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FAITHS & AVATARS By Julia Martin with Eric L. Boyd Contents Powers ofthe Append 1 Pt Caen Priest Experience Levels Table ~ ‘Racial Cats Limiations and Level Restctions eae eae ae ‘Malspherc Powers ork ‘The Time of Troubles. ‘owe fan amc Shan one ‘Shaman Spit Powers Sfenan S Pecson Table Nesta Cle ics, flower Running Retns Powers Fonmat of Deity Entre ine ecael FRCS ous aecnene se ote oe Splines baud Rat hec — Fenian Pantheon 2 “Ald ‘Amaunaccr Aon fa Cover Art Alan Palck a New Pret Calor Plates: Vitra Lis Bane - oe Pace Coe Plates: Ne Danco teh 7 lec gra a a =o New Deity Symbol: Ex Gece Sica Deity Symble ana Mc Color Cartography: Dennis Kouth Intro Page Layout Desi Barn Interior Page Layout Aft Red Flhes “Typesetting: Tracey Ler. Production: Shin Rem and Terry Cg ‘Special hanks to Bd Greensood Eric L. Boyd Beton Babul, nd , Roar H. Nichols for reviewing ths manus. Fyacheu Xvi : - SI nme For Moonlion, fr beings very patient. Aas Doze & Duc, ADD Dusan Ma, acorns Reat Mona snes aS en acy Fe terse emo cwnd TSR SEARS cen ete ean nonce nia ia ea tran cpr wre ttn eh a Eade ange pant TSR. _—* Detach el tedy cnc Unl Kg TS Theale yay nan ge Torn patel ne hese neh ed Sino Ani Any pb: ‘Seats mlnnced mel mle ate ped ped niet roves oon ‘nthe Forgotten Realméthe pod and godess ofthe Realms are refered to as outers. Ths spe ‘sfollowe! thradghout Fate & Avatars, The revised Forcorran Reatse® Canfas Seting hx “vrgorse ll dhe Realms powers renter powers Intermediate powers ser rower lead pom” cs, quis seth ove powers Ranblaman. ower and alien rows: Baits & Attar penses ‘th the goat power eatesorard nacesall popes previously rank qu rimessnewher= within cotegores of greet, tnermadlae, Isr, and demipowtn( The fies of demipors aredeserbad bere, but dhe demipomers themselves wil he dale sah another work) Dea! poner ‘fo aretated thi hs syste aeondng oth former tte. The function ofthe over pow, Ao, Isdeseribad within this intederoy chapter bt » Fic ncn of Ao aa power ais cul als ‘nelle in the Facrnian Pantheon chapter ‘The nonhuman powers of the Realms the elf, dwar, ome, baling, domo, and cthee onl ‘man pantheons—are ot dealt with n Fads & Avatar. Bor informarion on those dete an thet spe ciatypiesthoods, consult Monser Myilog, Drow of the Unlrdnk, Dusrves Dep, Eee of Beer, Gaancrft, the Draconmicin and other Foncor res Reatst setting roduc, 8 well the 1c Diantscar campaign sing podocts detaing the diferent planes of extence inthe ADSDD” gue ‘(Future Surchooks on the dts of he Real ll deal wth hese popular nonhuman powers) Theslien powers rexenea problem nthe may deities now considered ative” Faernian powers “were once alien ower They traveled tothe Reals through many tansimensional migrations tht hhave occured on Abei-Toe over the millenia. The powets dale wih in Fis & Acasa those ‘hot are worshiped i Fae the region of AbeiTol thats generally considered to encompass ver {thing fom Evezmece in oe mort vest and the jungles of Chl in the southwest ro the lands ofthe Shining South she south andthe Great Gace i the north and w be bordered by Kara Tur inthe feast and Zakhara in the far southeat The pandheons of Mass, Zakhars, and Kara-Tur are ot ed inthis work, and though Chule and Multhorad ae generally considered wo be por of Farin, their Fantheons are sigticanel diferent om that ofthe bull of Farin and are noe described in this work {ehoush they may be deta a atte accessories of this sp). Worship in the Realms “The religions ofthe Forgotten Realns ate not monotheistic. They ae polthebstic. This dic or many roleplaying game players to understand,» mest resl-worl noncrental religions of the mse ra. are monotheistic. In poltheistic religions, multiple deities ae worshpes sully ny groups called psntheon (meaning all the god of a people). In the Realms the religion of Mulhorand involves the ‘worship of family of deities The relist practiced over mow of Farin involves the worship of ol lection of powers who are not generally related by blood. The religion practiced sx Chal the wonhip ‘of ue te