ibs.
ished, single Ijent, without crossbar, pair 85c. DEMOCRAT WHEELS
Express Shafts, 2J inch, XX, double bent, Democrat or heavy waggon wheels, 1J inch
without crossbar, pair $1.25. tread, If inch spoke, length of hub 7^ inches,
Road Cart Shafts, single bend, pair $1.25. height of front wheels 3 ft. 6 inches, height
Road Cart Shafts, double bend, pair $1.50. of hind wheels 3 ft. 10 inches. Sarven pat
tern, hub bands on. Tires f x 1J inch round
edge steel. Prices per set of 4 as follows :

No tireson With tires on

No. 3 Grade, per set $7.50 $14.00
No. 2 " "

8.50 15.00
Buggy Poles, XXX, 2J inch, single bent, Waggon Top Bows, If inches No. 1
" "

9.50 16.00
tmnhed and mortised, ready to be put to XX Democrat wheels without
wide, quality, 4 in a set, tires 90 Ibs. : with
gether, circle bar included, $1.00. per set $1.60. When ordering tires 170 Ibs.
Democrat Poles, XXX,
3 inch, single bent, bows always give us the width If you arebuying a set of wheels from us,
finished and ready to put together, circle of the and also a set of axles, then for 90c. extra,
bar included, SI. 25.
waggon box.
we can set the boxings in the wheels.

For price of heavy duck canvas for cover

ing waggons, see index for pago.
Waggon P,ox Staples for
bows, 1-A, If or 2 inch, 3c
each ; dozen, 30c.
Light Pole Caps, each 15e. Buggv Axles Best steel, 15/16ths of
Democrat Pole Caps, each 20c. an inch, to weld once in the centre, length
33 inches, fantail pattern, complete with

boxings, length of arm 6^ inches, weight per
set 38 Ibs. Per set of 4, only $3.00; price
per pair, $1.60.
Buggy Axles Same as above except in
This warehouse is Can size, which is 1
ineh, weight per set 43
ada s headquarters for price $3.25 per set; price per pair, $1.75.Ibs.,
Carriage Pole Circle Braces, finished, 20c.
wheels. You can buy Light Waggon Axles Best steel.
wheels from us with tires 1^ inch, to weld in centre,
length 34 inches,
on or without tires. Yon fantail pattern, complete with
can buy a set or only half length of arm 7 inches, weight per set 50 Ibs.
a set or a dozen sets. We Price eet,
per $3.75; price per pair, $1.90.
carry on hand all sizes, Democrat Waggon Axles Best
both tired and untired as steel, 1J inch, to weld in
centre, length 35
given below, and can make inches, fantail pattern, complete with box
Poles Best wood, all ironed
prompt shipment. All
ings, length of arm 7J inches, weight per
off, complete with pole tip,
doubletree and tired wheels are tired with set 67 Ibs. Price per set, $4.50 ; price per
whiffletrees, ready to paint. Price as de the very best round edge tire steel and well pair, $2.25.
scribed, $6.90; price with neckyoke, $7.80. bolted and welded. All of our wheels, with Axles are shipped as 3rd class low freight.
out exception, are of the well known Sarven If you are
buying a set of axles from us, we
pattern, and all have hub bands on. All can weld them and set them to standard
made of best graded Ohio hickory, unpainted. track gauge for $1.35 per set extra.
Wheels with tires on are shipped as 2nd
class freight wheels without tires on are Steel Tires in the Bar.

1st class freight. 7-8 x 3/16 in., price per set for 4 wheels, $1.80
-8 x j inch,
1 x 3/16

Buggy Wheels Buggy wheels, 1 inch 1 x I "

inch spoke, tread, H length of hub 7 inches, 1 1-8 x 5 Hi in. 2.50
Buggy Wheel Rims, XX, 1J inch square,
height front wheel 3 ft. 6 inches, height of 1J x 3-8 inch 3.50
per set for ! wheels, SI. _ hind wheels 3 ft. 10 inches. All wheels with
Axle Boxes

Democrat Wheel Rims, XX, If inch hub bands on. All Sarven pattern. Tires J
square, per set si. inch thick, of best round edge tire steel.
Wehave in the past received frequent or
ders and inquiries for boxes to fit old axles.
Light Farm Waggon Rims, XX, 2x2 inch, Buckboard wheels same price as for buggy
set $2.35. wheels. Road cart wheels just half the price \Ve can furnish boxes to fit axles sold by us,
Heavy Kami Waggon Rims, 21x2 inch, per of a set of buggy wheels. Prices for buggy or to fit axles on vehicles sold by us aside ;

set, $3.00. wheels per set of 4 as follows :

from these we are not able to furnish boxes
No tiros on With tires on for old axles. Statistics show that over
al I li ;i in Watches We only handle No. 3 Grade, per set $5.50 $10.00 three hundred different patterns of axles
Waltham" watches. Whe world-wide repu No. 2 6.50 11.00 have been used in past years, many of which
" " "

tation ot the Waltham Watch Co. led us in No. 1 7.50 12.00 " "

are now obsolete and impossible to dupli

the first place to handle only their watches. Extra 8.50 13.00 It is useless to send us orders, as we
" "

Our experience in selling them has been very Buggy wheels without. Hres weigh about cannot help ,you, however much we may
satisfactory. 50 Ibs. per set ; with tires on, 10U Ibs. pur set. desire to do so.
Black Kubber Ci lies

ide, per yard, 50c.

Curtain Roll-np Straps, pair 30c.

Buggy Top Dressing, specially
will not
prepared for this purpose,
Waggon Seat Springs- crack, tine linish, jet black
Best Elliptic, 2 leaf x 1J in. x 24 in., paii90c. amel; apply with a soft brush;
Best Elliptic, 2 leaf x 1J inch x 24 inch, per price per can (enough for
pair $1.00. top), 25c.

Carriage Tacks, black heads, paper,

Carriage Tacks, silvered heads, paper, Buggy Trimmings, including spring
best green or
nshion, fall and back oushion,
Carriage Cushion Buttons, per dozen,
Buggy and Waggon Springs- Buggy Oil Clotil, for the bottoms of naroon rubber cloth; size of cushion, 30x
Best Elliptic, 3 leaf x liin. x36 in.,each$1.50 7 inches, back and fall to match; price per

x36 " "

1.75 buggies, neat pattern, good quality, | yard

" "

An ordinary buggy

wide, price 30c. per yard. et, complete, $1.75.

Same in best 1, genuine leather,
takes 1J yards. >"o.

Carriage Top Covering for tops or curtains, When ordering cushions it is well to send
black with brown back, 50 inches wide, 5Uc. us a paper pattern of the seat back, other
per yard. wise we will send the standard pattern.
3 Leaf Cart Springs, li x 40 inches, each $1.00. Waggon Seat
1.25. " "

3 Ijx40
" "

Top, No. 1, with

" " "
4 Ijx40 seat irons, covered
" "

with best rubber

cloth driver can

adjust this top to

any angle with
one hand. Good
protection for
storm or sun. Buggy Dashes, iron frame, patent leather
covering, hard leather finish, complete with
Price $6.50.
width of seat fron feet and bolts. 11x24 inches, price $1.60 ;
to outside 11 x 25 inches, $1.80 ; 11 x 26 inches, $2.
Silver Dash Rails, 24, 25 or 26 in., each 60c.
at the top.

Waggon Sea
Top, No. 2, best
rubber cloth cov
BUGGY TOPS ered, adjustable to
No. 52O, 9 O.OO
This is an unlined auy angle, price
rubber top, with steel bows, sectional rail, .50.
Piano Body
rubber side and back curtains, adjustable Piano Buggy Body, of very best material,
knob plates, etc. A neatly finished low- and of very workmanship and finish,

priced top.- Price only $9.00. oval edge ironed and all complete ready to
laint, regular size is 24x51*
bottom measure,
Wo. 62O, f ll.OO This is an excellent
full-lined steel bow buggy top, covered with seat 29^ inches takes a 25 inch dash and a

good rubber cloth. The roof is padded and 39 inch top, price, with lazy back, $4.25.
lined with cloth. Side and back curtains of We will make, piano bodies of any size to
on application.
good rubber, wrought sectional rail, which with lazy back order, and will quote prices
can be adjusted to tit any buggy seat. Patent Bug<*y Sent, untriiiimed,
rails as pictured, ready to paint
knob, nuts, etc. Price only $11.00. and hand
This is a top hard to beat for value, and is a 30 inches long, price $2.
good one to order. Democrat Seats, 30 inches, each $2.2o.
No. O4O, &12.OO No. 640 is our best
quality, full-lined, steel-bow buggy top.
Made with solid back rail, and full-lined,
with improved patent levers, improved bow-
sockets, hand-stitched front vallance, patent Corning Buggy Bodies, with solid lazy
roll-up straps, silver nuts and rivets, lock back, size of bottom 21x17 inches, size of top
washers, roller back curtain, etc. Price, Buggy Seats, 30 inches, plain, each $1.6J of body 25x521 inches. 2111 inch seat, takes a
only $12 each. Di
Democrat Seats.
iinicral Seats, inchesM
l. " "

38 inch top, price unpaiuted, $-1.75. Weight

for shipment 50 Ibs

-Carriage Curtain Knobs, dozen, 10o.

Curtain Knob Eyelets, ilu/en, lOc.
Buggy Seat Cushions, 30x17 inches, plain
best mate: nil. uu-
black drill, $1.20. Spindle Buggy Body,
painted, regular size bottom, 26x52*
Cushions, 30x17
Buggy Seat. inches, green
inch takes a
top measure of bodv
or maroon drill, [|
2!>1 ;

Democrat Seat 36x15 21) inch dash and Hit inch top. Price, with
Curtain Straps, each 5c. Cushions, inches,
Curtain Strap Buckles, each 5c. plain black, $1.50.
la/.v back, $5.75. Shipping weight 50 Ibs.

Two Seated Body

Jump Scat Ron Waggon Gears without Body
Waggon Body, a 4
Spring Waggon Gears, 3 elliptic spring
passenger body standard gears, best material and best
Regular size 26x5

on bottom, 37x57 workmanship, complete with shaft couplings, mings, spring cushion, spring back wood or ;

on top of body takes a 27 inch dash, a 39 boxings, etc., and best steel axles. leather dash, floor cloth, silver dash rail, etc.

52 inch buggy top to cover front seat th No 1 Axle 1$ inch, capacity 1000 Ibs., $20. Price, including shafts and all ready to paint,

o. 2
$22.50 only S40.CO. Shipping weight about 320 Ibs.
; "

small scat folds under the 1 11

largo scat, an

the large scat moves forward^ Add for ordinary best grade wheels J2 00
Price, a Duplex Spring Waggon Gears, best ma Add for choice se lected wheels
pictured, all ironed and terial in all parts. 4 00
ready to paint, $1] Improved reach coup Add for
If lazy back to large scat is genuine leather trimmings 4 00
wanted, ad( ling, best steel axles, complete with shaft
25 cents. Weight for shipment, 75 Ibs. couplings, boxings, etc,
No. 1 Axle 1 inch, capacity 800 Ibs.. $18.00
No. 2- "

" "

No. 3 "

l| 1500
" " "

Surrey Body Farm Waggon Skeins

Surrey I .ody, regular size. 2(3 wide x 72 in
over all takes a 27 inch dash, impainted, ot SJxll inches, per set $3. 75

best material, price $13 as pictured. 3Axl2 inches, per set 4.00
3|xl2 inches, per set 4.25 Uupainted Family Carriage
4x12 inches, per set 4.50 Small seat may ba moved forward to the dash
so that the children face the driver, or the
large seat may be moved np to the usual posi
tion and the small seat packed away beneath
the large seat. A handy family carriage.
Drop axles, l-l/16th inch best steel best ellip

tic end springs; wheels good medium grade

with In %
inch round edge steel tires beat ;

rubber cloth trimmings, spring cushion, spring

back, floor cloth, storm apron, hood, silver
dash rail, etc. Price without top and with
Phaeton Buggy Body, 28x46 sill measure, Waggon Bolster Plates shafts, all ready to paint, only $54.00.
53 inches length over all, 381 inches width No.
131x10} inches. 12 J pair 65c.
Add for ordinary best grade wheels $2 00
over all takes a 30 inch dash and a 40 inch No. 24x13
; 16 inches, pair 85c.
Add for choice selected wheels 4 00
top, price as pictured, 11. Add for genuine leather trimming! 5 00
All uupainted bodies are properly crated Add for full lined improved steel bow top, 1 1 00
for shipment and arc first-class freight.
do not weigh heavy for shipment.

Bolster Springs, to convert common wag

gons into spring waggons.
Waggon Body 1,000 Ibs. capacity, per set 1*3.25
Spring Bodies, size 33 inches x 7
Waggon 1,500

" "

feet (no other sizes), with 2 seats, both 2.000 "

4.25 " "

with lazy backs, which are not shown in the "

5.00 " " IJnpainted Waggon Low down, 3

picture, both seats removeable; width of elliptic springs,easy riding pleasure or busi
ness waggon. The body is of best material, 2
seats, 3(3 inches; weight for shipment, about
150 His.; price, impainted, $S.
CARRIAGES feet 9 inches wide, 7 feet long, 8 inches deep,
Every carriage we tell is guaranteed dropped between the springs, with drop end
rst class. The carnages we Bell will be satis- board, and with wood or leather dash. Axles
actory to every one who buys. have W are 1-1/8 inch best steel, double collar and
voided all cheap trashy goods, and although dropped; wheels good medium grade, with
ur pricea on carriages may be a little higher 1J inch tread ; tires are thick and of best
lan some of the carriages sold out of Chicago round edge steel trimmings on both seats are

nd other similar centers in the United of best imitation leather. Two elliptic hind
tates, yet our goods belong to a different springs, each 1^ inch x 4 leaf, with 1^ x 5
lass altogether and we offer no apology for leaf front spring. Shafts are XXX grade x 2
Standard Buggy Gfear le difference in price. The freight on painted inch 1 inch shaft or pole couplings both
; ;

Elliptic End Spring Hnggy Gear, with arriages ia double first class rate, while on nn- seats have removeable seat fasteners. Pttce
spring bars and shaft couplings, to track 4 ,
ainted carriages it ia partly lit and partly with shafts and all ready to paint, only 960.00.
K Best hickory woods and tirst-class work ad rte. Shipping wt., about 600 Ibs. Capacity 1,000 Ibi.
manship; size of axles, 15/16ths, very best ITnpainted Spindle Waggon Side Add for ordinary best grade wheels 92 00
steel, complete with boxings, double, drop jrings or end springs, solid raised panels on Add for choice selected wheels 4 00
reach, drop axles, front spring 3 leaf, back ody; axles 15/16thi inch. very best steel; Add for genuine leather trimmings 7 00
spring 4 leaf price, 812.75; shipping weight
; heels good medium grade with 1 x J inch Add for pole and neckyoke 8 00
95 Ibs.; gears arc second class freight. ouud edge steel tires ;
imitation leather trim Pole and neckyoke instead of ihaftl .... 6 00
Our painted carriages are constructed only
of the very best quality of material which
we can purchase. Every part is guarar teed
first class, workmanship second to none and
finish equal to any.

Finished Piano Body Top Buggy ; wheels,

with inch best
our choicest selected best quality. 7-8 inch
Best drop axles, 15/16ths steel, good medium grade Sarven
wheels, Ix-J or 1 inch tread, with best round edge steel
round edge steel tires on, best elliptic end springs (or if yon prefer it yon may order a side tires on ; drop steel axle 151|l6ths, with dust
spring near at same price); best rubber cloth trimmings, spring cushion, back and fall, proof collars ; trimmings of very best No. 1
bottom oil cloth, silver rail, patent leather curved dash, complete with shafts, patent, warranted genuine leather, spring back and
leather 1 rimmed with silver tips, everything finished and smoothed ready for painting. spring cushion; elliptic end spring gear, or
Shipping weight about 320 Ibs. Price, as pictured and described, only $39. side spring gear, as ordered; best rubber
Add for ordinary best grade wheels, $2. Add for very choice selected wheels, $4. cloth full lined top with roller back curtain ;

Add for genuine leather trimmings, $4. Steel bow full lined top to tit, 10. best patent leather dash, with silver rail;
silver hub bands silver
seat handles ;

shafts, patent leather trimmed, with silver

tips; painting, first class black body, with
either dark green or carmine gear, with fine
line stripe. Price, complete with floor car
pet, storm apron, body boot, etc.. all ready
to hitch to, S72. Each is properly papered
and crated, and weighs about 375 Ibs. for

Finished Corning Top Buggy, same price

and similar description, as our painted niauo
body buggies above.


To this buggy or roadwaggon we invite your special attention. We prefer to sell our
rigs nnpainted. then you know exactly what quality we are giving yon. This New De

piano body road waggon is positively (quality considered) the best value in Can
ada or elsewhere. Our customers in the past for these are delighted and neighbors orders
crowd in upon us constantly. Our factory is taxed to its utmost to supply the demand.
Description Best piano body, with swell sides and concave risers; best steel drop s Farmer Handy Ught Wag
axles, Itiths good medium grade wheels with 1 x J inch round edge steel tires on ; best gon Wheels very best quality, Sarven

elliptic end springs (or side spring gear if you prefer it) ; trimmings, including spring patent, 1 inch tires; axles 1-1/16 inch, best
cushion, back and fall are of very best rubber cloth; shafts are patent leather trimmed, steel gear is a three spring elliptic standard

with silver tips; patent leather dasli with silver rail, toe rest, oilcloth bottom, whip pattern; body 6 ft. 10 inches hj JfJ inches
socket, etc.; everj pan smoothed and finished, ready for painting. Price, without a top, wide with cm! gate; two seats with solid
only $39. Shipping weight, without top, 320 Ibs.; with top, 860 Ibs. backs; best leather cushions; body painted
Add for ordinary liest grade wheels, $2. Add for very choice selected wheels, ?1. black, gear carmine, "Weight about Ibs.; -I."i0

Add for genuine leather trimmings. $4. Add for full lined improved steel bow top, $10. capacity. SOO 11. s.; price! with shafts, $72.
WHAT HE THINKS. Mr. Male, dm JlcKenzic, of Kivcr Dennis, P. ()., Cape Breton, sent us an order for
He had never seen one, but having entire confidence in us and in oui
of our unpainted corning body road waggons, with tops.
goods hi ..cut his money with his order in lie usual way. We will let him tell his own unsolicited story.

bear Sirs. T ought to have acknowledged receipt of buggies sent me before now.
- I may they are better than I expected.

Every one wonders how you can make them so cheap. I am sure you will get sonic more orders from here before long. My neighbor.
who bought with me, is delighted with his. Wishing yon every success and thanking you for sending us such good buggies, I remain.
Directions for Painting Buggy
If an old buggy, then see that all gren-e
and oil is removed, tighten all nuts, re-
washer, tit all new clips, bolts, etc., using
sandpaper wherever needed, then give one
good coat of our Ready Mixed Carriage
Paint. By careful application a quart tin
$16.00 will paint any buggy or light waggon. If
you want two colors, such as dark wine gear
and black body, then buy the paint in pint
CARTS tins. If it is a new buggy, then sandpaper

Description Wheels are four feet thoroughly a_nd give it a prime coat of good
high, of special good quality. Width of ordinary white lead paint, then sandpaper
Phaeton Buggy Very best Sarven felloes, one inch size of spoke, 1 1/16 inch
again, then one coat of Drop Black, and fol
Sarven Patent Wheel, with malleable iron low with a final coat of our Ready Mixed
wheels, 1 inch steel tires drop axles, 15/16ths

best steel; elliptic springs; trimmed -with extension bub bands. Tires, J inch Carriage paint.
thick, by To paint one of our buggies you would
very best genuine leather cusliious and fall ;
1 inch wide, made from best Round
best robber cloth top; body painted black Tire Steel. Axles are one inch solid require the following :

with dark green or carmine gear complete
with 6J inch arms. Best flat leaf
1 quart Lead Colored Paint 35c
with shafts, mud fenders, child s seat and best quality shafts, crossbar, 10 sheets Sandpaper lOo
whiffletree, seat
risers and foot rest. The seat is wide 1 Paint Brush 25c
lamps. Price $110. Weight about 450 Ibs. enough
for two persons to ride lib. Drop Black 20o
comfortably side by 1 quart Carriage Paint
and 75o
side, is complete with best rubber cloth
cushion and railing. The wood work is fin Total.... $1.65
ished throughout hi natural wood, and nicely
varnished with best carriage varnish, and
striped. Shipping weight, 130 Ibs. price, ;

only $16. This makes a very easy riding road

cart, at the same time a strong, cheap cart.
For mountain roads we make an extra
strung, heavy road cart, of same design as
above, but with 1J inch wheels, and 1 inch
steel axles. Price, finished in natural wood
and varnished, 820. This cart will stand
Family Surrey An excellently de the heavy requirements, and will give good
signed family carriage for farmer s use. wear on all new, unimproved mountainous
Wheels very best choice selected with best loads.
steel tires; 1-1 16 inch best steel axles with
dust proof collars; best elliptic springs;
On all long distance shipments we prefer
trimmings of very best genuine leather ex ;
to ship our road carts in an nnpainted con
tension rubber cloth top body painted black
dition, which saves freight charges, the

with carmine gear. Price, complete with

freight on an unpaintcd cart is one-half
shafts, but without mud fenders and without what it is on the finished cart. The price
lamps, only $100, ready to hitch to. of the cart in this condition is just the same, New Chicago Horse Clipper
and we include the material and brush for The Improved Chicago Horse Clipping Ma
finishing upon arrival. chine acknowledged by all to be the best
machine manufactured for this work. Its
construction is perfect, and the result is
case, simplicity, rapidity and perfection of
work. There are upwards of 20.000 of them
in uso in the United States. There are no
belts and no slips in the works can occur. It
lias a positive and direct flexible power be
tween the machine and the clipper and lias
hardened steel roller bearings. An exper
ienced clipper can clip a horse in 14 minutes.
An inexperienced clipper can do the work
CARRIAGE PAINT just as well but not so fast.
Farmer s Handy Cutter. Best With the aid our
of Mixed
Ready Carriage
selectefl stock. Gear dark green, body green, Paint, any farmer can paint his own buggy
all nicely painted, varnished and striped. or waggon. These mixed carriage? paints
Trimming is of best green cloth, full length dry hard and with a rich gloss so that no
carpet, nicely curved dash with neat rail. varnishing is necessary. The varnish is
Shafts of best stuff. Price 826. Wt. 160 Ibs. mixed with the paint. One coat of this paint
is all that is required to make your old buggy
look ne^. We have it in the following
colors Yellow, dark wine, venuillion, green,

light wine and black. Dark wine, light wine

and black are the colors mostly used.
Prices for this Ready Mixed Carriage
Paint are as follows : Half pints, 25c each ;
pints, 45c each quarts, 75c each. All colors

are the same price.

Carriage Yarn
tali Best No. 1 Car
riage Varnish, J pints, 25c each pints, 40c ;

each quarts, Too each.

; Price of Improved Chicago Horse Clipper,
Best Drop Black in Japan, per Ib. tin, 20c. with one box of chain lubricant and an oiler,
PORTLiAND CUTTER-Best wood, Carriage Painting Brushes, 15. 20 and 25c. is #11 with 3 inch knives or $12 with 4 inch
bent knee, wing dash, roll on back, patent Camel Hair Stripers, each 5c. knives. Shipping weight, 45 Ibs.
shifting hars, steel shoes, painted bright, Tube Paints, any ordinary color, each lOc. \Vo arc headquarters in Canada for plates
body black. Price complete, 27. Carriage Top Dressing, per tin, each 25u. and handles for these machines, and carry

them in stock constantly. When ordering Combination Clippers

new plates always send a drawing of your Chicago Combination Sheep Clipper and
old plate as a pattern, as several kinds have Horse Clipper combined includes clipping
been made. machine and flexible shaft, one 3 inch horse
Fetlock Shears, bent pattern, with small
clipping handle with knives attached, one
hair teeth. Price, 65c. Postage lOc.
sheep clipping handle with its knives

tached, two extra pairs of sheep clipper

knives or plates, one can chain lubricant
and an oiler, price complete, $20. If 4 inch
horse clipping handle and knives are wanted
Chicago two-nut, 3 in. top plate, each SI. 50 instead of 3 inch handle, price is $1 extra. Farriers hoof paring knife, 25c post., lOe.
Chicago one-nut 1.50
" " "

3 inch hottom S3. 25 Sharpening Plates

Chicago two-nut, plate,
Chicago one-nut, 3-inch bottom plate,, $2.25 We sharpen Chicago Horse Clipper or
Chicago two-nut, 4 in. top plate, each 1.75 Sheep Clipper Plates or Knives for 40c each
4 inch bottom 2.50 knife or 75c per pair. When sending knives
Chicago two-nut, plate Hoof rasps, for trimming horses hoofs, 35c.
The postage on each plate is 5c extra. to sharpen always attach your name and ad-
dressso we know where they come from.
The return postage will be 5c additional for
each plate. Send the money with the plates.
.lursesiioei Stone, wt. : t ,

TSTo,10 Jciorse tooth rasp, double ender,

with round center shank (unlike the illus-
itiorj), total length about IB ii:cli;c?
HORSE CLIPPERS price 65c ; postage, 15c.
No. 1 Horse Clippers, polished plates,
New Chicago one-nut handle, with 3 inch polished wood handles. A good clipper for
knives attached, all complete as pictured, the money, but not always reliable. Price,
$6.50 postage 25c extra.
; $1.00 ; postage 25c extra if wanted by mail.
New Chicago two-nut handle, with 4 inch No. 2 -"The Gem" Horse Clipper, a good No. 11 Handled horse tooth rasp, plain
knives attached, complete $7.50 ; postage reliable article, can recommend it as satis polished steel, with red handle, plate in
30c extra. factory in every way, highly polished wood terchangeable and reversible (one side a
Chicago chain lubricant, per box 75c. handles, polished plates. Price, $1.25 ; file, other side a rasp), total length 19
postage, 25c. inches; price.*!; postage. 20c.
Chicago No. 3 "The Henry Bolter" Horse Clip No. 12 Same pattern as No. 11. but nicklo
Sheep per, a first-class clipper, with ebony handles, plated, $1.20.
Clipper. highly polished plates, well tempered and
This excellent fitted with second set screw which keeps the
machine is made plates very secure. Price, $1.75 postage 25c.

like the new Chi No. 4 "The Newmarket" Horse Clipper,

horse clip a well known first-class clipper, polished red Xo. 13 Handled horse tooth center
cago rasp,
wood handles, polished plates. Price, $2.00;
per, except in the screw jointed, all plain polished, inter
h a n d 1 e d an postage, 25c. changeable and reversible plate, length 18
knives. Horse Clipper Plates We cannot inches; price 81. 25; postage, 20 cents.
No farm
er who owns
50 or supply extra plates for our No. 1 Clippers. No. 14 Same pattern as No. 13, but nickle
more sheep can For our Nos. 2, 3 or 4 clippers we have extra

plated, 1.45.
afford to be with top or bottom teeth plates. All being same
out one of these price, viz., 60c each for either top or bottom
machines. Tho plate ; postpaid for 5c extra.
saving in time
and labor cannot
be (iverestilna led. No. 15 Handled horse tooth rasp, center
The machine will pay for itself every 3 days jointed, bevel plate set as pictured, all
it is used. The price, as we sell them, in plain polished, total length 19 inches ;
cludes a complete machine and one pair of price *1. 50; postage, 25o.
extra kni\es, a box of chain lubricant and
No. Same pattern as No. 15, but nicklo

an oiler. Price $15; shipping weight His. l."i

plated. 1.75.
No. 1 Japanned Horse Singer, with regula
Horse tooth rasp plates,
ting tap, reservoir in the handle, and a
comb close to the wick. See illustration. reversible (tile or rasp), -J x
Large size, $1.25. Postage 20c extra. 3J inches price 30c each ; ;

No. 2 Same as No. 1, but a little smaller postage, 5c extra.

size. Price $1.00. Postage 18c extra. KEYSTONE
No. 3 Japanned Horse Singer, without tap.
A well made, strong article well finished ; ;

has wick and comb. Price, 75c. Postage

Chicago Sheep Clipper handle, complete 15c extra.
with knives as pictured, price $11); p
r ic
. e\tra. Width of each knife is 2J inches.

Any person having one of tin- Chicago Fig. 1 Keystone Dehorner complete.
Horse Clippers can purchase one of these The custom of dehorning cattle has grown
sheep clipping handles and use it with the so rapidly that it becomes every farmer to
horse clipping machine, thus giving them a Veterinary Syringe, 1J- \ IS inches, nicklc give the subject his best attention.
plated ti inch injector, with safety ball farmers who take the horns off their
combination machine. cattle

Sheep Clipper Top Plate, $1; postage, 5c. point, diameter of spray rose li inches; are pleased with results, and
declare strong
P dipper V.ottom Plate, $1 po price *1.25 postxge, 25c extra. ;
ly in favor of the work. See next page.
The chief feature of the "


is tha Cattleman s Knife A 3 blade

Calf Weaners,
the knives meet the horn at four differen stout pocket knife, with stag horn handle all

points at the same time, thus making a clean nk-kle silver tipped, with name plate, qualitj iron, pointed,
nncrnshed, quick cut of the horn, a cut whicl the very best, price $1 postage, 5c. easily adjusted

no other clipper can produce. to calf s nose,

each 2oc ; post
age, each 5c.

Tyler s Calf Wenner, war

ranted to wean any calf if
put on as directed on label.
For small calves, 25c for ;

large calves, 30c postage,


7c. each.

Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Etc.
The relative position of the knives and the Animal Trocars, eacb $1.OO
horn is well illustrated in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 Bickmore s Gall
shows the Keystone Head in a closed position. These articles are for sticking cattle in the Cure, 20c.
These clippers are very simple and most pow paunch when they become bloated, thus let Infallible Oil,
erful in their construction and operation. ting off the wind and saving the life of the 25c.
animal. It is a sharp steel sticking instru Condi
They are made of the very best malleable ment well made of best material. One of
Thorley s
tion 5
iron, while the two knives are of the finest Food,
steel of the special temper required for the
these trocars should be found on every farm Ibs., 25c.
or ranch. Length, 7J inches price, $1, post famed Horse and Cuttle Food,
work. The total weight of a pair of Keystone ;
Kennedy s
age 12c. Another use which a farmer can 100 Ibs., $6; 25 Ibs., $1.60.
Clippers, as shown in Fig. I, with the two
wooden handles, is 17 Ibs. The blades and put these Trocars to is cutting the gristle in Wude s Condition Powders, 20c.
a bull s nose when inserting a bull ring. Heave Powders, 25c.
other parts are all interchangeable and can
. be replaced at any time. They do the work Milk Tubes, Worm Powders, 25c.
in a most humane, manner, as the horn is re 3Oc These silver Purging Balls, 20c.
moved instantly. No twisting motion. Full tubes are used to Diuretic Balls, 20c.
directions accom-pany each clipper. are We insert in a cow s Fleming s Lump Jaw Cure for cattle, $2.
teat at such times when, for various reasons, Eureka Caustic Balsam, 75c.
headquarters in Canada for these clippers,
and can ship promptly, as we always carry a the teat is inflamed and the milk passage is Eureka Colic Mixture (spasmodic) 50c.
large stock of clippers and extra knives. clogged. The tube is hollow, and is plated. Eureka Colic Mixture (flatulent) 50c.
Such a tube will always bring instant relief. Eureka Chill and Fever Mixture, 75c.
Keystone Deuorner, complete, Price, 20c each Post Eureka Lotion for wounds, bruises, etc., 50c.
as shown in Fig. 1 $10 00 ; per dozen, $1.80.
age each 2c ; postage per dozen, lOc. Eureka Vegetable Tonic, 75c.
Keystone Dehorner, with one pair of
extra knives and a strong cattle Leicester Sheep Tick Destroyer, 25c.
leader with rope 12 00 Cooper s Sheep Dip (for 25 sheep) 65c.
Extra Knives, each 1 00 Cattle Horn Knobs, solid brass, Cooper s Sheep Dip (for 100 sheep), $2.40.
Dehorning Salve, per box 25 with inside screw fastener, price Persiatic Sheep Dip (makes 10 gallons), 50c.
We do not replace any parts free of charge. 15c per pair; postage, per pair, Persiatic Dog Wash, 25c.
When ordering a Keystone Knife always 6c. Persiatio Carpet Powder, for moths, etc., 20c.
state if it is the fixed knife or the moving Persiatic Poultry Powder, for lice, etc., 25e.
knife that you want. Postage on each Briggs Black Oil, for bruises, 20c.
knife is 12c extra if wanted
by mail. Blistering Ointment, 25c.
Dick s Universal Blister, 50c.
Dick s Blood Purifier, 50c.
Spavin Cure, 65c.
Refined Pine Tar (pints) for stock uses, lOc.
Bull Staff Snaps, with chain. One of the Refined Coal Tar, per quart tin, 20e.
best ways of handling a bull. With this Refined Raw Linseed Oil, -J gallon, 60c.
snap attached to an ordinary bull ring in Hoof Ointment. 20c.
the bull s nose, and you can manage any Spirits Turpentine, per bottle, 20c.
Dehorning Saws, each $1.00 bull, keeping his head and his horns weil Sweet Spirits Nitre, 25c.
away from you. Price for snap and chain Horse Bandages, medicated cotton, small,
45c ; postpaid for loc extra. lOc ; medium, 13c large size, 15c each.

ThePeople s Horse, Cattle.

Slieep and Swine Doctor An ex
cellent book, containing 334 pages, and
Calf rreiiting ofthe diseases of the four animals,
A simple and practical instrument for de iving illustrations and very valuable infor
horning calves which are from 10 days to 4
mation. Any farmer can be his own veter-
months old. It can be operated by anyone. nary surgeon, and what is more, should be.
Price $4.50 each. These books will post you thoroughly. They
Directions with each. Bull Kings, 2J inch, polished copper, with .re cloth covered. Mailed postpaid for 65c.
key, each 18c Postage on each 5c.
good brass spring,
attle Leaders, large size, Persiatic Sheep Dip.
with rope eye as pictured, each lOc ; post I have used Persiatic Sheep Dip for three
age, each 8c. extra. -ears, on from 300 to 400 sheep, both in
priug and fall, and think there is none
iqual to it. We have been paid more for
Mir wool than any other breeders have, !><>-

iiuse of the strong libre and freedom from

,uy yelkiness. We have been breeding
ligh class sheep for 65 years, and have used
Bleeding Fleams Joseph Kodgeis & uanv dips. ROBERT MILLER,
Sons make, very best quality, 3 lances in ^andy Lender, extra stout and with mporter and Breeder of Shorthorns and
each handle. Price 65c postage 5 cents. rope attached. Shrop.shires, Stouffville., Ont.
Price, 35c each.
Genuine Cooper
suitable for 25 slice])
size, suitable for
Sheep Dip.
Sheep Dip, small size,
;price Goceach large
100 sheep, $2.40 each.

Leicester Sheep Tick Destroyer, per box, 25c.

Made of very heavi
best quality tin.
Large patent gate or
STEEL tap. Basket holds 2
combs. Improved very
easy working gear.
COW Price $7 each. Weight
when crated for ship
ment, 40 Ibs.
CHAINS A first-class article
in every part.
Open Closed Three Oyster Shells
Ring Ring Piece For feeding hens in the
In our Patent Steel Cow Chains we have winter time to make
the best articles ever made for the purpose. them In 15 lb.
They are strong, light and cheap. We
have packages, 25c package.
Pig Forceps, long pincers or forceps as
three patterns as shown above. All are made Nest eggs, per dozen,
pictured, used to remove dead pigs and
of the patent steel link, and of course each 20c.
sist sows. Every hog raiser should own a
has a swivel. There are no welded joints,
pair. Length 18 "inches. Price 60c per pair.
Farmers Egg
and consequently no weak places. All have Crates Far bet
the steel toggle fastening, which is the best
Postage 15c extra. ter than a basket,
and safest. Order by the Catalogue number. eggs cannot break,
Steel Cow Chains- automatically
No. 10 Open Ring,f orcalves.each 15c counted. Each crate
11 Closed 15c holds 12 dozen rsigs,
12 Three Piece, "
loc has a good handle,
a good
13 Open Ring for cows, 20c Farmers Special Castrating Knife, and when not in
quality, special shape blade for
that pur .an be knocked
14 Closed Ring, "
15 Three Piece, "
20c pose. Ebony handle. A good quality down Hat in a small
25c knife. Price only 35c ; postage 5c. Each 2.V.
16 Open Ring for bulls, space.
17 Closed 25c
Persiatlc Poultry Powder.
" "

18 Three Piece, "

25c This instantly destroys lice or other ver
min, in and around the poultry house, thus
Stanchion Irons at once removing the cause of much sickness
ind death among the chickens. Price 25c.
These are stout irons to be
bolted to tilt side of the cow Persialic lien House Spray.
In liquid form, 16 oz. bottle, spraying for
row chains Hog Ringers, with set screw, each lOc.
. thiit the
and down as the in box 5c. len houses, horse stables, or wherever ver
ni;iy slide up Hog Rings, 100 box, per bottle. Can
min are found price 2.V per
cow stands or lies down. Price Postage on Hog Ringer is lOc postage on MS

with any hand sprayer like our


with two applied

eh, bolts. a box of Rings, 8c.
50c Cyclone tree or potatoe sprayer.

Cow Bells, made of best

wrought Su bell metal. TRAPS
perior in shape, tone and
finish, and prices right.
Very strong dou-
Ithas been discovered that ^ ble-spring traps,
wild animals will not dis {with short, heavy
chain. Weight,
turb stock that are pro
vided with bells, and that
cattle cannot be stamped
Hog Tongs, will hold a hog by the snout
firmly while ringing him, 35c. Postage 25o.
^ about 17 Ibs.
$10.00 each.

ed that wear them. Hog Scrapers, strong

wood handle well
bolted on to round
Small Cow each 25c.
Bell, 5J inches high,
iron disc or scraper.
Medium Cow each 30c.
Bell, 6 inches high,
Will scrape a scalded
Large Cow Bell, 6J inches high, each 35c.
Extra Large Cow Bell, 7J inches high, 45c. hog in any part with
out cutting the skin.
Cow Bell Straps, to go round the neck, 30c.
Price loc each postage 8c extra.
No. Gopher Trap, one-spring, no chain, 13c
" "
with chain, " "

1 Muskrat no chain, "

1 "
with chain, 23c
Sheep Shears, bent blades, half polished, 50c "

li Mink no chain, " "

full "

65c "
" "

with chain, 30o

on a pair Sheep Shears is 15c extra.
Sheep Bells,
Same pattern and
material us cow Cold Blast Bee Smokers, 65c ; postage 25e.
hells, best \\rou-hl
hell metal.
Sheep Bells, small No. 2 FoxTrap, double-spring, nochain, 35c
size, each *( ; dozen, 2 "
with chain, 40c "

90c. 3 Otter Trap, no chain, 50o

" "

with chain, 60c

Sheep Hells, large size, lOc each; $1.10 60c
Finest Qnalitv Uncapping Knife for Bee 4 Beaver Trap, "
no chain,
per dozen. i

with chain, 70c

keepers, double edge, 1.25 ; postage 13o

Shot-]) Hell Straps, 15c cacn.


Dog Chains, made 01 patent steel weldless

links, strong and light. Prices as follows :

Medium weight, 4J feet, each .25c

n 6 " "

U, " "

.35c Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Xo. 4.

Farm bells are made of Crystal Bell metal.
The illustrations represents the styles of the
hangings. They may lie mounted on a post Prices of Church Bells.
or outbuilding near the house.
Dog Whip, with whistle end, plaited rus No. 1 Complete weight, with
set leather, price 60c each. about 40 Ibs. Price $1.75 each.
No. 2 Complete weight, with
about 50 Ibs. Price $2.25 each.
No. 3 Complete weight, with
about 75 His. Price *3 each.
No. 4 Complete weight, with
about lOp Ibs. Price $4 each.
Dog Whistle, each lOc.
Echo Dog Whistle (right picture), 15c. The price includes a tolling hammer, and
the bells are F. O. B., Hamilton, Ontario,
Bells are first class freight.
Best well laid and
hard twisted, oat to
any length and sold
only at so much per
Plain Rlaek Leather Dog Collars, buckle, foot. The pure sisal
1 inch wide, 20c 1J inch,"25c 1| inch, 30e.
; ; ropes (uied for tieing
Plain Russet Leather, with name plate, horses and cattle) we
tie ring and buckle for large dogs; always stock up to and in
give neck measure ; width 1^ inch, 25c ; 1-J
inch wide, 35c.
SCHOOL BELLS cluding f inch, while
the pure manilla
Our Steel Alloy School Bells arc the very
ropes we stock from f inch to 1J inch in
best bells manufactured for this purpose,
clusive, these being used for horse forks and
the sound being clear, penetrating and similar outdoor work.
sweet toned. Although these bells are in inch Russian Hemp Trip Rope, per ft., lo
tended for schools tliey are frequently pur
Pure Sisal Rope, per foot Jo
chased for church use, as well. Price as fol
7/16 lo
lows, without tolling hammers :

Dog Collar, chain pattern, leather andfelt 4 .1*0

for lock, any neck measure, 50c. . 2o
lined, "

Pure Manilla Rope, . 3o

. 4o
. 60

Kickled Steel Collars, for small and med
ium dogs, for padlock fastening, f inch If Tolling Hammer is wanted, add ?4. STEEL WIRE ROPE.
wide, 25e 1 inch wide, 35c.
CHURCH BELLS Wire Rope, J inch diameter, per loot. . .I
Dog Collar Padlocks, with key, lOc. If your church 5/16 3o
)g Chains, for leading small dogs, 25c.

has no bell, it needs 4o

Persiatic l>og
Wash. one. There is a 5o
For killing fleas, lice and other vermin on wrong way and a
dogs. It is anliseptie, healing, cleansing J 7o
right way of hang
and refreshing; full directions with each; ing every bell so as The Wire Rope ismade of the beat twisted
price, per bottle, 25c. to get the proper wires. The f
f and J inch
galvanized steel ,

Dog Combs, hard, black rubber, 15c. results. Every are made of 6 strands with 7 wires in each.
be] Try should have The inch and smaller of 5 and 4 strands.
a level ceiling just Galvanized wire rope should never be used for
above the bell, so running ropes or belts. It is used for cable
that the sound is outfit tracks, and stay ropes for derricks or
thrown out pro smoke stacks, stays or standing ropes of any
perly. An open belfry is better than one kind, or for ships rigging. A i inch wire
partly enclosed. The larger the bell the rope, made as above, has
the same breaking
more dignified is the tone. We have had strength as a one inch pure manilla rope.
A (3 Razor for $1. very great success in selling church bells, Wire Rope Thimbles or Eyes, heart
A by letter, from you
cfle dollar hill
and e\cry bell wo have sold is giving the shaped, for turning the ends of wire rops,
to us, promptly bring to your,
will greatest satisfaction. The material is the mad* for J, 5/16, |, J $ and J inch wire ropes.

nearest post ofliee one of England best specially tempered steel alloy or Price for any size, each 12o.
finest razors. This is the best razor! amalgam, and this metal will stand severe Wire Rope lamps The end of the
made in the world and was made toj climatic influences much better than any wire rope is turned around the thimble, then
sell for $3.Our price is only *1, post- ] other bell metal. Always state the name of secured with the clamp. These clamps are
paid to any Canadian post office. the church or Sunday school, when any bell made for J, 5/16, g, J, f and f inch wire ropei.
is purchased for this purpose. Price for any size, 25o each.
from the stop block is almost
release the car Leaf
runs smooth and easy, is splendid
human. It
It weighs about 30 Ibs. Double Harpoon
ly made and strong.
and ia made of special malleable iron. Fork
Onr price for this carrier, including one This is one of the beet
stop block and the trip pulley, as
shown hay forks in existence.
above, is 85.00. These carriers are made to Locks and trips easily,
run on 4 inch wood tracks. The track can be holds the load secure. Pa
4x4 good pine, or some use 3x4 pine with tent lever lock, length ol
1x4 hardwood on top of it, so that the car
tynes from cross bar to
rier rides on the hardwood. Extra stop points about 30 inches ;

blocks 40c. weight about 21 Iba. price ;

This carrier and pulley is used without any $2.75 each.

change whatever for cither our harpoon
Best heavy, strong Tackle Blocks, for wagon slings, which is a great advantage.
>r Short Slings Hay
fanner s or builder s use. These glings are made of doubled ropes 18
feet long, with large iron rings at each end.
The price is 75c each, 83.00 for the 4 slings.
These short outfits require one of our sling


Our Improved Carrier for Cable or Rod
Track is a good one. The trouble with so
iron, with
These are made of best malleable
many cable track cars is that when the track iron chain, only $1.00. This
attachment of the wrought price
sags a little the locking

been article does it work perfectly. It hangs di

car doe not work. This has thoroughly
the pulley hook of the car, same as
overcome in our Improved Cable Car. The rectly on
continues the Harpoon Forks do. The slings are re-
great demand for stacking
outfits |

leased from it with least tug at the trip.


to increase (see next page about stacking

car we have is just the The short sling outfit therefore includes 4
outfits), and the
block sling ropes at 75c each and one sling trip
thing. The stop is always in position
The car will work lock at $1.00, total $4.00.
and cannot go wrong.
on J. | or i inch cable or rod track. Price
class of for Car, Stop Block and Pulley, 85.00.
We make of this
a specialty
machinery. The practical
man in charge HARPOON HAY FORKS
Co in n on Double i
this department of our business keeps right
np to date in these matters. Every improve Harpoon Fork
ment that comes to hand is quickly placed in No. 1 Double Harpoon
for Fork, weight about 19
our stock and to-day we are headquarters Hay
thousands ol Ibs., made of special steel,
Improved Horse Forks, and
farmers are sending to us, from all parts
price SI. 25 each.
This Har
Canada, for these wonderful labor-saving poon Fork is a well-known,
ticles We sell these forks in sets or outhts, old reliable article. It goes
or we sell any parts separately. We handle in well, holds the load clean
only the be*t goods.
We carry fork outfits and trips easy. Length of
in stock at all times of the year and
would about
tynes from crossbar,
recommend farmers to put them up before 25 inches.
the busy haying season comes on. Grappling
Harpoon Fork
This is a combination
harpoon and grapple fork.
The picture above shows one of our
Jentre Trip Slings, while the next
It lias a hinged head and
crossbar, which tion shows how it is used. The sling is long
rack, and is ad
allows the fork to spread enough for the longest hay lock
out at the points as it ou justable in Isngth.
The central trip or
ever in
ters the hay. This motion is the best device for this purpose
ci-M ii when the load vented. The man at the trip rope
the situation no matter where
the carrier
is lifted, and the points an
then draivn together, thus permitting
th. mav be at the time with its load. The ropes
to 37 in in this sling are inch manilla, and

handling of short hay. It opens of the sticks 4 feet. Pnc<

Price spreader
dies, closes to 23 inches at the points. length
of each sling is 82.50.
>2.50 e.-icli.

American Com
Double Harpoon
Fork pression
This Lock Lever Fork i.

made of spring steel, sets will Sling

This swivel is a
one lover and locks eithe
open or closed. Cross bar nea Attachment;
Latest improved carrier.
or kink. I Length of tyne
car, and the rope cannot twist

from cross bar to points abou This article is used to draw the sling loai
a reversible car, and can be run to either side 22 Ibs. so that it will carry from the load
The ac 30 inches weight up tight
of the stop block with equal ease.

each to its place in the mow without upsetting

tion of the trip pulley as it rises to meet and price $2.75
Wood Track Fork Outfit, No. 1 1 -
For 60 foot track
Improved Car, stop block and pulley . .
8 5 00
Double Harpoon Fork i 25
12 Jointed Track Bolts 1 44
Hay Fork Pulley No. 11 Made of
3 Swivel Pulleys
(one a knot paseer).
3 Wrought Iron Screw
. . 75
best gray iron, japanned iron swivel frame Pulley Hook*.. 30
and 5 inch iron wheel, price 25c each. 60 feet Russian Hemp 60
Trip Rope
120 feet of j inch Pure Manilla 3 60
Rope . ,

The Compression If inch rope is preferred then add

Sling attachment works ad 1. 20 to above.
mirably on the slack rope between the wag 912 94
gon sling and the carrier pulley. When thi
horse is started the first to
happen is the
Wood Track Forlc Outfit, No. 13
tightening up of the sling load. Price of Improved Car, stop block and pnlley . . . 8 5 00
Best Double Harpoon Fork 2 75
Compression Sling Attachment is 2.35. Hay Fork Pulley No. 12 Made en- 12 Joint, d Track Bolts l 44
entirely of best malleable iron, swivel, knot 3 Swivel
Pulleys (one a knot passer) 75
passing, wheel about 5 inches. 50c each. 3 Wrought Iron Screw
Pulley Hooks 30
60 feet Russian Hemp Trip Rope 60
120 feet of J inch Pure Manilla 4 80
Rope .

15 64

Wood Track Fork Outfit, No. 13

Malleable Swivel Rope Hitch, each 25c Improved Car, stop block and pulley. . .8 5 00
Best Harpoon Fork . . . . 2 75
12 Malleable Rafter Brackets and Nail0 1 20
12 Hooked Track Bolts 96
3 Swivel Pulleys (one a knot . 75
passer). .

3 Wrought Iron Pulley Hooks 30

usual to use three or four of the Centre
It is 60 feet Russian Hemp Trip Rope 60
Trip Slings on each load. Therefore a wag-
Trip Locks, for c litre trip eliiiga. A per 120 feet inch Pure Manilla 4 80
fect trip made
of best malleable iron, and un Rope
gou sling outfit of this kind, besides the breakable. Price 65o each.
1 Rope Hitch 25
usual carrier and track, requires three
slings Extra Heavy Binge for Slings, each 10c 816 61
and one compression sling attachment, when
only out waggon is used at a time.
than one waggon is used then three
If more
Snatch Block
Wood Track Fork Outfit, No. 14
slings are
made Improved Car, stop block and pulley. 8 5 00 .

required for each waggon in use, but the Pulley, of

Best Double Harpoon Fork
beet malleable iron. 275
same compression attachment is used for all. 12 Malleable Rafter Brackets and Naili 1 20
To hitch horse to 12 Hooked Track Bolts
draw, makes work 3 Best Malleable Knot
easier. Price $1.00 Passing Pulleys. 1 50
4 Wrought Iron Screw Pulley Hooks. 40 . .
each. 1 Snatch Block
Pulley 100

Common Bolts, 5/16 x 4J inches for tracks, 60 feet Russian Hemp 60

Trip Rope
Jointed Track Bolts-They simply
dozen 25c. 20 f eet g inch Pure Manilla Rope
4 80
screw the rafter and then bolt through
This is o- t be-t Fork Outfit.
the wood track upon which the car is to run. $18 21
They are easy to hang, nd made of best Wood Track Sling Outfit, No. 15
wrought iron. Price 12c each. Improved Car, stop block and pnlley, $5 00
Malleable 4 Sling Ropes, at 75c . 3 00 .".

Rafter Brack 1 Sling Trip Lock and Chain 1 00

ets with 3 12 Jointed Track Bolts 144
v oil ing 3 Swivel Pulleys (one a knot 75
1 i-
passer) ..
holes in which 3 Wrought Iron Pulley Hooks 30
to hang the 50 feet of Russian Hemp Trip Rope ... 50
hooked track 110 feet of | inch Manilla Rope ... ... 4 40
bolls. Price lOc each with the nails. $16 39

Wood Track Sling Outfit, No. 16

Improved Car, stop block and pulley. .8 5 00
Track Bolts, 12 in. loug, each c
HAY FORK OUTFITS 3 Standard Centre Trip SI ings 7 50

For the convenience of our customers who 1 Compression Sling Attachment. 2 35

may not be familiar with Horse Forks, and 12 Malleable Rafter Brackets and Nails 1 20
know not exactly what to order, we have ar 12 Hooked Traok Bolts 96
ranged this line of goods in outfits, a careful 3 Swivel Pulleys (one a knot passer). 75
reading of which will assist a prospective 3 Wrought Iron Pulley Hooka i T .

Double Xuttcd Track Bolts, 12 inches, lOc purchaser. We recommend wood track out 60 feet Russian
Hemp Trip Rope, 60 . . ,

fits for barns. 120 feet inoh Pure Manilla Rope 4 80

We do not include the track in these esti 823 46
mates as it is simply good clear 4x4 dressed
stuff and can be secured iu any locality. Wood
Track Sling Outfit, No. 17
Pulley Hooks, made of best heavy wrought Wood
Track Fork Outfit, No. 1O Improved Car, stop block and pulley.. .8 6 00
iron, threads well cut, price 30c each. For 40 foot track. 4 Standard Centre Trip Slings 10 00
1 Compression Sling Attachment
Improved Car, stop block and pulley. .8 5 . 2 35
Double Harpoon Fork 1 12 Malleable Rafter Brackets 1 20
10 Jointed Track Bolts. 12 Hooked Track Bolts 96 .*

3 Swivel Pulleys (one a knot passer). 3 Malleable Knot Passing Pulleys

. . 1 50
3 Wrought Iron Screw Pulley Hooks. 4 Wrought Iron Pulley Hooks
. 40
50 feet Russian Hemp Trip Rope .... 1 Snatch Block Pulley 1 00
Hay Fork Pulley Xo. 1O Knot pass 110 feet of J inch Pure Manilla Rope 60 feet Russian Hemp Trip Rope 60
ing, swivel, iron frame 6 inch hard maple If $ inch rope is preferred then add 120 feet of J inch Pure Manilla Rope.. 4 80 .

wheel, price 25c each. f 1.10 to above. $12 30 Our bfst Slicg Ontfit. $27 81

Fork and Sling Outfit, X<. 18
V any
farmers prefer forks for loose hay and Tank All of our Rubber Belting is manufactured
This t-.o. 18 is t limps. &1O. by the very bf;.-,t Canadian manufacturers,
grain, and slings for sheaves.
a combination outfit, everj thing of the best. This is un viz. The Canadian Rubber Co. which is a
the sufficient guarantee in itself that the quality
Improved Car, stop block and pulley.. $ 5 00 .
Best Doable Har^ocn Fork 2 75 hrst Thresher s is first-class.
4 Standard Centre Trip Slinga 10 00 Tank Pump that Rubber Carrier Belting, cut to
1 Compression Sling Attachment 235 is made. IT is so any length as ordered.
12 Malleable Rafter Brackets and Nails 1 20 constructed as to 14 inch 2-ply, per foot. 5o
n 9
12 Hooked Track Bolts 96 be low down on 2 7c
3 Malleable Knot Passing Pr.lleys 1 AO 3
the tank. j

4 Wrought Iron Sirew Pulley Hooks .. 40 The cylinder is in

1 Snatch Block Pulley liO a h,iri/ po
60 feat Russian Hemp Trip Rope
sition, thus gaiu-

120 feet of J inch Pure Manilla Rope . . 4 sO

and simplicity.
The cylinder is ."

boivd on a lathe and pol-

Carrier Chain, double link medium, foot,

i.-h-.-d and is doiihl Capacity two heavy, t(

Best Extra Star

l.iiiTfls per minute. The valve seats are of

brass, and practically indestructible.
without inr. -Nj His.;
Y\Yi;:lit puni.
..! .
inches wide, X 2-ply, ynce per foot. 5c
weight of 15 fetV of hose is 15 " "

2-ply, 7c
3-ply, 8*c
3-ply, lOc
These Cable Outfits are for field work, fot " "

prairie -work or for stacking near the barn 4-ply, 26c
prior to threshiug. 4-Tdy, 32c
Set posts firmly iii the ground in a slanting 38c
position and make a loops around it with the 4-ply,
the cable, using the clamps we furnish to se-
cnre the ends. The shoulder clamps are bolt
Larger and heavier sizes on application.
ed to the cable to keep the uprights from
Very Best
working inward. When setting up a stack Hard Rubber
ing outfit, give special attention
to +K>

ity of the stay posts.

Suction Hose
Low Down Tank Pump $10 00 2 inch Hard Rubber
Stacking Outfit No. 4~,
15 foot length of 2 in. Suction Hose .. 6 90 Suction Hose, best heavy
Cable Track Car, withpnlleyandblock,$5 00 20 " " " " "

-- 9 20 wire lined, 15 ft. lengths

Double Harpoon Fork 1 25
10 Discharge Hose and

$6.90 20 ft. $9.20. Kach


1 in.
150 feet of i in. Galvanized Wire Rope, 7 50 Nozzle 2 50

2 Upright Post Bolts at 5c 10 length complete with

sucker end.
2 Wire Cable Clamps to secure ends. .. 50
2 Shoulder Clamps for uprights 20 Sheet Rubber Packing Thick
2 Swivel Pulleys (.one a knot passer).. 50 ness 1-16, J, 3-16. Price per lb., 25c. Al
2 Wrought Iron Pulley Hooks 20 ways give size of the piece required.
120 feet of f Manilla Rope 3 60 18c
Hemp Packing, per lb
50 feet of Russian Hemp Trip Rope 50
If you prefer | inch Rope then add
Ic per foot to above estimate. $19 35
Stacking Outfit Xo. 6
Cable Track Car, with pulley and block. $5 00
4 Standard Wagon Slings at $2.50 10 00
Leather Belting
1 Compression Sling Attachment 2 35
Cut to any length
150 fett of i in. Galvanized Wire Rope, 7 50
10 li~ inch, per foot. inch, per foot, 20c
2 Upright Post Bolts
23c " "
Garlock Spiral Packing, put up in boxes
2 Wire Cable Clamps to secure ends. . . 50 containing 1- feet each. Price 1 per lb,
40 I5C
2 Wire Cable Shoulder Clamps box contains 11 ft., weight about s His.
2 Swivel Pulleys (one a knot passer).. 50 i
;, i
Leather Belt Dressing, 1 Hi. package, fide
2 Wrought Iron Pulley Hooks 20 ;


80 keeps belt in good shape and prevents slip


120 feet of J inch Manilla Rope 4 i


50 ping, no resin used
in its manufacture.
50 fee*, of Russian Hemp Trip Rope "


r,j His.
$31 85 (H Ins.

xl Ibs.
A REMINDER DRIVE BELTS i.arlock Brown Si.,-eting Packing irublier
crack nor
and asbestos mixed), will n>.t

All articles purchased from us carry with

them a certain guarantee or responsibility on
Our Melts are made harden, 36 inches wide, 1 S2 inch thick, per
of the scry best Ex "

foot, $1.00; 1 Hi inch thiek, per foot, $1.75;

our part that the goods arc as represented by
inCanada, tlie laws of Canada
tra Star Rubber." i inch thick, per foot, $3.
us. Being 12c
Asbestos Rope Packing, per lb
can reach us if we decei\ e you. On the other
100ft., 6 In. 4-ply Extra Star Belt (endless) $25 Asbestos Wick Packing, per ball
hand, Canadians who purchase goods in the fi
28 " " "

\sbestos Hi. 40 x 40 inch

110ft., 6in.

United States arc entirely at the mercy of the
30 sheets, sold only in uil sic

120ft. ,6 in. I

U. S. dealers. It they deceive yon in the

38 Thick
" " " "

150 ft., 6 in. 1/16

quality, the laws of Canada cannot reach 47
150ft., 7 in.

them. It: is well to remember that tact, not 50c

We shall be, pleased to quote price for any Per sheet 35o IH>

to speak (if the hiv.ll duty between tin


countries. other length of endless belt upon enquiry. Continued on next )

Separator Sieves KITCHEN PUMPS
Upon receipt sanij le
<>i we can quote yon Pitcher S" >ut

for any size of perforated or wire cloth

x.iiu- Kitchen Pumr st
Best Quality Lace Leather, per Ib 70c for sejterator sieves.
pattern of pu^.p fo:
Best Quality Cut Laces, per Ib 75c Bushel Indicators house cistern use,
Thresher Bitsnel Indicators, counts num will draw watei
ber of bushels automatically as they Cv,me from any cistern.
from the separator, Can used in connec l>c
The handle will turn
tion, with any make of separator. around to any Mil"
Price, in
of the pump head to
cluding three bushel buckets, $13.
suit your conven
ience. In setting
one of these pumps
it does not follow
Adjustable Lace Cutters, each 60c
Band Cutters Knife that the pump must
be directly over the
Belt Hooks, 4 sizes, per 100 20c cistern. The cistern

Threshing Machine Teeth, 7c may be outside ana the pump in the house.
each We can supply teeth for almost any All iron pumps are second class freight.
machine. Send us by sample post one of each
Threshers Goggles, colored or white glass of the old teeth you require, and give us the
or all wire name of the machine for which it is wanted.
pair, 5c postage, 2c
Copper Plated Rivets, assorted, J Ib 15c
We can promptly fill orders for teeth of all
Clout Nails, assorted, per Ib the most common machines in use. Give
Belt Punchers 13c your order plainly, with full information
Cold Chisels, large and samples. Price only 7c for any quantity.
All of our Machine Teeth have nuts, and are
Center Punches, large 25c
made of the very best material.
Alligator Wrenches, small, 25c medium, 50c;


Threshers Very Large Monkey Wrenches, $1 This is used on agricultural
machinery of all kinds. Each Pressed
link has number stamped on it.
and we carry in stock links of all
the following numbers, viz. :
Nos. 25, 32, 33, 34 and 35;
price per foot, 15c. Sinks
Babbet Metal, per Ib lOc Nos. 42, 44, 46, 47 and 48;
Metal Ladles, for babbet or lead 25c
Water Gauge Glasses f x 10 inch, each. price per foot, 20c. Plain Steel. Galvanized Steel.
. . 5c Nos. 49, 52, 55, Al, Arrow ; 16 x 24 ins., ea. $1.25 16 x 24 ins., ea. $1.50
I x 12 6c

price per foot, 25c. 18 x 30 1.50" "
18 x 30 1.75
" "

f x!4 .. 7c
" "

Boiler Tubes 18 x 36 1.75" "

18 x 36 2.00
" "

Boiler Tubing, for threshing machines or Lead Waste Pipe, for sinks, 1J inch, per
other engines foot, 20c.
Iron Brackets, for kitchen sinks, pair 75c.

Water Glass Cutters, each 30c postpaid, 40c ;

Rubber Water Glass Washers, each 2c

Threshers Handy Iron Pipe Vises..,. 2.50

We charge for the full lengtti of rnbe as We carry in stock the best quality of iron
above, hut we have a good machine for cut pipe, in lengths of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16,
ting tubes, and we can cut the tubes to your 18 feet. Iii
lilling orders for pipe we ship
exact required length. Our charge is 2c for longest suitable lengths. If you wish us
each cut. to cut to special length mid rethrearl the

Threshers The price of boiler tubing fluctuates from piece, the price- will be lOc for each re-
Heavy Oilers, long spont, time to time. We always till our orders at Ihreading. A coupling is included with
handled, made in 2 sizes, medium size 20o the lowest current market prices.
each ; large size 25c each. each length of pipe. Iron pipe is 4th class
Threshers Small Oilers, each -.. .... lOo Ingall s Boiler Tube Scraper and Wire low freight. "Price of iron pipe, per foot, is
Threshers Common Bushel Mi-us ures, st d, $1 Brush, positively the most effective boiler as follows :

Threshers Heavy Bushel buckets tube cleaning brush and the most durable
SI. 50 Six.e <ialvau- Weight,
Threshers Large Grain Scoop Shovels, SI. 10 one on the market. Leaves tubes as clean Inside. Plain. ized. per foot,
MACHItfJB OILS as when new. It is a combined expansion
American Amber scraper and wire brush. Price-. 5c foot 7c $ Ibs.
Oil, 1 gal. tins, each . . 50c

2 Inch tie

9c 11-5 Ibs.
5 "

H "

lie 1
in 25 gal. lots in Price lOc "

common oil barrels $1 2 60 2 SO S 10 3 40 3 75 4 35 5 00 12c "

7.50 | I | I

American Amber Oil, in barrels (about

48 gallons) 13.25
AVire Boiler-Cleaning Brush, any size np
to and including 1 inches diameter, each $2.
Pump MasU-
ers These are
Our American Amber Oil is probably the Boiler Compound, liquid form, 6|c per Ib. leather washers, all
best oil on the market to-day for threshers use. Boiler Compound, improved concentrated,
ready cut for pumps.
Best Cylinder Oil, in 1 gal. tins 90c powder form, in 5 Ib. boxes, price, bos, $2. They are sold in pairs,
Threshers Feeding Mitts, post that is,
a plunger waeher and a valve washer,
paid, 13c extra The postage; on any small article which and there are three sizes of each.
Horsehide hands, 1 finger, 16 inches... 85o may be sent to you by mail is Ic for each So. 1 For 3 inch cylinder per pair 15o . . .

kin hands, 1 16
, 75o ounce. If you do not know how much to No. 2

3i ...20o " " " "

Calf-faced hands, 16 ...60c send for postage, then send enough, and we No. 3 4 ...25c
" "

Calfskin hands, 14 ..75o will return the Ixilauce. Postage 5c pair Send paper pattern. <-xtra.

For some years back we have made, a Ench

of the three pump* described lie-
specialty of Iron Pumps, and with g
low are frost proof. At our special re
success. The three pumps we illustrate quest they are made so that the bottom
below are the results
ence in
are put
this line.
of much experi
No better iron pumps
When ordering a
STOCK PUMPS of the cylinder is X feet below the plat
form, and there is an escape vent just
above the cylinder. All that remains
pump and piping always mention the
depth of your well.
FOR WELLS AND CISTERNS is for you to see that the surface of the
well is properly protected u gainst cold.

Style B Force Our Xcw

Fanner s Popular Pump, S!O Improved
Style A Stock Pump? This is a pump for shal Style Force
low or deep wells or cis Pump,
terns in the same way as
This picture shows one our $7 pump is. The bot Style C Force Pump
of our $7.00 Stock Pumps. It tom of the cylinder is 8 is very similar to our Style
is one of the best, iron pumpa feet below the surface, B, but is supplied with a
ever manufactured for pump and the escape vent is jnst stop cock or shut off at the
above the cylinder, and If you work this
ing water for stock. It pumps spout.
fast and works splendidly this makes it (same as in pump with a windmill
(jnst as it is) in wells or cis our $7 pump) absolutely this stop cock will be most-
terns which are not more than frost proof. The size of valuable. At the rear
35 feet deep. When wells the cylinder is also 3^ x sHe of the head of this
are deeper than 35 feet the 10 inches, which makes a pump is a plug, which may
cylinder must be lowered fast pump, especially suit be removed and a pipe at
down to within 30 feet of the ed for watering stock. tached to the pump at this
bottom of the well. This is Second, it is a force-pump point. This pipe in.
done by lengthening the piece of the best kind, the air conducted to a lank or res
of iron pipe between the chamber being just above ervoir at a considerable
cylinder and the pump head, the spout in the centre of elevation, and the wind
and also the plunger rod. the pump. Along with mill is constantly IV
Our price is 87. 00 each, and each pump we send a hose the tank with, the water.
includes the head and short coupling for the spout, as This suppli< lit -

length of pipe and cylinder, shown in the picture. The tle system of waterworks
as pictured. The bottom of pump can be used or "i fora house or barn or both.
the cylinder is 8 feet from the cleaning buggies, -water Price of Style C Pnmp is
It has
platform. The size of the ing gardens, tilling .anl.s, $11 as pictured.
cylinder is 3 x 10 inches in or for fire purpc same si/e cylinder as our
side measure, and gives a good How of water, Third, it has an extension plunger rod, other pumps, and takes 1^
Just above the cylinder is ;i small escape the handle can be removed, and the pump inch pipe below the c\ Un
hole, in the iron pipe, which empties the operated by a windmill. All these points der. Both our Style \\ and Style C Pumps
head of all water after each using. Weight combined and you have a splendid non- have screw spouts to which rubber hose may
of pump and cylinder is 68 Ibs. The bottom freezing iron force-pump which would prove be attached. Price of J inch rubber hosi
el each cylinder is litted for 1J inch pipe. itself a great friend and labor saver to any use. from the spoilt is 12-Sc. per foot. Price of
Price of 1 j inch pipe is lOc per foot. This is farmer or stock raiser. Weight 75 Ibs., tit- brass nozzle, for use at the end of the rin
a low priced well made pump, one that will ted for 1J inch pipe below cylinder. Price hose, is 15c., and this nozzle will thn-
fill the requirements of most farms. $10. as pictured. Iron pipe, Hindi, lOc foot. spray or a stream.
excludes the sand) and thus reaches the iron Reducers J to | inch, lOc ; 1 inch to J inch.
pipe of the pump. Price of our Drive Well lie; li to 1 inch, each 15c; 1 toli inch, 20c, ),

Points, complete with threaded end for at PIPE VISES

taching pipe, only $1.25. Wherev
steam boiler 01
No. 1 Pump dug wells, with
Cylinders, for pipe vises should be
outside threadingas pictured above (inside found. The frame
measure 8.} x 10 inches). Price, *2.~iU malleable iron and
each; weight 16 Ibs. These are same hinged. Screw and i

we send out with each one of our stock milled and tem
pumps. They are each fitted for 1J inch pered steel jaws, holds
iron pipe.
Return Elbow. Elbow End Cap. from i to 2.V inch
Total weight 18 Ibs.

No. 2 Cylinders, for bored wells, with

inside threading (inside measure 2J x 14 Pipe (
niters, :i wheeled, improved p:;

Size No. 1 Cuts to | inch, price -

inches). Price each. This cylinder 4r if . " .


Coupling. T .loiut. Keducer. "

2 1 to 2
" "

iof about the sunn- capacity as our No. 1. ::.<m.


Handles for our Style A Stock Pump, *

Iron Pipe Fitting* Pipe Wrenches. V. and B. pattern-
Handle Bearer Casting for Style A Pump,$l No. 14 Takes pipe i to 1{ b (1.55
No. 24 i to2A

Handle for Style B or C Pnmps, S1.25.

" "

Well Wheels, all iron, 10

inch diameter, for hang
ing over a well or cistern
28 inches
on which to raise or lower
the pail. Price 40c each.
These articles are 1} inch by long,
Well wheel screw hooks
Slid are used in very sandy soil. They are
The water lOe each.
driven right down into the sand.
fc tera through a very fine wire mesh (which

This mill especially made for grinding
oraham flour or corn meal for table use.
The grinding surfaces are of very hard ma
terial, specially made for the purpose, and

pound very true on emery wheels, and will

last for many The shaft is made of
Farmers Feed Cookers years.
steel, and will not bend or break.
Complete with
Heavy cold
rolled steel or boiler Diameter Fanning Mills, best mill on the market.
plate fur of wheel 20 inches. Total 30
nace, with smooth cast iron kettle- weight Ibs. Patent improved geariess pattern chain drive.
most Price, $5.00. Juct the article for a family The
convenient, durable, effective, economical grain can be seen as it passes through
grist mill. the mill. Six fans, improved screw
and cheapest feed rooter market in the agitator;
Farmers Feed Cooker, 30 made throughout of good material and work
gallons, $12.00 "

45 "

1500 manship ; well painted and varnished. Price

S16.75; price with baggingattachmentS21.00.
" " "

Weight, 1751bs.; weightwithbagger,2001bs.
Shipped as double first-class freight.
Fanning Mill Sieves
An immense wire factory in Hamilton
makes all the wire used in Canada for fan
ning mill sieves.
Fanning .Mill Sieve, Wire is all 2-1 inches
wide, and we cut to any length at following
30 gal- agricultural Power Grain Grinder prices. Mesh means so many holes to the
kettle, $ 6 30 The square inch.
45 simplest, cheapest and most durable

i;o " "


1009 chopper made for grinding or chopping corn, For. Mesh. Foot.
3 Pail Sap Kettles, with bale, $2.65 each. peas or other coarse grains. The capaeiu
of this chopper is from 8 to 16 bushels Wheat
" "

3 *>5
per 4 20c
Tank Heater Stove, for hour, depending upon the kind and quality Screening wheat 7 x 20c
water pipe to tank, connecting a hot of the grain and the amount of ii .i
weight 70 Ibs., price $8. power ap 9 x 20,;
plied. An extra pair of plates go with each Peas :: \ 20c
mill. Price $20. Oats from peas
Shipping weight, 200 Ibs. t
x 20c
Note. Grinders, Corn Shelters and Bone
Mills are 2nd class
Oats from wheat
Oats from barley
5x5 20c
freight. 2 x 10 20c
Cockle 8x8 20c
Barley 2.x 4} 20c
Clover 14 x 14 22o
Timothy 20 x 20 21c
Cast Iron Hay Rack, for horse stall, Chess 2 x 10 20o
weight, about 30 Ibs., can be put up in a few Flax 4 x 14 20c
minutes, price $1.50. Sand screen 30 x 30 80o
Cast Iron Feed Boxes, for horse Alsike
stall, 20 x!8 24c"
about 16 inches square, 27 Ibs. weight, fas 1H x 24
tened with screws, .1.00.
Timothy 26c
Timothy from al-
sike 26 x26
DRY Mustard from oat.s 16 x 16
Corn Muellers Mustard fr m barley

No. 1 Common Cast Iron Cora

BONE 10 x 10 20c

machines, price, only 1.50 each.

No. 2 Hatche s Patent "Black Hawk"
This mill will
Corn Shellers, chilled bearings, balance of
grind machine-all parts ot"best unbreakable mal dry
bones, shells, leable iron total weight, 14 Ibs.; will ad
all kinds of ;

just to all sizes of cobs, and separat s col s

grain, gravel, from the corn perfectly, price $2.75 each
stones, old crockery
ery etc
etc. "

It is also a

^ .

No. 3 Improved
)lendid machine f or stale bread,
cracker grinding Burrall s Corn
dust, ro o etc.
ts, barks, spices,
lb ; dla er0f **"* " ""*"
Shelter, the
Scfonly S5. OO best corn shel-
ler ever manu
GREEN factured. It is
BONE all iron and
very durable
MILLS it shells and

For green

fi ne
separates per Root Pulper and Slicer
easy, fectly clean ; it Wheel has six knives (all protected), cat)
and fast. Has will shell eit bet- be used cither as a pnlper or slicer by re
can be taken out, large or small versing the knives. Will pulp or slice tine
corn. We sell or coarse. The knives reverse without tak
sharpened and re- the genuine
placed ing out the bolts. A new and enlarged
50 Ibs
Weight, Bur rii 11 ma style of hopper which prevents choking;
Price $9
chine; weight, bearings all of the best hardened steel balls ;
l. iO 2nd
Ibs.; priee s8.75 ;
class freight. lit 200 Ibs. ! :: 9.50.

Steel Koal Scrapers

Road Scrapers, capacity "
3 cub. ft.,wt. 70 Ibs. $7
5 " "

80 "

" "

90 "

Lever Feed Cutter, No. 1.
The Cheapest and hest in Canada, nicely Garden Cultivator
painted and well made; weight 50 ll..: H>

This a sup; rior hand cultivator for garden

i:ieh throat cuts any length, knife easily
use. It lias two wheels, and a new device for
M capacity alien! J.riii II is. per hour;
a, i--led .

expanding and enclosing which permits the

price only $3. operator to do BO at occe. It is made of best
material, and well constructed. The expand
ing lever ia not shown in the picture above.
[t is comp with attachments for harrow
ing, furrowing and covering. Altogether it ii
a very handy machine for gardens, and will
quickly save its price, which is only 5.00 all
complete. Weight about 2i Ibs.

Wheeled ISoad Scraper*

Capacity 10 cubic feet of earth, track
feet 2 inehea weight -loulbs., .fio.OO.

Hand Feed Cutter So. 2

Oneof the hand-power teed cutters
Improved Seed Sower
niude, ^ knives, well linishcd and sul.istan- For uein the cultivation of onions, carrots,
tiullv constructed, and not liable to get out
beets, parsnips, strawberries and all other
of order. rice $12.50. Weight 160 Ibs.
1 ,>nl\
small drill crops. This machine will do the
Hand En work of six men with hoes. It is a perfect
small seed sower, sowing any kind of seed with
silage Cutter greatest regularity, without waste or clogging.
No. This feed wheel
. !
CultiTators Well made from It has a marker
cutter will lie to handles solid steel frame ; width of track
; for rows. It ii
found a handy
adjustable, depth of cat adjustable ; teeth also made with
machine fo i all reversible weight about 80 Ibs. Hilling
; weederandcul
those who Slave teeth and cutting tooth with each cultivator. tivator attach
no power, but Cultivators, with width lever and wheel ments. It pulli
anticipate hav lever, $6.50. the weeds and
ing power in the
the future 1<

toil, and will

apply to it. It run up close to
runs liyht by hand power, and does raph
the plants.
work, will cut from i to A ton of hay 01
straw peylionr. \Vidih of throat, inches !)
Price, seeder
from * to 1
Cnt.-> inches long. Coneavt I6.CO; price (or
knives il\ wheel is covered. Shipping seeder with t-

weight iTililli.-.. 2nd class freight, price $20.

tachm enti,
1 ower pulley $1 extra. *7.50.

Power Eiisil- Steel Frame Harrow

Hge Cutler A combined field cultiva or and garden har
No. 4 This is OIK row and pulverizer. It can be widened or nar
of the bi s
rowed instantly with a lever for the purpo=e
Krame is made of best steel. Each harrow is

cutters on tin complete with wheel as pictured, and each has

14 teeth, which may be set to any slant. Total
market. It is ;

2 knife cutter weight about 80 Ibs., price complete, 86.75.

with a capacity
of II) tons of
green corn pel
hour. They are Improved Turnip Sower
powerful nud durable. ing pulleyl>ri\ is This is a thoroughly substantial mnchiue,
14 x li inch face. Will cut $, i and inch. 1 and a reliable one for sowing turnips, carrou,
With Wide feed box, witll let-doWll maugolda and beets. These macbii
hide. The fly wheel and f;ear are all cov- England s Greatest Razor the very best satisfaction wherever used.
ered in when working. Shipping Kegular price $H, our special price only Cheap, strong and durable. Price 811.50.
50U -Ibs.. lind clav- 1
ivigln, pvio- $1, postpaid to any nlVive in Canada. 2nd class freight.
sizes, viz., 12 and 14 inches. Each is sup
plied with one extra steel share. Shipping
weight, about 125 Ibs. Price 12 inch plow,
with steel share on plow, rolling coulter and
with wheel, $16 14 inch, same rigging, $17.

All Steel Harrows

All steel frame and all steel teeth Teeth One Horse Plow
held solid. A satisfactory well built harrow. St eel Beam Plow for one horse -work, w iilth
3 sections, 60 teeth, weight 190 Ib3.,$l!.00 of share, 8 inches. Price, with cast share
4 "



15.00 "

and steel coulter, only $9.00; price, wit list eel

5 "

100 "

310 18.00 "

share anil steel coulter, 810.00; weight about

Width of each pection abont 4 feet. 85 Ihs.

S-Horse Sulky Plow

The lightest 2-horse sulky plow carriage
on the market. Perfect in operation, simple
in construction, easily handled, light of
draft; weight, 375 Ibs.; capacity of fur
General Purpose Plow row, 9 to 12 inches wide and 3 to 8 in
A ches deep.
general favorite wheiever used. Where
one plow is expected to do all the work on the Rigged with coulter and wheel, 836.
farm then this is the plow for the pnrpose. wheel and skimmer, $38. "

Improved Disc Harrow Weight ISO Ibs., 2nd class freight. Price with

rolling coulter, steel share, $40.

Positively the best Disc Harrow manufac coulter as pictured above, only $12.50. Broadcast Seeders.
tured in Canada. Special steel beam, best Thcso will sow all
hardened ball bearings spring seat. Adjust
of the common grains
able in every way. Shipping weight about
as well as buckwheat,
400 Ibs., 2nd class freight. Price all com
hnngarian, bone dust,
plete ready for nse, only 822.50.
plaster, barley, red
top, turnip,
gnano, hemp,
corn, rice, rye, etc.
Directions for use are
Improved Jointer Plow on each seeder. The
Made of very best material and of very best Cyclone is the best
workmanship, A prize plow in every sense broadcast seeder now made, and is guaran
of the word An old reliable make of sterling teed to do perfect work. Price 1.50 each.
quality, with new improvements. Weight 140
Ib3., 2nd class freight. Width of share 10^
inches. Capacity 9 to 14 in; hes wide, and 3
to 8 inches deep. Price complete with wheel,
Spring Tooth Harrow reversible skimmer and steel coulter as pic-

Improved Wood Frame Spring Tooth tured above, only $13.00.


Harrow, the very best of made with

its kind,
either 16 or 18 spring steel teeth. The best
barrow for new, rough or stony land. Has a Corn Planters, "King of the Field," the
centre chain connected to draw devise so as best hand planter made. Each 75c.
to bear down the outside teeth. Shipping
weight about 170 ibs., 1st class freight. The
16 tooth covers 6 feet, price $12.00; 18 tooth
harrow covers 6J feet, price 114 00 each.
Steel Frame Spring Tooth Harrows are
same nrirw AS Wood Frame Harrows.

Manitoba Stubble Plow

This plow is made with wood or steel beam,
and sold with wheel and rolling coulter.
Weight abont 100 Ibs., 2nd class freight.
Price with wood beam, $13.00; steel, $14 00.
Made 1
2, 13 or 1 4 inch share, prices all same.

This is the best in the market. Can be

Improved Field Scarifier used by hand or power. The pressing tubs
Or Heavy Drag Harrow, weight 185 Ibs., are strong and do not clog. Powerful screw,
covers 9 leet. This implement works up a easily operated, made in 3 sizes.

perfect seed bed on fall plowing, and is

Prairie Breaking Plows No. 1 Large cider mill and press, $18.50.
specially suited to heavy clay land. Price, This plow is one of the most popular break No. 2 Medium " " "

with iiniiroved shouldered teeth, $12. 0. ."

ing plows iu tlie west. It is made in two No. . ! -Small " " "

Farmers Every-Day Tools

Handled Carrot Hoes, 40c.

Dee Pattern Spade Handles, best, 2.">c.

Long Handled Steel Stable or Snow

Shovel.-:, 35c.
Handled Thistle Spuds or Weedcrs. 30e.

Loug Blade Heavy Ditching or Tiling

Spades, $1.25.

Common English Shovels, 50c.

Long Handled Sod Cutting Hoes, 75c.
Long Handled Ditch Dee Handled Sod Cutting Hoes, 80c.
ing Shovel, $1.

Best Ordinary Steel Shovels, 75c.

Extra Heavy Steel Shovels, $1.
Handlt d Weeding Hoes, 40c.
Spading Fork, Dee handle, 4 prong, 90c.
Spading Fork, dee handle, strap ferrule, $1.

lixtru Large Steel Sand Shovels, 1.

Handled Dutch Weeding Hoes, 5(Jc.

Potatoe Spading Fork, Dee handle, 60c.


(fit I otatoe
Loug Handled, Square Mouth Steel
long 4
Shovels, 7.")c.

prongs, flat, 50c.

Combination Hoe and Rake Weeder, 45c.
Long Hoe Handles, very best quality, lOc.
Hoe Handle Ferrules, 5c.

Long Handled, Round Mouth Steel

Shovels, 75c.

Malleahle Garden Kakes, handled, narrow, 20c

medium, 25c D handle, "
4 prong, Manure Forks, plain
30c ferrule, 65c.
" " " "

Long Handled, Narrow Furrow Steel Gardtn Rakes, handled, medium. 65c D handle, 4pro7ig, strap ferrule, 75c.
Shovels, 75c. " "

wide, 75c D handle, 5 prong, plain ferrule, si.

Garden Rake Handles, best quality, lOe handle, 1
5 prong strap ferrule" $1.10.


\ fvfe ""TiiMllif
Rivetted Ganb-n Hoes,
handled, best steel blades
Grain Scoop Shovels, small, 8,V. and good ferruled han

medium, si. dles, 30c. D handle, 6 prong, Manure Forks, plain

large, si. 10. ferrule, SI. 10.
D handle, 6 prong, Manure Forks, strap
ferrule. S1.20.

vegetable Scoop Shovels, si.i ."i

Solid Shank Steel Hoes, handled, 40c.

Solid Socket Steel Hoes (all one piece) 45c.
American Put. 4 Pr. Manure Forks, plain, 75c
" "

4 " "

strap, 800
Dee Shovel ?ramlle-, ricst qnalitv 25c.
Long "

Very Heavy 2-Hole Mortar Mixing Hoes,

Regular Solid Steel Spade, 7.V. handled. (i()r. handle, 4 prong Manure Forks, plain, ti^e


4 stra]
plain, 100

strap, 1.10


6 plain, 1.10
Extra Heaw Solid Sirel Spade, $1. Handled Turnip Hoes, 40c. 6 strap. 1.20

Grass Scythes, Black Diamond brand, 75c,

Manure Drugs, long handle, 4 prong, 60c. Red Rover brand, 75c.
Farmers Pruning Saw . . 45o

5 "


Short Manure Fork Handle Woods, each lOc

Lonp " " " "
Wide Heel Grass Scythe, Daisy brand, 75c.

I5c Farmers Double Edge Pruning !Sa , 50o

Mowers Delight, $1.00,
" " "

IVe Tops for manure fork Wide Heel Grass Scythe, Excelsior, $1.20.
handles, best malleable
iron, lOc each,

Combination Primer Head and Saw, 1.00.

Scythe Snaiths, patent bolt end fastcn-

ing, medium, 50c ; best. (I M- each.
Plain Manure Folk Ferrules, 5c. Large Wood Harvest Rakes, handled, 12c
Plain Hay Fork
Ferrules; 5c. leather ^litis.
Strap Manure Fork Ferrules, lOo. For ordinary cliorring work,
Strap Hay Fork Ferrules, lOc. or for any other work where a
Caps f"r Ferrules. ;j r .
guod leather mitt is required,
such as harvesting, we sell a Pruning Shears for grape vines, berry bushes,
mosr s])le!idid line of Oil Tanned etc., best quality, patent flat coil spring,
Saranac Leather Mitts. small, 35c medium, 40c large size, 50o ; ;

each. Extra springs 5c each. Postage on

Oiled Sarauac Mitts, one fin
With Sliort Plain Ferrule- a pair of shears 8c.
ger, per pair, 25e.
Hay Forks, 2 prong, straight handle, 30c. Oiled Saranac Mitts, without
2 bent "

35c. fingers, pair 25c.

3 "

straight, 35c.
" "

Price of these splendid rnitKs,

3 bent "

4r>c. doz. lots !? 75 (>

With Long Strapped Ferrule

Hay Forks, 3 prong, straight handle. !<)<.

3 bent "


No. 1 Horse Poke, with wire prongs, 30c. Heavy Pruning She rs, with hand shield, 50c
No. 2 Improved Heavy Animal Poke, with Grape Bunch Cutti-r Shears, 2.V.
one poke stick and to fasten about the Grape Twine for tying grape vines, ball,
neck with a strap, a good article and al skein or rope form. Per Ib. lOc.
Hay Fork Handles, very oest quality, most sure with anv animal, OOc.
medium or long, straight pattern, 12c
.short, ;
bent pattern loc each.

(Farmers Heavy Pruning Knives, each 75o;

postage 8c.

No. 3 Two Prong Neck Poke, with wire

stick prongs, 35c.

Barley Forks, or Short Hay Forks, or PRUNING TOOLS

Chaff Forks, 4 prongs, with wire
long handles, .fl.15 earli.
Straw Forks, 13 inch tynes, 3 prong, long Hedge Shears, best English make, plain
bent handle, plain ferrule, 60c e.-u-h. blades 75c with twig cutter, 1.00.

Oral ii
Grain Cradles,
turkey wing,
moolcy or half
moiiley pat
Buckeye Pruning Cuppers With
wood handles about 20 inches. Price $1. No 1 Corn Knife, smooth edge, 25c.
terns, complete Extra Heavy Long Handled
with sc.Mhe,
Buckeye Tree No. 2 " "

corrugated edge, 40e.

Primer, with heavy blades, $1.50.
f ^.ii) each.
Grain Cradle
Fingers, ir>c

Grain Cradle No. 3 Corn Knife, curved blade, 30c.

Long Tree Pruners, 6 feet long, 75c.


8 "

" " "


10 "

$1 00.
" " "

Grass Scythes, eueapest, 60c. Extra Tree Pruner Blades, 25c. Corn Husking Pin, for mitten, 7c.
Corn Husking Pin,
for glove or bare
hand, lOc.
C o in m o n Iron
Husking Pins, each
Mattocks, each


Pick Mattocks, each . .90c

Cyclone Sprayer For spraying po

tato plants, tomatoes, fruit trees, rose
No. No.
boshes, cattle and Len houses, etc. Has a Pick or ?ian,M-k <-,
reservoir attached for holding liquid.
Throws the finest kind of a spray. A grand
n. 1 Common Post Hole Augers, usual
size,very strong, 8 inch, 90c ; 9 inch, .si
good article at a very low price, viz., oOc 10 inch, 1. 10 each.

each. Made of best heavy material. No. 2 Improved post Hole

Auger, solid
square stem, screw point, made only in 8
inch size, price 65c each.
No. 3 Eureka Post Hole Digger, works well
in any kind of laud,
Crow Bars, best steel, length 4$ to 5 feet ,

price si. 35. 75c each; medium, SI. 00; heavy,

$1.35 ; order lever point or sharp point.
No. 2 Tree Sprayers, for small fruit gar
dens; will spray any size fruit tree, throw
ing a tine, light continuous spray; all
brass double cylinder, about 20 inches
long, short hose with spray nozzle can ;

be screwed to bottom of pail or ti: Barb Cant Hooks, best Impruved

Stretchers, for wood bar, 25c ea.
(loos its work well and easy. Price S3. Buck Bi l pattern; total
No. 3-Strong ouhle I
length 5i feet, weight, 10i
acting Spray Pump Ibs., best maple handle. Price 81.25.
for ii.-e in large or
chards an.i fruit
tariieiis. Can
fastened on the side F80M POST.
or end of any bar
rel, brass lined cy
Barb-wire Stretcher, crank pattern 75c
linder, one long
hose, with good
spray nozzle, works
i-p endi l, and gives
the be-t of satisfac l<Og
Chains Length 14 feet large hook ;

tion. Price, without the barrel, sx. at one end, grab hook at other end, made
Blue Stone of best iron, well welded swivel in centre.

Blue Stone, or Blua Vitriol, used for spray Barb- wire Bundle Lifter, each 40o Log Chains. ~, It; iron, weigh ISlbs., .Sl.ii.~i

best quality, per Ib.

" "


23 Ibs., 2.00.
ing fruit trees, bushes, etc.,
any quantity c. (i Heavy Open Log Chain Hooks, 30c.
Warranted pure Paris Green, per Ib., 22c. Heavy Link Grab Hooks for log chains, 30c
Persiatie Tree Spray.
This in a very concentrated form, en

tirely soluble in water, leaving no ^residue

on standing. No labor is lost in mixing this
solution, and no harmful results will occur Iron Coil Chain, 3/16 inch, per foot, 6|c.
Iron Sledge Hammers, 6, 10, 15 or 18 Ibs
to the fruit trees. Full directions on each J inch, per foot, 8^c.
weight. Price per Ib. 5c.
package. One quart of Persiiitic Tree Spray 5 16 inch, per foot, 9c.
makes one hundred quarts of the mixture ., per foot, IOC.
for spraying the trees. Price, quart, 50c. 7 inch, per foot, 13^c.

| inch, per foot, 16c.

Handled Brush Hook, Sl.CO.
Patent Steel Chain
PatentSteel Chain, no welding, very
strong chain. Price as follows, cut to any

Fence Wire Pliers ami Cutters

8 inch, 35c; 9 inch, 40c 10 inch, 45c.
IB length
No. 4
per foot, 2c.

Light, breaking strain, 450 Ibs.,

No. 3,0 Medium breaking strain, 1,800

These are for cutting black or galvanized Grub Hoe H ead, heavy, 7.V. Ibs., per foot, le.
fence wire. Each pair of pliers has three
No. 7 Heavy, breaking strain, 3,200

places to cut the wire. Strong and of good Ibs., price per foot. t<;

material. Postage loc extra.

ceialty of sell-
Short, Heavy Brush Scythe to tit any or nuiue "A altham Watch
dinary scythe snaith, 85c. There are no bettei
watches made ill the i\ .

than Waltliam s. That is

Post Hole Spoons, round shaped shovels, with why we handle, them ex
very long handles for cleaning out post
holes,, each 75c Pick Axe Heads, each 75c

Law ii Rollers
A perfect pattern of
lawn roller, diameter 26
inches. Your lawn will
look better, your grass
will grow better and
and your mower will
work better after your
lawn is rolled. No. 1,
weight 350 Ihs., price
16 No. 2, weight 250

His., price $13.

Low Wheel Lawn Mower. 12 inch cut, $2.75 Lawn Benches or Settees, iron ends, slat
14 inch cut, 3.00 bottoms aud backs, $4 each.
WIRK POULTRY NETTING 16 inch cut, 3.2c
This is made of galvanized wire, with good
selvage wires. It all comes to us in rolls of
50 yards, but we will cut it to any length.
Per yd.
12 in. wide, full rolls 2^c; cut to 3c
Bio; 6c
H; 8c
He No. 10 Vase only, 20 inches high, diameter
The sizes of the holes in our Wire Poultry of top 16 inches, base 8 inches, weight 30
Improved High Wheel Lawn Mower. 12 Ibs, price $2.75 each.
Netting are two inches each way. The weight inch. S4.25.
of a roll (50 yards) of 36 inch No. 11 Vase only, (right hand picture),
netting is 39 Ihs. Improved High Wheel Lawn Mower, 11
Price of small staples for netting, 8c per Ib. height 24 inches, diameter at top 20
inch. $1.50.
inches, base 11 inches, weight 65 Ibs., price
Improved High Wheel Lawn Mower,
GARDEN TOOLS inch. S4.75.
16 S4.00 each.

Improved High Wheel Lawn Mower, 18

inch. if").

Adjustable Glass Catehers.for mowers. 75c.

Emery Stones, for sharpening lawn mow
Strawheirv Hind Knrks, lOc. ers, 15c. Emery Dust, per Hi.. 10e.
Rubber Garden Ilose,
We carry 3 ply Rubber
Garden Hose in 2 sixes. An
original length in 50 feet,
Flower lied \Veedei-s, lOc. but we will sell hose in any
of the following lengths, 10
feet, 15 feet, 25 feet, 35 feet
and 50 feet. The price is
for the hose without coup-
Garden Trowrl.-. Id.-.
lings. When hose and coup
lings are sold together, we
will lit them for yon. The No. 12 Lawn Vase, with pcdc.stal and base,
measure given is inside ileft hand picture!, height 41 i)n !ies.
measure of hose, diameter of top 16 inches, base 14 indies,
Rubber Hose, 1 inch, cheapest quality. weight 86 Ibs., price $5.00.
per foot, Sc. No. 13 Lawn Vase, with pedestal and base
Rubber Hose, i inch, good medium qual (right hand picture 1
height 4 feet,
Flower Bed Tool-, per set of 3 pieces, ae- ,

and 45c. ity, per foot. lOc. diameter of top 20 inches, base 17 inchc--
ording to sixe, 15. 20. 25. 3"

Rubber Hose,
Child s Mower lied Rake. 15c. j inch, very best quality, weight 162 Ibs.. price sp.OO.
per foot, 12c.
Hoe. 15c.

Rubber Hose, f inch, good quality, per

Hoys or Ladies Small Spades, 15 and 25c. loot. 12^c.
Rubber Hose, f inch, best quality, 15c.

Brass Hose Couplings, -J or f , lOc.

Regular Garden liakes, handled, small 20e Repair Hose Joint, i or f, 5c.
Regular Garden Rakes, handled, nied 25e Handy Screw Hose Hand, | or J, 5c.
Regular Garden Rakes, handled, large, 30c II.
Hand, double wires, or f , 2 for oc.
i- :

Steel (;anli-n liakes. medium sixe, 65c.

Hose Band Wire Pinchers, 20c.
large sixe. 75e.
Wide Reversible Lawn Hakes, handled, 60e
Lawn Twig Browns. I5c.
Lawn Sprinkler-,, to attach to garden
Huiiiier Hose Washers, 6 for 5c.
Garden Ilose Heels, of best Height 4 feet 6 inches, diameter of basin
material, with Brass Hose Xoxxle. spray, stream or shut
iron wheels an.l hose holder, 1
very ornamental,
feet, weight 800 bs.,.

price 75,.. one, a splendid ncxxle. price I5c.

off. all in
price $10.00 each.
TiiovcabTe sides, stunt wood wheel, v.-rll tired,
braced legs as pictured, nice painted, and
well suited for a general purpose family
barrow weight. 45 His-.; price,, 3.25.

Heavy Farm Barrow, sides remove-able,

Iron Barrow Wheels. heavy all-iron wheel,- braced legs, painted
No. 1 Iron Barrow "Wheel, height 16 ineh- ted :
-weight, 70 lb.,.; price. $3.35.
width of 1J inolies, number
tire <
I We offer good value in Farmers Grain
spokes S, weight of wheel 10 His.; pi-ie.-. Sags. We carry four qualities, standard size.
with heavy holt for axle, 85c. This wheel Xo. 1 Grain Bags, per dozen $2.50
is intended for light harrows. 2 2.25
" " "

sjo. ..
Nn. 2 Iron Barrow Wheel, factory made Vo. 3 2.00
" " "

height, 19 inches; length of axle, 11 4 1.75


inches; width of tire, 2 inches;

diameter Vst Cotton Twine, ball I0 dozen 1.00 ;

of solid axle, f inch; number of spokes. -fandy Bag Holder, for holding open grain
8- weight 18 Ibs.; price s 1.10 each. bags, may be hung near a grainery on ha rn
SAMSON Steel Wheelbarrows
Solid Steel
floor and is very useful. Price each.


BARROW tray, Bteel tubular handles, very strong,

WHEEL metal no wood used in construction at all,

No. 3 This is the besl Price, complete, with wheel, only $6.75 ;
barrow wheel manu weight, about 90 Ibs.
factured. It is hand
made in every detail,
and of specially
strong construction
height, 18 inches;
Elevator Buckets.
length of axle, 15 Made of heavy tin, with iron bands.
inches width of tire,
Across Price
2 inches diameter of
belt. Projection pints. each.
solid axle, inch : Handy Hand Cart, diameter of wheels, o(>

number of spokes, 12; weight onh llji inches; axle, -J inch; box, 40^23 inches; 3 inches 3 inches 4c
His.;price $1.25 each, or 5 for Mi. depth of box, 10 inches; weight, 90 Ibs.; 3 "

Si ;.
Iron Harrow AVhee s secure a third (lass nicely painted price $5. ;
4 :-:

low freight rate, same as wheelbarrows.
6 1

or Barrel
Handy Bag
Truck, metal handle, l.oani

bottom, iron wheels, price 7 5 2i 10

Same, with bag holder
attachment, if! f inch by 3 16 or i. peat loc. $1. 40.
1 inch by 3 Hi or i. per 100, 1,45.
inch by 3 16 or -
J, per KXi, 1.50.

Barrel Headers or
Railroad or Navy Barrow, full sized tray, Fruit Presses
well and strongly made, bolted through :

by apple packers for

out, made of selected hardwood, with iron
down the fruit be
wheel, weight about 45 Ibs. Knocks down ending the barrel
flat and secures lowest freight price only ;
The side chimps \\ or!,
SI. 75 each. Rough, but cheap and strong. i
torn of the barrel
.i-r s Ham Floor Truck, heavy iron Sixe of screw, H inch diam
v heels and legs, good_-;tiong article,; eter. Total weight of
weight, L l! Ibs.; price, $1.75 each. about 15 Ibs.
er, Price,
Warehouse or Store Truck, for heavy work, sl.35 each.
iron wheels. :U inch tread x S inches high.
Mont axle, wood cross bars mortised weight, Pullers,
i 1
Ibs.; prii for top and bottom rows
in the barrel, when ,

Oanleii \Vheclbario\vs, with removeabV ing, 25c.

nidcs, nicely painted, striped and varnished,
iron wheel, braced legs, made for light gar Farmer s Hand (Jrain Sieves, 1:.
den or lawn work shipping wuight. 451b>.;
wood frame, IS inches diameter, reii.
price $2. 25 each. wire gauze bottom, any mesh from i

to the inch. each. Price tiMc

lion Founder llea\y Kiddles, :; si

Wooden ir^ii. is inches diameter, am mesh \ouwish

2 Quart Measures (inspected) ...20c

" " "

...25c fioin ;: to Hi, each 75c.



...35c teavy Brn- hes, steel wire,



j Bushel

...50i with handles, 1 rows of 3J im-li vire, ea. 45c,

... $1 Mason s Kxtra Hea .ind:ir>l

Iron, wood hoi Tin 4 Qt. Measures "

.. .35i mesh |2 x i inc.ll in tile clear} made of No.

Peck "

...60c 1(1 gauge wire.

