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ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual


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All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
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General conversion factors (to five significant digits)

U.S. unit
SI equivalent
1 in
0.025400 m
1 ft
0.30480 m
1 mile
1609.3 m
1 in
0.64516 10-3 m2
1 ft2
0.092903 m 2
1 acre
4046.9 m2
1 in3
0.016387 10-3 m3
1 ft
0.028317 m 3
1 US gallon
3.7854 10-3 m3
Pressure, Stress

Conversion factors for stress analysis

U.S. unit
SI equivalent
1 slug/ft3 = 1 lbf s2/ft4
515.38 kg/m3
1 lbf s2/in4
10.687 106 kg/m3
1 ft lbf
1.3558 J (N m)
1 lbf
4.4482 N (kg m/s2)
1 slug = 1 lbf s /ft
14.594 kg (N s2/m)
175.13 kg
1 lbf s2/in
1 ft lbf/s
1.3558 W (N m/s)
1 psi (lbf/in )
6894.8 Pa (N/m2)

Conversion factors for heat transfer analysis

U.S. unit
SI equivalent
1 Btu/ft hr F
1.7307 W/m C
1 Btu/in hr F
20.769 W/m C
1 lbm/in3
27680. kg/m3
1 Btu
1055.1 J
Heat flux density
1 Btu/in 2 hr
454.26 W/m2
1 Btu/hr
0.29307 W
Specific heat
1 Btu/lbm F
4186.8 J/kg C
1 F
5/9 C
Temp F
9/5 Temp C + 32
9/5 Temp K - 459.67
Absolute zero
Acceleration of gravity
Atmospheric pressure

Important constants
U.S. unit
-459.67 F
32.174 ft/s 2
14.694 psi
0.1714 10-8 Btu/hr ft2
where R = F + 459.67

SI unit
-273.15 C
9.8066 m/s2
0.10132 106 Pa
5.669 10-8 W/m2 K4
where K = C + 273.15

Approximate properties of mild steel at room temperature

U.S. unit
SI unit
28.9 Btu/ft hr F
50 W/m C
2.4 Btu/in hr F
15.13 slug/ft3 (lbf s2/ft4)
7800 kg/m3
0.730 10-3 lbf s2/in4


Elastic modulus
Specific heat
Yield stress

0.282 lbm/in 3
30 106 psi
0.11 Btu/lbm F
30 103 psi

207 109 Pa
460 J/kg C
207 106 Pa


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This section lists various resources that are available for help with using ABAQUS, including
technical and systems support, training seminars, and documentation.

HKS offers both technical (engineering) support and systems support for ABAQUS. Technical and
systems support are provided through the nearest local support office. You can contact our offices by
telephone, fax, electronic mail, or regular mail. Information on how to contact each office is listed in
the front of each ABAQUS manual. Support information is also available by visiting the ABAQUS
Home Page on the World Wide Web (details are given below). When contacting your local support
office, please specify whether you would like technical support (you have encountered problems
performing an ABAQUS analysis) or systems support (ABAQUS will not install correctly, licensing
does not work correctly, or other hardware-related issues have arisen).
We welcome any suggestions for improvements to the support program or documentation. We will
ensure that any enhancement requests you make are considered for future releases. If you wish to file a
complaint about the service or products provided by HKS, refer to the ABAQUS Home Page.

Technical support
HKS technical support engineers can assist in clarifying ABAQUS features and checking errors by
giving both general information on using ABAQUS and information on its application to specific
analyses. If you have concerns about an analysis, we suggest that you contact us at an early stage, since
it is usually easier to solve problems at the beginning of a project rather than trying to correct an
analysis at the end.
Please have the following information ready before calling the technical support hotline, and include it
in any written contacts:
The version of ABAQUS that are you using.
- The version numbers for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit are given at the top of the
data (.dat) file.
- The version numbers for ABAQUS/CAE and ABAQUS/Viewer can be found by selecting
Help->On version from the main menu bar.
- The version number for ABAQUS/CAT is given at the top of the input ( .inp) file as well as
the data file.
- The version numbers for ABAQUS/ADAMS and ABAQUS/C-MOLD are output to the
- The version number for ABAQUS/Safe is given under the ABAQUS logo in the main
The type of computer on which you are running ABAQUS.


The symptoms of any problems, including the exact error messages, if any.
Workarounds or tests that you have already tried.
When calling for support about a specific problem, any available ABAQUS output files may be helpful
in answering questions that the support engineer may ask you.
The support engineer will try to diagnose your problem from the model description and a description
of the difficulties you are having. Frequently, the support engineer will need model sketches, which
can be faxed to HKS or sent in the mail. Plots of the final results or the results near the point that the
analysis terminated may also be needed to understand what may have caused the problem.
If the support engineer cannot diagnose your problem from this information, you may be asked to send
the input data. The data can be sent by means of e-mail, tape, or disk. Please check the ABAQUS
Home Page at for the media formats that are currently accepted.
All support calls are logged into a database, which enables us to monitor the progress of a particular
problem and to check that we are resolving support issues efficiently. If you would like to know the log
number of your particular call for future reference, please ask the support engineer. If you are calling to
discuss an existing support problem and you know the log number, please mention it so that we can
consult the database to see what the latest action has been and, thus, avoid duplication of effort. In
addition, please give the receptionist the support engineer's name (or include it at the top of any e-mail

Systems support
HKS systems support engineers can help you resolve issues related to the installation and running of
ABAQUS, including licensing difficulties, that are not covered by technical support.
You should install ABAQUS by carefully following the instructions in the ABAQUS Site Guide. If
you encounter problems with the installation or licensing, first review the instructions in the ABAQUS
Site Guide to ensure that they have been followed correctly. If this does not resolve the problems, look
on the ABAQUS Home Page under Technical Support for information about known installation
problems. If this does not address your situation, please contact your local support office. Send
whatever information is available to define the problem: error messages from an aborted analysis or a
detailed explanation of the problems encountered. Whenever possible, please send the output from the
abaqus info=env and abaqus info=sys commands.

ABAQUS Web server

For users connected to the Internet, many questions can be answered by visiting the ABAQUS Home
Page on the World Wide Web at

The information available on the ABAQUS Home Page includes:

Frequently asked questions
ABAQUS systems information and machine requirements


Benchmark timing documents

Error status reports
ABAQUS documentation price list
Training seminar schedule

Anonymous ftp site

For users connected to the Internet, HKS maintains useful documents on an anonymous ftp account on
the computer Simply ftp to Login as user anonymous, and type your
e-mail address as your password. Directions will come up automatically upon login.

Writing to technical support

Address of HKS Headquarters:
Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc.
1080 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860-4847, USA
Attention: Technical Support
Addresses for other offices and representatives are listed in the front of each manual.

Support for academic institutions

Under the terms of the Academic License Agreement we do not provide support to users at academic
institutions unless the institution has also purchased technical support. Please see the ABAQUS Home
Page, or contact us for more information.

All HKS offices offer regularly scheduled public training classes.
The Introduction to ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit seminar covers basic usage and
nonlinear applications, such as large deformation, plasticity, contact, and dynamics. Workshops
provide as much practical experience with ABAQUS as possible.
The Introduction to ABAQUS/CAE seminar discusses modeling, managing simulations, and viewing
results with ABAQUS/CAE. "Hands-on" workshops are complemented by lectures.
Advanced seminars cover topics of interest to customers with experience using ABAQUS, such as
engine analysis, metal forming, fracture mechanics, and heat transfer.
We also provide training seminars at customer sites. On-site training seminars can be one or more days
in duration, depending on customer requirements. The training topics can include a combination of
material from our introductory and advanced seminars. Workshops allow customers to exercise
ABAQUS on their own computers.


For a schedule of seminars see the ABAQUS Home Page, or call HKS or your local HKS

The following documentation and publications are available from HKS, unless otherwise specified, in
printed form and through our online documentation server. For more information on accessing the
online books, refer to the discussion of execution procedures in the user's manuals.
In addition to the documentation listed below, HKS publishes two newsletters on a regular schedule:
ABAQUS/News and ABAQUS/Answers. ABAQUS/News includes topical information about program
releases, training seminars, etc. ABAQUS/Answers includes technical articles on particular topics
related to ABAQUS usage. These newsletters are distributed at no cost to users who wish to subscribe.
Please contact your local ABAQUS support office if you wish to be added to the mailing list for these
publications. They are also archived in the Reference Shelf on the ABAQUS Home Page.

Training Manuals
Getting Started with ABAQUS/Standard: This document is a self-paced tutorial designed to
help new users become familiar with using ABAQUS/Standard for static and dynamic stress
analysis simulations. It contains a number of fully worked examples that provide practical
guidelines for performing structural analyses with ABAQUS.
Getting Started with ABAQUS/Explicit: This document is a self-paced tutorial designed to help
new users become familiar with using ABAQUS/Explicit. It begins with the basics of modeling in
ABAQUS, so no prior knowledge of ABAQUS is required. A number of fully worked examples
provide practical guidelines for performing explicit dynamic analyses, such as drop tests and metal
forming simulations, with ABAQUS/Explicit.
Lecture Notes: These notes are available on many topics to which ABAQUS is applied. They are
used in the technical seminars that HKS presents to help users improve their understanding and
usage of ABAQUS (see the "Training" section above for more information about these seminars).
While not intended as stand-alone tutorial material, they are sufficiently comprehensive that they
can usually be used in that mode. The list of available lecture notes is included in the
Documentation Price List.

User's Manuals
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual: This volume contains a complete description of the
elements, material models, procedures, input specifications, etc. It is the basic reference document
for ABAQUS/Standard.
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual: This volume contains a complete description of the elements,
material models, procedures, input specifications, etc. It is the basic reference document for


ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual: This reference document for ABAQUS/CAE includes three
comprehensive tutorials as well as detailed descriptions of how to use ABAQUS/CAE for model
generation, analysis, and results evaluation.
ABAQUS/Viewer User's Manual: This basic reference document for ABAQUS/Viewer includes
an introductory tutorial as well as a complete description of how to use ABAQUS/Viewer to
display your model and results.
ABAQUS/ADAMS User's Manual: This document describes how to install and how to use
ABAQUS/ADAMS, an interface program that creates ABAQUS models of ADAMS components
and converts the ABAQUS results into an ADAMS modal neutral file that can be used by the
ADAMS/Flex program. It is the basic reference document for the ABAQUS/ADAMS program.
ABAQUS/CAT User's Manual: This document describes how to install and how to use
ABAQUS/CAT, an interface program that creates an ABAQUS input file from a CATIA model
and postprocesses the analysis results in CATIA. It is the basic reference document for the
ABAQUS/CAT program.
ABAQUS/C-MOLD User's Manual: This document describes how to install and how to use
ABAQUS/C-MOLD, an interface program that translates finite element mesh, material property,
and initial stress data from a C-MOLD analysis to an ABAQUS input file.
ABAQUS/Safe User's Manual: This document describes how to install and how to use
ABAQUS/Safe, an interface program that calculates fatigue lives and fatigue strength reserve
factors from finite element models. It is the basic reference document for the ABAQUS/Safe
program. The theoretical background to fatigue analysis is contained in the Modern Metal Fatigue
Analysis manual (available only in print).
Using ABAQUS Online Documentation: This online manual contains instructions on using the
ABAQUS online documentation server to read the manuals that are available online.
ABAQUS Release Notes: This document contains brief descriptions of the new features available
in the latest release of the ABAQUS product line.
ABAQUS Site Guide: This document describes how to install ABAQUS and how to configure
the installation for particular circumstances. Some of this information, of most relevance to users,
is also provided in the user's manuals.

Examples Manuals
ABAQUS Example Problems Manual: This volume contains more than 75 detailed examples
designed to illustrate the approaches and decisions needed to perform meaningful linear and
nonlinear analysis. Typical cases are large motion of an elastic-plastic pipe hitting a rigid wall;
inelastic buckling collapse of a thin-walled elbow; explosive loading of an elastic, viscoplastic thin
ring; consolidation under a footing; buckling of a composite shell with a hole; and deep drawing of
a metal sheet. It is generally useful to look for relevant examples in this manual and to review
them when embarking on a new class of problem.


ABAQUS Benchmarks Manual: This volume (available online and, if requested, in print)
contains over 200 benchmark problems and standard analyses used to evaluate the performance of
ABAQUS; the tests are multiple element tests of simple geometries or simplified versions of real
problems. The NAFEMS benchmark problems are included in this manual.
ABAQUS Verification Manual: This online-only volume contains more than 5000 basic test
cases, providing verification of each individual program feature (procedures, output options,
MPCs, etc.) against exact calculations and other published results. It may be useful to run these
problems when learning to use a new capability. In addition, the supplied input data files provide
good starting points to check the behavior of elements, materials, etc.

Reference Manuals
ABAQUS Keywords Manual: This volume contains a complete description of all the input
options that are available in ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit.
ABAQUS Theory Manual: This volume (available online and, if requested, in print) contains
detailed, precise discussions of all theoretical aspects of ABAQUS. It is written to be understood
by users with an engineering background.
ABAQUS Scripting Manual: This online manual provides a description of the ABAQUS
Command Language and a command reference that lists the syntax of each command. The manual
describes how commands can be used to create and analyze ABAQUS/CAE models, to view the
results of the analysis, and to automate repetitive tasks. It also contains information on using the
ABAQUS Command Language or C++ as an application programming interface (API).
ABAQUS Input Files: This online manual contains all the input files that are included with the
ABAQUS release and referred to in the ABAQUS Example Problems Manual, the ABAQUS
Benchmarks Manual, and the ABAQUS Verification Manual. They are listed in the order in which
they appear in the manuals, under the title of the problem that refers to them. The input file
references in the manuals hyperlink directly to this book.
Quality Assurance Plan: This document describes HKS's QA procedures. It is a controlled
document, provided to customers who subscribe to either HKS's Nuclear QA Program or the
Quality Monitoring Service.


Getting started with ABAQUS/CAE

Part I: Getting started with ABAQUS/CAE

ABAQUS/CAE is a complete ABAQUS environment that provides a simple, consistent interface for
creating, submitting, monitoring, and evaluating results from ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit simulations. ABAQUS/CAE is divided into modules, where each module defines a
logical aspect of the modeling process; for example, defining the geometry, defining material
properties, and generating a mesh. As you move from module to module, each module contributes
keywords, parameters, and data to form an input file that you submit to the ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit solver. The solver reads the input file generated by ABAQUS/CAE, performs the
analysis, sends information to ABAQUS/CAE to allow you to monitor the progress of the job, and
generates an output database. Finally, you use ABAQUS/CAE to read the output database and view the
results of your analysis.
This part of the manual introduces you to the basics of creating and analyzing a model and viewing the
results of your analysis with the Visualization module and is divided into the following sections:
Using this manual
This section outlines the contents of this manual. It also explains the typographical
conventions used in the documentation and describes how common mouse and keyboard
actions are indicated.
This section contains three tutorials that lead you through the modeling process. In the first
tutorial you create a simple model, analyze it, and then view the results. The second tutorial is
more complex and illustrates how parts, sketches, datum geometry, and partitions work
together and how you assemble part instances. The third tutorial demonstrates how you can
use the Visualization module to display your results in a variety of formats and how you can
customize the display.


Using this manual

1. Using this manual

The printed form of this manual serves as companion to an online version. Detailed, step-by-step
instructions for using each of the ABAQUS/CAE functions are available only in the online version of
this manual and as context-sensitive help.
This chapter provides information about the contents of this manual and the typographical conventions
used. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of this manual,'' Section 1.1
``Typographical conventions,'' Section 1.2
``Basic mouse actions,'' Section 1.3

1.1 Overview of this manual

This manual is a reference guide to using ABAQUS/CAE. The ABAQUS/CAE user interface is very
intuitive and allows you to begin working without a great deal of preparation. However, you may find
it useful to read through the tutorials contained in Part I, "Getting started with ABAQUS/CAE," before
using the product for the first time.
The remainder of this manual is divided into the following parts:
Part II, "Interacting with ABAQUS/CAE"
Part III, "Working with ABAQUS/CAE model databases, models, and files"
Part IV, "Creating and analyzing a model using the ABAQUS/CAE modules"
Part V, "Viewing results"
Part VI, "Using ABAQUS/CAE toolsets"
Part VII, "Customizing geometry and mesh display"
Appendix A, "Keyword support," provides tables that you can use to determine which ABAQUS/CAE
module embodies the functionality of a particular ABAQUS keyword, as well as whether a particular
keyword is supported. Appendix B, "Visualization module limitations," lists the ABAQUS elements
and output variables that are not supported by the Visualization module. If you are familiar with
ABAQUS/Post, Appendix C, "Transitioning to the Visualization module from ABAQUS/Post,"
explains the relationships between the Visualization module functions and the corresponding
ABAQUS/Post commands. This appendix also lists the functionality in ABAQUS/Post that is not yet
available in the Visualization module.

1.2 Typographical conventions

This manual adheres to a set of typographical conventions so that you can recognize actions and items.
The following list illustrates each of the conventions:


Using this manual

Text you enter from the keyboard or that ABAQUS/CAE outputs: crankshaft_steel,
Labels of items on the screen: Canvas Toolbox
Hyperlinks: click here
Keyboard actions: [Shift]
Keystroke combinations (two keys that must be pressed simultaneously): [Alt]+F
Compound keyboard/mouse actions: [Shift]+Click
Text indicating that the user has a choice: odb_file, Options->plot mode
Menu selections and tabs within dialog boxes:
View->View Options->Hardware

1.3 Basic mouse actions

Figure 1-1 shows the mouse button orientation for a left-handed and a right-handed 3-button mouse.

Figure 1-1 Mouse buttons.

The following terms describe actions you perform using the mouse:
Press and quickly release the mouse button. Unless otherwise specified, the instruction ``click''
means that you should click mouse button 1.
Press and hold down mouse button 1 while moving the mouse.
Move the mouse until the cursor is over the desired item.


Using this manual

Point to an item and then click mouse button 1.

Press and hold the [Shift] key, click mouse button 1, and then release the [Shift] key.
Press and hold the [Ctrl] key, click mouse button 1, and then release the [Ctrl] key.
ABAQUS/CAE is designed for use with a 3-button mouse. Accordingly, this manual refers to mouse
buttons 1, 2, and 3 as shown in Figure 1-1. However, you can use ABAQUS/CAE with a 2-button
mouse as follows:
The two mouse buttons are equivalent to mouse buttons 1 and 3 on a 3-button mouse.
Pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously is equivalent to pressing mouse button 2 on a
3-button mouse.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

2. A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

The following section leads you through the ABAQUS/CAE modeling process by visiting each of the
modules and showing you the basic steps to create and analyze a simple model. To illustrate each of
the steps, you will first create a model of a steel cantilever beam and load its top surface (see Figure

Figure 2-1 A loaded cantilever beam.

You will then analyze the beam and plot the resulting stresses and displacements. The entire tutorial
takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.
If you are following the tutorial but are unsure how to proceed at any point, click the highlighted and
underlined text in the help window to view more extensive documentation of the task you are
attempting. Clicking highlighted text (a hyperlink) takes you to a different section of the
ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual; clicking the Go Back button
in the toolbar across the top of this
window returns you to your original point in "Getting started with ABAQUS/CAE. For example, click
``Overview of the main window,'' Section 5.2 to see detailed information on the components of the
main window and click the Go Back button to return here.
The following topics are covered:
``Understanding ABAQUS/CAE modules,'' Section 2.1
``Starting ABAQUS/CAE,'' Section 2.2
``Getting help,'' Section 2.3
``Creating a part,'' Section 2.4
``Creating a material,'' Section 2.5
``Defining and assigning section properties,'' Section 2.6


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

``Assembling the model,'' Section 2.7

``Configuring your analysis,'' Section 2.8
``Applying a boundary condition and a load to the model, '' Section 2.9
``Meshing the model,'' Section 2.10
``Creating and submitting an analysis job,'' Section 2.11
``Viewing the results of your analysis,'' Section 2.12

2.1 Understanding ABAQUS/CAE modules

ABAQUS/CAE is divided into modules, where each module defines an aspect of the modeling
process; for example, defining the geometry, defining material properties, and generating a mesh. As
you move from module to module, each module contributes keywords, parameters, and data to form an
input file that you submit to the ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit solver for analysis. For
example, you use the Property module to define material and section properties and the Step module to
choose an analysis procedure; the ABAQUS/CAE postprocessor is called the Visualization module.
You enter a module by selecting it from the Module list under the toolbar, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Selecting a module.

For the cantilever beam tutorial, you will enter the following ABAQUS/CAE modules and perform the
following tasks:
Sketch a two-dimensional profile and create a part representing the cantilever beam.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

Define the material properties and other section properties of the beam.
Assemble the model and create sets.
Configure the analysis procedure and output requests.
Apply loads and boundary conditions to the beam.
Mesh the beam.
Create a job and submit it for analysis.
View the results of the analysis.
Although the Module list under the toolbar lists the modules in a logical sequence, you can move back
and forth between modules at will. However, certain obvious restrictions apply; for example, you
cannot assign section properties to geometry that has not yet been created.
A completed model contains everything that ABAQUS/CAE needs to generate an input file and start
the analysis. ABAQUS/CAE uses a model database to store your models. When you start
ABAQUS/CAE, the Start Session dialog box allows you to create a new, empty model database in
memory. After you start ABAQUS/CAE, you can save your model database to a disk by selecting
File->Save from the main menu bar; to retrieve it from a disk, select File->Open.
For a complete listing of which module generates a particular keyword, see ``ABAQUS keyword
browser table,'' Section A.1.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Part III, "Working with ABAQUS/CAE model databases, models, and files."
``What is a module?,'' Section 5.3

2.2 Starting ABAQUS/CAE

You may find it easier to follow the printed version of the tutorial. This will reduce clutter on the
screen and allow you to focus on the task at hand. If you do follow this tutorial online, you should
resize and move the online documentation window and the ABAQUS/CAE window so both are visible
while you work through the tutorial.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

Tip: To open a separate window containing any of the figures in the online documentation, click
the figure itself.
To start ABAQUS/CAE and display the online version of this tutorial:
1. If you did not already start ABAQUS/CAE, type abaqus cae.
2. From the Start Session dialog box that appears, select Start Tutorial.
The ABAQUS/CAE main window and the online documentation window, turned to the chapter
"Getting Started with ABAQUS/CAE," appear.

2.3 Getting help

You may want to read additional information about ABAQUS/CAE features at various points during
this tutorial. The context-sensitive help system allows you to locate relevant information quickly and
To obtain context-sensitive help:
1. From the ABAQUS/CAE main menu bar, select Help->On Context.
The cursor changes to a question mark.
2. Click any part of the main window except its frame.
After a short delay, a window containing information about the item you selected appears.
Subsequent help requests will not experience this delay, since the server is now running in the
background, waiting for more help requests.
3. In the Find text field at the bottom of the help window, type any word that appears in the text of
the help window and press [Enter].
All occurrences of the word you typed are highlighted. You can enter any phrase to search for, and
the help system will locate precisely that phrase; for example, searching for the word "element"
yields different results than searching for the word "elements." Use the [*] character as a wildcard;
for example, searching for "element*" will find occurrences of the words "element," "elements,"
"elemental," and "elementary."
4. Scroll to the bottom of the help window.
At the bottom of the topic, a list of blue, underlined items appears. These items are hyperlinks to
the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual.
5. Click any one of the items.
An online book window appears. The online version of the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual is
available in the right side of the window, turned to the item that you selected. A table of contents
is available on the left side of the window, and a Find text field similar to the one in the help
window is available at the bottom of the window.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

6. Click any item in the table of contents.

The right side of the book window changes to reflect the item you selected.
7. From the main menu bar of the book window, select File->Close View .
The book window disappears.
8. In the upper-left corner of the context-sensitive help window, double-click the close button.
The help window disappears.
Note the following key points:
Context-sensitive help is available for every item in the ABAQUS/CAE main window and in all its
dialog boxes.
You can search individual help windows or the entire online manual for information.
The online book windows provide a hyperlinked table of contents for easy navigation throughout
the book.

2.4 Creating a part

You use the Part module to create each of the parts you will analyze. You can create parts that are
native to ABAQUS/CAE, or you can import parts created by other applications either as a geometric
representation or as a finite element mesh.
You will start the cantilever beam tutorial by creating a three-dimensional, deformable solid body. You
do this by sketching the two-dimensional profile of the beam (a rectangle) and extruding it.
ABAQUS/CAE automatically enters the Sketcher when you create a part.
ABAQUS/CAE often displays a short message in the prompt area indicating what it expects you to do
next, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Messages and instructions are displayed in the prompt area.

Click the cancel button to cancel the current task. Click the backup button to cancel the current step in
the task and return to the previous step.
To create the cantilever beam:
1. If you did not already start ABAQUS/CAE, type abaqus cae.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

2. From the Start Session dialog box that appears, select Start Tutorial.
3. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Part to enter the Part module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Part module loads. When the Part module has
finished loading, it displays the Part module toolbox in the left side of the ABAQUS/CAE main
window. The toolbox contains a set of icons that allow expert users to bypass the menus in the
main menu bar. Each module displays its own set of tools in the module toolbox. As you select
items from the main menu bar, the corresponding tool is highlighted in the module toolbox so that
you can learn its location.
4. From the main menu bar, select Part->Create to create a new part.
The Create Part dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE also displays text in the prompt area near the
bottom of the window to guide you through the procedure.
You use the Create Part dialog box to name the part; to choose its modeling space, type, and base
feature; and to set the approximate size. You can edit and rename a part after you create it, but you
cannot change its modeling space, type, or base feature.
5. Name the part Beam. Accept the default settings of a three-dimensional, deformable body and a
solid, extruded base feature. In the Approximate size text field, type 300.
6. Click Continue to exit the Create Part dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE automatically enters the Sketcher. The Sketcher toolbox appears in the left side of
the main window, and the Sketcher grid appears in the viewport. The Sketcher contains a set of
basic tools that allow you to sketch the two-dimensional profile of your part. ABAQUS/CAE
enters the Sketcher whenever you create or edit a part. To finish using a Sketcher tool, click mouse
button 2 in the viewport or select a new tool.
Tip: Like all tools in ABAQUS/CAE, if you simply position the cursor over a tool in the
Sketcher toolbox for a short time, a small window appears that gives a brief description of the
The following aspects of the Sketcher help you sketch the desired geometry:
The Sketcher grid helps you position the cursor and align objects in the viewport.
Dashed lines indicate the X- and Y-axes of the sketch and intersect at the origin of the sketch.
A triad in the lower-left corner of the viewport indicates the relationship between the sketch
plane and the orientation of the part.
When you select a sketching tool, ABAQUS/CAE displays the X- and Y-coordinates of the
cursor in the upper-left corner of the viewport.
7. To sketch the profile of the cantilever beam, you need to draw a rectangle. To select the rectangle
drawing tool, do the following:


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

a. Note the small black triangles at the base of some of the toolbox icons. These triangles
indicate the presence of hidden icons that can be revealed. Click the Line tool in the
upper-right corner of the Sketcher toolbox, but do not release mouse button 1. Additional
icons appear, as shown below.

b. Without releasing mouse button 1, drag the cursor along the set of icons that appear until
you reach the rectangle tool. Then release the mouse button to select that tool.
The rectangle drawing tool appears in the Sketcher toolbox with a pink background indicating that
you selected it. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the
8. In the viewport, sketch the rectangle using the following steps:
a. Notice that as you move the cursor around the viewport, ABAQUS/CAE displays the
cursor's X- and Y-coordinates in the upper-left corner.
b. Click one corner of the rectangle at coordinates (-100, 10).
c. Move the cursor to the opposite corner (100, -10) so that the rectangle is twenty grid
squares long and two grid squares high as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Sketch of the rectangle.

d. Click mouse button 1 to create the rectangle.

e. Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the viewport to finish using the rectangle tool.
Note: If you are a Windows NT user with a 2-button mouse, press both mouse buttons simultaneously whenever
you are asked to press mouse button 2.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

9. If you make a mistake while using the Sketcher, you can delete lines in your sketch, as explained
in the following procedure:

a. From the Sketcher toolbox, click the Delete tool,

b. From the sketch, click a line to select it.

ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected line in red.
c. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to delete the selected line.
d. Repeat steps b and c as often as necessary.
e. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to finish using the Delete tool.
10. From the prompt area (near the bottom of the main window), click Done to exit the Sketcher.
Note: If you don't see the Done button in the prompt area, continue to click mouse button 2 in the viewport until it appears.

11. Because you are creating an extruded part, ABAQUS/CAE displays a text field in the prompt area
asking you to define the distance through which the sketch should be extruded. In the text field,
erase the default value of 30.0 and type a value of 25.0. You can either press [Enter] or click
mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept this value.
ABAQUS/CAE displays an isometric view of the new part, as shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 Isometric view of the beam.

To help you orient the cantilever beam during the modeling process, ABAQUS/CAE displays a
triad in the lower-left corner indicating the orientation of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes.
12. Before you continue the tutorial, save your model in a model database file.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

a. From the main menu bar, select File->Save. The Save Model Database As dialog box
b. Type a name for the new model database in the Selection field, and click OK. You do not
need to include the file extension; ABAQUS/CAE automatically appends .cae to the file
ABAQUS/CAE stores the model database in a new file and returns to the Part module.
The title bar of the ABAQUS/CAE window displays the path and name of the model
database. You should always save your model database at regular intervals (for example,
each time you switch modules); ABAQUS/CAE does not save your model database
Note the following key points:
You use the Part module to create parts. When you create a part, you name it and choose its type,
modeling space, base feature, and approximate size.
ABAQUS/CAE automatically enters the Sketcher when you create or edit a part. You use the
Sketcher to draw the two-dimensional profiles of parts.
Click and drag toolbox icons to reveal and select hidden icons.
Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to indicate you have finished selecting items or using a
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 14, "The Part module."
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module."
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``Editing a feature,'' Section 42.3.1

2.5 Creating a material

You use the Property module to create a material and define its properties.
For the cantilever beam tutorial you will create a single linear elastic material with Young's modulus of
209 103 MPa and Poisson's ratio of 0.3.
To define a material:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, select Property to enter the Property module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Property module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Material->Create to create a new material.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

The Create Material dialog box appears.

3. Name the material Steel, and click Continue.
The material editor appears. Use the menu bar under the browser area of the material editor to
reveal menus containing all the available material options. Some of the menu items contain
submenus; for example, Figure 2-6 shows the options available under the Mechanical->Elasticity
menu item.

Figure 2-6 Submenus available under the Mechanical menu.

When you select a material option, the appropriate data entry form appears below the menu.
4. From the material editor's menu bar, select Mechanical->Elasticity->Elastic.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Elastic data form.
5. Type a value of 209.E3 for Young's modulus and a value of 0.3 for Poisson's ratio in the
respective fields, as shown in Figure 2-7. Use [Tab] to move between cells.

Figure 2-7 Entering data values for the elastic material properties.

6. Click OK to exit the material editor.

Note the following key point:
You can use the Property module to create a material and define its properties.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Creating materials,'' Section 15.6.1


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

2.6 Defining and assigning section properties

You define the section properties of a model by creating sections in the Property module. After you
create the section, you can use one of the following two methods to assign the section to the part in the
current viewport:
You can simply select the region from the part and assign the section to the selected region.
You can use the Set toolset to create a homogeneous set containing the region and assign the
section to the set.
For the cantilever beam tutorial you will create a single homogeneous solid section that you will assign
to the beam by selecting the beam from the viewport. The solid section will contain a reference to the
material Steel that you just created.

2.6.1 Defining a homogeneous solid section

A homogeneous solid section is the simplest section type that you can define; it includes only a
material reference and a plane stress/plane strain thickness.
To define the homogeneous solid section:
1. From the main menu bar, select Section->Create.
The Create Section dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Section dialog box:
a. Name the section BeamSection.
b. In the Category list, accept Solid as the default category selection.
c. In the Type list, accept Homogeneous as the default type selection.
d. Click Continue.
The Edit Section dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box:
a. Accept the default selection of Steel for the Material associated with the section.
b. Accept the default value of 1 for Plane stress/strain thickness .
c. Click OK.
Note the following key points:
You can use the Property module to create a section and define its category and type (solid and
homogeneous, respectively, in this case).


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

Since the section refers to the material, the material must be defined first.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
``Creating and assigning a homogeneous solid section,'' Section 15.7.4

2.6.2 Assigning the section to the cantilever beam

You use the Assign menu in the Property module to assign the section BeamSection to the beam.
To assign the section to the cantilever beam:
1. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Section.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click anywhere on the beam to select the region to which the section will be applied.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the entire beam.
3. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport or click Done in the prompt area to accept the selected
The Assign Section dialog box appears containing a list of existing sections.
4. Accept the default selection of BeamSection as the section, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE assigns the solid section to the beam and closes the Assign Section dialog box.
Note the following key point:
When you assign a section to a region of a part, the region takes on the material properties
associated with the section.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
``Assigning a section to a part or region,'' Section 15.11.1

2.7 Assembling the model

Each part that you create is oriented in its own coordinate system and is independent of the other parts
in the model. You use the Assembly module to define the geometry of the finished model, called the
assembly, by creating instances of a part and then positioning the instances relative to each other in a
global coordinate system. Although a model may contain many parts, it contains only one assembly.
For the cantilever beam tutorial you will create a single instance of your cantilever beam.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

ABAQUS/CAE positions the instance so that the origin of the sketch that defined the rectangular
profile of the beam overlays the origin of the assembly's default coordinate system.
To assemble the model:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Assembly to enter the Assembly module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Assembly module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Create.
The Create Instance dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box, select Beam and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE creates an instance of the cantilever beam and displays it using an isometric
orientation. In this example the single instance of the beam defines the assembly. A second triad in
the viewport indicates the origin and orientation of the global coordinate system.
4. In the toolbar near the top of the window, click the rotate view manipulation tool,

When you move the mouse back into the viewport, a circle appears.
5. Drag the mouse in the viewport to rotate the model and examine it from all sides. Click mouse
button 2 to exit rotate mode.
6. Several other tools (pan
, magnify
, zoom
, and auto-fit
) are also available in
the toolbar to help you examine your model. Experiment with each of these tools until you are
comfortable with them. Use the context-sensitive help system to obtain any additional information
you require about these tools.
Note the following key points:
A model contains only one assembly. The assembly is composed of instances of parts positioned in
a global coordinate system.
The view manipulation tools available in the toolbar allow you to examine your model.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 16, "The Assembly module."

2.8 Configuring your analysis

Now that you have created your part, you can move to the Step module to configure your analysis. For
the cantilever beam tutorial the analysis will consist of two steps:
An initial step, in which you will apply a boundary condition that constrains one end of the
cantilever beam.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

A general, static analysis step, in which you will apply a pressure load to the top face of the beam.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the initial step automatically, but you must use the Step module to create the
analysis step yourself. The Step module also allows you to request output for any steps in the analysis.

2.8.1 Creating an analysis step

You use the Step menu to create a general, static step that follows the initial step of the analysis.
To create a general, static analysis step:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Step to enter the Step module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Step module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Step->Create to create a step.
The Create Step dialog box appears with a list of all the general procedures and a default step
name of Step-1. General procedures are those that can be used to analyze linear or nonlinear
3. Name the step Beamload.
4. From the list of available general procedures in the Create Step dialog box, select Static, General
if it is not already selected and click Continue.
The Edit Step dialog box appears with the default settings for a general, static step.
5. The Basic tab is selected by default. In the Description field, type Load the top of the
6. Click the Incrementation tab, and accept the default time incrementation settings.
7. Click the Other tab to see its contents; you can accept the default values provided for the step.
8. Click OK to create the step and to exit the Edit Step dialog box.
Note the following key points:
ABAQUS/CAE generates the initial step automatically, but you must use the Step module to create
additional steps.
You use the step editor to configure each step you create.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 17, "The Step module."
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

2.8.2 Requesting data output

When you submit your job for analysis, ABAQUS/CAE writes the results of the analysis to the output
database. When you create a step, ABAQUS/CAE generates a default output request for the step. For
each step you create, you can use the Output Database Request Manager to do the following:
Select the variables that ABAQUS will write to the output database.
Select the section points for which ABAQUS will generate data.
Select the region of the model for which ABAQUS will generate data.
Change the frequency at which ABAQUS will write data to the output database.
For the cantilever beam tutorial, you will simply examine the output requests and accept the default
To examine your output requests:
1. From the main menu bar, select Output->Output Database.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Output Database Request Manager .
2. Review the default output request that ABAQUS/CAE generates for the Static, General step you
created and named Beamload.
The variables from the categories shown on the Field output tabbed page of the Output Database
Request Manager will be output. If you change an output request, you can always return to the
default settings by clicking Defaults at the bottom of the Output Database Request Manager .
3. At the bottom of the Output Database Request Manager , click Edit to view more detailed
information about the output request.
The field output editor appears.
4. Click the arrows next to each output variable category to see exactly which variables will be
output. The boxes next to each category title allow you to see at a glance whether all variables in
that category will be output. A filled box indicates that all variables are output, while a partially
filled box indicates that only some variables will be output.
Based on the selections shown at the bottom of the dialog box, data will be generated at every
default section point in the model and will be written to the output database after every increment
during the analysis.
5. Click Cancel to close the field output editor.
6. Click Dismiss to close the Output Database Request Manager .
Note: What is the difference between the Dismiss and Cancel buttons? Dismiss buttons appear in dialog boxes that contain
data that you cannot modify. For example, the Output Database Request Manager allows you to view output requests, but


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

you must use the field output editor or the history output editor to modify those requests. Clicking the Dismiss button simply
closes the Output Database Request Manager dialog box. Conversely, Cancel buttons appear in dialog boxes that allow you
to make changes. Clicking Cancel closes the dialog box without saving your changes.

Note the following key points:

When you create a step, ABAQUS/CAE generates a default output request for the step.
You use the Output Database Request Manager to examine which categories of data will be
You invoke the field and history output editors from the Output Database Request Manager to
select the variables that ABAQUS/CAE will write to the output database during the analysis, as
well as the frequency at which they are written and the regions and section points from which they
are written.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 17, "The Step module."
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4

2.9 Applying a boundary condition and a load to the model

Prescribed conditions, such as loads and boundary conditions, are step-dependent, which means that
you must specify the step or steps in which they become active. Now that you have defined the steps in
the analysis, you can use the Load/BC/IC module to define the following prescribed conditions:
A boundary condition that constrains one end of the cantilever beam in the X-, Y-, and
Z-directions; the boundary condition is applied during the initial step.
A load that you apply to the top face of the beam; the load is applied during the general analysis

2.9.1 Applying a boundary condition to one end of the cantilever

You use the BC menu to create a boundary condition that constrains the cantilever beam in the X-, Y-,
and Z-directions at one end of the beam.
To apply boundary conditions to one end of the cantilever beam:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Load/BC/IC to enter the Load/BC/IC module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Load/BC/IC module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select BC->Create.
The Create Boundary Condition dialog box appears.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

3. In the Create Boundary Condition dialog box:

a. Name the boundary condition Fixed.
b. From the list of steps, select Initial as the step in which the boundary condition will be
c. In the Category list, accept Mechanical as the default category selection.
d. In the Type for Selected Step list, accept Displacement/Rotation as the default type
selection, and click Continue.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
4. You will fix the face at the left end of the cantilever beam; the desired face is shown in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8 Selecting the region on which to apply a boundary condition.

By default, when you click in a region that overlaps more than one face ABAQUS/CAE selects the
face that is ``closest'' to the screen. To select the face at the left end of the cantilever beam you
need to turn off this default behavior and cycle through the valid selections. Do the following:
a. From the prompt area, click the selection options tool

b. From the Options dialog box that appears, toggle off the closest object tool
c. Click over the desired face.
ABAQUS/CAE displays Next, Previous, and OK buttons in the prompt area.
d. Click Next andPrevious until the desired face is highlighted.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

e. Click OK to confirm your choice.

5. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport or click Done in the prompt area to indicate that you have
finished selecting. The selection options return to their default behavior.
The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box appears. When you are defining a boundary condition
in the initial step, all six degrees of freedom are unconstrained by default.
6. In the dialog box:
a. Toggle on U1, U2, and U3, since only the translational degrees of freedom need to be
b. Click OK to create the boundary condition and to close the dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE displays three arrows at each corner and midpoint on the selected face to
indicate the constrained degrees of freedom.
7. From the main menu bar, select BC->Manager.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Boundary Condition Manager. The manager indicates that the
boundary condition is Created (activated) in the initial step and is Propagated (continues to
be active) in the general analysis step Beamload.
8. Click Dismiss to close the Boundary Condition Manager.
Note the following key points:
Prescribed conditions, such as loads and boundary conditions, are step-dependent objects, which
means that you must specify the step or steps in which they become active.
Managers are useful for reviewing and modifying the status of prescribed conditions in each step.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module."

2.9.2 Applying a load to the top of the cantilever beam

Now that you have fixed one end of the cantilever beam, you can apply a distributed load to the top
face of the beam. The load is applied during the general, static step you created using the Step module.
To apply a load to the top of the cantilever beam:
1. From the main menu bar, select Load->Create.
The Create Load dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Load dialog box:


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

a. Name the load Pressure.

b. From the list of steps, select Beamload as the step in which the load will be applied.
c. In the Category list, accept Mechanical as the default category selection.
d. In the Type for Selected Step list, select Pressure.
e. Click Continue.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
3. In the viewport, select the top face of the beam as the surface to which the load will be applied.
The desired face is shown by the gridded face in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9 Selecting the region on which to apply a pressure load.

4. Click mouse button 2 or click Done in the prompt area in the viewport to indicate that you have
finished selecting regions.
The Edit Load dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box:
a. Enter a magnitude of 0.5 for the load.
b. Accept the default Amplitude selection--ABAQUS/CAE will ramp the load during the
c. Click OK to create the load and to close the dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE displays downward-pointing arrows along the top face of the beam to
indicate the load applied in the negative 2-direction.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

6. Examine the Load Manager and note that the new load is ``Created'' (activated) in the general
analysis step Beamload.
7. Click Dismiss to close the Load Manager.
Note the following key points:
You use the Load/BC/IC module to create loads and to define where the load is applied to the
Loads can be propagated across steps; the Load Manager indicates the steps during which a load
is applied.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module."
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

2.10 Meshing the model

You use the Mesh module to generate the finite element mesh. You can choose the meshing technique
that ABAQUS/CAE will use to create the mesh, the element shape, and the element type.
ABAQUS/CAE uses a number of different meshing techniques. The default meshing technique
assigned to the model is indicated by the color of the model when you enter the Mesh module; if
ABAQUS/CAE displays the model in orange, it cannot be meshed without assistance from you.

2.10.1 Assigning mesh controls

In this section you will use the Mesh Controls dialog box to examine the technique that
ABAQUS/CAE will use to mesh the model and the shape of the elements that ABAQUS/CAE will
To assign the mesh controls:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Mesh to enter the Mesh module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Mesh module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE colors the regions of your model to
indicate which technique it will use to mesh that region. ABAQUS/CAE will use structured
meshing to mesh your cantilever beam and displays the beam in green.
3. In the dialog box, accept Hex as the default Element Shape selection.
4. Accept Structured as the default Technique selection.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

5. Click OK to assign the mesh controls and to close the dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE will use the structured meshing technique to create a mesh of hexahedral-shaped

2.10.2 Assigning an ABAQUS element type

In this section you will use the Element Type dialog box to assign a particular ABAQUS element type
to the model. Although you will assign the element type now, you could also wait until after the mesh
has been created.
To assign an ABAQUS element type:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Element Type.
The Element Type dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, accept the following default selections that control the elements that are
available for selection:
Standard is the default Element Library selection.
Linear is the default Geometric Order.
3D Stress is the default Family of elements.
3. In the lower portion of the dialog box, examine the element shape options. A brief description of
the default element selection is available at the bottom of each tabbed page.
Since the model is a three-dimensional solid, only three-dimensional solid element
types--hexahedral on the Hex tabbed page, triangular prism on the Wedge page, and tetrahedral on
the Tet page--are shown.
4. Click the Hex tab, and choose Incompatible modes from the list of Element Controls.
A description of the element type C3D8I appears at the bottom of the dialog box. ABAQUS/CAE
will now associate C3D8I elements with the elements in the mesh.
5. Click OK to assign the element type and to close the dialog box.
Note the following key points:
Although you can create a mesh at any point after creating the assembly, you typically do it after
configuring the rest of the model, since items such as loads, boundary conditions, and steps depend
on the underlying geometry, not the mesh.
The available element types depend on the geometry of your model.
You can assign the element type either before or after you create the mesh.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Element library: overview,'' Section 13.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``Element library: overview,'' Section 12.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

2.10.3 Creating the mesh

Basic meshing is a two-stage operation: first you seed the edges of the part instance, and then you
mesh the part instance. You select the number of seeds based on the desired element size or on the
number of elements that you want along an edge, and ABAQUS/CAE places the nodes of the mesh at
the seeds whenever possible. For the cantilever beam tutorial the default seeding will generate a mesh
with square hexahedral elements.
To mesh the model:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Instance to seed the part instance.
The prompt area displays the default element size that ABAQUS/CAE will use to seed the part
instance. This default element size is based on the size of the part instance.
2. In the prompt area, accept the default element size of 10, and press Enter or click mouse button 2
in the viewport.
ABAQUS/CAE applies the seeds to the part instance, as shown in Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10 Seeding the mesh.

You can gain more control of the resulting mesh by seeding each edge of the partinstance
3. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the seeding.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

4. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Instance to mesh the part instance.
5. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Yes to confirm that you want to mesh the part instance.
ABAQUS/CAE meshes the part instance and displays the resulting mesh, as shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11 Meshing the part instance.

Note the following key points:

You select the number of seeds based on the element size or on the number of elements that you
want along an edge.
You use seeds to define the approximate position of nodes in your final mesh.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 20, "The Mesh module."
``Advanced meshing techniques,'' Section 20.11
``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14

2.11 Creating and submitting an analysis job

Now that you have configured your analysis, you will move to the Job module to create a job that is
associated with your model and to submit the job for analysis.
To create and submit an analysis job:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Job to enter the Job module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Job module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Job->Create to create a job.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

The Create Job dialog box appears with a list of the models in the model database.
3. Name the job Deform.
4. Click Continue to create the job.
The Edit Job dialog box appears.
5. In the Description field, type Cantilever beam tutorial.
6. Click the tabs to review the default settings in the job editor. Click OK to accept all the default job
settings and to close the dialog box.
7. From the main menu bar, select Job->Manager to start the Job Manager.
The Job Manager appears and displays a list of your jobs, the model associated with each job, the
type of analysis, and the status of the job.
8. From the buttons on the right edge of the Job Manager, click Submit to submit your job for
After you submit your job, the information in the Status column updates to indicate the job's
status. The Status column for the cantilever beam tutorial shows one of the following:
Submitted while the solver input file is being generated.
Running while ABAQUS analyzes the model.
Completed when the analysis is complete, and the output has been written to the output
Aborted if ABAQUS/CAE finds a problem with the input file or the analysis and aborts the
analysis. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE reports the problem in the message area.
9. When the job completes successfully, you are ready to view the results of the analysis with the
Visualization module. From the buttons on the right edge of the Job Manager, click Results.
ABAQUS/CAE loads the Visualization module, opens the output database created by the job, and
displays a representation of the model.
Note the following key points:
You use the Job module to create jobs.
You use the Job Manager to submit jobs and to monitor the status of a job.

2.12 Viewing the results of your analysis

You use the Visualization module to read the output database that ABAQUS/CAE generated during
the analysis and to view the results of the analysis. Because you named the job Deform when you


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

created the job, ABAQUS/CAE names the output database Deform.odb.

When you open an output database, ABAQUS/CAE immediately displays a fast representation of the
model that is similar to an undeformed shape plot. For the tutorial you will also view an undeformed,
deformed, and contour plot of the loaded cantilever beam.
To view the results of your analysis:
1. After you click Results in the Job module's Job Manager, ABAQUS/CAE loads the
Visualization module, opens Deform.odb, and displays a fast plot of the model, as shown in
Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 Fast plot of model.

The title block indicates the following:

The job description.
The output database from which ABAQUS/CAE read the data.
The version of ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit that was used to generate the output
The date the output database was generated.
The state block indicates the following:
The step name and the step description.
The increment within the step.
The step time.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE plots the last step and the last frame of your analysis. Buttons that
allow you to control which analysis results are plotted are available in the prompt area.
2. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Undeformed Shape to view an undeformed shape plot.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

The model's color changes to green to indicate that this is an undeformed shape plot, not a fast
3. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Deformed Shape to view a deformed shape plot.
4. Click the auto-fit tool
Figure 2-13.

so that the entire plot is rescaled to fit in the viewport, as shown in

Figure 2-13 Deformed shape plot of model.

5. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Contours to view a contour plot of the von Mises stress, as
shown in Figure 2-14.

Figure 2-14 Contour plot of Mises stress.

6. Click the Contour Options button at the bottom-right corner of the prompt area to change the
appearance of the current plot.


A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model

The Contour Plot Options dialog box appears. You can use this dialog box to, for example, turn
on node and element labeling, change the deformation scale factor of the underlying model, or
adjust the contour intervals. (To change general plot options, such as turning the legend off or on,
select View->Viewport Annotations from the main menu bar.)
7. Click Cancel to close the Contour Plot Options dialog box.
8. For a contour plot the default variable displayed depends on the analysis procedure; in this case,
the default variable is the von Mises stress. From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output
to examine the variables that are available for display.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Field Output dialog box; click the Primary Variable tab to choose
which variable to display and to select the invariant or component of interest. By default, the
Mises invariant of the Stress components at integration points variable is selected.

Click Cancel to close the Field Output dialog box.

Note the following key points:

You use the Visualization module to read the output database generated by your analysis and to
view the results.
You can select the variable to display from the data in the output database, and you can also select
the increment being displayed.
You can display the results in several modes--undeformed, deformed, and contour.
You can control the appearance of the display in each mode, independent of other modes.
You have now finished the first tutorial. The second tutorial introduces additional techniques to create
and analyze a model; for example, you will create and assemble multiple part instances and define
contact. The third tutorial covers the capabilities of the Visualization module in more detail.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Part V, "Viewing results"
Chapter 25, "Plotting the undeformed shape"
Chapter 26, "Plotting the deformed shape"
Chapter 27, "Contouring analysis results"


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3. A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create

and analyze a model
In the first tutorial (Chapter 2, "A tutorial: Creating and analyzing a simple model") you created and
analyzed a very simple model composed of only one part. In this tutorial you will create and analyze a
more complex model. The model is more complex on two levels:
It consists of three different parts and three different part instances rather than just one. This
tutorial illustrates how you position instances of these parts to create the assembly and how you
define contact between surfaces of the assembly.
It includes parts that you will draw using advanced sketching techniques. You will learn how
sketches, datum geometry, and partitions combine to define the features that make up individual
parts. You will also learn how you can modify a part by editing a feature and how modified parts
are regenerated.
As in the first tutorial, you will apply section properties, loads, and boundary conditions to the model;
you will also mesh the model, configure the analysis, and run the analysis job. At the end of the tutorial
you will view your analysis results. The entire tutorial takes approximately three hours to complete.
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the techniques described in the first tutorial, including
the following:
Using the view manipulation tools to rotate and zoom an object in the viewport.
Following the prompts in the prompt area.
Using the mouse to select menu items, toolbox items, and items within the viewport.
Using hyperlinks to see more detailed help in the online documentation and clicking the Go Back
in the toolbar across the top of the book window to return you to your original point in
"Getting started with ABAQUS/CAE."

3.1 Overview
During the tutorial you will create an assembly composed of a hinge held together by a pin. The
assembled part instances and the final mesh are illustrated in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Model used in the hinge tutorial.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

The tutorial consists of the following sections:

``Creating the first half of the hinge,'' Section 3.2
``Assigning section properties to the hinge part, '' Section 3.3
``Creating and modifying a second hinge piece,'' Section 3.4
``Creating the pin,'' Section 3.5
``Assembling the model,'' Section 3.6
``Defining analysis steps,'' Section 3.7
``Creating surfaces to use in contact interactions, '' Section 3.8
``Defining contact between regions of the model,'' Section 3.9
``Applying boundary conditions and loads to the assembly,'' Section 3.10
``Meshing the assembly,'' Section 3.11
``Creating and submitting a job,'' Section 3.12
``Viewing the results of your analysis,'' Section 3.13

3.2 Creating the first half of the hinge

To start the tutorial, you create the first part--half of the hinge. ABAQUS/CAE models are composed
of features; you create a part by combining features. This portion of the hinge is composed of the
following features:
A cube--the base feature, since it is the first feature of the part.
A flange that extends from the cube. The flange also includes a large-diameter hole through which
the pin is inserted.
A small lubrication hole in one corner of the flange.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3.2.1 Creating the cube

To create the cube (the base feature), you create a solid, three-dimensional, extruded part and name it.
You then sketch its profile and extrude the profile over a specified distance to produce the base feature
of the first half of the hinge. The desired cube is shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 The base feature (a cube) is created first.

To create the cube:

1. Start ABAQUS/CAE, and create a new model database. If you are viewing this tutorial online,
resize your windows so that you can follow the tutorial and see the ABAQUS/CAE main window.
2. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Part to enter the Part module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Part module loads, and the Part module toolbox
appears on the left side of the main window.
The triad in the lower-left corner of the viewport indicates the orientation of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes.
You can turn off this triad by selecting View->Viewport Annotations from the main menu bar
and toggling off the Show triad option. (The triad is sometimes turned off for clarity in the figures
in this tutorial.)
3. From the main menu bar, select Part->Create to create a new part.
The Create Part dialog box appears.
The text in the prompt area asks you to fill out the Create Part dialog. ABAQUS/CAE always
displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through a procedure.
4. Name the part Hinge-hole. Accept the following default settings:
A three-dimensional, deformable body
A solid extrusion base feature


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

5. In the Approximate size text field, type 0.2. You will be modeling the hinge using meters for the
unit of length, and its overall length is 0.14 meters; therefore, 0.2 meters is a sufficiently large
approximate size for the part. Click Continue to create the part.
The Sketcher starts and displays the toolbox on the left side of the main window. ABAQUS/CAE
uses the approximate size of the part to compute the default sheet size--0.2 meters in this example.
In addition, in this example the Sketcher draws 20 grid lines on the sheet, and the distance between
each grid line is 0.01 meters. (You probably see fewer than 20 grid lines because the sheet extends
beyond your viewport.)

6. From the Sketcher toolbox, select the rectangle tool

icon to reveal the hidden rectangle tool.)

. (Click and drag on the line toolbox

7. While you are sketching, ABAQUS/CAE displays the cursor position in the upper-left corner of
the viewport containing the Sketcher grid. Find the origin of the sketch at (0, 0); then move the
cursor to (-0.02, -0.02), and click mouse button 1 to define the first corner of the rectangle. Click
mouse button 1 again at (0.02, 0.02) to define the opposite corner.
Important: To complete this tutorial successfully, it is important that you use the dimensions
stated and do not deviate from the example; otherwise, you will find it difficult to assemble
the model.
8. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to exit the rectangle tool. Click mouse button 2 again to exit
the Sketcher.
Tip: Clicking mouse button 2 in the viewport has the same effect as clicking the default
button in the prompt area--Done in this instance.
9. In the text box in the prompt area, type an extrusion depth of 0.04 and press [Enter].
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and displays the base feature, a cube, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Note the following key points:
The default spacing of the Sketcher grid depends on the value you enter in the Approximate size
text field in the Create Part dialog box.
Dashed lines on the Sketcher grid indicate the X- and Y-axes of the sketch and the origin. While
you are drawing, ABAQUS/CAE displays the cursor position in the upper-left corner of the
viewport containing the Sketcher grid.

3.2.2 Adding the flange to the base feature

You will now add a solid feature--the flange--to the base feature. You select one face of the cube to
define the sketch plane and extrude the sketched profile through half the depth of the cube. The cube
and flange are shown in Figure 3-3.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Figure 3-3 The flange is added to the base feature.

To add the flange to the base feature:

1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Solid->Extrude.
2. Select a face to define the sketching plane, and select the extrusion direction.
a. Select the face at the front of the cube, as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Select the gridded face to define the sketching plane. The arrow indicates the
correct extrusion direction.

ABAQUS/CAE displays an arrow indicating the extrusion direction. The default extrusion
direction for a solid is always out of the solid. ABAQUS/CAE draws the arrow wherever
you clicked on the face to select it during the previous step; as a result, the arrow may not
appear in the same location shown in Figure 3-4.
b. In the prompt area, click Flip to set the extrusion direction into the cube. Click OK when
the arrow indicates the desired extrusion direction, as shown in Figure 3-4.
3. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right side of the sketch, as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 Select the indicated edge to position the part correctly in the Sketcher.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

The Sketcher starts and displays the outline of the base feature as reference geometry. The sketch
of the flange that you will create is illustrated in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 Use the Sketcher to create the flange profile.

4. From the Sketcher toolbox, select the connected lines tool

5. Draw the three sides of a rectangle, as shown in Figure 3-7. The four vertices should be at (0.04,
0.02), (0.02, 0.02), (0.02, -0.02), and (0.04, -0.02).

Figure 3-7 First, draw the rectangular portion of the flange.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Tip: If you make a mistake while sketching, use the Sketcher undo
tools to correct your error.

or delete

6. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to exit the connected lines tool. From the Sketcher toolbox,

select the center and two endpoints arc tool

Note: You do not have to unselect the connected lines tool before you select the arc tool. ABAQUS/CAE automatically
unselects the previous tool when you select a new Sketcher tool.

7. Click at the center of the arc and at each vertex. ABAQUS/CAE draws the arc in a clockwise
direction from the first vertex to the second. The resulting arc is shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8 Then add the curved portion of the flange.

8. From the Sketcher toolbox, select the circle tool

the circle; click at (0.05, 0) to define the circle.

. Click at (0.04, 0) to locate the center of

Note: When you mesh a part, ABAQUS/CAE places nodes wherever vertices appear along an edge; therefore, the location of
the vertex on the circumference of the circle influences the final mesh. Placing the vertex at (0.05, 0) results in a high-quality


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

9. From the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the radial dimension tool

10. Select the circle to dimension.

ABAQUS/CAE highlights valid selections when you move the cursor around the sketch; the circle
and the arc are the only valid selections in the current sketch.
11. Position the dimension text and click mouse button 1 to accept the location, as shown in Figure
3-9. You can position dimension text at any convenient location in a sketch, although you cannot
subsequently move the text after you have positioned it.

Figure 3-9 Add a dimension label to the flange hole.

12. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to exit the radius dimension tool. Click mouse button 2 again
to exit the Sketcher.
13. From the buttons that appear in the prompt area, select Blind to indicate that you will provide the
depth of the extrusion.
14. In the text box in the prompt area, type an extrusion depth of 0.02 and press [Enter].
ABAQUS/CAE displays the part composed of the cube and the flange. ``Silhouette'' edges appear
in gray indicating curved faces of the flange. Silhouette edges are purely a visual aid; they are not
true edges and cannot be selected.
15. Use the auto-fit view manipulation tool

to resize the figure to fit in the viewport.

Note the following key points:

You create parts by adding features to the base feature; in this example the cube is the base feature
and the flange is added to it.
When you add a feature, you must select a face on which to sketch the profile of the feature.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3.2.3 Modifying a feature

Each part is defined by a set of features, and each feature in turn is defined by a set of parameters. For
example, the base feature (the cube) and the second feature (the flange) are both defined by a sketch
and an extrusion depth. You modify a part by modifying the parameters that define its features using
the Feature Manipulation toolset. For the hinge example you will change the radius of the hole in the
sketch of the flange from 0.01 m to 0.012 m.
To modify a feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Edit.
2. From the lower-right corner of the main window, click Feature List.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Feature List dialog box, showing each feature's Name and Status. In
this example you have created two solid extrusion features: the base feature (the cube), whose
Name is Solid extrude-1, and the flange, whose Name is Solid extrude-2. When you select a
feature from the Feature List dialog box, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected feature in the
3. From the Feature List dialog box, select the flange ( Solid extrude-2) and click OK.
Note: Instead of using the Feature List dialog box, you could have also selected a feature to edit directly from the viewport.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the feature editor. For an extruded solid you can change the extrusion
depth, and you can edit the profile sketch.
4. From the feature editor, click Edit Section Sketch.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the sketch of the second feature, and the feature editor disappears.

5. From the edit tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the edit dimension value tool

6. Select the radial dimension of the circle ( .010).

7. In the text box in the prompt area, type a new radius of 0.012 and press [Enter].
ABAQUS/CAE changes the radius of the circle in the sketch only.
8. Click mouse button 2 to exit the edit dimension tool. Click mouse button 2 again to exit the
ABAQUS/CAE again displays the feature editor.
9. Click OK to regenerate the flange with the modified radius and to exit the feature editor.
The flange hole is enlarged to the new radius dimension.
Note: In some circumstances regenerating a feature causes dependent features to fail. In such a case ABAQUS/CAE asks if
you want to save your changes and suppress the features that failed to regenerate, or if you want to revert to the unmodified


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

feature and lose your changes.

Note the following key points:

You can edit features by modifying the sketch of the feature or a parameter associated with the
feature, such as an extrusion depth.
Dimensioning a sketch and modifying the dimensions allow you to refine a part.
Editing features can cause dependent features to fail during regeneration.

3.2.4 Creating the sketch plane

The flange includes a small hole used for lubrication, as shown in Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10 Isometric shaded view of the hinge with the lubrication hole.

Creating the hole in the desired location requires an appropriate datum plane on which to sketch the
profile of the extruded cut, as shown in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11 Two-dimensional view of the datum plane's position with respect to the hinge piece.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

You sketch a circle on the datum plane, which is tangent to the flange, and ABAQUS/CAE extrudes
the circle normal to the datum plane and normal to the flange to create the lubrication hole.
There are three operations involved in creating the datum plane:
Creating a datum point on the circumference of the flange.
Creating a datum axis running between two datum points.
Creating a datum plane through the datum point on the circumference and normal to the datum
To create the sketch plane:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Datum dialog box.
2. Create a datum point along the curved edge of the flange through which the datum plane will pass.
From the Create Datum dialog box, choose the Point datum type.
3. From the list of methods, select Use parameter, and click Apply.
Note: What is the difference between the OK and Apply buttons? When you click OK, the Create Datum dialog box closes
before you create the datum. When you click Apply, the Create Datum dialog box remains open while you create the datum
and is available for you to create the next datum. Click OK if you want to create only a single datum; click Apply if you want to
create several pieces of datum geometry before moving on to a new procedure.

4. Select the curved edge, as shown in Figure 3-12. Note the direction of the arrow indicating an
increasing edge parameter from 0.0 to 1.0.

Figure 3-12 Create a datum point along the curved edge of the flange.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

5. In the text box in the prompt area, enter a normalized edge parameter of 0.25, and press [Enter].
ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum point along the selected edge.
6. Create a datum axis that will define the normal to the datum plane. From the Create Datum dialog
box, choose the Axis datum type. Select the 2 points method, and click Apply.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the points that can be used to create the datum axis.
7. Select the point at the center of the hole (created when you sketched the hole's profile) and the
datum point on the curved edge.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a datum axis passing through the two points, as shown in Figure 3-13.

Figure 3-13 Create a datum axis defined by two datum points.

8. The final step is to create the datum plane normal to the datum axis. From the Create Datum
dialog box, choose the Plane datum type. Select the Point and normal method, and click Apply.
9. Select the datum point on the curved edge as the point through which the datum plane will pass.
10. Select the datum axis as the edge that will be normal to the datum plane.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum plane, as shown in Figure 3-14.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Figure 3-14 Create a datum plane normal to the datum axis.

11. Click Cancel to close the Create Datum dialog box.

Note the following key points:
If a suitable sketch plane does not exist, you can use the Datum toolset to create one.
The Datum toolset allows you to create datum points, axes, and planes.
Click OK in a dialog box to perform the selected operation and to close the dialog box; click
Apply to leave the dialog box open while performing the selected operation. Click Cancel to close
the dialog box without performing an operation.

3.2.5 Sketching the lubrication hole

The next operation creates the lubrication hole on the flange by extruding a circle from the datum
plane that you just created. First, you need to create a datum point on the flange that indicates the
center of the hole, as illustrated in Figure 3-15.

Figure 3-15 A datum point indicates the center of the lubrication hole.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

To create the datum point at the center of the lubrication hole:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Datum dialog box.
2. Create a datum point along the second curved edge of the flange. From the Create Datum dialog
box, choose the Point datum type.
3. From the list of methods, select Use parameter, and click Apply.
4. Select the second curved edge of the flange, as shown in Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-16 Select the second edge.

5. Enter a normalized edge parameter of 0.75.

ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum point along the selected edge.
6. From the list of methods, select Midway between 2 points , and click Apply.
7. Select the datum point along the first curved edge.
8. Select the datum point along the second curved edge.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum point halfway across the flange. This exercise illustrates how you
can use feature-based modeling to capture your design intent. The datum point is a feature that
ABAQUS/CAE defines to be midway between the datum points along the edges of the flange. As a
result, if you change the thickness of the flange, the lubrication hole remains in the center.
9. Click Cancel to close the Create Datum dialog box.
To sketch the lubrication hole:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Cut->Extrude.
2. Click the boundary of the datum plane to select it as the plane on which to sketch.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3. Select the direction of the extruded cut to be into the part, and click OK.
4. Select the top rear edge of the cube as the edge that will appear vertical and on the right side of the
sketch, as shown in Figure 3-17.

Figure 3-17 Select the indicated edge to position the part correctly in the Sketcher grid.

The Sketcher starts with the vertices, datums, and edges of the part projected onto the sketch plane
as reference geometry.
Tip: If you are unsure of the relative orientation of the sketch plane and the part, use the
view manipulation tools to rotate and pan them. Use the cycle view manipulation tool
restore the original view.

5. From the Sketcher toolbox, select the circle tool


6. Select the datum point on the center of the flange to indicate the center of the circle.
7. Move the cursor to (-0.01, 0.01), and click mouse button 1.
8. Create a dimension indicating the radius of the hole.
The radius of the circle is 0.004 m and should be changed to 0.003 m.

9. From the edit tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the edit dimension value tool

10. Select the radial dimension of the circle. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, type a
new radius of 0.003, and press [Enter].
The radius of the circle changes.
11. Click mouse button 2 to exit the edit dimension value tool. Click mouse button 2 again to indicate
that you have finished sketching.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

12. From the buttons in the prompt area, select Up to Face to define the extrusion distance.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and displays an isometric view of the part.
13. Select the cylindrical inner surface of the hole in the part to indicate the face to which to extrude,
as illustrated in Figure 3-18. (Because you can select at most only one face, ABAQUS/CAE does
not ask you to indicate that you have finished selecting.)

Figure 3-18 Select the face to which to extrude.

ABAQUS/CAE immediately extrudes the sketch from the datum plane to the hole in the flange.
14. From the toolbar, select the shaded display tool
, and use the rotation tool
to see how the
part and its features are oriented, as shown in Figure 3-19. (For clarity, the datum geometry has
been removed from the view in Figure 3-19 by selecting View->Part Display Options->Datum.)
to step through the previous
Tip: After you rotate the part, use the cycle views tool
views (up to a maximum of eight) and to restore the original view.

Figure 3-19 Isometric view of the first hinge.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

15. Now that you have created the first part of your model, it is a good idea to save your model in a
model database:
a. From the main menu bar, select File->Save. The Save Model Database As dialog box
b. Type a name for the new model database in the Selection field, and click OK. You do not
need to include the file extension; ABAQUS/CAE appends .cae automatically to the file
ABAQUS/CAE stores the model database in a new file and returns to the Part module.
The name of your model database appears in the main window title bar.
If you find you need you need to interrupt this tutorial, you can save the model database at any
time and exit ABAQUS/CAE. You can then start a new ABAQUS/CAE session and open the
saved model database by selecting File->Open from the main menu bar. The model database will
contain any parts, materials, loads, etc. that you created, and you will be able to continue the
Note the following key points:
If you rotate or pan the sketch, use the cycle view manipulation tool to restore the original view.
Datum geometry that you create on a part can also be used by the Sketcher.
You should save the model database at regular intervals.

3.3 Assigning section properties to the hinge part

The process of assigning section properties to a part is divided into three tasks:
Creating a material.
Creating a section that includes a reference to the material.
Assigning the section to the part or to a region of the part.
You will use the Property module to perform all of these tasks.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3.3.1 Creating a material

You will create a material named Steel that has a Young's modulus of 209 GPa and a Poisson's ratio
of 0.3.
To define the material:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Property to enter the Property module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Property module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Material->Create to create a new material.
The Create Material dialog box appears.
3. In the Create Material dialog box, name the material Steel, and click Continue.
The material editor appears.
4. From the editor's menu bar, select Mechanical->Elasticity->Elastic.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Elastic data form.
5. In the respective fields in the Elastic data form, type a value of 209.E9 for Young's modulus and
a value of 0.3 for Poisson's ratio.
6. Click OK to exit the material editor.
Note the following key points:
You enter material data into tables in the material editor to define the material properties of your
Creating a material in the Property module is equivalent to entering keywords into an
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit input file.

3.3.2 Defining a section

Next, you will create a section that includes a reference to the material Steel.
To define the section:
1. From the main menu bar, select Section->Create.
The Create Section dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Section dialog box:
a. Name the section SolidSection.
b. In the Category list, accept Solid as the default selection.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

c. In the Type list, accept Homogeneous as the default selection, and click Continue.
The section editor appears.
3. In the editor:
a. Accept Steel as the material selection.
If you had defined other materials, you could click the arrow next to the Material text box
to see a list of available materials and to select the material of your choice.
b. Accept the default value for Plane stress/strain thickness , and click OK.
Note the following key points:
You associate a section with materials that you have created.
You can choose from all materials that have been defined for the model.

3.3.3 Assigning the section

You will use the Assign menu in the Property module to assign the section SolidSection to the
hinge part.
To assign the section to the hinge part:
1. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Section.
2. Drag a rectangle around the hinge piece to select the entire part.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights all the regions of the part.
3. Click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting the regions to be assigned the
The Assign Section dialog box appears containing a list of existing sections. SolidSection is
selected by default since there are no other sections currently defined.
4. In the Assign Section dialog box, accept the default selection of SolidSection, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE assigns the section to the part.
Note the following key points:
By assigning a section to a region of a part, you associate a material with that region.
You can choose from all solid sections that have been defined for the model.

3.4 Creating and modifying a second hinge piece

The model contains a second hinge piece similar to the first except that the lubrication hole is not
present. You will create a copy of the first hinge piece and delete the features that form the lubrication

A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model


3.4.1 Copying the hinge

First you will create an exact copy of the hinge piece.
To copy the hinge:
1. Return to the Part module.
2. From the main menu, select Part->Copy->Hinge-hole.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Copy Part dialog box.
3. In the text box in the Copy Part dialog box, type Hinge-solid, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a copy of the hinge piece and names the copy Hinge-solid. The copy of
the hinge piece includes the section from the original hinge piece.
Note the following key point:
When you copy a part, the copy contains all the features that defined the original part, as well as
any sections that were assigned to it.

3.4.2 Modifying the copy of the hinge

Now you will create a solid hinge piece by deleting the features that form the lubrication hole.
To modify the copy of the hinge:
1. In the Part list located below the toolbar, click Hinge-solid.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the retrieved part in the current viewport. Look at the viewport title bar to
see which part is being displayed.
2. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Delete.
3. From the toolbar across the top of the main ABAQUS/CAE window, select the wireframe display

so that you can see the features more clearly.

4. Select the datum point on the edge of the flange, as shown in Figure 3-20.
Tip: You may need to use the zoom

and magnify

Figure 3-20 Delete the datum point and its children.


tools to locate the datum point.

A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

5. When you delete a selected feature, ABAQUS/CAE asks whether you also want to delete any
features that depend on the feature being deleted. The feature being deleted is called the ``parent''
feature, and its dependent features are called ``children.'' ABAQUS/CAE highlights all the features
that it will delete if the parent feature is deleted. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Yes to
delete the datum point and all its children.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the datum point. Because they were dependent on the datum point,
ABAQUS/CAE also deletes the datum axis, the datum plane, and the lubrication hole.
Important: You cannot recover deleted features; however, you can temporarily remove a feature by suppressing it using the
Feature Manipulation toolset.

Note the following key point:

When you delete a feature from a part, ABAQUS/CAE also deletes any features that depend on the
feature being deleted. These dependent features are called children.

3.5 Creating the pin

The final assembly consists of instances of the two hinge pieces that are free to rotate about a pin. You
will model the pin as a three-dimensional, revolved analytical rigid surface. First you create the pin
and assign the rigid body reference point; then you constrain the pin by applying constraints to this
rigid body reference point.

3.5.1 Creating the pin

You use the Part module to create the pin--a three-dimensional, revolved analytical rigid surface.
To create the pin:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Create to create a new part.
The Create Part dialog box appears.
2. Name the part Pin. Choose a three-dimensional body as before, but change the type to Analytical
rigid and the base feature shape to Revolved shell.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3. Accept the approximate size of 0.2, and click Continue.

The Sketcher starts and displays the axis of revolution as a purple dashed line; your sketch cannot
cross this axis.

4. From the Sketcher toolbox, select the connected lines tool

axis running from (0.010, 0.030) to (0.010, -0.030).

. Sketch a line to the right of the

5. Dimension the horizontal distance from the line to the axis, and change the distance to 0.012.
When you modify the dimension, you must select the vertices at each end of the line to move. (Use
[Shift]+[Click] to select both vertices.) The sketch and the resulting shaded part are shown in
Figure 3-21.

Figure 3-21 Create the pin by revolving an analytical rigid surface about an axis.

6. Click mouse button 2 to exit the edit dimension value tool, and click mouse button 2 again to exit
the Sketcher.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the revolved, analytical rigid surface. Note that silhouette edges appear in
gray indicating the curved face of the pin.
Note the following key points:
When you create a part, you can create a deformable part, a discrete rigid surface, or an analytical
rigid surface. You cannot subsequently change the type of the part.
When you sketch the profile of an axisymmetric part, the axis of symmetry appears as a
construction line. Your sketch cannot cross the axis of symmetry.

3.5.2 Assigning the rigid body reference point

You need to assign a rigid body reference point to the pin. Because you will not assign mass or rotary
inertia to the pin, the rigid body reference point can be placed anywhere in the viewport. You use the
Load/BC/IC module to apply constraints to the reference point or to define its motion. Motion or
constraints that you apply to the rigid body reference point are applied to the entire rigid surface.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

You can either select the reference point from the part in the viewport, or you can enter its coordinates.
For the tutorial you will select the reference point from the viewport, as shown in Figure 3-22.

Figure 3-22 Create a rigid body reference point on the pin.

To assign the reference point:

1. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Reference Point.
2. From the buttons in the prompt area, select Select in viewport.
3. Select one of the vertices on the circumference of the pin.
ABAQUS/CAE labels the vertex Ref Pt to indicate that the reference point has been assigned to
Note the following key points:
When you create a rigid surface, you must assign a rigid body reference point to it.
You can click the part to select the reference point, or you can enter its coordinates.

3.6 Assembling the model

You use the Assembly module to create instances of your parts. A part instance can be thought of as a
representation of the original part; an instance is not a copy of a part. You can then position these part
instances in a global coordinate system to create the assembly.
An instance maintains its association with the original part. If the geometry of a part changes,
ABAQUS/CAE automatically updates all instances of the part to reflect these changes. You cannot edit
the geometry of a part instance directly. The assembly can contain multiple instances of a single part;
for example, a rivet that is used repeatedly in a sheet metal assembly.
When you create a part instance, ABAQUS/CAE positions it so that the origin of the sketch that
defined the base feature overlays the origin of the assembly's global coordinate system. In addition, the
sketch plane is aligned with the X-Y plane of the global coordinate system.
When you create the first part instance, the Assembly module displays a graphic indicating the origin
and the orientation of the global coordinate system. You can use this graphic to help you decide how to


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

position a selected instance relative to the global coordinate system. For the tutorial you will keep the
hinge with the lubrication hole fixed and move the second hinge and the pin relative to it.

3.6.1 Creating instances of your parts

First, you need to create the following instances:
An instance of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole-- Hinge-hole.
An instance of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole removed-- Hinge-solid.
An instance of the pin--Pin.
To create an instance of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Assembly to enter the Assembly module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Assembly module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Create.
The Create Instance dialog box appears containing a list of all the parts in the current model--the
two hinge pieces and the pin in this example.
3. In the dialog box, select Hinge-hole.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a temporary image of the selected part.
4. In the dialog box, click Apply.
ABAQUS/CAE creates an instance of the hinge piece and displays a graphic indicating the origin
and orientation of the global coordinate system. ABAQUS/CAE names the instance
Hinge-hole-1 to indicate that it is the first instance of a part called Hinge-hole.
Note: The default position of a part instance is such that the origin and the X- and Y-axes of the sketch of the base feature align
with the origin and the X- and Y-axes of the global coordinate system. For example, the base feature of the hinge piece is the
original cube you created. ABAQUS/CAE positions instances of the hinge piece so that the origin of the cube sketch is located
at the origin of the global coordinate system, and the X- and Y-axes align.

Note the following key points:

The assembly is created using instances of your parts.
When you create a part instance, the default position is based on the sketch of the base feature.
A graphic indicates the origin and the orientation of the global coordinate system in the Assembly

3.6.2 Creating an instance of the solid hinge piece

You will now create an instance of the solid hinge piece. To separate the solid hinge piece from the


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

instance of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole, you ask ABAQUS/CAE to offset the new
instance along the X-axis.
To create an instance of the solid hinge piece:
1. From the Create Instance dialog box, toggle on Auto-offset from other instances.
The auto-offset function prevents new part instances from overlapping existing instances.
2. From the Create Instance dialog box, select Hinge-solid and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE closes the dialog box, creates the new instance, and applies an offset along the
X-axis that separates the two hinges, as shown in Figure 3-23. (The datum geometry has been
removed from the shaded view for clarity by selecting View->Assembly Display

Figure 3-23 Create an instance of each hinge piece, and apply an offset to position them in the

Note the following key point:

When you create an instance, you can ask ABAQUS/CAE to offset the new instance along the
X-axis so that it does not overlap any existing instances.