deities and a collection of ances place, ad animal spt, along with ates for the fone af acute. The pilosophy ofthe Shining Lande of Dupo, Var the Gokle, and Estagund seal things inthe world as connected and part of single creation spin, the Adama oe the Ones all the mang powers ofthe Realm ae deren apects of the One, and consequently the Shining Lard are some the most religiously olerane im he Reais, wth Mealy ll deities being reverence here (al thoush she Faernian pantheon holds the Shining Lands within ts sphere of tluence-—sce Peo) All chee religions involve the worship of multiple powers within 2 pantheon although not neces ‘Snly maple pntheons. This the soem sate of alas nthe Reals “Thus: abstract ts ealy ridiculous to think of ene deity ofthe Reales becoming angry at wor shiper jst for worshiping another dey. Whar mates to particlar Reale power isnot hata fl lower worships someone else—most everyone in the Realms worshipe several soacone elaes—but rather which other powers ate venerated and which are appeaed, and how werous a penn fringe an worship ate to other deities. Some pantheons even do not care i thei worshipers alo wenerate Seis fo ether pantheon Teisalso athe ily think of particular temple having congregation hats xsl oly ity ‘xcept in special eases. The folk of the Reale worship in many places, and they worship the powers both by venerating them and by placaing them. Ifa person ha a high regard for knowledge or singer or hand in most of Fae she of he worships Oxhma. But i that same person panning st ‘Scean voyage in winter, she o he also wornhip Aur and Umberee by placing the with offerings {oper them toslow the tp to proeed sal ‘Mest folk havea handful of powers that they esularly venerate, only sppessing an unpleasant power when they ate entering or engaged in station where thar deity holds sway. Meet people nthe Realms abo eventually sete ona sat of pation deity who they are most comfortable venetatng ad who they hold inthe greatest reverence. A persons patron deity the power tha eventually escorts ‘that person's spe ftom the Fugue Pin, the place where pts go ight after people, tos fete 1 Petitioner inthe Outer Planes in the realm (or tlt the plane) ofits patron deity. (Those who Maztican Pantheon Zakhoran Pantheon Disputed “Territory Mulhorandt Pantheon fimy deny any uch ot have only given lip service ina of thei ves and iy believed are Lrawn as the Faithless afer death, They ate ineoa living wal around the Cy of Safe Kelrno,the new lord rei of the dead in Otto in the ithe dead, may soon rename in Gen W ee there unt they disolve. The unertly greenish mold that holds the wall together eventually dsty them, The Fae, those w Intentionally betzayed a fail they Keieved fa and to which they mae fersonal commitment, are relegated 9 eternal punishment i the Cs Strife after their case ruled upon by Kelenvor in the Crystal Spire (Klemvors abode in the City of See), Sone folk of Foesin choos vo devote thelr Wives to Most often these peuple ae priests cthers belong to other cases, uch alain or mages. These folk are expected to fe kya to their ith Pecan “the commitment they have peronally 1 power although they tay respec the faite of othe itis deity serves isa Worship and Divine Power on ere The powers ofthe he ranking (and in dei eark and sbiey, nd can even perth. Exactly how much wordip ard how many fllowersit ako 4 divine deficabicy has been enacted by A the ha ieoven tothe powers themvelves. The divin smechanlm for power tori anal in eank operat J wth iy one deity an the inabitane of the Realm of several or amy mporsily he we of port ene Celestial Bureaverac oF Kara-Tur pastinae Spheres of Godly Influence hat allowed Iyacheu Xvim co suddenly rise fom dem lesser wer), but such “spiking” ofthe syetem tmust be reinforced by sal term worship or the quiklygnied power laches away within» few ora yeat, The mechani is rotally transparent to morals ad tle the powers cin guess roughly how ork, they canna dace ts reise mature ots quits so ato explo any vine loopholes. With the powers competition fo w dan folk have