Half Bushels cadi size 7 feet X
Family Harrow, with incll

Heavy Garden re- "

or ;
send a pattern of the old knife on paper,
showing the bolt holes. We can supply cut
ting box knives to fit any machine.
No. 3 Cutting Box Knife, each 90c
No. 4 $1.00
" " " "

No. 5 1.10
" " " "

If we do not have knives in stock same as

your pattern we can have them made for
Wire Horse Muzzles, to prevent horses from you, in which case we reserve the right to
eating busies and green stuff when cultiva have them sent direct from the factory to you.
ting, each 15c.
Wire Hens Nests, clean, airy and durable,
can be screwed up to any convenient plan-. 25e
It is a perfect, grinding machine. Both sides
only 6c each of the machine sections are ground at the same
We carry in stock Lightning Hay Knife, best quality of steel time, and
sections for all the and best pattern of hay knife now made, perfectly uniform. This is the only

machine that will grind a broken or notched

most importantMow- weight 4 Ibs. Used on hay stacks or in
erg, Binders and hay mows ; cuts quick and easy, easily
Reapers. We can al sharpened; length of cutting edges, 20
so have manufact inches ; length over all, 34 inches. Price
ured any number of only 75c each.
any section you de
sire. When sections
have to be manufac
section properly. There are two wheels with
tured to order, we
each grinder. One, a bevelled edge, for grind
reserve the right to
have the sections sent direct from the fac ing sections, and one with a flat surface for
Section each other work. The wheels are made of corun
tory to you, rather than delay your order Hay Knife, $1.00
for other goods. Sections for Hay Knife, extra" large, always dum, a substance much harder than emery.
send pattern, each 15c. Total weight of each machine 18 Ibs. Price,
Our price for sections to fit any machine is
$5, with 2 wheels ivs described and pictured.
only 6e for each section, and any number at
that rate. The price incl jdes sufficient rivets Extra wheels 60c each. Saw gumming wheel
60c extra
any number of sections ordered. If you
want sections sent by mail, then add 3c for The surface of the on 6
each section. wheel is tlat. and iliiin th 1

Special Jfotice We accept will m machine may lie used for

order for sections for any machine unless a other purposes. such as
Straw Stack Knives, knife edge
pattern of the section (showing the size of grinding scissors, jack
section and position of rivet holes) accomp pattern, each 90c butcher
knives, hoes,
anies the order and always give, also, tha One of these
knives, etc.
name of the machine for which they are Grinders will cost you $5,
wanted. Our customers tell us our machine but you would not take 25 for it if you
sections are the best they have ever used. Harrow Teeth, length 6 inches, threaded could not
Pointed at lower get another.
They are all ready, keen-ground, for im and nutted at top end.
mediate use. Price only 6c each. end. Weight Ib. each. Price 5c each. Family
Section Rivets, best, assorted lengths in 1 Sulky Teeth. Rake Wheels Emery
Ib. box, per bex 12c. Made of very best tempered and tested The illustration shows
MACHINE CUTTER BARS steel. We carry in stock teeth for each of one screwed to the cor
ner of a table or work
We do not carry Cutter Bars for all machines the following rakes :

in stock. At present we only BtocK Cutter Maxwell Hake Teeth, eaeh 25e. bench. A great speed
bars for Brantford Mowers and Meadow Lark Tiger Rake Teeth, right hand, 2-V. can lie obtained, and for
Mowers. Tiger Rake Teeth, left ham!. 2.V grinding table knives,
Brautford Mower Cutter barj complete Sharp Rake Teeth, 35c. carving knives, jack
with seventeen 3x3 sections, head casting knives, etc., such an Em
marked 22 H. Price, $3.00. ery Wheel can make it
Meadow Lark Mower Cutter Bars, with self very valuable in any
seventeen 3 x 2 sections head casting marked house. Price, only 91
No. 292. Price, $3.00. Plow Handles \\upainted, each 40c pair 75c. eaeh, complete as bhown
in cut. Diameter of Em

Meadow Lark Guards, M. L. E., 25o, each.

Brantford Guards, No. 628, 25o. each. ery Wheel, 6 inches; thickness of whesl, f
M. L. Guard Plates, 4c. each, 40c. dozen.
. iuch total weight, 5 Ibs. ;

No. 628 Guard Plates, 4c. each, 40c. "

M. L. E. Guard Bolts, 4c. each, 40c. Foot The

No. 628 "

4c. each, 40c.


,, Grinder Power
We can make Guard. Plates to order for In any shop where an
any inaeliine, no less than ]2 made. edge tool is ground, this
machine will be welcome.
Plow Wheel, with clamp, The speed is exceptionally

Patent Reversible Skimmer, with clamp, fast. The wheel is of the

$1.10. very best Turkish emery,
Plow Colter, with flam]), ?1.25. will cut quick and last
Kruse Ivross Plow Klevis. Jits any plow, 25c long. Size of wheel 6
inches by f inch thick, and
3,600 revolutions per
Buy a "Waltham" Watch and minute is easily maintain
Cutting Box Knives We offer these you will have good time keeper.
a ed. The machine can be
knives in three different sizes. They are We make a specialty of genuine fastened up in any con
numbered 3, 4 and 5, and on your old knife Walfliaius. See index for pa.^e. venient place with very
yon will likely tind a corresponding number. little trouble. Price $5. 1 5.
However, to make sure, it is best to always Weight IX Ibs.
Chan" or
Best Splint,
Smooth Grit Cigar Shape Emery Stone, lOc. Side handles.
well made. 1
ity. each 20c ;
dozen, $2.10.
2 bushel ca
Coarse Grit Best Solid Emery Scythe pacity. each
Emery Wheels. Stone, wire center. 15c.; 6 f..r 75e. 40c; dozen, $4.50
Safety Disc
Best Hamilton manufacture I Emery Hart
Wheels. Always give size of mandrel hole, Sharpener
Turn disc harrow on
and say for wbat purpose tin- wheel is
Wo run make- them with llat or its Lack and attach
Wanted. Rest Green Willow
the crank as in the
bevelled edge or round edge as ordered. Feed Baskets, capac-
picture. A good ar 1 lui.shel. cadi
ticle, will last a life
time, and does its
work right :weight,
aliont 8 His.: price $ 2
each. Any farmer can
sharpen his discs him
self with one of these
sharpeners aud do the Ilayeoek Covers
work Those are used for
covering ha\ eocl
sudden storms. They
are made of good duck
Less than i inch same price as ini-h.
canvas, and ha\ e eye
5 inc-li same price
as | inch.
let hole corners.
i inch. " "

Haycock <

overs. size
Larger sixes quoted for on application. 5 x 5 feet, ea<

Havcoct Covers, size 6x6 feet, each 80e.

,ck Covers, size 7x7 feet, each s 1 .



Best Binder Canvas, 36 in. wide, per yd..36c

40 " " "

50 " " "

Grindstone Castings, light weight, set ">0<

58 "

" "
mod. " "

We "

60 " "


" "

7.V Onr canvas is the best heavy white duck,

Grindstones. and will be out to any length.
We stock a large quantity of tin-
carry in Binder
very grindstone- from the famous
host Slats
Cleveland quarries. These stones vary in 40 ill., each 2e
price as follows, 50, 60. 70, 80, tide, si H h, , 50 in., each lie Staclt or Grain Corers
The are 60 each -lo
.riling to si/.e. in., Made of extra quality, S ounce duck,
for fanners general purpose use. n We Metallic quick priced withonv poles, but wiih eyelets
advise our customers outside of the mvinee These
fm sides, with short ropes attached.

.1 f On purchase grindstones lYum MS.
I arii i to broken hinder covers may lie P irain in
10 heavy and too eheap to send bags or barrels, or any other simila.
slats, .V each,
profitably on a long
distance shipment. 10 x 16-feet, 84 00 II 60
oil handy
12 x IS feet, 5 40 10 1M ">0

article. feet,
14 x 20 feet, 7 00 ;,
18 00
24 x 40 feet, ,*24.00.

Machine Section Sharpener, mow, rs
. , . ,
Coppered Binder Hat Rivets. lb. 2.V.
friend, Ci ou \ails, Eor binde)
Ti Ulfed i ,
Hi. l.V
made of emery, use, as while the S |. lt straps. U x u: inches, cadi 12e.
arm is in the machine, each 20c.; (i for.fl.
ll( .. |vv ,. ;..], i;,,ii,.,

Red End Scythe Stones, 3c.; 6 for l.V. White Wall Tents
The prices include poles and pins,
and our
Rubber These are 8
I>rill Tubes ox. ami Id 07. duck canvas is the \ cry best.
made of the hest of pure rubber, and only by
buviug great quantities of these articles are
ilili- to qiiot<-
such prices as \vc do.
best. Rubber Drill Tubes,
Rough Grit Scythe Stones, .1 h 6 for 25c. -No. 1-Bell T.I.,
(Upper picture) 23 inches long, price 25c

No. 2 Plain Top best Knbber Drill Tubes,

23 inches long, inside at top 1J inches,
No. 3 Plain Top, best Rubber Drill Tubes,
English shape. Hound Stone, lOu. 23 inches, inside at top If inches, each 20c
Canvas Eyelets.
Brass Eyelets, with
as pictured for use ou
canvas, made in 3 sizes. Size
of hole i inch, per dozen 5c

5/16 iuch, dozen 8c ; f inch,

dozen 10c.

Cotton Flags, on sticks, either Canadian Sailors Sewing
flags or Union Jacks, both same pi-ires. each, Palms, 35o
Size 3x2 inches, each,
lOo Ic ;
Flax Spinning
Wheels, foot power tread,
postage 5c.
6 x 3* 2c all hand
; 20c made, of very choice wood, and of
9x6 3c 30c

Sailors Yellow Oiled

best seasoned stuff,
very light running,
14 x 8 5c ; 50c

Clothing: Caps, 45c 8 f tb v v l"*t.

22 x 13 10c I 81.00 jackets,
$1.25; and pants,
S1.25, all made iu iToi !,

d ameter of wl t 1 30
Total w? "


3 sizes, smolL medium whes; "

27 x 18 15c 1.50
and large sizes. price $5 50
30x22 Mariners Pocket Wheel Heads, for wool
25c; 2.50
Compasses 25c .

spinning wheels,
Cotton Flags, not Sticks on per right hand illustration
above, with
These may be sent by mail at a cost of anti-friction
bushings and well made, 65c.
from 2 to 8c each, according to size.
Union Jacks, 14x11 inches, 5c Wool Cards, for card
each, doz. 50c ing wool or cotton,
26x20 15c 1.50
length nine inches,

32x32 25c 2.50

R l Standards, 25x21 15c price, per pair, 40c.
Caiiail n Flags 32x21 20c Postage, per pair. 20c
2.00 extra.
British C.ofA/25x30 20c 2.00
Fgs. of Sootl d -26x18 15c 1.50 The Teslin Camp Stove, folding or collaps
21x30 20o 2.00 ible, 4 hole top, large roomy oven, good tiro WHAT OUR FRIENDS SAY
Irish Flags, 24x2t> 20c 2.00 jox with dampers, stands on legs. Total Ihcse who buy our goods sesrn more like
French Flags, 29x20 18o 1.75 weight, with 5 pipes, 56 Ibs.; price, with personal friends than customers in the usual ;

German Flags, 29x20 18o 1.75 testable stove pipes, $3. The picture show meaning of that word. We receive at our
American 29x20 "

18c 1.75 one knocked down flat for shipment. office many unsolicited letters of a
Postage on any of above flags, 5e extra. The Camper s "Handy Andy" Stove. nature. AVe wish we had room to pleasant
Cotton Bunting, red, white or blue, yard 5c This is a light sheet steel collapsable stove, of them, but that is not print all
possible. We thank
Best English Flags
vith 2 hole top, kuocks
Banting right down fh-.t fox our friends heartily for the many expres
carrying ; length, 24 inches width, 12 in sions of good will that we receive. ;

English ches weight, 15 Ibs.; price, $1.75 with

Length. Ensign.
Same stove, with 1 hole top, total length
Worth More Money
Dear Sirs, About four years ago I bonght
inches, 81.50.
3 feet $1 35 one of your Maple Leaf Washing Machines
6 "

2 00 and I never have to nse a wash board for

9 any article, no matter how dirty. It is an

3 50
_J2_ 6 00
honest machine, more than -worth the
Fine Silk Flags money. Yours truly, Mis. P. St.C. McGregor.
Union Jack, 15 x 11 inches, each 25c.
Our Catalogue is Too Modest

22 x 16 " "

50c. New
Westainsser, B. C.

37x24 "

$1. Dear S rs, The organ arrived in tivst

English Ensign, 15 x 11 inches, each 25c. class condition a fortnight ago. It is fully
Royal Standard, 34 x 24 inches, each 50c, as good, or better, than described in your
Canadian, 4x6 inches, each gc. catalogue, and has been much admired by
15x11 " "

25e. Money
allwho have seen
it. We also received the
improved combination box of
37 x 24 saddlery and whiffletrecs previously.
" "

1. lock and alarm bell, can be set to com

Irish Flags, 4x6 inches, any I am
each lOc. bination, and only opened by the person very well pleased with all of the goods,
American Flags, 17 x 12 inches, each 45c. in the
knowing the correct combination, a false near hope to send you another order
a lid
37 x 24 "
" "

trial rings the bell future. Yours truly, R. W. Lyness.

specie and bill compart
Silk flags mailed to
any address for 5c extra. ments. Well adapted to farmers and store Gives Entire Satisfaction.
keepers uses. Price complete, $2.00 each. Kennell P. O., Assa.
These drawers can be fastened in a moment Dear Sirs, I received my parlor organ in
to any table or counter.
Weight 10 Ibs. the best of condition, and ive have been
using it for some time aud we are well
Store keepers Straw Cuffs, pleased
with it. Yours truly, C. H. Barker.
best plaited green straw, well Expert Judged It An
made, and very useful to save Uphill P. O., Out.
Caulking Irons, each 40 wear of linen cnffs, price per pair Dear Sirs, The organ I bonght of you
Life Preservers lOc 6 pairs for 50c. I was not able
Life Preservers, 8 block cork belt pattern
; gives splendid satisfaction.
to judg^l or myself, so I waited until an ac
with shoulder straps and rope waist $1.25. tie, quaintance of mine tried it, and he pro
nounced it a first class organ and a good
toned instrument and a credit to your linn
OAK LOCKS n sending out .such an instrument. Yours
Edward Butterworth.
Made of best malleable iron,
TICKET PUNCHES One Order Loads to Others
inned, pattern same as the
icture. Price 35c per pair. Small punches for conductors, barbers or Ducks P. O., B. C.
others who have occasion to punch tickets. Dear Sirs, I have, received the goods and
Each punch has pocket to hold the clippings. 1 am much plea.sed with them, and I expect
Length 3^ inches, nicely plated, price 25c o M inl for more later on. Yours truly,
each ; postage 5c extra. Win. St. Laurent.



1 set figure*,
stencil ink and
Used for stamping
tool handles or ma
chinery. The pic
ture gives one a
fail idea of them.
Each letter is J
inch on the face and For horses, cattle, sheep, swine or other
face of which stock. Small brass tags with name or
in tencil Brushes, each lOc postage 3c extra. ;

the piece of on the

Sold in itials stamped on each. Size of tag 1J x f Jake Stencil Ink, lOc postage 5c. ;
is inches long. only
the letter is, 2J
inches. &
Price in lots of not less than 1 | inch 90c 1J inch size, $1.25.
alphabets of 26 letters,
and the figure ;

do not sell (all alike 2Jc each. For smaller quantities 3c 1 inch SI 1| inch size, 1.50.
making a total of 27 pieces.
We 1

1 in. size, SI. 10

2 inch size, 2.00.
are sold only u. each. consecutive numbers are wanted on
the letters separately they

these tags the price is |c each more. Post The postage on any of the above is about
Price per set only $1.50.
age, 25c per 100.
per cent, of the price.
Stencil Names Cut to Order
We these at 65c per set.
6* c n "
BUTTON EAR TAGS or grain bags, boxes, barrels, crates, etc.,
sell Af ?the
gists of the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, These are stamped with your name and ut in one piece of brass plate .
figure 6 being used for a 9 when required address and are numbered consecutively. 1 inch letters, price per letter 4o
Postage on a set lOc
extra. These steel They are round and are made of heavy brass, 3 !>
3C "

figures are on the ends

of 2i inch steel bars, lave back lugs to secure firmly to the ears. I 2c "

About size of a 25c piece, for swine

same as the letters described above. to. 1
more We
shall be pleased to quote special price
or sheep. Price 5c each, or in lots of on application for stencils cut to order for
than 50 at a time, 4c each postage }c each. for other uses.
apple barrels, flour barrels, or

No. 2 About size of a 50c piece, for horses

When writing enclose stamp for reply, and
or cattle, price 7^c each, or in lots of 50 state exactly what is wanted.
more,6Jc each postage |c each.

We will make stamps, horn brands,
stock brands, barrel brands, lumber brands
or any thing of this kind toorder. Prices on ap ALPHABETS
plication. with particulars of what you
numbers or For marking show
These figures
are used to number dwell cards, boxes, barrels,
or to
ing houses in cities,
bags, trunks, etc.
number bedrooms in hotels Prices as follows per
or for other similar work.
Each figure is separate and has
nails on the Alphabet set :

back with which to secure it to the door.

3 inches long and nickle plated.
LOCK STENCIL LETTERS 1 inch Letters 40c li inch Letters. .90o
They are STENCIL, 13

Price of each figure is lOc. Postage on each 50c
ii "

a 2 "

Sgure would be 2c extra. LETTERS ti
These are 1 inc These Strip Alphabets can be sent by

oval in shape.
1x2 inches
numbered cpnsecutively, and made oblong
riee, with round head*
brass screws, lOc each



postage, 4c extra.
slipped into or locked
when in use.
board boxes.
letters, cut in

brass letter,

with the next

The letter A,

by a
simple contrivance, is

They are put up in neat card

Each box contains each o
the 26 letters of the alphabet, one beginner
witk period one
to any address for 12c per

as shown is exact size Strip

of the letters. Each
IJ inch,
set for postage.

Stencil Figwres-1, 2 3, 4, 5
out in 1 piece brass strip, ft
size per set, 25c i inch size per set,
1 inch size per set, 40c
1J inch 50o
on any set, 8c extra. ;

Alphabet and


are made These tags of piece, one ender piece

blank and the (cannot be mailed
brass with a small key comma, one period, one on account of
Price per box,
letter & ; in all, 32 pieces.
ring attached to each.
5c extra. danger from
Diameter of tag, 11 in only 50o ; postage breakage in the
ches. Each tag will be
stamped with consecut ivo Separate Letter set $1.35
numbers (in large s:
Stencils Bound Stencil Plates, i in. letters,
suit your order. They are Made of heavy brass, "

l .66
used attaching to
clean cut and turned
hotel bedroom keys, and are usually number bottom end.
Price of each tag lOc.
up ;>t

1, 2, 3 and upwards. She Saved

Postage Ic each extrf, We will make these
tags in any quantity for you.
Pine Lake, P. O.. Alberta.
Dear Sirs, The sewing ma bine arrived
iu (i vs , elass condition and am much I it is better by far

than 1
please,! or
1 consider I
saved *1>0

from tin". Vours very re
ordering your
M li;1 Hryniblson.
TagPuncher and 100 Wires, 25c.; post. 1 Je.
These pages contain many articles which
it would pay farmers to always have handy Section Rivets
about, so that in case of necessity he could Screw Head Bolts, in boxes containing 15,
put his hands on them in a moment. In this Machine Section Kivets, J, 7-16, 4, g, f ,
assorted sizes and lengths. Per box 15c.
connection we name mixed wire naile, iron and 1 inch. Price per Ib. for any size, 12c.
shoe lasts, harness rivets, a box of mixed Put up also in boxes of assorted sizes (]
bolts, and the same of screws, split keys, price 12c per box.
ection rivets, ftnd a do>en other articles.

REPAIR Machirre Head Bolts, in boxes containing

and lengths.
15, assorted sizes Per box 25c.

Harness Rivets Best quality soft
Repair Links for mending chains, some
Coppei plated rivets, large heads, put up in
times called coldshuts, because
1 Ib. boxes, sizes g, 7/16. 4, 9/16, |, j, I and they are
with burrs
closed without heating; a very
handy arti Coach Screws, in boxes, containing 15 as
1 inch, to match. Per Ib. 2oc.
cle. Repairs to chains quickly and easily sorted sizes and lengths. Price, per box, 25c.
Farmers Handy Box Coppered made made in 4 sizes.
Rivets and Burrs, 4 Ib in neat card box. ;
Plow Share Bolts
Assorted sizes suitable for mending lines, Repair links, 3-16 inch iron, per doz. 12c .
Square head or round
traces and all kinds of leather straps. Price "
head, right hand or left

per box, only loo. Postage, per box, 9c. hand thread, 1J, \\. 1J
For farmers who wish to keep an assort inch, 2 for 5c or 25c per
ment of sizes handy, we have boxes with 25
repair links (some of each size). Box 25c.

Bevel!** Clinch Rivets Best Carriage Bolts per doz.
A In boxes containing 6 Trace Staples and
very handy harness rivet, no hole is

in. thick, and 14, 2, 24, 3 ins. long ____ 13c

rivets for same, 6 Hames Staples and washers
ivy to punch, the rivet drives right /16 14, 2,:
for same, all for regular farm hantfcss. Price
through :md is quickly clinched; best cop 5/16 4,
per box, 30c. Very handy to have. Too

pered, will mend anything in the way of 2, 24,

harness straps, belts, shoes, sheet iron, rub heavy to mail.
ber or felt. Put lip in very neat boxes, 100 24,3,
nssoiied lengths in each box. 1 iice per box, 44,5,
lOc ; per dozen boxes, iUlc postage, 5c box. ;
Extra Large Bevelled
Clinch Rivets, for very 10, 11,
heavy work, like mending 13, U,
traces, lOOiu box20c post ;
MixCfl Bolts For general convenience
age, per box, 8c extra. Steel Swivels for trying calves, dogs, cat
of our customers we have 25 bolts of assorted
Handy Harness tle,horses or other stock very strong and ;
sizes in card boxes for 25c per box 25 bolts
Hooks light; swivel works easily size, of eye $ inch. ;
for 25c, and such a box will oftimes save the
Put up in boxes of 50, as- Price, each 5c ; per dozen, 50c. jrice of itself by having it couveLicnt.
Sorted sizes, for mending
other similar work.
postage 5c extra.
joining belts and
Price, pev bos, lOc ;

Double Pointed Carpet Tacket, per pack

age, 5c. These are used for a great variety
of purposes and are very handy.
Common Wood Screws
Postage, | inch, light, medium or heavy, per gross 20c
2c per package extra.
" " " "

Zinc Points, for fastening In window glass. " " " "

\ Ib. packages, lOc; postage 9c extra
i ,, ,,


" "

Tubular Harness Kivets i 40c
This is a very popular harness rivet, and Mixed Screws for farmers uses, 6 dozen in
can be, used for a great variety of work. The the box. All good sizes, price per box 15c,
rivet is hollow, anil by the means of our Mixed Iron Washers We put np
Handy Riveter is promptly set and clinched in convenient boxes a handy assortment of
In a moment. The tubular rivets are in a
Iron Washers for carriage bolts. The sizes
ge oV
assorted lengths, price 5c per of the holes of these washers vary from J inch
package 50e per dozen
; postage 3c each. ;to f inch. Price per box only lOc. MIXED WIRE
Tubular Hivetters, as illustrated above, In package^, 25c worth, assorted sizes ol
weigh :;J- Ibs. eaeli. An automatic machine ,he best of steel wire nails, suitable for all
rivetting any length of tubular harness cinds of work about a farm house. The sizes
rivets. Price 50c each, with 1 box of rivets. n each package are from li inch np to 5
Mixed Tire Bolts These boxes con nches, the most of them being 2f inch and
tain 25 tire bolts of assorted sizes, and we I inches long. These nails are mixed in just
have no doubt they will prove themselves bout the right proportion for farmers uses,
to be equally as popular with our friends as ivcry freight order should include one of
Split Keys, for machinery, per dozen, as the regular carriage bolts have in boxes. ,hese handy packages of mixed wire nails.
sorted 5c ; postage 3c extra. Price of the 25 mixed tire bolts only 15c box. ?rioe, 25c per package.


Every home should be supplied with shoe Oiir \o. 2 91. 4O Improved
Steei Wire Brads or moulding nails, in 1
makers tools to a more or less extent. They Family Cobbler
Ib. papers 3 inch, 6c 2J inch, 7c 2 inch, ; ;
soon save the price of themselves, besiik-.s It contains 1 ir 3

8c ; 1J inch, 9e Ifc inch, lOo 1J inch, lie ; ; ;

the great convenience of having them handy. stand for lasts, 1 la.-4
15c g inch,
1 inch, 12c J inch, 15c; finch,
Take a set of iron lasts for instance, how for men s work, I last
15c i inch, 18c per Ib. nn- for children s work. 1
frequently these can be used to clinch
jomfortable tacks or nails in the sole of the pair men s half soles.
shoe, or to drive an extra tack here
or there 1 pair women s half

in a shoe to make it wear longer. The prin- soles, 1 pair bo\ >

half 1 .shoe
lipal tool of course is a set of lasts. soles,
Tinned Clont Nails, in 1 Ib. papers, 2 inch maker s hammer. 1
lOc; 1} inch, lOc 1J inch,
12c 1J inch, 12c ; ; ; shoemaker s knife. 1
1 inch, 15c ; J inch, 18c ; f inch 20c f inch, ;
peg awl handle. 1 peg
22c J inch, 25c.
awl. 1 sewing awl han
Blned Clout Nails, 1 Ib. papers, 2c per Ib. dle, 1sewing awl, 1 wrench for awl handle,
less than Tinned Clouts. 1 harness awl handle, 1 harness awl, bottle
leather cement, 1 bottle rubber cement, 4 pair
heel plates, 1 package shoe pegs, 1 package
heel nails, I package half soleing nails,
half tacks, I bunch bristles,
package soleing
1 ball shoe thread, 1 ball shoe wax,
Counter Sunk Clont Nails, best English
and other fer half soleing. Securely packed in wooden
make, flat points, used for hinges
heavy work. box weight. 12J Ibs. Price 81.40 each.

11 inch, per Ib. lie !

inch, per lb.ll c
2 OiirXo. 3
14 "
12c "

2$ 10 c "

Repair Outfit, fcl.SO

I2c "
10 c
" "

One iron last for men s work, 1 iron last

1| o"

women s
common pattern, up to 3 Set No. 50o Set No. 2, 40c for boy s work, 1 iron last, for
Wrought Nails, 1,

nch, per Ib., 5c. IRON SHOE LASTS work 1 iron last for children s work, 1 iron
stand for lasts, 1 shochammcr, 1 shoeknife,
Fence Wire Staples For barbed or
Set Mo. 1 . This consists of one iron stanc 1 peg awl, 1
for hard wood, long 1 patent peg awl handle,
plain wire, short length one 9 inch foot, one 8 inch foot, one 6 inch wrench for peg awl handle, 1 sewing awl
Per Ib., .V.
length for cedar posts. sewing awl, 1 tabbing Wl
foot, and one 5 inch
foot. Total weight
Farmers Sewing Outfit This con handle, 1
Ibs. Price per set 50c.
10J handle, .stabbing :.wl, 1 bottle leather
sists of one ball of best linen shoe thread, Set Mo. 3. Consists of one iron stand
cement, bottle rubber cement, 1 bunch
one adjustable awl handle, three different one iron foot last, each 5, 6 and 8 1 ball .-.hoe wax.
bristles, 1 ball shoe thread,
kinds of awl blades, five harness needles and inches. Total weight 8 Ibs. Per set 40c. inch, 1 package
1 package clinch nails 4-
one piece of wax, all put up in a neat box, The iron shoe lasts we mention above are clinch nails 5-S inch, 1 package shoe pegs,
Price 25c. Postpaid for 33c. ot the same lasts as are contained in our hevl plates as
1 package heel nails. 4 pairs
obblers outfits, but are much heavier and of 6 shoe needles, 1 copy directions.
u improved pattern.
Securely packed in a neat
wood box, weight
Cobblers Outfits. 15 Ibs., price SI. 20.
These outfits are not put up by our- Our Tio. 4 Improved Economical
elves, but we ship
them exactly as we re- Cobbler, 85e,
Tinker s Outfit eive them, and we do not hold ourselves re- a com
of a fairly This outfit is
Family Tinker s Kit, consisting ponsible for any shortage
or breakage in
plete set of tools
in its-
bar or stick of solder
good soldering iron, a heir contents, which occasionally may oc- self. It contains 1
in wire, form, a box of resin and directions, jur. They are good Talue at their prices, iron stand fr lasts, 1
the whole intended for family use for repair are not as
25c ; postage 13c extra. ilthough the tools they contain last for men s work, 1
ing tinware. Price ;ood as yon can buy seperately
from us. last for boys work, 1
The Improved Combination, $3 last for children s work,
h a in -
1 shoemaker s
Improved Combination shoemaker s
Cobbler, Tinker and mer,
Harness Mender 1 knife, 1 patent peg awi
o awl handle,
iron stand for lasts, 1 handle, v o awl, 1 sewing
uauiuvj 1 peg i_

harness awl handle, 1 harness

last for men s work, sewing awl, 1
1 paper half soling
1 last for boy s work, 1 awl, 1 paper heel nails,
all in a
last for women s work, nails, and directions for half soling,
1 last for children s wooden box; weight 104 ll)S P"ce, onl y
* -

Soldering Set No. 2 To meet the

demand cents for the outfit.
work, 1 shoemakers
for a better soldering outfit than that
which con

hammer, 1 shoemakers i
Our Premium Cobbler. 5WC.
sell at we have one at (i.">c

1 Contents -One iron stand, 1 last 1

patent peg

sisis of a good soldeaing iron with handle men work. 1 last for women s work, 1 last
awl handle, 1 peg awl, s
re.sin and g 1
quantity of solder, all gOOt 1 sewing awl handle, 1 for boy s work, 1 shoemaker s hammer,

ealde articles,.price. per box, (>.V.

awl handle ami awl, with directions.
sewing awl, 1 harness sewing

Universal Tin wood


awl handle, 1 harness awl, 1 wrench for peg All in a box, price
wart- Mi-ndcr, re
no soldering awl handle, 1 bottle leather cement, 1 bottle SHOE MAILS. F.TC.
rubber cement, 1 bunch bristles," 1 ball shoe doz

iron, direction? Common Wooden Shoe Pegs, paper 5c ;

thread, 1 ball shoe wax,
1 package
with each package en papers 45c.
loc. soleing nails, 1 package 4-8 half soleing nails,
pri <e

heel plates, 3
pack, g half soleing nails,4 pairs
shoe and harness needles, 1 saw and harness
Very Much Pleased .lamp, 1 box harness ami
belt, rivets, I har
Lethbridge, Alta.
ness and belt punch, 1 soldering iron with
Dear Sirs, Our Jump Scat Family Car
handle, 1 bar solder, 1 box rosin,
1 bottle Large Head Hungarian Na\ln, paper

.rrhcd safely in duo time and I thinl Hobble

You might send one o soldering fluid, 1 copy directions
tor solder- Very Large Head Knglish i"iails,

st elegant.
below. Ml in^, i copy directions for half soleing, etc. paper lOc.
your catalogues to the address Weight 19 Iron Heel Nails (no heads), paper
5c dozen
Securely lacked in wooden box.

arrutliers saw our carriage and thinks

it a ]

Ibs. Price $2.00 cacn. paper* i

Yours truly, Mrs. U. T. Whitney.

Shoe Tacks, pointed, paper 5c ;
dozen 45c.
Iron Half-soleing Nails, | inch 5c : doz. 45c
3J/8 5c 45c "

4/8 5c; 45c "

4i/8 5c 45c "

Bent Sewing Awl Blades, each 2c

doz. 20c. Peg Breakers, each 300
& 5c; 45c "

Rubber Cement for repairing rubber

45c "
6/8 5c; per bottle lOc ; per dozen bottles 90c.
Leather Cement for repairing leather
Brass Half-soleing Nails 4/8 per pape,r 7c

The Iron Half-soleing Nails have counter Sail Needles for canvas, each 3c per bottle lOc ; per dozen bottles 90c.
dozen 30c.
sunk heads, dull points, and are made to
clinch or rivet. They are the standard nail
to use for repairing or renewing shoe soles.

Packing Needles, small, 3c each ; medium,

4c ; large, 5c.
Glover s Small 3 Cornered Needles, paper lOc.
Bonanza - Harness Needles or Shoemakers Needles, per
paper lOc. Harnessmaker s Round each $1.50
ail Soles Shoemakers Bristles, per bunch lOc. Knife,

Shoemakers Wax, per ball, Ic; dozen lOc. Cutting Gauge,
Beeswax, per ball 5c per dozen balls 50c.

Barbours Best Shoe Thread, per ball lOc.

Half Soles Toucan, with these ready-

cut half soles and heels, and one of our iron
lasts or cobbler outfits, put new soles on
your old boots, right by the side of a good
warm fire, and the shoemaker 20 miles away.
These soles are cut with steel dies, and re Shoemakers Pincers, each 25c ; postage lOo,

quire very little trimming. They are made

of the best of oak or hemlock tanned sole
The Harness Slender consists of one lever
leather, medium thickness, good quality for holding the pieces to be stitched,
The men s sizes are 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and clamp
only. harness sewing awl with handle, one round
11. The boy s sizes, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The wo
men s sizes, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. punch for punching holes, one patent rivet
set, one ball linen thread, one ball of wax,
Men s half soles, pair, 20c ; doz. pairs S2.00. one package harness needles, one package
Boys half soles, pair, 15c ; doz. pairs 81. 50.
copper rivets and burrs Weight a- 10 >out

Women s half soles, pair loc doz. pairs $1.50. ; Ibs. Price, $1.50 for the outfit.
The postage is 5c per pair extra. Harnessmakers Revolving Punch, each 75c ;

Ready Cut Heels, large enough to be fit postage 13c.

ted to any shoe (men s, women s or children s). Harness Clamps, for
I riee per puiy per dozen pairs. 90c
](.)<; ; stitching leather, best
postage per pair, 3c. maple, jaws 6 inches
Ititbbcr wide height, 2 feet
; ;

Soles ami Heels weight, 6 Ibs. 75c each.


These may bo applied to

any sh-iei. They are
Saddlers Leather Punch, ea. 35c;
postage lOo.
screwed firmly on, are very
durable ami very comfort
able, imperially in the win
ter season.
Best Rubber Heels, pair S5c. Postage oc.
Prepared Solder, in wire or pencil form,


Soles, Shoemakers Knife, each 12c; portage 3. very handy for family use, in sticks about
Shoemakers Burnishing Ink, per bottle.. 15c 12 inches long, price 5c each, or 6 for 25c.
" " "

till lOc Tinsmiths Bar Solder, best qualitv, per

dering Irons,
ready for fam
Shoemakers Hammers, each 15c; dozen $1.35 ily use, 25c.

Patent Peg Awl Haft and Wrench, each lOc Shoemakers Rasps for leather, each 25c Tinsmiths Sol

per dozen, 75c. Postage on each 3c. dering Cuppers.

1 lb., 35c; H
Ibs.,55c ;
2 Ibs., 70c ; 2J Ibs., K>c
3 Ibs.,
$1 each.

Pegging Awl Blades, each Ic; dozen lOc.

Dr. William* Pink Pills, 3 boxes
Star Shoe Protectors, put up 20 pieces on
each card to drive mi the so e.s of shoes to
Dr Walker s Century Blood Pills,
4 box* s tor $1,
prevent running over or wearing. Price,
Common Sewing V\vl 5c. per card, 5c ;price per doz. cards, 45e; Dodds Kidney Pills, 3 boxes for
postage (in each card if wanted by mail, Cc. $1.
Keel Stiffeiiers, fur stiffening the heels of Any or all of the above well-known Pills
/ill Muds of shoes, nailed to bottom find will be promptly sent by mail, postpaid, to
screwed to side of heel, per pair lOc per any post office address in Canada upon re

Straight Sewing Awl Blades, ea. Ic ;

doz. lOc dozen pairs (M)c postage 2e per pair.
; ceipt of the price. All warranted genuine.

Bit Set Ko. 27 Six different sizes of regular
5 16, f, and finch, -5
lOo postage So. auger bits, viz., i, .V,

Best Auger Bits C ounter Sink Bits for wood, ;

very handy sizes for farmers
or famUy
Size f inch, each 25c cover.
Size | inch, each
27o use s a neat cardboard box with

17c 11/16 1 Uc.

6/16 30o Price per set, $1.15 ; postage
18c i
19o 13/16 32c
7/16 35o
20o 5
23o 15/16 37o Rose Countersink Bits, for iron,
9/16 40o
one inch "

of Hie
For 5c extra we will send any one
above auger bits by mail.

Countersink Bits, for iron, 15c ; postage 3c

from i to Bit Set, for car,";

Bit Set No. 28-Auger

Expansion Auger Bits, cutting 5 16,

postage 6c
extra. uses six different sizes, vi/.., \.
j inches, price! each;
finished wood bos
Screw Driver Bits, lOc each ; postage 3c. .
i inch, all in aval
each bit held
with hinges and book, and
bv clasp. Price per set, $2.25 p .stagedOc.

Hit Set No. I M- -Same

sixes (it auger bits as
Carpenters Eye Augers moh in set No. - *, all in a
s i
i 14 it 14 Screw Driver Bits, each 12c ; post. 3c.
Split Strong cotlomide roll.

55 60 65 70 75 85 95c each made divisions

in ;>s

60 Price pel-
set, 1.25; postage 2<>c

Taper Shank Drill Bits, for wood

5-16 | inch
\ 6-32 8-16 7-32 \
same as
Carpenters Nut Augers, prices
10 12 15 18 20 25 30c each
eye auger-.

Car Angers. 12 inch twist Drill Bits, for iron

each .V.e 13 Hi inch, each $1.0( Taper Shank
7/16 inch, i-2( "

i 5-32 3-16 7-32 i 5-16 inch

in ir, "


1716 1-35 ""

11 Iti 18 20 25 30 40c each

12 15

Bit Set No. 30 Thirteen Auger Bits, gen

all sm

uine Bailey bits, a full set of

with screw point, a strong lie;
Ship Augers, long- sh-uk, inch 1 to 1 inch inclusive, in
11 & 12 13&14 Round Shank Drill Bits, for iron, i hit in clasp.
16ths to X !! tv
I K hinged box with each
hank for blacksmiths :

BB pictured. 1 rice * 1.25 pel

each 30c 13 22 inch, each 50c
$1 00 ui.-li. I

Price- -
(i.V Too 90c 55c
15 32
" "


19 & 20 7 3.->e

16ths 15 & 16 17 & 18

Prieo $1 15 $1 25 $1 40

for carpenters, car or

Adjustable handles,
augers, 30c.
ehip med. 50c
Carpenters Braces, nickeled, "

extra tinish and.heavy, 85c

Gimlet Bits, small, medium or large,
fWnito^i^H^^^ft^^^^^BHMtf BBBMH i^k
Hit-, for wood, _coi
1 No. 25 --
1 ;ril!
si/es. vi/..: ^,532,
sisting of six different
r, Iti. inch. AH in a very neat
732, i. j
imitation leather Imx, as pictured, With
Center Bits. 15c.
15 cover ricc, )iei -el. fl.5li. postage

1 inch 8c 11 inch
20 licst set No. -M Drill Bits, for iron, sanit
.lOc lj
:id put up same way as our No. 25 bit
: 25


.12c 2
get. postage 15c.
Price 1.75,
Handle, adjustable to lit
Patent Bit an>

ta]ier shank Iiit,

made of best malleable iroi
Price Mechanics Corner Bra. best,
aniljapaum-d, a very handy article.
15c /h jiostaL

Reamer Bits, for metal ;
Tool Set No. 36-This is the most com
plete set of brace and bits we have to offer
It consists of 20
pieces, as follows : One 10
inch sweep carpenters
brace, 1-16, 4, 3-16
gimlet bits, J, 5-16, f, 7-16, J, 9-16, |, f, j
inch auger bits, one wood countersink Pricker Pads, handle is hollow, and is sup
one metal countersink, one screw driver bit plied with a number of awls, etc. Price
i and J inch drills for iron or wood, and one 25o per set ; postage 6c.
Cm-pouters cheap Ratchet Braces, $1. reamer bit 20 pieces in all. Price for the
Carpenters best Ratchet Braces, nickled * complete set is $3.75 ; postpaid 65c.

Angular Bit Stock, to IK- used n connec

No. 2
tion with any brace t Excelsior Tool Handles, \rithl2tools
orboriug iu corners, $2. 4de ; ]
lost age lie.
No. 3 Excelsior Tool Handles, with20 tools
50c ; postage >!c.

Tool set No. 31 Farmers Handy Tool Box, Improved Boring Machines No. 1 Excelsior Tool Handle, Turkey bos
consisting of medium brace, 5 1G and \
, Carpenters and Kramer s Boring Machines
wood baft, 20 tools price 65c ; ; postage 6c.
inch aiig**- bits, screw driver bit and best varnished hardwood frame and base
inch drill bit for iron, all in neat card will bore
straight or at any angle, with angle
box, price, per set, $1.20. indicator 5 price, without
augers, $5.50.

Carpenters Chisels, priced without handles

i_j__if illjlj
2 inches

10 12 15
Boring Machine Angers - 18 20 20 23 30 35 45c each
1 inch 1 inch H inch

Best Chisel Handles each 5c dozen 40c


Hand Drill, complete with 6 drills, single

Tool set No. 32 Carpenters Medium Brace gear, iron head, brass chuck, 90c.
and one Auger Bit each, 5
and 1 inch. Th bits are in a 16, f, $,
J., 4
strong cot-
touade roll, each bit in a division
self (same as in our bit st No.
by it
29). This
tool set No. 32 is an
exceedingly handy
set. The
sizes of bits are all
good. Price
per only $1.75, postage 50c extra.
Tool Set No. 37 Consists of J, J, 5, 1
Tool Set No. 3 This set consists of and 1J inch Chisels, complete with the hand ,
one carpenters brace (8 inch les, 10 pieces in
sweep) one Carpenters Gimlets, small sc all, for only $1.15 ; postage
small size gimlet bit, one 40o extra.
J inch auger bit medium "

.. 6c
5-16 inch auger
bit, one | inch anger bit
" "

one J inch auger bit. The brace and large !""".7o

five bitsI

for $! .25. Sizes of the bits selected for thk

set are those most
commonly used for boring
holes for carriage bolts.
Tool Set No. 34-Consists of brace with Socket Firmer C hisela Best
inch sweep (our 60c with handles.
brace), J inch gimlet Handled Brad Duality (complete
bit, 3/16 gimlet bit, \ inch auger bit 5-16 Awls ..5 C
inch auger bit, f inch
auger bits, J inch
auger bit, one screwdriver bit, and one coun 20 22 25 27 28 30 35 35 40 45 50 60 cts.
tersink bit for the heads of wood
Nine pieces altogether. Price 1 50
postage 50c extra. Brad Awl Blades each 2c dozen 20c
Tool Spt No. aS-Onr 60c brace, i and ;

3-16 gimlet bits,

J, 5-1 S, g, J, f and 1 inch
auger bits, one screwdriver bit and one coun Bevelled Edge Socket Firmer
Chisels, with
tersink bit for wood. Total number handle
of pieces
m set No. 35 is 11. Price for
complete set only >
t * * i i*
V.f i* 2 n
$2.00 ; postage 55c.
Scratch Awls, handled 27 30 33 35 38 40 43

47 .V>
uT> 70e

Tool Set No. 38 Plain socket firmer chisels,

i,, ],,,mll,.s. sizes i, |, i, 1, Ifiach,
chisels in the set, price $1.50.
tool Set No. 89 Bevel edge,
socket firmer If o. 1 Common Levels,
in wood, size
1 ami 2 inches by 16 inches, tool, useful, cheap
chisels with handles, sixes J, i, f ,

price, only
25c each.
the set, price 81.76.
li inch, live in
]Vo. 3 Levels, Stanley Rule and Level
Co s. fine tools, all 2J inches deep.
best quality, im
Carpenters Sleeks, very wvtb ...30c 14 inches long. . .40c
inches long
proved socket pattern, complete ..35c 16
...45c "

kandles; 3 inch, $1.25 each; 3* inch, 12

$1.50 each 4 inch, $1.75 each.

handles-- BJo. 3 Level and Plnmb. Stanley

Turning Chisels,rr_without
iiinli AO.n Rule and Level Co s. fine tools, all 2^
i7 inch, each 25c.
i. -i

inch, each 15c inches deep, 12, 14, 16, 18 inches long, 50c
" "
17c 1

30. .

six plain 20c


35c. each. As these come to us in assorted

Tool Set No. 40 Consisting of lj
" "

45c. lengths, we will fill orders
with the long
with leather " "
22c lj
edge socket tinner chisels, est ones we have on hand.

" "
in a box as pictured 23c l
topped -handles, all - !*
above. J, *, *, 1, 1*

Price, per set, $2.7o.


Tool Set No. 41 Consists of same

size, ol

chisels, as in set
No. 40, but each chisel
box hold
has bevelled edges, all in neat
a clasp, per set fK. Turning Gouges, without
Carpenters Levels aiid Plumbs
ing each chisel in I inches long ... 50c 70c
28 rnches long .

8 . 30
60c "

--80o "


. inch, each
3 k-
A Level and Plumb, as shown in the en
m.e must have
graving, is one of a few tools
when building. The 26-ineh or 28-inch are
ood lengths for general use.

without handles)
Carpenters Gouges (priced
...each., --loo 1 inch, each.... 2oc
inch,* 35c
17o li
...2c It 40o
....22o ....50c

Level sights, adjustable to my level;

Mn sons Long Plumb and Lev ^"c
postage 5c.
42 inches long, complete TV nh
irice, perpatr, :

plumb as pictured, each $1.75.

Tool Set No. t- Twelve ;-iain edged

Solid Steel Framing
firmer chisels, in box as above, leather top Sqnares
(See cut well ,

l X with set screw

marked, nicely polished, and

band .
i, f, i> 4i f> %< >

Pocket levels,
1J and 2 inch, price, per box, $1.25. to fasten to a framing square warranted correct, only $1
Tool Set No. 43 Bevelled edged socke
ea ch. This steel Square
iu set No.
firmer chisels, same- si/es us exceedingly fine tool at
in and in box exactly as illns to add
(twelve set;
m-iee. Don t f; il

trated above, with leather top handles t i

. Sled
raming Squares
Solid I

price, per set, $5.25. to your order sheet. There is n pie

Socket working with good tools, and
firme. 1

chisel handles
is one.
each 5o.
Iron Framing
Socket Framing
Chisel Handles, Bit and Square Level 40c, pos No. 1 -M s 12 iueh-

age 5o 1 i inches
each 8c.
Iron Plumb Bob, medium, lOc marked
heavy, 20c.
No. 2 21 \ 12 inch
es, 2 inche-,
marked both sides,
Socket Framing Cliisels (priced
Level Glasses, 1J, 2, 2^ inch,
with handles) 3c.
2 inch price 5c each, postage
1 1J 11 1}

50 S5 75 85 cts.
40 6 in.,
Bevel Square*,
8 inch, 35c 10 inch.
30.; ;


Machinists Level, 6 im 1,,-s,

s of the-e catalogues,
If you receive two
in.. 90c Stanley
Socket Corner Chisels, 1

price $1.85, pOS

iiicUled i-rolected glass, to yom u, ighbr.r.
kindly band one
1.10 age
Try Squares-
4 J inch arm 25o -. a~Tg~
B- *
6 "

" "

are constantly being told Lnmber Rules, 3 feet, $1.25 3 feet, $l-.3r ;

that we make the- best Lumberman s or Surveyors Stake Scribers, 2oc

display Farmers Best Quality Handsaws, 20 in.
of carpenters tools of house n
auy 11
09 Q(
in. Canada. " " " "

24 "SI 0<

26 "

1 If

Rip Saws, 26 1 If

Flat Log Rule, length 36 inches, $1.

Adjustable Try Square Board Rule, 36 inches, $1.

Squares Mechanics Finest Handsaws, 20 inch..$l 00

6 inch 40c 22 "

.. 1 25

50o 24 "
.. 1 40
26 "

.. 1 50

No. 1 One foot, 4 fold, plain rule lOc

No. 2 Two foot, 4 fold, plain rule lOc i

Mechanics Finest Rip Saws, 26 inch , . 1 50

Stanley s Odd Jobs No. 32 foot, 4 fold, 1 brass joint 15o

itself and in combination with any or No. 4 2 "

4 "

3 "

dinary foot rule, it embraces all the follow
ing tools: Try square, miter square, T Handsaw Handles,
square, marking gauge, miter level, spirit ICc.
and plumb, beam compass and inside
]<:\el Handsaw Handle
square for matting boxes and frames. Ten Screws, each 5c.
tools in one. Price for Stanley Odd Jobs,
including the rule, only $1. Postage 12o.
No. 52 foot 4 fold extra wide rule 25o

Finest (Duality JJuuksaws, 10 inch, each ?0 90

12 1 00
< " " " "

14 "
1 25 << " "

No. 6 2 foot, brass bound edges, brass

66 foot Measures (see cut), brass rim... 40c center joint 35 C
No. 7 2 foot, brass bound, all brass joints. 40c

Keyhole Saws, medium size rt

large size ......... .25c

No. 86 iuch Caliper Rule, 2 fold 20o

No. 9-12 inch, 4 fold

Compass Saw, adjustable length, 25c.
Caliper Rule, 25c. Saw
66 foot Tape Line, with leather cover Comjiass Blades, 15c.
65c Postage on a rule is
5c extra.
Chesterman s

Steel Tapes
66 foot Wire Tapes, $2. 75
100 "

3 75
" "

66 "

Steel e oo "


100" 8.75

o. 10 Stanley s four foot zig-zag rule,

Surveyors ,

folds down to 7 inches, a handy pocket

Chains, 66 foot
rule and measure, 40c.
(4 rods), $3.25. Xo. l50o
Chains, 33 foot Saw
2 rods), _
Land Chain
$:>. .-,.
%VJ5L Vi No. 2 75c
No. 1 is screwed to a bench or other con

Arrows, 15 in. venient place. Price, 50c each.

long, iu sets of Jlarhinists 12 iu-h graduated ste.rl .scale ;">fli: No. 2 may be clamped to a workbench, or
10, per set, 60c. Handsaws for household or family nst^, 50c. a window sill, or other place, and may be set
atany desired angle so as to secure the moat Carpeaters Bench
advantageous light. Price for No. 2 is 75e. Axes, best quality,
Weight, 5 Ibs. small, 83c medium, ;

$1 large size,
; 1.10
Bench Axe Handles, each I2c

Carpenters Adze Eye. Steel Hammers, 1

So. 1 Handsaw Pet. 15o ; postage 5o. 1 Ib. size, 40c
; 1J Ib. size, 50c ; li Ib. size, tiOc
Carpenter s Adze
Head, 7" .

_ Handsaw, Cross-cut and Buck Saw- Broad Ax<>-

Set, 35c. Faced Steel Hammers,

Car) Centers Bell 1 G Ib. Axe, each $3.00
Ib. size, 40c ; 1J Ib. size, 50c IJlb. size, GOc. S Ib. Axe, each S.LT.

1011). Axe, each :U!O

Best Hickory Hammer Handles, 8c.

. 3 MorelFs Patent Hand Saw Set, 50c. Carpenters Adze Handle.-, 25c.

Hammer Saw Sets for

any kind oi saw, sets
firm in hole in bench or
other convenient place. Hard Wood Mallets, medium, 15c. Draw Knives, 6 inch blade 40o
Price 50r cue]]. " "
7 " "

large, 25c. " "
8 " "

9 " "

" "
10 " "


lieaclnvood English Spokeshaves, L 5c :

postage lOc.
Lignum Vitae Mallets, .">IV.

Stanley s improved iron mitre box, adjnst-

ble to any angle, roller holders, weight 16
Iron Spokeshuves. piain, 25c postage 14e
bs.; price $7, without the saw. ;

Iron Spokeshaves, adjustable jav.

blade, UOe.
Shingling Hateliet ,
east metal bron/ed, 25c

steel, medium size, 50c

" " "


* "st
h-on Tack Hammers, 5c.
Familj Tack Hammers (see picture),
Iron Spokeshaves, oval and strau-.h

Claw Hatchets, steel, large si/.-, 60c.

Bell Faced Tack Hammer, nickeled, 15c.
Stanley s Adjustable Universal Spoke-
ihave $1.60, postage 12c. Both handles rc
detaehable, and the tool may be IIMM! in
eornersand in places where no other spoke-
shave can reach. A wonderful hand;, tool.

Medium Weight House Hammers, 15c. Hatchet and Hammer combined, steel, 60c

Monkey Wrenches, 6 inch 36o

8 "

" "
10 "

" "
12 "

Pull size Cast Hammers,, niekled, 25c. | Handy House Hatchet-, sicci. i>

15 "

Pocket Bi Wire Nip
cycle Wrench (Small
pers, 15cper pair ;
es, first class o 5c; vised for
postage. /

only 2~o. cutting off shoe

buttons, etc,

Improved Handled Wood Jack Plane, $1.25

Pocket Wrench and Screw Driver, lOc

Handy Household Pliers, cuts wire at tl e
side, lirm jaws, witli round gripper hole,

length 5 inches pri e 25c j postage 8c.


Improved Handled Wood Jointer Plane,

Tool Set No. 45 Set of 3 improved Handled
wood bench planes (smooth, jack and
Tinsmiths Snips for cutting jointer), $3.40.
tin, zinc, sheet
Alligator Wrenches, small.. iron, etc., medium size, 40c ; large, 50e.
extra large Sl.oO

Family Gas Pipe Pliers, east, 25c.

Wood Bench Plane Irons, without caps, 2
inch, each 25c ; 2i inch, 28c 2} inch, 30c ;

Carpenters Compasses, 6 lush 25o 2j- inch, 35c.

7 "

30o No. 100-Block plane,


".8 "

handled, length 3^
inches. 1 ineh cut
ler, 20c.
Wire Cutting Pliers, sman size, 6 inch, 25c No. 101-Block Plane,
Fence Wire Cutting Pliers,
length 3 inch, 1 inch cutter, IDc.
9 40c
10 45c

Callipers (in or outside), small 15o

medium 20o
large 25e Wood Smooth Plane,
Spring Callipers, with set No. 102-Rlock Plane, 5J inches long,
screw, ,"}i!r. inch cutter, price 25c.
Carpenters Trammel Points, No. 103-Ulock Plane, adjustable, 5|
with set screws, per pair, boe. ches long, 1 inch cutter, 35c.

Carpenters Pinchers, 7 inch 20o No. 110 Block Plane, 7 inches long, If cut
ter, price n.V.

30c No. 120 Block Plane, adjustable, 7 inches

40c long, If cutter, 50c.
Flat Nose Pliers
4 inches, 12c.
5 "

15c. Wood Jointer Piano, $1.

6 "

20c. Tool Set No. 44 Consisting of smooth,

jack and jointer planes. Per set of 3. $2.10
No. 94-Block Plane, adjustable, length 6
Round Nose inches, If cutter, 75c.
Pliers, same No. 220 Block Plane, adjustable, length 7i
prices as fla* inches, If cutter, 80c.
nose pliers.

Jack Plane Handles, 5c. Jointer Handles, lOc

I m p r o ved
Handled Wood No. 130 Block PI er), 8 inch-
Bell es If cutter, 75c.
Hangers Side Cutting Pliers, 45 50 Smooth Plane, l"!ig,

and 60c.
*1 each. No other store that we KIIOM of
Teli.graph Liuemeu s Pliers, med., 85c ; carries in stork such a graiul as
large, *1. sortment of tools s we do.
Each Plane has seven Beading Tools (1-8,
3-16, 1-4, 5-16, f, 7/16 and 1-2 inch), ten
Plow and Dado Bits (1-8, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8,
7-16, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4 and 7-8 inch), a Slitting
Blade, a Tonguing Tool and a Sash Tool.
Planing Mill within itself."

No. 21)5 Coopers Levelling Planes, apple

No. 31 Smooth Plamo.7 inches long, If cut wood, $1.25.
ter, 75c.
No. 22 Smooth Plane, 8 inches long, If cut
ter, $1.25.
No. 23 Smooth Plane, 9 inch, If cutter, $1.35
No. 24 Smooth Plane, 8 inch, 2 cutter, $1.35

No. 113 Ad.pistahlc Circular Piano, 1} inch No.201C Cooper .-. .

applewood, $1.85
cutter, $3

Cooper s Hardwood Drivers. 2."

No. 35 Handled Smooth Plane, 9 inches

long, 2 inch cutter, $1.35 each.
No. 36 Handled Smooth Plane, 10 inches No. 71 Woodworker s Router Plane, nickle
long, 2| inch cutter, .S1.50eacl>. plated stock, with steel bits. J and inch :

price $1.50

Wood Bench Vise Screw, total length 27

indies length of screw 15 inches diameter
; ;

of serew 2 inches ; weight 5^1bs; price 45c.

Iron lie n ll I

No. 27-Handh-d Jack Plane, 15 inches, 21 Vise Screw, to

cutter, $1.50 eacli.
No. 69 Single Hand Bender, nickle plated,
tal length 16|
No. 33 Handled Jointer Plane, 28 inches, with six steel cutters and one blank price 1

75c postage 10c.

inches; length ;

2| cutter, $2.00 each. ;

of thread 1
Beneh Stops for planes,- adjustable to any diam
heisjht, can be s.-t firm in any workbench, eter
1^ inches;
price 5 v. price 50o.
weight 5f Ibs.;

Clamp S< i

best iron, diam

eter lin.. $l.."iii;
No. 3 Iron Smoot in., If cutter, $2 Moulding Planes li inch. *2 each
105 Side Beading Planes
itoi ftof ftol
50c 55c 70c 90c
No. 108 Center Beading Planes-
4 to f to f inch

60c 65c
No. 119 Fillesters, 14 inch, $1.40.
No. 5 Iron Jack Plane, 14 in., 2 cutter, $2.25 No. 12 Ogee lanes, to 1 inch, each 65e.

-(Quarter Round Planes,


No. 7 "

Jointer" 22 in., 2| 3.00 No. 155 to J, 50c.

No. 156 Cove Planes, to f 50c ; } to 1, fir ,

No. 157 Cove and Bead Planes, f to f, 50c.

No. 158- Nosing Planes, 1 to 1J inch, $1.
177 Dado Planes, screw stop, ^ to 1, $1.50
180 Hollows and Rounds -
J, -| or i inch, pair $1 8 inch, pair $1.15 Itiiildors* Screws, bc.-t
; ;
Jack ii-<n>

J or 1 inch, pair $1.35 1, 1J or 1| inch, jacks, with steel screws arid steel collars.

pair $1.75.
No. 181 Skew Rabbet Pianos
1 to 1 inch, each tide If or 1 J inch, ea. 70c
Horli 65c If orlj "

" " "

1| or 2 inch, eaeh Oc. i

Stanley s Adjustable Beading, No. 185 Table^Planes, j to in. ]], pair $1.10
Rabbet and Matching
Plane. No. 70 Board Mulching Planes, to 1J- inch,
No. 45 Nickel plated, with twenty tools, pair $1.50.
bits, etc., $8.00. .lack Rabbet Planes, side handles,

Thin Plane embraces (11 Beading and Cen 2 cutters, 1} to 2, $1.80.

ter Beading Plane (2) Rabbet and Fillcster,
No. Nil Panel Planes, be, -eh wood, 8 irons, Carpenters Tools are very handy on the
(3) Dado ; (4) Plow (5) Matching Plane
; (6) ;
$1.50. farm or ranch. Our prices make tli-
Sash Plane and (7) a superior Slitting Plane.
No. iln Handled Panel Plows, K irons, $5.50. within your reach.
Carpenters ^
Stones, boxed,
inches, 25c.
Carpenters ^
Stones, boxed,
inches, 50c.

No. 71 Iron Vise, steel jaws, to bolt to bench,

2| inch jaws, weight 10 Ibs., price $2.
No. 72-Iron Vise, sreclJaws.toboltto bench,
Carpenters White Washita
Farmer s Vise Anvil The en and3 inch jaws, weight 17 Ibs, price $2.50. Lily Oil
No. 73-Iron Vise, steel jaws, to bolt to bench, Stones, 40, 50, GOe.
graving shows our Vise and Anvil with steel
jaws. Weight, 38 Ibs 3.50 each. 3-J inch jaws, weight 26 Ibs., price $3.
A grand tool for anj person to own. It is
bolted to a work bench, bolts for the purpose
accompanying each. We would strongly
recommend this $3.50 Vice and Anvil.
Carpenters Chalk Lines, 48 feet, each 10
Chalk Line in about A lb. bunches, p
Iron Vises. lb.,

Our stock of
these handy vises
is very complete
indeed. What is
more handy than No. 21 Mechanics Bench Vise, steel jaws, Carpenters Prepared Chalk, in halfrouuj
n vise. No work bolts to bench, 3 inch jaws, weight 18 Ibs.,, red,white or blue, per dozen cakel
shop is complete price $3.75.
without one Chalk Line Reel
or Spools, 5e.
Chalk Line Reels
No. 1J Iron Vise, to screw or clamp, 1 inch with scratch awj
jaws, weight about i lb., price 25c. _ 13c.
No. 2| Iron Vise, to screw or clamp, 1$ inch Reel, Line and Scratch Awl, 25c.
jaws, weight about 1J Ibs., price 40c.
No. 2f Iron Vise, to bolt or clamp, If inch
jaws, weight 2J Ibs, price Got-.
No. 3J iron Vis.:, to bolt, or clamp, 2 inch Malleable Clamps, with steel screws
jaws, weight 4^ Ibs., price SI. 00. To open 3 inch, ach 18c 5 inch, each 35c.
Relt Punches, small, nied. or large, lOc eachfe
No. 4J Iron Vise, to bolt or clamp, 2J inch 4


6 "

" "

A copper harness rivet takes a medium size

jaws, weight 8 Ibs., price $1.65.
No. 5 J Iron Vise, steel jaws, to bolt or clamp, Steel Rivet Seta
for harness o!
2^ inch, weight 8$ Ibs., price $2.00.
other rivets, cacl
Nail Sets
Adjustable Screw Clamps, malleable
To open 3 inch, each 30c 7 inch, each 65c,
" "

50c 9 "

" "

No. 2 Iron Vise, to screw on, 1 inch jaws, Knurled, specially tempered Nail Sets, 15
li-lbs., 35c.
No. 2 Iron Vise, to screw on, 1J inch jaws,
2 Ibs., price GOc. Cornndrum Pocket
.Small Handy Anvils
No. 000
Handy Anvil, 1| Ibs., 25c.


Ibs., 45c.
Ibs., 85c.
Knife Stone, 2J inches
long, 15c

round edge
postage 5c.

Washita Oil Stone,

slips, 10.
Screw Drivers
8 inch blades

30c eah.
12 15 20 25c.
12 and 15c.

Spiral Screw Drivers, 9 inches, rinsed,

Carpenters Water Stones, IJx 8 inches, 20c.

Rachet Screw Drivers, 5 in., GOc ;

G in ,

Carpenter s Woo
uUJ Marking Gauge, 7cJ

No.40 Iron Vise, steel jaws, swivel clamp, Car). enters Cni
will turn in any direction, 2^ inch jaws, Carpenters Emery Stones, 7 inches long, 2
ing (iitiiift!.^ 25c.
8} Ibs. weight, price S2.25. inches wide, 1 inch thick, a good stone, 25c.
No. 90 Stan le y s Stone Masons Ham- Tool Set No. 17|, $ 1O
Niekle Plated Hieis. liest steel, 5 A
remarkably complete set of tools includ
Marking Gauge, Ibs., 6 Ibs., 7 Ibs and ing almost every tool in common use. Every
35c. 8 Ibs., per lb., 15e. article good, and nothing useless. A good,
No. 91 Stanley s common sense set.
Nickeled Marking Road
Makers Stone Solid Steel Ham Framing Square, 35c
and Mortise Breaking or Napping Ham mer ,50c Marking Gauge.. 7c
Gauge, 75c. mer Heads, 1, 1 and 2 Ibs. FinestHanusaw,1.10 Carpntrs Pincers,25c
No. 95 Stanley s Im Rip Saw 1.10 Try Square 30c
proved Butt Hinge Long Hammer Handles, each l.V. Best Plated Brace, 60c 2 ft. Rule lOc
Gauge, uickle pla inch Auger Bit, 15c Gimlet 5C
ted. All good car 17c Double End
5/16 in. File, 12c
penters use it. It is | inch 18c Steel Nail Set 5c
a gauge for the edge "

20c Cold Chisel

* 20c
of the door as well "

30c 6 inch Pliers

as the door jam.
Box Opener s Steel Chisel, 45e. I 20c
Keyhole Saw

I 40c 20c
Prico *1 each. Gimlet Bit 7c Screw Driver 20c
Smooth Plane 60c Monkey Wrench. .4?c
J inch Chisel and Draw Knife 50c
Handle 15c Brad Awl 5C
Box Opener s Nail Puller, $1.
J inch Chisel and Handsaw Set 15c
Handle, 20c Oil Stone 25c ,

Lumbermen s Marking Seribers 25c } inch Chisel and Compasses 25c j

Handle 25c Carpenters Pen

1 inch Chisel and cils 5c
Handle 28o Level and Plumb
1 in. Chisel and in wood 70c
Handle 3ic
.Carpenters Marking Pencils, cheapest, 2e; At regular prices 111. 11 When bought by .

> t r 10c.
the set only S10,
Carpenters Marking Pencils, best DO each ;

3 25i_-.
Carpenters Baskets, nnlined medium size35c fool Set No. 18*, $17
large size..45o To persons who feel they can affoul to
" "

lined, medium
size..50o purchase the finest
of tools we
" quality
large size ____ 60c

specially recommend this mechanics set

You may buy cheaper tools but you can t
Carpenters Marking Crayons, blue and buy better ones.
)lack, 10e each m- :> I
Solid Steel Ham
Try Square 35c
This a good way to buy tools. Every
is mer 50c Bevel Square 35c
tool is all right in quality, and in buying Mechanics Finest Carpenters Axe..85c
this way you secure a shave or cut-in the SI. 50 Carpenters Fram
price which is not possible otherwise. Please
Mechanics Finest ing Chisel 75
Lumber Crayons, remember that our tools are TOOLS, not Rip Saw $1.50 2 inch Auger 95c
red, blue or black, lOc Saw

toys. We do not alter the make-up of sets. Keyhole 25c Best Plated Brace,75o
Tool Set No. 15, $4.5O J inch Auger Bit, 15c Carpenters Pen
5/16 in. 17c cil
" "

Masons Pointing Solid Steel Ham Level in wood .25c 5c . .

| inch 18c Nail Set

" "

Trowels, 25c. mer 40c i inch Chisel and 5<j

Best Handsaw ... $1 Handle 20c J 20c Wood Counter


" "

Iron Framing 1 inch Chisel and f 25c sink t Bit lOc

" "

Masons Trowels f 30c Boxwood

" " "

Square 30c Handle 28c 1 Rule ...lOc

Kivetted liljides
40c No. 35
" " "

Best Plated Brace, 60c Nail Set 5c Smooth

Gimlet Bit 7c Plane $2.00
Welded i inch Auger Bit, 15c Smooth Plane 60c in. Socket Firm
blades, J No. 27 Jack
50o. 5/16 in. 17c 2 ft. Boxwood
" "

er Chisel 22c Plane

finch 18c Rule
" "

10c 2.00
Brade s best, $1 in. Socket Firm Draw Knife

20c Gimlet " "

5c 60c
er Chisel 27c Spokeshave
1 Gimlet Bit 7c Marking Gauge. 7c 30c .
in. Socket Fiim-
Screw Driver 15c Flat Nose Pliers .15c Monkey Wrench.. 35c
er Chisel 35c Level and Plumb
Plasterers This makes a total of 9-1.98 to purchase
inch Socket in wood
Trowels, 2;je. the tools separately. When you buy them 80c :

Firmer Chisel 40c Marking Gauge.. 7c . .

in one full set the price is only S4.50.
Solid Steel Square, SI
Tool Set No. 16i. Oil Stone 25c
Carpntrs Pmcers,35c
Best Plated Brace, 60c Incl Chisel am\
i inch Auger Bit, 15c Handle 28c This splendid set totals separately at
17c Level and Plumb
" "
$18.73. It is yours for only $17 if
5/16 in. you buy
| inch 18c in wood

50c the complete set as listed above. This set


20c X inch Flat 12c ought to be in our bargain list.

" " "

i File,
Small Gimlet Bit, 7c Double End File, 12c
Best Handsaw. .SI. 00 Nail Set 5c Every person who lias ever bought goods
Solid Steel Ham Putty Knife lOc From ns knows that our goods are reliable.
mer 50c Marking Gauge. 7c We want to sell a good quality of goods al

best Steel Hatchets, handled, $1.25. Iron Square . i.~>c Screw Driver 15c ways, so that when you sec any price in this
Draw Knife 40c Smooth Plane 60c atalogue you will know you ran rely upon
5 inch Pliers 20c . 15c 7 inch Pincers the quality being all right.
Cold Chisel 25c 20c Oil Stone "Not how cheap, but HOW (JOOD."
2ft. Rule [andsaw Set 15c lOc 1 . That is our motto. It is the motto which
Keyhole Saw Monkey Wrench. 35c 20c has guided this business, within a very few
Making a total of 87.21 at regular prices. years from comparative obscurity to the po
Special low price for this splendid No. 16| sition of one of thi leading stores of Can:
Tool s, -tj.50. Worth looking into. \Ve putation for gnml goods of

Brick Mu.vms Hammer.-,, handled. .~1. All tirst .lass tools. which we are proud.

Blacksmiths Tools and Supplies. chucks furnished with each machine,

for taper and one for round shank bis
o: j

drills; total weight 34 Ibs.; height 26| in

PORTABLE ches price $G.90.

Blacksmiths FORGES No. 4 Blacksmith s General Purpose Up

right drill, for all kinds of blacksmiths
Vises For use of tank build work; adjustable bed plate, geared for 3
This cut shows the ers, farmers, black
speeds, wrought irou extension crank,
usual article in use in smiths, miners, pros takes i inch round shank drill bits; weight
111;.,ksmith shops. We pectors and threshers 96 Ibs length of back 34 inches price $9.50.
; ;

have the-.o go ds in many and mill owners. The

UV supply them fan is 12 indies in diam
at any of the following eter height to the

according to size hearth of coal pan is

and weight, viz.: $4.50, 33 inches; the pan is 22
$5. $5.5(1, $7 and $8 inches in diameter.
each. No. 1 Portable Forge,
with hood, as pic
tured, weight 110 Ibs,
complete, $11.75.
No. 2 Portable Forge, without hood, weight
100 Ibs., price $10.75.

Blacksmiths Anvils
These range in weight about as follows :
Blacksmiths Breast Drill, changeable gear,
35, 40, 45, 60, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and 120 Ibs.
Price 15c per Hi. for chuck will hold all shape tools, extra set of
any size you select.
They are jaws for small round shanks. Price $3. 65 each.
first class goods in every respect. Hub Boring Machine
Size No. 1 Bores hubs up to 7 inches di
ameter, weight, complete, 175 Ibs.; price
Bores hubs np to 10 inches di Size No. 2
ameter, weight, complete, 300 Ibs.; price
$50; with No. 2 we furnish two boring
Horizontal Drill No. 1 A cheap handy bars, one light and the other heavy work.
Blacksmiths Bellows drill for farmers use; the chuck is made No adjustment is required to true the
24 inches wide $4.00 36 inches wide. $8.00 for our regular taper shank bit drills, boring, these machines automatically do
26 adjustable bed plate total length 32 in their own centering. They cannot bore any

4.50 38 9.00
" "

28 5.00 40

10.00 ches weight 30 Ibs. Price only $2.50 each. but true. Everything is first class, material
" "

30 "

.-,.:,( 12 11.00
" "
the best, and each machine is warranted to
32 6.00 4t

" "

give entire satisfaction.

34 7.00

No. 2 Blacksmith s Horizontal Drill, 26 in.,

adjustable bed; weight 45 Ibs; wrought

Tuyere Irons ,

iron extension crank with handle, chuck

Box Presser, for pressing axle boxes into
These Tuyere Irons or Ducks or out of the hubs, a perfect and simple tool,
Nests, as for ^ inch round shank drills, good low
some call them, are for Use at the fire end price $3 c >mplete.
juiced drill for small blacksmith s work, $5.
of Blacksmiths Bellows.
They are 8 inches No. 1-Spoke point
square and 24 pounds in weight. The di
ameter of hole where bellows enter is 2 inch ers 65c.
es. Price $1.25 each. No. 2-Spoke point
ers, adjusting set
Farmers screws, 85c.

Handy Hollow Angers, adjusting from J- to

Forges I inch, $4.50.

This makes a
Tire Upset ters
splendid handy No. 1 Will upset tires
forge for a farm. up to 2 inches wide:
It is not total
large, weight 130
is equal to but Ibs.; made of best
9/lOthsofallthe material, chilled ec
work required Upright centrics and steel
on farms. It will Drills pins, price $8.25.
produce a weld No. 2 Will upset tires
ing heat on 1 inch iron in 5 minutes. Height No. 3 The New Champion Bench Drill (left up to 4 inches wide,
inches, hearth 15 inches diameter, fan 6
hand picture) with adjustable bed plate, weight about 180
inches, weight 40 Ibs, price $6.90. 3i inch feed run, adjustable, crank, two J!>s.,
price $12.
Tire Benders
No. 3 Will bend
til I S U]) 1O 3^
inch wide and Sledge Handles, i .-,<_ .

i inch Blacksmiths Hardies

weight N2 Ihs.. i inch Shank, each 30c.


price $7. (10 each.


No. 4 Tire Bend Heller s Horse Sheers Hoof Parers, 12 inch, 1 " " "

ers, to bend tires $1.50.
up to 5 inches 1 1 1 1 !

r s Horse Shoers Hoof Parers, 14 inch, $2

wide and any
thickness, weight 120 Ibs., price $10.
Cold Chisels, -J inch, 13c f inch, 20c
" "

f inch, 18c 1 inch, 25c

Farrier s Knives, horn handle, best quality II Illllllltl

blades, 25e. Postage 8c extra.
Center or Solid Punches, 12, 15, 20c.

Bolt Clippers The handiest tool in

iblacksmith s shop. Cuts off bolt ends after ia_ij
they are in their place on a rig. without jar
ring or hammering. Will cur any size up to Blacksmiths Steel Rules, 2 foot, 2 fold, 50c.
and .including | Horse Rasps, 14 inch 45c
2 foot, 2 fold, 25c
inch. Price *3. .">(>. Brass" "

" "

15 "

" "

16 "


Hack Saws, Blacksmiths Steel Rule., 2 foot, 4 fold, 50c.

complete, 12 inch blade, $1.25 Blacksmiths Forging Tongs, M)c. 1

Hack Saw Blades, 8, 10, 11, 12 ami 14

Jich, price Ic per inch.

Millsaw Files -Flat, used for Xcnt

Farriers Shoe Tongs, oOc. saws, circular saws, machine and cutting
box knives of all kinds, and general work.
Slock, Taps ami Dies Inch 6 7 9
One stock, 3 taps and 3 sets of dies.
No. 3 Each 9c lOc 12o 15c
utting threads as follows:
.. inch by 20 Dozen $1 00 1 10 1 25 1 50
hreads to the inch 5/16 x 18 f inch x 10. Inch 10 11 12 14
; ;

Price of No. Set is $3.60. :-! Each 18 20c 26c 35o

No. 4 On;- stock, Farriers Shoeing Hammers, 50 Dozen $1 75 2 CO 2 40 3 50
taps ami sets of dies. ! I

Cutting threads. J inch x 20; 5 16 inch x!8;

J inch x 16 and inch x 12. Price sr-l.iiO.
; .}

No. -( )m- stock.


and 5 sets of dies, ."


putting thread-. x 20 5/16 inch x 18 ; | ; Three Cornered Files Used for

neb x 11) 7 Iti inch x 14 A inch x 12. Price
handsaws, bucksaws, and the drag teeth

complete .vt, $5.60,


Rivetting Hammers, 7 of X cut saws

ozs., 40c.

13 ozs., 45c. Inch 3* 5


18 ozs., 50c. Each 7c Sc lOc

Dozen 70c 80c iOc $1 00
Inch 5i 6 7 8
Each lie 12c 13o 1 5c
Dozen $1 10 1 20 1 30 1 50

Machinists Ball Pein Hammers, handled

1 Ib. weight, 55c 2 Ibs. weight, 75c.
Slim Tapers, or 3 cornered tiles, same
No. 2 Small Horse Shoes, per pair 15c Machinists Ball Pein Hammer Heads prices as regular 3 conieivo
N o. 3 Medium ISc 1 Ib. head, each 25c
" "

1J Ibs. head, each 40c

No. 4 Lai 20c *

" " "

So. 5 Extra large Horse Shoes, pair 25c. 38c

" "

The price, for fine shoes and iir,.l shoes are Blacksmiths
the same.
Sledges, i-ast steel,
Horse Shoe Nails Double Ender Thri c Cornered
,from 6 to 20 Ibs., per Files,
Number lb., lie. priced with handles, a very handy
Length . Blacksmiths Hand Double enilers, S ineh, each lOc :

Per ib. 9 l- c " " "

Hammers, from 1 to .

Thin Warding Files, ! im b,

12c : 5 in., i;jc

-hoers Pinceio, per pair, medium, 65c

File Handles, 3c
Blacksmiths Hot Chisel Heads, Ibs., 35c
each 30c d<

large, 75c

Cold " "

35c ;

We make a specialty of Waltham Watches and the best English Razors.

perience no difficulty in keeping a crosscut
saw in good cutting order. CHOPPING AXES
No. 65c "rhe Eaton," a good
Flat Bastard Files, used for iron axe for a cheap one, but too
or other coarse work cheap to be
depended upon. Our idea in this catalogue
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
is to sell good
goods, and we never e icourage
any one to buy the cheapest or lowest lines
Files continued on next page. Cross-Cut Saw Sets of any article. Price of the "Eaton "

Each- is only 65c each.
12 15 18 90 25 30 35 45
The Whiting This is made of best
hardened steel, and may be used
hard or
$1 30 1 60 1 90 2 10 2 60 3 00 3 50 4 50
soft wood. One blow of a hammer and
the tooth Directions accompany each
is set.
set. Price, 50c each. Postage on a Whit
ing set, if wanted by mail, is 8c extra.
The Whiting is a simple
good saw set,
easily used and does good setting on any
Half-Round Bastard Files tempered saw.
Inch 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 No. 3, 75c The Stanley," this is one "

Each 15c 18c 20c 22c 25c 30c 35c of our best
sellers, giving general satisfac
tion. This is the fourth season we have sold
this axe, and we stick to it because it is sat
isfactory to us and to our customers. The
weights are 34, 3f, 4, 4J, 4|, 4f and 5 Ibs.,
Half-Round Wood Rasps The Uncoln This is a very good
you may have any weight you select.
Inch 7 8 9 10 11 12 It is a well well shaped axe. The il
improved Cross-cut Saw Set. It is made of lustration made,
Each 25c 30c 35c 40c 45c 50c shows it accurately. Price 75o
very hard steel, and is used in the same way
as the Whiting. There are eight different each, or 6 for $4.20.
pitches you can set the tooth to. No experi

Square Bastard Piles

Each lOc
4567 12c 13c 15e
ence is needed to handle the set successfully.
No gauging and no guessing. You do the
hammering and the set does the setting.
18c Made only of very best material, ami guar
anteed to do good work. Directions with
each set. Price, 60c each. Postage, 7c.

Round Bastard
Eaeh 8c
45678 Files

lOc lie 12c 15c

and heavier
Same weights
6 for $5
3, OOc The
axe, different in shape
in the poll.
as No.

from The Stanley,"

Good clean eye.

Price, 90c each, or
a first-clast

Pit Saw Half Round Files, 7 inch, each 20c

No. 4, $1 The "All

Steel," this is
clear polished all steel axe, of good shape,
Circular Saws ana good eye. Price, $1 each 6 for $5.50.
Whip Saws for lumber, 5J feet long, com

plete with tilleand box, price $3.00 each. When ordering circular saws say whether
rip or cross-cut is wanted, give size of man
drel nole and pattern of pin holes.

Axe Handles-
Cheapest mixed Axe Handles, eachSc.
Medium " " "

lOc; aoz. $1.00

Good Red Hickory "

13c; 1.25 "

Good Hickory 15c; 1.50 "

Best Shaved 2nd growth Hickory Handles,

Crosscut Saw Jointers each25c; dozen. S2.60.
This a combination tool consisting of a
is Our values in Axe Handles are good.
saw gauge and side filer, a tool
jointer, tooth
General dealers will find our Red Hickory
that should accompany every Xcut saw. ones, at $1.25 per dozen, a good line to han
With it, any inexperienced person can file a dle. They are good handles, and well made.
saw to perfection. Price 20c each ; $2.00
Price of larger sizes ou application.
per dozen. Postage on each, lOc. Note the very low price of this excellent
outfit. Every article in the kit is good.
The $4.00 choppers outfit consists of one of "

our 5^ foot Stanley Blade lance tooth


cross-cut sawn ready for use ; one pair of our

Xcut saw handles (say which kind you pre
Common Drag Tooth Gauges for Crosscut fer) one "Stanley" axe any weight you

Saws, to regulate the length of the drag Circular Swages Saw wish one of onr best 2nd growth hickory

teeth. Price 5c each 50c per dozen. The No. 3 Swages, for small circular K.-IWS, $3 00.
;ixe handles one Whiting sa-w set one com
; ;

drag teeth should always be just a trifle No. 2 Svvayes, for small circular and in 11 bination saw jointer, tooth gauge and side
shorter than the cutting teeth, and if amateur saws, $ 3.75. filer; and one 7 inch saw filf ^he entire
saw filers will remember that thcv will ex No. 1 Swages, for large rircnliir saws, if I ">( . iittit for only 84.00.

\/ \JLC-4 V /},


On* experience in the past teaches us that have, in our we
Stanley Blade Cross-cut Saws, probably the best quality of cross-cnt

saw on the market. Wo have now handled these blades for many seasons, and they have given our customers better satisfaction than
any ther make of saws we have ever had anything to do with. They are made especially fornsbj one of the best saw manufacturers
(if aiiada, and each one, bears the name "Stanley Blade."
E\ery saw is ready sharpened and set for use when you receive it.
hey are all of the fast cutting lance tooth pattern, and have no superiors.
Stanley Hlade.s, 5 feet, with handles, $2..",0. Stanley Blades, 5J feet, with handles, $2.75. Stanley Blades, fi with handles, iV<-t.

$3 each. When ordering Stanley Blades, say which style of handle yon prefer.


These are made in the lance tooth fasl cutting pattern. In some districts they meet with ready sale, while in others they are unknown.
Priced with handles, Narrow Stanley Blades, 5 ft,, $2.10 Narrow Stanley Blades, oj- ft., $2.35 Narrow Stanley Blades, (jit., $2.60 each.

Narrow Cross-Cut Saws, improved champion tooth, priced with handles, 5 foot length,
foot length, efe h.
5i foot length, $2.05
$1.5; : (>

No. 0- Pa tent Cross-rut Saw Handles, pair !

No. 1-Patent Cross-cut Saw Handles,) airlSc

. .
: .. .

wan-in*:*, LANCE-TOOTH, STANLEY E...

TheB great popularity and the greatly increased demand for One-man Saws has prompted
as to give special attention to these articles. They supply a gseat want, as they may be
used on farms where only one man is available, or by shifting the position of the upright
handle, two men can operate the saw, same as an ordinary cross-cut
The shorter sizes are also used in place of bucksaws, and also lor framing timbers for
Blade tooth and quality, and are made in four
building purposes. They have the Stanley
Prices as follows, including the handle which is sen-wed on, and one pright
n one. No. 2 Talent ( rnss-citt Saw Handles, pair 25o
44 foot One-man Saws, complete 82.40
34 foot One-man Saws, complete Sl. .H)
^ n a a
2.15 5 2.65 " " " "

No. 3-Patent Cross-cut SawTTandles.pairl Oc

HANDLED CHOPPINO AXES \\ e can supply in almost

^Properly handled, with good handle!
and all ready for use.
any weight from l! to 5 Ibs.

Handled Eaton Axes $ 90 Handled Stanley Axes One Man CrOSS-cul

Handled Model Axes 1.15 Handled All Steel Axes 1.25
Saw Handles, per pair
Handled rairie City Axes I $1.00
(one of each kind ;,s pictured!, ,
Boys Small Sixe Handled Chopping Axes. 7.V. screws.


A Head Wedge s, each 5c

<e ; for 25e. Ice - feet long, complete with
Wood Choppers Iron Wedge-, G Ibs., 50e. Malleable Iron Maul Kings, 5 inch, each 20e. handle, each f I


All our prices on hinges
and other aiticJ
in Builders Hardware include the screws
nails 01 bolts required to hang them.

Saw Filers Vises, without clamp 50c

" " "

with clamp . . 75c

Heavy Tee Hinges. 4 inches , per pair, 12c

( X *< ..-
No. 1 Common 15o
Buck Saws, 20o
white frame, Barn Door Rollers For wood trad 25o
35c. (see cut). Price, with screws and bolts, pe 30o
No. 2 Common pair, 4 inch wheels, 50c ; 5 inch wheels, 60c
12 40o
Buck Saws, Hinges are measured from hinge to point.
red frame, 45c.

No. 3 Heavy Strap Hinges, measured from hinge

Novelty one to point, priced with
piece and
Bent screws, 4 inch, 15c 5 :

inch, 20c 6 inch, 25c 8 inch, 30c ; 10 Inch,

Braced Frame Buck ;

35c ; 12 inch, 45c per pair.


Saw, 45c each.

llano s Barn Door Bollers-Mad<
of steel, run very easy, and cannot break
Price includes screws and bolts. Positive!;
the best barn door hanger made.
No. 1 Width
9 in., wheel 3 in., per pair, 85c

" "

No. 4 Red Braced 11J in., 4iu., $1.00

Frame Buck Saw, 8 "

114 in.,

5in., $1.15

with best quality

Narrow Antifriction Ball Bearing Barn
floor Rollers (right lian<lpicture\ take same Light Tee Hinj-es, 3 inches, per pair. 8c
bellied blade, 60c. 4 " "

rack as the Lane Hangers, per pair 65c. .... 9


5 " "


6 "


St el Track for Lane s Hangers, 5c per ft. Light Strap Hinges, 3 inch, per pair, 80 ;
teel Track is in lengths of 4, 6, 8 and 10 ft. nch, 9c 5 inch, lOc ; 6 inch, 13c.

Barn Door
Stay Hollers,
T$o. 5 Double Braced Red Frame Buck each lOc.
with lance tooth blade, price o 5c each.

Adjustable Barn Door

Stay Rollers, each 13c.
No. 6 Common Tooth Straight Buck Saw The Myer s Gate Hanger This
Blades, 25c. article, for its purpose, excels in every de Barn Door Fasts
sirable feature. It can be raised to clear
deep snows in winter. The gate swings These are to hold a
from the center, which is its strongest part. barn door open. Th*
The hanger is made of heavy steel and can- picture gives you an
No. 7 not break. It is fastened to the post with immediate idea of its
Best Quality Bellied Buck Saw Blade, use. are strong,
35o. two heavy screw bolts. Price 65c each. They
and will hold the larg
est door firm. Price,
13c each.

Bo. 8 Lance tooth, best quality bncksaw

blade, 38c.
Heavy Barn Door or Gate Hinges, made of
best heavy m rought iron, priced with bolts
and unts, per pair, 10 inch, 33c 12 inch, 35c ; ;

14 inch, 40c 16 inch, 45c

; ;
18 inch, 50c; 20
inch, one ; 22 inch, 60c. Barn Door Bolts To open from
Bucksaw Tightening Rods, lOc. Our Genuine Waltham Watch at $6.00 is tber side of the door (see cut.) These are
Bncksjiw Frames, complete except blade, 1 good lime keeper, and will give you the out iron bolts, intended for barn doors
2oc eacu. best of satisfaction. illy. Price with screws, 6 in., 20c ; 8 in.,25o

cv Wrought
Butt Hinges,
priced with

inch, pair 3c
Gl 4o

7c Torrey s Patent Doi>r
Springs, coni]>ietc, 20e
"C 12c
Barn Door Latch, best pattern on the :
market, heavy drop ring handle. Very
stout anil strong. Will open from cither
bide of door good strong keeper.
; 45c. Loose Pin Wrought
Barn Door Latch, for sliding doors, fiOe. Butts. D..OI- Bolts, wrought iron
Heavy Karn Door Thumb Latches, 25e.
inch, pair 5c
2* 8c
3 lie
men 13e
Hinged Hasps asd Staples, 3 lOc
" "

4 "
12c 15c
" "


They are measured from hinge to point.
House Door Bolts, bronzed
Loose Pin Cast Butts. 5 inch, each 15c 6 inch,
each 18c

3x3 inches, pair 12e,

3ix3i " "

Light Hasp and 2 Staples ............... 5c
Extra Heavy Hasp and 2 Staples ______ 12c . .
4 x4 " "

Bronzed Plush Door Bolts
6 inch, each 30c 8 inch, each 35c
Hasp and Staples, 12 inch, each 40c.
with droi hook, tie. )

Window Blind
Hinges Bronzed. Chain Bolts,
Priced itli screws. b inch, each 4(>e

8 "

50e "

No. 1 For frame

house, per set 20c
No. 2 For brick
house, per set 25c Bronzed Foot Bolts.
6 inch, each 40c
Hook and 2 Staples, 4 inch, each 4c, doz., 40c 8 "

50c "


2 "

5 " "


4 Tic.

2 "

6 "


50c ;

Wrought Staples Chain Door Fasts

2 inch, per doz So "

lOc "

Japanned. :_

15c "
Nickle Plated
20c "
S]iring Hinges for serecn doors, pair 15c.
Double Acting Spring Hinges, pair 35c.
Brass Butt Hinges
:!e H Wrought Iron
inch, pair inch, pair 7c.
Spring Window
Picker (iate. 4c "

com Bolt, 3 inch, 5c.
Latches, 5c " "

plete with 60 " "

12c Window
Brass Sjiring Bolts, 3 inch, each lOc
screws and
Wrought Steel B ir-
kee]ier, easily rel Bolts for windows,
put on. Price medium
small lOc ;

15c, complete.
12,; large size 15c.

Inside Shutter Hinges, brass, 1J inch, pairTc
Table Hinges, iron, with screws Window Sash
1 inch, pair 5c Hindi pairTc Locks, to fasten
tie If 8c window open a t

2 inches, pair lOc. desired height, or

lock it when eh
Price, .ie ei

The postage rate on any small article

Spiral Door Springs, adjustable, each 15c. whicl nt by mail is Ic per ounce.
Shelf-shutting Gtate Hinges, pair 25c Long Spiral Springs for bar-room doors, lOc
House Front
Front Door Bells, electric Do-* S^ts,
stroke, with push hut- new s I
1 o
ton or t urn but ton, nick- bronze phi e
Price 5fle. finish. get
15e,exiva. consists of
huge mortise
lock w ith
No. 2 No. 3 Front Door Bell, nickebMl latch
No. 1 night
goug, with copper liu-
No. 1 Burglar Proof Sash Locks, Berlin ami turn combined,
i shod base,
bronze tmish. A good sash lock, fastens on bronze plated
p ate, electric ring. knobs, and
top of lower sash, "each lOc per doz, $1.

No. 2 Bronze Plated Sash Lor k, each, 2(V. Price 7."c, each, complete. inside and
No. 3 Beilin Bronzed Winner Locks, Sc. Postage 2Uo extra. outside long
No. .l--Broiiz Plated eKc n t c h e on
Shutter Locks, lOc. plates ; per
Sash Lifts Front Door Bell,
set, all complete, $2.00.
Berlin Bronzed, 3o ;
nickeled gong,
Bronze plated, 4c genuine INSIDE
bronze turn
doz, 40c. very
handsome, con HOUSE
tinuous electric
ring. Pi ice $1 DOOR
each, complete.
"Window Spring Bolts, each 2c ;
dozen 20o. Postage 2oc. SETS
Transom Store Xew Style Bronze Finished Mortise Lock,
Lifters. with jet knobs and 2 long bronze plated es
These may be easily
Door cutcheon plates price per set, complete, 50c.

attached to any Tan- Gongs

light,either top, bot
tom or centre hung. Easily fastened on
3 feet long, each and rings each time
Sliding Door Sets, consist
45 cents. the door is opened or one sliding door
shut. Price 20c. ing of
4 feet long, each lock witli keeper,
50 cents. Postage 15c. and 4 Mush cup escutcheon
plates, ail in new bronze fin
Kim Door Locks ish ; pi ice per set, $1.50.

best pattern, usual

black japanned,
good springs, rever
sible for either side
Braided Sash Cord, Silver Lake No. of door, very easy to
hang, keeper anil
8, in hanks of 100 feet, 75c each.
key. Price, without
Sash Frame Pulleys knobs, 15c each ;

$1.75 pe,r AH?.. Price,

Best approved, ensy run with white, black or
ning, durable pulley, price brown rim knobs
with screw.-;, per dozen.
i>5c 25c each ; $2.90 doz.
Mortise Door Richard s Parlor Door Hanqers
Locks Usual size,
These hangers are for all widths of doors
Th ii in !>
goorl springs, rever
from 2 to 12 feet, singleor double and require
Latches. sible for either side.
with screws no track on the floor or cutting of carpets.
Completo with and keeper and key They are very simple and strong, and easily
(without the knobs) hung. Noiseless and without friction. Price
Size 1, each. . 7<

15c each, $1.75 per per set, complete with the hardwood track
Size 2, "

.. 8c and all screws, $3.50.


.. ite
dozen. Price, with
Size 4,

.. lOc white, black or brown Mortise Knob Lat

mortise knobs, 25c ; ches, foi eiosels, etc.;
$2.90 per dozen. price, v itliont knobs,
13c with knobs, 23c.

Kim Knob Latehei,

Heavy Rim Lock same price as Mor
Tli ii in I>

tise Latches.
Latches liiiohs.
With bent han AVhite Porcelain, pair
dle, for store or lOc doz. $1.15.

heavy doors, Jet Porcelain, pair

each 15c. lOo ; do-/,. $1.15.
Rim Dead Locks
Brown Mineral, pair Snia l size 15o
liir, ;
do/.. $1.15. Medium size 18c
Moitiso Lock Knobs size 20c
same, price as Kim
Japanned House
Door Knockers 2~>c.

We Allow Liheral Discounts Tor Large Orders.



Heavy Rim Xo. 1 Drawer Pulls, i^ack, c.icli IV do/-. 25o
Xo. 2 Drawer I ulls, bright bronze plated,

Store Door Dead

Locks, with fold each doz. f>c :

ing key, each

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3.
No. 1 Cheap Imported Spring Padlock. J So
No. 2 Japanned Oval Pattern Padlock. lOc
No. 3 Heavv Japanned Padlock 20c

No. 3 Xickelled Ring Drawer I ulls, each

each (J for LVie postage ;)r eaeh. r>c
; ;

No. 4 Kb ny and Gilt Drop Furniture

postage IV each.

No. 7 Handles, ."ic-

; (> f;>r :

No. 4 No. 5
Upright Cylinder Rim Store Door Dead No. 4 Kra-s Padlock. 2 keys 15c
Xo. le Porcelain Drawer KIM;!

broTize turn 3 keys, price per

Spring l
iucb, each. 3c
Lock, knob, inch, 1 . . .

No. 5 T.s. Brass Spring Padlock, 2 keys 15c


set, complete. $2.75.

" "

No. 6-U. S. Niokled 20c " "

No. 7 Imperial 4-levcr, 2 keys, aickled

Spring Padlock 25c
Rim Night Latch,
with 2 keys with
stop bolt, pi ice No. 6 Brass Drawer Pulls, each f! for L ."<
; .~>e

No. 7 Oxidized Silver Drawer ulU. same J

pattern as No. (left hand pirt me), 5c

No. 8 Extra Heavy Japanned Padlock,
eaeh (i for LTie
posl;mi- L c each.
with chain and staple 25c ; :

No. 8- Cast Brass Drop jlaiidh-s. for boxes

No. 9 Bicycle Braes or drawers, pair L 5c jioslage s c each. ;

Padlock with chain

2."> cents.

Horizontal Cylinder Rim Night Latches, inch, each le

Japanned Door Buttons. 1 ,

to fit doors up to 2 inch thickness, with 2 inch, each L c inch. L c each. : L !

duplicate ke\s. price 75c. Ebony Cnpl.oard Door Turns, ,-.ieh lOc.

Trunk Locks Japanned Cupboard Catch, each.

Good strong Trunk
Locks, large japanned
face plates, with liirged
No. 1 Rubber Tipped Door Stops, for base,
keepers, all to fasten on do/. L lie
postage Jr e:\cb.
with wrought trunk

No. 2 RoMier lionnd Dooi Sii for floors,

nails, 20c.

3c ;
doz. SOc ; postage 3c each.

Bronzed Cupboard Catch, each

Berlin. . . lOc
Iron Box Locks Bronze Plated Cupboard Catches I5c

If inch, each.. 1 Oc Flat Brass Cup

2 _.15e
" "

board Door
3 " "

..20c Hook and Kye,

" "

3c, 2 for 5.
Brass Box Locks, li inch 15c
No. 1 Stair Carpet Plates, either gilt or


d Xo. 2
uickle ilet hand jiictun". price
do/,cu, will) I.MIS:

postage 7c per do/en.



Carpet plates, yilt or nicklo

(right, band picture), doz. 25c J iiostagi- l(>c

Heavy Staple with ring, for trap doors. He. Zinc Binding, each
Snpboard Locks, each lOc.
3 inch, Flush Trap Door Kiu<{s,
with screw*, lOc.
with cylinder escut No. IH.X llanclles, small, pair ll e.
complete with
Cupimard Locks, !

mi s ami nails, 4
cheon. L .V eaeh. No. udles, iiirdinni, pair ISc.
yards. yards,
I. i,- : .">

Drawer Locks, 1$ inch, each lOc No. li P,o\ Handles, large, pair :
l. ie : li
\anls, 2()c
" "

2 " "

. .ir.c Nn. -I Light weight Wrought Stcol Box L


yards. .">c

jier jiackago.
Handles, per pair, 8c.
Braes Rinding, complete with corners and
nails, 4 yards, 20c 5 yards, 25o ; 6 yards, ; Hooks
30c ; 8 yards, 35c per package. No. 1-Bright Cop
Carpet Stretchers, each postage 7c. !.">;
pered Steel Wire
Biij,ht Stei-1 Screw Eyes. Clothes Hooks, to
No. 2, 2c Si/e, No. 8, doz. Sire, c l
80 se r e \v, very
No. 3 3c No. 10

lOc strong, easily put

No. 4 up and exceed

4c No. 12 "

Picture Nails, with whita porcelain heads No. 5 5c No. 16

13c ingly convenient, price 15 doz.; postage lOc.

to slide off ami on, price 18c doz 5c. No. 6 6c No. 18
post. : "

Bright Steel Gate Hooks and Eyes.
2 inch, each 2 cents ; dozen 18 cents.
21 2 20
" " " " "

3 "3 25
" "

34 3 30
" " " " "

4~ 4 4Q
" "
" " "

No. 2 Extra Heavy Brass Plated Hat and

Coat Hooks, per dozen 40e; postage 20c.
No. 3 Wardrobe Shelf Hooks, for skirts or
No. 1 No. 2
clothing, made of heavy wire, and easily
Silvnvd Picture Wire, in boxes containing
put in, per dozen 25c postage, 8c. ;
25 yards, light, per box 5c medium, 7c ; ;

heavy. lOc; extra heavy, 15c ; postage 2, 3,

4 and 5e respectively.
Gilt Picture Wire, 25 yards in box, med No. 1 Bird Cage Hooks, to screw each 5c
ium weight, 20c heavy, 25c. ;

No. Picture Moulding hooks, plain brassed,

dozen 8c postage 5c. No. 1 No. 2

Xo. 2 Picture Moulding Hooks, fancy brass No -Plate Casters, per set of 4, with screws

ed, dozen 15c postage ;V. ;

Irou Wheels. While Procelain
No. 3 Picture Moulding Hooks, fancy nick Wheels.
eled, dozen 20e postage 5c. Size No. 2, per set lie Size No.
2, per set 12

No. 3

13c No. 3 No. 2 Bird Cage Hooks, to swing, each. lOc


15 "

No. 4

15c No. 3 Wire Bird Cage Hook, lOc.


No. 4 18c
" "

No. 5

ISc No. 5

20e "

No. 2 Iron Bed Casters, with socket

Size, If inch wheel, set lOc. Bird Cage Springs, each postage 2c.
Brass Rabbit Snaring Wire, coil 5c post. 2c

Size, 2 inch wheel, set IL e.


Tinned Flower Wire, per spool 4c "

Bird Cage Springs, with 2 foot chain,
No. 3 Philadelphia
Black 4c " " " "

2c Lounge Casters Iron each lOc postage 4c. ;

wheels or procelain wheels
Copper lOc;
" " *
4c No. 1 Flower Pot
Size No. 2, per set of
Covered in colors, 5c 4, lOc.



No. 3
Stove Pipe Wire, per coil 5o. plain, each 15c.
No. 4

No. 5


No. 2 Flower Pot

Box Casters, per set of 4, lOc. Brackets, single,
fancy, each 25c.

Bright Steel Screw Hooks-

Size No. 2, per do/.. 3c Si/e X, ]ier do/. lOc
" " "

3, 10, 12c
" " "

4, 12, 15c
No. 3 Flower Pot Brackets, double, 40c.


" :

W, 20c
" "


8c "

20, 30c Japanned Awning Pulleys, single wheel- w^ 4A_

No. "

triple, 75c.
Bright Steel Square Screw Hooks 1 inch, each k inch, each 7c
inch, dozen 5o 2 inch, do/en 8c 1J 5o lOc
11 6c

24 lOc " " "

Japanned Awning Pulleys, double wheel

inch, each ----

If 7c loc

" "

11 inch, each lOc 6c

---- 2 .... 20c 7c "

Japanned Screw Pulleys, If inch wheel,

each 5c 2 inch, 7c ; 2J inch, lOc.

Ju|>aniid Side Pulleys, 11 inch wheel, 6c

No. 5 Flower Pot Brackets, double, on one
2 inch, 8c ; 21 inch, 12c each. shelf, 40c.

Brass Square Screw Hooks

1 inch, dozen 8c 1 inch, dozen 15c
lOc 18c

Postage 2c a dozen.

f 12.
Brass Cup Screw Hooks (right hand picture) Clothes Line Hooks, each lOc.
inch, dozen lOc 1 inch, dozen loc Clothes Line Cleats, light, each 5c.

lOc 25c
" "

Clothes Line Cleats, heavy, each lOc.


Postage 2c a dozen.

Japanned Steel Shelf Brackets.

3x4 inches, pair 8c 7x 9 inches, pair 18c
4 x 5lOc 8x10 "

5 x 12c 8x12 " "

6x8 15c 10x12 " "

Fancy Bronzed Iron Shelf Brackets.
Bright Bronze Lamp Hooks, with plate. No. 1 Heavy Tinned Hammock Hooks, to 3x4 inches, pair 12c 7x i) inch es, pair 30c
3 inch screw, each lOc i
6 inch screw, each 15c screw, pair 15c postage 6c per pair. ;
4x5 15c SxlO " "

4 13c x No. 2 Heavy Tinned Hammock Hooks, with 20c 9x12
" " "

" " "

x 7
" "

Gas Pipe Lamp Hooks, each lOc. screws, pair 20c; postage 7e.


