Its Cover and This Quote Is Reflected in You. at First, I Thought That Since You Are

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To: Mr.

How should I start it? I guess I am starting by saying the thoughts that I have been
buried deep in my mind. Words that I should told you earlier but somehow; my
mouth and mind did not cooperate well to express them. So, through this letter
please let me confess my personal compliments to you.
Hey you! Yes you, the man with glasses!
I still remember the first time when we met during regional meeting. You are one of
the chatter boxes at that time, filling the meeting with your laughs. Surprisingly we
were in the same group. When nobody wanted to be the leader, you were
volunteered to lead us and turned out that you are such an amazing leader! I was so
impressed that you who are the younger one in our group could lead us a bunch of
people with different personalities and large age-gap. You have an enviable ability
to stay cool and manage the group well. I still remember how you remained to calm
during practice even though I know that you were holding pain. Thank you for
showing me what leadership is!
Hey you! Yes you, the man with glasses!
Wow, his moustache makes me remembering my dad! those words almost slipped
in my mouth, on the day we met. Some people said that never judge people from
its cover and this quote is reflected in you. At first, I thought that since you are
graduates from Islamic school, your appearance must be like Next Kyai Wannabe
but, it turns out that jeans and ascot hat are your style preferences. I also thought
that you tend to only understood about fiqh, tasfir and tajwid but, indeed you are a
talented musician! You even could finish our batch song in three days! I admire your
initiation, passion, and of course your British accent jokes! Sincere appreciation for
your support in our batch!
Hey you! Yes you, the man with glasses!
Yes, the man with glasses is here, said you confidently in the telegram and I even
didnt call your name. I am wondering who this hilarious-bold guy come from.
Where is the calm-cool four eyes guy that I met on the first day of the departure
preparation (PK)? You are a man with full of surprises. I was amazed with your
intellectual questions during Pak Kommaruddin session; meanwhile, I burst out
laughing when you asked honest-love related question to Bu Corina. Albeit your
silliness, I see a dauntless man in you, how you were struggling to finish bachelor by
your own and now, look you are going to pursue a higher degree. Your parents must
be proud of you! Thank you for being an inspiration of and I
pray everything is going to be alright, as your wish.
Hey you! Yes you, the man with glasses!

I think we have not exchange words a lot during PK. You were known as a tall-calm
guy behind the lens who ready to capture remarkable moments. I even
misunderstood your status due to your profile picture with children and later I
realized that what I have done is awful. So I am writing this to express my apology
due to my insensitive. Humbleness is a word which perfectly describes you. A few
days after PK has been finished, I just learned how heroic you are! Doing
humanitarian work in conflict area is not easy. Only people with jihad spirit and
big heart could do it because you never know whether you will back alive or dead. I
have met a lot high achievers people, some of them tend to be arrogant and
radiated you are not in my level signal.

I hope you are replying my letter Mr. Spectacles.


Admirer of Man with Glasses

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