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ALIMS Ezy ‘What isthe dimensions of magni ld Bn terms of © (scour) MT? GBPUTC) (Meu f MOUs] ILC) 22 What is the mechanical equivalent of spring fonstant kis LC eeiitng seit? ot ot Or 3. Whotisthemomentofincrs fora sold sphere ert a tangent touching ois surfs? oo 3a? evs? ue Sut 44 Water ie flowing with veloc 4 m= in 2 ‘jlinder of ameter ony ts conected to penn endupfdame Renee @ amet (sme (9 mst (tm 5A ylindsin wie i twisted with mange 8, wf wo of woe () abeaj ®) cisat () ginaj () ~4i-aj by Vn what hs avenge sped? SoLveD PaPER - 2011* Yow Marks: 200 w Sy w 2% o oe 8. Which ofthe following equation does not present» SHIM? (a) casa sin!) sinat — cona (©) insinzar”——(@) sine reostot + a) 9 In simple harmonic motion, loss of kinetic norgy = proportional to @ ee © loge @e 10. Emieive and absorptive power of 2 material 5t 2000 Kis and 10 respectively elctate the nist of (Ide blk body) oz (o) 04 08 (a) 0s 11, nergy store in betwoon the plates of cll paleenpacitrofaen A separatedby distance oo deta wy det At 1a ob of 12 Mogticenrgy peru volumeisepesente » ok oF @ Sowved Paper «2014, “ o wg Insninerforenc,theintensty oft neering veovas ae and respectively. They produce intesy ttwo pointe dana B with phase angie (a snd reece. Then diference between them Ie on 2 a 31 na single lt faction with $00 nem and ‘lon ofdlameterOt mm then widthof ental ‘avin, obtain on sven a2 distance of Tm (3) Som ©) tan (9 10mm {28mm Voltage ofmodlting wave ofS V with OME frequency was supermpoted on erie wave cof frequeney 20 Fiz and voltage 20 then the ‘odiltion index is @) 035, (125 28 (a) 660 ‘Tre aes covered by 0 tanslting antenna of G@) Boo?) 14D nt (6 ea0e kee (@) 120 a? see assumehinetic nergy ofa protons gta) toencepy ofthe photon the ati of de Bogle ‘wavelengnof proton a photon proportional oe wee ee (pr “The rato of the maser ofthe elements having their miclear lfm and 1 fxm le 8 2 os a proton aves few distance naneleetcted, thon st ontrs a erosed mantic Bald of 1 T tnd raine 0.2 m, find the welt of proton (e) d2xi0met (O21 me" (9 o2x0me! (2410 me Two lens of focal lengths -20 em and +10 cm are putin combination, find the power ofthe ‘combination, yD -20 (9 +50 (420 2s, 2. 3. a ‘Afar sighs prton haz his near poi 50cm, fin the pom of lense should se tose at 2S.em cary. rid 420 (9 "20 1D For anvelar reactor to run crt contion the prediction factor f howl be get ‘eet et ten ‘Wich of the folowing substances magnctic suscep 2 ga? G@) Damagnetic (b) Faramagretic (6) Forromagnatic (3) Allo these ‘When orientation of dipoles paralel and fniiparall to magnetic field fs istbuted “unequally then the atrial is {@) paramagnetic (0) ferromagnetic {6 ferimagnatc (2) anilerramagnetic ‘9 absorbs energy and decays into which lement after fo wemisions? {ay carton (©) Aluminium (9 Oxygen () Mogresiom Lon nw i consistent with coneeration of (oy energy ©) © don {) momentum In series LCR cireut, the phase difference teswean applied volege snd sure is (Gy postive when Xi Xe (Gy postive whan Xe> X (50° wo Dieeton ofc eld in PN juntion diode (from Psi o Nside (0) fom Neide to Paide (6) randomly onented (@) secre eid dows not exist, ‘What your observation whan two sourens are smiting sound with Frequency 498 He and soln? () Frequency of $0 He heard with change Im inant take place twee. () Frequency of $0 Fi heard