Cork Screw and Pul
No. 1 No. 2 ler combined a ;

strong, heavy article

No. 1 Quilting Frame Clamps, per set of
Upholsterers Steel Hammers, intended for hotel
4, 20c.
each 35c. use. Clamps to a
No. 2 Improved Heavy Quilt Frame
table or other eou-
Clamps, per set of 4, only 35c. The No. 2 veniei t place.
clamps are made with sockets for legs.
Price, $4.50.
yV^ No. 1 Handled Common Tack Claw, 5c ;

postage 4c. Wood Faucets, cork

lined, for eider,
Window Blind Staples, inch, package, If. vinegar, etc. Small
Bed Spring Staples, f inch, heavy, oc. 8c ; medium, lOc ;

Family Nail Box, con large. 12e each.

taining a handy assort No. 2 Heavy Tack Claw, 10c ; postage 5c. Wood Wine Fauci ts,
ment of mixed wire metal spout, loose
brads, larks and nails key. Small, lOc ;

for family uses, per box, medium, 15c; huge

5 cents. 20c each.
No. 3 Patent Tack Puller, 12c ; postage 4c
Wood Win Faucet, metal spoilt, tight
key. Small, lOc ; medium, ll c ; large, 15c.

No. 1 Common Iron Can Opener, 5c ; post. 3c

Round Headed Gimp Tacks, for furni

ture, package V.
Large Headed Carpet Tacks, blued, pack No. 2-Improved Can Opener, medium lOc ;
Coal Oil Taps. bras, bushed, J inch, each,
age Ic ; I) fur 20c. 50c ; 1 inch, each, i>0c.

Headed Carpet Tacks, tinned,

postage, 5c.
Large S o. , {- Improved Can Opener, heavy, 15c ;

package 5e ;
6 fol 25c.
postage, 7c.
Common Cut Tacks
1 oz. Cut Tacks,per paper, 2c; doz.papers, 18c
2 2c; 20c
3 3c; 2. c Creamer Can Taps, with key, each lOe.
4 3c; 25c Molasses Taps, inside diameter, } inch, 2oC
6 30c
No. 4 Heavy Patent Can Opener, 15c ;

4o; each i inch, each 1J inch, 35c each.3l>c

8 35c postage, 7c. ; ;

10 5o; 45c
12 Go; 50o
14 7o; 60c
16 80; 70c
18 9o; 80c
20 lOc; 90c
The 8 ounce size is the standard c: rpet tack. . i \Vood Handle Cork Screw, .v. |iost. ;)<

Leather Headed Tacks, paper 4c 6foi 20c. No. 2 Folding Handle Cork Sciew, l(l.
Barrel Carpet Tacks, per barrel V. 3
Heavy Wood Handle Cork Screw, Perfection I aiicets/for syrups and oils of
in existence.
Double Pointed Carpet Tacks, paper 5c. l.V postage. Se. uiy kind, by far the best lap

J inch bore, each 7.V

inch bore., a. h 1
U 2">




No. 4 No. .".

\o. I Metal Cork S row.lOc; postage, B".

Brass Head Tacks, for eh air bottoms, no for.V No. r>

-Improved iletal Cork Sc r ,,\v, H c.

" "

Silver "
" "
" "
Brass Cone Head Tacks, 111 for He. .
No. 1 Water Tap Filters,
Brass Star Headed Tacks, IX for ;V. small, to lit any city wat ,

Brass Fancy Headed Tacks, 24 for So, postage 2c.

IS ;. 2 Double or Reversible Large Water
lilter, sell-cleaning, to tit any cii

Jfo. 6 Self Drawing Cork Screw, iV each li.V ; postage, .V.

postage, lOe.
JVnt Cracker*
Strong Plain Steel Nut Crackers, pair, 25c
Strong Fancy Hated 1.00 " "

The postage on a pair of Nut Crackei

China Heail Tacks, with brass discs, do/en ." The *:> IJa/or (F.nglaud s best ra/.or) wliicl
we- sell tor has made us famous. Iron Boot Ja -.attern, each l.V.
Drugget Oil Cloth Pins, large heads, doz. 5 only .*! ,

No. 1 Revolving ^T o. 1
Best Russian Hemp Garden Vegetable Peeling Knife, 5c G for
Lines, 40 25c.
Clothes Line Reel,
Postage, 2c each.
i or lop of ronixi feet, Hie. Postage, 7c extra,
post, forliglit famil\ Garden Line Revolving Keels, each . !.".

washings. Wright
o. 2 Potatoe Peeling
12 Ibs. Price G.JC. Knives, 5e ;
6 l
liostage 2c each. .

No. 2 Clothes
Lino K i- 1-
1, ^T - 3 Potatoe Peeling Knives, 8c

; post 3c.
heavy .strong
revolving cas- No. .(Ideal Poi;i-
t 1
g,II \V i t !l Hanging Twine Box. each 25c.
stunt Cotton Counter Twine, h ,11 (jc 5 for 25c. Peeler, each,
lOc; 3 for 25c ;

for he \ y :i Cotton BagTwine, per ball, 10c 3 f r 25c. ;

postage 3c.
arins. No 2 is Jute Bag Twine, a ball G for r>a


intciidi il for Kussiaii Heni]) Best Bag Twine, lOe a, ball.

heavy wash ings, and isprobaMy better to Mat trass StilchingTwine, 10 e p,.,- ball.
buy tlinii tin- No. 1. weight; His.; l ii !)(]<.
Col ton Can. lie Wick, per hall 5c, 6for25c.
No. 3 Ball Krai-ing Involving Clothes Lino (irape Tying Twine, p or bull, lOc.
Rt-el,for heavy work, runs
very eusily ; Wrapping Paper.
weight 17 Ibs; price $1 each. Lead or Babbet Melting Ladles, 20e
Stands only. 10, 15,
inch, each .. . $1 35

Wire Clothes Lines, 50 feet, light, each 20c

75 H tt

Key Ring with Chain, each 5c ; postage 2o.

30e -

45c -

We Manilla Paper for above

inch, per roll 18 inch, per roll

4. 20
". V "

Alurainniu Key Chain and Ring, each lOc ;

Ii5e 21 " "

postage 2c.
80c 30 "

Best, quality square bot
No. 1 Iron Foot Scraper, with screws, for tom Paper Bags for gro
door step, lUc. cers uses.
o. 2 Iron
Foot Scraper, IDo Jib. hags, per 100 lOe Hb. bags per 100 28c
" "

each. 12c 35c r>


In each ease onr


lie 6 38c " "

Split Key Rings, 1, 2, 3, 4c each.


7 42e "

prices include screws


Chain Key Ring, each 3e postage Ic. ;

and in 22e

10 (IXc
" "

fact all Fruit Crate Hasps, 5c each IS for 2.V.

12 lb. bags, per 100... 70c. ;

through our cata Fruit Basket Cover Hooks, per lb. lOc.
the same,
it is Grocery Clerk Plaited Straw Cuffs, pair lOc.
screws are, included Storekeepers Alarm Money Drawers, each $2.
in the prices \vhere-
ever required. Reversible
Creepers for
heels, pair 256;
No. 3 Foot Scraper, tic.
to fasten to side of postage,
Silver Cleaning Brush, lOc postage He.
step or door frame, ;

Curved Soft Hair.Silver Cleaning Brush, 25c

easily screwed into
position, and innd
mud iseasily cleaned
away. Price ILYcach

Letter Box
Plates for doors, Rust Cleaning Wire Brush, 25e ; jiost. lOc.
bron/c plated,
Family Meat Cleavers, for kitchen use, .~>0e

25ceach. Post .Meat Cleavers, butchers, medium si/e, 65c

age. 10c each. 1.00
" "

Iron LettPr Boxes, to screw

lip beside a front door, in Folding Cheese Tryer, nickle plated, 2
which to drop in nches. each 2.1c ]iostage Jc. ;
weight 3 HIM. Price fi.V. Straight Cheese Trycrs, 5 inches x | inch,
ach 30c jiostagc Tic.
We only handle a class of

which will give our

Straight Cheese Trycrs, G inches x inch,
goods ch 35c
customers satisfaction. If
postage 6c.
Bcjne Saws, family use, small 50c
you want 60o
" " " "

a cheaper grade, of large

goods you will have no trouble Tmetal frame, nickel plated, 25c
" "

in findingit. but wilh us we Bone Saws, butchers nse, small i 00

pay more attention to quality



1 25 " "

than we do to price. Oyster Opening Knives, 15c ; postage oc.

" "

large.. . 1
S Meat Hooks,
tinned -

Round Wood Mouse Traps, 8c postage ;

Out-of-8ight Mouse Traps, 5e

Rat Tra].s, 15c

Wire Cloth will lie ent any length. It ti>

is painted and will not rust. Xo Hies or in

sects can pass through it. It is used for win
dows, doors, meat or milk cupboards, and is
the only proper article for complete protec
tion. The price is the price per yard :

Mea- Drive Hooks, medium, do/. 25c inches wide. ILV .

30 inches w ide. . 20c
" " " "

2".e 20 .. 13c 1(2


wood 14c 23c
Heavy Meal Honks, tinned, for 2 inch
12 .

bar. per do/.en, $1.35. Delusion (Catch- em-Aliye) Mouse Traps, 15c. 24 I.V . . 36 25c
Postage l()c 2t i . . Hie 28c
28 ISe It) 30c
Wood Bot-
toin A\ 1 1 e
l> at or
Light Steel Link Chain for wells, per Traps, 50c
foot, 2c. each.

Steel Wire Jack Chain, No. 18 wire, yd. 5c. Ai!jiistaii!<- Wire Windows.
These are made to expand or adjust to tit
Yankee Kat Traps, best in the world. 8,">c.
the width of any house window. No (lies or
mosqnitos can pass through the wire panze.
The w ire is painted and will not nisi liaise .

Brass Safely hain, plumbers yd. your glass window until the wire window


Brass Wire Ladder Link Chain, No. 17 is adjusted to width, then lower the glass
wire, yard lOc. window to the top of the wire w indow.
Brass Wire, Ladder Link Chain, No. 19 Xo. IS inches high, adjusts from 17

iviie, yard8c. to 2S inches wide, each 2.V.

Xo. 2 IS inches high, adjusts riiin 22 to

Round Wire Rat Traps. 60c. 3G inches w ide. each ill) cents.
Wiru Horse Muzzles, li~>c : 2 for 25c. Xo. ;; 22 inches high, opens from 22 to 36
Double Lihk Brass Chain, No. 11!
wire, yd. 7e

Xo. IS "

APPLE inches, price
No. -I- 22 inches high, opens from 26
" " "

Xo. Ill or I ll 5c PARER. inches, price 40c.

X os. HI and 20 arc used for glass panels. No. 1 This ma
chine will peel,
cnre ami slice
in Case, Weather Ther
an apple to per
No? 1 Japanned [

fect ion, leaving

mometer, 15e postage 7c. ;
the 1
shape like a
slia and in
just the shape
to dry or evaporate to the best advan
Ho. 2 Plain Wood Weather Thermometers, tage. I rice Tide each.
white or black, 20c postage, 80. ;

No. 2 Impro\ ed Turn
table Apple arcr I doe>

good work on any

No. 3 Tin Case. Weather Thermometer and
shaped apple.
the apple \\ell lint
iStoriii Glass, 25c ; postage 8c. does not (lire or slice
These are manufactured only in three
it ; good working standard sixes as o!lo\\s
machine. t :

rice, 60c each.

Small 2 feet S b\ feet S inches.
Medium 2 feet 1(1 by l! feel 10 inches.
Lalge ;: feet wide by 7 feet high.
Weather Thermometers All si/.es are the same price, ami some one
Xo. 1 Wood mounted, plain, SJ inch, 25c. of these si/es can be used on any house door
No. :>
- " " "

20 "

T. .c.
with only a little titling.
No. " "

ext. wide, plain, Klin. 3.V

Three-panel wire door, brown

No. I

No. 7 " "

fancy, SI inch, 50c. Wire Door

Spiral Springs, length It) inches stained, wood, non-warping, price for soft
X f. sed for bar-loom doors or house any of the abo\e sixes, ifl.dn each.

doors, each Idc postage, f.c.

; No. 2 Tci-panel, fancy pattern, light
color stained door, $ l.lill each.
No. 8 Dairy Thermometers, mercury, 1i>e. Screen Door Pulls, Wire Door Trimmings, which include a
No. 9 Dairy Thermometers, spirits, i.v. japanned, each :!c. pair of spring hinges and screws, one door
Pottage, oti Glass Thermometer, lOc e\tra. pull, and hook and eye. Price, per set, 20c.

PAINTS AND PAINTERS SUPPLIES. Gold Enamel For decorative pur

poses, very best quality, put up in neat
Carriage Paints card box containing one bottle of fine gold
Specially fine ground and powder, one bottle of the liquid gold
mixed with varnish so as fluid, one brush, one sample can of our
to dry with a rich gloss. enamels. Price for the box, with directions
Very handy to apply aud to use, and instructions how to beautify
quality is Al. The colors your home, large size box 20c.
READY are black, light wine, dark
Dry Bronze PowderIn one ounce
wine, canary yellow, par
MIXED rot green aud vermillion.
packets, superior, unchangeable pale gold
Bronze Powder, used for a great variety of
Prices, ai ."alike. ^ pints, each2oc; pints, decorative purposes. Price, 13c per package,
45c ; quarts, each 75c. 2 for 25c. Postage, 2c per package.
Tube Paints- Bronzing Liquid This is used in
Used by artists and connection with Gold Bronze Powders. It
also used by carriage is a transparent liquid. Price per bottle, 12c.
painters for striping
purposes. Most colors Dry Paints, etc. Red Lead, per Ib.,
READY MIXED HOUSE PUNTS are lOc each tube.
80 best Indian Ked, per Ib., 60 ; American

Vermillion, peif Ib,, 20o; Burnt Sienna lOo ;

Put up iii air-tight (in pails of -J pint, pint, Ready Mixed Kaw Sienna, 80; Venetian Rad, 4c; Burnt
quart and oue-lialt gallon capacity. You. Stains
Applied -with a
Kaw Umber, 8c ; Lamp
brush or cloth, aud for Umber, lOc
open the can, stir the paint, aud start to

Black, 5c per J Ib. package French

work. We guarantee the quality of this staining cupboards, book

VARNISH cases, tables, etc., are very Imperial Green, loc per Ib. ; Brunswick
paint as first-class.
Green 8e; Yellow Ochre, 2c; Golden Ochre,
For inside or outside work the following 5 conveniently put in air
are the colors which we always keep in TA I N5 tight tins. This stain lOc; Resin, 4c; Whiting, ^c; Ultra Marine
Blue, 12e; Plaster of Paris, 3c; Oxide of Iron,
stock White, black, light green, light
: has varnish in it, has also
4c Ground Borax, lOc Lump Borax, lOc ;
pink, stone color, light brown and light a good body and can ; ;

be applied on woodwork that has already Dry White Lead, lOc; Patent Dryers, per Ib
drab, light bine, dark brown or
drab, dark lOc Drop Black in Japan, 20c per Ib.
terra cotta, light yellow. been painted. Ebony, walnut, rosewood, ma ;

White Lead in Oil, in 1, 2 and 5 Ib. tins, Ib. lOc

Mixed Paint, J pint tins 13c each.
u ii u a 20c hogany, cherry and oak. Price.for half-pint White Lead in 12J Ib. tins, each 90o
tins, 18c pint tins 3Sc.

i ; Best White Lead in 25 Ib. tins, each. . .1.75

" " "

1 quart " "

6 -.c
" " " "
\ gallon Paint Dries with per
One gallon of Ready Mixed Paint, will cover fect gloss, very hard finish,
about 250 square feet of surface two coats. used for chairs, tables, stair
Special Colors cases, iron and wood bed
Ready Mixed House Paint, special ex steads, household utensils,
pensive colors, such as window blind green baths, bicycles, basket work
and vermillion, prices :
of all kinds, and fancy arti
\ pints, each 18c 1 quart, each 50c. cles of every description. Put up in each
Pints 30c "

gallon 90c. "

of the following colors, ready for use Pure :

white, ivory white, jet black, flesh, cardi

Ont Bnilding Paints nal, sky blue, light bine, light green. Med
A good brick-red paint suitable for out ium tins, 15c ; large tins, 25c each.
buildings, gates, heavy wagons, sleigh bobs, Furniture Varnish lOc
harrows, machinery, etc., put in \ gallon The very best quality of var Leather Cement, per bottle
tins at 50c each or in 5 gallon wooden Rubber "
; nish. Quarts, 40c pints, 25c ;
kegs at $5 each. pints, 15c.
Good Sheet Glue, per Ib
Best White Glue, per Ib 25c
Carrisige Varnish lOc
No. 1 Carriage Varnish, put up Liquid Prepared Glue, small bottle
a i

in quart tins, price 75c ; pints,
a "

$ pints 25c
40c ; one half pints, 25c.
n "

pints 45o
Furniture Polish
An excellent preparation for Sand Paper, very fine, fine, medium,
coarseand very coarse. Price per sheet lo,
renewing the finish on furni
ture of all kinds and also for per dozen sheets lOc.
pianos, organs and other fine Emery Cloth, very fine, fine, _ medium,
woodwork. It is applied with coarse and very coarse, per sheet, 5c.
a soft cloth and does splendid
Ready Mixed Floor Paints prompt work, leaving a re- Emery Powder, fine, med
Mixed to dry quick and hard. The fol newd appearance. On pianos ium or coarse, per Ib. lOc.
lowing are the best floor colors: Light yel especially this furniture polish
low, medium yellow, dark yellow, slate and
will work wonders. Price Iron Glue Pots, with water
terra cotta. Prices : 15c per bottle. cpnipartment below, small
pints, each 13c 1 quart cans, 35c. size, 40c medium size, 50c ;

1 20c Half gallons, each 65c. large size, 75c.

" "

Kalsomine or Wall Finish

Asplendidly improved Kalsomine for fin-
isl^ng walls and ceilings, it is easily ap
plied, flows freely from the brush, and will
not scale, peel or lade. It is in dry powder
Painters Pallette Knives, 20c, 35c.
form and put up in 5 Ib. packages. The fol Gold Paint For re Japanese
lowing are by far the most popular shades or touching gilt picture frames, room mould
tints Light pink, light green, light drab, ings, gilding any ornament, or for other fancy

light blue, and pure white. Directions for decoration. You shake thebottle thoroughly
nse on each package. A 5 Ib. package will aud start to work. Small bottles, lOo
cover about 450 quare feet, two coats. each. Large 25c. Brush with each bottle.
Price per package for fill colors only 25c. See next coluum for Gold Enamel Paint. . Painters Putty Knives, 15c ; postage 6c.

Best Chiselled Edge Sash Brushes, size 1


rice lOc size 2, 12c; size 3, 13c; size 4, loo;


ze 5, 18c; size 6, 20c. Postage 3c.

Painters Scraping Knives, 25c ; postage 10o Kals* mine Brushes, cheapest, 7 inch 25c

medium, 7 50c
" "
8 ....65c
Fitches or Sign Painters Brushes. 5, 6. 7. "
7 . 81. 00
and lOc each, according to size. Post. 2c. finest,
" "
8 ..81.25

Paper Hangers Wall Scrapers,20c; post. 80

Postage 3c each.
oft Camel Hair Varnish Brushes, 1 inch,

15c; li in., 20c; 2 in., 25c; 2J in., 30c.

Painters Graining Combs, per set $1.25;
postage 15c. Kalsninine Heads, same prices asKalsomiue

..: I I
lommon Flat Varnish Brushes, 1 inch, 5c ;

li inch, 8c ;
2 inch, lOc each. JTjJJTT
Paper Hangers Trimmers, $1.00 ; post.!2c

No. 1 Window Glass Cutters, 15c; post. 3c Paper Hangers Brushes, small, 50cj large,75o.
Best Flat Varnish Brushes, 1 inch, 80 ; 1J
inch, lOc ;
2 inch, 12c 2i inch, 16c.

No. 2 Window Glass Cutters, lOo; post.

Brick Masons Lining Brushes, 20c.
Stencil Brushes, lOc each. Postage 2c.

Best Chiselled Flat Varnish Brushes, 1 inch,

Glaziers Glass Cutting Diamonds, $5, $6, $ 12c; 1* in., 15c 2 in., 25c 2J inch, 30c.
; ;

Painters Dusting Brushes, 40c. Postage lOo.

Plat Paint Brushes, for walla and ceilings

Whitewash Brushes, for hen houses, etc. 15e
2i inch, 20c 3 inch, 25c 3^ inch, 30c ; 4
; ;

inch, 40c each. Postage, 7c extra. Camel Hair handles, each r>c.

Stripers, <iuill

Camel Hair Pencils, (mill handles, each 3c.

Best quality Flat Paint Brushes, for a]

One of Onr $3O Machines.
kinds of good (minting, walls or woodwork Whitewash Hrnshes, good quality, 7 in., 25 Gleiclicn. Alberta.
3 in., 45c; 3i in., 50c; 4 in., 60c. Postage 7c

Xin.,3.-,, Dear Sirs. -The sewing machine arrived

Postage ll c each and was a cry pleasant surprise. It

was fat beyond our expectations, and .

Whitewash Heads think you will receive an order 1m- another

cheapest, 2r: medinni, ;
from aue-iffhbor of mine, -Yours very truly,
Post C HAS. 0. ItKAY.
50c; best, $1.00.
age 13c extra. s Fin-
Best Oval Paint Brushes, very small, Be England
small, 7c ; medium, 15c; medium large, 25c :or, regu
extra large, 50c. lar price :^!.OU,
large, 35c Postage, 5c.

Three Good Friends. ( .

u r s pee ia 1

Dr. Williams Pink Pills, . ! boxes for $1.00, price olilv

each, postpaid.
Dr. Walker s Century Blood Pills, !
Send one dollar
Common Sash Brushes, small, 5c; medium for $1.00, postpaid. ai.,1 jrrt die Ka/ors we blnvv so

lOc ; large, 15c. Postage, 3c extra. Dodds Kidney Pill*, 3 boxes for $1, postpaid. hi. n li

In this department, as in all others, we
handle only reliable goods. Our cutlery is
the nearest approach to genuine
Celluloid is
the best of Sheffield manufacture. A set of No. 1 Carving Knife and Fork, plain good
ivory, and is far more durable. It will not
knives and forks consists of 6 kuives and 6
crack or discolor, and consequently, as hand quality article with rough stag horn hand
forks, 12 pieces in all. les. Price for knife and fork, 75c Table
les fur table knives, is very popular and very

Steel to match, 25c postage on carvers ;

12c extra ; postage on steel c extra.

No. 1 Table Kuives aiid Forks, well rivetted

red wood or ebony handles, knives have
well polished good steel blades, forks have No. 6 Celluloid Handled Knives, best Eng
3 prongs and a^e of best polished steel. manufacture. Plain white balanced
lish Jfo.2 Carving Knife and Fork, extra select
Price per set of 6 knives and 6 forks only handles, very neat, very durable, give the stag horn handles, shanks well rivetted,
50c price for 6 knives, only 30c; postage
; best of satisfaction. Nickel silver forks are blades Al quality, best Sheffield manufac
on 6 knives aud 6 forks, 20c ; postage ou 6 generally used with them. ture, well shaped blades, strong forks.
knives. } .> -.
6 Dessert Knives for $1.00 postage lOc extra ; Price for carving Knife and fork only $1 ;
Note. Dessert same price as Table size. 6 Table Knives for .. 1.25; 15c " "

Table Steel to match, 35c postage on


6 Oregon Silver Forks 60c ; 80 " "

carvers 15c postage on steel lOc.


No. 2 Table Knives and Forks, red wood or

No. 7 Celluloid Handled Knives, best Shef
ebony handles, well rivetted handles with field make, ivory grained, balanced hand
heavy metal cap on inside end, best temp No. 3 Carving Knife and Fork, curved
ered and well polished steel blades on both les, splendid goods.
Dessert Knives for $1.50 postage lOo extra smooth fiue Buffalo horn handles, very
knives and forks. Price per set of 6 knives <>

6 Table Knives for.. 1.7o; loc handsome, good grip, finest quality and
and 6 price for 6 kn
75<: "es
best Sheffield manufacture a good line to
fa>rks, ;
6 Victoria Silver Forks 90c; lOc " "

postage. u ti knives and 6 iorks, 25o

4 Jc ; ;
select, not expensive and yet good.
postage on 6 knives, 15c. Dessert same Price for Carver and Fork, $1.50 post, 156 ;
price as table size. 12o "

Steel to match, 1.00;


No. 8 ^Celluloid Handled Kuives, very best

Sheffield manufacture, extra fine polish fin
No. 3 Table Knives and Forks, red wood or ish, ivory grained, balanced handles, war
ebony handles, well rivetted handles with ranted secure. Finest quality of Celluloid
heavy metal caps at both inside and out-, handled knives over manufactured.
side ends, very best tempered and highly I
6 Dessert Knives for $1.75 postage lOc extra ;

polished steel in both knife and fork, i

6 Table Knives for.. 2.00; loo
" "

Price for set of (5 knives and 6 forks. $1.00; Sterling Plated Forks $2.25 18c
" "

price for 6 knives only, (^ e posture, on ;


knives and forks, 30c postage on li knives, ;

Carver and Fork in plush lined case, $2.50;
18c. Dessert same price as table size. postage 25c.
Caryer, Fork and Sreel iu plash lined case,
$3.50 postage 35c.

One pair Regular Carvers, one pair Game

PIRATED KNIVES Carvers and Steel to match (5 pieces), nil
iii handsome
No t 9 Plated Steel Knives, good quality, plush lined case, $8.00; post
Sheffield make, splendid value at the price, age 75c.
handles and blades plated, easy to clean.
No. 4 Table Knives and Forks, round trans 6 Dessert Knives for. .$1 postage 15c extra .

6 Table Knives for $1 20c " "

parent Buffalo horn handles, polished, ;

shanks run right through the handles, best 6 Oregon Silver Fot-ks 60c 8c ;
" "

quality Sheffield-steel, very handsome and

durable and good. Price p,-r set of table f>
No. 4 Carving Knife and Fork, best quality,
kuives and forks, $1,75 fi desert, knives ; an<1 fine finish,ivory grained white celluloid
forks, $1.50; price for 6 table knives only, No. 10 Plated Sfeel Knives, extra good
handles, strong fork and well shaped
$1.20 6 desert knives fur lh)c
postage on quality, a splendid heavily plated article,
blade. Price for carver and fork, $2.00;
6 knives and forks, 25c which will give good satisfaction.
postage on 6 ; price of Steel to match, 75c ; postage on
knives, 15c. Dessert Knives for $1.50 postage 15c ;
carvers 15c ; postage on steel 12c.
6 Table Knives for 1 .51 20c ;

(i Victoria Silver Forks for We lOc ;


No. 5 Child s Knife and Fork, white, red or

-black rivetted handles, steel blades. Price No. 11 Plated Steel Knives, Rogers Bros.

No. 5 Carving Knife and Fork, special stag

per pair, lOc ; postage per pair, 4o. 1847 satin finish handles,
warranted," horn handles, sure grip, silver ferruled and
sterling plated, best goods of this kind silver tipped, new design ; quality of,blades
Kns!:iirs Finest Razor manufactured. Each half dozen done up Al, finish the very best, well shaped blades
Our $1 ia/or has made us famous. It was in a neat card box. and strong forks.
made to sell for .$;{. but, by a fortunate C Dessert Kuives\ $2.25 postage 20c extra. ; "
Carver and Fork $2.50 postage 20c extra.

streak of good Inek, we juirchased tin enor 6 Table 2.50; 25c " "

Carver and Fork, and Steel to match, air in

mous quantity of them, onr prieo is only $1. 6 Sterling Plated Forks, $2.25 post 18c ;

plush lined case, $5 postage 50c extra.


STERLING SILVER PLATE ?read Knife set, 3 knives in set, with corru
No Carving Knife and Fork, very neavy
6 These are plated with pure silver. Each gated edges, a good bread, cake and peel
silver ferrules and tips, heavy stag handles, half-dozen is put up in a neat, velvet-lined
toannfactnre. ing knife, i rice per set, 25c postage 10o ;
finest finish, best English

ase of great beauty, having a division for

Carver and Fork $3 postage 250 each piece.
They are the best quality of
and Steel to match, in
Carver and Fork, goods manufactured and fully guaranteed.
60c extra.
neat plush lined case, $5 ; postage Coffee Spoons, per dozen $1.50; postage 8c
ea Spoons, J dozen $1.50; lOc I

dozen. .$2.50 18c Bread Knife, large size, corrugated cutting

Spoons, 4 .
clean. Price
Table Spoons, each 50; 4c edge, very keen and rapid and
DessertForks, i dozen $2.23 18c 15c postage 7e.

No. Emery Table Steel, wire centre, good 20c

Table Forks, i dozen $2.50 ;
20c each. Postage 8c extra.
handle, price

Ham Knife, with Raw oil the back,
edge, full size. Price, 2oc ;
No. 1 Table Steel, plain stag handle, 25c ;
Silver Butter Knife $0 50 ; postage 5o gated
75 ; 60 postage
postage 8c. pearl handle, No 1 Bread Knife, well rivetted, red cocoa
No. 2 Table Steel, select stag handle, J5 1 00;
" "

blade of
handle, tine strong well shaped

postage lOc. 1 25;

" "

best English manufacture. Price,
No. 3_Table Steel, Ivory Grained Celluloid Pickle Fork 50
handle 75c postage 12c.
No 2 Bread Knife, Swiss pattern, carved
pearl handle 1 00;

white wood handle. Price, 50o each.
No 4 Table Steel, enrved Buffalo norn nanrt- Salt Spoons, each . . 25 ; a
Bread Knife, fine silver
same as No. 3 Carvers, tinted blades

Al quality, price $1 postage 12c.
whh polished brown beechwood
handle. Price. 50c postage, 7c. ;

No 4 Corrugated Hi cad Knife, quadruple

SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS plate, with polished rosewood handle.
guarantee these articles to be, exactly Price 7.V postage, 8c.
as represented. Wo handle no inferior goods , ;

of any kind, and when \ve recommend an arti

cle you can rely upon it.

Butcher Knives, Al quality, very best mann-

faetiire. best shape for general work
6 in. h Butcher Knife, price 25c; postage 5c
35c; 7c
- oi 8
Oreu< composition is a
hard good wearing B 60c;
silver "iiid white metal, a
substance. The spoons and forks made of

but are made of Solid Silver Tea Spoons, medium si/e. in

Oregon stiver are not plated, satin lined box, per $ dozen. These
the saihe composition all the, way through, $r>.oo.

and never turn a bra-." color. They make a -riecially handsomo. wedding ]>

and y an. Ijcaui itullv gotten up. Postage loc


good line of very low-priced spoons

forks. Prices as follows: EAORAVING
Tea Spoons, large, dozen, 60c ; postage, 8c We will engrave any letter or initial upon
dozen, 9c
Spoons, per

any pi
Skinning Knife, each
I)e.s>ert 2:>c


60c ; lOc tter for each pi ecu, ami in Ue done Butcher s ; \

Tablespoons, it

i 60c; by a

Table Forks, tirst -class engraver.


Butcher s Sticking Kn
NewVictoria Silver is simply a
the manufacturer*.
given to nickel silver by Butcher s S*eel with ring, best bn-
It m:tj;es a splendid line of spoons
ami forks,
the makers. Knife, Fork and Spoon, each haiHlle, best ..ualily 12 inch blade, price
fullv guaranteed by ue and by
set in ;.

lined 85c postage

It wears well, and of course, not. being plated

Nickel Silver Knife, Fork and

can never w. ar any but a siUer white
color. S]>

It makes probably the, best, line

of g.iods for 7o.

everyday use by most people. Every piece

Butcher s Steel, round smooth Bnllalo Horn
\curs we have sold per si
poM age. 7e.
guaranteed. For
t I

Extra Sin-ling Plated, per set., in a handsome handle, with ring, HI inch blade, 75c;
every piece h.

inch blade, $1 an.

rici-s as lollir plush lin. lOc. postage ;

faction. 1

Tea si us. med. doz., 60o; postage,

-poems, large size, dozen. $1 ;

Dessert S] per half doz., 90c ;


Table Spoons, price each... -25c;

Cook s Kuil inittern, 6 inch blade,
LTx 1

; poi!age 5c.
Cool< s Knife. French pattern, 7 inch blade,
postage It:.; Cattleman s .lark Knife, -tl.OO :

Bone Es;g Spoons, cai-li ... 5c ; ]o^i Castrating Knife., best qnalit y.:*.V; (.ostagej.

postage lOc Spoons, each .... 5c Butclier s 1

Victoria Silver Forks. I doz. 90c ;

ill ; pos; I

Hunters Dirk Knife, well rivetted No. 270 Boker s Gents 3 Blade Pearl
stag horn Pen
handle with guard, 6 inch blade with No. Knife, 75c Poster 5c.
7 Farmers Large Stout One Blade Jack
sheath. Price 85c postage 12c. Xo. 1 Tl linker s Gents 4 Blade Pearl
Knife, of excellent quality, ebony handle, Pen
a splendid knife for Knife, $1,00. Postage 5c.
any one whose work
requires a stout knife, price 25c. Post. 5c.

Hunters Jack Knife, 3| inch big blade also No 271-Gents Nickle Plato,! -
small handy blade, black bone and Corkscrew Pocket ri<j

handle, Kniie, 75c ;

clasp fastening on big blade. Price 50c No. 8 Farmers Heavy Two-blade Jack
Postage 5c. well finished knife of best
quality, with
ebony handle, well rivetted and round
edges, price, 35c. *
Postage 5o, No. 273 Ladies
Samples We always buy manufactur Cheap Pearl Pen Knife, 15c
ers samples when we can them.
get Sample
Jack Knives, always worth more
money, only
20c each postage 5c extra.

No. 274 Ladies Me.Vum Pearl Pen Knife

No, 275 Boker s Ladies Pearl Pen
Miners Handy Knife, stag horn handle, Knife, 50c
with tools, large blade, small blade, screw
driver, bleeding fleam, corkscrew, nu
cracker, hoof cleaner, nut pick, sliver re Joseph Rodgers Jack Knives.
mover and a pair of tweezers, all besi No. 148 Genuine Joseph
quality. Price $1 ; postage 8c. Rodgers & Sons, No. 276 Boker s Ladies- 3 Blade Pearl
one-blade Jack Knife, with best black han Pon
Knife, 75c.
POCKET KNIVES dle, small size, 25c postage 5c.
No. 150 Joseph Rodgers & Sons, one-blade
Postage 5c.
Our assortment of Pocket Cutlery is very
Jack Knife, with best black handle, me
We can only find room here for a dium size, SCISSORS AMD SHEARS
35c ; postage 5c. All our Scissors and Shears are first-class
limited variety. The postage ou any knifi No. 152
JosepL Rodgers & Sons, one-blade No second-class cutlery kept in stock.
is 5c extra to any postoffice in Canada. Or Jack Knife, black handle, large size, 40c : goods.
der by catalogue number always. L. idiiV
postage 5c. Embroidery
Scissors, with tine sharp
poiiiti, loc finest qual ;

ity, 25c postage 3c a


No. 1 Very Small Boy s Knife, 1 blade, wood No. 260 Joseph Rodgers & Sons, two-blade
Manicure or Nail Scis
handle, 5c per dozen, 50c. Jack Knife, black handle, small 40c sors, best quality, bent
; size, ;
No. 2 Boy s One Blade Knife, white bone, postage 5c. blades, with file, pair
red or black wood handle, lOc; dezen, $1. No. 261 Joseph Rodgers & Sons, two-blade 35c postage
. H ,

Jack Knife, black handle, medium size, 45c:

postage 5c.

No. 3 Boy s Two-blade Knife, white, red or

black handle, price 15c ; dozen, $1.50.
No. 263 Joseph Rodgers & Sons, two-blade
Dry Goods Clerks Pocket Scissors, with
Jack Knife, black handle, large size, 50c
round points, small size 20c ;
pestage 5c. ;

25c. Extra finish and finest quality, im

No. 265 Joseph Rodgers & Sons, two blade
proved handles, 35c a pair postage 5c. ;
Jack Knife, black handle, very extra
No. 4 Farmer s Large Sized Jack Knife, 2 Nu. 1 Button
heavy. Price 65c ; postage 5c.
blades, smooth buffalo horn handle, well Hole Scissors.
rivetted, convenient shaped handle as pic inside set screw,
tured a good quality kniie for farmers,
adj nst a lil e to
price, 25c. Postage 5c. make any -izool
buttonhole, lT>c;

No. 266 Gent s 2-blade Pen Knife, fine postage ."ic.

quality, well finished convenient shaped No. 2 Button

knife, white or black handle. Price 25c; Hole Scrssiirs,
postage 5c. on si do sot t

No. o This is the same knife as No. 4, but set screw, ad

with handle of different pattern, price, 25c. to jit justable
any size hole,
No. 267 Joseph Rodgers & Sons, 2-blade -"ic :
postage ,V.
black horn handle pen knife, 50c post 5c. ;

Pocket or Folding
No. 6 Farmers Two-blade, red, white or
Shar]) Pointed Scissors,
black handled, well finished Jack Knife, of
No. 268 Joseph price 2;c; postage 5c.
good- quality, price, only 25o. Postage 5c. Rodgers & Sons, 2-blade
pearl handle pen knife, 75c ; postage 5c.
$3 Razors for #1. If yon would like to build
the next page you will find the de up your general
scription of this razor which we blow s.i health, through the blood, then send $1 for
boxes of Dr. Walkers Century Blood Pills.
M about. It is Ihis razor that lias made o. 209 Boker s Gents 2 Blade Pearl Pen These are the
blood-strengthening pills
Postage PC. which all Canada is talking about.

Ladies Fancy
Work Scissors,
finest plat c<!

lades, with
fancy pattern fo. 4 Razor Strop, 4 sidert, with screw
gilt handles, small embroidery scissors, 30c ; tightening handle, 50c postage lOc. ;

medium basket scissors, -10c ; large size, 50c \o. 5 Razor Strop, 4 sided, very choice
pair; postage 5c. 5Oc Razor A screw stretcher handle (same arti
per White-handled, Concave article,
cle we use in our No. 2 Shavers outfits.
or Hollow Ground Razor, fairly good quality.
Price of No. 5 is 6oc postage 12c extra.
Mce 50c each ; postage 4c extra. ;

Family Scissors, 5 inches, loo ; dozen, $1.50

" "



" "

6 "


2.50 vo. 5| limbers Horse Hide Double Leather

Sample Scissors, makers and travellers samp Razor Strop. rice. postage 6c.
I ">0e

les, always a bargain. Price 25c each. No. (i Barbers Razor Strop, finest select
Ladies Scissors, in por.ioise, specially prepared for barbers
cases, 3 pairs in use, well backed, and with heavy strong
plush case, .$2 ; England s Finest Razois stuffed handle. Price 60c eacii post. 6c. ;

postage, llle. 1 Razor We have a great Bargain to No. 7 Selected Porpoise, Hide, with tilled
Ladies Scissors, in offer in Razors at $1 each. This Razor at $1 canvas back, barbers best razor strop,
cases, 2 pairs in was made for the finest United States trade, 75c postage oe. ;

leather case, $2 ; UK! was intended to retail at $3 each, but

postage, lOc. owing to trade depression it was found neces
sary to put them on the market at a greatly
reduced price, and we were fortunate to se-
It is, in reality, a Razor Hones, according
iire a large lot of them.
to size, 25, 35, 45
$3 Razor that we are offering for $1 each, or
and 60c each postage lOc extra. ;

$10 in full dozen lots. There Razors were

made in England, and ground by the finest
utlers in the world, in Germany. If you
No. 9 Finest Quality House Shears, with want a good razor, send us $1 and we will de
black handles and plated blades, and every liver one of these fine articles, postage paid, Shavers Outfit Ko. 1, $1 This
pair specially warranted. 6 inch, 40c 6J at your postofflce. Order round point or outfit consists of articles, as follows
Razor, :

inch, 45c 7 inch, 50o 7i inch, 55c; 8 inch,

; ; sharp point. 50c Horse Hide Razor Strop, 25c Brush., ; ;

60c; 9 inch, 70c pair. Postage 10c pair. This is the razor we blow so much about in 25c; Soap, lOc. Special outfit price, $1. A
this catalogue, and its a good one. We good outfit for beginners. Postage 15c extra
could, if wo had room, print hundreds of Sharers Outfit \o. 2, price 02-
testimonials about these razors from our This consists, in each article, of our
ustomers in the past who are constantly best goods only, and includes one of our best
using these splendid articles.
Razors, our best Razor Strop with four sides,
a cake of Williams best Shaving Soap, and
No. 10 Finest Quality House Shears, with a Badger Hair Shaving Brush. These arti
cles are all neatly packed in a fancy card
fully uicl-el plated handles and plated
blades, and every pair specially warranted. board box. Price only $2. Postage 25c extra.
6 inch, 50c ; 6* inch, 60c ; 7 inch, 65c ; 8 These No. 2 Shavers Outfits are Al in qual
inch, 75c ; 9 inch, $1 ; 10 inch, $1.25 pair. ity. In fact the Razor alone is actually
ostago 10 pair.
worth more money than we ask for the outfit.

Sharing Brushes Fibre, lOc very ;

choice White Bristles, 25c ; very select Bad

ger Hair Shaving Brushes, each 35e.
postage on a shaving brush is 5c extra.

you want a nice article, order our 35c brush.

Tailors (I Trimmers, japanned bandies.

No. 8 oi..l
1} "!:* 1 Barbers Clippers, latest improved pattern,
9 llf 1 25
" "
usual width, beautifully made. Price only
10 1 40


$1 per pair postage 15c extra.


12 1 75
" "
No. 1 PlainUa/or Strop, prepared horse
hide, heavy weight,
each 15c postage 3c.
Postage I M a pair extra. ;


If you have, in yonr posession, a hollow
Barbers Scissors, japanned handles, 50c
ground razor, of any manufacture, that in75o "

needs honeing or sharpening, we can do that No. 2 Covered Wood Razor Strop, smooth 10o
Combs, each

work for yon in a first-class manner. It will side and paste side, with cover, each
cake 7o
; "

be done by a skilled mechanic, a first-class extra.

Soap, per
pontage, Williams Barbers Soap, per Ib 40o."M:

cutler. Put yonr name and address on the

Pears Barbers Soap, per cake 25 and 30o
razor, enclose 25c, and send both razor and
money to us by mail. It will be promptly The People s Three Friends.
honed and returned by post to you (we pag
ing the return postage), and it will be done No. 3 Best Horse Hide Strop, with gooi Dr. Williams Pink Pills fo.
in a manner that will be a credit to us. Be canvas back, to be used on both sides People. lice tl for boxes, postpaid. I ;>

very careful to write your name and address strong, well made leather handle, witl Second Ir. Walker s Yntiiry .lood Pills <

on a piece of paper and enclose it witli tht ring for hook at the other end. A for everybody. Price$l for 4 boxes, postpaid goo<

razor and the 25c, that we may know ai article in every way. Price each Third Kidney ills, .fl for 9 * 2.">c I

once from whom it comes. Postage 5c extra. postpaid.


Men s very best
quality of Bicycles, strict
ly high grade, equal in
every respect to any
other bic\ cle at any pi ice.
Flush seamless tubing,
drop frame, 2- piece crank,
best hardened steel ball
healings in all parts,
color black, adjust
able scat post, impioved
adjustable nickle
liniidle .i.irs, si/.e of flame
complete 24 Ibs., size of wheels 28-inch, 36 spokes in rear wheel,
s Famo<i
? *. ***** Women s Famous Bicycler, $27.50
the wheel. If yon send us $4.50 on account of the
i 2 spokes in front purchase
wheel, ball retainers, protected oil cups, com as a gu irantee that you mean business, then we will send
plete with tool bag, wrench, oiler and oil, all spokes are best the, wheel to you by express, C. O. D., for the balance of
quality swaged spokes, best of wood rims. Each wheel is papered the money, and subject to jour
and crated, and weighs for shipment 45 Ibs. Price of Men s thorough examination. If
liky- the wheel is not as we have
ele.1 as described represented, don t take it, but
above, and fitted with tlie genuine Morgan & have the Express Company return it to us, and we will refund
Wright iiest quality double tube tires, only each. $27.r>0
$4.50, keeping back only enough for the Express Co s.
Lttdie^ U
llHs Sine of frame 21-iiicli, weight 25 Ibs., >our

charges. However, the cheaper way is to isend bicycles by freight,

equipped with rubber combination pedals, gear 64 to 70, in other and that can only be doue when the total purchase money is sent
respect* same d.^ei iption as men s bicycles. Price same as men s, with your order, and as we are a responsible firm, we guarantee
viz., $27. 50. with Morgan &
Wright s best double tube tires. to send the bicycle exactly the same as
described, and yon are
ur lermsare Cash wiili the order in perfectly safe in purchasing that way.
full, or $4. 50
with yonr order and $23, when you receive

No. 4 Bicyolfl Tire Bell,

: Bicycle Chain Cleaning Brush, lOc ; post. 5c
continuous ring, fastens
to front forks of any
bicycle. Price ode each.
Pedals Gents rat trap pattern, size of thread Postage, lOc extra.
end. 4 inch x 20. ball -bearing.
Price per
pair. $1.25; postage per pair, 25c. Morgan & Wright Tire Repair Cement, per
Pedals -Ladies rat trap and rubber combina tube. 5c. 6 for 25c postage, 4c each.

tion, ^ inch x 20, ball-bearing, M. ct A". Tire ami Kim Cement, tube 5c ;
per pair,
$1.35 G t nr postage -lc each.
postage per pair, 25c.

M.& W. sHard
Cement for
cementing tires
No. 1 Bicycle Oilers, plated, spring, to rims, in tin
dust proof cap on spout, each be post. 4c. ;
boxes, per box
12c ;j

No. 1 Toe Clips,

No. 2 Wire Toe
flat steel, pair
Clips, pair 20c
15c; post. T-c M & Ws Liquid Cement for
post. 6 c.
cementing tires to rims.

Xo. 2 Bicycle Spring Bottom

Oiler, 5c
pint tins, each 25 cents.

postage -c. Postage, lOc.

Xo. Kicycle Home Oiler (see out), spring

bottom, loug bent spout, price loc; post. 3c

Slippery Stuff, or
Bicycle C liainCirease.
No. patent sliding bot
1 Bicycle Bell, electric ring, medium tom ease, price 5c, 6 for 2.3c ; post. 2c each.
size 20 postage 5c.

No. 2 Bicycle Bell, electric

ring, large Best Bicycle Oil,
si/e 25 ; postage lie.
Bicycle Sheet Patching Rubber for repair
No. 3 Bicycle Bell, push button, continuous per bottle, 5c ; 6
for 25c. ing inner tubes, per piece 5c postage, lc. ;

ring, 85c ; postage 7c each.

Electric Tire Tape for Morgan & Wright s Best

g^ ^^^
Bicyclists Pants Clips,
spring steel, black
repairing bicycle tires
on short notice in case
Air Drying Bicycle Enamel,
in black and maroon colors,
japanned, per pair, of emergency, per bunch
per tin, enough for one
; postage, 2c. 5c, 6 for 25c ; postage, bicycle, 15c ; postage, 7c.
lc each.

Camel Hair Bicy

cle Enamel
Djinlop Best Rubber Tires, detachable. s
wheels H and If inch
IJnish, price 2S inch. Price
f,,r liy
post. 2c.
l~>c ;
Handle Bars, per net for one liieyele, complete Xo. 1 Bicycle Screw Wrenches, each 25c
Bicycle inner luhes. $1(1.00 per half set, : $.->.00.

best nickeled. complete Inner Tubes i or Dunlnp tires fur 28 inch postage, lOc.
with grips and with stan No. 2 Bicycle combi
vheels. each $1 V35 postage l.V. ;

dard f im-li poits, com nation Wrench and

plete as pictured. SPOKES, BAIXS AXD RIMS Screw l)ri\er, each
00 Bicycle Spokes. nickled steel, doulile lOc postage-. Be.
No. 1 -Nickeled, upturn pattern $1 ;

CO itttcd and bent, oath 5c,

doxrn -10c posl-
No. 2 downturn pattern.... 1

No. H ram s horn pattern.. 1

. 25 ge, 2e each. Xo. 3 Bicycle Spoke Wrench, 20c ; post. 2c
No. 4 adjustable pat tern
1 Bicvcle Halls, best hardened steel 50
inch, jiei- do/.. Je 7 :!2 inch, perdu/., tic

82 i 8c " "

3 16 5e 5 1C 10c " "

" "
Bicycle Lamp Brackets, pla
postage <lc.

i, per dozen Kic-; postage paid. ted, each I0<- :. postal.;.

Handle Bar Grips, ]>,icycle

\V Kims, crescc-nt shape, 28 I

polishedleaiher, pair ncli dianieier, for rim c-c -ineiitcd tires, each
25c posing- ;
pair, r>i)c :

Bicycle Wood Kims

for Dnulop tires, _>>

Handle- Bar Buffers

laiaiualc-d pattern, 70c, eac -h.
No. 1 Best rubber, as pic inch, Boston
tured, to spring over tin- $1.35. ,

Bieyele Hand Pumps, each 15e ; postage 5c

frame bar, each LOc ;

postage 2c.
Xo. 2-- Best rublie-r, to but
ton around the bar, lUe ;

poslage2c. y .l No. 2
Bicycle Foot Pump, each 50c ; postage 20c

le Lacing Cord, \vo\en mohair, in

Muck, yellow, and mixed e]low and black, Xo. >
Bicycle Lamp, for oil, japanned,

rd hanks, enough for one lady s bi-

i postage. ;

Illlllk, 15, ; postage 5c. No. 2 Bicycle Lamp, for oil, nickel plated,
won t iilow or jur out, $1.25; postage-, l. ic.
Bicycle- Saddles,
ladies or gc-ul
improved pattern, Padlocks with chain.

best sled Bic.M-b :

post. -Ic 2."e

springs fasten on wall

and oi
Uieyele Holding Brac-kel, t"

grip, price I
. i Hbbcr bound, w illi
L ilhcr kind $1.2."
: .
each :
Bic\de Tool
leather, ladies or
j wheel price ]>attern. ;;."

Leach; postage ]dc.

Best Improve d Xo. 3 >
\ clomc-
le No. lUcyc-lc Oil Lamp, iiickc-1 plated, ght

in.di hi, colored side lights, .fi.rin p. ;

reenlll, fastens to No. Bicycle

I Oil Lamp. M. A: \V. paltern. Fish Lines, 15 feet, light, each 2c ; doxen 20c
ad- 15 medium,
patent reflector, nicely nu-kc-l jilated.
a II \ l lc\ cle, price
" "



90c jaslable 1o any ], price $2.20 each: 15 50o

" "

each; post heavy. tc;

age pohtage- 2."ic.
Postage on above le e-aeh.

Bifjx-lc Tires Wati proof i l- isli Lines.

25 each Sc
fi post. lie.
Morgan it Wrighi s ;

Mackerel .hies. IS feet, I

very best quality rub

ber iies. inch, for
t 1
braided, each - c post. 5 e. I ;

2S inch \\ heels, double- Trolling Lines. 12i


\ u be pattern, price pel braided, light, 1 e-


si t one bicycle, for ium, INc lu-a\ \ 2dc each ; . ;

postage 2, . ! and 4c each.

omplcte with inner
tubes. $7.~|O price per
i one- whi with inner tub,-,

I. Th
se-1 c-1. if

Mm gaii iV Wright tires are undoubtedly best Fish

tires on the market
quality of rim cemented .

Inner TulM M
I or -of our Xo. 1.
The picture is about exact si/,
Wright Tires 01 Xo. 5-- Acetylene (ias Lam)) for hic-\cles.
NOS. ti. 5, I, , i. 2 and 1. pi H
per box of UK),
any other rim ce ln-ant fully nickel plated, adjustable to
lOc, postpaid.
mented lire- nl :my position, non-explosive, powerful light
name- M/e, 1 [;
inch with strong rellc-ctor, burns hours wilh -I Si/c 1 0. per 100, llli- 0, per do/.en (i-
r o. 7.-
for 2S inch one charging directions for use \\ ith each ;
2 0, 12,- r

wheels. Price ol each postage :;0c. o. 13 so,

lump price .* - ;
. 7."> :


inner iibcs scaled tins, His., e-ach 2. .c t o. I8e II,
t :
Acetylene, ill 1
II " "

-lOc 50,
U 25c "100,
W.. best quality, $1.2". each post. 12
i i
M. it ; 2i \}j

With each hicycle we include a hrac-kct. Postage equals .ibeiut 111

% ot the above [irices
M. i-V
W., No. 2 quality, each 1.0(1; post. 12e lam]i
No. 1 ami L Fish Hooks ou Gut, do/.en
, 2.V
No. l.o
No. 2 "
No. 4 it "

Postage on Gut Hooks, 3o dozen.

Calisthenic Swinging Clubs,

per pair, 20c, 25c, 30c, ac
cording to weight. All of
very best quality of vuod.

Trout Fly Hooks, single gut, per dozen 40c. Base Balls, 5c, lOe, 15c, Wood Dumbcll", R.5 an4
50c, $1 and
40c to
Bass Ply Hooks, double 75c.

$1.2,5 each, per pair, according

according to quality. Postage 5c.
Boys Hard Kubber Balls, Sc and lOc each; weight.
postage 7c. Iron Dumbells, 10 Ibs. to the
Baseball Bats, boys size. ,5e, lOc. 15e, each. pair, pair iiOc 1 Ibs. to the ,

Baseball Bats, men s size, 2,5<; aiulSdu each. jiair, 75c; 20 Ibs., per pair $1.

Spoon Baits, with three covered hooks,

revolving, improved shape, uickle plntcd Boys CatchingMitte,
spoon, swivel eye, 25c each lOc and 15c each. Post
postage IV. ;

age 12c extra. Iron Quoits, weight about 4| Its, each 35c
Men s Catching JI it ts
25c, and
oOc, 75c, $1
$1.50 each, according
to quality. Postage
Artificial Bait, Phantom Minnows small, 15c extra.

size 50c ; large size 75c

; postage 5c.
Cork Floats, all colors,
. 5c each6 for ;
25c. Boys Masks, 25c, 35c, 50o each;
Postage Ic each. postage 15c each.
Boys Lacrosse Sticks, each 25c, 50c.-
Lino Swivels each
Men Men s Lacrosse Sticks, each 75c, $1.
3c, 6 for 15c; post Ic
Masks, 75, $1, $1.50 each.

according to kind. Postage loc

Line Sinkers, 1, 2 and extra.
3c each. Postage Ic.

Fishing Pole Reels.

No 1 All brass, raised pil
lar, single action, 40 yds Child s
Running Shoes, sizes 6 to 10, pair40c
capacity, price 20c each Youths "

11,12, 13
45c "

postage 8c each. Boys " "


,Xo. 2 All brass, nickel Men s " "


plated, double multiply Postage on a pair of running shoes is 18c.
ing action, slide drag, 60
yards capacity. Price $1.
Tennis Balls, 2.5c, 35c, 45c each post. 5c. Cricket
Postage 12c. ;
Tennis Nets, each $2.50.
No.l Ash Fish Poles, 3-pc, ferrule join ted 20c
No. 2 Bamboo "

No.3 "

extra ?.()<
Boys Cricket Bats, each 2.5c,
No.4 " " selected 75e 50c.

No. 23
Frog Spear, Men s Cricket Bats, each, $2,
3 prong, 2J inch, $3, $5.
spear with shank or Cricket Balls 50c, $1 each
socket, 15c post, DC ;
Tennis Rackets, $1, $1.2.5, $1.50 and $2 Wickets, per set of 6, $1.25.
No. 10 Fish Spear, each, according to quality and finish.
factory made, o
prong, 2^ inch,
small si/,e, price
25c postage 8c.

No. 20 Fish
Spear, 5]ii ongs,
factory made,
4 inch "with

prongs, price Footballs Sheepskin cover, round, SI. 25.

40c ; post 13c. Footballs, best selected calf skin complete
No. 4 Fish Spear, 5 prong, socket, factory Croquet, and
in box,
complete all
with bladder in cither round or oval shape,
with hoops, balls, mallets and stakes. medium si/e, $1.50; large size, $1.7.5 each.
made, 4J inch 50c postage 14c. ;
4 ballCroquet Set, complete 85c
No. 5 Fish Spear, 5 prong, socket, factory Any fool ball may bo sent by post for 18c.
81.15 Extra Bladders tor
made, 5 inch 6oc postage 15c.

No. 6 Fish Spear, Sprang, best heavy band 1.35 Footballs in either
extra quality, set . 1.35 round or oval shape,
made, specially tempered, with socket. ti it
length of prongs 5 inches ; price $1.00 any si/.e, 7.5e each;
each postage 18c. professional extra. 2.00
; postage .">!

No. 7 Fish Spear, 7 prong, best heavy hand

made, specially tcmpncd. socket, length We allow liberal discounts for large orders, and it will pay yon to j with your neigh >in

of prongs 5i inches. Price $1.35 post. 30c.

bor, or neighbors, and send us a clnb order.
; Read the first cover page about club orders.

JJoysBoxing (Moves, per set of 4, $1.50,

and #2, according
$1.7~> quant y post. 40c. i<>

Men s Boxing Gloves, per sc-t I. $2, <!

;..30, according to quality ;

ge fiOc extra.
Hoys Hockey Sticks. lOe and 1.3c each.
Men s Hockey Sticks, 25c and 35c eaeh

Whitcly Exercisers - Light, $2.50; medium,

fS.OO :
heavy, :; .">() set. Postage, 30c each,
(Jolt Hall I, 25e, I)."" and iiOe each.
No. 6 Railroad Lan
tern, GOc.

No. 5 Farmers Improved Cold Blast Stable

Punching Bags, best oiled saranacjeather, Lantern, large size, plain tin, with very
.fill and ^1
complete with bladder, each if 1
large reservoir, large size automatic shut-

ding Iu size. Postage, l. ic extra. off burner, extra heavy special cold blast
Skates can be readily sent by mail for 40c
globe. Price, all complete, 65c each.
extra ; as some sizes are heavier than others, This Cold Blast Lintern is a perfect
we have averaged the price for postage. lantern. It wjll not blow out in the
SteS Skate*, medium quality, "Acme highest wind. It. throws a strong white
pan in all from 7 to 12 inchet
era, sizes, light, much better than any other coal

No. 1 Infants Knotted Cotton Hammocks, Price only 40c pair. oil lantern.
35e each postage lOc each.
Steel Skates, best quality, full polished. No. 6 Railroad Lantern, to burn coal oil,
No. 2 Children s Knotted Cotton Ham Acme" pattern, in all sizes from 7 to 12


mocks, 50c each postage 18c. inches. ;

Price 81 per pair. No. 7- Railroad Lantern, to burn sperm oil,
Steel Skates, best quality, full nickle complete, (inc.
plate, "Acme" pattern, in all sizes from 7 Common Lantern Burners, lOc each.
to 12 inches. Price $1.50 pair. Cold Blast I2c "

Common Lantern filches each 5c.

Skates. Cold Kiast Lantern Globes, each 7c Hookey
No. 3 Ladies Knotted Cotton Hammocks,
I M each postage, 25c. Hockey .Skates, best full polish,
No. 4 Men s Heavy Knotted Cotton Ham Henry Hoker make-, in all sixes from to Kitchen ,

mocks, 81 each postage 30c. 12 inches, price $1

; postage 2.~ic.
Reflee or JLainp. ;

Hockey Skates, best quality, heavy nickel No. 8 Kitchen Kellrctor

platci, Henry
Bokcr s best, in all si/es, from Lamp, to hang up or
S lo 11 inches, price pait postage to stand, ^i:h large $l.."i(> ; 2.~>c.

Skate Straps, .short. 7c per paii post. He. common lamp chim ;

Skate Straps, long, 12c pail postage ,3c. ney and large burner, ;

Acme Skate Wrenches, 5c postage 2c. and very arge coal ;

Acme Skate Nut and Bolt, each 5c. oil reservoir. Bull s
eye reflector, 11^ in.
STABF-E in diameter. This lamp ttirows a strong, J.iNTERNS
bright light, and is very useful in a kitchen
or outhouse where the wind cairnot reach it.
Prii e complete, 75c.

I>oetor s

No. 5 Full size, medium weight, woven cot

Relleetor Lamp
No 9-The illustration,
ton, fancy colored with pillow, $1. we regret, dues not
No. 6 Full size, heavy weight, woven cot
show lliis splendid ar
ton, fancy colored with pillow, $1.50.
ticle as well
This No. (5 hammock is extra good value,
might. The improved
it is closely woven, and in very best colors.
No. 7 Full size, heavy weight, extra fine,
article as we now sell
it isa large cold b a-t
woven cotton, fancy colored hammocks,
lantern built into a,
with pillow iiml with full length side
hiif.c il all
fringes of good width. Price #. each. .f>0
No. 2*c No. 2, I He
nicely japanned. The
1 Stable Lantern to burn candles. wind cannot possibly blow it No. out. The
Tabes a common lantern glass. Price, light is strong, aim the big r-
complete \\ith glass and candle, - very powertul. The burner is tb.
No. 2 Stable Lantern, for coal oil, plain improved shut-off pattern. The \\ick
tin finish, improved burner, hinge or lift cannot lie turned down into the
is very large and the
Hammock Hooks, good, strong, substantial pattern, complete with wick, glass and voir. The reservoir
will hold any reasonable weight without burner, 40c. burner is made for oil only. Diameter
danger of breaking. Price 15, 20c pair. No 3 Japanned Tin Stable Lantern, 50c. of icllecto. is 12 inches, price, all complete,
Hammock Stretchers, each, 2 for 25c. No. 4 Rctlector Stable Lantern, japanned,
2 each. Tliis reflector lamp is well
Campers Folding ots, with solid hard will tit on a dashboard of a waggon, for doctor s, fanner s, MMT.V stable

it is made to
wood legs, best (lllek bed Jl blight strong reflector, large reservoir, any other similar work,


Campers ing Stools each


i>l burns coal oil, lift or hi"ge piitt-rn. corn- or stand.
ivn be carrit d

f c <n i

Campei s ;-i lib te with burner w id- t la s. DC. )le:ii V iie (1:11 ill nil !
. "

:! :>ml

Boys Air Guns, single shot, shoots B shot, price $1 00

Boys Air Guns, repeater, shoots B shot, price 1 35 . .


^1.35 22 calibre, rim fire, 7 chambers,
fancy hard rubber handle, all nickled,
price only $1 25 each. Postage 15c extra.
A1.5O eai ll 32 calibre, rim lire, 5 chamb
ers, rubber handle, $1.50 each postage, I8c. ;


Plobert Rifles. 22 calibre, rim tire, Warrant action, pistol grip .$2 50
Flohert Rifles, 32 calibre, rim tire, Warrant action, pistol grip . 3 00


$2.5O eat ll
Bull IJog Revolvers, 22
calibre, rim tire, 7 chambers, nickel
plated, double action (self cocker), fancy Flobert Rifles, 22 calibre, rim fire, improved Warrant action, pistol grip .$3 50
rubber handle. Price postage 15c. improved Warrant action, 4 00
Flobert Rillcs, 32 calibre, riiu lire, pistol grip .

$2.75 each- Bull Dog Revolvers, 32

calibre, central tire, 5 chambers; nickel
plated, double action, fancy rubber handle.

Price $2.7.j each postage 20c. ;

Flobert Rifles, 22 calibre, fim fire, improved Remington ac.tiov .$5 00

Flobert Rifles, 32 calibre, rim lire, improved Remington action. . 6 00


\<>. 1 -firvmiin manufactured S. & W. Model
Revolver, 32 calibre, central tire, self
I inn-, doiibli itt,
kel plated, price :*;!.25 ; posrav.e 2(V.
Xo. 2 -German mnnl actuivd S. & W. Model
Revolver. !S calibre, lire, double,.
Rarrel Breccli Loading Sliol Chins.
This gun was never made for tbe money. It is a discarded European army gun, re-
action, sell ejecting", rubber lundlc. nickel
1 modled and made over in such a manner as to now take our regular No. 12 gun shells,
plated, priee !:!. T post age- which are priced in another column. It costs very little, is now a modern gun. and makes

a good low-priced general purpose gun for a farm. It is a single barrel, with pistol grip
stock. The price is only $5 each.

N o. , )-Finest American manufactured Smith
iV Wesson Model Kevohers, 22 calibre rim
Miv, double action, sei! ejector, very fancy
nice hard rubber handle, all pickcl plated
:uul beiiiiiil iilly finished, price $4.00 cadi ;

postage JKe.
No. Finest Amerieau made. S. & W. Model

Revolver, 32 calibre, central lire, double Double Rarrel Rreeoli Loading Shot Guns.
aet ion, self ejector, fancy hard ruliber han-
dle, the wholes beautifully tinislied and
$1O.OO each Double Barrelled Breech Loading Shot Gun, shoots onr regular No. 12
gun shells ; oiled walnut stock, with carved and checkered pistol grip ; best imitation
silver plated, price $1.50 each; post. 20c. twist steel barrels, 30 or 32 inches long, extension matted rib, best back action locks,
No. Same as .No. -I. but in ;-!x cnlilm; cen

handsomely engraved, rebounding hammers, top action breech, rubber butt, ordinary
tral lire price *.l.oo eaeh
postage 25c.
, ; fore end carved. Weight from 1 to 8J Ibs. Price only $10 each. Famous value.

Hammerlcss Revolvers.
Xo. Smith & Wesson Model 1 [a uuuerless

llvvohcr, tinest American made and beau

tifully finished, hard rubber handle, silver
plated, 32 calibre, central lire. Price $6.00
each postage 25c.

>12.5O Double Barrelled Breech Loading Shot Gun. No. 12 gauge

36 or 32
Oilrd walnut stock, with checkered pistol grip best LAMINATED steel barrels,
inches barrel

CHOKED bored, extended and matted rib, best FKONT

long left ;
Any size shot, per Ib $0 10-
action locks, with circular rebounding hammers, improved TOP snap action breech, Shot in 25 Ib. 1 65
Deeley Patent Fpre-eud. Weight, 7^ to 8J Ibs. Price ouly $12.50 each. Cheap Sporting Powder, per Ib 25
113.5O each This is, In detail, the same description as our $12.50 gun, with the excep Medium "

tion that the locks are beautifully engraved by hand it also has carved pistol
; grip stock Best " "

and carved fore-end. Price only $13.50. This gun if it is worth a cent is worth $20. Blasting Powder, per Ib 15
Blasting Fuse, per 50 feet 30
Ordinary Gun Caps, per box of 100 8
Large Musket Caps, per 100 15
Paper Shell Primers, 1, 1|, 2, 2i, box 250 45


Eley sFeltGunWadfe, 10orl2,box ... 20

Cruu Shells, No. 12, per 100 70
$17. OO each Double Barrelled Breech Loading Shot Gun, No. 12 gauge, with the No. 10, "

famous GREENER BOLT top snap action. Front action locks, with circular rebound
ing hammers, extension matted rib, oiled walnut stock, with rubber butt, and checkered
pistol grip, checkered Deeley Fore-cud, genuine twist laminated steel barrels 30 inches
long. Weight, 7i to 8 Ibs. Price, $17 each.
f 1.S.5O each Double Barrelled Broerh Loading Shot Gun, No. 10 GAt GE,fullimitation
Damascus barrels, iu.-it.ted and extended rib. oiled w.-ilinit stork, checkered clipped
pistol grip, patent Fore-end, block strikers, circular rebounding hammers
on best front
action locks, top snap action, with GKEENEK
BOLT, 30 inch barrels. Price, $18.50. Loaded Gtlll Shells, ready for imme
diate use. No. 12 gall . h ; 2.3 for
50c. No. 1C gauge, 3e each ;
25 for 65c.
Cartridges. It is

prohibited by law to send

we can ship then:
freight or ith
oilu-r e oi/d.--.
I -. Kill;- Partridges, per 100
I .. 20o
22 Short Kim Fire Cartridges, per 50 ..
22 Long 20c
32 Short , >0r

32 Long 35c
US Short. lOc
$25.OO each Double Barrelled Breech Loading HAMMF.RLESS
Shot Gun, No. 12 .-. ..

oiled walnut 38 Long -I5c

gauge, top snap action, tlatted breech, best locks, safety arrangement, 32 Central Fire
stock, w ilh cbeeUered p istol gri p anil rubber but patent Fore-cud, real twist barrels

matted rib, average weights only 38 title

long, Icfl barrel chnked-bored, extension 44 ..75e
Price of this tine gun is only $25.
22 Short Blank Rim Fire Cartridges
Wad Cutters, No.
10, 12 or I. -, each 15r;
ipostago 4u extra if
w anted by mail.

Winchester Repeating Rifles 24 inch barrels, full magazine, plain trigger,

number calibre, 38 or 44. Price, ifi i. Best Kepent-
weight about lij Ibs., of shots, 1,5;
ing Kille on the market. Kminently tirst-class, workmanship perfect, material
belter, :W or II alibre Cartridges for above, $2 per 100.
Reloading Tools for Win
chester Repeating Kith-s, price $3 per set. Shell Closers, I0or12gau- ..
stage 15c
Shell F.xii st
" - 2<1

Winchester Repealing Shot 30 inch rolled Steel barrel, weight 8 Ibs.


No. 112 gauge

, e, carries 6 cartridges. Latest, improved pattern. Price, $25.
No. 12 gauge loaded cartridges, 50 fqr $1 Reloading Tools, for No. 12 cartridges, $1 set. Waltham Watches, $6.


BAGS lu every lumse thai
are certain imp..
Powder and Shot Measure. Made of good canvas
. .10o ; postage 5c with leather strap, hold papers, deed
Dog Whistles, each . . . .
10, 25c ;
So documents oi
about 75 shells. Price kind and amu !

50c postage 15c.

well as jewelry,
demand special
tection . n
Duck each 3bc and against
Calls, ; postage 5c Our No. 1 funii

Snipe Call-a, each 30o; 5c


designed is i

such cases. Its dimensions are as foi:

Leather Cartridge, Belts, with shoulder Height. Width. Depth
straps, 2 inches wide, for No. 12 gauge Outside..., 16i inches 1(U IS
gun shells. Price 7oc ; postage IDC. Inside 10 6|

Ritle Cariridgo T
Shell Cappers, 10 or 12 gauge, 8c: postage So Belts, 2 inches wide, any Tot;il weight 100 Ibs., price only 812.
postage Id-. li;is n three tumbler,
non-pickable, comb

tion lock. It is absolutcly lire proof. :,:

every house should have one.

De-Cappers, 10 or 12 gauge. .10c; postage 4o

Total height,
inches ; width
Vlcforia Pattern Gun Covers, canvas, with inches ; shipj)in
handle, each 75c postage ;
weight. 40 11 is

Victoria Gun Covers, best sole leather, with first-class freight

rod pocket, and flannel lined. Price 4. There are two upp(
Best Gun Grease, per tube - - . 2()r; postage 4c anil two low<

Best Gun Oil, per bottle ICo shelves for hooli

or oilier articles
Tin \\riting desl
raises or lowers <a

Gnn Covers, tan duck, with handle, fordonlile desired, and is

cured with lock and
barrelled shot guns, price 50c postage 1 Oe.
key. The pigeo
Covers, tan duck, with handle, for
boles will lie found
repeating shot gnus. u"e.
Rifle Covers, tan duck, sling strap, for re very handy fo

peating rifles, 6~c. papers of all kinds

Jointed Gun Cleaning Rods, adapted to all The d. ia

Revolver Holsters, best leather, with price, ifii.

gauges of guns, complete with three clean flap, a very low one lor
32 or 38 calibre, 60e postage lOc.
ing implements, patent joints, best wood, ;
so useful an article
well made and finished. Price 35c; post lOc Back desk is pap
ered and crated for shipment, price, Sf3..;0.

An entirely iicw de-

Sign, rosewood finish,

long drawer with
handsome brass hau-|
1 No.
Re-loading Tools, per set, $1. This dies and lock, drop!
set includes shell extractor, cap extractor, desk leaf with lock,
capper and de-capper, powder and shot meas 8 pigeon holes, lower
ure, shell closer, and jointed gun cleaning shelf and shelf on top ;
rod with three ends. In ordering say for 10
or 12 gauge gun. This is a very K OFFIf SAFES 12 inches, with)
raised liack; width . 8
complete Our office, safes are all supplied with the
set, and is just the thing to order along with inches, shipping weight
one of our Double Barrelled Breech best burglar-proof, non-pickablc, eombina- j

Loading 601bs.; price only $1.50.1

Shot Guns. Price of No. 1 set is $1; post 35c. tion locks of the latest design. They arc
No. 2 Re-loading Tools, per set, 35c; con fireproof, and are finished in the best of
sists of cap extractor, shell capper and workmanship, Kach safe fa supplied with
de-cap an
per, and powder and shot measure, all in aneat
inside sub-treasury, with duplicate Hat ROLLER TOP DESK, $13.90
box, gauge 10 or 12. Per set, 35c; postage lOc keys, ;;]so a drawer and book sjiace.
Each desk is finished in natural wood and]
Powder Husks, highly polished. There are four roomyl
heavy metallic body drawers at the side, each of which are auto-
with brass spring
iuatically locked when the. roilm- top isl
niea.^in ing top, each J. C lowered. There are innunieitibln pigeon <

25c postage Gc.

; holes, small drawers, elbow slides, pen, 1
2 21 x 11 x IB 11 x 7.1 x S.} 225 11 is S25 00
pencil and envelope hoideis, which eannotJ
Shot Flasks, lea2i 26^ x KU x 9x10 100 x 17* 13 :;o on
be pictured, yet which go to make what is
3 |29 x IX x IS 15 x 10 x 10 500
ther, brass with, probably the handsomest desk of its kind.
3i31 x 20 x 21 17 x 12 x 12 000 42 50

gauging or Length, 42 inches width. 30 inches height,

4 33 x 22 x 22 19 x H x 12J SOO
50 00 ; ;

spout, eaeli 3Cc; 50 inches. Price only each.

postage tic. All iron safes secure oi d class low freight. class freight rate. Shipping weight, 180 IVuj
(i. 4>.
Toy Dishes, 75c per set.
1 00
" "

No. 17.
I 50
" "

o. 4S.

I ll lisa Doll Hearts Dolls and Toys cannot be sent very safely No. -1(1. 2 00
" "

by mail. They should be sent by express Our Child Toy Dishes are most excellent
Beautiful fiiiish, with natural freight. value. A catalogue description could not
appearance, made of china, Undressed Dolls Kid Body
do them justice. Each set is packed so care
washable, with holes front o. 27 Kid Body Dolls, good strong body, fully iu a card box that nothing will break.
and back to sow head mi body. shoes and stockings, bisque head, tla-xen No. 50 Doll Bureaus
hair (light or dark), price 2 35c. 50c, >c,

to si/e. Order 25c, 50e each.

75c, $1.00 each, according No. 51 Doll Side
fixed or moveable eyes.
boards, 25c, 50c ea.
X o. 28 Kid Hody Dolls, cork stuffed, real No. 52 Doll Chiffon-
best bisque
hair, moveable eyes, very ers, 25c, 50c each.
heads, hands and feet, pi ice $1, $1.50, >2,

No. 53 Doll Wash-

$2.50, $3, S3. 50, $4.50 and $5 each,
stands, 25c, 50c.
ing to size. No. 54 Doll Tables,
Jointed Body Dolls
Bisque Heads No. 28 Jointed Dolls, composition body, lOc, 25c, oOc.
or dark),
Best quality of Bisque. bisque head, nice curly hair (light
25c, 35c, 50c; 75c and $1.00
very natural appearance, Doll Cradles,
washable, can be sewed No. 30 Large Jointed Dolls, best bisque
No. 55
or glued to body. The heads, real hair, moveable eyes,
one gar beautifully enam
ment, price $6.75, $8.50 and $10
and each. elled pure
JN os. 4, 5, 6, 7, x,
the 25c.each.
10 have flaxen hair ; price
have No. 56 Doll Beds, 25o
Ncis. 11, 12, 13, 14
real hair.

57Doll Wash
Fancy Worsted Dressed Dolls sets,

Per dozen
No. 58 Doll Iron
ing Boards, 15c,

Cliina Headed Dolls Xo. 59 Toy Iron and Stand, small, 5c each.
medium, lOc each.

Xo. 60 "

Undressed Dolls, with china head, feet 15c each. "


and hands a good cheap doll.

Dressed Dolls j^ O- fii large, .

NIL (i2 Child s Piiiootliiiig Iron, with move-

Xo 35 Prettily Dressed Dolls
Fancy 15c,
and $2 each, able handle, small size 20c large size 25c
25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50

according to size.
No. 63 Toy
Negro Dolls Set.

Xo. 30 We ha\e a. nice assortment of I

pieces, board,
Dri-sseil Negro Dolls. Price 5e, lOc, 15c bowl, rolling pin
ami masher 25e
and each, according to size.

25.; ;

for*!. 25.
Undressed Patent Dolls Rubber Dolls
o. 37 Baby s Rubber Dolls, with whistle
Patent Pa]iier Mach. Washable Dolls, witli jfo. 64 Toy Kitchen Utensils, 15 pieces qn
attachment, no on, so just the thing
hair, stuffed bodies, one garment
on. |>aiut

children to play with. card, made of tin and nicely japanned,

for very little
Price 15c and 25c each. per set 15e (i sets for 75c. ;

Xo. -Toy l.ranite Cooking Ftensils, 5

Small China Dolls

neat, card box, fry pan, luvad

jiieces, iii
No. 38 Doll s Dolls, niado of best china, no l 5e jier get.
dish, pail, eup, ]ilattcr, ]>vice

clothing of any kind, le, 2e, :tc. each. Xo. (!7 tiranite Cooking

No. 39 China D olls, dressed, 3e, 5c, 7c, lOc
T(i> S<-l,

sot 50c.
Doll Sundries No. 68 Child s Toy
0. 40 Doll Slippers, Klc, 15c pair. Doll Sand Tail and Shovel,
Doll Jewelry,
Stockings, 5c, Hie pair. nicely fancy japanned
lOc set. Doll Fur Sets, 25c set. with pictures, per
sel 15c ; (< sets for 75e.
No. Child s Sand

FEI/T DOL.I.S aiN, small, 5c each


Undressed Felt Body Dolls, with very best (i for 25e.

bisque heads. This line of dolls is iiinloubt Xo. 70 Child s Sand Pails, large, lOe each.
cilly the best of all dulls to pnrcfia-,e. Flax
en hair and tixed eyes.
Xo. 71- Child s Toy Watering Cans, fancy
for 75.:.
japanned, 15e ;

No. Dishes,- lOc per set for 50e.

41. Toy ;

Xo 42 "
15e H for 75c.
No. 43. "

6 for 81.25.
Xo. 44. "
6 for $1.75.
So. 45. "

$2.50. o. 72- Child s Toy Garden Sets, :i

(See riext column.) 15c, 25c, ;i5c per set.
Xo. 112 Hoys Tin Whistles, Imgth 10
Children s Drums, com- inches, nickel plated, 5c ;
G for 25c.
plete with drum slicks Xo. 113 Boys Tin Whistles, 14 long, iiiche.".
Xo. 73 Child s Toy Brooms, 15c 6 for 75c and with best skin heads, made of best
heavy block tin and nickel
No. 74 " "

best, 20c 6fo r $l and nil with whistle at- plated, lOceach, 6 for 50c.

^^^^^^^^ tachjueut on the side. Xo. 114 Boy s Metal Flutes, with improved
No. 75 Child s Toj mouth piece, heavily uickd plated, total
pet Sweeper, very nice- Xo. 92 Very small size, each 25<; length 13 inches, ju-ice 25c each.
ami well Xo. llo^rBoys Brass
finished Small 35c Trombones, a nice

ly 93

made, opens to remove m Medium "

50o nmsical toy. small si/e 25c, medium size

dust, long handle, each 95 Large

85c 35c, larg size 50c each.


Very large 1.00 Xo. 116 Boys Toy Cornet,

25c;6for$1.25. i
heavy brass,
No. 97 f oys Good Large Kettle Drums, best nickel plated,
good strong musical
liest oiled skin heads, with shoulder strap, toy, with three keys $1.25, wiih 4 keys I

and with sticks, $1.25 each. $ .50. Any musically inclined boy can r
soon learn to play any time.

No. 98 Childs Swords. .

.10, 15 and 25c each
No. 99 boys Toy Guns .
10, 15and25c each
Xo. 100 Soldier Sets, consist No. 117 Child s Tin. or Wicker Rattles 5c
ing of soldier s cap or helmet, (ifor 25c.
sword and gun, all on a good Xo. 118 Child s Wool Covered
No. 7ii Toy Tin Stove, -with utensils, nicely Rattles, lOc,
strong card price 35, a sel. 5(>c
15c and 25c each, according to .sixe.
japanned .c and 50c each.
price 25c, ;
. i

Xo. 101 Soldier Sets, compris Xo. 119 Child s aiicy I oll l- igure
Xo. 77 --Toy Iron Stove, very strong, nicely Kattles,
ing helmet, sword, gun, ep- woo! covered, 25e each.
linished, a very durable, toy uriee 2.V, ;
No. 120 Child s aiicy Carved Bone Rattles,
and 35c each. palets or shoulder pieces, elc.
Price per set 65, $1.00 and with whistle, lOc and 15c each.
JSV 7s Toy Iron Stoves, beautifully

$1.25, according to quality . No. 121- Child s Toy Watches,

tickled, complete with iron pot, etc. ;
No. 103 "oldier? Hats or Hel- with chain, nickel r brass
price 50c, 75e ami ..25 each.

r mctSj 20 and 25o each. each 5e, (i for 25c.

Xo. 7!) ..>y
Tin Kitchens, com No. 122 Children s aiicy Toy
plete wilii cooking utensils, 25c Watches, with chain, each
and 50e ser. p<
on a card. ]0c each, ti for 5()c.
X,.. SO -Toy Cruets, complete, Xo. 123 Children s very pretty
with bottles, per set. 2~>c.
Xo. 103 Fancy T, v Watches on card,
Boys Guns, to shoot paper caps,
No. 81 Toy Glass Table Sets,
15, 25, 35 audoOc each. with chain, 15c each.
sugar bowl, cream
i-.tiHg of
No. 124 .Tack-in-Box, small
pitcher, butler dish and spoon size 5c ; ti for 25c.
holder, a splendid toy. beauti No. 125 Jack-in-box, medium,
fully made ; price per complete set, 35c. lOc 6 for 50c.
Toy Trunk*

No. 120 .(ack-in-Box, :

No.82 Childs Toy Trunks 15c (i for 75c.


nicely made, complete No. Ii7 .Tack-in-Box, very

with lock and key, 25c, large. 25< : (J l,r $1.2:..
35c and 50c each. Xo. 104 No. 128 Punch and Judy in
Poys s Cap Pistols, niceiy nickel
83 Child s Small each one box, pair 35c.
plated, small si/.-, r,e
TSf>. 6 for 25c.

Trunks, well made, as Xo. 129 Jumping Jack on stick, small, 5c

Large size, 10e. each ti for 50c. ;
Cor 25e.

Complete as a regular Xo. 105 Paper Pistol or Gun Caps, per doz. ti

Xo. 130 Jumping Jack on

-trunk, with tray, hat box, etc., with good. boxes 5e 6 dozen boxes for 25c. ;
stick, large, lOc;
lock and key. 75c, K5c, SI, $1.50 and 2 (i for 50e.
No. 131 Jack on
ach, according to size and finish. Jumping string, small, 5c:
6 for 25e.
No. 132 Jumping Jack on string, large, lOc:
for 50c.
All Noah s Arks
Tin Horns, in nickel or
106 No. 133 Humming Top
are complete NTo. Boys
with animals. small size 4c each, 6 for 25c. with string, fancy japan
japan tiuish,
Xo. 107 Boys Tin rus or Trumpets, H ned tin, 5eea 6 for 25c. ;

nickel or japan, medium size, lOc each. Xo. 134 -Humming Top,
Xo. 108 Boys Large Horns, 15c 6 for 75c. same asXo. 133, medium
"Xo. 84 Noah s Arks lOc each, 6 for 50c. ;

size, lOc each 6 for 50c.

Xo. 85 "

for 75c. Xo. 109 Boys Extra Lar,o Horns, 25c each. ;

No. 135 Humming Top,

.\ . Mi- "
25o "

(J for 81.25.
large size 15c ;
ti for 75c.
\,,. X7 "
. !5e "

6 for $1.75. No. 136 Musical Top, line

>*,,. ss Child s Noah
Arka, quite s large, nickel plated, 15c each 6 for 75c. ;

75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 each. No. 137 Musical Top, changeable tune,
heavily nickel plated, price 25e each.
Xo. 138 Musical Bell Toy, on wheels, a
No. 110 Children s Toy Cow horns, with good strong toy for children, very durable,
cords and tassels, medium size. 15c each, price 15 and 25c each, according to size.
6 for 75c.
No. Ill Children s Cow Horns, very nicely
finished complete witti tassels and cords,
No. 139 Handled Musi
large sixe 25c each, () for $1.25.
cal Toy, to run along
80 Toy Sail Boats, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35 and
To Storekeepers. the nice for small
children, 25c each.
50c each, according to size. If a small stock of
yon intend to put in
Xo. 90 Toy Canoes, 15 and 25o each. toys,do not leave it off until nearXmas, but
No. Vtl Toy Racing Sculls, with oarsmen, send in your order early, while the stocks
Jj, 3 . and .0e,. arc comp ete.
If you keep store, send us an TO THE CHILDRCX No. 168 Tr,.
order lor toys ami dolls, and just Santa Claus has a branch workshop in our Car, mad, of
see how rapidly they sell at this store. He has given us a great many of his metal ami uicelj
time of the year. They bring a
pictures, cabinet size, for distribution among
fair profit, and turn right over. painted iii
our customers. Tell yunr patents to ask for
., 50e each.
one when they are ordering any goods from
No. 140 Nested Picture 1

is. The pictures are free, but we only ship

3 in mst, .",< (>
;hein with other goods.
No. Ill Nested Picture Blocks,
5 in set, 10c 6 for 50c.
No. 100 Hoys
No. 142 Nested Picture Blocks,
Horseshoe Mag-
5 in. set, medium size l.V.
nets, very in
No. l-i3--Nestrd Picture Blocks,

structive and al
5 ill set, huge size, 25c. No. 169 Iron Fire Engine, with horses,
iciure Blocks, 5 iu set, ways an enter nicely finished. lOc. 7.V, $1,
144 Tested !

taining and dur

,- _

$1.50 and #2.25 cacii, according to>

lariie size, 35c.

able toy, 5c, lOc, and
No. B C Blocks, M5-A si/e finish.

solid with loo each. No. 17" Deiiar jnent Hook ami
Iron Fire
wood, with horse
colored No. 161-Toy Horses Ladder Wagons,
letters, 5c,
lOc, l.V, 2.V and 50o and Carts, skin driver, etc.. 25c, 50o, $1 and $1.50 each.
per set, according to covered horses, No. 171 Fire
si/o and finish. painted carts, me n r
Depa r t

fo. 146 Picture Cubes or Blocks, for making strongly made, Chemical F.n-
6 different highly colored and instructive and a very nice g n e, w
i i t h
pictures, 15c. 2.V, 3.V, 50e 7.V, $1
and $2 lino of toys for . horses and.
per set, according to size.
either boys or driver and ladder, 50c, $1 and $1.50 each.
MI. 17 -Building or Architectural Blocks,
girls, prices 50o,"75c, $1. $1.25, $1.50, .$1.7. ,

Oc, 15c, 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c, $1 -aud and $2 each. AW have horses and carts in No. 172 Toy Stationery S
$ 25 per complete set. very great variety.
I .

Kiigincs. all complete with

No. 162 Skin Cm ered Horses on \\ li. .

funnel and
lamp, wick,
stand, in brown and black colors, prices
boiler measuring cup.
25c, 50c, 7.V, $ I. Si. 50 each, to size. Printed direct io;is witli
No. Itil^ Children s Large Wood Hocking each. $1, $1.50 and
\~o. 148 Children s Kaleidoscopes, 5c, lOc
Horses, prices $ .50, $1.75, $2.00 and #2.50 each, aceoriling to size and

and 15c each.

each, according to finish, hese engines burn

NO. til Kaleidoscopes, large size, on stand, No.

Children Real Skin

162J s Covered the best quality coal oil.

with revolving wheel, prico$l aud$1.50 ea.
Rocking Horses, on good strong rockers,
real hair tails and manes, 2.50. I

$4, $4.50, $5 and $7 each, according to size. No. 173- Metallic Soldiers, in neal
board boxes each soldier nicely painted
and made 1o stand alone a patriotic toy. ;

o. 150 Children s Toy Whips, 5c, lOc, 15c Prices 25e, 35c, 50c, 756, ?l, $2, ^2.50,
and 25c each. and $5 per complete set, according .?:{..">()

*t to number of pieccsaud whether mounted

No. 151 Children s
soldiers or infantry.
Toy Driving
Reins, with bells,
15c, 25o aud 65c

No. 152 Children s Hobby Horses, skin

heads, on wheeled sticks, 25c each.
N o. 153 Boys Toy Canes, lOc, 15c, 25c each.
No. 154 Child s
Shoo-fly Rockers, 174 Iron Carts with horses, lOc, 15e,
or double horses, and 35e each.
with seat and rock No. Ifi? Locomotive and Fire Chief Waggons with driver,
tender, very large 175 Iron
ers, nicely painted size, a strong. well made toy for a bo\ 5oc, and 75c,. .

and a very durable Price #1.50 each, weight. 5 His.

good strong toy foi 7 o. 1(16 Locomotive, lieavy nn-Ial toy,
either boy s or girl s.
nicely painted, made to wind up and run
Medium size for child up to 5 years , ou. a floor, $1 and $1.50 each.

75c large, size, for older children up to 7 No. 167 Mechanical Trains, on circular

or rt years $1.06 each. track, to wind up, consisting of .

\ 155 Stuffed Animals, dogs, (-a Is, rabbits,

tender, and two coaches, and including
cfoc aud
etc., a good toy for babies, 25c, the track a, line toy. Prices !fl. ;

50c each according to size. #2, $2.50 and $3 50 each, according to size.
iys Toy Tools on Cards. lOe, l.V, 25i
No. 156 Child s Draw
different Mechanical Toys and 35c according to number of pi.
ing Slates, (i

pictures, prices 5c,

At 25c and 35c each we have a 177 Hoys Tools in boxes $1, 81.5
nice assortment of mechanical #2.50. and #5 per box, according In #;>.50

lOc, 15c each.

with a quality and quantity of tools.
No. 157 Children s toys, liich "wind
np key, \>

Drawing Slates, (i pic aud will then work for a few

tures and 1 colored minute.-, of themselves. The pic Storekeepers.
I.T * F ***.*_ i** ra

with ture shows our Cih, filing Monkey Perliajis you would like to put i,
plate, pencils,
price l.V, 25o, each at25ceach. It s a great toy. We stock of toys, and perhaps you are doubtful

have many other subjects in these what to liny, as yon ha io\ s.

Children s Paint Boxes, with brush,
No. !;>

paints and dishes, c, Klc, KM- and 35c . mechanical toys, as Moving South Now if such is the case, send us 5,

Sea Seal, Horse Car, 2.V. be, and

each, according to size and <|iiality.
\ i.
"5e ;

liiiilren s Paint Bonks or Copy ng Donkey, Automo lection to us. sell quickly,

liuoksfor coloring, price lOc l. ic, 2,jc each. bile far, !.v and with fair profits. ,
Children s Toy Books
Our stock incimb- ;d
of the popular well-know D
picture books for chil
dren. When on!
give us a price as a guide,
and we will send yon a
book to please the chil
178 We call special attention to our line
This is an article
217 s Toy Pic
of Magic Lanterns. ture Books, 3c each or
which will afford a great amount of 197 Boys Printing Presses, all complete with
30c dozen 5c each or
amusement for very little money each type, ink, etc., $1.50. $2, $2.50, $6, $8, $10 ;
198 Girls Skipping Ropes, 5c, lOc, 15c each 50c dozen ; lOc each or
lantern comes (lacked in a box with slides
199 Girls Iron Jack Stones, 5 in set, Ic, 2c. $1 dozen 15c each or $1.50 dozen 25c
complete, and directions. These lanterns
; ;

200 Doll Carriages, wicker bodies with wood each or $2.50 dozen.
will Rive good results used with a good ;

wheels, 25c and 50c each. 218 Children s Linen Picture Books, lOo
quality of coal oil. Prices 75c, $1, $1.50, each, SI dozen each, or $1.50 dozen ;
201 Dolls Carriages, wood bodies, steel l."Jc

$2, $3, $4 each, according to size.


wheels, $1, $1.25 each. each, or $2,50 dozen ; 50c, doz. $5.

202 Dolls Carriages, good strong wicker 219 Children s Board Hooks, 5c each, or 50c
bodies, with parasols and nicely trimmed,
dozen lOc each, or $1 dozen 15c each, or ; ;

*1.50 dozen 25 e each, or $2.50 dozen 35c

prices $1.75, $2, $2.50 and $3.50 each.
; ;

ea"h. or $3. 50 dozen 50c each, or $5 doz. ;

179 Magic Lantern Slides, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, 220 Children s Natural
$1.2.5and $1.50 per dozen. When order History or Bible Stories,
ing slides always state width wanted. 25c cadi.
221 Children s Painting
Books, lOc, 15c, 25c.

203 Children s Express Waggons, strong The above books line of

rail bodies with steel wheels, $1.25, $1.50, are extra be surevalues,
$1.75, $2.25, $3.25, $3.50 each.
and add some to your order.
204 Boys Heavy Express Waggons, with
solid The postage rate on books is Ic for 4 ozs.
express bodies, steel wheels]
extra heavy, $2.25, $2.50 each. 222 Girls Paper Dolls with it complete
wardrobe, loc and 25c per set. These.
paper dolls are very nice for little girls.
223 Toy Villages, a new nice toy for any
180 Toy Pianos, with strong keys, nicely child, consisting of houses, trees, etc:., to
finished, 25c, 35c, 50c, $1 each, as to size. be made or stood up to form a village.
181 Child Iron Money Banks with keys,
s Each set in a neat strong box, 35c per set.
lOc, 15c and 25c each.

182 Iron Money Banks with combination

Any games which can be sent by mail wo
locks, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.
have given the postage, those not marked aro
Rubber Balls too heavy or large to send that way.
183 Hollow Grey Rubber
Balls 5c, 8c, lOc, 15c
205 Boys Velocipedes, steel wheels, iron Game of Authors, 5,

and 20c each, according frames, good seats, $2.7. ), $3.25, $3.75, lOc, 25c ; 5c postage.
to size. $4.25 and $I.S5 each, according to size. Boy to Banker, 25c ea.;
206 Girls Tricycls, steel wheels, cushioned
184 Hollow Colored Rub postage 20c.
seats in fancy colors, $6.50 and $7.50 each.
ber Balls, nicely paint Boy in Blue, 25o each ;
ed in patterns and pic postage 3c.
tures, 5c,
8c, lOc, loc,
25c, 35c and 50c each, according to size.
184 Solid Hard Rubber Balls, 2c, 5c, 8c, lOc
Cards, Playing Cards, 5,
183 Boys False Faces, Ic, 3c, 10, 15, 25, 50c per set,
5c, lOc loc each.
according to quality;
1 186 Koys Masks with curtains, postage 3c.
in colors, lOc each.
207 Child s Toy Wheelbarrows,wood, 25c ea,
187 Santa Clans Figures, snow- 208 Children s Wheelbarrows, iron wheel Bicycle Games, 10, 25c;
postage oc.
sprinkled with green tree, 10r, and metal body, nicely painted,60c, 85cea.
15c, 25c and 50e each, accord
. 209 Childs Toy
aggons, 2 wheels, 20c, W
ing to size. and each. 2.">c

188 Santa Claus Masks, long beard 25c each 210 Childs Toy Waggons, 4 wheels, 20c ea.
189 Christmas Tree Colored Lanterns, made
of glass with tin frames, to hold caudles,
lOc and 25c each
190 Candles for above. 20c dozen 2c each. ;
Cribbage Boards, 25, 35, 50, 75c postage lOo ;

191 Xmas Tree Colored Candles lOeperdoz. Cribbage Men, bone 2 f or 5o

192 Christmas Tree 211 Boys Hand Sleds, flat steel rnnners,
jjB Holders, nicely
;nl <-

japanned in colors. madFro stick in or to 25c, 30c and 35c ea-ch.

grip tree. 15c per dozen. 212 Boys Sleds, round steel runners, 50c,
193 Christmas Tree Tinsil in gold, silver or and 75c each. l>5c

bronze, lOc per string of 2 yards length. 213 Girls Sleighs, Hat runners, 50e, 60c, 7.V.
194 Christmas Tree Ornaments, shapes, 214 Girls* Sleighs, heavy, round steel run
sizes and colors of fruits, oc each; 6 for 25c. ners, $1. ^l.Tiil each. :>.-,.

195 Fancy Glass Beads for trees, lOc per 215 Babies Sleighs, to push or pull, with
string of 10 beads. box body and scat, with handle, $1.25 each Checker Boards 5, lOc postage 60 ;

196 Christmas Tree Fancy Paper Balls, all 216 Babies Sleighs, with wood rail, round 80 " " "

15, 25c;
colors, 5c each 6 for 25c. ;
steel runners, to pull with rope, $1.50 each 50, We; 12o " " "

Paichcesi, 2."ic :
There is nothing yon will enjoy more than
Parcheesi, 50c ;
a few good puzzles. We ha\e some Iliat
will keep you busy. If yon are inclined to
Parchei si. 7~>c : be weak-minded, don t touch them, they
postage 18c. will set vim cra/.y.
hecker Men, 5, 10, 15, 25c postage 80 Xo. 1 f In- Vanishing Coin Puzzle. a most
tess $1 ; 15c
interesting one, and one that
Men, 25, 35, 50, 75c, battle* every
one \\lio has not the secret. Price, loe
each. Postage 8c.
No. 2 This consists of a set of G different
Wire puzzles that will keep you thinking,
every one of Them. Each puzzle is
r K>c

the set of 6 for 50c. Postage ou the set i

rockinole Boards, each complete with men. lOc extra.

rockinole, cheapest finish 65c
roekinole, best ]iiano finish
best finished, combination Check
er board and Croc inole. $1.25, with mm.
xtra Crockinole Men . .set, 25c ; postage 5c
anadian Events 25o ; postage 5c

PillOW l*o>x, 25 Cents

ACrokinole in
"aim- whieh bids fair to rival

popularity is Pillow
Dex. The game is FIRE CRACfeERS, ETC.
the rage in all American cities, is very No. 1-Common Fir,e Crackers, 12 packs, 20o
Price 2.V each. 2-Cannou Crackers, small size, dozen 12o
exciting and laughable.

all complete with haloons. Post., 5e each. " "

medium 20o

arlor Table Croquet 50c, $1. 00 "3-

1-00 Pillow Dex Haloons,

(i for 2.1c postage 2c. ;

4_ " "


each 5o
arlor Floor Croquet new game.
Cube Onegrams, a
5-Lady or small Fire Crackers, pkg. lOo
2fie. "

Peter Coddle, 5c, lOc, 25c ; postage 3c. Japanese Torpedoes, pf r package, 5c.
Snap, Card Candles, Ic, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 8c and
Game, 5c, ibc, lOc each, according to size and number of
25c. Postage. tire halls.
Sky Rockets, 2, 3c, 5c, 8c. lOc each.
Great amuse Fire Pin Wheel.-, Ir, 2c, 3c, oc each.
Jominoes, per set. . . . .5, lOe ; postage 8c ment is de Star Mines, 5c and lOc each.
10c "

in the
<i "

15, 25c; rived, Rose Fire Wheels, each 25c.

10c 2c long winter Fire Snakes, dozen, lOc and 20c.
Mce, per set ;

Flags 25c ; postage 8c evenings, from Fire Serpents, dozen, lOc and 20c.
a few (it these Fire Catherine Wheels, dozen 30c.
instruct as
interesting games. Many games Fireworks Assortments
well as amuse. Persons wishing to order fireworks and
Tiddledy who will leave the selection to us, may or
der one of our fireworks assortments. We
have these assortments at 2oc, 50c, $1 and $2

Tiddledy each for private use. For storekeepers we

Winks, 25c.
6c. have assortments at $5, $7.50 and $10.
Winks, flOc.

The Game of Fort is only second to Crueki- Postage 12c.