oc sionally sondered why stone deities do not simply il the weaker one hus thinning the field of competition, and why any deity would ch J monks ha =p fotber deities. In fe nnther. Learned ont veloped a theory that explains this. Weaker deitie deities higher than they are in rank because the roasine to proect them fom the di xchange, the weaker deities provide more hands forthe greater powe ds. Ofte, copia il econ theses non ex aspect 1 this relations. Poth 1 amount of their divine speculate, weaker pe mers wh willingly fromm por 1 hicrrches of the Til wer Au, Mala 11d Umber; many ofthe gx of nature, wit Silvanus ranking over El dlth and Miltki the sou of justice and duty, with Tyr lading Iimater rad Terman the haa leading Dene Lira, and Mili, are revealed as pragmatic and possibly less than benev hcory, Presumably the Fenfcent ot lished by the oral fot banc knowledge, with POWERS OF THE REALMS 3 fate mop. he Mas Sorin over Zaha th Cele Hold alae power ia Melhor und Morshom and bois vith th Fern pothcon in nthe (ald that ha undo ‘lal recen divine reructring), Chenens, athe dee Aen a ee ioral isunconrete) othe pathcons {afluenee, receive ype sed reraln relcve bythe deiteswhseaphere offence they ae ‘peo conte the bubs the ep ‘ ar hely wate Any ofthese lst activi provokes 3 fown selicrest Ashi pants most power have reir pesthonds niyo ae ats hg un ‘Sealand net dees) orem (naa powes) TrputesPerwcen pntheors and cven teen ron raul ted by meting fhe Cle In aba Wiccee fone aceice mead hes ‘hich hela eral sour by all ewer actives the Resi and ro *+eramope um oral aris nslved in acapte. fundamental rn ‘ole upheld yall panhcon active nthe Realms the eel ver” ‘eigney ofa pantheon within i sphere of locnce an ese, ‘dhe to vet when theaten ty agen of atesber hf lance, “The Facrnian std Mahon pantheon a exdominon over Un ‘her, Chest andthe desert of Kaun th ment el yet Bese ‘vo wll gain imate sovereignty ia Ute, a unl een Borders ‘ined the wher of noes the nom dence Uther pthson At ‘the moment the evo panties emai dna cordial with each other andre takings “watnlsce"atiate toward the station. The dein {ower Milhorun 0 long content to enw sacle hoary fave been roused bythe Goda to a more active role and ote ying For the fi time centures to actually ain more worshipers: The Farin, zndheon ithe more sgoour anew the moment i aeguling Rew wor Shapes in Unter ut sie Mord pnshon has a abasic. ished bse ofthe atl since bea upertiily a power of Unie ws actually an alin under which bis, 3 Mulhorand power, worked for eon ‘ures in Unie Divine Immigrants ‘When Abeic-Toril was young, the human dete ofthe Reals were not so formal abou thei spheres of influne because thle whips were not 20 «towed vopther on the pete of Tonia to likely crer encounter ane a ‘ther Fora lng time, a human pontheon would simply sake ct a lam os continent o lage geographic stea uncontested. Etre human pantheon ‘er subsets of pantheon fom other esta spheres found homes oa the cont ‘nents of Trl inthis way. They didnot worry abut other human pantheon with dees who claimed similar ports living a whole continent va. Esentualy, though, pantheons started tose ntermisture between heir worshipers a various groups wandered arom the face of Tol and they Rojan to worry about how a desl withthe thest to thetr power hve that such immigraions caused. Asa slation to this they agreed om the forma ton ofthe spheres of influence dace above, Within thes phere in- flvence, while more than one deity may have similar portfolio, no more than one of sch parallel powers can aacend in defcstature to highet rank thon demipower Ifa wave of tansphencimmigation occured (most offen bought om by 2 gue opening) the mortals who emigrated tothe Reals continued wor ‘thn theirold deities I the Realm phere of influence thove pexple im migrated to already had powers who pemewsed the same porflio 6 the tmmigeans old powers, one of two things would normally hap exher the woehip ofthe immigrants woul goto the akeady stained Reais powers the imnigane powers woul row to the new eral sphere aid Battle with the