3.6.3 Positioning the solid hinge piece

In addition to the simple translate and rotate procedures, the Assembly module provides a set of tools
that allow you to position a selected part instance by defining the relationship between selected faces
or edges. You can select a face (or an edge) of the instance to move, called the movable part instance,
and a face (or an edge) of the instance that remains fixed, called the fixed part instance, and choose one
of the following position constraints:


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Parallel Face
The movable instance moves until the two selected faces are parallel.
Face to Face
The movable instance moves until the two selected faces are parallel and a specified clearance
from each other.
Parallel Edge
The movable instance moves until the two selected edges are parallel.
Edge to Edge
The movable instance moves until the two selected edges are colinear or a specified distance
from each other.
The movable instance moves until the two selected faces are coaxial.
The movable instance moves in the direction of a selected vector until the two selected faces
come within a specified distance of each other.
ABAQUS/CAE stores position constraints as features of the assembly, and they can be edited, deleted,
and suppressed. In contrast, translations and rotations are not stored and do not appear in the list of
features. Although position constraints are stored as features, they have no knowledge of each other; as
a consequence, a new position constraint may override a previous position constraint.
In this example you will move the solid hinge piece while the hinge piece with the lubrication hole will
remain fixed. You will apply three types of position constraints to position the two hinge pieces
To position the solid hinge piece:
1. First, constrain the solid hinge piece so that the two flanges face each other. From the main menu
bar, select Constraint->Face to Face.
2. Select the face of the solid hinge piece shown in Figure 3-24.

Figure 3-24 Select a face on the movable part instance.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3. Select the face of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole shown in Figure 3-25.

Figure 3-25 Select a face on the fixed instance.

ABAQUS/CAE displays red arrows on each selected face; the movable instance will be positioned
so that the arrows point in the same direction. You can change the direction of the arrow on the
movable instance if necessary.
4. From the prompt area, click Flip to change the direction of the arrow. Click OK when the arrows
point toward each other.
5. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, type the clearance (0.04) that will remain between
the two parts, as measured along the normal to the selected face of the fixed part, and press
ABAQUS/CAE rotates the solid hinge piece so that the two selected faces are parallel to each
other and 0.04 meters apart, as shown in Figure 3-26.

Figure 3-26 Position 1: Constrain the flange of the solid hinge piece to face the flange of the


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

hinge piece with the lubrication hole.

The two pieces overlap because the position of the solid hinge piece is not fully determined by the
position constraint you have applied. You will need to apply two more position constraints to
obtain the desired position.
6. Next, align the two flange holes. From the main menu bar, select Constraint->Coaxial.
7. Select the flange hole on the solid hinge piece, as shown in Figure 3-27. (You may find it helpful
to display the wireframe view of the two pieces.)

Figure 3-27 Select a cylindrical face on the movable instance.

8. Select the flange hole on the hinge piece with the lubrication hole, as shown in Figure 3-28.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Figure 3-28 Select a cylindrical face on the fixed instance.

ABAQUS/CAE displays red arrows on each selected face.

9. From the prompt area, click Flip to change the direction of the arrow. Click OK when the arrow
points downward.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the two hinge pieces so that the two flange holes are coaxial.
10. Use the rotate tool
to look at the top view of the two pieces. Notice that the two flanges are
now overlapping, as shown in Figure 3-29.

Figure 3-29 Position 2: Constrain the two flange holes to lie along the same axis.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

11. Finally, add a constraint to eliminate the overlap between the two flanges. From the main menu
bar, select Constraint->Edge to Edge.
12. Select the straight edge on the solid hinge piece shown in Figure 3-30.

Figure 3-30 Select a straight edge on the movable instance.

13. Select the corresponding edge of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole, as shown in Figure

A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model


Figure 3-31 Select a straight edge on the fixed instance.

ABAQUS/CAE displays red arrows on each selected face.

14. From the prompt area, click Flip to change the direction of the arrow. Click OK when the arrows
point in the same direction.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the two hinge pieces so that the two selected edges are colinear, as
shown in Figure 3-32.

Figure 3-32 Final position: Constrain an edge of each hinge piece to lie along the same line.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Note the following key points:

You position part instances in the Assembly module using a sequence of constraint operations.
Constraint operations position one part instance relative to another.

3.6.4 Creating and positioning an instance of the pin

You will now create an instance of the pin and position it symmetrically in the flange holes using
constraints and translation vectors. To define the translation vector, you can select vertices from the
assembly or you can enter the coordinates. You can determine the translation vector using the Query
To position the pin:
1. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Create.
2. From the Create Instance dialog box, toggle off Auto-offset from other instances and create an
instance of the pin.
3. Constrain the pin to lie along the same axis as the two flange holes. Use the Constraint->Coaxial
menu as you did when you aligned the two flange holes in the previous section. (You can select
either of the flange holes as the cylindrical surface of the fixed instance.)
ABAQUS/CAE will position the pin as shown in Figure 3-33.

Figure 3-33 Align the pin to be coaxial with the two flange holes.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

4. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query.

The Query dialog box appears.
5. Select Distance from the list of General Queries, and click OK.
6. The Distance query allows you measure the X-, Y-, and Z-components of the vector connecting
two selected points. You need to determine the distance between the end of the pin and the hinge
containing the lubrication hole; the two points to select are illustrated in Figure 3-34.

Figure 3-34 Determining the position of the pin.

a. To define one end of the vector, select a point on the circumference of the hole in the
flange containing the lubrication hole.
b. To define the other end of the vector, select the vertex on the pin that is inside the hinge
containing the lubrication hole.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the vector distance between the two selected points along with
the X-, Y-, and Z-components of the vector in the message area. You will translate the pin
along the Z-axis; the Z-component of the distance is 0.01 meters. You want to position the
pin symmetrically between the hinges, so you will translate it 0.02 meters.
7. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Translate.

A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

8. Select the pin as the part instance to move.

9. ABAQUS/CAE warns you that translating this part may break the coaxial position constraint that
you have applied to it. Click Yes to continue, since translation in the Z-direction only will not
break the position constraint.
10. In the text boxes in the prompt area, enter a start point for the translation vector of 0,0,0 and an
end point of 0,0,0.02.
ABAQUS/CAE translates the pin a distance of 0.02 along the Z-axis and displays a temporary
image of the new position of the pin.
Note: If the position of a temporary image (colored red) is not correct, you can use the buttons in the prompt area to correct
the problem. Click either the cancel button (

) to cancel the procedure or the go back button (

) to step back though the


11. From the prompt area, click OK.

The finished assembly is shown in Figure 3-35.

Figure 3-35 Shaded view of the finished assembly.

3.7 Defining analysis steps

Before you apply loads or boundary conditions to the model or define contact within the model, you
must define the different steps in the analysis. Once the steps are created, you can specify in which
steps loads, boundary conditions, and interactions should be applied.
When you create a step, ABAQUS/CAE selects a default set of output variables corresponding to the
analysis procedure and selects a default rate at which the variables are written to the output database.
In this tutorial you will edit the default output frequency for the first step and edit the list of default
output variables for the second step.

3.7.1 Creating the analysis steps

The analysis that you perform on the hinge model will consist of an initial step and two general


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

analysis steps:
In the initial step you apply boundary conditions to regions of the model and define contact
between regions of the model.
In the first general analysis step you allow contact to become established.
In the second general analysis step you modify two of the boundary conditions applied to the
model and apply a pressure load to one of the hinge pieces.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the initial step by default, but you must create the two analysis steps.
To create the analysis steps:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Step to enter the Step module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Step module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Step->Manager.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Step Manager. The initial step created by default is listed in this
dialog box.
3. From the lower-left corner of the Step Manager, click Create.
The Create Step dialog box appears.
4. In the Create Step dialog box:
a. Name the step Contact.
b. Accept the default procedure type (Static, General), and click Continue.
The step editor appears.
5. In the Description field, type Establish contact.
6. Click the Incrementation tab, and delete the value of 1 that appears in the Initial text field. Type a
value of 0.1 for the initial increment size.
7. Click OK to create the step and to exit the editor.
The Contact step appears in the Step Manager.
8. Use the same technique to create a second general, static step named Load. Enter Apply load
in the description field and an initial increment size of 0.1.
The Load step appears in the Step Manager.
9. Click Dismiss to close the manager.
Note the following key points:


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

ABAQUS/CAE creates the initial step by default.

You create analysis steps yourself and use the step editor to control the time incrementation during
the step.
Managers are available throughout ABAQUS/CAE. You use managers to display a list of the
entities you have defined--steps in the above example--and to help you perform repeated

3.7.2 Requesting output

You use the Field output tabbed page in the Output Database Request Manager to request output
of variables that should be written at relatively low frequencies to the output database from the entire
model or from a large portion of the model. Field output is used to generate deformed shape plots,
contour plots, and animations from your analysis results. ABAQUS/CAE writes every component of
the variables to the output database at the selected frequency.
You use the History output tabbed page in the Output Database Request Manager to request output
of variables that should be written to the output database at a high frequency from a small portion of
the model; for example, the displacement of a single node. History output is used to generate X-Y plots
and data reports from your analysis results. When you create a history output request, you must select
the individual components of the variables that will be written to the output database.
The default field output variables for the Contact and Load steps include the following:
S (Stress components)
E (Total strain components)
PE (Plastic strain components)
PEEQ (Equivalent plastic strain)
PEMAG (Plastic strain magnitude)
U (Translations and rotations)
RF (Reaction forces and moments)
CF (Concentrated forces and moments)
CSTRESS (Contact stresses)
CDISP (Contact displacements)
By default, ABAQUS/CAE writes the default field output variables from a static, general procedure to
the output database after every increment of a step. In the following procedure you will delete the
request for CDISP during the Load step, since it is not needed for postprocessing. In addition, you will
change the output frequency during the Contact step so that data are written to the output database
once--at the last increment of the step.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

To edit an output request and to specify the output frequency during the Load step:
1. From the main menu bar, select Output->Output Database.
The Output Database Request Manager dialog box appears. A list of the steps that you have
created appears in the left panel of the dialog box. A list of the default output variables appears in
the two tabbed pages labeled Field output and History output on the right side of the dialog box.
2. In the left panel of the dialog box, select the Load step. From the buttons at the bottom of the
Output Database Request Manager , click Edit.
The field output editor appears for the Load step.
3. From the list of output categories, click the arrow to the left of Contact.
A list of the contact output variables available appears along with a description of each.
4. Click the check box next to CDISP to deselect this variable for output.
The check box next to Contact changes to half-highlighted to indicate that not all variables in this
category will be output.
5. Accept the default selections in the bottom half of the field output editor:
Generate output at default section points.
Save output at every increment.
Generate output for the whole model.

Click OK to create the output request.

7. From the Output Database Request Manager , select the Contact step and click Edit.
The field output editor appears for the Contact step.
8. Near the bottom of the editor, toggle on The last increment to generate output only during the last
increment of the step.

Click OK to create the output request.

10. At the bottom of the Output Database Request Manager , click Dismiss to close the dialog box.
Note the following key points:
During the analysis, ABAQUS/CAE writes the results to the output database.
You use the Field output tabbed page of the Output Database Request Manager to request
output of field variables to the output database, and you use the History output page to request
output of history variables.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

ABAQUS/CAE creates a default output request when you create a step. You can edit this default,
and you can create new output requests.

3.7.3 Selecting a degree of freedom to monitor

You can define particular element or node sets that contain only selected portions of your model. Once
you create a set, you can use it to perform the following tasks:
Assign section properties in the Property module.
Create contact pairs with contact node sets and surfaces in the Interaction module.
Define loads and boundary conditions in the Load/BC/IC module.
Request output to either the output database or the status file from specific regions of the model in
the Step module. Output to the status file is also reported back to the Job module in the form of a
continuously updated X-Y plot.
Display results for specific regions of the model in the Visualization module.
In this example you will define a node set consisting of a single node. You will then be able to monitor
the results for one degree of freedom at that node when you submit your job for analysis later in this
To create a node set and monitor a particular degree of freedom:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Set->Create.
The Create Set dialog box appears.
2. Name the node set Monitor, and click Continue.
3. Select the vertex of the solid hinge piece shown in Figure 3-36.

Figure 3-36 Monitor a degree of freedom on the solid hinge piece.

4. Click Done to indicate that you have finished selecting the geometry for the set.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

ABAQUS/CAE creates a node set with the name Monitor that contains the node at the vertex
you selected.
5. From the main menu bar, select Output->DOF Monitor.
The DOF Monitor dialog box appears.
6. Toggle on Monitor a degree of freedom throughout the analysis.
The node set Monitor that you just created is selected in the Point region text field.
7. Type 1 in the Degree of freedom text field, and click OK.
Note the following key points:
Sets can be defined throughout the modeling process.
The progress of a job can be monitored through a particular degree of freedom.

3.8 Creating surfaces to use in contact interactions

Now you will use the Interaction module to define contact between regions of the model. The first step
is to create the surfaces that you will include later in interactions.
It is not always necessary to create your surfaces in advance; if the model is simple or the surfaces easy
to select, you can indicate the master and slave surfaces directly in the viewport as you create the
interactions. However, in this tutorial it is easier to define the surfaces separately and then refer to the
names of those surfaces when you create the interactions. You will use the Surface toolset in the
Interaction module to define the following surfaces:
A surface named Pin that includes the outside surface of the pin.
Two surfaces named Flange-h and Flange-s that include the two flange faces that contact
each other.
Two surfaces named Inside-h and Inside-s that include the inside surfaces of the flanges
that contact the pin.

3.8.1 Defining a surface on the pin

In this section you will define the outside surface of the pin.
To define a surface on the pin:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Interaction to enter the Interaction module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Interaction module loads.
2. You will find it helpful to display only one part at a time while you select the surfaces to be


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

a. From the main menu bar, select View->Assembly Display Options.

The Assembly Display Options dialog box appears.
b. Click the Instance tab.
The part instances that you have created are listed with check marks in the Visible
column. All the part instances are visible by default.
c. Click in the Visible column next to Hinge-hole-1 and Hinge-solid-1, and click
The hinge pieces disappear from the view.
3. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Surface->Manager.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Surface Manager.
4. From the lower-left corner of the Surface Manager, click Create.
The Create Surface dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box, name the surface Pin, accept the default Geometry type, and click Continue.
6. In the viewport, select the pin.
7. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to indicate that you have finished selecting regions for the
Arrows appear in the viewport indicating the two sides of the hollow cylinder representing the pin,
as shown in Figure 3-37.

Figure 3-37 Select the region to be defined as the surface Pin.

The magenta arrow indicates the outer surface of the pin, and the yellow arrow indicates the inner
surface of the pin. The outer surface contacts the two hinges and is the desired choice.
8. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Magenta to choose the outer surface.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the desired surface called Pin and displays it in the Surface Manager.
Note the following key points:


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Click the Instance tab in the Assembly Display Options dialog box to make part instances
visible or invisible.
When you create and name a surface, you can select the surface by name in subsequent operations,
such as defining contact.
When you create a surface on a shell-type structure, you must select which side of the surface is of

3.8.2 Defining the surfaces on the hinge pieces

In this section you will define the surfaces on the hinge pieces needed to define contact between the
two hinge pieces and between the hinge pieces and the pin.
To define the surfaces on the hinge pieces:
1. From the Assembly Display Options dialog box, change the visibility settings so that only
Hinge-hole-1 is visible.
ABAQUS/CAE displays only the hinge piece with the lubrication hole in the viewport.
2. From the Surface Manager, click Create.
The Create Surface dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box, name the surface Flange-h, accept the default Geometry type, and click
4. On the instance with the lubrication hole, select the face of the flange that contacts the other
flange, as shown by the gridded face in Figure 3-38. (You may need to rotate the view to see this
face clearly.)

Figure 3-38 Select the region to be defined as the surface Flange-h.

5. When you have selected the desired face, click mouse button 2 to confirm your selection.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the desired surface called Flange-h and displays it in the Surface


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model


6. Create a surface called Inside-h that includes the cylindrical inner surface of the hinge piece
with the lubrication hole, as shown in Figure 3-39. (You may need to zoom in on the view to select
this face.)

Figure 3-39 Select the region to be defined as the surface Inside-h.

7. Change the visibility settings so that only Hinge-solid-1 is visible.

8. Use similar techniques to create a surface called Flange-s that contains the corresponding face
of the solid hinge piece's flange.
9. Finally, create a surface called Inside-s that includes the cylindrical inner surface of the solid
hinge piece.
10. From the Surface Manager, click Dismiss to close the manager.
11. Leave the Assembly Display Options dialog box open so that you can continue to display the
part instances as you need them for the rest of the tutorial.
Note the following key point:
The surfaces you define are displayed in the Surface Manager.

3.9 Defining contact between regions of the model

Interactions are objects that you create to model mechanical relationships between surfaces that are in
contact or closely spaced. Mere physical proximity of two surfaces on an assembly is not enough to
indicate any type of interaction between the surfaces.
You will use the Interaction module to define the following interactions:
An interaction called HingePin-hole that defines the contact between the part instance
Hinge-hole-1 and the pin.

A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

An interaction called HingePin-solid that defines the contact between the part instance
Hinge-solid-1 and the pin.
An interaction called Flanges that defines the contact between the two flanges.
Each of these interactions requires a reference to an interaction property. Interaction properties are
collections of information that help you to define certain types of interactions. You will create a
mechanical interaction property that describes the tangential and normal behavior between all surfaces
as frictionless. You will name this property NoFric and use it in all three of the interactions.

3.9.1 Creating an interaction property

In this procedure you will create a mechanical contact interaction property.
To create the interaction property:
1. From the main menu bar, select Property->Create.
The Create Interaction Property dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Interaction Property dialog box:
a. Name the property NoFric.
b. In the Type list, accept Contact as the default selection.
c. Click Continue.
The Edit Contact Property dialog box appears.
3. From the dialog box's menu bar, select Mechanical->Tangential Behavior and accept
Frictionless for the friction formulation.
4. Click OK to save your settings and to close the Edit Contact Property dialog box.

3.9.2 Creating the interactions

In this section you will create three mechanical surface-to-surface contact interactions. Each
interaction will refer to the interaction property that you just created.
To create the interactions:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Manager.
The Interaction Manager appears.
2. From the lower-left corner of the Interaction Manager, click Create.
The Create Interaction dialog box appears.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3. In the dialog box:

a. Name the interaction HingePin-hole.
b. Select Initial from the list of steps.
c. In the Types for Selected Step list, accept the default selection of Surface-to-surface
contact (Standard).
d. Click Continue.
4. On the far right side of the prompt area, click the Surfaces button.
The Region Selection dialog box appears containing a list of the surfaces that you defined
5. In the Region Selection dialog box, select Pin as the master surface, and click Continue.
6. From the buttons in the prompt area, select Surface as the slave type.
7. In the Region Selection dialog box, select Inside-h as the slave surface, and click Continue.
The Edit Interaction dialog box appears.
8. In the dialog box:
a. Accept the default Sliding formulation selection of Finite sliding.
b. Accept the default Slave Node Adjustment selection of Do not adjust slave nodes .
c. Accept NoFric as the interaction property. (If more properties were defined, you could
click the arrow next to the Interaction property field to see the list of available properties
and select the property of your choice.)
d. Click OK to save the interaction and to close the dialog box.
The interaction that you created appears in the Interaction Manager.
9. Use the same techniques explained in the previous steps to create a similar interaction called
HingePin-solid. Use Pin as the master surface, Inside-s as the slave surface, and
NoFric as the interaction property.
10. Create a similar interaction called Flanges. Use Flange-h as the master surface, Flange-s
as the slave surface, and NoFric as the interaction property.
11. From the Interaction Manager, click Dismiss to close the manager.
Note the following key points:
Interactions are step dependent. In this tutorial all interactions are associated with the initial step.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

You must select a master surface and a slave surface when creating an interaction.
You can select master and slave surfaces either by selecting previously created surfaces from a list
or by selecting surfaces directly from the viewport.

3.10 Applying boundary conditions and loads to the assembly

You will use the Load/BC/IC module to apply the following boundary conditions and load to the hinge
A boundary condition called Fixed that constrains all degrees of freedom at the end of the hinge
piece with the lubrication hole, as shown in Figure 3-40.

Figure 3-40 One end of the hinge is constrained.

A boundary condition called NoSlip that constrains all degrees of freedom of the pin while
contact is established during the first analysis step. You will modify this boundary condition in the
second analysis step (the step in which the load is applied) so that degrees of freedom 1 and 5 are
unconstrained. Figure 3-41 illustrates this boundary condition applied at the reference point.

Figure 3-41 The pin is constrained.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

A boundary condition called Constrain that constrains all degrees of freedom of a point on the
solid hinge piece during the first analysis step. You will modify this boundary condition in the
second analysis step so that degree of freedom 1 is unconstrained when the load is applied.
A load called Pressure that you apply to the end of the solid hinge piece during the second
analysis step. Figure 3-42 illustrates the constraint and the pressure load applied to the solid

Figure 3-42 The second hinge is constrained and loaded.

3.10.1 Constraining the hinge piece with the lubrication hole

You will apply a boundary condition to the face at the end of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole
to fix the hinge piece in place during the analysis.
To constrain the hinge piece with the lubrication hole:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Load/BC/IC to enter the Load/BC/IC module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Load/BC/IC module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select BC->Manager.
The Boundary Condition Manager dialog box appears.
3. In the Boundary Condition Manager, click Create.
The Create Boundary Condition dialog box appears.
4. In the Create Boundary Condition dialog box:
a. Name the boundary condition Fixed.
b. Accept Initial from the list of steps.
c. Accept Mechanical as the default Category selection and Displacement/Rotation as the
default Type for Selected Step selection.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

d. Click Continue.
The Region Selection dialog box appears.
e. From the right side of the prompt area, click Select in Viewport to select the object
directly from the viewport.
The Region Selection dialog box closes.
5. Select the gridded face shown in Figure 3-43 as the region where the boundary condition will be

Figure 3-43 Apply a boundary condition to the end of the hinge piece with the lubrication hole.

By default, ABAQUS/CAE selects only objects that are closest to the front of the screen, and you
cannot select the desired face unless you rotate the hinge. However, you can use the selection
options to change this behavior.
a. From the prompt area, click the selection options tool

b. From the Options dialog box that appears, toggle off the closest object tool

c. Click over the desired face.

ABAQUS/CAE displays Next, Previous, and OK buttons in the prompt area.
d. Click Next and Previous until the desired face is highlighted.
e. Click OK to confirm your choice.
6. Click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting regions.
The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box appears. The selection options return to the default
setting of selecting only objects that are closest to the front of the screen.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

7. In the dialog box:

a. Toggle on the buttons labeled U1, U2, and U3 to constrain the end of the hinge in the 1-,
2-, and 3-directions. You do not need to constrain the rotational degrees of freedom of the
hinge because solid elements (which have only translational degrees of freedom) will be
used to mesh the hinge.
b. Click OK to close the dialog box.
The boundary condition that you just created appears in the Boundary Condition Manager, and
arrows appear on the nodes of the face indicating the constrained degrees of freedom. The
Boundary Condition Manager shows that the boundary condition remains active in all steps of
the analysis.
Tip: You can suppress the display of boundary condition arrows in the same way that you
suppress the visibility of part instances. Click the BC tab in the Assembly Display Options
dialog box to see the boundary condition display options.
Note the following key points:
Like interactions, boundary conditions are step-dependent and can change from one step to
The boundary condition editor allows you to constrain selected degrees of freedom.

3.10.2 Constraining the pin

In the first general step of the analysis you will establish contact between the two hinge pieces and
between the hinge pieces and the pin. To fix the pin during this step, you must apply a boundary
condition to the pin that constrains all its degrees of freedom.
To apply a boundary condition to the pin:
1. In the Boundary Condition Manager, click Create.
The Create Boundary Condition dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Boundary Condition dialog box:
a. Name the boundary condition NoSlip.
b. Accept Initial in the Step text field.
c. Accept Mechanical as the default Category selection and Displacement/Rotation as the
default Type for Selected Step selection.
d. Click Continue.
3. In the viewport, select the rigid body reference point on the pin as the region where the boundary


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

condition will be applied.

The vertex at the same location as the reference point is closest to the screen, and ABAQUS/CAE
always selects it over the rigid body reference point. From the Options dialog box, toggle off the
. Now ABAQUS/CAE cannot choose between the vertex and the
closest object tool
reference point, and you must click the Next and Previous buttons until ABAQUS/CAE selects
the reference point. The text string in the viewport displays Highlighting Pin-1 Ref
Point when you have selected the reference point.
4. Click OK to confirm your choice.
5. Click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting regions.
The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box appears.
6. In the dialog box:
a. Toggle on all the buttons to constrain all the degrees of freedom of the pin.
b. Click OK.
The new boundary condition appears in the Boundary Condition Manager.
Note the following key points:
To constrain a rigid surface, you must apply constraints to the reference point.
The selection options help to make selection of regions easier.

3.10.3 Modifying the boundary condition applied to the pin

Objects that you can create and modify in certain steps--such as boundary conditions, loads, and
interactions--have special managers that allow you to modify objects and change their status in
different analysis steps.
In this section you will use the boundary condition manager to modify the boundary condition
NoSlip so that translation in the 1-direction and rotation about the 2-axis are unconstrained during
the loading step.
Currently the Boundary Condition Manager displays the names of the two boundary conditions that
you have created as well as their status in each step: both boundary conditions are Created in the
initial step and Propagated through the following analysis steps.
To modify a boundary condition:
1. In the Boundary Condition Manager, click the cell labeled Propagated that lies in the row
labeled NoSlip and in the column labeled Load, as shown in Figure 3-44.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Figure 3-44 Select boundary conditions to edit in the Boundary Condition Manager.

That cell becomes highlighted.

2. On the right side of the manager, click Edit to indicate that you want to edit the NoSlip boundary
condition in the Load step.
The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box appears, and ABAQUS/CAE displays a set of arrows
on the model indicating where the boundary condition is applied and which degrees of freedom are
3. In the editor, toggle off the buttons labeled U1 and UR2 so that the pin is allowed to translate in
the 1-direction and rotate about the 2-axis. Click OK to close the dialog box.
In the Boundary Condition Manager, the status of the NoSlip boundary condition in the Load
step changes to Modified.
Note the following key points:
By default, ABAQUS/CAE propagates a boundary condition to all subsequent steps.
You can use the Boundary Condition Manager to delete or modify a boundary condition within a

3.10.4 Constraining the solid hinge piece

In the first analysis step, in which contact is established, you will constrain a single node of the solid
hinge piece in all directions. These constraints, along with contact with the pin, are enough to prevent
rigid body motion of the solid piece. In the second analysis step, in which the load is applied to the
model, you will remove the constraint in the 1-direction.
To constrain the solid hinge piece:
1. Create a boundary condition in the Initial step, and call it Constrain.
2. Apply the boundary condition to the vertex selected from the solid hinge piece, as shown in Figure

Figure 3-45 Apply a boundary condition to a vertex of the solid hinge piece.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

3. Constrain the vertex in the 1-, 2-, and 3-directions.

4. In the Load step, modify the boundary condition so that the hinge is unconstrained in the
5. When you have finished creating boundary conditions, click Dismiss to close the Boundary
Condition Manager.

3.10.5 Applying a load to the solid hinge

Next, you apply a pressure load to the face at the end of the solid hinge. You apply the load in the
1-direction during the second analysis step.
To apply a load to the solid hinge:
1. From the main menu bar, select Load->Create.
The Create Load dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Load dialog box:
a. Name the load Pressure.
b. Accept Load as the default selection in the Step text field.
c. From the Category list, accept Mechanical as the default selection.
d. From the Type for Selected Step list, select Pressure.
e. Click Continue.
3. In the viewport, select the face at the end of the solid hinge piece as the surface to which the load
will be applied, as shown by the gridded surface in Figure 3-46.

Figure 3-46 Apply a load to the solid hinge piece.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

4. Click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting regions.
The Edit Load dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box, enter a magnitude of -1.E6 for the load, and click OK.
Arrows appear on the nodes of the face indicating the applied load.
Note the following key point:
You can create different types of loads, and you can select the region of the model to which a load
is applied.

3.11 Meshing the assembly

Meshing the assembly is divided into the following operations:
Making sure the assembly can be meshed and creating additional partitions where necessary.
Assigning mesh attributes to the part instances.
Seeding the part instances.
Meshing the assembly.

3.11.1 Deciding what needs to be partitioned

When you enter the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE color codes regions of the model according to the
methods it will use to generate a mesh:
Green indicates that a region can be meshed using structured methods.
Yellow indicates that a region can be meshed using sweep methods.
Orange indicates that a region cannot be meshed using the default element shape assignment
(hexahedral) and must be partitioned further. (Alternatively, you can mesh any model by assigning
tetrahedral elements to the model and using the free meshing technique.)


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

For the tutorial ABAQUS/CAE indicates that the hinges need to be partitioned to be meshed using
hexahedral-shaped elements. Specifically, areas surrounding the hole in the flange and the lubrication
hole must be partitioned. The partitioned hinges are shown in Figure 3-47.

Figure 3-47 The partitioned hinges.

Use the following techniques to help you select faces and vertices during the partitioning process:
Use a combination of the view manipulation tools, the display option tools in the toolbar, and the
tools in the Views toolbox to resize and reposition the model as necessary. (The Views toolbox
appears when you select

from the main menu bar.)

From the prompt area, click the selection options tool

and toggle off the closest object tool

to cycle through the possible selections using the Next and Previous buttons in the prompt
You will probably find the magnification tool

and the rotation tool

especially useful.

When necessary, click the Iso tool in the Views toolbox to return the model to its original size and
position in the viewport.
Select View->Assembly Display Options->Instance to suppress the visibility of part instances
and boundary condition or load symbols that you do not need to see in the viewport.
To decide what needs to be partitioned:
1. Use the Assembly Display Options dialog box to display all three part instances.
2. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Mesh to enter the Mesh module.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

ABAQUS/CAE displays the two hinge pieces in orange, which indicates that they need to be
partitioned to be meshed using hexahedral elements, as shown in Figure 3-48.

Figure 3-48 The unpartitioned model cannot be meshed.

ABAQUS/CAE also displays the pin in orange because it is an analytical rigid surface and cannot
be meshed.
3. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition to partition the two hinge pieces.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Partition dialog box.
4. From the Create Partition dialog box, choose the Cell partition type. Select the Extend face
method, and click Apply.
5. Select the solid hinge piece as the cell to partition and click Done to indicate you have finished
selecting cells.
6. Select the face to extend, as shown by the gridded face in Figure 3-49. Toggle off the closest
object tool

to make the desired face selectable.

Figure 3-49 Select a face of the solid hinge piece to extend to create a partition.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

7. From the prompt area, click Create Partition.

ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition, as shown in Figure 3-50.

Figure 3-50 Partition the solid hinge piece.

Tip: If the partition is not located correctly, select Feature->Delete from the main menu bar
and select the partition to delete.
ABAQUS/CAE colors the cube portion of the solid hinge piece green to indicate that it can be
meshed using the structured meshing technique; it colors the flange of the solid hinge piece yellow
to indicate that it can be meshed using a swept mesh.
8. Use a similar method to that described in the previous steps to create a partition between the cube
and the flange of the other hinge piece.
Again the cube turns green to indicate that it can be meshed using structured meshing, but the
flange containing the lubrication hole remains orange, indicating that you need to perform
additional partitioning to mesh this flange.
Note the following key points:
ABAQUS/CAE color codes the model to indicate how a region will be meshed. Green indicates
that a region can be meshed with structured methods, yellow indicates that a region can be meshed
with sweep methods, and orange indicates that a region cannot be meshed.
You can partition the parts of your model into regions to create a model that can be meshed.

3.11.2 Partitioning the flanges

For ABAQUS/CAE to mesh the flange with the lubrication hole, it must be partitioned into the regions
shown in Figure 3-51.

Figure 3-51 Shaded view of the partitioned flange.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

To partition the flanges:

1. From the Create Partition dialog box, select the Define cutting plane method, and click Apply.
2. Select the two flanges. Select the first flange and [Shift]+[Click] the second flange to append it to
your selection. Click Done to indicate you have finished selecting cells.
ABAQUS/CAE provides three methods for specifying the cutting plane:
Select a point and a normal. The cutting plane passes through the selected point, normal to the
selected edge.
Select three non-colinear points. The cutting plane passes through each point.
Select an edge and a point along the edge. The cutting plane passes through the selected point,
normal to the selected edge.
The cutting plane need not be defined in the cell being partitioned. The plane extends infinitely
and partitions the selected cell anywhere there is an intersection.
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, select 3 points.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights points that you can select.
4. Select three points that cut the flanges in half with a vertical partition, as shown in Figure 3-52.

Figure 3-52 Select three points to use in partitioning the flanges.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Tip: You may find it easier to select the desired points if you magnify, rotate, and pan the
model to obtain a more convenient view.
5. From the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the desired partitions.
6. You have now partitioned each of the flanges into two regions; you need to create a partition that
cuts the resulting four regions in half horizontally, as shown in Figure 3-53. Use the Define
cutting plane method to create the desired partitions. Remember that since the cutting plane
extends infinitely, points that define it need not be on the cells being partitioned; for example, you
can select midpoints of edges around the cube to define the cutting plane through the four regions.
The plane extends infinitely and partitions the selected regions anywhere an intersection occurs.

Figure 3-53 Divide the flanges further with partitions.

7. ABAQUS/CAE colors the region containing the lubrication hole orange to indicate that it still
cannot be meshed. Use the Define cutting plane method to partition the four regions in the flange
containing the lubrication hole, as shown in Figure 3-54.

Figure 3-54 Partition the flange containing the lubrication hole.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

The model with all the partitions is shown in Figure 3-55.

Figure 3-55 The partitioned model.

The coloring of the model indicates that it can now be meshed completely.
8. From the prompt area, click Done to indicate that you have finished partitioning cells.
9. From the Create Partition dialog box, click Cancel.
Note the following key point:
You use the Partition toolset to divide the model into regions that ABAQUS/CAE can mesh.

3.11.3 Assigning mesh controls

In this section you will use the Mesh Controls dialog box to examine the techniques that
ABAQUS/CAE will use to mesh the model and the shape of the elements that ABAQUS/CAE will


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

To assign the mesh controls:

1. You cannot mesh an analytical rigid surface. As a result you cannot apply mesh controls to an
analytical rigid surface; neither can you seed it or assign an element type to it. To simplify the
meshing procedure, you should use the Assembly Display Options to display only the the two
hinge pieces. The pin, which is an analytical rigid surface, will not be selected in the following
2. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
3. Drag a square around the model to select the two hinge parts and click Done to indicate your
selection is complete.
The two hinge pieces appear red in the viewport to indicate that you have selected them, and
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Mesh Controls dialog box.
4. In the dialog box, accept Hex as the default Element Shape selection.
5. Accept Structured as the meshing technique that ABAQUS/CAE will apply.
6. Click OK to assign the mesh controls and to close the dialog box.
7. Click Done in the prompt area.
Note the following key point:
You can select the meshing techniques that ABAQUS/CAE will apply to your model.

3.11.4 Assigning the ABAQUS element type

In this section you will use the Element Type dialog box to examine the element types that are
assigned to the model.
To assign an ABAQUS element type:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Element Type.
2. Select the two hinge pieces using the same technique described in the mesh controls procedure,
and click Done to indicate your selection is complete.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Element Type dialog box.
3. In the dialog box, accept Standard as the Element Library selection.
4. Accept Linear as the Geometric Order selection.
5. Accept 3D Stress as the default Family of elements.
6. Click the Hex tab, and select Reduced Integration as the Element Controls method if it is not


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

already selected.
A description of the default element type, C3D8R, appears at the bottom of the dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE will now associate C3D8R elements with the elements in the mesh.
7. Click OK to assign the element type and to close the dialog box.
8. Click Done in the prompt area.
Note the following key point:
ABAQUS/CAE assigns a default ABAQUS element type to the model; you can accept the default
element type or choose to assign other element types to different regions of the model.

3.11.5 Seeding the part instances

The next step of the meshing process is to seed each of the part instances. Seeds represent the
approximate locations of nodes and indicate the target density of the mesh you would like to generate.
You can select seeding based on the number of elements to generate along an edge or the average
element size, or you can bias seed distribution toward one end of an edge. For the tutorial you will seed
the entire assembly so that the hinge pieces have an average element size of 0.004.
To seed the part instances:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Instance.
2. Select the two hinge pieces using the same technique described in the mesh controls procedure,
and click Done to indicate your selection is complete.
3. In the text box in the prompt area, type an approximate global element size of 0.004, and press
Seeds appear on all the edges. You are now ready to mesh the assembly.
4. Click Done in the prompt area.
Note the following key point:
Seeds represent the approximate locations of nodes and indicate the target density of the mesh that
you would like to generate.

3.11.6 Meshing the assembly

In this section you will mesh the model.
To mesh the assembly:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Instance.
ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the part instances to mesh.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

2. Select the two hinge pieces using the same techniques described in the mesh controls procedure,
and click Done to indicate your selection is complete.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while ABAQUS/CAE meshes the assembly. The final mesh is
illustrated in Figure 3-56.

Figure 3-56 Final view of the meshed model.


Click Done in the prompt area.

3.12 Creating and submitting a job

Now that you have configured your analysis, move to the Job module to create a job that is associated
with your model and to submit the job for analysis.
To create and submit an analysis job:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Job to enter the Job module.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Job module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Job->Create to create the job.
The Create Job dialog box appears.
3. Name the job PullHinge, and click Continue.
The job editor appears.
4. In the Description field, type Hinge tutorial.
Click the tabs to see the contents of the job editor, and review the default settings. Click OK to
accept all the default job settings.
5. Select Job->Manager to start the Job Manager.
The Job Manager dialog box appears and displays a list of your jobs, the model associated with
each job, the type of analysis, and the status of the job.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

6. From the buttons on the right edge of the Job Manager, click Submit to submit your job for
The job can take anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes, depending on your system.

Click the Monitor button on the right edge of the Job Manager to monitor the analysis as it
A dialog box appears with the name of your job in the title bar and a status chart for the analysis.
Messages appear in the lower panel of the dialog box as the job progresses. Click the Errors and
Warnings tabs to check for problems in the analysis.
Once the analysis is underway, an X-Y plot of the values of the degree of freedom that you selected
to monitor earlier in the tutorial appears in a separate window in the viewport. (You may need to
scroll to the right to see it.) You can follow the progression of the node's displacement over time in
the 1-direction as the analysis runs.

8. When the job completes successfully, the text in the Status field of the Job Manager changes to
Completed. You are now ready to view the results of the analysis with the Visualization module.
From the buttons on the right edge of the Job Manager, click Results.
ABAQUS/CAE loads the Visualization module, opens the output database created by the job, and
displays a plot of the model.
Note: You can also enter the Visualization module by clicking Visualization in the Module list located under the toolbar.
However, in this case ABAQUS/CAE requires you to open the output database explicitly using the File menu.

Note the following key points:

When you create and name a job, ABAQUS/CAE uses the same name for the input file it
generates. Consequently, all files associated with the analysis (for example, the output database,
the message file, and the status file) use the same name.
Use the Job Manager to monitor the status of your job. You can also view the progression of a
degree of freedom over the course of an analysis that you have chosen to monitor before
submitting the job.

3.13 Viewing the results of your analysis

You will view the results of your analysis by drawing a contour plot of the deformed model. You will
then use display groups to display one of the hinge pieces; by displaying just a portion of the model
you can view results that are not visible when you display the whole model.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a fast plot of the model when you enter the Visualization module. A fast plot
is a basic representation of the undeformed model that indicates that you have opened the desired
output database. The fast plot mode does not display results and cannot be customized.

3.13.1 Displaying and customizing a contour plot


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

In this section you will display a contour plot of the model and adjust the deformation scale factor.
To display a contour plot of the model:
1. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Contours.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a contour plot of von Mises stress superimposed on the deformed shape
of the model at the end of the last increment of the loading step, as indicated by the following text
in the state block:
Step: Load : Apply load


6: Step Time =


By default, all surfaces with no results (in this case, the pin) are displayed in white.
The deformation is exaggerated because of the default deformation scale factor that
ABAQUS/CAE selects.
2. To remove the white surfaces from the display, do the following:
a. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Create.
The Create Display Group dialog box appears.
b. In the ODB Item options list, select Surfaces. In the Selection Method options list,
select All surfaces.
c. At the bottom of the Create Display Group dialog box, click Remove.
The white surfaces disappear from the view.
d. Click Dismiss to close the dialog box.
3. To reduce the deformation scale factor, do the following:
a. From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour.
b. From the Contour Plot Options dialog box that appears, click the Shape tab.
c. From the Deformation Scale Factor options, choose Uniform.
d. In the Value text field, type a value of 100, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the contour plot with a deformation scale factor of 100, as shown
in Figure 3-57.

Figure 3-57 Contour plot of von Mises stress with a reduced deformation scale factor.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

4. Use the view manipulation tools to examine the deformed model. Note where the pin appears to be
exerting the most pressure against the insides of the flanges. Also note how the two flanges have
twisted away from each other.
5. By default, the contour plot displays the von Mises stresses in the model. You can view other
variables by selecting Result->Field Output.
The Field Output dialog box appears.
6. Click the Primary Variable tab of the Field Output dialog box, and select S11 from the list of
Component options. Click Apply to see a contour plot of the stresses in the 1-direction.
7. From the Invariant option list, select Max. Principal, and click Apply to see the maximum
principal stresses on the model.
8. Select any other variables of interest from the Field Output dialog box.
9. From the Invariant option list, select Mises and click Apply to display the von Mises stresses
Note the following key points:
When you first open an output database, ABAQUS/CAE displays a fast plot of the model. You
cannot customize a fast plot.
For all other plot modes--undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol--you use the associated options
to control the appearance of the plot in each mode. In general, changing an option in one mode
does not affect the appearance of the plot in the other modes.

3.13.2 Using display groups

You will now create a display group that includes only the element sets that make up the hinge piece
that includes the lubrication hole. By removing all other element sets from the display, you will be able
to view results for the surface of the flange that contacts the other hinge.
To create the display group:


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Create.

The Create Display Group dialog box appears.
2. In the ODB Item options list, select Elements. In the Selection Method options list, accept the
default selection of Element sets.
The right side of the dialog box displays all the element sets in the model. ABAQUS/CAE creates
a number of sets automatically. Some of the sets are named according to the following convention:
ASSEMBLY__part instance name_label__setname. Part instance name consists of the name you
gave to the part when you created it, plus an instance number that ABAQUS/CAE assigns. Label is
G for geometry set, E for elements picked in the viewport, or N for nodes picked in the viewport.
Finally, setname is either a name assigned to the set by ABAQUS/CAE or a set name given by
you. The sets created by ABAQUS/CAE are geometry sets.
3. Select the element set created by ABAQUS/CAE for the Hinge-hole-1 part.
4. At the bottom of the Create Display Group dialog box, click Replace.
The contour plot of the entire model is replaced by a plot of only the selected hinge piece, as
shown in Figure 3-58.

Figure 3-58 Use display groups to view a contour plot of the von Mises stress in the hinge piece
with the lubrication hole.

5. Use the view manipulation tools to view the hinge at different angles. You can now see results for
surfaces on the hinge that were hidden by the solid hinge.
6. Click the Primary Variable tab of the Field Output dialog box, select CPRESS for the
INSIDE-H/PIN contact pair in the Output Variable options list, and click Apply. You may need
to widen the Name column to see the entire contact pair name. Do this by dragging the dividing
line between the Name and Description column headings.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a contour plot of the contact pressures in the flange hole.


A tutorial: Using additional techniques to create and analyze a model

Note the following key points:

You use display groups to display selected regions of your model.
A display group can be an element set, a node set, or a list of nodes or elements.
To learn more about the capabilities of the Visualization module, see the third tutorial, Chapter 4, "A
tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis."
For more information about using the Visualization module, click any of the following items:
``Viewing the results of your analysis,'' Section 2.12
For a more in-depth tutorial of the capabilities of the Chapter 4, "A tutorial: Viewing the output
from your analysis"
You have now completed the second tutorial and learned how to:
create and modify features;
use datum geometry to add features to a model;
use position constraints to assemble a model composed of more than one part;
define contact interactions between regions of a model;
monitor the progress of an analysis job; and
use display groups to view results for individual parts of a model.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

4. A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

This tutorial illustrates how you can use the Visualization module to display the results from your
analysis in graphical form.

4.1 Overview
During the tutorial you will display the output from Case 2 of the example problem, ``Indentation of an
elastomeric foam specimen with a hemispherical punch,'' Section 1.1.4 of the ABAQUS Example
Problems Manual. The problem studies the behavior of a heavy metal punch impacting a soft
elastomeric foam block; the resulting deformation and strain are shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Contour plot showing deformation and strain.

The problem is modeled in two dimensions and is divided into three steps:
1. The punch initially rests on the surface of the foam block and compresses the block under its own
weight. The gravity loading is ramped up over two seconds; but the analysis continues for a total
of five seconds, allowing the foam to relax fully. The analysis uses the *VISCO option to model
the response of the foam block during the step.
2. The punch is forced down with an impulsive load that varies according to a half sine wave over a
period of one second. The response of the foam block is modeled using the *DYNAMIC option.
3. The impulsive load is removed, and the punch is allowed to move freely while the foam expands
and contracts. The viscoelastic foam damps out the vibrations, and the step runs for 10 seconds
while the model returns to steady state. As with the second step, the response of the foam block is
modeled using the *DYNAMIC option.
The tutorial consists of the following sections:


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

``Which variables are in the output database?, '' Section 4.2

``Reading the output database,'' Section 4.3
``Displaying and customizing an undeformed shape plot,'' Section 4.4
``Displaying and customizing a deformed shape plot,'' Section 4.5
``Displaying and customizing a contour plot,'' Section 4.6
``Animating a contour plot,'' Section 4.7
``Displaying and customizing a symbol plot,'' Section 4.8
``Displaying and customizing a material orientation plot,'' Section 4.9
``Displaying and customizing an X-Y plot,'' Section 4.10
``Operating on X-Y data,'' Section 4.11
``Probing an X-Y plot,'' Section 4.12
``Displaying results along a path,'' Section 4.13

4.2 Which variables are in the output database?

In the first step of the elastomeric foam example, a set of options is included to control the data output
during each step of the analysis. ABAQUS/Standard writes this output to the Field Output or History
Output portion of the output database, depending on the output type.
Field Output
The Field Output portion of the output database contains variables that should be output
relatively infrequently during the analysis; in this case, after every 10 increments and after the
last increment of a step. Typically, you select output for your entire model or a large region of
your model, and ABAQUS writes every component at the selected frequency. Only the
selected variables are written to the output database.
The following input file fragment shows the options that control the field output variables in
the elastomeric block example:

ABAQUS/Standard writes the following variables to the Field Output portion of the output
database after every 10 increments and at the end of each step:


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

the stress components of every integration point in the foam block;

the logarithmic strain components of every integration point in the foam block (by default,
the logarithmic strain is written to the output database when the user requests strain for a
geometrically nonlinear analysis);
the displacement of every node in the model; and
the default contact output variables (clearance, pressure, shear stress, and tangential
motion) resulting from the contact between the punch and the foam block.
History Output
The History Output portion of the output database contains variables that may be output
relatively frequently during the analysis, as often as every increment. To avoid generating
large amounts of data, you typically select output from a small area of your model, such as a
single element or a small region. In addition, you must select the individual components of the
variables that are written to the output database. History output is typically used for generating
X-Y data plots.
The following input file fragment shows the options that control the history output variables in
the elastomeric block example:
U2, V2, A2
MISES, E22, S22

ABAQUS/Standard writes the following variables from the punch's rigid body reference node
(contained in node set N9999) to the history portion of the output database after every
the vertical displacement,
the vertical velocity, and
the vertical acceleration.
In addition, after every increment ABAQUS/Standard writes the following variables from the
element at the corner of the block to the history portion of the output database:
von Mises stress,
the logarithmic strain in the 2-direction on the 2-plane, and
the stress in the 2-direction on the 2-plane.
The stress and strain variables are written for all the integration points in the element.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

4.3 Reading the output database

To start the tutorial, open the output database that ABAQUS/Standard generated during the analysis of
the example problem.
To read the output database:
1. If you have not done so already, start ABAQUS/CAE by typing abaqus cae at the operating
system prompt.
2. From the Start Session dialog box that appears, select Open Database .
The Open Database dialog box appears.
3. From the File type list at the top of the Open Database dialog box, select Output Database
The remainder of the dialog box changes to reflect the fact that you are now interested in files with
the extension .odb only.
4. If you are following this tutorial online, resize your windows so that you can follow this tutorial
and see the ABAQUS/CAE main window. For more information, see ``Starting ABAQUS/CAE,''
Section 5.1.1.
5. In the Selection field at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, delete the text and type
abaqus_dir/cae/Tutorial/viewer_tutorial.odb, where abaqus_dir is the name of
the directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed. To determine the location of abaqus_dir at
your site, type abaqus whereami at an operating system prompt.
Note: On Windows NT systems the path to the output database is

6. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE starts the Visualization module and displays a fast plot of the model, as shown in
Figure 4-2. A fast plot is a basic representation of your undeformed model and is an indication that
you have opened the desired output database. The fast plot mode does not display results and
cannot be customized.

Figure 4-2 Fast representation.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

Important: Do not confuse this fast plot with the undeformed shape plot. While the fast plot
displays the undeformed model, you must display the undeformed plot to customize the
appearance of the model; for example, to display element and node numbering. The fast plot
simply indicates that you have opened the desired output database.
The title block at the bottom of the viewport indicates the following:
The description of the model (from the first line of the *HEADING option in the input file).
The name of the output database (from the name of the analysis job).
The product name (ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit) and version used to generate
the output database.
The date the output database was last modified.
The state block at the bottom of the viewport indicates the following:
Which step is being displayed.
The increment within the step.
The step time.
The orientation triad indicates the orientation of the model in the global coordinate system.
Note the following key points:
ABAQUS/CAE loads the Visualization module automatically when you open an output database.
The model is initially displayed using a fast mode. You cannot change the appearance of the model
in fast mode.
The title block displays information about the analysis that generated the output database.
The state block contains information about the step and increment being displayed.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

4.4 Displaying and customizing an undeformed shape plot

You will now display the undeformed shape plot and use the plot options to request element

4.4.1 Displaying an undeformed shape plot

An undeformed plot displays the initial shape of your model.
To display an undeformed shape plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Undeformed Shape .
Tip: You can select a plot mode from the main menu bar or from the Visualization module
toolbox. Click the undeformed plot tool
the undeformed mode.

in the Visualization module toolbox to select

The Visualization module enters the undeformed plot mode and displays the undeformed model at
the end of the analysis-- Step 3 and Step Time = 10.00 in this example. The plot mode and
a set of buttons also appear in the prompt area, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Frame buttons in the prompt area.

In the elastomeric foam block example ABAQUS/Standard wrote the data to the field output
portion of the output database after every 10 increments and after the last increment of a step. Each
increment written to the output database is called a frame.
In this example the undeformed model does not change between frames, but in some simulations
the model changes during the analysis; for example, if rigid surfaces are introduced.
2. Use the pan tool, which is one of several view manipulation tools available on the toolbar, to move
the model above the state and title blocks as follows.
a. From the toolbar, click the pan tool

to enter pan mode.

The cursor changes to a four-headed arrow:

b. To move the model away from the state and title blocks, click in the viewport and drag the


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

cursor upward.
The model moves along the same path as the cursor.
c. Click mouse button 2 to exit pan mode.
3. From the prompt area, click the button on the far left to move to the first frame of the current step.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the undeformed model at the beginning of the third step--Step 3,
Increment 0, and Step Time = 0.000. This is the state of the model at the beginning of
the step.
The first frame and last frame buttons take you directly to the first or last frame of the current step
but do not allow you to move between steps. The next frame and previous frame buttons in the
prompt area allow you to move between each frame of the analysis and can cross step boundaries
as needed.
4. Click the previous frame button.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the undeformed model at the end of the second step--Step 2 and Step
Time = 1.000.
When you are at the first frame of the current step, clicking the previous frame button takes you to
the last frame of the previous step. Conversely, when you are at the last frame of the current step,
clicking the next frame button takes you to the first frame of the next step.
Note the following key points:
To perform many Visualization module functions, you can use either a menu item or a tool in the
You can use the buttons in the prompt area to display the state of the model in each frame of the
You can use the view manipulation tools in the toolbar to change the view of the model to a more
convenient one. Use mouse button 2 to stop any view manipulation.

4.4.2 Customizing an undeformed shape plot

Each plot mode--undeformed, deformed, contour, etc.--provides a set of options that allow you to
customize the appearance of the type of plot associated with that mode. Regardless of the plot mode,
customization options apply only to the current viewport and are not saved between sessions. Use the
undeformed plot options to customize the appearance of all undeformed plots.
To customize an undeformed shape plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Options->Undeformed.
Tip: The Visualization module provides the following three methods to access the
customization options for the current plot while you are in any of the plot modes:


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

Select Options->Plot Mode from the main menu bar.

Click the Plot Mode Options button at the far right of the prompt area.
Click mouse button 3 in the viewport, and select Plot Mode Options from the menu that
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Undeformed Plot Options dialog box.
2. Click the Basic tab in the Undeformed Plot Options dialog box if it is not already selected.
Choose the Filled render style and Exterior visible edges, and click Apply.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a filled view of the model. Because the model is a two-dimensional
model, it displays all edges--the perimeter edges and the edges of each element--as shown in
Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Undeformed plot with filled view and exterior edges visible.

For clarity, most of the figures in this tutorial do not include the title block, state block, and
orientation triad. In general, the figures illustrate the effect on the model of changing the plot mode
and customizing the plot. You can toggle off and customize the title block, state block, and
orientation triad by selecting View->Viewport Annotations from the main menu bar.
3. By default, ABAQUS/CAE fills the model in green and displays element labels using cyan text.
You will change the color of the element labels from cyan to red and display them. From the
Undeformed Plot Options dialog box, click the Labels tab and do the following:
a. Toggle on Show element labels .


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

b. Click Apply.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the element numbering using cyan text.
c. Select the color Red for the element labels.
d. Click OK.
The color of the element labels changes from cyan to red, and the Undeformed Plot
Options dialog box closes.
Note the following key points:
The Visualization module has different plot modes. Each plot mode has options associated with it
that you can use to control the appearance of the model in that mode. Undeformed plot
customization options apply only to undeformed plots.
You use the viewport annotation options to customize the appearance of items that appear in all
plots, such as the title block, the state block, and the orientation triad.
When you click Apply in an options dialog box, ABAQUS/CAE applies the change and keeps the
dialog box displayed. When you click OK, ABAQUS/CAE applies the change and closes the
dialog box.
Customization options apply only to the current viewport and are not saved between sessions.

4.5 Displaying and customizing a deformed shape plot

You can display a plot of your model showing the deformed shape during each frame of the analysis.
When you request a deformed shape plot of data from a force-displacement analysis, ABAQUS/CAE
plots the nodal displacements by default; but you can display any nodal vector field output variable
that is available on the output database. You can also use the plot options to customize the appearance
of a deformed plot.

4.5.1 Displaying a deformed shape plot

Most procedures in ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit write displacement to the output
database by default and also select displacement for the nodal vector quantity to use as the default
deformed variable. When ABAQUS/CAE reads the output database, it uses the default deformed
variable to determine the shape of a deformed plot. In the elastomeric block example the user
requested output of the displacements ( U) for every node in the model after every 10 increments, and
displacement was selected as the default deformed variable.
(Some procedures--for example, heat transfer--do not write nodal vector quantities to the output
database by default and do not select a variable as the default deformed variable. Therefore,
ABAQUS/CAE cannot display a deformed plot, since in such cases the output database does not
contain any variables that can be used to compute a deformed shape.)
To display a deformed shape plot:


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

1. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Deformed Shape.

Tip: You can also plot the deformed model using the

tool in the Visualization module

ABAQUS/CAE displays the deformed model in the same increment and step that it last displayed
the undeformed model. The state block indicates the default deformed variable being plotted ( U)
and the deformation scale factor (1.00). ABAQUS/CAE selects a default deformation scale factor
of 1.00 for large-displacement analyses. If the deformation is small (for example, for a perturbation
analysis), ABAQUS/CAE increases the scale factor. Conversely, if the deformation is large,
ABAQUS/CAE decreases the scale factor to fit the viewport optimally.
2. The buttons in the prompt area allow you to move between frames of the analysis, but you can also
move directly to a selected step and increment using the following technique:
a. From the main menu bar, select Result->Frame.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Frame Selector dialog box.
b. Select Step 1, Increment 0, and click Apply.
c. The Frame Selector also displays the step time associated with an increment. Use the
Frame Selector dialog box to display the deformed model approximately halfway
through the second step.
3. Use a combination of the buttons in the prompt area and the Frame Selector dialog box to view
the deformed plot in different frames and in different steps.
4. Display the deformed model after the last increment of the third step (Step 3 and Step Time
= 10.00), as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Deformed plot of the model after the last increment of the third step.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

5. Click Cancel to close the Frame Selector dialog box.

Note the following key points:
When you display a deformed plot, ABAQUS/CAE selects a default variable to display from the
field output portion of the output database.
You can use the Frame Selector dialog box to select the step and frame to display.

4.5.2 Customizing a deformed shape plot

You can use the deformed plot options to customize the appearance of your deformed plot.
To customize a deformed shape plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Options->Deformed.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Deformed Plot Options dialog box.
2. Click the Basic tab if it is not already selected, and do the following:
a. Toggle on Superimpose undeformed plot.
b. Choose Exterior visible edges.
3. Click the Labels tab, and toggle on Show node symbols .
4. Click OK to apply your changes and to close the Deformed Plot Options dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the customized deformed plot overlaid with the undeformed plot.
5. To turn off the fill color and the element numbering of the undeformed plot, select
Options->Undeformed from the main menu bar.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Undeformed Plot Options dialog box.

Note: The button at the far right of the prompt area displays the options dialog box for the current plot mode--Deformed
Options in this example. You must use the main menu bar to display the undeformed plot options.

6. From the buttons at the bottom of the Undeformed Plot Options dialog box, click Defaults.
Click OK to apply the default undeformed plot options and to close the Undeformed Plot
Options dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the customized deformed plot, as shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Customized deformed plot.

Note the following key points:

When you set options in one plot mode, they are not carried over to other plot modes.
You can use the Defaults button to restore the default plot options in each plot mode.

4.6 Displaying and customizing a contour plot

You can display a contour plot of your model showing a variable such as stress, strain, or temperature.
In all plot modes, including contour, ABAQUS/CAE selects a default variable to display. The default
variable selected depends on the variables available in the output database, which in turn depend on
the analysis procedures and the requested output. You can choose to display any variable that is
available in the field output portion of the output database. If you select a variable when you are not in
a plot mode that can display that variable, a dialog box appears prompting you to switch to a valid plot
You can use the plot options to customize the appearance of a contour plot. ABAQUS/CAE applies
your customized settings to every contour plot displayed in the current viewport. If you display a
contour plot in a new viewport, ABAQUS/CAE reverts to the default plot options.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

4.6.1 Displaying a contour plot

You will first display a contour plot of the default variable.
To display a contour plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Contours.
Tip: You can also display a contour plot using the

tool in the Visualization module

The state block indicates that the variable plotted is S, MISES, the default variable chosen by
ABAQUS/CAE. ABAQUS/CAE displays the results at the same step and frame that you used to
display the deformed shape plot.
2. Use a combination of the buttons in the prompt area and the Frame Selector dialog box to view
the contour plot in different frames and in different steps.
Note: The legend changes as you move between frames. ABAQUS/CAE updates the maximum and minimum values and
computes the contour intervals in every frame.

Note the following key point:

In all plot modes, including contour, ABAQUS/CAE selects a default variable to display.

4.6.2 Selecting the variable to plot

ABAQUS/CAE selects a default variable to display in a contour plot, but you can display any variable
that is available in the field output portion of the output database.
To select the variable to plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Field Output dialog box. In all plot modes you use the Field Output
dialog box to select the variable to display.
To see the complete description of the variable choices, increase the width of the Field Output
dialog box by dragging the right or left edge.
2. Click the Primary Variable tab if it is not already selected.
3. To select the 22-component of strain as the primary variable, do the following:
a. From the Output Variable field, select LE (logarithmic strain components at integration
b. From the Component field, select the component LE22.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

4. Click OK to select LE22 as the primary variable and to close the Field Output dialog box.
The contour plot in the current viewport changes to a plot of LE22, as shown in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Contour plot of the model after the last increment of the third step.

Note the following key points:

In all plot modes you use the Field Output dialog box to select the variable to display.
You can display a contour plot of any variable stored in the field output portion of the output

4.6.3 Customizing a contour plot

By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays a contour plot using 12 equal intervals between the maximum and
minimum value of the selected variable. ABAQUS/CAE updates the maximum and minimum values
and computes new contour intervals for every frame. The legend indicates the calculated intervals and
the color corresponding to each interval. You can change the number of intervals, and you can set the
values corresponding to the maximum and minimum contour limits. When you set the contour limits,
ABAQUS/CAE uses the values you supply in every contour plot displayed thereafter, regardless of the
frame and which variable is being contoured.
To customize a contour plot:
1. Display the contour plot at the end of the last increment of the second step (Step 2 and Step
Time = 1.000).
2. From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Contour Plot Options dialog box.

3. Click the Basic tab if it is not already selected, and do the following:
a. Drag the uniform contour intervals slider to 16.
b. Select Exterior visible edges.
4. Click the Limits tab to access the contour limits options.
a. In the Max field, toggle the Specify button and type a maximum contour limit of 0.1.
b. In the Min field, toggle the Specify button and type a minimum of -0.75.
5. Click Apply to view the customized contour plot.
The plot changes, as shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8 Customized contour plot.

Although you selected 16 contour intervals, the plot legend displays 17 intervals. ABAQUS/CAE
adds intervals to indicate any values that are greater than the maximum contour limit or less than
the minimum contour limit and displays these values in light gray and dark gray, respectively. In
this example, areas undergoing compressive strains greater than 0.75 are shown in dark gray. The
minimum strain in the model is shown at the bottom of the contour legend. You might use either of
these colors to indicate elements that fall outside the design range for the selected variable.
6. Under the Limits tab, examine the Min and Max Auto-compute options.
The minimum and maximum values of strain for the contour plot are shown next to the two


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

Auto-compute options.

7. Click OK to close the Contour Plot Options dialog box.

Note the following key points:
You use the contour plot options to customize the appearance of a contour plot.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE uses light and dark gray contour bands to indicate values that are
outside the limits shown in the legend.

4.7 Animating a contour plot

You can animate a deformed, contour, or symbol plot using one of the following:
Time History Animation
In a time history animation ABAQUS/CAE automatically displays each frame of each step
from the output database in sequence, and you can see the change in the deformation or the
change in a contour or symbol plot variable while the analysis progresses. In effect,
ABAQUS/CAE animates the results of the analysis. You can select which steps to include in a
time history animation.
Scale Factor Animation
Scale factor animation takes the results from a selected step and frame and simply scales them
to form frames of the animation. You can select a scale factor that varies between zero and one
or between minus one and plus one. Scale factor animation is particularly useful for animating
vibration modes computed by an eigenvalue analysis.
The animation uses the plot options from the relevant mode--deformed, contour, or symbol. In
addition, you can control the following:
The speed of the animation
Whether the animation runs continuously or just once
Whether to display the animation status
For the elastomeric foam example you will display a time history animation of a contour plot. The
animated contour plot displays the variable you selected from the Field Output dialog box (E22). In
addition, it uses the same options that you selected for the contour plot; for example, the contour
intervals and element edge display.
To animate the contour plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Animate->Time History.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the customized contour plot at the beginning of the analysis and steps
through each frame; the state block indicates the current step and increment throughout the


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

animation. After the last increment of the last step, the animation restarts at the beginning of the
analysis (Step 1, Increment 0, and Step Time = 0.00).
ABAQUS/CAE also displays the movie player controls on the left side of the prompt area:

You use these controls to start, stop, and step through the animation.
2. In the prompt area, click the stop button to stop the animation.
The animation stops at the current image.
3. In the prompt area, click the play button to continue the animation.
The animation resumes.
4. From the main menu bar, select Options->Animation to view the animation options.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Animation Options dialog box.
5. Click the Player tab if it is not already selected, and do the following:
a. Choose Swing .
b. Drag the frame rate slider to Fast.
c. Click OK.
Because you increased the frame rate, ABAQUS/CAE steps through the animation at a faster rate.
Because you chose Swing , when the animation reaches the end of the analysis, it steps backward
through each frame instead of jumping back to the beginning of the analysis.
6. You can also customize the contour plot while the animation is running.
a. Display the Contour Plot Options dialog box.
b. Reduce the number of contour intervals to 10.
c. Click OK to apply your change and to close the Contour Plot Options dialog box.
7. When you have finished viewing the animation, click the stop button to stop the movie.
Note the following key points:
You can display a time history animation from the data in an output database, or you can generate
a scale factor animation based on a single increment of the results.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

You can animate a deformed, contour, or symbol plot; the animation uses the respective plot
options to control the appearance of the model. You can customize these plots while the animation
is running.
You can use the buttons in the prompt area to start, stop, and step through the animation.
You can use the Animation Options to control the speed and behavior of the animation.

4.8 Displaying and customizing a symbol plot

Symbol plots allow you to visualize the magnitude and direction of vector and tensor variables in the
form of arrows superimposed on the model. Each arrow starts at the location in the model where the
value was obtained; arrows representing nodal quantities appear at nodes, and arrows representing
integration point quantities appear at integration points. The length of the arrow indicates the
magnitude of the vector or tensor, and the direction of the arrow indicates its direction.
For example, in this section you will create a symbol plot of displacement. The symbol plot displays
arrows representing the magnitude and the direction of the displacement vector at each node.

4.8.1 Displaying a vector symbol plot

Before creating the symbol plot, you use the Field Output dialog box to specify the variable you want
to plot.
To create a symbol plot of nodal displacement:
1. From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Field Output dialog box.
2. Click the Primary Variable tab if it is not already selected.
3. From the output variable Name list, select U (spatial displacement at nodes).
From the Invariant field, select Magnitude if it is not already selected. This selection indicates
that you want to plot the magnitudes of the displacement vectors.
4. Click OK to select the field output variable and to close the Field Output dialog box.
The contour plot in the current viewport displays the magnitude of the displacement vector but
retains your customized settings for the contour limits. You can click the Defaults button in the
Contour Plot Options dialog box to restore the default options.
5. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Symbols.
Tip: You can also display a symbol plot using the

tool in the Visualization module toolbox.

A symbol plot appears, as shown in Figure 4-9.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

Figure 4-9 Symbol plot of displacement.

The arrows represent the total displacement at each node. The length of the arrow represents the
magnitude of the displacement, and the direction of the arrow represents the direction of the
If your symbol plot is different from Figure 4-9, you may not have selected the correct output
variable. On the Primary Variable page in the Field Output dialog box, select U and Magnitude
and remember to click OK.
Note the following key points:
You can display symbol plots of any selected field output variable, including both nodal and
element quantities.
A symbol plot shows the magnitude and direction of a particular vector or tensor variable at a
specified step and frame. By default, symbol plots display the magnitudes for vector variables or
all principal components for tensor variables.
The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the variable; the direction of the arrow
represents the direction in which the variable is acting.

4.8.2 Customizing the symbol plot

You will now customize your symbol plot by changing the arrow size and color.
To customize the symbol plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Options->Symbol.
The Symbol Plot Options dialog box appears.
2. In the Symbol Plot Options dialog box, click the Color & Style tab if it is not already selected,
and do the following:
a. Click the Vector tab.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

b. Select Cyan for the vector color.

c. Select Long as the maximum length of the vector.
3. Click OK to apply your changes and to close the Symbol Plot Options dialog box.
The customized symbol plot appears, as shown in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10 Customized symbol plot.

4.9 Displaying and customizing a material orientation plot

Material orientation plots allow you to visualize the material directions for each element in your model
at a specified step and frame. Material orientation triads that indicate the material directions are
displayed at the element integration points. By default, material orientation plots are drawn on the
deformed shape of the model.
In this section you will create a material orientation plot and customize its appearance.

4.9.1 Displaying a material orientation plot

The material orientation plot will be created at the step and frame of the analysis you specified
To display a material orientation plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Material Orientation.
Tip: You can also display a material orientation plot using the

tool in the Visualization module toolbox.

A material orientation plot appears, as shown in Figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11 Material orientation plot.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

Material orientation triads at element integration points indicate the material directions of each
element in the model.
Note the following key point:
A material orientation plot shows the material directions of elements in your model at a specified
step and frame of your analysis. Material orientations are displayed on an element-by-element
basis at the material integration points, with no averaging across elements.

4.9.2 Customizing a material orientation plot

You will now customize your material orientation plot by changing the color and length of the material
orientation triad axes.
To customize the material orientation plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Options->Material Orientation.
The Material Orientation Plot Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Color & Style tab if it is not already selected, and do the following:
a. Click the Triad tab.
b. Select Red for the 1-axis color.
c. Select Short for the length of the triad axes.
3. Click OK to apply your changes and to close the Material Orientation Plot Options dialog box.
The customized material orientation plot appears, as shown in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12 Customized material orientation plot.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

4.10 Displaying and customizing an X-Y plot

You can display X-Y plots of data written to the output database. For the tutorial you will display the
vertical displacement of the rigid body reference node versus time.
The Visualization module also allows you to display X-Y plots of the following:
Data read from an ASCII file.
Data entered at the keyboard.
Existing data, either combined with other data or arithmetically manipulated.

4.10.1 Displaying an X-Y plot

You will now display an X-Y plot of displacement versus time.
To display an X-Y plot:
1. From the main menu bar, select Result->History Output.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the ODB History Output dialog box. To see the complete description of
the variable choices, increase the width of the ODB History Output dialog box by dragging the
right or left edge.
2. The Output Variables field contains a list of all the variables in the history portion of the output
database. Select the vertical motion of the rigid body reference node Spatial
displacement: U2 at Node 9999 in NSET N9999 if it is not already selected.
3. The ODB History Output dialog box allows you to select where in the history data the X-Y plot
should begin and end; in most cases the X-axis is assumed to be time. To create an X-Y plot using
data in all three steps, do the following:
a. Enlarge the dialog box so that all steps in the Steps field are visible.
b. Drag the cursor over all three steps.
Steps 1, 2, and 3 are selected.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

You can also choose the frequency at which to read the frames. For the tutorial you can accept the
default setting of Frames: Read all.
4. From the buttons across the bottom of the ODB History Output dialog box, click Plot.
ABAQUS/CAE displays an X-Y plot of displacement versus time, as shown in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13 X-Y plot of displacement versus time.

Default options selected by ABAQUS/CAE include default ranges for the X- and Y-axes, axis
titles, major and minor tick marks, the color of the line, and a legend.
The legend labels the X-Y plot U2 N: 9999 NSET N9999 . This is a default name provided by
5. Dismiss the ODB History Output dialog box.
Note the following key points:
You can display an X-Y plot of any variable stored in the output database. In most cases the X-axis
is assumed to be time.
You can select the step from which to start and end an X-Y plot, and you can choose the frequency
at which ABAQUS/CAE reads the frames from history data in the output database.

4.10.2 Customizing an X-Y plot

By default, ABAQUS/CAE computes the range of the X- and Y-axes from the minimum and maximum
values found in the data read from the output database. ABAQUS/CAE divides each axis into intervals
and displays the appropriate major and minor tick marks. The XY Plot Options allow you to set the
range of each axis and to customize the appearance of the X-Y plot. As in all plot modes, X-Y plot
customization options apply only to the current viewport and are not saved between sessions.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

To customize an X-Y plot:

1. From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the XY Plot Options dialog box.
2. Click the Scale tab, if it is not already selected.
3. Specify that the X-axis should extend from 20 (the X-axis maximum) to 0 (the X-axis minimum)
and that the Y-axis should extend from 0 (the Y-axis maximum) to -200 (the Y-axis minimum).
4. Click Apply to view the customized X-Y plot and to keep the XY Plot Options dialog box active.
The axes of the X-Y plot change.
5. From the options in the XY Plot Options dialog box, do the following. (Click Apply as you work
to check the effect of each setting.)
Select Blue horizontal and vertical major grid lines. The line style should be solid.
Type a Y-axis title of Displacement U2 (mm).
Request that major tick marks appear on the X-axis at four-second increments.
Request a decimal format with zero decimal places for the Y-axis labels.
Request a minor tick mark every second along the X-axis and every 10 mm along the Y-axis.
6. From the XY Plot Options dialog box, click OK to view the customized X-Y plot, as shown in
Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14 Customized X-Y plot of displacement.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

7. You will now display a second X-Y plot in a new viewport. To create a new viewport, do the
a. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Create Viewport .
The cursor changes to a cross-hair

b. Position the cursor at one corner of the desired location for the new viewport.
c. Drag the cursor across the drawing area to the opposite corner of the new viewport. The
exact size and position of the new viewport is not critical because you can move and
resize it later.
The new viewport appears. The same X-Y plot that you had in the first viewport appears in
the new viewport.
The red border around the new viewport indicates that it is the current viewport; all work takes
place in the current viewport. For more information, see ``What is a viewport?,'' Section 7.1.1.
8. Create a similar X-Y plot of vertical velocity ( V2) versus time. You cannot select velocity during
the first step because the first step was not a dynamic step; ABAQUS/Standard computed velocity
and acceleration only during the second and third steps. Use the same X-axis range as before, and
use a Y-axis range from 1000 to -1000. Label the Y-axis Velocity V2. The finished plot is
shown in Figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15 Customized X-Y plot of velocity.

4.11 Operating on X-Y data

An X-Y data object is a collection of ordered pairs that ABAQUS/CAE stores in two columns--an


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

X-column and a Y-column. The Operate on XY Data dialog box allows you to create new X-Y data
objects by performing operations on previously saved X-Y data objects. In this tutorial you will create a
stress versus strain data object by combining a stress versus time data object with a strain versus time
data object. Then, you will plot the stress-strain curve.

4.11.1 Creating the stress versus time and strain versus time
data objects
The first step in creating the stress-strain curve is to create the stress versus time and the strain versus
time data objects from the history output. The data objects will contain data from only the first step of
the analysis, where the punch rests on the surface of the foam block and compresses the block under its
own weight.
To create the X-Y data objects:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Manager.
The XY Data Manager dialog box appears.
2. From the XY Data Manager, click Create.
3. From the Create XY Data dialog box that appears, select ODB history output if it is not already
selected and click Continue.
The ODB History Output dialog box appears.
4. In the ODB History Output dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Output Variables field, select Logarithmic strain components: LE22
at Element 1 Int Point 1.
b. In the Steps field, select Step 1.
c. Click Save As.
The Save XYData As dialog box appears.
d. Name the X-Y data Strain, and click OK.
A data object called Strain containing logarithmic strain data ( LE22) from integration point 1
of element 1 during the first step of the analysis appears in the XY Data Manager.
5. Use a similar technique to create a data object containing stress data ( S22) from integration point
1 of element 1 during the first step of the analysis. Name this data object Stress.
Now you are ready to combine the two data objects to create a stress versus strain data object.
6. Dismiss the ODB History Output dialog box.
Note the following key point:


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

You can create X-Y data objects using history data from selected steps.

4.11.2 Combining the data objects

In this section you will create a stress versus strain data object by combining the stress versus time and
strain versus time data objects.
To combine the data objects:
1. In the XY Data Manager, click Create.
2. From the Create XY Data dialog box that appears, select Operate on XY data and click
An Operate on XY Data dialog box appears. The dialog box contains the following lists:
The XY Data field on the left contains a list of existing X-Y data objects.
The Operators field on the right contains a list of all the possible operations you can perform
on the data objects.
3. From the Operators field, click combine(X,X).
combine( ) appears in the expression text field at the top of the dialog box.

4. In the XY Data field, drag the cursor across both the Strain and the Stress data objects to
select both.
When you release the mouse button, the expression combine("Strain","Stress") appears
in the expression text field. In this expression "Strain" will determine the X-values and
"Stress" will determine the Y-values in the combined plot.
Warning: If you select the data objects individually, you must type the comma in the expression text field.

5. From the buttons along the bottom of the Operate on XY Data dialog box, click Save As.
6. From the Save XYData As dialog box that appears, enter the name Stress/strain and click
The new data object Stress/strain appears in the XY Data Manager.
7. Dismiss the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
Note the following key point:
You can use the Operate on XY Data dialog box to create new X-Y data objects based on
operations on existing data objects.

4.11.3 Plotting and customizing the stress-strain curve


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

You will now use the Stress/strain data object that you just created to plot the stress-strain
To plot the stress-strain curve:
1. Your plot of stress versus strain will inherit the customized settings from your previous plot. To
restore the default plot options, do the following:
a. Click the XY Plot Options button in the prompt area.
b. In the XY Plot Options dialog box that appears, click Defaults.
c. Click Apply.
2. From the XY Data Manager, select Stress/strain and click Plot.
A plot of the stress-strain curve with default axis titles appears in the viewport.
3. To change the axis titles, click the Titles tab from the XY Plot Options dialog box. Type Strain
for the X-axis title and Stress for the Y-axis title.
4. Click OK to see your titles and to close the XY Plot Options dialog box.
The plot of stress versus strain appears, as shown in Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16 X-Y plot of stress versus strain.

5. Dismiss the XY Data Manager.

4.12 Probing an X-Y plot

You can use the Query toolset in the Visualization module to probe your model and X-Y plots. You can
also write the resulting probe values to a file. In this tutorial you will use the probe capability to obtain
X- and Y-values from your stress/strain plot and to write these values to a file.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

To probe an X-Y plot:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query; select Probe values from the Visualization
Queries portion of the dialog box; and click OK to enter probe mode.
The Probe Values dialog box appears. Because an X-Y plot is in the current viewport, this dialog
box will display X-Y curve data.
2. At the top of the dialog box, toggle on Interpolate between points . This option allows you to
select arbitrary points along the curve.
3. In the viewport, position the cursor over the X-Y curve.
When the arrow at the cursor approaches the X-Y curve, the point being probed is highlighted and
the corresponding X-Y coordinates appear in the Current Probe Values table.
4. Click at various points along the curve.
The X-Y coordinates for each point are added to the Selected Probe Values table.
5. When you have finished selecting points, click Write to File.
The Report Probe Values dialog box appears.
By default, the data in the Selected Probe Values table are written to a file called abaqus.rpt
in your current directory. The options in this dialog box allow you to change the name of this file
and the format of the data written to the file.
6. Click OK to write your data to the file.
7. From the Probe Values dialog box, click Cancel to exit probe mode.
A dialog box appears to inform you that the Selected Probe Values table contains data. Click
Yes to indicate that it is OK to continue; the data in the table will be deleted.
Note the following key point:
You can use the Query toolset to probe a model or X-Y plot. You can write the values you obtain
to a file.