Hle in quantity sold, and afford SH great deal Punch and 5c, lOc ; postage
uf These games are extra well Judy Game,
the Hat (iame. 5c, lOc ;

finished. Price 75c each. Shoot

Happv families Game, 5c, lOc;
Heraldry 25c ; postage 5c
Nations T ^ti ^ ^M Boys Toy Cannons, to ghoot fine grain
on Iron
; "

Game Nine Pins, powd er, well made and mounted

finished wheels, exactly as pictured.
No. 1 Iron Cannon, small bize,wgt. lib., 25o
pin- and balls, 2 50o " " "

each set. packed 2 large

" "

Fish Pond 25c postage lOc 3-Brass small 1 75o " "
" " "

in a good box, all
50c ;
15c. 1.25
Price 4
" "

" "


15c complete.
Magnet Fish Pond, and 50e;

and 50c
H. ic
Dark Lanterns


Game of Letters 5, 10. 25c 3c


3c per set. according

Natural History

. . <. Post-
to si/c. We carry quit* a variety
So. best china, 1 1 in set $2 of Dark Lanterns, prices
age ( -irnet IVills,
Halma, EOc. Post Game of iicUie Bly Ar-mml the World... ,Uc ranging according to sizo
age l. ie.
at 35, 50, 65 and $1.00
Halma, 75c. Post
each. Oil for these
ISc. Maid Caul
age Old
Lotto, lOc, l. ic. ,ame, lanterns, 1 Ji: per bottle.
Postage Lie. 25C. 1
Lotto. L .
.c. ,"iOc

Postage L ic. .
Dr. Williams Pink Pills, 3 boxes for $1.
Our Pets Lotto Walker Century Wood Pi .U, boxes

Dr. s
ami 50c. for $1.
Lost lie: Read the Index f pages over carefully.

boxes for $1.

to purchasers. Dodds Kidney Pills, 3
great help and guide
Posl is a,


Coffee Strainer,
fastens firmly to
Wire Pot Cleaners,
or Yankee Dish spout, made in all
wire, at Sc eaeli.
Cloths, medium, Full iiUkel plated,
7c large. lOc. Wire Toasters,
15c each. light 8, lOc and 12ceacl
" "

heavy 20c "

extra heavy 20, 25 and !0c


Broilers, ,

Pot Chain and Scraper, combined 15c

Oyster Kioileis 30, 35 and 40t
Wire (ias Stove Broilers . . 25c

Bright Wire Fancy Platt

Wire Potato Masher, very heavy and strong, Handles, twisted and verj
each lOc. strong, a firm grip on anj
Pot Cleaners, with handle, lOc size of plate, prices 5c, 7c
; dozen, $1.00
Wire Tea Pot Stands, and lOc, according to size.
extra heavy, lOc
each .
Wire Pie or Cake
Wire Smoothing Iron Holders, to hold 4 pics.
Stand, heavy, lOc. 30c 6 pies, 40c. The

pie holders are wire

stands which hold pies
Soap Shaker or Saver, for dish water, 15c. or layer cakes, one
ahove the other, arid
so that they do not
touch each other. They
or Whips 5c save room on the
Egg Beating Spoons <ach

Cream Whipper, pantry shelved

small size 12c;
large size 15c
Dish Drainers, 13 x 17 inches 25c

Improved Dover Egg Beaters each 15e Wire Vegetable Baskets, 13c, 15c, 20c and
25c, accouling to size. Vegetable baskets
Bowl Strainer, small, 5c ; large lOo are placed inside of the pot when cooking
& Spiral Pattern
Bowl Strainer, ulack enamel handle, 10 15c vegetables of any kind. When the basket 18
Handled Strainer, Egg .Beater, 5c lified out, the water remains in the pot.
i:ickle plated, 3 Potato Chip Baskets, with bale, 45 and 60c
sizes small, 15e ; "

long handle, 50 and 60c

" "

medium, 20c ; large, Meat Skewers, very heavy

SOo. Cream Whip per Spoons 12 and.ISc eai-h
round bright wire, with
Kgg Timers or Saul Glasses lOc
sharp points, per set of 12 (6
different sizf s) only 2)c.

Wire Handled Egg Lifters each lOc

Extension Bowl Strainer, each 35, 15 and 60c Wire. Hot Plate Lifter each 5c lOc
Corn Pop pei s, with longhandles
extra large size, each
Meat Rests for bottom of drip pans 25 and SOo
Wire Dish Covers. They
Wire Toasters, star pattern, 5o.; dozen 50c are oval in shape and for
Heavy Wire Toasting Forks each 8c covering meat platters;
butter dishes or bowls of
milk during tlie fly season.
Jelly Strainer w itb Masher (heavy) 25c The wire is insect proof.
Prices as follows: 8x11,
Bright Wire Toast
each 20c; 10 x 14, each
Holding Stand for
table ii. e. eac b -tOc. A 25c; 12 x 16i, each 30c ;

useful ;inil ornamen 13 x 174, each 40c.

tal piece for the t able.

Our House-furnishing Dopartmpnt is one

of the inoht complete of its kind to be fnunrt
anywhere. This catalogue brings this great
Hanging Stra,Wr for tea or coffee pot, each 5c assortment right to your door for selection.
Tea or Coffee Straining Kails, lOc. Joe.
Long Twisted Wire Flesh Fork, 5c each I The goods are all of the better class and
and 2(ia each, according to size. Long Flesh Fork, extra heavy, 15c each thoroughly |
reli ible.

Improved Patent Wire
Fly Traps, baloon
shape, made of best
bright tinned wire,
and warranted to hol.i
flies.Bait with sugar
or syrup or other
sweet, bait, price 15c

these sets we send furniture In making np

No. 9 stove, unless otherwise advised. to
Wire Bird Cages lit

Wire Tooth Brush Stand, each 1-V-,

S(ove Furniture o. 1 This set is >

Japanned, square, small, shown complete in the picture. It consists

75c Wire Brush Rack Soap Holder 20c
; medium, K">o.

of 1 Boiler, with copper bottom, $1.10; Tea

largo, $1 very largo, Wire Comb and Brush Ranks loc
Steamer. 25c
Basket 20c Kettle, copper bottom, fiOc
$1.15. Wire Spoon and Table Knife ; ;

Coffee Pot, Dipper. 5c Drip Pans, each 25<;

; ;

Brass Wire Cages, sum!] 12 and 15c; 2 Round Pudding Tins lOc 2 ;

$1.50 ; medium, SI. 7.1; Wire Coat Square Tins, 20c 2 Pie Tins, 10e. The ;

large, $2.00. or Man tie special price for Stove Furniture No. 1 is
Brass Wire Bird Cages, with seed guard, Hangers, nly $2.70.
$2, $2 25 and $2.50. 5c each
Stove Furniture No. S This tor ;

Wire Breeding Cages each $1.00 for 25c ;

10c each a cheap set, makes a splendid assortment of

mass Seed Cups dozen 18c

10c each very useful cooking utensils. There is noth-
Mass Bird Baths
Extra Swings 5c each ing but what j\ ill be. used very frequently.
Clothes Hooks, made No. 2 Stove Furniture consists of Boiler,$l 10; .

Bird Cage Springs, each 5c

of heavy bright cop Tea Kettle, 60c Drip Pan, 15c Pudding ; ;

per plated wire, Dish, 5c; Dipper, 5c Tea Steeper, lOc; Cof ;

very strong and fee Pot, 25c Pie Tin, 5c Iron Pot. 70 Fry ; ;

easily pur, up, will Pan, 25c; 1 cover for Iron Pot. Me: mid 1
lOc screw in any piece Fire Shovel, 5c The net price of this set,
Cage Spring with Chain

of wood, ve y handy when purchased in one lot, $3.00.

Wire Broom Holders 5c
Wire Lamp Chimney Cleaners 5c price 15c per doz. Set Xo. 3 If we were asked Stove
which particular set of Stove Furniture we
would advise pur customers to buy we would
instantly answer, No. 3 set. Price, $5. It is
Complete and good, and consists of one of our
best heavy Tin Boilers, with heavy copper
bottom, $1.50; heavy Tin Kettle, with patent.
/ spun pit copper bot torn and patent secured
Wire Newspaper Hanging Racks, largo, 20c. spout, 85c; heavy Tin Steamer. SOc solid :

Wire Hanging Baskets m- llowers, 20e,

I 25c, Steel Fry Pan. 25e medium Iron Pot.n.V; ;

30c each, according to size, each complete deep Iron Pot. 70c 2 Covers for the two Iron ;

Pots, 15c; 1 Steel Dipper, 15c 1 Pudding

with wire chain cords. ;

Dish, each 5 and Sc Drip Pan, each 12 ami ;


Wire Picture or Photograph Easels, 4c, 18c; 2 Hound Pie Tins. Klc 2 I. oaf or Bread ;

5c, 6e each, according to size. Tins. 20c Coffee Pot, 2.V

and 1 Tin Tea ;

Fancy Brass Pi jt tire Kasels, lOc, 15c each Pot with copper bottom, 45c. This sel pur
Clip and Saucer K;isels, He, 7e, lUc each. chased complete price only $5.
Fancy Brass Cup and Saucer Easels, 15c Stove Furniture Xo. I ---There arc
and 25c eacli .
always some millionaires in e\er\ locality,
Wire Letter Baskets for office desks 50c and for their special benefit we have designed
Ot lico Waste Paper Wire Baskets 75( a set of stove furniture which includes only
Wire Sink Strainer, plain 25c our best goods. It consists of one of our

Wire Cake Coolers, with feet . 25c Wire I. amp Heater, used 10-lh. solid copper Boilers al $;i.7j each; 1
Wire Clothes Sprinkler 1
for holding a over a lamp
solid copper nickel-plated Tea Kettle, tl.50;
Wire Carpet Beaters, lOc 3 for
25c or for heat UK urling tongs, 1 medium Iron ie; 1
dee]) Iron Pot,
lOc. Very handy in as \ of 70c (Overs for Iron Pots. 15c solid Steel
2 ;

Wire Clothes

wjekness to licat :i small uiiiin- Fry Pan, 4.V hea\\ Tin Stoimcr, 30c ; ;

tit> of water nvtr a common nickel-ptated copper Tea Pot. S5c Steel ;

50 feet, light L Ot lamp chimney. Dipper, loc; 2 Hound Hianite ie Plates, I

75 " "

25c 2dc 1 ;
(iranitc Preserving Kettle. 80c ;


SOc (iranite Pudding Dish, 25r 1 Alaska Stove

100 "

50 "

heavy 35c Lifter, 15c; Drip Pan, each 12 and 18c 1

I ;

75 " "

45c Self-hasting Pan and Cover, SOc 2 Layer ;

100 " "

60c Cake Tins, ll)c; and 1 nickel-plated Coffee

HangingWire Photo Holders, single, 10. 15,- Pot. X.V. When the sel is purchased in one
lot, the price is an even $10.
rtnnl.l.-. 25. .
I:-.. (>,

Every One is Pleased With Them.

Cobble Hill. 1 .. C.. June, 19, ).

Messrs. Stanley Mills & Co., Hamilton, Out.:

Gentlemen, The Parlor Organ arrived on May VUh in first-class condition. We are
very much pleased with it. In (It-sign, finish and tone il certainly is an Al instrument
credii to your li-m as well as the Coderieli Oi !;an Company.

Wire Soap Rtandi 5 and lOc Then, is anot cr part\ in Ms locality who may place an order v, ith you for a similar t

.1. J. DOCCr \N.

-pouge Baskets.. 10, 15, 25, 35 and 45c instrument in the near lutiirc \ r es eclfnlly yours. , , i

Light Open Tin Pails, 4 quarts, each ..Wo

WASH BOILERS Heavy Tin Steamers, with tight . 15o
covers, generally used on top of iron pots,
Cheapest Tin Boiler, copper b t m.No. $1.1 8,
. .20
" " "
saucepans, kettles, or other cooking utensils
9, $1.1
Heaviest " "

No. 8, $1.5 Price, 10 inch, 25c ; 11 J inch, 30c.

" " "

9, 1. Heavy Tin Steamers, with covers.

and with water reservoir below.
spun pit copper bot

Heavy Price, 8|
inch. 45c 10 inch, 50c large size, 60c.
tom, 8 or 9 $2.0 ; ;

1-hole Tin Boiler s, copper bottom, 8 or 9, $1

Solid Copper Boiler, heavy. No. 8 or 9, $3.0

extra heavy, 3:7 "


nickel plated. 4.5


Each of onr $3.75 Solid Copper Boiler

weighs over 10 Ibs. No better nor more dnr
able Boiler can be made.
Fig. iHouse Pail. Fig. 2 Stable Pail.
Collenders, retinned and seamless Galvanized House each
Pails, small, 20c
hand-made, each 15 C . medium, each 25c
Milk Strainers, retinned and seamless .. .25c large, each

Stable Pails, small, each 25c
hand-made, each. ..15c "

med., each 30e

large, each 35 e

Sap Buckets Good strong

buckets, standard size and
pattern, prico 8Jc each.
TIN TEA KETTLES Patent Sap Spiles, $1 per 100
Flat bottomed, all Tin Tea Kettles, small STEEL BOTTOM DAIRY PAILS
size, for coal oil stoves ..... 15, 20 and The illustration repre
Block tin, flat bottom Tea Kettle ....... 30t

Adjustable Pot Covers- These Ad-

ustable Covers will fit almost sents a first-class Dairy
pit bottom "

No. 8..35 any pot or

kettle. Price 15c ; doz., $1.50. Pail, capacity 12 imperial

No, 9. 40.
Tin Pot Covers quarts, and made with a
Hand-made Tin Tea bottom Kettle, copper heavy steel plate bottom.
No. 7 oreach ...................... 60 C 7, 74 inch, each... 4c
8, This is the heaviest tin
Hand-made copper bottom Kettle, No. 9.60o ... 5o
pail maimractufed. It
Wo. 8 Spun Copper Rim Tea Kettle. 85c .
... 60 has a strong bale and
No. 9- ..... 85c ... 7o
heavy cars, and for a
... 8c milking or water paii
cannot be improved upon. 40c,3 for $1.15.
Tin Tea Pot*- ... 9o Steel Bottom Dairy Pail, with strainer.
13 inch, each... 10o 60c . .

Meclinm .si/ce, . . . .2oc "


Hand-made Dippers,"
134 12e
Covered Tin Pails each oc,
Large size ...... 30c
Seamless Dippers,
quart 8c ;
dozen . . . 80c
Medium size, cop
Seamless Steel Dairy Dippers, each 15c
per bottom.. .3.>c

Very extra large Laundry or Factory

Large size, cop Dipj). rs, seamless steel, each ".
per bottom .45 C .
Dairy Dippers, strainer bottom, each. . . 25c
Creamers (see Dairy Supplies), each 75c
Tin Coffee Pots
Medium size, 2oc ; large size, 30c extra Seamless Tin Pails Patent Nutmeg Grat

large, 3nc. ers, 15c each.

Block Tin, with cover, Common Nutmeg
Kneading or 1 quart 25c Graters, 5c.
Bread Pans Block Tin, with cover,
li quarts 35c Vegetable Graters, half-round 7c
With covers, made of Block Tin, with cover, Gilniore s Patent Vegetable and Cneese
pressid tin and retinned, 2 quarts
10 qrt
45c Grater, a splendid article lOc
7oc; I7qrt., 85c. ,

Extra large and extra ream Pails Heaviest Tin Cream Chocol.-i.te Grater,
heavy Kneading Pan and Cover, capacity 21 Pails with cover, 4 gallons 60o also used i .ir
quarts, $1.25. Heaviest Tin Cream Pails, with cover, 5 Bread, Cheese,
Hand-made Kneading Pans, with cover and gallons Cocoaimt,
75 etc.,
straight sides, 50c each. ieaviest Tin Cream Pails, with cover, 6 25c. Made in
Seamless Dish Pans gallons 85 C large sue only.
retinued, small ........ 25c
medium ...... 35c Heaviest Open Tin Pails
Dr. Walker s Blood Pills
See index for Drug Department. We sell
large ........ 40c
the genuine Dr. Walker Century Blood Pills
xtralarge,. .50o . .
8 quart 25c ut 4 boxes for
Dish Puns, hand-made, 13 each 10 only $1, and ^se pay postage

in., 30c on them to

15 " "

...... 20c 12 " any Canadian po-t office.

35c warrant these to be the

17 " "

genuine Dr. Walk-
Century Blood

I er s Pills.

Angel Cake Tins Black Sheet Steel Drip

deep pattern.
7 inches, each lOc Pans
8 12c
9 .loc x 9 in., each lOc
10 .20o 8J 12o
15c 15c
12o Shallow Pattern, 10 .
The Cy el e Flour Sifter, each n 11 .

.20c 18.;
The Victor "
20c "

." 20c
Round Tin Flour Sifter, -wire bottom 20c 23c
perforated bottom, loc
" " " "

Round Wood Flour Sifter 15, 20 and 25c

Round Hair Sieves.. 25c

Note. Story Cake Tins may be ordered

or with loose bottoms,
Tin Flour Scoops, each 5, 8 and lOc
with tight bottoms
or square pattern.
Large Tin

20 and 25c and either round


Cake Tins, 3 piece set 25c

Spice Scoops, each ... 3 4 and 7c Story -
11 a 4 40c Corner Sink Drainers, perforated, each..20c
) "

"5 50c wire, each 25c " " " "

Rotary Cake Cutters lOc Acme Cake Tins Two jelly cake tins, one Handled Tin Gravy Strain
Small Plain Cake Cutters. 3c or cake
angel cake tin, one deep pudding ers, each lOc.
. .

Large ... 5c all the bottoms Milk Skimmers, each 5c.

tin, and one measuring cup,
Small Scolloped 3c Per 50c.

Cream Milk Skimmers, 8, lOc.

being loese and changeable. set. . . .

... 5e

Large Tin Funnels, 3, 5, 8 and lOo

Square Cake 5c "

Doughnut Cutters, small
Fruit Jar Funnels, each 5c.
. . .

large 5c .
Fruit Jar Filler and Strainer
. .

combined, loc.
Dust Pans 4o
Common Tin Dust Pan, 8c Round Pressed Pie Tins, 9 inch,

Japanned Dust Pans, lOc. a

" "

10 "
5o $1.00
11 " "
Japanned Dust, Pans, half Pie Tins, 8 x 12 inches, lOo
covered, extra heavy Square KITCHEN
20c. Deep Plain Round Cake
Tins, 7
in., each, 5c
u u 8 6c
u a u a 9 7C TINWARE
u a
Round Dinner Pails, with tin cup and inside
it 10 " "

80 Kitchen Tinware Sets These sets

include 1 Dish Pan, 1 Open Tin Pail, 1 Tin
division, 20c.
Oval Dinner Pails, Layer Cake Tins Wash Basin, 1 Covered Tin Pail, 1 Dust Pan,
cup and division, 25c I
Large Pudding Tin, 2 sizes of Pie Plates, 1
Dad s Dinner Round, tight bottoms, 9 inch, 5c
Bread Pan, 1 Fire Shovel, 1 Dipper, 1 Jelly
Pail Size, 5J x 8 "

10 " "

7c Cake Tin, 1 Tin Cup and 1 Match Safe, in all

inches ;
tin cup, tray
loose bottoms, 9
" "

14 pieces, for an even dollar. cannot We
and one tea holder wjth " "
alter the make-up of these useful sets. They
heavy, are exceedingly cheap at the price, viz., $1
cap, very roomy, cover
cannot drop oft, new Square, shallow, 8x8 7c
each. Every piece is useful.
deep, 8x8 8c

patent Price, 40c each . "

loose bottom lOc

Folding Dinner Pails,
3 sections, 35c. I Round Pudding Dishes,capacity
Plain Loose 2 quarts, handmade, each 5c
Patty ;

Pans, deep, dozen, 15c. dozen, 55o.

Scolloped Loose Patty Pans, dozen lOc Pressed Tin Pudding Dishes
Shallow Patty Size 7i inches, each 6c dozen, 60o ;

Pans, round 8 .. 7c; 70o

k crimped, heart 8* 8c; 80o .

,and star p a t- 9c; 90o .

terns, set, lOc. 10 SI. 00

11 .12ci 1.20
Heavy Tin Coal Oil Cans, i gallon 15o
Cake Mixing Spoons, medium, 12o " "


" "

large - - -15o
" "

2 "

Measuring Cup, ^ pint, with 1 Gallon Galvanized Coal Oil Cans. .30o each

Shallow Muffin Pans, 6 in set, 15c W. handle .. ..lOc 2












2dc 12 Syphon Oil Cans, 5 gallon capacity, galvan
D.-.-P 20c 6 ized steel, fills lamp direct from the can.
25c 8 Price $1.00 each.
30c 12 Mple Syrup Cans, pint capacity, each.. 80
Biscuit Pans, round bottoms, 6 in set 20c " " "

" "

Block Tin Kread Tins- " "


8 "

....25c " " " " " "

i gallon
Size 9^ x 6 x 2^ inches 8c
dozen, 70c
" "


6 "

; " " "

"" "

10Jx6ix3i 80o
" " "

8 20c Liquid Measures
" " " " "

u it a (i
"14 x4fx3 "

lOc; 1.00 "

)2 pint, 20c pint, 25c quart, 30c


5 i gallon,
12J x 5|x3t
" "
; ; ;
12c; "$1.20
50c gallon, 60c.
It Sheet Iron Bread Tins
you have any idea of buying a Parlor

Ot -;an or iaiio, then write to us for further Size 9 x 6 x 2i inches

1 7c ; dozen, 70c Our Stanley Mills Sewing Machines are

pni tirnlar* about these instruments. Every 10ix6ix 2 "


8c; 80c manufactured for 113 by the N w lloiue Sen-

one we have sold has pleased the purchaser. 10i x6ix31 ing Machine Co. There are no better makers.

lOc; $1.00
Cup Pudding Moulds, fluted sides, 45 andoOc Granite Covered Saucepans, straight sides.
Watering per dozen. 30, 35, 50, 60, 85c and SI. 00 each.
Lady Finger Moulds, 6 on sheet, 12c.
Japanned, 1 qt ____ 20c Individual Jelly Moulds, assorted patterns,
2 qt ____
" Granite Iron Stove
35c dozen. J ots pit bottom. No. s,
3qt ____


4 qt ____ 40c
" Tin Tea Steepers, each, lOc. ich.

Plain Tin, 2 gals. .35o .

Tin Cups, -J pint Hze, 6c.
Tin Cups, pint size, 6c. ite Iron stove

-. -45c
Seamless School Mugs, half Pots, pit bi.ttt/m, >

Patent Strawberry or Goosberry Huller . . lOc #1 ei

piut, Be.
Seamless School Mugs, pints, each, lOc Granite St. up Kettles,
Baby Food Cups, with cover. 15c. straight sides, 50, 60,
Improved 75, 85c, SI and $1.35.
Self Barters.
Tin ned Iron Tea Spoons, dozen lOc
Granite Kettles,
Table Spoons, dozen 20c Fach cov cr tits

^:id is titled awith bellied sides, 85r, $1,
small damper or vein i- 1.35, 1.75 and 2.00.
lator. The steam may
be held ill the p.
Double Gran
Iron Basting Spoons, each 8c, lOc, 12c, 1 .".-.

not, just, as you like. ite Saucepans

Smoothing Iron Heater (for 3 irons) .25c .

Meats, fowl or fish, when cooked in the self- or Rice Boilers,

Tea Kettle or Pot Cover Knobs, 2 1 or 5c
basting pan, is UIO per cent, belter tliaii in

Tin Saucepans, seamless, the aid wav. They are splendidly mamifac- Medium . .1*1.00
retmned and lipped. tureil of sheet steel, and are made in 3 sizes:
La i-
Ke 1.25
12. 13. 15, 18, 20, 22, Self Basting Pans, 10^ x 14 inches, each $ 60
25 a in I :>0e
each, ac


80 Ex. Large, 1.50

cording to size. " "

13 xii " "

i oe
Tin Saucepans, seamless, returned, straight
sides with covers, 15, 20. 25, 30, 40 and 50c. Handy Sance-
Hand-made Saucepans with covers, 12, 15, ]i a n s. m ad e
sepaiately. and
IS, 20 and 25e each.
Hand-made Saucepans, with covers and with yet.only occu
copper |iit bottoms, No. 8 size, 50c No. 9 pying he room i

size, 60c each.

of one round Pound Granite Pnddinjr Pans.
Double Saucepans. Riee Boilers or Porridge utensil. 2 15o 4 pints. .... ..25o
pints. .

Cookers willi ciivers. small size, 35o. Handy Saucepans, 2 piece set, 50c. per set.

- - 30c
Double Saucepans, block tin, retained, medi Haudv Saucepans. pieces in tel , ! 75c 3 20c
um 50c. large, 60c, very large 70c, extra Tin Wattli Basins Oval Granite Pudding Pans
large XOc, Plaiu and Seamless, small, 8c each ;
doz. 80c 1 pint 20c 3 pints . . ,30o
Till Sauce Kettles, seamless andretin- large, 1 Or $1.00 ;22c 4 . .35o
ned, small, 15c ; medium, 22c large, 30c. ;
Retinned and Seamless, small, 12c; doz. $1,20 .25o 5 "

. . .45o
1.50 Oblong Granite Pudding Pans
" "

large, loo;
2.00 IJpints .......... 20c 3 .35o
" " " "

very 20e; pints.

2 "

..25c .ioc
2? "

30cj5i." 50c
Oblong Granite -Cake Pans, loose bottoms
2 pints 30c 4 pints,. ,40c

35o 6}

. 45o
Handled Wash Basins, each, lOc dozen 1.00 ; Crranite Milk Pans
Steam Egg Poachers
covers. 40c.
Price, with GRANITE areIRON WARE
The for first-quality goods.
1 quart, each. . 20<>

prices quoted
Granite Preserve "

.. Id,-
or Stew Kettles.
Best Heavy Grey Gran 4 quart, each... 50c |
6 quart, eaih.. 60c
ite Iron
Ware, wiili lip Above are imperial or big measure.
and heavy bale aud pour.
ing handle. lie measure !

ments given below are

imperial ur large measure.
Silver s Patent Egg Poacher (3 eggs) 25c
10 pints, each ..65c
3 pints, 25c each
(6eggs)....35c Egg Poachers, 5 eggs, 60c.
Round 4 30c 13
" "
..75o Granite " "

Jelly Moulds, small. 13c; medium, 15e

..85e Granite

Charlotte Moulds, small, lOc ; medi 5 40c 16

" " "

um. 7 45c 20
" "

SI. 00 " "

large, 20c.
15<; ;
Tea Kettle*.
and 70c. 8 50c 25
" "
1.35 " "

English Oblong Jelly Moulds, 50, fiO

Pudding Moulds, with tight covers, medium, Very Extra Large 1.50
No. 7 ............ $1 00
35c ; large, 45c. Granite No. 8 ............ 1 15
Saucepans. No. 9 ............ i 25
Best quality gray
Granite, with Granite Jelly Cake
pouring lip and
heavy granite 9 inch, each., loe
iron handle. 10 .. 12c
" "

pints 40c <"

--anite Pie Plates.

Mellon Moulds, with tight covers, 55, 60, 70,

and 80c each. "
50c 9 inch, eacli.
and 50c

..65c 10
Cup Pudding Moulds, plain sides, 35
11 ... 1)0
per doz#n

Granite Wash Basins Granite Covered Pails 1 quart, 25c 2 ;

quarts, 30c 3 quarts, 35c 4 quarts, 40c.

11 inch, each...25c ;

12 " "
" "

" "


Granite Funnels, small, 15c ; medium, 20c ;

larsje, 25c. Japanned Cash Boxes, 5J x 9 inches 65c.

ruiiite Drinking Mugs, 5c, 8c and lOc eae.h. "

6 x 10

" "

3ranite Fry Pans, No. 1 8i inch, each. .30c

No. 2 --35o " "
....85o " " "

6ixll "

9i Granite Soap Dishes,

7 x 12
" "

No. 3 104 --45c "


..$1.00 " "

No. 1, with back, to hang

Note. These Cash Boxes are divided off
Granite Fish or Ham on hoots, each 20c.
for change, and below the tray is a place for
Boilers, small size, Granite Soap Dishes, No. 2, like picture
bills or papers. Each has lock and 2 keys.
large size, (without back) 15c. Deed Boxes, with lock and key, large, $1.25
ranite Chamber Pails, or Slop Pails, with
each. Made of sheet steel and black heavy
cover, large size, $1.75 each.
japanned, what should be in every house
to hold important papers, keeps them dry,
and safe from fire.
Jranite Basting Spoons, 10 inch, each 80
12 ....10o " "

14 ....12c " "

Japanned Traya
or Waiters, oval,
16 ....16o " "

Granite Dish Pans. Granite Chambers, 25o, 35c, 40c and 45c 20c, 25c, 3i c, 35c
small 75c, according to size. and f Oc; each.
medium 85c Granite Bed Pans, with cover, each $2.75. Japanned Wait
large $1.00
ex. large 1.10
50c, 60c,
There is no prettier nor and 80c.
jranite Kneading Pans, with retinned covers, cleaner ware than Japanned
17 quarts, $2.00
21 quarts, S2.25 Tinware.
Flour Dredges lOc
Penper Dredges oc
Match Boxes 5c
Dust Pans, lOc heavy, loc ;

Caddies (see picture), plain,

for ta. coffee, etc., ^ Ib. Fancy Japanned
Crumb Brush and Tray, 35o
and ,5()e cadi.
size, 8c 1 Ib. size, lOc
Flour Bins, ;
Ibs,, 8oc 50 Ibs., $1.10. 2.")
60c Ib. size, 15c.
Sranite Tea Pots, size 1, jach

65c Caddies marked tea, 2 Ib. capacity 15c
70c Coffee Caddies, 2 Ib. capacity, each 15c
i " "

. " "

Granite Coffee Pots, same price as tea pots.

Granite Tea Steeper ..25c hand pictured 15o

Spittoons, 8 inches (right
. .

Granite Dippers, 25c, 30c "

funnel top, each . . .

Medium size Skimmers.lOc Weighted Cuspidors

. - 30u
Large size Skimmers .. 15c

Bread Boxes, small, $1.00 ;

med. $1.25 ; large,
(ira .iite Measures, Round Cake Boxes, 8 inches, 45c; 9 inches,
Stamped, 60c 10 inches, 75c. ;

1 pint each 45c Square Cake Boxes, 9 x 13 x 10 inches 85c.

1 quart each 50c Cake Boxes, rolling top, $1.25.
J gallon each CSo Sugar Boxes, sliding cover, 20 Ibs. capacity,
1 gallou . ...each 75c $1.75; 30 Ibs., $2.25.

Bedroom Pails, for hot, or col, water, with I

cover and strong large sjiont. Price, 50c.

60c, 75c and $1, according to .si/e.
Slo]) with drain cover
ails, Iric . . - . .

Granite Soup Ladles, medium 13c Bedroom with drain cover

I ails, 30o
loc Slop Pails, with cover (see illustration),

Spice Boxes, round, covered 35c small size. lOc ; large, (il)c.

Heavy G ran He square, open 25c with cover f-cc cut),


Ja|anned Slop I ails,

Water I ails with "

covered, large

galvanized inside, small, (i.">c
; large, 76c.
Cabinet, to hang
black enamelled liamllt
and strong heavy iron
bale. apanned Candle Sticks, Children ;

each 8c. anm-d

Capacity I
S quarts, each 75< Candle Sticks, fancv, LV>,
small, T:>C

10 " "

86c 30 and :if>c.

nii-dinm, ij l

12 " "

1 00 l.n ,^e, *1.2.j.


Fancy Japanned Articles WHITE ENAMEL, WARE

Comb Holders, each Clean, handsome, light, and not expensive.
Brush This White Enamel Steel Ware is very nice
Match to use. It cannot break. It is very easily
Prinking Mug, kept clean, and gives good -wear. Our prices
Child s Plate, are all for best quality goods.
Cup and Saucer, e: ch Si-
Child s Dust Pan, White Enamel Tea Steepers, good
Child s Sand Pails, medium size, 2oc large size, 30c ea.
cover, ;

White Enamel Soap Dishes, with drainer, to

stand, 15c ;
to hang, 20c each.

White Enamel Mugs. 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15c.

White Knamol Shaving Mugs, 30c each.
.White Enamel Tea Cups, 8, 10 and 12c.
White Enamel Saucers, 8, 9 and lOc each, to
match the cups.

White Enamel Tea Pots, nickel-plated covers,

Child s Dinner Plates, each 8c
White Enamel Desert lOo black handles, size 1, 50c ; size 2, 60c size ;
Plates, each size 5, 90c.
60c 3, 70c size 4, 80c
Straight Iron Pots No. 8, deep dozen $1

00 ; ;

Coffee Pots, same prices.


No. "

8, extra deep. .65c . Dinner each "

12c White Enamel

No. "

deep 65c "

dozen "

White enamel Wash

No. "

9, extra deep...70c Large Dinner Plates, each, 15c Basins, 11 ii\., ;


Bellied Iron Pot*, No. 8 70c "

" "

12 inch. 30c; 12*

No. 9 " "
75c Extra Large each..!8c "

inch, Me; 14, inch,

Soup Plates, each 12c
40c each.


extra large 18c

Lumbermen s
Plates, 8J inch, very
deep, each 18c dozen, 81.80. ;

White Enamel Pie Plates, 9 iuch.lOc ; 10 inch

12c ; 11 inch, 15c each.
White Enamel Jelly Cake Plates, 9 inch, 15c;
10 inch, 20c each.
White Enamel Cuspidors, each 50o
Scotch Bowls, shallow, 8 inch diameter, 45c White Enamel White Enamel Chambers, child s size, 25o
; Bowls, very
9 inches, 50c ; 10 inches, 60 11 inches, 75c 18c ; medium, 20c "
small size, 35c ;
; small, ;

Iron Tea Kettles No. 8, 75c ; No. 9, large, 25c ; extra large, 30c. medium, 40c ; large size, 45c each.
75c No. 10, $1. ;

White Enamel Bound Pudding Dishes

Medium Steel Fry Pans inch, each 18c inch, each 30c No. 7. .20c
8..25c 8 22c 10 .. y .-35c
" " "
" " " "

9..30c 9 25c
" " "

" "

Extra Heavy 8..40C White Enamel Pastry Mixing Bowls, for White Enamelled Steel water Pitchers, for
" " "

9..45c cooks purposes, one of the best and handiest"

bedrooms, clean, light and frost proof,


Small Steel Fry Pans, for omelets, 10 and 15c dishes for a kitchen, deep and clean small size, 65c medium, 75c large size, ;

10 inch, each 40c 12 inch, each 50c 85c each; extra large size, 81,10; very
11 45c 13 60c extra large. $1.40.
" " " "

White Enamelled Water Pails, 8 quart, 75c ;

10 quarts, 85c 12 quarts, $1 each. ;

White Enamelled Slop Pail and cover, ?2.00.

Iron Gem Irons, 8 goins, oval shape, per set 25c

12 "

round, deep 35c " "

Griddles (round) for No. 8

.for No. 9 35e

White Enamel Oblong Pudding Dishes

Long Shape Griddle lions, No. 8 45c 6 x 84 inches 20c 8} x 12 inches 35c Bedroum
No. 9 GOc 8x9.i 25c 9 x!2J ....40o " "

Porcelain Lined 8x11 30c 10x14 ..45c " "

Preserve Kettles White Enamel Oval Pudding Dishes These Bedroom Sets are made of White
4 quarts 40c 7x9 inches 20c 10 x 13 inches 35c Enamelled Steel Ware. They are indestruc
45c 8x10 ... 25c"

..40c Hxl4 "

tible that is, you cannot break them under

50c 9x11 30c "

any circumstances. They are also light in

60c White Enamel Oval Meat Platters, 14 inches weight, clean and not expensive.
65c long, 40c 15 inch, 50c 16 inch, 60c each.
; ; No. 3 Chamber Set, f 1.6O Water
70c Pitcher, 75c; Chamber, 40c; Wash Basin, 35c;
75c Soap Dish. 15c; Mug, lOc. Set, price $1.60.
85c ]Vo. 3 Chamber Set. $3.OO Water
$1.00 Pitcher, SI. 10 Chamber, 45c Waah Basin,
; ;

. 1.10 White Enamel Ladles, med., 15c; large, 18c. 40c; Soap Dish, 15c Mug, lOc. Set, $2.00. ;

Nickle Piated Copperware HANDY HOUSEHOLD HELPS.

Solid Copper
Xicltcl Plated These are strong As
bestos Mats, 9 inches in Pancake Turners .each, 5c
Tea Kettles. d-iameter, to be used
right on the top of the
Nickeled Tea Kettles, medium, Nos. 7, & stove when you are cook
or9 $1 00 ing anything. Nothing
Nickeled Tea Kettles, heavy, Nos. 8 or 9, 1 40 will burn, scorch or boil
extra heavy, 8 or 9 2 00

over when cooked on one

Sickel-plated Small Tea Kettles, for of these mats. Price,
Fire Shovels, each 5c
5c each 38c per dozen. dozen, 48c
self-feeding coal stoves or for toddy
; "

round handle, each 7c

kettles. Price 60, 75 and 85c
All of the above kettles are made almost Perforated Chair
seamless, and each has the patent secured
Scats First class goods
And above all, don t forget that all made three layers of
ire solid copper, nickel-plated. maple veneers, with grains
Nickel-plated Solid Copper Wash Boilers, crossways to prevent split Fire Sliovels r long handles
Nos. 8 or 9, $4.50 each. ting. Any person can tack
them on to any chair bot
tom, and this renews their
old chairs at little cost.
Size It x 14 inches square. IQc . .
3 for 25c

x 15 "

... IC c

3 for 27c

x 16 "
... 12c
3 for 30c Alaska Lid Lifters, straight handle lOc

x 17 "

12c 3 for 33c oval handles


15c "

" "

... ;

The B. S. & M. Lid Lifter

Brass-headed Tacks for tacKing (see picture), wood
Nickeled Tea Pots, small $ 75
down the perforated seats, in boxes handle, each 12o.

medium 85 5c


1 00 containing 50 tacks, per box, ;

Common Iron Lid Lifters,
extra large

. 1 15 per dozen boxes, 50c. each 5c dozen, 48c.

Nickeled Coffee Pots same price as Tea Pots Vegetable
Press For
potatoes, tur
nips, squash or Alaska Handled Stove Pokers, each lOc
any other veg Cook Stove Scrapers or Cleaning Kods. . . lOo
etable, it does
splendid work.
Potatoes are
put into the
press after
being cooked, and with the skins on. That s
way they are put iu. They come out
like line, small shavings, and very light a:.d
Nickeled Tea Pots, engraved, medium. .$1.75 bulky. Price 35c.
. .... 2.00 "

largo Fruit Press Adjustable Stove Lids The pic

ture shows one of these stove lids that will
Engraved Coffee Pots, .same price-. T his is for take any size cooking utensil.
Marion Harlaiid Tea and Coffee pressing fruit 35c
Pot Combined Each one solid cop is
of any kind for
Adjustable Stove Lids, No. 8
No. 9 " "

per, nickel-plated, and has Patent Harland jelly, etc. Price No. 9 Stove
Inside Percolator. Price, small size, $1,15; Lids, light
50c. Extra cups No. 9 "

medium largo size, $1.75. heavy

;zo, $1.35 ; for fruit press,
No. 8 light

15c. No. 8 heavy


Stov Lid Reducing Rings, 10 to 9 JOe

" "

9 to 8 15c

Pastry Jiggers or Markers
Large Ladles for Pickle Barrels
Nickel-plated Spittoons, each 75, 85e
Nickel-plated Match Holder 15o STOVE
SHELF Diamond Fire Hacks, adjustable,
Bolts on any 7
sn as to lit any conk stove ; weight, II, His.
Price, (i. n- e.-irli.
inch stove pipe.
Width of shelf,
6 inches diame
Stove Board*

ter of shelf, HI
inches number ;

of wood arms or Kanev Kmbo--

LX X L S inches 75
Crumb Tray and Brush. 75c, $1 sticks which go
Nickel-plated 30x3d "

with each shelf,
Scraper 40c iind

Waiters or Trays, round pat

" 6. Price nf each
tern, eiu-h L 5, and 60c , j."i
shelf, complete, Fancv Culorcd- -

Nickeled Trays, oval 85 c and $1.25 . - - -

75c. Very handy. _ S "

1 00
1.1, ii.~>,

Sio\e Pipe Plate Shelf, new pattern 75c 30 x 30 "

1 15
65, 85c, $1.25, 1.50

Towel Rack, 3 wood arms, 14 inch, 10, 20o
Plain Sheet Zinc, for under stoves
Washstand Splashers, each lOc 3 for
3x3 feet, each $ 50 Polished Wood Table ; 25c.
4x3 ".
Mats, 50c set. .
5x3 " "
SI raw Wash-
Best Store Mica stand Splashers, lOo
Stove Mica may be sent by mail When
you want it sent to you iu that way, add 3c Bath Brick Boxes, to hang in kitchen, medium
for postage on any quantity ordered. size, price 17c large size, 25c each Washstand Towel Holder, each lOc 3 for 25o

Mica 2x3 inches, each Ic dozen, lOc Kitchen Salt boxes, to hang, plain wood,15c
Clothes Drying Racks, to hang, with
; ;

25c each. long

polished wood, arms, 6 arms, light, 15c 9 arms, heavy, 50o
Bread Boards These are made of a fine ;

French white Lard wood, all hand carved.

Price according to carving, 25c, 33c, 50c,
75c and $1.00.

Table Knife Boxe-i, 2 Nickel Towel Hangers, 1 arm, 9 inch 5i

divisions, each 25c. " "

3 "

10 "

" " "

heavy 25c
Kitchen Towel Rollers, 10 inch lOc
Kitchen Towel Rollers, 18 inch 15c
Taper Holders, gas or lamp lighting . . . 25o
Tapers, 25 iii box, per box 10o
Nickel Table Bells, small, 20c ;
Cabbage or Slaw Slicers, double knife. .25c .

medium, 30c large size, 40c.

Vegetable Slicing Machines ............. 75c ;

Galvanized Coal Scuttles,open top 40c Grating


hood top "

50c Apple Corer, all tin, 5c;

Table Gongs, 25, 35,
Japanned Coal Scut les, plain, open top, 25c. dozen, 50c.
40 and 50c each,
JapannedCoal Scuttles, gold open, !>;md, 35c. Apple ( orer, wood and
Japanned Coal Scuttles, gold band, hood, 40c. tin, 8c ; dozen, 70c. according to finish.
PATENT STOVE PIPES Vegetable Peelers, each ................ 5 C
Kitchen Spice, ( a.binet -Sdrawers) $1.00
These Patent Stove Pipes are made of the
Medicine Cabiuets, natural oak wood, var
best material, and they are nested for ship
nished, 4 shelves, lock and key, each $1.00
ment, one inside of the other, 25 pipes being Medicine Cabinets, with mirror door ..81.25
in a full crate, and occupying very little
more room than one of the old fashioned Lamp Chimney Cleaners (cotton mops), 5c Clock Shelf Bracket, natural wood, 35,65, 85c
stove pipes.
La m n Chimney Brushes, each 15c Chamois Sponges 8c Raisin Seeders 7oo . . .
Price for either 6 or 7 inch,
Sink Scrapers lOc Fish Sealers ..15o . .
lOc per Jength of 18 inches.
Wash Tub Stands, folding Beefsteak Pounders, each .............. lOo
Best Bright Polished
pattern, each l.j,; dozen. Mirrors in Wood Frames. :

Heavy Crimped in., each ............ lOo 6x8

Stove Pipe Elbows, loo
all one piece, for G
Patent Clo hes Pins, dozen in, each 20c
or 7 inch pipes, each 5c 12 dozen, 25c
18c. 35c
Stove Pipe Stoppers, ventilating, plain, lOc
Common Clothes Pins, 4 doz Mirrors in Polished Oak Frames
fancy, l.jc for 5c.
Stove Pipe Rings, 6 or 7 inch, each 5c x 13 inches, 35c x 21 inches, 60c
x!6 "

45c 16 x 24 "

fetove Pipe Dampers, 6 or
STEP 18 x 27 inches, $1.15
7 inch, each 18c. Toilet Paper, in rolls, perforated. .3 for 25o .

Stove Pipe Wire, per Each Step Ladder not perforated. 4 for 25c
" "

coil, 5c. well made, and has a in packages, each 7c, 4 for2>c
shelf near the topstep, Special Liberty Bell Brand Toilet Paper, per
which is not shown in package, 9c ; 3 for 25c.
the picture. Toilet Paper Roll Racks, each. 25o
4 feet high, each..60c

Rolling Pins, all one piece, each 7c. 5 " "

..73c Ron iid Wood

Rolling Pins, plain rolling handles, each lOc 6 " "

Frame Flonr
Rolling fins, bird s eye maple, hand polished, 7 " "
Sifters, with tinned
$1.05 wire bottoms, made in
hard oil finished, rolling handles, each iu
8 "

1.20 three sizes, 15c, 20o

a neat card box, made specially for wooden
wedding presents, each 30c. and 25c each.
Iron Wax, 5c each.
Potato Mathers, plain Used to rub on hot
wood, good finish,
each 7c. smoothing irons, makes
the iron slip along very
easily. 5c, 6 for 25c.
Cotton Clothes Lines, 60 feet, 12c-; 3for30o
Sisal Clothes Lines, 48 feet, ca. 7c doz, 65c
Fruit or Porridge Spoons, 15 inch, each 5c molding Hat Rack, 7 60 85c " " " " "

pegs, per set .. .15c
dozen, 45c 20 inch (large bowl), each lOc.
Folding Hat Rack, 10 Genuine
althani Walehes, $6
The demand forour$6WHham
Nickeled Hat Rack, Watch is, at times, so great that

25c, very handy to we have difficulty in securing a

screw up in any supply from the makers. It is
Table Knife Polishing Boards, prepared coin- convenient place.
a good time keeper, that s why
position surface. ; large, size 25c each.

Wellington Knife Polish, each 15c. it stlls so well.

the crank and you have it in the drawer be
Peeled Willow Clothes low the mill. Price 60c.
Hampers, with cover No. 4 Grocers Coffee Mill, height 10 in
Small size... $1.10
ches, 2 fly wheels (10 inches diameter).
Medium "

$1.35 Chas. Parker s make. Weight 23 Ibs. $5.00


Large Shoe Brushes, with dauber, good quality, 25c

Peeled Willow Clothes
Shoe Brushes, extra quality, without dauber
Bas -.ets and without handle, 25c. THE
Small size 60c
Blacking Set s A good shoe brush, a blacking

Medium 70c "

Large 80c
dauber and a box of blacking, all in a neat
card box. Price per set, 25c, 30c and 40c.
Splint Clothes Baskets Shoe Daubers, 5c and lOc each.
Medium size.. 30e IMPROVED

.. 33c
Covered Splint Market Baskets MEAT
size each lOc Size 4, each 20c
.... 12c 5,

.. 15c
Stove Brushes, aecordingto quality, 12c, loc,
The New Improved Meat Cutter, or
35c and 45c. Sausage Machine, is taking the place -of all
20c, 25c, the old kinds. Their chief feature is the ex
Stove Lead Daub, each 5 and lOc
treme simplicity of construction. There are
Ordinary House brooms, 20c, 25c, 30e and 3.5c
no knives to bieak, the cutting being done by
the contact of the revolving cutter with the
Ironing Boards 25, 30c, 35c and i.jc cutting edges on the inside of the machine.
Ironing Hoards, on stand, each $1.25
The more it is used the sharper it gets. For
Sleeve Ironing Boards, each 15c family purposes, or for shop purposes, these
Bosom Ironing Boards, each UO machines are lirst-class. They cut fast and
Sleeve and Bosom Board, combined 50c Scrnb clean, and do the work easy. Every part of
Brushes, according to quality, 10, 15, machine is
20 and 25c each. easily reached to clean it, and
nothing can get out of order or break.
C.,ap Board, polished, Heather Scrub Brushes, No. Meat Cutter, small family size. .$1 50
with measure on the, for tinware, etc., 5c No. 1 .. 2 00
" "

size 19 x 30 large ".,

edge, each ; dozen, 50c. No. 2 butchers .. 3 00


inches, each 60c.

Small Hand Scrub Brush, 2 for 5c doz., 28o Sausage Stutters ;

Brushes, oc ; dozen, 40c


Bake or
The picture shows a
Pastry Medium Hand Scrub lOc ; 90c " "

Boards, best good Sausage Stuffing

Machine. The meat is
clear wood, size Mats forced into the skins by Door
16 x 25 inches,
Common Oval means of a long hannle,
price 35c each Corn and the machine does
size 17 x L li
Shape ;

Door Mats, good work. Medium

inches, price JOe Indian made, size, $1.25 each; large size, ?1.0 each.
Pastry Board Scraper, each 15(5
each lOo ; 3
Meat Hoards, best clear hardwood, for cutting for 25c.
meat in kitchen, size 10 x 1.3 inches, each 15c Plaited Cord Door
Mats, 35c, 40c, 45c and 50c
Chopping Bowls, small. 15c
each, according to size.
medium "

Imitation Cocoa Door Mats, 40, 50, 65, 75c


Genuine Cocoa Door Mats. 85c, $1.00, $1.25
Stove Pipe Thimbles Open Work Rope Door Mats, $1, $1.25.
For partitions, each 50c Cocoa Door Mat, with scraper, $1.25, $1.50.
For ceilings, each 65c Steel Wire Door Mats, Ifi x 21 inches, SI 25
Note. The Partition IS x 28 1 65

Thimbles extend from 4 to 8 20 x 30 2 00 "

inches, thf Ceiling Thimbles

from 8 to 14 indies. Moth The illustration represents a first-class Lard
kinds are made to fit 7 inch Press, of great power, well constructed and
well finished. Capacity of cylinder, 4 quarts;
stove pipes. They are easily
into wall or crank and screw-power mechanism. The top
put any ceiling.
of the cylinder swings aside to till. These
presses are used principally for lard, but may
be used for pressing fruit, making jelly, or
for making cider.
Price, only $5.50 each.

No. 1, 45c. No. 2, 50c.

Window Cleaning Rubbers, 10 ins. wide, 25c
" "

14 " "

3.-) ( ;
Coffee Mill No. 1 is in
Window Cleaning Brushes, 25c, 35e and 50e tended to fasten to the
Wall or Ceiling H:IT
Brooms, with long wall, the back of a door,
end of a cupboard or other
handle. SI. 00 without hand e-t ;H5c
Colored Wool Dusters, for pictures, etc. .loo convenient place. Price
15c, each.
Long Handled Feather Dusters, eaeh....30c
Hearth Brushes 25c, 35c anil 45c Coffee Mill No. z \n i.o be Mincing Knife, single blade, each 5e; doz. 50o
fastened to the top of a double blade, 10e; doz...75o

talde or cupboard. The heavy single blade


ground coffee falls into a
small drawer, shown in
No. 3, fiOc. 50,. each.
Coffee Mill No. 3 lias a large receptacle to
hold the coffee berries, The un ground coffee
Shoe Brushes, cheapest, 12c ; medium, 15o ;
on hand is kept in the mill, and when the Victor
Chopper, each 20c dozen $2.00 ;

good, 2dc ; best, 25e. fresh ground coffee is wanted, a few turns of Quick Cut Circular Mincing Knife, each 20
have come 1 hese in
Fire Lighters Bellows, small, each
Family Refrigerators $8,
$10 and $12 eacli
These springs are made of the very
material on an angle iron frame, which

to general vise as snm


Ire Picks 10 and 15e makes ;i rigid extremely strong bed.

mer for fami

Ice Hatchets 20c

"stoves Style No. 3, Single Bed and Spring com
two or three
Ice Tongs 25c
lies of plete, 3-1 feet wide, $8.50.
as* a con Ice Cream Moulds 25, 35 and 45c
persons, or Style No. 3, Double Bed and Spring com
means of Bissell s Crown Jewel Carpet Sweeper, $2.00
venient plete. 4-1 feet wide, $9.50.
Grand Rapids

" "

Style No. 3 x 3i weighs 120 His; x 4J

heating water for a
They are Hair Brooms 45, 65, 75, 85c and 1.00
I sick room. weighs 130 Ibs.
Steadily lighted, give
a good heat, and are
very convenient. A
quart of water on a two-burner stove will
boil in ten minutes after lighting the match
The "

Game "

Oil Stove, iron reservoir,

one burner, 4 inch wick, each 50c
The Game Oil Stove, two burner . .$1.00

The "Daisy" Oil Stove, two burners $1.50

The Victor Oil Stove, three burners SI. 75
" "

The Stanley

Oil Stove, galvanized St lifted Mat-trasses Made of sea

bottom, two burners $1.75 grass and wool. No. 1 quality is covered
Coal Oil Stove Ovens $1.25, $1.75 with best fancy colored sateen. No. 2
Tea Kettles, for oil stoves 20c and 25o quality is made of good strined ticking.
Steel Fry Pans, for oil stoves. .15c and 20c
Steamers, for oil stoves 2oc
No. 1 Quality
. No. 2 Qualuy-
3 feet wide, ea. $2.00 3 feet wide, ea. $2.25
Stew Kettles 18c These beds are all pure white enamelled, 3J 2.25 3i 2.50 " " " "

Sauce Pans 15o with special heavy brass trimmings, and all 4 2.50 4 2.75
" " " "

Steamer and Pan 40c arc supplied with our new patent casters, 4i 2.75 3.00 " "

Combination Tea Kettle and two Steamers 50c The corner posts are extra heavy, and the Stuffed Mattrasses weigh from 40 Ibs. to
Coal Oil Stove Wicks, each 4o beds are very durable as well as handsome 50 Ibs: 1J lirst class freight.
Extension Top, hole,for Daisy Oil Stove 50c and clean. Each bed is packed in
3 Victor $1.00 excelsior packing and papered for shipment
" "
3 1.00
and will not scratch. Second
class freight. Cream Sepa

ALC OHOL, STOVES rators necdvery
little introduc
Alcohol Heaters or Pocket
Stoves are becoming tion from ns.
As every farmer
very popular for nur
sery and sick room use.
knows, they are
As they are packed with machines used
asbestos in of to separate the
wick they are perfectly cream from the
safe and non-ei plo milk, while
fresh from the
cow. More
No. 1 Alcohol Stoves, weight about 3 oz., cream and con
diameter of flame 1J inch, suitable for sequently more
heat ng a cup of water, 25c each.

butter is ob
Style No. 1 White Enamelled Iron Bed,
No. 2 Alcohol Stoves, folding, complete brass tained from the
trimmed, without bottom slats, extra
with gridiron and boiler, 40c each. milk by the use
No. 3 Alcohol Stove, folding, complete with 3 ft
heavy posts.
wide, eaoli $3.50 ft wide, each $4. 50 of a cream
gridiron and boiler, nicely packed in box 3J 4.00 5.00 " "
s para tor, be
ab jut 5 inches square. Price, 90c. sides a great
Style No. 2 White Enamelled Iron Beds,
No. 4 Alcohol Stove, folding, complete with brass trimmed, extra heavy posts, patent many other ad
gridiron and boiler, packed iu box 5 improved casters, and complete with iron vantages. Any
inches square diameter of wick, 2J bottom slats, secured with patent buttons
; f a r mer who
inches. l*his size is used extensively for to the sides and ends of the bed. When milks 20 or
travelling. Price, $1.25 post. 20c extra. these iron slats are used they form a bottom
ore o o w s in
for stoves & pt, 15c pt, 25c qt, 45c to the bod, and a stuffed nuittrass can be should possess
AlcoboJ ; ;

put right on the bottom and no special bed a cream separator. The great saving will
need be used. soon pay the, cost of the machine. The
Travelling or Pocket Flasks in springft -wide, each $4.50 4 ft wide, each $5.50 Separators we handle are conceded to be tlio
the following sues
very best on the market. They are perfectly

500 6.00
pint size, 5(V cadi postage lOc The style No. 2 beds weigh from 80 to 90 Ibs ; constructed and fully guaranteed by the

* 7.5c
" "

12o makers to give the best, of satisfaction.

t 15c
$1 Write ns if yon have an idea of purchasing
" "

ICE REAM a Separator. The chief features of this

FREEZERS Separator are simplicity,
ease of
cast) of cleaning,

Each machine contains a operation, durability, capacity,

book with 50 receipts for capacious milk tank, superior workmanship,
increased yield of butter, saving of time
making frozen dishes. As and labor, only four parts to clean.
these freezers are manufac
tured in the United States, Size Bio. 1, $65 -Hand power, capai
the quarts referred to be 250 Ibs. of milk an hour, for small or
low are wine measure, or medium size dairies. Price $. ), complete.
about 1/5 less in quantity Size Bfo. 2, $9O Hand power, capacity
than Canadian quarts. 360to4001bs auhour. Price.$90, complete.
1 qt. capacity, $1.50 G qt. capacity, $3.50 Size Bio. 3, $18(5 Power Separator,
8 " "

2.00 8 "

4.00 "

Style No. 3 White Enamelled Iron Beds, capacity 650 Ibs. an hour, for large dairies
8 " "
2.50 10 "

5.50 "

brass mounted, extra heavy posts, patent with light power, fitted with ratchet
i 3.00 12 "
6.50 "

casters,and complete with our new im jmlley and speed indicator. Price, com
14 7.50 proved iron frame woven wire bed springs. plete, *il -.
" "

Butter Work
DAIRY SUPPLIES ers, 9 3.75 Butter Ladles,
maple, each lOc ;
These are made of heav These Butter Work dozen, $1.
iest dairy tin and hold 14 ing Tables are
imperial quarts. Each has greatly improved.
a ventilated cover with The legs fold and
locking attachment, a are hinged to the Batter Spades,
^ 3 inches wide,
glass gauge, a self-drain under part of the
ing bottom and an im
each 5c,
body. The body is
proved creamer tap. We the best of basswood. The lever is clear Butter Spades, &J inches wide, each lOc.
use none but the best of used by Butter
maple. These tables are the same as Pats,
in these Creamers.
tin the Travelling Dairy of the Ontario Govern \*ith groves,
The body of the Creamer ment. Capacity, 25 Ibs. Price 82. 75 each. sometimes
is all one piece of tin. Butter Parchment Very best called Scotch
Price only 75c each per in place of Price, lOc per pair.
quality pure linen, used largely Fingers.
dozen, S8.EO. butter cloths. Sample mailed free. Should
Creamers, without tap be wet before using. Butter will not stick
or gauge, to skim from the nor soak through it.
top, best tin, 60c each ; 1 lb., size 8x12 ins., 100 sheets, 15c; postage lOc
$7 per dozen. 1 "

8x12 500
50c "

Steel Dairy Dipper loc 2 "

10x14 100
15c "

Dairy Dipper, strainer bottom 25c Sheets 24x36 50 65o

" "

Milk Skimmers 5o We also carry in stock Butter Parchment Butter Bowls, made of best clear wood.
Hand-made Milk Strainers 15o 1
diameter, ea 25c 1!) in. diameter, e a 50c
5 in
[1 lb. sizes only], with the following print

Pressed Tin Milk Strainers 25c Finest "

17 "
35c 21 "

65c " " "

ing in the centre of the sneet, viz.,

Quality Gilt Edge Butter." Price for
100 New Butter Bowls should not be put into
sheets, 20c. Postage 5c. hot water.
BARREL, Butter Color Wells, Richardson s, best
CHURNS quality, makes butter a rich gold color.
Small size bottles, each 12c ; dozen, $1.25
it has long since Medium 20c ; 2.25
" " "

been fully dem c ; 4.00

" " "

onstrated that a
Pails IXX Dairy Tin, splen revolving barrel
did heavy steel bottoms, capacity 12 quarts. churn is the cor
Price only 40c each, or 3 for $1.15. rect churn. It
Strainer Pails Steel bottom, 12 makes butter i;iass Dairy Thermometers
without These are sometimes called floating ther
Price 60c.
quarts. mometers, and arc used to test the Tempcta-
Impioved Strainer Pail, with largo screw ing the grata, cream when churning. It has been
strainer, G3c each
and thus produ >f

fiMind lii-tk r to make these of g ass than of

ces butter with
tin. T: ey are cheaper and e eaner. Each
the best of keep
thermometer is in a round card box to pre
ing qualities. vent breakage. Length 8 inches. Price only
Ma tie of very
best seasoned wood, with galvanized iron
lOc each 3 for 25c. Postage each 5e,. ;

Glass Dairy Thermometers (spirit) each. . . 2f>e

parts, the cover cork lilted, solid galvanized

MILK PAXS iron stand, with greatly improved handle
Tin Dairy Thermometers, each 15o
Plain Seamless Tin, small, per dozen . .
liar. Kadi eliiirn is centered and hangs on
.&">c Silver Milk Tubes Silver-plated ar
medium, Inirdcned steel ball bearings like a liieycle. ticles for inserting in cows ti at s \vlien tha
" "
" "




.. 1.20 milk passage is clogged ; affords immediate

Retinurd Seamless Milk Pans Weight relief. Puce, 20e each. Postage 2c each.
Holds Churns Price Ibs.
Small size, per dozen 81.2,"

Mediiim size, per dozen 1.50

1 to gals $3 75
Large size, per do/en !.(>.">

1 to 7 25

1 55
Exit a Urge size, ]ier dozen 1.75 -

4 75

r dozen 2.00
Very extra hi i

1 t.ilL 5 bO 75
Pieced Hand-made Milk Pans, medium size,
7 75

1 to Hi
$1.00 per dozen large size. :M. - per;
No. 1 is intended for 1 cow only No. 2 ;

will suit for 2 or 3 cows ; No. 3 will answer

I, 5, 6, 7 or 8 cows,
without having to
Cheese Factory Cans churn too often. No. 3 is the standard size
These, aro tin; best and in use by most farmers. Do not buy too
heaviest goods manufac small a churn.
tured, deep llnsh rims to Dash Churns, capacity 6 gallons each,
covers, with hea vv hoops. $1.40 8 gals, $1.50 10 gals, $1.65. ; ; Butter Shipping Boxes These are
gallons, eiieh ...$4.00

Butter Prints .
strong wooden boxes with iron corners, strong
hinges, and with iron handles and iia^p.
" "


4.80 Brick-shaped, size


Kach has 4 trays and a galvanized iron ice

40 .... 6.00
adjustable to make 1

box. The ice box may lie removed in cold

lb. exact weight.
1 lb., made
weather. They are used for shipping or
Capacity marketing butter. The trays lift out from
of best clear maple, the top. Each is nicely painted. Price, 40
Railway Milk Cans put together with
llis. capacity, S3; 60 Ibs. capacity, S3.50; 80
Best heavy material, perfect Price
i, 2,""

UH li
ly tight and very strong, will ipaoity, $3.75;
poi tage, l- c.
stand a lot of knocking about. .

It Lead* J in All
The butter may becut square in two pieces

lions, eai li $3.25

S " "

3.50 and it still retains 1 he pattern for the table. Our famous $1.00 Razor has a great-
It is England s iiucst razor.
10 " "

. 3.75 ROUIH! Butter Prints 1 size, 25c. than ever. H>.

California Butler Moulds 2 lb. 40c only $1, postpaid.

CLOTHES WRINGERS This Wringer is made much the same as
our regular Maple Leaf Wringer as described
We none but
handle the best quality.
Please do not compare our prices for these above, but is fitted with ball bearings.
American Mud-Rub Size of rolls, 1J x 11 inches, double geared,
articles with the cheap
ber wringers, so many of which, we are galvanized metal parts. Price $3.50 each.
sorry to say, are to be found for sale in STANDARD HOTEL WRINGER
Made in large size, best polished and im
proved wood frame size of rubber rollers, ;

2 x 12 inches, best qnal ty of rubber. A good

strong wood frame wringer, suited to very Maple Leaf Wash Bench
large family, hotel or laundry u,es. Price, This is one of the best things ever made.
only $5 each. It is a folding tub stand, wash bench and
wringer holder. The tub benches, when not
Enrek,a Wringer The two AJAX HOTEL WRINGER in use, fold upright out of the way. Any
clothes wringer will fit on the top just above
springs are very strong and powerful ones, The "

Ajax is an extra large wringer, en

and are made of the very best quality of tirely for use iu hotels, laundries or very
the reversible drip board.
spring steel, the clamp tightener will fit any large families. The size of each roll is 2J x
tub or washing machine. Clamps galvanized, 14 inch. It is double geared, and thoroughly
springs japanned. The rolls are all If inch well made, has 2 set screws and all metal
and of the best quality solid white rubber. parts are galvanized. Price each $7.50.
Eureka Wringer, 10 inch rolls, each 82.25.
Eureka Wringer, 11 inch rolls, each $2.50.
Royal Can
adiau Wring
Bros, make,
polished ONLY
wood frame.
2 set screws,
size of rub $3.50
ber rolls, 1J
11 iuche. EACH
$2.2j This picture shows one of the Maple Leaf
Showing our Maple Leaf Washer in use. Wash Benches on wash day. They are made
easy to operate that any child can do
It is so
strong, of hard wood, and well finished.
the work. They are great labor savers, and Price of these Wash Benches as shown in the
are thoroughly well made of seasoned timber. first picture, is only $1.25 each, or 812 dozen.
Without a doubt the best washing machine One of ourMaple Leaf Wringers and one
on the market to-day and a-t a popular price. of our Maple Leaf Wash Benches, used to
THE gether,make a strong combination. Whea
purchased together the price is only $3.75.
MAPLE Clothes Mangles-
Heavy frame, 3
LEAF thoroughly
maple rollers; length
of rollers 24 inches,
fliamelcr 5 inches,
WRINGER heavy strong
The frame powerful Bet -.vheel
is and well
of highly polished all mi casters total ;
finished wood, double geared with cogs at
each end of each roller, all metal parts gal weight, 1X0 Ibs. Price,
$15.00 each. A first-
vanized, Hat steel spring of best quality, class machine.
metal bearings, lock nut oil handles, made
only in one size with 1J x 11 inch best solid Showing our Maple Leaf Washing Ma
white rubber rolls. One of the best im chine ready to receive the soiled clothing. A
provements on the Maple Leaf Wringer is the practical machine at a popular price, $3.50
Patent Cam Fastener, by means of which it The illustrations speak for themselves.
is promptly and easily fastened secure to any We have made and sold these machines for
tub or washing machine by simply forcing
years, and every o,ie who has purchased them
down the wet clothes apron of the wringer. is delighted. They do good work, and do it
It is done in a moment, and done so easily
easily. Every washer stands on four legs at
and nicely that the improvement at once a convenient height, these legs being removed
became very popular, and has, ever since for shipment, and the body crated. Size of
its invention, held its own againit all body of Maple Leaf Washer is 32 inches long.
other wringer improvements for this purpose. 18 inches wide, 14 inches deep. Each ma Mrs. Potts Smoothing Irons, 75e-
No clamps to screw and destroy the soft chine is beautifully finished grained and Sold in sets of three irons (different sizes),
wood of a tub, only one simple move and with one movable handle and one iron stand
varnish, and when ready for shipment weighs
your wringer is tight and ready to work. 50 Ibs. Any ordinary clothes wringer may [see cat]. The irons are pointed at each end
Price of Maple Leaf Wringer is $2.75 each. and can be worked backwards or forwards.
be attached and used in connection with, the
There are no others just as good." Re

Maple Leaf Washer. The handle is removed when the iron is put
member that and you make no mistake.
Only those persons who use one of these on the stove, and
is therefore always cold.

England s Finest Razor, regular price o( washers can fully appreciate their value. Mrs. Potts Irons are made in two kinds,
which is $3, can be purchased of us for only These Maple Leaf Washers need no testi z. bright polished and nickle plated.

$1. If not satisfactory, you may promptly monials. Thousands of them are in use, and Mrs. Potts Irons, polished, per set, - 75*
return it to us and we will refund your money. the sales are increasing all the time nickelled, -
" "

Potts Iron Galvanized Parlor Stoves

Handles Iron Tubs The Queen Top Draft
Well made in every These are very dura Heaters, made air
ble and not expen tight, no ashes accu
way. Highly pol
ished wood handle
sive. mulate, and an intense
No. 1,20 iu., each75c heat is given off. These
bars, with black 22 "

stoves for heating pur

base. 2, in., 90c
japanned 3, 24 in.,

$1 poses cannot be. ex

Price only lOe each
Potts? Iron Stands,
celled.They are hand
lOu. somely finished and
Washboards- well made of heavy
No. 1 Small size for use in sheet steel.
washing fine goods, each lOc Queen Top Draft
No. 2 The Globe Wash " "

Board, full size, best cor Small $5.50
rugated zinc board. 20c. Medium 6.50
No. 3 The Jubilee Wash
" "

Large 8.00
board, arched front, corru
Common Smoothing Irons gated and perforated, best
9 or 10
5, 6, 7, 8, Ibs. each. -Per lb., 5c.
zino board, light, strong and durable, is
Troy Polishing Irons- easier on the clothes than any other board,
Same as right hand illustration. For pol very fast and draws ont the dirt. Price 30o
ishing linen goods. Price. 50c each.
Blouse or Sleeve Polishing Irons, 50 and60c IIOUSC Fails-
We carry a nice line of plated polishing Common Wood Fails, 2
irons at 45c. each. They are the shape of hoops, each 20c ; 3 hoops,
common smoothing irons ; the edges are all 25o eacn.
round and highly polished heavily nickel- ;
Beat Fibre Pails (hoop-
plated, upper part gilded. Weight about 5
Ibs. ; price, 45c. each. less), very durable indeed and
a good pail to order, price 40c
Charcoal Irons
No. 1Double flue, for family T
Cook Stoves
Box Stores -Style IS o. 1 For wood only. Length of
use, weight 9 Ibs.; price $1.75
No. 2 Double flue, for tailors lire box, 2fi indies size of oven, 22 inches ;
Box Stove, small size, 16 inch ;
$3.00 weight without reservoir, about 300 Ibs.
use, weight 20 Ibs. ; price $4 18 "

3.50 ;
each. weight with heavy copper reservoir, 330 Ibs,
22 "

4.50 Price without

reservoir, $18 ; price with
Box Stove, with 1 ft tip. 24 inch 5.00
Our style No. 1 stove
reservoir, $22.50.
27 "

6.75 makes a
splendid cook stove for a small
30 "

7.50 si/etl It has a good sized fire box

34 "

..10.00 and
oven, and is a good cooker.

Patent Clothes Pins

The picture shows an excellent clothes pin.
So many patent clothes pins have appeared
from time to time on the market which were
useless, and were eventually dropped out,
that a positive relief to offer a really
it is

pin.We offer this one with every con-

dence that every housewife will be pleased.
They will not break, and will last for years.
They hold very firm in a wind storm. Price
per dozen 5c ; 12 dozen for 55c.

Star Cotiies Pins Well made and

smooth finished, 4 dozen for 5c

Fibre Wash Tnbs Mot durable tub

of all kinds, a little expensive to start with
but very much cheaper in the end. No
The "Stanley Mills" Wood Cook Stove
hoops This stove is made specially fur us. It is. in reality, one of Hamilton s best Cook
to come off in dry weather. Very light and
nice to handle, and always clean. Will out Stovee, and bears our name at onr request. Under soother name, it is one of the best
last half-a-dozen wood tubs. Made in four known cook Stoves made in Canada. Tlie illustration is not quite accurate, but will
sizes. 18 inch diameter, 11.25 each ; 20 inch, Serve. to show the general appeararce of tlie stove. It lias a steel oven, roomy tire box,

81.85 22 inch, $1.50 24 inch, $1.75 each.

; ;
new patent lire box grate, improM-d oven doors, heavy solid eo|iper icservoir, two
Wood Wash Tubs Painted or un dampers, stands on a base, and is in every particular a thsl-class modern cook stove. It
painted, wood handles, heavy wire bales. 20 js a grand stove and a good cooker, and will not fail to give the lust of satisfaction.
inch, 75o 22 inch, 8So 24 inch, 95c 26 inch,
; ; ;
No. 920, no reservoir, lire box in. lies, oven 20 x 21 inches, we hi lino Ibs
1. 10 each.

with 26 20 x 21 ;;ir. ihs 1-4.00

" "

Small Wood
Tubs These are used No. 922, no 27 22 x 23 Ibs. 22.110
" "


by children or for waihing small work like with 27 22 x 23 ibs 27.00 :;T.".

Uces, etc. 10 inch, 20o each ; 12 inch, 25c No. 924, no 28 24 x 21 Ibs.


each 13 inch, 35o 15 in., 45o 164 in., 55o.

; ; ;

with 28 24 x 24 Ibs. 30.00


Plain White Water or Milk Pitchers-


1-J 15c
Medium, 2i pints, 20c
Large, 3-J pints, 30c
In thh department, -which is one of the most complete of its kind Extra large, 6 pints 40c
of Dinner, Tea
in Canada, will be found an attractive assortment Plain White Soup Tureen and Ladle, $1.00.
and Chamber Sets, all very desirable goods from the best English,
Plain White Jelly Moulds, pints 35c
French, Gei^nan and American manufacturers. ;
dishes are from the celebrated quarts, 45c.
Nearly all of our everyday table
potteries of Mes-rs.
Johnson Bros., of Hanley, in Staffordshire, DECORATED SEMI-PORCELAIN
finest makers of semi-porcelain
England, who are considered the This be ordered in Blue, Brown or Woodland Pencil.
dishes in England. The body color of their -ware is of the purest may
white and the prints or decorations are clear and distinct We Decorated Semi-Porcelain Plates.
feel that our customers will be well pleased with the goods from 7 inch, dozen. fioc 9 inch, dozen 90c .

this department. We pack all crockery, china and glassware very 8 ..80c 10 "

" " "

carefully, and all pieces are guaranteed

sound and perfect when
Decorated Semi-Porcelain Soup Plates, 9 inch, dozen 90c.
they leaVe onr hands. We are not responsible
for breakages dur
Decorated Semi-Porcelain Fruit Saucers, per
Our special packing has, how
ing transit of this lino of goods.
ever, reduced the risk of breakage
to a minimum. ^&F&oP dozt n 50c
Decorated Butter Pads, dozen 35c.

Royal Semi-Porcelain Earthenware

Or,Ivon Stone China. ,-. : lK\jy Decorated Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers,
Plain White Plates dozen $1.00.
fr-} per
6| inch, dozen 50c
" "

60c Decorated Semi-Porcelain

" "

9 7i5c Meat Platters

10 " "

12Jinch, each - - - 35c
" "
- - - -toe
Plain White Soup Plate,s, 9 inch diameter, 16 " "
... O0c
do/en 75c. 18 "
"... 75c
Plain White Cups and Saucers, per dozen (24 20 - -

pieces) 60c. Decorated Semi-Porcelain
Bowls, 15c.
Plain White Table Meat Platters
10 inch, each lOc 16 inch, each, 40c Decorated Covered,Vege-
20c 18 60c table Dishes, each 65c.
30c 20 75c
Hotel Individual Platters, 6 inch, oblong, dozen,
" " "

oval or oblong, dozen, 85c.
Decorated Round Vegetable Dishes
7J inch, each
... 15 O

Plain White Individual Butter

Pads, per dozen, 25c.

" "

... 20c
Plain White Fruit Saucers, 5 inch,
dozen, 35c. Oblong Vegetable Dishes, 10 inch 25c ;
11 inch 30c.
Decorated Gravy Boats, each. 20c.
Plain White Covered
Vegetable Dishes, 9
inch, each oOc.
Plain White Gravy Boat,
each 15c.
Plain White Scolloped Round Vegetable
7 inch, each lOc 9 inch, each 20c
8 15c

10 25c
" " "

Decorated Semi-Porcelain Tea Pots -

Plain White Oblong Vegetable Dishes "

Sugar Bowla

inch, each 15c lOf inch, eaoh 25c 13f inch, each 40c Cream Jags

20c 12 35c " "

% Butter Dish

Hotel Individual Vegetable Dishes, oval or oblong, 5f inch, per Soup Tureen and Ladle $1.00
dozen 75c ; Si inch, dozen $1.
Plain White Covered A44 piece Tea Set con
Sugar Bowls, each sists of 12 Cups and Sau
30c. cers, 12 Tea Plates, Tea
Pot, Sugar Bowl, Cream
Plain White Covered Pitcher, 2 Cake Plates and
Tea Pots, eaoh 35c A 5ti piece Tea
Slop Bowl. Set consists of 1 doz Fruit Saucers extra.
No. 3O, Price $3.5O 44 Piece Tea Set, printed with the
Woodland Pencil pattern on fine English Semi-Porcelain.
No. 31, Price $3.7556 Piece Tea Set, same as No. 30.
No. 32, Price $8.7544 Piece Tea Set, printed with the
Royal Jubilee pattern (a very pretty delicate pink flower), on the
finestEnglish Semi-Porcelain, stippled with gold. This set we can
highly recommend to our customers as something very nice.
Plain White Covered Butter Dish and Drainer, 40c. No. 33, Price 84.S5 5o Piece Tea Set, same as No. 32.
:Iain White Bowls, f, inch. 8c .1J inch, lOc 6 inch, 12c. :
No. 34, Price &5.OO 44 Piece Tea Set, in China, printed

1 lain White Cream

.Ings, each 12c. with pretty floral patterns, with gilt lines.

TEA SETS" Continued. DINNER SETS" Continued

No. 2O, Price $8.OO 97 -Piece Combination Dinner and
No. 35, Price $6.OO 56 Piece Tea Set, same as No. 34.
Tea Set (Johnson -Printed with the new Mulberry
Bros. make).
We. cany (. Lira Tea
in srocu a very large variety of Sets, both
dis Blue Pattern on the new Queen shape. Very effective and pretty.
44 and piece sets, rallying in price from $5.00 to $12.00.
No. 22. Price $8.5O 9T r-iece Combination Dinner and

cs wishing something very nice between these prices, leaving

led inn to us, will be well pleased. Tea Set, printed in Green simiiar to Set No. 18, only having Gold
lines. This makes one of the prettiest combinations we have seen.
This we have in sets only.
Below we give some of our best selling lines of Dinner Ware.
We find by experience that the most popular set is composed of a,
combination Dinner and Tea Set, of 97 pieces, as follows 12 Tea :

Plates, 12 Dinner Plates, 12 Soup Plates, 12 Fruit Saucers, 12 Cups

and Saucers, 2 Platters, 12 Butter Pats, 2 Covered Dishes, 1 Gravy
Boat, 1 Sugar Bowl, 1 Tcarjot, 1 Cream Pitcher, 1 Bowl..

No. 24, Price $1O.OO 97 Piece Combination Dinner and

Tea Set, printed with a very pretty Delicate Pink Flower on the
very finest of English Porcelain. The pattern is thoroughly
enamelled and burnt on, and warranted never to wear off. It is
also very prettily stippled with gold. The shapes are the very
newest designs. We have strained a point to put this set in at
No. 1O, Price &5.0O 97 PieCe Combination Dinner and Tea
$10, and we feel that our customers will appreciate this fact.
Set, in pure white (Johnson
Bros. make). Price $5.00 per set.
We have also in stock a full line of French, German, and Aus
We find that a great number of people like the plain white ware,
trian China Dinner Sets, ranging in price from $15 to $30 per set.
as it always looks nice, and is easily matched.

Plain White Pitcher

ami llasin, 85c
pair, or 45c each
$1.65 Chamber Set A 6-piece decor
ated toilet set, basin, large water jug, ><>a

No. 12, Price |U5.5O 97 Piece Combination Dinner and

dish, chamber and cover, and mug. $l.ti.">

Tea Set, a very pretty pattern in green

or blue. This is the best
value in Canada for the money to-day, as the quality is first-class
every way. It is only by buying in large quantities direct from
the maker that we are in a position to offer such value.

.rnbers Small
30. laige sixe, with
eo\ er, 40c.
91.65 Chamber Set A lo piece white ;e Chaiiib,
croc 1
aterpitohei On page I HO v
chamber am cover, soap dish with drainer seribo our V
and brush holder and
Gtanito or White,

hot water pitcher, Only $1.05. :ulelled \Vuie

Decorated Chamber Sets Consist Chambers. They
ing of thosame 10 pieces as the former lu
sets. These arc Ix-autifully decorated ii,lo i! nil
chinawaro. Price $2.00 and $2.50 per set- \peiisivo. The
Gilt Decorated Set*. #3.5O 10 piece prices range from
Bedroom Sets, decorated in colors and in 1C Cl.cll,

gilt. Very pictty. Price $3.50 per set .

..riling In
and 1i.r In - qual i

Ko. 16, Price ^6.5O 97 Piece Combination Dinner and A catalogue description cannot do justice ity of goods only.
Tea Set, a very pretty Blue or Grey Pattern, and one of our most to our China Department. To api
the values and tho beauty of the goods they
popular sellers (Johnson Bros. make).
No. 14, Price .5-Sam as No. 16, only in brown pattern. must be seen. Our liina(
Department is
No. 18, Price $7.54) 97 Piece Combination Dinner and Tea one of the, most complete of its kind to be
Set, made from Johnson Kros. finest English Porcelain, printed found anywhere, and all orders entrusted to Plain White E

w us will be satisfactorily each.

green on entirely new shapes this
with a very pi el ty color of tilled. Slab, 1.0c

CHINAWARE We stock an ex
cellent line of
White China Tea Cups Fancy Cheese
and Saucers, with gold Dishes in small
lines, $1.25 dozen. round shapes,
White China Coffee Cups at 4f.c, and
and Saucers, with gold larger fancy
lines, $1.75 doz. shapes at 50c,
White China Cups and 75c, $1, $1.50 ea
Saucers, with pink or blue band, $1.25 doz Very pretty bisque figures at the
White China Tea Plates, gold lines, $1.25 following prices, 25c, 50c, 75c
White China Breakfast Plates, -with gold ^i
and $1 each.
lines, $1.75 dozen. Majolica Jugs, small, lOc ; medium, 15c ;
White China Cream Pitchers, with gold large, 20c.
lines, 20c each. Decorated Earthenware Jugs, small, 25c ;
White China Bowls, with gold lines, 20c each medium, 35c large, ;

Fancy China Department Fancy China Butter Dishes, 25c. 35c 50c each Majolica Tobacco Jars, 25c, 35c, 50c each.

Children Fancy Decorated

s China Fancy China Mustard Pots, 15c, 25c, 35c each
Mugs at 5, 10 and 15c each. Fancy China Sugar and Cream, 25c, 35c, (Earthenware Nest Eggs, 20c doz
China Mugs, 20, 50c, 75c per set. Opal Nest Eggs, 2.jc dozen.
Fancy Shaving 15,
25 and 35c.
Plain White China Egg Cups, 15c doz
Gold Band " "

25c "

Pink or bine band "

30o "

Plain White Double "

75c "

Fancy China Porridge Saucer, 10, 15, 25ceach

Tea Pot Stand, 10, 15, 25c each

" "

Pickle Dish, 15, 25, 35c each

Jet Decorated Ware
Nothing is prettier
50c. and cleaner than these
Fancy China Porridge Sets, 25, 35,
Decorated Jet English
Fancy China Tea Cup and Saucer, 5, 10, 15,
25, 35, 50, 75c and $1. Tea Pots, which range
Moustache Tea Cup and Saucer, 25, 35, 50c in price at 35c, 40c and
45c each.
Jet Small Individual Tea Pots, 20c, 25c.
Bread and Butter Jet Decorated Cream Jugs, each. 2>c

Plates, dozen ,
Jet Decorated Tea Pot Stands, 25c, 35o.
$1 ,$1.25, $1.50 Fancy China Biscuit Jars
25, 35, 50, 75c each.
Fancy China Tea Plates, $1, $1.25, $1.50 doz Fancy China Chocolate Pots, 75c, $1, $1.50
" "

Breakfast Plates, $1.25, $1.50 "

Tea "

75r, $1, $1.50

" "

Cake Plates, 25, 35, 50c each. Heavy China Cuspadors, 25c, 35 c 50c each

Rockingham Ware
Fancy China Celery Dishes, 35, 50, 75 each Teapots, small, loc medium, 25c; large, 30c

T.>oth Pick Holders, 5, 10, 15c Pie Plates 9 inch, 9c ; 10 inch, lOc each
Pin Trays, 10, 15, 25c. Milk Jugs, very small, lOc small, 12c;
Fancy China Cup, Saucer and Plate, 25c,

35c, 50c set.

Safes, 25c. medium, 15c ; 1 irge, 20o each.
Watch Holders, 25c
Fancy China ream Pitcher, 10,

15, 25, 35c

Fancy China Milk Jugs, in great variety, 15,
Ring Holders,
Pin Boxes, 25c.
25, 35, 50c and $1 each.
Candle Holders, 25, 35c.

Oval Pudding Disnes 7, 10, 15 and 25c

We carry a magnificent assort
Oblong Pudding Dishes, each 7, 10, 15, 25o
ment of Fancy Vases at the fol
lowing prices :
15c, 25c, 50c, 75c,
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 each. Noth
ing brightens up a room like a
pretty vase.

Fancy China erry Dishes, 15c. 25c, 35c, 50c Hanging Flower Pols in pretty art colors, Yellow Bowls 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 and 25c
Fancy China Syrup Jugs, 25c, 35c, 50c. complete with chains. Price 20c, 25c, Yellow
Pudding Dishes.. .10, 15, 20 and ioo
30c, 50c, 75c.
Rockingham or Cane Lipped Bowls, 15, 20, 30o
Small Fern Pots in art colors, lOc, loc, 25c. Cane
Bowls, white lined, 10 and 15c.
Rockingham Pie Plates, each 8c and 9c

Fancy China Berry Sets, 1 large bowl and

6 saucers (7 pieces), 75c, $1.00 set.
Fancy China Berry Sets 1 large bowl and Jardineres in fancy colors, according to Rockingham or Cane Bed Pans 75o
12 saucers (13 pieces), $1.25, $1.50, $2 set. size, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2 each.
Rockingham Spittoons, each 20o

Best Quality Rubber Fruit

GLASSWARE Jar Rings, pint or quart
size, per dozen 5c. Half
Fancy Glass Water
Sets, consisting gallon jars take fame size as quarts.
of pitcher and 6 Best Glass Jelly Tumblers, loose tin top, per
tumblers nicely dozen, 45c.
Best Glass .Tel y Tumblers, screw top, small
decorated, with
nickel tray. Price and size, per dozen, 45c large, 50c.
Berry Sets, consisting of 1 Bowl,
75c, $1,
$1.50, $2
per set.
12 Nappies, price 65 and 75c per set.
Large Glass Berry Dish, nice pattern . . .

Fancy Glass Liquor Small Nappies match, per dozen

to 50c
Sets. Price 75c, Footed Glass Berry Dish, each. .35 and 45c .

$1, $1.25, $1.50. Small Nappies to match, per dozen 50c

Fancy Colored Glass Baskets, 25c, 35c, 50c. Handled Glass
Fancy Glass Rose Bowls, lOc, loc, 25c. Pickle Dishes,
20c each.
Low Pa item
Glass Celery
Dish, lOc each No. 1. No. 2. No. 3.
Glass Cake Stands, each 25 and 40c .

Glass Hand Lamp, fig. 3, complete with a

Glass Water Pitchers, burner, chimney and wick, 2Uc each.
Glass Hand Lamp, fig. 2, complete with
25c and 50c.
Glass Syrup Jugs, 25c. burner, chimney and wick, 25c each.
Glass Hand Lamp, fig. 1, complete with
Glass Vinegar Pitchers,
Fancy Glass Flower Vases, 15, 25, 35, 50, 75c
15c and 25c., burner, chimney and wick 30c each.
Glass Tumblers (heavy), 35, 50, 60c per doz Glass Hand Lamp, fig. 1, complete with
Glass Catsup Pitchers,
Glass Tumblers (light), 60c per dozen. 15e and 25c. large burner, chimney and wick, 40c.
Glass Tumblers (engraved), 75c, $1 per doz Glass Hand Lamp, tig. 1, complete with a B
Glass Cream and Sugar
Glass Goblets, 50c per dozen. burner, chimney and wick, extra large, 45c.
(individual), 25c pair.
Glass Custard Cups, 75c per dozen.

Glass Table Sets Consisting of Butter

Dish, Spoon Holder, Cream Pitcher and
Sugar Bowl, a very nice set for 25c. Lemon Squeezers, 5c each.

Glass Table Sets, very rich and new pat Glass Pepper and Salt on Tray, 25c per set
terns, 50c and 75c per set.
Paper Lamp Shades, complete with
frame to hang from any chimney, HV c
Glass Hand Lamp, reading lamp, complete
with burner, chimney and wick, 50c.
Bracket Lamps, for wall, complete with
Bracket and lam) -to. 45, 55c.

Lamp Reflectors. 6 inch, 20c ;

! inch, 25c.
White Glass Pepper or Salt, 5c each.
Beat Quality Lamp Chinn< \s. () cr final
Colored Glass Pepper or Salt, 5c each. size, -le each; A or medium size. 5c each;
Imitation Cut Glass Pepper and Salt, pair25c B or large size, 6c e;
Fancy Glnss Cream Pitchers, 5c each. Parker or Rochester Lamp Chimneys. lOo.
Fancy Glass Spoon Holders, 5c each. Nickel- plated Reading Lamp.
Gold-Edged No. 70 Fancy
complete with shade or globe, chimney and
Gold Edge Table Parker Centre Draft Burner, price com
Sets (4 pieces) plete, $2.25.
$1.50 set. No. 80 Fancy
I .I .-INS
Gold Edge Berry l;.-niquet
Bowls Lamp, with
Large size, $1.00
centre draft
65c "
burner, corn-
Small 50c "
pit te with globe
Gold Edge Small Nappies to match, $1.80 doz
and chimney,
Glass Sugar Bowls, with cover, each lOc each. $2.50.
Celery Trays, 75<;

Glass Butter Disn. witii cover, each lOc Water .lugs, $1.25 each.
Tumblers, $2 dozen. No. 90 1
I ickle Trays, 25c, 50c each. Brass Banquet
Cake Stands, S5c each. with
Cruet Set, $l.;Ueach. centre draft
Fruit Jars burner, v ith
Pint Fruit Jars, eiipid stand as
per dozen, 60c. i 1 1 u s t r a t i o u,
Quart Kiuit Jars, complete with
per dozen, 75e fancy globe,
New Pattern Glass Cream Pitchers, each 20c Half-gallon Fruit $3.50.
New Pattern Glass Spoon Holders, each lf>c
Jars, per dozen, No. 100 Fancy Brass Banquet Lamp, with
New Pattern Glass Sugar Bowls, each...20c centre draft burner and r< nioveali
New Pattern Glass Butter each ...25c
complete with fancy gl>

No. 110 Fancy Decorated GROCERY DEPARTMENT

Glass lie.-iding Lamp, com
plete with shade, $1,00 We only handle first-class reliable grocer
ies.A few prices in, the grocery department Anderson s Prepared Soaps,
arc subject to change, sometimes chicken, tomatoe, mock turtle,,
No. 120 Fancy Decorated upward cream of
Glass Heading Lamp, with and as often downward. comsomme, celery,,
cream of asparagus, and vege
brass base, complete with
at $1.50, $2.00 and
table, 15c. each.


Best Canned Vegetables-

6 for 50c
; Beans, 9c ;
6 for 50c
Corn, 9c 6 for 50c ; Pumpkins, 9c ; 6, 50o
Tomatoes, 9o ; 6, 50o Beets l(, c

Asparagus 20c
Pickles, Etc.
Cross & Black-well s Mixed Pickles... ..23o .

" "

White Onions 23o


Chow Chow 23o

" "

Pickled Olives 23o

Plett s English Mixed Pickles 25o
JTar.jiingHall Lamps, fancy brass frame, rose Chow Chow 3Co

ihy globes, complete with chimney and

burner, good articles. *2, $3, *3.50 each.
Gillard Pickle Relish s New 35o
Morton Cauliflowers or Walnuts
s 25o
Hanging Library Lamps, fancy brass frames
and mountings, large decorated domes, English Spiced Pickles 13c

glass fonts, complete with burner and

Best Canned Fruits- Best Sweet Mustard Pickles 13o.
Peaches loo Williams Best Piekled Gherkins 1, io
chimney. Prices $3, $3.50 and $4.50. Pine Apples, 15c, 25o
Best Canadian Chili Sauce
Plums loc Blue Berries 9c 15o
Pears 15c Cherries . ..15c

Chutney Relish "

Raspberries 15 c
Canned Apples, very best quality, J gal
lon tins, each 13c gallon ti nS) each. .25c

No. 1 No. 2.
No. 1 7 inch White Dome ...... 15c each
. -10 50c
No. 2 --10 Decorated" ...... 75c

No. 2 14 White "

.... 65c "

Jso. 2 14 Decorated" ____ $1.00"

^ 9 inch Etched Globe, 50c Canned Meats, Fish, Etc Best Canadian Tomato Catsup lOo
PreesedBeef, 21b,25c Potted Tongue, 5,10e Horse Radish ....

10, 15o

9 9 inch Decorated Globe, Corned Beef, 1 lb,15c "

5, lOc Best Horse Radish Mustard
3 $1, $1.25, $1.50. "
. .

Chicken. ..5 L Cross & Blackwell s Olive Oil

21bs,25c 20o
Chipped Beef 15c "

Turkey 5e Malt Vinegar ...... 20o

" "

LunchBeef Tongue 25 Canned Turkey.. 25c Patterson s Worcester Sauce 1 Oo

New Canadian Worcester Sauce lOc

Lee & Perrin s Worcester Saace 35o
Stone Best Canadian Maple Syrup 25o
Crocks Dunn s Best Curry Powder, per bottle, ISe
1 gallon 15c "

2 ounces for 5o " " "

Canadian Sardines 5c
Canadian Mustard Sardines 5c
Albert French Sardines, 15c, 20c
Canned Lobster 15c
If covers arc
Presh Canned Herring, English lOc
wanted add 13c
Kippered Herring, Canadian ICc
Stoneware Milk Pans, each loe. Kippered Herring, English 15c
Stoneware Vinegar .)ugs, 1 quart, lOc Herring in Tomatoe Sauce ; lOc, 15c
2 quart, Inn ; 4 quart, 2Uc 8 quart, Hoc ; Best Canned Finnan Haddie
12 quart, 50c each. Best British Columbia Canned Salmon. .12 }c
Mustard in glass Cups 60
O-Wee-Kay-No Canned Salmon 12ic Prepared
Mustard iu glass bottles lOo
In the Drug Department Nimpkish River Canned Salmon 15c
Keen s or Coleman s Mustard, in
Nicholson s Pepsin Prepared Mince Meat -lOc tin, Jib,
3 Boxes Dr. Williams Pink Pills lor $], 13c ; i Ib 23c.
postpaid. Dunn Mustard, Jib. tins,
s each lOo
4 boxes Dr. Walker s Blood Pills for $1, English Mustard, J Ib. tins, each 7o
postpaid. Best Durham Mustard, in 1 Ib. stone jar.25o
boxes Dodds Kidney Pills for $1, postpaid. Best bulk Mustard, per Ib

Best Imported Macaroni 15c, 2 for 25c 2r>o


alter Baker s Chocolate, unsweetened, Flaked Rice, package loc



owan Chocolate, unsweetened, J Ib.
s . .10c

Beans, 15c "

owan Diamond Chocolate, -J Ib

s 5c Best Japan Rice. .4 Ibs. 25o .

adbury s Superfine Chocolate, J Ib loc No. B Japan Rice. .6 Ibs. 25o

Green Leaf Baking Powder, Best Tapioca. . .5 Ibs. for 25c
pound 10c Best Sago 4* Ibs. for 25c
Btst Split Peas. 10 Ibs. for 25o
Maple Leaf Baking Powder,
15o Best Dried Green Peas,
Best Black Pepper, whole or ground, Ib. 32c pound 25c
Jersey Cream Uaking Powder,
101b. for
White Pepper, whole or ground, Ib. 40c
40c Jib.,. 10c; ilb., loc; lib. Very Best White Beans,
Beat Cayenne Pepper, Ib 25c each. per Ib 4c
Best Cloves, Cassia, Giuger, or tins,
Allapice, Ocean Wave Baking Pow No. 1 White Beans, per Ib 3c
Mixed Pastry Spices, whole or ground, ....23c Best Pot Barlev lu Ibs. for 25 )
der, 1 Ib. tin
2 ounces for 5 cents, 35c per Ib.
Best ground or whole Mace, per ounce.. 7c Royal Baking Powder, pel-
15c, 23c, 45c
Whole White Nutmegs, ounce

7c Cleveland Baking Powder, per
tin 15, 23, 4oc CHOICE TEAS
" " ,

Best quality Pure Cream of Tartar, Ib. 32c

Whole Mix. d Pickling Spices, Ib. .25c .
oc Hyson Sifting*
Whole Mustard Seed, Ib 25c Best quality Baking Soda, bulk, Ib
" "

package 5c For only 12ic per Ib.

Celery Seed, 2 ounces for.. 5c .
or 9 Ibs. for$l, wehave
Caraway Seed, Ib 40c
a most excellent grade
Ground Ib Turmuric, 25e
of Hjsou Sittings.
Whole Flaxseed, per Ib
Ground Linseed, per Ib 8c Japan Green
No. 3

Lone Tea, 15c

Extracts, Star,"

lemon and vanilla, 5c each.

A good Japan Tea,
of remarkably good
No. 2 Extracts, best flavoring,
quality for the price,
lemon, vanilla, pineapple, straw 10
berry, wintergreeu, peppermint
only 15c per Ib,
Ibs. for $1.40.
and ginger, 9c each 6 for 50c. ;

Xo. 1 Pure Fruit Extracts, lemon,

vanilla, almond, pineapple and
strawberry, 10c each. Royal Yeast, package Indian Ann-nil Tea, 2O<

Extract of Beef, 2 oz bottle, 30c. Best Grated Cocoanut, in bulk, Ib 2oo

Feather Stripped Cocoanut, per Ib 30c This is a good black Tea fiom India, a
Toledo White Corn Starch, package lOc great favorite with our customers. It has a

Benson s Corn Starch 9c 6 for ;

50c good flavor and great strength, ant1 fortho-
6c who drink black tea cannot fail to please.
Challenge Corn Starch, package
Fruit Puddine, chocolate and rose flavor lOc Price per Ib., 20c, or 10 Ibs. for $1.90.
Fruit Tapine, vanilla and chocolate lOc
Gunpowder Tea, 35c
First-class Tea, a clean, strong tea, good
flavor for blending, per Ib., 25c ; 5 Ibs., $1.00

Young Hyson Tea, 35e

A Hyson Point Tea. a very
tine special
Root Beer Extract, per bottle
Price s Rennet Wine or Junket . popular every day tea with a great mauy
.10, 15, 2r people-, per Ib., 2oc; 10 Ibs. for $2.2.1.
Best Extracted Clover Honey. . -

Best Comb Honey to, 18, -SB Japan Green Tea, 25e
Most excellent quality, farmer s favorite
tea. strong and rich flavor, Our
priced tea at 25c. 10 Ibs. for $2.25. This tea

2 for 25c would bo good value

va at oc more per Ib.
(Juaker Rolled Bats, package 13c ;

Jellies in screw top glasse

Pettjohn BreakfaM Food, pkg. 13c;
TilNon s Fine Wheal Germs, t Ibs.
Best Rolled Date, in bulk
yy neat
10 11
8 Ins

for S5c
for 25c

special blend of mixed tea, gunpow
der and tine Ceylon teas mixed, caretully
^ >-

Best Canadian
for - lei led and draws well, suits the taste of
ttrawberry, red an s
l( ,, "

plum, raspberry, Barley ~> "


black currants, pine apple, crab apple, 10 :];, ted OaYMeal, 9 Ibs. 25e many better than any other tea. per Ib., 30c;
Meal ...... 121bs for 25e 10 Ibs. for$2.50.
Best Canadian Jams, in 7 Ib. pails, peach, Best Old Gold Com
plum, ra-.pbeiry and strawberry, pail, Blue Ribbon or .Monsoon Tea
Upton s Best Oraiit;o Marmalade 1C :

Black or Mixed, per Ib, 25o, 30c, 40c.

.A: Bhickwell s Orange Marmalade. 18c .

Pure (iuld Jelly Powders, lemon, orange, Crown Derby Tea

Uerry, grape fruit, pineapple, An absolutely pure Ceylon Tea of tho
berry, vanilla," calf foot and cherry.
finest quality. Refresh ing and iuv ;

Knox liest Gelatine, loc 2 for

s 25c 15c m
Granose Biscuits, per box Ing, a most excellent tea, up In I

13c;2for 25c 15c Fhikes, neat fancy tin canisters in imitation of
Best Plymouth. Rock Fraud Gelatine 15c 12c Crown Derby China price each
Granola Meal, ;
Pure Gold Icing, pink, lemon, choc..
Shredded Wheat Biscuit National C sinister Teas
or white, 13c 2 for 2r>u
(irapeNut Food, package

Walter Baker s Cocoa, i 1

Cream of Wheat, garden picked blended Teas, pro Finest

Cowan s Perf-ctiou Cocn ,aham Flour 10 Ibs. for 2oc nounced good by tin- besl of tea judge.-.
Ibs 30c ur. 2 Ib. pkg. lOc Kadi pound is in a beautifully made sqiiarti
Scll-Kaisin- Huckwlicat I l

Bensdorp s- Dutch Cocoa, J canister with finely executed pictures of th

Ibs 25c
war .rilish South African heroes, viz., Lord
All goods in tho Grocery depaitment

Epps Pure Cocoa, i Ibs lOc

rant. .1 fresh and good. 1 he prices
we quote u-hener, Buller. liailen-Po-wel),
Cocoa, in bulk, per Ib 15c A lovely pi.
tuuto a little from lime to time, bui
and General French.
Choice Cocoa, in bulk, Ib...l8c ii

work and the tea of fitcst quality each 5Ui.

Best Soluable (. ocoa, per Ib. 25 the qiialitv of the ^oods never. ;

Jaquoi s French
Oar line of Coffees Blacking,boxoc 6 for ;

is selected with a
Dalley s Spanish Blacking, 5c ; 6 for


English Army Blacking, 8c 3 for "

i Oc
view to please any ;

House Waterproof Shoe Paste, lOe and 25o

taste. The values
are most excellent, Royal Gloss Liquid Shoe Poli-h ...]0c .

Gilt Edge Liquid Shoe Polish 20c

and we predict tl al
you will be pleasec Candles
with anything you Plain White Parafine
purchase from us in Caudles, 12 to 1 Ib.,
this ai title. per dozen, 20c.
Plain Colored Cau
Laundry Soaps, Etc.
dles, twist pattern,
Choice Roasted Rio Coffee Reriies, Ib loo. Richard s Best Family Soap, 2 Ib. bar, 5c each, fi for 25c
Santos Roasted Coffee Berries, either each 3 for

Fancy Colored Candles, fancy decorated,

whole or ground, a fine choice coffee, very Morton s N. P. Soap, 3 Ib. bar 15c lOc; 3 for 25c
with a 40c Savor. Order either Sunlight Laundry Soap, 3 bars for 15c
strong, Sulphur Fumigating Candles, ICc 3 for ;

whole or ground. This is a good Coffee i oi Surprise per bar 5c "

Best Special Flour Sulphur, per Ib 4c

lay family use. Price 25c per 11), or Electric Laundry Soap, 13 bars for .25c .