old Reals’ deities for contol ofthe contested polio the fie cise, the power now receiving new worship woul evenly i form his or hee new clergy and woriper of the approprits changes to "make in their bhava, des, or theology to acoutodate the new ryt -—Larbaee, bat Difeenepen- The loser either was Fanshed from che Realms owas reduced to the level she world op vninance ensued, and one power won (usualy ate shor and speetaew- ‘of esipultion and divine nig). fa demipowe and ingcad on If, howeser she Reais hee fi Gn che Rests, ale fetes poe eo Lait aac ist dill eter pore co come ice ox ‘cnc leypapomet believed ae cver ety ven bith on taher he pein exiernes Ore pore Tc, lirines ‘tcp Lee and Tymors, and this occurence Nos peeceden. ‘When eet, powers sem be she ev heels ea Somer he tt hsm ant ‘oe og te Tn of Tie, Aen tl i hc orn gl lest fe weve {cite Realms powers chage ms va fren unio re skiing tht he needed wo ej the flance of he Rela 0 ee howe millon the per miter sve bh, ct ae sn ota ma ed nce ‘rave upon wave of emigrant power, brug by waves of mortal emgr- or i eater to tle Tey ge cchachn th Prieto an i-Seucton: Only afr te Tne of Tob dis {ake active orn the generation of new ower the reaction of Gis! Ress poves, nd permislon or ena ofthe emigaon of u- ‘phere perio the Res ‘Aft he Time of Toate, ork fora carte 6 vy to aan pahool, dom ge hiscowert He des heifers proc {aon cefemny cr out Rp he eye fa ly a Towing tein to cme dey inthe Reins Urals al otenpes © ‘eoumea day though the etumulaton of pow tee f eeane aay thetnc of acts the spocorhip ofa asad cabled power, ore Conbiution of ice, Arsome pet nthe piven, Ao makes decent ‘Fatdecion nthe cde does Koc “Ofna to ain dro sn tmagh pol nlc the soe facts (en the form of acto te Ao) rel the oral Kecemg Ich bing wandinmed ito me theo fold une Scabcroue rsing tray desoyed. Uy dine power ‘elven sone sat of poncrhip of cntdats befor ot lection tmets thatthe moral Cues cnvinuct on in ey Lapa cu orecome ‘hacer the cau of Ack jection wav and tobe gen « sed chan rps tian the tie fa cones yoweslervct oepone ined inthe OucePanes-Av never sign wo enlace npn tom cnr fo cen stenpe mae nv gute tal inthe Bonoorre Reatas ting shoul have seoved a ate 35, havc onc muons soe 71 or above nd tare toate seve deere ofa lear 19: She ore cast chen spend a peat deal of time = terching eres to atin diving, come peta plano dag sd enfrntrest perl node taste thax plan The plan at aes tele at lan oof thee the things the periormance of specially searched enemy or ol tera couple pearcone and post evra ingen he ofan ofa th opens ifallofchee coins eet che DM ny at hisopanllw Aoto al pth tempt nd tt fo inv te Chars oi domi Sonus horace ued euch stnur Become porto the cultre' pan chon they ae payer character hey ae omer fom ly and eed ‘Sadenpowertnmn e pon The Death of Powers Powers candle. They have done 4 numerous times inthe history ofthe Reale Dea powers have a etumed from the deal nurncous tes the Realms So how can a power die! divine rug for stofAzuth Priest of Auril POWERS OF THE REALMS +5 Priest of Kelemvor Priest of Iyachtu Xvim Priest of Shaundakul 8 2 POWERS OF THE REAL __ Sas Priest of Priest of Mil Deneir = Priest of Mystra Priest of Gond Priest of Silvanus 12° POWERS OF THE REALMS Ss POWERS OF THE REALMS +13 Place of Destruction: Ul arrng the intervention of range cone divs Gach asthe Tine of Trouble) or the we of rer the oly place thar a deity can be uly destoyed ons home plane esence or ot the very leat nthe Or lanes: Bees hye nd dy ade as dees sre songs shi me anes na tonya power’ home plang es by Eatemely perl x traplnar bene hose the ower andere prt aan the fem of power a ety has pcked up oer ove cence Deity Kills Deity: In ener, baring the interven ostange con iio such af the Time of Tble oly x greater pomerean El sy sneaer power Within the lover ranks of dite, sone Mei exsast Shar ran of power can destoy another, but most Jes, SRO time. sures and personal accumulation of ome, con aay toe eset ank than thgecles in cut ule and can deo hove equal ak witha sort fan from ahs powen hig powered