with change I intansty take place ence. (Frequency oH herd with ngs In intnsty take (4 Proquncy of Ho heard wit changein into take ple twice nebe- suis exeLoRER a ‘6.02 abject at rest x subjected too force (3i-04))N. What isthe velocity ater 62? @ o&mp —— @ @ins6), (@ ais) asi-si, Hmanwerestnding unsymmetrical btwn pale Ais claps ishandsand start hering [aris of choo atintrsae of =I spe of sound in air in 40 mi the distance bebwecn tse cis woul be Gm @) 510m @ tm () 680m Half lie ofa radioactive material i yrs, tenth percentage ot tremanedaer 25 years wwllbe (3) 325% (e a2se ( 129% (a) 25% Foran adiabatic process (@) as=0 1b) aul~0 a0 fa) Wo For eyelic process which of the following. quan is tre? aay eau ow (30. Magni atadstancea from longeureent crying wire i proportional to 1 1 wt oF on ose ees ee eae crates ie eee ane veto ers) einen omen se eee ee eee ieam ae nace en cee ae mS ae She nes ciepending ew mininn Caen (2) Balmer series (6) Lyman series (©) Paschen sear (4) Bracket sree 40. Fresure hea In Beenouli's equation fs @ 2 o® om statement of assertion (A) sfallowed by asttement ‘of reson fark the cotect choices o @ @ assertion and reason are als 41, Assertion + Transverse sound ware doesnot occurs in gases Reason + Gases cannot sustain shessing 42, Assertion + Whon white light fll on the compact die, mulicolours are Stun ater ration, Reason: CD ise bhava Hho pris, 48. Assertion + Total energy is conserved in moving asatlite tohigher obit Reason: Sum of change in PE and RE is ss nantes opps 44. Assertion + KE ie conzerved at ovary instant of east) easion No deformation of mater occ ‘meat calson. Cpe abways grate shan Cy in on Reason + Work dene at constant pressures move than a constant volume. 6. Assertion + During apié pumping of sein yes rinse te yr ster thon slosphari aie Reason: Adlaballe process oecurs at very igh rats tohavek= 1 Reason + Sisiained chin reaction oecur at 1s exes eondon, Soved Papers fore [Assertion : Gaus's law can't be used to fnleulte electric field ear an Sea dipole Reason: Eleetic dipole don’t have symmetial agg distribution 49, Asseation + Photodiode and photowstai ell fre based on the rome poncple. Reason + Both use. same method of operation © work 50, Astesidn + Transstorcinbe ued saath Reason + Both near and no linear vlage bins dapendance acu in 51, Assertion + Whon a white light is passed hough lene vile ight more feline than re igh Focal length freighter than violet, + Microiope magnifies the image 5 Anglo magma for image lemorethan objet inmicrosope 453. Assertion + Mass dofet in nuclear reactions isles than 1 Reason: In miclar rection, change in BEIN is gnorliy los than 1% St. Assertion + tis very esy to detect neutrino innate Reason + Itharhigh ality oie with 55, Auserton : In the transmission of long distancoraco signa short wave ‘band ls wed [Reston + Inshoror wavelength timation fever le “Tereiea physi significance of Both iteriorence and daction 57, Arsestion + Tie desesle to slow down fst ‘moving neutrons to sustain onto erin eacons Reason + Slow moving neuter fisently collides wth U2 S58, Aurtion + Magneticfld lies reconinuous and coved Reason: Magneticmonopole doesnot exis S58. Assertion + Magnification oa eonvenietor ie aways postive, but that of 2 concave misror may be Both pouitve or epative Reason + Itdependsonthesign convention a Assen + Magni foreoberwean woshort ‘magnets, when they ae ors follows inverse square low of distance. Reason + Thomagneticfores between two potedenct low inverse square fbw of ditance. “Thecompound which docs aotenit ashydeate fou (a) Toros eulphate(b) copper sulphate (e) magnesium sulphate (@) sodium enone dine exiises sadium borohydride t ive oH (@) sodium hydride ou or “The wrong statement about fllorene Ie (a) thar membered carton xing (0) lines &membered carbon in {e) tehas sp hybridization (a) & has Somembered ings more than. ‘membered ngs ‘Tee wavelength of light absorb i highest in (a) [Coveigsc* Count OF" CO ICoNTIAD (8) [Cole ‘lyon hydrolysis gives fumes of (@) IFO, + HCL (ey HyPO, + HEL {6) HO, and HPO, (a) HPO, + HCL In sold ee, oxygen atom is surrounded (a) tetrahedslly by 4 hydrogen atoms {b) tahodally by 2 onygen and 4 hydrogen (o) terahadraly by 2hydeogen and’2 oxygen (a) octahedral by 6 hydrogen atoms ‘Prei the product of estion of with HO sn baie medium Mee ams exewonen @. 7” wr ©) Os (0 Wr Om est compound of Xe synthesized was (2) DFE RePey ) DeeOs) (@) Xen (@) O00) ‘Which of the elowing Is dlamagnetic? (0) feat ey INCL f meg (@) (Coan ‘Which of he ftloming snot hygrocopic? (a) oct ©) Macy (9 Gc, fa) uct Decreasing ener of bond angle (a) BeCh= NO,> SO, 0) BeCh > 50;> NO; (e) S0,28eCh>NO; (3) S042 NO,> BoC, ‘Tregaialpy of fermion of CO COmy NiOyy and NiO Is 110,393, +811 and 16 neh Fespocively. For the reaction Neg? 3CO 7A NDy*9CO AH at @ 22 @ a (9 a8 @ a When KMnOy rests with KBr i alkaline ‘mam gives romate lon. Then oxidation te OF Mn ehanges fom 4 1 (rs 4 os on ow much amount of aS0, 5H,0 i equine for liberation of254 ga when Sted with Kr @) 256 ©) 496 248 wing Which of the following is incorect for physicorpton? (a) Boversibie {© Increases wh increase in tepertre (6) Low heat of adsorption. re {@) Increases with nceae i surface oe, Slt wavelength esis for (3) tyman seca) Balmer ees (© Pucker series (@) Becket series ep of 350,510 ¢ 9» 106 ind the volume (OE gor ess0 hen = 136) 6) 288 (Si ire {6 Sa2itve (a) Sa ae 2 Which ofthe following snot» characte ot eqn? {G) Rates equal in both directions. {) Measurable quantities are constant at squlovium, {Efi ocurs in seversbleconton (4) Bgalibrium occurs only in open vessel at constant temperature Winch othe towing wrong for Bohemadel? (6) Testblshesstabiy of stom, (6) Iebineesitent wrth senor unoalny panepia, {0 explains the concep of spect lines for hydrogen lke species (@) Eleczonsbohave a particle and wave In the van der Woas equation, egies (2) ntermolculeatacion (6) sntramotesuleatraction (6 attraction between molnales nd wall of container (6) Yolume of moles For adiabatic process, whieh i ora? aa (b) as-0 aro (ano 25m, 02 M Ca(OH) is neutralised by 10 mL OF TM HCL, Then pt of rsuling sation I (17 2 on @7 Shaw delet (2) vacaney of one (©) deleatiation of ons (e) nterettial vacaney of ons (@) vacancy of ony atone Which mneialsused aa netron madertor? (0) Graphite» (6) Cadmium (©) Boron (@ Urasume ‘Which of he following isnot thermodynamic funtion? (a) Iteral energy) Work done (© Enthalpy(@) Entropy Which ofthe following intensive propery? (a) Enthalpy (©) Enwopy (@) Speatie heat (a) Volume on. a a ora frst order gus phase cacton “he 2 Cy fine negra twogaton ) B® ig) ly © Bol sig) 3B 25) 7 eam Decreasing oder of coop is (@) OH > NH; +CH,O">RNH, (©) NH > OH >CH/O" >RNH, (9 Mig >CH,O" +O" > RN, (@) CHO" > NH >OH" > RN, Find the number of stereoitomers of zsinydony eytopentane ot 2 3 wa Find the hydrolysis product when a phesphdistr bond of meee beaks (a) $OH-dooxyebose 5-702 (0) BOHdeoxjebose3 POS (e) 20Mdeoxyshose2 PO i 4oHdemnyebose2 POP Find the hydrolysis product of malas (a) erDegltcse» Deghicose (6) exdegiscve e-fructne (6) aDeglncoge © eDegalscone {G) ecb-frucose + eD-galctone Isoprene is {G) Smethyl12-duadione (b) 2ameenyt1 butadiene {@) 34hlor-.2-bundlene (ah Zeno. 3 butdione Find the product foe CH.CH0-CHy-CH,-O-CH,-CyH, + HI ) HOCHCHOH CHCA. CCH (0) CiHsCH,-OF, CHYCH 1 -CH,CH-O# 25 (e) Lotiches, GthcHt, CHcH-oF (@) HO-CH,CHOH, GCL CH.GH-OHL @) AINESHE > (0) RAH, 1, > (0 AW}HKI > (@) ANNEorI, > Maximum decabouyation scars in (a) chcoOH 6) GH.COOH (9) GIACHCOOH (@) CHYCOCH,COOK. recor eng nerf te jowing molecules towards electrophilic © O.88, ow ay aw, Gy lewensmt @ Leaventent ( lemewew (@)remenet ee @ ben, Gy ow) an o ‘Te comet doceasing oder ofp @) Dips @) M>W>IO1 @ WomeWvet (@)Womstom The convet decreasing order of s is Cn OOS, oan wy qrarwsien @ wee met @ Monster @)vot>u>m S42 rettionrenily acre in (@) chic, -0- chy by © oy 26 mec Aims exPconeR ( ClhscH - cH, -0- cH, (a) PhCH, “0-H, cH 100, The number of a: and x-bonds present in pontteone--yne 103 was 310 wae ieetions Ia thefllosing questions 101-120, 2 satement of sseton (Ae followed bys sttement ff reason (Re Mark the correct choices (a) Trbothastrtionandearonare tae andreston is the corect explanation o essertion (6) Ifboth assertion andveasonare rue but eaton ‘is not the comet explanation of assertion (e)_ If aeration i tr But reason i alse @ AOL Assertion + HSI ess ade han He Reason’ + Teas ger rads than W2.Asterion + KP=DerstbutRyN=Odoesret Reason + Ps more clecronegative than. 1, Assertion + AgClismore soluble NH han Reason + Ammonis more polar than wae, 105, Assertion + SCC and HCP hae same packing ‘licieney. Reason: Both have same number of atoms per unit cell and same ‘nrangeent. 10. Aszerion + Reduction potenti of Mn (13 tov2)jemore panive han ef-3 too) Reason + Ioition potenialof Mn ismore than that of Fe 106 Assertion + Helimisuiedindivingappitus Reason + Sob of elm slessin blood 107-Astertion + A. ceastion ie spontaneous if Ege te. For Egg 19, AC is always ve, Sulphur s oxidised by #0; in presence of Fe (i Reason + Folens suiphartomulphate 109, Assesion + Chlorine undergoes dspropoe Hionation reaction In alkaline medium t Reston 112 Assertion Reason 16 Asterton 116 Assertion 117 Assertion Reston 108 Assertion + Ch ian ondsing ago + Envopy is alays constant fora closed system + Chonadaystem i bays ever, = Two differnt eclons can never fave smo rat of rection, + Rate of rention always depends ‘only on frequency of eal and + Thafomsl oxidation. feulphar In Nas8i0, 625, ‘wos ators are not deste with O-ston| + Aga voli slate mined in Ssotusonthonlevation boing point and depression i rezing pint both are 2K Elevation in boing point and depression a ering point bot depend on malting pot of son ‘lai sole tone an ‘erga na nas + Ores fp Bertone, Scr omad an coos fm eee eee CH Ieftlowe with formation f mone + fepletedshetstrcurect protein howe anim Reason + Inermolecolartyrogen bonding Is present in hen 119. Anestion + Fructose a reducing ouget ‘Reason: It hoe a ketone group 120,Astetion + pAlteophenol giver more ‘topsite compound