5 Jbs for SI, and most excellent value it is. New Laundry Soap, 12 oz. bars, 7 bars, 25c
it Sanborn s Seal Brand Coffee, in
Chase Morton s Victor Soap, 12 oz. bars, 5 for 25c
1 sealed tins, 40c
Ib. 2 Ib. tins. 7oc. ;
Itii hard s Special Wool Soap 5c
English Breakfast Coffee, per Ib. tin 2oc Lifebuoy Disinfectant Soap 5c Long Wax Tapers, gas lighters, box (30) . . lOc
Caramel Cereal Coffee (100 cups), pkg.-.20c Household Liquid Ammonia, botile lOc
Best English Chicory, per Ib 18c Best Powdered Ammonia, package lOc
Ricketts, or Keene s Best Blueirrg, 3
SUGARS AND F101 B squares in package, price per package. 4c .

the prices of both Sugar and Flonr

A-f Peckstone s Washing Crystal, 12packages L Oc
are frequently changing, we find it im Miracle Washing Compound, 12 cakes for25c
Pearline Washing Powder, package ... 4c
possible to quote a price in this book which Banner
would bold good for any length of time. Babbitt s 1776 Soap Powder, 4c "
In most localities these two staple articles Gold Dust Washing Powder, \ Ib 5c Banner Lamp Burners, small, each, 6c

can be purchased nearly as cheap as we can


311)8 22c " "

medium, 8c large ; lOc ;

sell them. We can, however, always fill Best Washing Soda, 3 Ibs. for 5c Climax Lamp Burners, each 20c
orders at current prices. Best Laundry Starch, perlb.... 5c Duplex or Double Burner .25c
Silver Gloss Laundry Starch, lib 9c Common Lantern Burners 10o
Cross & Blackwell s Lemon Peel, per Ib. .17c "

6 Ibs

50c " "

Cold Blast Lantern Burners 15c

" "

..17c lOc Lamp Wick for small size burners, f inch

Laundry Stat-ch, 1 Ib Celluloid

" " "

Boston Laundry Starch, 1 Ib..24c 10 wide, per yard, 2c medium, inch, 3c

Best Cleaned Currants, 3 Ibs for Canada White Gloss Starch, I Ib 2.~>c
7c per yard large. 1 inch, yard, 4c.

Table Raisins, per Ib 18c and 25c Climax or Duplex Wick, 1J inch,
Sapolio, Enoch Morgan s, ea h 9c yard, So-
Choice Selected Raisins, 3 His. for Best Cotton Candle
Silico, Hoffman s, each 9c

Wick, per ball... 5c

Cooking Figs, 5 Ibs for .25c Best Plain Butter
Parchment, 8x12 inches
Table Figs, per Ib 15c per 100 sheets, 15c postage lOc extra.
California Prunes, 3 Ibs. for 25c Printed Butter Parchment, 8 x 12 inches,
Evaporated Apples, 12 Ibs. for $1.00 "

Gilt Edge Bntter," per 100,20c ; post oc.

California Evaporated Peaches, Wells Richardson s Butter Color, 13c, 20c
2 Ibs for...: ..25c Best Wood Tooth Picks, per box 5c
California Apricots, 2 Ibs. for .25c Best Quill "

per package... 5c
Golden Dates, 3 Ibs. for 25c Household Matches, box of 3ti, 8c, K c, 12c
Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts and Brazil Pntz Pomade Metal Polish, per box 5c Eddy s Parlor Matches, 24 boxes for loc
Nuts or mixed nuts, per 1!) 15c Common Clay Pipes, per dozen
Assyrian Silver Polish, powder 15c Inc.
l!i--t shelled Almonds, per Ib 40c McDonald s Smoking Tobacco, lOc 3 for 25c
" "

liquid 15c ;

Oranges and Lemons, per dozen ..20c

Wellington Knife Polish . 15c (
nrrency Chewing Tobacco, plugs So and I PI;
Christie s Cream Sodas, 3 Ib. tin box 27c Best English Bath Bricks, each T. & B. Cut, Smoking Tobacco,
5c package luc
Christie s Soda Biscuits, in 3 Ib. card box 22c Myrtle Navy

Christie s Fancy Mixed Biscuits, per Ib. 12^c
McLaren s Imperial Cheese, 4 Ib. jar 23c
Best Dairy Bag Salt, each oc, 9c, 18c THEY ALL AGREE ABOUT IT
Saltpetre, per Ib lOc
Best Senna. 2 oz., 5c Epsom Salts, Ib.. 7c |
The Stanley Mills Machine I ordered from
5c ou some time ago was received in good time
Alum, best lump, per Ib
Licorice Pellets, oz 4c Licorice Sticks, ea 4c and in the best of condition. After giving
t a fair Ir al, Mrs. Barker eays it runs easy,
ews splendid and she is well pleased.
Yours trulv,
vennell P. O., Assa. C. H. BARKER.
Nixey s Silver Moonlight Stove Polish. .lOc .

Electric Stove Paste, 4 for 25c 7 The Stanley

; Mills Sewing Machine is one
Nonsuch Liquid Stove Polish, 9c ; 3 for..25c thb very best machines I have ever seen.
Brilliant Black Pipe Varnish, 9c ; S for.. 25- Ye have had ours about one year and it
Royal Dome Black Lead, box (6 akes) lOc <
. .
ives us the greatest satisfaction.
James "

,.15c " " " "

Yours truly,
Bird Seed, Maple Leaf Brand, package.. 5c Tiger Stove paste, per box 5o and lOc indastoll, Alberta. G. E. JO.TKSON.
ii d
Seed, Cottam s Best Mixed lOc Matchless Stove Paste, per box lOc
Jhloride of Lime, i Ib. tin, 5c ; i Ib., lOc ;
Enameline Stove Paste 5 and lOc I received the Stanley Mills 5 drawer Sew-
1 Ib loc ng Machine some time ago and have much
ftaadard Concentrated Lye or Potash 5o deasure in stating that it has given entire
Gilletts Best Concentrated Ly* 9o atisfaction, doing splendid work, and is
Best Powdered Borax, Ib., lOc; 3 for 25c inch better than I expected to get for the
Bst Lump P,orax, 11)., 10 c ;3for 25c ;e. Yours truly,
Specially Pure Powdered Borax, 1 Ib. pkg. 12c Jarr s Oil Shoe Blacking, box, 5c ; 6 for 2oc v Finland, Af*a. SAMUEL KIVELA.

Faber cork or rubber
s Pen Holder,
The postage on any which may he article 5c 6 for 25c.
tipped, prevents ink stains, ;

for each ounce. No liquids

.sent liy post in Ic .-,0 Kancy Pen Holders. ass.M-ied. each lOc
of any kind are allowed in the mails. 51 Pearl Handle Pen Holders, lOc, 25c, 60o
24 Lumber Crayons, black, each 5c.
25 heavier, black or blue,

26 Checking Crayon?, red or blue,
97 "
red and blue, lOc. "

Common Pen No. 292, dozen, 3c ;

52 Nibs,
1 gross in box, postage per box, 7c.

53 Gillott s Best Pen Nibs, No. 292, dozen

The postage on 1 dozen lead pencils is r>c.
5c ; gross, 45c.
1 Plain Cedar IVnei per down, 7c. s. 54 Gillott s or Easterbrook s Pen Nibs, as
2 Cedar Pencils, rubber tipped, dozen, 12c sorted stub or pointed, fine or coarse, doz 5c
28 WaxDrawingCrayons,6incardbox,lc,3c
wood box, 5c 5,-)" Falcon Pen Nibs, large size, good

29 Wax Drawing Cra> ous, 6 in dozen 5c.

30 Colon d Crayon Pen- general purpose pen nib,
iu uox 56 Best Pen Nibs, Waverly, Spencerian,

Blackstone, Belief, etc., doz. lOo


31 Same as No. 30, but
3 Express Lead Pencils, rubbered, doz 20e. twice as long, box lOc
4 Common H. B.Pencils, doz lOc.
5 Best finality rubber tipped Drawing Pen-
cils. in any of the. following: HB, HH. 57 Pocket Fountain Pen, ready for use,
HHH, BB, B, each 3c ; per dozen, 35c. with 2 extra pen nibs, filler, etc., in neat
card box, price 25c ; postage, 4c.
58 American Fuui tain Pen, gold nib. filler,
etc., a good terviccablo fountain pen,
Price 81 ; postage, 5c.
6 Lead Pencil, rubber end, 59 Paul E.- Wert Fountain Pens, $1.50, $2,
hard pencil, 25c dozen. 32 Colored Chalk, 6 colors $2.50 and $3 each ; postage, 5c.
good medium
7_" Electric "or Autograph" brands, good

per dozen boxes lOc. 60 Paul E.- Wert Fountain Pens, gold
White School in
quality lead pencils, 3c each ; dozen,
35c. 33 Chalk, 1 gross mounted, $3, $3.50 and $4 each ; post. lOc
best quality, per box lOc 6 for 50c. ;
34 School halk, assorted colors. 1 gross in
box, 35c per box 3 boxes for$l.

.- 35 Blackboard Era- _
61 Folding Writ

ing Desks, with

lock, and divided
large end, rubber tipped Lead v

^." Senator," iij to compart

lor busi
Pencil, hard lead, a good pencil ments for paper, pens, ink, etc. Prices
ness men, price 5c each; 6 for 25c. M Scholars Plain Slate Pencils. 100 for 10e. ranee according to quality, and finish, me
ic Pencils, gilt paper cove. red, per 350*500, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2 .00, $2.50, $3.00,
box of 100. i:>c.
$4.00 and $5.00 each.
::s Slate Pencils, paper covered, 1 in fancy
box. dozen boxes, lOr.
8 Faber s best business Lead Pencils in p,9 Slate. Pencils, plain wood covered, doz.lOc
gnat variety of patterns, all rubber insert Scotch Slate Pencils, hexigon, per 100, 40c
ed in nickel tops, in bard, medium or soft
lead, price 5c each ; 6 for 256. 62 Scholar s Pencil box with lock, com
plete with pen
and pencil holder, slate

pencil, each
63 Pencil box with lock, polished hard
contents), lOc.
wood (no
Common Pencil Sharpeners, 2c; doz. 20c 64 Polished hard wood pencil boxes, with
10 Automatic Black Lead Pencils, 5c,_10c 41 with pen and holder, lead
\uioma1ieindelible Lead Pencils, 15c. II.
Pencil Sharpeners, nickelled. good, lOc. lock, complete
11- rubber and ruler, 15c.
12- -Automatic Pencil Leads, black, 6 for 25c 43 Improved Pencil Sharpeners, 20c. pencil, slate pencil,
13 _ ..

indelible, <>
tor L ac
each lOc loc.
14 folding Pen and Pencil,
44 Common Pen Holders, dozen 5o.
ml Pen Holders, natural wood tap
ered handle, dozen, lOc ; postage, 5c.
15 Program Pencils, assorted colors,
doz 25c 65 Polished Pencil Box, with lock Wood
with tassels, 35c and pen and h dder, lead pencil, slate
pencil, rnl-r, inbber, ink bottle, etc.,
all .

in compartments, prices 25o and 35c each.

46 Pen Holders, painted woodhaudU
i ci-ed or straight, dozen, 20c; postage, 5c.

17 Red and Blue Lead Pencils, white wood,

3c 6 for 15c.
Hinders, jK.lished wood handle,

18 Red and Blue Lead Pencils, best hexi 47_Pen

nickel tinished, ].rici- (i for 2-V. 66 Polished Fancy Hardwood Pencil boxes,
gon, 5c ; 6 for 25c.

rov with coinpartuient. oc, lOo

19 Red Lead Pencils, hexigon, 5c 6 for25c
slid" !<.

and l. i.- each.
20 Blue

5c;6f r25o "

2i_ Green " "

6;6for25c Our Men s Clothing Department will sureiy

22 Violet Indelible Lead Pencils, in wood, 5c The goods are good and
Penc Is 48 Faber s Pen Holders, fancy colored han interest you.
23 Blue, Blnck or Violet Indelible lor 2 T c. the prices light.
dies, Tic l>

in wood, lOc. ;

83 Scholar s School 92 Scholars Book

Globe, mounted and Straps, with han
revolving, showing all dle, lOc, ?:;, and
details, "countries ii 25c each.
67 Scholars colors,price 25c each
contents, -with 93 Very Heavy Straps, for scholars or for
This globe is a ver\
plain, 5c 6 for
postage, 4c each.
; ;
instructive and inter shawls, lOc, loc and 2ou ta.-h.
68 Scholars Companion, polished, lOc.
esting article foi 94-Scholars Carry
69 Scholars
Companion, baseball bat pat scholars. The diam all, with pencil
tern, lOc ; postage, 3c. eter of the globe is 6 box and ruler, a
inches. good strong ar
ticle, will carry
books, lunch, etc.
84 Teachers Full Mount Price 2.3c each.
ed Globes, on strong
69^ Scholars Companion, big lead penci nickel-plated stand, lat
95Stafford s New Black Ink
in large size glass
pattern with large nickel top, with con est date and coirect iu bottles,
detail. Diameter 5c each; 6 for 25o.
tents, very unique pattern, imitation o: of
96 Stafford s Ink,
huge pencil, 25c ; postage, 6c. globe, 8 inches price S7 ;
jet black,
each. Diameter of globe violet, red, aiid blue colors,
70 Compass ant oc each
12 inches, price $11:50 ;
U for 2,:c.
Drawing Tools each.
in polishet 97 Stephens Blue Black Ink in stone bot
hardwood boxes
very best quality, J pints,
each; 13>

very complete * 25 n s
and in great as School or library Maps. l
; * pints, 35c; pints, 50o.
btaffords Inks same as
sortment. Prices 85 Lirge School or Library Maps, thor Stephens inks.
-Stafford s Fountain Pen black Inks, lOc
ant oughly revised to date, mounted on 7"ic
100 Stafford s
__^ and
2f>e, f>0e,

$1.00 per box. rollers and varnished. Price $3.00 ear"

Copying Writing Ink
Domin on of Canada United States combined, 15c, 20c per bottle.
71 Brass Drawing Compass, with box 101 Stafford s Indelible
Ontario Australia 102 Stephens
Marking Inu, 25c
leads, lOc ; postage, 4c North America Eastern Hemisphere 15c
South America Western "

Europe England and AVales

Aalt Scotland
a Ireland
72 Pencil Compass, to fit any pencil, 5c
America Pacific Ocean
73 Pencil Compass with lead pencil, lOc.
British Isles Palestine
74 School Rulers, 12
inches, Ic, 2c, 3c ea. 103 David s Rest Musilago, oc 6 for 2oc. * ;

75 School Rulers, 12 86 Scholars Colored 104 Handy Mucilage Bottle and Brush, 25c
inch s, brass bound, Sisal Canvas School
5c and lOc each. Bag, mixed colors,
size 10 x 12 inches,
76-Faber s School
s-^ M Rubbers, best
with handle grips,
price loc each ;

fig. quality, pattern postage,, 8c each.

like the picture,
Ic, 2c, 3c, 5c, 8c and 10c each.
77 Faber s Ink and Pencil Rubber, 5c. 87 Scholars
78 Faber s Dumbell Pattern Liquid Fish Glue, small glass bottle, lOc Colored Jute 105
Novelty Rubber, double rub 106 LePage s- loc School Kj
" " "

ber end with nickel bar, bound with 107 Liquid Fish Glue, in tins, loc, 25c, 40cea.
each postage 2c.

linen, with 108 Ciocliery Mender, per bottle, lOc.
79 Typewriter s Circular Rubber lOc
; post 2c
buckle and 109 Rubber Cement, lOc.

shoulder strap. 110 Leather

" "

Small size 20c,, Ill Liquid Gold Paint, small bottle, lOc
112 Stafford s White Paste, 5c, 15c and 25e
Large siie 25c
113 Stafford s White Paste, in
tubes, 80, loo
88 Girls Felt School
plain gieen, red, or
plain black, with draw
string, 2oc each.
89 Girls Embroidered Felt
School Bags, red, green
80 School Slates, wood
frame, wire bound or bla- k, with draw
x7 inches, each fie 7x11 inches each 8c string, 30c eaca. Post-
x 10 7c 8 x 12


a^-i- 5c each.
81 School Slates, wood frame, felt bound 90 Scholars Jute School Bags, with draw No. 115 No. 117 No. 118.
7 x 7 fuohes, each 8c 7 x 11 inches, each string, variegated colors, 2oc each. 114 Glass Ink Bottle, hingedlid,
lOc, 15c,25c
84 x 10 "

I2e 8x12 i c
.j Office Ink Bottle, in iron pen


Inside measure. single bottle, 35c; double Ink bottle, 60o
83 Double 117 Improved Office Ink Bottle, 25c.
118 Pocket Ink Bottles, lOc, 15c, 25c, 50c
Slates, noiseless felt
bound 119 Fancy Ink Bottle,
&Jx 10 inches, 20c. small brass tray,
7 x 11 inches, 25c. heavy bottle with
brass top, each 25c.
91 Scholars All Leather School
Bags, with 120 Fancy Ink Bottte,
buckle fastenings and strap. Very small,
Genuine Wtiltham 15c small, 20c medium, medium
fancy brass tray and
mountings, a very
; ; 2f>c
$6.00. largo, very large size, 450 each. 3,~>c
pretty bottle, 35c.
143 Wire Pen
121 Fancy Ink
rack, with base
Bottles, in for desk use,
great variety, each.
In- ass and l.">o

jewel mount 144 Copying p..

ings and gold letters, etc., size for

book about 12 x 12
laquered. "prices 50c,65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00,
$1.25 and $1.50 each. indies, total weight
33 strong power
161 Fancy Embossed Booklets, religious,
ful screw and all poetic, etc., very beautifully designed
and finished, prices 5c, lOc, loc, 35e, 2.">e,

nicely japanned. and 75c each postage 5c each.
50c, 65c
Price, $3.00 each.

162 Fancy Calendars for 1901 in great var

122 Elastic Rubber Office Bands, small, iety,very pretty, price 5c, lOc, 15c; 25c,
loc medium, 20e large, 2?c per gross.
35c and oOc each; postage 5c extra.
125 Rubber Elastic Packagj Byuds, 2c, 3c,
to size.
4c, 5c, 8c and ICc eacli, according
120 Brass Paper Fasten-
;, loc medium ;

20c: long. 2.5c per bos

of one gvo-s. 145 Colored Office or Druggists String; best
quality, lOc per ball, 3 for
146 Glass Paper Weights, lOc, 15c. 26o

163 Photograph Albums, for cabinet size

pictures. .Our assoitment of Albums is

very large indeed and no catalogue
147 Fancy Embroidery Pattern Shelf Paper, cription can do them justice.
Each has a
width 12 inches, 5 yards in a piece, strong clasp, the covers are
made of plush
fur 25 yellow, blue, green, cherry
and and fancy embossed and Wended celluloid
127 Wive Hook Hanging File, 5e ; (i white,
6 for 25o. Prices 50c, 6oc,
128 Browed Hook K e and 15c rose colors, per piece 5c ; in beautiful colors.
3 for 25c 148 Japanese Paper Table 75c, $1. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3,
129Stick Filo on Stand, lOc
Napkins, cheapest, *e accoiding to finish.

$3.50 $4 and each, $5

lip, each
130 11V.
Speneeri:i dozen 30c for 50.
for board, eaeli
; 164 Autograph Albums, 5c, lOc, loc, 2?o,
131 Spring File

149 Japanese paper Nap to size and finish.
3oc, 59c each, according
kins, plain white, plain 165 Scrap Albums, lOc, loc, 25c, 35c, 40c
pink, flowered, or gilt and 50c each, according to size.
decorated, best quality,
lOc per doz 40c for 50. ;
166 Postage Stamp Albums,
20c, 25c, 35e, 50c and 75c.
Postage on 50, 6c.
150 Silver Leaves for decorating cakes, 167 Postage stamp Collec
etc. Per dozen, lOc ; postage 2c. tions, in. albums, 50c. $1, $2,
151 -Embroidered Huge Paper foi $5 and $10 each, according
to var ety.
132 Invoice Board File, as pictured, 35c boxes, 18 inches long, 5c per dozem strips,
ilt Paper, best quality, per sheet
133 Invoice Board File, long size, 50c. Bibles and Ifrayer
153 Silver paper, best quality, per sheet 5o
154 Kindergarten Fancy paper, Assorted
2 sheets for .ic
colors, smooth finish glazed, Bibles and Hymn Books,
151 Plain Tissue Paper, colors, dozen, 12c id, at prices quoted:

134 Scaling Wax, rod. in nHr-lts, eachSc, 8e - Bibles, 25, 35, 50c each.
lOe ding to Reference Bibles, 75c, $1,
ng Wax, in red or black, *m 25, $1.50, $2, $2.50.
s Oxford and In-
large sticks,

Perfumed Sealing 152 Crepe Tissue Paper, for lam]) sli

.itioiMl Bibles. $1.2.%
decorations, etc., plain eolors of all
Wax. assortei! $1.5ii. $1.75.
"^V 1 I e.
Bibles, $1, $1.50
*53fS 5 sticks in a h -.

Paper, fancy shaded and

Largo Type
loll of 5 feet, loc.
, and Hymn Books, 25c, 35c,
i>d, per
Xuia* Cards ami Calendars. A. & M. Hymn i 50c, 75c.
15 1 y, very complete )lii! Prayer Biwks of Heaven, Ky
Card ,-dfii of the Soul, Catholic Piety, 15c,
will, plain letter II.
137 Initial Letter Seals, lOc do/en a
i ;
Key of Heaven. Epihth pels, in
15c each; with old

25c each ; p 30c

picture, Methodist Hymn Books, SOc. l. if
Hymn Books, leather lined, 85c,
Ymux Card Assortments 50.
cards, Presbyterian Book of Praise. 7oc,
Ulctsand 2 calendars, for iid $1.50.
l: i(i- -Assort i: -ards. 1
Presbyterian liook of Praise, 60c, 90c. $1.50.
booklet.--. postpaid.
oal 50c; Note We will stamp the name in gold on
138 String Price Tickets or Tags, small 7c
:-. [

any of the above books for 25c extra.


\ l.iin. eoiisistHofan
per 100. I.-,-;

medium, 10e : . l",c

IShiiik I.OKH!
meut of the innsr lr ;mi il eards, calendars
nl i

189 Gummed Stickers or Price Labels, lOo 168 We sell the following : Farm Leases,
and book ets fin ifi postpaid.
and, 15e. pur UIO postage 2e. Mortgage without
comic Mortgage willi

15jJ_Assortment. of all l>o\>er.

110 Hummed Kottle Labels, large, 2.)C 100. Dower. Chattel Moi !
Is. House
cards, for L ic postpaid.
Jl Baggage or Shipping Tags, dozen 5c.

lOc each. Lease, Wills. iOc per dozen.

liirthday Cards.
H Repairing Tape for papers
or books, i;,!l

!i,o Scripture Text.-, (to hang), 5c, lOc, 15c

lOc dozen.
tier ro!!
192 Cream Pape-
teries, containing
50 sheets and 5C
envelopes in a neat
strong card box,
ruled paper, 25c.

193 Mourning
169 Cash Books, paper cover, So, lOo, 15c. Papeteries,
170 Cash Books, board loo, 25c, sheets paper
35c, 50c.
171 Day Books, 25c, 50c, $1 each. and 12 enve
172 lopes, extra 214 Ladies Letter Size
Writing Tablets.
Journals, 25o, 50o, $1, $1.25.
173 Tablets, cream or
Ledgers, 25c, 35o, 50c, $1, $1.50. good quality, white, satin or linen finish, ruled or plain,
174 Minute Books, 25c each. narrow, middle,
5e, lOc, 15c each, according to quality.
broad and ex
215 Ladies Large Letter Size Tablets,
tra broad mourning border, per box, 25c
smooth cream, ruled or plain, 15c each.
194 Silurian Mourning Papeteries, 40sheets
216 Ladies large Letter Size Tablets, linen
and 40 em elopes, car., mid., broad, 25c.
finish, 20c.
195 Mourning Note Paper, in white or
217- Gent s size Letter Tablets, 5c, lOc, 15c
Silurian gray, per quire, lOc a l widths.

2l8 Gents size Letter Tablets, satin or
196 Mourning Envelopes to ma ch, 7c pkg
linen finish, 100 sheets, each 25c.
197 Foreign Mourning Note Paper, qnire 15c
175 Weekly Time Books, 5o, 15c and 30c. 198 219-C orresjpondence Cabi
Envelopes, pkg 15c
" "

176 Monthly 1 ime Books, 5c, 15c and 30c 25

177 Gruee] s Pass Books, each 5c ; doz 50c ENVELOPES net, containing
cards and 25 envel
178 Memorandum Books, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25c 199 Note size Silurian
opes to match, price
Envelopes, 5c per pack per box, 25c. Order
age of 25. cream or Silurian gray.
200 Note size Cream Postage lOc.
Envelopes, lOc package
179 Receipt Boots, 5c, 10o, 15c and 25c
180 Blank Note Forms, 5c, lOc, 15c per book Visiting Cards.
220 Ladies or Gent s size Visiting Cards,
181 Pocket Folding
Memorandum Books, ivory finish, 15c package, containing
50 cards postage 4c.
20c, 25c and 35c each ;

221 Ladies or Gent s Visiting Cards, finest

Postage 6c each.
quality, ivory finish, package of 50, 20c.
222 Lai.ics Mourning Cards, package, 25c.
223 Ge it s Mourning Cards, package 2(V.
182 The World s Ready 201 Ladies size Cream Envelopes, So per Cards are either narrow, mid
Keckoner, a handy in package of 25, or 28c per box of 2.30. dle, broad or extra broad border.
structive reference book 202 Ladies size Special Quality Cream or We will print Ladies or Gent s Visiting
for everybody. Price 25c; Silurian Gray Envelopes, package 5c ;
Cards, 111 either square or script type, for
postage 3c. box of 250 for 45c. 35c a package extra.
203 Ladies size very best quality cream, 224
white or rough finish, lOc pkg ; 3 for 25c
Wedding Stationery, in fancy cabinets
or boxes, containing 50 invitations, 50
204 Ladies Empress Envelopes, cream, inside envelopes and 50 outside envelopes,
azure or ruse, very best, package loc. smooth or vellum finish, price $1, $1 2.3,
205 Gent s Cream Wove Envelopes, No. 7 size, $t 50 and $2 per cabinet.
3c per package of 25 box of 500 only 50c.
; We will print Wedding Cabinets in black,
206 Gent s Special Quality Cream Envel silver or
gilt, for $1 per cabinet extra.
opes, No. 7 size, oc a package 500 for 65c ;

207 Men s special heavy good quality busi

ness envelopes, size No. 7, box of 500, 85c
Playing Cards.
183 Reporters Note Books, 5c and lOc each
184 Students Note Books, 5c and 10 each ,
208 Official 225 We carry a large as
E u v e I o p e s, sortment of playing cards,
185 Scribbling Pads, Ic, 2c, 4c, 5c each.
186 Scribbling Books, Ic, 2c, 3c, 5c each white, with Prices, according to
187 Fancy Covered School Scribblers and smooth finish quality, are 5c, lOc, 15c,
extra heavy, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c p<T
Exercise Books, patriotic subjects, best
or price per package. Postage per
quality plain rul d, 5ceach; 6 for 25c.
188 Exercise Books, stiff cover, good qual package lOc. , package, 5c extra.
226 Playing Cards, in fancy leather book
ity paper, lOc, 15c and 25c each.
209 Extra Large Official Envelopes, 15c pack shaped cases, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 each.
WRITING 227 Playing Cards, fancy leather case,
double set in each case, finest quality
PAPER. celluloid cards, $2 and $2.&0 per set.
Note The postage on sta
tionery is Ic per ounce.
210 Ladies Letter size 228 Whist Mark
ers, $1.25, $1.50,
Writing Paper, cream,
smooth finish, ruled or $2.00 and $3 00
per set.
quire, 3c ;
plain, per
package of 5 quires, 15c.
189 Fancy Papeteries, containing 24 sheets 211 Ladies Letter Paper, special .quality, 229 Game Markers,
writing paper and 24 envelopes in fancy heavy, with smooth or rough finish, ruled leather case, cel
card boxes, lOc, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c each, or plain, quire 5c ; 5 quire ] ackage, 25e. luloid markers,
according to quality. Order plain or 212 Ladies Finest Quality Letter Paper, BOc each ; post 5c
ruled, rough or smooth finish. smooth or rough, white or cream, ruled
190 Fancy Papeteries, tinted paper and en- or plain, quire lOc 5 quires for 45c.;
230 Poker Chips, per box of 100, 60c.
elopes, bine, 15c per box wedgewood, 213 Ladies Empress Shape Note Paper, to 231
Card Boxes, fancy celluloid, each 75c.
khaki, etc., 25c per box. match our new Empress Envelopes, white, 232 Playing Card Boxes, fancy card and
191 Fancy Invitation Papeteries, 25, 35, 45c azure, or rose tinted, per package 15e. wood, 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 75o and $1 ea<*

Niagara Falls Views

We make a specialty of fiuo specially se
lected views of Niagara Falls for stereseopes.
These views are as good as can be manufac
tured. Photofinish, lOc. each ; hand tinted
and colored, 20c each.

233 Rubber Folding Pencil Stamp, with Religious Views in Series

Religious vie* in sets, representing the
your own name on, pencil handle, with
L fe of Christ, 12 set series, price 65c 24
pen attachment, nicklc finished. price with

black ink 35c ; price with best indelible Sign Markers. Economy set teries, $1.20.

marking ink for linen, each. Postage 240 Economy Handy Sign Marking Outfits
4f>c Religious views, hand tinted, the Life of
5c extra. Always write the name carefully. for storekeepers. This outfit consists of a Christ, 12 set series, $1; 24 setseries, $2 per set

INDELIBLE full alphabet, each letter being f inch and

on a separate block by itself, also a full
&IXEX set of figures, if. cent mark, i ? and , . t=f"
Niagara Series Finely executed
cabinet photographs of Niagata Falls, beau
JHARKER signs, a bottle of pad ink,
a covered self-
tifully mounted on card. This series of pic-
inking pad, a straight edge and a letter
turts will show you the world s greatest-
234 Indelible Linen Marker, for handker square, all paeked ill a strong telescope
covered box. There are about 45 separate water fall iu all its glory, both winter and
chiefs or other linen, old English style summer scenes. It is ins rnctive and artis
initial letter, each outfit complete in a stamps in this splendid outfit, and with
hese a storekeeper can make any desired tic. The entire set consists of 12 pictures,
neat box and containing brush, pad, bottle t

each picture
price ticket or sign and in a very artistic price, per set of 12, only $1; or
of indelible ink and any initial letter you
wish. Price per outfit 15e postage 7c. way. Complete outfit, $1.75 ; postage 35c
seperately at lOc each. Postage on set, loc
Self Inking Stamps
235 These we make to order, STERESCOPES
with any name and post ot tii e
address, mounted on nickel We have a large-
plated selE inking stand .-is assortment of stere-
shown in the picture. The
scopes. The variety
ink pad is never exposed to 241 Price Tickets, size about 2.J x 3 inches, is too great to des-
dnst, and the stamp is self
printed in bold white letters on black ciibe here. The
inking. Made in 2 sizes, med ground, iu boxes containing 100 tickets, prices range accord
ium size, 75c large size, $1.25. and comprising 5c, lOc, 2.5c, 50c, 75c and
ing to quality of
Postage, lOc and extra. When order $1 tickets in about right proportion. Price gl ss and finish of the instrument, some
ing these or any other stamps be careful per box, 2oc postage., 8c extra. ; being in cheiry, mahogany, walnut, bird s
to write name very plain.
eye maple, rosewood and tulip. All but the
242 Round Price Tickets, 3
cheapest one are velvet bound, thus exclud
inches, assorted colors with
MAR 20
1893 borders, in boxes contain
ing the light from the eyes. All have
hinged or folding handles and good lenses.
ing 100 tickets and 100 The higher priced ones have, of course, the
ticket pins. Tickets arc as best lenses. Prices are 30c, 40c, 50c,
Rubber 6.3c,
236 Our Universal sorted from 5c to $o. Price
Band Dater Stamp, will 75c, $1, $1.50 and $1.75 each.
per box, 85c postage 15c. ;

promptly print any date yon Combination

wish, may be changed in a
moment. Price 25c each ; Sterescope Views Stereo-G ra pkoscope
We carry an enor This article n. d f or
postage 5c.
mous stock of Stere- looking at ordinary photo
scopic Views. These graphs or pictures of any kind
views am assorted as well as s .erosonpie. views.
comic, picturesque,
The lenses are very powerful.
architec- The stei esi ope h-iises are 1-f
._ ,.__ . _ - sporting.
tul a ]

and graphoscopo Icnse

domestic subjects sell them only in We inches in diameter. The

is 4

lots of our own selection as to subjects, stand, base and scope are all highly pol
ished and beautifully finished. Each instru
237 Universal Dater Outfit, including dater allowing our customer a choice as to pn fer-
of any color, all iu a ence of subject. As our stock is constantly ment is folded and packed separately in a
and fountain ink pad
card box. Price $2.50 ; postage, 25c.
neat card bos, price 50c postage 15c erti a.
; ig we do not issue any printed list.
The postage on one view is Ic ; on 12
views, Me on ;views, 15c extra.

Grade No. { Sterescopio Views, assorted


subjects, cheapest grade of jictures, on

.id mounting. Price 25c per
do/en, or .10 views for $1.
Grade No. 2 Sterescopic V lews, well .selected
assorted subjects, a good medium g;
picture, mounted on good card. Price Reading Glasses, powerful lenses, metallic
238 Wood Mounted Rubber Stamps, made per dozen, or views m- .fl. This 2.">
I frame, black enamelled handles, 2 inch
with name and po- 1 office addres, 2 inches No. 2 grade of \ lew is probably the best glass, 2,">c
M inch glass. ,"iOc
:! .
inch. 7.~ic

long, ink and pad, price postage lOc.


general grade to order. .veiv photo I No. 1 -Magnifying Glasses

239 Inking or Fountain Pads, red, violet. or Micro
graph is well and clearly shown. ular
blue, green or black, with cover. Grade No. 1 Sterescupiu Views, finest, lenses, metal bound,
Size 2 x 3J inches 2So Size 31 x (3 inches 50c choice selected grade. MI v artistic, clear very strong powerful
"3x4 2f.c

4~ x 7"

75c "

and distinct, and beautifully mounted on glasses, prices 2,">c

the very best card. ; ri e 10e each. ^1 for 12 c each

On page we catalogue our of postage
this line ;

Views. We make a strong Giade No. 1, Colored Steieseo]iie Views, No. 2 Handled Magnify
iv of tl.ese goods. Onr Nos. and 2
1 finest selected grade of pictures, all artis ing* Masses fin
pictures are well executed. In comic and in tically hand tinted. beautiful effect. Choice botanical uses. s l i i .

Niagara Falls views we excel in assortment. subjects only. Price 20c each, or 6 for $1. lOc, each

No. 3 Scholars
Our stock includes every known pa tin
86 and is very In this boo
each ; postage .">; \ve only list our most popular lines. AV
4 Mounted Microscopes. will send any purse, wallet or chatelaiu
European manufacture, tine bag- to any post office for 5c extra.
finished lai|iicn>d brass stands, No. 11
with adjusting mirror light anil
No. 11 Farmer s Draw String Money Bag,,|
ig holder, made of best chamois leather and a good
large size, pi ie.
packed in polished wood box, No. 12 One-piece Leather Coiu Purse, with
pincers and sample draw
of mounted string, 25c.
subject. Price,
$1.75 posla" 1


No. .3 Large Mounted Microscope

No. 3
and mountings --Child s cheapest Small Clasp Purse,. .

ed in Holished wooi
No. 2 Girl s Small Change Clasp Leathe
box, $2.50, $4.00, $3.00 and $7.50 each. _ Purse,
No. 3 Ladies Small Change Purse, seal o
alligator leather, full lined, good nickl<

clasp top, IOc.

TELESCOPES No. 13 Ladies Combination Card Case and

Telescopes, long distance instruments, fin
est French manufacture, .solid brass trimmed Purse, with outside clasp and also with
and pebble leather covered, all in clasp on inside compartments. We have
black telescope case. These instrument* ieavj these in great variety, according to qual
are in 4 compartments and no caie is ity, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25 each.
in their manufacture. In a picture the.\
look like the 99u
telescopes of card boari
and window glass so extensheiy advertise! No. 4 Ladies Leather Purse, kid lined
the United State-i with inside pocket, rough morotco, uiekle
journals, but in reality
hey are as different top, medium size l.V large size 2,3c.
ain.mday .

lease don t confound iliem with ihe U. S <1

Heavy Leather Purse, with double

. ,">

i* Our lowest juiced one measures \ i
clasp, nickle top. made for general use,
open aod 6 inches closed, and has very strong size. 1 c ; man s size, 25c.
3 all
through the instrument, price $2.5(
v-aeh; posiage 2:, c We a so carry larger

telescopes in stock, price S3, $4 and $5 each.

Opera Glasses
According to power of lenses and finish of No. 14 Ladies Combination Purses, good
mounting, $1.50, $2, $2.50 each. heavy leather, in black or colors, we!l
Field made with handy compartments. Prices
Glasses according to quality, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,
$1.50 and $2 each.
Very powerful
No. 15 La
lenses, adjust- No 6 Alligator or Pebble Leather Clasp Combina t on
ab 1e focus uis,

I 21
hands o in e 1

Purses, with
Heavy Buckskin Leather Double
mounted and strap fastening,
Clasp Purse, i~>c.
made of
case;i. Prices good
n .. vary according leather in black
to power, $6, $7 ana $8 each. or colors, a very
handy puise,GOo

8 Fancy Leather Clasp Purse, lined, 25c.

Heavy Black Leather Purs,, with
No. 1 Mariners CVnpasses faucy clasp top, full chamois lined, 25c. o. Iti Ladies Fine Alligator Leather Com
in heavy brass covered bination Purse and Card Case, leather
cases. 25c, 35c, 50c each postage .V. , lined and perfectly made, $1.25 each.
No. 2 Mariners Compasses in wat>
No. 17 Lad
; postage 5c.
ies Combi
Skerkston, Ont., Xov. 5th, 1899. nation Pur
JJear Sirs, I have received the Model A ses, with
Olgan in lirst -class order and I am well strap
pleased with it.There has been quite a grip, liuest
number of my friends here to see it, and quality lea
they one and all think it a real nice instru ther, inside
ment. We thank you very much. No. 10 clasp. five
Yours truly,
Heavy Pebbled Leather Clasp Purse, c o in p a. r t-
full kid lined, inside pocket, heavy
MRS. MAURICE ZAVITZ. strong ments. a
clasp, a good general purse, 25c each. made *2
beautifully first-class puise, price

No. 18 ChiMs Chateline or Bclb Purses,

10c and loo.
fancy mounted, with chain, you follow onr directions yon should
No. 19 Ladj a Leather Belt Purse, 25c. lave no difficulty in selecting glasses that
vill suit your eyes. We will exchange
hem it they do not suit your eyes. If you 55c Spectacles, with polished white steel
hould have occasion to mail back to us a frames, good common glasses, per pair 2">c

r name
pair of spectacles, always put, yoi 5Oc Spectacles, polished wl.itc steel
ind address in with them, that we may frames, with best lenses, per pair 50c.
know from whom they come. Then write
is a post card saying it you would like
stronger ones or weaker ones in their place.
We do not allow spectacles to be worn a
while and then exchanged. We pay the
order. If yon
icstage on the first pair you
jxchauge them send us 5c for return postage.
Test Types for Old Sight
Hold the Test Types at natural reading il.OO Spectacles, hard nickel silver frame,
o from the eyes, and in a good light
with flexible steel wires for back ear grip,
No. 20 Ladies Chateline Clasp Purse, fancy select the smallest typo legible with your very best lenses, price $1.
colored leathers, silver or brass, mounted, naked eyes. Note the number
of that line.

25c, 35c, 50c.

Now order a pair of glasses about two num Eye Shades, ventilated
if No. 18 line
No. 21 Ladies Finest Quality Leather Cha bers stronger. For instance, pattern, on good bra-s
teline l!ag Purses, leather hanging, strong is the smallest type you
can read, then order spring wire. frames, and
50c, 75c, $1 and $1.23
each. a pair of No. spectacles, and you will ir> brass bound. IV-ta
good clasp,
find them about right. lOc
No. 22 Man s Rus jg- . l Eye Shades, dark pebbled card. . .

set or Black Lea N 2 ..

Ey Shades dark brown linen... Ioc

ther Strap Purse,

with secret bil
pocket and sev
eral change com-
No. 3 Eye Shade-, dark colored celluloid 25c

Eye Shields, prevent ion against

snow blindness, wind stoi

50c, 85c, $1 each, according

to quality.

No. 23 Man s
Lea her Pocke

STAIN sand storms.

elastic head band.

hinged steel frames, and

Each pair
in stont pocket case. Per pair,
nieiits. 50c, ioc
$1, $1.23, $1.5(
HEART 30c postage., 5c.

EarMuffs.blac? velveteen,
.flannel lined, easily adjust
ed, with good elastic con
each, according
to quality. TRUSTED nection. Very bam!
very sensible articles for
severe weather use" Pair 15c, 2 pairs for

Wallet for
Man s Pocke
GREENWAY 25c postage, 3c pair.-

papers, etc , made of

best red or black lea
ther, $1.50 each.

Spectacle Cases. 5c, lOc, Ioc
PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS THE FARMERS 12 and 2.V eaeh postage, 3c.

The aulhovi/cd school bonks in use in al"l

Eye Glass Cases, lOc and >,

hools of Ontario. extra. loc each


13 ;

First KcaderPt. I. Homage s New Gen-

Second Header.
I l II. ll c
. . . 2<>c
N c w Canadimi OUR ANNUAL BALL 14
Discounts on L.arge Orders
Third [leader 0c
.21 o

leo.n-rapliy . . -!

Fourth leader.
1 . . . lOc I ll I die School! ii-o- Wlieu making up an order for us, study
OOc our discounts as given on the lirst inside

Canadian History. l.~>o

16 rover
page. The larger the order you
the better discount \oii earn.
History -"

L Se
Geography Notes.
Arithmetic Exer-


On orders between $28 and *."iO we allow
Physiology L lic cises 15c REDUCE THE CIVIC DEBT 20 2 per cent, discount.
Ou ordej and $100 we allow
Euclid and Algc- Oage sDictionaty.ZOo unit.
bra L Oc Collins

If .1
per <

Eye On orders over *100 we allow fi

per c.


polished white
Tlie discounts apply to every article (v,
out exception) in this eatahc fall ,

Reader !. I .otauy. Part

Hook. OOc steel frames, amoiiin of the order must be sent, ami
i;rammnr 60c Pi
vill return the discount with the- im ..
fiOc Primar.\ Latin. ..90c
common glass
History Weare the onl\ reliable Letter Urder I!
arl [.. S.I- Arillimctic 50(
10 Canada elVering inducement* to bring out
P.ntan.v. I

Home - 25C Eye Glasses, with hard Mack rubber

Greece and
you to slmly this

It will

common dere.
frames, glasses, paii |>a\

lOlemeiitary Trigonometry wliit. liemember ii \oiir or.

- - - - (JOe Classes, polished
Higher Al .i elira
frames, very he.-.; glasses, pair
$100 \\e will vet iind yon $( and thai

Physic, il Seii Colored long way towards pa.\ in^ \onr reigbl.
I ""

If t
Smoked or
Kay s Elements of Kudid - Glasses, in siron yon cai t roach that amount yours.
- -
High School Geography These haps your neighbor would like
spectacle frames.

an s Public School Drawing Book the

" "

may be unlered in green. von and scud a club order, and earn
:ml in th;
256 PO.-I 60 \-v i ,


Copy Books - - 6c blue or smoked . ;

For a low priced sewing machine we know of none better. The
Maple Leaf is made by a
well known Cleveland sewing machine manufacturer.
Only a short time ago it was one o f
the most improved machines to he Lad. It docs perfect work and is
equipped with a full
set of attachments, bobbin winder, etc. It will do all kinds of plain family
sewing. It is
a high arm thoroughly well made machine and will
give yon every satisi act on. In some
details it is not quite up to date, but is nevertheless a
good machine. The makers have
all the patterns and take this method of a demand for a low priced article.
they supplying
Each machine has high arm and large extension work table. The woodwork and cover is
nicely selected oak in natural wood finish and varnished. Strong braced iron stand. They
are made only in two patterns viz., the live drawer
table, as shown in the picture, and
the drop head pattern. Each machine is warranted in the usual way for 5. years. We can
always supply needles, bobbins, shuttles or any other part of the Maple Leaf
which you may require in the future.
5 Drawer Maple leaf Sewing Machines
... SI7.5O
- -
I>roHead " "

The Stanley

Mills "

Machines Always Please

Kamsack, Assa., Aug. 18th, 1899.
Messrs. Stanley Mills & Co. :

Dear Sirs, sewing ma -hine which I got from yon last fall, I am pleased to say, gives
the greatest sj.tisfacti
n. I have had the same in use almost
daily since it came, on all
kinds of goods generally needed for family use, and with the very best results. Ir is a mucb better machine than I expected to
,-ind is fully un_ to all yon claim for it. I like it so much because of its limplieity and the work itdoes. I have not broken a needle
It inns very ea-y and I am much pleased. Yours very truly. MRS. EMILY A. WRIGHT.
The Easy Running Stanley Mills Machines are
manufactured by the well known New Home Sewing
Machine Co., of Orange, Mass., and are, without ex
ception, the equal in every detail to any other sewing
machine manufactured in the wide world. The New
Home Sewing Machine Co. has a reputation for first-
class machines, and as every person knows that, we
do not have to enlarge upon it here.
The Easy Running "Stanley Mills" Machines, as
already stated, are made for us by the New Home Co.
They take the regular New Home Needle, aud are one
of the best machines on the market. All parts
are warranted by us and by the makers for a period
of 5 years, and any part or parts which break
defective material during that time will be replaced
free. Needles, bobbins, shuttles and all supplies for
these machines are always kept in stock by us.
Our sewing machines are all beautifully finished in
natural oak wood. Every machine has an extension
table as shown in the pictures. All hav the very
latest improvements, such as self-setting needle, self
winding bobbin attachment, stitch regulators, auto
matic thread tension, double feeder, large bobbins,
etc. All wearing parts are case hardened, and all the
bright parts above and below the clothplate are nickel-
plated. All parts are adjustable. "Lost motion"
from long usage is easily taken up. There is only one
hole to thread, and that is the eye of the needle.
Every machine is papered and crated, and when
ready for shipment weighs about 100 Ibs. 1st class
freight. The price includes extra needles of all sizes,
bobbins, screw-driver, oiler, etc., as well as a complete
act of attachments, and instruction book.
Book instructs you where to oil the machine, how
to thread the shuttle, how to put the shuttle in the
machine, how to start the sewing, how to remove the
work from the machine, and how to regulate the size
of the stitch. Explains the difficulties which learners
most frequently encounter, explains the tensions, how
to seleit needles and thread. Tells you all about, the
attichments and how they are used illustrates in use ;

=^^ the presser foot, the widths of hemmer, the tucker,

the ruffler, the binder, the uuderbraider aud the
The above is an exact illustration of our 5 drawer Easy Running "

Mills" Sewing Machine, pricn $22.00.
qn liter.
Stanley Mills
" "
Kingsey Falls, Que., llth Nov., 1899.
Hand Power Machines $11.50
Stanley Mills & Co. : Three Drawer Machine 20.00
Dear Sirs, The $20 Sewing Machine arrived in first-class condition with Five Drawer Machine 22.00
out the slightest damage. I am mncli pleased with it in every way. It is Seven Drawer Machine 23.00
praised by every one who has seen it.
Tours respectfully, Drop Head Machines 25.00
MRS. THOMAS BAILEY. (See next page for illustrations )



No. -1
Improved High Arm, 7 Drawer Ma-
3 drawer Ma No. 3 Improved High Arm, 5 drawer Ma diii.e. Price S23. Finished in natural
No. 2 Improved High Arm, chine. Price $H2.00. oak wood, piano polished, and all complete.
chine. Price $20. Quarter cut natural
Oak wood, piano polished, complete with Quarter cnt natural Oak wood, piano polished
all the newest attachments.
complete with all attachments.
The Kay Running "

M ills Drop Head

91 abilities.
When this Machine is not in use it is
away uiiii all dust and makes a convenient

handy table.

No. Hand Power High Arm Machine, com

plete with all attachments. Pries, 11.50.

Sewing Machine Needles No 5_Our Improved High Arm, Drop

Wo carry stock needles for all
i >>f the
Head Machine, showing how the head in
following iiiacliini Pri e liiic per doxen
Our Improved High Arm, Drop Heai
raised to position. Quarter cut natural O;ik
/,, and
postpaid. No orders for less than 1 No. 5
wood, piano polished, and with all attach

no order for needles will Im aei-epled unless Sewing Machine, closed as when not in use ments. Price $25.uO each.
a sample needle is sent, to avoid mistakes :
Quarter cut. oak wood, piano polished, am
Lock man Howe complete with all attachments, pric.e S25.0C
Sewing Machine Sundries

Osborne lioj.-tl A Sewing Machine Paris Sew ing Machine Oil, hottle, 5c
OslMinic A

Royal, self-setting It havo a sewing machine of an

\oii Machine Oilers ............ 5c postage 2te
While Royal A, lnipro\< d

Wheeler Wilton kind which requires :i new shuttle, ne\ Machine Screw Drivers ... 2o
White, Improved i c
liohhins, or almost any other part to li Sewing Machine Belts ..... lOc

Wanzer A Raymond

renewed, then w n can possilily of use l>e. 1

Koliliin Winder Rubbers (give size), 5c ;
F round
" "

yon, as we can supply almost any part postage, 2c.

c Domestic
New Home any ma liiue. Semi he broken part lonsli

( .
Improved mail with your aildress on it. and we will ai Write to us. If yon need a v .

E Stanley Mills
Household Hi as to tho price if we can supply it Machine, write to us Cor any urtl t

Singer s Family
Medium Davis matiou you may require on the
New Williams na jush how much the irt ijjh:
Manufacturing ,1 i,e on your station. Von
a maehinv to
>stillating Hespler know- how ver\ little the
Imjiroved Km presH ,vill lie surprised t"

Webster Standard freight is. We fan save yon money it yon

Howe A want a Sewing Machine, smlwe Bfll c>n ?*""

Maple. Leaf
the machine to he had in the world.

Qardnei Sewing Machine Xeeilles


pVERY instrument we sell is made by the well-known Goderich Organ Company and is fully guaranteed for five years. Tho
organ cases are made from the best seasoned wood, thus insuring best wearing qualities and a fine finish. They
are made throughout by hand by the very best of skilled cabinet makers. "The actions are the BEST only. When we sell one
organ we want to sell others in the same locality. We aim to sell a good instrument at a low price to spot cash buyers. All our in
struments are designed and constructed specially for us, and organs exactly like ours can only be ordered through us. The price
of each organ includes an Instruction Book. Organs arc snipped as first-class
freight. If yon wish any further information write to ug.

Oriental Cabinet Organ Beauti

Model A $3O.OO Cabinet Organ, ful Orientally Designed Organ, very hand
oak or walnut finish, best polished, five Model
C, $45 Villa Parlor Organ, somely enriched with hand caiving ;,nd
octaves, F scale, 3 sets of reeds 2 sets of 33 solid walnut, 5 octaves, F scale, 3 sets of fancy mouldings very rich effe,. r. Mad,.

notes each, and 1 set of 28 notes, 10 stops reeds, 10 stops with grand organ and knee in oak or black walnut case, F scale and 5
with grand organ and knee swell. Weight swell. Guaranteed Al instrument. Shipping octaves. Weight about 425 Ibs. Priced with
250 Ibs. Price with book only $30. weight 350 Ibs. $45 with instruction book. instruction book.
Model B, $35 Cabinet Organ, oak or D
Villa Organ, $ 5O Made
Model Oriental Cabinet Organ, style No. 110
walnut finish, polished, 5 octaves, F scale, 4 of solid walnut, 5 octaves, F scale, 4 sets of stops, grand knee swell, 3 wts of reeds,
sets of reeds 2 sets of 33 notes, and 2 sets of
reeds, 11 stops with grand organ and knee price $55.
28 notes each, 11 stops with grand organ and swell. A fine instrument. Weight 350 Ibs. Style No. 2 11 stops, grand knee
km- swell. Weight 250 Ibs, Price $50, with instruction book. and 4 sets of reeds, price #60.
Style No. 3 12 stops, grand knee swell,
For price of Organ Stools see index. 5 sets of reeds, price $65.


This a beautifully designed instrument,
suitable for small churches, chapels or Sab
Special Model Organs Made only bath schools. Made in solid oak or walnut.
in Walnut finish, with handsome scroll work Made in Imlh 5 and 6 octaves. Wt. 325 Ibs.
and mouldings, height 6 feet 7 inches width ;

4 feet 2 inches. Shipping weight 400 Ibs.

All made in F scale and 5 octaves.
Special Model No. 1 3 sets reeds, 10 stops, Model E Cottage Organ. $45
price only $42.50. Very handsome case, some larger than our
Special Model No. 2 4 sets reeds, 11 stops, Model C Organ, solid walnut, F scale, 5 oc
price only $15.00. taves, sets
. iof reeds, 1(1 stops with grand or
Special Moilel No. 35
sets reeds, 12 stops, gan and knee swell. Guaranteed an
strument. With
1 inA
J>rice only
$47.50. -
Weight 350 Ibs. book, $45.
On all of the parlor organs shown on this Model F Cottage Organ, #5O Our organs and pianos are subject to tlia
page are hnu bevelled plate glass inir- Same design as Model E, but with 4 sets of same discounts as all other goods in cat thi>

panels. reeds and 11 stops. Price with book, $50. alogue. See first inside cover p

Imperial Piano Case Organ Vietoria Piano Case Organ

newest designs in Piano Case One- of our Made only in solid walnut and with hand
The Jewel Piano Case Organ Organs, and a very handsome one indeed. some Italian veneers. Finest of hand carv
These handsome instruments are all made Heantifully carved Music. Ruck in one con ings and fancy mouldings. A really magnifi
in six octaves, and niny bj ordered in rose tinuous panel, carved trusses, and fluted cent instrument, made in every detail with
wood, mahogany or walnut finish. All pan pillars. This instrument will be finished to the greatest care. An instrument that will do
els are of 3 ply veneer. The actions are the order in rosewood, mahogany or walnut, credit to the best house in the laud. The
best that can lie made. The price includes a with the best piano polish. Weight 45() lb. price includes our best piano chair stool, and
stool and liook. Shipping weight, 400 His. Priced with stool, and instruction book. instruction book. Weight, about 400 Ibs.

Model! Scale Octaves Reeds Stops Prico Model Scale Octaves IvVccls Stops Price Model Scab Octave -tops Price

J I 11 $65 M 11 $75 P C n if 90
K C 12 70 N C 12 80 I 12 95
L 13 75 O C 13 85 s 13 100

The tone and touch, two very important things, of onr Pianos canno*
be excelled. Relieving that the price of pianos, sold in the usui
expensive way, through agents and on long credit, dues not represent the
real value, of an instrument, vie oll cr to those persons who can pay
the spot cash in advance and who can trust us to send them only a first-
nstrument. pianos ai prices .which represent the REAL value of a
piano. We sell onlv tir- rmiiints. made by OU1 of Ti -

inaiHifadnrers of pianoforlcs in Canada, every instrument being guaran

teed for years by the maker. The shipping weight of a piano is from

to 900 Ibs, flrst-cUws freight

Upright Piano, Style No. 1, $11O Grand

For a very low priced piano this style No. thing we have I

yet, seen in the line of pianos. The action of this instrument is one of the
valnut finished. Height. ft. .) inches; width, -I

niches; 7! ocl ivory keys, P.oston fall board. !! pedals, a full


sized instrument nil length n. handsomely car\

I Tic i

and ill
I an expensive o?ic.
,- .
Price with an insr if

iiid a stool o ll.v -loo, the order would be

to i

per nt discount, tlm-

:131.o u for a regular $250

piano suld in t] old

Upright Grand Piano, Style No. 2, $1OO

Tlii le of the handsomest instruments manufactured. Height)
4 ft. I
width, 5 ft. 1 in
iin lies full Scale, 7* Octaves
double v 1 ;

in burl vvahiul, engraved panels, very liandsomcly designed h

trieord, overstrung bass, compound sectional wrestplank, metal plate,
repca itinnous hinge, 3 pedals, Boston fall board, I!iiil walnut. Panels, etc., handsomely carved hi good taste with

cte. A M .

itifulh finished the rest of the instrument. This piano is a good one to

tail. Our price, with stool and booi., onlj $160. pnr<

thing about it is good. Tone, touch, durability and finish

this piano from to *,;:,((. all that can be desired.
Price only $190, with onr bc-,t piano
chair stool and book.
So. ,
Upright Piano, Style $16
To direct your careful attend Our
this instrii ">,

iih tin-
Upright Grand Piano. Style \o. 4,
price is .*1!K). .-
per cent di ai b

order, v\ I i

rnincnt, nnili .
The action of tin s piano is mii"h the same M
in Oltrstj le Xo. 3.
mctlKids. fur if. iO. or
nearly doable our price.j. If you arc a cash The size and general m is i!:e same. h. l e iu .

buyer, why throw a\\;,y lie- difference. Height. 1 ft. II ii>

price is largely in the magnificently, d, signed and tini-hed .

width, 6 ft. 3 inches ; 7 octa i;tla. The entire ai-lion of ill double ^\ eneereil hurl walnut, elaborately hand carved
this inurnment is of tin- ver\ best and includes ail ecent im I wherever in keeping with good taste. No ;

piano ia

provements in pianos. a new design, a very hiindsome i made. Inr pi

( i ol nd
foil-sized instrument with Ito-ton fall, and double veneered in book. A reguhii $luO I tor only $235.
Piano manufacturers always have on hanc
pianos -of various makes which have heei
taken in exchange for a new piano. Tliese
instruments are thorougkly overhauled in Mandolins Walnut and bird s eye
the factory before being offered for sale. maple, 9 strips, brass patent heads, nickel
If any of our customers wish 1o commission plated tail piece and protector, iu card box, $5
us to purchase one of these instruments we Mandolin Cases,
are at their service. These pianos are near]; browu canvas
always to be had and will be selected per A coord? oils Another very popular in with leather
sonally by ourselves. For $100 net price \vt strument. Our values are better than ever. binding and
can purchase the best of them. We do not Each is nicely finit jed and well packed. flannel linirg,
care to purchase any at a less price than Accordions, single bellows, 1 stop, each $1.50 price $1.50 each.
$100, but at that figure we can always

double "

2 " "

obtain a gooil iiiMrument. If yon are inter
" " "

3 " "

ested, then send us $100 and te us to use
Concertinas According to finish,
our own judgment in the selection. We price 85, 75c, $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 each.
will do our best for you.

Piano and Orgsui Guitars Mahogany or rosewood finish,

ebony finished fingerboard. 2 rings of inlay
Stools around sound hole, patent brass head, good
tone and best finish. $3.7.1, $4, $5, in card
Guitar Cases, made of canvas, waterproof,
standard size, with patent fasteners, $1.50.
Violins These are articles that we pay
very special attention to. Our stock in
cludes some very fine instruments, and all at
popular prices Each violin is in a neat
cardboard box, and each, of course, is priced
complete, with the box, a bow, anil a box of
prepared resin. Each violin, at $4.00 and up
wards, includes a set of extra strings free.
Our prices for Violins vary as follows: each. Imported. Banjos $2.50, $3 and $4
No. 2, $2.00 Best Canadian made Banjos, nickle
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, plated mountings, with hexagon
$6.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 each. The lieantifully finished, price and $7 each.
No. 1 Piano or Organ Stool, revolving hair one at $10.00 is an $(>

elegantly pearl inlaid Banjo Bags, canvas, with handle, llaunel

cloth sear, walnut, mahogany, rosewood violin of the finest tone and
quality. lined, $1 each.
or ebony finish, $1.75.
No. 2 Piano or Organ Stool, in any finish,
with brass Dolphin feet, highly polished
revolving wood seat, $2. Fi It s, Maple wood, no ferrules 20
No. 3 Piano or Organ Chair Back Stool,
Ebony, German Silver ferrules. 30 "

neatly carved, new design, in rosewood, A and E good gut strings, ea. 15c, postpaid 50 " "
" "

Cocoa, .
mahogany or walnut finish, with revolv D, 3 Wire Strings, each Postage 12c extra.

ing seat and brass feet, price $3.75. Violin Tailpieces, each, 5, 8, lOc; postage 2c
Violin Prepared Resin, per box 5c 2c "

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violin Bridges, each 5c ; 2c


When ordering a musical instrument, order

the highest priced one you c an afford, and Pieeolos Key of D or Eb, prices ac
leave the selection to us. The prices vary cording to finish and keys, 75c, $1, $1.50
according to quality, finish and tone. and $2 each. Postage 15c extra.

Violin Pegs, each 2, 4, 5 and lOc postage 2c ;

Violin End Pius or Buttons, each 2, 3 and 5c Flageolets According to keys and
finish, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 each.

Violill Bows We carry fotir nice lihes

f Violin Bows. Prices, 25, 35, 50 and 75c,
Till Whistles Nickle plated, lOin., 5c
ccording to finish.
14 lOc "

stage 6c and lie each extra.
Alltoliarps One of the most popular
stringed instruments of the day, producing
very sweet music, and very easily learned to
play. A book of instructions, with popular
tunes, accompany each instrument. Each Zol)o> polished wood, metal mounted, lOc
instrument is securely packed in strong Violin Boxes Neatly made of best
Postage on Zobos, 2c.
wood case and price includes tuner and picks. ibony wood, finished with best brass hooks
No. 1 Autoharp, 3 bars $1.90 each ind handle, neat inside divisions, with place Jevs Harps
No. ;! "


2.25 "
or strings, resin and bow, oval top, oval Small each 5c
No. 3 nds, light, strong, neat violin box. Medium

5 "

2.75 "

Price, " "

No. 4 "


3.25 "
vith lock and key, $1.25; without lock, $1 lOc " "

Kxtra Picks for Autoharps, tortoise 7c Our $6 Waltham Watch makes one of tlie Postage on Harp, 3c
spiral 5e t time keepers to be had. See index for Bones Best ebony, boys size, per set of
Autoharp Insttuction Books lOc >age giving description. 4, 20c ;
men s size, set, 25c ; post. 7c extra.

Cornets-Light Smokers Pipes, Etc.

action, silvered
valves, No. 1 Scotch Clay Pipes,
music rack and per doz lOc. These can
German silver not be sent safely by
MOUTH ORGANS mouth piece, post, and should only be included with
Jfo o Small Alouth Organ, each 5o ; post. !..
freight or express order ).
nickel-plated, $10.
No. 2 Hard Vulcanized
Corn Cob Pipes, with
wood stems, assorted
shapes, oc each : 6 for
25c postage on each 2o
Wo. i Medium Mouth Organ, lOc; post 5c

Tuning Forks, each 10 and 15c; postage. 5c No. 3 Common Brier Root
Ko. 1 A neat, good mouth organ, plated
assorted shapes
trimmings, 1x4 inches, in card box. Price
15c each postage 5c each.
and sizes, lOc each ; post-
Orchestrions, or p age 4c extra.
Musical Boxes, made to
play in exact imitation No. 4 Brier Root Pipes,
of a cathedral organ. A assorted shapes, with
beautiful interesting new hard black rubber
home instrument. Size, month pieces. lf>ee;iLli,

The harmon 5x5 inches, 7J inches postage 4c extra.

Ko. 2 "Dorstein Navy Harp"
high. Price $1.00 each. No. 5 Brier Root Pipes,
ica,good tone, size 1x4 inches, each 25c ;
in great assortment of
a neat imitation leather hinged hox \vith
patterns, shapes and
hasp postage 7c each.
sizes, select brier root
bowls, with amber
mouth pieces, 25c each postage 4c extra. ;

No. Brier Root Pipes, assorted, with am


ber mouth pieces, 50c each postage 5c. ;

No. f Brier Root Pipes,

No. 3
The "Dorstein Navy Harp "Harmon
with double reed, 1 x 4J inches, price
MEN S with amber mouth piece,
all inneat lined leather
50c postage lOc each.
; case with clasp, $1 ;
No. 4 Double Reed Harmonica, with bell
attachment, 50c postage lOc extra.
FURNISHING postage lOc.

No. 5 The Tremolo Concert Harmonica, size
* #
2x7 inches, a beautiful instrument, with Pipe Covers, with springs, to fit any pipe, 5c
double sides and double reeds, each packed We apeak now of our Ready- Pocket Match Boxes, 10, 25c;posi K>,

in a neat telescope card box. Price $1.00

each ; postage loc each.
made Clothing Department, our Rubber Tobacco Poucheo, 25, 40c ;
Leather Tobacco Bag, with draw string, 25c
5o "

No. 1 Ha/nmnica Holder, Shoe Department, and our Tobacco Jars A splendid assortment
coppered steel wire, strong of earthenware tobacco jars, in suitable and
and firm, 2Uc each. Btcn s Furnishing Department, Irindsonie designs and decorations in silver,

Wire, Harmonica Holders, Men s Fur Coats and Hat*. gilt and bronze, 25c, 50c each.
Smokers Sets Very handsome de
nickel-plated folding pat Men s Winter Underwear, Men s signs in decorated earthenware, for mantel
tern, to fasten at arm holes
piece, table or shelf, including tobacco jar,
of vest, the best holder Winter Mitts, Men s Winter match holder and ash tray,25c, 65c $1 each.
made, juice 45c each. Order human figure or horse subjects.
Socks, etc. In all of* these de
Ash Trays in great variety, 5, 10, 15, 25c ea.
partments and these articles
our values this season are awiiy Reputation Cigars A good com
Childrens Dulcimers, with two sticks, each and ahead of any former sea mon cigar, and a popular one, 50 in box, $2.
6, 10, 15 and 25c, according to size.
Royal Seal Cigars Positively one
son that is one reason why we of the best low priced cigars manufactured.

A cigar that will please you 50 in a box;

are now directing your atten price per box if >.,">0.

tion to them. No house in I,a Parl de Cuba Cigars The

10c cigar made, an exceptionally

Canada can do better for you. popular llavor, tit fur mill maires, lOc each i

$1 per dozen $2 per box of cigars. 2~>

Let us hiire a trial order from ;

Tambourines Heads all fastened TOBACCOS

with metal bands without tacks. Price, you this season, thai we may McDonald
according to finish, 40, 50, GO and 75c each. Smoking Tobacco, lOc 3 for 25c
s ;

prove our words. Tnckett s ,M\ttle Navy Tobacco, plug, 20c

T. & 15. Cut Smoking Tobacco, package. lOc
Post Horns- (. uri
hewing Tobacco, plugs (.lOo ea. "ir,

Two turns, brass, STANLEY MILLS & GO. Tobacco Cutters For making fine
each $1.2.">.
tobaec from plug, vidili of knife

inches, ;>

Hamilton, Ontario. solid iron frame on wood base, price (k; each. I
KTOTIOBST _ I 5 21 Hard Black
Fine Combs, Royal,

Unbreakable and Al
Toilet Soaps Toilet Combs makes, each lOc.
The postage on any dressing comb is 3c. 22 Black Rubber Fine
Comb, large heavy
unbreakable comb,

15c each.
Old Brown Windsor Soap, 6 cakes for lOc
No. 1 Hard Black Rubber Comb, 6 J3L 23 Horn Fine Combs,
Transparent (ihverine Snap. cakes for 13c inch, 5c
light, oc ; heavy, lOc
Variegated Castile Soap, 6 cakes for 13c.

s Ivory Fine Combs, each 15c.
2 Black Rubber Toilet Comb, 64 inch, 7c \

Mechanics Toilet Soap, lOc.

Skin Oatmeal Toilet Soap, cake 5c.
Oatmeal and Cream Soap, cake 27 Rubber Pocket Comb, in case, light, 5c
5c. 3 Black Rubber Toilet Comb, 7 inch, lOc
28=- heavy, lOc
" " " "

I 29 Rubber Pocket Comb, with folding han

dle, heavy, in ease. 15e.
4 "Unbreakable" Rubber Comb, 7 in., lOc.
Olive Oil Toilet Soap, cake5c.
Pear s Glycerine Soap, nuseeuted, cake 13c 30 Horn Pocket Comb, in ease, light, oo

heavy, lOc

31 " " "

32 Steel Pocket Comb, each oc.

Heavy Rubber Comb, 7* inch, loc.


33 Gent s Narrow Rubber Comb, 7 inch, lOc

Pine Tar Toilet Soap, cake 5c.

Turkish Bath Soap, 7c.
34 Gent s Heavy Narrow Comb, 7 inch, 15c
Fancy Soaps
VMto\\ Morning Dew,
\f Boquet of Violet, 35 Gent s Narrow Horn Comb, 7 inch, lOc
Golden Meal
/ Soaps, etc., 3 1 "All Coarse"
Heavy Rubber Comb, Sin, 25c
cakes in neat J
strong card bos, price per box lOc.
36 Gent s Narrow Aluminum Toilet Comb 15c

1 111

8 Extra Heavy Hub! .! Comb, 7A inch, 25c

White Rose Toilet Soap, cake lOc.

Twin Bar Castile Soap, cake 7c. 37 Children s Celluloid Circular Combs, in
Twin Bar Oatmeal Soap, cake 7c. 9 Horn Dressing Comb, b inc i. red, white, blue or tortoKe eacli !

10 " "

6 "

heavy. 7c 3X -Black Rubber Circular <


7 " "

lOc 39 Medium Rubber Circular Combs, .jc, 7c

12 8 15c " "

Horn Comb with Steel Back, 7 inch, lOc

Bo-piet Violet Toilet Soap, lOc ; 3 for 25c

Toilet Soap, lOc ; 3 for 25c. 40

14 -Steel Dressing Combs, ,">

Girls Heavy Rubber Circular Combs, lOc
Heliotrope Toilet Soap, lOc ; 3 for 25c. 41 "


Tortoise " "

Infants Delimit Toilet Snap. H)c 15 " "

6 "

3 for 25c. ;
-i- i. iris Heavy Black
Ciivular liiibber
16 (U inch, dee]
Baby s O\vn Toilet Soap, cake lOc.
i, l,")e

Comb, with band as illustrated. KJc, 15c

Ia.-ker s Tar Soap, eake
utii-nra Soap, cake iine.
The postage on any hair brush is about 5c
llinry s Facial Soap, eake 25c.
Cashmere Bonnet Toilet Soap, cake 25c. i \JlJJJJJJjjJJJiJi;

17 Aluminum Dressing Combs. 7 inch. 15e


74 in.deepl /k o. I Hair Brush, mixed bristle and fibre, I

19 White Celluloid Dressing (, ombs, 74 fn. 2 -Oval .a. k Hair Brusli, Xo. 2 Bristles.

deep, 20c each.

Colgate Shaving Soap, cake 7c.

2(!~-Light Hard Black Rub
Albert Shaving Stick S.ia).. lOc. ber Fine Comb, ."p.

Pears Sbaving StieU Snaii. I ""

Postage on any tine comb Siinare iiaek Hair Hru.-h. No. 2 bristles. -J.-

Celluloid Soa|i Boxes. 2."ie ;

postap< is 2c extra. 4 Square Back Hair Brush, p<ilished naf **

Nickel Soap Boxes. 2.">e :

pos(,-i^ r .-.. solid wood back, hard bri>:!es, :!,v>.

5 ,
quare or Oval Polished Wood Back
Hair Brushes either solid or veneered, 5 Cloth Brash, polished backs, choice se 5 Hand Mirrors, oval shape, regular size,
good bristles, oOc, lected pure bristles. 5n, 75c, $1 each. bevelled edge glass, polished wood backs,
at 25. 5i each, according to finish.
. >c

Whisks 1 Hand Mirror, oval, regular size, plain

ebony finish, bevelled glass, 75c.
Postage 7c 5 Hand Mirror, oval, bevelled glass, white
extra. enamelled wood back, 75e each.
No. l Clothes Whisk, large. g I
corn, lOc
6 Large Oval Hair Brush, polished red or No. 2 " "

fine corn, loc.

light wood back, No. 1 bristles, 7oc.

3 Clothes Whisks,
fancy white han
dles, finest select
corn. 2,jc each. 6 Square Mirrors, same price as oval mirrors
7 Hair Brushes, great assortment, ovai
or square pattern, light or dark polished
wood backs, solid, veneered, or screwed
on, very best quality of choice selected
bristles, $1 each.
8 Fancy Hair Brushes, embossed or plain
ebony back and handle, very best bristles, Tooth Brushes Postage 2c extra.
$1.25, $1.50 and $2 each. NY>. 1 Pocket Mirror, celluloid back, plain, 5c
No. 1 Bristle Tooth Brush, bone handle,
No. 2 Pocket Mirror, in celluloid case, bev
small. 5c. medium size,
elled Glass, small size, lOc
2 Bristle Tooth Brush, hone handle,

loc ; large size, 25c each ; postage 5c.

medium, lOc.
3 Bristle Tooth Brush, bone handle, medium
9 Hair Brushes, white embossed celluloid size, best quality pure bristles. 15c.
backs, price 7.V, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 each, 1 Bristle Tooth Brushes, large size, choice
according to quality of bristles. selected pure bristles, 20c and 25c each.

Finger Brushes
Postage 4c extra. 3 Pocket Mirrors and Comb, in celluloid or
No. 1 Finger Brushes, plain wood back, iinit ition leather cases, bevelled glnss. In,
10 Infant s Hair Brush, white back, soft fibre stock, length inches, 2 for 1 ,"><.
15, and 25e each: postage
lili .".

bristles, 25c and 35c. 2 Finger Brush, polished oval wood back, \ Shaving Mirrors, with easel, folding
fibre stock, length 4 inches, each 5c. handle or back, best b, -veiled glass, pol
3 Finger Brush, polished war . ished wood or celluloid frame, square- pat
ranted pure bristles, each 15c. tern. L .V. .Tic, .11 ic. 75e and $1 each, (i."-.

4 Finger Brushes, hone according to size and tinish.

Wire Brushes, small si/e. lOc, 15c each
backs, mixed bristles,
5 Finger Brush, bone back, purebrisi
Postage on any curling tongs is oc.
1 Curling Tongs, single handle, plain, 5c.
12 Wire Brushes, full size, polished back, 25c 2 " " " "

iiickled, lOc.

6 Finger Brush, hone back, pure hard bris-

medinm size, vith 2 side brushes. 2(v
Kinder Brush, bone back, side brushes,
pure bristles, large size, 25c.
13 Fancy Wire Hair Brushes, enamelled 3 Curling Tongs, double handle, medium 5c
wood back, assorted colors, best quality. 35c " "

large 7c

Hair Brushes, without handles. "

" "
iiicklod lOc
good bristles onh, polished wood backs,
75c and $1 each. I Shaving Brush, white lilne stock, in,-.
mixed bristle stuck, 15c.
" "

pure bl i- < - ""


Postage on a Cloth 6 Curling Tongs,

Briisli is Gc extra.
folding pa t ern, t

No. i Cloth Brush, mixed fibre, wood hack, nickel-plated, nat

aid 15c each, according to size. ural oak handles,
Shaving Brush, pare badger hair stock, 35c lUc.
Order ival or
L i
loth Brush, largesixe. i, uxed bristles, 25c square.
h Brush, medium size all bristle-. 2:.c Tongs, new spring pattern, natu 7 --Curling
No. oval Hand Mirror,
i medium, polished
oak handles, niekled blades. In,-. ral
wood back, pic each. Curling Tongs, with nickeled ventilated f<

2 Hand Mirror. nod back, 15c

dies, befit tongs made, 25e each.

The magnificent Hollow Ground Razor, Tourists Alcohol Sto\e, with lioftle, stand
and ime with curling ton
regular price of which is $3, while our price .

Bnish, polished wood back, all is only $1, continues to make a name for Curling Tong Holders for lamps, with sheath
itself. to keep the tongS clean, post a _ 1 2<- :

, 35, In and IT.c efi.-ll.


Pin Cases, containing an assortment of sizes

of house pins, black and white safer-
pins, etc., each lOc.
Office Pins, best quality, paper 5c.

10 Irons, 3 prongs, 15c postage 8c Always mark size on paper. Thimbles

Waving ;
Metal Thimbles, 6 for oc. Common White

medium, 20c.
25c. Host Steel Thimbles, lined, 3 for 5e.
12 "5 largo
12c extra. Wire Safety Pins, small, medium, or large Tailors open Top Steel Thimbles, lined, 3c
Postage on Nos. 11 or 12 is
Solid Aluminum Thimbles, each 5c.
si/es. price per paper 3c.
10o Celluloid Thimbles, assorted colors, each 5c.
Safety Pins in Wood Cabinets, 3 doz, asst. ,

Children s White Metal Thimbles, G for ~>c

Improved Nickled each

Celluloid "

Safety Pins, !l as
Ladies Sterling Silver Thimbles, each
sorted in paper, f;c

Darning Balls, for stock

Curling Pins, folding, dozen lOc; postage
dozen 2c Improved Safety Pins, very small, fie small. ings, black
enamelled ;

with lOc post. 12e -ozen.

Waviu" Pins, clasp, or natural wood, each

Kc medium, lOc large size, ;

; ;

Black Safety Pins, dozen 5c. 5c; postage lie

extra. Blanket Safety Pins, heavy, each 5c. Glove Darners, enamelled, assorted colors, 5c
Shawl Pins, like huge house pins, paper 5c
Shaw Safety Pins, 3 pin-i for lOc.

Kid Curlers, very small, 5c; small, 7c;

med Hat Pins, black or white heads, dozen oc.
ium, large, 12; ami very large sizes,
15c 1

do/en postage 3e extra.

Sewing Xeedlcs.
Hair Nets, all colors, silk, each 5c. Common SewingNeedles.sizo 3 t7,5papers r>e

Gold Eye Needles, 3 to 7, or 4 to 2 papers

real hair, each lOc. 8,
inch, cotton, 3c

Tailors Tape Measure, 60


Best Silver Eye Needles, all si/.es, paper fie

ext. largo, 15c "
" " "


heavy, oc
Best Tailors Needles, both lengths, paper oc
Bang Nets, all colors, real hair, lOc each. 60 linen, lOc
" " "

Milliner s X lies, very long, paper 5c.

Pompadour Rolls, 9 inch, 15c ; postage 3c. Pocket Reeling Tape Measure, 36 inch, 5c.
14 2oc; 3c. " "
Glover s Noodles. 3 cornered, 6 needles 5c. Pocket Tape, 36 in., inpUted spring case, lOc.
Hair Forms, according to size, 10, loc each. Kinbroidory Needles, assorted sines, paper 5c Poeki-t Tape, 40 inch, flat steel tape with
Darning Needles, 1 do/en assorted for 5c. etched figures, in plated spring case, 25c.
Tape Needles, or bodkins, 6 for oc.

Tracing Wheels, single wheel, 5c ; postSc

Postage is Ic per ounce if

wanted by mail.

Hairpin Cabinets, polished wood, \vithpius5c Peddler s Needle Cases or Books, containing
crepe paper case, papers needles, bodkin, darning needles,
" "

Common Black Hair Pins, wool needles and floss needles, 5c each. 2 Tracing Wheels, single wheel, witb. finger
either crimped or button, lOc postage 3c. ;

straight, assorted sizes, 3 Tracing Wheels, single wheel, folding, I5c

1 do/en in paper pack Tracing Wheels, single wheel, linger but 1

packages for 5c. ton, nickled, best steel wheel, 20c post oe ;
age, Self-Threading Sewing Needles, paper 5c.

Invisible Black Hairpins, Knitting Needles, 4 in \v cabinet, 5c. i

Hi-tod, yii in hox, 3c. Rubber Knitting Pins, 9 inches, pair 15c. "

12 aoo. "

Brass Invisible Hair Pins, Ic per package.


Brass Hair Pins, Worn! 9 or 12 inches, pair 5c. " "

eiimped or straight, Netting Needles, any size, each oc. 5 Tracing Wheels, double adjustable, IHc.
av-orted sizes, 12 in Netting Meshes, any width, 5c.
Jt liox, per box, 5e. Pinking Irons, i,
f, f, | and 1 inch,
Ball Point Hair Pins, black, package 5c. Rio each; post 3c

Button Hole Piercer, bone, each 5c

Steel Crochet Hooks, best nickeled, each 5c
3 sixes ill handle, oc. ~
Bone Crochet Hooks, all sizes, each 5c.

Celluloid, Tortoise or Amber Color Hair

Pius, assorted sizes and shapes, small and Sewing Machine Needles, to fit any machine, ^w**
large, straight or crimped, 2, 3, 5c each, dozen - lie. Always scnil sample. See in Tailors Chalk, blue, red -or white, best
dex for page of sowing machines and list French make, o cakes for oc pilotage -c ;

m of machines for which we keep needles.

Sewing Machine Oil, 5c.

Dewing Wax, yellow or white, cake
Emery Bags, for cleaning needles, each lOc.

OiTers, 5c.
Screw DriversSc Two

do/en on
Melts, lOc. each card
Machine Bobbin Knbbers, 5c.
The postage on any article, Common Hooks and Eyes, black, 3 cards ">c

Toilet Pins
Post. Ic per oz. which can be sent by mail to Hooks and Kyes. white or brass, 2 cards 5c
Black Head Toilet Pins, very long, paper 3c you is Ic for each OUIK e. Safety Hooks and Kyes, with hump, black,
Black Head Pins, assorted sizes on card, on white or brass, per card le.

Black or White Head Pins, small, paper, oc Inducements to Order Hooks nnd Eyes, black or white, card 5c Skirt
Common Black Pins, box 5c. Read what we say about discounts for large Maude Hooks and eyes, per dozen, ,">o.

Common House Pins, steel, 3 papers for 5c. orders. See the first cover page of this cata Skirt Fasteners, Ball and Socket pattern,
Best English. Pins, uickled on brass, paper 5c logue. Our goods are thoroughly reliable. either in lack or white, do/en loc.

lOc, 15c. Misses Hose Support

Fancy Metal Buttons with shanks,
Small Brass Buttons, satin finish, dozen 5c. ers, 15, 20, 25c pair.
Ladies Hose Sup
Fancy Brass Buttons, dozen
Brass Anchor Buttons, dozen lOc. porters, 25c, 35o
dozen 25c and 35c. pair.
Dress Steels, assorted lengths, 9 in set, setSc Brass Coat Buttons,
lOo. 3one Vest Buttons, all colors, doz lOc. Ladies Hose
6, 7 or 8 inch, per dozen,

Best win Dress Steels, per set 15c.

3one Coat Buttons, all colors, doz 15c. Supporters,
doz lOc. with belt,
Twin Dress Steels, li, 7 or 8 incli, dozen 20c Black Covered Vest Buttons, doz 15c.
hook stvt white, drab, pr. 8c Uack Covered Coat Buttons, 25c, 35c.
Steels, ,->

spoon, white, or drab, 10c Overcoat Buttons, black or colors, doz 25c.
" Ladies Hook-

unbreakable,, heavy, pair lOc

" jinen Buttons, 2c, 3c, 4c, no per dozen. On Hose
Side Steel for corsets, 2 for 5c. White Pearl Buttons, with shanks, at 10, 12, Supporters,
Corset Laces, common round, 6 f or 5c. 15 and 18c dozen, according to size. 25e, 35c.
with two at
heavy, white,blkordrab,3for5c White Pearl Buttons, holes,
" 5, 6,
Towel Rings, enamelled wood,
8, 10 and 12c dozen, according to size.
White Pearl Buttons, with A
two holes, better 5f inches diameter, white,
green, blue, pink, yellow
quality, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 18c dozen. and natural oak, 7c each,
White Pearl Buttons, with four holes, at 5, 6,
4 for 25c.
7, 8, 9, 10 and 12c dozen, according to size.
White Pearl Buttons, with four holes, better Towel Rings, enamelled wood,
5J inch, 3 rings on bar with
quality, 9, 10, 12, 15 and 18c dozen.
Smoked Pearl Buttons, two holes, at 6, 8, 10, brass chain, per set 25c.
12 and 15c dozen, according to size. Towel Rings, enamelled wood,
Dress Shields, stockinette, small, pair lOc. Smoked Pearl Buttons, four holes, at 7, 8, 10, 3 inch, all colors, 5c each,

13c. "

6 for 25c.
13 and loc dozen, according to size.
Rubber Dress Shields, small 15c medium
Small Pearl Shirt Buttons, four holes, 5, 7
18c large pair. 2.-\<-
and 8c dozen, according to quality.
Peathe weight Dress Shields, washable, 18,20

China Buttons (white), small, 12 doz. for 5c;
Bias Vcl veteen Dress, Binding, all colors, yd.
med., 6 doz. on card, 5c large, 3 dozen 5o,. ;

Bone Buttons (black or white, 2 sizes), 2c doz. Wild Hair Tweezers, plain steel, So.
Shoe Buttons, 5c dozen. uickelled, lOc.
" "

Shoe Buttons, on card, with fasteners and

needles, 20 on card, lOc per card.
Bachelors Buttons, lOc dozen.
Metal Pant Buttons, 3 dozen 5c.
Brush Skirt Binding, all colors, yard 5c. Ladies ( oat Buttons, fancy bone, 5e; 50cdoz. Nickel
best quality, yar yard 7c Ladies Coat Buttons, smoked pearl, 3 sizes,
" "
Folding Manicure File and Cutter, 15o
Toe lOc SI
7c each, dozen; each, dozen; Sterling Silver Toilet Articles
12^c each, $1.35 dozen.
Pearl Buttons. 20c 3 for 50c Postage 5c each piece extra.
Large Fancy ea.,
Children s Pearl oat Buttons, 5c 50c doz. <

Velvet Top Brush Binding, all colors, yd. lOc Sterling Silver Minicure Files, 25c and 50o
.1,1 Binding Braids, all colors, doz yds
35c " "
Ebony File, Manicure silver trimmed, 25o
(, orticelli
Skirt Belting, single, black or white, yd 3c
" -4c Cotton Garter Elastic, black or white, f inch "

ot ton Tape, black or white, do/, bunches, lOc wide, 5o per yard.
Cotton Garter Elastic,, fancy, Jin. wide, 8c Sterling Silver Tooth Brushes, 25c and 50o

India Tape., all widths, roll 5c.

Linen Tape, all widths, roll 5c. Lisle Garter Elastic, black or white, i inch Ebony Tooth Brushes, silver trimmed, 25c.

Heavy Twill Tape, 10, 12, loc dozen yards. wide, 7c per yard.
Lisle Garter Elastic, black, white, | inch, 8c
Lisle Garter Elastic, black, white, f inch, 9c
Lisle Garter Elastic, black, white, 1 inch, lOc
Lisle Garter Elastic, grey, inch, 8c. Sterling Silver Curling Tongs, 25c, 50c each
Silk Carter Elastic. bLiflft, white, pink, blue, E lony Curling Tongs, silver trimmed, 25c.
red and yellow, f inch wide, 20e yard.
Silk Garte, a me colors as above, J
inch. 2.V, yard.
Mending Wool, black, tans, gray, white and Fancy Silk Frill Elastic, in mauve, blue, pink,
la for
red and black 1 inch wide. 25c yard. Sterling Silver, Button Hooks, each
50c 2,"e,

Cotton, same colors, 3 balls for lOc. white or Ebony Button Hooks, silver trimmed, 25c,
Mending Kcnnd Silk Hat Elastic, black, per
ottoii Sewing
yard, according to size, 4c, 5c.
Coats Best Sewing Cotton, black or while, Fiat Silk Hat Elastic,, white or black, per
all numbers from Jl to luo, un 2un \ard yard, according to size, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6c.
standard spools, to- each spool.
Coats Colored SewingCot ton. lo "ol

Sterling Silver Shoo Horn

Barhour s Linen Thread, black or gray, 2 v Shoe Horns, silver triv-

Sterling $1. : .

Carpet Thread, black, drabs green, 3 for 10<,

Kbo iy DaniingBalc nneii. caei

Harbour s Linen Thread, 200 yds, spool lOc Elastic Garters, plain, pair lOo and I5o.
t h.andlc>
II Garters, pair 25 and 35c. I

h l."ie.

Fancy Silk Elastic Garters, pair50e. si!\ ci "

nun Steel Shoi "
loid Shoe , 2c
Heavy Nickeled Steel Shoe Horns, 1

Wire Button Hooks, f..i l!

Dross Buttons Children s Hose Supporters, cheapest, pair lOc Long Steel .ut ion }looks. I

it "
medium "
15c Koii nd Cotton Shoe Laces, per do/ci

Plain Bone Dress Buttons, all colors, doz lOc "

Jleavy Ho-



17o i

Fancy Black Dress Buttons, dozen lOo.



PERFUMERY Hen House or Cattle Sprayer Pump
1ersiatie Dog Wash
Fancy Bottles, filled with per Rat Exterminator, per box 15c
fume, 5c each, 6 for 25c. Persiatic Poultry Powder for lice 25c
Persiatic Sheep Dip 50c
Fancy Bottles, filled with per
fume, lOc each, 3 for 2oc.
Petrolatum, yellow, 5c bottle.
white, 7c "

Fancy Bottles, filled w ith per

laige size, lOc

fume, 25c each, 5 for $1.

Hoyt s German Cologne, 20, 40c Best English. Chamois Skins, according to
Petrolatum is used very exten
size, lOc, loc, 25c, 35c, 50c each. Post 3c.
M. & L. Florida Water... 25, 45c sively for sunburn, chapped
Men s Chamois Vests, felt lined, $2 each,
etc. It is another name for vasalints.
post 5c. In ordering give chest measure.
Violet Wat er 15, 25c Ladies Chamois Vests, felt covered, 82 each,
Colgate s Violet Water 35, 75c Court Plaster (3 colors post oc. In ordering give bust measure.
Lavender Water 35, 50c in package) for 5c,

Perfumed Talcum Pow

25c der, used for infants and
Bay Rum, per bottlb 15,
adults, package ;
Atomizers for Perfume 25, 35, 50c
postage 5c extra.
Tooth Powders
Camphorated Chalk, ounce ..... 5c
Carlton s Tooth Powder lOc
Best Medicated Toilet paper, 7c
Rubifoam for the teeth 20c package, or
Glass Medicine Droppers, 5c 4 for 25c ; in perforated rolls, 9e each or
-Teaberry Tooth Powder 20c ; postage 2c
3 for 25c.
Curline for the hair
20c Nursing Bottles, as
Colgate s Shampoo Mixture
45c illustration, 20c each ;
Nursery Powder 25c postage lOc.
Toilet and Nursery Violet Powder, -25c
- "

Cashmere Bou Sick Feeders, 20c and 25c postage 5c extra. Improved Nursing Bot
tles (graduated)
quet Powder -5c Graduated Medicine Glass, 7c post. 5c extra l.~>c

each postage lOc.
Colgate s Sachet Powder 15c ;

Pears Fuller s Earth, per box 15c

Fuller s Earth, per package 5, lOc
Let Nursery Powder lOc
Fever Thermometers, each in nickle case
and warranted correct, 50c ea ; post 5c extra Rubber Tube Cleaners, postage Ic. ">c

Veterinary Needles, curved and half curved, Rubber Tubing for nursing bottles, 5c foot
lOc each, . -) fni- 2.~)e,
Silk Thread for veterinary use, 15c bunch.
Saunder s Face Powder, flesh or cream 35c . . .
Needles for human work, in straight, half
Swansdown "

or white. .loo .
curved, full curved, 5c each, postpaid.
Best Japanese Silk Thread for human work, Best Rubber Nipples, 3c each ; postage Ic.
Powder Boxes, 10, 25c bunch, postpaid. liest Bone Teething Rings, 5c each post Ic. ;

l6, 20, 25, 35, 40, Catgut Ligatures, 20 inch suture in sealed Teething Ring and Nipple combined, lOc
45c each. tube, 15c postage 5c.

Powder Puffs, Surgical Lint, Red Cross brand, 5c package.

each lOc. Absorbant Cotton, ounce package lOc.
Blo. uhed Cotton Bandages, 6 yards long by Throat or Nose Ato
Toilet Bottles, each .............. 50, 75, 85c 2| inches wide, lOcea, 75cdoz post Ic ea. ; mizer, for oil or
Magnesia, per cake ..................... 5c Silk Elastic Stockings, best quality, si/.es 3 other remedies,
ilirig Salts ......................... 40c to 8, always give calf and ankle measure, hard rubber tube
Moustache Waxers ..................... c K price $1.25 each postage lOc. ;
and nozzle, best
Moustache Bands, for shaping moustache, loo rubber bulb, only
Quill Tooth Picks, per bunch .......... 5c 50c each po- ;

Electro Silicon, for cleaning silverware 15o . . 15c extra.

Rubber UmJM-ella Rings, 5c ; postage Ic.
Persian Insect ,

IK, Powder for bed "

SIAM bugs. Box has Rubber Sheeting Waterproof Rub

CT patent perfor ber Sheeting, 36 inches wide, for use in ac Greenhouse
ated tin cover, couchement cases or other sicknesses, made Syringe, $1
15ceaeli post ;
only of the best quality of rubber, soft, each, post
age 5c extra. pliable and durable, cut to any length. paid.
Price per yard 65c ; postage 20c.
Columbia Insect Powder, made especially Ladies Rubber G
for roaches and water bugs, 25c post, 6c. ;
$1.75 pair: ]><

Camphor Balls (for 5c. In ordering

protection of furs what size of kid
against ninths), 8c glove used.
Ib, 4 Ibs for 2r,c. Best Infant s 5c each house cleaning
Sponges Ladies Chamois Gloves for
Persiatic Carpet Powder for ninths. 20c. Fine Toilet "

lOc, 15c "

purposes, 30c pair; postage 5c.

Knnia, a strong smelling lic|uid Large Bath 50c
" "

ly 25c,
protection of animals against
for Horse or Carriage Sponges lOc "

Consult the Index at the end of the cata

flies, perfectly harmless to stock, qt. tin 40c Baskets 25c "

logue. It is a great help, and accurate.

Family Syringes, Etc. Noto. Select, style wanted and give meas-
Rubber Bulb Syringe, ircmeut around body on a line with rupture,

quality, -with uid stair if wanted for right or left side. The
Dentist s Forceps Many cases will
hard rubber no7.y,;es iV -ures from 31- to inches. ;->S

especially win
, .];![,,
50o each; p"
we will send any truss by reg >ily,

v hen a pair of for-

child. V ll
istered mail in any address securely

7c, i

Glass Syri .igcs. male ami from observation. Dentist s Forceps, mafic of best :

female, 4 oz. lOc: sure grip handles, .bent 01


jaws, length 7 inches, pric. -fl p-iir; posl .

Fountain Syringe
Best quality rubber,
Be Your Own Doctor
of Canada
Many of the outlying districts
long rubber tubing with are not too well supplied, with doctors. Sick
shut off attachment, and
ness is everywhere, but medical men are only-
hard rubber nozzles, ca
here and there and not always within a rea
pacity, 2 quarts, 7oc
3 ;

sonable distance. Every family so situated

quarts, $1 each; postage
Best English make, should have a few remedies on hand for in
l-2c extra.
English Trusses stant use. Mnch paiu may be reduced and
spring covered with best flat steel band instant application
chamois covered perhaps lives saved by the
Hot Water Bottles, chamois and russet leather,for of simple remedies.
best rubber, with well stuffed pad. Price single truss,

fe^ stopper.
either right or left hand (always Bay which) Family Doctor No. 1, $1.5O
double truss $1.00. No. 1, price $1.50,
t., 50c; post, lOc
only 75ceach; price for The "Family Doctor"

g 3 75c; l 2c Always give measurements as above

" "
consists of a convenient and strong telescope
- .... -
4 "

$1 ; 15c "
card case or box, everything properly lab
IJombination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe, elled and with directions and contains :

Vaseline. Sweet Oil. Mi iard s Liiii-

3 quart +l.i~>, postage 15c. 4 quart $1.50,
Court Plaster. Sedlitz Powders ment.
postage. ISc. Hutch Pills.
Ice Bags, rubber lined, small size Inc Cotton Band- Paiu Killer.
medium size 50c ; large size 6<> ages. Gaiter s Pills. Shi loh s Cold
Witch Hazel. Sponge. Cnre.
Postage Ilk; extra. Medicine Tumbler
Celluloid Eye Caps, right or left, with best Camphor Gum.
Single New York Elastic Truss $2.5O
elastic band, 15c ; postage LV. Genuine Elastic Truss, can b(
Xew York Family Doctor No. 2,
Infant s Rubber Bnlb The "Family Doctor"
No. 2, price $-2. 50,
used for either right or left hand rupture,
i.s very complete, indeed.
It is in a neat
Syringe, 2.V ; post best, quality oval water pad (soft loathe!
age 3c. lined leather keeper, everything labelled and with full direct!
covered), With velvet
25c. elastic belting, nickle trim for use, contains no poisons and includes
Eye and I lcer Syringe, best rubber, best finality use.
Pile Ointment Pipe, best hard rubber, 50c. mings, price $1 each everyday remedies for everyday
Vase! Catnip. Walker s Blood
Sandal Wood Oil, in gelatine capsules, per
dozen 20c postage 5c. Cott. m Band- Wins) ow s Pills.
Syrup. Shiloh s Cold
Balsam Copaiba, in gelatine capsules, doz. ages.
20c ; postage 5c. Court Plasters Rubber Nipple
Absorbent Fuller s Earth II. .rebound
Hypodermic Syringes Cottons. Pain Killer. Quinine Cap-
1 P. D.Model Hypodermic Syringe, with two Witch Ha/el. Miiiard sl.ini- sules.
needles, syringe and 6 vials, all in neat Sweet Oil. ment. Channu- :

aluminum pocket case with clasped kid Camphor Hum Sponge.

Price per New York Elastic Trusses, best ine.
covering, all of best finish. and straps, double Turpentine. Carbolic, Oint- Medicine
e complete, ,?2 postage lOc. quality elastic belting Oil. ment. bier.
oval water pads, sofl leather covered, uickle

2 Climax Hypodermic Syringe, complete Sedlitz Pow- Carter s Tills. Class Syringe.
with needles and vials in neat pocket trimmings. Price $1.50 each. Hutch Pills.
postage lOc.
case, SI ;

Extra Needles for P. D. Syringe, 15c each TRUSSES HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

Climax lOc each. These Humphrey Remedies will be ma
" <<

The Silver Wire Truss

to any P. O. address for an
extra -Jo each.
is considered one of tin-
La lies IVrtVrf most perfect No 3_Teething, Ciying,Sleeplessne8.s$0 "i i

Bilious Colic
by the surgical profes No! 5 Dysentery,
. .
Syringe, $2.00,
postpaid. sion. Tlie\ are made of No 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis
the finest spring steel No. 8 Neuralgia, Toothache,Faceache
to Xo. 9 Headache 20
silvered wire, which may be adjusted
Biliousness, Consti
my shape. The quality of the webbing \,,, 10 Dyspepsia,
used is die very best. Give measurements. pation
Sin-le Truss, rigW or left, spiral pad, $1.50 No. 13 Croup,
. .

Spray Attachment, best hard black

K water pad No 15 Rheumatism " -0
rubber, to lit any ordinary syringe, price Double Truss, with spiral spring pad- No. lit -- Catarrh, Inrinenza,ColdinHead itf
oc. -
witii covered water pau^ No. Ji General Debility
best, each 20o postage r,e
No. -27 -Kidney Diseases

French Pc-saire, or Support, $1 Womb No. -2* rvous Debility :<

postage lOc extra.

; No. 30 Urinary Weakness 20
French Letters, best quality, 25c each ; 12 ;i Painful Periods
tor $2 ; postpaid.^ No. cs tit Heart, Palpitation, ;;

English besl quMit.v split hardwood. Price No. 31- Quinsy, Ulcerated Throat, Crutches
pump _ lr.
Rubbertip No. 77 etc

Nipple Give measure under arm to ground. Humphrey s Witch Hazel, 15c. Pile Oinfc
Shields 10c; post 2o _ 0e fie extra.
ment, price ; postage
Crutch Tips, best rubber, to
lit inch wood,
Dr. Walker s Century Blood Pills
ill rubber bot need to build up their -
toms, 20e per pair, j
ugh the blood. Price $1 for 4
Male Catheters, 10, lit, 2"; each ; pOI


We sell all the Standard Patent Medicines Syrup of Figs (California) 45
at cut prices, and guarantee every one to be Syrup of Turpentine, small 18
genuine. We deliver all pills by mail to any " "

large 35
post office, without any charge for postage. Warner s Safe Cure 75
We cannot send liquids by mail. Woodward s Celery King 20
Wistar Syrup s 20
Liquid Medicines Price Witch Hazel 15

Ayer s SarsapariLU SO 65 Pills, Pills THE THREE

Hair Vigor

65 Note. All Pills are mailed postpaid at the

Cherry Pectoral 65 prices quoted here. All are warranted

Allen s Lung Balsam 20

Ayer s Pills
$0 20
Agne w s Heart Cure 75 Burdock fills
Burdock Blood Bitters

65 Blaud s Pills
Beef, Iron and Wine. 50 Beecham s Pills
" 1 25
(Wyeths ) 65 Carter s Little
Iron Pills 40
Bay Rum 15 Nerve Pills 30 .
Black Oil, for bruises 20 Liver Pills 15
Castoria 25 Chase s
Cuticura Resolvent Kidney and Liver Pills 20
1 25 Diamond Dinner Pills
20 First Friend
Castor Oil lOc and Dodd s Kidney Pills, 35c 3 boxes for. 1 00 ir>

Chase s Syrup, Linseed and Turpentine, 20 "
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People
Dutch Drops for gravel, etc Dyspepsia Tablets 35 cure all nervous diseases, Locomotor Ataxy,
10 Doan s Pills
Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription 75 2 Paralysis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Headache,
Hutch, sizes 10 and 25 all Female Weaknesses, Pale and Sallow
Medical Discovery 75 Hood s Pills
Dr. Thomas Electric Oil 15 Morse s Indian Root Complexions, all diseases arising from Men
Pilla 20
Eno s Fruit Salts 70 Milburn s Heart and Nerve Pills tal Worry, Overwork, Excess, Decay, etc.
45 See inside wrapper an and each box.
Fowler s Extract of Wild Strawberry. 25 Mother .