tmorals specially eng cerememesipcl, let ora combination of thelabove OF sept powcr hve cine alc ha hey wll el to sl them theyre rectly sued. In ion powers ma Wlingly ssl part erp o herd e chery soe even estan. Tisishow diisoeamels bows ver pio chs {Gorse and Teng, have th sed ‘Marta Kill Deity: Tony ets Ral can tale ise agnin ana deity, a poner must be womhiped aed cannot have been ut tery destroyed (something which i hora pownbl, the sage ast but which woul involve mamive destructive efforts onthe Astral Pane alter the lcation and identification ofthe proper divine conpc-isand) Then something mat be done to naddealy ard mnively ect reat del ‘of worship power into she det. Ths involves a prolonged rua a whi thedeal powers name repeatedly invoked. Often masve quandes ff fering ofthe type most vere by the power are also ade apd mets arcs are used 0 somehow direct the power generated by the ceremony ‘ore eficiently 0 the Jey Filly, Av mnt devil tlt the dead power eetablsh a connection with the Reals. Without he att consent oF AC, even the most peel and frye exeeted tua sal or nash. ‘When a resuteced deity returns to the Reais its a a demipower. ‘The power must work is way back up through the divine ranks to ts old stats fie once belda higher rank Resurected itis receive the ese ‘ore portfolios of thei previous divine existence when they ret to le ‘This often means thar they Raye much oftheir previous pordoio sipped say om their eur, Divine Abilities [No statistics forthe powers nd allies of tre deities ae ised anger inthis book. The power of dots is imposible wo quanti. Staite gute simply become metninales when dealing with the power ofthe Realms ‘Nevertheles, some deities are more powerful than others. In the Foruovran Reals setting, dhe powers ate divided into several dierent stature rete, intermediate, ls, and demipowers. Outade of this rank Ingspstem lies Ao, the overpower, sua dcisted below: Bach clas of deity ‘posceses certain abilities and power, which ane outlined below. These ate Erplicable tothe deities, aot thei avatars. Avatars are Scud in their Ao, the Over-Power Aoi the only overpower He his dominion over all of AbeiTeils pa thcons, human oe noahuman, in all spheres of iflacnee, However, be is ‘only een sce in the bound f Facrtn during the Time of Troubles and he $ppareatly such more ecumspect i hs dealings in other repens of Afi Torl, a most ther regions Rave never heard of i ’As lies Beyond the Found ofthe rankings of Sites’ powcr any wn. Hes considered to be more powesal than other powers in that he as abe to consign almot all dhe Forgotten Reals deities tothe wire of Fern ‘hing the Time of Troubles, and hei alo considered tobe outside the ‘ankingsstm, in the same way that teacher are ote dhe rankings of he tang systems they wseto rate the performance oftheir students. Av has Tele concern for day-tovday morta if, buc he regatls dhe powers ofthe Reale as his creations. Ao requires no wonhiper and grants no spell ‘mortal eis dobeflthot he even tes to thir prayer or pleas. He eros ‘sa watcher and a gurdan over the Reals Hom wut fs cosos- E = _POWERS OF THE REALMS +15 1 Aside from his function during the Time of Troubles, the only responsi- ay shat Ao contro pero im eto othe Rel prin oiy +t its deities, Since the Time of Troubles, Ao decides who is 8 power and ‘ho bet (Se The Brchef ower) He dies hich poses who bv Seder three te dteallonel resem ihe Rel tmany doris worshiped By he Begs Cece Sct ee ‘Sper aly involves promoting moral ens eas ‘Aamay promote any moral enter ran to ay reo poche (etc ower theagh denipoes) ios ccc tx oneal tiesand dis ofthat tate, Pathe has only exercised tha abieyto elevate ‘mortals to other than demipower rank during the Tame of Troubles. All FoRGOTTEN REALMS” Setting Deitit All Foroorren Reals scttng dees, om seater power to demipowers, fave the omer deserite in thn ection. Although tee ate power ‘tis, hey ae ten for race by Jee ‘Porfoios: Ever power has cetaun topcy, things kes, oF emaons| ‘over which it hs dominion, paws, aco: Power ae stimately ea ermal stout snd involved