4.13 Displaying results along a path

X-Y data can be generated for a specific path through your model. In this tutorial you will specify a
node list path along the top of the foam block and plot the displacement magnitude along this path.

4.13.1 Creating a node list path

A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through the model. In a node list path all of
the specified points are nodal locations. You create a node list path by entering node labels or node
label ranges in a table. To determine the node labels of interest, it is helpful to create a model plot with
the node labels visible.

A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

To create a node list path:

1. Click the

tool to display a contour plot of the model.

Use the Contour Options to display the node labels.

2. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Path->Create.
The Create Path dialog box appears.
3. Name the path Displacement. Accept the default selection of Node list as the path type, and
click Continue.
The Edit Node List Path dialog box appears.
4. In the Node Labels table, enter 1:601:100; and click OK. (This input specifies a range of nodes
from 1 to 601 at increments of 100.)
Alternatively, you can pick the nodes for the node list directly from the viewport by clicking
Select in the Edit Node List Path dialog box.

4.13.2 Displaying results along a node list path

ABAQUS/CAE obtains analysis results for each of the points on the path you have defined and
generates X-Y data pairs; the X-values are the specified points in the model, and the Y-values are the
analysis results at these points. You can generate an X-Y plot of the data pairs.
To display displacement results along a node list path:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->XYData->Create.
2. In the Create XY Data dialog box that appears, select Path; and click Continue.
The Create XY Data from Path dialog box appears with the path that you created visible in the
list of available paths. The selected path is also highlighted in the plot in the current viewport.
Note: ABAQUS/CAE warns you that three of the node labels included in the specified range
are not available and will be ignored. Click Dismiss to continue.
Accept the default selections in the X Values portion of the dialog box.
The result that will be plotted is displayed in the Y Values portion of the dialog box. In this case U
is the field output variable that was selected last (when you generated the symbol plot).
3. Click Plot to generate an X-Y plot of U along the path, as shown in Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17 Path plot of U along the top of the foam block.


A tutorial: Viewing the output from your analysis

You have now finished the tutorial.


Interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

Part II: Interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

This part of the manual introduces you to the ABAQUS working environment. The following topics
are covered:
Chapter 5, "The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE"
Chapter 6, "Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes "
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"
Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view and controlling perspective "
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"
Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance"
Chapter 11, "Printing canvas objects"


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

5. The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

Before you can begin creating and analyzing a model, it is helpful to become familiar with the basics of
interacting with ABAQUS/CAE. This chapter introduces you to the user interface. The following
topics are covered:
``Starting and exiting ABAQUS/CAE,'' Section 5.1
``Overview of the main window,'' Section 5.2
``What is a module?,'' Section 5.3
``What is a toolset?,'' Section 5.4
``Using the mouse with ABAQUS/CAE,'' Section 5.5
``Getting help,'' Section 5.6

5.1 Starting and exiting ABAQUS/CAE

This section explains how to start and how to exit ABAQUS/CAE. The following topics are covered:
``Starting ABAQUS/CAE,'' Section 5.1.1
``Exiting an ABAQUS/CAE session,'' Section 5.1.2

5.1.1 Starting ABAQUS/CAE

When you create a model and analyze it, ABAQUS/CAE generates a set of files containing the
definition of your model, the solver input, and the results of the analysis. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE
generates a replay file that reflects all your interactions with the application. Consequently, before you
run ABAQUS/CAE, you should move to a directory where you have permission to create files.
You execute ABAQUS/CAE by running the abaqus execution procedure and specifying the cae
abaqus cae

[database=database-file ]
[recover=journal-file ]
[startup=startup-file ]

You can include the following options on the command line:

This option specifies the name of the model database file or output database file to open. To
specify a model database file, include either the .cae file extension or no file extension in
your file name. To specify an output database file, include the .odb file extension in your file


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

This option specifies the name of the file from which ABAQUS/CAE commands are to be
replayed. The commands in replay-file will execute immediately upon startup of
ABAQUS/CAE. For more information, see ``Replaying an ABAQUS/CAE session,'' Section
This option specifies the name of the file from which a model database is to be rebuilt. The
commands in journal-file (model_database_name .jnl) will execute immediately upon
startup of ABAQUS/CAE. For more information, see ``Recreating a saved model database,''
Section 12.4.2, and ``Recreating an unsaved model database,'' Section 12.4.3.
This option specifies the name of the file containing Python configuration commands to be run
at application startup. Commands in this file are run after any configuration commands that
have been set in the environment file.
This option specifies that all configuration commands in the environment files should not be
run at application startup. This option can be used in conjunction with the startup command
to suppress all configuration commands except for those in the startup file.
ABAQUS/CAE begins. If you do not include the database, replay, or recover options, the Start
Session dialog box appears. Choose one of the following session startup options:
Create Model Database
Use this option to begin a new analysis (equivalent to choosing File->New from the main
menu bar).
Open Database
Use this option to open a previously saved analysis or output database (equivalent to choosing
File->Open from the main menu bar).
Run Script
Use this option to run a file containing ABAQUS/CAE commands (equivalent to choosing
File->Run Script from the main menu bar). For more information, see ``Creating and running
your own scripts,'' Section 12.4.4.
Start Tutorial
Use this option to begin an introductory tutorial from the online documentation (equivalent to
choosing Help->Getting Started from the main menu bar). The ABAQUS/CAE User's
Manual opens in a separate window.


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

Note: You can disable the Start Session dialog box by including the following line in your
ABAQUS/CAE resource file:
*useStartupDialog: false

For more information on the ABAQUS/CAE resource file, see ``Customizing X resources,''
Section 6.1. If you choose to disable the Start Session dialog box, you must open an existing or a
new model database after you start ABAQUS/CAE by selecting either File->Open or File->New
from the main menu bar.

5.1.2 Exiting an ABAQUS/CAE session

You can exit the ABAQUS/CAE session at any time by selecting File->Exit from the main menu bar.
If you made any changes to the current model database, ABAQUS/CAE asks if you want to save the
changes before exiting the session. ABAQUS/CAE then closes the current model database and all
windows and exits the session.
ABAQUS/CAE saves your customization selections, if any, only for the duration of the session.
However, ABAQUS/CAE automatically creates a file called abaqus.rpy that records your
operations during the session; you can use this file to reproduce your operations. For more information
on reproducing operations and on recovering interrupted sessions, see ``Recreating an unsaved model
database,'' Section 12.4.3.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

5.2 Overview of the main window

This section provides an overview of the main window and explains how to operate and manipulate
the elements of the window during a session. The following topics are covered:
``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1
``Components of the main menu bar,'' Section 5.2.2
``Components of the toolbar,'' Section 5.2.3
``The context bar,'' Section 5.2.4
``Components of the viewport,'' Section 5.2.5

5.2.1 Components of the main window

You interact with ABAQUS/CAE through the main window, and the appearance of the window
changes as you work through the modeling process. The components that appear in the main window
after you first start ABAQUS/CAE are shown in Figure 5-1.


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

Figure 5-1 Components of the main window.

The components are:

Title bar
The title bar indicates the version of ABAQUS/CAE you are running and the name of the
current model database.
Menu bar
The menu bar contains all the available menus; the menus give access to all the functionality
in the product. Different menus appear in the menu bar depending on which module you
selected from the context bar. For more information, see ``Components of the main menu bar,''
Section 5.2.2.


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

The toolbar provides quick access to items that are also available in the menus. For more
information, see ``Components of the toolbar,'' Section 5.2.3.
Context bar
ABAQUS/CAE is divided into a set of modules, where each module allows you to work on
one aspect of your model; the Module list in the context bar allows you to move between these
modules. Other items in the context bar are a function of the module you are working in; for
example, the context bar allows you to retrieve an existing part while creating the geometry of
the model. For more information, see ``The context bar,'' Section 5.2.4.
Toolbox area
When you enter a module, the toolbox area displays tools in the toolbox that are appropriate
for that module. The toolbox allows quick access to many of the module functions that are
also available from the menu bar. For more information, see ``Understanding and using
toolboxes,'' Section 6.4.
Viewports are windows on the canvas in which ABAQUS/CAE displays your model. For more
information, see Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas."
Prompt area
The prompt area displays instructions for you to follow during a procedure; for example, it
asks you to select the geometry as you create a set. For more information, see ``Using the
prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2.
Message area
ABAQUS/CAE prints status information and warnings in the message area. To resize the
message area, drag the small square at its upper right corner; to see information that has
scrolled out of the message area, use the scroll bar on the right side.
Canvas and drawing area
The canvas can be thought of as an infinite screen or bulletin board on which you post items
such as viewports, text, and arrow annotations; for more information, see Chapter 7,
"Managing objects on the canvas." The drawing area is the visible portion of the canvas.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 5, "The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE"

5.2.2 Components of the main menu bar


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

When you start a session, the menus listed below appear on the main menu bar. ABAQUS/CAE
displays additional menu options and provides access to toolsets depending on the current module in
The items in the File menu allow you to create, open, and save model databases; open and
close output databases; import and export files; run scripts; manage macros; print canvas
objects; and exit ABAQUS/CAE. For more information, see ``Using the File menu,'' Section
The items in the Model menu allow you to open, copy, rename, and delete the models in the
current model database. For more information, see ``Managing models,'' Section 12.7.
The items in the Canvas menu allow you to create or manipulate viewports and annotations
and to open the canvas toolbox. All the tools that are available directly from the menu are also
available from the canvas toolbox. For more information, see Chapter 7, "Managing objects on
the canvas."
The items in the View menu allow you to manipulate views, customize certain aspects of the
appearance of your model, and control display performance. Some of the operations available
in the view manipulation menu are also available in the toolbar. For more information, see any
of the following:
Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view and controlling perspective "
Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance"
Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"
The items in the Help menu allow you to request context-sensitive help and to search or
browse the documentation. For more information, see ``Getting help,'' Section 5.6.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1

5.2.3 Components of the toolbar

The toolbar contains a convenient set of tools for managing your files and viewing your model. Items


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

in the toolbar are shortcuts to functions that are also available from the main menu bar. The toolbar is
shown in the following figure:

To obtain a short description of a tool, place the cursor over that tool for a moment; a small box
containing a description, or "tooltip," will appear. The tools are divided into the following groups:
Database manipulation and printing

The database manipulation tools allow you to create and manipulate model databases and to
print viewports and annotations. For more information, see Part III, "Working with
ABAQUS/CAE model databases, models, and files," and Chapter 11, "Printing canvas
View manipulation

The view manipulation tools allow you to specify different views of the model. For example,
you can pan, rotate, or zoom the model using these tools. For more information, see Chapter 8,
"Manipulating the view and controlling perspective ."
View and display options

The view and display option tools allow you to customize the appearance of your model. For
example, you can specify whether wireframe, hidden line, or shaded render style will be used
and whether perspective will be applied. For more information, see ``Choosing a render style,''
Section 37.2.1, and ``Controlling perspective,'' Section 8.3.
Use the query tool
to obtain information about the geometry and features of your model.
For more information, see Chapter 44, "The Query toolset."
Use the context-sensitive help tool
to display detailed information about any tool, menu,
dialog box, or option in ABAQUS/CAE. For more information, see ``Getting help,'' Section


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1

5.2.4 The context bar

The context bar is located under the toolbar; you can use it to do the following:
Select the current module
The Module list on the context bar allows you to move between modules. (For more
information, see ``What is a module?,'' Section 5.3.)
Select module-specific items
As you move between modules, ABAQUS/CAE displays additional items on the context bar
that help you select the context of your current operations. For example, when you are in the
Part module, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Part list in the context bar. The Part list contains
every part in your model; you can use it to retrieve a particular part. The context bar also
allows you to move between models in the model database. The additional items in the context
bar are a function of the module in which you are working.
The items displayed in the context bar always refer to the current viewport, which is indicated by a red
border. For example, if you have different parts displayed in different viewports, the context bar
indicates the name of the part displayed in the current viewport.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``What is a module?,'' Section 5.3
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2

5.2.5 Components of the viewport

Figure 5-2 shows the components of the viewport in the Visualization module.

Figure 5-2 Components of the viewport.


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

The viewport title and the border around the viewport are called the viewport decorations. For more
information, see ``Showing and hiding viewport decorations,'' Section 7.3.9.
The legend, state block, title block, and view orientation triad are called the viewport annotations. The
view orientation triad is a set of three perpendicular axes that indicate the orientation of the model
currently being displayed. For more information, see ``Customizing the view triad,'' Section 8.2. The
legend, state block, and title block identify results you display using the Visualization module. For
more information, see Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations."

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

5.3 What is a module?

ABAQUS/CAE is divided into functional units called modules. Each module contains only those tools
that are relevant to a specific portion of the modeling task. For example, the Mesh module contains
only the tools needed to create finite element meshes, while the Job module contains only the tools
used to create, edit, submit, and monitor analysis jobs.
You select a module from the Module list in the context bar. The order of the modules in the menu
corresponds to the logical sequence you follow to create a model. In many circumstances you must
follow this natural progression to complete a modeling task; for example, you must create parts before
you create an assembly. Although the order of the modules follows a logical sequence, ABAQUS/CAE


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

allows you to select any module at any time, regardless of the state of your model.
The following list of the modules available within ABAQUS/CAE briefly describes the modeling tasks
you can perform in each module. The order of the modules in the list corresponds to the order of the
modules in the context bar's Module list:

Create individual parts by sketching or importing their geometry. For more information, see
Chapter 14, "The Part module."

Create section and material definitions and assign them to regions of parts. For more
information, see Chapter 15, "The Property module."

Create and assemble part instances. For more information, see Chapter 16, "The Assembly

Create and configure the analysis steps and associated output requests. For more information,
see Chapter 17, "The Step module."

Specify the interactions, such as contact, between regions of a model. For more information,
see Chapter 18, "The Interaction module."

Specify loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions. For more information, see Chapter
19, "The Load/BC/IC module."

Create a finite element mesh. For more information, see Chapter 20, "The Mesh module."

Submit a job for analysis and monitor its progress. For more information, see Chapter 21, "The
Job module."

View analysis results. For more information, see Part V, "Viewing results."

Create two-dimensional sketches. For more information, see Chapter 22, "The Sketch
The contents of the main window change as you move between modules. Selecting a module from the


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

Module list on the context bar causes the context bar, module toolbox, and menu bar to change to

reflect the functionality of the current module.

When you select a module from the Module list on the context bar, ABAQUS/CAE associates the
current viewport with the module you select. You can have multiple viewports, and different viewports
can be associated with different modules. As you select a viewport and make it current, the module
associated with the viewport becomes the current module. For more information on moving between
viewports, see ``Making the selected viewport current,'' Section 7.3.6.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``The context bar,'' Section 5.2.4
``What is a viewport?,'' Section 7.1.1

5.4 What is a toolset?

When you enter most modules, a Tools menu appears in the main menu bar containing all of the
toolsets relevant to that module. A toolset is a functional unit that allows you to perform a specific
modeling task. The following toolsets are available in ABAQUS/CAE:
The Amplitude toolset allows you to define arbitrary time or frequency variations of load,
displacement, and other prescribed variables. For more information, see Chapter 40, "The
Amplitude toolset."
The Color Code toolset allows you to customize the edge and fill color of individual elements and
surfaces. For more information, see ``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.
The Datum toolset allows you to create datum points, axes, planes, and coordinate systems for a
variety of modeling tasks. For more information, see Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset."
The Display Group toolset allows you to selectively plot one or more output database items. For
more information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."
The Field Output toolset allows you to perform operations on the field output available in an
output database. For more information, see ``Creating new field output,'' Section 24.5.
The Partition toolset allows you to divide a part or assembly into regions. For example, you can
partition a face and apply a pressure load to the resulting region. You can also use partitions to
refine your mesh by creating additional edges and vertices. For more information, see Chapter 43,
"The Partition toolset."
The Set toolset and the Surface toolset allow you to define sets and surfaces from regions of a
model. Sets and surfaces are named regions of a model to which you can assign attributes and
apply prescribed conditions. For example, when you create a load, you must apply the load to a
region of your model. You can specify the load by picking a region from the viewport or by
selecting a set. Likewise, you can create two surfaces from faces of your model and then select
those surfaces when you define an interaction. For more information, see Chapter 45, "The Set and


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

Surface toolsets."
The XY Data toolset allows you to create and operate on X-Y data objects. For more information,
see Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting."
Sometimes the objects that you create with a toolset in one module are useful in other modules. For
example, you can use the Set toolset to create sets in the Assembly module and then apply boundary
conditions to those sets in the Load/BC/IC module. Most of the toolsets include manager menus and
manager dialog boxes that allow you to edit, copy, rename, and delete the objects you create with the

5.5 Using the mouse with ABAQUS/CAE

Many of the procedures in the ABAQUS/CAE documentation involve using one or more of the three
mouse buttons. The following list explains the importance of each mouse button when interacting with
Mouse button 1
You use mouse button 1 to select objects in the viewport, to expand pull-down menus, and to
select items from menus. The instructions ``click,'' ``select,'' and ``drag'' in the documentation
refer to mouse button 1.
Mouse button 2
Clicking mouse button 2 in the viewport signifies that you have finished the current task. For
Selecting entities from the model: when you create a node set, you select the nodes to
include in the set. Clicking mouse button 2 indicates that your selection is complete and
you are ready to create the set.
Using a tool: click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished with a view
manipulation tool.
In addition, clicking mouse button 2 in the viewport is equivalent to clicking the highlighted
button in the prompt area. For example, if you tried to select nodes from your model and
ABAQUS/CAE displayed the following prompt, clicking mouse button 2 would have the same
effect as clicking OK:

Mouse button 3
Pressing and holding mouse button 3 in the viewport exposes a popup menu that contains
shortcuts to any of the buttons on the prompt area. For example, when you press mouse button
3 in a viewport that contains a contour plot, the Visualization module displays the following


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

The mouse button 3 shortcut is available only when ABAQUS/CAE displays buttons in the
prompt area.

5.6 Getting help

The ABAQUS/CAE online documentation is available through the Help menu on the main menu bar.
This section provides a brief description of the online documentation and explains how to use the Help
menu to find information. (For additional information on using the online documentation, refer to the
online manual Using ABAQUS Online Documentation.) The following topics are covered:
``Displaying context-sensitive help,'' Section 5.6.1
``Browsing and searching the online manuals,'' Section 5.6.2
``Finding special sections of the online documentation, '' Section 5.6.3
``Finding information about keywords,'' Section 5.6.4

5.6.1 Displaying context-sensitive help

You can use the help tool
in the toolbar to display detailed help on any icon, menu, or dialog box
that you use in ABAQUS/CAE. When you click the help tool and then click an item in the
ABAQUS/CAE window, a help window appears containing the section from the online documentation
that is relevant to that item.
In most cases the section from the online documentation that appears is equally applicable to both
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit analyses. However, in some cases you must specify the
product of interest (either ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit) so that documentation specific to
the analysis type can be displayed. In these cases a dialog box appears in which you can specify the
product of your choice.
To display help on an item in the main window or in a dialog box:
1. From the right end of the toolbar, click the help tool

to start the context-sensitive help server.

Tip: You can also start the server by selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar.
The cursor changes to a question mark.
2. Position the cursor over the item that you need help with and click mouse button 1. Then, if
necessary, select the product (ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit) for which you want to
display help.
After a short delay a help window appears that contains the appropriate online documentation and
hyperlinks to associated topics. The window is like any other window on your workstation in that


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

it can be resized both horizontally and vertically and moved to suit your needs.
Note: Subsequent context-sensitive help requests are addressed much more quickly because the help server is already running.

3. If a dialog box appears in which you must specify the product of your choice, do the following:
a. Select the product for which you want to display help.
b. Toggle on Do not display this dialog box for subsequent help requests if you want
all help that is displayed during the current session to apply only to the product that you
just selected.
c. Click OK to close the dialog box and to display the help window.
After a short delay the help window appears.
Alternatively, you can use the [F1] key to display help on a particular item. In most cases you can gain
access to context-sensitive help by using the Help menu, the help toolbar icon, or the [F1] key.
However, you must use [F1] if you are seeking information about menu items and certain kinds of
dialog boxes.
To display help using the [F1] key:
1. Click the feature in the ABAQUS/CAE window that you want help with. If the feature is part of a
menu, do not release the mouse button.
2. Press [F1]. Then, if necessary, select the product (ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit) for
which you want to display help.
A window appears that contains the appropriate online documentation and links to associated
topics. If you selected a menu item without releasing the mouse button, that menu disappears.
Note: ABAQUS/CAE also provides brief ``tooltips'' that describe the function of tools in
toolboxes and in the toolbar. To see a ``tooltip,'' position the cursor over a tool and leave it
stationary for a short time.

5.6.2 Browsing and searching the online manuals

You can browse and search the entire online manual collection by selecting Help->Search & Browse
Manuals. The window that appears contains a list of all of the manuals in the online documentation
collection. To view a particular manual, simply double-click the title of interest; the manual will
appear in its own window. (For detailed information on using the online documentation, see the online
manual Using ABAQUS Online Documentation.)
To display and search an online manual:
1. From the main menu bar, select Help->Search & Browse Manuals .
ABAQUS/CAE displays the library window with a list of all of the manuals in the online
documentation collection.


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

2. In the Book Titles column on the right side of the window, double-click the manual title of
Tip: You can also open the manual by first selecting it on the right side of the window and
then selecting File->Open Book from the library window menu bar.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a two-panel window containing the manual that you selected. The right
panel contains the contents of the manual, and the left panel contains the table of contents (TOC).
For example, the book window for UNIX systems appears in Figure 5-3. (The book window for
Windows NT systems has the same layout but a slightly different appearance.)

Figure 5-3 The book window.

3. Navigate through the manual's contents in any of the following ways:

To scroll so that you can view additional manual content or additional TOC entries, use the
scroll bars to the right of the content and TOC panels.
To jump directly to a section whose title is displayed in the TOC, click that title.
To search for a word or phrase, enter it in the Find text box at the bottom of the book window.
The search engine searches for the precise word or phrase you type; for example, searching for
the word ``element'' yields different results than searching for the word ``elements.'' Use the


The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

[*] character as a wildcard; for example, searching for ``element*'' will find occurrences of the
words ``element,'' ``elements,'' ``elemental,'' and ``elementary.'' Searches are not case sensitive.

5.6.3 Finding special sections of the online documentation

The following Help menu items allow you to display sections of the online documentation that you
may find useful:
On Module
Select Help->On Module to display the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual opened to the
beginning of the chapter that describes the current module. If you have not yet entered a
module, the manual will be opened to a description of the module concept. In either case, you
are then free to read additional information as needed and to conduct text searches through the
entire manual.
Getting Started
Select Help->Getting Started to display the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual opened to a
section that provides basic information on how to work in the ABAQUS/CAE window. This
section also contains helpful tutorials. You are free to read additional information as needed
and to conduct text searches through the entire manual.
On Help
Select Help->On Help to display the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual opened to the section that
describes how to use the help system. You are also free to read additional information as
needed and to conduct text searches through the entire manual.
Release Notes
Select Help->Release Notes to display the ABAQUS Release Notes. Release notes detail
new features of the software and provide a list of updates and enhancements.
On Version
Select Help->On Version to determine which version of ABAQUS/CAE you are currently

5.6.4 Finding information about keywords

The keyword browser is a scrollable table that contains the following information:
The purpose of each keyword.
The ABAQUS/CAE module or toolset that contains the functionality associated with each
To view the keyword browser, select the following:
Help->Keyword Browser

The basics of interacting with ABAQUS/CAE

For example, you could use the keyword browser to verify that the *ELASTIC option allows you to
specify elastic material properties and that the Property module is the ABAQUS/CAE module
associated with this keyword.
The keyword browser also contains hyperlinks to relevant sections in the online documentation. You
can click a particular keyword in the table to display detailed information concerning the function of
that keyword. You can also click the name of a module or toolset in the table to view related
documentation in the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual.
To display the keyword browser:
1. From the main menu bar, select Help->Keyword Browser .
A table of ABAQUS keywords and their associated modules is displayed.
2. In the Keyword column, click the keyword of interest to view online documentation describing
that keyword.
3. In the Module or Toolset column, click the module or toolset name of interest to view online
documentation concerning that module or toolset.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

6. Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog

boxes, and toolboxes
This chapter explains how to interact with the various windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes that
appear throughout the ABAQUS/CAE application. The following topics are covered:
``Customizing X resources,'' Section 6.1
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3
``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4
``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5

6.1 Customizing X resources

You can use the ABAQUS/CAE resource file to control the behavior and appearance within
ABAQUS/CAE of certain X resources, such as colors, fonts, and keyboard mappings. You customize
these resources by creating a local resource file in which you specify your preferences.
You can use the sample resource file supplied as a template for your own customizations; your
customized resource file must be called Abaqus (without a file extension). The location of the sample
and customized resource files depends on the system on which you are running ABAQUS/CAE, as
On UNIX systems
The sample resource file is located in

You can place a customized resource file for all users on a given machine in

You can place a customized resource file for an individual user either in their home directory
or in the directory to which the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR points. A resource file
for an individual user will take precedence over a machine-wide file.
On Windows NT systems
The sample resource file is located in

You can place your customized resource file in



Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

or in any directory to which the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR points. If resource files
are present in both locations, the one pointed to by XAPPLRESDIR will take precedence.
To determine the location of abaqus_dir at your site, type abaqus whereami at an operating
system prompt.
Any specifications you enter in your customized resource file override the corresponding default
specifications. For example, the resource specifications for background and foreground window color
are shown below:

: #adadad
: Black

These lines specify that the background color of all windows and dialog boxes associated with
ABAQUS/CAE be gray (the shade of gray indicated by the rgb code #adadad) and that objects in the
foreground, such as text, appear in black. In general, rgb color specifications are more precise than
color name specifications, which are system-dependent. If you decide that you want the foreground
color to be blue instead of black, you can include the following in your Abaqus resource file:

: Blue

A resource specification for one of the ABAQUS/CAE fonts is shown below:

*mainWindow*menuBar*fontlist: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*

To reduce this font in size, you can include the following in your Abaqus resource file:
*mainWindow*menuBar*fontlist: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*

You can also use your resource file to specify keyboard shortcuts for certain functions. For example,
the following lines indicate that a keyboard shortcut exists for the Open item in the File menu:
: Ctrl<key>O
*menuBar*fileMenu.openBtn.acceleratorText : Ctrl+O

The first line above specifies that pressing [Ctrl]+O produces the same result as selecting Open from
the File menu. The second line specifies that the text Ctrl+O appears in the File menu next to the
Open menu item to remind you of this keyboard shortcut.
Refer to the sample resource file to see a list of many of the resources that you can customize. The file
contains comments that help you find the resources of interest.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 6, "Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes "

6.2 Using the prompt area during procedures

This section explains how to make use of the procedural steps that ABAQUS/CAE displays in the
prompt area. The following topics are covered:


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

``What is a procedure?,'' Section 6.2.1

``Following instructions and entering data in the prompt area, '' Section 6.2.2
``Using the More Options button,'' Section 6.2.3
``Using mouse shortcuts with procedures,'' Section 6.2.4

6.2.1 What is a procedure?

Many tasks within ABAQUS/CAE are broken into step-by-step procedures. For example, creating a
text annotation in a viewport is a three-step procedure:
1. Pick the position of the text.
2. Enter the text.
3. Press [Enter].
ABAQUS/CAE displays each step of a procedure in the prompt area near the bottom of the main
window so that you do not need to remember all the steps and their order.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2

6.2.2 Following instructions and entering data in the prompt area

To use a procedure, simply follow the directions that appear in the prompt area near the bottom of the
main window, as shown here:

The button marked X in the above figure is the Cancel button; click this button to cancel the entire
procedure at any time. The arrow to the left of the Cancel button is the Previous Step button; click it to
abort the current step of the procedure and return to the previous one. (The Previous Step button
appears dimmed during the first step of any procedure.) If you prefer, you can place the cursor over the
canvas and press mouse button 3; then select Previous Step or Cancel Procedure from the menu that
A Stop button appears in the prompt area during certain time-consuming operations, such as part
healing or meshing. You can click Stop to interrupt and cancel the operation.
Many procedures require textual or numeric data; for example, when creating a fillet using the Sketch
module, you must first specify the fillet radius. When textual or numeric data are required,
ABAQUS/CAE displays a text field in the prompt area for you to fill in; usually the text box will
already contain a default value, as shown here:


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Position your cursor over the canvas, and enter data into the text field as follows:
To accept the default value, press either [Enter] or mouse button 2.
To replace the default value, simply begin typing; you need not click the text field before typing.
The default value disappears as soon as you begin to type.
To change a portion of the default value, first click the text field; then use the [Delete] key and the
other keys on your keyboard to change the value.
To commit any changes, press [Enter] or mouse button 2.
Some procedures require you to choose from a number of options. For example, the Datum toolset may
ask you to choose a coordinate system type. Such options are represented by buttons in the prompt
area, as shown here:

Click the appropriate button to select the desired option.

In some procedures a default option is indicated by a border around the corresponding button; in the
above example the border is drawn around the Rectangular button. To select the default option, click
mouse button 2.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2

6.2.3 Using the More Options button

When you create objects such as loads, initial conditions, and interactions, ABAQUS/CAE often
instructs you to enter data directly in the prompt area. In some cases a More Options button appears
on the far right of the prompt area, as shown below:

If you click More Options, an editor appears that provides you with more options for defining the
object than are available in the prompt area. For example, when you edit a translational velocity initial
condition, a Velocity (V1,V2,V3) text field appears in the prompt area (see the figure above); in this
text field you can enter the three components of the initial velocity. Alternatively, if you click More
Options, the following editor appears:


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

As in the prompt area, this editor allows you to enter the initial translational velocity in the 1-, 2-, and
3-directions. In addition, the editor allows you to edit the region to which the initial condition applies.
When you define this type of initial condition in the prompt area instead of using the editor, you must
accept the currently defined region.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2

6.2.4 Using mouse shortcuts with procedures

Mouse shortcuts are available for many of the actions that take place in the prompt area. To use the
shortcuts, first make sure that the cursor is in the drawing area of the main window.
To commit the contents of any text field that appears in the prompt area, click mouse button 2.
To accept any default option depicted by a highlighted button in the prompt area, click mouse
button 2.
To reveal a menu containing options identical to those in the prompt area, press and hold mouse
button 3. For example, given the following prompt:

pressing mouse button 3 will reveal the following menu:

Items above the horizontal line correspond to the option buttons on the right side of the prompt
area, while items below the line correspond to the Previous Step and Cancel buttons.
To select an item from the menu, hold down mouse button 3 while dragging the cursor to the


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

desired item; then release mouse button 3.

For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2

6.3 Interacting with dialog boxes

This section explains how to use the various dialog box components that appear within
ABAQUS/CAE. The following topics are covered:
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1
``Using dimmed dialog box and toolbox components, '' Section 6.3.2
``Understanding the OK, Apply, Defaults, Continue, Cancel, and Dismiss buttons, '' Section 6.3.3
``Using dialog boxes separated by tabs,'' Section 6.3.4
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5
``Customizing fonts,'' Section 6.3.6
``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``Selecting multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8
``Using keyboard shortcuts,'' Section 6.3.9

6.3.1 Using basic dialog box components

The following types of components are present in dialog boxes throughout ABAQUS/CAE:
Text and numeric fields
Text fields are areas in dialog boxes in which you can enter information. For example, when
you save a display group, you must enter its name in the text field shown below:

Text fields are available whenever you need to name an object, such as a part, material, or set.
Object names must adhere to the following rules:
The name can have up to 38 characters.
The name can include spaces and most punctuation marks and special characters.
The name must not begin with a number.
The name must not begin or end with an underscore or a space.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

The name must not contain a period or a double quotes.

However, when you are naming a model or job you cannot use the following characters:
$&*~!()[]{}|;'`",.?/\. Similarly, when you are specifying a name that will be
external to ABAQUS/CAE, such as a file name, you should avoid any character that may have
a reserved meaning on your platform.
ABAQUS/CAE retains the case of any text you enter. For example, if you name a material
STEEL in the Property module, the material will appear as STEEL in the material manager
and the section editor. However, within ABAQUS/CAE, ABAQUS/Standard, and
ABAQUS/Explicit all text is case insensitive; you cannot use case to distinguish between
objects such as parts and materials. If you create a material called STEEL in the Property
module, you cannot create a second material called Steel.
Numeric fields are text fields having two opposing arrows directly to the right of the text area.
You can enter a numeric value into the text field, or you can use the arrows to cycle up and
down through a list of fixed values.

Combo boxes
Combo boxes are text fields having an arrow directly to the right of the text area. If you click
this arrow, a list of the possible choices that you can enter in the field appears. For example, if
you click the arrow to the right of the Color text field shown below, a list of all the possible
colors you can enter in the field appears, and you can select the color of your choice from the

Radio buttons
Radio buttons present a mutually exclusive choice. When an option is controlled by radio
buttons, you can choose only one of the buttons at a time.

Check boxes
You can toggle a check box to turn a particular option off or on.
For example, the visibility of the triad in the current viewport depends on the status of the
Show triad check box. If the box is toggled on, as shown below, the triad appears in the


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

If the box is toggled off, as shown below, the triad does not appear in the viewport.

In some cases the option controlled by a check box can apply to more than one object. For
example, a single Show line check box on the XY Curve Options dialog box individually
controls the display of all X-Y curve lines in an X-Y plot. If you have toggled Show line on for
some curves and off for others, that check box appears half-highlighted, as shown below.

Menu buttons
When you click a menu button, a menu appears from which you can select the item of your
choice. The current selection appears on the button. The Labels menu button is shown below:

Scroll bars
Scroll bars appear in lists whose contents are too big to display; they allow you to scroll
through the visible contents of the list as well as any contents that are hidden. Scrolling is
often necessary when the numerous items must be listed, as shown below.

Sliders allow you to set the value of an option that has a continuous range of possible values.
An example of a slider is shown below.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3

6.3.2 Using dimmed dialog box and toolbox components

Some objects in dialog boxes and toolboxes are available only under certain circumstances. When an


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

object is unavailable, it appears dimmed in the dialog box. Items are usually dimmed as a result of
some other setting in the dialog box. For example, if Show triad is not selected, the triad
customization options below it are not available and appear dimmed, as shown below.

Context-sensitive help is available even for dimmed options, although tooltips are not.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3

6.3.3 Understanding the OK, Apply, Defaults, Continue, Cancel,

and Dismiss buttons
Note: If you have reached this section through the context-sensitive help system and are actually
looking for help on some feature of a dialog box, then you must request help on that item directly.
To request help on an item, select Help->On Context from the main menu bar and click the item
of interest.
When you are finished working with a dialog box, you can specify how to proceed by using different
action buttons. For example, if you enter data in a dialog box, you can save the data and apply them by
clicking OK. If the dialog box is part of an intermediate step of a procedure, you can click Continue to
move on to the next step.
The following action buttons can appear in a dialog box:
Click OK to commit the current contents of a dialog box and to close the dialog box.
When you click Apply, any changes you have made in the dialog box take effect, but the
dialog box remains displayed. This button is useful if you make changes in a dialog box and
would like to see the effects of these changes before closing the dialog box.
If you want to revert back to the predefined default values after entering data or specifying
preferences in a dialog box, you can click Defaults. This button affects only the information
entered in the dialog box. It does not apply your changes or close the dialog box; therefore, to
see the effect of reverting to the default values, you must click Apply or OK.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Click Cancel to close a dialog box without applying any of the changes that you made. If the
dialog box appears in the middle of a procedure, clicking Cancel also cancels the procedure.
Dialog boxes that appear in the middle of a procedure contain Continue buttons. When you
click Continue, you indicate that you have finished entering data in the current dialog box and
would like to move on to the next step of the procedure. Continue causes the dialog box to be
closed and all data in it to be saved unless you click Cancel at some point later in the
Dismiss buttons appear in dialog boxes that contain data that you cannot modify. For

example, some managers contain lists of objects that exist but no fields in which you can enter
data or specify preferences. Dismiss buttons also appear in message dialog boxes. When you
click Dismiss, the dialog box closes.
To close a toolbox or a dialog box that does not have a Cancel or Dismiss button, double-click the
close button in the upper left corner of the toolbox or dialog box.
Note: On Windows NT systems you click the close button in the upper right corner of the toolbox
or dialog box.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3

6.3.4 Using dialog boxes separated by tabs

For the sake of organization and convenience, some dialog boxes are separated by tabs. Only one
dialog box is visible at a time. To view a particular dialog box, click its labeled tab.
For example, Figure 6-1 displays the Undeformed Plot Options dialog boxes.

Figure 6-1 Dialog boxes separated by tabs.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

If you click the Color & Style tab, the dialog box containing the color and edge attributes options
comes forward, obscuring the other four dialog boxes, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 Using tabs to display particular dialog boxes.

In addition, separated dialog boxes can exist within a single dialog box. In this case the tabs of the
separated dialog boxes are aligned vertically but work the same way as tabs aligned horizontally. In
Figure 6-3 the Other dialog box contains two dialog boxes separated by tabs: Scaling and


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes


Figure 6-3 Dialog box containing additional dialog boxes.

The action buttons in a dialog box apply to the whole set of dialog boxes, not just the one you are
currently viewing. If you click Cancel, all of the unapplied changes you have made in the set of dialog
boxes are canceled, not just those in the current dialog box. Likewise, clicking OK saves all changes
that you have made in any of the dialog boxes.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3

6.3.5 Entering tabular data

Some operations require the entry of tabular data. For example, the XY Data toolset can produce plots
of data that you enter in the dialog box shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 X-Y data table.

Data tables are composed of input boxes, or cells, organized into rows and columns. You can type data


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

into a table using the keyboard or you can read data in from a file.
The following list describes techniques for entering and modifying tabular data:
Entering data
Click any cell, and type the required data. You can press [Enter] to commit the data in a
particular cell.
ABAQUS/CAE does not allow you to enter character data in tables requiring numeric data; the
program beeps if you attempt to enter character data in a numeric field. (The letter E that
denotes scientific notation, as in 12. E6, is an exception to this rule.)
Adding new rows
Use the menu that appears when you click the third mouse button to add a new row before or
after an existing row. Click the third mouse button while holding the cursor over the row of
interest; then select the item of your choice from the menu that appears:
Select Add Row Before to add a blank row above the current row.
Select Add Row After to add a blank row below the current row.
Alternatively, you can add a blank row to the end of the table by clicking the cell in the last
row and in the last column of the table and then pressing [Enter].
Reading data from a file
You can enter data by reading it in from an ASCII file. Data fields within the file can be
delimited by any combination of spaces, tabs, or commas. To enter data from a file, click
mouse button 3 while holding the cursor over the target cell; then select Read From File from
the menu that appears. The Read Data from ASCII File dialog box appears. In this dialog box,
specify the following:
In the File text field, enter the name of the file to read.
Specify the row number and column number of the target cell in the Start reading values
into table row and Start reading values into table column fields, respectively. (By
default, ABAQUS sets these fields to the cell your cursor was over when you clicked
mouse button 3.)
Click OK. ABAQUS reads data values from the file into the table according to your
Moving from cell to cell
Use the [Enter] key to move from left to right between the cells in a row. When you have
reached the end of the row, press [Enter] to move the cursor to the first cell in the following
In addition, you can use a combination of the [Tab] key and the up and down arrow keys to


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

move from cell to cell. Use [Tab] to move to the right and [Shift]+[Tab] to move to the left;
use the up and down arrows to move up and down. You can also simply click the cell of
Changing data
If a cell already contains data, clicking the cell allows you to use the [Backspace] key and the
other keys on your keyboard to modify the data in that cell. Use the [Escape] key to cancel any
changes you have made and return the contents of the cell to their original state.
After clicking the cell once, you can double-click to highlight the data; as soon as you begin
typing, the highlighted contents of the cell disappear and are replaced by whatever you type.
You can use the [Backspace] or [Delete] keys to delete highlighted data in a cell.
Cutting, copying, and pasting data
Use the menu that appears when you click mouse button 3 to cut, copy, and paste data from
one location in a table to another. You can cut or copy data in single cells, in rows or parts of
rows, in columns or parts of columns, and in series of consecutive rows or columns.
First, drag the mouse over the cells containing the data that you want to cut or copy. All of the
selected cells will become highlighted except the cell that you selected first. This cell becomes
highlighted when you move the cursor outside the data table window or if you click mouse
button 3.
Once you have selected the cells of interest, click mouse button 3 while holding the cursor
over the selection; then select either Cut or Copy from the menu that appears. To paste the
data, select the target cell, click mouse button 3, and select Paste from the menu that appears.
Sorting data
Some data tables offer a sorting feature. (To determine if sorting is available for a particular
table, hold the cursor over the table; then click mouse button 3. If it is available, Sort is listed
in the menu that appears.)
To sort table data, click mouse button 3 while holding the cursor over the table; then click
Sort. The Sort Table dialog box appears. In this dialog box, choose the following:
In the Sort by text field, choose the column by which to sort.
Choose Ascending or Descending sort order.
Click OK or Apply. ABAQUS sorts all rows according to data values in the specified column.
Expanding and contracting columns
You can change the size of the columns in some tables. To expand or contract a column, move
the cursor to the line that divides the headings of the columns you want to resize; a resize
cursor will appear. Drag this cursor to the left or right to resize the two columns on either side
of the dividing line.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

You can also resize the last column in some tables by horizontally enlarging the dialog box
that contains the table.
Viewing data that extend beyond the edge of the dialog box
Use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to view portions of a table that are outside the
boundaries of the dialog box. In some cases scroll bars may not be available; instead, increase
the size of the dialog box to display more data.
Deleting rows of data
Click any cell within the row you want to delete, or select multiple cells in consecutive rows.
Then, while holding the cursor over the dialog box containing the table, click mouse button 3
and select Delete Rows from the menu that appears. The row or rows disappear; if the rows
are numbered, ABAQUS/CAE automatically renumbers the remaining rows.
You cannot delete rows from tables that display matrices or tensors of fixed size, such as those
used in the orthotropic or anisotropic elasticity data input forms in the Property module.
Creating X-Y data from table data
While you are creating a material in the Property module, you can use the data in a table to
create X-Y data. You can then use the Visualization module to plot the X-Y data and to visually
check its validity. To create an X-Y data object, click mouse button 3 while holding the cursor
over the table; then select Create XY Data from the menu that appears. The Create XY Data
dialog box appears. In this dialog box, do the following:
Enter the name of the X-Y data to create.
Specify the column number containing the X-values and the column number containing
the Y-values.
Click OK. ABAQUS reads the data values from the table into the X-Y data.
ABAQUS/CAE retains saved X-Y data only for the duration of the session.
To view the X-Y data, do the following:
From the module list on the context bar, select Visualization.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Plot, and select the X-Y data from the
pull-right menu.
For more information, see Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting."
Clearing the table
You can delete all data from a table. While holding the cursor over the table, click mouse
button 3 and select Clear Table from the menu that appears. The table data disappear.
For information on related topics, click the following item:


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3

6.3.6 Customizing fonts

The Select Font dialog box, shown in Figure 6-5, allows you to customize the font of certain kinds of
text; for example, you can use this dialog box to customize the font that appears in viewport and
canvas annotations. A similar dialog box is used to customize the font of the Visualization module
labels and titles.

Figure 6-5 Customizing fonts.

The Select Font dialog box allows you to specify and preview the following:
Proportional or fixed fonts.
The font family.
The font size, in points.
Regular, bold, or italic font.
The available options vary depending on which fonts are installed on your system.
To customize viewport fonts:
1. Display the Select Font dialog box for the text that you want to customize. For more information,
see the following sections:


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

``Editing canvas annotation color, line, and font attributes, '' Section 7.4.6
Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations"
``Setting the label font,'' Section 37.6.1
2. Select the desired font and properties.
A preview of the selected font appears in the lower portion of the Select Font dialog box.
3. Click OK to accept your changes and to close the Select Font dialog box.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Editing canvas annotation color, line, and font attributes, '' Section 7.4.6
Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations"
``Setting the label font,'' Section 37.6.1

6.3.7 Using file selection dialog boxes

File selection dialog boxes allow you to select files from lists that are filtered based on file type,
location, and name. To use a file selection dialog box, you first choose the type of file to open and
then specify the directory and file name pattern to list. ABAQUS/CAE refreshes the dialog box to list
only files that meet your criteria. From this list, you select the file to open.
The dialog box for selecting model databases or output databases is shown in Figure 6-6. The Filter
and Selection fields of the dialog box show the syntax on UNIX systems; on Windows NT systems
the slashes are reversed.

Figure 6-6 Selecting a model database or an output database.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Similar file selection dialog boxes appear when you perform other File menu functions, such as
importing a part or printing to a file.
Use the following techniques to select the file of your choice:
Filtering the Files list according to file type
Some file selection dialog boxes contain File type fields, which allow you to select the file
extension of interest. For example, the File type selection in Figure 6-6 is Output
Database (*.odb). Therefore, only files with the extension .odb appear in the Files list
on the right side of the dialog box.
Specifying the directory from which to select a file
By default, the Filter field shows the directory in which you started ABAQUS/CAE. If you
want to view a list of files from a different directory, you can enter that directory in the Filter
field and then click Filter at the bottom of the dialog box.
Important: You must always enter a slash after the directory name.
Alternatively, you can select a directory from the Directories list and then click Filter.
Filtering the files in a directory according to file name
By default, ABAQUS/CAE lists all files of the selected type in the selected directory.
Alternatively, you can enter the file name pattern and extension of your choice after the
directory name in the Filter field and then click Filter at the bottom of the dialog box. For
example, if the Filter field reads /disk2/user1/models/c*.odb, ABAQUS/CAE lists
only those files beginning with the letter c and having the extension .odb.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Selecting a file
To select and open a file, double-click the file name of interest from the list in the Files field.
Alternatively, you can enter the entire directory path and file name of interest directly in the
Selection field and then click OK.

6.3.8 Selecting multiple items in lists

In some ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes it is necessary to select an item from a list before you can
perform certain functions. For example, if you want to plot X-Y data, you must first select the data
object of your choice from the list in the XY Data Manager, shown in Figure 6-7, and then click Plot.

Figure 6-7 Single item selected.

Some functions allow you to operate on more than one item. For example, if you wanted to delete the
first two data objects in the manager shown in Figure 6-7, you could select them both and then click
To select a single item, you need only click that item in the dialog box. To select multiple items, you
can use the following techniques:
Selecting consecutive items from a list
Click the first item of interest and then, while continuing to hold down mouse button 1, drag
the cursor over the remaining items. Release the mouse button when all of the items of interest
are selected. For example, consecutive items are selected in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8 Consecutive items selected.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Another way to select consecutive items is to click the first item of interest and then
[Shift]+Click the last item of interest. All items between the first and the last are selected
Selecting nonconsecutive items from a list
Click the first item of interest and then [Ctrl]+Click any other items you want to select. For
example, nonconsecutive items are selected in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9 Nonconsecutive items selected.

Canceling a selection
You can [Ctrl]+Click previously selected items to remove them from your selection. For
example, if you [Ctrl]+Click Strain in the list shown in Figure 6-9, that data object is no
longer selected, as shown in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10 Individual item removed from selection.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Certain functions in a dialog box may become unavailable when you select multiple items. For
example, the Edit, Copy, and Rename functions in the Data Manager shown in Figure 6-10 are valid
only for individual data objects. When you select multiple data objects, these three functions become

6.3.9 Using keyboard shortcuts

You can use the keyboard instead of the mouse to perform most actions within the ABAQUS/CAE
main window and dialog boxes. The following actions have keyboard shortcuts:
Context-sensitive help
Press [F1] to display context-sensitive help concerning the currently selected object in the
ABAQUS/CAE main window or dialog box. For more information on using [F1] for
context-sensitive help, see ``Displaying context-sensitive help,'' Section 5.6.1.
On UNIX systems you can display a particular menu by pressing the [Alt] key in combination
with the underlined character in that menu's name. For example, the letter C is underlined in
the Canvas menu in the main menu bar:

Therefore, you can type [Alt]+C to display the Canvas menu. The function of the [Alt] key on
Windows NT systems depends on your Exceed configuration settings.
You can also press F10 to select the menu bar and then use the arrow keys to select different
menus. When you have selected the menu of interest, press either [Enter], [Space], or the
down arrow key to display the contents of the menu. Click F10 again to deactivate the menu
Menu items
Once the menu is displayed, you can select a particular menu item by pressing the underlined
character in that menu item's name. For example, the letter T is underlined in Toolbox in the
Canvas menu:

Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Therefore, you can type [Alt]+C to display the Canvas menu and then T to select Toolbox.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3

6.4 Understanding and using toolboxes

This section explains how to use the toolbox windows to perform common functions within a module,
toolset, or on the canvas. The following topic is covered:
``What is a toolbox?,'' Section 6.4.1
``Using toolboxes that contain hidden icons, '' Section 6.4.2

6.4.1 What is a toolbox?

Toolboxes are collections of icons that provide quick access to commonly used ABAQUS/CAE
functions. For example, the visualization toolbox contains icons representing the tools used to generate
different kinds of plots, while the canvas toolbox contains icons for tools you use to create and
manipulate viewports and annotations on the canvas. The canvas and visualization toolboxes are
shown in Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11 Canvas and visualization toolboxes.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

All module toolboxes are available immediately to the left of the drawing area as soon as you enter the
module. The canvas and view manipulation toolboxes behave differently; they appear in separate
dialog boxes, and you must select the appropriate menu items to display them: Canvas->Toolbox and
View->Views Toolbox , respectively.
In all cases the tools available from a toolbox are also available from the main menu bar. Toolboxes
are convenient when you are performing many related operations in sequence, whereas menus are more
convenient when you are performing only isolated operations. For example, the canvas toolbox is
useful if you are intricately annotating several viewports; conversely, selecting Canvas->Create
Viewport from the main menu may be more convenient than using the toolbox icon if you are creating
only a single viewport.
To obtain a short description of a tool, place the cursor over that tool for a moment; a small box
containing a description, or ``tooltip,'' will appear. Tooltips are not available for icons that appear
dimmed; to get information on those icons, use context-sensitive help instead.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4

6.4.2 Using toolboxes that contain hidden icons

In some toolboxes, such as the canvas toolbox, all tool icons are immediately visible; however, most
toolboxes contain hidden icons to conserve space. Any icon that includes a small triangle in its lower
right corner conceals a group of icons whose function is closely related to that of the visible icon.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

To select tools whose icons are initially hidden:

1. Click and hold any icon that includes a triangle in its lower right corner.
Icons for all the tools that are closely related to the original icon appear. For example, Figure 6-12
shows the top portion of the Sketcher toolbox with all of the icons revealed that are used for
creating lines.

Figure 6-12 Sketcher toolbox with all line creation icons displayed.

2. Drag the cursor to the desired icon, and release the mouse button.
The selected icon replaces the icon that was visible originally, and you can begin using the
corresponding tool immediately.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4

6.5 Managing objects

Managers are dialog boxes you use to manage all objects of a given type associated with the current
model; examples of such objects include materials, parts, and steps. In addition, you can use the Model
Manager to manage the models contained in the current model database. This section describes basic
and step-dependent managers and how you can use them in ABAQUS/CAE. The following topics are
``What are basic managers?,'' Section 6.5.1
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
``Understanding the status of an object in a step, '' Section 6.5.3
``Modifying the history of a step-dependent object,'' Section 6.5.4
``Understanding modified step-dependent objects, '' Section 6.5.5
``Managing objects using manager dialog boxes,'' Section 6.5.6


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

``Managing objects using manager menus,'' Section 6.5.7

``Changing the status of an object in a step,'' Section 6.5.8
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9

6.5.1 What are basic managers?

Basic managers consist of a list of objects and a series of buttons; you use the buttons to perform tasks
on the objects you select from the list or to add new objects to the list.
Figure 6-13 shows the Material Manager, which is an example of a basic manager used in

Figure 6-13 The Material Manager.

The list box on the left shows all the materials that you have defined within the context of the current
model. You use the buttons on the right to create new material definitions and to edit, copy, rename,
and delete existing material definitions. The Dismiss button is used to close the manager dialog box.
Often, the manager provides more information about an object than just its name; for example, in the
Job module, the Job Manager provides information about currently executing jobs and provides
buttons that allow you to write input files, submit jobs, monitor the analysis, or view output files for a
given job. The Job Manager is shown in Figure 6-14.

Figure 6-14 The Job Manager.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Every task you can perform with a manager can also be performed using the pull-down menus
available from the main menu bar; for example, Figure 6-15 shows the menu items that correspond to

Figure 6-15 Menu items that correspond to the Job Manager.

the Job Manager. After you select a management operation from the main menu bar, the procedure is
exactly the same as if you had clicked the corresponding button inside the manager dialog box.
The decision whether to use menus or dialog boxes is yours. In general, menus are more convenient if
you are performing isolated operations; the advantages of manager dialog boxes become apparent
when you are performing several operations in sequence, when you need to browse through a long list
of objects, or when you need quick access to the additional information that is displayed by some
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

6.5.2 What are step-dependent managers?

Like basic managers, step-dependent managers contain a list of all of the objects of a certain type that
you have created. In addition, they contain Create, Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete buttons that you
can use to manipulate existing objects and to create new ones.
However, the types of objects that appear in step-dependent managers are those that you can create
and, in some cases, modify and deactivate in particular analysis steps. Therefore, unlike basic
managers, step-dependent managers contain additional information concerning the history of each
object listed in the manager. Step-dependent managers display how these objects propagate from one
step to another during the course of an ABAQUS analysis. (For information on steps and multiple step
analyses, see ``Procedures: overview,'' Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
The following step-dependent managers exist in ABAQUS/CAE:
In the Load/BC/IC module:
Load Manager
Boundary Condition Manager
In the Interaction module:
Interaction Manager
For example, the Load Manager is shown in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-16 The Load Manager.

This manager displays an alphabetical list of existing loads along the left side of the dialog box. The


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

names of all the steps in the analysis appear along the top of the dialog box in the order of execution.
The table formed by these two lists displays the status of each load in each step. (For information on
creating and deleting steps, see Chapter 17, "The Step module.")
If you click one of the cells in the table, that cell becomes highlighted, and the following information
related to the cell appears in the legend at the bottom of the manager:
The type of analysis procedure carried out in the step in that column.
The type of step-dependent object in that row.
You can resize the columns of the table by dragging the dividers between the column headings to the
right or left. You can also increase the size of the dialog box by dragging the sides of the box. If the
analysis includes many steps or many step-dependent objects, increasing the size of the dialog box
allows you to view more rows and columns without having to use the scroll bars.
The five buttons along the right side of the manager allow you to manipulate objects in the steps that
you select. For example, if you click Edit in the Load Manager shown above, an editor appears in
which you could modify the load named Force in Step-1. The other buttons-- Move Left, Move
Right, Activate, and Deactivate--allow you to change the status of an object in a particular step. For
more information, see ``Modifying the history of a step-dependent object,'' Section 6.5.4, ``Changing
the status of an object in a step, '' Section 6.5.8, and ``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
``Managing prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.3
``Managing interactions, interaction properties, and constraints, '' Section 18.6.1

6.5.3 Understanding the status of an object in a step

A model can contain a sequence of steps. When you create an object in an analysis step, that object
may or may not continue to be active in any of the following steps. The activity (or inactivity) of an
object in any particular step is called its ``status'' in that step.
For example, Figure 6-17 shows the status of a load in a series of general static analysis steps.

Figure 6-17 The analysis history of a load.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

The load in this example is created in Step 1; therefore, the status of the load in Step 1 is Created.
Since Step 1 is a general static step, the load's magnitude is ramped up over the course of the step. If
the load continues to be active in Step 2, its status in Step 2 is Propagated and its magnitude
remains constant throughout that step. If you edit the load in Step 3, its status in Step 3 becomes
Modified and its magnitude ramps to the new value over the course of the step. If the modified
version of the load continues to be active in Step 4, its status in Step 4 (as in Step 2) is Propagated
and the value is constant. If you deactivate the load in Step 5, its status in Step 5 is Inactive and its
magnitude ramps down to zero. The load remains inactive in Step 6.
ABAQUS/CAE uses the following general terms, which can apply to any step-dependent object, to
describe the status of step-dependent objects in a particular step:
The object was created and becomes active in this step. The point in the step at which a
prescribed condition becomes active depends on the amplitude variation associated with that
step. For more information, see ``Prescribed conditions'' in ``Procedures: overview,'' Section
6.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
The object was created or modified in an earlier step of the analysis and continues to be active
in this step.
The definition of the object has been modified in this step. Again, the variation of a prescribed
condition over the course of the step depends on the amplitude variation associated with that
The object has been deactivated in this step or in a previous step. It will remain deactivated in
all subsequent steps until you reactivate it. You cannot deactivate an object in the step in
which it was created. The point in the step at which a prescribed condition becomes inactive
depends on the amplitude variation associated with that step. For more information, see
``Prescribed conditions'' in ``Procedures: overview,'' Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

The following terms apply only in linear perturbation steps:

Built into base state
If the step is a linear perturbation step, any active load or interaction created in a preceding
general analysis step will be part of the base state and cannot be changed during the linear
perturbation step.
Propagated from base state
Boundary conditions that were created in a previous general step continue to be active in this
linear perturbation step.
Deactivated from base state
Boundary conditions that were created in a previous general step are deactivated in this linear
perturbation step. The deactivated state applies only to the linear perturbation step and does
not propagate to the remaining steps.
For information on linear perturbation steps, see ``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 6.1.2 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

6.5.4 Modifying the history of a step-dependent object

You can modify the analysis history of an object by using the five buttons aligned along the right side
of the step-dependent manager: Edit, Move Left, Move Right, Activate, and Deactivate. (For
information on how to use these buttons, see ``Changing the status of an object in a step,'' Section
6.5.8.) The use of these buttons may be restricted depending on the nature of each step and the status
of the object in the steps.
The following list describes the rules for modifying the history of a step-dependent object:
Changing the step in which an object becomes active.
You can change the step in which an object becomes active by moving the Created status to
that step. You can move the Created status of an object to any previous general step, or you
can move the Created status to the following general step if its status in the following step is
For example, you could select the Created status of Load1 in the load manager table below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Propagated Propagated Propagated
If you moved the Created status to Step 1, the table would change as shown below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Propagated Propagated Propagated Propagated
If you moved the Created status to Step 3, the table would change as shown below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes





Note: If an object is created in a linear perturbation step, its Created status cannot be
Modifying an object
You can modify an object when its status is Propagated; the object's status in that step
changes to Modified.
Moving the modifications of an object to another step
You can transfer the modifications of an object to another step by moving the object's
modified status to that step. You can move the Modified status of an object to the previous
general step or to the following general step if the status of the object in those steps is
For example, you could select the Modified status of Load1 in the load manager table
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Propagated Modified
If you moved the Modified status to Step 3, the table would change as shown below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Propagated Propagated
If you moved the Modified status to Step 5, the table would change as shown below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Propagated Propagated Modified
Deactivating an object
You can deactivate an object when its status is Propagated or Modified; the object's
status in that step and in any following steps changes to Inactive.
Warning: If you deactivate an object in a step in which its status is Modified, the
modifications to the object are lost. If you later reactivate the object in that step, the
original propagated version of the object becomes active in that step and in all
subsequent steps.
Reactivating an object
You can reactivate an object that has Inactive status; however, the Activate button is
available only in the step in which the object is first deactivated (for example, Step 3 in the
following table).
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Propagated Inactive
When you reactivate the load in the example above, its status in Step 3 and in all following
steps changes to Propagated.
The following rules apply to linear perturbation steps:
Deactivating a boundary condition whose status is Propagated from base state


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

You can deactivate a boundary condition whose status is Propagated from base
state; the boundary condition's status in the linear perturbation step changes to
Deactivated from base state. The status Propagated from base state
cannot be moved to other steps.
Reactivating a boundary condition whose status is Deactivated from base state
You can reactivate a boundary condition whose status is Deactivated from base
state; the boundary condition's status in the linear perturbation step changes to
Propagated from base state. The status Propagated from base state
cannot be moved to other steps.
Objects whose status is Built into base state
The status Built into base state applies only to loads and interactions and cannot be
changed directly.
For information on linear perturbation steps, see ``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 6.1.2 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

6.5.5 Understanding modified step-dependent objects

When you edit an object in the step in which it was created, you change the definition of the object in
all of the steps in which it is active. In some cases you can also edit an object in steps in which its
status is Propagated or Modified. In these cases the object's definition varies according to the
analysis step.
The effects of editing a step-dependent object are summarized below.
If the status of the object is Created in the selected step:
Modifications that you make to the object in this step become effective in this step and
propagate through all subsequent steps in which the condition is active unless you modify the
object again in a later step.
The status of the object remains Created in the selected step and also remains unchanged in
all subsequent steps. For more information, see ``Understanding the status of an object in a
step,'' Section 6.5.3.
If the status of the object is Propagated or Modified in the selected step:
Modifications that you make to the object in this step become effective in this step and
propagate through all subsequent steps in which the condition is active.
The status of the object becomes (or remains) Modified in this step and remains unchanged


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

in all other steps. (In other words, if the status of the object in the following step was
Propagated before modification, its status in the following step remains Propagated
after modification.) For example, the load applied over a sequence of general static analysis
steps in Figure 6-17 has been modified in Step 3; the modifications remain in effect in Step 4
even though the status in Steps 4 is Propagated. For more information, see ``Understanding
the status of an object in a step, '' Section 6.5.3.
When you modify the data in a Load/BC/IC module editor, ABAQUS/CAE indicates in the
editor which data have been modified. These indications disappear if you change the data in
the editor back to their original values.
In some cases you cannot edit a particular aspect of an object's definition because it must be consistent
for the analysis to proceed correctly. For example, although you can modify the magnitude of a load in
any analysis step, you cannot modify the region to which the load is applied. The areas in an editor that
specify this kind of restricted data are unavailable in all steps except the one in which the object was
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

6.5.6 Managing objects using manager dialog boxes

ABAQUS/CAE provides you with a set of managers that list all the objects defined in the current
model such as parts, stand-alone sketches, materials, sections, and steps. In addition, the Model
Manager lists all the models defined in the current model database.
Note: For more information on specific managers and where they are located, see the
documentation for the particular module you are interested in.
Use the buttons in the manager's dialog box to manage the list of objects.
To manage objects:
1. To display a manager, do one of the following:
To start a manager associated with a module, select Manager from the appropriate menu on
the main menu bar. For example, to start the Section Manager while you are working in the
Property module, select Section->Manager from the main menu bar.
To start a manager associated with a toolset, select Tools->Toolset->Manager from the main
menu bar. For example, to start the Set Manager, select Tools->Set->Manager from the main
menu bar.
To start the Model Manager, select Model->Manager from the main menu bar.
The manager appears and displays a list of objects in the current model. The list contains the name
of each object and, in some cases, information about each object. For example, the Part Manager


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

lists the name of each part, its type, and the modeling space in which it was created.
2. To manage an existing object, select the object or objects of interest from the list in the manager an
then click the appropriate button. (For example, to delete an object, select that object's name from
the list and then click Delete.)
In most cases a dialog box appears; for example, when you click Rename, the dialog box asks for
the new name of the selected object.
3. If a dialog box appears, provide the requested information.
4. Click Dismiss to close the manager.
Tip: You can also use the menus in the main menu bar to manage objects. For more information,
see ``Managing objects using manager menus,'' Section 6.5.7.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing objects using manager menus,'' Section 6.5.7

6.5.7 Managing objects using manager menus

Like managers, pull-down menus from the main menu bar allow you to manage all the objects defined
in the current model.
To manage objects using menus:
1. From the main menu bar, select one of the following:
To manage objects associated with a module, select the manager menu items in the appropriate
menu in the main menu bar. For example, to edit a material in the Property module you would
select Material->Edit->material of your choice from the main menu bar.
To manage objects associated with a toolset, select the appropriate manager menu items in the
Tools menu. For example, to delete a set you would select Tools->Set->Delete->set of your
choice from the main menu bar.
To manage all the models defined in the current model database, select the manager menu
items in the Model menu in the main menu bar. For example, to copy a model you would
select Model->Copy->model of your choice from the main menu bar.
In most cases a dialog box appears; for example, when you rename an object, a dialog box appears
that asks for the new name of the object.
2. If a dialog box appears, provide the requested information.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

Tip: You can also use manager dialog boxes to manage objects. For more information, see ``What
are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing objects using manager dialog boxes,'' Section 6.5.6

6.5.8 Changing the status of an object in a step

Step-dependent managers contain buttons that you can use, under certain circumstances, to alter the
status of an object in a particular step. These buttons are labeled Move Left, Move Right, Activate,
and Deactivate.
Whether or not you can change the status of an object in a step depends on the step's procedure and the
object's status in the step. The manager allows you to make only valid changes to the history of an
object. If the operation of one of the buttons would cause an invalid change in status, that button
becomes unavailable. For more information, see ``Modifying the history of a step-dependent object,''
Section 6.5.4.
The following list describes techniques for manipulating the status of a step-dependent object:
To select the status that you want to change:
Click in the cell that is located in the row of the object of interest and in the column of the step
of interest.
The status of the object in that step becomes highlighted, and, in most cases, some or all of the
buttons on the right side of the dialog box become available. The availability of the buttons
depends on the status of the object in the current step, in the preceding step, and in the
following step.
For example, the Created status of Pressure in Step-3 is selected in the figure below:

Use the buttons that become available to manipulate the status of the object in the step that
you have chosen, as described below.
To move the status in the selected step to the preceding step:
Click Move Left to move the highlighted status from the selected to the preceding step.


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

For example, the Created status of Pressure in Step-3 is selected in the history shown
above. If you clicked Move Left, the history would change as shown below:

The Created status of Pressure moves to Step-2 and is replaced by Propagated in

To move the status in the selected step to the following step:
Click Move Right to move the highlighted status from the selected step to the following step.
In the history shown below, for example, the Modified status of Pressure in Step-5 is

If you clicked Move Right, the history would change as shown below:

The Modified status of Pressure moves to Step-6 (indicating that the modifications to
Pressure become effective in Step-6), and Modified is replaced by Propagated in
To deactivate the object in the selected step:
Click Deactivate to deactivate the object in the selected step.
In the history shown below, for example, the Propagated status of Pressure in Step-4 is


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

If you clicked Deactivate, the history would change as shown below:

The Propagated status of Pressure in Step-4 changes to Inactive, and the status in
all subsequent steps becomes Inactive.
Warning: If you deactivate an object in a step in which its status is Modified, the
modifications to the object are lost. If you later reactivate the object in that step, the
original, unmodified version of the object becomes active in that step and in all
subsequent steps.
To reactivate the object in the selected step:
Click Activate to reactivate the object in the selected step.
In the history shown above, for example, the Inactive status of Pressure in Step-4 is
selected. If you clicked Activate, the history would change as shown below:

The Inactivated status of Pressure changes to Propagated in Step-4 and in any

following steps.
Note: The Activate button is available only in the step in which an object is first


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

6.5.9 Editing step-dependent objects

You can use either menus or managers to edit step-dependent objects in a particular step. (For
information about the status of modified objects, see ``Understanding modified step-dependent
objects,'' Section 6.5.5.)
To edit step-dependent objects using menus:
1. In the Step list located under the toolbar, click the step of your choice.
The step that you select becomes the current step.
2. From the main menu bar, select Edit->object of your choice from the appropriate menu. For
example, if you want to edit a load in the Load/BC/IC module, select Load->Edit->load of your
The region to which the object is applied becomes highlighted in the current viewport.
Either an editor appears or you are prompted to enter data in the prompt area, depending on the
object you are editing. In some cases when you are prompted to enter data in the prompt area, you
can also click More Options to display an editor.
3. In the prompt area or in the editor, modify the object definition as desired.
4. If you are using an editor, click OK to save your changes. If you are using the prompt area, click
the mouse button 2 to save your changes.
To edit step-dependent objects using managers:
1. In the load, boundary condition, or interaction manager, double-click the cell located in the row of
the object that you want to modify and in the column of the step of interest.
Note: Alternatively, you can click the cell located in the row of the object that you want to modify and in the column of the
step of interest and then click Edit.

The current step automatically changes to the analysis step whose column you clicked.
The appropriate editor appears. The region to which the object is applied becomes highlighted in
the current viewport.
2. In the editor, modify the object definition as desired and click OK.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


Understanding ABAQUS/CAE windows, dialog boxes, and toolboxes

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

``Understanding modified step-dependent objects, '' Section 6.5.5
``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Editing the region to which a prescribed condition is applied, '' Section 19.7.19


Managing objects on the canvas

7. Managing objects on the canvas

The canvas can be thought of as an infinite screen or bulletin board on which you post objects; you can
imagine the canvas extending beyond the main window and your monitor. The visible portion of the
canvas is called the drawing area, and you can increase its size by increasing the size of the main
There are three kinds of objects that are displayed on the canvas: viewports, text annotations, and
arrow annotations. You can position these objects anywhere on the canvas, and you can drag them
outside the drawing area. When canvas objects are positioned outside the drawing area,
ABAQUS/CAE displays scroll bars to help you move around the canvas and view them. Canvas
objects are not part of a model and are not saved between sessions.
This chapter explains how to create, manipulate, and work with canvas objects. The following topics
are covered:
``Understanding canvas objects,'' Section 7.1
``Manipulating canvas objects,'' Section 7.2
``Working with viewports,'' Section 7.3
``Working with canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4

7.1 Understanding canvas objects

A canvas object is defined as either a viewport or an annotation, and you can create and manipulate
canvas objects using either the Canvas menu or the Canvas toolbox.The following sections describe
the canvas objects in more detail:
``What is a viewport?,'' Section 7.1.1
``What is a canvas annotation?,'' Section 7.1.2

7.1.1 What is a viewport?

Viewports are areas on the canvas where you can display models or analysis results. You can easily
create and delete viewports and control their size, position, and appearance. Figure 7-1 illustrates how
you might use several viewports to view the results from your analysis.

Figure 7-1 Working with multiple viewports.


Managing objects on the canvas

While the canvas can be thought of as an infinite screen or bulletin board, viewports are simply display
areas posted onto that screen. You can have many viewports on the canvas. A viewport is similar to
other windows on your workstation in that it can be moved, resized, and maximized, and it can overlap
other objects on the canvas. For more information, see ``Working with viewports,'' Section 7.3.
Viewport decorations consist of the border around the viewport and the title bar across the top of the
viewport. You can display or suppress viewport decorations.
The view manipulation tools, such as zoom and rotate, operate on whichever viewport contains the
cursor. Other operations interact with two particular viewports: the selected viewport and the current
The selected viewport
Before you can change the geometry or location of a viewport, you must first select it by
clicking anywhere along its border. After you select a viewport, eight small squares known as
handles appear along its border; you can drag these handles to resize the viewport. You can
move the viewport by clicking anywhere on its border and dragging it. To unselect the
viewport, click any unused portion of the drawing area.
The current viewport
To change the contents of a viewport, you must first designate the desired viewport as current
using Canvas->Make Viewport Current or by double-clicking the viewport border. After you
make this designation, a red border surrounds the viewport to indicate that it is current. All
work then takes place within the current viewport.


Managing objects on the canvas

All viewports are associated with a certain model and module. When you create a new model
or open an existing model or output database, that model becomes associated with whichever
viewport is presently designated as current. You can create different viewports and associate
each one with a different model, so designating each viewport as current results in switching
between the associated models. Similarly, you can work with multiple modules simultaneously
by designating a new viewport as current before starting a different module.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1

7.1.2 What is a canvas annotation?

Canvas annotations are text strings and arrows that you create and position on the canvas to enhance
the appearance and clarity of displayed results. Typically, they are used to annotate the contents of a
viewport. Although you can position canvas annotations so that they appear to lie within a viewport,
their location is associated only with the canvas. Moving a viewport will have no affect on the location
of a canvas annotation.
Figure 7-2 shows the use of text annotations and arrows to describe details of a model.

Figure 7-2 Text and arrow annotations.

Annotation attributes--color, line style, line thickness, and text font--can be modified from either the
Canvas menu or the Canvas toolbox.
Do not confuse canvas annotations (text and arrows) with viewport annotations. Viewport annotations
include the view orientation triad and, in the Visualization module, the legend, the title block, and the
state block. For more information, see Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations."
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Working with canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4
``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1
``Working with viewports,'' Section 7.3


Managing objects on the canvas

7.2 Manipulating canvas objects

This section explains how to manipulate canvas objects using the options provided in either the
Canvas menu or the Canvas toolbox. The following topics are covered:
``Managing canvas objects from the main menu bar,'' Section 7.2.1
``Managing canvas objects from the Canvas toolbox,'' Section 7.2.2
``Moving canvas objects to the front or the back, '' Section 7.2.3
``Deleting selected canvas objects,'' Section 7.2.4

7.2.1 Managing canvas objects from the main menu bar

Use the Canvas menu, located on the main menu bar, to create, delete, modify, or rearrange canvas
objects. If you prefer, you can select Canvas->Toolbox from the main menu bar to display a toolbox
containing all the functionality of the items in the Canvas menu.
The Canvas menu and toolbox allow you to do the following:
Create a viewport
Edit viewport annotation attributes (triad, legend, title block, and state block)
Make the selected viewport current
Show or hide the decorations (title and border) of selected viewports
Create a text annotation
Create an arrow annotation
Edit canvas annotation attributes (text and arrows)
Move selected canvas objects to the front or the back of the canvas
Delete selected canvas objects

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.2.2 Managing canvas objects from the Canvas toolbox

To open the Canvas toolbox, select Canvas->Toolbox from the main menu bar. Figure 7-3 describes
the tools available from the Canvas toolbox.


Managing objects on the canvas

Figure 7-3 The Canvas toolbox.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.2.3 Moving canvas objects to the front or the back

If you have several viewports and annotations on the canvas, you may want to rearrange them to view
or hide particular objects. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Bring to Front to move selected
objects to the front of the canvas so that they obscure other objects. Select Canvas->Send to Back to
send selected objects to the back of the canvas so that they are hidden by other objects.
If no objects are selected or if there is only one object on the canvas, the Bring to Front and Send to
Back menu items are unavailable. If you send the current viewport to the back, its select handles
remain visible. To remove the select handles, click the mouse anywhere on the canvas outside any
To move objects to the front or the back of the canvas:
1. Select the first canvas object you wish to move.
Handles indicate the selected object.
2. To select additional canvas objects, [Shift]+Click each object.


Managing objects on the canvas

3. Do one of the following:

From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Bring to Front to move the selected objects to the
front of the canvas.
From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Send to Back to send the selected objects to the
back of the canvas.
ABAQUS/CAE moves the selected objects. If you selected more than one object, ABAQUS/CAE
retains the original layering of the selected objects.
Tip: You can also move selected objects to the front and back of the canvas by clicking

in the Canvas toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.2.4 Deleting selected canvas objects

If you have several viewports and annotations, you may want to delete one or more. Select the canvas
objects, and select Canvas->Delete from the main menu bar to delete them.
Warning: Deleted canvas objects cannot be recovered.
The canvas must always contain at least one viewport. As a result, if the canvas contains only one
viewport, you cannot delete the viewport. In addition, if no canvas objects are selected, the Delete
menu item is unavailable.
To delete selected canvas objects:
1. Select the first canvas object you want to delete. For more information, see ``Selecting viewports,''
Section 7.3.2, and ``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4.
Handles indicate the selected object.
2. To select additional canvas objects, [Shift]+Click each object.
3. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Delete to delete the selected objects.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the selected objects from the canvas.

Tip: You can also delete selected canvas objects by clicking


in the Canvas toolbox.

Managing objects on the canvas

In addition, you can delete a viewport by clicking the delete button located in the top right
corner, next to the viewport title. For more information, see ``Deleting a viewport,'' Section

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.3 Working with viewports

This section explains how to create and manage viewports and how to modify their appearance. The
following topics are covered:
``Creating new viewports,'' Section 7.3.1
``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2
``Moving viewports,'' Section 7.3.3
``Resizing the selected viewport,'' Section 7.3.4
``Maximizing a viewport to fill the drawing area,'' Section 7.3.5
``Making the selected viewport current,'' Section 7.3.6
``Deleting a viewport,'' Section 7.3.7
``Showing and hiding the title of selected viewports, '' Section 7.3.8
``Showing and hiding viewport decorations,'' Section 7.3.9

7.3.1 Creating new viewports

You can create new viewports at any time; there is no limit to the number of viewports or their
position on the canvas.
To create a new viewport:
1. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Create Viewport .
The cursor changes to a cross-hair

Tip: You can also create a new viewport by clicking


in the Canvas toolbox.

Managing objects on the canvas

2. Position the cursor at one corner of the new viewport.

3. Drag the cursor across the drawing area to the opposite corner of the new viewport.
The new viewport appears and becomes the current viewport; a red border indicates the current
The exact size and position of the new viewport is not critical because you can move and resize it
later to suit your needs.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.3.2 Selecting viewports

Viewport operations, such as Delete and Make Viewport Current , require you to select one or more
viewports before you can continue. A selected viewport has eight handles around its border, as shown
in the following figure:

Click a viewport's border to select it.

To select a viewport:
1. Move the cursor near the border of the viewport.
The cursor changes to a box-in-box

2. Click mouse button 1.

The viewport becomes the selected viewport, and its handles appear. If another viewport was
already selected, it becomes unselected and its handles disappear.
3. To select additional viewports, [Shift]+Click on their borders.
4. To unselect an individual viewport, [Control]+Click on its border.
5. To unselect all selected viewports, click an unused portion of the drawing area.
Note: Do not confuse the selected viewport with the current viewport. The current viewport is


Managing objects on the canvas

indicated by a red borderand is associated with a particular model and module . Conversely, the
selected viewport is affected by viewport management and manipulation actions, such as moving,
resizing, or deleting.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.3.3 Moving viewports

You can move a selected viewport to any location on the canvas. This may be necessary to expose
hidden viewports or simply to reduce clutter in the drawing area. To move a viewport, click anywhere
on the viewport border (except directly on a handle) and then drag it to the desired position.
To move a viewport:
1. Select the desired viewport.
Handles indicate the selected viewport.
2. Place the cursor anywhere on the viewport border except directly on a handle.
The cursor changes to a four-headed arrow

3. Drag the cursor to the new location.

An outline of the viewport indicates its new position as you drag. While you are dragging the
viewport, the title box of the original viewport displays the new X- and Y-coordinates (in pixels) of
the upper left corner of the new viewport relative to the upper left corner of the drawing area.
4. Release mouse button 1.
The viewport moves to the new location, and the viewport title reappears in the title bar.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2
``Moving and editing canvas annotations, '' Section 7.4.5
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.3.4 Resizing the selected viewport

You can change the size and shape of the selected viewport by dragging one of its handles.