Fellow s Syrup of Hypophosphites Siegel s Pills 20 The regular price in all drug stores of
1 00 Parnialee s Pills
20 Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is
Fluid Magnesia 20 Pink Pills
(Dr. Williams ) 35 . .
50c per box, while our price is only 35c per
Green s August Flower 60
Grave s Worm Syrup postpaid, 3 boxes, 1 00 for f-1, postpaid. Warranted
20 Pierce s Pellets box, or 3 boxe-<

Gray s Syrup ot Red Spruce Gum 20
Quinine Capsules, 1 grain, per doz 5
the genuine article.
Glycerine, 3 sizes 10, 15 and L 2 grains, 10
"> "

Second Friend

Hanson s Corn Cure 10

Railway Pills
s 20
Hoffman s Headache Powder 20 Wills Dr. Walker s Century Blood Pills, for all
Hood s Sarsaparilla English Pilla 20
65 Walker s diseases of the human system which can be
Hirst s Pain Exterminator Century Blood Pills, 4 boxes for 1 00
18 Warner s Pills 20 reached through the blood. These Pills are
Hagyard s Yellow Oil 18 so well known throughout all Canada that
Pectoral Balsam 18 Powders, Ointment?, Etc. v e need say but very little about them here.
K. D. C. Dyspepsia Cure, small 35 Prices Postage Pur- Blood s the mainstay of the human


large 75 Abbey s Salts $025 $0 6

body. If the blood is not in g- od order thea
Kemp s Balsam, small 20 s Catarrh Cure Agnew 45 5 diseases and disorders come to the surface
large Belladona Plasters
10 15 2 in varous ways and in various
places in the
Luhy Hair Rencwer
s 40 Cuticura Salve 50 5 Fe d the blond an-i -these diseases
inily Mudinino 20 and 45 Plasters

25 5
Laetated Food, small promptly disappear. Nervousness, Rheuma
17 Carbolic Ointment 20 3
tism, Paralysis, Headache, Pale Complex
medium, 36c: large... Camphor Ice 15

75 3
ions, Gi neral Weakn- ss, all ahnoi nee them
Lydia Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, 1 00 Celery King 20 4 selves in different
ways, but all may be
Mother Siegel s Syrup 60 Court Plaster 5 l eas ly curt d by and through the blood.
Mother Grave s Worm Syrup 20 Camphor Gum, per oz 7 1
Thtre are very few persons, male or female,
Mrs. Winslow s .Soothing Syrup 20 Chase s Ointment 40 3 who do not at tim-s feel that

they need
Merrill s System Tonic 40 Catarrh Cure 20 2 some concentrated form of b oed
Minard s Liniment 18 Garfield Tea, per package 20 3
Golden Eye Salve ening medicine.
Maltine, plain, large 75 20 I Dr. Walker s Century Blood Pills conta n !

with Cod Liver Oil, small 40 Holloway s Corn Cure 20 2 the


necessary ingredients to cure all these


75 Hanson s Corn Cure 10 3

diseases, acting rhrorgh nature s channel,
Norway Pine Syrup 20 Hood s Olive Ointment 15 2 the b ood. Four bxes of Dr. Walker s Cen
Nasal Balm 40 Hoffman s Headache Powder. .. 20 2
tury Blood fills will be sent to any address
Nestles Food 40 Indian Woman s Balm 75 2
upon of SI.
Liquid Ozone is Life 75 Kennedy s Carbolic Ointment 20 3
Olive Oil, 15e large 25 Lane s Family Medicine 20, 45 5
Perry Davis Pain Killer, large

20 Mother Siegel s Ointment 20 -2

Third Friend
Paiue s Celery Compound 65

Soothing Plasters, 20 3 Dodd s Pills, as their name im

Pond s Extract 10 and 75 Steedman s Soothin<* Powders. . 35 2 upon the kidneys. Bright s
plies, act directly
Paregoric 8 Seidlitz Powders, per box 20 6 disease may be caused by exposure to damp
Petrolatum 5 Vaseline Camphor Ice 15 3 ness or cold, or by excesses in eating or
Railway s Ready Relief. . 20 rfoneset., in oz. packets at 5 1 drink ing. The manufacturers of Dodd s
Ridge s Food 30 5 Kidney Pills claim theirs is the only remedy
" "

Shiloli s Consumption Cure, small 20 Horehoond, in that will euro Bright s disease.
oz. packets at...
Bright a 5 1

South American Rheumatic Cure

" "

medium .. 40
Ladies Slipper, in

Dropsy, Diabetes and Backacheoz.
are much in the same c ass, and all may be
1 relieved by the use of Dodd s Kidney Pills.

5 1

Scott s Emulsion, small 35 Magnesia 5 1 There are also many cases of Heart Disease
large 6? Foot Elm Powder, sure cure for tender, which may obtain relief from these same
Switzer s Worm Syrup ?0 sweaty or inflamed feet, cures chilblains, pills. Dodd s Kidney Pills, 35c per box, 3
Sweet Nitre 10 frostbites, etc., box 20c ; postage 3c. boxes for $1, postpaid.


We send watches A JK. JV JW ./V AA A A A AjdM Watches

by registered mail, post fk
paid, at these prices, to any place in Canada. No. 5, $7.5O Men s
The prices arc right, and we can recommend OUR FAMOUS solid sterling silver
the goods as first-class. We
avoid all unre
regular size, dust proof,
liable makers of watches, and confine our
selves almost exclusively to the well-known
$6 WALTHAM WATCHES stem winding and stem
setting, screw back and
and old reliable Waltham Manufacturing Co. No. 3, $6 i
front, very heavy glass
If you wish, we will quote you for any par Hardened silver I

.face, engine turned or en

ticular Waltham movement that is not in case, absolutely r
graved, fitted with best 7
our catalogue. We will undertake engrav dust proof, heavy U
Waltham move
ing for presentations and will quote price glass open face,
ment, with patent time
for same on application. We handle only screw bezel, screw r
regulator. Price only
the Genuine Waltham Watches. back, fitted with U
the very latest pat $7.~>0, including
white metal chain. Thia
Dollar Watches tern of Genuine
excellent watch will surely
Yankee Dollar Watch, in nickel please yon. Next to our $6 one it is our
rase, by Ingersoll Co., adver
jewelled move- , i

most popular watch, and deservedly so.

ment, with new

tised extensively in nil magazines
and journals. A
remarkable watch patent regulator. ^
for the money, but not at all re Improved set and I

liable. Price $1, postpaid.

stem winding. A |?

thoroughly reliable time keeper, and t

BOYS WATCHES a watch that will give you entire ;

This watch is a regular size, satisfaction. Nothing cheap but the f

dust proof ease, fitted with a re price. Remember it is genuine Walt- f,

American movement. It
ham manniactttre, and that, in itself,
in a good time-keeper, is stem-
is a guarantee of quality. have We f
sold KCWCS upon scores of these $6 I
winding, lever set, can be regu
lated thoroughly to run true watches, and without exception, all
are satisfactory. The movement is a f
time. It is a remarkable watch
and one of the best low-priced watches we grand time keeper, you can regulate k
it yourself to run perfectly accurate.
have ever seen. Just the thing for boys.
Price only $2 postpaid, with a steel chain.
We will send tl,ia watch, including r
one of our handsomest white metal 1V 0. 6, $1O Men s solid sterling silver
YOITWG MEAN S WATCH chains, by registered mail at our ex- r case with inlaid solid gold design on the
pense, to any address in Canada, upon [p back of case, absolutely dust proof war
A reliable American movement,
receipt of only $6. ranted, stem winding and stem setting, fitted
fitted in regular size very hand
with very reliable Waltham movement. A
some white watch-metal case. S6 WALTHAM WATCHES g very popular watch with our customers, and
Keeps accurate time, has patent a good one. Price only $10, postpaid. We
regulator, stem winder, lever set. have a good many different gold designs on
dust proof, a very heavy dial lie- these watches to choose from, the most pop
hind heavy glass face. A wond ular of which are the Locomotive and the
Stag as shown in the pictures. With each
erfully time-keeper.
Steel chain with each
Only $2.50, postpaid. of these $10 Watches we include one of our

MEX S SILVER WATCHES men s nickel silver watch chains free.

No. 61, SU1S.5O This is the same case
WatcU No. 1, $4 as 6 watch, a solid sterling silver case
Hardened silver case, with gold inlaid back as already described.
dust proof, stem winding,
This case is fitted with a. Waltham 15
lever set, screw bezel, Med movement, of the best kind, with
screw back, lilted with
our special American 7
patent Brequet hairspring hardened and
tempered in form. Price, including a nickel
jewelled nickel finished silver chain, only $12.50.
movement; hard, white
enamelled dial witli clear
black figures. Price only No.4 BestNickel Silver Case, with
Men s
$4 each. This watch ^lans face and w ith d inlaid design
Cold Plated
makes a wonder. k (order stag or locomotive ), dust

good one for farmers, proof, i-tem winding, and improved lever
ranchmen and others. set. Waltham 7 jcv,ellfd special movement, Handsomely Eng.
nnd although it is a low-priced watch, yet with new patent regulator. Price $7. with or Engine Turned Gnl
it leaves our hands well recommended. We white metal chain. A
good serviceable Plated Watch, open
include i. white metal chain with each. time keeper in a handsome case. or hunting case, sun;
nnd improved sit, d:i.-t
tiO. 2, $3 Hardened The
proof, etc.

silver case, dust proof, atem Remarks lion shows the engine
wind, lever set, screw tinned i

bezel, screw back, fitted

We shall
pleased be-

with the thoroughly re toi|il<.

on ap No. 7 Above Cold Plated Case,
plication for any other with our special 7 jewelled American move
liable Elgin-Atlas move
ment. Price for the com Waltham movement ment, open face, complete with chain.
plete watch, mailed post
not catalogued here, No. 75- Same, silted with gi
eilhc]- \\itiiont Wallhnm 7 jewelled movement, open acO I

paid to any place in Can-


with any se of or hunting case, complete with chain.

ada. only $5, with white
( ;

mel:.l chain. A good time any kind you may re Wo. 78 Same, iittecl with best Wal
quest. tham 15 jeudlcd movement and complete
keeper, thoroughly reli
able and trustworthy. with yellow metal chain, only $9.
No. 13, $13.0O Same 14 K case, fitted
with latest 7 jewelled genuine Waltham LADIES
movement with highly finished oval regulator;
polished index plate; Patent Breguet SPECIAL
Hairspring. Price only $13, postpaid.
No. 14, $16.75 Same 14 K case, fitted GOLD FILLED
with best 15 genuine Waltham
movement with settings ; Patent Micrometric WATCHES
Regulator, and Patent Breguet Hairspring.
Price $16. 75, postpaid. Each in fancy lined box.
No. 15,$17.5O Same 14 K case, fitted
with the Waltham Manufacturing Co. s fam Ladies special gold-filled hunting case,
either plain or engraved, stern winding, etc.
ous P. S. Bartlett 17 jewelled movement with
compensation adjusted balance ;
Ill Above gold filled case, fitted with
settings ;

special American 7 jewelled quick

Patent Micrometrie Patent Bre
Men s lOk Gold Filled Watches Regulator ;

guet Hairspring, hardened and tempered to movement, $6.

with T^alt
Men s 10 K gold filled case, with heavy form. A famous watch at a really remaika- 112 Same case, fitted

low price. Price only $17.50, postpaid. jewel movement, $8.25.

glass face screw front and screw back, thus bly

making it absolutely dust proof ; stem wind

ing and stem setting, plain or engine turned Ladies Watches LADIES
or engraved. Each case is warranted by the
With each lady s watch we include a fancy
makers to wear for at least 20 years. lined watch case. Ladies watch chains and 10 KARAT
Sfo. 8, $8 Men s 10 K gold filled case guards are extra.
as described above, fitted with onr special GOLD FILLED
American movement which is a good, relia
ble, 7 jewelled, quick train, nickel finished
movement, with enamel dial. Price only $8, Each in fancy lined box.
A remarkable price for such a good watch. Swiss Watches
Ladies best quality standard weight, 10k
Bfo. 9, $9.35 Same 10 K gold filled warranted
gold filled hunting watch case,
ease, fitted with latest 7 jewelled genuine Stem Winding and Setting. to wear 20 years, stem winding, ttem setting,
Waltham movement with compensation bal Each complete with move plain, engine turned or fancy engraved,
ance highly finished oval regulator pol
; ;
ment, and in fancy lined case. 113 Above case, fitted with special Ameri
ished index plate ; Patent Breguet Hair
can 7 jewel quick train movement, $9.
spring, hardened and tempered in form. lit -Same case, fitted with Waltham 7
Price only $9.25, postpaid. 101-Lady s sterling silver skylight watch $3. 3s
102- "

hunting case.. 4.15


jewelled movement, $11.25.

No. 1O, $13.5O Same 10 K gold filled 103- silver skylight, full jew d, f. dial 4.i5
case, fitted with the best genuine Waltham 104- "

" "

15 jewelled movement with settings; com
105- skylight, gold inlaid case, 5.00

pensation balance Patent Breguet Hair 106-

spring, hardened and

in form.



Price only $13.50, postpaid.
No. 11, ^14.50 Men s 10 K filled
case, fitted with famous P. S. Bartlett 17 Ladies
jewel movement with settings compensation
balance, adjusted Patent Micrometric Regu
Sterling Silver Each in fancy plush case.
lator, Patent Breguet Hairspring, hardened
and tempered in form. Price for this fine Ladies best quality standard weight 14 K
watch only $14.50, postpaid.
Watches gold filled hunting ease, with solid gold bow,
warranted by makers to wear for years, -T>

Each in fancy lined box. stern winding, stem setting, plain engine
turned or fancy engraved.
Ladies sterling silver case, either open No. 115 Above 14 K case fitted with special
face or hunting, regular size, plain, engine 7 jewelled American quick train movement,
turned or engraved, stem winding, etc. $10.00.
107 Above sterling silver case, fitted with 116 Same 14 K case, fitted with Waltham
7 jewelled movement with exposed Ballets
ourspecial American quick train 7 jewelled
movement, a thoroughly reliable time and compensation balance, $12.50.
Price, $5.75.
117 Same 14 K case, fitted with Waltham 15
108 Same case, fitted with Waltham 7 jewelled movement with paten compensa ,

tion balance, $15.

jewelled movement, $8.


Men s 14 K Cold Filled
Watches Cold Plated GOLD WATCHES
Each in fancy lined box.
All 14 K gold filled watch cases are accom
panied by the makers guarantee, and are Watches 118 Ladies special solid
warranted to wear at least 25 years. These gold hunting case, either
14 K cases are screw back and screw front, Each in fancv lined box.
plain, engine turned or
with heavy glass face stem winding, stem
engraved. This watch has I0k solid gold
setting ; dust proof ; plain, engine turned or Ladies gold plated watch casts, hunt ins; backs with 8 K centres, caps, pendants and
engraved, tne best gold filled case made. case of open face, engine turned or engraved, bows, tilled witli Waltham 7 jewelled
No. 12, f 11.5O Men s 14 K gold filled stem winding, etc. movement, only l.i. ^;

case as described, fitted with our special 109 Above case fitted with special Ameri 119-^Ladies 10 K solid gold hunting case,
American 7 jewelled quick train movement, can 7 jewel quick train movement, $4.50. plain, engine turned or engraved, standard
with patent regulator, hard enamelled dial. 110 Same case, fitted with Waltham 7 weight, etc., fitted witli Walt ham 7 jew
Price only $11.50, postpaid. jewelled movement, $6 75. elled movement, $17.50.

120 Same case as No. 119 watch, fitted with Wood Mantel Black
Waltham 15 jewelled movement, if20. Clocks Enamelled
Ladies 14 K solid gold huiitin Clocks
Eight Day Wood Man
with Waitham 7 jewelled movement, $20.
tel Clocks, neatly de
122 Same case, as No. 121 watch, fitted
hour 450 Black En
signed, strike,
Waithaiu 15 jewelled increment, $22.50. amelled Man
height about 21 inches,
width of base 14 indie.-, tel Clock,
natural wood finish, a bronze metal
feetand trim
good time keeper, re
quires winding only mings, fitted
once in 8 days. Price with Seth Thomas most reliable American
$2.50. movement, strikes hours and half hours,
sweet cathedral gong strike, 5 inch fancy
7 Solid Oak Man
white and gilt dial, very handsome, clock
tle Clock, very
reliable time and no better movement made, height 10J
inches, 16 inches wide, price 75. $f>

keepi r, patent
regulator pen Clock Shelves
dulum, 8 day Natural Wood Clock Shelves to screw to-
Ladies Diamond Sets clock, strikes walls, in various designs and sizes, prices
We shall Ije pleased to quote prices on ap hours and half
3.3, 50 and 75c.
plication tor ladies gold filled .or solid gold hours, full 6 in.
lies A :t h civs.-enr or clover leaf diamond handsome dials, Alarm Clocks
settings :is per illustrations above, and litted ueight 24 inches,
base about 15 No. nickeled
with any Walthaui movement desired . Cheapest
inches, well fin
Alarm Clock, not too reli
ished, and pretty able, 65c; postage 25c.
design, well re
commended as a
WE DO good family
Xo. 1 Nickel Alarm Clock,
better quality, 75c :

clock. Price $3. 25c.

WATCH 2 Nickel Alarm Clock,
thoroughly rel iable
American make, good
REPAIRING alarm and well recom
mended by us, $1.00;
A great many of our onstomers may not be postage 30c.
within convenient distance of a watchmaker, Xo. 3 Genuine Seth
and for their special benefit we have estab Thomas old reliable
lished a Watch Repairing Department. If Alarm Clock, with
you have a watch any make) that needs
(of good plain dial, $1.25;
cleaning, or has a broken main spring, or pOB
from any other cause the watch needs repair 1 Nic el Alarm Clock,
ing, then we are prepared to repair it in a thoroughly reliable
first-class manner. The man whom we em tin ,, ith large
luminous dial for ua
ploy for this work ia engaged constantly in Jit, 1.50;
repairing watches, and is a superior mechanic. No. 8 Height, 14 to 15 inches width, Hi ;
postage 30c extra if sent by mail.
We cannot say what the cost of such repairs inches; dial, 6 inches; oak finish; very Calendar Clocks
will be until we see the watch, but we guar- pretty dials strikes hours and half hours,
; 5 Calendar Clock, good
rantee to do it good, and do it reasonable. with cathedral gong 8 day clock very ; ;
timekeeper, tells time
bend the watch to us by registered mail, sweet strike. Price $4 each.
ofdayaii day of the l

putting your name and address on the parcel, Wood

Wall Clocks without alarm,
so that we may know from whom it comes,

dial, $1 40
and along with the watch send us 82. Then 56 Eight-Day Octagon Clock :>0c.

write us a letter saying that you have sent a for schools, offices, hotels, alendar Kickle
Don t send your letter in with the [,6 Fancy <

watch. public places, etc., K-day Alarm Clock, reliable

watch, as it is against the rules of the post-
time, 12 inch dial, solid oak time piece, with patent
office. Only put your name a. id address on
case, 24j inches high, patent regulator, large dial,
the parcel. We will repair your watch as :nlalor, price 84.50. large alarm-gong with cut-off attachment,
reasonably as we can, and return the change 57--Eight-l>..y Octagon Clock, shows seconds, minutes, hours, and also
to you with the watch (per registered mail) Hartford time regulator, oak
in due time. Very few watches will require day of the month ; a good clock. Price
case, 12 inch dial, height 32 $1.50 postage, 80c extra.
$2 to repair them, but we have fixed on that ;

inches, price
amount to send to us to make sure, and, be
sides, the return postage, which is about 15c,
will also be taken out of the 82. Try this
simple method having your watch repaired.

Solid Gold
WEDDING RINGS Men s Solid Gold
Fine Solid Gold Wed
ding Kings, plain band,
in light, medium or heavy made of solid gold, band pat
Wt price $3, $5 ami si respectively.
*ht, tern, chased ar engraved <!<

Ev^ry ring warranted pure gold. The size is iu our illustration al e very
us by taking a piece of thin card Small Fancy China Clocks broad. They are made
spceiall) 1m
and making a hole in it just large enough to 10 Fancy China Clocks, very pretty, grace use, and are well designed for that purpose.
r the second joint of the finger, and fully proportioned, nicely decorated, good They are of pure gold, medium tine. Price
mail the card to us. We
promptly send these time 1-
eepers. ISO hour time piece, each for any size $2. 50 each, postpaid. Always
iil, postpaid, on receipt of :
is a good one. Nerer send
sizewith string or tape. Take a piece of
All small articles iu the jewelry depart- cardboard and cut a hole in it that will just
ssent will be sent postpaid at prices below. slii) easily over the joint of the finger, and
mail that cardboard to us with your order.
Men s Watcn Chains
18 Men s warranted fine gold plated watch Let the hole in card be cut clean, not ragged.
chains, assorted patterns, light, medium
and heavy link, $2.50.
19 Men s solid gold watch chains, warran
I Men s leatlior watch chain, cheapest 5c.
medium or heavy, $15 to $20.
best leather watch chain, lOc. ted, light,
3 Men s
Men s Chain Charms IChild s Rolled Plate Finger Rings,
2 Children s Best Rolled Gold Finger Rings,
with stone settings, 25c.
3 Children s Solid Gold Rings in handsome
chased or engraved d -sign, 7
4 Ladies or chil
dren s best qual
ity rolled gold
plate Bangle
3 Men s best leather chain -with snap, Rings, fancy de
keeper and charui ornament, 45c.
signs in bangle
1 Gold Plated Charm 25c ideas, chased pat

stone set 50c tern rings, 25c

compass charm each. Initial on
large commas- rharra 50c bangle 5c extra.
6 Men s medium steel watch chain, 8c. 5 "

square locket charm $1

5 Ladies Plain Roll Plate Rings, 25c.

6 Roll Plate Rings, stone, set, 50c.
6 Men s heavy nickeled steel cnain, 10c.
1 Men s extra heavy nickelled steel chain, 15.

6 Gold Plated Charm, cameo set, $1.

7 Ladies Fine Roll Gold Plate Fineer Rings
7 "


seal, $1.
8 Men s white metal watch chains, 25c. in a great assortment, with slojie
and other
8 "

oval locket, $1.

" "

9 Men s yellow metal watch chains, 25c. Gold Plated Chnrm, oval locket pattern, fi"ttings (see
left picture), $].
8 Ladies Solid Gold Finger Rings,
with imitation diamond setting, $1.25.
or engraved or plain designs, large
Ladies Watcli Guards ment, light, medium or heavy weights,
prices $1.50, $2 and $2.50 each,
9 Ladies Solid Fine Gold
Rings, with ruby, garnet
10 Men s solid nickle, silver watch chain, 50c or emerald setting, $3.
11 Men s silver plated steel chain, with
bar and compass charm, a very neat new 1 Ladies Long Flat Silk Watch Guards, 10 Ladies Solid Fine
and strong linlv pattern. A splendid chain with, snap and plated slide. 25c. Gold Finger or Engage
to wear and a good one to order, 7,>.
ment Kings, onal set
12 Men s solid sterling silver watch chains. and $5 r
tings, $4, $4., >U

best link designs, light, medium and 11 Ladies Solid Fine

heavy, prices $1.25, $2, $2.50. each. Gold Rings, with dia
2 Ladies Long Round Silk Watcn or Eye mond settings, $0, $8,
glass Guards, with snap, 25c $10, $12 and $15 each.

3 Ladies l>ng Rolled Gold Plated Watch.

13 Men s black silk guard watch chain, Guard, Hiie I-IIK pattern, light weight,
with rolled gold slide, $1. with slide, $1.75.
12 Solid Gold Wadding Rings, light, $i
med., 5
heavy, $7
" "

15 Men
Heavy Solid
sterling Silver Fingei
4 Ladies Fine Rolled Gold Plate Watch Ril gs, very poimlal
Guards, medium weight new link patterns, ,
pattern, splendid to
14 Men s black silk braided \vatch chain with pretty stone settings in slides, $2. wear, 60o. Engraving
with swinging charm, $1.25. Initials 5c per letter

16 Men s Hea,y Solid

Gold Finger Rings,
15-Men srolled gold watch chains, light,$1.00 5 Ladies Very Fine Rolled Plate Guard, neatly chased or en
16- "

graved Innd pattern,

" "

med., 1.25 heavy weight, assorted link patterns, with

17- " " " "

heavy, 1.50 very handsome stone settings in slide, $2.50 very wide, $2.50 each

Stick Pins Horse Shoe Brooch, with imitation dia

mond si-ttings, 75c.
8 Sterling Silver Brooches, filigree work, 50c

9 Ladies Jet Black Brooches
2. c 1
No. 1 No. 2
Best Rolled Plate Society Pins
No. 3
10 Second Mourning Brooches.. .3oc 2 "

" "

3 "

" "

Silver Tie Clasps

. Enamel Stick Pin, stone setting, lOc. Collar Buttons
! Enamelled Flag Stick Pin, loc. Sterling Silver Necktie Clasps, with hinge,
Fancy Enamelled Flag Stick Pin, extra .atest Parisnovelty in jewelry, vei y pretty
nice finish, new patterns, 25c. ind popular, price 25c each; neck ribbon to
je worn with above, 25c extra. Those \vish-
.Enamelled Maple Leaf Stick Pins, 15c.
Sterling Silver Maple Leaf Stick Pins, ug a real nice novelty will find it in this
beautiful clasp and ribbon.
small, 15o ; medium, 20c ; large size, 25c.
Pendant No. 1 No. 3 No 5 No. 6
1 Automatic Pointed Collar Buttons, cel
1 Sterling Silver Heart fond
luloid backs, 5c 6 for 2f>r.

ants, plain, 20c ; embossed,


2 Automatic Pointed Collar Buttons, pearl

25c enamelled, each. 3.">c

backs, lOo; 3 for 25o.


Engraving initial, 5c extra. 3 Automatic Round Collar Buttons, celluloid

2 Enamelled Pendant Anchor,
backs, 5c ; 6 for 25c.
Clover Leaf, etc., 25c. No. 4 Automatic Round Collar Buttons,
pearl backs, 13c 2 for 25c. ;

25c. 5 Separable Collar Buttons, stone settings,

3 Horse Shoe Pin, pearl whip handle,
15c ; 2 for 25c.
I Rolled Plate Stick Pin, imitation diamond
6 Solid Collar Buttons, with celluloid backs,
lOc medium, 15c large, 25c.
set, small, ; ;
5c each ; 6 for 25c.
J Fancy Enamelled Stick Pin (right band IPlain Beauty Pins, gold plated, 2 for 5c.
a assort 7 Solid Bone Collar Buttons, 5, lOc dozen
picture), with stone settings, great 2 Fancy Enamelled Beauty Pius, each 5c. 8 Pearl Collar Buttons, 7c 4 for 25c.
ment of designs, very choice article, 25c. 3 Black Enamelled Beauty Pins, each 5c.

4 Beauty Pins, gold front*, 10c ;

3 for 2f>c.
Cuff* Links and Buttons
BeauSy Sets
Beauty Pin Sets of
3, wit), fronts "old

and chain tarb- ai

ments, per set 25c
No. I No. 2 No. 3
1 Best Rolled Plate Cuff Lin :s, 25, 35 and
9-,Gold Filled Stick Pin, horse bhoe de 50c pair, according to quality.
50c. 2 Pearl Cuff Links, 25, 35o pair.
sign, brilliant setting,
10 Gold Filled Stick Pin, f-et with colored Gold Plate Enamelled Baby Pins, 3 Pearl Cuff Buttons, automatic backs, 15,
1 15c.
stone circled with brilliants, 50c. 2 Gold Plate Baby Pius, 25c. 25 and 35c per pair.
Silver Flag 4 Rolled Rate Cuff Buttons, stone set, 25c
ncy Enamelled Sterling Ladies Bracelets
Pin Canada," 75c.

Ladies Chain Brace

Gents Shirt Muus
lerling Silver C.
E Stick Pins, 15c. 1
1 Gents Shirt Studs, 3 in set, assorted gold
Stick Pins, 25c. lets, with padlock, 2.V per set.
13 Sterling Silver Bangle white plate, ;.nd enamelled,
pure metal, will
Ladies Brooches 2 Gents Automatic Shirt Studs, imitation
not tin nisii l:u
diamond settings, 45u per set of i. ,

nd excep-
1 value, very
Ladies Blouse Sets .

Ladies Blouse -i-itingof pair of ;

popular, only
collar button ami 3 buttons,
2 Children s Sterling Silver Chain Bracelet. studs,
silver, pear! ;:t _ .ml .V.c jn-r set.
\vitll loc*, W;M
:i,")c ."(

llted, $1.
! :

3 Misseit Sterling Silver Chain ! i

Ladies Sundries
4 Ladieb Warranted Sterling :
Sterling Silvei 75c.

.-let, heavy link pattern, withlock,$1.50 Fancy Enamel Hat Tin, ;!."><.

1 Fancy Enamelled Maple Leaf Brooch,

Fancy Hat in, stone selling, 25c. I

Pearl Handle Button Hooks, 25
YdShield Brooches, 25c.
3 The i-iyht hand picture above represent.
,nrtment of very handsome, fancy en-
n.ochesiiiiiinn endless designs,

circi clover leiif, pansy, horse

Ladies or Misses Chain Bracelet, with

shoe, but;, tiful, each26o 5

25c. pure \\liitn metal,
heart, bangles, ">0c.

4 Fancy Enamelled Flag Brooches, g Ladies or Misses Hrcjling Silver Chain

Fancy Handled Paper Knives, 25c.
Bracelets, heart bangles, $2. Combs, 3o
Fancy Emunel Hand!


1-Misses warranted pure Sterling Silver Fancy Enamel Button Hooks, 25c.
5 Horse Shoe Brooch or Hair On: Nethersole Bracelets, chased designs. H.V. "

Vmlu. "


silverorgold finish, lati s! New York fad, 2~:c Ladies warranted pure, Sterling Silver " "

2 ]
,i|.y.-l Tags, .1

6 ireii!;:r

Shapo Brooch 1 ink Cameo cen Nethersolo Bracelet*, assorted newest " "

Key i.

tre, with imitation diumoud circle, 50c. Salt Spoons,

" "

designs, 75c. -J.-.c.

Silver Tea Sets Consisting of
IN THE SILVERWARE DEPARTMENT above four pieces, all elegantly designed
and engraved, price only $6.50 for the

complete set.
All of our Silverware is guaranteed plated Silver Napkin Rings
with best sterling silver plate and has excel We stock silver napkin ,

lent wearing qualities. rings in great variety of.

Silver Butter Dishes, designs and pattei r.s.
an excellent as Price 25c, 50c, 75c and $1*
sortment in great each. For 15c extra wo
variety of designs, engrave one name on ring,
and for lOc extra we mail
plain, engraved,
satin these rings to any Cana
finish, gilt
dian post office.
decorated, etc.
No. 1 Plain Butter
Dish, silver top on
glass, $1.50. Silver fake Baskets
No. 2 Silver Butter Dish, embossed silver
Fancy Designed Silver Cake Basket. $2
No. 1
cover, Immislied silver liottom, with knife No. 2
Fancy Silver Cake Basket, richly
holder and glass drainer, $2. embossed design, very prettv pattern, $2.50
No. 3 Silver Butter Dish, very handsome No. 3 Silver Cake Baskot, gold lined, $3.
embossed silver cover made to hang from No. 4 Silver Cake basket,
beautifully em-
the hamlle. knife holder, burnished silver
bessed design, new pattern, and heavy, $5. Children s Table Cutlery
bottom on feet, with silver drainer, $3.
1 Child s Nickle Silver Knife, Fork and
No. 4 Silver Hatter Dish, burnished and
satin finished silver cover, richly en Spoon, in card box, 25c ; postage 7c.
2 Children s Sterling Silver Plated Knife,
graved, and made to hang, knife holder, Fork and Spoon, in handsome fancy lined
faii -y silver bottom on feet, with gold
box, 50c per set postage 7c.
lined bowl and cut glass drainer. Price $5.

3 Children s Extra Sterling Plated Knife,

Fork and Spoon, set in very handsome
Silver Pickle Cruets plush lined case, $1 ; postage 7c.

No. 1 Fancy Silver Picklo Silver Tableware, Etc.

Cruet, crystal glass bowl, Silver Biscuit Jar and Cover, engraved, $2.
complete with tongs. Silver Pudding Dishes Opal Biscuit Jar, handsomely decorated, with (
silver top and handle, $3.
$1.25. No. 1 Silver Pudding Dish, engraved to
No. 2 Fancy Silver Pickle design, very pretty, $3.75. Fancy Designed Cheese Dish, silver bottom
No. 2 Silver Pudding Dish, fancy embossed anil top, $2.50.
engraved glass
Cruet, crystal glass bowl,
silver bottom on de- and engraved, w
th burnished top, $5.50.
Fancy Glass Water Pitcher, silver top, $3. (KM
sinned feet, with tongs. Silver Pudding Dish, satin l.nish, Silver Celery Dishes, rnby glass bowl, 2.5 )
Individual Salt and Pepper Cruets, 2.0M
Price, $1.50. beautifully engraved pattern, $6.
No. 3 Fancy Silver Pickle Silver Stands, beautifully designed, to
Cruet, ruby glass bowl, Silver hold 2 eggs, gold lined bowls, 2 spoons. $3.50
embossed silver bottom Silver (. ream and Sugar Set, engraved and
on fancy designed feet, Holders embossed, with four spoons, $5.
Silver Bbn-Bon Dish, gold lined bowl, $2.00
complete with tongs, $2. No. Fan c y
1 Silver Card Receiver, engraved design, 2.50
Silver Spoon Silver Bread Tray, beautifully engraved, 2.50
Holder (for Silver Cream Ladle, $1.2.)C postage extra. r>e

12spooBS)and Fancy Silver Sugar Spoon and Butter Knife

sugar bowl in handsome box, per set.$1.50 postage lOc

combined, Silver Cold Meat Fork, engraved $1, post. 5e

$2.7.-). Silver Berry Spoon, embossed pattern, gold
No. 2 S i 1 v e r lined bowl, in fancy box. $2. 25; post. lOc
Spoon Holder Sihcr Sugar Spoons, embossed 75c post. 5c. ;

fancy emboss Silver Sugar Spoons, embossed pattern, with

ed design, gold lined bowl, $1 each postage 5c.

holds 12
spoons, and combined with sugar bowl, $4.
No. 3 New pattern Sugar Bowl and Spoon
Holder, handsomely embossed and en
graved, elegant design, $5.
Silver Table Cruets
No. 1- Silver Table Cruet, silver topped

bottles, revolving, on silver base, hand

some design. Price $- .5(1.
No. 2 Silver Table Cruet, burnished and
embossed bottle rack and hasp, 5 bottles,
etched glass designs, a very nice and
popular pattern of cruet. Price $3.
Silver Fruit Dishes;
No. 1 Silver Berry or Fruit Dish, bur
nished finish, with handsome pink glass Silver Tea Pots, Etc. Silver Tea Spoons
bow and silver handle. Price $2.
1 Silver Tea Pot, very handsome engraved de Solid Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, li
No. 2 Silver Kerry or Fruit Dish, fancy sign, medium size, price $3. handsomely lined box, with division foi

burnished and embossed silver design, Silver Sugar Bowl to match Teapot, $2.50 each spoon, beautifully embossed pattern,
with very handsomely decorated glass Cream Pitcher

and warranted solid silver. Price per boj

Spoon Holder 2.00 only $5 ; postage, 15c.

bowl Price $5. " "



Direct From
We seep a f all line of fancy articles suit
able for presents. When it is possible to
we have added We keep a good
y mail postage.
line of Japanese metal
Photograph Albums tray s, etc. these goods ,

Photo Albums, a splendid with fancy

line are novel and pr
celluloid covers, very durable aud pretty, Postage 5c each.
50c, 75c, SI, $1.50, 82 and $2.50
each. $2.50, 25c.
Travelling Cases, $1.35, $1.50, $2.00, Japanese Metal Match Holders, 15c,
Scrap Albums, 25c, 35c, CQc each. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 each, according
to qual Pen Holders 25c.
of equip
ity of the case and completeness Stamp Boxes, 25c.
ment. Postage 35c extra. Pin Trays, 5c, lOc, loc.
Fancy Pin Cushions, ^oc each ; postage Pin Trays, 25c.
l-!ook Marks, 10, ID, 25c postage 2c. ;
Paper Knives, 15c, 25c.
Fancy Work Basnets (satin lined), 25, 35, Compass Watch Charms, lOc,
Fancy Thimble Holder, 25c postage, 5c. ; Japanese Fancy Toilet Bas
Celluloid Work Boxes, 25c, 50c postage 15c Fancy Pearl Pen Holders, 15c
; postage 2c. ; kets, tine split cane work,
20c Celluloid Pocket Mirrors, 5, 10, 15, 25o round shape, price 2, 5, 10,
" "

75c, $1, $1.50,


25c each, according to size.

Belts and Buckles

Always give waist measure.
m j_ 1 Ladies Leather
Belts, in black,
Fancy Music Rolls, 35, 50, 75c ; postage lOc strong buckle and
keeper, thoroughly
Photo Frames well made, 25c and
Celluloid Glove or Tie Boxes, 25c, 50c, $1,
$1.50, Postage, 25c. Fancy Metal Frames (very 35c each. Post, 5c
Celluloid Handkerchief Boxes, 25c, 50c, $1, pretty), sizes about 1^ x 2 Ladies Black Silk Belts
$1.50. Postage, 25c. inch, 15, 25c. Postage 2c. 2 L adies best
Fancy Metal Frames, sizes 2^
x 4 inches, 35c, 50c. Post quality Black Silk
Celluloid Mani Belts, 2 indies
age 5c.
cure sets, SI. 50, wide, f .

$-J, $2.50 per buckles, 35c each ;

set. Post, 35c. postage

Celluloid Jewel Ladies Ribbon Belts

Cases, 35c, 50c. 3 Ladies Ribbon
75c, $1. Post Holts, wido backs,
age. 35c. pulley buckles, rib
bon ties, blue, pink,
red, cardinal and
black, price 60c all complete ; postage 5c.
Fancy Celluloid or Metal Frames (Cabinet Bead Belts
Ladies Jet
size), 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. Postage 15c
Hand Painted Porcelain Pin Trays, 15c, 25c. 1 Ladies 7
.let Bead
Hand Painted Porcelain Pin Trays, 35c. Eh. very
Hand Painted Porcelain Hair Pin Boxes. popular, jet buck
Hand Painted Porcelain Plaques, 50c. les, Joe, 35c and
fiOe each postage
Fancy Mirrors i tra.

Fancy Mirror Ladies Belt

Shaving Set, in fancy celluloid case (with
out razor) at $1.50, $2, $2.50 each post- great assortment, Buckles
This makes an excei
some with and some
ago 25e. without ti:
1 Fancy Pulley Belt
pretty present for a gentleman, best bevelled
Buckle s, silver or
ia wanted add $1 for our best article. gilt linish, great
Handsome Toilet Cases fancy deci.i-
tiiient, l.">,
each post 3c.
Toilet Cases Prices 25c, 35e
3.">c ;

(comb, brush 75c and si each.

2 Fancy Clasp Belt Bud, f, gilt
ti n1 cil enamel and jet eua i

and mi
Celluloid .Medallions, 15, 35, 50c. LT>, .M>|. ea<-li ; in

Postage 5c. This makes a pretty novelty. S- Bright Steel Bolt Bi i-ach.

Toilet as. Belt Fasteners

tra fine, if2..">(i, Ladies Leather licit Fasten, r.s. with

$3.00, $4.00, pill, either in silver or gilt tinisli, oc, lOc each
$5.00, $7.5U.

Fancy Collar Boxes

Fancy Collar i

50c ; iiiistago Hie.

Fancy Cuff Boxes

50c ; postage lOc.

Fancy Collar and

Cuff Boxes com Fancy Bisque Ornaments, Ladies Leather Shopping Bags, 25c,
in great variety 3{)v,

bined, $1.50, $2, price lOc, 15c, 2c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1
50c, 75c, $1. Postage lOc.
each. These figures are ornamental and Corded Shopping Bags, -.">.

$2.5n. Post, 15c.

all beautifully finished. Postage


Leather Boots
To catalogue the postage required on shoes, we are compelled to average the Sizes 6 to 11.
postage for the different sizes of shoes. The values in our shoe department an- most Leather } length
s Split

excellent, and the quality of the goods are boot, pegged soles, solid
tke best we can obtain. In ladies line s Solid Men splendid boot, $1.50.
button and lace shoes we 50 Men s
Split Leather Long
are very strong, and the Comfort Shoes Boots, good length of
leg and
same can be said of our a good wearing boot, $2.
men s fine shoes. Order by Sizes 6 to 11. Post
number, being age 38c. 51-Men s Split Leather
careful to always give size. Long Boots, extra

31 Men s Fine Buff heavy soles. This is

Lace Shoes.
s Men Heavy very
wide toes, sol id com
a splendid wearing
satisfactory split leather boot, $2.50.
Working fort shoe, $1.75. 52 Boys Long Boots, sizes 1 to 5. best split
Boots 35 Men leather, long legs, solid soles, reliable, $2
Dongola Kid Lace Shoes, very
wide toes, extra soft
Sizes 6 to 11.
fort, $2.25.
uppers for solid coai- Men s Grain Leather Long Boots
Average postage, 50c per pair. 53 Men s Oil Grain Leather
No. 21 Men s Heavy Split Leather Laee Long Boots,
solid counters, good heavy soles. This
Hoots, pegged soles, bellows tongue to
uiiter and dirt out, $1.
Men s boot we thoroughly recommend. "

son "

oil grain boots, price 3.

22 Jlen s Heavy Split, Top Grangers, laced, Gaiter 54 Men s Very Best Solid Oil Grain Long
(egged soles, bellows tongue, good for Leather Boots, best heavy extended double
rough wear, $1. Shoes thick soles, solid leatl er counters, heavy
23 Men s Heavy Kip Top Grangers, laeed,
heels, very choice oil grain uppers, thor
pegged soles, bellows tongue, quality j>es1
Sizes 6 to 10. oughly well made in every particular and
heavy boots, $1.25, Postage 40c extra as near absolutely
waterproof as a long
leather hoot can be made; sizes 6 to 11.
Men s 36 Men s Heavy Split Leather Gaiter Shoes, Price for the best long boot made, includ
seamless fronts, pegged soles, $1. ing a box of waterproof paste for further
Laced 37 Men s Huff Gaiters, standard screw soles, use, only $4 per pair.
good medium weight shoe, $1.25.
Shoes Men s Fine Dongola Kid Gaiters, stylish
38 s Long Felt Boots Men
shape, extra good goods, $-2. Sizes 6 to 11.
Sizes 6 to 10. 30 Men s Fine Box Calf Gaiters, very latest
55 Men s Long Felt Boots, foxed to halj
Average postage, shape, Goodyear welt soles, best goods
made, $3 per pair. length with heavy leather, so id heavy
40e extra. soles, reinforced pulls, a warm comfortable
s winter chorring boot. $2. Men
24 Men s Buff Leather Lace Shoes, medium 56 Men s Four Buckle Felt Boots, foxed
or round tore, look very neat, extra good Solid Comfort with best split leather, easy to dry, $2.
value, $1.25. 57 Men s Four Buckle Felt Boots, foxed
25 Men s Fine Buff Laee Shoe", medium or Gaiters with best oiled grain leather, very warm,
round toes, very stylish shoe, $1.50. good to wear and easy dried. $2.2?.
26 Men s Fine Dongola Lace Shoes, very Sizes 6 to 10. Post38e 58 Men s
Long Telescope Felt Boots, split
fine goods, latest shape, good litters, leather to top, felts to pull out, $2.50.
medium or round toe, $2. 40 Old men s Fine Men
59 s Long Telescope Felt Boots, best oil
27 Men s Tan Colored Lace Shoes, neat Dongola Kid Gaiters, grain leather to top, le ts to pull out, $2.75
shape, medium toes, an up-to-date .*
very wide toes, solid
28 Men s Box Calf Lace Shoe, new bull dog comfort, soft shoe, $2
toes, Goodyear welt (same as hand
sewed i, $2.50.
29 Men s Best Box Calf Lace Shoes, new
Goodyear welt soles, very dressy, $3.
30 Men s Fine Itougola Kid Lace Shoes,
extra fine quality leather. Goodyear welt
soles, splendid wearers, $.3.
31 Men s Dongola Kid Lace Shoes,
kid lined, Goodyear welt soles. Thismakes
an excellent men s tine winter shoe, $3.50. Men s Oxfords or Low Shoes
32 Men s Tan and Chocolate Calf Skin Lace Men s Sporting Shoes Sizes 6 to 11. Postage 25o extra.
shoes, very newest goods made, Goodyear Postage 30c.
wch Men Tan
Bicycle Lace Shoes, $1.60.
60 Men s Fine Buff Low Shoes, turned soles,
soles, very stylish, splendid to wear, $3 41 s
42 Boys ditto, sizes 1 to 5, $1.40.
medium shape toes, $1.
Men s Hero Shoes 43 Men s Tan Hockey Lace Shoes, with 61 Men s Fine Dongola Low Shoes, turned
soles, medium or pointed toes. $1.25.
Postage 50c. strap over instep, sizes 6 to 10. $2.
44 Ii2- Men s Patent Leather Low Shoes, turned
33 This shoe is made expressly Boys ditto, sizes 1 to 5, $].,~iO.
for policemen, firemen juid let soles, medium or pointed toes, stylish, $1.50
ter carriers, but is an ideal
shoe for any person requiring
a heavy well made article. It
has heavy thick extension
soles (standard screw) as pic
tured, good heels, uppers arc
made of goodCascoe calf, wide
toes. Agood looking and a 46
45 Child
Running Shoes, 6 to 10, pair 40c Men s House Slippers
12, 13 45c
" "

splendid wearing common 47 Boys
" " "

Sizes 6 to 11. Postage 20c extra.
sense shoe. Sizes 6 to 11. 48 Men s " "


60c 03 Men s Carpet Slippers, pewed soles, 35c

Carpet Slippers, V her foxed, 6-
Price &2.5U per pair. Postage on a pair of running shoes is 18c. 64 Men s

Women s Lace
Youths" Lace Shoes
Sizes 11, 12, 13. Postage 25c. Sizes 2| to 7 ; postage 25c
80-Yonth sSplitLeather 96 Women s
split leather
La. CM! Shoes, a good lace shoes, pegged soles,
55 MenSplit Leather Slippers, strongly
s SOc.
strong and cheap shoe,
made, good for stepping out in, BOc. onlv 75e. 97 Women s glove grain
?6 Men s Fine D&ngola Kid Slippers, soft leather lace shoes, stan
81 Youths Soli d
and easy, 75c. Leather Laced Shoes, dard screw soles, soft
grand value, $1
reliable stoek and upper",

98 Women s whole stock kip laced shoes,

good to wear, $1.
82 Youth s Fine Box Calf and Dongola Kid heavy and hard to wear out, $1.50.
Lace Shoes,new shape toes, and dressy $1.25 99 Old ladies dongola kid lace shoes, com
83 Youth s Tan Color Laced Shoes, neat, mon sense width and very comfortable, $1.50
stylish, $1.25. 100 Old ladies very fine dongola kid lace
ILitUe Gent s shoes, plain wii e toe, common sense shoe,
6V Men s Fancy Worked (velvet or canvas)
House Slippers, patent leather backs, 75c very soft and easy, $2.
Sizes 8 to 10J. Postage 20o
gg Men s Fancy Worked Velvet Slippers, 84 Little Gent "
" Ladies Fine JLaee &&oes
with tan leather backs, $1. Lace Shoes, very best oil 101 Women s oil

pebble leather, spring pebble laced skat

heels, neat shape loes, ing shoes, stand
a sp endid little shoe to ard screw soles.
wear, $1.
This makes
splendid winter
85 Boys Little Gent" Box Calf Leather

wearing shoe for

69 Men s Black or Chocolate Leather House Lace Shoes, spring heels, best wearing, women, $1.25.
Slippers, very soft and easy and good consequently cheapest shoe to buy for
wearing, $1.50. boys wearing shoes from size 8 to 10^, $1.25 102 Ladies oil peb
70 Men s Black or
Women s ble laced skating
Chocolate "Romeo"
shoes, very latest
Slipper, with best
Button Shoes shape toes, self
elastic sides, very Sizes 2i to 7. Post 25c. tippfd, foxed standard s -r-.-w soles, $1.50.
flexible hand turned 86 Women s Heavy 103 Ladies Dons ola Kid Lace Shoes, very
soles, very easy to Glove Grain Leather neat shape toes, 1 25. .

wear, fits
snug, pair Button Shoes, good for 104 L ulies Very Fine Dongola Kid Lace
$2.00. rough wear, $1. Shoes, neat stylish shape toes, kid toe
87 Women s Grain caps, extension soles, grand value, $1.50.
Leather Button Shoes, 105 Ladies Fin- Kid Lace Shoes,
self toe caps, a good made on wide E last to fit wide feet,?
wearing boot, $1.25. very comfortable neat looking shoe, $2.
88 Women s Dongola Kid Button Shoes, 106 Ladies fine Dongola Kid Lace Shoes,
shane, $1.2.1. toes, extension soles, kid caps.
89 Women s Dongola Kid Button Shoes, very stylish, $2.
71 Men s German Felt Slippers, with heavy ex elision soles, ne;n
I 107 Ladies Chocolate Dongohv Kid
thick felt sole., very warm indeed, 30c. a splendid shoe for tlie mi Shoes, very latest ;i and
72 Men s Fine German Felt Slippers, with

ible and warm, 45c

90 Women s Fine Dongola Button K>d
thick IV.
Shoes, made on wide E last, kid tr La Fine Dongola Ki

108 y >

73 M: ine IVH Slippers, thick and


will tit very wide foot looks neat.

snle-, her covered, llexible, comfortable,

Sizes 24 to 8, soli
durable and warm, 60c. 109 !.: vi -i kid lace shoes,
Men s Felt Gaiters Women s Goodyear welt and ."

Sizes 6 to 11. Postage 35c. Common Sense best goods made, $3.
74 Felt Shoes Ladies F*
Gail IV i t 1:
to 8 postage 25c
-iie ;
Lace Shoes
. Women s I)
Kid Buti in Sizes 3 to 8. Postage 30c.
price $1. cpiiu" wide
$1.50. 110 Ladies felt
75 Men s Finest 92 W
English Fur Felt Dongola Kid Butto-i wi t h 1 eat :

Shoes, best hnb gore elastic sides, red felt Shoes, common >
;i shoe that food widd fitting
lined from toe to top, good heavy J i, $2. shoe, very -warm and looks ueat, $1.35.
soles and heels, a splendid shoe, $1.50
I Women s Fine Ladies Felt
Boys ,ace Shoes Shoes Button Shoes
Sizes 1 to 5. Postage 30c extra.
Sizes JJ to 7; :: to 8. Postage SOc.
76 Boys Heavy Split

Leather Lace Shoes, in-i- 93 V Ill Ladi".-, Felt Button

lows tongue, 1o keep Dongola Kid .lint- s, very 11.

water and dirt (: ton Sh slin.

77 Boys Fine Buff Luce i.vlish flexible and
Shoes, a very neut good up-to-date sli-

shoe, $1.25. 01 - - Women s Fine We are offering big inducements to bring

78 Boys Fine Buff Lace Dongoln Kid Button Shoes, kid to out large general orders for all goods in
Shoe s, new tors, vcr% tpe toe,
(ioodveav welt sole, t2..VI thin catalogue. Seeth^: eo .er [

neat and a iine shoe,$1.5( 95 Women s Fine I Kid Button Shoes.

discounts. (Inr goods are all of the !

79 Boys Tan Color Lace Shoes, new shape Goodyear wt-lt. si-les. One of the market s class as regards quality, and any orders yoi.
toes, neat and dressy, $1.50. finest shoes, $3. trust to ns will be promptly filled.
Ladies Gaiters Women s Infants Shoes
Size 5 to 7-J. Post 10-
Sizes 3 to 8. Postage 30c
157 Infants
Slippers dougon|
112 Ladies felt j
kid button shoefl
neat toes, tliie. Size 2-J to 7. turn soles, 50c.
113 Ladies prunella Postage 15c. 158 Infants doiigolH
gaiters, patent leather 133 Women kid button -
s Dongoia kid blippers, one
caps, 60c. kid toe caps, neat shape, 75c.
shape toes, Soe. strap, neat
114 Ladies finest quality prunella Baiters, 134 Women s Doiigola kid one strap slip 159 Infants dongola kid button shoes.,
very neat and comfortable, $1. black or chocolate, very finely fiuishej
pers, turnsoles, very stylish,
115 Ladies i clt gaiter shoes, lined from toe 135 Women s fine vici kid one strap slip- nobby little shoe, 90c.
to top, very warm and eoniiortublc, $1.25. 160 Infants oil pebble button shoes,
pers, turn soles, $1.25. kiflj
116 Ladies felt gaiters, foxed with leather, 136 Women s common sense strap slippers, toe caps, a splendid wearer, 75c.
warm lined, $1.35. turn soles, good wearing and comfort- Babies Shoes
117 Ladies glove grain leather gaiters, med- able, $1.25.
inm heavy Sizes 1 to 5.
Postage 8c.
uppers, will stay soft and pli
able, solid soles, $1 2~>.
161 Babies fine dongol;
118 Ladies fine dougola kid gaiters, $1.25 shoes, black or chocolate,,
soft soles, 50c.
Women s 162 Babies fine dongola kid button shoes,
House black or chocolate, coin or medium toesj
Slippers turn soles, 75c.
Sizes 3 to 7; post. 20c Misses
119 Women s tweed slippers, sewed soles, 15c
Women s liow Shoes
Sizes 2 to 7. Postage 25c. Strap Slippers*

carpet "
137 Women s milk-maid low shoes, pegged
Boys or Girls

121 -SK- Sizes 11 to 2.

soles, heavy goods, 75c.
122 Women s split leather slipper*, -silid 138 Women s India kid low shoes, neat Postage lOc.
soles,good to wear, 4(K,
toes and toe caps, 75c. 163 Misses dongola kid one strap slipperaJ
128 Women s German felt house slippers, 13!i Women s Dongoia kid low shoes, wide kid toe caps, regular heels, 90c.
with very thick felt soles, 25c. 164 Misses dongola kid
toe, very sensible shape, 85c. strap slipperSjJ
124 Misses or Hoys German felt slippers, 140 Women s Djugola kid low shoes, turn black, chocolate, or patent leather, best
sixes 11 to 2. 20c.
soles, neat, $1. quality, spring heels, $1.25.
125 Children s German felt slippers, sixes 7 141 Women s Dongoia kid low shoes, kid
to 10, 15c. Child s Strap Slippers, ete.
toe caps and heel facing, turn soles, extra
12u Women s felt house slippers, thick felt Sizes 8 to 10|. Postage lOc.
leather covered soles, warm iiud easy. .Vx- good value, $1.25. 165 Child s tan laced Oxford shoes, turni
142 Women s best Dongoia kid low shoes,

127 Women s very liuest German felt house common sense toe, turn soles, soft and Kit?soles,
neat toes, 65c.
slippers, \vithleathersoles, very ilexihle, 4,V
Child s black dongola kid laced lo\il
easy, $1.50.
shoes, beautiful goods 75c.
128 Women s Misses Button
167 Child s chocolate dozigela kid laced loiM
fancy French Shoes shoes, 85c.
felt slippers, 168 Child s blaik kid one strap slippers, 65M
Sizes 11 to 2
postage 25c.
fancy headed Hi!)
Child s dongola kid strap slippers,
143 Misses oil gram leather
vamps, thick black, chocolate or patent leather, springn
felt soles. !]e;,t.
button fhoe, with heel or
with spring heel, $1. heels, $1.
stylish nd dur
able, 85c. 144 Misses oil grain leather 170 Infants fine ki
129 Ladies English fnr felt house slippers, button shoe, heel or spring one strap slippers,
elastic fronts, leather soles, 50c. heel, warranted, $1.25. with spring heels,
145 Misses fine Dougola kid button shoes, 50c a pair.
171 Infants fine kid low lace shoes, black
neat, either with heel or spring heel, $1.25
or chocolate, kid toe caps, spring neels, 75c
Vomen Misses Laced Shoes
s English Shoe I^aces, Etc.
e shoes, Sizes 11 to
2. Postage 25c extra. Common leather shoe laces, 2 pairs for 5c
;ion trim fur 146 Misses heavy split leather laced shoes, Fiat cotton 2 5c
" " "

ming, sizes 3 to 8, a with pegged soles, 80c. Hound cotton 3 " " "

i.u table house 147 Misses whole kip leather laced shoes, Men s or women s cork insoles, pr. 10c;post. 3ti
Clipper shoe, $1. good heavy wearing shoes, $1.25.

Men s fleece slipper soles 35c pail

148 Misses oil pebble lace shoes, heavy Ladies "

15c and 25ci "

soles, f?!. 25.

Misses 15c and 20ci
" " "

Ladies Juliet House Shoes 14!) Misses fine dongola kid lace shoes, Child s" 12c and 18
" "

i- or spring heels, SI. 25,

Sizes 2J to 7. Postage 25c. Note Our fleece soles are splendid sampleW
150 Misses very line dongola kid lace shoes. of that line of goods, Postage, pair
spring heel or heel, stylish, $1.50. Xew York liquid black shoe polish . lOd
131 Ladies Kngli.-]! Child s Shoes Gilt edge " " "

fur felt or quilted Whittemore s


Tan Polish 20^

Sizes 8 to 10. Postage 20c

pattern, fur

tan polish 10CJ

leather soles 151 Child s split leather
bound, ladies" Overgaiters
and heels, wool lined, iaee slio.-i, SOe.
152 Child s grain leati er Sizes 3 to 7. Post 6 to 12c.
button shoes, good wearing 172 Ladies 7 Button FeB
Ovcrgaitcrs, 25c.
153 Child s best quality grain leather but 173 Ladies best. 7 button;
ton shoes, standard screw coles, neat toes, Felt Ovirgni ;::
132 Ladies black Don
extra good value, SI. tine, 5(lc.
gola kid "Juliet"
154 Child s line dongola kid button or lace 174 Ladies 10 Button
house slipper, with
shoes, SI. Felt Overgaiters. 40. .
elastic sides, turn
155 Child s extra fine dongola kid button 175 Ladies 10 Button.
s, $1.75.
or lace shoes, extension soles, neat, $1.25 FeltOvergaiters. lim-.tiSc
I"; Child chocolate dongola kid button
s 176 Ladies Button Felt Overgaiteix lull
i hoes, neat new shape, $1. knee length, t>5c.
Ladies Leggings Etc. Felt and 192 One-Ruckle Rubbers-
177 Ladies Jersey Fleece Lined Arctic Socks Men sizes 6 to 11, price $1.35; post 50o
Button Leggings, come above Boys 1 to 5,

4Co " "

1 Best Hnavy , $1.10;

the knee, $1. Youths "

11 to 13, " "

Thick Felt Socks, ,
178 Ladies Jersey Fleece Lined
Button very best
fullheight of leg, Men s Buekle Overshoes
for rubbers moc-
quality, neat and warm, $1.25 193 Men s heavy One-Buckle Overshoes,
179 Misses J"rsey Fleece Lined Oasius or tele- red flannel lined, best quality rubber,
Button Leanings, come above Ccope boots, sices sizes 6 to 13. Price $1.50 ; postage 40c.
the knees, sizes 11 to 2, 8.">e.
6 to 11, 50c pr. 194 Men s heavy One-Buckle Overshoes,
180 Child s Jersey Fleece Lined Postage 18c. .snow excluder, red lined, etc, $1.65; post 40c
Button Lejifjinjr", come above 2 Men s Heavy Knitted Socks, good stock, 195 Men s Fine One-Buckle Jersey Arctic
the knees, sizes 7 to 10, 75c. full length, 50c ; postage 12c. Overshoes, n safest over shoe made, sizes 6
3 Men s Heavy Knit Socks, full length, to 12. Price $1.75.
Boys Overgaiters, Leggings with heavy warm lined feet, per pair 19ti Men s Heavy Two Buckle Overshoe,
181- -Boys Leather Button Over- 75e postage ]5c. ; high cut snow excluder, full lined, $2.45,
gaiters, felt lined, with 3 buck 4 Men s Heavy Knit Socks, full length, Boys Overshoes
les above the knee, for boys from heavy warm lined from toe to top, splendid
3 to 8 years old, sizes 7 to 10, comfortable goods, pair $1, postage 18c.
197 Boys Ons Buckle Overshoes, red flan
nel lined, sizes 1 to 5, price $1.35 ; post. 40c
$1.2.3 postage 15c.
182 Boys Corduroy Button Leg Rubber Hip Ladies
gings, with 3 buckles above the Boots Overshoes
knee, sizes 8 to 10, 75c. 198 Ladies Jersey
183 Men s Rubber Hip Button Overs
Best Boots, coming up red fleece lined,
Buckskin to hip, 6 to 11,
waterproof tops,
Moccasins very quality sizes 2| to 8, $1.65
rubber, heavy thick 199 Ladies 1 ,

solid rubber solesand

Best Indian Dressed Jersey Button
Buckskin, smoke tun heels, reinforced
round rubber pulls, price per pair So. Overshoes, waterproof tops, lined, $2.
ned, specially well legs, 200-Misses Felt Overshoes, 11 to 2, 81.35,
made. Givo length Postage $1.25 per pair. 201-Children a "

7tolO, 1.10.
required in inches.
Postage 15c pair. Rubber Boots
184 Heavy Rubber Boots,
Infants Buckskin Moccasins, 5-J inches, $0 50
very best quality, heavy
Children s "

6 " "

75 solid rubber heels and

Bovs "

7| 1
" "

00 soles.
Ladies "


25 Men s sizes, 6 to 11, $3.50

Men s best "

8 to 12 in. 1

1 to 2.75
Youths "

to 13, 2.25
Alaska Storm Overshoes
Tostagi! $1, 75c and 5Cc 202 Ladies Jersey Alaska pattern Storm
extra, Overshoes, very tine, 7, price >

$1,25; postage i"ie.

Ladies Rubber Boots 203 Men s Fine, Alaska Storni Overs]

185 Ladies Fleece Lined Long Rubber lined. Jersey uppers, .sixes ti to 11, .7!

Boots, with pebble rubber tops, coming postage. 2dc.

All overshoes and rubbers should
np to knee, a sensible snow-weather boot, >"citi

sizes 2i to 6, price $2.15 ; postage 75c. always be ordered at least: one size la:
Wi Misses ditto, 11 to 2, price $1.75; post 50c than the shoes they are to cover.
Beet hide Moccasin Shoes, well 187 Girls and Little Boys ditto, sizes 7 to
sewn with w,.ixhemp, and strengthened with 10, $1.50; postage 40c.
Tiiey are splendid for Manitoba and Men s 2 Buckle Rubbers
Kortlr They lire oil tanned, hair 188 Lumberman s
nd waterproof to a ^reut extent, well
extra heavy two
shaped anil roomy in width. V buckle Rubbers, s Men and Boys Rubbers
ur men, viz. Nos. 6, 7.
first quality 204 Men s Fine Rubbers, either wide or coir
and 12. All are (lie- same price, viz., $2 per extra to H,
i ( r;i. goods, ;_;e 1-J.

heavy hei 205 Men s F.xtra Fine. Rubbers.

JLoiig Moccasin Boots-- Made, of

thitk soles, high toes, best rubber made, sizes 6 to 1], price
tanned T.eefhide with the Lair in-

side. well shaped, well stilched and \, uppers, snow

and it kept, well oiled are \\ateiprdoftoa excluders, 2 strong patent steel buckles, "c; post lOc
dl lei; about Hunches. 8 6 to 11, price $2.25 ; postage, tide. ioutus 1 "

18!l Lumberman s heavy two-bucklo Uub-
in slock Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ami 12.
Price $2.50 pair. Postage 45c extra.
bers, heavy soles with low heels, sizes (j Ladies
to 11. Price $1.95 ; postage 50c. Rubbers
Men s I Buckle Rubbers
Sizes 2 to 8.
190 Men s heavy d
t, 10,.
one-biicldu rub-
208 Ladies Fine Rubbers, coin or wid*
ber sboe,,
excluders, with 1. allies Fine Riilibcrs, wool lined, 55c.

high Kxt.ra Fiuo Kubbeis, very

fronts, 60o.
Wool Sock Feet For wearing in sole edged. Sixes
side of leather or rubber boo
Ion;; 6toll. Price$1.65; postage 1.. There is a lot nt in thia
Used a.i hospital or bedroom slippers, made 1!U Lumberman s one-buckle Knbher8,witb eai:i!df, ue, and you can t al ord to miss one t

of best knitted wnol, very warm and very snow excluding waterproof cloth tops, line of it. Study every page from cover to
comfortable. Price 25c pair, postage 5c heavy soles, sizes G to 1 1 Price $2 post 50o cover.

ladies Leather Flat Top Trunks

High Cut Gladstone Bags No. 46-Flat Top Trunk,
Rubbers Russet Leather Glad waterproof brown,
canvas covered, iron
stone Bags, good straps,
Sizes 2i to 7.
strong trimmings, lock
bottom, steel clamps
Postage 12c. and corners, wood
and key.
211 Ladies high cut Rubbers, 55c. strapped sides and
212 Ladies very fine high cut Rubbers, 65c top, with deep tray.
Split Leather. Whole Leather.
213 " " " "

lined, 80c 18 inch 2 50 18 inch $4 25 28

inch Trunk, $3 00 32 inch Trunk, $3 50
20 3 00 20 4 60 30
Misses and
" "


3 25 "

34 "

3 75 "

22 "

3 50 22 "

4 95
36 "

4 00 "

24 ". . 4 00 2.4

5 30
Children s
Imitation Leather Gladstone Bags Improved Flat Top Trunk
Made in appearance and pattern like No. 700-Flat Top Trunk,
russet pebbled leather, complete with strong
waterproof can vas cov
214 Misses Fine Rubbers, heels or spring straps, brass plated lok, etc. ered, brass plated steel
heels, sizes 11 to 2. Piice 4oc pest, lOc. Im. Leather Gladstone Bag, 20 inch $2.00
clamps and with extra
215 Misses Storm Rubbers, heels or spring 22 2.25 " " " " "

heavy corners, heavy

heels. 45c, Postage 12c. 24 2.50 " " " " "

10 inch
steel strap
216 Children s Fine Rubbers, sizes G to 10|. hinges, iron bottom
Price 35c postage 8c. with wood centre strap
JVress Suit Cases

Cardigan Overshoes on bottom, steel casters, new spring lock,

217 Ladies Cardigan Overshoes, rubbers Gentlemen s Dress Suit very deep tray with double lid.
30 inch Trunk, $5 00 34 inch
with long lied, to pull over
at.ta< Cases, $4, 5.50, 6.75. Trnnk, $6 00

32 "

5 50 36

50 " "

the Vnees, sizes2| to7, price$1.35 poptSoo ;


218 Misses ditto, "sizes 11 to 12, price $1.20, Ladies Flat Top Trunks
postage 13c. No. 660 Ladies Flat
219 Children s ditto, sizes 6 to 10, price
$1.10 ; postage lOc.
Top Special Trunk,
waterproof canvas
Valise Strops, with snaps, for putting over
covered, two full
VALISES AND TRUNKS shoulder and carrying valises with, 25c. length inside trays
Trunk Straps, 7 feet log, 35c 8 feet, 40c ;
(the top one has
Black Square Valises Japanned Leather Address Tags double cover), long
frame, inside division, lock and key, black for trunks, etc., lOcaiid
steel strap corners,
oiled canvas, in imitation of leather. 15c each postage 3c
steel protectors on
14 inch extra.
45c edges, with enamelled steel binding, heavy
16 "

....50c Marbleized Oral Top Trunk irom bottom, spring lock.

18 No, 1 4 Oval Top.Trunk, 30 inch
60c Trunk, $5 50 34 inch Trnnk, $6 50

20 inch 70c marbleizcd iron covered 32 6 00 S6 7 00 " " " "

22 "

M)c with tray, lock, etc.

No. 800 Special Flat
24 "

90o 23 inch Trunk. ...$1.25

30 1.80 " Top Trunk, one of the

best trunks made,

32 2.10 " "

Telescope leather bound and

34 2.40 " "

linen lined, "with two

30 .... 2.70 " "

Valises heavy leather trunk

Improved Oval Top Trunk straps, brass plated
Strong, very No. 74 Oval Top Trunk, spring lock, 2 keys,
handy and roomy, inarbk ized iron cov- heavy iron bottom,
and with, si c creil. witli strong iron two inside full length trays, one with,
14 inch 22 inch 85 bottom, metallic strap double lidc. Onr best trunk.
16 "
EOc 24 "

1 00 hinges, improved 32 inch Trunk, $9 00 34 inch Trunk, $10 50 >ock,

18 "
65c 26 .

. 1 15 with deep tray, etc. 36 12 00 " "

20 "
7oc 28 inch trunk. ... .-$2.75
30 inch Trunk- .$3.00 34 inch Trunk.. $3. 50 I Steamer Trunks
CLFR BAGS 32 .. 3.25

36 "
.. 3.75 No. 49

Steamer Trunk, broad and shallow,


Imitation Leather. Saratoga Model Trunk

14 ini-lies deep, so as to go under steamer
No. 34 Oval Top Trunk, fancy marbleized, berth, waterproof canvas covered, light
12 inch, each 70c iron covered, iron bottom, with casters, and strong, full length inside tray, partly
It " "

80c new improved lock, metallic strap hinges, covered, and with linen bottom.
16 " "

..90c usual tray in tin- and compartment in 32 inch Trunk.. $4.00 34 inch Trunk.. $4.50 |

the lid. This is Koine deeper an 1 stronger 36 inch Trunk $.


than onr line of No. 74 trunks.

28 inch Trunk. .$3.50 32 inch Trunk .$4.00
3.75 34 4.25
Doing a cash business means much. It
" "

3n " "
means that \ve can name lower prices than
36 inch Trunk $4.50 those who se on credit. The merchant who 1

Oval Saratoga Top does a. strictly cash business, and does it

No. 601 Oval Top Sara
right in other respects, has a very great
toga Trunk, heavy
well bound advantage over those who accept I O U s.
iron bottom, casters.
Real leather Bags embossed metallic
Real Leather Club Bags, japanned frame, double Silverware, Fan y Goods or
russet colored leather, imitation leather hasped spring lock, other Wedding Presents
pood lock and key. metallic strap hinges, If you wish to send your friend a present,
Split Leather. Whole Leather. ordinary tray, and lion from our stock, we will glaaly
12 inch $1 25 12 inch *2 00 lid compartment, a well finished article, send it direct from here. In such cases wo
14 "

1 40 14 2 25 "

strongest oval top trunk manufactured. will, with pleasure, enclose a curd stating
16 "

1 65 16 2 50 "

30 in. h Trunk. $3.75 34 inch Trunk. .$4.25 who it is from, and if you send sufficient
18 1 90 18 ". 2 75 32 money we can prepay the charges for you.


. 4.00 36 "

.. 4.50
" "

Bedroom Papers Butter

Here again we are very strong The .
choicest new designs for bedn oms are here.
Best English
Gilts and g immers in white, blue, pink and Butter Scotch
cream colored grounds, making complete and Taffy, each
very attractive combinations of wall, ceiling square
mil borders, all in the best taste. Bedroom wrapped, all in
wall and ceiling papers at 5, G, 8, 10 and 12^c :x neat card candy package containing about
5c per dozen
per single roll. Borders to match at 2, 2i, i, 17 squares, price per package ;

4 and 5c per yard. packages 50c per 100 packages, $3.50. This ;

makes a great Xma.s tree or entertainment

Ingrain Papers package of sweets for children.
All Ingrain Papers are 30 inches -vide.
Colors are terracotta, greens, crimson, blues, Assorted Taffies
pink, creams and straw color. All colors of Just like your mother used to make. Sold
Ingrain Papers are 15c per single roll, in any quality, neatly boxed, in any of the
the crimson, whicn is 25c per single roll. following flavors, all at lOc per Ib.
Beautiful Ceiling Papers, 18 inches wide, Strawberry. Lemon. Butter Scotch. I

to match any color of Ingrain Wall Paper Peanut. Cocoanut. Chocolate.

WALL PAPER DEPARTMENT are 2.~: per single roll. AVintergreen. Vanilla. |

Onr stock includes the choicest patterns Borders to match any Ingrain Papers are
of both Canadian and American manufacture. per yard f r the 18 inch, and 5c per Oar Best Caddies
We do not handle any cheap grades of wall yard for the 9 inch borders, The following list of sweets represent the
paper. We do Iiigiain Papers may be used, with good choicest of their several kinds.
not think it pays any one to Each pound
waste their time putting it on a wall, for taste, in any room in the house. is in a neat card candy box, and all guaran
the sake of saving say 20c on a room, henco RoomMouldings teed absolutely fresh. Price per Ib.
wo avoid all 3c and 4c papers. The higher We stock a very extensive assortment of Fancy Buttercups, 15c Pure Rock Candy, 20o
the ] you pay per roll for wall paper, just
Room or Picture Mouldings, in the newest Peanut Brittle _.20e Peppermint Loz-
BO much better satisfaction you will receive, Prices, Chocolate Drops .15c 15o
colorings to match all wall papers. engers
How to Measure a Room 2|, 3, 4 and 5c per foot, according to width. Chocolate
Dates. I ic Cough Drops 25c

A For price of moulding hooks see Hardware. Lady Caramels .. .20c Acid Drops
single roll of paper yards long, is 7-J-
Cream Almonds . 20c Aniseed Balls 25c .
roll 15 yards long, both 18 inches
a double Cream Dates 20e Musk Lozengers. .40c
wide. Ingrain papers are same length, bat THE CANDY DEPARTMENT Cream Walnuts Rose ..4(lc . .2.~>c

30 inches wide. Mixed Pearls 40c

This is one of the most active departments Chocolate Creams,
2. "ic . . .

To find the number of single rolls required,

Chocolate Alm
multiply the distance an mud the room by in this great warehouse. Hence you may Maple Cream Wal
nuts 25c onds 40c
the height, taking out 20 sq. feet for each look lor and expect fresh goods only. Below
door and window, then divide by 30 to find we ouly catalogue those varieties which will Fancy Creams Boxed
the number of single rolls required. For carry long dislam es, if necessary, and open Choicest Fancy Cream Candies and C;- ml ied
width nice on arrival, We make a of
Fruits, assorted and hund laid in handsome
ceilings multiply length by up specialty
divide by 30 in same way. . supplying candies in bulk or in pails, in fancy candy boxes, with tongs. Price per
For ingrain papers (30 inches wide) divide suitable for children s entcrtain-
piantities box, 25c, 35c and oOc each.
or Christmas parties,
by tl (instead of 30) to arrive at number

of llalhiUi u i

single rolls required. Sunday Schools, etc. Nuts and Layer Raisins.
All papers are. sold at so mush per single Imported Knts, crop Choice Canadian.
roll, but are put up
in double rolls bo as to >f 1900 Nuts-
cut to better advantage. Almonds. Ib loc Walnuts, per quart 5c
We not send simples of Wall Papers,
<lo Walr.n Butternuts 5o "

as small pieces cannot give, any good idea of Filberts, loc ll> Hickory Nuts .... 5c
how ;i room will look when linished. When ] .r;./.il Nuts. Ib... lor Chestnuts lOc
ordi Tii paper always state what room the
:- ,"
ed Peiinui Mixed Caua.Uan. . .-"ic

paper i-s wanted for, giving the price lloyal Mixed Mixed Imported. .lac
our wall paper d. p
paper as a guide, and T hard bulled mixed candies,
e best of all Layer Raisins. No. 1, per Ib ISc ;
chcv ,.

ment clerks will select the very best. selected, per Ib L ic. .

Uncut, price 8c a Ib, or in 10 10

Parlor and Diuiiig Rooms lots or more, 7c per Ib. Prize Pop Corn
We make, a specialty of pa pers for these
Mauley Creams Best Quality Candied Top Coin in ,

rooms. The designs are lloral c"r

This the greatest candy
is , h .

tioual newest, colorings, making

in all the. we have ever eat U.,o.
for the pi ii i-
veiy best, prize in each, tic i
; Ii |.>r

complete combinations of wall, bonier

,ng papers, all ill good taste.
The. prices
otTeri d. It consists of choice

pure cream andies and gum -

Chewing Gums
of wall and eeiling papers am 8, 10, 12A, 15

No. 1_" Florida Fruit

Ol a very high grade,
Chewing (iiini, per
and -Jic, p-r single roll. Tho 18 inch borders lly manufactured
for pad-age, Ii .-r -Cc. .Maker, premium ;"; i

(i, 7, Sand lOc per yard.

The coupon around cac

us, and is our mosl popular


3, 4, 5 and 7c per yd.


1) inch binders are 2J,

evi rj-day s\\. el at tie Pepsin Chewing (.Jinn. ;

Hall Papers Price lOc a 10 Ib lots Jiic ot ti

packagi s for -~<c,

counter. M>
; ;

3_" Kola lirops"

mi), ]ier pack <

Afnll .-".sortment of the most popular de $3 for pail of about 34 Ibs.

age, :V for
signs for halls in glimmers and gilts,
Sugared Gum Drops I


I Chew ing ( Him package .

suitable Colorings in crimson, gre.

Another leader of ours, and a popular
5c l for .
creams. \Vall and eeiling papers, ;

Loth old and young a

Tho 18 randy with all perbODS, slicks wrapped ill
10, 12i, 15 and 20c per single roll. as WH do, we
mvhasiti" by Urge contract,

inch borders to match are ti. 7, 8 and


offer you a better gum drop,


yurd. The 9 inch borders, 2$, 3, 4 and 5c. otlered for the

A $3 Razor
by a long way than is usually
Kitchen Papers
same money elsewhere. Price ]0c a Ib for ?1. This
Kitchen Papers, floral and block d 1() p, -2 Hi for pail of 30 Ibs. is the Razor
In light or dark shades, all of the newest, am"
most popular papers, with 6 or .) inch border. Peppermint HumbuKs that has made
us famous.
Very choice, constantly fresh, very popu


to match. Prices of Kitchen Papers, Ib. lOc , per

and )0c per single roll. Price of borders, 2, lar and he- best only. Price per (
England s Finest Ra/.or.
2i, 3 and 4c per yard.
10 Ib. box 90c.


Cloth Bound, 85q each, postpaid
These Books delivered postpaid to any Hilda Wade, by Allen, paper 65c; cloth $1 The Boy Knight Cornet, of Horse
address in Canada upon receipt of price Feo (a Romance) by Pemberton, paper 65c Jack Archer :
; The Gold,en Cannon
cloth $1.
Miscellaneous Books Unleavened Bread, by Grant, paper 65c Ballantync s Books, Cloth Bound,

Redemption jot David Corson, by Goss, paper cloth $1. 5Oc each.
binding 65o ;
cloth binding $1. The Scarlet Woman, by Hocking, paper Hunted and Har The Island Queen
A Kent Squire, by Hayes, paper 65o ;
65c ;
cloth $1. ried The Madman and the
cloth $1.
Garden of Eden, by Howard, paper 65c ;
A Coxswain s Bride Pirate
Philip Winwoocl, by Stephens, paper 65c ;
cloth $1. The Garret and Gar Twice Bought
cloth $1.
The Natal Campaign, by Burleigh, paper den The Red Man s Re-
The Purple Robe, by Hocking, paper 65c ;
65c cloth $1. TheCrew of theWater
cloth $1.
; venge
Cape Town to Ladysmith, paper 65 cloth $1 Wagtail Philosopher Jack
The Isle of Unrest, by Merriman, paper 65c ;
The Red Rat s Daughter, by Boothby, The Middy and the

Six Mouths at the

cloth $1.
paper 65c; cloth $1. Moors Cape
Madeline Power, by Marchmont, paper45c Sailor s Bride, by Boothby, paper 65c ; Life in the Red Bri Battles With the Sea
cloth 90c. Personal Reminis
cloth $1. gade
Babes in the Bvisli, by B)lderwood, paper Ordered South,
6oc ; cloth $1.
by Mrs. Williamson, paper The Prairie Chief cences
65c ; cloth $1.
By the Marshes of Minas, by Roberts, paper The Princess Xenia, by Watson, paper 65c ; Ballantyne s Books, Cloth Bound,
65c ; cloth $1. cloth $1.
%5c each.
Transvaal From Within, by Fitzpatrick, The Pride of Fighting the Whales Hunting the Lions
Jennico, by Castle, paper 65 ;

paper 65c ; cloth $1. cloth $1. Away in the Wilder Digging for Gold
David Harum, by Wescott, paper 600 ; Vivian of 65c ness Up in, the Clouds
Virginia, by Fuller, paper ;
cloth $1. cloth $1. Fast in the Ice The Battle and the
Kit Kennedy, by Crockett, paper ;
65c Black Heart and White Heart, by Haggard, Chasing the Sun Breeze
cloth $1. Sunk at Sea The Pioneers
No. 5 John Street, by Whiting, paper 45c ; paper 65c ; cloth $1, The Story of a Rock
The Master Christian, by Corelli, paper Lost in the Forest
clotn 90c. 65c cloth $1. O ver the Rocky Wrecked" But Not

Log of a Sea Waif, by Bulleu, paper 65o ; Mountains Ruined

History of the Hudson s Bay Company, by
cloth $1.
cloth $2.50.
Saved by Lifeboat Thorogood Family
A Double Thread, by Fowler, paper 65c ; A Manly Boy, by Banks, cloth 50c. The Cannibal Islands The Lively Poll
cloth $1. The Lost Heir, by Henty, paper 65c cloth $1 ;
Aunt Minervy Ann. by Harris, paper 65o ;
The Gun Runner, by Metford, paper 65c ,
cloth $1. cloth $1.
Dionysius, by Howard, paper 45c ; cloth $1. Resurrection, by Tolstoi, paper 65c ;
The Greatest Gift, by Marchmont, paper cloth $1.25.
45c ;
cloth $1. The Black Wolf s Breed, by Dicksoii, paper
A Gentleman Player, by Stephens, paper 65c doth $1.
65c ; cloth $1.
Preparation of Eyerson Embury, by Car
Gentleman From Indiana, by Tarkington,
man, paper 65c ;
cloth $1.
paper 65c cloth $1. ; Red Rock, by Page, paper 65c cloth $1. ;
The Strong Arm, by Barr, paper 65c cloth $1 The Girl at the Halfway House, by Wough, ;

The Eye of -a God, by Fraser, paper 65o cloth $1.

paper 65c ;
cloth $1.
Boy, by Marie Corelli, paper 65c ;
cleth $1.
The Miracle at Mark ham, by Sheldon, Hugh Gwyeth, by Beulah Dix, cloth $1. Alcott s Books, Cloth
paper 30c cloth 50c.
; The Morman Prophet, by Dongall, cloth $1 45c each, postpaid
Bonhomme, by Walsh, paper 50c cloth $1. ; A Pauper Millionaire, by Fryers, paper 50c Little Women or the
To Haveand to Hold, by Johnson, paper 65c Crown Eight Cousins,
; of Life, by Gissing, cloth 85c. Little Women and Aunt Hill
cloth $1.
Ragged Lady, by Howells, cloth $1. Little Women Wed Jack and Jill
The Transvaal War, by Sanderson, paper 25c Dross, by Merriman, cloth $1. ded Lulu s Library
Tommy Atkins, by Hardy, cloth $1. John King s Question Class, by Sheldon Under the Lilacs Silver Pitcher
By Right of Sword, by Marchmont, paper 2oc cloth 65c,
20c cloth
jiiiper ;
Jimmy s Cruise in Work and Beginning
: 3,">e.
The James .ins, by Wilkins, paper 60c ;
the Pinafore.
The Maid of Maiden Lane, by Barr, paper Again
cloth 90c. An Old Fashioned Auiit Joe s Scrap
65c cloth $1.
; Houses of Glass, by Lloyd, paper 50c. Bag
The Master of Craft, by Jacobs, paper Coc Lunatic at Large, by Clouston, paper 50e.
Girl lections of My
cloth $1.
A Uose in Bloom Childhood
Terence, by Mrs Croker, paper 50c.
Joan of the Sword, bv Crockett, paper 65c ; A ientlemaii in Khakai, by Oakley, paper 30c
( Illustrated YOUDR People s Library
cloth $1. of _D. L. Moody, paper
Life, 2r>c,
35c each
Three Men on Wheels, by Jerome, paper 65c ; Measure of a Man, by Prescott, paper 50c. The Adventures of Exploration and Ad
cloth $1.2".

Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow, by Jer

HENTY BOOKS Robinson Crusoe
Alice s Adventures in
venture in Africa
Wood s Natural His
ome, paper (i.lo cloth Cloth Bound, 85c each, postpaid Wonderland
The Realist, by Flowerdew, paper Ivic cloth $1 Bonnie Prince Charlie The Bravest of the Black Beauty
Through the Looking
The Span O Life, by McLennan, paper 65c With Clive in India ;
Glass, and What The Story of the
cloth $l.-_ 5. ;
By Pike and Dyke The Dragon and the Alice Found There Frozen Seas
Sophia, by \Veyman, paper 65c cloth $1 By England s Aid Raven Arabian Nights
Pilgrim s Progress
The Castle Inn, 65c $1 True to the Old Flag
" "


The Cat of Bubastes A Child s Story of A ii d e r s o u s Fairy

Shrewsbury, 65c ; SI Captain Bayley s Heir
" " "

For Name and Fame the Bible Tales

Janice Meredith, by Ford, paper 65c ; 1 .25 In Freedom s Cause "
St. George for Ireland A Child s Life of Grim s Fairy Tales.
Many Cargoes, by Jacobs, 45c; 90c Under Drake s Flag " "

Orange and Green Christ Grandfather s Chair

More Cargoes, 45c ; OOc The Lion of the North
" " "

One of the 28th Swiss Family Robin Aunt Martha s Cor

London to Ladysmith, by Churchill, paper For the. Temple Maori and Settler son ner Cupboard
65c cloth $1.
The Young Cartha The Lion of St. Mark Christopher Colum Water Babies
The Reign of Law, by Allen, paper ginian fl."c.
By Sheer Pluck bus, Dis. of America Uncle Tom s Cabir
The Orange Girl, by Besaut, paper 65o ; With Lee in Virginia Facing Death Gulliver s Travels Empire Reciter
cloth $1. WithWolfe inCanada Through the Fray
Via Crncis, by Crawford, paper 65c; cloth $1 By Right of Conquest A Final Reckoning Boys Own Annual, $1.75, postage 80
Richard Carvel, by Churchill, 65c; $1
" "

In the Reign of Terror The Young Colonists Girls Own Annual, $1 75, 180 "
Aster Library, Cloth Bound, Cloth binding, 2Oc each, postpaid
35c each
Popular Four Girls at Chau- Sidney Martin s
1;M , Christinas
Works of E. P. Boc, :ig and Ke- Ruth Erskin s Crosses
L,ast of the Moliica is .i:ig Chautauqua, Girls at
Cleth Bound, Oliver s Women Home
Pathfinder ....... Cooper Spun From Faet*> From Different Stand
The Prisoners ---- Cooper 5c each, postpaid Julia Reid points
The Spy ......... Cooper Wise and Otherwise Three People
The King s Daughter The Hall in the
Two Admirals ---- Coop.-r
Nature s
Deer Slayer ...... Cooper Opening of :i Chest Near to Links in Rebecca s Grove
nut Bnrr Heart Life A New Graft
A Face Illumined From Jest to Earnest The Pocket Measure
BarriersBurnedAway An Original Belle An Endless Chain Household Puzzles
Adam Bede He Fell in Love With
Duchess What Can She Do i Me id Yet Tip Lewis and His
Airy Fairv Lilian

rv A Day of Fate His Wife Lai. p

Alh ambra - Speaking
An. Unexpected Re
The Earth Trembled The Man of the House Lit tie Fishi
Arabian Nights
V m* sult - ^ Found, Yet Lost Mabie Wyue One Commonplace
Astona -

T hack. Taken Alive AYoiingGirl sWooing The Randolphs. Day

Barry London Driven Back to Edt-n Mrs. Solomon Smith Endeavor
Without a Home
Bracebridge Hall His Sombre Rivals
vs. i* ou A Knight of the 19th Looking On A Sevenfold Trouble
Miss Lo
Child s History of England.. Century ANNIE SWAN S BOOKS
Cloister and the HeatU -Jieade Bessie Books, Cloth Binding,
20c each Cloth binding, postpaid
Bessie Brier and Palm
Among the
Crawford -
Bessie at the Seaside ~
Bessie in the City Mountains Sheila
nPapers 75c
David Copperfield Dickens Bessie and Her Bessie at School Maitlaud of Laureston -

... -Dickens Bessie on Her Travels St. Vedas

Donby and Son Friends.
Donovan in Beautiful Cleth Who Shall Serve
t? Poets Works
Earnest Maltravers *5 Bindincs, 5Oc each. A Victory Won
Felix Holt
Wordsworth Coleridge A Bitter Debt
Shelly A Better Part
Harry Esmond hackeray Goldsii .itli
Moore Cowper
L ost Ideal Tv
Here ward the Wake
Kingsley Lowell
- >

Keats Campbell "

House of Seven Gables Hawthorne Thomson Guinea Stamp -

Tupper Gates of Eden So

Hypatia Kingsley
Children Elizabeth Glen
In the Golden Days
Happy Avers of Studleigh
- &>c

Ivanhoe - -

John Halifax Gentleman EI.SIE BOOKS Carlowrie 33

Kcnihvorth A Foolish Marriage ll

Lamplighter Cnmm.ngs Cloth Binding A Stormy Voyage

Last Davs of Pompeii Homespun
LornaDoone. Blackmore Marion Forsyth
, each, postpaid 3oc
Monte Cristo ] "

Thomas Dryburg s Dream

lolst Robert Martin s Lesson 35o
My Confession TVilo+rtl
Tl The Two Elsies 35c
My lst 1 "

Elsie Dinsinore Ttie Secret Panel

Religion at Chr s v in a s svrth ^5c
Old Diekens Holidays Klsie s
\Vronts Righted -
i.iiosity Shop r lsl<!

Roselanda Hazell and Sons

"""" ""


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iPicw-iek Pa] rj
Womanhood monds Sundered Hearts
Motherhood Elsie Vaclitiug

Shadowed Lives
Elsie s V.K. ation -----
i l-snla Vivian

Widowhood A. Divided House ....

El Elsie at Ion
<;randmoth.-r d Inheritance. ........ .

sNev at the World s

Elsie Kinsfolk -

KUio at Nantnoket Fair

OU Mrs. Keith Hamilton
Kith and Kin Doris Cheyno
at Inland W.
viends -helor in Search of a Wife


Woodhnrn Elsie at Home Airiic s Mission 30c

Mildred Series, Cloth Bound, Bonnie Jean 3

Pilgrim s Progress Oc each. Memories of Magaret Grainger

Mildred s Hoys and D.nothea Kirke.. -
Mildred Keith
1 lav. thorn.,
Mildred at Rosedales G lor Path I

--Vorter Mildred and Elsie Mildred at H

Monthly Magaz nes
Two Cities - 1

Religious Books

of -e niaga/.i:.
TomV iugby
Mi- lions of ii very high order. The
Tom Brown at Oxford of paper is of tho very best. The
Twice Told Tales i

issue are the popu

Mrs. Stowe i,

(-iicle Tom s Cabin M.SHtLDOM

-- I 1 ""
REV. CHARLES lar topics <ft the day, !.

b\ well know n ant :

ward Ho - Kingsley
We T oo J llU Paper Binding lati .n ot these well known D
high standard of

to the m,
Poets Works in Padded Morocco lOc each, postpaid , d to enormous proport

Bindings, $1 each. er m n the ( ) \- i

Ot reading. !

Bu: In His Sieps <jo

issue e\tra.
are World i-.ieh
j Crucifixion

....... lOe Mnn

jjj., Vttordsworth Robert la MeVlure s
Philip Strong

,,n- Moore .very Mouth ____ 10.- Cosmopolitai

His Brother s Keeper Days I

Yaii- Robert Browning The Redemption of Home .l.iiirnal

Mrs. KulHi t Krowu- Uiuhard Bi
London Illustrated News, weekly
f elll ,

loth Door Freetown


with handsome colored lithographed covers, and each piece has from four
Non-Copyright or Reprint MustcJ
to 8 pages of music.
ne on thee very fine
All Copy r IgUt music is printed nest glazed uamT
ritrht or KOMI
sheet music department
is divided into two sections viz

is printed on good clear paper, with usually two or throe pages of music. Postage is lncluded The prices weWote on
all sheet music include* that we send all postage, is, musio postpaid to any address.

The very latest Canadian, American and
includes all
English publications. give below a We list of the most popular nieces
with the publishers prices and our own special cut prices. Please remember our
price includes post.
COPYRIGBT SONGS Publisher s o u Publisher s Our
price price
Always 50o 25c My Louisiana Lize 50j 250 Runaway Girl Two Step 60c 40o
AFlower FromtheGarden of Life 50o 25c Moth and tne Flame 50o 25o Thoroughbred Two-Step 60 25o
Because 60o 25o My Creole Sue 50o 25c The Leader March 500 2, iO
Bird in the Gilded Cage 50o 25o Man Bahind the Gun 50j 25c The Ameer March 50c 25o
Blue and the Gray f.Oc 25o Many Years Ago (Olcott s) 5^0 25c Fortune Teller March 60o 30o
Believe.... 6 Jo 25c Olcott s Lullaby . f>0c 25c Happy Days in Dixie SOo 25o
Bred in Old Kentucky 50o 250 Only a Mother ,Qc 25e Whistling Rufns Cake Walk 5f o 25o
Canada, Land of the Maple fiOc 25o Oh Promis} Mn . . . .
500 35o Chariot lia.ce March SOc 25o
For I Want to be a Soldier 50c 25c Plase Mr. Conductor Don t Put Charge of the Light
Brigade SOc 25o
Girl 1 Loved in Bunny Tennessee 50o 25o Me Off th*Train 50o 2-5c Union Jack Forever 60o 25o
Grandma s Last Arnen 50o 25<j Rose Sweet Rose C0o 25c Boom E Hag Cake Walk 50o 25c
Hesitate, Mr. Nigger, Hesitate.. 50c 25c Story of a Rose 50c 25c Waltzes, Marches auU
H ily City 75o 5 to Tell Her I Loved Her Too. ... 50o 25o Smoky Mokes Cake Walk
50o 250
I d Like to Hear That Song Again 50o 25o Where Sweat Magnolias Bloom . 60o 25o In Aroadia Two-Step
. .
5Qo 25o
I d Leave My HppyHomeFor You 60o 25o
I ve Found You Honey, Now b NEW PATRIOTIC SONGS Bag Time Spasm Cake Walk
Bride Elect March
Mine 60o 25o Soldier* of Canada 50o 35c Wedding March (Mendelssohn). SOo 15o
In Good Old New York Town ...

50o 25o Soldiers in the Park .... 60o 40c Great Ruby Waltz SOo 25o
1 Want To Go To Marrow 50o 25o Soldiers of the Queen Suo 25c Fortune Teller Waltz 75 4jo
If Dreams Come True. ... 50c 25o When the Boya in Khaki All Angelica Waltz 50o 25c
Johnny Canuck s the Lad 50o 2~c Coma Home SOo 35c Zenda Waltz SOc 25o
Kentucky Babe 50c 25o Soot of the Sea 6Co 25o Cupid s Dream Waltz SOo 25o
Little Black Me 50o 25o Rally Round the Flag 40o 25c Cupid s Awakening \Valtz 5(ic 25o
My Wild Irish Ro-e 50c 25o Song of th* Empire 50c 2-Jo Sportsman Two-Step.. SOc 25c
My Lady Lu SOo 25o Absent Minded Beggar 75c 60c Charlatan March 50o 25o
My Little Georgia Rose 60o 25o Her Majesty 75o 500 Wang Lancers 75c 40o
My Georgia Lady Love BOc 25o Pommy Atkins 50o 25c Up-to-Date Lancers SOc 25c
My Hannah Lady ... 50c 25c item*mbr Our Soldier Boys. ... SOc 25c Out of-Sight Lancers 50c 25o
Mid the Gre Fields of Virginia 50o 25o When Johnny Canuck Comes Home SOc 2Cc Bunch of Beauties Lancers SOc 25o


Hampshire Home, Old New
By My
Camp Fire Idly Dream
So the Jolly Coons Jubilee.... 5c
POPULAR Maple Leaf Forever So ing. .10c Libe: ty Bell March 5o
By Your Side So My Old Kentucky Home Good Choir Boy lOc Mayflower \\ a tz So
Break the News to Mother ..So Nisjht . . 5c Good-Bye Sweet Day lOc Sweet Memories Garotte oc
Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomon 5c My Dad s the Engineer 5c My Honolulu Queen
. .
lOc Leonora Waltz c
I Lore You Dear ...5o Nigger, Nigger, Nevar Die 5c Pat McGee (Irish song) lOc Nordiea Waltz go
Can You, Sweetheart, Keep a One Night in June 5c Rule Britannia lOc . . Narcissus 50
Secret .
Only One Daisy Left 5c Sing Again that Sweet Refrain .10o Olive Waltz 5c
Death at the Post oc Outcast Parent* 5c Tell Them I Have Gone lOo Oriental Waltz .... So
DeOtd Time Cake W*lk 5c Only a Ro?fbud So Top;y Turvy Two Step .5c
G^ad Bye Until Wd Meet Again 5c One Heart Divine Cc WALTZES. MARCHES. Topsy s in Town Cake Walk ..So

Hush My Little Coin Prison to Mother s Grave .... So ,

STEPS, ETC. TWO Star of the Sea 5c

He was a Sail on Board the Pickaninny s LalUby
... .5o Anita Waltz So . . . Under the Double Eagle March So .

Maine 5c Story Ever S-veet and Tru-j. Belle of New York March .5c . . ><-,

. Viola Waltz ..So

I ve Just Come Back to Say Say That You Forgive Me .. .5c 20th Century Two Step 5c Christmas 9! Two Step 10o
Good Bye .5o Sweet Bunch of Daisies 5c Capital March 5c Cake Winner Two Step lOc
V Yua L rre Ma Dirling .So Southern Beauty (>valtzsong) .So Cadet Two Step 5c Euphemia Waltz lOc
/ WaitedHoney LongForYou 5c Two Sweethearts of Mine .. .5c Doughs Club Two-Step
,.Sc I vanhoe Schottische 100
In the Shadow of the Pines ...5o Teach Our BabvThat I m Dea d.Sc Down at AUbamaCampmeting,5c
Love s Vesper Hour Waltz .... lOc
I ll Tell Pp OB You 5c What Would You Take for Me.Sc Dance of thi Blackbirds Waltz
..So My Sweftheart lOc
Let Ma Kiss Year Tears Away .60 Whea Violets Are There 5c Dream of the Past Waltz 5c Sons of the Empire March .... lOc
Listen Y^ur Mothr
....5c Whose Little Girl Are You? .. .5c D. K. E. Waltz
. . 5c Stop Thief Galop lOo
Letter Kd ^ed in Black 5c Why (Great hit) ..5c Arg mint Waltz ! 5c .
Shamrock Waltz IPc
Li .i SkinnerCakeWalk Winner5c Way Down in the Old Palmetto Du~ty Dan C*ke Walk ..So Scarlet and Blue March lOo
Mv Do s Bigtrtht.n vonr Doll So State
.... So Hannah s Promenade .So . Vioris Waltz lOo

Piano Instruction Organ Instruction

Ideal Folio of Music ktoyal Folio Music
Bellak s Ideal Method for Piano, Bellak s Ideal Method for Orgn,
standard edition, well bound, A collection in Another very popular selection
hook form of standard edition, well bound,
with paper cover, price 35c ; Instrumental Gems by book form with hand
favorite of music in paper cover, 35o; post 4c with ;

postage 4o extra. cardboard cover, SOc; post 80

Bellak s Ideal Method for Piano, composers, fur piano and Organ. some cover, 200 pages of good Getze s Organ Instruction Book,
standard edition, with card Popular Waltzes, Marches, Schot- paper, well printed. All Ameri paper cover, 3Sc postage 4o ;

board cover, 50o postage 80. board cover, 45c postage 8c.
tisches, Galops, Polkas and mis can instrumental compositions for
Matthew s Graded Studies for
cellaneous pieces, 169 pages of the pianoforte, with biographical
Piano, price 85e ; postage Sc. Song Folios Postage So.
Richardson s New Method for solid music. Price 35c, or by sketches celebrated composers
Standard Song Folio SSo
Piano, $1.25 ; postage 17o. mail postpaid for 40c. and performers. Price 60e; post 6c Elite BoBgFelio 60o

hese books are iustru _,tive and entertaiuing-


riees are 10, 15, 20 and 25c ; postage 2o.

Ro-Peep Series lOc each Linen Series 25c each

7x9 inches, colored pictures and cover ;
Assorted sizes, colored pictures and col-
postage Ic. red cover, printed on linen, untenable,
Simple Simon and Visit of St. Nicholas. very durable line of Children s Books;
Bo Peep. Mother Goose. oslagn 2c.
en Little Niggers. om Thumb. Apple-Pie ABC.
Rird and Animal Series lOc. 5oody Two Shoes,. Mary, Mary, Quite
Cinderella. Contrary.
10J x 8J inches, colored pictures, etc.
?aby s A B C. Tlie A B C of Aui-
lostage 2c. he A B C of Nature. mals.
>omcstic Animals. Small Animals.
During the fall season, up to Christmas arge Birds. Game Animals. Linen Series 35c.
Eve, onr stock of Child s Picture Books is Miiall Birds. Wild Animals. Large sizes, printed on best untearablf
complete, and orders for books during that Banner Scries lOc. inen, many fancy colored pictures, a splendi<

time will be filled almost accurately : iue ; postage 2e.

After Christmas we may find it 7f x 10 inches, stiff card colored cover, Bef
in to us. ?ho Night .re Christmas.
lack pictures inside ; postage 2c.
necessary to substitute. When that is the \pple-Pie ABC Book.
case it will always be in your favor. When :h:t-Chat
for Chil Good Times and Baby s ABC Book.
the books are wanted by mail, please include Rhymes. Uaddiu, or the Wonderful Lamp.
rist mas Bells, Little Tots.
the postage. "]

et s Pastime. Bubbles Bright.