in thet poration Dein oly ae songa in power whew acting within the lum of thei porolos. However the tportioliov of deities ean change they die and are tesurteted, another {ety in thei pantheon dis, they undergo roel character she (Cree song insane), o they ascend or drop icine statue Prin of an et fr pantheon cam vex changes thet a major shake hepa tbegoch aon or more des of importance dying or reat peiod ‘of divine urmoiike the Tne of Troubles ‘Wishins panther of deities ci rporeant to ote dt more than one ey ma se eta ra fe eel paril Ho fever uch cases, no more thn oe power can cen sare f+ Tighe tak than desipwer ‘Greater or intermediate powers can ceateexaet imitations ofthe svat of deities whom they have subsumed (osaly By ili the deity they intend to masque ss) When a power wes a puppet start a earas another dey, de avaar must behave fal oft sles ehh foc neces its intent and mentality) a really were tht tthe dey tein imitate. In alton, « power’ normal avatar frm cannot se the shits of subsumed diy avatar sale meat with the eps bates they were only formed 0 st power wants to make a Rew svatar with che combine abilities, it may dos, bu thediferences are ob: ‘ious to both its own worshipen and the ek worshipers of ay dsity 1 side tig eee. Tmmoralit? All deities te inmunal al do net age. The ony way for a power odie through seca cicumstances The ul way that dies Ades that they are dentoyad by romers of higher stature in magia or phy ical combat. However, deities ean and do return from the dead inthe Foncorren Rests seting, and morals n very extreme ccimstansts have become powers. (See the Becoming « Power an Dead Pomer se tions ofthis chapter) Asa general ule in oral compile Sferng an aac chat should estoy simply ies a reset Tact (Rol percentile dice to determine the nue of days) So for x: mpl, a power which is seemingly tom apart by a powesal aria woul Spy he denon to eae later “Tleportation: Deities poses he wnate abit to istandy rekon to any point on the same plane, They can do this twill nd without any chance of err Thitatives When dealing with moral power automaticly ecive the initiative: OF eaune, they cn conte to ply wat ad ee wi the ‘mortal opt todo, but they may alvayy act is if hey desi ‘Communication: All Jets understand and ean peak any langage Ie asumed that this clues writen and spoken Tangwages a well exer mre us fon of communion ch as de st ange | nial All powers can speak rely an sectety co any beng crx any ‘oid and shh any piysical or mystial Brier This power transcends the bounds of pace nl planes, bu nt (as ul) ee, Magi Use All dss ay weasel fay level. Thisineles the spells of priests or wizards and does ot require the we of spellbooks, Faye, ot material eal er soma compurent Insert, vein sich Fors requites the slightest at of will om the pre of thse increible be Ings They may alo invent new pelo ty to mprovie wel vaatons at the bk oan eye Tenmunite: takes a #1 or Ket magical weap tobe able to dam ae ademipowe ot lest power +2 beter magical weap to be able 16+ POWERS OF THE REALMS ‘0 damag a intermediate po able io dsmage a greater ‘hat would automatically saving throw w-death may or che orathcr swing how othe see fcc reud), shot wosk! ican il them with no ving thx tae aleve They ‘All powers ate mmiue any wort of mage {they Easing throw (ach a when petbuiin neo pa ty oF spell of any level 0 sli hush oar Polen nce magia! pores and spells. Note that only powers and other creatutesiyt quasidivine status (cetacean gem ls Greater Powers In additiontothe abilities eral above, pester rowers can do pencticaly anything They andar he top ofthe pyramid of Set owe, su tht ‘corces te ear miles: Some of tet ldcional alice inca ‘Shapeshifting: Greater powers cam rans(orm themselves into any ob- {cteanimate o inanimate of any si In some css, elngs ofthis stare have been knov co assume planetary preportons. ‘Magic Resistance: Greater powers are 100% resistant to moreal mag- oo at ome to the wells eer greater ‘Saving Throws Al eater powers automatically ake avin three of em. Ts of cele get bl ties mental