Managing objects on the canvas

To resize the selected viewport:

1. Select the desired viewport.
Handles indicate the selected viewport.
2. Resize the viewport by dragging one of its handles; an outline of the viewport shows the new
shape. You can do one of the following:
Drag one of the four handles located at each corner of the viewport. You can drag these
handles in any direction--vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Drag the handle on either the top or the bottom border of the viewport. You can drag these
handles only vertically.
Drag the handle on either the left or the right border of the viewport. You can drag these
handles only horizontally.
While you are dragging a handle, the title box of the original viewport displays the distance
between the upper left corner of the new viewport and the upper left corner of the drawing area.
The distance is displayed in units of horizontal ( X) and vertical (Y) screen pixels.
3. Release mouse button 1.
The viewport is displayed with the dimensions you have chosen, and the viewport title reappears
in the title bar.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"
``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2

7.3.5 Maximizing a viewport to fill the drawing area

Maximize and delete buttons are located in the top right corner of each viewport, next to the viewport
title, as shown in the following figure:

If necessary, use the scroll bars at the edge of the drawing area to reveal the viewport's maximize and
delete buttons.


Managing objects on the canvas

When you click the maximize button, the viewport changes size and position to fill the drawing area.
In addition, the viewport covers any other viewports that were originally visible in the drawing area.
To maximize the current viewport, you can also click the maximize tool
or select Canvas->Maximize Current Viewport from the main menu bar.

in the Canvas toolbox

After you have maximized a viewport to fill the drawing area, you can click this button again to restore
the viewport to its previous size and position. To restore the current viewport, you can also click the
restore tool
main menu bar.

in the Canvas toolbox or select Canvas->Restore Current Viewport from the

If the viewport title is hidden, the maximize button is also hidden. However, you can still use the
Canvas menu items or the tools in the toolbox to perform the same functions as the maximize button.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Working with viewports,'' Section 7.3

7.3.6 Making the selected viewport current

Most of your interactions with the model, such as sketching a part, positioning a load, assembling part
instances, and generating a mesh, take place through the current viewport. In addition, if you have
multiple viewports displayed on the canvas, the current viewport indicates the model you are working
on (the current model) and the module you are working in (the current module). The current viewport
is indicated by a red border, while the selected viewport is indicated by handles on its border.
To make the selected viewport current:
1. Select the desired viewport.
Handles indicate the selected viewport.
2. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Make Viewport Current .
A red border indicates the current viewport.
Tip: You can make any viewport current by double-clicking the viewport border or title bar.
You can also make a selected viewport current by clicking

in the Canvas toolbox.

Only one viewport can be the current viewport; if more than one viewport is selected, the Make
Viewport Current menu item is unavailable.


Managing objects on the canvas

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"
``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2

7.3.7 Deleting a viewport

Maximize and delete buttons are located in the top right corner of each viewport, next to the viewport
title, as shown in the following figure:

If necessary, use the scroll bars at the edge of the drawing area to reveal the viewport's maximize and
delete buttons.
If it is not the current viewport, ABAQUS/CAE deletes a viewport when you click its delete button. As
with any canvas object, you cannot restore a viewport once you have deleted it. If you try to use the
delete button to delete the current viewport (indicated by a red border), ABAQUS/CAE does the
If the current viewport is the only viewport on the canvas, ABAQUS/CAE does not allow you to
delete it.
If you have created additional viewports on the canvas, ABAQUS/CAE deletes the current
viewport and selects one of the additional viewports to be the current viewport. You cannot
control which viewport ABAQUS/CAE selects to be current.
To delete a selected viewport, you can also click the delete tool
in the Canvas toolbox or select
Canvas->Delete from the main menu bar. However, you must first select the viewport. If the viewport
decorations are hidden, the viewport title bar and the delete button are also hidden. However, you can
still use the Canvas menu items or the tools in the toolbox to perform the same functions as the delete

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"
``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2

7.3.8 Showing and hiding the title of selected viewports


Managing objects on the canvas

By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays a title bar across the top of a viewport. The title bar contains the
viewport name and additional information to help you identify the context of the viewport. If the title
bar is not helpful, you can remove it to create additional screen space. You cannot show the viewport
title without also showing the viewport border.
To show and hide the title of selected viewports:
1. Select the desired viewport.
Handles indicate the selected viewport.
2. To select additional viewports, [Shift]+Click on their borders.
3. From the main menu bar, select either:
Canvas->Show Viewport Title to show the title bar of the selected viewports.
Canvas->Hide Viewport Title to hide the title bar of the selected viewports.
If no viewports are selected, the Show Viewport Title and Hide Viewport Title menu items are
Tip: You can also show and hide the titles of selected viewports by clicking


in the Canvas toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.3.9 Showing and hiding viewport decorations

Viewport decorations consist of the border around the viewport and the title bar across the top of the
viewport. By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays the decorations around a viewport. If the decorations
are not helpful, you can remove them and make use of the additional screen space. You cannot hide the
border of the current viewport.
To show and hide the decorations of selected viewports:
1. Select the desired viewport.
Handles indicate the selected viewport.


Managing objects on the canvas

2. To select additional viewports, [Shift]+Click on their borders.

3. From the main menu bar, select either:
Canvas->Show Viewport Decorations to show the decorations of selected viewports.
Canvas->Hide Viewport Decorations to hide the decorations of selected viewports.
If no viewports are selected or the selected viewport is also the current viewport, the Show
Viewport Decorations and Hide Viewport Decorations menu items are unavailable.
Tip: You can also show and hide the decorations of selected viewports by clicking


in the Canvas toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.4 Working with canvas annotations

This section explains how to create, modify, and manage canvas annotations. The following topics are
``Annotating the drawing area,'' Section 7.4.1
``Creating a text annotation,'' Section 7.4.2
``Creating an arrow annotation,'' Section 7.4.3
``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4
``Moving and editing canvas annotations, '' Section 7.4.5
``Editing canvas annotation color, line, and font attributes, '' Section 7.4.6
``Copying and applying canvas annotation attributes,'' Section 7.4.7

7.4.1 Annotating the drawing area

ABAQUS/CAE provides two types of canvas annotations that you can use to annotate the drawing
area: text strings and arrows. You use the Canvas option from the main menu to create these
annotations, and you can position them anywhere on the canvas. The Canvas->Canvas Annotation
Options option from the main menu allows you to change the font, text size, line width, and other


Managing objects on the canvas

attributes of canvas annotations. Canvas annotations are not saved when you exit the ABAQUS/CAE
Figure 7-4 shows text strings and arrows used to annotate a model.

Figure 7-4 Text and arrow annotations.

Text annotations can consist of any characters that can be displayed using the fonts available
on your workstation. ABAQUS/CAE restricts each annotation to a single line of text.
However, you can place text anywhere on the drawing area, and you can move a text
annotation after you have created it. Different text annotations can be displayed using different
fonts, but you cannot change fonts in a single text annotation.
You can create arrows anywhere in the drawing area; typically, an arrow will connect a text
annotation to a point within a viewport. Arrows can have one of several different thicknesses
and line styles and can be displayed in any color available on your workstation. You can
modify and move an arrow after you have created it.
For information about viewport annotations, which are annotations that ABAQUS/CAE creates
automatically within a viewport, see Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations."

7.4.2 Creating a text annotation

You can create a single line of text to annotate the contents of a viewport and place it anywhere on the
drawing area.
To create a text annotation:
1. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Create Text.
The cursor changes to a cross-hair.
Tip: You can also create a text annotation by clicking


in the Canvas toolbox.

Managing objects on the canvas

2. Move the cross-hair to the desired position of the text annotation, and click mouse button 1. (Text
can be placed anywhere on the drawing area.)
A box appears; the contrasting color of the border indicates it is selected.
3. Type the desired line of text.
The width of the box automatically adjusts to the length of your text, but you cannot type on more
than one line.
When typing a text annotation, you can use standard mouse and keyboard editing techniques such
as backspace, copy, and paste.
4. To finish creating your text annotation, either:
Press [Enter], or
Click Done in the prompt area.
Tip: To edit an existing text annotation, click the text to select it. A box surrounds the text, and
you can position the cursor within the box and add or delete text. You can also move the selected
text annotation by dragging its handle to a new position on the canvas.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.4.3 Creating an arrow annotation

You can create an arrow to help annotate the contents of a viewport, and you can place the arrow
anywhere on the canvas. Typically, you would use an arrow to connect a text annotation and an object
within a viewport.
To create an arrow annotation:
1. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Create Arrow to create an arrow.
The cursor changes to a cross-hair.
Tip: You can also create an arrow by clicking

in the Canvas toolbox.

2. Click the desired position of the arrow's tail and head, in that order.
The arrow appears in the desired location. You cannot reverse the direction of an arrow.


Managing objects on the canvas

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.4.4 Selecting canvas annotations

Most annotation operations require you to first select one or more annotations. To select a canvas
annotation, move the cursor close to the annotation and click mouse button 1 when the cursor changes
to a box-in-box:
. A selected text annotation is surrounded by a box and has a handle to the left, as
shown in the following figure:

A selected arrow has handles at each end, as shown in the following figure:

If another annotation was already selected, it becomes unselected and its handles disappear. To select
additional annotations, [Shift]+Click instead of clicking. To unselect an annotation, [Ctrl]+Click the
An additional method for selecting multiple annotations is to drag a rectangle around those
annotations; you can select viewports at the same time by including them in the rectangle. To select
multiple canvas objects your rectangle must begin in an unused portion of the drawing area and must
completely enclose the objects you want to select.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.4.5 Moving and editing canvas annotations

You can move a text or arrow annotation to any location on the canvas by selecting it and dragging it
to the desired location. To edit a text annotation, select the annotation and click in the surrounding
To move or edit a canvas annotation:
1. Select the text or arrow.


Managing objects on the canvas

If you select a text annotation, a box surrounds the text with a handle at the left end; if you select
an arrow, handles appear at each end.
2. Do one of the following:
To move a text annotation:
Place the cursor on the handle and drag the cursor to the new location. The cursor changes
to a four-headed arrow
while you move the text. You can drag the text anywhere on
the canvas, even outside the drawing area.
To edit a text annotation:
Click inside the box surrounding the text to position the cursor. Use standard keyboard
and mouse editing techniques to edit the text string.
The width of the box automatically adjusts to the length of the text annotation, but you
cannot type on more than one line. To create a multi-line text annotation, create and align
separate annotations. To finish editing, select another canvas object or click an unused
portion of the drawing area.
To move an arrow annotation:
Drag anywhere on the arrow shaft to move it around the canvas.
To change the length or orientation of an arrow annotation:
Drag one of the handles to lengthen, reduce, or reorient the arrow.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.4.6 Editing canvas annotation color, line, and font attributes

You can change the following attributes of selected canvas annotations:
The color of the annotation.
The font attributes of a text annotation.
The line thickness and line style of an arrow annotation.
ABAQUS/CAE applies your customizations not only to the annotations you have selected but also to
any new annotations you subsequently create.


Managing objects on the canvas

You can also copy the attributes of a text annotation and apply those attributes to another text
annotation. Similarly, you can copy the attributes of an arrow annotation and apply those attributes to
another arrow annotation. For more information, see ``Copying and applying canvas annotation
attributes,'' Section 7.4.7.
To edit annotation attributes:
1. Click the annotation to select it.
Handles indicate the selected text or arrow.
2. [Shift]+Click to select additional annotations.
3. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Canvas Annotation Options.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Canvas Annotations dialog box.
Tip: You can also display the Canvas Annotations dialog box by clicking
Canvas toolbox.

from the

4. From the Canvas Annotations dialog box, select the Text tab or the Arrow tab, and select the
desired color, line style, line thickness, or font attributes.
5. To close the Canvas Annotations dialog box, double-click the top left corner.
If you subsequently create a new annotation, ABAQUS/CAE displays it using the customized

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"

7.4.7 Copying and applying canvas annotation attributes

You can copy the attributes of a selected arrow and apply those same attributes to other arrow
annotations. Similarly, you can copy the attributes of a selected text annotation and apply those same
attributes to other text annotations.
To copy and apply annotation attributes:
1. Click the annotation whose attributes you want to copy.
Handles indicate the selected annotation.
2. From the main menu bar, select Canvas->Canvas Annotation Options.


Managing objects on the canvas

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Canvas Annotations dialog box.

Tip: You can also display the Canvas Annotations dialog box by clicking
Canvas toolbox.

from the

3. From the Canvas Annotations dialog box, click Copy Options to copy the attributes of the
selected annotation.
If more than one annotation is selected, the Copy Options button is disabled.
4. Click the annotation to which you want to apply the attributes.
Handles indicate the selected annotation.
5. [Shift]+Click to select additional annotations.
6. From the Canvas Annotations dialog box, click Apply to Selection to apply the saved attributes
to the selected annotations.
The attributes of the selected annotations change.
7. To close the Canvas Annotations dialog box, double-click the top left corner.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

8. Manipulating the view and controlling

This chapter describes the view manipulation tools and the perspective tools, all of which are located
in the toolbar near the top of the main window. The view manipulation tools allow you to position,
orient, and magnify objects within any viewport. You can also select custom views such as front and
back, as well as define your own views. The perspective tools control whether ABAQUS/CAE
displays your model with or without perspective; using perspective gives a more realistic appearance
for three-dimensional models. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1
``Customizing the view triad,'' Section 8.2
``Controlling perspective,'' Section 8.3
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.1 Understanding the view manipulation tools

This section describes basic concepts you should understand before using the view manipulation tools.
The following topics are covered:
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``The pan view tool,'' Section 8.1.2
``The rotate view tool,'' Section 8.1.3
``The magnify tool,'' Section 8.1.4
``The box zoom tool,'' Section 8.1.5
``The auto-fit tool,'' Section 8.1.6
``The cycle tool,'' Section 8.1.7
``Custom views,'' Section 8.1.8
``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9

8.1.1 An overview of the view manipulation tools

The position, orientation, and zoom factor combine to define the ``view'' of an object in the viewport.
Your view of the assembly, as well as each of your parts, is positioned relative to a default Cartesian
coordinate system, and the orientation of this default coordinate system within a viewport is indicated
by the view triad. By default, an isometric view is used when a module first displays a
three-dimensional part or an assembly.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

You can manipulate this view using the pan, rotate, magnify, box zoom, and auto-fit tools on the
toolbar. For example, you might want to pan and zoom a contour plot to view an area of stress
concentration. The view manipulation tools allow you to perform the following operations:

Move the view horizontally and vertically; that is, pan the view.

Rotate the view.

Magnify or reduce the view.

Zoom in to a selected area of the view.

Rescale the view to fill the viewport; that is, auto-fit the view.

Cycle through previous views.

Use the Views toolbox to apply a predefined or user-defined view or to save a user-defined

Clicking a view manipulation tool puts you into the corresponding view manipulation mode. You then
manipulate the view in a particular viewport by moving the cursor to that viewport and dragging or
clicking as necessary. To exit a view manipulation mode, do one of the following:
Click mouse button 2.
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area.

Click the view manipulation tool again.

Click any other view manipulation tool.
You can use the view manipulation tools as many times as necessary to reach the desired view, and
you can perform the view manipulation in any viewport, regardless of what is being displayed.
ABAQUS/CAE stores the eight most recent views from each viewport, and you can use the cycle view
manipulation tool to cycle backward and forward through these views.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays the image using a simple wireframe representation while you
manipulate the view of an object, regardless of whether the current render style is wireframe, filled,
hidden line, or shaded. The image reverts to the original render style when you complete the
manipulation. You can control this behavior by setting the Drag Mode in the View Options dialog
If you prefer to use menus rather than the tools on the toolbar, you can access all of the view
manipulation tools through the View menu on the main menu bar. In addition, you can apply
predefined and user-defined views using the Views toolbox, and you can numerically specify a precise


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

view using the dialog box that appears when you select View->Specify from the main menu bar. For
more information on custom and numerically specified views, see ``Custom views,'' Section 8.1.8, and
``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9, respectively.
Alternatively, you can enter three of the view manipulation modes by using a combination of keyboard
and mouse actions.
To rotate the view, press Ctrl+Alt, and hold down mouse button 1.
To pan the view, press Ctrl+Alt, and hold down mouse button 2.
To magnify or reduce the view, press Ctrl+Alt, and hold down mouse button 3.
To exit a view manipulation mode after using one of the preceding actions, simply release the mouse
button. You can customize the key configurations associated with these actions; for more information
see ``Customizing X resources,'' Section 6.1.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.1.2 The pan view tool

When you select the pan tool
mode, as indicated by the

and the viewport in which to work, ABAQUS/CAE enters pan


The position of your view of the model changes as you click and then drag the cursor, and a
rubberband line indicates the amount of translation. The initial location of the cursor is not important,
as long as you place it within the viewport. Cursor motion is limited only by the physical bounds of
your monitor, and panning will continue even if you move the cursor outside the viewport or window.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Panning the view,'' Section 8.4.1

8.1.3 The rotate view tool

When you select the rotate tool
and the viewport in which to work, ABAQUS/CAE enters rotate
mode. In this mode the cursor changes to a right facing arrow, and a large circle appears in the
viewport. Your view of the model rotates as you drag the cursor, and a rubberband line indicates the
amount and the direction of rotation. As you rotate your view of the model, the view triad indicates the
orientation of the global coordinate system.
The circle that is drawn when you enter rotate mode represents the silhouette of an imaginary sphere
that surrounds the object. When you drag the mouse inside the circle, you might imagine that you are


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

actually rotating the sphere, as you would a trackball. Your model is attached to the center of the
sphere, so that rotating the sphere causes your view of the model to rotate as well.
You determine the axis of rotation as you move the cursor over the surface of the imaginary sphere.
The rubberband line represents the intersection of a cutting plane with the sphere's surface, and the
rotation axis is normal to this cutting plane. The angle of rotation is twice the angle made by the
rubberband line on the sphere's surface, so that dragging all the way across the circle produces a 360
rotation. Figure 8-1 illustrates the imaginary sphere and a rubberband line being dragged across its

Figure 8-1 The rotate tool.

When you drag outside the circle, the rubberband line is superimposed on the circle, and your view of
the object simply rotates about an axis normal to the screen and passing through the center of the
circle. In this case the rubberband line directly represents the angle through which the object has
It is usually easier to obtain a desired rotation by performing a sequence of smaller rotations rather
than one large one. If you need to abandon the rotation and return to a known orientation, use either
the predefined views in the Views toolbox

or the cycle view tool

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Rotating the view,'' Section 8.4.2

8.1.4 The magnify tool

When you select the magnify tool

and the viewport in which to work, ABAQUS/CAE enters

magnify mode, as indicated by the magnify cursor

. When you drag the cursor to the right while in


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

magnify mode, your view of the model expands within the viewport, and a rubberband line indicates
the relative magnification. Similarly, when you drag the cursor to the left, your view of the model
contracts, and a rubberband line indicates the relative reduction. The dragging action must start in the
viewport, but you can continue to drag within the limits of your monitor. You can also drag repeatedly
to achieve the desired view. The magnify tool recognizes only the horizontal component of your
dragging motion, as indicated by the rubberband line. Consequently, you can achieve finer control by
dragging diagonally across the screen, since this results in a smaller horizontal component of the
cursor's motion than dragging the same distance horizontally.
If you lose track of your position, you may want to use the auto-fit tool
the viewport.

to rescale the view to fit

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Magnifying or reducing the view,'' Section 8.4.3

8.1.5 The box zoom tool

When you select the box zoom tool
and the viewport in which to work, ABAQUS/CAE enters
box zoom mode, as indicated by a rectangular cursor with a small arrow in one corner. You use this
tool to select a rectangular area of your model; ABAQUS/CAE enlarges your view of the selected
portion of your model to fill the viewport.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Zooming in to a selected area of the view,'' Section 8.4.4

8.1.6 The auto-fit tool

Use the auto-fit tool
from the toolbar to quickly adjust your view of the model so that the model
fills the viewport and is centered within it. When you fit a view, the orientation does not change, as
indicated by the view triad.
If you have only one viewport, auto-fitting occurs as soon as you click the auto-fit tool. If you have
more than one viewport, select the auto-fit tool and then place the cursor over the viewport you want to
rescale. The cursor changes; click, and ABAQUS/CAE auto-fits the view.
A separate option, Auto-fit after view rotations, is available when you select View->View Options
from the main menu bar. You use this option to control whether or not ABAQUS/CAE automatically
rescales the view to fit the viewport as you rotate. For more information on using this option, see
``Rotating the view,'' Section 8.4.2.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Rescaling the view to fit the viewport,'' Section 8.4.5

8.1.7 The cycle tool

When you select the cycle tool
and the viewport in which to work, ABAQUS/CAE enters cycle
mode, as indicated by a cursor in the form of a two-way arrow. You can cycle through the eight most
recent views in each viewport.
To cycle through previous views, click in the viewport whose view you want to change. To control the
direction of cycling, click Backward or Forward in the prompt area. The default is to cycle backward.
After you cycle backward to the oldest available view, continued clicking has no effect. Similarly, after
you cycle forward to the most recent view, continued clicking has no effect.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Cycling through views,'' Section 8.4.6

8.1.8 Custom views

When you select the view toolbox
from the toolbar, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Views toolbox
that allows you to apply a custom view to the model in the selected viewport. (A view is the
combination of the position, orientation, and zoom factor of the model in the viewport.)
Custom views include seven predefined views (such as front and back) and up to four user-defined
Predefined views
Predefined views are based on the six faces of an imaginary cube and an isometric view. The
view triad indicates the orientation of this imaginary cube within a viewport. Figure 8-2
illustrates the six predefined cube face views.

Figure 8-2 Predefined views.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

User-defined views
You can use the view manipulation tools to position your view of a model in a viewport and
in the Views toolbox to save the view as one of four user-defined views.
then click
You can use this saved view to restore the object in the viewport to a known orientation, and
you can apply a saved view to other viewports. Saved views are not stored between sessions.
The view consists of three components: orientation, zoom factor, and position. You can
choose whether or not all three of these components are saved using the Scale & Position
options, as follows:

When you save a view after choosing this option, only the orientation is saved. When
you apply a view saved with this option, the saved orientation is applied, but the zoom
factor and position are adjusted to make the view fit the viewport.
Save current

When you save a view after choosing this option, the orientation, the zoom factor, and
the position are all saved. When you apply a view saved with this option, the saved
orientation, zoom factor, and position are all applied to the object in the viewport. To
compare different objects in different viewports by placing the viewports side-by-side
and applying a known orientation, zoom factor, and position to each, choose the Save
current option.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Applying custom views,'' Section 8.4.7
``Saving a user-defined view,'' Section 8.4.8

8.1.9 Numerically specifying a view


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

You can bypass the view manipulation tools and specify a particular view numerically. Specifying a
view is useful if you want to reproduce a particular view between ABAQUS/CAE sessions or if
numerically specifying a view is simpler and more convenient than applying a series of view
manipulations. You can use the following methods to specify your view:
Rotation Angles

Enter three angles (1 , 2 , 3 ) representing the angles through which your view of the model
rotates about the screen or model 1-, 2-, and 3-axes, respectively. Rotations are interpreted in
the order (1 , 2 , 3 ), and a positive angle represents a right-handed rotation about the axis.
You must choose one of the following modes to apply the rotation:
Increment About Model Axes. When you choose Increment About Model Axes,
ABAQUS/CAE simply applies the rotation to the current view. Figure 8-3 shows the
result of applying an incremental model axes rotation of 90, 0, 0 from the isometric view.

Figure 8-3 Specifying an incremental model axes rotation angle.

Increment About Screen Axes. The screen X-axis is horizontal, the Y-axis is vertical,
and the Z-axis is out of the screen. The origin of the screen axes is the center of the
viewport. When you choose Increment About Screen Axes, ABAQUS/CAE simply
applies the rotation to the current view. Figure 8-4 shows the result of applying an
incremental screen axes rotation of 90, 0, 0 from the isometric view.

Figure 8-4 Specifying an incremental screen axes rotation angle.

Total Rotation From (0,0,1). When you choose Total Rotation From (0,0,1),


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

ABAQUS/CAE first rotates the view to the default position (a view looking down the
3-axis with the 1- and 2-axes in the plane of the screen) and then applies the desired
rotation. Figure 8-5 shows the result of applying a total rotation of 90, 0, 0 from the
isometric view.

Figure 8-5 Specifying a total rotation angle.

When you choose Viewpoint , you enter three values representing the 1-, 2-, and 3-position of
an observer. ABAQUS/CAE constructs a vector from the origin of the model to the position
that you specify and rotates your view of the model so that this vector points out of the screen.
Figure 8-6 shows the result of applying a viewpoint of 1, 1, 1 (an isometric view) and a
viewpoint of 1, 0, 0.

Figure 8-6 Specifying a viewpoint.

When you use the Viewpoint method to specify a view, you can also specify the Up vector.
ABAQUS/CAE positions your view of the model so that this vector points upward. Figure 8-7
shows the result of applying an up vector of 0, 1, 0 and an up vector of 0, -1, 0 to an isometric


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

Figure 8-7 Specifying an Up vector.

The Up vector must not equal the Viewpoint vector.

Enter a value representing a magnification factor. A value greater than 1 expands your view of
the model in the viewport; for example, a Zoom factor of 2 doubles the size of your view of
the model. A value between 0 and 1 contracts your view of the model in the viewport; for
example, a value of 0.25 contracts your view of the model to a quarter of its original size. The
value must be greater than zero.
You must choose one of the following methods to apply the zoom:
Absolute. When you choose Absolute, ABAQUS/CAE first fits the view to the viewport
and then applies the desired Zoom factor.
Relative. When you choose Relative, ABAQUS/CAE applies the Zoom factor to the
current view.
Enter values that ABAQUS/CAE uses to Pan your view of the model to a specified horizontal
and vertical position within the viewport. ABAQUS/CAE first centers the view in the
viewport and then moves it to the desired position. The values that you enter indicate the
desired position of your view of the model based on fractions of the 1- and 2-dimensions of
the viewport. Positive 1-values indicate a position toward the right edge of the viewport, and
positive 2-values indicate a position toward the top of the viewport. For example, if the
viewport is 200 mm wide and 100 mm tall and you enter values of 0.5, -0.1 in the Fraction of
viewport to pan (X,Y) field, ABAQUS/CAE positions your view of the model 100 mm
toward the right and 10 mm down from the center of the viewport.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Applying a specified view,'' Section 8.4.9


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

8.2 Customizing the view triad

The view triad, shown below, is a set of three perpendicular axes that indicate the orientation of your
view of the model currently being displayed. As you rotate your view of the model, the triad changes to
indicate the new orientation. For more information on using the rotate tool, see ``Rotating the view,''
Section 8.4.2.

You can use the View->Viewport Annotations menu item to request or suppress the display of the
triad and to control the triad's position and appearance. You can also control the triad's color, labels,
and label font.
To control triad display options:
1. From the main menu bar, select View->Viewport Annotations.
The Viewport Annotation Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Triad tab, and toggle Show triad to display or suppress the triad.
When Show triad is toggled on, Position and Attributes options become available.
3. If Show triad is toggled on, enter percentage values for the triad X and Y positions in the %
Viewport X and % Viewport Y boxes, respectively.
A value of 0 for % Viewport X moves the triad origin to the extreme left of the viewport while a
value of 100 moves it to the extreme right. A value of 0 for % Viewport Y moves the triad origin
to the extreme bottom of the viewport, while a value of 100 moves it to the extreme top.
4. Click the Color arrow and select a color option from the list that appears.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
5. Click the Labels menu button and select either numerical or alphabetical labeling for the triad.
The specified style appears in the Labels box.
6. Click Set Label Font to set the font type, size, and style using the dialog box that appears.
7. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Overview of general display options,'' Section 10.5


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

8.3 Controlling perspective

Perspective representation accurately depicts the spatial relationship of three-dimensional objects in a
two-dimensional plane. In other words, a three-dimensional model on your screen appears more
realistic when perspective is turned on. Alternatively, parallel lines in the model appear parallel when
perspective is turned off. Perspective affects plots in all modules and is turned on by default.
You can use the View->View Options menu item or the
control perspective.


icons located in the toolbar to

To control perspective:
1. Locate the perspective option.
From the main menu bar, select View->View Options . The View Options dialog box appears.
Click the General tab in the View Options dialog box.
Tip: You can also control perspective using the


icons located in the toolbar.

2. Choose either Off or On.

3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes apply only to the current viewport and are saved for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view and controlling perspective "

8.4 Using the view manipulation tools

This section provides details of using the tools in the toolbar that allow you to manipulate the position,
orientation, and scaling of the model within a viewport. The following topics are covered:
``Panning the view,'' Section 8.4.1
``Rotating the view,'' Section 8.4.2
``Magnifying or reducing the view,'' Section 8.4.3
``Zooming in to a selected area of the view,'' Section 8.4.4
``Rescaling the view to fit the viewport,'' Section 8.4.5
``Cycling through views,'' Section 8.4.6
``Applying custom views,'' Section 8.4.7
``Saving a user-defined view,'' Section 8.4.8


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

``Applying a specified view,'' Section 8.4.9

8.4.1 Panning the view

Use the pan tool

from the toolbar to move the view horizontally and vertically within the

To pan the view:

1. From the toolbar, click the pan tool

to enter pan mode.

Tip: You can also select View->Pan from the main menu or press [F2].
2. Position the cursor in the viewport whose view you want to change.
The cursor changes to a four-headed arrow:
3. Drag the cursor in any direction until you obtain the desired view.
The position of your view of the model in the viewport changes as you drag the cursor, and a
rubberband line indicates the amount of translation.
Note: The initial location of the cursor is not important, as long as you place it within the viewport. Cursor motion is limited
only by the physical bounds of your monitor, and panning will continue even if you move the cursor outside the viewport or

To return to the original view, drag the cursor back to the origin of the rubberband line.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you achieve the desired view.
5. To exit pan mode, do one of the following:
Click mouse button 2.
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area.

Click the pan tool.

Click any other view manipulation tool.
Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the previous view.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The pan view tool,'' Section 8.1.2


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1

``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.4.2 Rotating the view

Use the rotate tool
from the toolbar to rotate the view within the viewport. Using a separate
option you can control whether or not ABAQUS/CAE rescales your model to fit the viewport as you
To rotate the view:
1. From the toolbar, click the rotate tool

to enter rotate mode.

Tip: You can also select View->Rotate from the main menu or press [F3].
2. Position the cursor in the viewport whose view you want to change.
A large circle appears in the viewport and the cursor changes to a right facing arrow.
3. Drag the cursor in any direction.
The view rotates as you drag the cursor, and a rubberband line indicates the amount and direction
of rotation.
Tip: It is usually easier to achieve the desired orientation by performing a sequence of small
rotations rather than a single large rotation.
To rotate the view about the normal to the screen, move the cursor outside the circle and drag it
clockwise or counterclockwise.
To return to the original view, drag the cursor back to the origin of the rubberband line.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you achieve the desired views.
5. To exit rotate mode, do one of the following:
Click mouse button 2.
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area.

Click the rotate tool.

Click any other view manipulation tool.
Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the previous view.
To rescale the view to fit the viewport as you rotate:


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

1. From the main menu bar, select View->View Options .

The View Options dialog box appears.
2. Toggle Auto-fit after view rotations on to automatically rescale the view to fit the viewport as
you rotate; toggle it off to disable automatic rescaling during rotation.
3. Click OK to implement your changes and close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The rotate view tool,'' Section 8.1.3
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Rescaling the view to fit the viewport,'' Section 8.4.5

8.4.3 Magnifying or reducing the view

Use the magnify tool

from the toolbar to change the scale of the view in the viewport.

To magnify or reduce the view:

1. From the toolbar, click the magnify tool

to enter magnify mode.

Tip: You can also select View->Magnify from the main menu or press [F4].
2. Position the cursor in the viewport whose view you want to change.
The cursor changes to a magnifying glass:
3. Drag the cursor either left or right.
To magnify the view (zoom in), drag the cursor to the right of the starting point.
To reduce the view (zoom out), drag the cursor to the left of the starting point.
ABAQUS/CAE draws a horizontal rubberband line from the starting point as you drag the cursor
across the screen. The rubberband line indicates the amount of zooming that has been applied, and
the amount of zooming is proportional to only the horizontal component of your dragging motion.
To return to the original view, drag the cursor back to the origin of the rubberband line.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you achieve the desired view.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

5. To exit magnify mode, do one of the following:

Click mouse button 2.
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area.

Click the magnify tool.

Click any other view manipulation tool.
Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the previous view.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The magnify tool,'' Section 8.1.4
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.4.4 Zooming in to a selected area of the view

Use the box zoom tool

from the toolbar to enlarge the view so that a selected area fills the

To zoom in to a selected area of the view:

1. From the toolbar, click the box zoom tool

to enter zoom mode.

Tip: You can also select View->Box Zoom from the main menu or press [F5].
2. Position the cursor in the viewport whose view you want to change.
The cursor changes to a rectangle with a small arrow in one corner.
3. Position the cursor at one corner of the area to be enlarged.
4. Drag the cursor to the opposite corner.
A rectangle indicates the area to be enlarged.
5. Release mouse button 1.
The area defined by the rectangle enlarges to fill the viewport.
6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 as many times as necessary to achieve the desired view.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

7. To exit box zoom mode, do one of the following:

Click mouse button 2.
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area.

Click the box zoom tool.

Click any other view manipulation tool.
Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the previous view.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The box zoom tool,'' Section 8.1.5
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.4.5 Rescaling the view to fit the viewport

Use the auto-fit tool
from the toolbar to quickly pan and magnify or reduce a view so that the
view fills the viewport and is centered within it. When you fit a view, the orientation remains fixed, as
indicated by the view triad.
From the toolbar, click the auto-fit tool

to enter auto-fit mode.

Tip: You can also select View->Auto-fit from the main menu or press [F6].
If you have only one viewport, ABAQUS/CAE immediately scales the view to fit the viewport without
changing the orientation, centers the view within the viewport, and exits fit mode. If you have more
than one viewport, select the auto-fit tool and then place the cursor over the viewport you want to
rescale. Click in the viewport to auto-fit; ABAQUS/CAE rescales the view and exits fit mode.
Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the previous view.
For information on how to automatically rescale the view to fit the viewport during rotation, see
``Rotating the view,'' Section 8.4.2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The auto-fit tool,'' Section 8.1.6


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1

``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.4.6 Cycling through views

Use the cycle tool
from the toolbar to cycle through previous views; ABAQUS/CAE saves the
eight most recent views for each viewport.
To cycle through previous views:
1. From the toolbar, click the cycle tool

to enter cycle mode.

Tip: You can also select View->Previous Views from the main menu or press [F7].
2. Position the cursor in the viewport whose view you want to change (the cursor changes to a
two-way arrow); then click.
3. To control the direction of cycling, click Backward or Forward in the prompt area. The default is
to cycle backward.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as many times as necessary to achieve the desired views.
After you cycle backward to the oldest available view, continued clicking has no effect. Similarly,
after you cycle forward to the most recent view, continued clicking has no effect.
5. To exit cycle mode, do one of the following:
Click mouse button 2.
Click the cancel

or Done button in the prompt area.

Click the cycle view tool.

Click any other view manipulation tool.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The cycle tool,'' Section 8.1.7
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

8.4.7 Applying custom views

Use the Views toolbox to orient, scale, and position a view to one of seven predefined or four
user-defined settings. To display the Views toolbox, click the views tool
Views toolbox is illustrated in the following figure:

from the toolbar; the

The following custom views are available:

Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left, and Right: equivalent to observing the model from the six sides
of a cube.
Iso: an isometric view. This is the default orientation for three-dimensional models.
User1, User2, User3, and User4: four user-defined views. See ``Saving a user-defined view,''
Section 8.4.8, for a description of how to save a user-defined view.
To apply a custom view:
1. From the toolbar, click the View tool

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Views toolbox.

Tip: You can also select View->Views Toolbox from the main menu or press [F8].
2. From the Views toolbox, click the desired tool.
If you have only one viewport, ABAQUS/CAE immediately applies the selected view and
unselects it from the Views toolbox. If you have more than one viewport, place the cursor over the
viewport whose view you want to change. The cursor changes to a triad; click, and ABAQUS/CAE
applies the selected view to that viewport.
Note: When you apply a view that was saved with the Auto-fit option selected, the view adopts the orientation of the saved
view and immediately rescales it to fill the viewport. When you apply a view that was saved with the Save current option
selected, the view adopts the orientation, zoom factor, and position of the saved view.

3. Repeat Step 2 as many times as necessary to achieve the desired view.

Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the previous view.
4. To close the Views toolbox, double-click the close button in the upper-left corner of the toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

``Custom views,'' Section 8.1.8

``Saving a user-defined view,'' Section 8.4.8
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.4.8 Saving a user-defined view

Use the save tool
in the Views toolbox to open the Save Views dialog box and save a
user-defined view. The Save Views dialog box is illustrated in the following figure:

Use the Scale & Position options to determine whether the saved view contains zoom factor and
position information.
To save a user-defined view:
1. From the toolbar, click the View tool

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Views toolbox.

Tip: You can also select View->Save from the main menu.

2. From the Views toolbox, click the save tool

If you have only one viewport, ABAQUS/CAE immediately opens the Save View dialog box. If
you have more than one viewport, click in the viewport whose view you want to save;
ABAQUS/CAE then opens the Save View dialog box.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

3. From the Save View dialog box, choose the desired Scale & Position behavior:
Choose Auto-fit to save only the orientation of the view. When you apply a view saved with
this option, the saved orientation is applied, but the scaling factor and position are adjusted to
make the view fill the viewport.
Choose Save current to save the orientation, the zoom factor, and the position of the view.
When you apply a view saved with this option, the saved orientation, scaling factor, and
position are all applied.
4. In the View Name list in the Save Views dialog box, click the name of the tool you will use to
recall this view.
If you overwrite one of the six custom views--front, back, top, bottom, left, right--the other five
views still retain their original definitions; that is, they do not become rotated to positions
orthogonal to your saved view.
5. From the Save View dialog box, click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE saves the definition of the view you selected and returns to the Views toolbox.
The view is saved only for the duration of the current session; the saved view will not be available
the next time you run ABAQUS/CAE.
6. To remove the Views toolbox, double-click the close button in the upper-left corner of the

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Custom views,'' Section 8.1.8
``Applying custom views,'' Section 8.4.7
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4

8.4.9 Applying a specified view

Select View->Specify from the main menu to specify a view. You can choose from the following
methods to specify the view:
Rotation Angles

You can specify the angles through which ABAQUS/CAE will rotate your view of the model
about the model or screen 1-, 2-, and 3-axes. You can also choose to rotate your view of the
model from an absolute position (a ``Front'' view) or from the current position.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective


You can specify the coordinates of a vector along which an observer views your model. You
can also orient the global 1-, 2-, and 3-axes within the viewport by specifying a vector
representing the ``up'' direction.

You can specify a zoom factor that expands or contracts the view. You can also choose to
zoom the view relative to an absolute size of the objects in the viewport (the default size with
a zoom factor of one applied) or relative to the current size of the objects in the viewport.

You can specify that your view of the model will be moved to a certain position within the
viewport. The values correspond to fractions of the viewport dimensions and are relative to the
center of the viewport.
For a more detailed explanation, see ``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9.
To specify the view:
1. From the main menu bar, select View->Specify.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Specify View dialog box.
2. From the Specify View dialog box, select the desired Method and do one of the following:
If you selected the Rotation Angles method, enter the rotation angles about the X-, Y-, and
Z-axes (x , y , z ); a positive number corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation about each
Use the Mode button to specify how ABAQUS/CAE is to apply your rotation:
- Choose Increment About Model Axes to apply the rotation to the model axes of the
current view.
- Choose Increment About Screen Axes to apply the rotation to the screen axes of the
current view. The screen X-axis is horizontal, the Y-axis is vertical, and the Z-axis is out of
the screen. The origin of the screen axes is the center of the viewport.
- Choose Total Rotation From (0,0,1) to first rotate the view to the default position (a view
looking down the 3-axis with the 1- and 2-axes in the plane of the screen) and then apply
the rotation.
If you selected the Viewpoint method, enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the viewpoint
vector and the coordinates of the up vector.
If you selected the Zoom method, enter the zoom factor and choose either Absolute or
Relative magnification. A zoom factor greater than one expands your view of the model, and a
zoom factor between zero and one contracts your view of the model.


Manipulating the view and controlling perspective

If you selected the Pan method, enter the values indicating how you want to position your
view of the model within the viewport. The first value represents a horizontal position, and the
second value represents a vertical position.
3. Click OK to apply your specified view and to close the Specify View dialog box.
Tip: Use the cycle view manipulation tool to return to the original view.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9
``An overview of the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.1
``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4


Selecting objects within the viewport

9. Selecting objects within the viewport

This chapter explains how to select objects that appear within a viewport, such as nodes, elements,
vertices, edges, faces, and cells. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding selection within viewports, '' Section 9.1
``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2
``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3
Selecting dialog box options is discussed in ``Interacting with dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3. Selecting
canvas objects is discussed in ``Selecting viewports,'' Section 7.3.2, and ``Selecting canvas
annotations,'' Section 7.4.4.

9.1 Understanding selection within viewports

This section describes the objects that you can select in a viewport and explains what these objects
represent. The following topics are covered:
``What objects can you select from the viewport?,'' Section 9.1.1
``Understanding the correspondence between geometric and physical objects, '' Section 9.1.2

9.1.1 What objects can you select from the viewport?

Selecting an object within the current viewport is one of the most common tasks you have to perform
during the modeling process. In the course of various modeling procedures you may need to select
geometric objects (such as vertices, edges, faces, cells, datum geometry, and partitions) or discrete
objects (such as nodes and elements). Figure 9-1 shows these different object types.

Figure 9-1 Object types that you can select.

You can select objects in the viewport only during certain procedures, such as those listed below:


Selecting objects within the viewport

Creating sets and surfaces

Partitioning a part instance
Editing a feature
Seeding a part instance for meshing
In most circumstances only objects that are appropriate for the current procedure are available for
selection. For example, the first step in partitioning an edge is selecting the edge of interest. Therefore,
at this point in the procedure you can select only an edge; you cannot select a cell, a face, or a vertex.
Messages in the prompt area guide you through the steps of a procedure and indicate which types of
objects are available for selection.
In some circumstances ABAQUS/CAE cannot determine which objects are appropriate for selection
and does not limit your selection. For example, when you are creating a set you can select from cells,
faces, edges, and vertices to include in the set, and ABAQUS/CAE allows you to select any of these
objects. When you make a selection from the viewport, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to cycle through
the available objects until the desired object is selected. This ambiguity is described in ``Cycling
through valid selections,'' Section 9.2.5. You may find it easier to use the selection filters to limit the
type of object you can create. For more information, see ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding selection within viewports, '' Section 9.1
``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2

9.1.2 Understanding the correspondence between geometric and

physical objects
When you select geometric objects in a viewport, it is important to understand what physical structure
each object represents. The geometric objects that make up a model--cells, faces, edges, and
vertices--can represent different physical structures depending on the space in which they are
For example, beams and other wire parts are represented by edges in the geometric model (see Figure

Figure 9-2 Selecting wire parts.


Selecting objects within the viewport

The end surfaces of these parts are represented by the vertices on either side of the edge, and the
circumferential surface is represented by the line joining the vertices. To select a wire part, you can
click the edge, and, if necessary, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to specify the surface of interest.
Likewise, axisymmetric shells are also represented by edges in the geometric model (see Figure 9-3).

Figure 9-3 Selecting axisymmetric shells.

You can select the axisymmetric shell by clicking the edge in the viewport, and, if necessary,
ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to specify either the inside surface or the outside surface of the shell. You
must select either the inside or the outside surface if you are applying a prescribed condition or contact
definition to the surface. For example, if you want to apply a pressure load to a shell, you must specify
which side of the shell should receive the load.
For more information on selecting surfaces, see ``Specifying a particular side or end of a region,''
Section 45.2.5. For more information on modeling space, see ``The relationship between parts and
features,'' Section 14.3.1, and ``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding selection within viewports, '' Section 9.1
``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2


Selecting objects within the viewport

9.2 Selecting objects within the current viewport

This section describes techniques that you can use for selecting one or more objects in the current
viewport. The following topics are covered:
``Selecting and unselecting individual objects, '' Section 9.2.1
``Drag-selecting multiple objects,'' Section 9.2.2
``Using the face angle method to create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3
``Combining selection techniques,'' Section 9.2.4
``Cycling through valid selections,'' Section 9.2.5

9.2.1 Selecting and unselecting individual objects

Selecting and unselecting objects in the current viewport are straightforward operations that use
standard methods. For more information on selecting canvas objects, see ``Selecting viewports,''
Section 7.3.2, and ``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4.
You will use the following three selection operations most frequently:
Click to select an object
To select a single object from the current viewport, move the cursor to the object and click
mouse button 1.
To select a point, click the corresponding point marker. The color of the point marker
changes color when selected. Vertices that you can select are marked by small, filled
circles, and datum points are marked by small, unfilled circles. (See ``Understanding the
role of datum geometry,'' Section 41.1, for information on datum points.) Edge midpoints
and arc centers that you can select are marked by small diamonds.
Note: Some of the selection markers that appear when you are using the Sketch
module are different from those described here. For information on selecting objects
while using the Sketch module, see ``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section
To select an edge, click the edge while positioning the cursor away from any vertex.
Selected edges are highlighted.
To select a face, click the face while positioning the cursor away from any edge or vertex.
Selected faces are highlighted with a grid pattern. (The grid pattern is unrelated to mesh
element location.)
To select a cell, click any of its faces. All edges of selected cells are highlighted.
If a selection is ambiguous, ABAQUS/CAE displays buttons in the prompt area that allow you


Selecting objects within the viewport

to cycle between the valid choices and to confirm your selection. For more information, see
``Cycling through valid selections,'' Section 9.2.5.
Once you select an object, any objects previously selected in the current viewport are
unselected automatically.
[Shift]+Click to select additional objects
To select an additional object, move the cursor to the object and [Shift]+Click. Your original
selection remains highlighted, and the newly selected object becomes highlighted.
An alternative method for selecting multiple objects is to drag a rectangle around the objects.
For more information see ``Drag-selecting multiple objects,'' Section 9.2.2.
[Ctrl]+Click to unselect objects
To unselect an object, move the cursor to the object and [Ctrl]+Click. To unselect all objects,
click an unused region of the current viewport.
When you have finished selecting and unselecting items in the viewport, click mouse button 2 to
confirm your selection. You might find it useful to use the selection option tools to adjust the shape of
the drag-select region. You can also choose which objects are selected by the drag-select region. To
access the selection option tools, click
in the prompt area. For more information, see ``Modifying
the shape of the drag-select region,'' Section 9.3.4, and ``Choosing which objects are selected by the
drag-select region,'' Section 9.3.5.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2
``Understanding selection within viewports, '' Section 9.1

9.2.2 Drag-selecting multiple objects

Most prompts ask you to select just one object from the current viewport. However, some tasks allow
you to select one or more objects; for example, the Set toolset allows you to select several objects of
the same type and group them into sets. You can select multiple objects using the [Shift]+Click
method described in ``Selecting and unselecting individual objects, '' Section 9.2.1. An additional
method for selecting multiple objects is to drag a rectangle around those objects. You might find it
useful to use the selection option tools to adjust the shape of the drag-select region. You can also
choose which objects are selected by the drag-select region. To access the selection option tools, click
in the prompt area. For more information, see ``Modifying the shape of the drag-select region,''
Section 9.3.4, and ``Choosing which objects are selected by the drag-select region,'' Section 9.3.5.
Detailed instructions for drag-selecting multiple objects:


Selecting objects within the viewport

1. Imagine a rectangle that encloses only the objects you want to select.
2. Click at one corner of the rectangle and, while continuing to press the mouse button, drag until you
have enclosed all the objects.
3. Release the mouse button.
All the valid objects inside or crossing the rectangle are highlighted.
4. Click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting objects.
Sometimes it is convenient to use a combination of the [Shift]+Click and drag-select selection
techniques. For more information, see ``Combining selection techniques,'' Section 9.2.4.
Tip: If you select multiple objects and then want to unselect one or more of them, [Ctrl]+Click
the objects you want to unselect. To unselect all the objects, click in an unused area of the

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2
``Selecting and unselecting individual objects, '' Section 9.2.1
``Cycling through valid selections,'' Section 9.2.5

9.2.3 Using the face angle method to create a surface from an

orphan mesh
When you import a part from an output database (ODB), ABAQUS/CAE imports the part in the form
of an orphan mesh. Similarly, when you import a model from an input file, ABAQUS/CAE imports the
part in the form of an orphan mesh. An orphan mesh is a collection of nodes, elements, surfaces, and
sets that has been ``orphaned'' from its original geometry. If you want to create a new surface from an
orphan mesh, you must select the element faces that make up the set. Selecting individual element
faces and appending them to the surface definition is time consuming and prone to error. To speed up
the selection process, ABAQUS/CAE provides the face angle method for creating a surface from an
orphan mesh.
The face angle method is a two-step process:
1. You select an element face from the target face.
2. You enter a face angle (from 0 to 90).
ABAQUS/CAE selects every adjacent element from the target face until the angle between the element
faces is equal to or exceeds the face angle. Figure 9-4 illustrates an exhaust manifold and the effect of


Selecting objects within the viewport

the face angle selection method given a target face on a flange and a face angle of 90.

Figure 9-4 Select a target face and a face angle to create a surface.

After you use the face angle method, you can [Shift]+Click on additional elements to append them to
your selection, and you can [Ctrl]+Click on elements to unselect them. For more information, see
``Combining selection techniques,'' Section 9.2.4.
When you are creating a surface from an orphan mesh, you use the menu button in the prompt area to
choose between the selection methods-- Individual and Face angle.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2
``Understanding selection within viewports, '' Section 9.1

9.2.4 Combining selection techniques

There are times when it is convenient to use a combination of the methods for selecting and
unselecting objects. For example, you can drag-select a group of nodes while creating a node set using
the Set toolset. You can then [Ctrl]+Click individual nodes to unselect them and [Shift]+Click
additional nodes to add them to your selection. A combination of the three techniques is illustrated
1. First, you use drag-select to select a group of nodes.

2. Then, you use [Ctrl]+Click to unselect individual nodes.


Selecting objects within the viewport

3. Finally, you use [Shift]+Click to add nodes to your set and then click mouse button 2 to indicate
you have finished selecting.

You may find it useful to adjust the view orientation to make particular items in the viewport more
accessible. You can adjust the view orientation at any point during the selection process. For
information on the view manipulation tools, see Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view and controlling
Tip: To unselect all the objects, click an unused part of the current viewport.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2
``Selecting and unselecting individual objects, '' Section 9.2.1
``Drag-selecting multiple objects,'' Section 9.2.2

9.2.5 Cycling through valid selections

In some cases ABAQUS/CAE is unable to differentiate between the object you have selected and other
nearby or related objects. This ambiguity can arise as follows:
Imagine a small square surrounding the cursor. When you click an object, any other valid objects
of the same type that fall inside this square are also considered to be possible selections. For
example, if you select an edge that is positioned very close to another edge, ABAQUS/CAE may
consider both edges to be possible selections.
The size of the square is independent of the monitor size, the viewport size, and the dimensions of
the model. It also remains constant when you zoom in and out on your model. Therefore, you can
select a specific object in the viewport more precisely by zooming in on your model to increase the
distance between objects.
If your model is three-dimensional, imagine a line that is perpendicular to the screen and that
passes through the cursor and into the model. When you select an object, any valid objects of the


Selecting objects within the viewport

same type that intersect this line are considered to be possible selections. (Rotating your model
may remove some of the ambiguity.)
ABAQUS/CAE reduces the potential for ambiguity by filtering your selection against the current
procedure whenever possible. For example, if you are partitioning a cell, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you
to select the cell to partition. When you make a selection, ABAQUS/CAE considers only cells to be a
valid selection. Conversely, if you are creating a geometry set, ABAQUS/CAE considers cells, faces,
edges, and vertices to be a valid selection and the potential for ambiguity is increased.
If your selection is ambiguous, ABAQUS/CAE displays buttons in the prompt area that allow you to
cycle through all of the possible selections, as shown here:

Use the Next and Previous buttons to cycle forward and backward through all of the objects in the
viewport that are possible selections; each object becomes highlighted in turn. When the object of your
choice is highlighted, click OK or click mouse button 2 to confirm your selection. (You can also click
mouse button 3 in the drawing area to reveal a menu of the options in the prompt area.)

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2

9.3 Using the selection options

ABAQUS/CAE provides a set of tools that can make it easier and more efficient for you to select
objects from the viewport. The selection options tool
appears on the prompt line when you are
prompted to make a selection from the viewport, as shown in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5 The selection options tool appears on the prompt line when you are prompted to make a
selection from the viewport.

This section describes the selection options. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of the selection options,'' Section 9.3.1
``Filtering your selection based on the type of object,'' Section 9.3.2


Selecting objects within the viewport

``Filtering your selection based on the position of the object, '' Section 9.3.3
``Modifying the shape of the drag-select region,'' Section 9.3.4
``Choosing which objects are selected by the drag-select region,'' Section 9.3.5

9.3.1 Overview of the selection options

When you are prompted to select an object from the viewport, ABAQUS/CAE provides selection
options tools that can make it easier and more efficient for you to make the desired selection.
From the prompt area, click the selection options tool
to configure the selection options.
Selection options remain in effect only during the current procedure. When you enter the next
procedure, the selection options revert to their default settings.
Figure 9-6 shows the layout of the selection options tools.

Figure 9-6 The selection options tools.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2
``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3

9.3.2 Filtering your selection based on the type of object

To help you select the desired entities (vertices, edges, faces, cells, nodes, and elements) from the
current viewport, ABAQUS/CAE provides a set of filters that you can use to limit your selection based
on the type of object. For example, if you are creating a set that contains only surfaces, you can limit
your selection to only faces--vertices, edges, and cells will not be selected.
When you click on the selection options tool
, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Options toolbox and
configures the contents based on the current procedure. The Options toolbox allows you to control the


Selecting objects within the viewport

following selection options:

Object type
If the current viewport contains an ABAQUS/CAE part or part instance, you can select one of
the following filters:
By default, ABAQUS/CAE selects from all vertices, edges, faces, and cells. You can select a
skin from the viewport only after you select the skins filter.
Similarly, if you are selecting elements from an orphan mesh in the current viewport (to assign
an element type, for example), you can select one of the following filters:
Zero-dimensional elements
One-dimensional elements
Two-dimensional elements
Three-dimensional elements
By default, ABAQUS/CAE selects from all elements.

9.3.3 Filtering your selection based on the position of the object

The selection tools allow you to choose from which objects to select, based on their positions in the
viewport. When you click on the selection options tool
toolbox, and you can select the following:

, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Options

Objects closest to the screen

Toggle on this tool to select only the objects closest to the front of the screen. This tool
is toggled on by default.
If you toggle off this tool, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to cycle through all of the possible
selections. Use the Next and Previous buttons in the prompt area to cycle forward and
backward through all of the objects in the viewport that are possible selections; each object

Selecting objects within the viewport

becomes highlighted in turn. For more information, see ``Cycling through valid selections,''
Section 9.2.5.
This filter applies to vertices, edges, faces, and cells of an ABAQUS/CAE native part and to
nodes and elements of an orphan mesh.
Interior and exterior objects
Choose one of the following filters:

Select objects located both outside and inside a part. This tool is selected by default.

Select only objects located on the outside of a part.

Select only objects located on the inside of a part.

9.3.4 Modifying the shape of the drag-select region

The selection tools allow you to change the shape of the drag-select region. When you click on the
selection options tool
the following:

, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Options toolbox, and you can choose one of

Click to indicate one corner of the rectangle, and drag the cursor to the second corner.
This tool is selected by default.
Click to indicate the center of the circle, and drag the cursor to a point on the
Click to indicate one vertex of the polygon, and drag the cursor to the second vertex.
You then continue to click on each vertex of the polygon. Click mouse button 2 to indicate
you have finished entering vertices. There is no limit to the number of vertices in the

9.3.5 Choosing which objects are selected by the drag-select



Selecting objects within the viewport

The selection tools allow you to choose which objects are selected by the drag-select region. When you
click on the selection options tool
choose one of the following:

, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Options toolbox, and you can


Select only the objects that fall inside the drag-select region.
Inside and crossing
Select only the objects that fall inside or cross the drag-select region. This tool is
selected by default.
Select only the objects that cross the drag-select region.
Outside and crossing
Select only the objects that fall outside or cross the drag-select region.
Select only the objects that fall outside the drag-select region.


Tuning display performance

10. Tuning display performance

This chapter explains how you can tune display performance in ABAQUS/CAE. The following topics
are covered:
``Controlling drag mode,'' Section 10.1
``Using double buffering,'' Section 10.2
``Choosing a graphics driver,'' Section 10.3
``Using display lists,'' Section 10.4
``Overview of general display options,'' Section 10.5
To locate the options referred to in this chapter, select View->View Options from the main menu bar.

10.1 Controlling drag mode

In ABAQUS/CAE you can manipulate a displayed object dynamically using the mouse; for example,
you can pan, zoom, or rotate objects as needed. During such manipulation ABAQUS/CAE draws the
object as it moves, thus producing a series of intermediate images. The drag mode controls the render
style and, therefore, the speed with which these intermediate images are presented.
In general, you use the Fast (wireframe) drag mode to display intermediate images as quickly as
possible. Regardless of the current render style, Fast (wireframe) drag mode uses wireframe render
style to display these images; in the Visualization module this drag mode is equivalent to using the fast
plot mode. Setting the drag mode to Fast (wireframe) significantly improves view manipulation
performance for many models, particularly for shaded images. This option is the default.
Use the As is drag mode to draw using the selected render style throughout the entire manipulation.
Setting the drag mode to As is usually provides a more realistic portrayal of the object but can be
significantly slower than setting the drag mode to Fast (wireframe) , particularly if a render style such
as shaded is used. Set the drag mode to As is to observe all stages of the object's motion in the selected
render style. For example, you may want to use As is to locate areas of high stress concentration as
you rotate a contour plot.
The effect of your drag mode selection on drawing speed depends not only on your model and render
style but on your graphics hardware and on the settings you have chosen for the other graphics options.
For example, if you have very high performance graphics hardware and you enable the use of display
lists, the As is drag mode may provide the quickest display. For more information on this option, see
``Using display lists,'' Section 10.4.
To control the drag mode:
1. Locate the drag mode options.
From the main menu bar, select View->View Options . Click the General tab in the dialog box
that appears.


Tuning display performance

2. Select the Fast (wireframe) or As is drag mode.

3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance"

10.2 Using double buffering

Double buffering is a graphics rendering technique that prevents screen flicker when the viewport is
refreshed and, as a result, produces a smoother effect, particularly for shaded render style plots. Double
buffering is on by default, which works well for most applications.
The term ``double buffering'' indicates that two graphics buffers are used. Successive image frames are
alternately produced in the two buffers. The presence of two buffers, however, consumes additional
graphics resources, which in turn may decrease the number of available colors on some systems.
Turning double buffering off may increase color resolution on some workstations.
To control double buffering:
1. Locate the buffering options.
From the main menu bar, select View->View Options . Click the Hardware tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Choose either On or Off for double buffering.
3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance"

10.3 Choosing a graphics driver

You can choose between two graphics drivers to operate your display: X11 and OpenGL. OpenGL is a
graphics library that provides high-speed graphics rendering and is available on most systems.
ABAQUS/CAE automatically determines whether OpenGL is available on your system and, if so,
establishes this driver as the default.
In general, if you have OpenGL on your system, you should use it since OpenGL provides better
performance than X11. In the following cases, however, you might prefer to use X11 over OpenGL:
If you run ABAQUS/CAE on a remote machine and display the images on a local machine,


Tuning display performance

OpenGL may generate excessive network traffic, especially for large models.
If you use wireframe render style, X11 graphics may perform adequately while saving memory
resources in comparison to OpenGL graphics.
Note: X11 graphics are not supported on Windows NT systems.
To select a graphics driver:
1. Locate the graphics driver options.
From the main menu bar, select View->View Options . Click the Hardware tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Choose either X11 or OpenGL for the graphics driver.
3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance"

10.4 Using display lists

Display lists help you display repeated images faster. When an object is displayed repeatedly, for
example, as part of an animation, the system must perform many computations to produce each image
(frame of the animation). When you use a display list, the results of these computations are stored the
first time the object is displayed. The speed of subsequent display increases since ABAQUS/CAE can
then refer to the display list instead of recomputing each time the object is redisplayed.
You can also use display lists to improve the display speed of large models during view manipulation.
In this case display lists are most effective when you use them in combination with the As is drag
mode, since the display list must be recomputed when display options such as render style change.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE does not use display lists because there is some system overhead involved.
In particular, for small models the overhead of accessing the display list can cause the display to be
slower than if the display list were not used at all. As a rule, if you notice that animations involving
large models are slow to display, use display lists to improve the performance. Display lists operate
only in conjunction with the OpenGL driver.
To control display lists:
1. Locate the display lists options.
From the main menu bar, select View->View Options . Click the Hardware tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Choose OpenGL for the graphics driver.

Tuning display performance

3. Toggle Enable display list to enable or suppress display lists.

When Enable display list is on, you may notice a brief delay the first time an image is drawn; this
occurs because ABAQUS/CAE must construct the display list. Subsequent drawing of the image is
4. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance"

10.5 Overview of general display options

You can use the general display options within the View Options dialog box to control object
appearance and to tune display performance.
To specify general display options:
1. From the main menu bar, select View->View Options .
The View Options dialog box appears. It contains the following tabbed pages:
- Control perspective. For more information, see ``Controlling perspective,'' Section 8.3.
- Choose the drag mode. For more information, see ``Controlling drag mode,'' Section 10.1.
- Enable or disable the automatic fitting of your view to the viewport after rotations. For
more information, see ``Rotating the view,'' Section 8.4.2.
Hardware :
Tune performance using options for double buffering, display lists, and graphics drivers. For
more information on performance options, see Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance."
2. Use the tabbed pages in the dialog box to customize object appearance and to improve display


Printing canvas objects

11. Printing canvas objects

This chapter describes how you send an image of selected canvas objects--viewports, text annotations,
and arrows--either directly to a printer or to a file. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding printing,'' Section 11.1
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2
For additional information on configuring printers, see the ABAQUS Site Guide.

11.1 Understanding printing

ABAQUS/CAE allows you to take a snapshot of selected objects on the canvas and to send the image
either directly to a printer or to a file for later use; for example, to include in a presentation, embed in a
printed report, or display in an HTML document. The objects can be one or more viewports and their
contents, as well as any annotations (text and arrows) that appear on the canvas. Additional options
allow you to select the appearance of viewports in the resulting image, as well as the color, resolution,
and size of the image.
This section describes basic concepts you should understand before sending output to a printer or to a
file. The following topics are covered:
``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
``PostScript image size and layout,'' Section 11.1.2
``EPS, TIFF, and PNG image size,'' Section 11.1.3
``Hardcopy image quality,'' Section 11.1.4
``Importing ABAQUS/CAE images into other software products,'' Section 11.1.5

11.1.1 Printed image formats

ABAQUS/CAE allows you to print images directly to a PostScript printer or to save the image in a
PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Tag Image File Format (TIFF), or Portable Network
Graphics (PNG) file. The following list describes these file formats:
PostScript is the recognized standard for desktop publishing. PostScript is actually a
programming language whose instructions and data are usually stored in an ASCII format that
can be transferred easily between operating systems. You can print an image directly to a
PostScript printer, or you can save the same image in a PostScript file. When you select the
PostScript format, ABAQUS/CAE generates either a compressed bitmap representation or a
vector representation of your image, according to the following convention:
In general, ABAQUS/CAE creates a vector representation of your image when you print


Printing canvas objects

wireframe render style plots. The Visualization module creates a vector representation of
your image when you print an X-Y plot, a wireframe undeformed or deformed plot, or a
wireframe symbol plot having wireframe arrowheads.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a bitmap representation of your image when you print a hidden
line or shaded render style plot. The Visualization module also creates a bitmap
representation of your image when you print a filled render style plot or a symbol plot
having filled arrowheads. Since contour plots are considered filled plots, they also
generate a bitmap representation of your image.
For efficiency when producing bitmap images, you should minimize the size of your image
and limit the resolution of the image to, at most, the resolution of the device on which the
image is to be printed or displayed.
Encapsulated PostScript
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a variation of PostScript that describes a single graphic
designed to be included in a larger document without modification. EPS files are identical to
PostScript files except for some information that describes the size and positioning of the
image. As a result, the above discussion about vector and bitmap representations of your
image applies equally to the EPS format. Most word processing and graphics applications
support the inclusion of EPS files.
Tag Image File Format (TIFF) is a well-established bitmap image format that is recognized by
many software applications. The TIFF format supports both color and grayscale.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is an industry standard for storing bitmap images. The use
of PNG files has been popularized by the World Wide Web, and PNG images are displayed by
most popular web browsers running on a variety of operating systems. A PNG file consists of
color information and a compressed bitmap representation of the image.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.1.2 PostScript image size and layout

When you print a snapshot of selected canvas objects directly to a PostScript printer or save it in a
PostScript file, the size and layout of the image is determined by the available page size, the
orientation, and the aspect ratio of the objects:
Available page size
The available page size is calculated from the total page size and the margin information that


Printing canvas objects

you supply, as illustrated by the sample dimensions shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1 The available page size.

The orientation of your page can be either portrait or landscape.
Aspect ratio
The aspect ratio is the ratio between the overall width and the overall height of the canvas
objects--viewports and annotations--that you select for printing. ABAQUS/CAE calculates the
size of your image by scaling the selected canvas objects so that the overall object size fits
within the available page size without changing the aspect ratio of the objects, as shown in
Figure 11-2. You cannot directly specify the size of your PostScript image; however, you can
control the aspect ratio by manipulating the objects on the canvas before printing them.

Figure 11-2 Scaling the objects to maintain the aspect ratio.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the image sent to a PostScript printer or file, '' Section 11.2.5
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2
``EPS, TIFF, and PNG image size,'' Section 11.1.3

11.1.3 EPS, TIFF, and PNG image size

When you print a snapshot of selected canvas objects to an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), TIFF, or


Printing canvas objects

PNG-format file, ABAQUS/CAE determines the size of the image based on the size you specify and
the overall aspect ratio of the canvas objects. You can control the aspect ratio by manipulating the
objects on the canvas.
In the options dialog box (EPS Options, PNG Options, or TIFF Options) you can choose one of the
following methods to specify the size of the printed image:
Use the size of the image on the screen. (ABAQUS/CAE indicates the current image size in the
options dialog box.) This method is the default.
Set the width or height. You specify only one dimension; ABAQUS/CAE computes the other
dimension to maintain the aspect ratio of the canvas objects. When you are creating an EPS-format
file, you specify the width or height in either inches or millimeters. When you are creating a TIFFor a PNG-format file, you specify the width or height in screen pixels; increasing the number of
pixels increases the image size. The maximum image size allowed is 1280 1024 pixels.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``PostScript image size and layout,'' Section 11.1.2
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.1.4 Hardcopy image quality

When you print a snapshot of selected canvas objects directly to a PostScript printer or save it in a
PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file, ABAQUS/CAE creates either a vector or bitmap
representation of the image (for more information, see ``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1).
Vector representation images are resolution independent, so their quality depends only on the
resolution of your printer.
For bitmap representation PostScript and EPS images, and for PNG and TIFF format images, you can
use the Resolution menu button in the corresponding options dialog box to specify the resolution of
the image you save or print. At higher resolution, images appear to be smoother and less jagged.
Although a higher resolution image has higher quality, more data are required to define the image; the
resulting file can consume a large amount of disk space. A lower resolution image will normally print
and display faster. In general, you should select the lowest resolution that still produces an acceptable
image. You may want to save a lower resolution image while you produce draft copies of your work
and switch to a higher resolution for the finished version.
The resolution of your printer sets an upper limit on the printed image resolution. For example, if you
save an image at a resolution of 600 dots per inch (dpi) and print it on a printer that has a resolution of
300 dpi, the printed image will have a resolution of only 300 dpi.
Bitmap representation image quality may also be affected by changes you make to the image with
external software after the image has been created, such as scaling and rotation. Scaling and rotation
may distort a bitmap image. Consequently, before you print a bitmap representation of your image, you


Printing canvas objects

should adjust the objects on your canvas to match the dimensions and orientation that will appear in
the final application. Scaling and rotation do not distort or diminish the quality of vector representation
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding printing,'' Section 11.1
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.1.5 Importing ABAQUS/CAE images into other software

Many popular software systems such as word processors have mechanisms to incorporate externally
generated graphic images. In some cases these imported images can be previewed online. The ability to
preview an EPS image created by ABAQUS/CAE varies from product to product, depending on
whether the product requires that bitmap preview data be present within the image file. Since
ABAQUS/CAE does not include preview data in its image files, you will not be able to preview the
image in products that require the preview data to be present. However, regardless of the success or
failure of previewing, ABAQUS/CAE images print successfully in these systems.

11.2 Controlling the destination and appearance of printed

This section describes the options available for controlling the destination and appearance of printed
images. The following topics are covered:
``Printing to a printer or to a file,'' Section 11.2.1
``Selecting which part of the image to print,'' Section 11.2.2
``Choosing the color of your image,'' Section 11.2.3
``Choosing the destination of your image,'' Section 11.2.4
``Customizing the image sent to a PostScript printer or file, '' Section 11.2.5
``Customizing the image saved in an Encapsulated PostScript file, '' Section 11.2.6
``Customizing the image saved in TIFF or PNG files,'' Section 11.2.7

11.2.1 Printing to a printer or to a file

ABAQUS/CAE allows you to print a snapshot of selected objects on the canvas and to send the image
either directly to a printer, or to a file for later use; for example, to include in a presentation, embed in
a printed report, or display in an HTML document. The objects on the canvas can be one or more
viewports and their contents, as well as any annotations (text and arrows) that appear on the canvas.
The printed image will reproduce the layering of objects on the canvas; that is, if one object obscures


Printing canvas objects

another on the canvas, the obscured portion will not appear in the printed image. You can select the
format of the printed image, and additional options allow you to select the appearance of viewports in
the resulting image, and the color, resolution, orientation, and size of the image.
To create a printed image, select File->Print from the main menu bar. To configure your image, use the
Print dialog box that appears. For detailed help on the items within the dialog box, request
context-sensitive help on the individual items.
When you have finished selecting options, click OK in the Print dialog box to send the image to the
selected destination. ABAQUS/CAE closes the Print dialog box, sends the image to the selected
destination, and saves your print options for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding printing,'' Section 11.1
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.2.2 Selecting which part of the image to print

When you print an image directly to a PostScript printer or to a file, you can use the Print dialog box
to select which objects on the canvas to include in the printed image. You can select the following:
All or selected canvas objects
Select All Canvas Objects to print all objects (viewports, text annotations, and arrows) on the
canvas. Objects that are on the canvas but are not visible because they are outside the drawing
area will still be printed. If viewports and annotations are overlaid, the printed image will
reproduce the layering of objects on the canvas. That is, if one object obscures another, the
obscured portion will not appear in the printed image. By default, ABAQUS/CAE prints all
the objects on the canvas.
Select Selected Canvas Objects to print selected objects only. See ``Selecting viewports,''
Section 7.3.2, and ``Selecting canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4.4, for more information on
selecting canvas objects.
Viewport decorations
Use the Print viewport decorations (if visible) option to select whether your image will
include viewport decorations. Decorations are defined as the viewport border and the viewport
If you want to print a viewport's decoration, it must first be visible on the canvas; you can turn
decorations off and on using the Canvas menu in the main menu bar.
Note: Toggling the Print viewport decorations (if visible) option off is the only way to
prevent the red border around the current viewport from appearing in your printed image;
the red border cannot otherwise be disabled.

Printing canvas objects

Viewport backgrounds
Use the Print viewport backgrounds option to control the appearance of a viewport's
background in your printed image. This option is available only when you choose either a
grayscale or a color image; when you choose black and white, ABAQUS/CAE always prints a
black image on a white background.
Note: Printing without the viewport background (so that the background appears
transparent or white) usually produces the most attractive hardcopy image.
To select which part of the image to print:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Print.
Tip: You can also click

in the toolbar.

The Print dialog box appears.

2. From the Print menu button at the top of the dialog box, select either:
All Canvas Objects to print all canvas objects, even if they lie outside the drawing area.
Selected Canvas Objects to print only the canvas objects you have selected.
Canvas objects are defined as viewports, text annotations, and arrows.
3. Toggle Print viewport decorations (if visible).
When Print viewport decorations (if visible) is on, all viewport titles and borders that are visible
on the canvas will be printed.
When Print viewport decorations (if visible) is off, none of the viewport titles or borders will be
printed. You cannot use the Canvas menu items to hide the red border surrounding the current
viewport. As a result, in order to print the current viewport without the border, you must toggle
this option off.
4. Toggle Print viewport backgrounds .
When Print viewport backgrounds is on, your image will inherit the background color of
viewports on your monitor.
When Print viewport backgrounds is off, the appearance of viewport backgrounds depends on
the format you choose for your image:
When you choose PS (PostScript) or EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format, viewports in your
image will have a white background.
When you choose PNG or TIFF format, viewports in your image will have a transparent


Printing canvas objects

5. When you have finished with the Print dialog box, click OK to generate the desired output.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the output and closes the Print dialog box. Your settings in the Print
dialog box are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding printing,'' Section 11.1
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.2.3 Choosing the color of your image

When you print an image from the canvas directly to a printer or a file, you can use the Print dialog
box to select the color of your image. The following color options are available:

Use this option to print black images on a white background. This option is useful for printing
wireframe and hidden-line images of parts, assemblies, and meshes, including any partitions
and datum geometry. You can also print black and white images of undeformed and deformed
shape plots. When you choose Black&White, ABAQUS/CAE always prints a black image on
a white background, and the viewport background is printed as either transparent or white.
This option should not be used for printing images that depend heavily on color, such as
contour plots.

Use this option to print grayscale versions of color images, where each color is approximated
by a shade of gray. (ABAQUS/CAE converts each color to one of 256 true shades of gray.)
This option is useful for printing color images, such as contour plots, to a black and white
laser printer. To improve the appearance of images sent to a printer, you may want to print
viewports with the background turned off (so that it appears white or transparent).

Use this option to print an approximation of the colors you see. ( ABAQUS/CAE uses up to
256 different colors, both on the screen and in your printed image.) This option is useful for
printing images such as contour plots to a color printer or to a file that will ultimately be
displayed online. If you try to print a color image to a black and white PostScript printer, the
printer converts the colors to shades of gray.
To select the color of your image:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Print.


Printing canvas objects

Tip: You can also click

in the toolbar.

The Print dialog box appears.

2. From the Rendition menu button in the Settings field, select one of the following color options:
Select Black&White to create a black image on a white background.
Select Grayscale to print a grayscale approximation of a color image.
Select Color to print a color approximation of the colors on your screen.
3. When you have finished with the Print dialog box, click OK to generate the desired output.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the output and closes the Print dialog box. Your settings in the Print
dialog box are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding printing,'' Section 11.1
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.2.4 Choosing the destination of your image

You can choose to send an image directly to a printer, or you can save the image in a file. If you send
the image directly to a printer, ABAQUS/CAE selects PostScript format, and you can specify the
number of copies and the printer command. Additional options for the PostScript format allow you to
choose the paper size, orientation, margins, and resolution of your image, and whether or not to
include the date and ABAQUS logo.
If you choose to save the image in a file, you must provide a file name and select one of the following
file formats:
Select PostScript (PS) if you want the saved image to be identical to the image that
ABAQUS/CAE would print to a PostScript printer. Additional options for this format allow
you to choose the paper size, orientation, margins, and resolution of your image, and whether
or not to include the date and ABAQUS logo. For more information, see ``Customizing the
image sent to a PostScript printer or file,'' Section 11.2.5.
Encapsulated PostScript
Select Encapsulated Postscript ( EPS) if you want to incorporate the saved image in a separate
document; for example, a word processing file. Additional options for this format allow you to


Printing canvas objects

specify the size and resolution of the image. For more information, see ``Customizing the
image saved in an Encapsulated PostScript file,'' Section 11.2.6.

Select TIFF if you want to incorporate the saved image in a separate document; for example, a
word processing file. Additional options for this format allow you to specify the size of the
image. For more information, see ``Customizing the image saved in TIFF or PNG files,''
Section 11.2.7.

Select PNG if you want to incorporate the saved image in a separate document; for example,
an HTML file for display on the World Wide Web. Additional options for this format allow
you to specify the size of the image. For more information, see ``Customizing the image saved
in TIFF or PNG files,'' Section 11.2.7.
To select the destination of your image:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Print.
Tip: You can also click

in the toolbar.

The Print dialog box appears.

2. From the Destination buttons in the Settings field, select one of the following:
Choose Printer to send your PostScript image to a printer, and type the print command in
the Print command text field. This command should be the same command that you
would use at your workstation to print a PostScript file. Do not include a file name in the
print command; ABAQUS/CAE automatically appends the file name to your command.
See your systems administrator for details on the valid commands at your site.
Click the arrows in the Copies field to set the desired number of copies to print, or type
the number of copies you want into the text field. You can print up to 100 copies. If
desired, click PS Options to specify the page size, printed image resolution, and other
Choose File to send your image to a file. There are two ways to supply the file name:
File name

Type the name in the File name text field. You can type any characters that are
legal UNIX or Windows NT file names; for example, on a UNIX system:

Printing canvas objects

If you do not type a file extension, ABAQUS/CAE will append an extension

(.ps, .eps, .png, or .tif) to the file name.