Linen Scries 5Oc.
riie Pleasewell Series 3c Each Tom Thumb Series 15c.
Size 12J x 10 inches, many pages, fine
Size 7* x 5i inches, colored pictures with olored illustrations on best uutearable linen;
Size 101 x 9J inches, heavy glazed paper lostage 3c.
colored paper covers postage Ic each. ;
over, colored pictures throughout post 2c. obinson Crusoe.
Three : ittlo Kittens. Dame Trot and Her ;
Night Before Christ
Adventures of Torn Jack and the Bean our Footed Friends mas.
Five Little Pigs. Cat.
Thumb. Stock. Mother Goose.
The Old Woman and Mother Hubhard.
Her Pig. The House that Jack \pple Pie Baby s A B C. Card Covered Series 25c.
Robinson Crusoe on the Island.
Built. Children s Stiff Card Covered Picture
Red Riding Hood Scries 3c each Cock Robin Series 15c. 3ooks, assorted sizes, well printed on good
Size 7$ x i inches, colored pictures and
Size 10J x 8 inches, colored pictures, laper, with colored picture covers ; post 3c.
glazed pictured cover postage 2c. Aunt Louisa s Fairy Tales.
colored paper cover; postage Ic each. ;

of Cock Robin. Tom Thumb. Aunt Louisa s Common Things.

Nursery Tales. Little Red Riding Mory Life of Queen Victoria.
Cinderella. Hood. Goody Two Shoes. Three Little Kittens.
One Syllable Story Book.
Robinson Crusoe. Pauline and the Mat Nursery Series 15c. The Life of Our Lord.
Rhymes and Jingles. x 8 inches, stiff card cover, colored
ches. Size 94-
A Great Big Story Book.
The Pansy on cover, black inside postage
Series X each lictures ;

Natural History Book.

V Spring Day. Lilies of the Valley.
Size Gi x 5 inches, colored pictures, etc.; Cosy Corner Story Book.
Lost i\ Disobedient Mouse. i.

postage Ic. Bible Story Book.

The Jelly Fisherman. Who s Coming f Joey s Exploit. A Child s Thought
Sunbeam Card Covered Series
Up to Mischief. Little Misses. Series, 15c. Assorted sizes and prices. Our stock is
inches, stiff colored.cover; post. 2c.
Dolly Dear Series, 5c each Little Folk s Treja- clusier of Stories. very very large, including all tho popular
xColored Pictures, titles of Children s Books. Prices according
Size 6| inches,
4fc urcs. Twilight Stories.
prized covers, Father Tuck s issue; postage To Puss the Time. Sunshine Stories. binding and thick

Price Post
Playday Stories. hildren s Sunday Story Books.. _ .">
leMissMuflet. Little Bo-Peep.
Old Mother Hubbard. Robinson Crusoe, Scripture Series, 2Oc. imi:y Robinson .......... 40 3
9 x 11 inches, colored full :

page p cturos, Robinson Crunoe ................ 40 3

Little Jack Homer. lied Hiding Hood.
ieavy glazed picture cover; postage 2c. Fablee .................. 40 3
rella. Joy Uliie.
Gentle Jesus. The Pilgrim s Pro- tea ..................... 35 -2
Dick Whit ington. I Kibes in tli. Woods. 1

.it Book ................. ::r> 2

Where Are \ on Going My to V;
Children s Scripture siorv Book.
The Old Woman Who Lived in the
Sunshine Scries, 5c Kaeh Sniishii ........ -

Size x 9 indies, Colored Pictures and

fl 4 P.right ;
ik ........
Colored Picture Cover postagi ;
Children s Bible Stories .......... 50 4
The Tl The Prog "Would Who Chattel-well Story Book ......... 60 6
The Silly Hare. a- Wooing ( ;o. Natural His oiy Bool ........... t .

Cinderella. Mother llubhard. Large Story Boot .............. 60 5

lie Three Little Pigs. Andereo Tales .......... 7.">

Little Pig Scries, lOe Kach Natural took ...... _____ 1 00 5

Si/e ji! inches, Colored 1 ietures
x 8jk
Popular Scries. 25e. Chatterbox Story Book ____ ...... 7. . 10

led sixes, colored piehires. heavj ouug

N _____ 1 IT. 10
Gl.-i/cd Tietnred Cover postage ,-V. ;

g!a/eil cover. This is a good medium pricct Chums. l!o\s .Story Book ........ 1 50 15
lie House. That Jack
The Old Woman And Built. line of bool s Annual
Her Pig. Three hide Kittens. 1 u-s in Hoots. A marvellously instructive, book to,

lOe, Each Sleeping Beauty. kev liirds AB C. who are from S to II j enr-
Three Kilicn Series,

Cinderella. Baby s Book of Fable c.iid cover, Ihoronghly well bonuil. i-oiit^ius
Si/.e 10} x 8J inches, Colored Pictures
aly i efer. Comic .Animal s A I many illusii-.-itions and stories ol lh>

g!a/ed ccyei with pietnreson postage lie. ;

Sant i. <

laus. C. kind to inslriict and amuse bo\s. 1 rii O

The story of the Three Little Kittens. Motile] )oi t American Circus. $1.75 eaeh ]iost;!g,- ISe extra.

The Story of the Threw Silibad the Sailor. Orer the Wide Worli Own Annual
Girl s

Tin Story of tho Three Little Tho World on Water

Night Before Christ This book not so well known

Onr s Series. lOe Each
Raby mas. I
.oy.s n Annual, but nevi rl heir

Size 10 x 7J inches, Colored Pict in >

Children s Painting Rooks equally iiiMti iieii\e and enteriaiuing for

postagr le. We stock a very nice line of Chililrei girls as the other is for boys, it, is bound in

Our UaiVsA I! 7. The House That Jael Painting Books, one side of each) .(I makes a siileudtjf
By Lam and \V> ^e Built. ored for copy, and the other side to paint 18o utra.
best linings, made with deep Frem
Fiii in
the form below, giving every detail, do not allow for ease or
DEPARTMENT ings, $15.
Suits, small
Choice French
brown check with
Colored W-
looseness; be as gret
exact aa possible and we will do the rest. Cut this measurement form from the catalogue and dark grey, very neat I
and mail it to us with the order. Do not ask for samples, we do not send them. E-very lined throughout with
silk, deep FrencK
garment is fully described under its respective number, and therefore samples would be a facings, $16.50.
Bource of useless expense. We want your custom, not only for this season but l. .

to come, therefore we want your confidence now.


36 to 4i inches chest measurement.
1920 Medium grey nnd brown,
Pattern No .......... plain and
checked Canadian Tweed Suits, good stronia
Coat St\le Sae. or Double- linings, $5.
M-irning 1921 Navy blue a 1- wool Serge, neatljjj
breasted made and well liiud, $5.
Black and navy blue, soft
Chest Measure ............. Waist Cheviots, gocd linings and trimmings. 5.
1923 Strong all-wool Canadian
Vest -Chest Measure ......... Waist in dark grey ami brown checked pat^J
Length back of Coat terns and fancy mixtures, well made aiiMJ
finished, $6.50.
Trousers Waist ......... \rouud hips 1924 Navy blue and black K
Worsted Serge, hard finish, all-wool, Italian
Outside leg measure .......... Inside cloth linings, stitched edges, $7.50.
1925 Black or browu all-wool Canadian}!
Height .......... ____ Weight about Frieze Suits, heavy Italian lining and strouglj
Please mention any peculiarity of figure, such as trimmings, $8.
1926 Large range of patterns and colors!]
very stout or slight, stooping or very erect, etc.
all wool tweed, dark and medium grey au<Si

browu checked patterns and fancy mixtures,

well trimmed, $8.50.
1927 Corduroy suits, dark brown, heavy
ribbed, Italian cloth linings, $10.


1928 - English and Scotch Tweeds, stylish;
brown, green, or grey, fancy mixtures and
checked patterns, some with deep
made $10.
These are in Grey and Brown English Tweed facings,
1)129 Black and Navy Blue Worsted*!
single or double breast made from imported stock, all wool,
ed, as described below. very stylish goods, good linings, $10.
Serges, imported goods, pure wool, fast dye,
Sizes run from 36 to 44 1909 Navy Blue and Black imported Eng good winter weight, liuings and trimming^
inch chest measure. We lish worsted Serges, hard finish, fast colors,
to correspond, $10.

only catalogue our French and bottom facings, very durable,810. 1930 Mahoney s Navy Blue Irish Sergei
popular suits. We 1910 English Tyke Serge Suits, pure Suits, lastcolor, heavy weight, rust-class

guarantee perfect fit wool stock, heavy twill, indigo blue, fast trimmings, well tailored, $12.50.
and satisfaction from a 11 color, fine Italian cloth linings, silk sew 1931- Navy Blue ard Black West of Engj
orders for Men s Sacque land Clay Twilled Worsted Suits, fast dye* I

ings, $12.
Suits entrusted to us. 1911 West lapels faced with silk, best Italian cloth linX|
England black, navy blue
or Oxford grey ilay Twilled Worsted
SINGLE BREASTED SACQUE SUITS 1932 English and Scotch Tweed Sjiits, id!
suits, best quality, pure wool stock, 24-oz. medium or dark mixed colors, or checks, also
No. 1900 Navy Blue All-wool Serge Suits, weight, well finished, $12.50.
brown or green, fancy mixtures and small
good linings and trimmings, extra value, $5, 1912 Black Venetian finished Worsted,
or large checks linings &nd trimmings to
1901 Brown or Dark Grey Mixtures in West of England stock, fine Italian lining,

Canadian Tweeds, single-breasted sacque French and bottom facings, silk-stitched correspond,
suits, variety of patterns, $5.00. edges, S12.50.
1933 Navy Blue Beaver Cloth, imported,
fast dye, heavy Italian cloth linings, edges*;
1902 -All-wool Canadian Tweed Suits, 1913 Scotch and English Tweed, all-wool
stitched double with silk, $12.50.
plain or checked patterns, dark browu or goods, new patterns and colorings, fancy 1934 Navy Blue Tyke Serge Suits, heavy
grey, strong linings, 6.50. mixtures, checks and overplaids, in medium f ne imported goods, indigo dye,
1903 A large assortment of choice pat shades of grey, greeu, and brown, with best ribbed, beslj
linings, $12.50.

terns and colorings, fancy mixtures and trimmings, $12 50.

1 35 Fancy Colored Worsted Suits, veraj
stylish checks, dark and medium greys and

1914 Mahoney s Iri-h Serge, warranted

small check of black and grey, or
browns, plain or checked, heavy Italian lin fast dye, navy blue, French and bottom black and patterns
be Italian cloth linings, edges blue, extra fine quality, imported
ings, $8.50. -it,

Blue and Black Worsted goods, best linings and trimming", $16.
1901 Navy Serge stitched with silk, $12.50.
Suits, nard finish, good linings, Grey and Fawn Whipcord,
stitched 1915 Dark
$7. SO. cloth linings and best trim Italian
11105- Black.
and Navy Blue Clay mings, good weight, very serviceable, $12.50.
Hamilton, Ontario.

Twill Worsted Suits, imported, all-wool 1916 Very tine imported black clay Hamilton, Ontario, is the very <vitro o&i
material, silk stitched edges, fine Italian twilled Worsted, pure wool, best, Italian Clothing Trade of Caiiinl.i. Tbcic are
linings, $10.00 per suit. cloth linings, silk-faced lapels, edges over 3,000 people- in Hamilton ru^^i-d con
1906 Very Stylish Imported Tweed Suits, stitched with silk, $15. stantly in manufacturing Men s Clothing.
English and Scotch, newest patterns, small 1917 West of England Vicuna Cloth, No wonder that the British tiover:.
or large check or fancy mixtures, in medium blue black, soft finish, pure wool, indigo
during the late South African war, jil.-n-ed
or dark browns, with green tints, bottom dye, silk-faced, best Italian cloth linings, \vry large, contracts with Hamilton manu
facings, linings to correspond, glO. edges stitched with silk, $15. facturers for soldiers clothing. Thou coll-:
1!H)7 Grey Whipcord Suits, lined with 1918 Best Black Venetian Finished tracts were carried out satisfactorily and-
heavy Italian cloth, double stitched edges, $10 Worsted, double twisted thread, fast colors, in good time.

French facings, velvet

Sf oil s 3-Button < ula- with velvet, silk 1971 Men s All-wool Xavy Blue and Black
way Suits. collar, 18. Beaver Cloth Pea Jackets, silk velvet collar,
iil to 46 inches chest measure
Men-s Fall- Weight all-wool Italian linings, good mohair sleeve
ment. Overcoats linings, very neat and stylish, $7.50.

Oxford and Dark

1936 34 to 46 inches chest measure
Brown Canadian Tweed Suits ment.
in small neat patterns, $7.50. 1955 Fawn Whipcord box-
1936f- B ack and Oxford back Overcoat, no vent, gooii

Grey Clay Twilled Worsted Italian cloth linings, neatly

Suits, all-wool material, im finished, $6.59.
porter), well lined, $10. 195S Dark fawn, plain or
Black and navy blue
1937 striped herring-bone pattern
imported all-wool worsted whipcord and fawn covert
serge, fast, hard twilled cloth box-back, Italian cloth
finish, Frnich and bottom
Iining8, $8.50.
facings, trimmings to corres- 1957 Men s medium weight ME.VS PASTS
pond, $10. Fall Overcoats, in Oxford grey 30 to 44 inches waist measurement.
193* Dark prey, black, or unil black clay twilled English
raw blue clay twilled worsted, worsted, good trimmings, $10.
1972 Heavy Canadian Tweed Pants,
fine of England stock, fast colors,
1958 Fawn Whipcord Overcoat, box- medium and dark colors, strong and service
Italian cloth lining*, $12.50.
back, with seam, no vents, stylish length, able, $1.
1939 Mahoney s Irish serge, navy blue, double silk-stitched edges, lined with Italian 1973 Neat striped all-wool Canadian .

best indigo dye, linea with heavy Italian cloth, $10. Tweeds, good trimmings, well sewn, $1.25.
cloth linings, $12.50. 19734 Str ped all-wool Tweed Pants,
1959 Fawn Whipcord Overcoat, with
1940 Black West of England Venetian- medium and dark shades, side and hip
fancy checked bacit, average length 35
finished Worsted Suits, deep facings, neai:\ inches, welt sen/us, satin-lined shoulders, ts, $1.50.

finished, edges silk stitched, $12.50. inside seams piped, French facings, $12.50. 1974 Heavy all-wool Etoffe Pants., as
Imported Black Cheviot Cutaway
1941 sorted colors and patterns, well and strongly
Suits,pure wool goods, fine Crimmtngs and Men
s Donble-Breastecl made, with heavy pockets, $1.50.
workmanship, very styli-h, $12.50. Overcoats. 1975 Narrow striped patterns, medium
1942 Black and dark grey unfinished and dark colors, all-wool tweed, side and
36 to 46 Chest Measurement.
worsted, soft tine finish. West of England
, hip pockets, $1.75.
material, b- st Italian cloth linings, $15.00. I960 Black and Navy Blue 1976 Medium and dark hair-line striped
1943 Black Venetian-finished Worsted Beaver Cloth Overcoats, good pants, good weight, strongly sewn, good
Suits, Hue West of England stock, Salt s strong linings and trimmings, $5. trimmings, our special, $1.9">.

London dye, extra well tailored with best 1961 English blue and black 1977 Good weight neat striped pattern
linings. $15. beaver cloth, good Italian cloth Tweed Pants, all-wool goods, assorted
Mon s Single-Breasted linings, velvet collar, $7.50. medium and dark colors,
197* -Brown Corduroy Pants, heavy rib
1962 Imported Fine Beaver
Fly-Front Overcoats Overcoats, navy blue and black, bed English cord, soft and flexible, well
34 to 46 inches chest measure silk velvet collar, Italian cloth se\vn.
ment linings, French facings, $10.
1 979 Drab Moleskin Pants, heavy weight,
1944 Blue and black Bea- 1963 Navy Blue Melton Cloth good trimmings, well stayed, strongly sewn,
Overcoats, heavy Italian cloth linings, mo top and hip pockets, $2.
/ vcr (Moth Overcoat, velvet col
lar, Ir.ilian cloth lining,
hair sleeve linings, deep French facings, silk- 1980 36-oz. Mackinaw, blue black, well-
1945 Heavy dark steel grey stitched edges, $12.50. tailored, strong trimmings, best, sewings,
Cheviot Overcoat, velvet col 1964 Imported Black Beaver Overcoats, very warm and durable, $3.
lar, Italian cloth linings, fashionable length, fancy plaid linings, mo 1981 Fine all-wool hair-line striped Pants,
1948 Black and navy blue hair sleeve linings, silk velvet collar, $12,50. dark and medium colors, good weight .

Beaver Cloth Overcoat, velvet 1965 Imported English Black Beaver cut and made, $ 2.50.
Overcoats, shoulders lined with black satin, 198-J Black clay-twilled imported V".

collar, good Italian linings,

skirt lined with fancy checked worsted, silk- I int.s, all-wool material, good tilting and
^ $7.50.
stitched edges, French facings, silk velvet well tailmed, side and hip pockets, $3.

1917 Blue and black beaver cloth, im

1983- Cidored English Worsted Pants,
ported goods, satin-piped French collar, $!">.

doth Men s I)onlIe- neat, stripes of light, medium and dark

linings, silk velvet collar, $10. ml serviceable.
1948 Single-breasted <
Br east oI Pea colors, vei
[9 S West of Kuglarid plain black Vene-
from grey Moiitagnae, deep French i
Jackets. |

Silk velvet collar, mohair sleeve limn
tian Worsted, fast black,
36 to 46 Chest Measure weight, $:f 50.
-Black steel gre\ and navy blue im
Tweed an*
ported English fancy checked i- !
,91)6 s Black
in plain or neat striped
and Brown I veighi Woi-sleds,
linings, silk velvet collar, $12.50. i
1950 Grey Munhi- eoat, plaid I lonble-Breagted J Vu .

[Slack imported Venetian-!;-

linings, mohair sleeve linings, silk velvet is, ulster collar,
and d, gond
collar, stitched edges, $1 :

si ile and hip

-Myrtle green, black and dark fawn strong sleeve lining, $4.
deep Fren.
1987 West of Fng aml all-woo!
i cloth lining, silk velvet collar, 1967 Me medium and dark colored Wor-
Blue ReaveM loth Pea .l;ie ,et, striped
H2.50. i
well finished.
1 !. ii !! ];> ami
beaver cloth, im-
to, good tit,

.is: d e, French
body lined with black satin, fancy
,al, t

I line Nap Cloth Pea

.iai-ket, \el\ct tweed ~aist measuron
lining in skirt, $15. collar, B ,

-Black \i- Overcoat. adiau Tn.
of England pure wool satin-lined goods, I .ti i .
/e> Pea Pants, dark and medium colors, plain, or
art lined with fine Italian cloth,
Jackets, storm collar, cheeked 1 weed linings, i\v striped patterns, $1, $1.25, $1.56.
M finished with mohair cord, $15. strong sleeve linings, all si. 50 pair.
t Oxford gry, black, blue grey and
19." or Pilot Cloth ii 19X9 Youths Knglish tweed, black
navy blue Thibet cloth, tine pure wool, Pea Jacket", silk vc iet collar, cor.i il nr Venetian-finished Wurste.i

lined with smoked pearl l>

ittim also colored worsted in n .-it
stripes, dark or
best. Italian r oth. pri*-d ciitF> , :7..">0. mediun pair.
S SUITS etc. Sizes 34 to 48 inch chest, extra large 2017 Youths double-breasted serge suit
For short stout, long stout, sizes from 50c to $1 extra. in black or blue color, finest quality for
short slim and loug slim 2004 Men s Storm Ulster of heavy Uan- boys wear, and the most dressy suit for
men, 34 to 48 in. chest adian frieze, deep storm collar, colors drab, Sunday or business wear. Price. $8.
measure. brown and grey, fancy plaid linings, special 2018 Youths Scotch Tweed Suit in plain
1990 Suits for extra pr ce, $5.
sacque style, neat pincheck pattern, grey or
stout or very tall slim 2005 Men s Storm Ulster of very heavy brown shade. Special value $8.50.
men, pure all-wi.ol Cana all-wool frieze, lined throughout with heavy
dian tweed, Oxford grey the warmest and Boys Three-Piece Suits
English tweed,
and brown shades, made most durable coatmaking a man can have, a regular Three-piece suit means coat, vest and short
single or double-breasted blizzard remoter, coloi 8 fawn, dark pants to fit ages 10 to 16 years, sizes 27 to
sacf)ue and 3-buttoued cutaway styles, best dark grey and dark bine. Price 7.50. to 33 inch chest measure.
Italian Huings and trimmings, with inside 2000 Men s Storm Ulster of pure wool 2019 Boys 3-piece suit of heavy blue
leg measure varying from 27 to 37 inches, $10. frieze, in seal brown, grey and black, deep
1991 Pure all-wool navy blue a jd black collar, etc., lined serge, suitable for school wear. Pi ice S3. 25.
and throughout with heavy 2020 Boys 3 piece suit of black or blue
Serges, hard finish, tine sateen liniugs all-wool tweed, a, great coat for teamsters.
best $10. serge, pure all-wool, splendid linings and
iuterlinings, $10.
trimmings. breasted $5
1992 Navy blue and black West of Eng 2007 Storm Ulster of Irish frieze, double breastedSingle
Men s
land Worsted Serges, linings and trim
good weight,, superior linings and workman 2021 Boys Dark Tweed in grey or
mings, single of double-brentrted .sacque and ship, in dark oxioid grey, brown or black. brown shades,
S-button cutaway styles, same sizes as Price
* splendid line for hard wear.
S12. Price $t per suit.
above, $12.50.
2022 Boys 3-piece suit of fine all-wool
1993 Bcht black West of England clay-
twilled Worsted, unbound narrow silk- Boys and \onths tweed, in new shades of dark brown and
stitched edges, "^ery best trimmings, $12.50. greenish casts and soft grey shades. Single-
1994 Pure all-wool English Tweeds, breasted, $5.50; donble-breasted, $6.
Ox ord grey ami dark brown colors, neat The days for boys ordinary
patterns, in single or double-breasted sacque
overcoats are past and gone. Boys Pea Jackets or
and 3-button eutaw ay styles, for stout or Ulsters and pea jackets are the Reefers
slim men, long or short, best linings and popular garments at present. these follow
We mention our lines in this "When ordering
iuterhuiugs, $12.50. the directions given under
Men s Tweed, Black Worsted, list as being the lines for which
we expect a great demand. Sizes Boys Ulsters.
Corduroy and Fancy Vests 22 to 35 or ages 5 to 18 years. 2023 Boys Blue Cloth
34 to 44 inches chest measurement. When ordering please give age Reefers, well lined, made in the
1996 Dark and medium Tweed Vests, as well as measure. The
small sizes only, sizes 22 to 26.
assorted patterns and colors, 75c. Price $2.
following schedule is a safe
Extra quality Tweed Vests, as 2024 Boys BlueKap Reefers,
guide for size :

sorted colors and patterns, $1. suitable for school wear, good
1997 Blacii Venotian-finUhed Worsted Ago, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 13 weight, deep collar, etc. Sizes
14 15 16 17 19
"Vests, edges bound with mohair binding,$1.50
22 to 26, S 2.50 ; *7 to 31, $2.75;
K 98 Men s imported Corduroy Vests, in Size, 22 23 24 23 28 27 23 29 3U 31 32 23 31 35 32 to 35, $3.
drab and brown, with neat silk spots, four 2008 Boy s Double-breasted Ulster, storm 2025 Bays Dark Freize Reefers, splen
pockets with Haps, good trimmings, $1.50. collar, well lined throughout, colors brown didly
made and lined throughout, deep
199ii Best, quality of English corduroy
or giey. Price, sizes 22 to 25, $3 ; 26 to 28, storm collar, etc. 25 to 28, $3 ;
29 to 32, $3.50.
imported cloth, brown and drab, with silk $3.50; 29 to 31, $4; 32 and 33, $4.50; 34 and
spots, heavy tr. minings, $2.
35, $4.95.
2000 Double-breasted Wool Vests, dark 2009 Double-breasted Storm Ulster,
Boy s
green ground, with large overpaid of erim- deep length and well linen,
collar, extra
soii and blue, fancy checked back, $2.50.
colors deep brown and mvrtle. Price, 22 to
2001 Men s Fancy Wool Vests, single
35, $3.75; S 6 to 28, $4. 25; 29 to 31, $4.75;
l>reasted, with horn buttons, sateen back,
32 and 33, $5.25 34 and 35, S5.95.
flannel lined, litfht brown with dark check

2010 Special Youth s Storm Ulster of

and green, with red check, good heavy wool Boys 2-Piece Suits
frieze, lined with fine English tweed, (Coat and Knickers)
t, $3.
storm etc. colors dark biown and
-Men s doub e-breasted Fancy Vests, black. collar,
Price 33 to 7.
Sizes 22 to 28, for ages 5 to 11 years. We
35, only
made of all-wool English c oth, best flannel list these in the lines that we can fully
lining, good siteeu back, very neat and Youths Suits recommend for wear and holding color.
stylish, black, with small red cheek and 2026 Boys 2-piecesnit of streng serge, in
black, with grey check, the latest London This range of suits is dark bine shade only. Price $2,25.
style, $3.50. made to
ages 13 to tit
2027 Boys 2-pieee suit of strong Cana
2003 Men s Fancy Vests, single-breasted, 18 years, sizes 31 to 35 dian tweed, suitable for school wear, grey
lorn buttons, sateen back, ll.iunel lined, chest measure. and brown shades, $2.50.
neat ali-wool fancy basket pattern cloth, 2 Youths Sacque 2028 donble-breasted
with silk spot, light brown with green spot,
Special Boys
Suit of dark bine serge, 2-pieee suit, made of all-wool material, blue
and black with sky blue spot, very best, $5. well made and lined, or black serges and dark colored wool tweed,
suitable for school wear. gond linings, etc. Pries $3.25.
Men s Storm Ulsters. Price $3 75, 5029 Boys Eton, Vestee, Brownie, etc.
In this department we ex 2013 Youths Sacque Suits in sizes 21 to 27 in a choice combina
Suit of daik tweed in tion of colorings. The newest and nobbiest
pect to do the largest business
we ve ever done, t he Storm quiet grey mixed pat boys suits shown. Prices run $2.75, $3.50,
Ulster is undoubtedly the pro tern, splendid line for hard wear. Price $5. $4.50 and $5 50 a suit.
per coat for those who appre 2011 Youths Suit of Fine Wool Tweed Self-Measurement Form
ciate comfort moil) than in the new greenish and brownish shades. Will be found on page 152. Give the in
appearance in a cold climate. Price $6. formation asked and you may be sure at
All on ulsters are made 2015 Youths double-breasted black and perfect satisfaction in other
double-breasted and full blue Serge Suits, all-wool quality. Price
length,and no materials are $5.50. We guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction
used that we cannot guarantee 201(5 Youths double-breasted suit of n our Clothing Department. Give, all par-
to give the best satisfaction Heavy Wool Tweed, a grand line for rough tiunlars of measurement when sending us
for wear and retaining color, wear, in grey or brown shades. Price $6. 50. an order.


Skin Driving
Gloves, with re
For years we have specially studied the 13 Men s One Finger Choring Mitts, warm
best inforced pulls,
men s winter mitt trade. What we now oil tan saranac leather, well sewn, all

offer is the result of much

experience in this liiieil, S.~ic.
soft tanned calf skin stock,
of a better nor
Nowhere do we know 14 Men s One Finger Choring Mitts, best sewed. Rib-
line. thumbs welted, parts well all
chrome tan leather, warm
more suitable line of winter mitts than we
lined. Sue.
Men s Knitted knitted long wool wrists, a good wearing
Mitts, Gloves or Facings 15
have ourselves. Wool Mitten, sel glove, $1.
will be sent postpaid by mail for 7c per pair 24X Men s Extra
extra. Those lines marked with a are X ected black oil
Warm DI
leather faced
our leading values. and all Mittens, made
Farmers palms
No. 1
leather thumbs (see illustration), long
by covering our
Hand-knit Heavy heaviest Klon
roll-up wrists, 35c.
Mitt, p.ll wool, rib 16 Men s Unlined 4
dike knitted
pattern, tight
Fingered Gloves, W-ollen mitts (both backs, fronts and
wrist, dark, 25c.
inai.o oL selected oil thumbs) with choicest of California buck
2 Men s Fleece Lined Heavy Wool Mitts, tan saranac leather, skin, one of the most
dnrab e of all
long wrists, close machine knit, very thoroughly well leatheis. Long woollen wrists with re
warm, 25c. sewn, usual length, inforced pulls, as pictured, $1.25.
3 Men s Fine Knitted Wool Mitts, black or 40c per pair. 25 Men s Fine Ui;-
heather, tufted inside, long wrists. 25c. 17X Men s Heavy lined Driving
4X Men s Extra Knitted Wool Gloves, made of
Warm Hudson Hay hands (both
Mitts, tl-e very best of
Wool Mitts, exceed back and front)
__^___ waterproof Cali
ingly warm, full and thumbs, cov fornia buck skin, all seams full welted and
fleece lined, with,
ered with selected black oil tan saranac Back
well made, fancy stitched back.
extra long roll up leather, well t-ewn on, reinforced thumbs as p c-
string and button grip fastening

wrists, close knitted, stripe pattern, dark and pulls, long knitted roll-np woolen tured. A durable roomy driving
One of the best woollen mits made very
colors. wrists. This is a good general purpose 1.25.
for farmers, ranchers, lumbermen and any winter mitten for most people. It is
others who require an extra warm article.
26 Men s Light
wind proof and warm and wears well, Lined
The lingers cannot get cold in this mitt. It Driving
giving good satisfaction, 50c. Gloves, Calii or-
also makes our best wool mitt to cover with 18 Men s 1-Finger Mitt, same exactly other
nia buckskin
overdraw leather mitts. Price pair only 35c wise as our No. 17 X Mitten, ^ome han
htoo,v, with elastic
wrist bands, warm.
5X Men s Klon dier for Ontario weather tLan No. 17X.
Price 50c. lined, S1.25.
dike Wool Mitt,
heaviest and DriTing Gloves and Mitts
wool mitt 19 Men s Lined
made in Canada,
Driving Gloves,
extra thiek and warm lined, dark colors best choice oil
only, long wrists, 50c. tanned saranae
6 Men s Knitted leather, we d
Wool Winter sewed fingers, improved shape welted
Gloves, long thumbs, special glove lining, knitted wool
tight wrist, wrists, 65c. MEN S OVERDRAW MITTS
fancy dark 20 X Farmers Overdraw Leather Mitts are becoming
check pattern, a thoroughly well made Lined Driving more popular each season. They are i:

S5c per pair.

Mitt, made ot large in the thumbs and roomy in the hands,
7 X Mitt Facings, the. very choic and are made witli f lassie wrist bands, which
made of the very est of chrome is not shown in our illustration. They are
best of soft oil tun t anned calf used to draw right over heavy woolen mitts.
calf skin leather, skin with 27 Men s Overdraw Mitts, made of best oil
right and left hand chroii best welted
ranao bae -s, tan Saranac leather, welted seams, elastic
with thumb facings seams, leather hound wrists, full lined, a bands, 50c.
attached, best welt goon, si iceable mitten, roomy, warm

28X Men s Overdraw Mitts, best seb-.

sewed and very select stock, exceedingly and very durable, 75c. wide
waterproof calfskin si"

choice, goods, made to sew on any heavy 21X Farmers palms, large thumbs, splendid to wear,
wool mitt, thus giving 1he wear of the l-Fingerl)nv- w ell. :-3 bands, <

best solid leather mitts. Price per p. iug Mitt, best A gra d good mitt.

8 Men s Unlined calf skin 29X Men

^ Oil Tanned
ac Leather Chorr-
leather, thor
oughly well
s Overdiaw
wate proof California buckskin
e and roomy
Mitts, extra

ing Milts, made, with oiled snrnn Wrist bands.
selected finished wrists, welted .seams, lined, 75c. one of the best of all
stock, .
best welt sewed, usual length, 2.V. 22 X Chopper s $l.lper pair.

ciX Men s ( boring Mitts, warm lim Heavy Work Note We hardly know which o
oil tan saranae leather, welt sewed, 3~c. ing Mitts abox e L lines of mittens (Xo, 2y)
10 Men s Choring Mitts, cho, choiei
to recommend moM, they are boih
white chrome tan saranai leather, lined, 3nc calf s k i i F.ilher should lie usecj along \\nli onr No.
11 Men s One, weltiM IX or X en mil !

T Unlined seams, warm lined, extra long tight farmers should perhaps buy and 1 1"

Choring double, knitted wool wrists (roll-ii| Xo. -IX mitts, while Nortl.
best choice sel trimmin-: as pictured.
A grand mitt would do well to buy the Xo. 2PX
ected oil water and wind proof, nud exceedingly combination.
anao leather, best welt sewing, usual tough and durable. May be need
length wrist, 25c. good results for handling stone, wood 01 When ordei ing t ;]o\cs or Mittsalw.i
12 Men s 1 Finger Unlined Mitts, extra iron, or splendid for rail ing in whether it is large, mediiru or a

coldest, weather, $1. size wanted.

length, 35c.
Fnr Lined Astrachan Mitts and socket fastening, and deep fur cuffs, very line of socks. Price 25c per pair, 3 pairs
Gloves comfortable, 1.50. for 7()c full
dozen lots $2.75 postage per ;

SOX Men Black AstracUa.ii ClotU Mitts,

s pair 7c.
with heavy black oiled leather palms and Boys Mitts and Cloves 3 Men s Black Wool Winter Socks, plain
thumbs, full fur lined and very warm, long From 8 to 14 years. or ribbed, medium
weight, pair 25c s 3

wrists, a dressy, comfortable, Sunday win 45 Home-Knit Heavy Wool pairs for 70c ; postage 5c.
ter mitt for farmers, S
Boys Mitts,
with tight wrists and very durable, 20c.
Sock leet.
31 -Men s Black Astrachan Cloth Gloves, Wool
Boys Fine Black 46 Mitts, machine Men s Knitted Sock F.eet, fleece lined, very
with 4 fingers, black leather lingers, palms double knitted wrist, 25c.
and thumbs, all full fur lined, very warm 47 knit, handy in severe weather to supplement
Boys Knitted Wool Mitts, rib pattern, regular socks also used as bedroom socks, ;
indeed, $1.25.
palms and thumbs well covered with oil or hospital slippers. Price 25c pair ; postage
Men s Gauntlets. black leather of best wearing qualities. 5c. Always mention size wanted.
Price 30c. This mitt corresponds with our
,ijre on Gauntlets is lOc pair extra.
No. 15 Men s Mitt,
s Socks. Lumbermen
32 Men s Driving
48 Little Boys Lined Kid Gloves, cUeapest 2 Men s Heavy Knitted
Gauntlet Mitts,
with large cuffs, quality, warm lined, 50c. Socks, good stock, full
49 Boys Fine Quality Kid Gloves, ball and length 50c ; postage 12c.
all made of liest
socket clasp, fancy overstiched backs, 3 Men s Heavy Knit Socks,
yellow oil tan canton lining, 60c. full length, with heavy
Saranac leather, 50 special
with palms and
Youths Finest KidGIoves, special striped warm lined feet, per pair
wool lining, double dome fastening, 65c. 75c; postage
thumbs of the besi California buckskin. lf>c.

51 Boys Finest 4 Men s Heavy Knit Socks,

Hands are warm lined, curl s are leather Kid Mitts, fleece full length, heavy warm
lined, .f 1.50 per pair. lined on sheep lined fiom toe to top, splen
33 Men Driving Gauntlet Gloves, same as
pelt, very warm did comfortable goods,
above, but with 4 lingers, $1.50. lined, fancy pair SI ; postage 18c. !

overstitched backs, elastic wrist bands, 51

Men s Men Shirts
s Top
Astrachan MEN S FURNISHINGS Order small, medium or
large sizes.
and Fur No. 1 Men s Heavy Dark
Union Top Shirts, with
Gauntlets collars attached, 50o
each ; postage loc.
34 Men s Black Astrachan Cloth Gauntlet 2 Men s Heavy Navy
Mitts, with warm lining, black leather Blue Knit Top Shirts,
palms and thumbs, large Astrachan cuffs soft fleece lined, 75c
(leather lined), $1.25. each
Postage 2c ; postage 15c
35 Same in four fingered Gloves, $1.25.
MX Men s Heavy Black Astrachau Cloth per pair. Our Leader
Gauntlet Mitts, black leather palms and
*Uumb.s, warm fur lined, with large astra- No. 3X $J Men s Extra
chan cuffs, leather lined, a grand gaunt No. 1 Men s Cotton Socks, seamless feet, Heavy, All-wool Knitted
let forthe price, only $1.50. ribbed top, blue mixed and brown mixed Overshirts, with collar at
37 -I Same in
lingered Gloves, $1.50. colors for summer or mild weather use, pair
tached. This No. 3 X Top
When ordering gloves or mitts, always lOc ;
3 for 25c.
Shirt is a good one it is ;

say if large, medium or small size. -Men Union or Mixed Cotton and Wool
s probably our very best
Men s Lined Kid Gloves. Socks, seamless feet, ribbed top, grays and
value in top shirts, and
fawns, for fall or early summer use, 15c any one ordering it will be
Postage 5c per pair extra. well pleased with the pur
38 Men s Lined Winter Gloves, pair ; 4 pairs 50c.medium chase. Price $1 ; post loc.
3 Men s Fine Black Cotton Socks, seamless
quality domestic kid, canton lined, ball and fast color, 15c pair; 4 pairs 50c.
and socket spring clasp, 65c.
4 Men s Black Cashmere Socks, seamless,
Blue Flannel Shirts
39 Men s Lined Gloves, good quality do No. 4 Men s Navy Blue
mestic kid stock, fancy overstitched backs, light 25c; medium 35c; heavy weight, per
Flannel Top Shirts, with
ball and socket first-class pair 45c.
fastenings, collar attached, cut full
lining, 75c.
Best Quality Domestic Kid Gloves,
Men s length, pocket yoke,
40 s
shaped shoulders and faced
with special quality fine knit lining, fancy Heavy | sleeves, $1 each post loc. ;

overstitched back, ball and socket fasten 5 Men s Grey Flannel Top
ing, $1.00. Winter Shirt, either with or with
41 Men
Lined Gloves, best quality fine
s out collar, cut full length,
tanned goat skin stock, striped wool lin Socks. and fine quality flannel.
ing, fancy overstitched backs, English Price $1 each postage 15c. ;

style stitching, ball clasp, a good wearing Order small, medium, or

1 Men s Win
light driving glove, $1.00. large sizes.
Men s Lined Gloves, domestic kid stock, terSocks,
warm lined, with fine fur inside cuffs, ribbed or Men
plain, all
s Fancy
double dome fastening, $1.00. Flannelette Shirts
43 Gentlemen s Genuine Real Moco Kid wool stock,
loves, special warm lined, double dome
<; grey color, seamless foot, pair 20c; 3 pairs Order small, medium or large
overeti cUed 50c postage 5c per pair.
fastenings, backs, very ;
dressy, $1.50.
2X Men s Extra Heavy Winter Socks,
ribbed or plain, best all wool grey stock, No. 5 Men s Flannelette Top
44 Gentlemen s double heels and toes. There is excep Shirts, either dark or light
Fine Kid Very tional value here. For severe winter patterns, collars attached.
Gloves for winter weather there is no better noi warmer Prices 35c, 50c and 75o
use, lined through- sock made. Farmers, lumbermen, chop each, according to quality.
out with fine fur, pers, ranchmen and railway people would Sizes 14 to 17.
and complete with bellows wrist, ball and do well to provide themselves with this

1 6
Black Sateen Shirts
Men s Black Twill Sateen
cotton, with collar, full length,
etc. $1 each ; postage 15c.
pocket> MEN S BEST
Tup Shirts, fast color,
medium quality, pearl but
Men s Flannelette Night Shirts. HEAVY UNDERWEAR
tons, one pocket, 50c each, 3 Men Good Quality Fant y Striped Flan
s 7X Men s Best Quality Extra Heavy Under
postage lOc. nelette Night Dresses, gathered reinforced wear, shirts or drawers, warranted best
1 7 Men s Good Black Sateen back, fancy collar and liosmn, pocket, etc., quality pure wool stock ; double bre
Top Shirt-), felled seame, 75c each postage 15c. ,
double backed, very serviceable and dura
warranted fast black, pear! 4 Men s extra Good Fancy Flaimelet :
ble; made for severe climatic conditions,
buttons, n-infovce i neck, Dresses, assorted colors, with collar. ;
*1 each postage 20c.

collar stiffenev, good etc., $1 each, postage 15c. 8 Men s Extra Heavy Underwear, shirts or
quality of sateen, 75c drawers, hand knit, 3 ply, unshrinkable,
postage 12c.

MEN S UNDERWEAR full fashioned. Price 81. 50 each ; pi

8 Men s Superfine Black Sateen Top Shirts, Our stock will be found right in values in 2ii, each.

pearl buttons, steel collar stiflVner, lined Men s Underwear. It is one of our strongest Underwear.
back, one pocket, our best sateen shirt, $1 departments, and values are the result of
postage 12c. much experience- We make a specially of This table shows what Vizes to order.
extra heavy goods for Northwest and North Please use it when order! g
Men s Oxford Shirts Ontario trade. Size No. 1 fits a boy 3 to 5
i :

Sizes from 14 to 17.

MEN S 5 to 7
No. 9 Men
Oxford Oversuirts,
s 7 to !i

with collar attached, dark or SUMMER 9 to 11

light colors, good everyday 11 to 13

13 to 15
working shirts, very seivice-
al le goods, SOceach; post. lOc 7 15 to 18
Order small, medium or
10 Men s Drillette Working men s sizes.
Plain All-wool Underwear, shirts
Overshirts, dark blue color, or drawers:
polka dot pattern, oOc each ;
\ o. 1 Men s light cotton
postage lOc. Undershirts or Drawers, Size No 3 6
25c, 35c and 50c each
Price each 35c 40c 45c 50c 60c
Men s White Shirts piece, according to qual
Always give the size. ity postage 7c each.
Postage each 5c 6c 7c 8c lOc
l .Men s Fine Merino
Unlaimdered Undershirts or Drawers, 10 Boys Winter Underwear, cotton fleeced
Boys or Men s TJnlaun- and $1 each, ac
j^ 0i i
dered White Shirts, good
quality of cotton with pure
cording to quality
50, 75c
; postage lOc. Size No.. .1234567
good line to order.
shirts or drawers, a real

Irish linen bosoms, reinforced

front and back, caffs or
MEN S Price each 25c 30n 35o -38o 40c 4oc 50o

bands, an extra good shirt

for the price, 50c each post
WINTER UNDERWEAR Postage each.. 4c 4c 5c tie 7c 8c lOc

age 7c.

No. s Plain
1 Men
Union Undershirts or JACKETS
2 tsoys or Men s Unlanndered Shirts, very Drawers, double breasted,
best quality goods, with best linen front, 35c each
A lot of good solid com
postage loc ;
fort pan be had out of a
etc., 75c each; postage
each extra.
Laundered Shirts 2 Men s All Wool Under cardigan jacket. They are
warm and exceedingly
3 Men or Boys Laundered White Shirts,
s shirts or Drawers, -plain en-
comfortable: postage -JOc.
according to quality, 50, 75c and $1 each, ribbed, double breasted, No. 1- Men s ardigan (

Postage lOc each very special value for the

Jackets, ribbed pattern,
Men"** Colored money, a good article for i

with pockets, round rib

Shirts general use, 50c each ; bed cuff -with 2 buttons,
postage 15c each.
Always give size. thoroughly well made and shaped, prices
Men s ndershirts or cotton 75o, 81, $1.25 and $1.50 each, according to
4 Men s or Boys colored
fleeced, silk bound quality of wool stock used. Order small,
fronts, increasingly
Pecale Shirts, fancy in medium or large sizes.
popular goods everywhere, price 50c
stripes or broken checks, J Men s Extra Large Si/o t ardigan Jack-
postage 15c.
gathered back, attached nod medium quality mateiial, 1.25.
laundered cuffs, 2 de Men s
tached laundered collars,
laundered bosom, ^,,i,i| Extra SWEATERS
value, 50c each postage ;

lOc each. Heavy Por : aeh

5 Men s or Boys Picale Shirts, in new com Winter Boys Union Sweateis, oOc.
binations of colors, stripes and i

-il-Hool Sweaters, 65c.

checks, blues and pinks, very fine quality

Men s i

soft bosom, pearl buttons, without*

or cuffs (to be worn with white, collars and No. 4 Men s All Wool Undershirts or Draw Men s All-wool Sweat* .

cuffs) 75c each ; postage each. "<

heavy :iml plain, double breast

ers, evlr. i

Men s Night Shirts. ed, a very good line to buy, warm, good
Hoys or Men s Woolen
wearing goods, warranted all wool, 75c
IMen s White Good Twilled each ; postage 15c.
Cuffs or Muffin
Cotton Night Shirts, \\itli No. r>.\~ Men s Underwear, shirts or draw very warm and nice
collar attached, reinforced wool
double, breasted, very
lleeeed, to So,
gathered back, cut full softand warm, postage, 15c. 7~>c each ; Men s XYi
strength- st

length, one gxjckct, 75c each; T>

Men s Winter Underwear, shirts and ends, I..
postage Iflo. drawers, cotton fleeced, double, breasted with 2 straps anp
.fen s White Night Shirts, and double backed, extraheavy, price 75c; buckle, 20c each;
extra fine quality twilled postage 18c.

Men s and Boys Belts

No. 1 Boys Elastic Web Belts, eompiete
No. 1. No. 2.
with buckles, at lOc, 15c and 25o each ;
postage oc. Men s Linen Cults
2 Buys Leather Belts, -with buckle, 25c.
3 Men s Split, Leather Belts, with uickled Men s 4-ply Linen Cuffs (No. 1 and Nc 2 pat
rings and buckle, width If inches, price
tern), good quality, 20c per pair ; post
25c each postage oc, age 3c per pair.
; Knot Flowing Puff
4 Men sSolid Leather Belts, very best
stock, 2 inches wide, with rings and buckle, Men s Dickie Shirt Fronts, Men s Knot Ties
50c each 7c. pure white linen, iest 10 Men s Fancy Colored Silk Knot Ties,
; postage ,

loonderad, very haujy with silk backs, dark or light shades, in

to wear with flannel i-r checks, stripes, dots, and solid colors, 25c.
other soft shirts, 2L">o
11 Men s r-ilack Silk or Satin Knot Ties, 25c.
each ; postage 5c.
Flowing End Ties
12- Men s Fancy Washable Flowing End
Ties, all tints and shades, in stripes or
checks, 25c.
13--Men s Navy Blue Mercerized Flowing
EndTie, with fancy dot, very nobby and
dressy, 25c.
No. 4 No. 5 14 Men s Fancy Silk Flowing End Ties, all
desirable colors, 50c each.
Shoulder Braces Postage 5c pair. Boys Linen Collars Sizes 12 to 13J.
1 Boys Brace", 27 inches, 10, 15, 2oc pair. Boys 4-ply Linen Turn-down, each !<>c
Men s Puff Ties
Men s Heavy Working Braces 25c pair. 15- Men s Silk Puff Ties, checks
Fancy and
Stand-up, cheapest, ea.lOc
" "

3 Men s Extra Heavy Bra es, 35c pair. " "

best, each-.loc
stripes, all desirable colors, 25c.
4 Men s Extra Good English Braces, best Windsor Ties
quality elastic webbing, with leather ends Men s Week Ties
reinforced with metal four very best brace) 16 Boys Silk Wind
Postage on any tie is 2c extra.
sor Ties in fancy
sixes 3ri inch or extra large 40 inch, 4."c.

6 Men s Ligl t Fancy Braces, 15, 20, 25, 35 No. Men s Black
I dots and plaids,
and 50c pair. SilkBow Tie, 2.")C. loc and 25c each,
2 Men s Black Satin according to quality
Leather Braces Bow Tie, 25c. Keck Scarfs
6 Men Light All Leather Brnces, 25c.
S.-Mei. s Fancy Colored Postage 5c each.
7 Working Men s Extra Heavy Best Leather Silk Bow Ties, in
Braces, all hand made and large size, 60c. fancy stripes, and
No. 1 Men s Fancy Cash
broken checks, all new mere Neck Scarfs or Mnf-
Men s Linen Collars. est popular shades,
fl cr8 , dark check or light
Postage on 1 collar, 2c on 3 collars,
; 5c. loc, 20c and 25c each. S P* Pattern >
25c each.
Sizes 14 to 17|. 2 Men s Fine Cashmere Neck Scarfs, light
4 Men s White, or dark colors, 50e each.
Turn Down Collars. Lawn Bow Tics, 3 Men s Black and White Silk Neck Scarfs,
lOc, 15c and 25c 75c each.
(Always give the size.1
3100 4-ply Linen (pattern each, according 4 Men s Fancy Colored Fine Silk Neck
to quality. Scarfs, in fancy oatterns, $1.
y No. 1), me tiuni, lOc each.
5 Farmers Long Woolen Mufflers, 25c, 50c.
101 4-ply Linen (pattern No. 1), very beat
quality 20e, 3 for 5oc.
Men s Handkerchiefs
102 Celluloid Turndown Collars, lOc and Postage on anj . indkerchief is 2c.
20. each.
103 Men s Paper Collars, lOcbox; postage 5c.
Men s Washable Ties No. 1 Men s Tur
key RedCottin
Men Men s Summer Washable String Ties, in
s 5
great assortment, all shades, all patterns,
Collars cheapest 5c ea ;
stripe and cheek, ICu each 3 for 25c. ; for 25c

4-ply Linen (pattern 5 Men s Fine String Ties,

J104 washable, new 2 Men s Turkey
Xo. medium quality est popular shades and Red
patterns, 13c each: Cottoi

lUc eaeli. 2 for 25c. Handkerchief. 1

105 4-ply Linen (pattern 6 Men s Fine All Silk

No. -2), very best quality String Ties, polka dot medium 8c ea ;
20c, 3 for 50c. and fanr.y stripes and checks, in all colors, 6 for 40c.
106 Men s Cellul id Collars, lOc and 20c
also in black silk or satin, -2~jc each. 3 Men s Turkey Red Cotton
each. Pattern No. 2. Handkerchiefs.
best lOc each
Men s Four- in -Han il Ties s Blue
6 for 50c.
and White Handkerchiefs.
7 Men s Fancy Foiir-i:.-.-hand good. lOc each ;
6 for ."Oe.

Washable Ties, in stripes anil 5 Men s Blue and Whito Handkerchiefs,

checks and dots, 15c each very best, 12$c ;
3 for 35c.
2 for S.-.c.

8 Men s Fancy Silk Four-in-

hand Ties, all the latest and Waltham Watches
Pattern No. 3. Pattern No. 4.
most desirable patterns in very We are headquarters in Canada
107 Men s good medium quality 4-ply Col great assortment, 25esach. for Genuine Waltham Watches.
lars (patterns 3 or No
4), lOc each. N"a 9 Men s Fine Black Silk Four- See index for page.
108 Men very best quality 4-ply Linen
in-hand Ties, 25c.
Collars (patterns3 or 4), 20c each, 3 for 50o.

Duck Hunting Caps MEN S

No. 1 Heavy Tan
Duck Hunting Cap,
made with double
visor, as illustrated
all seams taped
and every part well Everyone would do well to supply them
6 White Hemstitched Cotton Hand
Men s made. Price only 4^9 each. selveswith Waterproof Clothing such as des
kerchiefs, medium, 7c 4 for - ;

cribed below. A short racket and a pair of

7-. -Men s White Hemstitched Cotton Hand
pants at $1.25 each, and a Sou wester cap at
kerchiefs, best, lOc ;
6 for 50c. 45f,.or a total of $2.93 for the outfit, is cer
8 Men s White Plain Border Cotton Hand Men sHunting tainly riot an expensive outlay, and they
kerchiefs, best lOc. prove themselves a great acquisition in
Men s JLiiieii Handkerchiefs and stormy or wet weather.
9 Men s White Hemstitched Linen Hand Clioring Coats
kerchiefs, loc ;
6 forSOc.
10 Men s White Hemstitched Linen Hand
kerchiefs, 2."c 6 for $1.25. Chest measure, 38 to 46

Men s White Hemstitched Linen Hand inches.

kerchiefs, with initial corner, 25e each.
12 Is a splendid line of Boys Linen Hand
No. 41- Men s Heavy Brown Duck Coat,
kerchiefs with colored borders, at 5c each,
with deep corduroy turn clown collar, two
or 6 for 25c 7c each, or 4 for 2oc ; lOc
very large and one medium outside pocit-
each, or 3 for 25c.
ets, and two inside
extra large bag pockets,
Men s Hemstitched Irish Linen Handker all pockets reinforced with rivets, ballaad
chiefs at 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c each socket buttons, one of t e bess brown
duck coats made, price $2.0- each.
s Silk Handkerchiefs
60 Men s U.-avy Brown Duck Coat, double
Men s Plain White Hemstitched Silk Hand- breasted, very warm lined, with nittcd )

erchiefs at ioc, 35c, 50c and 656 each.

! inside storm cuffs, extra deep corduroy
Men s Plain White Initial Hemstitched Silk collar, three outside pockets,
ball and
Handkerchiefs at 35c, 50c and 75c each. socket buttons, price 3.75. Waterproof Long Coats Oiled
canvas stock, made double ply throughout,
Linen Marker A complete indelible Waterproof Duck Coat storm breasted, patent buttons, turn down
linen marker, including bottle ink, pad and No. 92 Men s Heavy Brown DUCK Coat, collar, storm
wrists, reinforced shoulders
double brea-ted, corduroy storm strapped and
any jelter you order. Price for complete elbows, long man s length, yellow or
collar, warm cloth lined and sheet rubber
black color, and small, iLedium or large sizes,
outfit, all in a neat box, only loc ; postage 7c
interlined throughout, botli in sleeves and
knitted storm usual price $2.50 each.
body, inside cuffs,

pockets and buttons as above, price $5 Storm Pants Oiled canvas -water
each. This coat is warranted water, wind proof stock, made -with apron front raid
and storm proof. braces, doubled throughout, patent buttons,
20 Men s Heavy Keversib a Choring Coat, roomy leg.-J and waists, black or yellow color,
dsrk check tweed on one side, and heavy small, medium or large sizes, price $1.25 each
cottonade on the other side (can be worn
either side out), ball and socket buttons, Storm Jackets
3 outside and 3 inside pockets, a warm, Waterproof oiled can
wind-proof, coat, price $3.75. vas, made double
! Men Fleece s throughout,
rci: forced
Lined Coats all points,

Men s Overalls, Etc. M en breasted, turn down

27 s Heavy collar,
Brow n Duck Coat, patent buttons,
Men s good, well made, F/Iue.Denim Overalls with corduroy col elastic lined
without bib. price 50o per pair postage lOc. ;
storm v.-i
yellow or
double hicaMfd, i.^ts,
Men s extra heavy, well made, Blue Denim lar,
sleeve warm cloth- blai nail, med
Overalls, with bib, a grand good article. ium or large sizes, price $1.25 each
Price 75o pair postage lOo. ;
lined, with knitted
inside cuffs, 3 out
Men s Good Blue Denim Smocks, medium Storm Capes Large, roomy
heavy weight, 75c postage lOo.
side, pockets, body waterproof capes, with
weight, 50c ; ;

Kill ,<
coat full lined tons, length from neck ii , al
with real lam!
Bathing Suits, Etc. around, each. $1.5<i

on tin- hide, or an i-x-

Boys Fancy Striped Bathing Trunks, 15c cei dingl.v warm Kim -lutely Men s Storm Caps
Men s One-piece Bathing Suits, 75c. wind an 1 frosl
Leather Coat
503 Men s Et
ble Coat, best qual
ity corduroy
nd very best
oil tan black leather Sou -\Te> Cm
MEN S AXD BOYS CAPS on ihe oilier
a ami storm
of Storm
Mid KM-!
o. l_We stock a large assortment of Men s (either side can be let IVoi t -

worn oil taldi 7--.

cloth peak caps, sue! as illustrated, in 2 best
storm culliir,! \VaI> i

fancy tweeds, light and dark shades,



plaids and checks, with strong peaks,

with special Sturm Heck

nice -roods and desirable up-to-date shapes, and red Hanin-1 lined,
tons, \\ananliii sti ap,
all sizes, to fit boys or men, prices 25, 35,
wind, \\ ;it
r, storn lllatei ial all Illrollgli.
40 an". 50c each, according to quality; \\
and frost, proof, :>-

postage 5c each. Ordci ir.cdiiim

2 Eoys Scotch Caps, well bound, 25o. price $7.50 each ,


There are two it- j

terns of fur caj,>

with a band, known as

a band cap, and the
other without band,
and known as the
wedge shape.
To get at the size of the cap required,
a piece of paper about 1 inch wide around
your head at the largest place, and send ns
the paper with your order, being careful to
write your name and address on the paper.
The postage on any cap is 12e extra.
Men s Astrakhan Caps
No. 1520 Men s
Black Astrachan
Curly Cloth Cap,
good medium
quality, well lined,
band pattern, 7">c.

1525 Men s Best

quality Black
Astrachan Cloth Caps, fancy satin quilted
lining, deep band pattern, nice glossy
curly stock, price $1 e.ach.
Chinese Dog. Siberian Buffalo. Wombat. MEWS FUR CAPS
No. 861-Men s Heavy
Black Astrachan

For this season

some remarkably good values in Fur Coats.
offer When
Lamb Cap, deep
heavy band pat
tern, satin quilted
lining, deep crown,
ordering give chest measurement over your ordinary clothing. Each coat is double- a warm and very
breasted, and by slight alterations in the positions the buttons it is not difficult to
"of serviceable fur cap,
make a fur coat fit. They are generally worn large and roomy. Kadi coat has a high and not an expen
storm collar, and, of course, outside and inside pockets. All are full length man s sive one, price $2
50 inches from undei the, collar downwards, and are exceedingly comfortable. each. This cap, for cold countries, is a
We have selected for this season only three varieties of Far Coats, and have given very real good one to order.
special attention to the selection of these three.
natural pelt, that in itself means durability.
Each of tbe three lines is made from the
We can recommend any of the three, but
Men s Wetlge Fur
naturally would prefer to sell our best, which is the Siberian Buffalo. 970 Men s Beaverized
Nutria Fur C;i
wedge shape, fancy
Black Chinese Dog Overcoats, made of extra strong pelt, smooth hair and glossy,
"Slen s quilted satin lining, a
double breasted, with high storm collar. A remarkably good coat for the money. A good thoroughly well made
color, a well made, and a well lined coat, and a cheap one. Each is made with good quilted light, dressy, fur cap,
a cap that looks well
lining, and has a wide heavy fur collar which may be turned up high around the neck and
ears in a storm. Sizes we carry in stock are 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inch chest measure. on either a lady or gen
tleman. The fur is genuine Nutria, and is
Length 50 inches. Price only $16.00.
so well tanned and plucked it is difficult

WOMBAT FUR COATS, $18 to distinguish it from our Canadian beaver

fur, hence its name Beaverized Nutria.
Men s best Wombat Fur Coats, color brown with silver gray spots as
or Australian Bear Price $4 each.
illustrated. Fur very close and fine. A good wearing fur, and very waim. Storm collar, Men
s Persian I^ainb Caps
double-breasted, quilted lining throughout, good length (50 inches), medium weight, 797 Men s Genuine Perisan Lamb
natural pelt (undyed.) we Caps,
Sizes carry in stock are 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 chest measure. wedge shape, choice selected black curly
Price only $18.00 each. The Australian Bear Fur Coats have, now been on this market satin a hand
stock, fancy quilted lined,
quite a few years and proven themselves to be well suited for this country. They have some and becoming cap to any one, very
net with a large sale, and are giving good satisfaction. durable and not a heavy cap on the head.


Price $6.50 each.
Men s Peak Fur (.laps
coat we draw your particular attention. The color is the same as the well
It is to this 913 Men sFr.r Caps, with storm peak, crown
known American Buffalo skins, now extinct, viz., a rich deep brown. The pelt is natural of dark brown Nutria and very deep, can
not dyed. Each coat is 50 inches long, double, breasted, and is provided with the
f,n<\ bo pulled right down well over the head,
nsual high storm collar. The lining is good, and is quilted throughout. Wo feel we can
quilted sateen lining, a .splendid fur cap
not recommend th s coat too strongly. For several seasons now we have sold the same for old men or others who wish to protect
line of coats, and never have we sold more satisfactory goods.
They wear
well and
look well, the rich brown becomes everybody, and the price, is so little more than a poorer
the eyes from storm, a warm cap, made of
good stock. Price only $3 each.
coat that we say by all means strain a point when selecting a fur coat, and buy one of Note. For price of Men s Fur Gauntlets
these Buffalo Coats. Sizes in stock are 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inch chest measure ce page 162.
ment. Price $20 caf-h. A fur coat is something that is not pui\ hased often in a life time,
and it pays to get the best. 4 $3 Razor for Only $1
As already stated above, we have been selling these Siberian Buffalo Fur Coats for We have been constantly blowing
several seasons past, and with great success.
Reports from everywhere indicate fhat this his $1 razor of ours. We honestly believe
is one of the very best furs from which to make Men s Fur Overcoats. Their handsome t to be the best razor made in the world.
brown color and their great durability make them very desirable coats. Sent postpaid on receipt of $1.




Electric Seal "

Ladies l;i.-h Brown Electric Seal Jackets, NATURAL
" "

style, with storm

length collar,
22 inch- 3H inch "id
I! with colored satin lining. A very
stylish jacket. Price $32.00.
Rl.tck Astraohan Electric Seal *
Hector "

Ladies Electric Seal Jackets, "Hector

No. 1 Ladies Black Astrachan Jackets or b JN inches, stock sixes 31, 36,
Coats, "Hector" pattern, with special in bust measure, all beauti
ter-lining, adding great strength to the
fully stylish, with storm collar and colored
garment, fancy printed Farmers satin lin
satin lining. Price $40.00.
ing. The stock sizes are 34, 36 38 and 40 STORM COLLAR
inch bust measure, and made, in. two
Ladies Xatural Gray Opossum Muff, regu
lengths. The quality of astrachan is a
lar size, satin lined, with four tails, $3 each J
good medium grade.
Ladies 30 inch Black Astrachan Jacket, $20 1 _ (.


$24 " " " " Ladies Xatural Gray Opossum Storm Col-
ircp curtain, ti|iiaiv ends \\ith tails,
Best Black Astrachan ; 15c.

No. 2 Ladies Best Black Astrachan Lamlj Black

Jackets, pattern, bcsi "Hector"
lined, and all with special interlining.
Sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40 inch bust measure, Ladies Black As-
made in two lengths. The quality of this u Lamb Muff,
fur is very reliable, and the jacket will qiinHty, full

give the best of v

Ladies 28 inch Best Astrachan Jacket, S32.

Ladies Fur Collars and $t ;

.d veil lined,

postage 1lV.
36 <

" " " "
Muffs Ladies Black Astrac 1

All articles in stock in this department
Onr catalogue No. 2 Astradian Jacket is a de, high collar and with tab
are iirs The woi each
good one ami is well worth the price. They

; ]

the very best. Ladh Mulls and

would be good value at $10 more than we ask. ,

Caps may readily be sent Electric Seal.

Bokaran I.amb Black Coney Ladies Electric
Ladies* Fine Bokaran Lamb Jacket, vei \
Ladies Black Coney Fur Muff (>mooth Seal Muff, rich dark
tun, satei-n lined, full si/c, price brown color, I:
Bcrnice style, length 2S
" "

quality, am! with ball
inel lined,
lining. Exceedingly
her., Stock sizes 34, 36 Ladies ];; Storm Collars, may <ch
; [iiis-
and 3* l<u~

. Price $15.00. be turned up or turned down, :\ I - c.

fort able article, price Ladies Electric
Coon Jackets Seal Slorm Collar,
Our Jacket Interlining with tab ends, a very becoming dressy article.
Fur Jackets, The special interlining which is in
(ion all of
"Bernk *"
style, beautifully made, length Ladies Fur Jar! B of (lie

34 inches, blown farmer s satin lining, provements in tho manufacture of

si/ 40 inches bust measure. ever adopted. It increases the strength of Note- For prici . Children s
Price $45.00. the fur by 25 per ecu*, at I dlars and Muff-
Misses Fur Collars and Muffs
Natural Opossum
Misses Batumi Gray
Opossum Muff, wilh hang- ... .

in , luilis, and fancy lining, No. buo Linen Window Blind,!

^.2 <:
post--. lOc. size 3x6 feet, with lace finish, en
Misses Natural besvj
Gray ep-ing rollers, colors light and dark cream,
Opossum Storm Collar, with ball j

lig it and dark preen, price 60c each.

deep pattern, $3.50 ; postage 13c. No. 6, $1 Oiled Linen Window Blind, size]
Misses Natnral Gray Opossum Cap, deep 3x6 feet, trimmed with lace mn:
wedge shape, fancy lined, $2.00; postage 1MERICAST BUFFALO ROBES tion, best quality oiled linen and best
10.-,. These robes are not animal skins. They spring roller, color light cream only, prjcel
Note. For girl? from 8 to 15 years of age ire made of very heavy woven fabric, which $1 each. Our best window blind.
tin- al)ove pieces nrc very suitable. They in appearance is very similar to the old Buf
may lit purchased separately or ill sets. falo skin of the prairies (now extinct.) The
When ordering cap always give head measure. color is a rich, deep brown. In the XT. S.
Child s Gray Lamb Caps r hese robes have been iu use for
many .years,
For either boys or girls, both wear them, and, owing to their durability and handsome
and they are very comfortable, and very be appearance, they have come to stay. They
coming. Steel Gray Lamb Wedge Caps, all give the greatest, satisfaction. Between the
lining and tbe robe is a heavy rubber sheet,
No. 7, 75c Oiled Linen Window Blind, very
sizes, from 6j to 7. Price $1.75 each post best quality linen, on best spring rollers,
which makes the article windproof and
age with fancy fringe trimming, 5 inches deep,
waterproof. They are as strong as any
size of blind, without fringe, 3x6 feet ;
leather, handsome, soft and pliable, warmer
haw a. skin robe, and are easily dried after colors, terra cotta, cream and dark green, ,

being wel. Made in dark brown color, suit price 75c eac 1).
Note All blinds are easily cut down to
ably trimmed and lined with best blanket
fit any window up to 3 feet in width.
lining, and the inside rubber lining already
mentioned. Made in 3 sizes :
Window Blind Spring Hollers with brackets,
American Buffalo Robes, 52 x 54 ins., 97.00. ISc each.
American Buffalo Robes, fi2 x 54 ins., $8.00. Window Blind Cloth, all colors, per yard, 25o !

American Buffalo Robes, 72 x 5-1 in?., $9.00. Window Blind Tacks, very Bhort, package, 2o I
Window Blind Pulls, each.. io

Men s Fur Gauntlets No. 1 Five Foot Curtain Poles, in oak or

1 Men s Wombat Fur Mitts (fing cherry, complete with brass trimming*, 2">ci

ers altogether) selected fur sto< -k with largo

enft s and buckskin p llms, thoroughly -well
made, very warm and comfortable, as they
keep the wind from driving up the arms.
Price $3 per pair postage 2Qc.
; : ^ive Foot Curtain Poles, complete with
2. Men s Wombat Fur Gauntlet Gloves (with \vo-id trimmings, 25c.
4 fingers), selected stock, large cuffs, buck BLINDS
All of our Window Blinds,are mounted on
skin palms and thumbs, $3 per pair; post
good spring rollers, and are complete with
age 20c. brackets and pull. If you ever have o ca-
3 Men s Heavy Black Astraehan Cloth 3 Five Foot Curtain Pole, in oak and
siou to remount window blinds on spring
Gauntlet Mitts, with the hands and thumbs
rollers always use 1 oz. cut taeks. then you mahogany, complete with very handsome
very warm lined with real fur, large, do not interfere with the inside roller springs, combination wood and brass trimmii: .-_

roomy astrachan cuffs, leather lined, $1.50

which is important.
per pair ; postage 15c.


No. 1 Natnral Grey Angora or Chinese Goat
Robe, size 50 x 60 inches, well lined and
trimmed, price, $5.75. L--=~
No. 2 Natural Grey Angora Goat Robe, No 1, 30cPlain Linen Blinds, bizt A x 6 ft.
50 x 60 inches, made of best, selected skins, complete with spring rollers, in cream, dark
wearing qualities the best, well trimmed and light green and bronze preen, price 30c
mid lined, price, $7.00. No. 2, 4Uc Plain Oiled Linen Blinds (med
No. 3 Best selected Natura, Grey Goat Robe, ium quality), size 3x6 feet, complete with
oiy.e, 54 x 66 inches, picked skia veil , spring rollers, in er<;am, lightgreen, medium
trimmed and lined, price, S8.00. green and dark e. re en, price 40ceach.
No. b, GOc L xtra Quality Oiled Linen Blind, LACE CURTAINS
ROCKY RF>AR ROBES size 3x6 feet, best spring rollers; colors Onr assortment is very 1-irge and values
No. 4 Made of Rocky Bear skins, black,
light cream, medium cream, light green, arc the best. Tbe goods arc, of course, im-
natural pelts (iindyed), size, 50x60 inches, dark green, terra cotta. 60ceach.
well lined and trimmed, a good wearing poricd direct from Nottingham from the
robe and nice color, price, $9.00. very best manufacturers.
No. 5 Same as No. 4, size, 56 x 66 inches, No. 1 White Lace Curtains, good value for ;

well trimmed and lined, price, $10.00 each. the money, -2\ yards long, price per pair 15c; ,

Fur Kobe Lining. postage 1-Jc extra.

2 Good White Lace Curtains, double thread,
All wool, check pattern, 72 inches wide,
cut 10 any length as ordered, price $1 per yd. yards long, pair
7~><; :

N o.4,45c--Medium Quality Oiled Linen blind, 3 Excellent Lace Curtains, \.inis or 3 . !

Fur Robe Trimming. with dado pattern, size 3x6

feet, best yards long, in white or cream colors,
Pinked edge, colors, white on purple
cut, spring rollers, colors cream, light green, double thread, very neat ptrttern.s with
to any length, per yard, 12jc. medium green and dark gr_-en. 4Sc each. double borders. Price $1 pair; postage 25^

4 White or Cream Color Lace Cnrtains, 3} Quilt Frames, per STAIR OILCLOTH
get, #1.23. A
set con
Stair Oilcloth, best quality, %
yard wide,
yards long, neat popular patterns, either sists of 2 side slats 2J
in tine or large designs, very suitable for price per yard, lOc ; | yard wide, 1240 per
parlors or dining rooms, most splendid
yards long, 2 cud slats yard ; and | yard wide, 15c per yard.
2 yards long, set of Im
value, and excellent to wear, having
double borders. Price 81.25 per pair; proved Quilt Clamps Oilcloth
and 4 round sticks or
postage 35c extra. which fit into the
Those are our most popular lines of legs
lace curtains. We
also carry in stock cur- clamps. These Squares hart-
tains at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $4 per pair. complete pattern on \

square, f,nd may lie i

_ for floor mats or

;||i under sto\ cs. T!.-

signs nre heautit v

each has horn.
Table Oilcloth quality oilcloth.
No. Plain White Table Oilcloth, li yards
Oil Cloth Square 36 x 36 inch, each 45c
wide, best quality, 25c per jard; 14 yards 45 x 45 " "
" "

wide, 35c per yard. 54x54 ..-.$1.00

" "
" "

72 x 72 " "


Canadian Yarn,
in any of the following
-.,. Curtain Stretchers 2 Marbled Table Oilcloth, groy orin blue, shades: Black, white, light grey, medium
-Lace Curtain Stretchers, size 4x2 yards, gold veins, li yards wide, best quality ,
gray, Oxford, Cambridge, dark Shetland,
adjiis .-.Ji .e toall lengths and width", joint per yard, 25c; yards wide, 35c per yard. Price, lOc. per J l.b. bunch, or 38c. Ib.
ed or hinged s des, \\i(\\
])atent thumb Canadian Yarn, best quality, made fro;

clamps at corners, non*corroaive pins with back, whi e, ligl

soft well scoured wool,
ted groove. Price 1.5 per .gray, medium gray, Oxford, Cambridge

; Lace Curtain Stretchers with improved "dark Shetland, blue gray. Price 12jc per
lie corners, non-corrosive nickel pins, J Ib. bunch, or SOc per Ib.
4 x _ Canadian Yarn blue, seal, purple, car
jointed, hinged side pieces, length Table Oilcloth, in fancy patterns in light,
yards, adjustable to any width or lengil dinal scarlet, 15c per J lo., or SOc. Ib.

medium or dark shades, in checks or tlnnd Scotch 4 ply. a very Yarn,

Price f- per set. Fingering
dcs-gns, he..t quality, 14; yards wide, price superior yarn for knitting purposes, very
oj1 V per yard, 25c 1 J yards wide. 35c per yard.
soft and well twisted, in black, white, light,
medium and dark gray, light Oxford. Price
20c per J bunch, of 75c per Ib.
Scotch Fingering Yarn, in scsrUt and
cardinal, 25c per J Ib. bunch, or 90c per Ib.
Ko. 1 Pillow Sham Holder, will til any bed Saxony Yarn, in black, white, light gray,
from IH to 5 feet in width, easily attached medium
Shelf Oil Cloth, 12 inches wide, fancy pat gray, cardinal, pink, scarlet, light
to bed, and holds t e !

pillow shams with blue. Price lOo per skein, or 1.40 per Ib.
Folds iq) out ijf the way at night terns, pinked edges, price per yard, 7c.
RUBBER CLOTH Baldwin s Beehive Fingering larn,
when the bed is in use. Price 25c each. 3-ply, in white, black, light Shetland gray,
Black, 1J yards wide, lightest, per yard, 25o dark Shetland gray, light and dark

35o "

1J steel eray and cardkai. Price, 8c. per skein,

" "
50c "

jj or 81.20 per Ib.

Dark Brown, 1J yds. wide, medium, yard, 35o Baldwin s Beehive Fingering Yarn
Beat Quality Ca rriage Top Rubber Cloth,
4-ply, in white, black, light Shetland gra
black, 50 inches wide, price per yard, SOc. dark Shetland gray, light ai.d dark st
Rubber Sheeting, 36 inches wide, yard, 65o. Oxford gray, scarlet, cardinal, navy bi
brown. Price, lOo per skein, or $1.4 ptr 1
Baldwin s Beehive Fingering Yri
and yellow. Priuo
4-ply, in pink, light blue
Hie per skein.
Baldwin s Beehive Fingering Yarn,
fi-ply, in white, black and giay. Price ICo

NICHT per skein, or 81.50 per Ib.

0AY. Heather Mixtures, 4-ply dark brown and
and white, btonze black and red.
red, black
2 Holder, attaches to the cen
Pillow Sham Price lOcper skein, or 81.10 per Ib.
tre of any bed, and at niv,ht time slides FLOOR OIL CLOTH Merino Wools, 4 ply in white, black, st. 1
upward with the sham out of tin Floor Oil Cloth, one yard wide, with border, I

gray and Shetland gray. Price, ICo. per

With No. 2 Holder tho shams lie unbent
Price dark, medium and light patterns, pri skein, or 4 for 35c.
or unfolded at all times. 5n<

yard, good quality, 22c. Berlin Wools, in 2, 4 and 8 fold, all colors
Floor Oil Cloth, in light, medium and dark; Price, 8c. per skein.
patterns, 36 inches wide, cheapest quality, Shaded Berlin Wools, 4 fold only, skein
20c good medium quality, 30c very best; ;
beavy quality, 4i c per yard. (Hack or Colored Andalusian Sc. per
45 inches wide, cheapest quality, 25c good ;
medium quality, HSc very best heavy ; Ml ell. Ill d Floss, b ack, white, pink, red,
c skein, or 3 for 25c.
quality, 50c per i ard. li

54 inches wide, cheapest qtmlity, 30o good ; Ideal Flo!.s. Featherweight and
Fig. 1. Fig. 2. medium quality, 45c very best heavy ; SwansdOW II, white only, lOo per s

quality, 600 per yard. or 3 for

Quilt Prime Clamps, Fig. 1, per set of 4, 2.V.

hnprovcd Quilt. Fig. 2, per set of 4, 40c. 72 inches wid-\ cheapest quality, 40c; good Rock Yarn. Hack, Ifc tkein, or?l.."0 Ib
The improved Clamp has holes for round medium quality, dOc; very beet heavy Lady Betty black and white, IGc

stick.-, which act as legs for the Quilt Frani 8. quality, ROc per jard. sk>
in, or 4 lor 35c.


No. 1 Unbleached Linen Eoller
border, made up
Towels, \v tli
15 inches. width.
h 20c. Tapestry Table CoTers, -with fringe,
length 2J- yards.
2 Unbleached Roller Towels,

Unbleached Table Linen handsome colorings and patterns.

36 54 inches wide, per yard 25c 70 Size 8/4, medium, each. 91 25
twilled, with border, width
15 inehes, length 2J yards,
3756 " " "
32c 71 8/10,

1 75
3860 " " "
40c 72 8/4, good, I 50
BHaBtuB. each 25c.
3970 5oc 73 25
" " "
8/10, .

3_Dark Unbleached Linen Roller Towels, 2 35

4072 " " "
...75c 74
8 4, extra fine,
with bonier, width 17 inches, 3 yards "

3 25
long, 30c each.

Glass Towelling in blue or red checks. Bleached Table Linen

No. 415 inches wide, per yard 6c 41 54 inches wide, per yard 40c Glass Towels, fringed.

520 " " "

8c 4258 " " "

50c 76 Size 12 x 27 inches, each 5c


6 22 " " "

We 4360 "

. 70c 77__ 14x31

<< " "

12$c 4462 78 17x34

7 24 " "
" " " "

90c " "

...< lOc
4572 " " "

$1.00 79 "

17x35 " "

80" 18x36 " "

Bleached Cotton T owels, fringed
81 Size 17 x 33 inches, each 6c
Half Bleached Crash, border. 82" 22x44 " "

No. 815 inches wide, cotton, per yard, 5c

915 " "

linen, 8c

1017 " " "


1116 extra heavy" "

1218 " " "

Turkey Red Table Damask
" "

Russian Crash, plain. 46 56 inches wide, per yard 40c

Unbleached Huck Towels
No. 13 15 inches wide, per yard 8$c 83 Size 17 x 32 inches, each 80

1415 " "

fine, per yard... lOc

4758 <

45c 84" 18x38 "

medium, each... lOc


15 15 " "

bleached, per yd.. lOc Turkey Red Table Napkins 85_ 18x38 "

heavy, ...12Jc

Bleached Huckaback extra heavy, each 15c

1 Size 16 x 16 inches, fringed, each 7$c 86"

No. If 22 inches wide, per yard 12|c Bleached Table Linen Cloth

1723 heavy, per yard loc 48 Size, 8/4, each

" "


lg 24 " " " "

20c 49 1 25

1925 " " " "

25c 50
8/10, 165
Turkish Towelling 51 8/10, 1 75
No. 20 Fancy Striped Cotton, 15 inches 52 8/12, 200 Unbleached Damask
53 2 35 Towels, Fringed
wide, 12$c per yard. 8/10, No. 87 each lOo
21 Fancy Striped Linen, 15 inches wide, 15c 54 8/12, 275 No. 88 - Size, J8x36,
" "

55 3 50 12jo
per yard. 10/12, No.89 "

17x34, "

22 Plain White, bleached, 24 inches wide, 56 8/10, 4 00
No.90 22x45,
" "

25c per yard. 57 4 75
8/12 Bleached Damask Towels, Fringd
550 No. 91 Size, 18 x 37, each
Butchers Linen 58 10/12 18o
23 28 inches wide, both 15c and 20c per yard. Bleached Damask Table No. 92 "

20x41, "

2436 26c and 25c per yard.
" " "

Napkins No. 93 "


Brown Holland Linen 5917 x 17, perdoz $1 00 No. 94 "

22x48, "

2532 6020x20,
inches wide at lOc, 12c, loo and 20c 115 Bleached Crepe Towels, Fringed
per yard, according to quality. 6118x18, 125 No. 95 Size, 15 x 31 inches, each 10
Stair Linen 6221x21, ... 135 No. 96 18x40, " " "

26 15 inches wide, plain with border, lOc. 6323x23, 150 No. 97 21x44,
" " "

12$c. 6122x22,
2715 flowered
" " " 1 75
Linen 6520x20, 1 85
Fronting 6620x20, 200
28 36 inches wide, bleached, at 25c, 38c and
6724x24, 250
50c per yard, according to quality.
6820x20, 275
Diaper Linen 6924 x 24, 3 00
29 20 inches wide, per yard, 20c and 25c. 7025 x 25, 4 00 IJnbleHcbed Turkish Towels-
Cotton Diaper No. 98- -Size, 16 x 36 inches, each lOo
Hemstitched Linen Scarfs, 54 x
No. 99 18 x 38
30 30 inches wide, per yard 15c at 50c 72 x at 75c 83 x at ,12*0
17$, ; 17$, 18J, No. 100 - 19x40 ;
Drawing Linen SI each.
No. 101 22x46 20o
31 36 inches wide, per yard 40c, 45c Hemstitched Linen Cloths. No. 102 Tray
24 x 52 25o
3255 " "

75c 17 x 27, at 25c ; 20 x 30, at 50c ; 20 x 28,

No. 103 23 x 48 extra, each . 30o
at 65c each.
No. 104 24x50 35o
Hemstitched Linen Squares, 22 x No. 105 28x56 600
22, at 3.5, 50 and 65e each. Bleached Turkish Towels-
Hemstitched Li nc n Pillow No. 106 Size, 16 x 32 incbt s, each lOo
Shams. 30 x 30, at 50 and 65c 36 x 36,
; No. 107 17x34
Apron Linen, with border. at 65 and 85c each. No. 108 18 x 36 15o
33 38 inches wide, plain border 18c 20x40
Any of the above scarfs, cloths, squares or No. 109 20o
3436 "

extra heavy "

21 ic sh.-tms will lie stamped, for

working, free of No. 110 22x44 25o
3538 " "

fancy border 25c charge, if customers so desire. No. Ill 24x48 300

917--Fancy Wrapperettes, light colors,

small, neat dot or stripe patterns, 26 inches
wide, price 12^c per .yard.
1918 Fancy Wrapperettes, dark colors,
Lawns and Muslins check plaid and stripe patterns, 27 inches Unbleached Factory Cotton
wide, price 12^c per yard. for house lining,
No. White Victoria Lawns at 8c, Cheap Factory Cotton
Fancy Wrapperettes, in new patterns
1 1
lOc, .919
12Jc, 15c and 20c per yard. 36 inches wide, yard 4Jo.
and medium colorings, very pretty for
2 India Linen Lawns, 10 and 12e yard. ! X Factory, 36 inchoa wide, at 5c per yard.
& wrappers and dressing eacques, 29 inches XX 36 60
Apron Ltiwiis at 12|c, 15c, 17e, 20c, 25c, wide, price 15 per yard.
30o and 35o per yard.

sm dot and
XXX 36 6JC
9.0 Fancy Wrapperettes, in ill
36 7o
4 Cross Bur Muslin, in small checks and Special
stripe patterns, twilled surface, in dark
stripes, at 8c, lOc, 12c and 15,j per yard.
Extra 3i 80
blues, cardinals, made in exact imitation 40
5 Black Book Muslin, at 7c, lOe, 12.^c yard. of French flannel, very suitable for blouses,
Heavy 8io
6 White Kook Muslin, at lOe, 12-i.:, 15c \d. F.x.. heavy 40 lOo
width 31 inches, per yard 17c. 40
7_White Spot Muslin, 8Je, 10.!, 12c, 15o,
20c, 25o, oOc and 35c per yard.
A Tery Late Arrival Bleached Cottons
Just as this catalogue is printed, a
FLANNELETTES. nent of Fancy Wiapperettes has arrived, in- P. R.

Soft finish, 28 inches wide, 5c per yard.

luding one splendid line of up-to-date polka
C. C. Medium finish, 36 inches wide, 6Jo.
Stripe Patterns lot patterns (blue with white doti, in siu .!!, P. P. Fine finish, 32 inches wide, 7 jo,
190T Flannelette, nedium or large dot, very nice firm finish, W. W. Extra fine finish, 3fi in. wide, SJo.
fancy stripe, in dark J6 inches wide, price 12|c per yard. R. R. Heavy, 40 inches wide, lOc.
or 1 ght patterns, O. O. Extra heavy finish, 40 inches wide, ht
fairquality, 27
12jo per yard.
inches wide, price Wrapperettes
per yard 5jc. 1921 Reversible
1902 Flannelette, Wrapperettes, in
fancy stripe, dark black and white,
or light
patte n, red and black checks
medium quality, 30 inches wide, price per 27 inches wide,
yard 6 c. per yard, lOc. Unbleached Sheeting
1903 Flannelette. 32 inches wide, fancy 1922 Reversible 1 Plain, 78 inches wide.per yard 16c.
stripe, dark or light, medium quality, per
vxacsfc. Wrapperette, better 2 Twill, 72 IPo." " "

yard 7k:. quality and heavier, red and black, black 3 Better Twill, 72 inches wide, per yard 20o.
1904 Same Flannelette, 31 inehes wide, 8|c. and white, width 27 inches, price per yard, 4 Best Twill, 72 22o. "

1905 Same Flannelette, 36 inches wide, lOc. 12^0 and loc.

1906 Extra Heavy Flannelette, 31 inches Tartan Plaid Wrapperettes Bleached Sheeting
wide, verr heavy and soft, light or dark 923 Tartan Plaid Wrapperettes, veiy suit 5 Plain, 72 inches wide, per yard 20c
able for children s dresses or ladies blouses, 6 Twill, 72 " "

stripe patterns, per yard 12^e.
19 Heavy Twill Flannelette, 36 inches
width 27 inches, price 12^c per yard. 7 Plain, 81 " "

wide, striped pattern, light and dark, per 8 Twill, 81 " "

Flannelette Skirting
yard, lOc.
Plain Flannelettes 1924 Flannelette
1908 Plain Dark Grey Flannelette, soft Skirting, red and
finish, 31 inches wide, at B^c, 10o and 12^c black flowered pat
per yard, according to quality. terns, with fancy Pillow Cotton
1909 Plain Flannelette, in pink, blue or border, 36 inches wide ............ lOo
1 Plain, 40 inches
white, width _ l inches, per yard, 5c. wide, at 12^c per 2 "
" "

1910 Plain Flannelette, pink, blue or white, yard. wide

3 Circular, 40 inches
2* inches wide, per yard
4 "

44 " "

............ l.->c

1911 Twill Flftiuielette. extra soft finish, 192o Flannelette 46 ............ 18c
Skirting, better quality,
" "

pink, blue or white, 28 inches wide, lOc. 38 inches wide, fancy patterns with fancy
1912 Twill Flannelette, extra soft, pink, Cotton Bats
border, per yard, 15c. White Cotton Bats, special ......... 5e
cardinal, sky, white or cream, 34 inches 1926 Flannelette 1
Skirting, best quality, 8 oz. White Cotton Bats, each ...... 8c
wide, price 12^c per yard.
very heavy, soft iinish, 35 inches wide, 3 16 oz. " " "

...... 12ic
Skirting prettiest new patterns, per yard, 20c.
Flan iielctie Sheet Wadding
Cheese Cloth White and gray color, each .............. 3o
1913 Check Flannel
Unbleached, 40 inches wide, yard
1 5c
ette, lightand dark 40 6c
" " " "
Bleached White Sheet Wadding .......... 5o
patterns, 28 inches 3 Bleached, 34 .... 5c " " "
White Duck
wide, per yard, K c. . 40 64c
" " " "

Xo. 1 Good strong heavy quality White

1914- Check Flannel Duck for skirts and suitings, 26 inches
ette, extra heavy, 1
All colors, width 26 inches wide, pink. wide, at 12ie per yard.
firm dark
light blue, dark blue, red, yellow, niie
finis-h, 2 Same in 28 inch wide, per yard 15c.
28 inches Blue I)uck
green and dark green, white and cream, all
wide, per yard, 12ic. at 5c per yard. No. 1 Heavy Blue Duck for skirting, plain
1915 Flannelette, small check pattern, pink
and blue color, suitable for infants and Mosquito Netting fast color. 27 inehes wide, per yard 12ic.

children s wear, 33 relies wide, price 12^

1 Navy bine, green, red, yellow, pink and 2 Heavy Blue Drill Skirting, 33 inches
white, ID inehes wide. 12 yards in a piece, wide, per yard 15c.
Fancy per \ard 5o piece 50c. Cretonnes
; |>cr

Vrappcrettefl Chintz Prints

No. l--Light and Dark Flowered Pattern
13lC>Fancy Wrapper- Turkey red ground, suitable for comforters
Cretonne-. I ll in, -lies \\ide, per yard IDe.
et tcs. email, ne a t and quilts, in pretty flowered patterns,
2 rn Cretonnes, with I

Veks, stripes and

t -Chintz Print, 26 inches wide, line eon!, 28 inches wide, per yard 12je.
29 3 Keve siMe red
" " "

plaids, darl 2 iDe.


Cretonnes, r g
3 __
only, suitable H,J ground. \\ itll I :-

wrappers, children s Chintz l"iint, Paisley pattern, in dark

1 inehes Aide, per \ard 2ic. l

dresses and blouses, width. inches, pe blue, light

Mue and red. good heavy in light or dark

yard, lOc. iity, 31 inches wide, pe, yard 12|c, flowered patterns, per yard 1
o. 2 Galatea, better
quality, blue and
white, blue and red, brown and white
stripes, 28 inches wide, per yard 15c.
-Extra Heavy Galatea, and dark
blue, in fancy stripes, 29 in.-hes wide, per
yard 20c.

Flannelette and Union Sheeting

Plain Grey or al! White Flannelette
No. 1 Striped, 30 inches, at 12Jo per yard. Sheeting, 64 inches wide, per yard 25c
No. 2- 30"

2 Twilled Grey or all White Flannelette
No. 3 "31 17c

Sheeting 64 inches wide, per vard 30c. ,

No. 4 32"

20o "
3 Unbleached Flannelette Sheeting, 70
No. 5 Large Fancy Striped. Ticking, some inches wide, price per vard, 35 C .

times used for skirting, red and fawn, blue 4 White or Grey Union Twill Sheeting, 72
and fawn, 32 inches wide, at 20c per yard. inches wide, per
yard, 55c.
Hessian Ticking
No. Plain
Hes-ian, 42 inches, used foi
No. 1 Fancy stripe, dot or flower pattern, in
cheap. bagging or for binding tree trunks,
per yard FLANNEL
No. -2 Striped Hessian Ticking, 54 inches
light, medium or dark colors, 24 inches Light or Dark Gray Union
wide, at 5c per yard. wide, per yard 12|c, Flannel
No. 2 Navy blue or pink, in stripe, dot or 1 .Plain or Twilled, 25 inches wide, vard
flower pattern, i6 inches wide, at8c per yd.; 2- 27 ,, it" u jT;
28 inches wide, at lOc per yard 32 inches ; Stripe or 3 Plain 27 " " "

wide, at 12^c per yard. 4
Twilled, 27 " " "

No. 3 Li Jht checks, stripes and dots, 28 Check All-Wool Flannel.
inches wide, at lOc per yard 32 in. wide,
at 12jc per yard.

Military Union Flannel

No. 4 Lilac, with fancy patterns, 28 inches Shirting Plain gray or brown color, for
wide, at lOo per yard 32 inches wide, at
-Main 26 inches wide, per yard 22c.
6 Extra
12Jc per yard. So. 1 Fancy Blue Stripe or Check, 27 inches Heavy, 27 inches wide, per yard 30c.
No. o Red, with black or white flowers, dots wide, pri-. e per yard lOc. AH- Wool Gray Flannel
or stripes, 28 inches wide, at lOc per yard No. 2 Fancy Blue Stripe or Check, 28 inches

32 inches wide, at 12Jc per yard. Light or dark gray.

wide, at 12c per yard. 7 Plain or Twilled, 26 inches wide, vard 25c
No. 6 Black ground, withfiower, dot orstripe No. 3 Fancy Blue
Stripe or Check, 29 inches 8- "

27 28c " " "

pattern, 28 inches wide, at lOc per yard 32 wide, at 15c per yard.
inc.hes wide, at 12c per yard. 28 30c
" " "

No. 7 Fancy stripe, with flower pattern mus Oxford Shirting All- Wool Xavy Flannel
lin, 30 inches wide, at lOc per yard. No. 1 Blue and White, and Pink and "White 10 Plain or Twilled, 26 inches wide, yard 30c
NJ. 8 Fancy stripe, crinkled zephers, 28 Check Oxf rd Shilling, 27 inches wide, 11 "

27 "

35c " " "

inches wide, at 12jc per yard.

No. 9 Fancy Organdie Muslins, 30 inches 2 Small F.
per yard. lOc. White Flannel
inry Striped Oxford Slirting, 12 Plain White Union, 28 inches wide 25c
wide, at 12Jo per yard.
pink and white,- blue and white, 28 inches 13 Plain White All- WoolS* 2nc " "

Stripe wide, per yard, 121c. .14



35c " " "

3 Extra Fine Quality Oxford Shirting, in 15 Extra All-Wool 26


40o " "

fancy stripes, 28 inches wide, per yard loc. 16 Extra Fine Phiin White All-Wool Flan

Check nel, used for baby s jackets, etc., 30 inches

wide, per yard 50c.
Cottoiiadcs Red Flannel
17 Plain All-Wool, 21 inches wide, yard
* 20c
1 Dark stripe or 18 "

26 "

30c " " "

oheok, light weight, 27 Check and iPlaid Ginghams

inches wide at 12Jc per yard. 1 Fancy Plaid Gingham, 27 inches wide,
French Flannel
2 Dark stripe, medium weight, 27 inches 19 Pla n French All-Wool Flannel, colors

price per yardGic.

wide, at loo per yard. 2 1 me Check Gingham, 28 inches wide, Sc.
, pink, light blue, navy, scarlet and green,
8 Dark stripe or check, heavy weight, id Gingham, 29 inches 27 inches wide, per yard
with plain or canton back, 28 inches wide,
wide, lOc.
4 Sinai! Check Apron Gingham, with or 20 French All-Wool Flannel, all colors, in
special value at 20o per yard. without border, 32 inches wide, per yard dots or. stripes, 27 inches wide, yard 50o
4 Dark stripe, extra heavy weight, with lOc.
canton back and soft finish, 29 inches wide, Small Check Apron Giugham, in bine and
Canton Flannel
at 25c per yard.
white pattern, with fancy border, 30
1 Is a line of Twilled, Unbleached Canton
Blue and Brown Denims inches wide, at l 2^c
per yard.
Flannel, 28 inches wide. ;,t Ge yard.
2 Is a line of Twilled, Unbleached Canton
N-T. 1 Blue Ddiiim, light weight, 27 inches, 6 Blue Shambria Apron Gingham, with
Flannel, 2* in>-hes wide, at 8c yard.
at lOo par yard. fancy border, 38 inches wide, yard lOe. 3 Is a line of Twilled, Unbleached Canton
No. 2 Blue Denim, medium weight, 27 inches 7 English Gingham, in .small neat checks,
brown and white, Flannel. 2(1 inches wide, at lOc yard.
at 12.ic per yard. hie and white, 40 1

4 Is a line of Twilled, Unbleached Canton

No. 3 BlueDenim, medium weight, 29 inches, inches wide, per yard loc.
at 15c per yard.
Flannel, 2!) inches wide, at 12^c yard,
No. 4 Blue or Brown Denim, heavy weight, Zepher Ginghams Is a line, of T\vU .cd Bleached Canton

29 inches, at 20o per yard. Suitable for Blouses and Dresses. Flannel, 26 inches wide, at lOc yard.
No. 5 Blue Denim, heavy weight, 29 inches, 1 Fancy Plaid and Stripe Zepher Ging Is a line of Twilled Canton Flam el, in

at 25o per yard. hams, 27 inches wide, pet yard 12^0. slate and cardinal brown, 26 inches wide,
2 Fancy Stripe Zepher Gingham, 28 ini flcs at lOc yard.
New Idea
Patterns wide, per yard 15c. Eiderdowns
We sell the Xew
Idea Dress and Skirt Pat- Galatea Fancy Ripple Eiderdown, 54 inches wide,
tivns 10,; each
postage 2c extra. Tlu-M- Suitable for Boy s Blouses, etc. light pink, light bine and cieam colors, suit

patterns ;u-e right up-to-date in style and 1 Galatea, in blue and white, narrow and able for children s c oaks a id lady s dressing
are vt ry accurate. wide stripe, 28 inches wide, per yard 12c. sacques. Price per yard $1.00.
No. 9 Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, made No. 4 Laeies s Fine Ribbed Wool Vests,

HOSIERY of all-wool English yarn, with double


knees, heels and toes oue of the best wear

ing lines we carry :
with long sleeves, shaped waist and buttoned
front, Bicely trimmed with lace and ribbon.
The makers claim this vest to be unshriuka-
We carry a splendid stock Price 50c, postage lOc.
6 7 74 8 84 9 le.
of Hosiery. We buy them right Inch, 64
Ladies Fine Ribbed wool Vests, 40c 45c 45c No. 5
P, ice, 30c 33c 35c 38c
and our selling pricesspeak for similar to No. 4, OHly a heavier weight a ;

themselves. When making out Kibbed Wool Hosiery cry warm, soft vest. Price 65c each, 2 for ,

an order fo, hosiery htuil.v the list

No. 10 Ladies and Child en s Ribbed $1.25; postage lOc each.
of sizes given below. We show
Wool Stockings, made of English Bee Hive No. 6 Ladies Fleece Lined Vests, with
the siz s of stockings which
Finge iug, pe fectly smooth foot, heels and -ong sleeves and buttoned f onts, special
correspond with the shoes yon
toes double this is a most comfoitablc value. Sizes 2, 3and4 price iv, postage lOc. ; ;

wear, and if ordered

in this
stocking for winter wear No. 7 Ladies Extra Fine Ribbed Wool :

way you will have no trouble Inch,

6 64 7 74 8 8} 9 94 Vcs s, with long sleeves and buttoned front.
whatever about the hose fitting. 30c 35c 38c 40c 45c 50c 50c 50c shaped waist, extra length in skirt, price 75c,
Note Always order your size hi inches. No. 11 Heavy Ribbed Worsted Sfoek- post
age IOC.
Infants Shoes, No. 1 2 3 4 5 No."8 Ladies Fine Ribbed Vests, guaran
-1 to 2 years ngs, made of good strong yarn, with splen- teed all
lid heels and toes. This is an excellent line pure wool, loiu shaped
Hosiery inches, 4 4J 4$ 5 5 for boys wear. waist, buttoned fronts, price $1, postage lOc,
No. 9 Ladies Ribbed Wool Vests, in an
Girls Shoea, No. S 7 8 9 10 Inch 51 (J 64 7 74 8 84 9 94
-2 to 7 40 40 extra la ge sixe, with buttoned front, long
Price 25 25 28 30 33 35 40 year>

Hosiery inches, 5J 6 6 6J 7
,1 shaped waist; 50c,postage lOo
No. 12 Ribbed Wo: sted Stockings, a N Id -Ladies Ribbed Wool Vests, extra
Misses Shoes, No. 11 12 13 1 2 .

heavier weight thaw No. 11, with extra naiity than No. 9,
7 to 15 yrs
strong double knees. 88 price 7 ic, postage lOc.
Hosiery inches, 74 74 81 Inch 6 64 7 74 8 84 9 94 Ladies Drawers
Ladies Shoes, No. 3 4 5 6 7 Price 30 33 35 38 40 45 45 50 1 Ladies Ribbed Union Drawers, No.
Ribbed Over-Gaiters open or closed, in sizes 2, 3 and 4 ; pi ice 25c,
Hosiery inches, SJ 9 9* 10 10
extra. No. 13 Ribbed Worsted postage lOc.
Postage on a pair of stockings is 5o RiMied Union Drawers,
bo worn No. 2 Ladies
Over Gaiters, to
Give catalogue number when ordering. 35c post. lOc
under rubbers, one of th. open or closed, si/ I

Plain HBlack All Wool

; ;

warmest foot coverings yon No 3 Ladies Fine Ribbed Wool D awers, .

ILadies ,v Children s Plain Black

can buy. open or el sed.allsixcs; price 50e, postage lOc.
Wool from good Canadian
Stocking-, made Xo. 4 Ladies Fleece Lined Drawers, all
Inch 6 7 74
Yarn with double toes and heels. 54 64
sizes, open or closed piiee postage lOc. ."de,

Inch 44 5 5J 6 64 7 74 8 8i 9 94 Price 25 30 33 35 40 ;

No. 5 Ladies Ribbed Wool Drawers,

Price l6l-24 12* 15 1820 2022 25 25 25 Inch heavy weight, open or closed, all sizes price ;

Plata Black Cashmere Price 50 50 50 postage

1 "

2 Ladies and Children s Plain Black No. 6 Ladies Extra Fine Wool Ribbed
fashioned !eg,
and "double heels and
Weight Hosiery Summer Drawers, open or closed price.*!, postage Klc.
No. 7 Ladie> Black Wool Tights, a

No. 14 Ladies Plain Blaclt Cotton

This is an imported Fnglish make and ex 3 and 4: price 75c,postagc Inc.
nigK, seamless feet, double toes and heels,
cellent value for the money. Ladies Combinations
Heimsdorf dye, price I - ie pair.
Inch A-I5 54 6 64 7 74 8 84 9 !H
Fine Black Cotton S<ock- No. 15 Ladies
Price 15 18 20 20 23 25 25 25 25 25 25
ouble toes and hee -s feet,
No. 1 Ladies Rib
Fine Black Cashmere full fashioned leg, Hermsdorf dye, price I5c.
bed Wool Combina
3 Ladies and Children s Plain Black No. 16 Ladies Black Cotton Stockings
tions, \vithl"
Cashmere Stockings, extra fine quality, with white feet, seamless, with double heels
and buttoned fronts,
splioed heels and toes and seamless and toes, price 25c. I

nd 50
Inch 4j 5 54 6 (U 7 74 8 84 9 94 No. 17 Children s Plain Black Cotton
inch price .*!, post-
Price 20 22 25 25 27 30 30 33 35 35 35 Stockings, Hermsdorf dye, double heels and


Heavy Ribbed Wool Inch 44 5 54 6 64 7 74 8
No. 2 Ladies Kib
Heavy Ribbed Stock- Price bed Wool Combina
10 10 10 124 124 15 15 ir
. , ill) double heels and tions, iilu rqllalil
toes, made from No. 18 Heavy Ribbed Cotton Stockings II \\eicjit than
for boys Vt>
No. l.with
lian yarn.