powers and physical stamina. ‘Planar Travel: Justa they ean teleport actos avace without ctor 50 too can they travel hetween the various planes of existence at will. These Powerfl being cannot, however, travel to the Prine Mater Plane ‘Sensing Abiley These hens ate practically omniscient. They als ‘know what is haprening on the entire plane they inhale and the planes tha any oftheir o heals worshipers o holy objets ae currently ‘They also keow whats happening on the plane tha anyone a anything thar speaks one oftheir names rites son foe a year after the name Teen Th many cae, they can accurately predict he pecte ations of mor tals and other deities Fase on thee vase knowledge. Unfortunately, this Sensing ability can be Mlocked by the conscious efor of powers of equal Creation: Greater powers can create any obec, animate or inanimate, they can think of Ths proces i devin, however, since they are con vesting thelr own enengy stores io physical objects Therefore, the deity ‘mst rest fr one cum per ton of ass she or he wishes to manifest. Thun, the ceation of 10ton sone statue woul ete that the dit fest for 10 ‘ues (100 mites) ater Life and Death: Greater poners ca kill any living mortal creat wvith but a thought. Likewise they ean bestow life upon any lain mot eng anywhere. OF course anther greater go can revere this eet im mediately iso desized “Muttitasks: Greater poner an perform any number of tasks at once (OF course, natural limitations based on thei current physical form may apply, butcher is never a penalty on their actions due © complet. ‘Avatars: Greater powets can employ upto 10 vats at atime, moving them between planes at wl Wf one is desoyed, they tequite ne day smake another Intermediate Powers Intermediate powers wield a great del of power, but ae by no means a powerful as greater posers. They often serve arester powers oe are ab os deities ying to work their way upto dhe tats of preater power. Their powers inlude: ‘Shapeshifing Intermediate powers can change into any object, an ‘mate of inanimate. The limiationson their poe, prevent the eject rom being bigger than the largest natural or enchanted temo se lead texistence: Thus, an intermediate ower could sume the shape of huge bull elephant, bir not one lager than the largest ones found i nate Magic Resistance: Intermediate powers are 959 rest to mortal ‘magic, 10% resistant to the magic of deities cf lowe stature, 50% resistant tothe magic of ether intermediate power ann 259% resitant to the magi of meter powers Saving Throws Intermediate powers have a saving throw of 2 inl, categories Th, they oly fal on a natural rl of | ‘Planar Travel Invermeite powers have the sme "tween planes as eater powers. They are unable to enter the Plane, bu alvays rive wis n ‘Sensing Ability Intrme om whats happening within 109 milesof their ther neta ear wh 100 miles of any oftheir oe r faacuuelans ae eee ee aeen tans “Sri fo of pomers of equal or seme se ‘Creation: While they est cate objects ot of sothing,wcermede sxe powerncan smo octet plete they ol, pro: ingetable materia ae avaiable ot sa plane. Thi ng ‘ocess however, a they ms et oe tu or every 109 pou ofthe ‘weigh : Tif and Death Intent power, we unable to direst ease thea ving cn rn eh ay tal being anywhere. They can ase any previously vg teat Fl (id nace eo) epee sce that beng or the curentestion condition othe body ‘oultaak: lem power ean perform up to 100 tanks a once viata any penalties ny sort bri hee may be ped Timiacons impel on this bce on de cuter fon of the ey "Avatars lcemmodlae owe can tee to ive avis at 9 ime, mov sngther beeen plans at wil ifn des, an nrrneate post ‘itr even dys make another Lesser Powers _> asset pomerften sere other power iithe capaci ofr They ane the eam powfl othe upper echelons ivy nth they ee ena teexchatity in shel potion among all other des of ther ak and shove. Thelpower at ht btn way egal tte of rene rermedinte powers 5 i ee ‘* Gee pone nce toners cant sonnet ‘ge example ofthe creature (withthe ation of some sperfcial dele “Special ffects” perhaps). This, sa lewer power wthed