Use the Select button to supply a file name using the standard file browser. For
more information on file selection, see ``Using file selection dialog boxes,''
Section 6.3.7.

3. If you selected to print the image to a file, click the Format menu button to select either a
PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), TIFF, or PNG format file. If desired, click the
respective options button to specify additional options.
4. When you have finished with the Print dialog box, click OK to generate the desired output.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the output and closes the Print dialog box. Your settings in the Print
dialog box are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
``Hardcopy image quality,'' Section 11.1.4
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.2.5 Customizing the image sent to a PostScript printer or file

When you print objects on the canvas to a PostScript file or directly to a PostScript printer, you can use
the PostScript Options dialog box to customize the resulting printed image. You can configure the
Paper Size
You can choose from a list of standard page sizes.
You can choose either Portrait or Landscape orientation. Portrait and landscape orientations
are illustrated in the following figure:


Printing canvas objects

You can provide the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins. ABAQUS/CAE computes the
maximum image size as the page size minus the margins. You can specify zero-width margins;
however, printers cannot print to the edge of the paper and typically have margins of at least
0.25 inches (8 mm). ABAQUS/CAE maintains the margins you specify regardless of the
orientation of the paper. For example, assume you chose a Portrait image and entered a value
for the Top margin. If you now choose a Landscape image, ABAQUS/CAE uses the value
you entered for the Top margin to compute the Left margin. Similarly, the value you entered
for the Right margin becomes the Top margin.
Text Rendering
You can specify how you want text on the canvas to appear in the printed image. You can use
either PostScript fonts or request that text characters be output as small bitmaps.
If you select Always use PostScript printer fonts, ABAQUS/CAE prints only font families
that are commonly available on a postscript printer (Courier, Helvetica, Times, and Symbol.)
Any other font is replaced by Courier, the default font.
If you select Use PostScript printer fonts when available , ABAQUS/CAE prints any
canvas text that appears in Courier, Helvetica, Times, or Symbol font. However, text in any
other font is output as small bitmaps for each character. This option requires more processing
and results in a larger PostScript file. No fonts are replaced by the default font.
If you select Always use displayed fonts (WYSIWYG), all characters are output as small
You can select from a list of standard resolutions. The resolution setting will be used only to
generate bitmap representation PostScript images. (For more information, see ``Printed image
formats,'' Section 11.1.1.) The maximum effective resolution of a bitmap PostScript image is
limited to the resolution of the device on which the image will be displayed. By default,
ABAQUS/CAE sets the resolution of a bitmap PostScript image to 150 dpi. To save disk
space, you should select the minimum acceptable resolution.
Date and logo
By default ABAQUS/CAE includes the date and time and an ABAQUS/CAE logo across the
top of a PostScript image. You can choose to remove the date and time or the logo from your


Printing canvas objects

If you are printing to a printer, the Print dialog box also allows you to type a printer command and set
the number of copies to print.
For more information, see ``PostScript image size and layout,'' Section 11.1.2 and ``Hardcopy image
quality,'' Section 11.1.4.
To customize the image sent to a printer:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Print.
Tip: You can also click

in the toolbar.

The Print dialog box appears.

2. From the Destination radio buttons, choose Printer.
3. In the Print command text field, type the print command.
4. Click the arrows to the right of the Copies text field to increase or decrease the number of copies
to print or type the number directly in the text field. You can print 1 to 100 copies.
5. From the lower-right corner of the Print dialog box, click PS Options.
The PostScript Options dialog box appears.
6. From the Paper Size field, select a standard page size.
7. From the Orientation field, choose the paper orientation.
8. From the Margins field, type the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins in inches.
9. From the Resolution menu button, select from the list of resolutions.
10. If desired, toggle off Print date to remove the date and time from your output.
11. If desired, toggle off Print ABAQUS logo to remove the logo from your output.
12. Click OK to save your PostScript customization settings and to close the PostScript Options
dialog box.
13. When you have finished with the Print dialog box, click OK to generate the desired output.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the output and closes the Print dialog box. Your settings in the Print
dialog box are saved for the duration of the session.


Printing canvas objects

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``PostScript image size and layout,'' Section 11.1.2
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.2.6 Customizing the image saved in an Encapsulated

PostScript file
When you print objects on the canvas to an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file, you can customize the
resulting image. The Encapsulated PostScript Options dialog box allows you to configure the
Image Size
You can save an image that is the same size as the image on the screen, or you can specify the
size of the image in inches or millimeters. You specify either the width or the height;
ABAQUS/CAE calculates the other dimension to maintain the aspect ratio of the canvas
Text Rendering
You can specify how you want text on the canvas to appear in the printed image. You can use
either PostScript fonts or request that text characters be output as small bitmaps.
If you select Always use PostScript printer fonts, ABAQUS/CAE prints only font families
that are commonly available on a postscript printer (Courier, Helvetica, Times, and Symbol.)
Any other font is replaced by Courier, the default font.
If you select Use PostScript printer fonts when available , ABAQUS/CAE prints any
canvas text that appears in Courier, Helvetica, Times, or Symbol font. However, text in any
other font is output as small bitmaps for each character. This option requires more processing
and results in a larger PostScript file. No fonts are replaced by the default font.
If you select Always use displayed fonts (WYSIWYG), all characters are output as small
You can select from a list of standard resolutions. The resolution setting will be used only to
generate bitmap representation EPS images. (For more information, see ``Printed image
formats,'' Section 11.1.1.) The maximum effective resolution of a bitmap representation EPS
image is limited to the resolution of the device on which the image will be displayed. By
default, ABAQUS/CAE sets the resolution of a bitmap EPS image to 150 dpi. To save disk
space, you should select the minimum acceptable resolution. For more information, see
``Hardcopy image quality,'' Section 11.1.4.
To customize the images saved in an Encapsulated PostScript file:


Printing canvas objects

1. From the main menu bar, select File->Print.

Tip: You can also click

in the toolbar.

The Print dialog box appears.

2. From the Destination radio buttons, choose File.
3. In the File name text field, type the file name or click Select to select the file name from the
standard file browser.
4. From the Format menu button, select EPS.
5. From the lower-right corner of the Print dialog box, click EPS Options.
The Encapsulated PostScript Options dialog box appears.
6. From the Image Size field, choose one of the following:
Choose Use size on screen to save an EPS image that is the same size as the overall width
and height of the canvas objects that you select for printing. ABAQUS/CAE displays the
resulting size to the right of the Use size on screen radio button.
Choose Use settings below to specify the width or height of the resulting image in either
inches or millimeters.
7. From the Resolution menu button, select from the list of resolutions.
8. Click OK to save your customization settings and to close the Encapsulated PostScript Options
dialog box.
9. When you have finished with the Print dialog box, click OK to generate the desired output.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the output and closes the Print dialog box. Your settings in the Print
dialog box are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2

11.2.7 Customizing the image saved in TIFF or PNG files

When you print objects on the canvas to either a TIFF or a PNG-format file, you can customize the
resulting image. You can save an image that is the same size as the image on the screen, or you can


Printing canvas objects

specify the size of the image in pixels.

For more information, see ``EPS, TIFF, and PNG image size,'' Section 11.1.3 and ``Printed image
formats,'' Section 11.1.1.
To customize the image saved in TIFF or PNG files:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Print.
Note: You can also click

in the toolbar.

The Print dialog box appears.

2. In the File name text field, type the file name or click Select to select the file name from the
standard file browser.
3. Type or select the file name.
4. From the Format menu button, select TIFF or PNG.
5. From the lower-right corner of the Print dialog box, click TIFF Options or PNG Options.
The appropriate dialog box appears.
6. From the Image Size field, choose one of the following:
Choose Use size on screen to save an image that is the same size as the overall width and
height of the canvas objects that you select for printing. ABAQUS/CAE displays the resulting
size to the right of the Use size on screen radio button.
Choose Use settings below to specify the width or height of the resulting image in units of
pixels. The maximum image size allowed is 1280 1024 pixels.
7. Click OK to save your customization settings and to close the dialog box.
8. When you have finished with the Print dialog box, click OK to generate the desired output.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the output and closes the Print dialog box. Your settings in the Print
dialog box are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
``EPS, TIFF, and PNG image size,'' Section 11.1.3
``Controlling the destination and appearance of printed images, '' Section 11.2


Working with ABAQUS/CAE model databases , models , and files

Part III: Working with ABAQUS/CAE model

databases, models, and files
Almost every modeling operation you perform while working in an ABAQUS/CAE module
contributes to the definition of a model in a model database. This part describes ABAQUS/CAE
models and model databases, the files created by the modeling process, and how you work with these
models and files. The following topics are covered:
Chapter 12, "Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models, model databases, and files"
Chapter 13, "Importing and exporting geometry data and models"


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

12. Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE

models, model databases, and files
A finished model contains all the data that ABAQUS/CAE needs to create and submit the analysis to
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit. Models are stored in a model database. This chapter
discusses models and model databases and describes the various files that ABAQUS/CAE generates
and reads. The following topics are covered:
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``ABAQUS/CAE command files,'' Section 12.4
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
``Managing model and output databases,'' Section 12.6
``Managing models,'' Section 12.7
``Adding unsupported keywords to your ABAQUS/CAE model,'' Section 12.8
``Managing macros,'' Section 12.9

12.1 What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?

A model database (file extension .cae) stores models and analysis jobs. (For more information on
analysis jobs, see ``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2.) You can have multiple model
databases stored on your workstation or network, but ABAQUS/CAE can work on only one of them at
any time. As a result, every model you plan to work on simultaneously must be stored in one model
database. The model database in use is known as the current model database; ABAQUS/CAE displays
the name of the current model database across the top of the main window, as shown in Figure 12-1.

Figure 12-1 ABAQUS/CAE displays the model database name and the model name.


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

When you first start ABAQUS/CAE, the Start Session dialog box allows you to either create a new,
empty model database or to open an existing model database. Anything you create or define in
ABAQUS/CAE is stored in this model database. You save the contents by selecting File->Save or
File->Save As from the main menu bar.
ABAQUS/CAE never saves the model database unless you perform an explicit save operation; there is
no timer-based automatic saving, for example. However, while you work on your model,
ABAQUS/CAE maintains a record of all the operations that changed the model database. Although
you may not have saved the model database, you can always replay the operations that replicate its
current state. For more information on recreating the model database, see ``Recreating an unsaved
model database,'' Section 12.4.3.
After you begin an ABAQUS/CAE session, you can open an existing model database by selecting
File->Open from the main bar, or you can create a new model database by selecting File->New . If you
open or create another model database after you have made changes to the current one, ABAQUS/CAE
asks if you want to save the changes before it closes the current model database.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 12, "Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models, model databases, and files
``Managing model and output databases,'' Section 12.6

12.2 What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?

An ABAQUS/CAE model contains the following kinds of objects:
materials and sections
assembly information
sets and surfaces


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions

interactions and their properties
A model database can contain any number of models so that you can keep all models related to a single
problem in one database. (For more information, see ``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,''
Section 12.1.) You can open multiple models from the model database at the same time, and you can
work on different models in different viewports. The viewport title bar (if visible) displays the name of
the model associated with the viewport. The model associated with the current viewport (indicated by
a red border) is called the current model, and there is only one current model. Figure 12-1 shows two
viewports displaying two different models (high_speed and low_speed) in the same model
database (crankshaft.cae); the current viewport in Figure 12-1 is displaying the high_speed
You use the Model Manager or the Model menu items from the main menu bar to create and manage
your models. You use the Model list located under the toolbar to switch to a different model in the
current model database.
You can create a copy of a model within a model database; in addition, you can copy the following
objects between models:
Parts (part sets are also copied)
However, you cannot copy a model from one model database to another. For detailed instructions, see
``Manipulating models within a model database,'' Section 12.7.1, and ``Copying objects between
models,'' Section 12.7.3.
ABAQUS/CAE checks that your model is complete when you submit it for analysis. For example, if
you request a dynamic analysis, you must specify the density of the materials so that the mass and
inertia properties of the model can be calculated. If you did not provide a material density in the
Property module, the Job module reports an error; for more information, see ``Monitoring the progress
of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6.
In some modules ABAQUS/CAE does not support functionality from ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit that you may want to include in the analysis. You may be able to add such
functionality by using the Keywords Editor to edit the ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit
keywords associated with a model. Select Model->Edit Keywords->model name from the main menu
bar to start the Keywords Editor. (You can review the keywords supported by ABAQUS/CAE by
selecting Help->Keyword Browser from the main menu bar.)


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 12, "Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models, model databases, and files

12.3 Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing

a model
When you start a session and begin defining your model, ABAQUS/CAE generates the following file:
The replay file (abaqus.rpy)
The replay file contains ABAQUS/CAE commands that record almost every modeling
operation you perform during a session. For more information, see ``Replaying an
ABAQUS/CAE session,'' Section 12.4.1.
When you select File->Save from the main menu bar and save the model database, ABAQUS/CAE
saves the following files:
The model database file (model_database_ name.cae)
The model database file contains models and analysis jobs. For more information, see ``What
is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1.
The journal file (model_database_ name.jnl)
The journal file contains the ABAQUS/CAE commands that will replicate the model database
that was saved to disk. For more information, see ``Recreating a saved model database,''
Section 12.4.2.
When you continue to work on your model, ABAQUS/CAE continues to record your actions in the
replay file. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE saves the following file:
The recover file ( model_database_ name.rec)
The recover file contains the ABAQUS/CAE commands that will replicate the version of the
model database in memory. The model database recovery file contains only the commands that
changed the model database since you last saved it. For more information, see ``Recreating an
unsaved model database,'' Section 12.4.3.
When you submit a job for analysis, ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit create a set of files;
for a complete list of these files, see ``File extensions used by ABAQUS,'' Section 3.5.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual. The following list
describes some of the files that ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit create and their
relationship to ABAQUS/CAE:
Input files ( job_name.inp)
ABAQUS/CAE generates an input file that is read by ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit when you submit a job for analysis. For more information, see ``Basic
steps for analyzing a model,'' Section 21.2.1.


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

Output database files ( job_name.odb)

Output database files contain the results from your analysis. You use the Step module's Output
Database Request Manager to choose which variables are written to the output database during
the analysis and at what rate. An output database is associated with the job you submit from
the Job module; for example, if you named your job FrictionLoad, the analysis creates an
output database called FrictionLoad.odb.
When you open an output database, ABAQUS/CAE loads the Visualization module and
allows you to view a graphical representation of the contents. You can also import a part from
an output database as an orphan mesh.
The restart file (job_name.res)
The restart file is used to continue an analysis that stopped before it was complete. You use
the Step module to specify which analysis steps should write restart information and how
often. If you are using ABAQUS/Explicit, the restart information you supply in the Step
module controls the data written to the state file ( job_name.abq). For more information,
see ``Configuring restart output requests,'' Section 17.10.1.
The data file ( job_name.dat)
The data file contains printed output from the solver input file processor, as well as printed
output of selected results written during the analysis. ABAQUS/CAE automatically requests
that the default printed output for the current analysis procedure be generated at the end of
each step; you cannot use ABAQUS/CAE to exert any additional control over the contents of
the data file.
The message file (job_name.msg)
The message file contains diagnostic or informative messages about the progress of the
solution. You can control the diagnostic information that is output to the message file using
the Step module. For more information, see ``Diagnostic printing,'' Section 17.5.2.
The status file (job_name.sta)
The status file (job_name.sta) contains information about the progress of the analysis. In
addition, you use the Step module to request that the value of a single degree of freedom at a
single node be output to the status file. For more information, see ``Degree of freedom monitor
requests,'' Section 17.5.3.
Note: The errors and warnings that ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit write to the data,
message, and status files while analyzing a job can be monitored by the Job module; for more
information, see ``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6.

12.4 ABAQUS/CAE command files

This section describes the command files that you can use to reproduce your work and to customize
ABAQUS/CAE. The following topics are covered:


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

``Replaying an ABAQUS/CAE session,'' Section 12.4.1

``Recreating a saved model database,'' Section 12.4.2
``Recreating an unsaved model database,'' Section 12.4.3
``Creating and running your own scripts,'' Section 12.4.4
``Creating and running a macro,'' Section 12.4.5
``Customizing your ABAQUS/CAE environment,'' Section 12.4.6

12.4.1 Replaying an ABAQUS/CAE session

Almost every modeling operation that you perform in ABAQUS/CAE is recorded automatically in the
replay file (abaqus.rpy) in the form of ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands. Executing the
replay file is equivalent to replaying the original sequence of operations including any redundant
procedures and any mistakes and subsequent corrections that you made. The replay file also includes
canvas operations, such as creating a new viewport or adding a text annotation.
ABAQUS/CAE retains the five most recent versions of the replay file. The most recent version of the
replay file is called abaqus.rpy. The four older versions have a number appended to the end of the
file name; the file name with the lowest number indicates the oldest replay file, and the file name with
the highest number indicates the second most recent replay file.
You can execute the replay file when you start ABAQUS/CAE or during a session; however, the
resulting model may be different if the replay file generates an error.
From the ABAQUS execution procedure
To run a replay file from the ABAQUS execution procedure, type abaqus cae
replay=replay_file_name.rpy. If executing the replay file generates an error,
ABAQUS/CAE ignores the error and continues to the next command in the replay file. As a
result, ABAQUS/CAE always attempts to execute every command in the replay file.
During an ABAQUS/CAE session
To run a replay file during a session, select File->Run Script from the main menu bar. If the
replay file generates an error, ABAQUS/CAE stops executing the replay file and displays an
error message in the command area. It is recommended that you run a replay file from the
ABAQUS execution procedure.

12.4.2 Recreating a saved model database

When you save a model database (by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar),
ABAQUS/CAE also saves a model database journal file (model_database_name.jnl)
containing the ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands that will recreate the model database. Should
the saved model database become corrupted, you can recreate it by starting ABAQUS/CAE with the
recover option. (Type abaqus cae recover=model_database_name.jnl.) The recover


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

option executes the commands in the specified model database journal file.
The model database journal file differs from the replay file in that it does not contain every operation
performed during a session. The model database journal file contains only the commands that change
the saved model database; for example, commands that create or edit a part, change the time
incrementation of an analysis step, or modify the mesh. Operations that do not change the model
database are not saved in the journal file; for example, sending an image to a printer, creating a
viewport, rotating the model, or viewing results in the Visualization module.
As you continue to work on your model, the model database in memory will differ from the most
recently saved model database. The model database journal file is updated only when you perform an
explicit save of the model database using File->Save or File->Save As. If you copy the model
database to a different location, you should also copy the associated model database journal file.
Otherwise, you will not be able to recreate the model database.

12.4.3 Recreating an unsaved model database

After you save the model database and continue to work on your model, ABAQUS/CAE saves a model
database recovery file (model_database_name.rec) containing ABAQUS Scripting Interface
commands that will recreate the version of the model database in memory. The model database
recovery file contains only the commands that changed the model database since you last saved it. The
model database recovery file is similar to the model database journal file in that it contains only the
commands that change the contents of the model database.
You usually use the recovery file to recreate a model database that was lost due to a catastrophic
interruption of your ABAQUS/CAE session; for example, as a result of a loss of power to your
computer. If you have not yet saved the current model database, ABAQUS/CAE creates a model
database recovery file called abaqus.rec. When you restart ABAQUS/CAE, it detects the presence
of a model database recovery file called abaqus.rec and asks if you want to recreate the model
database before continuing.
The recovery behavior is similar after you save the model database. When you perform the save
operation, ABAQUS/CAE copies the model database recovery file to a new model database journal
file and deletes the recovery file. As you continue to work on your model, ABAQUS/CAE creates a
new model database recovery file called model_database_name.rec. If you restart
ABAQUS/CAE after a catastrophic interruption of your session, ABAQUS/CAE does not detect the
presence of the model database recovery file until you open the model database called
model_database_name.cae. ABAQUS/CAE then asks if you wish to restore the model database
before continuing.

12.4.4 Creating and running your own scripts

Almost every modeling operation that you perform during an ABAQUS/CAE session can be
duplicated by a script ( containing a set of ABAQUS Scripting Interface
commands. Conversely, running a script from within ABAQUS/CAE is equivalent to performing the
corresponding operations using the menus, toolboxes, and dialog boxes that ABAQUS/CAE provides.
You can create scripts that duplicate operations you perform routinely during a session; for example,


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

you might write a script that defines the material properties of a commonly used material. The replay
file, the model database journal file, and the model database recovery file all contain ABAQUS/CAE
commands. ABAQUS/CAE commands are written in the Python scripting language, and you can use
Python to enhance the scripts generated by ABAQUS/CAE. For more information on ABAQUS/CAE
commands, see the ABAQUS Scripting Interface Manual.
Commands are stored as ASCII text in the replay, journal, and recovery files and in ABAQUS/CAE
scripts that you create. As a result, you can use a standard text editor to edit the contents of the files.
For more information on commands, see the ABAQUS Scripting Interface Manual.
To run a script, select File->Run Script from the main menu bar, and select the script to run from the
Run Script dialog box.
Note: You should use the recover option from the ABAQUS/CAE execution procedure to run a
journal file and recreate a saved model database. (Type abaqus cae
recover=model_database_name.jnl.) Selecting File->Run Script to run a journal file
may result in an incomplete model database.

12.4.5 Creating and running a macro

The Macro Manager allows you to record a sequence of ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands in a
macro file while you interact with ABAQUS/CAE. Each command corresponds to an interaction with
ABAQUS/CAE, and replaying the macro reproduces the sequence of interactions. You can use a
macro to automate tasks that you find yourself performing repeatedly, such as printing the current
viewport or applying a predefined view. All of your macros are stored in a file called in the local directory. For more information on ABAQUS Scripting Interface
commands, see the ABAQUS Scripting Interface Manual.
To create, delete, or run a macro, select File->Macro Manager from the main menu bar.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Macro Manager and a list of the existing macros in in the local directory. For more information, see ``Managing macros,'' Section

12.4.6 Customizing your ABAQUS/CAE environment

You use the ABAQUS environment file ( abaqus_v6.env) to specify parameters that control
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit. In addition, you can use the environment file to specify a
set of commands that are executed when you start an ABAQUS/CAE session. Examples of commands
that configure how you want a job to run on a remote host computer are given in ``Submitting a job
remotely,'' Section 21.2.7.

12.5 Using the File menu

Use the items under File on the main menu bar to do the following:
Select File->New to create a new model database. You can also click
information, see ``Creating a new model database,'' Section 12.6.1.


in the toolbar. For more

Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

Select File->Open to open an existing model database or output database. You can also click
in the toolbar. For more information, see ``Opening a model database or an output database, ''
Section 12.6.2.
Select File->Close ODB to close an output database. For more information, see ``Closing the
current output database,'' Section 12.6.3.
Select File->Save to save the current model database. You can also click
more information, see ``Saving the current model database,'' Section 12.6.4.

in the toolbar. For

Select File->Save As to save the current model database with a new name. For more information,
see ``Saving the current model database with a new name,'' Section 12.6.5.
Select File->Import->Sketch to import a planar sketch from the following:
- An IGES-format file (.igs files)
- An AutoCAD-format file (.dxf files)
- An ACIS-format file (.sat files)
For more information, see ``Importing sketches,'' Section 13.5.1.
Select File->Import->Part to import a part from the following:
- An ACIS-format file (.sat files)
- An IGES-format file (.igs files)
- A VDA-FS format file (.vda files)
- An output database (.odb files)
For more information, see ``Importing parts,'' Section 13.5.2.
Select File->Import->Model to import a model from an ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit
input file. For more information, see ``Using the input file reader to import a model,'' Section 13.6.
Select File->Export->Sketch to export the current sketch to the following:
- An IGES-format file (.igs files)
- An ACIS-format file (.sat files)
For more information, see ``Exporting a part to an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file,'' Section
Select File->Export->Part to export the current part to the following:
- An ACIS-format file (.sat files)


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

- An IGES-format file (.igs files)

- A VDA-FS format file (.vda files)
For more information, see ``Exporting a part to an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file,'' Section
Select File->Export->Assembly to export the part instances in the assembly to:
- An ACIS-format file (.sat files)
For more information, see ``Exporting the assembly to an ACIS-format file,'' Section 13.7.3.
Select File->Run Script to execute a file containing ABAQUS/CAE commands.
Select File->Macro Manager to store your actions in a macro file as a sequence of ABAQUS/CAE
commands. You can also run a run a macro and rename an existing macro.
Select File->Print to print all or selected viewports and annotations. You can also click
toolbar. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Printing canvas objects."

in the

Select File->Exit to exit the ABAQUS/CAE session. For more information, see ``Exiting an
ABAQUS/CAE session,'' Section 5.1.2.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3

12.6 Managing model and output databases

This section describes how you use the main menu bar's File menu to manage model and output
databases. The following topics are covered:
``Creating a new model database,'' Section 12.6.1
``Opening a model database or an output database, '' Section 12.6.2
``Closing the current output database, '' Section 12.6.3
``Saving the current model database,'' Section 12.6.4
``Saving the current model database with a new name,'' Section 12.6.5

12.6.1 Creating a new model database

You can create and store multiple model databases on your computer, but you can have only one
model database open at any time. Select File->New from the main menu bar to create a new, empty


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

model database. You can also click

in the toolbar.

If you have made any changes to the current model database, ABAQUS/CAE asks if you want to save
your changes before it closes the current model database and creates the new one. The new database
then becomes the current database. To save the new model database, select File->Save from the main
menu bar and enter the name of the database. After you save the model database, ABAQUS/CAE
displays its name in the title bar of the main window.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

12.6.2 Opening a model database or an output database

Select File->Open from the main menu bar to open either:
A model database (file extension .cae)
An output database (file extension .odb)
From the Open Database dialog box that appears, select the File Type and the file to open and click
To specify the directory that should be searched by default when you open a model database or an
output database and which files should be displayed in the Open Database dialog box, you can
include lines similar to the following in your ABAQUS resource file (Abaqus).
On UNIX systems
*FileOpenDB.dialog*pattern: /usr/smith/my_models/*.cae
*FileOpenDB.dialog*pattern: /usr/smith/my_output/*.odb

On Windows NT systems
*FileOpenDB.dialog*pattern: c:\users\smith\my_models\*.cae
*FileOpenDB.dialog*pattern: c:\users\smith\my_output\*.odb

For more information on the ABAQUS resource file, see ``Customizing X resources,'' Section 6.1.
Detailed instructions for opening a model database or an output database:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Open.


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

Tip: You can also click

in the toolbar to open a model database or an output database.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Open Database dialog box.

2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Open Database dialog box, select one of the
Model Database (*.cae)

ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the file extension .cae.
Select the model database to open, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE opens the model database and displays its name in the title bar of the main
window. All operations now refer to the new model database. If you have modified the
current model database, ABAQUS/CAE asks if you want to save it before it opens the
selected model database.
Output Database (*.odb)

ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the file extension .odb.
Select the output database to open, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE starts the the Visualization module in the current viewport and displays
the model in fast mode. You can open more than one output database at the same time and
display the contents in different viewports.
For more information on specifying the file to open, see ``Using file selection dialog boxes,''
Section 6.3.7.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``What is the fast plot mode?,'' Section 23.3.3
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

12.6.3 Closing the current output database

Select File->Close from the main menu bar to close an output database. Closing an output database
releases computer resources, such as memory.
Detailed instructions for closing an output database:


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

1. From the main menu bar, select File->Close.

The Close Output Database dialog box appears with a list of all the output databases that are
open, the date they were last updated, and the viewports that reference each open output database.
2. Select the output database to close and click OK to close the dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE closes the selected output database and clears any viewports that were displaying
data from that output database.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

12.6.4 Saving the current model database

Select File->Save from the main menu bar or click
in the toolbar to save the current model
database. After you save the model database, ABAQUS/CAE displays its name in the title bar of the
main window.
Before you save the current model database for the first time, it exists only in memory and has no
name. When you save the current model database for the first time, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Save
Model Database As dialog box to allow you to enter a name; subsequent saves use this name. If you
omit the file extension, ABAQUS/CAE appends .cae to the file name.
For information on saving the model database using a different name and on customizing the default
behavior of the Save Model Database As dialog box, see ``Saving the current model database with a
new name,'' Section 12.6.5. For more information on saving files, see ``Using file selection dialog
boxes,'' Section 6.3.7.
You should save the model database periodically. ABAQUS/CAE never saves the model database
unless you perform an explicit save operation; there is no timer-based automatic saving, for example. If
you try to save a model database that has not been modified, no action is taken.
ABAQUS/CAE asks you if you want to save a modified model database before you exit the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7

12.6.5 Saving the current model database with a new name

Select File->Save As from the main menu bar to save the current model database with a new name.
From the Save Model Database As dialog box that appears, enter a new name for the model database
and click OK. If you omit the file extension, ABAQUS/CAE appends .cae to the file name. See
``Saving the current model database,'' Section 12.6.4, for information on saving the model database
using the same name.
To specify the directory that should be searched by default when you save a model database and which
files should be displayed in the Save Model Database As dialog box, you can include lines similar to
the following in your ABAQUS resource file (Abaqus).
On UNIX systems
*saveMdbDB.dialog*pattern: /usr/smith/my_models/*.cae
*saveMdbDB.dialog*pattern: /usr/smith/my_output/*.odb

On Windows NT systems
*saveMdbDB.dialog*pattern: c:\users\smith\my_models\*.cae
*saveMdbDB.dialog*pattern: c:\users\smith\my_output\*.odb

For more information on the ABAQUS resource file, see ``Customizing X resources,'' Section 6.1.
Note: You cannot save a model database using the name abaqus.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

12.7 Managing models

This section describes how you manage models within the current model database. The following
topics are covered:
``Manipulating models within a model database,'' Section 12.7.1
``Opening an existing model,'' Section 12.7.2
``Copying objects between models,'' Section 12.7.3

Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

``Editing model attributes,'' Section 12.7.4

For general information on managing objects, see ``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5, and ``Managing
objects using manager menus,'' Section 6.5.7.

12.7.1 Manipulating models within a model database

A model database can contain many models. Although you can have only one model database open at
any time, you can open more than one model at a time. The main window's title bar displays the name
of the model database, and the title bar of each viewport displays the name of the model associated
with the viewport. The current viewport is indicated by a red border; the model associated with the
current viewport is known as the current model. The name of the current model is also displayed in the
Model list under the toolbar.
To create a new model, select Model->Create from the main menu bar and enter the name of the
model in the Create Model dialog box that appears.
To open a model and associate it with the current viewport, select the desired model from the Model
list under the toolbar. The Model list contains all the models in the current model database.
To copy, rename, or delete models, select the Copy, Rename, or Delete items listed under the Model
menu on the main menu bar. The Copy, Rename, and Delete items contain submenus listing all the
models in the current model database. For general information on how to use these menus, see
``Managing objects using manager menus,'' Section 6.5.7.
You can also create, copy, rename, and delete models using the Model Manager. To display the Model
Manager, select Model->Manager from the main menu bar. The Model Manager dialog box contains
functions identical to those listed under the Model menu but with a convenient browser that lists all
the models available in the current model database. For general information on how to use managers,
see ``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5.
You can copy a model to a new model in a model database. In addition, you can copy sketches, parts,
materials, sections, and amplitudes between the models in a model database.; for more information, see
``Copying objects between models,'' Section 12.7.3. However, you cannot copy models between model

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Managing models,'' Section 12.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
``Copying objects between models,'' Section 12.7.3
``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

12.7.2 Opening an existing model

To open a model and associate it with the current viewport, select the desired model from the Model
list under the toolbar. The Model list contains all the models in the current model database.
ABAQUS/CAE switches to the selected model and associates it with the current viewport (indicated
by a red border). The new model appears in the list of models under the toolbar.
You can have multiple models open at any one time; the title bar of a viewport indicates the model
associated with the current viewport. You do not have to save the current model prior to opening an
existing model because ABAQUS/CAE stores all models in the model database.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2

12.7.3 Copying objects between models

Select Model->Copy Objects from the main menu bar to copy objects between models in the current
model database. You can copy the following objects:
Parts (part sets are also copied)
You cannot copy other individual objects, such as the assembly, loads, or steps; however, you can
achieve a similar effect by copying the entire model to a new model and editing the objects in the new
model. For more information, see ``Manipulating models within a model database,'' Section 12.7.1.
Dependent objects are not copied automatically when you copy an object between models. For
example, if you copy a section, the associated material is not copied along with the section; you must
copy the material in a separate copy operation.
Detailed instructions for copying objects between models:
1. From the main menu bar, select Model->Copy Objects.
The Copy Model Objects dialog box appears.
2. From the dialog box, select the model to copy objects from.
3. Use the following techniques to specify the objects to copy from the selected model:


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

Click the arrow next to the desired object category. From the list of objects that appears,
toggle the names of the objects of your choice. An object category is unavailable if it contains
no objects.
Toggle the desired object category. This action selects or deselects all objects within that
The check box next to an object category becomes completely filled when all objects within that
category are selected. The box becomes half filled if only some of the objects within that category
are selected. You must select at least one object or object category to copy.
4. From the bottom of the Copy Model Objects dialog box, select the model to copy the selected
objects to.
5. Click OK to copy the selected objects and to close the Copy Model Objects dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE copies the selected objects. If an object with the same name already exists in the
model to which you are copying the object, ABAQUS/CAE asks for confirmation that you want to
overwrite the existing object. Click Yes to All to overwrite all existing objects with the same name
as the objects you are copying.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Manipulating models within a model database,'' Section 12.7.1

12.7.4 Editing model attributes

Select Model->Edit Attributes from the main menu bar to edit the description of a model and/or to
define the absolute zero and the Stefan Boltzmann constant for the model.
To edit model attributes:
1. From the main menu bar, select Model->Edit Attributes->model name.
The Edit Attributes dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, edit the model attributes as desired:
In the Description field, type information that you want to record about the model.
In the area of the dialog box labeled Physical Constants, enter values for absolute zero and
the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
3. Click OK to save your data and to close the dialog box.


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Manipulating models within a model database,'' Section 12.7.1

12.8 Adding unsupported keywords to your ABAQUS/CAE model

ABAQUS/CAE uses your model definition to generate ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit
keywords and data that are placed in an input file when you submit the analysis job. Currently
ABAQUS/CAE may not support ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit functionality that you
might like to include in your model. If that is the case, you may be able to add the functionality using
the Keywords Editor. Select Model->Edit Keywords->model _name from the main menu bar to
start the Keywords Editor.
To use the Keywords Editor, you should be familiar with the syntax of ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit keywords and data. For example, the Interaction module does not allow you to
impose constraints between different degrees of freedom of the model using multi-point constraints. To
impose multi-point constraints, you can use the Keywords Editor to add the *MPC keyword to the
model. Similarly, you can use the Keywords Editor to select an element type that is not supported by
When you submit the model for analysis in the Job module, ABAQUS/CAE incorporates changes you
made using the Keywords Editor in the input file that is submitted for analysis. Keywords that you add
to your model using the Keywords Editor persist even after you modify or regenerate the model using
ABAQUS/CAE, because ABAQUS/CAE stores the contents of the Keywords Editor along with the
model definition in the model database.
The Keywords Editor does not allow you to edit the geometry of your model; you must use
ABAQUS/CAE to make geometry changes. Therefore, the Keywords Editor is available only after
you have generated the mesh.
Warning: It is recommended that you not edit keywords that are supported by ABAQUS/CAE; for
example, you should use the Property module, not the Keywords Editor, to change the properties
of a material. This approach maintains consistency between directly supported aspects of a model
and those added by the Keywords Editor.
If you do edit a keyword using the Keywords Editor and then use ABAQUS/CAE to make a
change to your model that refers to the same keyword, ABAQUS/CAE cannot determine which
version of the keyword to incorporate in the input file and writes text to the input file signaling the
problem. As a result, an error is generated when you submit the model for analysis. If you display
the input file using the Keywords Editor, any keywords or data lines that conflict are indicated
by a *Conflicts statement. In addition, the *Conflicts statement indicates whether the text was
generated by ABAQUS/CAE or by the Keywords Editor. You should use the Keywords Editor to
remove any unwanted keywords or data lines. You should also remove all the *Conflicts


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

You can review the keywords supported by ABAQUS/CAE by selecting Help->Keyword Browser
from the main menu bar.
Detailed instructions for editing the model's keywords:
1. From the main menu bar, select Model->Edit Keywords->model _name.
The Keywords Editor appears and displays the keywords associated with the model you select.
Note: The keywords are available to be edited only after you have generated a mesh.

2. Each keyword in the input file is displayed in its own block. Buttons in the lower left corner of the
Keywords Editor allow you to do the following:
Add After

Add an empty block of text below the selected block. A blue vertical bar indicates a block
that you added.

Remove the selected block of text that was added using the Keywords Editor. You
cannot remove a block generated by ABAQUS/CAE.
Discard Changes

Discard the changes you made to a block generated by ABAQUS/CAE during the most
recent use of the Keywords Editor.
In addition, you can click any block and edit the text inside. A red vertical bar indicates a block
generated by ABAQUS/CAE that you edited.
3. From the buttons across the bottom of the Keywords Editor, click OK to include your changes
and to close the editor. Click Cancel to disregard your changes.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
Appendix A, "Keyword support

12.9 Managing macros

To manage macros containing a set of ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands, select File->Macro
Manager from the main menu bar. When you create a macro, ABAQUS/CAE records a sequence of
ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands in a macro file while you interact with ABAQUS/CAE. Each
command corresponds to an interaction with ABAQUS/CAE, and replaying the macro reproduces the


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

sequence of interactions.
The macro file is called and is saved in your local directory. The Macro
Manager contains a list of the existing macros that ABAQUS/CAE detected in the file. You can copy or rename; however, the new file will
not be recognized by the Macro Manager.
Your macro will run only in the same context in which it was recorded. For example, if you create a
macro while in the Part module that copies a part named gear1 to a new part named gear2 and exit
ABAQUS/CAE, the macro will be executed in a new ABAQUS/CAE session only if you enter the Part
module and a part named gear1 exists.
The ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands are stored in ASCII text, and you can edit with a standard text editor. For more information on commands, see the
ABAQUS Scripting Interface Manual.
Detailed instructions for creating a macro:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Macro Manager.
The Macro Manager dialog box appears.
2. From the buttons across the bottom of the Macro Manager dialog box, click Create.
3. Enter a name for the macro in the Create Macro dialog box that appears, and click Continue. You
cannot overwrite an existing macro.
Each of your interactions with ABAQUS/CAE is stored as a command in the file. A Recording macro dialog box appears to remind you the macro is
recording. In addition, the Create, Delete, and Run buttons are not available in the Macro
Manager while the macro is recording.

Click the Stop recording button to save the macro in

Detailed instructions for deleting a macro:

1. From the main menu bar, select File->Macro Manager.
The Macro Manager dialog box appears.
2. Select the macro to delete. You can select more than one macro.
3. From the buttons across the bottom of the Macro Manager dialog box, click Delete.
4. From the dialog box that appears, click OK to confirm your action.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the macro from You cannot recover a deleted
Detailed instructions for running a macro:


Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models , model databases , and files

1. From the main menu bar, select File->Macro Manager.

The Macro Manager dialog box appears.
2. Select the macro to run.
3. From the buttons across the bottom of the Macro Manager dialog box, click Run. You can run
only one macro; the Run button is not available if you selected more than one macro.
ABAQUS/CAE runs the commands in the selected macro and displays a message in the message
area when the macro execution completes.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and running a macro,'' Section 12.4.5
ABAQUS Scripting Interface Manual


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

13. Importing and exporting geometry data and

This section describes the files that can be imported and exported from ABAQUS/CAE. The following
topics are covered:
``What kinds of files can be imported and exported from ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 13.1
``Understanding the contents of an IGES file,'' Section 13.2
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3
``Importing models from ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4
``Importing geometry data and models,'' Section 13.5
``Using the input file reader to import a model,'' Section 13.6
``Exporting geometry data,'' Section 13.7

13.1 What kinds of files can be imported and exported from

ABAQUS/CAE reads and writes geometry data stored in the following formats:
ACIS (file_name.sat)
ACIS is an object-oriented toolkit designed for use as a geometry engine for modeling
applications and is considered the industry standard for geometry modeling. You can import
ACIS-format parts, and you can export parts or the assembly in ACIS format. In addition, you
can import and export a sketch from an ACIS file. For more information, see ``Importing
sketches,'' Section 13.5.1; ``Importing parts,'' Section 13.5.2; and ``Exporting geometry data,''
Section 13.7.
IGES (file_name.igs)
The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) is a neutral data format designed for
graphics exchange between computer-aided design (CAD) systems. You can import
IGES-format parts, and you can export parts in IGES format. In addition, you can import and
export a sketch from an IGES file. For more information, see ``Importing sketches,'' Section
13.5.1; ``Importing parts,'' Section 13.5.2; and ``Exporting geometry data,'' Section 13.7.
VDA-FS (file_name.vda)
The Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) surface data format is a geometry standard
developed by the German automotive industry. Both VDA-FS and IGES files contain a
mathematical representation of the part in an ASCII format; however, the VDA-FS standard
concentrates on geometry information. Additional information covered by the IGES standard,


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

such as dimensions, text, and colors, is not stored in a VDA-FS file. As a result, the file format
is simplified, and you may find it easier to transfer files between CAD systems and
ABAQUS/CAE using VDA-FS files.
You can import VDA-FS-format parts, and you can export parts in VDA-FS-format. For more
information, see ``Importing parts,'' Section 13.5.2; and ``Exporting geometry data,'' Section
AutoCAD (file_name.dxf)
Two-dimensional profiles stored in AutoCAD (.dxf) files can be imported as stand-alone
sketches. For more information and details of the AutoCAD entities supported by
ABAQUS/CAE, see ``Importing sketches,'' Section 13.5.1.
Output database (output_database_ name.odb)
An output database contains the data generated during an ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit analysis. You can import a part from an output database in the form of an
orphan mesh. An orphan mesh part contains no feature information and is extracted from the
output database as a collection of nodes, elements, surfaces, and sets. You can use the Part
module to edit the original mesh definition, and you can use the Mesh module to change the
element type assigned to the mesh. For more information, see ``Importing parts,'' Section
13.5.2; ``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22; and ``Assigning ABAQUS element types,''
Section 20.5.
If you import an orphan mesh from an output database when the current viewport already
contains an orphan mesh, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to do either of the following:
Create a new part from the imported orphan mesh.
Replace the mesh of the current orphan mesh part with the imported orphan mesh. All
current sets are deleted, and sets from the imported orphan mesh are imported into the
current part. The name of the current part does not change; and, if the set names in the
imported database are the same as the current set names, the part will maintain all
set-based assignments.
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files
ABAQUS/CAE generates an input file when you submit a job for analysis. You can import
input files into ABAQUS/CAE. ABAQUS/CAE translates the keywords and data lines in the
imported input file into a new model; however, a limited set of ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit keywords are supported, as described in ``Importing models from
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4. For more information on
creating and submitting jobs, see ``Basic steps for analyzing a model,'' Section 21.2.1.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 12, "Understanding and working with ABAQUS/CAE models, model databases, and files


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

13.2 Understanding the contents of an IGES file

The IGES neutral file format is an international standard that allows you to transfer geometric data
between ABAQUS/CAE and other CAD applications. You can use IGES-format files to import and
export sketches and parts.
During importing ABAQUS/CAE scans the IGES file and detects all the entities stored in the file. An
entity can be a geometric entity, such as a vertex, an arc, or a line. Alternatively, an entity can be
separate from the geometry, such as a comment. IGES allocates a number to each entity; for example, a
circular arc is entity number 100.
After ABAQUS/CAE scans the IGES file, it displays the IGES Options dialog box, which lists the
entities contained in the file along with the following:
A description of the entity along with its entity number.
The number of occurrences found in the IGES file.
Whether the entity is supported by ABAQUS/CAE.
For a complete list of the IGES entities that can be imported into ABAQUS/CAE, see ``IGES entities
recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch,'' Section 13.5.5.
Some of the IGES entities are stored as a set of parametric surfaces along with a set of trim curves that
delineate the boundaries of the surfaces. ABAQUS/CAE allows you to choose how these trim curves
are defined:
As per IGES file
Using the definition in the IGES file.
Always use parametric data
Using the parameter space of the surface being trimmed.
Always use 3D data
Using real space--the part's coordinate system--together with an indication that the trim curve
lies on the parametric surface.
An IGES file can contain curves defined using real space, parameter space, or both. When you import a
part from an IGES file into ABAQUS/CAE, the surface and the trim curves are converted into an
internal representation of the part. By default, ABAQUS/CAE uses the information stored in the
IGES-file to decide how the trim curve is defined; alternatively, you can force ABAQUS/CAE to
always use either real space or parameter space.
CAD applications store data in IGES-format files using their own interpretation of the IGES standard.
ABAQUS/CAE is able to interpret IGES-format files generated by most applications. In addition,
when you export a part or the assembly to an IGES-format file, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to specify
the application that will be reading the file, and the data are written out in the appropriate tailored
format or flavor. You can choose one of the following flavors:


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

JAMA (Japanese Automotive Manufacturer's Association)
By default, ABAQUS/CAE exports data to an IGES file using a standard flavor.
CAD applications can store entities in an IGES-format file in a sequence of layers. ABAQUS/CAE
imports all supported entities from all layers. Similarly, ABAQUS/CAE writes the geometry data to a
single layer in the IGES file.
For a detailed description of how to import and export from IGES-format files, see ``Importing a part
from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4, and ``Exporting geometry data,'' Section 13.7.

13.3 Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts

Transferring parts and sketches between CAD applications sometimes results in the loss of
information. Common problems include:
Incomplete or approximate geometric data.
Inconsistent or inaccurate curve and surface data.
Mismatch between two- and three-dimensional data.
Wrong orientation of curves or surfaces.
ABAQUS/CAE stores the geometry of a part to an accuracy of 10-6 units; however, different
applications may use a lower precision. As a result, during the import process ABAQUS/CAE may
detect problems with face trimming curves that appear to be disconnected or separated from the
underlying surface. Figure 13-1 illustrates an imported part. Because of precision limitations, vertex A
appears to be separated from vertex B; similarly, trim curve A appears to be separated from trim curve

Figure 13-1 An imported part that must be repaired.


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

When you import a part, ABAQUS/CAE displays a dialog box that allows you to repair the part. Parts
created by ABAQUS/CAE are composed of geometry that is always considered to be valid and precise.
Conversely, a part imported from another application can be invalid or imprecise and should be
repaired. Invalid and imprecise parts are described in the following list:
If the part is invalid, you can use the automated geometry repair tool to try and make it valid.
If the part still cannot be made valid, you cannot modify it in the Part module or mesh it in the
Mesh module. In addition, it cannot be analyzed by either ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit. In general, a part that cannot be made valid cannot be used by
ABAQUS/CAE. You must return to the CAD application that generated the original file and
attempt to fix the geometry.
A valid part can be either precise or imprecise. If the part is imprecise, you can use the
geometry repair tools to try and make it precise. If the part still cannot be made precise, it can
still be used by ABAQUS/CAE; however, some functionality will be disabled. You should
return to the CAD application that generated the original file and increase the precision.
ABAQUS/CAE can perform the following set of operations in an effort to repair the geometry of an
imported part.
Convert the part to its analytical representation
Stitch the edges of the part
Convert to a more precise representation
Some of the operations are dependent on each other. For example, if you stitch the edges of a part, you
must also convert it to an analytical representation. Similarly, if you convert the part to a more precise
representation, you must also stitch its edges and convert it to an analytical representation.


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

You can repair a part during the import process. Alternatively, you can repair a part after importing it
by selecting Part->Repair Geomety from the main menu bar. The Part module provides a more
complete set of geometry repair tools that allows you to repair and edit imported and ABAQUS/CAE
native parts; for more information, see ``Repairing and editing imported parts,'' Section 14.5.3.

13.4 Importing models from ABAQUS/Standard and

ABAQUS/Explicit input files
You can import an ABAQUS input file into ABAQUS/CAE by selecting File->Import->Model from
the main menu bar. Imported keywords are incorporated into a new model; for example, if the Young's
modulus was imported from the *ELASTIC keyword, it will be available in the Property module.
Keywords that are not supported are ignored during import. The input file does not have to be
complete; for example, it may not contain any history data.
The following functionality can be imported into a model from an ABAQUS input file:
Nodes and elements
Surfaces, node and element sets, and contact node sets
Adaptive mesh controls
Materials and sections
Interactions and interaction properties
Loads and boundary conditions (in the global coordinate system)
Procedures, output requests, and monitor variables
See ``Keyword support from the input file reader,'' Section A.2 for a complete list of the keywords that
are supported by the input file reader.
You can import models with a mixture of rigid and deformable parts. The input file reader uses
element definitions to create separate deformable parts and analytical and discrete rigid parts. All of
the deformable elements in the input file form a single deformable part in ABAQUS/CAE. However, a
separate rigid part is created for each *RIGID BODY, *RIGID SURFACE, and *SURFACE option
that is encountered. The rigid body reference nodes are assigned according to the REF NODE
parameter on the *RIGID BODY and *RIGID SURFACE options. Deformable and rigid parts created
by the import capability are stored in the form of an orphan mesh; an orphan mesh comprises node and
element definitions and the type of element assigned. An orphan mesh part consists of a single feature;
you can use the mesh edit tools to modify an orphan mesh, but you cannot add geometric features to
The import capability creates sets based on any *ELSET or *NSET keywords, as well as any ELSET or
NSET parameters on other supported keywords. If the nodes or elements in a set appear on only a
single part (deformable or rigid), ABAQUS/CAE creates both a part set and an assembly set. Similarly,


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

if these nodes or elements appear on separate parts, ABAQUS/CAE creates an assembly set and
multiple part sets. Each part set contains only the nodes or elements from the imported set that appear
on the particular part.
Most of the commonly used element types can be assigned to the elements in an orphan mesh.
However, some element types cannot be imported from an input file. For a full list of unsupported
elements and detailed instructions on using the input file reader, see ``Using the input file reader to
import a model,'' Section 13.6.
You can use the Mesh module to change the element type assigned to an orphan mesh imported from
an input file. In addition, you can use the Keywords Editor to include options that the input file reader
does not support; for detailed instructions on using the Keywords Editor, see ``Adding unsupported
keywords to your ABAQUS/CAE model,'' Section 12.8.

13.5 Importing geometry data and models

This section describes how you use the main menu bar's File menu to import sketches, parts, and
models. The following topics are covered:
``Importing sketches,'' Section 13.5.1
``Importing parts,'' Section 13.5.2
``Importing parts from an ACIS-format file,'' Section 13.5.3
``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4
``IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch,'' Section 13.5.5
``Importing a part from a VDA-FS format file,'' Section 13.5.6
``Importing a part from an output database,'' Section 13.5.7
``Repairing an imported part,'' Section 13.5.8

13.5.1 Importing sketches

Select File->Import->Sketch from the main menu bar to import a sketch from either:
An IGES-format file (.igs files)
An AutoCAD-format file (.dxf files)
An ACIS-format file (.sat files)
If you are importing a sketch, the file must contain a two-dimensional planar profile that can be
mapped directly to the sketch plane. If the file contains three-dimensional geometry, ABAQUS/CAE
does the following:
If you are importing an AutoCAD file, ABAQUS/CAE creates the sketch using the geometry in the


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

X-Y plane only.

If you are importing an IGES or ACIS file, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error message and cancels
the import procedure.
You can import sketches from files that contain only simple geometry because ABAQUS/CAE must be
able to translate the geometry to a corresponding Sketcher entity, such as a line, circle, arc, or spline. If
ABAQUS/CAE finds geometry it cannot translate, it ignores that geometry. For a list of the IGES and
AutoCAD entities supported by ABAQUS/CAE, see ``Imported sketches,'' Section 22.3.2.
Detailed instructions for importing a sketch:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Sketch.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Import Sketch dialog box.
2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Import Part dialog box, select one of the following:
IGES (*.igs)
AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf)
ACIS (*.sat)
3. Select the file containing the sketch to import and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketch module, converts the profile in the file to a sketch, and exits the
Sketch module. The sketch now appears in the list of sketches in the model and can be retrieved
when you enter the Sketch module. For information on how to use the imported sketch, see
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding the contents of an IGES file,'' Section 13.2
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3
``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

13.5.2 Importing parts

Select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar to import a part from either:


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

An IGES-, ACIS-, or VDA-FS-format file

Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can write IGES-, ACIS, or
VDA-FS-format files; you can use these files to import geometry information from these
applications into ABAQUS/CAE.
You can import multiple parts stored in an ACIS-format file; however, if IGES- or
VDA-FS-format files contains multiple parts, ABAQUS/CAE imports them as a single part.
For more information, see ``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4;
``IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch,'' Section
13.5.5; ``Importing parts from an ACIS-format file,'' Section 13.5.3; and .
An output database
You can import the assembly stored in an output database in the form of an orphan mesh. An
orphan mesh part contains no feature information and is extracted from the output database as
a collection of nodes, elements, surfaces, and sets. You can use the Part module to edit the
nodes and elements that form the orphan mesh. Although the model that was analyzed may
have been constructed from multiple part instances, only one orphan mesh part can be
extracted from the resulting output database.
For more information, see ``Importing a part from an output database,'' Section 13.5.7.
Detailed instructions for importing a part:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Part.
The Import Part dialog box appears.
2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Import Part dialog box, select one of the following:
IGES (*.igs); for more information, see ``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section
VDA-FS (*.vda); for more information, see ``Importing a part from a VDA-FS format file,''
Section 13.5.6.
ACIS (*.sat); for more information, see ``Importing parts from an ACIS-format file,'' Section
Output Database (*.odb); for more information, see ``Importing a part from an output
database,'' Section 13.5.7.
3. ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the appropriate file extension. Select
the file containing the part to import, and click Continue.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Part module, the imported part replaces the contents of the current
viewport, and the part appears in the model's list of parts below the toolbar.


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1

13.5.3 Importing parts from an ACIS-format file

Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can read and write ACIS-format files; you
can use these files to exchange geometry information between these applications and ABAQUS/CAE.
Select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar to import a part from an ACIS-format file. You can
import multiple parts stored in an ACIS-format file. You can export parts and the assembly from
ABAQUS/CAE into an ACIS-format file.
You cannot import parts of mixed modeling space from an ACIS-format file; for example, solids and
axisymmetric surfaces. In addition, you cannot import parts of mixed type; for example, deformable
bodies and discrete rigid surfaces.
An imported ACIS part forms the base feature of a new part in ABAQUS/CAE; you cannot modify this
base feature directly, but you can add additional features to it, such as a solid extrusion or a blind cut.
Detailed instructions for importing a part from an ACIS-format file:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Part.
The Import Part dialog box appears.
2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Import Part dialog box, select ACIS (*.sat).
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with a .sat file extension.
3. Select the ACIS file containing the part or parts to import, and click Continue.
The Create Part from ACIS File dialog box appears.
4. ABAQUS/CAE uses the name of the file to name the part and assumes that the part type is
deformable; you can change the part's name and type if desired. ABAQUS/CAE tries to determine
the modeling space as follows:
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is three-dimensional, it sets the modeling space to
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is planar, you can choose whether the modeling space is


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

two- or three-dimensional.
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is planar and that its geometry does not cross the Y-axis,
you can choose whether the modeling space is axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or
three-dimensional. If you choose axisymmetric, the Y-axis is assumed to be the axis of
revolution, and you can add a twist degree of freedom.
5. If desired, click the Repair Options tab and toggle the desired repair operations. For more
information, see ``Repairing an imported part,'' Section 13.5.8.
6. Click OK to import the ACIS part.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Part module, the imported part replaces the contents of the current
viewport, and the part appears in the model's list of parts below the toolbar.
Note: An ACIS file can contain more than one part. If that is the case, ABAQUS/CAE imports each part separately and
displays the Create Part from ACIS File dialog box for each part. Click Cancel to stop importing parts from an ACIS file.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1

13.5.4 Importing a part from an IGES-format file

Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can read and write IGES-format files; you
can use these files to exchange geometry information between these applications and ABAQUS/CAE.
Select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar to import a part from an IGES-format file. You can
export sketches and parts from ABAQUS/CAE into an IGES-format file, but you cannot export the
assembly to an IGES-format file.
If the IGES-format file contains multiple parts, ABAQUS/CAE imports them as a single part. An
imported IGES part forms the base feature of a new part in ABAQUS/CAE; you cannot modify this
base feature directly, but you can add additional features to it, such as a solid extrusion or a blind cut.
Detailed instructions for importing a part from an IGES-format file:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Part.
The Import Part dialog box appears.


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Import Part dialog box, select IGES (*.igs).
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with a .igs file extension.
3. Select the IGES file containing the part to import, and click Continue.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Import from IGES dialog box containing header information from the
IGES file.
4. If desired, click IGES Options to open the IGES Options dialog box and to view a list of the
entities read from the IGES-format file. The list includes a description of the entity along with its
entity number, the number of occurrences found in the IGES file, and whether it is supported by
ABAQUS/CAE. For a complete list of the IGES entities that can be imported into ABAQUS/CAE,
see ``IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch,'' Section
5. If desired, use the IGES Options dialog box to customize the following:
How ABAQUS/CAE converts the surface and the trim curves into an internal representation
of the part. By default, ABAQUS/CAE uses the information stored in the IGES-file to decide
how the trim curve is defined; alternatively, you can force ABAQUS/CAE to always use either
real three-dimensional space or parameter space.
The scale factor applied to the imported geometry.
Note: ABAQUS/CAE applies the scale factor to all of the coordinates in the file. As a
consequence, any offset from the origin will be scaled accordingly.
For more information, see ``Understanding the contents of an IGES file,'' Section 13.2.
Click OK to close the IGES Options dialog box.
6. From the Import from IGES dialog box, click OK to import the IGES part.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Part from IGES File dialog box.
7. ABAQUS/CAE uses the name of the file to name the part and assumes that the part type is
deformable; you can use the Create Part from IGES File to change the part's name and type if
desired. ABAQUS/CAE tries to determine the modeling space as follows:
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is three-dimensional, it sets the modeling space to
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is planar, you can choose whether the modeling space is
two- or three-dimensional.
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is planar and that its geometry does not cross the Y-axis,
you can choose whether the modeling space is axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or
three-dimensional. If you choose axisymmetric, the Y-axis is assumed to be the axis of
revolution, and you can choose whether to include a twist degree of freedom.


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

8. If desired, click the Repair Options tab and toggle the desired repair operations. For more
information, see ``Repairing an imported part,'' Section 13.5.8.
9. Click OK to exit the Create Part from IGES File dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE scans the IGES file and starts the repair process, depending on the options
selected in step 8. If you wish to cancel the import process, click Stop in the prompt area.
When the part is imported, ABAQUS/CAE displays a message in the message area indicating if
the part contains any validity or precision problems. Select Part->Repair Geometry from the main
menu bar to try and repair an imported part.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch,'' Section 13.5.5
``Understanding the contents of an IGES file,'' Section 13.2
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3
``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

13.5.5 IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing

a part or a sketch
During the import process, ABAQUS/CAE converts the entities stored in the IGES file to an internal
representation recognized by ABAQUS/CAE. The IGES file can contain entities that are not
recognized by ABAQUS/CAE; however, these entities are ignored during the conversion.
Table 13-1 lists the IGES entities that ABAQUS/CAE recognizes.

Table 13-1. IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch.
IGES Entity Name
Circular arc
Composite curve
Conic arc: general
Conic arc: ellipse
Conic arc: parabola
Copious data: 2D path
Copious data: 3D path
Copious data: Closed 2D curve


Importing and exporting geometry data and models



Plane entity: bounded

Parametric spline curve
Parametric spline surface
Ruled surface
Surface of revolution
Tabulated cylinder
Rational B-spline curve
Rational B-spline surface
Offset curve
Offset surface
Boundary entity
Curve on parametric surface
Bounded surface
Trimmed surface
Plane surface
Right circular cylindrical surface
Right circular conical surface
Spherical surface
Toroidal surface
Vertex list
Edge list

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4
``Understanding the contents of an IGES file,'' Section 13.2
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

13.5.6 Importing a part from a VDA-FS format file

Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can read and write VDA-FS-format files;
you can use these files to exchange geometry information between these applications and
ABAQUS/CAE. Select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar to import a part from a
VDA-FS-format file. You can export parts from ABAQUS/CAE into a VDA-FS-format file, but you
cannot export the assembly to a VDA-FS-format file.
If the VDA-FS-format file contains multiple parts, ABAQUS/CAE imports them as a single part. An
imported VDA-FS part forms the base feature of a new part in ABAQUS/CAE; you cannot modify this


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

base feature directly, but you can add additional features to it, such as a solid extrusion or a blind cut.
Detailed instructions for importing a part from a VDA-FS-format file:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Part.
The Import Part dialog box appears.
2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Import Part dialog box, select VDA-FS (*.vda).
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with a .vda file extension.
3. Select the VDA-FS file containing the part to import, and click Continue.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Part from VDA File dialog box.
4. ABAQUS/CAE uses the name of the file to name the part and assumes that the part type is
deformable; you can use the Create Part from VDA File dialog box to change the part's name and
type if desired. ABAQUS/CAE tries to determine the modeling space as follows:
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is three-dimensional, it sets the modeling space to
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is planar, you can choose whether the modeling space is
two- or three-dimensional.
If ABAQUS/CAE determines the part is planar and that its geometry does not cross the Y-axis,
you can choose whether the modeling space is axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or
three-dimensional. If you choose axisymmetric, the Y-axis is assumed to be the axis of
revolution, and you can choose whether to include a twist degree of freedom.
5. If desired, click the Repair Options tab and toggle the desired repair operations. For more
information, see ``Repairing an imported part,'' Section 13.5.8.
6. Click OK to exit the Create Part from VDA File dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE scans the VDA-FS file and starts the repair process, depending on the options
selected in Step 5. If you wish to cancel the import process, click Stop in the prompt area.
When the part is imported, ABAQUS/CAE displays a message in the message area indicating if
the part contains any validity or precision problems. Select Part->Repair Geometry from the main
menu bar to try and repair an imported part.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3
``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2

``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

13.5.7 Importing a part from an output database

Select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar to import the assembly stored in an output database
in the form of an orphan mesh. An orphan mesh part contains no feature information and is extracted
from the output database as a collection of nodes, elements, surfaces, and sets. You can use the Part
module to edit the original mesh definition, and you can use the Mesh module to change the element
type assigned to the mesh. For more information, see ``Repairing and editing imported parts,'' Section
14.5.3 and ``Assigning ABAQUS element types,'' Section 20.5.
Although your model may have been constructed from multiple part instances, only one orphan mesh
part can be extracted from an output database. An orphan mesh part consists of a single feature that
you cannot modify or add geometric features to.
Detailed instructions for importing a part from an output database:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Part.
The Import Part dialog box appears.
2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Import Part dialog box, select Output Database
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with a .odb file extension.
3. Select the output database containing the part to import, and click Continue.
4. If the current part is not an orphan mesh, the Create Part from Output Database dialog box
appears. Do the following:
a. Enter the name of the part. By default, ABAQUS/CAE uses the name of the output
database to name the imported part, but you can change the name if desired.
ABAQUS/CAE determines the modeling space (three-dimensional, two-dimensional, or
axisymmetric) and type (deformable body, discrete rigid surface, or analytical rigid
surface) of the imported part from the output database, and you cannot change the
modeling space and type.
b. Click OK to import the orphan mesh from the output database.
The imported part replaces the contents of the current viewport, and the part appears in the
model's list of parts below the toolbar.
5. If the current part is an orphan mesh, you must select one of the following from the buttons that
appear in the prompt area:
Create new part


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

Select Create new part to import the orphan mesh and create a new part. The Create Part
from Output Database dialog box appears, and you follow the steps described above.
Replace current mesh
Select Replace current mesh to import the orphan mesh but use the name of the current
part. ABAQUS/CAE replaces the nodes and elements of the current part with the nodes
and elements of the imported orphan mesh. Sections that were assigned to the current part
are maintained. However, ABAQUS/CAE imports sets from the imported orphan mesh
and deletes sets that referred to the current part.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1

13.5.8 Repairing an imported part

When you import a part from an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to
choose whether to repair the part during the import process. ABAQUS/CAE can perform the following
repair operations:
Convert to analytical representation
ABAQUS/CAE tries to change the internal definition of edges, faces, and cells into a simpler
form that can be represented analytically. For example, a plane that is nearly planar will be
converted to an equation that represents the plane. Converting to an analytical representation
usually provides the following advantages:
Processing of the part is faster.
The converted entity is available during feature operations.
The geometry is improved.
Stitch edges
ABAQUS/CAE tries to remove duplicate edges, vertices, and trim surfaces. Stitching edges
usually results in valid geometry. However, due to internal tolerances, the resulting
representation of small features may not match the geometry that was intended in the original


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

Convert to precise representation
ABAQUS/CAE tries to change neighboring entities so that their geometry matches exactly.
Converting to a precise representation usually results in precise geometry. However, this can
be a lengthy operation that increases the complexity of the imported part. As a result,
processing of the part is slower.
Detailed instructions for repairing an imported part:
1. Follow the procedure to import a part. For more information, see ``Importing parts from an
ACIS-format file,'' Section 13.5.3; ``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4;
and ``Importing a part from a VDA-FS format file,'' Section 13.5.6.
2. From the Create Part from (ACIS, IGES, or VDA) File dialog box that appears, select the Repair
Options tab and toggle the desired repair operations.
Some of the operations are dependent on each other. For example, if you choose to stitch the edges
of a part, ABAQUS/CAE automatically toggles on the Convert to precise representation option.
3. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE imports the part and displays a message in the prompt area indicating if the part
has validity or precision problems.
4. If the part is still invalid or imprecise, select Part->Repair Geometry to use the geometry repair
tools. For more information, see ``Repairing and editing imported parts,'' Section 14.5.3.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Importing parts from an ACIS-format file,'' Section 13.5.3
``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4
``Importing a part from a VDA-FS format file,'' Section 13.5.6

13.6 Using the input file reader to import a model

Select File->Import->Model from the main menu bar to import a model from an ABAQUS input file.
Options and parameters in the input file are translated into objects recognized by the import capability,
and a new model is created. For a description of the input file reader, see ``Importing models from
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4. For a detailed list of the
keywords supported by the import model capability, see ``Keyword support from the input file reader,''
Section A.2.
Parts are imported from an input file in the form of an orphan mesh; an orphan mesh comprises node


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

and element definitions and the type of element assigned. The input file reader can import an orphan
mesh containing most of the commonly used elements types. However, the input file reader cannot
import an orphan mesh containing the following element types:
Acoustic interface elements (ASI*)
Stress/displacement variable node continuum elements ( C3D15V, C3D15VH, C3D27, C3D27H,
C3D27R, and C3D27RH)
Asymmetric-axisymmetric Fourier elements (CAXA*N and SAXA*N)
Infinite elements (CIN*)
Dashpot elements (DASHPOT*)
Distributed coupling elements (DCOUP*)
Drag chain elements (DRAG*)
Triangular shell heat transfer elements (DS3 and DS6)
Hydrostatic fluid and fluid link elements (F2D2, F3D3, F3D4, FAX2, and FLINK)
Frame elements (FRAME*)
Gap contact stress/displacement elements (GAPCYL, GAPSPHER, and GAPUNI)
Gasket elements (GK*)
Interface elements (INTER*, ISL*, IRS*, ISP*, ITT*, and DINTER*)
Tube support elements (ITS*)
Joint elements (JOINT*)
Line spring elements (LS*)
9-node quadrilateral membrane elements (M3D9 and M3D9R)
Mass element (MASS)
Rotary inertia element (ROTARYI)
9-node shell element (S9R5)
Hexagonal duct elements (SPHEX*)
Spring elements (SPRING*)
USA structural interface elements (USI*)
Detailed instructions for importing a model:


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

1. From the main menu bar, select File->Import->Model.

The Import Model dialog box appears.
2. From the Import Model dialog box, select the input file (file extension .inp) to import, and click
Continue. For more information on specifying the file to open, see ``Using file selection dialog
boxes,'' Section 6.3.7.
ABAQUS/CAE imports the input file and creates a model using information from the supported
options. Unsupported options and parameters are ignored. The new model, which has the same
name as the input file, becomes the current model and appears in the model list below the toolbar.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Importing models from ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4
``Keyword support from the input file reader,'' Section A.2
``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

13.7 Exporting geometry data

This section describes how you use the main menu bar's File menu to export sketches, parts, and the
assembly. The following topics are covered:
``Exporting a sketch to an ACIS- or IGES-format file,'' Section 13.7.1
``Exporting a part to an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file,'' Section 13.7.2
``Exporting the assembly to an ACIS-format file,'' Section 13.7.3

13.7.1 Exporting a sketch to an ACIS- or IGES-format file

Select File->Export->Sketch from the main menu bar to export the current sketch to an ACIS or IGES
file. Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can read and write ACIS and IGES files;
therefore, you can transfer sketches between ABAQUS/CAE and these applications.
You can export a sketch at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session. If you are not in the Sketcher,
ABAQUS/CAE exports the sketch most recently displayed in the Sketcher.
Detailed instructions for exporting a sketch to an ACIS- or IGES-format file:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Export->Sketch.
The Export Sketch dialog box appears.

Importing and exporting geometry data and models

2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Export Sketch dialog box, select one of the following:
ACIS (*.sat)
IGES (*.igs)
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the appropriate file extension.
3. Select the file to which you want to export the sketch, or type the name of a new file in the
Selection text field.
4. If you are exporting a sketch to an IGES file, you can select the application that you expect to read
the file. You can choose one of the following:
Solid Works
ABAQUS/CAE tailors the internal representation of the IGES file to match the format expected by
the selected application. By default, ABAQUS/CAE exports a sketch in a neutral format.
ABAQUS/CAE writes all of the geometry data to a single layer in the IGES file. The IGES file
contains geometry data only, ABAQUS/CAE does not export construction lines and dimensions
from the sketch.
5. Click OK to export the sketch and to close the Export Sketch dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

13.7.2 Exporting a part to an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file

Select File->Export->Part from the main menu bar to export the current part to an ACIS, IGES, or
VDA-FS file. Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can read and write ACIS,
IGES, or VDA-FS files; therefore, you can transfer parts between ABAQUS/CAE and these
You can export a part at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session. If you are not in the Part module,


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

ABAQUS/CAE exports the part most recently displayed in the Part module. You cannot export a part
that you imported from an output database.
Detailed instructions for exporting a part to an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Export->Part.
The Export Part dialog box appears.
2. From the File Type menu at the top of the Export Part dialog box, select one of the following:
ACIS (*.sat)
IGES (*.igs)
VDA-FS (*.vda)
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the appropriate file extension.
3. Select the file to which you want to export the part, or type the name of a new file in the Selection
text field.
4. If you are exporting a part to an IGES file, you can do the following:
Select the application that you expect to read the file from one of the following:
- Standard
- AutoCAD
- SolidWorks
ABAQUS/CAE tailors the internal representation of the IGES file to match the format
expected by the selected application. By default, ABAQUS/CAE exports a part in a neutral
Scale the geometry that ABAQUS/CAE writes to the IGES file.
ABAQUS/CAE writes all of the geometry data to a single layer in the IGES file. For more
information, see ``Understanding the contents of an IGES file,'' Section 13.2.
5. Click OK to export the part and to close the file selection dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7


Importing and exporting geometry data and models

``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2

``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

13.7.3 Exporting the assembly to an ACIS-format file

Select File->Export->Assembly from the main menu bar to export the assembly to an ACIS-format
file. Many computer-aided modeling and drafting applications can read and write ACIS files; therefore,
you can transfer parts between ABAQUS/CAE and these applications. You cannot export an orphan
mesh part that you imported from an output database.
You can export the assembly at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session. ABAQUS/CAE exports
each part separately along with its position. If you subsequently import an ACIS-format file containing
an assembly, ABAQUS/CAE creates a part corresponding to each instance while retaining each part's
original position for later use when you instance the part in the Assembly module. When you create
instances of the imported ACIS parts, ABAQUS/CAE uses the position information to recreate the
original assembly. You cannot import the assembly directly.
Detailed instructions for exporting the assembly to an ACIS-format file:
1. From the main menu bar, select File->Export->Assembly.
The Export Assembly dialog box appears.
ABAQUS/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the .sat file extension.
2. Select the file to which you want to export the assembly, or type the name of a new file in the
Selection text field.
3. Click OK to export the assembly and to close the Export Assembly dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5


Creating and analyzing a model using the ABAQUS/CAE modules

Part IV: Creating and analyzing a model using the

ABAQUS/CAE modules
This part describes how to use the modules in ABAQUS/CAE to define a model's geometry and other
physical properties and then submit the model for analysis. The following topics are covered:
Chapter 14, "The Part module"
Chapter 15, "The Property module"
Chapter 16, "The Assembly module"
Chapter 17, "The Step module"
Chapter 18, "The Interaction module"
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module"
Chapter 20, "The Mesh module"
Chapter 21, "The Job module"
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"


The Part module

14. The Part module

Parts are the building blocks of an ABAQUS/CAE model. You use the Part module to create each part,
and you use the Assembly module to assemble instances of the parts. Chapter 3, "A tutorial: Using
additional techniques to create and analyze a model ," contains examples of how you create, modify,
and manipulate parts. This chapter explains how you use the tools within the Part module to work with
parts. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding the role of the Part module,'' Section 14.1
``Entering and exiting the Part module,'' Section 14.2
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Importing parts into the Part module,'' Section 14.5
``What types of features can you create?,'' Section 14.6
``Using feature-based modeling effectively,'' Section 14.7
``Capturing your design and analysis intent,'' Section 14.8
``Understanding extruding, revolving, and sweeping,'' Section 14.9
``Using the Sketcher in conjunction with the Part module,'' Section 14.10
``Understanding toolsets in the Part module,'' Section 14.11
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12
``Managing parts,'' Section 14.13
``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14
``Adding a feature to a part,'' Section 14.15
``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
``Blending edges,'' Section 14.20
``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22


The Part module

14.1 Understanding the role of the Part module

There are several ways to create a part in ABAQUS/CAE:
Create it using the tools available in the Part module.
Import its geometry from an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS compatible file.
Import its mesh from an output database.
Import its mesh from an ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit input file.
A part created using the Part module tools is called a native part and has a feature-based
representation. A feature captures your design intent and contains geometry information as well as a
set of rules that govern the behavior of the geometry. For example, a circular through cut is a feature,
and ABAQUS/CAE stores the diameter of the cut along with the information that it should pass all the
way through the part. If you increase the size of the part, ABAQUS/CAE recognizes that the depth of
the cut should increase so that it continues to pass through the part.
You use the Part module to create, edit, and manage the parts in the current model. ABAQUS/CAE
stores each part in the form of an ordered list of features. The parameters that define each
feature--extruded depth, hole diameter, sweep path, etc.--combine to define the geometry of the part.
The Part module allows you to do the following:
Create deformable, discrete rigid, or analytical rigid parts. The part tools also allow you to edit and
manipulate the existing parts defined in the current model.
Create the features--solids, shells, wires, cuts, and rounds--that define the geometry of the part.
Use the Feature Manipulation toolset to edit, delete, suppress, resume, and regenerate a part's
Assign the reference point to a rigid part.
Use the Sketcher to create, edit, and manage the two-dimensional sketches that form the profile of
a part's features. These profiles can be extruded, revolved, or swept to create part geometry, or they
can be used directly to form a planar or axisymmetric part.
Use the Set toolset, the Partition toolset, and the Datum toolset. These toolsets operate on the part
in the current viewport and allow you to create sets, partitions, and datum geometry, respectively.

14.2 Entering and exiting the Part module

You can enter the Part module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking Part in the
Module list located under the toolbar. The Part, Shape, Feature, Assign, and Tools menus appear on
the main menu bar, and the title bar of the current viewport displays the name of the current part, if one
To exit the Part module, select any other module from the Module list. You need not take any specific


The Part module

action to save your parts before exiting the module; they are saved automatically when you save the
entire model by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar.

14.3 Understanding feature-based modeling

This section describes the feature-based modeling approach that ABAQUS/CAE uses to define a part.
The topics covered are:
``The relationship between parts and features, '' Section 14.3.1
``The base feature,'' Section 14.3.2
``Part instances,'' Section 14.3.3

14.3.1 The relationship between parts and features

A part created in ABAQUS/CAE has a feature-based representation. A feature is a meaningful piece of
the design and provides the engineer with a convenient and natural way to build and modify a part.
Parts created in ABAQUS/CAE are constructed from an ordered list of features and the parameters that
define the geometry of each feature. You select from the following shape features to build a part in the
Part module:
Using the tools in the Part module, you create and edit all the features necessary to describe each of the
parts in your model. ABAQUS/CAE stores each feature and uses this information to define the entire
part, to regenerate the part if you modify it, and to generate an instance of the part in the Assembly
module. For more information on how parts are related to part instances, see ``Part instances,'' Section
The following sequence illustrates how the three-dimensional part in Figure 14-1 would be constructed
using each of the features available in ABAQUS/CAE.

Figure 14-1 Part constructed using solid, shell, wire, cut, and blend features.


The Part module

1. The first feature you create while building a part is called the base feature; you construct the
remainder of the part by adding more features that either modify or add detail to the base feature.
In this example the base feature is a U-shaped part; the user sketched a two-dimensional profile
and extruded it to form the base feature, as shown in Figure 14-2.

Figure 14-2 The base feature.

The sketch and the extrusion depth (a) are the modifiable parameters that define the base feature.
You can revisit the base feature and change its size or shape by using the Feature Manipulation
toolset to modify either the section sketch or the extrusion distance. If desired, you can delete the
base feature and sketch a new shape.
2. A stiffening web is added as a shell feature. The user sketched a line on one of the internal faces
and extruded the sketch to the opposite face, as shown in Figure 14-3. The sketch is the only
modifiable parameter that defines the shell feature.

Figure 14-3 A shell feature.


The Part module

3. Rods are added to the corners as wire features. The wire was created by connecting two points that
the user selected, as shown in Figure 14-4. Wires created in this way have no modifiable
parameters; they must be deleted and recreated if you need to change them.

Figure 14-4 Wire features.

4. A blind cut is cut into the top of the clamp. The user sketched a two-dimensional profile, and the
profile was extruded into the clamp through a specified distance, as shown in Figure 14-5. The
sketch and the depth of the slot are the modifiable parameters that define the blind cut feature.

Figure 14-5 A cut feature.