than mmethonyphenel [Reason Methoxy group shows only nepative Fle BIOL 121, What the source of Eco RP Gy Escherichia ea () Escher eat 113 (e) Eacherchin eal RY 13 (i) Escherichia al R13 122 Fist cliscal gene therapy was gven in 3992 toa years old gi for {@) adenine coisiney (8 grou deticincy {e) sdenorine deaminase deficiency {G) adenorne dticensy 125, Beets, fang lwer plans survivein adverse conditions by (a) dlapause 0) migration {) fermation of hick walled sponse 124, What ae labelled phass A, B and in given sigmoidal growth curve? (©) suspended growth g 4 . ee (9) Sesion tog Lag (8) lag Stony Lag (9 Go Gg Stationary (Gag Leg Stationary 125, Monarch buterfly escapes from predators by @) foutsmel ——b) biter aste v8, o o @ (0) colour combination (ay rough skin ‘ati the ehoractristie of apo? (0) it doer not sore fod (6) tse mettrnaceste (e) Tis mult-loyerd stracure (@) ttnourishes the megaspore In Yehcos, catalytic contortes are ured {@) to nereae mileage of weniar (6) to convert CO, io eabonates (e) to inves the efceney of land mixed aul (@) convert CO 10 Oe Call meory was proposes by (a) s bose (@) 8 zoologist {c) a botanist and o zelopst @) a peycotgiet Identity the gen figures A, B,C, D and & c D E CRC eee Marginal Ave Free Parotat Baal senteal Marginal Parietal Frew Axlle Bosal Marginal Axle Pais) ree Bosal Marginal Avle Parietal Basal Free ental 638 150, Given gue shows (3) structure of knit 1) hydathde showing gosour vapour (Ce) fangus reproducing by spre formation {@) algae reproducing by spore formation 134 Inthe giv dingram A and Bropresont ae eb etd ASL spec et EP t ‘Uptake E> ~ 3° has fonts DNA replat, Which ofthe following taements i correct? 1. Common ead ~ Droplet Ifecbon 2. Typhoid ~ Contaminated food & wate 2. AIDS Shaking hands {Ringworm = Using infected tel (ey and (Sand 9 land (@) Wands Which of he elowing statement coroet? (@) Lon and leopard show convergent ‘roltion (@) Ceyptte camoutlage ts se0n in Bison {Natural selection te responsible for ‘extinction of dinaraur. () Homo hail and Hams erecta ae sly ‘sated, “Tendon and ligament ae example of {ay dense regular connective ussue (©) dense neguar connective ussue (6) loose connective tssue (6) species connective tise Kingdom Animalia is characterised by {a) lect dependence on auotophs (@) circ dependence on suttrophs {e) absence ofeach {) absanceof cl wall media oblongata destroyed then which ofthe tolling functions wl be sfeted 7 {@) No thermoregulation 12) No vision {@) Na memory (G) No response when priced with needle Which ofthe following statements score? (@) Monkey, apes and humans exhibit eto yee (0) Use spe yellow and sighlyalatine {e) Lots of enaymes are preset in ie uc {8) Ovulation in humans is spomtaneocs ‘Which ofthe following evidences does not frvour the Larisrcion eoneapt of imboritance cl sequted characters? {o) absene of limbs im snakes {@) melnizaton in peppered moth {6} presnce of webbed tos in gates {@) lick of pigment im eave-dveling animals . 0 Webs Ams exexoRER 184. Which ofthe following ise coree match? (@) Frog ~ Beers ets {@) Earthen Muscular izar,yphosok, {6} Human ~ Fat globule 10 pas of cai) (a) Cockroach ~ Chlopods 185, Which fhe folwing wan incoret sate (@) Blood group °O' person have & and B atlgens on RBCS (©) Eosinophils revit infections and ace Scvcated sh lepine. 