to ecome a tae lon woul Took mach like anyother ello. "Magie Resistance: Loser powers are 9% resistant to mortal mags 60% resistant to mage wild by powers of ler rans, 43% rest 10 the mage of power of same statue apd 20% resistant to the mae of om ent here “Throws: Lener powers have a saving throw of 3 inal eate- ones They oi acer sang hows on aul allo ae les their avatar’ saving throws ae Petter ‘Planar Travel Like grestr an termediate owes ever powers can travel Between planes at ll. No physical or material barrier can hinder such tans and they ave no chance toarive anythin ext sshere they intended. They arc une to enter the rane Mater Plane, ‘Sensing Ability: Lesser ower alvays know what happening within 10mnlesof themselves They can exten thir semesto include kaowleske of al dha isang within 1D miles of any oftheir womhiper or any of ‘hele hoy objects They can alo extend their senses to know what hap pening wichin 10 miles of whee anyone o angen that speaks one of thet names or rites curently is for a day ater che name bs spoke. This, sensing ability can be Hooked bythe conscious efor of powers of esa rue ofthe unconscious Jest of thoe of seater satire (Creation: Lener powers cannot create oe duplicate any abject out of nothing: Bat they know where to find any abject that they desie that al realy exists If they desire an object chat does ne ext, they can sense the location of those who can manufacture t. Often lesser powers havea: lances with intermediate or sreater ower tha allow them to ey on their more powerfl fru for aostnce with the creation of jets Tite and Death: Loser powers shae the ality t mise any presiously living mortal being fo the Jen. They can da this tml and cross ay stance o barrier no mater what the current conto of the body Malitasks: Leser poets can perforin wc ive tak a once without ‘penalties cf any sort Obvcal nsome forme they may encounter pyieal Kratos tothe number of actions that con he attempted ‘Avatars Leser powers can only use two atts ata ime, mowing them thyoughout the planes twill ome te Jestoyed requires ne month to snake another mob They canal ‘to their nature and portfolios, fwiform is an average ex- sample of the creature (with thes erficial deific “special fcc pes) stance: spsstant to moraimagey oe ce a rent the | age : ee ee sri Thuy they fil her sving thw ony on atu ol of 3 oes ‘unless their avatar’s saving throws are better. ‘Planar Travel: Unlike other powers, can travel between ‘lanes nly sin aga pls ar devices Breas ofthis iat. he fend w remin none pane more thin any of the other pe ner Sensing Ability: Demipowersbave the bly to know whats happen: {ng within ene mile of themselves, ay oftheir ows ombipes, o any of their holy objects. Tey can also extend thet senses to know what hap ening within one mile of where anyone or anything that speaks one of hie mames or les currently is for an hour afer the ame spoken. This sensing ability can be Blocked bythe conscious effort of power of esa Stare ve the unconsiou desires of thaw f greater saute ‘Creation: Demiponcrs also cannot create or duplicate any object out of nothing. They must rely on iaformation that they gather through elt ‘Casing abies to try an find any objct that they desi that lead ex Iss oF use thet om ie an flr to creat rom aw materials O find 3 heing that can do so for them. Often deipowees have alliances with, trwermediate or greater powers that allow therm tol 6 hel ore ow ffl fends for sistance withthe creation of object Life and Deaths Demspower share the ablity to re any previously living mortal Being tom the dea. They can do dhs a will mo mater what the carent condition ofthe body but must have cither an avatar os holy relic presen in the location of the body ois i ‘Muldtasks: Demipowets can perform any two tasks 3 once without penalty In rare can, the pial frm they select may lint tie furtet, Free seldom the cae ‘Avatars: Most demipowers can use but one avatar at atime If this avatars destroyed they require one fll yea 0 fashion another. Some

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