The Part module

5. The edges of the cut are rounded. The user selected the edges to round and provided the radius of
the round, as shown in Figure 14-6. The radius is the modifiable parameter that defines the round

Figure 14-6 Round features.

If the geometry of a new feature depends on an existing feature, ABAQUS/CAE creates a parent-child
relationship between the features. The new feature is the child, and the feature it depends on is the
parent. For example, in the part described above the round feature is a child of the cut feature. If you
change the position or size of the cut, the edges remain rounded. Similarly, if you delete the cut,
ABAQUS/CAE also deletes the rounds.
If you modify a parent feature, the modification may invalidate children of the parent feature. For
example, in the part described above if you were to increase the depth of the cut so that it became a
through cut, you would lose the fillets along its edges; that is, the fillets would fail to regenerate after
the modification. ABAQUS/CAE offers you the following two choices:
Keep the changes to the parent feature but suppress the features that failed to regenerate. Children
of the suppressed features will also be suppressed.
Abort the modification of the parent feature and return to the state of the last successful


The Part module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3
``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3

14.3.2 The base feature

The first feature you create while building a part is called the base feature; you construct the remainder
of the part by adding more features that either modify or add detail to the base feature. This process of
building an ABAQUS/CAE native part using the tools in the Part module follows a sequence of
operations analogous to building a part in a machine shop. For example, you start with a piece of billet
stock (the base feature) and then you do the following:
Attach additional pieces to the billet (apply a solid extrusion, a revolved shell, or a sketched wire).
Cut away the billet (apply an extruded cut, a revolved cut, a circular hole, or round or chamfer an
When you create a new part, you must describe the base feature. You do this by specifying two
properties of the base feature: its shape and type. The shape indicates the basic topology of the feature;
that is, whether it is a solid, shell, or wire. The type indicates which of the following four methods will
be used to generate the part:
You sketch the feature on a two-dimensional sketch plane.
You sketch the feature profile and then extrude it through a specified distance.
You sketch the feature profile and then revolve it by a specified angle about an axis.
You sketch two shapes: a sweep path and a sweep profile. The profile is then swept along the
path to create the feature.
Before you create a part and choose the shape and the type of the base feature, you should know the
sequence you will use to construct the desired part. Choosing the correct type and shape of the base
feature is important.
Table 14-1 shows the base features that you can select based on the part's modeling space and type:

Table 14-1. Choosing the base feature.

Modeling Space


The Part module

Part Type
Discrete rigid


Any (you must convert a 3-D
solid discrete rigid part to a
shell before you instance it)
Extruded or revolved shell

Two-dimensional or
Planar shell or planar wire
Planar shell or planar wire

Planar wire

An ACIS, IGES, or VDA-FS part consists of a single feature that you import into ABAQUS/CAE as
the base feature of a new part. You cannot modify this base feature, but you can add additional features
to it. Similarly, an orphan mesh is imported from an output database as the base feature of a new part.
You can use the mesh editing tools to add and delete nodes and elements from an orphan mesh.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14
``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18

14.3.3 Part instances

A part instance can be thought of as a representation of the original part. You create a part in the Part
module and define its properties in the Property module. However, when you assemble the model
using the Assembly module, you work only with instances of the part, not the part itself. The
Interaction module, the Load/BC/IC module, and the Mesh module also operate on the assembly and,
therefore, on part instances.
A part instance is a reference to the original part; it is not a copy. You cannot modify the features of a
part instance directly; you can modify the part itself only within the Part module. When you modify a
part, ABAQUS/CAE automatically regenerates all instances of the modified part in the assembly.
The following example illustrates the relationship between parts and part instances. A child's wagon is
composed of five parts: a body, an axle, an axle mount, a handle, and a wheel. In the Part module you
create each of the five parts shown in Figure 14-7:
One body
One axle
One axle mount
One handle


The Part module

One wheel

Figure 14-7 The original parts.

In the Assembly module you assemble instances of each part:

One instance of the body.
Two instances of the axle.
Four instances of the axle mount.
One instance of the handle.
Four instances of the wheel.
You then position the instances relative to a common coordinate system, thereby creating the model of
the cart, as shown in Figure 14-8.

Figure 14-8 The model is assembled from instances of the parts.

Now, suppose you want to reduce the diameter of the wheels. You return to the Part module and
modify the diameter of the wheel by editing the original part. When you return to the Assembly
module, ABAQUS/CAE recognizes that the part was modified and automatically regenerates the four
instances of the wheel to reflect the change in the diameter.
You can create multiple instances of a single part. In addition, you can assemble instances of
deformable, analytical rigid, and discrete rigid parts when you are solving contact problems. For more
information on the types of parts you can create in ABAQUS/CAE, see ``Part types,'' Section 14.4.2.


The Part module

Sets are not transferred when you create a part instance from a part. For example, you might use the
Property module to create a set from the geometry of a part and assign a section to that set; however,
that set is not available later when you work with the part instance in the Assembly module.

14.4 How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?

This section describes the parts you can create in the Part module--deformable and rigid. The topics
covered are:
``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1
``Part types,'' Section 14.4.2
``Rigid parts,'' Section 14.4.3
``Sketching the profile of a rigid part,'' Section 14.4.4
``The reference point,'' Section 14.4.5

14.4.1 Part modeling space

When you create a new part, you must specify the modeling space in which the part will reside. You
can assign the following three types of modeling space:
ABAQUS/CAE embeds the part in the X-, Y-, Z coordinate system. A three-dimensional part
can contain any combination of solid, shell, wire, cut, round and chamfer features. You model
a three-dimensional part using three-dimensional solid, shell, beam, truss, or membrane
Two-dimensional planar
ABAQUS/CAE embeds the part in the X-Y plane. A two-dimensional planar part can contain a
combination of only planar shell and wire features, and all cut features are defined as planar
through cuts. You model a two-dimensional planar part using two-dimensional solid
continuum elements, as well as truss or beam elements.
ABAQUS/CAE embeds the part in the X-Y plane with the Y-axis indicating the axis of
revolution. An axisymmetric part can contain a combination of only planar shell and wire
features, and all cut features are defined as planar through cuts. You model an axisymmetric
part using axisymmetric solid continuum elements or axisymmetric shell elements.
Modeling space refers to the space in which the part is embedded rather than to the topology of the part
itself. Thus, you can create a three-dimensional part using a topologically two-dimensional shell
feature or a one-dimensional wire feature.
You cannot change an ABAQUS/CAE native part's modeling space after you have created the part.
When you import an orphan mesh from an output database, ABAQUS/CAE determines the modeling


The Part module

space of the new part from the information stored in the output database. When you import a part from
an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file, you can specify the part's modeling space, provided that
ABAQUS/CAE does not determine it must be three-dimensional. Detailed instructions on how to
specify modeling space when creating and importing a part can be found in ``Choosing the modeling
space of a new part,'' Section 14.14.2, and ``Importing geometry data and models,'' Section 13.5.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4

14.4.2 Part types

When you create a new part or import a part from an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file, you must
choose the part's type. The three possible types are:
Any arbitrarily shaped axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional part that you can
create or import can be specified as a deformable part. A deformable part represents a part that
can deform under load; the load can be mechanical, thermal, or electrical. By default,
ABAQUS/CAE creates parts that are deformable.
Discrete rigid
A discrete rigid part is similar to a deformable part in that it can be any arbitrary shape.
However, a discrete rigid part is assumed to be rigid and is used in contact analyses to model
bodies that cannot deform.
Analytical rigid
An analytical rigid part is similar to a discrete rigid part in that it is used to represent a rigid
surface in a contact analysis. However, the shape of an analytical rigid part is not arbitrary and
must be formed from a set of sketched lines, arcs, and parabolas.
You can assemble deformable bodies, discrete rigid parts, and analytical rigid parts in the Assembly
module, but ABAQUS/CAE supports contact only between two deformable bodies or between a
deformable part and a rigid part.
You cannot change a part's type after you have created it. However, you can export a part in ACIS
format and then import it as a new ACIS part of a different type. When you import an orphan mesh,
ABAQUS/CAE determines the type of the new part from the information stored in the output database.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Rigid parts,'' Section 14.4.3
``The reference point,'' Section 14.4.5
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4


The Part module

14.4.3 Rigid parts

When your model contains parts that contact each other, you can specify that one or more of the parts
is rigid. A rigid part represents a part that is so much stiffer than the rest of the model that its
deformation can be considered negligible. In addition, in a coupled thermal-mechanical analysis no
heat can be transferred to the rigid part. If a rigid body is considered as isothermal, a single
temperature degree of freedom describing the temperature of the rigid body exists at the rigid body
reference node.
In contrast to a part that you define as rigid, a part that you define as deformable can deform during
contact with either a rigid part or another deformable part, and heat can be transferred through a
deformable part. For example, a model of a metal stamping process might use a deformable part to
model the blank and rigid parts to model the mold and die, as shown in Figure 14-9.

Figure 14-9 Rigid and deformable parts.

In this example the mold is constrained to have no motion, and the die moves through a prescribed
path during the stamping process. You control the motion of rigid parts by selecting a rigid body
reference point and constraining or prescribing its motion. For more information, see ``The reference
point,'' Section 14.4.5.
You can choose between two kinds of rigid parts:
Discrete rigid parts
A part that you declared to be a discrete rigid part can be any arbitrary three-dimensional,
two-dimensional, or axisymmetric shape. Therefore, you can use all the Part module feature
tools--solids, shells, wires, cuts, and blends--to create a discrete rigid part. However, only
discrete rigid parts containing shells and wires can be meshed with rigid elements in the Mesh
module. If you try to create an instance of a solid discrete rigid part in the Assembly module,
ABAQUS/CAE displays an error message; you must return to the Part module and convert the
faces of the solid to shells.
Analytical rigid parts
An analytical rigid part is similar to a discrete rigid part in that it is used to represent a rigid
part in a contact analysis. If possible, you should use an analytical rigid part when describing a
rigid part because it is computationally less expensive than a discrete rigid part. The shape of


The Part module

an analytical rigid part is not arbitrary, and the profile must be smooth. You can use only the
following methods to create an analytical rigid part:
You can sketch the two-dimensional profile of the part and revolve the profile around an
axis of symmetry to form a three-dimensional revolved analytical rigid part, as shown in
Figure 14-10.

Figure 14-10 A revolved analytical rigid part.

You can sketch the two-dimensional profile of the part and extrude the profile infinitely to
form a three-dimensional extruded analytical rigid part. Although ABAQUS/CAE
considers that the extrusion extends to infinity, the Part module displays a
three-dimensional extruded analytical rigid part with a depth that you specify, as shown in
Figure 14-11.

Figure 14-11 An extruded analytical rigid part.

You can sketch the profile of a planar two-dimensional analytical rigid part, as shown in
Figure 14-12.

Figure 14-12 A planar analytical rigid part.


The Part module

You can sketch the profile of an axisymmetric two-dimensional analytical rigid part, as
shown in Figure 14-13.

Figure 14-13 An axisymmetric analytical rigid part.

You can import a part from an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file and define it to be either
a deformable or a discrete rigid part; however, you cannot define an imported part to be an
analytical rigid part. As an alternative, you can import the geometry of the analytical rigid part
into a sketch. You can then create a new analytical rigid part and copy the imported sketch
into the Sketcher toolset.
A rigid part in ABAQUS/CAE is equivalent to a rigid surface in an ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit analysis. For more information, see the following:
``Defining analytical rigid surfaces,'' Section 2.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Defining rigid bodies,'' Section 2.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Rigid elements,'' Section 16.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 15.3.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Contact and interaction analysis: overview, '' Section 21.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and ``Contact analysis: overview,'' Section 20.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual


The Part module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The reference point,'' Section 14.4.5
``Part types,'' Section 14.4.2
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9

14.4.4 Sketching the profile of a rigid part

ABAQUS/CAE represents analytical rigid parts using profiles that are composed of a series of lines,
arcs, and parabolas. Several tools are available in the Sketcher to help you construct each portion of
the rigid part profile:
You use the Sketcher's Line tool to sketch straight lines.
Arcs and fillets
You use the Sketcher's Arc and Fillet tools to sketch circular arcs or to fillet two lines. Any
resulting arcs must subtend an angle less than 180; if you want to construct an arc subtending
an angle greater than 180, you should create two adjacent arcs. ABAQUS/CAE displays an
error message if you create an arc subtending an angle greater than 180 while sketching the
profile of an analytical rigid surface.
You use the Sketcher's Spline tool to sketch parabolas. You create a parabola by defining a
three-point spline, where the three points are the start of the spline, a point anywhere along the
spline, and the end of the spline. Only splines composed of exactly three points generate the
parabolas required by the analytical rigid part definition; consequently, ABAQUS/CAE
displays an error message if you create a spline using more than three points while sketching
the profile of an analytical rigid part.
You can construct an analytical rigid part from any combination of lines, arcs, and parabolas; however,
the resulting profile must be a single connected (but not necessarily closed) curve. In addition, the
curve must be smooth to obtain a converged solution with ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit.
You may want to apply a sequence of small lines, arcs, or parabolas to eliminate any surface
discontinuities (ABAQUS/CAE does not have an equivalent to the FILLET RADIUS parameter on the
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit *SURFACE option). For more information on creating
parabolas and maintaining tangency, see ``Sketching splines,'' Section 22.9.8. For more information on
the rules governing analytical rigid surfaces, see ``Defining analytical rigid surfaces,'' Section 2.3.4 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
A sketch of an analytical rigid part that includes a line, an arc, and a fillet is illustrated in Figure 14-14.


The Part module

Figure 14-14 A sketch of an analytical rigid part.

An analytical rigid part is defined completely by the two-dimensional profile of the base feature that
you create with the Sketch; consequently, the Part module tools cannot be used to add features when
you return to the Part module from the Sketch. You can modify the part only by editing the original
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9

14.4.5 The reference point

You can create a reference point that is associated with a part. The reference point can be used for one
of the following:
If the part is a discrete or analytical rigid part, you use the reference point to indicate the rigid body
reference point. You use the Load/BC/IC module to apply constraints to the reference point or to
define the motion of the reference point using loads or boundary conditions. Motion or constraints
that you apply to the rigid body reference point are then applied to the entire rigid part. Similarly,
if you created an isothermal rigid part, you use the Load/BC/IC module to apply a temperature
constraint to the rigid body reference point.
Typically, the location of the rigid body reference point is not important; however, if the rigid
body moves freely in a dynamic analysis, its mass and rotary inertia influence the motion, and the
reference point should be placed at the center of mass. You can use the Query toolset to determine
the coordinates of the centroid of a solid, and you can use the Property module to assign mass and
rotary inertia section properties to the reference point. The section can also include optional
damping data.
If the part is a deformable planar part, you can model it with generalized plane strain elements.
You must create a reference point to indicate the first extra node required by generalized plane
strain elements. ABAQUS/CAE places the second extra node at the same location as the first. You
cannot model initial curvature in the model in the axial direction; for more information on
generalized plane strain elements, see ``Choosing the element's dimensionality,'' Section 13.1.2 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.


The Part module

You can create and name a set containing the reference point. You can then use the set when
creating an equation constraint in the Interaction module. You can also refer to the set in the
keywords editor when creating a multi-point constraint.
You use the Part module to create a reference point. From the main menu bar, select
Assign->Reference Point and use either of the following techniques:
Select in Viewport

You can select any existing vertex from the part, including datum points.
Enter Coordinates

You can type the components of a vector representing the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the
reference point.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the reference point at the desired location and labels it Ref Pt.
You can assign only one reference point to a part; ABAQUS/CAE asks you if you want to delete the
original point if you try to assign a second point. If you entered coordinates to define the reference
point, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to edit the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates using the Feature Manipulation
toolset. You can use the Interaction module to define the rigid body's surface normals.

14.5 Importing parts into the Part module

You can import parts stored in the following formats into ABAQUS/CAE:
ABAQUS output database (ODB)
For more information, see Chapter 13, "Importing and exporting geometry data and models."
Because ABAQUS/CAE treats imported parts as a single feature, you cannot use the feature
manipulation toolset to remove excessive detail, such as small holes and fillets, from an imported part.
However, you can use the geometry repair tools to edit an ACIS, IGES, or VDA-FS part. In general,
you can add features to an imported ACIS, IGES, or VDA-FS part so that the final geometry may be
very different from the part you imported. Similarly, you cannot add geometric features to a part
imported from an output database (ODB); however, you can use the mesh editing tools to modify its
nodes and elements. In addition, you can add reference geometry, called datum geometry to an orphan
mesh. (For more information, see ``Repairing and editing imported parts,'' Section 14.5.3, and Chapter
41, "The Datum toolset.")
You can assemble a combination of native parts, ACIS parts, IGES parts, VDA-FS parts, and parts
from an ODB in the Assembly module. You can mesh native parts and ACIS, IGES, and VDA-FS
parts in the Mesh module.
You can select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar at any time during a session. When you

The Part module

import a part into a model, ABAQUS/CAE switches to the Part module and displays the imported part
in the current viewport. In addition, the imported part becomes the base feature of a new part.
The following topics are covered:
``Importing parts from an output database (ODB),'' Section 14.5.1
``Imported parts from ACIS-, IGES-, and VDA-FS-format files,'' Section 14.5.2
``Repairing and editing imported parts,'' Section 14.5.3

14.5.1 Importing parts from an output database (ODB)

To import an orphan mesh into ABAQUS/CAE, select File->Import->Part from the main menu bar.
When you use the Job module to submit a job for analysis, ABAQUS/CAE writes the results from the
analysis to a binary file called an output database. The output database also contains the geometry of
the nodes, elements, surfaces, and sets that made up the original meshed assembly, and this geometry
can be imported into ABAQUS/CAE from an output database in the form of a part called an orphan
mesh. In effect, the mesh information has been ``orphaned'' from its parent geometry.
Once you import an orphan mesh, it appears in the model's list of parts. You can instance an orphan
mesh part in the Assembly module, and position it with other part instances in the assembly.
An orphan mesh consists of a single feature; you can modify this single feature with the following
Add nodes or elements.
Delete nodes or elements.
Edit nodes.
Resize the elements.
Change the direction of the normal from a shell element.
In addition, you can add reference geometry, called datum geometry to an orphan mesh. (For more
information, see Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset.")
Node and element sets are maintained when you import an orphan mesh. If you delete any nodes or
elements from the orphan mesh, they are also deleted from these sets. In addition, you can create new
sets using the Set toolset.
If the current part is an orphan mesh, you can choose to replace its mesh with the imported orphan
mesh. The name of the current part does not change, and the part maintains its original section
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22


The Part module

``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5

``Imported parts from ACIS-, IGES-, and VDA-FS-format files,'' Section 14.5.2

14.5.2 Imported parts from ACIS-, IGES-, and VDA-FS-format files

To import a part from an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file into ABAQUS/CAE, select
File->Import->Part from the main menu bar.
ACIS is a geometric modeling toolkit that serves as the underlying geometry engine for many
three-dimensional modeling applications, including ABAQUS/CAE. Consequently, the ACIS format
has become an industry standard for storing the geometry of a part, and parts stored in ACIS format
can be interchanged between many applications. An ACIS-format file can contain more than one part,
and ABAQUS/CAE allows you to import each one separately.
The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) is a similar industry standard, and IGES-format
files contain a neutral data format designed for graphics exchange between computer-aided design
(CAD) systems. An IGES-format file can contain only one part.
The Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) surface data format is a geometry standard
developed by the German automotive industry. Both VDA-FS and IGES files contain a mathematical
representation of the part in an ASCII format; however, the VDA-FS standard is simpler and
concentrates on geometry information.
ABAQUS/CAE can import a part stored in an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file, but the imported
part does not retain any record of the features that originally defined it. As a result, the imported part
forms the base feature of a new part; you can add features to the part, but you cannot edit this base
In general, you can import any part saved in ACIS, IGES, or VDA-FS format; however, subsequent
operations, such as partitioning and meshing, may fail if the geometry is not valid. ABAQUS/CAE can
detect and repair invalid geometry during the import process, or you can repair the imported part in the
Part module. For more information, see ``Repairing and editing imported parts,'' Section 14.5.3.
You can use ACIS, IGES, and VDA-FS format to transfer parts between ABAQUS/CAE and
third-party solid modeling products, since ABAQUS/CAE can import and export parts in both formats.
The feature-based information stored in the part or part instance is lost when you export it to ACIS
format. To export a part from ABAQUS/CAE into an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS format file, select
File->Export->Part from the main menu bar. For detailed instructions on importing and exporting
parts, see ``Importing geometry data and models,'' Section 13.5, and ``Exporting geometry data,''
Section 13.7.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
``Imported parts from ACIS-, IGES-, and VDA-FS-format files,'' Section 14.5.2


The Part module

14.5.3 Repairing and editing imported parts

When you import a part, you may find that aspects of the part are invalid or inappropriate for your
analysis. Two sets of tools exist that allow you to edit imported parts as necessary to make them useful
for modeling.
Geometry repair tools
Parts that you create using the Part module in ABAQUS/CAE are considered valid and
precise. However, parts imported from other applications may be invalid or imprecise. The
geometry repair tools allow you to improve the quality of parts that you import into
ABAQUS/CAE. For example, you can use these tools to delete unwanted vertices, edges, and
faces and to create new faces.
Warning: You should use the geometry repair tools to edit only imported parts. The
geometry repair tools do not take into account the feature-based representation of an
ABAQUS/CAE native part and may delete important feature information.
If you import an invalid part into ABAQUS/CAE, you can try to correct the geometry using
the geometry repair tools. If you cannot correct the geometry using these tools, it cannot be
changed or analyzed in ABAQUS/CAE and is generally not useful.
If you import a valid but imprecise part into ABAQUS/CAE, you can try to increase the
precision of the geometry using the geometry repair tools. If you cannot make the geometry
more precise using these tools, you can still use the part in ABAQUS/CAE; however, some
ABAQUS/CAE functions will be disabled.
For detailed instructions on how to use the imported geometry repair tools, see ``Repairing
imported geometry,'' Section 14.21.
Orphan mesh editing tools
The orphan mesh editing tools allow you to improve the quality of orphan meshes that you
import into ABAQUS/CAE. You can use these tools to perform the following tasks:
Create a node. You can specify the coordinates of the new node either in the global
coordinate system or in a datum coordinate system that you specify.
Edit nodes. You can specify the new coordinates of the nodes either in the global
coordinate system or in a datum coordinate system that you specify. You can edit a single
node or you can edit multiple nodes simultaneously.
Delete nodes. Any elements associated with the deleted nodes are also deleted. In
addition, you have the option of deleting any remaining nodes that would be left
unassociated with any elements once the nodes selected for deletion and their associated
elements are deleted.
Create an element. You must specify the shape of the element that you want to create, and
you must select the nodes in the order appropriate for that element shape.


The Part module

Delete elements. You have the option of deleting any nodes that would be left
unassociated with any elements once the selected elements are deleted.
Reverse the surface normal of shell elements.
Refine a planar, linear, triangular orphan mesh. ABAQUS/CAE maintains the edges of the
elements along the boundary of the part while improving the mesh quality in the interior.
Alternatively, you can specify a global element size before refining the mesh, and the
density of the new mesh reflects the new target element size.
For detailed instructions on how to use the orphan mesh editing tools, see ``Editing an orphan
mesh,'' Section 14.22.

14.6 What types of features can you create?

After you select the type and shape of the part and sketch the two-dimensional profile of its base
feature, you add additional features or modify existing features to create the finished part. The
following sections describe the features that can be added to a part:
``Solid features,'' Section 14.6.1
``Shell features,'' Section 14.6.2
``Wire features,'' Section 14.6.3
``Cut features,'' Section 14.6.4
``Blend features,'' Section 14.6.5

14.6.1 Solid features

To create a solid feature, select Extrude, Revolve, or Sweep from the Shape->Solid menu on the
main menu bar or select one of the solid tools in the Part module toolbox. Once you have sketched the
profile, you perform one of the following operations to create the feature:
To create an extruded solid feature, you extrude the profile through a specified distance (d), as
shown in Figure 14-15. Select Shape->Solid->Extrude from the main menu bar to create this type
of feature.

Figure 14-15 An extruded solid feature.


The Part module

To create a revolved solid feature, you revolve the profile through a specified angle (a). A
construction line serves as the axis of revolution, as shown in Figure 14-16. Select
Shape->Solid->Revolve from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-16 A revolved solid feature.

To create a swept solid feature, you sweep the profile along a specified path, as shown in Figure
14-17. Select Shape->Solid->Sweep from the main menu bar to create this type of feature. For
more information, see ``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3.

Figure 14-17 A swept solid feature.

You can use any of the solid tools to add a solid feature to a deformable or discrete part that you


The Part module

created in three-dimensional modeling space. You cannot add a solid feature to a two-dimensional or
axisymmetric part.
Figure 14-15, Figure 14-16, and Figure 14-17 illustrate how each feature might later be meshed. You
can mesh a solid feature using any of the three-dimensional, solid continuum elements available in
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.6.2 Shell features

A shell feature is an idealization of a solid in which thickness is considered small compared to the
width and depth. To create a shell feature, select Shape->Shell from the main menu bar or select one
of the shell tools in the Part module toolbox. You create a shell feature in the Part module using the
shell tools to do one of the following:
Sketch a line or curve and extrude it though a specified distance to create an extruded shell feature,
as shown in Figure 14-18. Select Shape->Shell->Extrude from the main menu bar to create this
type of feature.

Figure 14-18 An extruded shell feature.

Sketch a line or curve and revolve it through a specified angle to create a revolved shell feature. A
construction line serves as the axis of revolution, as shown in Figure 14-19. Select
Shape->Shell->Revolve from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-19 A revolved shell feature.


The Part module

Sketch a path and a profile, and sweep the profile normal to the path to create a swept shell
feature, as shown in Figure 14-20. Select Shape->Shell->Planar from the main menu bar to create
this type of feature. For more information, see ``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,''
Section 14.9.3.

Figure 14-20 A swept shell feature.

Sketch the outline of the shell on a selected planar face or datum plane to create a planar shell
feature, as shown in Figure 14-21. When you sketch on a planar face (for example, the side of a
cube), the shell feature is created only where it extends beyond the face; a shell feature cannot
overlap a face. A sketch on a planar face of a cube and the resulting shell feature are shown in
Figure 14-21. In this example the shell feature is a fin extending beyond the selected face of the
cube. Select Shape->Shell->Planar from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-21 A sketched shell feature.


The Part module

Convert the faces of a solid feature to shell features; in effect, hollow out a solid. A
shell-from-solid feature is shown in Figure 14-22. Select Shape->Shell->From Solid from the
main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-22 A shell-from-solid feature.

Remove selected faces from a solid and convert the remaining solid to shell features. A
remove-face shell feature is shown in Figure 14-23. Select Shape->Shell->Remove Face from
the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-23 A remove-face shell feature.


The Part module

You can use any of the shell tools to add a shell feature to a part that you created in three-dimensional
modeling space; however, when you are working on parts created in two-dimensional or axisymmetric
modeling space, you can use only the planar shell tool to add a shell feature. You use the Property
module to create a section prescribing the desired thickness and to assign the section to the shell
feature. For more information, see ``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3, and ``Assigning sections,
material orientations, and beam orientations to a part, '' Section 15.3.
Figure 14-21 and Figure 14-23 illustrate how each feature might later be meshed. You can mesh a shell
feature using:
Two-dimensional or axisymmetric continuum elements (limited to planar shell features)
Three-dimensional shell elements
Membrane elements
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.6.3 Wire features

A wire is depicted as a line in ABAQUS/CAE and is used to idealize a solid in which both its
thickness and depth are considered small compared to its length. To create a wire feature, select
Shape->Wire from the main menu bar or select one of the wire tools in the Part module toolbox. You
create a wire feature in the Part module using the wire tools to do one of the following:
Sketch a wire on a selected planar face or datum plane to create a sketched wire feature, as shown
in Figure 14-24. Select Shape->Wire->Sketch from the main menu bar to create this type of

Figure 14-24 A sketched wire feature.

When you sketch on a planar face (for example, the side of a cube), the wire feature is created only
where it extends beyond the face. A wire feature cannot overlap a face; however, you can partition
the face to simulate a wire extending over the face.
Connect two selected points with a straight line, as shown in Figure 14-25. Select
Shape->Wire->2 Points from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.


The Part module

Figure 14-25 A wire feature connecting two points.

You can use the wire tools to add a wire feature to any deformable or discrete rigid part. You cannot
add a wire feature to an analytical rigid part; you can only modify the original sketch that defined that
You use the Property module to create a section that prescribes the desired cross-sectional geometry
and to assign that section to the wire feature. (For more information, see ``Defining sections,'' Section
15.2.3, and ``Assigning sections, material orientations, and beam orientations to a part, '' Section 15.3.)
You can model a wire feature using any of the beam, truss, or axisymmetric shell elements available in
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit.
Note: Although you can create a mesh of beam elements, the current version of ABAQUS/CAE
allows you to assign only the following sections to a wire:
Beam section
Truss section
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.6.4 Cut features

A cut is a feature that removes material from a part. A cut can be a circular hole, or it can be any
arbitrary shape. To create a cut feature, select Shape->Cut from the main menu bar or select one of the
cut tools in the Part module toolbox. You create a cut feature in the Part module using the cut tools to
do one of the following:
Sketch the two-dimensional profile of the cut and extrude it through a specified distance ( d), as
shown in Figure 14-26. Select Shape->Cut->Extrude from the main menu bar to create this type
of feature.

Figure 14-26 An extruded cut feature.


The Part module

Sketch the two-dimensional profile of the cut and revolve it through a specified angle ( a). A
construction line serves as the axis of revolution, as shown in Figure 14-27. Select
Shape->Cut->Revolve from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-27 A revolved cut feature.

Sketch the two-dimensional profile of the cut and sweep it along a specified path, as shown in
Figure 14-28. Select Shape->Cut->Sweep from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.
For more information, see ``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3.

Figure 14-28 A swept cut feature.


The Part module

Enter the diameter of a hole and the distance of its center from two selected edges, as shown in
Figure 14-29. Select Shape->Cut->Circular Hole from the main menu bar to create this type of

Figure 14-29 A circular hole feature.

You can use the cut tools to add a cut feature to any deformable or discrete rigid part. You cannot add
a cut feature to an analytical rigid part; you can only modify the original sketch that defined that part.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.6.5 Blend features

A blend feature smooths an edge of a three-dimensional solid part. To create a blend feature, select
Shape->Blend from the main menu bar or select one of the blend tools in the Part module toolbox.
You create a blend feature in the Part module using the blend tools to do one of the following:
Smooth an edge with a circular blend of a specified radius, as shown in Figure 14-30. Select
Shape->Blend->Round/Fillet from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-30 A round/fillet blend feature.


The Part module

Bevel an edge with a chamfered blend of a specified length, as shown in Figure 14-31. Select
Shape->Blend->Chamfer from the main menu bar to create this type of feature.

Figure 14-31 A chamfer blend feature.

You can use the blend tools to blend edges of a deformable or discrete rigid part that you created in
three-dimensional modeling space. You cannot add a blend feature to a two-dimensional or
axisymmetric part; however, you can blend its corners by editing the sketch of the part.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.7 Using feature-based modeling effectively

You can devise an efficient approach to creating a part if you understand how ABAQUS/CAE uses
feature-based modeling and how the rules that define a feature are applied. The following techniques
will help you plan efficiently:
Plan a strategy
Feature-based modeling provides flexibility, but it can also add overhead to your model. For


The Part module

example, you can effectively suppress an extrusion by removing it with a cut feature. Although
you can restore the extrusion subsequently by removing the cut feature, the resulting part
contains additional feature-based information that can slow down regeneration. In addition,
dependencies may cause feature regeneration to fail if you add more detail to the part; and,
because the extrusion is no longer visible, the cause of the failure to regenerate may be hard to
Before you decide how to create a part, you should always consider if you will ever need to
modify the part in the future. If you decide that you might need to modify the part, you should
consider the techniques that you will use to create the features that define the part. The
simplest techniques may not provide the flexibility you need for modifying the features. You
may find it cumbersome to edit or suppress individual items of geometry, such as an extrusion,
a fillet, or a hole.
Alternatively, if you know that you will never change the final design, you may not need the
flexibility provided by feature-based modeling and can use the simplest and most convenient
techniques to define the part.
Use reference geometry
When you are adding a feature to a part, you should always use underlying reference geometry
to define the new feature's location relative to existing features. While sketching a feature, you
may be able to select reference geometry directly; for example, if you are sketching a circle,
you may be able to select a vertex from the reference geometry to define its center.
Alternatively, you may have to add a dimension between reference geometry and the new
feature. If you do not use reference geometry to position a new feature and subsequently
modify the part, the resulting changes to the feature can be unpredictable.
Dimensions add clarity
Dimensions add clarity to the sketches that define features and document your design intent
for future reference. You can modify dimensions in the Sketcher, and the part and assembly
will regenerate accordingly.
Pay attention to the order in which you create features
A new feature of a part is aware of existing features. In addition, if the new feature depends on
an existing feature for positioning information, ABAQUS/CAE creates a parent-child
relationship between the features. Parent-child relationships and the order in which you
created features play an important role in feature regeneration.
To satisfy the rules that govern successful regeneration, try to use the following sequence
when creating the features that define your part:
1. Create the basic geometry of a part using extrusions, revolutions, cuts, and sweeps.
2. Add extruded, revolved, swept, and planar features.
3. Add round or fillet features.


The Part module

4. Add partitions only when the rest of the geometry is complete.

5. Dimension new features with respect to existing features.
Allow for some overlap
If possible, you should allow for overlap between an existing feature and a feature that fills a
hole or cuts a hole. Allowing for overlap makes your part robust, and the features are more
likely to regenerate successfully. For example, when you cut a slot, extend its sketched profile
above the surface you are cutting, as shown in Figure 14-32.

Figure 14-32 The sketched profile of a slot should extend beyond any surfaces that are cut.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3
``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3
``Capturing your design and analysis intent,'' Section 14.8

14.8 Capturing your design and analysis intent

If used carefully, the feature-based modeling approach used by ABAQUS/CAE allows you to capture
both your design and analysis intent.
Design intent is the capability to make changes based on design considerations. For example, when
you add a cut feature, you can select either a through cut or a blind cut. If the cut feature represents a
bolt hole, you know that the hole must always pass completely through the part. As a consequence, you
should select a through cut, and ABAQUS/CAE recognizes that the hole remains through even when
you change the thickness of the part.
Analysis intent is the capability to make changes based on analysis considerations. Although
ABAQUS/CAE allows you to create parts with complex, detailed geometry, your final goal is usually a
finite element analysis of a meshed representation of the part. Excessive detail, such as fillets and
small holes, can lead to regions with a very fine mesh that will, in turn, dominate the time taken by


The Part module

ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit to reach a solution. The amount of detail you provide when
you create a part in the Part module should be a reflection of your goals. Alternatively, you can create a
part with detailed features but suppress them prior to meshing the assembly. For example, if a model
takes several days to analyze, you may wish to simplify it by suppressing features; you could then
submit an analysis that runs faster and checks your basic modeling assumptions. If the simplified
model behaves as expected, you can unsuppress the features and resubmit a full analysis.
For an example of different feature-based design approaches based on design and analysis intent,
consider the cover plate shown in Figure 14-33.

Figure 14-33 A model of a cover plate.

You could create the three-dimensional shell that models the plate in several ways:
1. Sketch a base feature that includes the four holes.
2. Sketch a rectangular base feature, and add four separate cut features.
3. Sketch a rectangular base feature, and add a single cut feature that cuts all four holes.
Either of the three approaches would generate the same part, but your design intent and your analysis
intent govern the best approach. For example:
Do you want to create and analyze plates of varying sizes with different sized holes for different
applications? If the diameter of all four holes is always identical, you should create all four holes
as a single cut feature. However, if the diameter of individual holes might differ, you should create
four separate cut features.
Do you want to suppress features before you finalize your design? For example, you could perform
a series of analyses with the holes suppressed to determine the desired plate thickness. You could
then unsuppress the holes and analyze the finished model. In addition, suppressing features may
simplify the mesh that ABAQUS/CAE generates, or suppressing features may make the assembly
sweep meshable.
If you want to suppress all four holes in the example of the rectangular cover plate, you should
create all four holes as a single cut feature. However, if you want to suppress individual holes, you
should create four separate cut features. If the analysis is straightforward and you do not need to
analyze a simplified model, you should sketch a base feature that includes the four holes.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3


The Part module

``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3

``Using feature-based modeling effectively,'' Section 14.7

14.9 Understanding extruding, revolving, and sweeping

The following sections describe the techniques you can use to extrude, revolve, and sweep a
two-dimensional sketch to create a three-dimensional part or feature. The following topics are covered:
``Defining the extrusion distance,'' Section 14.9.1
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2
``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3

14.9.1 Defining the extrusion distance

You can sketch a two-dimensional profile and extrude it to create the following:
A three-dimensional extruded solid feature.
A three-dimensional extruded shell feature.
A three-dimensional extruded cut feature.
ABAQUS/CAE provides the following methods for defining the extrusion distance:

Specify the distance over which ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the sketch. The sketch and the
distance define the feature and can be edited using the Feature Manipulation toolset. You can
use this method when creating extruded solid, shell, and cut features. Figure 14-34 illustrates a
blind extruded cut in a solid part.

Figure 14-34 A blind extruded cut.

Up to Face

Select a single face to which ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the sketch. The selected face does not


The Part module

have to be parallel to the sketch plane, and it can be a nonplanar face. If you select this method
to define the extrusion distance, only the sketch can be modified using the Feature
Manipulation toolset; if you wish to extrude to a different face, you must create a new
extruded cut feature. You can use this method when creating extruded solid, shell, and cut
features. Figure 14-35 illustrates a sketch extruded to a nonplanar face.

Figure 14-35 A solid feature extruded up to a nonplanar face.

Through All

This method is available only for extruded cut features. ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the sketch
defining the profile of the cut completely though the part. If you select this method to define
the extrusion distance, only the sketch can be modified using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Figure 14-36 illustrates a through all cut in a solid part.

Figure 14-36 A through all extruded cut.

14.9.2 Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and

for revolved features
When you create an axisymmetric part and when you add a revolved feature to a part, the sketch of the
profile must include a construction line that defines the axis of rotation. The following rules apply to
the sketch and to the construction line:
Creating a three-dimensional part with a revolved base feature
You can create three-dimensional parts with a revolved solid or a revolved shell base feature

The Part module

by selecting Part->Create from the main menu bar. When you sketch the part's base feature,
ABAQUS/CAE superimposes a vertical construction line representing the axis of rotation on
the Y-axis of the sketch. You can delete this construction line and redraw it at a different angle
and location; however, the finished sketch must contain a construction line representing the
axis of rotation.
You can sketch on either the right or the left of the construction line, and your sketch can
touch this line but cannot cross it. When you exit the Sketcher, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to
enter the angle through which the sketch will be revolved. In addition, if the sketch contains
more than one construction line, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the construction line
that will serve as the axis of rotation.
Creating an axisymmetric part
You can create axisymmetric parts that are defined by either a shell or a wire along with an
axis of symmetry by selecting Part->Create from the main menu bar. ABAQUS/CAE allows
you to include a twist degree of freedom in your model when you create an axisymmetric part.
When you sketch the part's base feature, ABAQUS/CAE displays a vertical construction line
on the Y-axis of the sketch representing the axis of symmetry. You must sketch only to the
right of the line. Your sketch can touch this line but cannot cross it.
You can add only shell and wire features to an axisymmetric base feature. ABAQUS/CAE
displays the original sketch and construction line when you add a feature, and the same rules
apply--you cannot delete this construction line, and you must sketch only to the right of it.
Creating revolved features
You can add revolved solids, shells, and cuts to three-dimensional solids and shells by
selecting Shape->Solid->Revolve, Shape->Shell->Revolve, or Shape->Cut->Revolve from
the main menu bar or by selecting the equivalent tool from the Part module toolbox. After you
select the planar face on which to sketch, ABAQUS/CAE displays an empty sketch sheet. You
sketch the profile to revolve, and you must also sketch a construction line representing the axis
of revolution. The construction line can be positioned at any location or angle on the sketch.
You can sketch on either the right or the left of the construction line, and your sketch can
touch this line but cannot cross it. When you exit the Sketcher, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to
enter the angle through which the sketch will be revolved. In addition, if the sketch contains
more than one construction line, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the construction line
that will serve as the axis of rotation.
When you are sketching the contruction line that represents the axis of revolution, you can
position the construction line by selecting a datum axis from the underlying part. You cannot
select the datum axis directly; you must select a point from either end of the datum axis. You
can use the datum axis to create concentric features. For example, you can create a datum axis
along the axis of a curved face and use the datum axis to create a revolved feature that is
concentric with the curved face. Similarly, if you are adding more than one revolved feature to
a part, you can make the features concentric by using a single datum axis to position the axis


The Part module

of rotation for each feature.

14.9.3 Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile

To create a swept feature, select Shape->Solid->Sweep , Shape->Shell->Sweep , or
Shape->Cut->Sweep from the main menu bar or select the equivalent tool from the Part module
Sweeping is a two-part operation: first you sketch the sweep path, and then you sketch the sweep
profile. The profile is swept along the length of the path to form a three-dimensional solid, shell, or cut
feature. The sweep path can be any continuous path you can create with the Sketcher. The beginning of
the path is always perpendicular to the sweep profile, and the profile always remains normal to the path
as it is swept along its length. Figure 14-37 shows an example of a sweep path and a sweep profile.

Figure 14-37 An example of a sweep path and profile.

The feature created by sweeping the sweep profile along the above path is shown in Figure 14-38.

Figure 14-38 The resulting swept feature.

The sketches that define the sweep path and the sweep profile can both be modified using the Feature
Manipulation toolset. The sweeping tools are available only when you are working on a deformable or
discrete part that you created in a three-dimensional modeling space.
The sweep profile must be closed when you are creating a swept solid or cut feature. However, unlike
the sweep profile, the sweep path can be open or closed regardless of whether you are creating a swept


The Part module

solid, shell, or cut feature. If the sweep path is closed, the two ends of the path must meet tangentially.
For example, the closed sweep paths labeled ``Bad'' in Figure 14-39 are not allowed because the ends
of the path meet at an angle.

Figure 14-39 Invalid sweep paths.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.10 Using the Sketcher in conjunction with the Part module

Sketches are two-dimensional profiles that form the geometry of the features defining an
ABAQUS/CAE native part. You use the Sketcher to create these sketches; in the Part module you use
them directly to define a planar part or a beam, or you extrude, sweep, or revolve them to form a
three-dimensional or axisymmetric part. Whenever you need to create the base feature of a new part,
add a feature to a part, or modify an existing feature, the Part module automatically enters the
Sketcher, and you operate on the sketch that forms the two-dimensional profile of the feature. When
you have finished sketching, ABAQUS/CAE automatically returns you to the Part module.
If you are adding a feature or modifying an existing feature, you must choose the plane on which to
sketch. For a detailed description of how ABAQUS/CAE determines the orientation of the part relative
to the sketch plane, see ``Entering and exiting the Sketch module,'' Section 22.2.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module

14.11 Understanding toolsets in the Part module

The Part module provides a set of toolsets that allow you to add and modify the features that define a
part. This section describes how these toolsets are used within the Part module. The following topics
are covered:


The Part module

``Using the Datum toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.1

``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.2
``Using the Partition toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.3
``Using the Query toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.4
``Using the Set toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.5
For more detailed information about each toolset, refer to:
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset"
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset"
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset"
Chapter 44, "The Query toolset"
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"

14.11.1 Using the Datum toolset in the Part module

A datum can be thought of as reference geometry or a construction aid that helps you create a feature
when the part does not contain the necessary geometry; you create datum geometry using the Datum
toolset. A datum is a feature of a part and is regenerated along with the rest of the part. Furthermore,
datum geometry is visible unless you toggle it off by selecting View->Part Display Options->Datum
from the main menu bar. A datum created in the Part module appears with each instance of the part in
the Assembly module and the Mesh module.
Datum points are projected onto the Sketch plane in the Sketcher, and the projected point can be
selected. However, you cannot refer to datum axes or planes in the Sketcher. Examples of how you
might use datum planes and axes in the Part module are given below:
Datum plane
You can sketch directly on datum planes, and any features you sketch on a datum plane will be
projected onto the part. Projecting a sketch from a datum plane is useful if the part does not
already contain a convenient sketch plane.
For example, suppose you want to cut a hole straight through the three-dimensional triangular
part shown in Figure 14-40, parallel to the X-axis.

Figure 14-40 The desired cut feature.


The Part module

The part does not already have a face that is suitable for sketching the profile of the hole;
sketching the profile directly on a face results in a hole normal to the face, as shown in Figure

Figure 14-41 A cut normal to the face.

To cut the desired hole, first use the Datum toolset to create a datum plane on the Y-Z
principal plane, as shown in Figure 14-42.

Figure 14-42 A datum plane.

Second, sketch the profile of the cut on the new datum plane, as shown in Figure 14-43.

Figure 14-43 A sketch on the datum plane.

When you exit the Sketcher, ABAQUS/CAE cuts the sketched hole through the part,
perpendicular to the datum plane and parallel to the X-axis. This cut is illustrated in Figure


The Part module

Figure 14-44 The desired cut.

Datum axis
You can use the Datum toolset to create a datum axis that you will select as the vertical
direction for the sketch when adding or modifying a feature to a three-dimensional solid.
Creating a datum axis is useful when the part does not already contain the necessary axis.
For example, suppose you want to cut a slot through the part as shown in Figure 14-45.

Figure 14-45 The desired slot.

Sketching the slot is difficult because selecting either of the two straight edges of the part as
the sketch's vertical axis causes the sketch grid lines to align with the line you select, not with
the X- or Y-axis. To make it easier to create the slot with the desired orientation, first use the
Datum toolset to create a datum axis along the Y-axis, as shown in Figure 14-46.

Figure 14-46 The datum axis.

When you select the datum axis to define the Sketcher's vertical direction, the Sketcher starts,
and its grid is aligned with the part's X- and Y-axes, as shown in Figure 14-47.


The Part module

Figure 14-47 The resulting sketch orientation.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding toolsets in the Part module,'' Section 14.11
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset

14.11.2 Using the Feature Manipulation toolset in the Part

The following are considered to be features of a part:
Geometric features, such as extruded solids, revolved shells, sketched wires, and rounded edges
Repair operation
Datum geometry
When the Feature Manipulation toolset asks you to select a feature, you can select it from the viewport.
Alternatively, you can click the Feature List button on the right side of the prompt area and select the
feature from the Feature List dialog box that appears.
Use the Feature Manipulation toolset in the Part module to edit, suppress, resume, and delete features
of a part. The feature manipulation tools are described below:
When you edit a feature, ABAQUS/CAE displays the feature editor. You can either modify the
feature's parameters directly or, if applicable, you can modify the sketch that forms the
two-dimensional profile or sweep path of a feature.
Suppressing a feature temporarily removes it from the definition of the part. A suppressed
feature is invisible, cannot be meshed, and is not included in the analysis of the model. You
cannot suppress the base feature, and suppressing a parent feature will suppress all of its child

The Part module

Resuming a feature restores a suppressed feature to the part; resuming a parent feature restores
all of its child features. You can choose to resume all features, the set of features most recently
suppressed, or a selected feature.
Deleting a feature removes it from the part. You cannot resume a deleted feature.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Part module,'' Section 14.11
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset

14.11.3 Using the Partition toolset in the Part module

Within the Part module, you can use the Partition toolset to partition a part into additional regions. The
partitions you create are features associated with the part, so that each instance of that part in the
assembly will contain all the partitions created in the Part module. You can use the regions when
working with the assembly in other modules; for example, you can apply a load over a region in the
Load/BC/IC module. If you do not want to associate the partitions with every instance of the part,
partition the desired instance in the Assembly module instead. For more information, see ``Partitioning
the assembly,'' Section 16.5.3.
After you partition a part, you can use the Property module to assign different sections to the resulting
regions; for example, you might use partitions to delineate regions of the part that are comprised of
different materials.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Part module,'' Section 14.11
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset

14.11.4 Using the Query toolset in the Part module

Select Tools->Query from the main menu bar, or click the query tool
Query toolset.

in the toolbar to start the

You can use the Query toolset to request either general information or module-specific information.
For a discussion of the information displayed by general queries, see ``Obtaining general information
about the model,'' Section 44.2.2.
The following queries are specific to the Part module.
Part attributes
ABAQUS/CAE displays the part name, modeling space, and type in the message area.


The Part module

Geometry precision
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the regions of an imported part that have geometry precision
Geometry validity
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the regions of an imported part that have geometry validity errors.
Volume properties
ABAQUS/CAE displays the volume and the centroid of the solid features of the part in the
message area. ABAQUS/CAE computes the volume using only the solid features of the part;
shell and wire features are not taken into consideration. ABAQUS/CAE does not display any
volume information if the part contains only shell and/or wire features.
Shell element normals
If the current part is an orphan mesh, ABAQUS/CAE color codes the faces of two-dimensional
shell elements according to the direction of the normal. ABAQUS/CAE does not display any
information related to normals for other element types or for ABAQUS/CAE native parts.

14.11.5 Using the Set toolset in the Part module

You use the Set toolset to create a named part set containing regions of a part. When you assign
section properties to a part in the Property module, you can either select the region from the part in the
current viewport, or you can select a named part set that you created in the Part module with the Set
toolset. Part sets are not transferred when you create an instance of a part in the Assembly module; you
must use the Set toolset to create assembly sets in modules that operate on the assembly. For more
information, see ``Using sets and surfaces in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.5.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Part module,'' Section 14.11
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets."

14.12 Using the Part module toolbox

You can access all the Part module tools through either the main menu bar or the Part module toolbox.
Figure 14-48 shows the hidden icons for all the part tools in the Part module toolbox.

Figure 14-48 The Part module toolbox.


The Part module

For information on using each of the Part module tools, refer to the following sections:
``Managing parts,'' Section 14.13
``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14
``Adding a feature to a part,'' Section 14.15
``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
``Blending edges,'' Section 14.20

14.13 Managing parts

This section describes how you manage the parts in your model while working in the Part module. The
following topics are covered:
``Managing parts,'' Section 14.13.1
``Creating a new part,'' Section 14.13.2

14.13.1 Managing parts

To create, copy, rename, and delete parts, use one of the following:
The Create, Copy, Rename, and Delete items listed under the Part menu on the main menu bar.
The Copy, Rename, and Delete items contain submenus listing all the parts in the current model.
The Part Manager dialog box. The Part Manager dialog box contains functions similar to those
listed under the Part menu on the main menu bar, but with a convenient browser that lists the
names of all the parts available within the current model along with their modeling space
(three-dimensional, two-dimensional, or axisymmetric) and type (deformable, discrete rigid, or
analytical rigid). To display the Part Manager dialog box, select Part->Manager from the main
menu bar.
To retrieve a part from the model database and display it in the current viewport, select the part from


The Part module

the Part list located under the toolbar. The Part list contains all the parts in the current model.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Managing parts,'' Section 14.13
``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5

14.13.2 Creating a new part

Select Part->Create from the main menu bar to create a new part in the current viewport.
A model can contain multiple parts; each part exists in a local coordinate system, and you use the
Assembly module to create instances of the parts and position those instances relative to each other in
a global coordinate system. When you create a part, you name the part and select its type, modeling
space, base feature, and approximate size; you then sketch the profile of the part's base feature.
Detailed instructions for creating a new part:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Create.
The Create Part dialog box appears. For more information, see ``Using the Create Part dialog
box,'' Section 14.14.
Tip: You can also create a part using the
tool in the Part module toolbox. For a
diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section
2. Type a name for the part. For information on naming ABAQUS/CAE objects, see ``Using basic
dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
3. Choose the new part's modeling space, type, base feature, and approximate size. For more
information, see ``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4.
Note: You can rename a part after you create it, but you cannot change its modeling space or type.

4. Click Continue to close the Create Part dialog box.

The Sketcher starts, and the Sketch grid appears in the current viewport.
If you are creating a three-dimensional revolved solid or shell, ABAQUS/CAE displays a vertical
construction line on the Y-axis of the sketch that serves as the axis of revolution. You can sketch
on either side of this construction line, but the sketch must not cross the construction line.
If you are creating an axisymmetric part, ABAQUS/CAE displays a vertical construction line on
the left side of the sketch that serves as the axis of revolution. You must sketch to the right of this
construction line.


The Part module

5. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the base feature. For more information,
see Chapter 22, "The Sketch module."
If you are constructing a swept part, you must first sketch the sweep path and exit the Sketcher.
The Sketch will then restart automatically, and you can sketch the profile to be swept.
6. When you have finished sketching the base feature, click mouse button 2 to exit the current
Sketch tool.
7. In the prompt area, click Done to exit the Sketcher. If the base feature is a three-dimensional solid
or shell extrusion, you must use the text field that appears in the prompt area to enter the distance
through which to extrude the profile. If the base feature is a three-dimensional revolved solid or
shell, you must enter the angle through which to rotate the profile.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and displays the new part in the current viewport.
8. If necessary, use the Part module tools to add additional features to the base feature. For more
information, see ``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14
``Managing parts,'' Section 14.13
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Imported parts from ACIS-, IGES-, and VDA-FS-format files,'' Section 14.5.2
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1

14.14 Using the Create Part dialog box

This section describes the options in the Create Part dialog box. The following topics are covered:
``Using the Create Part dialog box to define the properties of a part, '' Section 14.14.1
``Choosing the modeling space of a new part,'' Section 14.14.2
``Choosing the type of a new part,'' Section 14.14.3
``Choosing the base feature of a new part,'' Section 14.14.4


The Part module

``Setting the approximate size of the new part,'' Section 14.14.5

14.14.1 Using the Create Part dialog box to define the properties
of a part
When you create a part, you first use the Create Part dialog box to define the properties of the part,
and then you use the Sketch to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the base feature. You use the
Create Part dialog box to define the following:

Use the Name text field at the top of the Create Part dialog box to name the part you are
creating. To rename a part, select Part->Rename from the main menu bar. For information on
valid names, see ``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
After you create a part, ABAQUS/CAE displays the name of the new part in title bar of the
current viewport.
Modeling Space

Use the Modeling Space radio buttons to choose the modeling space of the new part. You can
define a part to be either three-dimensional, two-dimensional (planar), or axisymmetric. If you
create an axisymmetric deformable part, the Create Part dialog box allows you to include a
twist degree of freedom in your model. You cannot change a part's modeling space after you
create it. For more information, see ``Choosing the modeling space of a new part,'' Section

Use the Type radio buttons to choose the type of the new part. You can define a part to be
either deformable, discrete rigid, or analytical rigid. You cannot change a part's type after you
create it. For more information, see ``Choosing the type of a new part,'' Section 14.14.3.
Base Feature

Use the Base Feature field to define the shape and the type of the new part's base feature. The
shape and the type options that ABAQUS/CAE displays depend on the part's modeling space
and type. You cannot change the type of a part's base feature after you create it. For more
information, see ``Choosing the base feature of a new part,'' Section 14.14.4.
Approximate size

Use the approximate size text field to enter the size of the part. The size that you enter is used
by ABAQUS/CAE to calculate the size of the Sketcher sheet and the spacing of its grid. For
more information, see ``Setting the approximate size of the new part,'' Section 14.14.5. After
you create the part and start sketching its profile, you can use the Sketch customization
options to increase the sheet size. To display the Sketcher customization options click the
tool at the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox.


The Part module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Creating a new part,'' Section 14.13.2
``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14

14.14.2 Choosing the modeling space of a new part

Use the Modeling Space radio buttons at the top of the Create Part dialog box to choose the
modeling space of the part you are creating. ABAQUS/CAE carries a part's modeling space through
the modeling process; for example, modeling space determines which tools are available in the Part
module and which elements are available in the Mesh module. You cannot change the modeling space
of a part after you create it. For more information, see ``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1.
Modeling space refers to the space the part can inhabit, rather than to the part itself. Thus, you can
create a part in three-dimensional modeling space but construct it using topologically two-dimensional
shell or wire features. The new part's modeling space can be set to one of the following:
ABAQUS/CAE positions the part in three-dimensional space.
Two-dimensional planar
ABAQUS/CAE positions the part in planar, two-dimensional space.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the part in axisymmetric two-dimensional space. If you create an
axisymmetric deformable part, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to include a twist degree of
freedom in your model.
Detailed instructions for selecting the modeling space of a new part:
1. From the top of the Create Part dialog box, choose the desired Modeling Space radio button.
2. When you have finished choosing options, click Continue to close the Create Part dialog box.
The Sketcher starts, and you sketch the profile of the new part's base feature.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1


The Part module

``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Creating a new part,'' Section 14.13.2

14.14.3 Choosing the type of a new part

Use the Type radio buttons in the middle of the Create Part dialog box to choose the type of the part
you are creating. ABAQUS/CAE carries a part's type through the modeling process; for example, you
cannot assign section and material properties to a rigid part, and you cannot mesh an analytical rigid
part. You cannot change a part's type after you create it.
The new part's type can be set to one of the following:
Any arbitrarily shaped axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional part that you can
create or import can be specified as a deformable part. A deformable part represents a part that
can deform under load; the load can be mechanical, thermal, or electrical. By default,
ABAQUS/CAE creates parts that are deformable.
Discrete rigid
A discrete rigid part is similar to a deformable part in that it can be any arbitrary shape.
However, a discrete rigid part is assumed to be rigid and is used in contact analyses to model
bodies that cannot deform.
Analytical rigid
An analytical rigid part is similar to a discrete rigid part in that it is used to represent a rigid
surface in a contact analysis. However, the shape of an analytical rigid part is not arbitrary and
must be formed from a set of sketched lines, arcs, and parabolas.
After you create either a discrete rigid part or an analytical rigid part, you must also do the following:
Assign the rigid body reference point. You apply constraints or prescribe motion to the rigid body
reference point in the Load/BC/IC module, and the same constraints or motion are applied to the
entire rigid part. For more information, see ``The reference point,'' Section 14.4.5.
If the part is a discrete rigid part or an analytical rigid part, you must use the Surface toolset in the
Assembly module to choose which side of the part represents the outer surface. For more
information, see Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets."
If you create either a discrete rigid part or an analytical rigid part, you can toggle on Isothermal to
define an isothermal rigid part.
Detailed instructions for selecting the type of a new part:
1. From the middle of the Create Part dialog box, choose the desired Type radio button.


The Part module

2. When you have finished choosing options, click Continue to close the Create Part dialog box.
The Sketcher starts, and you sketch the profile of the new part's base feature.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Defining analytical rigid surfaces,'' Section 2.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Defining rigid bodies,'' Section 2.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``Part types,'' Section 14.4.2
``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Creating a new part,'' Section 14.13.2
``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14
``The reference point,'' Section 14.4.5
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets

14.14.4 Choosing the base feature of a new part

Use the radio buttons and the list within the Base Feature frame at the bottom of the Create Part
dialog box to describe the base feature of the part you are creating. The choices depend on both the
part's modeling space and the part's type; for example, an axisymmetric deformable body can have only
a planar shell or planar wire base feature. For detailed information about the different shapes and types
of base features that you can create, see ``The base feature,'' Section 14.3.2.
Your choice of the base feature's type is important because you cannot change the type after you create
the part. You can modify the base feature, but you should be aware that any features you subsequently
add to the part will be linked to the base feature. Consequently, if you modify the base feature, these
dependent (or child) features may move or fail to regenerate.
Detailed instructions for choosing the base feature:
1. From the bottom of the Create Part dialog box, choose the desired base feature shape (Solid,
Shell, or Wire). The available choices depend on the modeling space and the type of the part you
are creating.
2. If you are creating a three-dimensional part, you must also choose its Type (Extrusion,
Revolution, Sweep , or Planar).
3. When you have finished choosing options, click Continue to close the Create Part dialog box.
The Sketcher starts, and you sketch the profile of the new part's base feature.


The Part module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4
``Creating a new part,'' Section 14.13.2
``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset"

14.14.5 Setting the approximate size of the new part

Use the Approximate size text field at the bottom of the Create Part dialog box to set the
approximate size of the new part. The size that you enter is used by ABAQUS/CAE to calculate the
size of the Sketcher sheet and the spacing of its grid. The approximate part size must be between
100000 (10 5) and 0.001 (10 -3) units. ABAQUS/CAE does not use specific units, but the units must be
consistent throughout the model.
When you exit the Create Part dialog box, ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher, and you sketch the
profile of the base feature. The Sketcher displays a square sheet with an overlaying grid and adjusts the
dimensions of the sheet to approximate the size of the part. As a result, the dimensions of the sketch
will have the same order of magnitude as the part you are creating.
If you subsequently edit the part, ABAQUS/CAE still determines the size of the Sketcher sheet from
the same dimensions that it used when you created the base feature. Consequently, you should set the
approximate size of the part to match the largest dimension of the finished part. If you find
subsequently that the part exceeds the size of the Sketcher sheet, use the Sketch customization options
to increase the sheet size.
Detailed instructions for setting the approximate size of the new part:
1. Type the approximate size of the new part in the Approximate size text field at the bottom of the
Create Part dialog box.
2. When you have finished choosing options, click Continue to close the Create Part dialog box.
The Sketcher starts with a sheet size and grid spacing based on the approximate size of the new
part, and you sketch the profile of the new part's base feature.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?,'' Section 14.4


The Part module

``Using the Create Part dialog box,'' Section 14.14

``The Sketcher sheet and grid,'' Section 22.4.2
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8

14.15 Adding a feature to a part

Use the Shape menu to add a feature to the current part. You can do the following:
Use the Solid tools to add a solid feature to a to a three-dimensional solid part.
Use the Shell tools to add a shell feature to a part.
Use the Wire tools to add a wire feature to a part.
Use the Cut tools to add a cut feature to a part.
Use the Blend tools to add a blend feature to a three-dimensional solid part.

14.16 Adding a solid feature

This section describes the Part module tools used to add a solid feature to the three-dimensional solid
part in the current viewport. The following topics are covered:
``Adding an extruded solid feature,'' Section 14.16.1
``Adding a revolved solid feature,'' Section 14.16.2
``Adding a swept solid feature,'' Section 14.16.3

14.16.1 Adding an extruded solid feature

Select Shape->Solid->Extrude from the main menu bar to add an extruded solid feature to the part in
the current viewport. You can add an extruded solid feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add an extruded solid feature by sketching a two-dimensional cross-section and defining the
distance over which to extrude it. A sketch and the resulting extruded solid feature are illustrated in the
following figure:


The Part module

You can also define the distance over which to extrude by selecting a single face to extrude to. The
selected face does not have to be parallel to the sketch plane, and it can be a nonplanar face.
ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the sketch until it meets the selected face.
Detailed instructions for adding an extruded solid feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Solid->Extrude.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add an extruded solid feature using the
tool, located with the solid
tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face from which the solid will be extruded. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
An arrow appears, indicating the extrusion direction.
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click OK to
accept the indicated extrusion direction.
If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to rotate the part.
4. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a datum
axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum axis as the edge to
appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

5. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the extrusion. In the prompt area, click
Done to indicate that you have finished sketching the profile.
6. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following:
a. A default extrusion depth appears in the prompt area.
b. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a new extrusion depth.


The Part module

ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module. The part is displayed in
its original orientation with the solid extruded from the sketch plane through the desired
Up to Face
a. ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module with the part displayed
in its original orientation.
b. Select the face to which to extrude. The selected face does not have to be parallel to the
sketch plane, and it can be a nonplanar face. You cannot select a datum plane.
ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the solid from the sketch plane to the selected face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset"
``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.16.2 Adding a revolved solid feature

Select Shape->Solid->Revolve from the main menu bar to add a revolved solid feature to the part in
the current viewport. You can add a revolved solid feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add a revolved solid feature by sketching a two-dimensional cross-section and a construction line
on a selected face. The construction line serves as an axis of revolution, and ABAQUS/CAE creates
the solid feature by rotating the cross-section about the axis using a specified angle of revolution. A
sketch and the resulting feature, revolved through an angle of 180, are illustrated in the following

The rotation angle as well as the sketch of the profile and the axis define the revolved solid feature;
both can be modified using the Feature Manipulation toolset.


The Part module

Detailed instructions for adding a revolved solid feature:

1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Solid->Revolve.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a revolved solid feature using the
tool, located with the solid
tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face from which the solid will be revolved. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
An arrow appears, indicating the normal to the axis of revolution and the initial direction of the
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click OK to
accept the indicated direction.
If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to rotate the part.
4. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid, and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a datum
axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum axis as the edge to
appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

, vertical
, angle
, or oblique
construction line tools to
5. Use the horizontal
sketch the axis of rotation. You can position the construction line by selecting a datum axis from
the underlying part. You cannot select the datum axis directly; you must select a point from either
end of the datum axis.
6. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the revolved feature; the sketch must not
cross the axis of revolution.
7. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the profile and the axis. If
the sketch contains more than one construction line, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the
construction line that will serve as the axis of rotation.


The Part module

A default revolve angle appears in the prompt area.

8. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a new revolve angle.
The part returns to its original orientation with the sketched profile revolved around the axis of

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.16.3 Adding a swept solid feature

Select Shape->Solid->Sweep from the main menu bar to add a swept solid feature to the part in the
current viewport. You can add a swept solid feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add a swept solid feature by sketching a sweep path on a selected face and sketching a sweep
profile. The sweep profile is always perpendicular to the beginning of the path, and the profile always
remains normal to the path as it is swept along its length. The sweep path, the sweep profile, and the
resulting solid feature are illustrated in the following figures:


The Part module

The sketch of the sweep path and the sketch of the sweep profile define the swept solid feature; both
can be modified using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for adding a swept solid feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Solid->Sweep .
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a swept solid feature using the
tool, located with the solid tools
in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using
the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face on which to sketch the sweep path. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
3. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

4. Sketch the sweep path. The sweep path must meet the following guidelines:
The path can be closed, but the ends must meet smoothly; for example, the ends should not
meet at a corner. For examples of valid sweep paths, see ``Defining the sweep path and the
sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3.
The path must be continuous; for example, it must not branch.
The resulting solid cannot intersect with itself.
In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the sweep path.

The Part module

ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and restores the original view of the part. A highlighted line
indicates the sweep path and its direction. You are now ready to sketch the sweep profile.
5. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right side of the Sketcher grid.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher again and rotates the part so that the Sketcher grid lies on a
plane normal to the beginning of the sweep path. In addition, the selected edge aligns with the
vertical grid lines. The intersection of two dashed lines indicates the origin of the sweep path.
6. Sketch the sweep profile. The sweep profile must meet the following guidelines:
The profile must be closed.
The resulting solid cannot intersect with itself.
You can sketch the profile anywhere on the Sketcher grid; ABAQUS/CAE sweeps the profile
along a path parallel to the sweep path. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have
finished sketching the sweep profile.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher, restores the original view of the part, and creates the new swept

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a solid feature,'' Section 14.16
``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.17 Adding a shell feature

This section describes the Part module tools used to add a shell feature to the part in the current
viewport. The following topics are covered:
``Adding an extruded shell feature,'' Section 14.17.1
``Adding a revolved shell feature,'' Section 14.17.2
``Adding a swept shell feature,'' Section 14.17.3
``Adding a planar shell feature,'' Section 14.17.4
``Adding a shell-from-solid feature,'' Section 14.17.5
``Adding a remove-face shell feature,'' Section 14.17.6


The Part module

14.17.1 Adding an extruded shell feature

Select Shape->Shell->Extrude from the main menu bar to add an extruded shell feature to the part in
the current viewport. You can add an extruded shell feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add an extruded shell feature by sketching on a selected face and extending the profile a specified
distance in a direction normal to the face. A sketch and the resulting extruded shell feature are
illustrated in the following figure:

You can also define the distance over which to extrude by selecting a single face to extrude to. The
selected face does not have to be parallel to the sketch plane, and it can be a nonplanar face.
ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the sketch until it meets the selected face.
Detailed instructions for adding an extruded shell feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Shell->Extrude.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add an extruded shell feature using the
tool, located with the shell
tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face from which the shell will be extruded. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
An arrow appears, indicating the extrusion direction.
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click OK to
accept the indicated extrusion direction.
If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to rotate the part.
4. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a datum

The Part module

axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum axis as the edge to
appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

5. Use the Sketcher to sketch the profile of the line to be extruded. In the prompt area, click Done to
indicate you have finished sketching the profile.
6. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following:
a. A default extrusion depth appears in the prompt area.
b. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a new extrusion depth.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module. The part is displayed in
its original orientation with the shell extruded from the sketch plane through the desired
Up to Face
a. ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module with the part displayed
in its original orientation.
b. Select the face to which to extrude. The selected face does not have to be parallel to the
sketch plane, and it can be a nonplanar face. You cannot select a datum plane.
ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the shell from the sketch plane to the selected face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.17.2 Adding a revolved shell feature

Select Shape->Shell->Revolve from the main menu bar to add a revolved shell feature to the part in
the current viewport. You can add a revolved shell feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add a revolved shell feature by sketching a profile and a construction line on a selected face. The


The Part module

construction line serves as an axis of revolution, and ABAQUS/CAE creates the solid feature by
rotating the profile about the axis using a specified angle of revolution. A sketch and the resulting
feature, rotated about the axis of revolution through an angle of 90, are illustrated in the following

The sketch and the rotation angle define the revolved shell feature; both can be modified using the
Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for adding a revolved shell feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Shell->Revolve.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a revolved shell feature using the
tool, located with the shell
tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face from which the shell will be revolved. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
An arrow appears, indicating the normal to the axis of revolution and the initial direction of the
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click OK to
accept the indicated direction.
If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to rotate the part.
4. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a datum
axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum axis as the edge to
appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.


The Part module

If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

, vertical
, angle
, or oblique
construction line tools to
5. Use the horizontal
sketch the axis of rotation. You can position the construction line by selecting a datum axis from
the underlying part. You cannot select the datum axis directly; you must select a point from either
end of the datum axis.
6. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the revolved feature; the sketch must not
cross the axis of revolution.
7. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the profile and the axis. If
the sketch contains more than one construction line, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the
construction line that will serve as the axis of rotation.
A default revolve angle appears in the prompt area.
8. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a new revolve angle.
The part returns to its original orientation with the sketched profile revolved about the axis of

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.17.3 Adding a swept shell feature

Select Shape->Shell->Sweep from the main menu bar to add a swept shell feature to the part in the
current viewport. You can add a swept shell feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add a swept shell feature by sketching a sweep path on a selected face and sketching a sweep
profile. The sweep profile is always perpendicular to the beginning of the path, and the profile always
remains normal to the path as it is swept along its length. The sweep path (a spline) and the sweep
profile are shown in the following figure:


The Part module

The resulting swept shell feature is shown in the following figure:

The sketch of the sweep path and the sketch of the sweep profile combine to define the swept shell
feature, and both can be modified using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for adding a swept shell feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Shell->Sweep .
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a swept shell feature using the
tool, located with the shell tools
in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using
the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face on which to sketch the sweep path. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.


The Part module

3. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

4. Sketch the sweep path. The sweep path must meet the following guidelines:
The path can be closed, but the ends must meet smoothly; for example, the ends should not
meet at a corner. For examples of valid sweep paths, see ``Defining the sweep path and the
sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3.
The path must be continuous; for example, it must not branch.
The resulting shell cannot intersect with itself.
In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the sweep path.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and restores the original view of the part. A highlighted line
indicates the sweep path and its direction. You are now ready to sketch the sweep profile.
5. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right side of the Sketcher grid.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher again and rotates the part so that the Sketcher grid lies on a
plane normal to the beginning of the sweep path. In addition, the selected edge aligns with the
vertical grid lines. The intersection of two dashed lines indicates the origin of the sweep path.
6. Sketch the sweep profile. The sweep profile must meet the following guidelines:
The profile must be closed.
The resulting shell cannot intersect with itself.
You can sketch the profile anywhere on the Sketch grid; ABAQUS/CAE sweeps the profile along
a path parallel to the sweep path. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished
sketching the sweep profile.
7. ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher, restores the original view of the part, and creates the new swept
shell. The resulting shell cannot intersect with itself.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3


The Part module

Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"

``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.17.4 Adding a planar shell feature

Select Shape->Shell->Planar from the main menu bar to add a planar shell feature to the part in the
current viewport. The planar shell tool is always available, regardless of the modeling space of the part
in the current viewport.
You add a planar shell feature by sketching the feature on a selected face. A sketch and the resulting
planar shell feature are illustrated in the following figure:
The sketch defines a planar shell feature and can be modified using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for adding a planar shell feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Shell->Planar.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a planar shell feature using the
tool, located with the shell tools
in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using
the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. If the modeling space of the part is two-dimensional or axisymmetric, ABAQUS/CAE enters the
Sketcher and aligns the X- and Y-axes of the part and the sketch.
If the modeling space of the part is three-dimensional, do the following:
a. Select the face on which the shell will be positioned. If the selection is ambiguous, you
can cycle through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
b. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge
must not be perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns
with the plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a
datum axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum
axis as the edge to appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
from the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original

The Part module

3. Use the Sketcher to sketch the planar shell. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have
finished sketching.
The part returns to its original orientation with the planar shell positioned on the selected face. The
shell feature is created only where it extends beyond the faces of the part; a shell feature cannot
overlap a face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.17.5 Adding a shell-from-solid feature

Select Shape->Shell->From Solid from the main menu bar to create a shell feature from the faces of a
solid feature. You can add a shell-from-solid feature only to three-dimensional parts.
You add a shell-from-solid feature by selecting the cells to remove from the part; ABAQUS/CAE
converts any remaining faces to shells.
The From Solid tool is an easy way to create shells with curved edges, as shown in the following
figure. The curved edges of the solid were created by filleting the edges using the round tool.

Detailed instructions for adding a shell-from-solid feature:

1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Shell->From Solid.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a shell-from-solid feature using the


tool, located with the shell

The Part module

tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select one or more cells to convert to shells. [Shift]+[Click] additional cells to add them to your
selection and [Ctrl]+[Click] a selected cell to unselect it. Click mouse button 2 to indicate you
have finished selecting cells to convert.
ABAQUS/CAE converts the selected cells to shells.
Tip: Use the backup button ( ) to undo one or more steps; use the cancel button (
abort the creation of the shell from solid.

) to

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.17.6 Adding a remove-face shell feature

Select Shape->Shell->Remove Face from the main menu bar to create a shell feature from the faces
of a solid feature. You add a remove-face shell feature by selecting the faces to remove from the part;
ABAQUS/CAE converts any remaining faces to shells. You must remove at least one face from a solid
feature of the part.
The From Solid tool is an easy way to create shells with curved edges, as shown in the following
figure. The curved edges of the solid were created by filleting the edges using the round tool.

Tip: You should use the remove-face tool only to create features that could not be created using
the other Shape tools. For example, you should not create a solid cylinder and then remove the
faces at each end to create a cylindrical shell. You should create the cylindrical shell directly using
the extruded or revolved shell tools.
Detailed instructions for adding a remove-face shell feature:


The Part module

1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Shell->Remove Face.

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a remove-face shell feature using the
tool, located with the shell
tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select one or more faces to remove from a solid feature. [Shift]+[Click] additional faces to add
them to your selection and [Ctrl]+[Click] a selected face to unselect it. Click mouse button 2 to
indicate you have finished selecting faces to remove. You must remove at least one face from a
solid feature of the part.
ABAQUS/CAE removes the selected faces and converts all remaining faces to shells.
Tip: Use the backup button ( ) to undo one or more steps; use the cancel button (
abort the creation of the shell from solid.

) to

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a shell feature,'' Section 14.17
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.18 Adding a wire feature

This section describes the Part module tools used to add a wire feature to the part in the current
viewport. The following topics are covered:
``Adding a sketched wire feature,'' Section 14.18.1
``Adding a wire feature connecting two points,'' Section 14.18.2

14.18.1 Adding a sketched wire feature

Select Shape->Wire->Sketch from the main menu bar to add a sketched planar wire feature to the part
in the current viewport. The planar wire tool is always available, regardless of the modeling space of
the part in the current viewport.
You add a planar wire feature by sketching the feature on a selected plane. ABAQUS/CAE removes
any portion of the wire that overlaps an existing face. A sketch and the resulting planar wires are
illustrated in the following figure:


The Part module

The sketch fully defines a planar wire feature and can be modified using the Feature Manipulation
Detailed instructions for adding a sketched wire feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Wire->Sketch.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also add a sketched wire feature using the
tool, located with the wire
tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see
``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. If the modeling space of the part is two-dimensional or axisymmetric, ABAQUS/CAE enters the
Sketcher and aligns the X- and Y-axes of the part and the sketch.
If the part is three-dimensional, do the following:
a. Select the face on which the wire will be positioned. If the selection is ambiguous, you can
cycle through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
b. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge
must not be perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns
with the plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a
datum axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum
axis as the edge to appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
from the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool

to return to the original

3. Use the Sketcher to sketch the planar wire. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have
finished sketching.