40, RACs cntan carbone yd {) T wave of normal ECG represent of Aepolrzation of mnie 156, Which one the following score regarding The excretion? {3} Lange amount of water rom ent iets steered by PCT (0) The doscending ib of top of Henle is cumple impesmesble to sats (o) Malpighian corpuscles fund in medulla region of kidney (4 The clout of rine is pale yoo and slighly alli in nate 187, In asited reproductive technology where amet ave bee ertized in lm whic of fhe following i= practicable for embryo teaneplantation i Fllpion tabs? (a) only embryo up to 8 asomersif zygote {nor aneplated (een zygotes transplanted not embeyo (@) tier embayo or eygote with 8 blestomere ‘phase tanepinid fhorulla with 6-24 called stage te ttoneplantd in Fallopian ube 1358, hic ofthe follwing features canbe aid to boa trucdfining fates otlning beng wat any exception? (3) thoy ca digest tei fod, (p) ilo them ca speeds {e) they en regenerate (@) thy cn expend o external tinal 158, Theoponing batwson the ight atrismand the ‘ight ventricles poorded bythe valve namie (a) bicospid valve () tcuspd valve (6) mated valve (@) somiinar valve 160, Sela muscles appear silted dueto presence fewocharaeerstieprotinsinalternating dark fand ight bands. Whi of the following is 2 orrect match ofthe protein with is Hight retracive propury and eur? Protsin Colour Propety (a) Myosin Light” Aniotopie (8) Adin ack Anisotropic (©) Myorin Back ltopie (Adin Light lotopie Directions +n the following questions (161-180, « sSatement of om (A) ifollowed by a ttement ff rena I) Ma the comet choy » @ @ 12, 16, ‘bothstetion and reaon are tras and eaton fg the coneet explanation of seertion fboth assertion and resson re tr ut eas0n is ot the correct explanation of assertion aetertion i te But rescon i flee 1 both assertion snd reson ne fle. Assertion + Enzymeslowerdown thesctation nergy of the escant msec take te tranaton into produc Remon + Ensymes are highly substrate specie ale. Accntion + Water that enters ito a pnt cl hog ison makes rg Reason + Entyofoterintothocal ough “ilsion develop wall pressure inside th Avsetion Movement of materials inside phon sbidredional «ante both upwards or downwards Reason + Movement of molecules inside sya unidectonal always Upwaeds. Acsrtion + Prtansorhyéropenion produced by photlyt of water seule inthe len of thylakoid Reason’ + Photlsi of water takes place in tree membrane of ya! Aceon : Plant growth az a, whole 6 Plante retain the capacity of continuous growth theoughovt tae Reason Selved Paper - 2011 et 170 Areton Reson Reson 172 Aseeion Reason «Amount of organic Badepradable Compounds present water is tensed y the BOD of hat wate. 1: Daring. biodegradation of corgeccompounds, ‘caygen selene by burn + in angiosperms anspor of ond land water is more efficent than [Bymnorprms and pidophyte, + In anglosperms longitudinally arranged sieve elements and Vessels wth perforate end walls se present. = In some spe ofasteracene and pace snes are formed without Ferleston + Formation of fait without fetaion aed parthenoespy £ Algal blooms are formed Ia | utente water + Algal blooms a aterm it for human consumes, ‘norma growth offs ‘A mangrove tee growing in ‘marty Pheehasprematophres + Pheuratophores help in bette anchorage fo mashy so. ‘A genta rozzod wo plans, Ne set 50% tall and 50% dart Progen, + Tefeows Mendon law a one of the. parent plant might be eters Nowadays amniocentesis is anne + Amslocentesis giver the Information any sonality in the foots and many” other “compliatons rearing pregnancy fan be teed + A geneleom Bar taringinsisis Inaorporated sn plant genome 0 incre thi ek + Bul rigs as producing gone which Ki Reston 176 Astetion Reson 17. Amestion 178, Assertion 160, Assertion ciyeoies are important nts for tad. + Glyeordes are hydrolysed into esol an fat aks whieh ae further sbsobadinintineby the formation of eylomice, = Bod i cockroach i courant -cmolymp ith ne respiatny Pema + Respiration tn cockroach occurs ‘rough lifuson insenyp Blo group'O'haveontrAdeant + Teds not Rave any antigens. 1 GA. node induces excitatory ‘pulses tn heat + SA node es exttry + Organ of Conti rst tctoat smbran. = Iehsps omni eur of boa + Corpus Istoum is produced by (Gratin lice aor ows, 1-H seretes estrogen which ie ocssry to minim progmany Sporozotes of malarial parasite tentr inthe human body 19 ling of feeshly born tomate ‘Aunyies mesa hove methor was a cari of mala presi + Male and female gametoeyes uf ‘poll parastsarfordinth horn iene 161. Whichever deve tename rom Sane word Lavanaver?? @) tant ) Kost (6) Sobormati (a) Kavert, 12, Which river's name mans “containing reed"? (a) Cangas (2) Betws (6) Normeds (a) Lam 183, Fis Indian woman grandmaster in hess (a) Sibel Dror (©) Baagyashre Thipee ea 190, (@) Vipylakeh Panett | (a) Amrit Kose “Twoletess prints on fst potty of nia (a) Johan () jadi ws. {9 Jos Bharat (4) Vande matram Which of ue following is called “Floating sanetuty f India? {@) Kool Lamjao (6) Manas 0 (6) Kavirarga (a) Bharatpur no wins feeder thibook was weteny {G) Jawanor tat Nebreb) Mastona Azad (6) Sardar Patel” (2) Rajendia Prasad | 96 Which rat fen elle "love apple”? (2) Pineapple (0) Orange 9 Tomato (3) Papeye Whieh countey was frst to adopt family | 9 planning programme? Gy ina (©) chine 58 (4) Indonesia aw. Ae hom the atomic energy peogeamme it GP SN-Boe (2) CV. Raman (0 HG. Khurana (2) Hi Bhabaa | Alter the death of which pie minister did | 79% att Nene or sting Paton | (6) Ina Ganahs (8) Jawahar tt Netra {6 arbanadr Sst {8 Gharan Sigh ‘hom di Jawahar Lal Neb ale father of Indie revolsion? (cy bu Gangeohor Tk {0 Vipn Chants ea (©, Dlondo Kesave Kare {2} dela Abdul Kala Azad a. “Among hese, ehohd bon the Int governor fener of India? wb suns exrvonee (2) De Radhakrishnan (6) R opaachar (6) Sardar Pate () De Bhim Rap Ambudar ith sehich of the following religions “karamappa’ ie ted? () Jane {) Budahsim (@ Hinduism (2) Christine ‘Which ofthe folowing authors isnot born in India? @) Rudyoed Kipling) Ruskia Bond {9 Gorge Orwell (a) VS. Noipat “Which ofthe following actress won the best sere award 3 bes eonscetively? (a) Reka (0) Jaye Bochehon {e) Seite Patil (d) Shabona Azmi Which woman won the Sahitya Kala Acodemy ward fst time? (3) Amis Pita (e) Kamla eben (b) Sorjint Noe (a) Geet Dos “Toyhichgharana "Kishor! Amonkar “belongs (3) Kieana (6) Jaipur-atvs (@) Lucknow (@) Gwalior Who isthe author ofthe book “Siddhant Sheen? (@) Bhaskaracharya It (6) Bhskarscharya | (6) Aryabnatt (a) Ramanan Which of the following hae introduced tearocendentl mediation? (@) Rajneesh Oso {@) Swami Chinmiyenand { Vivekanand () Manan Mahesh Yogi ‘Which o he following nim body secretion iso commonly knot 2 Svest blood? (@) Rhinoceros (0) Hippopotamus (9 Cow (eh Tiger

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