Inch Ki 7 8
Inch 44 5 54 6 64. 7 74 8 84 9 94 and buttoned fronts,

18 20 222.- 25 Price 8 9 9 10 10 10 124 124 124 1^4 1-i sizes 50, 53 and 56
Pi ice 15 J

Inch 9 .25.
94 1

Price 30 30 LADIES
Rib Cashmere
fi Ladies Kill
WINTER UNDERWEAR Chiltireii s Winter Underwear
me e Stockings, made
No. 1 Ladies Ribbed
with double herls and 1
Union Vests, with long
this is 25c Size 3 will
cd buttoned
84, 9, 9J
fronts, in hive sizes, 2,
i . i
25c. size 5, from
and 1. Pli.-eL c,
Fine Ribbed Cashmere No. 2- Ladies Kibhe
: om ^

No. 6 Ladies Uiiibed Cashmere Stc,-

Union Vests, a Ic
from linest English yarn, witli spli.-cd to
made \\eiglit than No. 1, with
1 ;t

ndtoes; pi- iror3 paii

long sleeves, shaped waist
7 Ladies Fine l;ibbed C buttoned fronts^ sizes
weight, full fashioned and I. Pri.-e
with spliced heels and Iocs, sixes s,

pi ice 50 .

No. * Kibbed ( a-hmere Stockings, with

Xo. 1 ( hi dieu s KibbfdUnion Vests, with
ilmible knees and double toes, a spe No. 3 Ribbed Union Ve bun in ne
cial make for ehildren s wear :
il naiity, lace trimmed, with Sleeves, but- loll";
7 !(

8 81 !l ! waist, in three sizes.

Incl 74
r ;; fl Price I2ie U-c is,
Price 15 18 20 22 !l " "
No.2 Children s Ribbed AVoolVests,shaped No. 3 Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed LADIES
waist and long sleeves, an n nshrinkable make. with double low of embroidery, 35c.
No. 4 Fine Cambric Cerset Covers, square
25c 30o 35c 38c. Post, 5c each. cut neck, full yoke, trimmed neck and arms
Night Dresses, in 54, 56 and 58 inch.
No. 3 Children s Ribbel Wool with embroidery, cOc. No. 1 Ladies Fancy. Stripe Flannelette
Vests, fine

Sizes 3579
quality, with long sleeves. "White Drawees
Postage 5c extra.
Night Dresses, trimmed with frill of goods,
full 2J yards wide hi skirt, all eeams double
stitched. This is excellent value. Price 50c;
Price 30c 35c 40c 45c. Post 5c each. No. 5 Ladies Cam postage 15c.
bric Drawers, with frill, No. 2 Ladies Flannelette Night Dresses,
No. 4 Infants Fine White Wool Vests,
headed with 4 tucks, in plain pink and white, or fancy stripes,
buttoned all 1he way down the front, long
price 25c. maiie with yoke, trimmed with embroidery.
sleeves. Sizes 1 and 2, price 35c ; post
No. 6 Ladies Cambric Price 75c postage loc.
age 5c each.

Drawers, with deep frill, No. 3 Ladies Flannelette Night Dresses,

No. 5 Infants Ribbed Wool Vests, nice
all pretty stripes, extra heavy weight, made
soft weave, with long sleeves. Sizes 1, 2 price 35o.
No. 7 Ladies Fine Cambi ic Drawers, with in Empire style. Price $1 postage. 15c.
and 3, price 25c ; postage 5c each.
deep frill embroidery, 50c.
<.f No. 4 Ladies Night Dresses, :nado. of
Children s and Misses Drawers pink twilled flannelette, Mother /Iiibhard
From 3 to 15 years. White style, with deep collar, trimmed with hem
No. 6 Girls Ribbed Union Drawers, good Underskirts stitched frill, a very handsome gown. Price

Sizes 23579
weight and quality. Postage lOc extra.
No. 8 Ladies White
Cotton Skirts, with
$1.25 ; postage Inc.
Corset rovers, tfzes.32 to 42 bust.
No. 5 Ladies Flannelelle Corset Covers,
Price 15o 18c 20c 22c 25c. Post, 5c. tucked lawn frill, 50c. in plain pink and white, with double stitched
No. 7 GirlsRibbed Wool Drawers, un No. 9 Ladies Cot seams. Price postage 5c.


shrinkable, very soft and warm. ton Skirts, with em Ladies and Children s Maniiel-
Sizes broidery frill, 75c. ette Drawers
LadiesFine Cotton Skirts, with
No. 6 Ladies Fancy Striped Flannelette
No. 10
Price in open or closed. Price
30c 35c 40e 45c 50c. Post, 5c. lawn with embroidery, Drawers, well made,
8 Children s Ribbed Wool Combina deep 50o. flounce, edged 25c ; postage 15c.
tions, with long sleeves. No. 7 Ladies Fancy Striped Flannelette
Sizes, Inches 26 29 32 35 40 White Cotton Drawers, heavier weight than No. 6, closed
Night Dresses or open. Price 35c; postage 15c<

Price 90o $1 $1 $1 1.25 No. 8 Ladies Flannelette Drawers, in

Postage lOc.
Ladies and Children s plain pink, trimmed with hemstitched frill.
No. II Ladies Cot Price 40c
Summer Weight ton Night Dresses,
postage 15c.

Cotton Vests No. 9 Ladies Twilled Flannelette Draw

tucked yoke, laee trim
Postage 3c. ers, trimmed with fancy stitching, open or
ming, wide skirt, 50c. closed. Price 50c ; postage loc.
Ladies Ribbed Cotton No. 12 Fine Cotton No. 10 Children s Flannelette Drawers,
Vests, with short sleeves, Night Dresses, with in fancy stripes, sizes 2, 3, 5, 6. Price 25c ;
Price 5c.
yoke, trimmed with em postage lOc.
1 Ladies Ribbed Cotton
broidery, price 75e. No. 11 Children s Striped Flannelette
Vests, with or without short No. 13 Ladies Night
sleeves. Price lOc. Drawers, heavy weight.
Dresses, extra fine qual

2 Ladies Ribbed Cotton Sizes 2, 3 5, 6 postage lOc.

ity of cotton, Empire
Vests, with fancy front,
style, embroidery trim Price 45o 50c lOc.
short sleeves. Price 12|c.
ming, price $1.00.
3 Ladies Cream Cotton No. 14 Ladies Cambric Night Dresses, LADIES COLORED UNDERSKIRTS
Vests, shaped waist, short yoke of insertion and ruffle tucking, trimmed In lengths 38, 40 and 42 inches.
sleeves, lace trimmed. with No. 1 Ladies Underskirts, made of black
embroidery and ribbon, $1.35.
Price 15c. and red stripe flannelette, with fancy border,
4 Ladies Ribbed Cotton Vests, short White Chemise fitted yoke. Price 50c postage 15c.;
aleeveu and buttoned front. Pi ice 20c. Postage 5c.
5 Ladies White Cotton Vests, buttoned No. 2 Ladies Black
Ladies White Cotton Chem
front, shaped short sleeves. Price 25c. ise, trimmed with lace around
Cotton Moreen Under
long sleeves.

Children s White Cotton Vests, with

8c 9c lOc lOc
neck and arms, price 25c.
No. 16 Ladies White Cam
bric chemise, made with but
toned front, trimmed with

Price $1

deep frill
colored stripes, niado.
lined with flannelette.

postage SOc.
frills, price 40c. ;

7 Children s White or Cream Cotton No. 17 Ladies Fine Cam No. 3 Ladies Black Sateen Underskirts,
Vests, with short sleeves. bric Chemise, made with yoke lined with
Size 1 2 3 5 7
flannelette, deep lined frill and
of insertion, frill trimming fitted Price $1.25
yoke. postage 25c. ;

Price price 50c. No. 4 Ladies Mercerized Sateen Under

7c N. 9c lOc lOc
Ladies Aprons

8 Children s White Cotton Vests, without

4c 5c 6c 7c 8c
No. 1 Ladies

two tucks, large full size,

skirts, black ground with fancy colored
stripes, frill trimmed, flannelette lining.
White Price $1.25 ; postage 25c.
Lawn Aprons, wi1h hem and No. 5 Ladies
Embossed Sateen Under

price 25c postage 5c. with flannelette

Ladies White Cambrie ;

Underwear No. 2 Ladies lining anil deep corded
Lawn Aprons, with plain flounce. This is a very
Corset Covers, postpaid to bibs, good quality of lawn, handsome slrirt and spei-ial
any post office, 3c extra ; sizes price 3nc postage 5c.
value. Price $1.50 ; pos
32 to 42 bust measure. No. 3 Ladies Fine White Lawn Apron tage 25e.
No. 1 Plain Cambric Corset with bib, tucked frill oversleeves, price 50c No. 6 Ladies Wool Moreen Underskirt,

Covers, price ]3c. postage 5c. in eadet, fawn, green aud heliotropf, with
No. 2 Cambric Corset Covers, No. 4 Ladies White Cambric Aprons, corded frill and flannelette lined.
V-shaped neck, trimmed with extra large size, with embroidery bib, price This is a very warm and excellent wearing
embroidery, 2oc. 50c ; postage 8c. skirt, price $1.75, postage SOc.

No. 7 Ladies Black Embossed Stripe Flannelette Blankets

Sateen, Flannelette Lined, Underskirts,
with Pretty pink and blue borders.
deep flounce, four rows of colored silk cord- gray or white. Sizes from 34 to 42
size 56 x 72 in bust measure.
ing on flounce ; a beautiful skirt. Price $2.00; 1 Flannelette Blankets,
postage 35c. ches, per pair SI. 00. No. 1 L a d i e s
No. 8 Ladies very fine Black Mercerized 2 Flannelette Blankets, size 64 x 76 in Flannelette Wrap
Sateen Underskirts, have the appearance, of ches, per pair $1.25. pers, in dark grounds,
the best taffeta silk skirts, made with 2- 3 Gray Twilled Flannelette Blankets, size with coloied stripes
piece flounce, the lower piece being
accordiou 64 x 76 inches, per pair $1.65. or fancy wl-.ite and
pleated, lined throughout with best black patterns, pleat
lining; exceptional value.
postage 30c.
Price $8.00;
BED ed back and front
fi iuii the collar, lined

No. 9 Ladies Quilted Sateen Uuderskir-s. waist, collar and belt

plain black, an extra wide
skirt. Price
QUILTS edged with cord.
Pri. e $1.00
$1.75. Postage 30c. ;postage
Honey Comb Quilts 25c.
1 Size 82 x 72 inches, each No. 2 L a d i e s
2 Six 72
" Flannelette Wrap
3 86 x 72
pers, black round,
with blue, green or
Honey Comb Quilts, with fringe.
purple flower, all de

4 Size 80 x 56 inches, each 81 00

sirable shades pleat
5 "

90x66 "
* 35
ed back and front,
English Marseilles Quilts with fancy sailor

6_White, x 66 inches, each. .$1 75 collar, trimmed with braid, fitted lining in
size 96
7_ 96 x 76
" "
.. 2 25 waist. Price $1.50 postage 25c.
" "

No. 3 Ladies Flannelette Wrappers, in

Colored, size 80 x 60 inches, each. . 1 25
The values we offer in Blankets will be
each ....
.. 1 65 blue and black, green and black, heliotrope
" "

with fringe, size 84 x 56, inches, and black fancy broken checks, made

v ith
2 pointed" yoke, trimmed with frill, collar,

hard to beat. We have the pick and choice

sleeves ami frill edged with sateen. Price
Quilted $1.50; postage 25c.
of all Blankets being offered by the various
No. 4 Ladies Flannelette Wrappers,
Canadian manufacturers. We are large buy Comforters black ground with white spot, made with
ers, and we secure
from them the he-it possi
ble inducements to purchase. We submit fancy yoke, collar and cuffs of black mercer
the following prices on blankets with great
Wadded, ized sateen, pleated back, trimmed with
fancy designs black and white braid, lining in waist.
confidence, and we feel our
customers will
of the goods \ve light or dark pat Price $1.75 postage 25c.
fully appreciate the quality

terns. No. 5 Ladies Flannelette Wrappers,

offer. All our blankets are warranted full
69 inches each 90c. navy blue ground, with white spot, plain
weight and fast borders. Order by
medium, each $1.25. blue yoke, collar and cuffs, trimmed with
logue number. 1.50. braid, lining in waist. This wrapper ami
White Union Blankets best, 2.00. also No. 4 has the appearance of French
No. 2 This line is the best superfine White 2.50. Flannel, which would cost twice the amount.
Union Blanket made. It has a nice soft Price $1.75. Postage 25c.
warm feel, and a blanket we would recom Fur Trimming No. 6 Ladies Flannelette Wrappers,
mend rery highly. heavy weight, pretty dark patterns, made
per pair, size 56 x 76 in. Price $2.50 White fur trimming, with
6 Ibs., yoke, tilted lining in waist, trimmed
60 x 80 in. 3.10 real lamb, for trimming with braid. Price $2.00; postage 35c.
64 x 84 in. 3.50 children s coats and No. 7 Ladies Flannelette Wrapper*,
68 x 86 in. 4.HO bonnets, narrow width,
stylish patterns, yoke of tucked mercerized
70 x 90 in. 4.50 1 c per yard wide width
sateen, trinim d with black velvet and cord.

i 92 in. 5.00 2oc per yard; postage 2c.

10 "2
This is a very handsome wrapper. Price
$2.00 ; postage 30c.
Ladies Print Wrappers
Sizes from 34 to 42 bust measure.
Ladies Print Wrapper, fancy dirk No. 8
p itterns, with V shaned yoke, lined to the
Best White All-wool Blankets Children s white fur boa, 36 inches long, 25c waiet, trimmed with frilled goods and brtud.
No. 4 This is the best line of extra superfine each postage So. Price 81 00 each pobtage 25o. ;

all-wool blankets that we have, and is made ;

No. J Ladies Print Wrapper, cadet tloa (

from the very finest ool throughout, Rag Carpet Mat Patterns color, small pattern, square yoke, frill er o
scoured and free from grease, with very No. 118 x 32 inches, price 15o postage 6c sleeves, trimmed with braid, lined to v aid. ;

pretty fast-colored borders,

in the following No. 2-28 x 44 25o 12c A good serviceable wrapper. Price 81.54;


weights and aizei Ifio

postage 25c.

30 i 52

: 3 30c;
t Ibs., size, 56 x 78 inches. Price $2.75 pair No. 10 Ladies Print Wrapper, dark colors,
6 60x81 3.25
" "

fancy floral pattern, plain color yoke, donhU

62 x 82 "
frill over sleeves, braid trimmed, lined to
68x86 4-25
waist. Price 81.75 each postage 25o
8 Matting No. 11 Ladies Print Wrapper, dark co ors.

70 x 90

10 72 x 92

Fancy pattern Japanese stripe pattern, extra good quality trinip ed

36 inches wide, with frill around yoke, lined to waist, atyliah
All-Wool Gray Blankets price per yard, 20o and 30c a"dgood. Price 82 each postage 2.~r. ;

7 Extra super quality All-Wool ( (ray

Blankets, in the following weight.
Oil cloth splashers,
sizes: with picture pattern
6 Ibs.. size 56 x 72 inches, Price $2.50 pair
Carpet and border, lOoeaoh. Warp
7 "

" "

Straw splashers, with

8 "
White cotton carpet warp, 5 Iba. for 95c.

4-00 Colored colt

warp, green, red, yellow, design, lOc each-

9 " "


10 "

brown and blue, 11-25 per 6 Ib. bundle.

Ladies Fall and Winter

Dress Skirts
In lengths 39, 41 and 43 inch.
Our stock of Dres.- kirts for Fn". has been
well selected ; every s.cirt is well cut, \\cll
se\vn, and pmfect in every way.
No. 1 Ladies Wool C li :vi Serge D ess it

Skirts, in brown and blue gr.y piece skirt


with box pleated back, lined wit^ liueuette

-ining, canvas stiffening, black sateen bind
ing. This skirt is certainly ic best bargain, ;

wo have ever offered price only $2.25 each;

We a^-e showing splendid value in our

Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen sta^e 35e.


Fal! to
Blouses, having gone Blouses, lined throughout, front made with Xo. -2 Ladies Black Lustre Dress kirts,

pains in securing following good lines, tile clustered tucks running on the bias, tucked fancy iigines and siiipes, piece skir f with
which we feel will. give every satisfaction to back ami sleeves and collar, price
our customers. $1.50; inveitc l pleated back, linenette lining, can-
Blouses can be readily sent postage loc extra. -tiffening, velvet bound; price $2.25,
by mail to any postoftice in aiiada for ]5o (. 8 Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen. Blouses, pf>st,.ge 30c.
extra. In ordering alw-iys send bust mea- lined throughout, finely tucked front, run 3 Ladies Homespun Cl th Skirts, in

-ure, sizes from 3J t 40 inches. >

ning lengthwise, fancy tucked collar; also dark grey the most fashi nable cl th for

tucked sleeves, extra good quality of sateen, fall wear. This skirt is made with 7
Ladies Flannelette Blouses g res
price $2.00 postage
: 15c extra. and inverted pleated back, bound and lined
No. 1 Ladies Flannelette Blouses in dots 9 Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen
and checks, made with Blouses, thr ughout with best linenette lining styl ;
plain backs, full very best quality (equal to satin in appear ish and up-to date
fronts, with attached collar of same material, price $2.50, p stage 35c.

ance, lined throughout, made with tucked No. 4 Ladies Fancy Figured Lustre Skirts
orice 75c ; postage loc extra.
full fn nt and tucked yoke, plain back, beautiful finished goods 5 gores cut with
No. - Ladies Dark Flannelette Blouses, tucked detachable collar and dr. ss

u dots only, made with plain back and full sleeve, n vivi tod plea ted back, well lined and velvet
with tucked cuff, quality best, style bound price $3.00 postage
T jilts, with attachable collar, lined througu- i

; ;

a very good house

parable, very hands me, and bound to give N i. 5 Ladies All-wool Plain Black Serge
blouse, price $1.00 ; you very best satisfaction, price $2.25 p. s- Ski ts, made with 7 gores and pleated back,
postage 15c extra.

tage 15c extra. linenette, lining, sateen binding. Alwrrs a

No. 3 Ladies Flannelette Blouses, in 10 Same as No. 9, only not lined,
dark blues mid cardinals, with dot, to imi price serviceable and go-d wearing skirt ; price
.75 ; p stage 15c extra. each 35c.
tate French flannel material, made with a only $3."0 jposta^e
smooth tw 11 surface with nap on back. I

Blouse made with full front, pleated, plain Plain Fancy Silks and Cashmeres
back, attachable collar, new shape cuff, also
lined throughout. This is splendid value No. 1Plsin Japanese Silks, in all shades, No. 1 Black Cashmere, .44 inches wide, at
for the money, price $1.25 post 15c extra.
20 inches at 30c yard: 23 inches wide 50c yard
54 inches wide at 75c yard. ;

at 50c yard. ;
No. 2 Cream Cashmere, 38 inches widt,
All Wool Flannel Blouses No. 2 Plain Taffeta Silks, in all shades, at 45c yard 43 inches wide at 60c yard. ;

4 Ladies All-Wool Flannel Bloi 21 inches wide, at 75o yard. No. 3 Pink and Pale Blue, 45 in. wide, 50o
navy and dark cardinals, lined throughout, No. 3 Plain Surrah Silk, all colors, 22 Velveteens
made with scolloped front, trimmed" with inches wide, at 50c
gilt buttons, plain back, new cuffs, attach No. 1 Velveteen, 20 inches wide, in all
No. 4 Fancy Japanese Silk at 30c, 35c
able collars, price $1.75; postage l.V c -
shades at
50c, 60o, 75c yard. yard. 3"o

Ladies All-Wool Flannel Blouses, lined


No. 2 Velveteen, 24 inches wide, in all

throughout, in navy and dark cardinal, D Satin shades at 50c yard.
rith fancy front and back, with V shape, No 3 Velveteen, Black only, 24 inohe*
Plain Satin, all col.
tucked satin pieces coming from wide, 75c yard.
ore, 50o and 75e yard_
boulder, a very pretty and effective blouse, No. 4 Black Silk Velvet, at 75o and II y*
f2.00 poitage loc ext a. ; Freiifh Flannel
Ladies Black Sateen Blouses No. 1 Plain French Plaid Dress Goods
lies Bfcek Mercerized Flannel, 27 inches wide At 25c, 30o, 35o, 50o, 75o per yard.
Jlouses, lined throughout, made with .small - in pink, light bine,
ox pV ,,,..; front, stit lied about half way navy, scarlet and Blaek Lustres
lown, plain French back, dress sleeve, de- green, at 40c yard. No. 1 Blaok Lustre at 25o, 30c, 40c, 50%
.ble collar, No. 2 French Flannel, 27 inches wide, in 65c yard.
price 81.25; postage 15c

extra. dots and stripes, at 50o yard. No. 2 Black Figured Lustre at 25c, 50o yd

$1.OO Per Yard

We are show At this price -we a- e
ing an excel
offering some vc;v
lent line of
nobby goods.
dress mater .a.1 1 9 A K i11 arney
for the Fall of
Small Cheek Tweed, Dress Skirting
1900. will We Metalic Skirting, brown, red and black, 54 inches wide, i-. 1
guarantee per with silver stiipe, 31 inches, 25c yard. and brown
g een
fect mixed. 2 Cotton Skirting, in fancy colored stripes,
tion to any of 31 inches wide, 15c yard.
our customers 20 A Mixed d Sui ing, 54 inches
3 Black and Navy Marine Skirting, 36
who will pla. c wide, iii light grey. inc. Hum g ey and fawn.
inches wide, 50c yard.
an order with 21 A Cheviot Se-ge. 52 inches in
4 -Black and Brown Farmers Satin, 54 dark navy blue.
us lor this line inches wide, f,0c yard.
22- -A Homespun Suiting. 52 in. wide, black
of goods. \Vc All-Wool Serge*
23 A Black Figured Novelty Suiting, 12
will be pleased All-wool Serge in Black and Navy.

to submit sam
inches wide.
No. 1 38 inches wide at 25c yard 41 inches Per Yard ;

ples. $1.25 v. ide at 35c yard; 48 inches wide at 500

25e per yard We are showing the yard ; 52 inches wide at 7-r c per yard.
following goods at No. 2 All-wool Serge in brown and garnet,
We are showing the $1/25 per yard. 38 inchi s wide at 25c yard 42 inches wide at ;

following goods at - 24 A Han is Tweed 50c yard 52 inches wide at 75c.


per yard :
Mixed Suiting, 54 No. 3 All wool Cream Serge, 36 inches
No. 1 A Cheviot inches wide, in blue, wide, 25c yard ; 43 inches wide at EOc yard.
inches wide, in
green, red and green,

.iwn, brown and brown and grey, and
bine g
purple colors.
No. 2A tweed mixtn e, 40 inches wide. 25 A Light Check Suiting, 54 inches
indark grey, green and brown. wide, in blue and white, b ow n and
No, A |il tin Amazon Melton, 40 inches
26 A Zebeline St ipe Suiting, 40 inches
wide, in g ey and navy. wide, in black and blue.
35e per yard We are showing the 27 ABlackFigiued Renpe, 43 inches wide.
following goods at 35c per yard :

$1.5O Per \ard

No. 1 A check tweed. 40 inches wide, in
grey Mid blank, and blue and black. Weare showing the
No. 5 A broken check tweed effect, 40 following goods at $1.50
vide, in giev. green, blue and brown.
28 A Fancy Black,
5Oc per yard with raised figure, 42 LADIES CORSETS
We have endeavo - inchea wide. Corseti may be sent by mail for additional 20o.

led to gi-e extra value _^_^_______ 2 .l An Inipe ial No. 1 "


5 clasp, drab, sizes 18 to 24

as Tweed Sniting, Synches wide,
in g ey plaid at 25c.
JfoK.50c per yard,
Iwe have found this and navy mixed. No. 2 "


Summer Corsets, white,

I one of the most popu- Skirt and Waist Linings sizes 18 to 25, price 35c.
1 Best
quality No. 3 Ladies Black Corset, earre as our No.
llar prices.
Cambric Skirt Lin- j
4 Jubilee Corset, sizes 18 to, c. ."

No. 6 A Hair List Amazon Sniting, 50 ing, in all colors, 2


No. 4 "Diamond Jubilee" 5 clasp, diab

inchts -,\
ide, in i wn, br wu and g>
inches wide, 640 steel filled, sateen finish, extra good shape,
No. 7 A mixed Chevi Tweed, 48 inches t
jard. at 50c. This is extra good value for the
wid -. medium grey, dark grey. ;-nd green grey. 2 Silesia Skirt money. All sizes frcm 18 to 30.
Is inches wide, in
Lining, black, brown No. 5 D. Summer
Cornets, white, 5 clasps,
fawn, green gn-v ,c,ul n .

and slate, 33 inhes wide, 8Jc yard. bteel filled, sizes 18 to 30, at 50c.
No. 9 A Tweed Mixed Melton, 48 inches 3_Bes1i qua ity Silesia Skut Lining, black, No. 6 Feather weight (summer corsets),
wide, in g;e\, green, blue- g ey.aml brown and slate, 33 inches wide, lOc yard. white, 5 clasp, si eel filled, sizes 18 to 30, at
N Id Aii unspot
i. vert, MS indies wide, (
4 Linenctte Skirt Lining, black, b:own 75c pair.
in medium gi ey, dark g ndbrowi".
and slate, 31 inches wide, lOc yard 34 inches ;
No. 7 D. & A. Corsets, drab, 6 olapps, steel
No. 11 -A Haf, is Twill Tweed, inches filled, double stayed at the waist, satin fin
wide, 12Jo yard; 42 inches wide, 15c jard.

wide, in fawn. 5 Silesia Waist Lining, black, brown, slate ished jean covering. This corset is a great-
Too per yard and fawn, 27 inches wide, lOc ya d; 31 inches seller, ard has proven entirely satisfactory.
wide 12Jc yard 40 inches wide 1.3c yard. Sizes 18 to 30, at 75c pair.
We .T e showing the ;

No. 8 Same as No. 7, in sizes 30 to 36, at 85o.

fallowing client U Fancy Grey Silesia Waist Lin ng, black
No. 9 D. & A. Corset, same as No. 7, in extra

values at 7.">"
yard : back, 38 inches wide, 25o yard.
12 A 7 Percalir;e Waiat Lining, black, brown, long waist, sizis 18 to 30, at 91.
No. i

fawn and grey, 36 inches wide, 1 5c yard. No. 10 D. & A. Corset, same as No. 9, fizes
:. Irisli Tweed, 3 to 36. at
42 inches wide, in 8 Pongee Morie Costume Lining, in all 1.25.
color-- H2 inches wide, 2 c yard. No. 100 Ladies med urn Icgnth D. * A. Cor.
green, brown, navy ,

set, sizes 20 to 80 inches, !fl.

and gicy. Mercerized Sateen Linings, in all colors,

30 inches wide, 25c yard. No. 101 Ladies Bicycle Corsets, sizes 18 to
No. 13 An
All-wool Homespun, 43 inches 10 Blank Dress Sateens, fast black, 31 27 inches, $1.
wide, in ml br wn.
I l,
inches, 12jc, 17Jo, 20c, 2r,c, No. 11 D. A A. Corset, drab, 5 clasp, with
35o, 40c yard. :>"c, Loch Lomond Mixed Tweed Snit 11 French Urees Canvas (unshrinkable), high bust, sizes 18 to 26, at jl pair.
ing. in, -lies wide, iii dark Oxford, medium
black, 24 inches wide, lOc, 12Jc, 15o yard. No. 12 D. & A. Nursing Corset, 5 clasp, steel
Oxl ird and brown in. 12 French Dress Canvas, in grey, filled, 2 buttoned, drab color, sizes 20 to 26,
I. 12 inehc- u ide. in w de, 8Jc, lOc, 12Jc, loc yard
at $1 pair.
id g cell. 13 French Dre~s Canvas, white and No. 13 New D. & A. Corset. 6 clasp, steel
oetiime Suiting, r.L.
cream, 36 inches wid 12^0 yard. ,
filled, drab, tatin jean, donble stayed side
wide, inbrown, IT

" bine. 1 --Collar Canvas, grey, o4 inches wide, with lace hip. Good shape and extra easy
17 A Diagonal Tweed, 1: inches w ide, in 20c yard crer. m, 23 inches wide, 21c yard.
; fitting. Sizes 18 to 36, at 81.25 pair.
and brov I ilook Muslin (stiff), white and black, No. 14 D. & A. Corset, 5 clasp, steel filled,
^ Wool Cllcvint, 12 inch 35 inche* wide, f c yard. black satin, jean, double texture, sizes 18 to
1 iir Cloth, grey, 17 inches wide, 35cyd 30, at $1.25.
Ladies and Children s Hand No. 9 Guipure insertions, in
ivory or ecru
kerchief s. at 8c to 25o per yard.
Postage on any handkerchief lo each. No. 10 Fine cambric
embroideries, ranging
No. 1 Ladies fine linen in price from 2c to 2oc per yard.
finish lawn hemstitch No. 11 Fine cambric insertions, from 3o to
handkerchiefs, in wide or 22c per yard.
narrow hem, 6c each, or No. 12 Allover cambric
embroideries, nice
6 for 25c. open patterns, at $1 and 81.25.
No. 2 Ladies fine all No. 1;! Flannelette embroideries, in
linen hemstitch handker light blue, pink, grey and red colors, at 3c, So
chiefs, narrow htm, 7c 8c, lOo, per yard.

each, or 4 for 25c. Note We can assure our customers if

Children s Waists, gray jean, s ze 24, 2oc. No. 3 Ladies extra fine all linen hem leave their selections ot laces and embroideriei
to us we will
at 25c. stitch handkerchiefs, narrow hem, lOc each guarantee tlum every satisfao-
Children s Sensible Waists, in white or drab or 3 for 25c. tion.

Age 4 to 6 years, price 45o. No. 4 Ladies extra fine all linen hem

7 to 12 "

60o. stitch handkerchiefs, medium

hem, loc each


12 to 17 "

or 2 for 25c.
Misiss Corsets, 4 clasps, drab jean, corded Ladies Faney Handkerchiefs
filled, shoulder straps, sizes 20 to 26, 46o No. 6 Ladies fine linen
finish lawn hemstitch Iso. 1. No. 2.
handkerchiefs, with fancy
MEN S UMBRELLAS lace corners, 5c each.
Ladies Collars am! Cwffs
No. 7 Ladieu fine linen Postage 2c extra. Always give size
No. 1 Men s Black Cotton Umbrellas, 8 No. 1 - Ladies 4-ply linen
,finieh lawn handkerchiefs, collars, in 2 2J
ribs, 28 inch frame, straight handle, price 50c with fancy hemstitched or 2J inches high, sizes )2 5 to 1-)J
No. 2 Men s Black d.tton Umbrellas, 8 price 12io ;

tuck and hem, finished at No. 2 Ladies 4-ply lii en collars, 2i inches
ribs, 28 inch framt, crooked Congo handle. the edge with Valenciennes lace. This is one high, sizes 12J to
Price 75c each, 14J price 15c each. ;
of our very best values. Price lOc
each, or
No. 3 Farmers Large Black Cotton Um 3 for 25c.
No. 3
brellas, 12 ribs, 31 inch frame, crooked Congo No. 8 Ladies fine linen handkerchiefs, Ladies satin stock
handle, extra strong. Price 75c each. with lace insertion and Valenciennes lace collars, in pinks, blues, car
No. 4 Farmers Extra Large Black Cotton edne, dinals, blacks and ci earns,
very pretty, 15ceach or 2 for 25c. 25o each, postageSc.
Umbrellas, 12 ribs, 35 inch frame, crooked No. 9 Ladies fine cambric embroidered
handle, a splendid strong article for farmer i
handkerchiefs, all hand worked, 25c each.
use. Price $1 each. No. 4 Ladies fancy
No. 5 Men s Umbrella, fast black, silk Ladies Initialed Handkerchiefs neck fulling, in all new
and wool mixture, made with steel rod, 8 ribs No. :& Ladies Fine Linen
Finished Lawn Handker colorings, 15o, 25n and
27 inch frame, crooked oongo handle with 30c per yard, postage 2o
German silver mounts. Price 81 each. chiefs, hemstitched, with
per yard.
No. 6 Same aa No. 5, but with handiome prtty initals, hand worked
in corner, lOc each. No. 6
horn handle. Price 81.25 each. Ladiei" 4-ply linen plain straight
No. 7 Men s Umbrella, fast black, twill No. 11 Ladies Fine Silk cuffs, sizes 7J, 8, 8j price 20c pair.

ilk and wool mixture, mad* with tteel rod, Hemstitched Handker No. 6 Ladies plain or spotted net ties,
chiefs, with initial, 25c. white only, good lei gth, lace and insertion
tight rolling, 8 ribs, 27 inch frame, handsome _ No. 12 -Ladies Extra Fine
congo or horn handles, price $1.50 each. trimmed, eiic h 25c. postage 3c.
Silk Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with in No. 7 Ladies fine net ties, plain white,
8 Men s best quality Umbrellas, fast
itial, 35o each. lace trimmed points, 35o and 60c each.
black, silk and wool mixture, made with steel
rod, tight rolling, 8 ribs, 27-inch frame, Children s Handkerchiefs No. 8 Lanes or children s Windsor ties,
handnom a Congo handle, with sterling silver No. 13 Children s White Lawn plain silk with hem stitched ends, all colois
mounts. Price 2 00 each. 15c each.
Handkerchiefs, extia good valu, No. 9- Ladies or children s fancy silk
3c each, or 2 for 6c.
Ladies Parasols and Umbrellas No. 14 Children s colored pic
Windsor ties, lighter dark shades, 2oc each.
9 L a d i e s ture handkerchiefs, 5c each.
10 Ladies Satin String Ties, in red and in
Black Cotton No. 15 Children s fine linen white, 25c each.
Parnsols, 8 rib, 23- finiehed lawn handkerchiefs, hem
11 Lad es Patin Bow Ties all colors, 25o.
inch frame, wood 12 Ladies Fichus, white net lace, and inser
stitched, So each, or 6 for 25o.
rod, .fancy hand tion trimmed, 50c and 75c each.
No. 16 Children s fine linen
les, price 75c each. finished lawn handkerchiefs, hem
10 Ladies Fast
stitched, with fancy lace corners, 5c each.
Black Parasols, No 17 Boys good strong linen handker

twill, wool and chiefs, colored border, 7c each, 4 for 25c.

silk mixture, will
not cut, 8 rib, 23- Laces and Embroideries
inch frame, steel
No. 1 We keep a large stock of Valenciennes
in all widths, ranging in
rod, tight rolling, price from 2 to 25c yd.
in a very pretty assor ment ot Dresden china No. 2 Torchon laces, cotton, from 3c to
or horn handles, price 81.00 ach. 12jo per yard
11 -Ladies Fast Black Parasols, fine wool No. 3 Real linen Torchon laces, from 6cto
and silk mixture, will not cut, 8 rih-, 23-inch 25c per yard. Ladies Veiling
frame, steel rod, tight rolling, fancy horn Allover Laces All Veilings will be sent by mail post-paid.
handles, price 81.50 each. No. 4 Allover Lace, in white, ISinches wide, No. 1 Ladies White or Black Fish Net
12 Ladie Fast Blaok Paraaols, extra very desirable patterns, at 40c, 50c, 75c, 81yd. Veilings, with or without spots, at lOc, 15c,
fine wool and si!k mixture, 8 ribs, 23-inch No. 6 Allover guipnve lace, in cream or 2ic and 35o per yard.
frame, steel rod, tight rolling, a very pretty ecru, ISinchts wide, at 81, 81.25, 81.60 peryd. No. 2 Ladies Brown or Blue Fish Net
handle, mads from mother-of-pearl, mounted No. 6 Allover black silk lace, 18 inches Veiling, with or without
spots, at lOo, 16o,
with sterling silver, also with silk tassel this aide, at 85c. ;
2~c and 35c per yard.
is the nobbiest parasol we have No. 7 Allover black fancy dress net, 22 No. 3 Ladies Black or White Brussels
seen, price
2 each. nches wide, $1 ysrd; 27 inches wide, 81.25.
Veiling at i!5c and 36c per yard. Order plain
No. 8 Black silk laces, ranging in price from r
Children s Parasols 5c per yard to 45c per yard.
No. 4-Ladies Mourning Veiling 25c, 35c, HOo
No. 3 Children s Fancy Cotton Parasols, No. 8 Cream or white silk laces, ranging No. 5 Ladieu White Net Washing Veiling,
in light colors, 25c and SOo each. n price from lOc to 35c yd. with fancy border, 35c, 45o and 50o per yard.

No. 22 Children s grey astrachan cloth

gauntlet mitts (fingers all together), warm Infants Hoods
Hned, pair 50c postage 80.
No. 4All-wool fancy knitted
No. 23 Laditt" grey or black astrachan infants wool hoods, light colors,
cloth gauntlet mitts, leather palms and 35c, 45c and oOc each, postage
thumbs, large cuffs, warm lined, 81. 0. 5 cents.
Ladies Bustles No. 24 Ladies black or rey astrachan
No. 1 Elemo Wire Bustle, heavy tape cloth gauntlet mitts, hands fur lined and very

leather palms and thumbs,

binding, and with waist string, 25c post. 5o. warm, large cuffs,

No. 2 Ladies Combination Wire Bustle price $1.25 per pair postage lOc. This is a ;

and hip pad, bound edges, 50o po.-taga lOo. grand line of gauntlets for women.

No. 25 Misses sealttte gauntlet milts,

Ladies Summer Gloves warm lined and very comfortable, $1 per pair ;

N-i. 1 Ladiea" white or black taffeta gloves, postage lOc.

85o. 3:c and 50c per pair. Postage 3c extra. No. 26 Ladies sealette gauntlet mitts,
No. i Ladies black or cream silk gloves, warm lined, large cuffs, and very nice goods, Ladies and Misses Tarns
35c and 50c per pair. 81.50 per pair ; postage lOc. No. 1 Misses or ladies fancy plaid Eider
No. 3 Ladies tan or grey silk g oves, 35o down tarns, 35c each, postage 5c.
and 50oper pair. No. 2 Misses or ladies hand knitted all-
No. 4 Ladies black cashmere gljves, long wool tarns, white, navy blue and gan et, i rice
wriated, 20o, 25c and 35c per pair. oOc each, postage 7c.
No. 5 Ladies black cashmere glove9, fleece Toques
lined, 50o per pair. No. 1 Children s knitted
Ladies Winter Gloves wool toque*, atsorted colors,
No. and children s fancy wool
Ladies 35c, postage 5c.
Ladies Kid Gloves No. 2 Children s fine knit
Bingwood gloves at 25o and 35o per pair.
No. 7 Ladi- a heavy black wool gloves at Always give size. Postage 3c extra. ted wool toques, assorted colors,
85c and 50o per pair. No. 1 black, tans, or brown kid
Ladies with striped border, 50c each
gloves, 2 dome fastening, 75c. po tage 5c. "

No. 2 Ladies Pewny" kid gloves, white,

No. 3 Boys heavy knitted
blsck, brown and tans, 2 dome fastenings, 81.
wool toques, colors scarlet, cardinal and navy,
No. 3 Ladi s fine quality Pewney kid

25c each, postage 6c.

No. 4 Boy_& white wool toques, skirt bands,
Postage 4c extra. gloves, same colors, 3 dome fastening, $1.25.
No. 4 Ladies White Chamois Gloves, 3 45c each, postage 5c.
No. 8 Children s black wool mitts, long dome fasteners, 75c.
Infants Bonnets, Etc.
wrists, 15c.
No. 9 Children s fine black mitts, double Ladies Evening Gloves We carry a splendid assort
throughout, 25c per pair. Ladies cream silk evening gloves, elbow ment white muslin
of infants
No. 10 Children s fine black mitts, double, length, 35c per pair ;
posts ge 3c. bonnets, ranging in prices at
with fancy worked backs, 30c. Ladies cream and colored silk evening 25o, 35c, 50c, 75c and 81 each ;
No. 11 Boys heavy black wool mitts, gloves, long lengths, 50c and 75c postage 3c. ; postage EC each.
double throughout, 25o per pair. Infants tilk lined bonnets, 35c, 50c and
No. 12 Ladies plain black wool mitts, 20o. 75o ; postage 5c each.
No. 13 Ladies fine black wool mitts, 25c. Infants knitted wool mitts, lOc and 15o
No. 14 Ladies fine black wool mitts, with pair postage 2o.
fancy open backs, 3 c and 50c per pair. Infants fine wool mitts, with fancy wrists,
20c pair postage 2c.

No. 15 Black wool muffatea wrists, pair 25o
No. 16 Brown astrachan winter mitts, Infants wool bootees,

leather faced, warm lined, sizes suitable for 15c,20c and 2oc per pair;
children 4 to 8 years, price 35c; postage 4c. postage 2c per pair extra.
SHAWLS Infants white wool leggings, knee length,
No. I Shoulder Shawls, in piaid chicks or fancy knitted, 50c per pair postage 5o. ;

plain, price, 35 and 45c ; postage, ]0c extra.

No. 2 Knitted Honey Comb gny Infants Jackets
black, white, also colors, 60, 75, 81.00;
postage, lOc extra. Pr ces range at 50c, 75o,
No. 17 Children s brown kid mitts, fancy No. 3 Black Melton Shawls, $1.00, 81.25. 81 and 81-^5 each, and every
overetitched backs, warm lining, elastic wrist No. 4 Heavy Cloth Shawls, in gray, tawn one is good. The values here
bands, suitable for boys or girls 6 to 10 years aud brown, 81.65. are exceptional. Any one of
old, price 45c postage EC. ;
No. 5 Velvet Shawls, assorted colors, 82.00 them may be sent by post for
82.50 each. lOc extra-
No. 6 Velvet Shawls, reversible, 83.50. Infants long fancy colored
No. 7 All-wool Double Shawls, in plaids and cloak, JH.25 and 81.35 each postage 15o. ;

plain colors, 83.50, 84.50 each.

Infants knitted wool
No. 18 Ladies or misses lined kid mitts, Knitted Hoods veils, lOc, He, 25c each ;
elastic wrists and very warm lined, price 75c. No. All-wool
1 knitted pobtage 3c.
No. 19 Ladies warm lined kid mitts, with
hooils, cardinal, black, navy
fur cuffs, per puir 75c ; pottage 5c. and garnet, suitable for
tiirls from 3 to 8
Infants Bibs
years ;

price 40c each, postage 5c. No. 1 -Infants white honey

No. 2 All-wool knitted combed bibs, lace trimmed, 5o
hoods, assorted colors, suit each postage 2o.

No. 20 Ladies domestic kid mitts, with able for girls from 8 to 16 No. 2 Infants white quilted
long elastic wrist bands, and lined with real ears; price 50o each, post- bibs, lOo, 15c, 35c each p
2f>c, ;

lambs skin, very warm, price 81.00 per pair. a e lOc. No. 3 Infants oil i loth feeder*, niBll pi;-. t

No. 21 Ladies fine kid mitts, warm lined, No. 3 Ladies all-wool 5o ; larpesize, 15c each; postnge 4cnr,d f,c each.
inside fur wrists, dome fastener, etc., pair kci hoods, black or navy blue colon, full
tctl No. 4 Children s white twilled cotton pio-
91.00 postage 5c.
; size, 65c and 75c each, postage 7c. tnred bibs, 5c each postage lo.
VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS card box. Five of the papers are filled with
In a
ery large business, such as this is, there are always certain articles in almost every
, regular carpet tacks of the very best sizes,
the sixth contains 1 oz. Window Blind Tacks.
department which for some reason have not been sold as promptly as we expected. It has
always been our policy to turn such goods into money regardless of cost. Ther. again
The box with the 6 papers in it was made to
Ba-iofaiturers sornetiuu s offer us special goods at special prices in order to clean out entire sell at 25c. Our price is only 10c for the en-
lines of stock. These and other reasons form our excuse for tue box, or 1 dozen boxes for an even dollar.
offering the goods under the
above heading. In each instance the quantity of the article on hand is limited, and if all
are sold out when your order arrhes then your money will be
promptly refunded. \Ve do
not substitute. Order bv catalogue number.
Bargain No. 5 Fancy Glass Or
So. 1 namental Vases. These No. 10 Tinsmith s
were made in Austria. Snips, very hand for
We have on any person, in fact every house ought to
The makers, by mistake, possess such an article.
hand Used for cutting
sent us too many. The sheet tin, sheet zinc, sheet
of handsomely iron, stove pipe
designs are be.mtil ul and wire and all similar woik. Our
framed pi The height of
varied. special bar-
which have not gain, price only 25c.
each is from 8 to 10 inches.
sold as well as Regular price 25c each until all are sold our
they should have sold. offer these pic- We ;

price will be 3 f or 25c, a bargain we never

about one-half their original price.

hope to repeat.
Give second and third choice as quantity is
very limited. No. 6 Crystal Glass Vinegar Jugs No. 11 Wood Rasps, round on one
For wi h glass stopper, a very handsome flat on the other side, length of rasp 9 inches;
mer about 7 inches very handy to lit axe handles in the head or
design, standing
Subject. Size. Price over all. A bargain it ever there other similar work. Kverv workshop should
vt,,s a bargain. Regular piice -2oc ;
own one. A big purchase this, priced for
W. E. Gladstone 28 x 32 -2 bargain price only lOc each. quick selling. Price only 25c each.
View of Naples 26 x 32
Love s Pleading 26x34
The Linn s Bride
No. 7Circular Curry
suasion i
26 x 34 Cemb, madeof flat
Arc Just Lovely. . . 28x34 spring steel, with teeth
he Wheels Go on one side. The No. 1? Flat Files, 10 inches long (only
handle may be turned one size) a _ob lot we purchased. Vsed for
Country Sweetheart .... 28x34 ;

The Love Knot 2Sx32 2

and the comb reversed, sharpening machine knives of any kind, and
so as to make a sweat. for
Kuth 21 x 27 I large saws, and also makes a good handy
Listening to the Uirds 21x27| 4 75! scraper. A strong ar general purpose tile for any farmer to have
ticle and a din about. Regular price 18c, special bargain
No. 2 Carpet bargain. Price 5 for price only 13c each, or 2 for 25c.
Samples. i><

25c, worth regularly

from a well-known loc or 2 c each.
carpet factory.
These were s.iin-
ples carried by
their commercial
travellers so as to
show the patterns.
The size of each piece is 18 x 36 imhes, and
evhhasse .-all around it. No. 13 Carving Knife and Fork, strong
ju-t splendid for lloor or dour stag horn handles, length of knife blade 9
No. ,-A large manufacturer s-iid lie had
The colors and patterns vary a good quality si eel. Former pi ice $1,
about 50 dozen Solid Steel Adgo K.\ e Nail
iiee on ,\ In,, each,
! for now only 59c for the Carving Knii
Hammers on hand which had been accumu
great bargain. lating f,.r some time. These were hammers Fork. Postage He.
some slight imperfection which No. 14 We have
Xo. 3 Reflector Lamp, all that had en 1J inch
their inspector refused to pass. These im
Cdinplcte with burner, wick, Harness Snaps, ex
and le lector. This perfections do not in any way whatever
chimney is
effect the quality of the material, and for all actly like the pic
18 lamp set into a hanging ture. 1!\ mistake
tin case wi h reflector. practical purposes aiv a s good as our best
the factory finish
ja good lamp for either a
hammere. bought the lot There are We
6 1
weights but, all ale of the, ed these in black instead of XC plate. That
kitchen or a bedroom. It may f
be carried about by the handle,
best .steel, and all have the well-known ^ ^rent
reduced their value but did not hurt them
in it may be hung up on a nail.

Price all eye. They are worth regularly from 40c to for use. To clear the lot we will sell them
h. Our special bargain price at 15c per dozen, worth double the money.
complete, only -2oc, worth twice the money. No. 14i also have 80 dozen 2-iuch
i. Be sure you order one or two of V"e

these Carpenters Nail Hammers. Snaps, same ..s above. Bargain price 20c per
dozen until all are sold.

No. 4 French Telescopes, only 24 of them.

!\ght. them cheap and will sell them
cheap. Length inches, draws out to 14

/iiclies; made of bc~t lacquered br.

best. French lenses, all in neat ca>.

The bo y of the telescope is leather covered.

Price only idle each,
postage loc.
No. VI Here s another snap A certain tack

stock the well known
all colors of I)i-i- factory made a mistake when they put tacks
nyes. With the-e dyes, each ; ii]i
in this way. They didn t sell for some No. 15 One only, Ladies Second Hand
of which contains full directions for n reason. It reduced the price to a ridiculous Bicycle, standard she, been used, only a
can be .11 home in a figure, offered them to us and here they are. very little in the best of condition and per

ways. Price 9c p--r package or 6 for ."Oc. TO six papers of tacks in a very neat. fectly sound in every part. Price only $17.50.

Xo. 25 No. 37-Decorated China Ber. y Set con-

of frltlt dlsh *- 1 Slx_ individual fruit
Hat Buckles or Orna ,
Queers. Regular price of this get 4 is $1.7
ments, oval orL/Z Oil
reduced price, faoc per set. A good
I1<11 I!
-i -i ,-"-

I pattern, size about 2| Special

todies Former price bargain this 1
now 5c each
__,.. f Xo. 38 Silver Polish, a good article, put
loc, ; post-
u]) i neat enamelled tin boxes, a splendid

bargain for pedlers, who could promptly get

No 2b Bright Steel Hat Buckles, set i
lOc each for it ; our special bargain juice as
Xo. 16 also one only Gent s Bi have with Rhinestones, very handsome," were 25c,
long as th y last, only oOc per dozen boxes.

cycle which has been used for a short time. now 13c, -2 for 25c ; postage 2c. This polish is used on silver spoons, table
It is black in color, standard size, -with best silver, carriage rails, harness mountings, or
double tube tires, and is bigbargainat$18.50. for any other similar work.
It is as good as new for all practical purposes.
Xo. 17 Gol.l

Miners Sheet Steel
Pans, 16* inches in
Xo. 27 Girls Tortoise Shell Hair Clasp, diameter, best
to hold the braid of hair, the large pin pulls heavy material.
These may be used for rooking pnr- out. We have this in two sizes. Small
ind for a variety of other purposes. size, 8c ; large, loc each, formerly twice the
Former price 50c each bargain price 15c. price postage 2c. : ;

o. 28 Fancy Pe-
signed Tobacco Jars,
ceiine or animal sub
Xo.18 Scholar s Pencil Box, polished
jects. Each will hold ft_
wood, 10* inches long, ill the shape oi OR
ball bat, and containing ruler, pen, lead pen
quantity of a good downright good value, we cannot
tobacco, and is hand- do better than t. point you to these
cil and slate pencil. Price postage 3c.
finished in gold Grab Packages :

Xo. 19 Photograph Frames, The designs are

Cabinet size, imitation leather,
sih-er trimming.
unique and appropriate. Former pricn 45c ;
very pretty, complete each cannot be mailed. Grab Bags and Chance Packages.
reduced price
glass and easel rest, were ilic,

now 13c each, while tic XL. 29 Ladies Pulley Belt Buck- In order to ki ep our stock entiiely free

Xo. Ai Double 1 hoi. gilt or silver o grey finish. We have one ofBlew EelliLg tcys, bioken toys, ar:d
line of these popular buckles of whick we odd pieces of fancy china, and timilar
Frame or Folding Cabinet, we make up what we
with very handsomely d ..... >ra-
must reduce our stock. The former price articles, call
was 50c, the reduced price is i 5c per set. Thete grabs ate sold for It c

ted celluloid cover, beautiful,
Xo. 30 Ladies or each, and you do tot krsow what they
room for two cabinet photographs, reduced contain u: til ycu open tl en:. }i_uget

to v!5c each, postage lOc, Gent s Plated Finger

pood value for jour ney every time. If
Rings, with

\ou l)aveany children at home put oin cr mere
tion diamond settings,
Hie Grabs down on y tir order sheet whtn you
in great variety. We are making it out, and you will not re-,rtt it.
have a limited num- i

X,,. 21 Imitation Red Coral

Children s ber of these rii Too Late to Classify
iv much \voru at the present

clear out. Tic The following goods have arrived too late to
time. Formerly sold at 35c each, now lOo ing is none too good. The former price was classify in their right place :
ti. The cle. 5o e^ch.
No. 31 Enamelled Flag Pattern Brooches
for ladies or misbi line >cial

out. Regular price 25c, reduced price
each postage 2c. ;

Colored Glass Bead

No. 32 Ladies Green Leather Belts, one
Xo. !! Children s
at 85o each did
and quite ia ge be ,!s. lot which we formerly sold
not sell as rapidly as we expected.

now reduced to 18c each p
; j.

No. 83 laonr grocery department we are Soft hair saddle blankets, size 21 I
withii line of Shoe Black
ing which sells inadily at 5o per box.
inches, an excellent article for hard and con
stant riders, price $1.50 each.
k is red in d to normal quantity, our

Xo . 23 Rubber Tipped I Is. We price will be 2dc. per doze u b

Fly Fuma
-fill in purchasing a very large Xo.
pTrs^ 3-1 Fancy
illrubber tip;. with -
Our new
jjfe "

(I fly protec
mounting, like al,\. pencils SAT
fully decorated dish tion or fly furmi t pro >

are of li tle-.- **
for Vierries. tect cattle, horecg hud

aiiythi Tib p -r dozi n, " " "."

fruit or. sain e. on ihe all other kinrs< f stock

Onr. price UDtU all are sold will be r.-nly in,. table. price - ;5c each. from flies and ii
/en. Not less than I dozen, and not of eve y Kind. In one
].,n 12 doxen will be s.. .d quart tins prce 40o
order; postage on dozen is |.-.
1 Xo. :. 1 ecclaicd each. This funia is
Xo. 21 Ladies or Chil China >

size, best applied with ona
dren s Fancy r.namelled and with .idsome of our 5t. c cyclone
1 endaiits. with ring, to ion. Special epraytrs.
hang about the neck or price on!\ .

1 rom nl. These Milk Bottic*

are i" various beautiful Xo. 36 -Child s

us ami are lo\cl\ with These are clear glass bottles

The enamel .
appiupri.-ite dc for delivering niilk, made in two
of the hi -t. Former priet ti iis
for children, sires; pints fl.CO pir dozen;
; baigain price animal, figure or quarts $1.25 jcr do/en card ;

covers for Ean:e c per 100. .


In the minufacture of Granite Iron Ware
the beat manufacturers always keep an inspec
G No. 13 Grey or white
whose business it is to personally examine
granite drinking cups small,
tor, 4c ; medium, 6c 7o.
every piece. What would appear as perfect ; large,
to the ordinary observer, is frequently to.-sed
to one side by the inspector as not quite per
G No. 23 Grey granite Fauc or pieserve
fect Now bacause we are one of their largest kettles, lipped, heavy ears ami nals medium
Grey granite tea
size, 10 pints, 29c large size, 13 pints,
cu-tomers for their best gcroda we are some and very large, 16

; ; 41"

times offered
steeper g pints, 53o each,
job lots o! these accumu ations

cover each.
l-2i,o GNo. 24 Grey granite dinner pails, with

of slight y imperfect goods. T1* articles, for tr No. 15 tin cup and cover, 33c tach.

all practical purposes, are as

good as the best, Grey granite
and the price is about half regular price. \Ve covered pails, 3

cannot always supply each article as outlined

pint size, 19o
below, because the makers, of course, make no each.
more of them than they can help. When
ordering always give the catalogue number. GNo.16 Grey
granite basting
spoons, 12, 14 or 16 inches, 5o each.

G No. 2
Grey granite G No. 25 Grey or white granite wate
pie plates, 9 or 10 inches
diameter, 5c each. pails, 10 quart capacity, heavy bale and ears,
55c each.
G No. 3 Grey or
G No. 17 Grey or white granite dippers 17c. G No. 26 or white granite water
white granite soap pitchers, medium size, 39c large size 49c each.

plates, 8, 9 or 10
inches, 5c each.
G No. 4 Grey or G No. 26 Grey gra
white granite din nite dish pans, 21 qts.
ner plates, 8 or 9 capacity, 6Sc each.
itch, Sceach. G No. 18 Grey or white granite fry pans,
No. 8 or 9 size, i!So each.
G No. 5 Grey or
white jelly cake plates, G No. 19 Grey !

9 inches, 5c each. granite lipped ;

saucepans, small G
No. 27 Grey or white
G No. 6 Grey or white size, 9o; medium granite cuspadors, SSoeach.
round pudding size 13c large
dishes small, 5o each ;
size 23c each.
medium, 12^0 .each ;

large, 17o each. G No. 20

Grey granite
G No. 23 Grey or
G No. 7 Grey rice boilers or whitegranite chambers,
granite roasting d luhle sauce small size, 19c; medium
pans, medium medium size, 23c ; large size,
size, 23c each. size 53o; large 27c each.
size 57c each.
G No. 8 Grey gran
White House Cook Book
ite collendars, with The best Cook Bock
handles and base, 23c
published in the world.
each. The receipts are all re-
liahle and trustworthy.
This the genuine edi
No. 9 Grey or tion of this famous book.
white granite milk There are 69 pajji-s of
pans, without lip, 4 cooking receipts of all
quarts, 23c each kinds,a truly famous
GNo.10 Grey
G No. 21 Grey or white granite tea or book, and one that
or white granite coffee pots, polished or nickled co"er,
medium should be found in p\ery
wash basins size, 3Jc pints, 27c each. limise. The publishers
small size, 17c ;
by nibscription, is $3, while our price
medium, 19 ;
G No. 22 Grey gra"
is only $1-25. Postage 20c extra.
very large 23c. nite tea kettles, No. 8 Mother and Babe: Tlieir Corn-
or No 9, pit bot- tort and C are
j \torn, enamelled Devoted to the interest of vrmnjj mothers,
; woud hruulje, heavy the caro of Infants and tl: preparation uf -

nale, and strong ears thrir AVardrolic.

15r- ; iiosta^r 3c.
and spout, 63c each.
Xursiug autl Xoiirishineiii for
G No. 11 Greyor white granite soup bowls, England s Finest ttazor Contains expliril Instructions and valua
regular size 9o each. This fine Razor has made us famous. It ble ndvirr ivjrai dinj; the Best Methods and
G No. 12 Grey or white granite drinking was made to sell in America for 83 \ and it Necessary Adjuncts in the Sick Room. Price
mugs small size, 5c medium, 6c ; large, 7c.
ii well worth 83.00. Our price is 81.00. loc ; postage 3c.

There are many persons who could do well by selling small things from door to door, or by keeping shop, in a small way at first, hut
gradually increasing and enlarging their field as their finances improve. Some of the largest fortunes of our country have had their
foundation in just that way. We have a great many pedlers and small storekeepers on our list of customers, and for their convenience
in ordering -we have what we call Pedlers Outfits These outfits include only articles which are sure to sell, articles that are actual


necessities everywhere. In each outfit we have made special prices, and consequently cannot alter the lists at all. They are all goods
upon which the peiller or storekeeper can mark a good profit. The price of each outfit is a very low one indeed for the remarkably
complete and extensive list of goods given. Order by catalogue number.
Pedlers Outfit No. 1 Pedlers Outfit Mo. 2 Pedlers Outfit No. 3 Pedlers Outfit No. 4
PRICE $10. PRICE Price $25 Price $35
24 Plain Lead Pencils. 6 Curling Tongs. 2 Wash Boilers, No. 9. 12 Pairs MenWinter Socks.
24 Steel Curling Pius. 3 Tea Kettles, No. 9.
24 Rubber Tipped Pencils. 12 Men s Red
12 Kid Curlers, small. 6 Coffee Pots.
12 H. B. Lead Pencils. 24 medium.
12 Men s Blue and White
6 Tea Pots.
. 6 Carpenters Lead Pencils. 12 "

large. Handkerchiefs
3 Large Dish Pans.
6 Colored Lead Pencils. 6 Bottles Sewing Machine Oil. 6 Men s Winter Undershirts.
6 Sewing Machine Oilers. 6 Medium Dish Pans.
24 Pen Holders. 3 Small Dish Pans. 3 Men s Winter Drawers.
12 Celluloid Circular Combs.
72 Small Pens, assorted. 6 Rubber Circular Combs. 6 Milk Strainers. 6 Pairs Boys Braces.
100 Slate Pencils. 12 Rubber Dressing Combs. 12 Pot Covers, assorted. 6 Pairs Men s Braces.
White Crayons. 12 Horn Dressing Combs. 6 Covered Pails, assorted. Men s Ties, assorted.
6 Steel Dressing Combs.
^ 6 Open Pails, small.
12 Boxes Colored Crayons. 21 Men s Collar Buttons.
12 Rubber Fine Combs. 12 Open Pails, medium.
24 Scribbling Books, 100 pages. 12 Tooth Brushes. 6 Open Pails, large. 6 Men s Cashmere Mufflers.
12 " "

200 "

12 Hand Scrub Brushes. 24 Dippers. 6 Pairs Misses Winter Stock

6 " "

300 "
25 Thimbles. 6 Nutmeg Graters. ings.
12 Scholars Companion Boxes. 25 Papers Needles. 6 Vegetable Graters. 12 Pairs Ladies Winter Stock-
25 Papers Hairpius. 6 Flour Sifters.
12 Scholars Pencil Boxes. 12 Dozen Safety Pins. 6 Flour Scoops, assorted. ings.
4 Bottles Staffords Ink. 6 Boxes Safety Pins. 24 Cake Cutters, assorted. 3 Ladies Wieter Vests.
4 Bottles Mucilage, 24 Papers Pins. 12 Dust Pans. 3 Ladies Winter Drawers.
12 Pocket Note Books. 12 Dozen Bone Pant Buttons. 48 Patty Pans. 3 Misses Winter Vests.
12 Doz. Metal Pant Buttons. Cake Tins.
3 Angel
Winter Drawers.
12 Large Account Books. 3 Misses
72 Doz. Small China Buttons. 6 Storey Cake Tins.
12 Boxes of Paper and Enve 12 Doz. Medium China Buttons 12 Pudding Dishes. 12 Child s Vests.
6 Doz. Large China Buttons. 12 Layer Cake Tins. 12 Ladies Handkerchiefs.
20 Quires Cream Note Paper. 12 C;irds Hooks and Eyes. 24 Pie Tins. 12 Papers Pius.
48 Cotton Shoe Laces. 12 Bread Tins. 12 Papers Needles.
20 Bunches Cream Envelopes.
24 Leather Shoe Laces. 12 Drip Pans. 20 Bunches Tape.
6 Large Writing Tablets. 12 Yards Hat Elastic. 12 Tea Steepers. 12 Cards Mending Woo,.
12 Small Writing Tablets. 12 Yards Garter Elastic. 6 Dozen Tea Spoons. 12 Yards Shelf Oilcloth.
1 Packet Blotting Paper. 36 Bunches Tape, assorted. 12 Masting Spoons. 12 Yards Roller T welling.
24 Hat Pius. 12 Dover Egg Beaters.
4 Small Leather Purses. 12 Fringed Towels.
12 Cards Mending Wool. 24 Wash Basins.
4 Purses with inside pocket. 20 Spools of Thread, assorted.
24 Darning Needles. 24 Tin Cups.
2 Stereoscopes. 12 Steel Bodkins. 12 Fancy Comb Holders. 36 Dozen Small China Burtons
12 Five-foot Measures. 12 Fancy Match Holders. 12 Dozen Medium China But
24 Stereoscepic Views.
25 Button Hooks. 12 Fancy Caps and Saucers. tons.
12 Packages Playing Curds.
36 Spools Thread, assorted. 12 Fancy Child s Plates. 6 Five-foot Tape Measures.

In order to Skirt Length $I.OO DIAMOND DYES

make our Dress
Gocds Depart $4.OO No. 2 special ffer includes the We carry in stock every color of these well-

ment popular above skirt pattern, covert tweed in medium known Dyes. Our price is 9c per package, or
with our custo grey, dark grey, navy or brown cloth, all the ny 6 packages for 50c. We mail them, post
velveteen for binding, age
mers we give a linings, canvas, thread, prepaid, at the above price, to any p et-
address in
few special of- and send
will postpaid *o any officc in Canada. Full particulars for using
ffers. The price
Canada. accompany each package. The following are
quoted includes
the colors Light blue, dark blue, navy blue, :

but. Bismarck blue, brown, gold shade, dark brown,

everything seal brown, green, riark green, fast pink, scar
the making up.
( iiMr,mcrs will
NEW IDEA let, crimson, cardinal red, Magenta, dark
lllwaYS wine, terra cotta, black, purple, yellow, orange,
send their waist
PATTERNS slate, drab; blue, for cotton; green, for cot
ton cardinal, for cotton yellow, for cotton ;
: ;
measure -

New idea patterns are scarlet, for co ton brown, for cotton pink, ; ;

get right orange, for

tern. gtylish, up-to-date, and for cotton purple, for cotton ; ;

correct. We Bell these cotton garnet, for cotton ; turkey red, for

patterns all at a uni cotton ravy bine, for cotton dark green,
; ;

Length $3.OO form price of 1 fo each cotton; stocking black and black for silk

ftS.OO No. 1 special offer includes the postage 2c extra. We feathers.

-kirt pretty small cheek
tern, stock patterns of all You may dye anything witk Diamond Pves,

the lining, canvas, thread, vel

4 nids, ill 1 kinds of garments and and make ink, wood stains, liquid bluing,
veteen for binding, and will send postpaid tu 1919 -CH LD S DRESS, in all sizes. colored varnishes, shoe drefsii g, etc. Pric,
4, 6 9o per package or for 50c, postpaid.
any addn
Sl/.t b 1, years.
da. !,
Boxes, Pencil 115, 116 Cloth Cheese 165 Emery, Powder 76 Hitches, Rope . 36
Accordions 126 Boxes, Soap 128 Cloth, Emery 75 Enamel, Paint 76 Hobbles B
Album Photograph, etc. ..117 Braces, Carpenters 65 Cloth, Green Wire 75 Enamel, White Ware 100 Hoods, I fauts 173
Ammunition 87 Braces, Men s 158 Cloth, Rubber 163 Engraving 79 Hoes, Garden 43
Annual, Boys and Girls . ..115 Brackets, Flower Pot 79 Clothing Department, 152. 154 Engines, Toy 91 Holders, Curling Tong .

Anvil, Blacksmith s 61 Brackets, Rafter 36 Clothing, Waterproof SO Envelopes 118 Holders, Pillow Sham ... 163
Anvil and Vise 62 Brackets, Shelf 72 Clubs, Swinging 84 Exercises, Whrteiy 85 Hooks, Belt 38
Anti-Rattlers, Shaft 21 Brads, Wire 53 Ooats.Fur 160 Extractors, Honey ... 33 Hooks, Bird Cage 72
Aprons, Ladies 168 Breakers Peg 54 Coats Hunting, etc 159 Eyelets, Canvas 50 Hooks, Brush 45
Ap.-oas, Waterproof . ... 20 Breeching, Harness 12. H Coats, Waterproof 159 Eyelets, Curtain Enob 27 Hooks, Cant 45
Arrows, Landcnain 58 Bridles, Plow 10 Cobblers Outfits 63 F Hooks, Clothes 73
Atomizers Bridles, Single 11 Cockeyes, Trace 23 Hooks and Eyes 130
Bridles, Team Coffees and Teas Fancy Goods 141
Augers, Post Hole 4>
10 114
Feet, Sock 145 Hooks, Fish 83
Autoharps 126 Bridles, Riding >
5 Combs, Toilet Ferrules, Fork 43, 44
Hooks, Fruit Basket 74
59 Bristles, Shoemakers 61 Combs, Graining 77 61 Hooks, Harness 52
Axes, Carpenters Figures, Steel
Axes, Chopping 66,67 Bronze, Powder & Liquid... 76 Compound, Boiler 38
Files. Invoice 117 Hooka, Log Chain 45
Axes, Pick 45 Brooches, Ladies .... 139 Compasses, Drawing 116 Files of all kinda 65, 6 i Hooks, Meat 75
Axles, Buggy and Wagon... 26 Brooms, Stable 22 Compression Slings 35 i liters. Water Tap 73 Hooks, Picture Moulding T-3
Brushes, Clothes 129 Compasses, Mariner 120
Finish, Wall 76 Hooks, Pulley 36
B Brushes, Finger & Tooth.. .129 Coldshuts 62 Fireworks 93 Hooks, Small Screw 73
Backs, Fire 101 Brushes, Foundry 47 Collars, Breast 12 Hooks, Whiffletree
Brushes, Horse 22 Fishing Tackle 83
Backhands, Harness, 12, 13, 14 Collars, Buggy 12 Hosiery, Ladies.....
Brushes, Hair
Flags of all kinds 50
Bags, Emery . ....130 128,129 Collars, Horse 13
Flasks, Pocket 1"4 Hose, Garden 46
Bags, Grain 47 Brushes, Painters ... 7? Collars^Men s 158 Hose, Suction 37
Flask", Shot and Powder...
Bags, Ice 133 Brushes, Shaving *! Collars, Ladies 161 32 Horns, Po^t
Nose Feed Brushes, Shoe and Scrub. ..103
Fleams, Bleeding
Bags, 21 Collars, Ladies Fur 172
Folio, Song 150 Horns, S nue
Bags, Paper 74 Brushes, Stencil 51 Cookers, Peed 40 84 House l ui nishiugs 94
School 116 Harness 23
Foot Balls
Bags, Buckles, 22, Concertinas 126
Ladies Hat Food, Horse and Cattle 32 I
Bags, Shopning 141 Buckles, 141 Cord, Sash 70
Forceps, Dentists 133
Bahs, Camphor ... 133 Buckets, Elevator 47 Corkscrews 73 Indicators, Threshers 38
Forceps, Pig 33
Balls, Foot 84 Buckets, Sap 96 Corn, Pop 147 Ink, Shoemakers 54
Uubber 92 28, 9 Corsets Forges, Blacksmiths 64
Ink, Stencil 51
Balls, Buggies 171
Forks, Hand, Hay 44
Bauds, Hub 35 Bumpers, Wagon 21 Cottonades 166 Ink, Writing 116
Forks, Horse 35
Instruments, Musical 126
Bandages, Horse :t2 Bunting 165 Cotton, Factory 165
Forks, Manure 43
Banjos 126 Burners, Lamp 114 Cotton, Sewing 131 46
Irons, Curling 129
Forks, Strawberry Irons, Caulking 50
Bars, Crow 45 Kuttons, Collar 139 I

Cots, Campers 85 127

Buttons, Dress, etc Forks, Tuning Irons, Pinking 130
Bargains, Special 174, 175 131 Couplings, Hose ....
Fountains, Lawn 46 106
Barrows, Wheel 47 Buttons, Cushion 27 85 Irous, Smoothing
Couplings, Shaft

Frames, Bucksaw 68 54 sets, Carpenters 63 Buttons, Rein 11 Covers, Hay Cock 49 Irons, Soldering
Baskets Chaff 49 Butter Workers 105 Frames, Photo 141
Irons, Stanchion 33
Covers, Table 164
Frames, Quilt 163
Basket-, Clothes 103 20 Irons, Tuyure 04
Covers, Wagon Freezers, Ice Cream 104 Iron Ware
Baths, children s 99 100
Covers, Waterproof Horse, 19 Fuma, Fly 175
Bats, Cotton 165 Cages, Bird 95 Covers, Wire 94 Irons, Whiffletree 24
Furnaces, Agricultural 40
Beaiers, 94 Caudles Ill Crackers, Nut 73 J
Fur Department 160, 161
Bedi, \Vh.te Iron 104 Candy Department 147 Cradles, Grain 44 Men s. ..156 Jacks, Boot 73
Furnishing Dept.,
Bells, Cow aud Sheep 33 Cans, Coal Oi 971 Crates, Eeg 33 1 uruiture, Stove 90 Jackets, Cardigan 151
Bells, Door 70 Cannons, Boys 93! Crayons, Lumber 63
Jackets, Infants 173
Bells, Farm and School 34 Cans, Cheese Factory 105 Creamers 103 G Jackets, Ladies Fur 161
Bells, Table 102 Cans, Railroad Milk 107 Creepers, Ice 74 Gall Cure, Bickrnore s 8
Japanned Ware Dept 99
Bells, Sleigh is Canvas, Binder 49 Creton ei 165 t.arnes, Evening 92
Japanese Goods 141
Bellows, Blacksmiths 64 Caps, Kye 133 Crocks, Sto Y
::e 112 Gauges, Drag Tooth 6i Jardinieres 110
Caps, Men s

Belting of all kinds... 159 CrockeryDept 108 to 112 Gears, Buggy and Waggou. 2s Jars, Tobacco 197
Belting, Link Chain .. Capes, Waterproof 20 Crockinole Game 93 Ginghams 1(J6
Jars, Fruit Ill
Bells, Cartridge ss Cars, Hay 35 Croquet, Lawn 84 Girths, Blanket 19
Jewelry Department 138
Belts, Ladies 141 Cards. Christmas 117 Cruets, Silver 140 (lasses.Eye 121
Jointers, SP.W 66
Belts, Men s Leather 158 Cards, Horse and Cattle... 22 Crutches 133 Glasses, Field 12 i

Belts, Sewing Machine 123 Cards, Playing 92, 118 Crozes, Cooper s 61 Glasses, Level 57 K
Benches, Wash 106 Cards, Wool 50 Cuffs, Riders 5 Glasses, Opera 120 Kalfiomine 76
Benches, Lawn 10 Cardigan Jackets 157 Cultivators 41 (Uasses, Reading 119 Kettles, Agricultural 40
Benders, Tire 65 Carpenters Tools ,
55 Curry Combs 21 Glasses, Water Gauge . ... 38 Kettles, Sap 40
Bibs, Infants 173 Carts, Hand 47 Curlers, Hair 129, 130 Glassware HI Kettles, Stew 98,100
Bibles 117 Carls, lioad 30 Curtains, Lace 162, 163 Globes, Lantern 85 Kettles, Tea 96,98,100
Bicycles aud Sundries 82 Cashmeres 170 Cushions, Bugay. etc 27 Globes and Maps 116 Keys, Split Machinery 52
Binding, Oil Cloth 71 Casters, Bed and Lounge... 72 Cutlery Department. ..78 to 81 Gloves, Boxing 85 Knives, Band Cutters 38
Bits, Auger 55 Castings, Grindstone 49
Cutters, Sleighs 30 Gloves, Housemaids 13: Knives, Bread 79
Bits, Bridle 16 Catches, Cupboard 71 Cutters, Feed 4 G oves, Ladies 173 Knives, Butcher 79
Blankets, Bei 169 Catheters, Male 133 Cutters, Fence Wire 45 Gloves, Men s J66 Knives, Corn 44
Blankets, Horse 18 Cements, Leather 54 Cutters, Glass Gauge 38 Gloves, Rubber 133 Knives, Cutting Box 48
Blankets, Saddle 5 Centres, Ntckyoke 25 Cuiters, IrouPipe 39 Glue, Sheet and Liquid 76 Knives, Cattleman s 32, 79
Blinds, \Viudow 162 Chains, Carrier 37 Cutters, Meat 103 Goggles, Threshers 38 Knives, Castrating 33
Blocks, Tackle 35 Chains, Coil 45 Cutters, Tobacco 127 Granitewnre Dept 98, 176 Knives, Dirk .... 80
Blouses, Ladies 1 Cha ns Cow 33 Cutters, Window Glass 77 21 K Huof.
Grease, Axle ives, ..31,65
Blue Stone 45 Chains, Dog 34
Cylinders, Pump 39 Grindstones 49 Knives, Hay 48
Boards, Bread 102 Chains, Halter ....20
Grinders, Section 43 Knives, Miners 80
Boards, Knife Polishing .102 Chains, Heel 14 D Gr eery Department.. .112, 114 Knives, Mincing. 103
Dairy Supplies 105
Boards, Stove 101 Chains, Hitching 20 Knives, Oy-ster 74
Boas, Children s 169 Chains, Key 74 Dampers, Stove Pipe 102
H Knives, Painters 76, 77
Bodies, Buggy* Carriage 27, 28 Chains, LOJ; 45
I -
ashes, Buggy Web, Leather
Halters, 15 Kn ves, Peeling 74
Boilers, Wash % Cnaius Tethering 5,20
Dehorners, Cattle
Desks, Writing
31, 32
68, 1^5
Hames, Buggy ,12,13 Knives, Pocket 80
Books, Cash, etc Chains, Trace 14 Barnes, Team Harness 11
Knives, Pruning 44
Books Coik .. 58 Diamond Dyes 177
Hammers, Carpenters
.. Chain*, Surveyors
Diamond, Glazier s 77 Knives, Shoemakers 54
Book Department 118, 149 Chains, Watch 138 Hammers,.Farriers 6>

Knives, Uncapping 33
Boobs, Horse Doctor 3-2 Chalk, Tailors ]:iu Dip, Persiatic Sheep 32
Hammers, Masons 63 Cattle Horn 32
Directions for Painting 30 ,

Books, Music 1.50 Chimneys, Lamp Ill

Hammers, Machinists 6.">

Knobs, Door 70
Box Opening Doctor, Family Hammers, Shoe 51
Books, Picture 93, 151 Chisels, 63
Dolls SO L
Books, Pocket 120 Chisels, Cold Rammers, Sledge 45
Books, School Ul Churns 105 Doors, Wire 75
Hammers, Upholsterers ... 73 Laces, Belt 38
Doubletrees, Farm 24
Hampers, (lothes Laces and Embroideries. ..172
Bolts, Carriage 52 Cigars and Tobacco 127 1(3
Drawers, Ladies ...167,168 Hammocks Laces, Shoe. ..144
Bolts, Door S

63 Circles, Buggy 2; !

Drawers, Men s

157 Ladies 172 Ladders, Step 102
Bolts, King 25 Clamps, Cavpeute s 61, 6-3 Handkerchiefs,
Bolts, Shaft 26 Clamps, Harness 54 Drawers, Money 50 Handkerchiefs, Men s. .158, 359 Ladles, Melting 74
Track 73 DraRS, Manure 44 Parlor Door 70 Lamp Depart .111
36 Clamps, Quil: IT;* Hangers, .

Bolt-i. .

Bolster, Springs 28 Clamps. Win 34 Drags, Potato 43

Hangers, Barn Door ... 68 Lamps, Reflector .. 85
Boots, Aukle 21 Clasps, Ladies Tie 139 Dressing, Buggy Top 2",27
Handles, Axe 6i5 Lances, Bleeding 32
Boots and Shoes 38 Dress Goods 71
Handles, CrossCut Saw 67 Lanterns, Dark 93
1 42 to 145 Cleaner, Boiler Dresses Ladies Night 168
Bootees, Infants ... 173 .
Cleavers, Butchers 74 Handles, Fork 41 Lanterns, Magic 93
Malleable 24, 25
Drills,Blacksmiths 64 Handles. Pick 15 Lanterns, Stable 85
Bottles, Milk... 175 ("<,

Bottles. Hot Water 133 Clevises. Plow 85 Drills.Hand Handles, Plow .... Is Lashes, Whip 19
Bows, Wagon Top 26 Clips, Axle 24 Drivers, Coopers Handles, Shovel 43 Lasts, Iron Shoe 63
Boxes, Axle 96 Clips, Whiffletree 25 Drums, Boys 91)
Handy things for farmers. 52. Latches, Gate 69
Boxes, Bread and Cake P9 Clippers, Barbers 81 Drug Department 132
Handy Household Helps. ..101 Latches, Thumb 70
Boxes. Cash 1C1 Clippers, Bolt 65 Dry Goods Department 164
Hasps, Ciat 74 Lead, White -
Dusters, Painters 77 Leaders, Cattle 32
Boxes, Family Nail 73 Cli Chicago Horse
pers, ...30 Hatchets, Lathers 63
Dusters, Summer Lap 19
Leather, Harness 15
Hoxes, F>ncy Collar 141 Clippers, Hand Horse 31 Heads, Spin* Wheel... 50
rtoxes, Letter..... 74 Clippers, Pruning 44 E Heads, Whif i 77 Leather, Lace 38
Eiderdown 47 r, Shaft 26
Boxes, Iron Feed 40 Clipl" .. 31 166 Header", H>

3oxes, Mitre 59 Clock Department Gar

Elastic, er, etc ...131 Hinges. Don ._ d Gate 68 Leggings, Hoys etc ,
INDEX Continued
Rakes, Garden 46 Binder 49 Tobaccos and Cigars 12f
Letters, Steel 51 Organs, Mouth 127 Slats,
Levels. Builders 57 Outfits, Choppers 66 Rasps, Hoof 31,65 Slds, Children s 92 Tongs, Curling ...129

Lids Stove 101 Outfits. Cobblers 53 Hasps, Horse Tooth 31 Sledges, Blacksmiths 65 Tongs, Hog 33
Barb Wire 45 Outfits, Dating 119 Rasps, Shoemakers 64 Sleighs and Cutters 30 Tools, Blacksmiths 64 65
Linen Department 164 Outfits, Hay Fork 36 Rasps, Wood 66 Slides, Breast Strap 23 Tools. Boys 91

Lines, Chalk 62 Outfits, Pedlers 177 Razors 81 SmoKers, Bee 33 Tools, Carpenters 55 to 61
84 Outfits, Sewing 53 Reels, Clothes Line 74 Snaiths, Scythe 44 Tools, Farmers 43, 44
Lines, Fishing 41
Lines, Garden 74 Outfits, Shaving 81 Reels, Fishing 84 Snaps, Bull Staff 32 Tools, Pruning
Lines, Harness 1 Outfits, Stencil 51 Refrigerators 104 bnaps, Harness 17 Tops, Bngcy -7

Lines. Wire Clothes 74 Outfits, Tinkers 51 Remedies, Humphreys .... 133 Snips, Tinsmiths ... 60 Toy Department 89 to 13
Men s 159 Remedies, Veterinary Soap, Harness 20 Track,Barn Door I rt
Lining. Robe 20 Overalls, 32
Links, Repair 62 O -coats, Men s 153,160 Repairs, Binder Slat 49 Soap, Toilet 128 Traps, 33,75
Locks, Door 70 Repairing, Watch 137 Socks, Arctic 145 Traps, Fly
Locks, Oar 60 Revolvers 86,67 Socks, Men s 156 Trays, Japanned 99
Locks, Window 69,70 Packing, Rubber, etc 37 Riflesand Guns 86 Soles, Half 54 Trimmings, Bugg;
Loops, Body 25 Padloi.-: 71 Rims, Buggy, Wagon 26 Solder, Tinsmiths 54 Trimmings. Halter 23
Lrops, Bein Hand 11 Pads, Sweat 13
Rings, Bull ?2 Spectacles 121 Trimming, Robe 20
Pads. Zinc Collar 13 Spears, Fish and Frog f-4 Trimming, Fur 169
M Pails, Milk, etc.. 96, 97, 100, 105
Rings, F.infjer
Rings, Harness
22 S3 Spittoons 99, 101, 110 Trimmers, Paperbangers .. 77
Machines, Boring 56 Paints, Carriage 30 20 Spoons, Post Hole 45 Trimmers, Tailors 81
Rings, Hitching
Machines, Clipping 30, 31 Paints, House 76
Rings, Napkin I O Spoons, Silver Table 79 Trocars, Animal 32
Machines, Corn Shellig.. 40 Pants, Me s and Boys 153 i

Rings, Pig 3( Sponges of all kinds 132 Trowels, Garden 41

Machines, Feed Cutting.... 41 Punts, Waterproof 159
Rings, Trap Door 71 Sporting Goods 84 Trowels, Masons 61
Machines, Feed Grinding... 40 Palms, Sewing 50
Rings, Towel 131 Spray, Hen House 33 Trucks, Bag 47
Machines, Hub Boring 64 Paper, Sand 76
Rivets, Bolt 31 Spray, Persiatic Tree 45 Trunks and Valises 1*6
Machines, Pulping 40 Pap-r, Tissue 117
Rivets of all kinds 52 Spraping Tools 45 Trusses, Men s
Machines, Rivetting 52 Paper, Toilet 132 Springs, Bird Cage 72 Tryers, Cheese 74
Rivetter, Tubular 62
Mac-hines, Road Scraping.. 41 Paper, Writing 118
Robes, Fur 21,162 Springs, Bolster 28 Tubs, Wash...... 107
Machines, Sausage 103 Paper, Wrapping 74
Rods, WagonBox 2i Springs, Buggy and Wago i 27 Tubes.Boiler 38
Machines, SectionGrinding 48 Paper, Wall 147
Rope, Manilla and Wire ... 34 Springs, Door 69,75 Tubes, Chain Trace 14
Machines, Seeding 41 Parers, Apple 75
Rollers, Barn Door 68 Sprinklers, Lawn 46 Tubes, Milk ?
Machines, Sewing 122,123 1 arts of Harness.. .10, 11, IS, 13
Rollers, Lawn 46 Spinning Wheels 50 Tubes, Rubber Drill i\,

Machines, Washing 106 Parchment, Butter 105 Spuds, Thistle 43 Twine, Bag 47
Rubbers and Shoes ..145,146
Magazines, Monthly Parasols 172 Spurs, Riders 21 Twine, Wrapping 71
Rugs, Wool Lap 17

Magnets, Boys Jl Patterns, Dress 177

RUKS, Waterproof 19 Squeezers, Lemon Ill
Mangles, Clothes i ;
Pattern*. Mat 169
Rules, Blacksmith s 5 htains, Wood 76 Umbrellas 172
Maps, School 116 Pencils. Lumber 63
Rules, Lumber and Log 58 Staples, Blind and Bed 73
Underwear, Children s, 167,168
Markers, Linen and Sign. ..119
Writing 115 Staples, Fen e S3
Underwear, Ladies 187, 169
Martingales 5,11 Perfumes 132 S Staples, Harness Underwear, Men s 157
Mattocks, Pick 45 Pianos and Olgans 125
Saddles, Riding 5,5 Staples, Hameaud Trace... 23
Upsetters, Tire 64
Mats, Door 103 Pills of all 131
House and Office 88 Stationery Department .. 115
Mats, Stove 101 Pins, Clothes 107 Steels, Table and Butchers 7a
Se,lve, Dehorning Valises 146
Mats, Table Pins, Hair and House 130 Steps, Buggy 25
Saws, Buck 68 Varnish, Carriage SO, 76
Matting. Japanese Pins, Picket 5,20 Stencils, Brass 51
Mattrasses, Stuffed Ml Saws, Butchers 74 Varnishes 76
Pins, Husking 44, 45 Stereoscopes 119
Saws, Carpenters 38 Vases. Iron 46
Measures, Grain .
Pincers, Far iers 65 Stiffeners, Heel 54
Measures, Liquid 97,991 Puiceis, S comakers 54 Saws, Circular 66
Velocipedes, Boys 99
Saws, Crosscut 67 Stockings, Elastic 132
Measures. Tape 58 Pi U(!S, Smokers 1-27 Stocks, Taps and Dies... . t.3 Vests, Chamois 189
Measures, Threshers Saws, Dehorning 32 Vests, Ladies 167. 168
. .
. Stove 102
Saws, Hack 65 Stones, Grind 49
Medicines, Patent 154 Pipe, lion 38 62 Veiling 178
Saws, Ice 07 Stones, Oil
Medicines, Veterinary .... 3-2
Photographs 119 Stones, Scythe, etc 49 Velveteens 170
Menders, Ha -ness 54 Pitc iers. Water Saws, Pruning 41
^5 Violins 128
10:\ 111 Stools, folding
Mender. Tinware f6 Vises, Blacksmiths 64
Planes, Coo; 61 Stools, Organ 12-i
Metal, Babbit 3S Saw Sets. Crosscut 62
Planters, Corn 4-2 Stoves, Alcohol 104,129. Vises, Carpenters
Men s
Furnishings Scales, Machinists 5K Vises, Farmers 63
Plates, Stair Car-pet 71 Stoves, Camp 50
Mica. Stove 2 Scales, Weigh 3 Vises, Iron Pipe ?9
1 Plows of all kinds 42 Stoves. Coal Oil 104
Scissors, Barbers 81 Vises, Saw
Microscopes Plyers, Fence Wire 45 ook, Parlor 107 .

Scissors and Shears Stoves, 1

Mills, Bone anil (irist 41)

Poachers, Egg 98 ...
Stoves, Tank Heater 40 Views, Stereoscope ,....119
Mills, Coffee
Mills, Cider
Points, Ur ve Well
Points, Glaziers
Scrapers, Foot
Scrapers, Hog
Bluffers, Sausage...
Straps, Cut Leather 15
Waggons, Farm
w 29
Mills, Fanung 40 Pokes, Horse Scrapers, Kond 41
all W T Straps, Harness 11,15 Waggons, Children s .... P2
141 Scrapers. 77
Mirrors, Fancy Polishes, Stove, etc 114
Scteens, Masons Straps, School Book 116 Wall Paper Department.. 1 17
Mirrors, Framed .... i olish Fur liture 76 47
Straps, Sheep Bell S3 Wallets 1 1
Mirrors, Hand Screws, Comm, n Wood ... 52
Straps. Valise and Trunk. ..146
Poles, Buggy, etc 26 Warp, Carpet ,169
Mitts, Harvest 44 Poles. Curtain 162 Screws, Bench Vise 61 72
Screws. Builders Jack Stretchers, Carpet Washers, Buggy .

Mitts, Men s Winter 15j Poppers, Corn 94 61

Stretchers, Curtain 163
Scribers, Lumberman s Washers, Clothes
Mitts, Threshers i Pots, Glua 76 ... 61
Stretchers, Hammock 85 Washers, Ouage Glass 38
Moccasins 145 Scuttles, Coal
Pots, I ron . . 1 i
Stretchers, Wire 45 Washers, Pump
Mouldings,Room 14. P uches, Tobacco Scythes, Brush 45
127 Strengtheners, Wrist 157 Washer 3 Iron 59
Mowers, Lawn Scythes, Grass and Grain,.. 44

46 ow Bronze
le*. 76 Strops, Razor P3 Wash, Dog 32,31
Gun and Seals, Letter in
rd^r, Blasting. 87
Seats, Busgy 27 Supplies, Threshers 37 Watch Department. ..136, 137
ill iwder, "sultry 32 33 Suits, Men s 38,52 Weanere, Calf 32
Mufflers. Men Seats, Chair 101
Powde/, Insect 132 Swages, Saw fit!
Werlgers, Choppers 67
Music, Hhoet ISil
iVwdor, Tooth Secretarys, Ladies 88 Sweaters, Men s 157 Weights, Toe. 21
Musical Instruments... Presents, Wedding Sections, Machine .... 104
Sweepers, Carpet Weights, Scale 3
ns and Lawns 165 Pr-sers Axle Seeders. Broadcast 41,42 Swivels, Lariat 20.KJ Weights, Tie 20

Muzzles, Horse 75 Barrel Head Be armors. Cream 104

Wheels, Buggv & Waggon.. 26
4;, ...
is, 47 .
Syringes, Family 133
u Presses, Lard ... Sets. Tool 63
Syringes. Greenhouse 132
Wheels, Barrow 47
Nails, Clout 5. Presses, Letter 117 Shades. Eve 121
L;CS, Veti riiiar, 31
Shafts, Bupgv, etc
Wheelbarrows 47
25, 2

Nails, Horse Shoe Presses, Printing 92 >

p Shanks, Hmtcr 15 Wheelbarrows, Toy

Nails, Picture T ;>s, Veg table Ml Wheels, Emery 48,49
Nails, Shoe 53 50 Sharpeners, Section 49 T. Okie, Fishing 83
Shears, Hedge 44 Wheels, Plow 48
Nails, Wire Prints. Butter 1C.5 Tacks, Carriage 27
s, Spinning 50
Names, Stencil 51 Prints. Dress Shears, Sheep Tacks of allkinds 73
Sheeting, Rubber Wheels, Tr
okes. Farm ctors. Shoe 51 132 Tacks, Shoe 54 Wheels. Well. ,. :9
Pruning Tools 44 Shells. Crushed Oyster 33 Tags, Key and Stock ... 51
Whilfietrees, etc 24. S5
*os, Machine 123 a. Hay Pork S6 Shellers, Corn 40 Tanners Oil 21 34
Shelves, Clock 137
Whistles, Dog
S, Sail and Packi ;
ifc.ff. etc.. Taps. Molasses, etc 73 ..1<8

leSiSewing 13n Pullers, Cork 7i Shelves, Stove Pipe Tea and Coffee ... ...123
Nests, Hun s. Nail 63 Shinon, Silver Cleaner. ... 21 Teeth.Harrow and Rake ... 48 of all Kinds 5.19
.. ... 19 Shirts. Men I
ng. Poultry 46 Shoe* Department 142, 145 Telescopes 87
in Department. J28 ^i31 :
Tank . . 37 Shoes, Horse fis .
Campers 49 ... 75
Nozzles, Garden Hje. . 48 Punches, Hi :

62,31 Tennis Manufacturersof 94

Numbers, House 51 65 ...101 lometers f5, 105, 133 ... 79
Nuts and 1 xisins Punches, Harness Shovels and Spades Thin, i

... 75
Pu uches. Ticket Shovels.
o Purses of all kin !
and Yarns 163
Oils, Axle 21 irator Mending
Puzz es, Evening .... Thread, Shaemakers 61
Workers, Butter
Oils, 20 Sifter, 97,102
Oils,Ma-hine 21,38 Q 160
Wrenches, Monkey
Oil.Sewin,, Machine .ffl ..
130 s. Horse . .
Oilcloth ... 26 Wringers, Clothes.
Thrashers 88 Quoits, Iron Y
Oilers, Tinsel, Xmas Tree
Openers, (an p Tinware Departm- Tarns ...163
OrcJM 127 Racks, Iron Hay . 40
Organs and Pianos , ... Kacks, Whri ... 28
Zinc, Sheet ...JOB
Hamilton, Ontario rates below are the summer The
rates per 100 Ibs. from Hamilton, Ont., and

continue in force until about November 2(t

ilAMILTON, Ontario, familiarly known as the "Birmingham of Car. 9.da," occupies an they
each year. Winter rates are a little
area of ibout 4,000 acres, arid is situated upon s plane which rises higher.
( -adually from the The minimum, or
bhores of Hamilton B*y, a .beautiful land-locked harbour at the western end of Lake lowest, charge the K. K.
J ( o. s make on
any small Bhipmi nt under 100
Ontario, to the base of the Niagara escarpment, the heights over which the waters of the
Ibs. in weight, is the 1st class rate
mighty Niagara plunge miles east of
forty-two the city. This immense body of water, rushes per 100 Ibs.
ceaselessly on, in awful and majestic sublimity one of the wonders of the world. Hamilton to Ist-class. 2nd-claii
The City of Hamilton is Guelph, Ont
to^ay the manufacturing centre of the Province, and ia the 80 24 $0 21
electric hub of Canada. No other Canadian city has won for itself the industrial celebrity Fort Erie, Ont 26 23
that Hamilton has in her thrifty application of skill and capital to widely diversified indus Brantford, Ont 16 14
trial operations. Her factories are equipped wi{h modern machinery, driven by that sileu Goderich, Ont 34 30
but potent power, electricity, at about one-half the price of steam, and fitted out with theChatham, Ont 36 32
latest labor-saving devices to minimize the cost of
production. You can scarcely mention an Norwich, Ont 22 19
industry that has not a representative in Hamilton, while as a distributing point no other Ridgetown, Ont 36 32
city in the Province provides equal facilities. Collingwood, Ont 32 28
Her geographical position at the head of Lake Ontario gives direct communication with Gravenhurst, Ont 34 30
the sea-bjard, and her railway connections are most complete, consisting of the Grand Trunk North Bay, Ont 46 40
system, Southern, Northern and North Western Divisions Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Peterboro, Ont
; 36 33
Canadian Pacific, Michigan Central, New York Central, and the Lehigh Valley, over th Cobourg, Ont 32 28
Grand Trunk tracks. It is impossible to give even a brief outline of the many advantages Brockville, Ont 44 19
which Hamilton possesses for manufacturing at lowest possible cost, and of having the verj Ottawa, Ont 54 47
best facilities for rapid transit to Europe, United States, our own Northwest Provinces anc Parry Sound, Ont 52 48
the Pacific Coast. We beg to reprint extracts from, the Toronto Globe Quebec, Quebec
: 72 63
NEW ENTERPRISES. St. John, N.B bu 74
Hamilton bids fair to Sheffield of Canada. The growth and development 01 Halifax, N. S
become the 79

our sister city at the head of the lake gives abundant cause for congratulation, ilumilton is Sault Ste. Marie, Ont 92 77
a manufacturing city, and many of its important industries are forcing recognition beyond Winnipeg, Manitoba 1 43 1 23
the bounds of the Dominion. Its manufacturing interests are a source of pardonable Emerson, Manitoba, .... , . 1 43 1 23
and they have fully kept pace with the city s giowth. The centering of railways has helped Holland, Manitoba 1 62 1 39
to promote industrial enterprise, aa it has assisted mercantile establishments which West Selkirk, Manitoba 1 49 1 28
carry on Pilot
a distributing trade. Every branch of industry and trade has taken full advantage of the Mound, Manitoba 1 72 1 47
favorable situation created by railway and steamboat facilities, and the city has secured Killarney, Manitoba 178 1 61

besides the very great boon of cheap electric power." Pottage La Prairie, Man... 1 56 1 33
No other city in Canada offers such excellent advantages as Hamilton from which to con Russell, Manitoba 209 1 77
duct a Letter Order business. A very large proportion of the articles in this catalogue are Rapid City, Manitoba 1 77 1 51
manufactured right in Hamilton, and in buying from us you buy, practically speaking, Yorkton, N. W. T 2 31 1 98

directly from the manufacturers, as those articles which are not made by ourselves, are made Broadview, N. W- T 226 1 92
so near us that the matter of freight from the makers to our warehouse does not at all enter Regina, N. W. T 2 47 2 08
into the price of the goods. Saskatoon, N. W. T 8 07 2 58
The iron and steel industry is the greatest in our city. Iron ore is smelted and turned Prince Albert, N.W. T. 3 24 2 72
into pig iron, then into bar iron and steel, or into stoves, threshing machines and plows, steel Moosejaw, N. W. T 2 55 2 15
bridges, water pipes, oar wheels, fence wire, wire nails, tacks, wood screws, bolts, scales, wood Maple Creek, N W. T. 2 86 2 40 .

working machines, bicycles and manufactured hardware articles of every description, and all Lethbridge, N. W. T... S 07 2 58
within the city s limits. Next in importance to the iron industry comes the ready-made Medicine Hat, N. W.I. 2 92- 2 45
clothing and the cotton manufactures. The City of Hamilton boasts of having 286 Calgary, N. W. T... 3 17 2 67
factories altogether. That fact alone is food for thought, and gives one some idea of its Macleod, N.W. T. 44 2 90
immense manufacturing interests. Any further information regarding Hamilton can be Edmonton, N. W. T 3 84 3 23
procured by addressing John T. Hall, Commissioner, Assessment Department, Hamilton, Ont. Revelstoke, B. C 3 74 3 14
Armstrong, B. C 3 84 3 22
Vernon, B. C 3 89

$2O IN GOLD in proportion on a large order than it is on

smaller one. Every time a shipment is made Asheroft, B. C
by freight over any railway, the smallest or Victoria, Vancouver and all
To the person sending us the largest order minimum charge that the R. R. Company will coast points
3 99

2 85
3 26
3 34

1 73

between September 1st, 1900, and February make is the rate for 100 Ibs that ii if you For example, 60 Ibs. (or any weight less than

1st, 1901, we will, immediately after that date, ship less than 100 Ibs., say 20. 30, 40, 50 Ibs., 1*0 Ibs.) sent by freight to Winnipeg would
send $20 in gold aa a reward for his or her etc., you have to pay on 10.) Ibs. cost $1.43. Again, 100 Ibe. sent to Winnipeg
work in getting the order to us. To the per Our offers for premiums for the largest wonld cost 81. -13, as that is the lowest)
son sending the second largest order between orders are opan to every person. Where a charge on any freight shipment to that city.
the same dates we will send a Waltham Gold number of persons join in sending an order we Mow, 125 Ibs. of hardware (2nd class) to Win
Watch, and to the person sending the third give credit to the person in who?e name the nipeg would cost at the rate of only $1.23, or
largest order we will send a Waltham Silver goods are to be shipped, unless otherwise ad a total of only $1.54 for the shipment. An
Watch. The result of this contest will be vised in the matter. other example, a sowing machine (100 Ibs.)
published in our Spring Catalogue for 1901. By a careful reading of our catalogue you Lst-olass freight to Rapid City, Man., would
Now why do we do this ? It is to encourage will find our prices, to say the least, are about cost $1.96 for freight. If a box oi
as low as any you know of, and when you con. weighing 35 Ibs. were sent with the tewing
large orders. What else do we do to encourage
aider that you may save 2%, 4%, or C% from machine to Rapid City, the freight bill reads
large orders ? Why if your order reaches $25

we will allow you a discount of 2%, and if these already low prices according as your
order reaches $25, $50 or $100, and that even
Sewing Machine, 100 Ibs., Ist-claes. 91.96
your order should amount to $50 we allow you k 1 bci Ho,rdware,35 Ibs., 2nd-classat$1.66 5R
4% discount, and if you can reach the $100 after that you have a chance to earn a silver or
mark we will allow you 6% discount. That a gold watch or $20 in cash, you must at least Total 82.54
i s to all articles and all prices in this concede that we do everything possible to en If you study the above information you will
bt>ok. Now why d we encourage large orders ? courage yon to buy your supplies from us. find that the freight charges are a very small
Don t we want sm ill orders? Certainly we do, We are always glad to have new customers, proportion of the value of gocds. If your
we want all the orders we can honestly get, and we will do our best to keep them. itation il not in the above list, then upon
id we fill small orders just as conscientious y Wh?n you are making oat your order, start
application to ns we will supply you with the
as we do the large ones. We know, however, right at the beginning of this book, and leaf reight rates to your particular station.
tliat the more b J nesa we can do the cheaper
over every page, writing down each item on Address all letters to
we can make ur prices; and we also kn your paper as you proceed. We will supply
that large orders will be a direct saving to

you with all the order sheets you want, free STANLEY MILLS A CO.-
y u in many ways. The freight is much less of charge. Hamilton, Out,

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