The Part module

The part returns to its original orientation with the planar wire positioned on the selected face. The
wire feature is created only where it extends beyond the faces of the part; a wire feature cannot
overlap a face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.18.2 Adding a wire feature connecting two points

Select Shape->Wire->2 points from the main menu bar to add a wire feature connecting two points
from the part in the current viewport. The tool to connect two points with a wire is always available,
regardless of the modeling space of the part in the current viewport.
You add a wire feature connecting two points by picking the two points to connect. ABAQUS/CAE
removes any portion of the wire that overlaps an existing face. A wire feature connecting two points is
illustrated in the following example:

A wire feature connecting two points cannot be modified directly. In general, if you want to change
which points are connected, you must delete the wire and create a new wire connecting the desired
points. However, if the points you select are datum points that you created by specifying coordinates,
you can edit the datum points and change their location using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for adding a wire feature connecting two points:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Wire->2 points.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights all the points on the part that you can pick. The possible choices are:
The midpoints of lines and arcs
The centers of circles and arcs


The Part module

Datum points
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
tool, located
Tip: You can also add a wire feature connecting two points using the
with the wire tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module
toolbox, see ``Using the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the points that will locate the two ends of the wire. If the selections are ambiguous, you can
cycle through the candidate points using the buttons in the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE draws a wire connecting the two selected points. The wire feature is created only
where it extends beyond the faces of the part; a wire feature cannot overlap a face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a wire feature,'' Section 14.18
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.19 Adding a cut feature

This section describes the Part module tools used to add a cut feature to the part in the current
viewport. The following topics are covered:
``Creating an extruded cut,'' Section 14.19.1
``Creating a revolved cut,'' Section 14.19.2
``Creating a swept cut,'' Section 14.19.3
``Cutting a circular hole,'' Section 14.19.4

14.19.1 Creating an extruded cut

Select Shape->Cut->Extrude from the main menu bar to create an extruded cut through the part in the
current viewport. The extruded cut tool is always available, regardless of the modeling space of the
part in the current viewport.
You create an extruded cut into a three-dimensional part by sketching the two-dimensional
cross-section of the cut on a selected face and defining the distance through which ABAQUS/CAE
extrudes the cut. You can select one of the following methods to define the distance through which the
cut is extruded:


The Part module

Blind extends the cut from the sketch plane in a selected direction but only to a specified depth.
Up to Face extends the cut from the sketch plane to a selected face.
Through All extends the cut from the sketch plane in a selected direction through the part.
The three methods are illustrated in the following figure:

You create an extruded cut in a two-dimensional or axisymmetric planar part by sketching the
two-dimensional cross-section of the cut directly on the plane of the part. The cut always passes
completely through the part.
Detailed instructions for cutting an extruded cut:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Cut->Extrude.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also create an extruded cut using the
tool, located with the cut tools in
the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using the
Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. If the current viewport contains a two-dimensional or axisymmetric planar part, ABAQUS/CAE
enters the Sketcher and you sketch the profile of the extruded cut on the plane of the part.
If the current viewport contains a three-dimensional part, you must do the following:
a. Select the face from which the cut will be extruded. If the selection is ambiguous, you can
cycle through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.


The Part module

An arrow appears, indicating the extrusion direction.

b. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click
OK to accept the indicated extrusion direction.
If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to rotate the
c. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge
must not be perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns
with the plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a
datum axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum
axis as the edge to appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
from the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool

to return to the original

d. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the extruded cut.
3. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the profile.
4. If the current viewport contains a two-dimensional or axisymmetric planar part, the part returns to
its original orientation, and ABAQUS/CAE cuts the plane with the sketched profile.
If the current viewport contains a three-dimensional part, select one of the following from the
buttons in the prompt area:
a. A default extrusion depth appears in the prompt area.
b. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a new extrusion depth.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module. The part is displayed in
its original orientation with the cut extruded from the sketch plane through the desired
Up to Face
a. ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module with the part displayed
in its original orientation.
b. Select the face to which to extrude. The selected face does not have to be parallel to the


The Part module

sketch plane, and it can be a nonplanar face. You cannot select a datum plane.
ABAQUS/CAE extrudes the cut from the sketch plane to the selected face.
Through All
a. ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the Part module. The part is displayed in
its original orientation with the cut extruded from the sketch plane passing completely
through the part.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.19.2 Creating a revolved cut

Select Shape->Cut->Revolve from the main menu bar to create a revolved cut through the part in the
current viewport. You can cut a revolved cut through only three-dimensional parts.
You add a revolved cut by sketching a two-dimensional cross-section and a construction line on a
selected face. The construction line serves as an axis of revolution, and ABAQUS/CAE creates the
revolved cut by rotating the cross-section about the axis using a specified angle of revolution. A sketch
and the resulting revolved cut are illustrated in the following figure:

The sketch and the rotation angle combine to define the revolved cut, and both can be modified using
the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for cutting a revolved cut:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Cut->Revolve.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.


The Part module

Tip: You can also create a revolved cut using the

tool, located with the cut tools in the
Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using the
Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face from which the cut will be revolved. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
An arrow appears, indicating the normal to the axis of revolution and the initial direction of the
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click OK to
accept the indicated direction.
If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to rotate the part.
4. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the
plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
Tip: If the selected face is curved or does not have a suitable edge, you can create a datum
axis that will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum axis as the edge to
appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

, vertical
, angle
, or oblique
construction line tools to
5. Use the horizontal
sketch the axis of rotation. You can position the construction line by selecting a datum axis from
the underlying part. You cannot select the datum axis directly; you must select a point from either
end of the datum axis.
6. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the revolved cut; the sketch must not
cross the axis of revolution.
7. In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the cross--section and the
axis. If the sketch contains more than one construction line, ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select
the construction line that will serve as the axis of rotation.
A default revolve angle appears in the prompt area.
8. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a new revolve angle.
The part returns to its original orientation with the sketched profile revolved around the axis of


The Part module

revolution and cutting any part of the model that it intersects.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.19.3 Creating a swept cut

Select Shape->Cut->Sweep from the main menu bar to create a swept shell cut through the part in the
current viewport. You can create a swept cut through only three-dimensional parts.
You create a swept cut by sketching a sweep path on a selected face and sketching a sweep profile, as
shown in the following figure:

The sweep profile is always perpendicular to the beginning of the path, and the profile always remains
normal to the path as it is swept along its length. The sketch of the sweep path and the sketch of the
sweep profile define the swept cut feature; both can be modified using the Feature Manipulation
Detailed instructions for creating a swept cut feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Cut->Sweep .
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also create a swept cut using the
tool, located with the cut tools in the
Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using the
Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the face on which to sketch the sweep path. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
3. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher and rotates the part so that the selected face aligns with the


The Part module

plane of the Sketcher grid and the selected edge aligns with the vertical grid lines.
If you are unsure of the part's orientation relative to the Sketcher grid, use the rotate tool
the toolbar to view its position. Use the cycle tool


to return to the original view.

4. Sketch the sweep path. The sweep path must meet the following guidelines:
The path can be closed, but the ends must meet smoothly; for example, the ends should not
meet at a corner. For examples of valid sweep paths, see ``Defining the sweep path and the
sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3.
The path must be continuous; for example, it must not branch.
The resulting cut cannot intersect with itself.
In the prompt area, click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the sweep path.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and restores the original view of the part. A highlighted line
indicates the sweep path and its direction. You are now ready to sketch the sweep profile.
5. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right side of the Sketcher grid.
ABAQUS/CAE enters the Sketcher again and rotates the part so that the Sketcher grid lies on a
plane normal to the beginning of the sweep path. In addition, the selected edge aligns with the
vertical grid lines. The intersection of two dashed lines indicates the origin of the sweep path.
6. Sketch the sweep profile. The sweep profile must meet the following guidelines:
The profile must be closed.
The resulting cut cannot intersect with itself.
You can sketch the profile anywhere on the Sketch grid; ABAQUS/CAE sweeps the profile along
a path parallel to the sweep path. Click Done to indicate you have finished sketching the sweep
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher, restores the original view of the part, and creates the swept cut
through the part. The resulting cut cannot intersect with itself.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile,'' Section 14.9.3
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3


The Part module

14.19.4 Cutting a circular hole

Select Shape->Cut->Circular Hole from the main menu bar to cut a circular hole through the part in
the current viewport. The circular hole tool is always available, regardless of the modeling space of the
part in the current viewport.
You cut a circular hole by specifying the distance from two selected straight edges and specifying the
diameter of the hole, as shown in the following figure:
The part must contain at least two straight edges; for example, you cannot use this tool to cut a hole
through a circular part.
If the current viewport contains a two-dimensional or axisymmetric planar part, the hole always passes
through all of the part. However, if the current viewport contains a three-dimensional part,
ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the type of cut. You can select one of the following types of
The distance from the hole to each edge, the diameter of the hole, and the depth of a blind hole are the
features that define a circular hole, and all three can be modified using the Feature Manipulation
toolset. You cannot change the type of cut--through all or blind--after the cut has been created.
Detailed instructions for cutting a circular hole:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Cut->Circular Hole.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also cut a circular hole using the
tool, located with the cut tools in the
Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using the
Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. If the current viewport contains a two-dimensional part, select the first edge from which to
position the center of the hole.
If the current viewport contains a three-dimensional part, you must do the following:
a. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following types of cut:
Click Through All to cut a circular hole that extends from a selected face in a selected
direction through the part. A through cut is illustrated in the following example:


The Part module

Click Blind to cut a circular hole that extends from a selected face in a selected
direction but only to a specified depth. A blind cut is illustrated in the following

b. Select the face from which the hole will be cut. If the selection is ambiguous, you can
cycle through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
An arrow appears, indicating the direction of the axis of the cut hole.
c. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click
OK to accept the indicated direction.
Tip: If the arrow direction is difficult to see, use the rotate tool from the toolbar to
rotate the part.
d. Select the first edge from which to position the center of the hole. The selected edges need
not lie in the same plane as the selected face, but they must not be perpendicular to it.
3. In the text field in the prompt area, type the distance from the selected edge to the center of the
4. Select the second edge from which to position the center of the hole. The two edges must not be
5. In the text field in the prompt area, type the distance from the selected edge to the center of the
6. In the text field in the prompt area, type the diameter of the hole.


The Part module

If the current viewport contains a two-dimensional or axisymmetric planar part, ABAQUS/CAE

cuts the part with the circular hole.
If the current viewport contains a three-dimensional part and you selected a blind cut, a default
hole depth appears in the prompt area. Click mouse button 2 to accept the default value, or enter a
new hole depth.
The part returns to its original orientation with the circular hole cut from the selected face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.20 Blending edges

This section describes the Part module tools used to blend edges of the part in the current viewport.
The following topics are covered:
``Rounding edges,'' Section 14.20.1
``Chamfering edges,'' Section 14.20.2

14.20.1 Rounding edges

Select Shape->Blend->Round/Fillet from the main menu bar to round selected edges of the part in the
current viewport. You can ``round,'' or fillet, both convex and concave edges. A part with rounded
edges is illustrated in the following example:

You define the radius of the fillet, and ABAQUS/CAE applies the radius to all of the selected edges as
a group; therefore, subsequent feature manipulation operations, such as edit, delete, and suppress, will
be applied to the entire group of selected edges. Consequently, if you select more than one edge to
round, you cannot modify just one of the rounded edges. In addition, the shape of the resulting edges
can depend on the order in which you apply the fillets, as shown in the following figure. The fillets on


The Part module

the left side of the part were created by selecting all three edges and applying the round/fillet tool to
the group of selected edges in a single operation. In contrast, the fillets on the right side of the part
were created by selecting each edge individually and applying the round/fillet tool to each edge in

The round/fillet tool is available only when the current viewport contains a three-dimensional solid
part. The radius of a rounded edge defines the feature and can be modified using the Feature
Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for rounding edges:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Blend->Round/Fillet.
ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the edges to round.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also round selected edges using the
tool, located with the blend tools in
the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using the
Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the edges to round, and click mouse button 2 to commit your selection. If the selection is
ambiguous, you can cycle through the candidate edges using the buttons in the prompt area.
[Shift]+[Click] additional edges to add them to your selection, and [Ctrl]+[Click] a selected edge
to unselect it.
A default radius appears in the prompt area.
3. If necessary, type a new radius in the text field in the prompt area. Click mouse button 2 to commit
the radius.
ABAQUS/CAE redraws the part with the selected edges rounded.

For information on related topics, click the following item:


The Part module

``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.20.2 Chamfering edges

Select Shape->Blend->Chamfer from the main menu bar to chamfer or bevel selected edges of the
part in the current viewport. You enter the distance that the chamfer extends into each face, and
ABAQUS/CAE uses the distance to define the chamfer, as illustrated in the following example:

ABAQUS/CAE applies the chamfer to all of the selected edges as a group; therefore, subsequent
feature manipulation operations--such as edit, delete, and suppress--will be applied to the entire group
of selected edges. Consequently, if you select more than one edge to chamfer, you cannot modify just
one of the chamfered edges.
The chamfer tool is available only when the current viewport contains a three-dimensional solid part.
The length of a chamfer defines the feature and can be modified using the Feature Manipulation
Detailed instructions for chamfering edges:
1. From the main menu bar, select Shape->Blend->Chamfer.
ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the edges to chamfer.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also chamfer selected edges using the
tool, located with the blend tools
in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see ``Using
the Part module toolbox,'' Section 14.12.
2. Select the edges to chamfer, and click mouse button 2 to commit your selection. If the selection is
ambiguous, you can cycle through the candidate edges using the buttons in the prompt area.
[Shift]+[Click] additional edges to add them to your selection, and [Ctrl]+[Click] a selected edge
to unselect it.
A default chamfer length appears in the prompt area.
3. If necessary, type a new chamfer length in the text field in the prompt area. Click mouse button 2
to commit the chamfer length.
ABAQUS/CAE redraws the part with the selected edges chamfered.


The Part module

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3

14.21 Repairing imported geometry

This section describes the Part module tools used to repair the geometry of the part in the current
viewport. The following topics are covered:
``An overview of the repair geometry tools,'' Section 14.21.1
``Repair geometry,'' Section 14.21.2
``Removing redundant vertices or edges,'' Section 14.21.3
``Creating a new face,'' Section 14.21.4
``Removing a face,'' Section 14.21.5
``Creating a solid from a shell,'' Section 14.21.6
``Reducing the feature list,'' Section 14.21.7

14.21.1 An overview of the repair geometry tools

ABAQUS/CAE provides a set of geometry repair tools that allow you edit parts that you have
Warning: You should use the geometry repair tools to edit only imported parts. Where possible,
you should use the Part module tools to create and delete features from an ABAQUS/CAE native
part. The geometry repair tools may delete important feature information.
The geometry repair tools allow you to do the following:
Automatically repair a part with the following operations:
- Convert the part to an analytical representation
- Stitch the edges of the part
- Convert to a more precise representation
For more information, see ``Repair geometry,'' Section 14.21.2.
Removing redundant vertices and edges from an imported part. For more information, see
``Removing redundant vertices or edges,'' Section 14.21.3.
Creating a new face by selecting one edge. For more information, see ``Creating a new face,''
Section 14.21.4.
Removing selected faces. For more information, see ``Removing a face,'' Section 14.21.5.


The Part module

Converting a shell to a solid. For more information, see ``Creating a solid from a shell,'' Section
Reducing the list of features that define a part to a simpler definition. For more information, see
``Reducing the feature list,'' Section 14.21.7

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21

14.21.2 Repair geometry

ABAQUS/CAE can perform the following set of operations in an effort to repair the geometry of an
imported part:
Convert the part to its analytical representation
Stitch the edges of the part
Convert to a more precise representation
Some of the operations are dependent on each other. For example, if you stitch the edges of a part, you
must also convert it to an analytical representation. Similarly, if you convert the part to a more precise
representation, you must also stitch its edges and convert it to an analytical representation.
If your part is large and complex, the selected repair operations may take a long time to complete.
ABAQUS/CAE allows you to repair the part in a background process and to continue working on your
model. ABAQUS/CAE displays a message in the message area when the repair is complete, and the
repaired part becomes the current part.
Detailed instructions for repairing geometry:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Repair geometry and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry dialog box.
3. Toggle on the desired repair operations. ABAQUS/CAE can do the following:
Convert to analytical representation
ABAQUS/CAE tries to change the internal definition of edges, faces, and cells into a
simpler form that can be represented analytically. For example, a plane that is nearly
planar will be converted to an equation that represents the plane. Converting to an
analytical representation usually provides the following advantages:


The Part module

Processing of the part is faster.

The converted entity is available during feature operations.
The geometry is improved.
Stitch edges
ABAQUS/CAE tries to remove duplicate edges, vertices, and trim surfaces. Stitching
edges usually results in valid geometry. However, due to internal tolerances, the resulting
representation of small features may not match the geometry that was intended in the
original file.
Convert to precise representation
ABAQUS/CAE tries to change neighboring entities so that their geometry matches
exactly. Converting to a precise representation usually results in precise geometry.
However, this can be a lengthy operation that increases the complexity of the imported
part. As a result, processing of the part is slower.
4. If the repair process is expected to take a long time, you can repair the part in the background and
continue to work on your model. When the repair process is complete, ABAQUS/CAE writes a
notification in the message area and creates an ACIS file called partname-repaired.sat.
You must then import this file to make the repaired part available in your model. If you select
background processing, ABAQUS/CAE selects all of the repair options described above.
5. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a backup of the part called partname-old-1 and repairs the original
part. When the repair operation is complete, the repaired part becomes the current part. If
partname-old-1 already exists, ABAQUS/CAE increments the last digit until it can create a
unique file name.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

14.21.3 Removing redundant vertices or edges

An imported part can contain redundant vertices that are not attached to an edge or are positioned
along a straight edge. Similarly, an imported part can include redundant edges that are not connected to
a face or are internal edges. Redundant vertices and edges do not change the shape or the area of a part
and are not required for a complete definition, as shown in the following figure:


The Part module

You can use the repair tools to remove redundant vertices from a selected group of vertices. Similarly,
you can use the repair tools to remove redundant edges from a selected group of edges.
Warning: You should use the geometry repair tools to edit only imported parts. Where possible,
you should use the Part module tools to create and delete features from an ABAQUS/CAE native
part. The geometry repair tools may delete important feature information.
Detailed instructions for removing redundant vertices:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Remove redundant vertices and click OK.
3. Select the group of vertices from which ABAQUS/CAE should remove redundant vertices and
click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting vertices.
ABAQUS/CAE removes the any redundant vertices from the selected group of vertices and closes
the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
Detailed instructions for removing redundant edges:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Remove redundant edges and click OK.
3. Select the group of edges from which ABAQUS/CAE should remove redundant edges and click
mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished selecting edges.
ABAQUS/CAE removes the any redundant edges from the selected group of edges and closes the
Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.


The Part module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

14.21.4 Creating a new face

You can create a face to a three-dimensional part by selecting one edge of the new face.
ABAQUS/CAE loops through the adjacent edges and calculates the location of the new face. You
cannot create a face on a two-dimensional part.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the new face as a shell. If the new shell forms a closed part, you can use the
solid-from-shell tool to convert the part to a solid. For more information, see ``Creating a solid from a
shell,'' Section 14.21.6.
Warning: You should use the geometry repair tools to edit only imported parts. The geometry
repair tools do not take into account the feature-based representation of an ABAQUS/CAE native
part and may delete important feature information.
Detailed instructions for creating a new face:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Create face and click OK.
3. Select an edge that will be connected to the new face, and click mouse button 2 to confirm your
ABAQUS/CAE loops through the adjacent edges, selects the edges that define the boundaries of
the new face, and creates the new face.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

14.21.5 Removing a face

You can remove selected faces from a three-dimensional solid or shell or from a two-dimensional
planar part. You cannot recover faces that were removed.
When you remove one or more faces from a three-dimensional solid part, ABAQUS/CAE converts the


The Part module

part to a shell, as shown in the following figure:

Warning: You should use the geometry repair tools to edit only imported parts. The geometry
repair tools do not take into account the feature-based representation of an ABAQUS/CAE native
part and may delete important feature information.
Detailed instructions for removing a face:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Remove face and click OK.
3. Select the faces that you want to remove, and click mouse button 2 to confirm your selection.
ABAQUS/CAE removes the selected faces.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

14.21.6 Creating a solid from a shell

You can create a solid part from a three-dimensional shell part if all the faces form a part that is closed.
You must select a face from the part and choose the direction in which ABAQUS/CAE adds the solid
material to change the part from a shell to a solid.
Warning: You should use the geometry repair tools to edit only imported parts. The geometry
repair tools do not take into account the feature-based representation of an ABAQUS/CAE native
part and may delete important feature information.


The Part module

Detailed instructions for creating a solid from a shell:

1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Solid from shell and click OK.
3. Select a face.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected face and displays an arrow indicating the direction in which
material will be added to create the solid. If desired, click Flip to reverse the direction of the
4. Click mouse button 2 to confirm the direction of the arrow.
ABAQUS/CAE fills the shell in the direction indicated and creates a solid part.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

14.21.7 Reducing the feature list

ABAQUS/CAE uses feature-based modeling to define a part. Each part is made up of a sequence of
feature operations. You can edit the part by modifying the parameters of a feature; for example, the
parameter that governs the extrusion depth of an extruded solid. For more information, see
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3. You can use the geometry repair tools to
reduce all the feature and parameter information to a simple definition of the part. If you reduce the
feature list, ABAQUS/CAE will regenerate the part faster if you subsequently modify it; however, you
will no longer be able to modify any parameters of the part.
Detailed instructions for reducing the feature list:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Repair Geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Repair Geometry Tools dialog box.
2. From the dialog box, select Reduce feature list and click OK.
3. From the Reduce Feature List dialog box that appears, click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a backup of the part called partname-old-1 and reduces the feature
list of the original part. When the operation is complete, the modified part becomes the current
part. If partname-old-1 already exists, ABAQUS/CAE increments the last digit until it can


The Part module

create a unique file name.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Repairing imported geometry,'' Section 14.21
``Understanding how ABAQUS/CAE repairs imported parts,'' Section 13.3

14.22 Editing an orphan mesh

This section describes how you can edit the nodes and elements that comprise an orphan mesh. You
can do the following:
Create, edit, and delete nodes.
Create and delete elements.
Change the direction of the surface normal of shell elements.
Refine a planar, linear, triangular mesh.
In addition, you can use the Mesh module to change the element type associated with selected
elements; for more information, see ``Associating ABAQUS elements with mesh regions,'' Section
20.16.9. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of the orphan mesh editing options,'' Section 14.22.1
``Creating a node,'' Section 14.22.2
``Editing nodes one at a time,'' Section 14.22.3
``Editing multiple nodes simultaneously,'' Section 14.22.4
``Deleting nodes,'' Section 14.22.5
``Creating an element,'' Section 14.22.6
``Deleting elements,'' Section 14.22.7
``Reversing the surface normal direction of shell elements, '' Section 14.22.8
``Refining a planar, linear, triangular orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22.9

14.22.1 Overview of the orphan mesh editing options

You can use the Edit Mesh dialog box to edit the nodes and elements that form an orphan mesh.
Detailed instructions for editing a mesh:


The Part module

1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, choose either Node or Element and the desired operation. For information on
each operation, see the following sections:
``Creating a node,'' Section 14.22.2
``Editing nodes one at a time,'' Section 14.22.3
``Editing multiple nodes simultaneously,'' Section 14.22.4
``Deleting nodes,'' Section 14.22.5
``Creating an element,'' Section 14.22.6
``Deleting elements,'' Section 14.22.7
``Reversing the surface normal direction of shell elements, '' Section 14.22.8
3. Click OK to start the editing procedure and to close the Edit Mesh dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

14.22.2 Creating a node

Select Part->Edit Mesh from the main menu bar to create nodes on an orphan mesh. You can use the
new nodes to create new elements, as explained in ``Creating an element,'' Section 14.22.6.
Detailed instructions for creating nodes:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.
The Edit Mesh dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, select Node.
b. From the Method list, select Create.
c. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the existing nodes. In hidden and shaded mode, only the visible nodes
are highlighted.
3. If desired, you can enter the coordinates for the new node in a datum coordinate system that you
have created rather than in the global coordinate system:
a. In the prompt area, click Select.


The Part module

b. In the viewport, select the datum coordinate system to be associated with the coordinates
of the new node. (For more information, see ``Creating datum coordinate systems,''
Section 41.8.)
4. In the Coordinates field in the prompt area, type the coordinates of the new node, and then press
ABAQUS/CAE creates the new node.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as often as necessary to create additional nodes.
6. When you have finished creating nodes, click the cancel button

in the prompt area to exit the

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22

14.22.3 Editing nodes one at a time

Select Part->Edit Mesh from the main menu bar to change the coordinates of nodes in an orphan
mesh. You can edit a single node by selecting the node in the viewport and then entering new
coordinates in the prompt area. For information on editing multiple nodes, see ``Editing multiple nodes
simultaneously,'' Section 14.22.4.
Detailed instructions for editing a single node:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
2. In the Edit Mesh dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, select Node.
b. From the Method list, select Edit.
c. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the existing nodes. In hidden and shaded mode, only the visible
nodes are highlighted.
3. In the prompt area, click the Selection method menu button, and select Individually from the list
that appears.
4. In the viewport, select the node that you want to edit, and click mouse button 2.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool

in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in

The Part module

the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
5. If desired, you can enter new coordinates for the node in a datum coordinate system that you have
created rather than in the global coordinate system:
a. In the prompt area, click Select.
b. In the viewport, select the datum coordinate system to be associated with the new
coordinates of the node. (For more information, see ``Creating datum coordinate systems,''
Section 41.8.)
6. In the Coordinates field in the prompt area, type the new coordinates of the node, and then press
7. Repeat the previous steps as often as necessary to edit additional nodes.
8. When you have finished editing nodes, click the cancel button

in the prompt area to exit the

14.22.4 Editing multiple nodes simultaneously

When you select multiple nodes to edit from an orphan mesh, an Edit Nodes dialog box appears, as
shown below, that contains a data field for each coordinate.

If all of the selected nodes share the same value for a particular coordinate, that value appears in the
field for that coordinate in the Edit Nodes dialog box. For example, the figure above indicates that all
of the selected nodes have a value of -70 for their first coordinate and a value of 40 for their second
If the values for a particular coordinate are different for two or more of the selected nodes, the phrase
As is appears in the data field for that coordinate. For example, the figure above indicates that two or
more of the selected nodes have different values for the third coordinate.
The Edit Nodes dialog box also displays the range of values for each coordinate. For example, the
figure above indicates that the third coordinate values range from 10 to 20.


The Part module

You can edit the coordinates of the selected nodes in the following ways:
If all of the nodes share the same value for a particular coordinate, you can change the value
entered in the data field for that coordinate. For example, in the figure above you could change the
second coordinate value of the selected nodes from 40 to 45.
If two or more of the selected nodes have different values for a particular coordinate, you can
remove the As is designation in the data field for that coordinate and replace it with a particular
value. All of the selected nodes are given that value for the coordinate instead of retaining their
individual values.
The ability to assign a uniform coordinate value to multiple nodes is particularly useful when the nodes
must lie in the same plane--for example, when defining the mating surface of a cylinder head or engine
block. (For information on editing single nodes, see ``Editing nodes one at a time,'' Section 14.22.3.)
Detailed instructions for editing multiple nodes:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, select Node.
b. From the Method list, select Edit.
c. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the existing nodes. In hidden and shaded mode, only the visible
nodes are highlighted.
3. Use one of the following methods to select the nodes that you want to edit:
Selecting individual nodes:
1. Click the Selection method menu button in the prompt area, and select Individually
from the list that appears.
2. Select a node that you want to edit.
3. [Shift]+Click on additional nodes to add them to your selection.
4. If necessary, [Ctrl]+Click on selected nodes to remove them from your selection.
5. When you have finished selecting nodes, click mouse button 2.
Specifying an existing node set
1. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.


The Part module

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of node
sets that you have created.
2. Select the set of nodes that you want to edit, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most
recently employed. To revert to the other method, click Select in Viewport or Sets
on the right side of the prompt area.
Selecting nodes using the face angle method:
1. Click the Selection method menu button in the prompt area, and select Face angle
from the list that appears.
2. Enter a face angle (from 0 to 90), and select a node.
ABAQUS/CAE selects every node on adjacent element faces from selected node until
the angle between the element faces is equal to or exceeds the face angle. (See ``Using
the face angle method to create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for
more information.)
3. If necessary, you can [Shift]+Click on additional nodes to append them to your
selection, or [Ctrl]+Click on selected nodes to remove them from your selection. (See
``Combining selection techniques,'' Section 9.2.4, for more information.)
4. When you have finished selecting nodes, click mouse button 2.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
The Edit Nodes dialog box appears displaying information about each coordinate for the selected
nodes. The value of a particular coordinate appears in the dialog box only if the value is the same
for all selected nodes. Otherwise, ABAQUS/CAE displays a value of As is indicating the
coordinate is different for at least two of the selected nodes.
4. In the Edit Nodes dialog box, use the following techniques to specify new coordinates:
If a coordinate field displays the phrase As is, click the arrow on the right side of the field and
select Specify from the list that appears. Then enter the numeric value of your choice in the
If a coordinate field lists a numeric value, enter a different value.
5. If desired, you can enter the new coordinates for the nodes in a datum coordinate system that you


The Part module

have created rather than in the global coordinate system:

a. At the top of the Edit Nodes dialog box, click Select.
b. In the viewport, select the datum coordinate system to be associated with the new nodal
coordinates. (For more information, see ``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section
6. Click OK to move the nodes to the new position.
7. Repeat the previous steps as often as necessary to edit additional nodes.
8. When you have finished editing nodes, click the cancel button

in the prompt area to exit the

14.22.5 Deleting nodes

Select Part->Edit Mesh from the main menu bar to delete nodes from an orphan mesh. ABAQUS/CAE
also deletes any elements associated with the deleted nodes. If the nodes and associated elements that
you are deleting belong to existing node or element sets, those sets are updated accordingly.
Detailed instructions for deleting nodes:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, select Node.
b. From the Method list, select Delete.
c. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the existing nodes. In hidden and shaded mode, only the visible nodes
are highlighted.
3. In the viewport, select the nodes to delete. You can [Shift]+Click on individual nodes to add them
to your selection, or [Ctrl]+Click on selected nodes to remove them from your selection.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
If you would rather select from a list of existing node sets, do the following:
a. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.


The Part module

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of node sets
that you have created.
b. Select the set of nodes that you want to delete, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Sets on the right side of the prompt area.

ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected nodes and the elements associated with the selected nodes.
(Both the nodes that you have selected and any elements associated with those nodes will be
4. When you have finished selecting nodes to delete, click mouse button 2.
5. The elements associated with the selected nodes may also be associated with unselected nodes. If
those unselected nodes would be left unassociated with any element after the nodes and associated
elements are deleted, click Yes in the prompt area if you want ABAQUS/CAE to delete those
unselected nodes as well.
6. Repeat the previous steps as often as necessary to delete additional nodes.
7. When you have finished deleting nodes, click the cancel button

in the prompt area to exit the

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22

14.22.6 Creating an element

Select Part->Edit Mesh from the main menu bar to create elements from selected nodes of an orphan
Detailed instructions for creating elements:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, select Element.
b. From the Method list, select Create.
c. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the existing nodes. In hidden and shaded mode, only the visible nodes
are highlighted.


The Part module

3. In the prompt area, click the arrow next to the Element shape field, and select the element shape
of your choice from the list that appears.
4. In the viewport, select the nodes that will define the element. You must select the required number
of nodes for the element shape specified in the previous step. In addition, you must select the
nodes in a specific order. The figures below indicate the required node ordering for each element

Figure 14-49 Node ordering for wire elements.

Figure 14-50 Node ordering for shell elements


The Part module

Figure 14-51 Node ordering for solid elements

Once you have selected the required number of nodes, ABAQUS/CAE creates the new element.
5. Repeat the previous steps as often as necessary to create additional elements.
6. When you have finished creating elements, click the cancel button
the procedure.

in the prompt area to exit

14.22.7 Deleting elements

Select Part->Edit Mesh from the main menu bar to delete elements from an orphan mesh. You have
the option of instructing ABAQUS/CAE to delete any nodes that are left unassociated with any
elements once the elements are deleted. If the elements and associated nodes that you are deleting
belong to existing element or node sets, those sets are updated accordingly.
Detailed instructions for deleting elements:
1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Edit Mesh.


The Part module

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.

2. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, select Element.
b. From the Method list, select Delete.
c. Click OK.
3. If you want to delete all nodes that are left unassociated with any elements once the selected
elements are deleted, toggle on Delete associated unreferenced nodes in the prompt area.
4. Select the elements to delete. You can [Shift]+Click on elements to add them to your selection or
[Ctrl]+Click on selected elements to remove them from your selection.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
If you would rather select from a list of existing element sets, do the following:
a. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of element
sets that you have created.
b. Select the set of elements that you want to delete, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Sets on the right side of the prompt area.

ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected elements.

5. When you have finished selecting elements to delete, click mouse button 2.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the selected elements. In addition, if you toggled on Delete associated
unreferenced nodes , ABAQUS/CAE also deletes nodes that would be left unassociated with any
elements once the selected elements are deleted. The elements and nodes are also removed from
any existing sets.
6. Repeat the above steps as often as necessary to delete additional elements.
7. When you have finished deleting elements, click the cancel button
the procedure.

in the prompt area to exit

14.22.8 Reversing the surface normal direction of shell elements


The Part module

Select Part->Edit Mesh from the main menu bar to reverse the surface normals of selected shell
elements from an orphan mesh. The elements can be either quadrilaterals or triangles. If you display
the orphan mesh using the shaded render style, the front and back faces of each shell element appear in
different colors. (See ``Choosing a render style,'' Section 46.2, for more information.)
Detailed instructions for reversing surface normals:
1. From the main menu, select Part->Edit Mesh.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Mesh dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Type field, choose Element.
b. From the Method list, select Flip normal.
c. Click OK.
3. Use one of the following methods to select the shell elements whose normals you want to reverse:
Selecting individual elements:
1. Click the Selection method menu button in the prompt area, and select Individually
from the list that appears.
2. Select an element whose normal you want to flip.
3. [Shift]+Click on additional elements to add them to your selection.
4. If necessary, [Ctrl]+Click on selected elements to unselect them.
5. When you have finished selecting elements, click mouse button 2.
Specifying an existing element set
1. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of element
sets that you have created.
2. Select the set of element that you want to edit, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most
recently employed. To revert to the other method, click Select in Viewport or Sets
on the right side of the prompt area.
Selecting elements using the face angle method:
1. Click the Selection method menu button in the prompt area, and select Face angle


The Part module

from the list that appears.

2. Enter a face angle (from 0 to 90), and select an element face. ABAQUS/CAE selects
every adjacent shell element from the selected face until the angle between the
element faces is equal to or exceeds the face angle. (See ``Using the face angle
method to create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more
3. After you use the face angle method, you can [Shift]+Click on additional elements to
add them to your selection or [Ctrl]+Click on selected elements to remove them from
your selection. (See ``Combining selection techniques,'' Section 9.2.4, for more
4. When you have finished selecting elements, click mouse button 2.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
4. In the prompt area, select a method for reversing the surface normal:
Click Flip all to reverse the normal of all selected elements.
Click Select normal to change the normals of the selected elements so that they point in the
same direction as the normal of a reference element that you specify.
5. If you chose Select normal in the previous step, do the following:
a. In the viewport, select the reference element.
b. In the prompt area, click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE changes the normals of the selected elements so that they point in the
same direction as the reference element normal.
6. Repeat the previous steps as often as necessary to change additional surface normals.
7. Click the cancel button

in the prompt area to exit the procedure.

14.22.9 Refining a planar, linear, triangular orphan mesh

Select Part->Refine Mesh from the main menu bar to refine a planar, linear, triangular mesh on an
orphan mesh part. A Refine Mesh dialog box appears that allows you to remesh the part using one of
the following methods:
Remesh the part without specifying element sizes


The Part module

If no element size is specified, ABAQUS/CAE maintains the edges of the elements along the
boundary of the part while improving the mesh quality in the interior of the part. The resulting
mesh topology is different from the original mesh topology. For example, a distorted mesh
appears in Figure 14-52.

Figure 14-52 A distorted mesh.

When the part is remeshed, the quality of the mesh improves dramatically, as shown in Figure

Figure 14-53 The part is remeshed.

Remesh the part using a global element size

Before you remesh the part, you have the option of assigning a target element size to the entire
part. You can then remesh the part, and the density of the new mesh reflects the new target
element size. For example, when the part in Figure 14-52 is remeshed with a global element
size of 15.0, the resulting mesh appears in Figure 14-54.


The Part module

Figure 14-54 A global element size of 15.0.

Figure 14-55 shows the part remeshed with a global element size of 8.0.

Figure 14-55 A global element size of 8.0.

Detailed instructions for refining a planar, linear, triangular mesh:

1. From the main menu bar, select Part->Refine Mesh.
The Refine Mesh dialog box appears.
2. If you want to specify a new global element size for the mesh, do the following:
a. In the Refine Mesh dialog box, select Size from the list of Action options.
b. From the Method list, select Set global element size, and click Apply.


The Part module

c. In the prompt area, type the global element size of your choice, and press [Enter].
ABAQUS/CAE uses the new element size that you have specified when remeshing the
3. If you have applied a global element size to the part but decide that you would rather retain the
current element sizes at the part boundary, do the following:
a. In the Refine Mesh dialog box, select Size from the list of Action options.
b. From the Method list, select Remove global element size , and click Apply.
c. In the prompt area, click Yes.
When you remesh the part, no global element size is applied to the mesh.
4. From the list of Action options, select Remesh.
5. Accept Mesh part as the default Method selection, and click Apply.
6. In the prompt area, click Yes.
ABAQUS/CAE attempts to refine the mesh. You cannot recover the original mesh without
reimporting the part from the output database.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section 14.22


The Property module

15. The Property module

You can use the Property module to perform the following tasks:
Define materials.
Define beam section profiles.
Define sections.
Assign section definitions, material orientations, and beam section orientations to parts or regions
of parts.
Define a skin reinforcement.
This chapter covers the following topics:
``Entering and exiting the Property module,'' Section 15.1
``Understanding properties,'' Section 15.2
``Assigning sections, material orientations, and beam orientations to a part, '' Section 15.3
``Defining skin reinforcements,'' Section 15.4
``Defining gaskets,'' Section 15.5
``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6
``Tutorial: Using the Property module,'' Section 15.7
``Creating and editing materials,'' Section 15.8
``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
``Creating and editing skin reinforcements,'' Section 15.10
``Assigning properties to a part,'' Section 15.11
The tutorial will help you become familiar with techniques for creating materials and for creating and
assigning sections.

15.1 Entering and exiting the Property module

You can enter the Property module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking Property
in the Module list located under the toolbar. When you enter the Property module, Material, Section,
Profile, Skin, Assign, Feature, and Tools menus appear in the main menu bar. A Part list appears
under the toolbar that allows you to select the part to which you want to assign properties.
To exit the Property module, select another module from the Module list. You need not take any
specific action to save your section definitions before exiting the module; they are saved automatically
when you save the entire model by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar.


The Property module

15.2 Understanding properties

You can specify the properties of a part or part region by creating a section and assigning it to the part.
In most cases, sections refer to materials that you have defined. Beam sections also refer to profiles
that you have defined. This section of the manual explains sections, materials, profiles, and section
assignment. The following topics are covered:
``Defining materials,'' Section 15.2.1
``Defining profiles,'' Section 15.2.2
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3

15.2.1 Defining materials

A material definition specifies the required behavior of a material and supplies all the property data
relevant to that behavior. You specify the required behavior by including a set of material options in
the material definition, and you supply the property data with each material option you include.
The materials you create using the Property module are analogous to those you create using the
*MATERIAL option in ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit. You name these materials just as
you use the NAME parameter in an analysis input file to assign a name. Rather than typing the material
options, parameters, and data, you use the material editor to specify all the information that defines
each material.
Each material that you create has its own name and is independent of any particular section; you can
refer to a single material in as many sections as necessary. ABAQUS/CAE assigns the properties of a
material to a region of a part when you assign a section referring to that material to the region.

15.2.2 Defining profiles

A profile specifies the engineering properties of a beam section that are related to its cross-sectional
shape and size (for example, cross-section area and moments of inertia). When you define a beam
section, you must include a reference to a profile in the section definition.
You can create the following types of profiles:
Shape-based profiles
Shape-based profiles define the specific shape and dimensions of the beam cross- section.
ABAQUS uses the information provided by the shape-based profile to calculate the
engineering properties of the section.
You can create this type of profile by first selecting from a list of shape options and then
specifying that particular shape's dimensions. For example, if you select a box shape, you must
then specify the height and width of the box as well as the thickness of the four walls. The
shape options currently available are shown below:


The Property module

Referring to a shape-based profile in a beam section causes the *BEAM GENERAL

SECTION or *BEAM SECTION option with the SECTION=shape name parameter to be
added to the analysis input file. For detailed information on each profile shape, see ``Beam
cross-section library,'' Section 15.3.9 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
14.3.8 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Generalized profiles
Generalized profiles specify the engineering properties of the section directly. You can create
a generalized profile by specifying values for the area, moments of inertia, torsional rigidity,
and, if applicable, sectoral moment and warping constant. Referring to a generalized profile in
a beam section definition causes the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option with the
SECTION=GENERAL parameter to be added to the analysis input file. For more information,
see ``Using the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section
15.3.7 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
Each profile that you create has its own name and is independent of any particular beam section; you
can refer to a single profile in as many beam sections as necessary.

15.2.3 Defining sections

A section contains information about the properties of a part or a region of a part. The information
required in the definition of a section depends on the type of region in question. For example, if the
region is a deformable wire, shell, or two-dimensional solid, you must assign a section to that region
that provides information about the region's cross-sectional geometry. Likewise, a rigid region requires
a section that describes its mass properties. Most sections must refer to a material name. Beam sections
must also refer to a profile name.
When you assign a section to a part, ABAQUS/CAE automatically assigns that section to each instance
of the part. As a result, the elements that are created when you mesh those part instances will have the
properties specified in that section.
Sections are named and created independently of any particular region, part, or assembly. You can
assign a single section to as many different regions as necessary.
You can use the Property module to create the following types of sections:
Homogeneous solid sections
Solid sections define the section properties of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and
axisymmetric solid regions.
Homogeneous solid sections refer to a single material. If the section will be used with a
two-dimensional region, you must also specify the section thickness. (You have the option of


The Property module

specifying a plane stress or plane strain thickness even if the section will be assigned to a
three-dimensional region. ABAQUS/CAE ignores the thickness information if it is not needed
for the region type.)
For more information, see ``Solid (continuum) elements,'' Section 14.1.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 13.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Homogeneous shell sections
Shell sections define the section properties of shell regions. Shells model structures in which
one dimension (the thickness) is significantly smaller than the other two dimensions and in
which the stresses in the thickness direction are negligible.
A homogeneous shell section includes the shell thickness, material name, section Poisson's
ratio, and optional transverse shear data. You can choose to calculate (integrate) the section
stiffness either before or during the analysis. If the latter is chosen, options are provided to
control the section integration and temperature variation through the thickness. (For more
information on integration, see ``Choosing whether to integrate before or during analysis,''
Section 15.9.2, and ``Specifying the number of section integration points in a homogeneous
shell section,'' Section 15.9.4.)
For more information, see ``Shell elements,'' Section 15.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and Section 14.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Membrane sections
Membranes represent thin surfaces in space that offer strength in the plane of the surface but
have no bending stiffness. Membrane sections consist of a material name, membrane
thickness, and section Poisson's ratio. For more information, see ``Membrane elements,''
Section 15.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.1.1 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Beam sections
Beams are used in two and three dimensions to model slender, rod-like structures that provide
axial strength and bending stiffness. Beams represent structures in which the cross- section is
assumed to be small compared to the length. You can assign beam sections only to wire
regions. In addition, you must assign a beam section orientation to all regions with beam
Each beam section includes a section Poisson's ratio and a reference to a profile. Additional
information is required depending on whether you choose to calculate (integrate) the section
stiffness either before or during analysis (see ``Choosing whether to integrate before or during
analysis,'' Section 15.9.2, in the online version of this manual for more information).
For information about profiles, see Defining profiles, Section 15.2.2. For more information on
beam sections, see ``Beam modeling: overview,'' Section 15.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual and Section 14.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.


The Property module

Truss sections
Trusses, like beams, are used in two and three dimensions to model slender, rod-like structures
that provide axial strength but no bending stiffness. Truss sections consist of a material name
and the cross-sectional area. For more information, see ``Truss elements,'' Section 15.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Point sections
Point sections are used to assign properties to rigid or isothermal bodies. The section
definition may include mass, rotary inertia, damping, and heat capacitance.
For more information, see the following sections:
``Point masses,'' Section 16.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
15.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Rotary inertia,'' Section 16.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
15.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Material damping,'' Section 12.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
11.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Point capacitance,'' Section 16.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
15.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Gasket sections
Gaskets model thin sealing components that are positioned between structural components.
Gasket sections are used to provide pressure-closure behaviors for sealing components. Gasket
sections consists of a material reference, initial gasket thickness, initial gap, initial void, and
cross-sectional area. For more information, see ``Defining gaskets,'' Section 15.5, and ``Gasket
elements,'' Section 18.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
Warning: The type of section that you assign to a part must be consistent with the element type
that you assign to instances of that part in the Mesh module. For example, if you assign a truss
section to a wire part in the Property module, you should assign a truss element type (and not a
beam element type) to any instances of that part in the Mesh module.

15.3 Assigning sections, material orientations, and beam

orientations to a part
Once you have created a section, you use the Assign menu in the Property module main menu bar to
assign the section to a region of a part. You also use the Assign menu to assign beam section
orientations to wire regions and material orientations to shell and solid regions.
You can select the region to which to assign a section or orientation in the following ways:


The Property module

Select the region directly in the viewport. (See Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport,"
for information on selecting items in the viewport.)
Use the Set toolset to create a set consisting of the region. (The Set toolset is available from the
Tools menu in the main menu bar.) You can then assign the section, material orientation, or beam
orientation to the region defined by the set. (See Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets," for
information on the Set toolset.)
If you assign a section to a region and then rename or delete the section, that section is no longer
applied to the region. If a region of your model lacks section properties, your analysis job will fail, and
the problem will be reported by the Job module.
However, the original names of renamed or deleted sections continue to be associated with the regions
to which they have been assigned until you take one of the following actions:
Assign a different section to the region.
Create a new section that has the original section name and is the appropriate type for the region
(for example, a shell section for a shell region); the properties defined in the new section are
applied to the region automatically.
If you have renamed a section, change the name of the section back to its original name.
(You can use the Query toolset to determine the name of the section assigned to the region; for more
information, see ``Understanding the role of the Query toolset,'' Section 44.1.) Similarly, if you refer to
a material in a section definition and then rename or delete the material, the section becomes invalid;
properties defined in that section are no longer applied to regions to which the section is assigned.
However, the original names of renamed or deleted materials continue to be associated with sections
that refer to those materials; therefore, you can use techniques similar to the ones listed above to
restore sections.
For detailed instructions on assigning sections and material and beam orientations to a model, see the
following sections:
``Assigning a section to a part or region,'' Section 15.11.1
``Assigning a beam orientation to a wire part or region,'' Section 15.11.2
``Assigning a material orientation to a shell or solid part or region, '' Section 15.11.3
``Displaying information about section assignment and orientations for a particular region, ''
Section 15.11.4

15.4 Defining skin reinforcements

A skin reinforcement defines a skin that is bonded to the surface of an existing part and specifies its
engineering properties. The surface can be a face of a three-dimensional solid part or an edge of an
axisymmetric part. When you create a skin, it is not displayed in the viewport. You should think of a
skin as a property of a part or region, in the same way a section is a property of a part or region.

The Property module

Each skin is defined by a surface, section name, material orientation, and offset. You can apply either a
homogeneous shell section, a membrane section, or a gasket section to a skin. Different skins can share
the same section; however, only one skin can be placed on a surface of a part--skins cannot overlap.
You may need to select the skin in subsequent modeling operations; for example, to:
Prescribe an initial condition to the skin in the Load/BC/IC module.
Prescribe a thermal gradient on the skin in the Load/BC/IC module.
Assign an element type to the skin.
Create a display group to view the stress values on the skin elements in the Visualization module.
When you assign elements to the skin in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to assign only
shell, membrane, or gasket elements. The skin elements share nodes with the underlying mesh when
the part is meshed. As a result, the order of the elements on the skin--linear or quadratic--is initially the
same as the order of the underlying elements. However, you can use mesh controls to assign a different
geometric order to the skin elements and to the three-dimensional elements.
The aircraft wing shown in Figure 15-1 is an example of how you might use a skin reinforcement in
your model.

Figure 15-1 An aircraft wing modeled by a solid honeycomb core and an aluminum skin.

The wing has a solid honeycomb core and an aluminum skin on the outside. You can create a solid part
representing the honeycomb and add a skin reinforcement representing the aluminum outer layer. In
the Mesh module you assign solid elements to the honeycomb and shell elements to the skin. The solid
and shell elements share the same nodes.
After you create a skin, you need to be able to select it in subsequent operations; for example, to assign
an element type to the skin in the Mesh module. In most cases you cannot select a skin directly from
the viewport. Instead, you must first create a named set that refers to the skin. When you are prompted
to select the geometry to include in the set, you must select the selection filter tool
that appears in
the prompt area; and then select Skins from the list of objects to filter. The skin filter is available only
when you are creating a set. Otherwise, you can select only from the vertices, edges, faces, and cells in


The Property module

your model and can never select a skin. After you create the set that refers to the skin, you then select
the named set by clicking the Sets button from the right side of the prompt area.

15.5 Defining gaskets

This section provides an overview of how to model gaskets using ABAQUS/CAE. For detailed
information on gasket theory, see ``Gasket elements,'' Section 18.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
In the simplest case using ABAQUS/CAE to model a gasket in three-dimensional space involves the
following steps:
1. In the Part module, define the solid geometry. Gasket parts are typically very thin, flat solids.
2. In the Property module, define a gasket material. The material can be a regular material or one that
includes special gasket behavior options. See ``Defining materials for gaskets,'' Section 15.6.7, for
more information.
3. In the Property module, define a gasket section that refers to the gasket material. Then assign the
gasket section to the gasket part.
4. In the Interaction module, establish appropriate tie constraints or contact interactions between the
gasket surfaces and the surfaces of adjacent part instances.
5. In the Mesh module, assign the sweep mesh technique to the gasket part instance, and choose a
sweep path with a direction normal to the gasket plane. See ``Assigning gasket elements to a
region,'' Section 20.5.4, for more information.
6. In the Mesh module, assign a gasket element type to the gasket region, and mesh the region.
Additional steps are required if the gasket model is composed of several layers and inserts. For
example, Figure 15-2 illustrates a compound gasket. The gasket is modeled as a solid layer with an
embedded shell-like layer for the insert.

Figure 15-2 An insert modeled with three-dimensional line gasket elements.


The Property module

If you are working with compound gaskets, you must perform the following additional tasks:
1. Use the Partition toolset to partition the solid gasket region so that an internal surface is created at
the position of the insert.
2. In the Property module, define a skin reinforcement on the internal surface that represents the
insert. When you create the skin reinforcement, you must refer to a gasket section that you have
already created. (The gasket sections you assign to the solid and to the insert are usually different,
as are their materials.)
3. No meshing is required (or allowed) for the insert skin, but you must assign a three-dimensional
line gasket element type to the skin in the Mesh module. Currently you must use sets to assign
element types to skins, so first you must create a set using the skin selection filter. See ``Assigning
element types to skin reinforcements,'' Section 20.5.5, for more information.
When you model gaskets with solids, you can define how a gasket interacts with surrounding regions
by using one or a combination of the following techniques:
You can create a separate gasket part and then use tie constraints or contact interactions to couple
the gasket part instance to the other part instances.
You can create a thin region within a part and then assign a gasket section and element type to that
If compatibility between the meshes of the gasket and its adjacent regions is important, the first
approach (creating a separate gasket part) is recommended.

15.6 Understanding the Property module editors

When you create or edit a section or material, you must enter data in the appropriate editor. For
example, when you create a material, you must enter data in the material editor. This section provides
information on each editor type. The following topics are covered:


The Property module

``Creating materials,'' Section 15.6.1

``Creating profiles,'' Section 15.6.2
``Creating sections,'' Section 15.6.3
``Selecting material options,'' Section 15.6.4
``Specifying material parameters and data,'' Section 15.6.5
``Evaluating hyperelastic material behavior,'' Section 15.6.6
``Defining materials for gaskets,'' Section 15.6.7

15.6.1 Creating materials

To create a material, select Material->Create from the main menu bar. A Create Material dialog box
appears in which you can enter a name for the material. Once you have named the material, click
Continue in the Create Material dialog box to display the material editor, which allows you to create
and edit materials. The material editor is shown in Figure 15-3.

Figure 15-3 The material editor.


The Property module

The material editor consists of the following:

Material Options list
A list of the options you have included in the material definition.
Option menu
A set of menus beneath the option list from which you select material options. Each of the
options corresponds to a material option available in ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit; for example, *ELASTIC or *PLASTIC.
Option definition area
The lower portion of the window in which the parameters, tabular data fields, and suboptions
associated with a selected option appear. Each of the items available in the data area
corresponds to a parameter or data item available in ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit.
Note: You can display help on particular aspects of the editor that are not discussed here by
selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then clicking the editor feature of
interest. A help window will appear containing a relevant section from this manual, from the


The Property module

ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual, from the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual, or from the
ABAQUS Keywords Manual.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Selecting material options,'' Section 15.8.2
``Browsing and modifying material options,'' Section 15.8.3
``Specifying material parameters and data,'' Section 15.6.5

15.6.2 Creating profiles

To create a profile, select Profile->Create from the main menu bar. A Create Profile dialog box
appears in which you can enter a name for the profile and select the profile type. Once you have
finished entering this information, click Continue in the Create Profile dialog box to display the
profile editor, which allows you to create and edit profiles.
All profile editors display a diagram of the profile shape and text fields in which you can enter all of
the data necessary to define the profile. For example, the I-Beam profile editor is shown in Figure
15-4. The editor contains a diagram of the I-beam profile and data fields in which you can enter each

Figure 15-4 The I-Beam profile editor.

Once you have created a profile, you can refer to that profile in a beam section definition. For example,
a box-shaped profile named SupportBeam is selected in the beam section editor shown in Figure


The Property module

Figure 15-5 Specifying a profile name in the beam section editor.

For more information on profiles, see ``Defining profiles,'' Section 15.2.2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Defining profiles,'' Section 15.2.2
``Beam cross-section library,'' Section 15.3.9 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
14.3.8 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.6.3 Creating sections

You can use the Property module to create the following types of sections:
Homogeneous solid sections (solid regions only)
Homogeneous shell sections (shell regions only)
Beam sections (wire regions only)
Membrane sections (shell regions only)
Truss sections (wire regions only)
Point sections (vertices only)
Gasket sections
To create a section, select Section->Create from the main menu bar. A Create Section dialog box
appears in which you can name the section and specify the type of section that you want to create.
Once you have specified a section name and type, click Continue in the Create Section dialog box to
display the section editor, which allows you to create and edit sections.
The format of the section editor varies according to the type of section you are defining. Most section
editors ask for a material name, a section Poisson's ratio, and a method for determining the temperature
variation. For example, the homogeneous shell section editor is shown in Figure 15-6.

Figure 15-6 The homogeneous shell section editor.


The Property module

Note: You can display help on particular aspects of an editor that are not discussed here by
selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then clicking the editor feature of
interest. A help window will appear containing a relevant section from this manual, from the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual, from the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual, or from the
ABAQUS Keywords Manual.
Some editors contain different Options buttons along the bottom of the dialog box similar to the
Integration option button shown in Figure 15-6. If you click an option button, another dialog box
appears in which you can enter data concerning that particular option. For example, if you click
Integration in the editor shown in Figure 15-6, a Homogeneous Shell Integration Options dialog
box appears, as shown in Figure 15-7.

Figure 15-7 The Homogeneous Shell Integration Options dialog box.

Once you have entered all the data necessary to define the section, you can click OK to close the
section editor and to save the section.
For detailed instructions on using section editors, see the following sections:
``Creating sections,'' Section 15.9.1
``Choosing whether to integrate before or during analysis,'' Section 15.9.2

The Property module

``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3
``Specifying the number of section integration points in a homogeneous shell section, '' Section
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9

15.6.4 Selecting material options

The material editor contains several menus that allow you to add most of the material options available
in ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit to a material definition. (For information on which
material options are available in ABAQUS/CAE, see Appendix A, "Keyword support.")
The material editor menus reflect the division of all material options into four categories: General,
Mechanical, Thermal, and Other. Figure 15-8 shows the elasticity options available under the
Mechanical menu.

Figure 15-8 Elasticity options under the Mechanical menu.

The lists of options do not change to exclude options that are invalid for the type of analysis you are
running. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE does not check that the data that you enter in the editor are valid
or that your materials are appropriate for your analysis type. For example, if you request a dynamic
analysis, ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit requires that you specify the density of the
materials used in the model so that it can calculate mass and inertia properties of the model. If you do
not provide a material density in the material definition, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to create the
material; however, ABAQUS/CAE will report an error when you submit your analysis job.
When you select an option, the name of the option appears in the Material Options list at the top of
the editor, and the option becomes part of your material definition. For example, the list in Figure 15-9
reflects that the Elastic and Plastic options have been chosen, as well as the Fail Stress suboption of
the Elastic option.


The Property module

Figure 15-9 The Material Options list.

Options such as Elastic and Plastic are primary options and correspond to the keywords *ELASTIC
and *PLASTIC in an analysis input file. Suboptions such as Fail Stress appear beneath the
corresponding primary option and are indented to indicate their subordinate position.
If you want to remove an option or suboption from a material definition, you can select that option or
suboption from the Material Options list and then click Delete.
If you are creating a new material, the selected option list is initially blank. As you select options, the
option name appears in the list; if there are too many options to see at once, a scroll bar appears on the
right side of the list.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Browsing and modifying material options,'' Section 15.8.3
``Specifying material parameters and data,'' Section 15.6.5

15.6.5 Specifying material parameters and data

When you select an option, the option definition area changes to show all of the associated parameters
and data items for the currently selected option. The parameters are shown at the top of the option
description area and the data items at the bottom. These parameters and data items correspond to the
ones that would be required in an analogous ABAQUS input file.
Depending on your analysis requirements, you choose to either accept or change the default parameter
values; for example, you choose whether to use isotropic elasticity by using the Type button on the
elasticity form, as shown in Figure 15-10.

Figure 15-10 The Type button.

A table containing fields for the remaining required material data appears beneath the parameter area;
for example, Figure 15-11 shows the table that appears when you choose isotropic elasticity.

The Property module

Figure 15-11 The isotropic elasticity table.

Different fields become available depending upon how you have set the parameters. For example,
when you choose lamina elasticity rather than isotropic elasticity, the table in Figure 15-12 appears.

Figure 15-12 The lamina elasticity table.

You can enter data into the table using the keyboard. Alternatively, you can click mouse button 3
anywhere in the table to view a list of options for specifying tabular data. For example, an option exists
for automatically entering data from a file. Another option exists for creating an X-Y data object from
the data in the table; you can plot the X-Y data in the Visualization module and visually check its
validity. For detailed information on each option, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.)
For detailed information on specific features in the material editor, see the following sections:
``Creating a material,'' Section 15.8.1
``Selecting material options,'' Section 15.8.2
``Browsing and modifying material options,'' Section 15.8.3
``Entering temperature-dependent data,'' Section 15.8.4
``Specifying predefined field variable dependence,'' Section 15.8.5
``Selecting and modifying suboptions,'' Section 15.8.6
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Browsing and modifying material options,'' Section 15.8.3

15.6.6 Evaluating hyperelastic material behavior

ABAQUS/CAE provides a convenient Evaluate option that allows you to view the behavior predicted


The Property module

by a hyperelastic material and to choose a suitable material formulation. The Evaluate option prompts
ABAQUS/CAE to perform one or more standard tests using an existing material. (For information on
standard tests, see ``Hyperelasticity,'' Section 10.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 9.3 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.) Once the standard tests are completed, new
viewports appear displaying the test results as X-Y plots. (For more information on X-Y plots, see
Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting.") You can review the results and adjust the material definition as necessary.
To initiate the evaluation procedure, select Material->Evaluate->material name from the main menu
bar. Alternatively, you can select the material of interest in the Material Manager and then click
Evaluate. The Evaluate Material Behavior dialog box appears in which you can specify how you
want ABAQUS/CAE to perform the standard tests. For detailed instructions on evaluating hyperelastic
material behavior, see ``Displaying X-Y plots of hyperelastic material behavior,'' Section 15.8.7.
The Evaluate option is particularly useful in the following scenarios:
Comparing test data with the behavior predicted by a particular strain energy potential
When you define a hyperelastic material using experimental data, you also specify the strain
energy potential that you want to apply to the data. ABAQUS uses the experimental data to
calculate the coefficients necessary for the specified strain energy potential. However, it is
important to verify that an acceptable correlation exists between the behavior predicted by the
material definition and the experimental data.
You can use the Evaluate option to perform one or more standard unit-element tests with the
experimental data using the strain energy potential that you have specified in the material
definition. When the tests are complete, an X-Y plot appears for each test that displays a
nominal stress-nominal strain curve for the material as well as a plot of the experimental data.
For example, the X-Y plot in Figure 15-13 shows the results of a planar test using the Ogden
N=3 strain energy potential.

Figure 15-13 Results of a planar test.


The Property module

In addition, the following information is reported to the data ( .dat) file:

The coefficients calculated for the strain energy potential.
Any material instabilities that were detected during the tests.
The path to the data ( .dat) file appears in the message area of the ABAQUS/CAE main
window once the analysis has completed successfully.
Evaluating multiple strain energy potentials
If you are defining a hyperelastic material using experimental data and you are unsure which
strain energy potential to specify, you can select Unknown from the Strain energy potential
list in the material editor. You can then use the Evaluate option to perform standard tests with
the experimental data using multiple strain energy potentials.
When the tests are complete, an X-Y plot appears for each test that displays a nominal
stress-nominal strain curve for each strain energy potential tested as well as a curve showing
the experimental data. You can visually compare the strain energy potential curves and the
experimental data curve and select the strain energy potential that provides the best fit.
Once you have determined which strain energy potential provides the best fit with the
experimental data, you must return to the material editor and change the Strain energy
potential selection from Unknown to the strain energy potential that you have chosen.
Viewing behavior predicted by coefficients for a particular strain energy potential
If you have acquired coefficients for a particular strain energy potential (either by evaluating
one or more strain energy potentials, as described above, or from another source), you may
want to verify that the behavior predicted by the strain energy potential acceptably matches
your experimental data or meets other criteria.
You can use the Evaluate option to plot a curve of the strain energy potential using the
coefficients you have provided in the material definition. If the material definition also
includes experimental data, a curve for that data also appears in the plot.
Adjusting material data
If you are unsatisfied with the fit between the test data and the behavior predicted by the
material, you can adjust the test data and then evaluate the material again. You can repeat this
process until you are satisfied with the material behavior. In some cases it may be possible to
use this approach to optimize the coefficients values included in a material definition.
For more information, see ``Improving the accuracy and stability of the test data fit,'' in
``Hyperelastic behavior,'' Section 10.5.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
9.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.

15.6.7 Defining materials for gaskets

You can create two types of materials to include in gasket section definitions: materials with


The Property module

gasket-specific behavior options and general-use materials. The type of material that you create
depends on your requirements for the gasket behavior.
Create a material using the special gasket options if you want thickness direction, transverse shear,
and membrane behaviors to be uncoupled. When you refer to a gasket behavior material in a
gasket section definition, ABAQUS/CAE adds the *GASKET BEHAVIOR option to the analysis
input file instead of the *MATERIAL option. Gasket behavior materials are valid only for gasket
sections. For detailed information on this approach to defining gasket behavior, see ``Defining the
gasket behavior directly using a gasket behavior model,'' Section 18.1.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual.
Create a general-use material if you want to consider only thickness tensile behavior. When you
refer to a general-use material in a gasket section definition, ABAQUS/CAE adds the
*MATERIAL option to the analysis input file as it would for any other type of section.
General-use materials are valid in gasket sections as well as in other types of sections. For detailed
information on this approach to defining gasket behavior, see ``Defining the gasket behavior using
a material model,'' Section 18.1.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
You create a gasket-specific material by entering data for one or more of the options found in the
Other->Gasket submenu. Data entered for any other option in the material editor are ignored, with the
following exceptions:
You can include the Expansion option (located in the Mechanical menu) in a gasket behavior
material definition.
You can include the Depvar and User Output Variables options (located in the General menu) in
a gasket behavior material.
You create a general-use material by entering data for any options that are valid for gasket sections
except those found in the Other->Gasket submenu. (If you enter data for an option found in the
Other->Gasket submenu, you automatically create a gasket behavior material.) For information on
which material options are valid for general-use materials included in gasket section definitions, see
``Gasket elements,'' Section 18.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.

15.7 Tutorial: Using the Property module

This section contains a tutorial that will help you become familiar with the Property module. First, you
will create several different kinds of materials. Then, you will define a section that refers to one of the
materials that you have created; finally, you will assign that section to the part.
Note: It is not necessary to perform every task in this tutorial; you can select the individual tasks
that you think would be helpful.

15.7.1 Defining a material using multiple options (isotropic,

In this example you will define a material exhibiting linear elasticity and von Mises plasticity, as


The Property module

shown in Figure 15-14.

Figure 15-14 An elastic-plastic material.

To define an isotropic, elastic-plastic material:

1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Property.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Property module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Material->Create.
The Create Material dialog box appears.
3. Type a name of your choice in the Name text box, and click Continue.
The material editor appears with a blank options list and option definition area.
4. From the menu bar in the upper portion of the editor window, select
The parameters and data corresponding to isotropic elasticity appear in the option definition area
below the option menus, and the word Elastic appears in the Material Options list at the top of
the window.
5. In the option definition area, type Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio as shown in Figure 15-15.

Figure 15-15 Elastic properties.

Use the Tab key to move from one data cell to the next.
Note: The units for Young's modulus must be consistent with the units used elsewhere in the


The Property module

6. From the menu bar in the upper portion of the editor window, select
Mechanical->Plasticity->Plastic. (Selecting a new option does not cause you to lose your
elasticity data.)
The parameters and data corresponding to von Mises plasticity appear in the option definition area
below the option menus, and the word Plastic appears in the Material Options list at the top of
the window.
7. In the option definition area, type values for yield stress and the corresponding plastic strain as
shown in the first row of Figure 15-16.

Figure 15-16 Plastic properties.

8. Press [Enter] to add a blank row to the table.

9. Type the second yield stress and plastic strain values in the appropriate cells, as shown in Figure
15-16. Be sure to enter the second set of data points in ascending order of plastic strain.
Note: The yield stress is assumed to remain constant for plastic strains exceeding the last value given.

10. Click OK to save your data and to exit the material editor.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Creating and editing materials,'' Section 15.8
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5

15.7.2 Defining a material with temperature-dependent properties

In this example you will define a linear-elastic material whose properties depend on temperature. You
will enter values for Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio at several different temperatures ranging
from 100C to 400C.
To define an isotropic, linear-elastic material with temperature-dependent properties:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Property.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Property module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Material->Create.


The Property module

The Create Material dialog box appears.

3. Type a name of your choice in the Name text box, and click Continue.
The material editor appears with a blank options list and option definition area.
4. From the menu bar in the upper portion of the editor window, select
The parameters and data corresponding to isotropic elasticity appear in the option definition area
below the option menus, and the word Elastic appears in the Material Options list at the top of
the window.
5. Toggle Use temperature-dependent data .
A temperature data field appears in the table.
6. In the table, type values for Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio at the first temperature, as shown
in Figure 15-17.

Figure 15-17 Temperature-dependent data.

Use the [Tab] key or the first mouse button to move from one cell to the next. There is no need to
enter plus signs (+) to indicate positive numbers.
7. Press [Enter] to add a blank row to the table. You can also add a row by pressing mouse button 3
over the table and selecting Add Row After from the menu that appears. For more information, see
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.
8. Type in a second Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and temperature in the appropriate cells, as
shown in Figure 15-18.

Figure 15-18 Enter the second row of data.

9. Continue adding rows after completing each row in the table. Fill in each row as shown in Figure
15-19. (To save time, you can skip this step.)


The Property module

Figure 15-19 The completed data table.

10. Click OK to save your data and to exit the material editor.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Creating and editing materials,'' Section 15.8
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5

15.7.3 Defining a hyperelastic material

In this example you will define a hyperelastic material based on the polynomial form of the strain
energy potential. You will use the Suboption Editor to provide uniaxial test data that
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit can later use to compute the polynomial coefficients.
To define a hyperelastic material:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Property.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Property module loads.
2. From the main menu bar, select Material->Create.
The Create Material dialog box appears.
3. Type a name of your choice in the Name text box, and click Continue.
The material editor appears with a blank options list and option definition area.
4. From the menu bar in the upper portion of the editor window, select
The parameters and data corresponding to hyperelasticity appear in the option definition area
below the option menus, and the word Hyperelastic appears in the Material Options list at
the top of the window.
5. In the option definition area, accept Test data as the Input source selection.
6. Click the Strain energy potential button, and select Polynomial from the list that appears.
7. Accept Long-term as the default Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) selection.
8. In the Strain energy potential order field, enter a value of 2.


The Property module

9. Click the Suboptions button in the upper right corner of the option definition area, and select
Uniaxial Test Data from the list that appears.
The Suboption Editor appears.
10. Click mouse button 3 in the first cell of the table, and select Read from File from the list that
The Read Data from ASCII File dialog box appears.
11. A file that contains uniaxial test data is stored in
abaqus_dir/cae/Tutorial/testdata.txt, where abaqus_dir is the name of the
directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed. Type this path in the File field.
Note: To determine the value of abaqus_dir, type abaqus whereami at the operating
system prompt.
12. Click OK to read your data into the table editor.
The Read Data from ASCII File dialog box disappears, and the data in testdata.txt appears
in the table editor. You can edit the data using mouse button 3 if you wish.
13. Click OK to save your data and to exit the Suboption Editor.
14. Click OK to save your data and to exit the material editor.
Note: When you are a creating a hyperelastic material for an actual analysis, you should include
data for at least three types of tests to ensure a stable material (see ``Hyperelastic behavior,''
Section 10.5.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 9.3.1 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual, for more details).
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Creating and editing materials,'' Section 15.8
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5

15.7.4 Creating and assigning a homogeneous solid section

In this example you will open a model database that contains a part to which you will assign a
homogeneous solid section. A homogeneous solid section definition includes only a material name and
a plane stress/strain thickness.
To open the model database:
1. The model database used by the tutorial is stored in abaqus_dir /cae/Tutorial/clamp.cae,
where abaqus_dir is the name of the directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed.
ABAQUS/CAE must have write permission to the current model database; consequently, before


The Property module

you open the database, copy it to a local directory to which you can write. To determine the value
of abaqus_dir, type abaqus whereami at the operating system prompt.
Note: The path to the model database is abaqus_dir\cae\Tutorial\clamp.cae on Windows NT systems.

2. From the main menu bar, select File->Open.

The Open Database dialog box appears.
3. Click the File type arrow, and select Model Database (*.cae) if it is not already selected.
4. In the Selection field at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, delete the default text and
type the path of the file containing the model database.
5. Click OK.
If you have followed any of the other Property module tutorials, a dialog box will appear asking if
you want to save the unnamed model database that contains your materials. If this dialog appears,
you can click No.
ABAQUS/CAE reads the model database containing the clamp model.
To create and assign a homogeneous solid section:
1. If you have not already entered the Property module, in the Module list located under the toolbar,
click Property.
The Property module is loaded, and the part appears in the viewport.
2. From the main menu bar, select Section->Create.
The Create Section dialog box appears.
3. In the Create Section dialog box:
a. Name the section Brick.
b. In the Category list, accept Solid as the default selection.
c. In the Type list, accept Homogeneous as the default selection and click Continue.
The solid section editor for homogeneous solids appears.
4. Click the arrow next to the Material text field to display the list of available materials. Select
5. Accept the default Plane stress/strain thickness value, and click OK.
6. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Section.
7. In the viewport, click the part to select the entire part. When the entire part is highlighted, click


The Property module

mouse button 2.
An Assign Section dialog box appears.
8. In the Assign Section dialog box, accept the default selection of Brick and click OK.
The section named Brick that you just created is assigned to the clamp part.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3

15.7.5 Creating and assigning a beam section and orientation

In this example you will open a model database that contains a planar part to which you will assign a
beam section and orientation. A beam section can be assigned only to a wire part or region. A beam
section includes a profile reference, a material reference or information on beam material behavior, and
a section Poisson's ratio. You must assign an orientation to regions with beam sections.
To open the model database:
1. The model database used by this tutorial is stored in abaqus_dir /cae/Tutorial/beam.cae,
where abaqus_dir is the name of the directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed.
ABAQUS/CAE must have write permission to the current model database; consequently, before
you open the database, copy it to a local directory to which you can write. To determine the value
of abaqus_dir, type abaqus whereami at the operating system prompt.
Note: The path to the model database is abaqus_dir \cae\Tutorial\beam.cae on
Windows NT systems.
2. From the main menu bar, select File->Open.
The Open Database dialog box appears.
3. Click the File type arrow, and select Model Database (*.cae) if it is not already selected.
4. In the Selection field at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, delete the default text and
type the path of the file containing the model database.
5. Click OK.
If you have followed any of the other Property module tutorials, a dialog box will appear asking if
you want to save the unnamed model database that contains your materials. If this dialog appears,
you can click No.
ABAQUS/CAE reads the model database containing the beam model.


The Property module

To create and assign a beam section and orientation:

1. If you have not already entered the Property module, in the Module list located under the toolbar,
click Property.
The Property module is loaded and the part in the model database appears in the viewport.
2. From the main menu bar, select Section->Create.
The Create Section dialog box appears.
3. In the Create Section dialog box:
a. Name the section Beam.
b. In the Category list, select Beam.
c. In the Type list, accept Beam as the default selection and click Continue.
The beam section editor appears.
4. You need to create a beam profile that will be referenced by the beam section. From the main
menu bar, select Profile->Create.
The Create Profile dialog box appears.
5. Name the profile Beam, select Generalized from the Shape list, and click Continue.
The profile editor appears.
6. Enter the following data in the respective fields: Area = 20.41, I 11 = I22 = 333.33, I12 = 0, and J = 0.
(The open section properties are necessary only for sections associated with open-section beam
7. Click OK to close the profile editor.
The Beam profile appears in the Profile name list in the beam section editor.
8. Click Linear Properties in the Behavior field in the beam section editor.
The Beam Linear Behavior dialog box appears.
9. Enter a value of 30.E6 for the Young's modulus, 0 for the shear modulus, and click OK.
10. Accept the default value of 0 in the Section Poisson's ratio field of the beam section editor, and
click OK to save your data and to dismiss the dialog box.
11. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Section.
12. In the viewport, drag a rectangle around the part to select the entire beam. When the entire part is
highlighted, click mouse button 2.


The Property module

An Assign Section dialog box appears.

13. In the Assign Section dialog box, accept the default selection of Beam and click OK.
The section named Beam that you just created is assigned to the beam part.
14. You need to assign an orientation to the beam by defining the local 1-direction. From the main
menu bar, select Assign->Beam Section Orientation.
15. In the viewport, drag a rectangle around the part to select the entire beam again. When the entire
part is highlighted, click mouse button 2.
Arrows indicating the direction cosines of the beam appear along the part edges.
16. Accept the default selection for the n1 -direction ( 0,0,-1) by clicking mouse button 2 again. (The
direction cosines of a planar beam must be (0, 0, -1).)
Triads indicating the beam orientation appear along the part edges.
17. Click OK in the prompt area to assign the beam orientation.
Note: You can use the query tool to determine the orientation assigned to a particular beam
section when you are in the Property module (see ``Displaying information about section
assignment and orientations for a particular region, '' Section 15.11.4, in the online version of
this manual for more information).

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Part III, "Working with ABAQUS/CAE model databases, models, and files

15.7.6 Summary of key points

The following list summarizes the key points demonstrated in this tutorial:
You can specify the properties of a material by selecting items from the menu bar in the material
editor and then entering the necessary data in the option definition area of the editor.
You refer to preexisting materials when you create certain types of sections.
You use the Assign menu to assign a section to a part or region of a part.
You use the Assign menu to assign a beam section orientation to a part or region of a part.

15.8 Creating and editing materials

This section describes each feature of the material editor individually. The following topics are


The Property module

``Creating a material,'' Section 15.8.1

``Selecting material options,'' Section 15.8.2
``Browsing and modifying material options,'' Section 15.8.3
``Entering temperature-dependent data,'' Section 15.8.4
``Specifying predefined field variable dependence,'' Section 15.8.5
``Selecting and modifying suboptions,'' Section 15.8.6

15.8.1 Creating a material

When you select Material->Create from the main menu bar or click Create in the material manager, a
small Create Material dialog box appears. In this dialog box you can enter the name of your choice for
the material or accept the default name. When you click Continue, the material editor appears in
which you can enter all data concerning the material.
Detailed instructions for creating a material:
1. From the main menu bar, select Material->Create.
Tip: You can also click Create in the Material Manager or select the create material tool
in the Property module toolbox.
A Create Material dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, enter the name of your choice for the material you are defining. For more
information on naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
3. In the dialog box, click Continue.
The material editor appears in which you can enter all the data necessary to define the material.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6

15.8.2 Selecting material options

Use the menu bar under the browser area of the material editor to reveal menus containing all the
available material options. Some of the menu items contain submenus; for example, the following
figure shows the options available under the Mechanical->Elasticity menu item:


The Property module

To display information on a particular material option, click and hold that option and then press F1. A
help window appears that contains information about the parameters and data associated with the
option. If different documentation exists depending on whether you are performing an
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, a Product selection dialog box appears before the
help window; this dialog box allows you to specify the ABAQUS product (ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit) for which you want to display help.
Caution: ABAQUS/CAE does not check for missing or invalid material options until you submit
the job for analysis. (Any warnings and errors are reported by the Job module.) Therefore, you
must be careful to supply correctly all of the material options that the analysis requires.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6

15.8.3 Browsing and modifying material options

The selected option list at the top of the material editor window displays the options and suboptions
that comprise the current material; the list is updated as you add and delete options. The following
figure shows how the list would look if an elastic-plastic material complete with stress-based failure
limits were defined:

Using the selected option list, you can add, delete, or change materials as follows:
Adding material options


The Property module

Select the options needed to define your material from the menus just below the selected
option list. When you select an option, its name appears in the list, and the parameters and
data associated with the option appear in the data area in the bottom portion of the editor
window. Suboptions appear beneath the corresponding primary option and are indented to
indicate their subordinate position.
Deleting material options
Within the selected option list, click the option or suboption you want to delete; then click the
Delete button located near the lower right corner of the option list. This procedure removes
the option from both the options list and the material definition. If you delete an option that
has suboptions shown beneath it in the list, the suboptions are also deleted.
Changing material parameters or data
Within the selected option list, click the option whose data you want to change. When the
parameters and data associated with the option appear in the data area in the bottom portion of
the window, make the desired changes.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6

15.8.4 Entering temperature-dependent data

If your material includes temperature dependence, use the Use temperature-dependent data
checkbox with the appropriate options to define how material properties vary with increasing
Detailed instructions for entering temperature-dependent data:
1. Toggle the Use temperature-dependent data checkbox in the data area.
The checkbox changes color and a column labeled Temp appears in the tabular data area.
2. Fill in each row with the appropriate values. For special table editing options or to read data from
an ASCII file, press mouse button 3. (For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6


The Property module

15.8.5 Specifying predefined field variable dependence

The Number of field variables text field allows you to specify the number of predefined field
variables to be referenced by a given material option. Columns for each field variable appear in the
table in the data area.
Detailed instructions for specifying field variables:
1. Change the number of field variables in the Number of field variables box to the desired value
using one of these methods:
Click the arrows to the right of the text field to increase or decrease the number of field
Type the number directly in the text field.
Either method adds field variable columns to the table in the data area.
2. Enter the appropriate data in each cell of the table. You can enter data into the table using the
keyboard. Alternatively, you can click mouse button 3 anywhere in the table to view a list of
options for specifying tabular data. For detailed information on each option, see ``Entering tabular
data,'' Section 6.3.5.)

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6

15.8.6 Selecting and modifying suboptions

If suboptions are available for the current option, the Suboptions menu will be available in the upper
right corner of the data area. When you select one of the options from the Suboptions menu, the
Suboption Editor appears in which you can enter the required data. For example, in some cases the
Suboptions menu provides a list of standard tests for which you can enter material test data.
Note: To display context-sensitive help for specific buttons, text fields, and other options in the
Suboption Editor, you must select the option of interest and then press [F1]. (The Help menu in
the main menu bar is unavailable while the Suboption Editor is displayed.) For detailed
information on using [F1] to obtain help, see ``Displaying context-sensitive help,'' Section 5.6.1.
Detailed instructions for adding material suboptions:
1. Click Suboptions in the upper right corner of the data area and select the suboption of your
choice from the list that appears.
The Suboption Editor appears in a separate dialog box.


The Property module

2. Enter the required data inside the suboption editor and then click OK to return to the material
You can enter data into a suboption table using the keyboard. Alternatively, you can click mouse
button 3 anywhere in the table to view a list of options for specifying tabular data. For example, an
option exists for creating an X-Y data object from the data in the table; you can plot the X-Y data in
the Visualization module and visually check its validity. Another option exists for automatically
entering data from a file. For detailed information on each option, see ``Entering tabular data,''
Section 6.3.5.)

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding the Property module editors,'' Section 15.6

15.8.7 Displaying X-Y plots of hyperelastic material behavior

ABAQUS/CAE allows you to evaluate hyperelastic material behavior by automatically performing
unit-element analyses using strain energy potentials available in ABAQUS that you choose. When the
analyses are complete, ABAQUS/CAE displays X-Y plots of the test results. You can review the results
and adjust the material as necessary. For more information, see ``Evaluating hyperelastic material
behavior,'' Section 15.6.6.
To display X-Y plots of hyperelastic material behavior:
1. Define a hyperelastic material. (See ``Creating a material,'' Section 15.8.1, for more information.
See also ``Selecting and modifying suboptions,'' Section 15.8.6, and ``Entering tabular data,''
Section 6.3.5, for information on including tabular experimental data in the material definition.)
Note: When you define a hyperelastic material using experimental data, you have the option
of selecting Unknown from the Strain energy potential list in the material editor. This
option allows you to define the material temporarily without specifying a particular strain
energy potential. You can use the Evaluate option to identify the optimal strain energy
potential for the material data and then display the material editor again to complete the
material definition.
2. From the main menu bar, select Material->Evaluate->material name.
Tip: You can also select the name of the material in the Material Manager and then click
An Evaluate Material dialog box appears.
3. In the Available Input Data field, do the following:
a. Select the Source option of your choice:


The Property module

Select Test data if you want ABAQUS to calculate the necessary strain energy
potential coefficients from the experimental data specified in the material definition.
Select Coefficients if you want ABAQUS to use the coefficients specified in the
material definition.
b. If you selected Test data in the step above, specify the test data type or types that you
want ABAQUS to use in calculating the strain energy potential coefficients. (Only data
types for which you have specified data in the material definition appear in the list.)
4. From the list of Standard Tests, select one or more tests that you want ABAQUS to perform
using the data in the material definition. (For information on standard unit-element tests, see
``Hyperelasticity,'' Section 10.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 9.3 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
5. For each test that you select, enter a Nominal Strain value that will be the upper or lower limit for
the analysis. (Enter a positive value for a tension test, or enter a negative value for a compression
6. Click the Strain Energy Potentials tab, and do the following:
If you selected Test data as a data source, a list of all the available strain energy potentials
appears. From the list, select one or more that you want ABAQUS to apply to the experimental
If you selected Coefficients as a data source, the name of the strain energy potential specified
in the material definition appears. You can simply review the information and move on to the
next step.
7. Click OK to begin the standard unit-element tests.
If the evaluation fails during the extraction of material coefficients due to problems with nonlinear
curve-fitting, ABAQUS/CAE displays the path to the data ( .dat) file. If a unit-element test fails
to converge due to problems with the strain energy potential, ABAQUS/CAE displays the path to
the message (.msg) file. The data and message files provide detailed information on each problem
encountered. (For more information on the data and message files, see ``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.)
If ABAQUS completes the tests successfully, X-Y plots of the results of each test appear in new
viewports. (For information on X-Y plots, see Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting.") These X-Y plots are
temporary, and the data objects do not appear in the X-Y Data Manager.
In addition, the path to the data ( .dat) file appears in the message area of the ABAQUS/CAE
main window.


The Property module

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Hyperelasticity,'' Section 10.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 9.3 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.9 Creating and editing sections

This section describes how to create and edit sections using the section editor. The following topics are
``Creating sections,'' Section 15.9.1
``Choosing whether to integrate before or during analysis,'' Section 15.9.2
``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3
``Specifying the number of section integration points in a homogeneous shell section, '' Section

15.9.1 Creating sections

You can use the Property module to create the following types of sections:
Homogeneous solid sections (solid regions only)
Homogeneous shell sections (shell regions only)
Beam sections (wire regions only)
Membrane sections (shell regions only)
Truss sections (wire regions only)
Point sections (vertices only)
You create sections by entering data in the section editor. The format of the editor varies according to
the type of section you are defining.
Detailed instructions for creating a section:
1. From the main menu bar, select Section->Create.
A Create Section dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also click Create in the Section Manager or select the create section tool
in the Property module toolbox.
2. Enter a section name of your choice. For more information on naming objects, see ``Using basic
dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.


The Property module

3. Select the category and type of section, and click Continue.

The section editor for the type of section you have specified appears.
4. In the editor, enter all of the data necessary to define the section and then click OK.
Note: You can display help on particular aspects of an editor by selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then
clicking the editor feature of interest.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3

15.9.2 Choosing whether to integrate before or during analysis

When you create homogeneous shell section or beam sections, you must choose to calculate (integrate)
the cross-sectional behavior either during analysis from section integration points or before analysis
from section property data that you provide. Choosing to integrate either during or before analysis is
the same as choosing between the *BEAM SECTION and *BEAM GENERAL SECTION options or
between the *SHELL SECTION and *SHELL GENERAL SECTION options in a analysis input file.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating sections,'' Section 15.6.3
``Shell section behavior,'' Section 15.6.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
14.4.3 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Beam section behavior,'' Section 15.3.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
14.3.5 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.9.3 Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation

through the section
When a section definition includes a method for defining temperature variation, you can use the
Load/BC/IC module to define the initial temperatures for each region that you associate with the
section. Defining initial temperatures in the Load/BC/IC module is analogous to including *INITIAL
CONDITIONS, TYPE=TEMPERATURE in a analysis input file.
The methods for defining temperature variation through a section are as follows:
Constant through thickness (shell sections)

If a shell section is integrated before the analysis, the temperature must be constant through


The Property module

the section. You can use the Load/BC/IC module to specify the initial temperature of the
section. For more information, see ``Defining a constant initial temperature through a shell
section,'' Section 19.7.15.
Linear by gradients (shell and beam sections)

If you select this method for defining temperature variation through the section, you can use
the Load/BC/IC module to specify the initial temperature at the reference surface (for shells)
or cross-section origin (for beams) and the temperature gradient or gradients through the
section. For more information, see ``Defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell
section,'' Section 19.7.17, and ``Defining initial temperature gradients through a beam
section,'' Section 19.7.18.
Piecewise linear over n values (shell sections)

If you select this method for defining temperature variation, you must enter the number of
temperature points (values) through the section in the text field provided. You can use the
Load/BC/IC module to specify the temperature at each of these points. For more information,
see ``Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or beam section, '' Section 19.7.16.
Interpolated from temperature points (beam sections)

The shape of the profile that you specify in the beam section definition determines the number
and location of the temperature points. (For more information on temperature points, see
``Beam cross-section library,'' Section 15.3.9 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 14.3.8 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.) If you select this method, you can use
the Load/BC/IC module to specify the temperature at each of these points. For more
information, see ``Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or beam section, ''
Section 19.7.16.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
``Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or beam section, '' Section 19.7.16
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *BEAM SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.3.6
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.9.4 Specifying the number of section integration points in a


The Property module

homogeneous shell section

The Homogeneous Shell Integration Options dialog box allows you to specify both the number of
integration points through the thickness of the section and the thickness integration rule of your
Detailed instructions for specifying your integration preferences:
1. In the shell section editor, click Integration.
The Homogeneous Shell Integration Options dialog box appears.
2. Choose either the Simpson or the Gauss integration rule.
If you choose Simpson, a default value of 5 appears in the Thickness integration points text
field. If you choose Gauss, a default value of 3 appears in the Thickness integration points text
3. Click either the upward or downward arrow in the Thickness integration points text field to
change the default number to the number of your choice.
If you are using the Simpson integration rule, you can specify only odd numbers ranging from 3 to
15. If you are using the Gauss integration rule, you can specify odd or even numbers ranging from
2 to 7.
You can also type the number directly in the text field.
4. Click OK to return to the shell section editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating sections,'' Section 15.6.3
``Defining the shell section integration'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define the
section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.9.5 Creating profiles

To create a profile you must choose a profile shape and then enter all of the data necessary to define
the profile in the profile editor.
To create a new profile:
1. From the main menu bar, select Profile->Create.
A Create Profile dialog box appears.


The Property module

Tip: You can also click Create in the Profile Manager or select the create profile tool
in the Property module toolbox.
2. Enter a profile name of your choice. For more information on naming objects, see ``Using basic
dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
3. Select a profile shape, and click Continue
The profile editor for the profile shape you have chosen appears.
4. In the profile editor, enter the required profile data.
For detailed information about each profile type, see ``Beam cross-section library,'' Section 15.3.9
of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.3.8 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Manual, for shape-based profiles, and ``Using the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.3.7 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual, for generalized
5. Click OK to save the profile.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Defining profiles,'' Section 15.2.2
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3

15.9.6 Specifying offsets for generalized beam sections

To offset a generalized beam section from its node, you must specify how far and in which direction
along the cross-section axes to move the section centroid and/or shear center. For more information,
see ``Using the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section 15.3.7
of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
To specify beam offsets:
1. In the beam section editor, click Offset.
A Beam Offsets dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, enter the local x1 - and x2 -coordinates for the centroid and/or the shear center as
3. Click OK.


The Property module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating sections,'' Section 15.6.3

15.10 Creating and editing skin reinforcements

You can add a skin reinforcement to selected faces of a three-dimensional solid or to an edge of an
axisymmetric part. The skin is a property of the part or region and is not visible in the viewport. When
you mesh the part, the skin and the solid have separate elements; however, they share nodes.
After you have created a skin, in most cases you cannot select it directly from the viewport. Instead,
you must first use the selection filters to create a named set that refers to the skin. To select the skin
(for example, to assign an element type) you must select this set from the list of named sets.
You must create a material and a section (a homogeneous shell section, a membrane section, or a
gasket section) before you create a skin. If you assign a shell section to a skin, you must assign shell
elements to the skin in the Mesh module. Similarly, if you assign a membrane or gasket section, you
must assign membrane or gasket elements.
Detailed instructions for creating a skin reinforcement:
1. From the main menu bar, select Skin->Create.
The Create Skin dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, enter the name of the skin you are defining and click Continue. For more
information on naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
3. Select the face or faces on which the skin will be created.
Tip: To select more than one face, hold down the [Shift] key as you click each face. To select
multiple faces, you can also drag a rectangle around them. To toggle the selection of a face,
use [Ctrl]+Click. When you have finished selecting faces, click mouse button 2. For more
information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
The Edit Skin dialog box appears.
4. In the dialog box, do the following:
Select a section to associate with the skin reinforcement.
If desired, select the datum coordinate system representing the material orientation. The
1-direction of the material is aligned with the X-axis of the coordinate system specified. You
can select a datum coordinate system from the viewport or select the global coordinate system.
For more information, see ``Assigning a material orientation to a shell or solid part or region, ''


The Property module

Section 15.11.3.
If desired, enter an offset from the selected face or faces. The offset can be negative or
positive. A negative offset from a shell or an axisymmetric part indicates on which side the
skin is positioned. A negative offset from a solid indicates that the skin is embedded in the
5. Click OK to create the skin and to close the Skin editor dialog box.
Detailed instructions for creating a set that refers to the skin:
1. Select Tools->Set->Create from the main menu bar.
2. Enter a name for the set in the Create Set dialog box that appears.
3. From the prompt area, select the selection filter tool

ABAQUS/CAE displays the selection filters that are available.

4. Click on the list of filters, and select Skins. ABAQUS/CAE now allows you to select only skins
from the viewport. You cannot select vertices, edges, faces, or cells.
5. Select the skin from the viewport, and click mouse button 2 to indicate that you have finished
selecting skins.
After you create the set that refers to the skin, you then select the set by clicking the Sets button
from the right side of the prompt area and select from the list of named sets.

15.11 Assigning properties to a part

This section describes how you use the Assign menu to assign properties to a part. The following
topics are covered:
``Assigning a section to a part or region,'' Section 15.11.1
``Assigning a beam orientation to a wire part or region,'' Section 15.11.2
``Assigning a material orientation to a shell or solid part or region, '' Section 15.11.3
``Displaying information about section assignment and orientations for a particular region, ''
Section 15.11.4

15.11.1 Assigning a section to a part or region

You can assign section properties to a part by first creating a section and then selecting
Section->Assign to assign the section to a part or to a region of a part. Section properties that you
assign to a part are assigned automatically to all instances of that part in the assembly.


The Property module

Note: When you import an orphan mesh part from an input file, some section properties
associated with that orphan mesh may also be imported; in these cases it may be unnecessary to
assign section properties to the part. For more information, see ``Importing models from
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4.
Detailed instructions for assigning a section to a part or region of a part:
1. If the part to which you want to assign a section is not visible in the current viewport, click the
name of the desired part in the Part list located under the toolbar.
The part that you select appears in the current viewport.
2. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Section.
Tip: You can also click the

tool in the Property module tool box.

3. Select the part or region of the part from the viewport and click mouse button 2 to indicate you
have finished selecting. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you would rather select from a list of existing sets, do the following:
a. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available
part sets.
b. Select the part set of interest, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click the button--Select in Viewport or Sets--on the right side of the prompt area.

An Assign Section dialog box appears. This dialog box contains a list of existing sections that
can be assigned to the selected region or part set. For example, if you selected a solid region, any
existing solid sections appear in the Assign Section dialog box.
4. In the Assign Section dialog box, select the section of interest and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE assigns the selected section to the part or region.
5. If the part contains more than one region, repeat Steps 3 and 4. When you have finished assigning
sections to the regions of the part, use one of the following methods to exit the section assignment


The Property module

If you are selecting regions of the part from the viewport, click mouse button 2 or the cancel

on the left side of the prompt area.

If you are selecting preexisting sets from the Region Selection dialog box, click Cancel.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport

15.11.2 Assigning a beam orientation to a wire part or region

After you have assigned beam sections to the wire regions of a part, you must assign an orientation to
the beam sections by defining the local 1-direction of the cross-section. The beam orientations that you
assign to a part or region are assigned automatically to all instances of that part in the assembly.
Detailed instructions for assigning a beam orientation to a part or region of a part:
1. If the part to which you want to assign an orientation is not visible in the current viewport, click
the name of the desired part in the Part list located under the toolbar.
The selected part appears in the current viewport.
2. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Beam Section Orientation.
Tip: You can also click the

tool in the Property module tool box.

3. Select the wire part or a wire region of the part from the viewport and click mouse button 2 to
indicate you have finished selecting. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport".)
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you would rather select from a list of existing sets, do the following:
a. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available


The Property module

part sets. Part sets containing only wires appear in the list.
b. Select the part set of interest, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click the button--Select in Viewport or Sets--on the right side of the prompt area.

4. ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to enter the vector representing an approximate n1 -direction (the
local 1-direction of the cross-section). For more information on defining the n1 -direction, see
``Beam element cross-section orientation,'' Section 15.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and Section 14.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Note: If the part was created in two-dimensional modeling space, the n1 -direction is always normal to the X-Y plane (0.0, 0.0,

ABAQUS/CAE displays the resulting (n1 , n2 , t) axis system on the selected wire regions.
5. If the displayed (n1 , n2 , t) axis system is correct, click OK in the prompt area to confirm your
choice. If you wish to change the beam orientation, click the backup button (
n1 -direction.

) and enter a new

6. If you wish to assign beam orientations to additional wire regions, repeat Steps 3 through 5.
7. Click mouse button 2 to indicate you have finished assigning beam orientations.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport
``Beam element cross-section orientation,'' Section 15.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and Section 14.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.11.3 Assigning a material orientation to a shell or solid part or

The global coordinate system determines material orientations by default. However, you can assign
specific material orientations to a shell or solid part or region by selecting datum coordinate systems
from the viewport. The material orientations that you assign to a part or region are assigned
automatically to all instances of that part in the assembly.
Detailed instructions for assigning a material orientation to a part or to a region of a part:
1. If the part to which you want to assign a material orientation is not visible in the current viewport,
click the name of the desired part in the Part list located under the toolbar.


The Property module

The selected part appears in the current viewport.

2. From the main menu bar, select Assign->Material Orientation.
Tip: You can also click the

tool in the Property module tool box.

3. Select the shell or solid part or part region from the viewport and click mouse button 2 to indicate
you have finished selecting. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you would rather select from a list of existing sets, do the following:
a. Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available
part sets. Part sets containing only shells or solids appear in the list.
b. Select the part set of interest, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Sets on the right side of the prompt area.

4. In the viewport, select the datum coordinate system defining the material orientation that you want
to apply to the region. (See ``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6, for information about
displaying datum geometry in the viewport.)
Note: From the right side of the prompt area, click Use Global CSYS to reset a previously assigned material orientation back
to the global coordinate system and click OK to confirm your choice.

If you are assigning a material orientation to a shell region, you are prompted to specify the axis of
the datum coordinate system that is normal to the shell. In the prompt area, click the button that
indicates the axis of your choice.
5. If the datum coordinate system that you selected is a cylindrical or spherical system, you have the
option of specifying an additional rotation about a specific local axis (for solids) or about the shell
normal (for shells). (You specify the equivalent rotation in rectangular coordinate systems directly
in the coordinate system definition.) If necessary, specify information concerning the additional
a. If you are assigning a material orientation to a solid, you are prompted to specify the
coordinate system axis about which the additional rotation occurs. In the prompt area,
click the button that indicates the axis of your choice.

The Property module

b. Enter the additional rotation in the prompt area, and click mouse button 2.
6. If the axis system displayed in the viewport is correct, click OK in the prompt area to confirm your
choice. If you want to change the orientation, click the backup button (
orientation as necessary.

) and change the

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"
``Solid (continuum) elements,'' Section 14.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 13.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Shell elements: overview,'' Section 15.6.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
14.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

15.11.4 Displaying information about section assignment and

orientations for a particular region
You can use the Query toolset to display the following:
A list of all of the regions to which you have assigned sections.
The name of a section assigned to a selected region.
The beam orientations assigned to all or selected wire regions.
The material orientations assigned to all or selected shell and solid regions.
Detailed instructions for displaying information about a region:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query.
Tip: You can also query the model by clicking the

tool in the toolbar.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Query dialog box.

You can request either a general query or a module-specific query. For a discussion of the
information displayed by general queries, see ``Obtaining general information about the model,''
Section 44.2.2. The Section assignments , Beam orientations, and Material orientations
queries are specific to the Property module.
2. From the Property Queries list, select the property of interest; then click Apply.


The Property module

3. In the prompt area, select the option of your choice:

Click Single region if you want to query only one region of the part. Then select the region in
the viewport that you want to query. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport.")
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for
more information.
Click All regions if you want to query all regions of the part.
4. Once you have specified the regions that you want to query, the following information appears:
Section assignment queries
If you are querying a single region, the name of the section assigned to that region appears
in the message area. If you are querying all regions of the part, a list of all the sections
applied to the part appears in the message area.
Beam section orientation queries
If you are querying a single beam region, the beam orientation applied to that region
appears in the viewport. If you are querying all beam regions of the part, all of the beam
orientations applied to the part appear in the viewport. In addition, the n1 -direction for
each beam region in the part appears in the message area.
Material orientation queries
If you are querying a single region, the material orientation applied to that region appears
in the viewport. If you are querying all regions of the part, all of the material orientations
applied to the part appear in the viewport. In addition, information concerning the material
orientation of each region in the part appears in the message area.
5. In the prompt area, click Query Again to query another region of the part.
6. To exit the querying procedure, click the cancel button

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating and editing sections,'' Section 15.9


in the prompt area.

The Assembly module

16. The Assembly module

You use the Assembly module to create and modify the assembly. The model contains only one
assembly, which is composed of instances of parts from the model. Chapter 3, "A tutorial: Using
additional techniques to create and analyze a model ," contains examples of how you use the Assembly
module to create part instances and position them relative to each other in a global coordinate system.
This chapter explains how you use the tools within the Assembly module to create the assembly. The
following topics are covered:
``Understanding the role of the Assembly module,'' Section 16.1
``Entering and exiting the Assembly module,'' Section 16.2
``Understanding the relationship between parts, part instances, and assemblies, '' Section 16.3
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4
``Understanding toolsets in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5
``Using the Assembly module toolbox,'' Section 16.6
``Creating, positioning, and replacing part instances, '' Section 16.7
``Applying constraints to part instances,'' Section 16.8
``Using the Query toolset to query the assembly,'' Section 16.9

16.1 Understanding the role of the Assembly module

When you create a part, it exists in its own coordinate system, independent of other parts in the model.
In contrast, you use the Assembly module to create instances of your parts and to position the instances
relative to each other in a global coordinate system, thus creating the assembly. You position part
instances by sequentially applying position constraints that align selected faces or edges or by applying
simple translations and rotations.
A part instance can be thought of as a representation of the original part; an instance is not a copy of a
part. An instance maintains its association with the original part. If the geometry of a part changes,
ABAQUS/CAE automatically updates all instances of the part to reflect these changes. You cannot edit
the geometry of a part instance directly.
A model can contain many parts, and a part can be instanced many times in the assembly; however, a
model contains only one assembly. Loads, boundary conditions, initial conditions, and meshes are all
applied to the assembly. Even if your model consists of only a single part, you must still create an
assembly that consists of just a single instance of that part.

16.2 Entering and exiting the Assembly module

You can enter the Assembly module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking
Assembly in the Module list located under the toolbar. The Instance, Constraint, Feature, and


The Assembly module

Tools menus appear on the main menu bar.

To exit the Assembly module, select any other module from the Module list. You need not save your
assembly before exiting the module; it will be saved automatically when you save the entire model by
selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar.

16.3 Understanding the relationship between parts, part

instances, and assemblies
A model can contain many parts; however, it can contain only one assembly. The concept of parts, part
instances, and the assembly is carried throughout the ABAQUS/CAE modeling process, as illustrated
in the following list:
1. You create a part in the Part module; each part is a distinct geometric entity that can be modified
and manipulated independently of other parts. Parts exist in their own coordinate system and have
no knowledge of other parts.
2. You define section properties in the Property module and also associate a material with a section.
You use the Property module to assign these section properties to a part or to a selected region of a
3. You create instances of your parts in the Assembly module, and you position those instances
relative to each other in a global coordinate system to form the assembly. An instance always
maintains its association with the original part; although you cannot modify a part instance
directly, you can modify the original part in the Part module. ABAQUS/CAE will then update any
instances of that part when you return to the Assembly module. You can instance a part many
times and assemble multiple instances of the same part. Each instance of the part is associated with
the section properties assigned to the part in the Property module.
4. You use the Interaction, Load/BC/IC, and Mesh modules to complete the definition of the model
by applying items such as loads, boundary conditions, and a mesh to the assembly.
``Creating a part instance,'' Section 16.7.2, contains detailed instructions on creating part instances.

16.4 Understanding part instance positioning

After you create a part instance, you apply a succession of position constraints and positioning
operations to position it relative to other part instances in the global coordinate system. This section
describes the tools that ABAQUS/CAE provides to position and constrain part instances and how
those tools operate on part instances embedded in different modeling spaces. The following topics are
``The position tools in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.4.1
``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2
``How conflicts can arise between position constraints, '' Section 16.4.3


The Assembly module

16.4.1 The position tools in the Assembly module

Each part exists in its own coordinate system in the Part module, and you use the Assembly module to
position and orient instances of these parts relative to each other in a global coordinate system.
ABAQUS/CAE provides the following tools for positioning part instances:
When you create the first part instance in the Assembly module, ABAQUS/CAE displays a
triad indicating the origin and the orientation of the global coordinate system. ABAQUS/CAE
positions the first part instance so that the origin of the part aligns with the origin of the global
coordinate system and the axes are aligned. If you create additional part instances,
ABAQUS/CAE continues to position the new instances such that their coordinate system
aligns with the global coordinate system. Since this usually results in new part instances
overlapping existing ones, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to apply an offset before it creates the
instance. The offset is applied along the X-axis for three-dimensional and two-dimensional
part instances and along the Y-axis for axisymmetric part instances.
Basic positioning tools
ABAQUS/CAE provides the following basic methods for positioning a part instance:
You can translate a selected part instance along a vector. You specify the X-, Y-, and
Z-coordinates of the start point and end point of the translation vector.
You can rotate a selected part instance about an axis. You specify the X-, Y-, and
Z-coordinates of the start point and end point of the axis of rotation and the angle of
You can replace a part instance with a second part instance. ABAQUS/CAE positions the
new part instance such that its origin is located at the origin of the original part instance,
and their axes align. In addition, you can choose whether the new part instance inherits all
the constraints from the instance it replaced. Replacing a part instance is useful when you
are replacing a part instance with one that has similar geometry. For example, the new part
instance might have additional detail that was not present in the original part instance.
Position constraint tools
A position constraint defines a relationship between two part instances. Unlike a simple
translation or rotation, you do not specify the position directly. Position constraints define a
set of rules that must always be met by the part instances in the assembly; for example, a face
that must be parallel to another face. Constraints are stored as features of the assembly. If you
modify a part or move a part instance, ABAQUS/CAE attempts to apply all existing position
constraints when it regenerates the assembly. Each of the position constraints is described in
How the position constraint methods differ, Section 16.4.2 .
Creating the final assembly is an iterative process of creating part instances, applying position
constraints, and applying translations and rotations. After each repositioning, ABAQUS/CAE displays

The Assembly module

a temporary image indicating the result of the operation. You can accept the new position, cancel the
operation, or step back through the repositioning procedure by clicking the go back button
prompt area.

in the

You can use the Query toolset to obtain the coordinates of a vertex and to measure the distance
between selected vertices. This may help you determine the vector along which you need to translate a
part instance or the angle through which to need to rotate it. ``Using the Query toolset to query the
assembly,'' Section 16.9, contains detailed instructions on how to obtain information about the

16.4.2 How the position constraint methods differ

A position constraint defines a relationship between two part instances--one that will move (the
movable part instance) and one that will remain stationary (the fixed part instance). When you apply a
position constraint, ABAQUS/CAE computes a position for the movable part instance that satisfies
this relationship; you do not specify the position directly. You can apply the following position
constraints to part instances in the Assembly module:
Parallel face (three-dimensional part instances only)
Face to face (three-dimensional part instances only)
Parallel edge (two-dimensional and three-dimensional part instances only)
Edge to edge
Coaxial (three-dimensional part instances only)
In general, applying a single position constraint is not sufficient to define the precise location of the
movable part instance. You must apply several position constraints--usually three for a
three-dimensional assembly and two for a two-dimensional assembly--to position a part instance in the
desired location. Part instances can overlap as a result of applying position constraints; ABAQUS/CAE
does not prevent overclosure between edges, faces, or cells. Similarly, ABAQUS/CAE does not
prevent you from overconstraining part instances or duplicating a constraint.
The definition of a constraint feature includes all the faces and edges that you originally selected. If
you subsequently modify a part or move a part instance, ABAQUS/CAE automatically recalculates the
constraint based on your original selection of faces and edges. As a result, one or more part instances
may move after the assembly is regenerated. For example, different edges may become parallel and
different faces may come into contact. For more information on features, see ``Manipulating features in
the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.2, and Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset."
The following position constraints are provided by the Assembly module:
Parallel Face
A parallel face position constraint causes the two selected faces or datum planes to become
parallel. However, the position constraint does not specify the precise location of the part

The Assembly module

instances, and the distance between the parallel faces is arbitrary. To apply a parallel face
position constraint between two part instances, you do the following:
Select the faces or datum planes to be constrained to be parallel from the movable part
instance and the fixed part instance, as shown in Figure 16-1.

Figure 16-1 Select the faces to become parallel.

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows normal to the selected faces. You prescribe the
orientation of the movable part instance by selecting the direction of the arrow normal to
its selected face. Figure 16-2 illustrates the result of applying the position constraint and
the effect on the movable part instance of reversing the direction of the arrow.

Figure 16-2 The result of applying a parallel face position constraint and the effect of
changing the direction of the arrow normal to the selected face of the movable part


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE rotates the movable part instance about its centroid until the two selected
faces are parallel and the arrows are pointing in the same direction.
The faces you select from the movable and fixed part instances must be planar. The parallel
face position constraint can be applied only to three-dimensional part instances.
Face to Face
A face-to-face position constraint is similar to a parallel face position constraint except that
you define the clearance between the parallel faces. The clearance is measured between the
two selected faces, positive along the normal to the fixed part instance. Other than this
clearance, the precise location of the movable part instance is not constrained. Assuming that
you selected the same two faces shown in Figure 16-1, the effect of applying a face-to-face
constraint is shown in Figure 16-3. Figure 16-3 also illustrates the effect on the movable part
instance of reversing the direction of the arrow normal to its selected face.

Figure 16-3 The result of applying a face-to-face constraint and the effect of changing the
direction of the arrow normal to the selected face of the movable part instance.


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE rotates the movable part instance until the two selected faces are parallel and
the arrows point in the same direction. In addition, the movable part instance is translated to
satisfy the clearance specified. The faces you select from the movable and fixed part instances
must be planar. The face-to-face position constraint can be applied only to three-dimensional
part instances.
Parallel Edge
A parallel edge position constraint causes two selected edges or datum axes to become
parallel. However, the position constraint does not specify the precise location of the part
instances, and the distance between the parallel edges is arbitrary. To apply a parallel edge
position constraint between two part instances, you do the following:
Select the edges or datum axes to be constrained to be parallel from the movable and fixed
part instance, as shown in Figure 16-4.

Figure 16-4 Select the edges to become parallel.


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows along the selected edges. You prescribe the orientation of
the movable part instance by selecting the direction of the arrow along its selected edge.
Figure 16-5 illustrates the result of applying the position constraint and the effect on the
movable part instance of reversing the direction of the arrow.

Figure 16-5 The result of applying a parallel edge constraint and the effect of changing
the direction of the arrow along the selected edge of the movable part instance.

ABAQUS/CAE rotates the movable part instance until the two selected edges are parallel
and the arrows point in the same direction.
The edges you select from the movable and fixed part instances must be straight. The parallel
edge position constraint can be applied only to two-dimensional and three-dimensional part
instances. It has no effect on axisymmetric part instances.
Edge to Edge
An edge-to-edge position constraint is similar to a parallel edge position constraint except that
the clearance between the parallel edges is defined by the constraint. Assuming that you
selected the same two edges shown in Figure 16-4, the effect of applying an edge-to edge
position constraint to a two-dimensional assembly is shown in Figure 16-6. Figure 16-6 also
illustrates the effect on the movable part instance of reversing the direction of the arrow along
its selected edge.

Figure 16-6 The result of applying an edge-to-edge constraint and the effect of changing the


The Assembly module

direction of the arrow along the selected edge of the movable part instance.

The modeling space of the assembly determines the behavior of ABAQUS/CAE after you
apply an edge-to-edge position constraint.
If the assembly is three-dimensional, ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance
so that the edges are coincident.
If the assembly is two-dimensional, you can specify the clearance between the selected
edges. The clearance is measured between the two selected faces, positive along the
normal to the fixed part instance.
Other than this behavior, the precise location of the movable part instance is not constrained.
The edges you select from the movable and fixed part instances must be straight. The
edge-to-edge position constraint can be applied to two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and
axisymmetric part instances; however, axisymmetric part instances can move only parallel to
the axis of revolution.
A coaxial position constraint causes the two selected cylindrical or conical faces to become
coaxial but does not constrain their precise location. To apply a coaxial position constraint
between two part instances, you do the following:
Select the cylindrical or conical faces to be constrained to be coaxial from the movable
and fixed part instance, as shown in Figure 16-7.

Figure 16-7 Select the faces to become coaxial.


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows along the axis of revolution of the selected part instances.
You prescribe the orientation of the movable part instance by selecting the direction of the
arrow along its axis of revolution. Figure 16-8 illustrates the result of applying the coaxial
position constraint.

Figure 16-8 The effect of applying a coaxial constraint.

ABAQUS/CAE rotates and translates the movable part instance until the two selected faces
are coaxial and the arrows are pointing in the same direction. The coaxial position constraint
can be applied only to three-dimensional part instances.
A contact position constraint causes selected faces or edges to come into contact by translating
the movable part instance along a selected vector. This type of constraint is available only for


The Assembly module

native or imported geometric part instances. Unlike other constraints, a contact position
constraint specifies the final location of the movable part instance.
When applying a contact position constraint between part instances in three-dimensional
modeling space, you select faces to come into contact; for part instances in two-dimensional or
axisymmetric modeling space, you select edges to come into contact. In addition, when the
contact position constraint is applied between axisymmetric part instances, the translation
vector must be parallel to the axis of revolution.
ABAQUS/CAE approximates a curved face with a set of faceted faces. Likewise,
ABAQUS/CAE approximates a curved edge with a set of faceted edges. The number of facets
depends on the degree of curve refinement that you specified when creating the part in the Part
module. Use the box zoom tool
to view the faceting applied to curved faces or edges in
the assembly. When you are defining contact between curved faces or curved edges,
ABAQUS/CAE computes the contact position using this faceted representation. By default,
the curve refinement is set to Medium. You may wish to set the curve refinement to Fine or
Extra Fine for curved faces or edges that you know will be coming into contact. For more
information, see ``Controlling curve refinement,'' Section 46.4.
When creating a contact position constraint, you can select more than one face or edge from
both the fixed and the movable part instances. Selecting multiple faces or edges is useful if
you are not sure what part of the model will come in contact when the movable part instance
moves along the selected vector. However, for faster processing you should select as few faces
or edges as possible.
Even though you apply a contact position constraint to two part instances, the physical
proximity of the selected surfaces is not enough to indicate any type of interaction between
them. You must use the Interaction module to specify mechanical contact between surfaces.
The contact position constraint is satisfied only within a tolerance based on the size of your
model. As a result, contact may not be precise unless it is applied between two planar surfaces.
A contact position constraint often conflicts with other position constraints and will break
those constraints if applied. If possible, you should not mix a contact position constraint with
other position constraints.
To define a contact position constraint between two part instances, you do the following:
Select faces or edges from the part instance that will move and from the part instance that
will remain stationary.
Prescribe the motion of the movable part instance by defining a translation vector. Figure
16-9 illustrates the selected edges and translation vector.

Figure 16-9 Select the edges to contact and define the translation vector.


The Assembly module

Define the desired clearance between the selected faces or edges. Figure 16-10 shows the
effect of the contact constraint after specifying a clearance value of zero and a clearance
value of d.

Figure 16-10 The effect of applying a contact constraint and specifying clearance values
of zero and d.

To measure the clearance d, ABAQUS/CAE first moves the part instance along the
translation vector until any pair of selected faces or edges come into contact.
ABAQUS/CAE then moves the part instance along the translation vector a distance
specified by the clearance value. The clearance can be zero or a positive or negative
number; a negative value for the clearance results in overclosure between the selected
faces or edges. When you apply a contact constraint, ABAQUS/CAE calculates the
position of the movable part instance within a tolerance based on its size. If you want to
avoid any possibility of overclosure, you should specify a small clearance value, rather


The Assembly module

than simply specifying zero.

ABAQUS/CAE displays an error message and does not apply the constraint if contact is
not possible given the selected translation vector.

16.4.3 How conflicts can arise between position constraints

In some situations a new position constraint may conflict with other position constraints that you
applied earlier. If that is the case, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error message, and you can either apply a
different position constraint or use the Feature Manipulation toolset to modify the existing position
constraints. Alternatively, you can remove all the existing position constraints without changing the
position of the part instances by using Instance->Convert Constraints and then applying the new
position constraint. You cannot restore position constraints that were removed.
Similarly, a translation or rotation constraint may conflict with position constraints that you applied
earlier. If that is the case, ABAQUS/CAE offers the following options:
Cancel the translation or rotation.
Remove all existing position constraints without changing the position of the part instances and
then apply the translation or rotation.

16.5 Understanding toolsets in the Assembly module

The Assembly module provides several toolsets that allow you to modify the features that define the
assembly. This section describes how these toolsets are used within the Assembly module. The
following topics are covered:
``Using datum geometry in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.1
``Manipulating features in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.2
``Partitioning the assembly,'' Section 16.5.3
``Querying the assembly,'' Section 16.5.4
``Using sets and surfaces in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.5
For more detailed information about each toolset, refer to:
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset"
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset"
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset"
Chapter 44, "The Query toolset"
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"


The Assembly module

16.5.1 Using datum geometry in the Assembly module

Within the Assembly module, you use the Datum toolset to provide additional reference geometry
(vertices, edges, and surfaces) that is not provided by the assembly. You use the reference geometry to
help you define position constraints and to position part instances. For example, you can use a datum
plane when creating a parallel face or face-to-face constraint if the desired surface does not exist.
Similarly, you can use a datum axis when creating a parallel edge or edge-to-edge constraint if the
desired edge does not exist. A datum is a parent feature of any constraint in which it was selected.
Datum geometry that you create in the Part module is transferred along with the rest of the part's
geometry when you create a part instance in the Assembly module. In addition, when you translate and
rotate a part instance in the Assembly module, a datum created in the Part module is translated and
rotated along with the instance. In contrast, a datum created in the Assembly module follows only the
reference points that were used to create the datum. As a result, if you translate and rotate the part
instance, the behavior of the datum may be unpredictable. If you know that a datum should be
associated with a part, you should create the datum in the Part module.
Figure 16-11 illustrates a model in which a deformable curved shell will be compressed between two
rigid surfaces. The shell is positioned easily by applying an edge-to-edge position constraint between a
selected edge of the lower rigid surface (the fixed part instance) and a datum axis associated with the
shell (the movable part instance). The datum axis was created with the deformable part in the Part
module and moves along with the movable part instance when the position constraint is applied.

Figure 16-11 An edge-to-edge constraint applied between a datum axis and a selected edge.

In contrast, Figure 16-12 illustrates an edge-to-edge position constraint applied between three movable
part instances and a fixed datum axis that provides reference geometry. In this example the datum axis
was created along the X-axis of the assembly and is not associated with any part instance.


The Assembly module

Figure 16-12 Edge-to-edge constraints applied between multiple parts and a fixed datum axis.

Applying three edge-to-edge position constraints, one to each of the three part instances shown, would
result in alignment of the three instances along the datum axis.
A datum is a feature of the assembly and is regenerated along with the rest of the assembly. You can
make datum geometry invisible while still retaining it in the assembly by selecting View->Assembly
Display Options from the main menu bar. For more information, see ``Controlling datum display,''
Section 46.6.
The triad indicating the origin and the orientation of the global coordinate system is a datum
coordinate system created by the Assembly module. You can suppress or delete it, but you cannot
modify it.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset."

16.5.2 Manipulating features in the Assembly module

Along with datum geometry and partitions, the following are considered to be features of the assembly
and appear in the list of features in the Feature Manipulation toolset:
Part instances
You can suppress, resume, and delete part instances. You can partition a part instance, but you
cannot edit its geometry. To modify a part instance, you must edit the original part in the Part


The Assembly module

module; ABAQUS/CAE automatically regenerates instances of a modified part when you

return to the Assembly module.
You can make a part instance invisible while still retaining it in the assembly by selecting
View->Assembly Display Options->Instance from the main menu bar. For more
information, see ``Controlling instance visibility,'' Section 46.9. This technique is not the same
as suppressing a part instance; a suppressed part instance is removed from the assembly until
you resume it.
Position constraints
You can edit, suppress, resume, and delete position constraints. You can modify the following
parameters of a position constraint:
The direction of the arrow normal to the selected face or along the selected edge of the
movable part instance.
The clearance between the selected face or edge of the movable part instance and the
selected face or edge of the fixed part instance. The clearance parameter applies only to
face-to-face, edge-to-edge, and contact constraints.
Translations and rotations are not stored as features and cannot be edited, suppressed,
resumed, or deleted.
When the Feature Manipulation toolset asks you to select a feature, you can select visible features such
as a part instance, a datum, or a partition from the viewport. However, to select a position constraint,
you must click the Feature List button on the right side of the prompt area and select the position
constraint from the Feature List dialog box that appears.
The following feature manipulation tools are available from the Feature Manipulation toolset:
When you edit a feature, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Feature Modify dialog box, and you can
modify the feature's parameters or the sketch that defined the feature. You cannot edit part
instances; you must return to the Part module to modify the original part.
Suppressing a feature temporarily removes it from the definition of the assembly. A
suppressed feature is invisible, cannot be meshed, and is not included in the analysis of the
model. Suppressing a parent feature will suppress all of its child features.
Resuming a feature restores a suppressed feature to the assembly; resuming a parent feature
restores all of its child features. You can choose to resume all features, the set of features most
recently suppressed, or just a selected feature.
Deleting a feature removes it from the assembly; you cannot restore a deleted feature.


The Assembly module

For a more detailed explanation of the Feature Manipulation toolset, see Chapter 42, "The Feature
Manipulation toolset."
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset."

16.5.3 Partitioning the assembly

Within the Assembly module, you can use the Partition toolset to partition the assembly into additional
regions. You can use vertices, edges, and faces from one part instance to create a partition that divides
a second part instance; for example, you might use the Extend Face method to partition a cell by
extending a face of one part instance into a second part instance. Partitions cannot span part instances.
A partition in the assembly appears in every module that operates on the assembly. Partitions you
create in the Part module are transferred along with the rest of the part's geometry when you create a
part instance in the Assembly module. Partitions are features of the assembly, and they are regenerated
along with the rest of the assembly. You cannot turn off the display of partitions.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset."

16.5.4 Querying the assembly

You can use the Query toolset to request either general information or module-specific information.
For a discussion of the information displayed by general queries, see ``Obtaining general information
about the model,'' Section 44.2.2.
In addition, you can use the Assembly module-specific queries to determine the following attributes of
a part instance:
Name, type, and modeling space
The sum of the translations and rotations applied to the instance
For more information, see ``Using the Query toolset to query the assembly,'' Section 16.9.

16.5.5 Using sets and surfaces in the Assembly module

Sets created by selecting geometry from the assembly are called assembly sets. Typically they are used
to indicate where loads, boundary conditions, and interactions are applied. You can also use assembly
sets to define regions of the model from which ABAQUS/CAE will generate output during the


The Assembly module

analysis; for example, selected vertices or faces. Assembly sets can include regions from multiple part
instances. Part sets, which are created by selecting geometry from a part in the Part module or the
Property module, are not transferred to instances of the part in the Assembly module.
You use the Surface toolset to create surfaces from regions of the assembly. Surfaces are more
specialized than sets. While sets can be used for many different applications, surfaces can be used only
where an operation requires you to identify a surface in the physical model. Such operations include
applying distributed loads, such as pressure loads, and defining contact interactions.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding toolsets in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets."

16.6 Using the Assembly module toolbox

You can access all the Assembly module tools through either the main menu bar or through the
Assembly module toolbox. Figure 16-13 shows the hidden icons for all the Assembly module tools in
the toolbox.

Figure 16-13 The Assembly module tools.

To see a tooltip containing a brief definition of an Assembly module tool, hold the mouse over the tool
for a moment. For information on using toolboxes and selecting hidden icons, see ``Using toolboxes
that contain hidden icons,'' Section 6.4.2.

16.7 Creating, positioning, and replacing part instances

This section describes how you use the Assembly module's Instance menu to create part instances and
to position part instances relative to the global coordinate system. You also use the Instance menu to
replace one part instance with another and to convert the constraints applied to a selected part instance
to an absolute position. The following topics are covered:


The Assembly module

``Using the Instance menu,'' Section 16.7.1

``Creating a part instance,'' Section 16.7.2
``Translating a part instance,'' Section 16.7.3
``Rotating a part instance,'' Section 16.7.4
``Replacing a part instance,'' Section 16.7.5

16.7.1 Using the Instance menu

Use the Instance menu to do the following:
Create instances of parts in the model and add them to the assembly. The part can be either a
native part, an ACIS, IGES or VDA-FS part, or an orphan mesh.
Translate selected part instances along a specified vector.
Rotate selected part instances through a specified angle about a specified axis.
Replace a part instance with a second part instance.
Convert any position constraints to an absolute position.
You may find it more convenient to access the instance tools using the Assembly module toolbox. For
a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module toolbox,'' Section

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Assembly module toolbox,'' Section 16.6
Chapter 16, "The Assembly module"

16.7.2 Creating a part instance

To create a part instance, select Instance->Create from the main menu bar and select the parts to
instance from the Create Instance dialog box that appears. You can select from any of the existing
parts in the current model. You can create multiple instances of the same part, but you cannot assemble
instances of parts that were created in different modeling spaces (three-dimensional, two-dimensional,
or axisymmetric).
When you create the first part instance, the Assembly module displays a graphic symbol indicating the
origin and orientation of the assembly's global coordinate system. This symbol is a datum coordinate
system. If desired, you can hide it using the assembly display options; for more information, see
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6.


The Assembly module

When you create an instance of a part, by default ABAQUS/CAE positions the instance so that the
origin of the original geometry aligns with the origin of the assembly coordinate system. When you
create multiple part instances, a new instance can be positioned over an existing instance. However, if
you toggle on Auto-offset from other instances in the Create Instance dialog box, ABAQUS/CAE
translates each new part instance along the X-axis until it does not overlap any existing part instances.
If the assembly is axisymmetric, ABAQUS/CAE translates the new part instance along the axis of
revolution instead of along the X-axis.
Detailed instructions for creating a part instance:
1. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Create to create a part instance from the parts in the
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Instance dialog box and a list of all the existing parts in the
Tip: You can also create a part instance using the
tool from the Assembly module
toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module
toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
2. From the list of parts, select the parts to instance. You can use a combination of [Ctrl]+Click and
[Shift]+Click to select multiple parts.
A temporary image of the selected part instances appears in the current viewport. ABAQUS/CAE
positions the temporary images so that their origins coincide with the origin of the global
coordinate system.
3. If desired, toggle on Auto-offset from other instances to offset the new part instances.
4. If you are satisfied that you have selected the correct part instances, click Apply from the Create
Instance dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the part instances and applies an auto-offset if selected.
5. To create additional part instances, repeat this procedure from Step 2. When you have finished
creating part instances, click Cancel to close the Create Instance dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Instance menu,'' Section 16.7.1
``Understanding the relationship between parts, part instances, and assemblies, '' Section 16.3

16.7.3 Translating a part instance


The Assembly module

Select Instance->Translate from the main menu bar to move a selected part instance along a selected
vector. The direction and magnitude of the vector are arbitrary except that you can translate
axisymmetric part instances only along the axis of rotation. Translating a part instance may invalidate a
previous position constraint; for example, a constraint that aligns two faces. If you proceed with the
translation, ABAQUS/CAE first converts all previous position constraints to an absolute position.
When you create the first part instance, ABAQUS/CAE displays a graphic indicating the origin and
orientation of the assembly's default coordinate system. You can use this graphic to help you decide
how to translate your part instances. In addition, you can use the Query toolset to review the sum of the
translations and rotations previously applied to a part instance and the distance between selected
vertices. Translations and rotations are not considered features of the assembly and cannot be edited or
Detailed instructions for translating a part instance:
1. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Translate.
Tip: You can also translate a part instance using the
tool from the Assembly module
toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module
toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the part instance to translate. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through the
candidate instances using the buttons in the prompt area. You can also click the Instance List
button on the right of the prompt area and select the instance to translate from the Feature List
dialog box that appears.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected part instance.
3. If the translation could break any previous position constraints, you must choose whether to
continue the translation from the dialog box that appears. Choose one of the following:
Continue the translation and convert the constraints to an absolute position before
applying the translation.
Abort the translation.
4. Select the start point of the translation vector. You can select any existing vertices or datum points,
or you can enter the coordinates in the text box in the prompt area.
5. Select the end point of the translation vector. Again, you can select any existing vertices or datum
points, or you can enter the coordinates in the text box in the prompt area.


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE displays a temporary image indicating the translation that will be applied to the
selected part instance. You cannot edit or delete a translation after it is applied.
6. Do one of the following:
a. If you are satisfied the translation is correct, click the OK button in the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE translates the part instance and positions it at the same location as the
temporary image of the part instance.
b. If you are not satisfied with the translation, click the go back button (
new translation vector.
c. Abort the translation by clicking the cancel button (

) and specify a


For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Instance menu,'' Section 16.7.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4

16.7.4 Rotating a part instance

Select Instance->Rotate from the main menu bar to rotate a selected part instance about a selected
axis. To rotate a three-dimensional part instance, you must select two points that define the axis about
which the part instance will rotate. To rotate a two-dimensional part instance, you must select a single
point about which the part instance will rotate. You cannot rotate axisymmetric part instances.
Rotating a part instance may invalidate a previous position constraint; for example, a constraint that
aligns two faces. If you proceed with the rotation, ABAQUS/CAE first converts all previous position
constraints to an absolute position.
When you create the first part instance, ABAQUS/CAE displays a graphic indicating the origin and
orientation of the assembly's global coordinate system. You can use this graphic to help you decide
how to rotate your part instances. In addition, you can use the Query toolset to review the sum of the
translations and rotations previously applied to a part instance and the distance between selected
vertices. Rotations and translations are not considered features of the assembly and cannot be edited or
Detailed instructions for rotating a part instance:
1. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Rotate.
Tip: You can also rotate a part instance using the
tool from the Assembly module
toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module
toolbox,'' Section 16.6.

The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. From the assembly, select the part instance to rotate. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate instances using the buttons in the prompt area. You can also click the
Instance List button on the right of the prompt area and select the instance to rotate from the
Feature List dialog box that appears.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected part instance.
3. If the rotation could break any previous constraints, you must choose whether to continue the
rotation from the dialog box that appears. Choose one of the following:
Continue the rotation and convert the constraints to an absolute position before applying
the rotation.
Abort the rotation.
4. Select the start point of the vector that defines the axis of rotation. You can select any existing
vertices or datum points, or you can enter the coordinates in the text box in the prompt area.
5. Select the end point of the vector that defines the axis of rotation. Again, you can select any
existing vertices or datum points, or you can enter the coordinates in the text box in the prompt
6. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, type the angle of rotation. A positive angle
indicates a counterclockwise rotation; a negative angle indicates a clockwise rotation.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a temporary image indicating the rotation that will be applied to the
selected part instance. You cannot edit or delete a rotation after it is applied.
7. Do one of the following:
a. If you are satisfied that the rotation is correct, click the OK button in the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE rotates the part instance and positions it at the same location as the
temporary image of the part instance.
b. If you are not satisfied with the rotation, click the go back button (
c. Abort the rotation by clicking the cancel button (



) and specify a new

The Assembly module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4

16.7.5 Replacing a part instance

Select Instance->Replace from the main menu bar to replace a selected part instance with an instance
of another part from the model. ABAQUS/CAE positions the new part instance so that its origin is
located at the origin of the original part instance and their axes align. In addition, you can choose
whether the new part instance inherits all the constraints from the instance it replaced.
Replacing a part instance is most useful when you are replacing a part instance with one that has
similar geometry. For example, the new part instance might have additional detail that was not present
in the original part instance.
Detailed instructions for replacing a part instance:
1. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Replace to replace a selected part instance.
2. From the assembly, select the part instance to replace. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate instances using the buttons in the prompt area. You can also click the
Instance List button on the right of the prompt area and select the instance from the Feature List
dialog box that appears.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Replace Instance dialog box with a list of all the parts in the model.
3. From the Replace Instance dialog box, select the part that will replace the selected part instance
in the assembly.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a temporary image of the new part instance in the assembly and positions
it so that its origin is located at the origin of the original part instance and their axes align.
4. If the correct part instance is selected, click OK in the Replace Instance dialog box.
If you have not applied any position constraints to the original part instance, ABAQUS/CAE
replaces it with the new part instance.
5. If you have applied position constraints to the original part instance, you must choose one of the
following buttons in the prompt area:
Click OK to position the new part instance in the same location as the instance it is replacing.
ABAQUS/CAE removes any constraints that were applied to the original instance, while
maintaining its position.
Click Apply previous constraints if you want the new part instance to inherit position
constraints from the part instance being replaced. ABAQUS/CAE applies all the previous
constraints that can be satisfied by the new part instance; any constraints that cannot be


The Assembly module

satisfied are ignored.

ABAQUS/CAE replaces the original part instance with the new part instance.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating a part instance,'' Section 16.7.2
``Applying constraints to part instances,'' Section 16.8
``Understanding the relationship between parts, part instances, and assemblies, '' Section 16.3

16.8 Applying constraints to part instances

This section describes how you use the Assembly module's Constraint menu to apply constraints to
selected part instances in the assembly. The following topics are covered:
``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Constraining two part instances with parallel planar faces, '' Section 16.8.2
``Constraining two part instances with parallel planar faces separated by a specified distance, ''
Section 16.8.3
``Constraining two part instances with parallel edges, '' Section 16.8.4
``Constraining two part instances with parallel edges separated by a specified distance, '' Section
``Constraining two part instances with coaxial faces, '' Section 16.8.6
``Constraining two part instances with contact between two faces separated by a specified
distance,'' Section 16.8.7
``Converting constraints,'' Section 16.8.8

16.8.1 Using the Constraint menu

Use the Constraint menu to apply a constraint that does the following:
Parallel Face. Positions a selected face of a movable part instance parallel to a selected face of a
fixed part instance.
Face to Face. Positions a selected face of a movable part instance parallel to and a specified
distance away from a selected face of a fixed part instance.
Parallel Edge. Positions a selected edge of a movable part instance parallel to a selected edge of a
fixed part instance.


The Assembly module

Edge to Edge. Positions a selected edge of a movable part instance parallel to and a specified
distance away from a selected edge of a fixed part instance.
Coaxial. Positions the axis of revolution of a selected face of a movable part instance coincident
with the axis of revolution of a selected face of a fixed part instance.
Contact. Positions two part instances by moving one instance along a vector defining the direction
of motion until one of its selected faces is a specified distance from one of the selected faces of the
fixed instance.
Constraints position one part instance relative to another; as a result, constraints cannot be applied
until your assembly contains two or more part instances.
You may find it more convenient to access the constraint tools using the Assembly module toolbox.
For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module toolbox,''
Section 16.6.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4
Chapter 16, "The Assembly module"

16.8.2 Constraining two part instances with parallel planar faces

Select Constraint->Parallel Face from the main menu bar to apply a constraint that positions a
selected face of a movable part instance parallel to a selected face of a fixed part instance. The parallel
face constraint does not specify the precise location of the movable part instance, and the distance
between the parallel faces is arbitrary.
All position constraints are features of the assembly and can be suppressed or deleted using the Feature
Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for constraining two part instances with parallel planar faces:
1. From the main menu, select Constraint->Parallel Face.
Tip: You can also apply the parallel face constraint using the
tool in the Assembly
module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly
module toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select planar faces from three-dimensional part instances, as shown in the following figure:


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows normal to the selected faces.

When ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the face from the fixed part instance, you can select a
datum plane that was created in either the Part or Assembly module. In contrast, when you select
the face from the movable part instance, you can select a datum plane that was created only in the
Part module.
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, do one of the following:
Click OK to accept the direction of the arrow on the face of the movable instance.
Click Flip to reverse the direction of the arrow on the face of the movable instance, and click
ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance so that the two faces are parallel and the
arrows point in the same direction. The effect of changing the direction of the arrow is illustrated
in the following figure:

If the parallel face constraint conflicts with existing constraints, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message and cancels the operation. To avoid the conflict, you can try reversing the selection of the
part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. Alternatively, you can
convert the existing constraints to an absolute position and reapply the parallel face constraint.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Assembly module

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1

``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4
``Converting constraints,'' Section 16.8.8

16.8.3 Constraining two part instances with parallel planar faces

separated by a specified distance
Select Constraint->Face to Face from the main menu bar to apply a constraint that positions a
selected face of a movable part instance parallel to and a specified distance from a selected face of a
fixed part instance. Other than this clearance, the precise location of the movable part instance is not
constrained. The face-to-face constraint is a feature of the assembly and can be suppressed or deleted
using the Feature Manipulation toolset. In addition, you can edit the clearance between the two
selected faces.
Detailed instructions for constraining two part instances with parallel planar faces separated by
a specified distance:
1. From the main menu, select Constraint->Face to Face.
Tip: You can also apply the face-to-face constraint using the
tool in the Assembly
module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly
module toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select planar faces from two three-dimensional part instances, as shown in the following figure:

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows normal to the selected faces.

When ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the face from the fixed part instance, you can select a
datum plane that was created in either the Part or Assembly module. In contrast, when you select
the face from the movable part instance, you can select a datum plane that was created only in the
Part module.
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, do one of the following:


The Assembly module

Click OK to accept the direction of the arrow on the face of the movable instance.
Click Flip to reverse the direction of the arrow on the face of the movable instance, and click
The effect of changing the direction of the arrow is illustrated in the next step.
4. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the distance between the selected faces,
positive along the normal to the face of the fixed instance.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance so that the two faces are parallel and the
arrows point in the same direction. In addition, the movable part instance is translated to satisfy
the clearance specified. The effect of specifying the distance is illustrated in the following

If the face-to-face constraint conflicts with existing constraints, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message and cancels the operation. To avoid the conflict, you can try reversing the selection of the
part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. Alternatively, you can
convert the existing constraints to an absolute position and reapply the face-to-face constraint.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4
``Converting constraints,'' Section 16.8.8

16.8.4 Constraining two part instances with parallel edges

Select Constraint->Parallel Edge from the main menu bar to apply a constraint that positions a
selected edge of a movable part instance parallel to a selected edge of a fixed part instance. The


The Assembly module

parallel edge constraint does not specify the precise location of the part instances, and the distance
between the parallel faces is arbitrary. All position constraints are features of the assembly and can be
suppressed or deleted using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
Detailed instructions for constraining two part instances with parallel edges:
1. From the main menu, select Constraint->Parallel Edge.
Tip: You can also apply the parallel edge constraint using the
tool in the Assembly
module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly
module toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select straight edges from the part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain
fixed, as shown in the following figure:

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows along the selected edges.

When ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the edge from the fixed part instance, you can select a
datum axis that was created in either the Part or Assembly module. In contrast, when you select the
edge from the movable part instance, you can select a datum axis that was created only in the Part
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, do one of the following:
Click OK to accept the direction of the arrow along the edge of the movable instance.
Click Flip to reverse the direction of the arrow along the edge of the movable instance, and
click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance so that the two edges are parallel and the
arrows point in the same direction. The effect of changing the direction of the arrow is illustrated
in the following figure:


The Assembly module

If the parallel edge constraint conflicts with existing constraints, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message and cancels the operation. To avoid the conflict, you can try reversing the selection of the
part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. Alternatively, you can
convert the existing constraints to an absolute position and reapply the parallel edge constraint.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4
``Converting constraints,'' Section 16.8.8

16.8.5 Constraining two part instances with parallel edges

separated by a specified distance
Select Constraint->Edge to Edge from the main menu bar to apply a constraint that positions a
selected edge of a movable part instance parallel to a selected edge of a fixed part instance. In addition,
if the part instances are two-dimensional, you must specify the distance between the selected edges;
otherwise, ABAQUS/CAE makes them coincident. Other than this clearance, the precise location of
the movable part instance is not constrained. All position constraints are features of the assembly and
can be suppressed or deleted using the Feature Manipulation toolset. In addition, you can edit the
clearance between the two selected edges, where applicable. For more information, see ``How the
position constraint methods differ,'' Section 16.4.2.
Detailed instructions for constraining two part instances with parallel edges separated by a
specified distance:
1. From the main menu, select Constraint->Edge to Edge.
Tip: You can also apply the edge-to-edge constraint using the
tool in the Assembly
module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly
module toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select straight edges from the part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain
fixed, as shown in the following figure:


The Assembly module

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows along the selected edges.

When ABAQUS/CAE prompts you to select the edge from the fixed part instance, you can select a
datum axis that was created in either the Part or Assembly module. In contrast, when you select the
edge from the movable part instance, you can select a datum axis that was created only in the Part
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, do one of the following:
Click OK to accept the direction of the arrow along the edge of the movable instance.
Click Flip to reverse the direction of the arrow along the edge of the movable instance and
click OK.
The effect of changing the direction of the arrow is illustrated in the next step.
If the part instances are three-dimensional, ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance so
that the selected edges are parallel and coincident.
4. If the part instances are two-dimensional, you must specify the clearance between the selected
edges. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the distance from the edge of the
movable part to the edge of the fixed part instance, positive along the normal to the edge of the
fixed instance.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance so that the two edges are parallel and the
arrows point in the same direction. In addition, the movable part instance is translated to satisfy
the clearance specified. The effect of specifying the distance and changing the direction of the
arrow is illustrated with two-dimensional instances in the following figure:

If the edge-to-edge constraint conflicts with existing constraints, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message and cancels the operation. To avoid the conflict, you can try reversing the selection of the
part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. Alternatively, you can
convert the existing constraints to an absolute position and reapply the edge-to-edge constraint.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4


The Assembly module

``Converting constraints,'' Section 16.8.8

16.8.6 Constraining two part instances with coaxial faces

Select Constraint->Coaxial from the main menu bar to apply a constraint that positions the axis of
revolution of a selected face of a movable part instance coincident with the axis of revolution of a
selected face of a fixed part instance. Other than this coaxial constraint, the precise location of the
movable part instance is not constrained. All position constraints are features of the assembly and can
be suppressed or deleted using the Feature Manipulation toolset.
The selected faces of the movable and fixed part instances must be either cylindrical or conical. In
addition, the coaxial constraint can be applied only to three-dimensional part instances. For more
information, see ``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2.
Detailed instructions for constraining two part instances with coaxial faces:
1. From the main menu, select Constraint->Coaxial.
Tip: You can also apply the coaxial constraint using the
tool in the Assembly module
toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module
toolbox,'' Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select cylindrical or conical faces from the part instance that will move and the part instance that
will remain fixed, as shown in the following figure:

ABAQUS/CAE displays arrows along the axis of revolution of the selected faces.
3. From the buttons in the prompt area, do one of the following:
Click OK to accept the direction of the arrow along the axis of revolution of the face of the
movable instance.
Click Flip to reverse the direction of the arrow along the axis of revolution of the face of the
movable instance, and click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE positions the movable part instance so that the two axes are coincident and the

The Assembly module

arrows point in the same direction. The effect of the coaxial constraint with the arrows selected as
shown above is illustrated in the following figure:

If the coaxial constraint conflicts with existing constraints, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message and cancels the operation. To avoid the conflict, you can try reversing the selection of the
part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. Alternatively, you can
convert the existing constraints to an absolute position and reapply the coaxial constraint.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4

16.8.7 Constraining two part instances with contact between two

faces separated by a specified distance
Select Constraint->Contact from the main menu bar to position two part instances by translating one
instance along a vector defining the direction of motion until selected faces or edges are separated by a
specified distance. Other than this contact constraint, the precise location of the movable part instance
is not constrained. All position constraints are features of the assembly and can be suppressed or
deleted. In addition, you can edit the clearance between the selected edges or faces.
The contact position constraint is satisfied only within a tolerance based on the size of your model. As
a result, contact may not be precise unless it is applied between two planar surfaces. If the selected
faces or edges never contact when ABAQUS/CAE translates the movable part instance, the contact
constraint is not applied.
ABAQUS/CAE approximates a curved face with a set of faceted faces. Likewise, ABAQUS/CAE
approximates a curved edge with a set of faceted edges. The number of facets depends on the degree of
curve refinement that you specified when creating the part in the Part module. For more information,
see ``Controlling curve refinement,'' Section 46.4. When you are defining contact between curved faces


The Assembly module

or curved edges, ABAQUS/CAE computes the contact position using this faceted representation.
Increasing the degree of curve refinement increases the accuracy of the contact positioning calculation;
however, the calculation will be significantly slower.
Even though you apply a contact constraint to two part instances, the physical proximity of the selected
surfaces is not enough to indicate any type of interaction between them. You must use the Interaction
module to specify coupling between surfaces.
To constrain two part instances by defining contact:
1. From the main menu, select Constraint->Contact.
Tip: You can also define contact using the
tool in the Assembly module toolbox. For a
diagram of the tools in the Assembly toolbox, see ``Using the Assembly module toolbox,''
Section 16.6.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the faces (for three-dimensional part instances) or edges (for two-dimensional part
instances) from the part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. You
can select more than one face or edge from both the fixed and the movable part instances.
Selecting multiple faces or edges is useful if you are not sure what part of the model will come in
contact when the movable part instance moves along the selected vector. However, for faster
processing you should select as few faces or edges as possible. You cannot select a datum plane.
3. Select the start and end points of the vector that defines the direction of motion. You can select
any existing vertices or datum points, or you can enter the coordinates in the text box in the
prompt area. If the part instances are axisymmetric, the translation vector must be parallel to the
axis of revolution.
The following figure illustrates how you define contact between edges of two-dimensional part

4. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, enter a value for the clearance between the two
selected faces; a negative value indicates over-closure.
ABAQUS/CAE moves the selected part instance along the vector until the two selected faces


The Assembly module

contact with the specified clearance. The following figure illustrates contact with zero clearance
and contact with a specified clearance.

For more information, see ``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2.
If the contact constraint conflicts with existing constraints, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message and cancels the operation. To avoid the conflict, you can try reversing the selection of the
part instance that will move and the part instance that will remain fixed. Alternatively, you can
convert the existing constraints to an absolute position and reapply the contact constraint. If
possible, you should not mix a contact position constraint with other position constraints.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Constraint menu,'' Section 16.8.1
``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4
``Converting constraints,'' Section 16.8.8

16.8.8 Converting constraints

To remove all the face, edge, coaxial, and contact constraints applied to a selected part instance while
leaving the instance in its current position, select Instance->Convert Constraints from the main
menu bar. The conversion is equivalent to applying a single translation and rotation to the part instance
that moves it from its original position to the current position. Any previous constraints no longer
appear in the list of features and cannot be restored.
Detailed instructions for converting constraints:
1. From the main menu bar, select Instance->Convert Constraints to convert any existing
constraints to the current position.
2. From the assembly, select the part instance whose constraints you want to convert. If the selection
is ambiguous, you can cycle through the candidate instances using the buttons in the prompt area.
You can also click the Instance List button on the right of the prompt area and select the instance
from the Feature List.
The part instance does not move, but ABAQUS/CAE converts any existing constraints to the
current position.
You cannot restore the original face, edge, coaxial, and contact constraints.


The Assembly module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2
``How conflicts can arise between position constraints, '' Section 16.4.3

16.9 Using the Query toolset to query the assembly

Select Tools->Query from the main menu bar to start the Query toolset. You can use the Query toolset
to request either general information or module-specific information. For a discussion of the
information displayed by general queries, see ``Obtaining general information about the model,''
Section 44.2.2. In addition, you can use the Assembly module-specific tools in the Query toolset to
determine the attributes and position of a selected part instance.
Detailed instructions for querying an assembly:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query.
in the toolbar.

Tip: You can also select the query tool

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Query dialog box.

2. From the Query dialog box, select one of the following and click Apply:
Instance Attributes

Select a part instance.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:
The name, modeling space, and type of the part instance
Instance Position
Select a part instance.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:
Position of the origin of the instance relative to the global coordinate system
The sum of the translations applied to the instance relative to the assembly's global
coordinate system
The sum of the rotations applied to the instance relative to the assembly's global
coordinate system
A list of the constraints applied to the part instance


The Assembly module

3. Click Cancel to close the Query dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding part instance positioning, '' Section 16.4


The Step module

17. The Step module

You can use the Step module to perform the following tasks:
Create analysis steps.
Specify output requests.
Specify adaptive meshing and contact controls.
This chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Step module,'' Section 17.1
``Entering and exiting the Step module,'' Section 17.2
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Understanding restart, diagnostic, and monitor output, '' Section 17.5
``Understanding adaptive meshing and contact controls, '' Section 17.6
``Using the Step Manager,'' Section 17.7
``Using the step editor,'' Section 17.8
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9
``Requesting specialized output,'' Section 17.10
``Customizing contact controls and adaptive meshing , '' Section 17.11

17.1 Understanding the role of the Step module

You can use the Step module to perform the following tasks:
Create analysis steps
Within a model you define a sequence of one or more analysis steps. The step sequence
provides a convenient way to capture changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the
model, changes in the way parts of the model interact with each other, removal or addition of
parts, and any other changes that may occur in the model during the course of the analysis. In
addition, steps allow you to change the analysis procedure, the data output, and various
controls. You can also use steps to define linear perturbation analyses about nonlinear base
Specify output requests
ABAQUS/CAE writes output from the analysis to the output database; you specify the output
by creating output requests for each analysis step. An output request defines which variables


The Step module

will be output during an analysis step, from which region of the model they will be output, and
at what rate they will be output. For example, you might request output of the entire model's
displacement field at the end of a step and also request the history of a reaction force at a
restrained point.
Specify adaptive meshing and contact controls
You can define adaptive mesh regions and specify controls for adaptive meshing in those
regions. In addition, you can customize solution controls for problems involving contact.

17.2 Entering and exiting the Step module

You can enter the Step module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking Step in the
Module list located under the toolbar. The Step, Output, Other, and Tools menus appear on the main
menu bar. If the current viewport contains something other than the assembly, the contents of the
viewport disappear when you start the Step module.
To exit the Step module, select any other module from the Module list. You need not save your steps
or output requests before exiting the module; they will be saved automatically when you save the
model database by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar.

17.3 Understanding steps

This section gives an overview of steps. The following topics are covered:
``What is a step?,'' Section 17.3.1
``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 17.3.2
``Step sequence restrictions,'' Section 17.3.3
For additional information on steps, see ``Procedures: overview,'' Section 6.1.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.

17.3.1 What is a step?

An ABAQUS/CAE model uses the following two types of steps:
The initial step
ABAQUS/CAE creates a special initial step at the beginning of the model's step sequence and
names it Initial. ABAQUS/CAE creates only one initial step for your model, and it cannot
be renamed, edited, copied, or deleted.
The initial step allows you to define boundary conditions and interactions that are applicable
at the very beginning of the analyis. For example, if a boundary condition or interaction is
applied throughout the analysis, it is usually convenient to apply such conditions in the initial
step. Likewise, when the first analysis step is a linear perturbation step, conditions applied in
the initial step form part of the base state for the perturbation.
Analysis steps

The Step module

The initial step is followed by one or more analysis steps. Each analysis step is associated with
a specific analysis procedure. There is no limit to the number of analysis steps you can define,
but there are restrictions on the step sequence. (For more information, see ``Step sequence
restrictions,'' Section 17.3.3.)
You use items from the Step menu to create a step, to select and configure the analysis procedure used
during the step, and to manage existing steps. Alternatively, you can select Step->Manager from the
main menu bar to display the Step Manager.
For example, consider the following analysis of a section of a piping system:
Initial Step:
Apply boundary conditions to fix the left end of the pipe and to allow only axial movement at
the right end.
Step 1: Compress
Apply a compressive force to the right end of the pipe. This step is a general analysis step.
Step 2: Eigenmodes
Calculate the frequencies and modes of vibration of the pipe in its compressed state. This step
is a linear perturbation step.
Figure 17-1 shows the Step Manager after you create these steps.

Figure 17-1 The Step Manager.

The manager lists all of the steps in the analysis as well as a few salient details concerning each step.
Step 2, Eigenmodes, is indented to show that it is a linear perturbation step based on the state of the
model at the end of Step 1, Compress.
For detailed information on creating and editing steps, see the following sections:
``The Step Manager,'' Section 17.7.1
``Creating a step,'' Section 17.7.2
``Editing a step,'' Section 17.7.3
``The step editor,'' Section 17.8.1


The Step module

``The Incrementation tab,'' Section 17.8.2

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3
``Procedures: overview,'' Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``Procedures: overview,'' Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

17.3.2 Linear and nonlinear procedures

The Step Manager distinguishes between general nonlinear steps and linear perturbation steps by
indenting the names and procedure descriptions of linear perturbation steps. General nonlinear analysis
steps define sequential events: the state of the model at the end of one general step provides the initial
state for the start of the next general step. Linear perturbation analysis steps provide the linear response
of the model about the state reached at the end of the last general nonlinear step. You use the
Procedure type menu button to choose between General and Linear perturbation steps when you
select the procedure in the Create Step dialog box.
For each step in the analysis, the Step Manager also indicates whether ABAQUS will account for
nonlinear effects from large displacements and deformations. If the displacements in a model due to
loading are relatively small during a step, the effects may be small enough to be ignored. However, in
cases where the loads on a model result in large displacements, nonlinear geometric effects can
become important. The Nlgeom setting for a step determines whether ABAQUS will account for
geometric nonlinearity in that step.
The Nlgeom setting is turned on by default for ABAQUS/Explicit steps and turned off by default for
ABAQUS/Standard steps. The sequence of steps and the current Nlgeom setting determine whether
you can change the Nlgeom setting in a particular step. For example, if ABAQUS is already
accounting for geometric nonlinearity, the Nlgeom setting is toggled on for all subsequent steps, and
you cannot toggle it off. Where permissible, the following methods allow you to change the Nlgeom
setting for a step:
Click the Basic tab in the Step Editor and toggle the Nlgeom setting.
Select Step->Nlgeom from the main menu bar.
Click Nlgeom in the Step Manager.
For more information, see ``Accounting for geometric nonlinearity,'' Section 17.7.4, or see ``Linear and
nonlinear procedures,'' Section 6.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3


The Step module

17.3.3 Step sequence restrictions

When you select Step->Create from the main menu bar, a Create Step dialog box appears in which
you can specify the procedure type for the step that you are creating. The selection of procedure types
in the Create Step dialog box depends on the following:
The procedures that you have already associated with existing steps.
The position of the new step in the analysis step sequence.
For example, when you create the first step in an analysis, you can choose from a list of valid
procedure types; both ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit procedure types appear in the list.
However, once you have created the first step, the list of valid procedure types in the Create Step
dialog box will change to include only those procedures that are compatible with the first step. For
example, if the first step is an ABAQUS/Standard step, ABAQUS/Explicit procedures no longer
appear in the list.

17.4 Understanding output requests

This section gives an overview of output requests. The following topics are covered:
``What is an output request?,'' Section 17.4.1
``What is the difference between field output and history output?, '' Section 17.4.2
``Selecting variables and components in an output request, '' Section 17.4.3

17.4.1 What is an output request?

The ABAQUS solvers compute the values of many variables at every increment of a step. Usually you
are interested in only a small subset of all of this computed data. You can specify the data that you
want written to the output database by creating output requests. An output request consists of the
following information:
The variables or variable components of interest.
The region of the model and the integration points from which the values are written to the output
The rate at which the variable or component values are written to the output database.
ABAQUS/CAE selects a default set of output variables corresponding to the step's analysis procedure.
By default, output is requested from every node or integration point in the model and from default
section points. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE selects the default rate at which the variables are written to
the output database. The Output Database Request Manager allows you to view and modify the
default output requests as well as to create new output requests. To display the Output Database
Request Manager, select Output->Output Database
For example, Figure 17-2 shows the default state of the Output Database Request Manager after

The Step module

you create a step and select a Static, General procedure.

Figure 17-2 The Output Database Request Manager .

The Field output tabbed page contains the variables shown in Figure 17-2, and the History output
page is empty. (Field and history output are described in ``What is the difference between field output
and history output?,'' Section 17.4.2.) In addition, the entire model is selected as the region for output,
and the default section points are selected. Finally, each variable is output after every increment of the
step. (For more information on default output, see ``Output to the output database, '' Section 4.1.3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
If you click Edit in the Output Database Request Manager , an editor appears that allows you to
change either the field or the history output requests depending on which page is visible at the time.
When your analysis is complete, you use the Visualization module to read the output database and
graphically display the data that were written to it.
For detailed instructions on creating and editing output requests, see the following sections:
``Using the Output Database Request Manager to create and manage output requests, '' Section
``Creating an output request,'' Section 17.9.2
``Creating and modifying field output requests,'' Section 17.9.3
``Using the history output editor,'' Section 17.9.4
``Deleting output requests,'' Section 17.9.5
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9

17.4.2 What is the difference between field output and history


The Step module

When you create an output request, you can choose either field output or history output.
Field output
Field output is output that you request from the entire model or from a large portion of the
model. Typically, field output is written to the output database at a low rate; for example, after
every step or at the end of the analysis. The Visualization module allows you to display field
output results in undeformed, deformed, contour, and symbol plots. (For more information, see
``Understanding plot modes and plot customization, '' Section 23.3.) ABAQUS/Standard
automatically writes every component of the variables that you include in the field output
For example, if you were using solid elements to model a cantilever beam with a load at the
tip, you could request the stress (all six components) and the displacement (all six
components) data from the entire model after the last increment of the loading step. You could
then use the Visualization module to view a contour plot of stresses and deflections in the final
loaded state.
History output
History output is output that you request from a small portion of the model. Typically, history
output is written to the output database at a high rate; for example, after every increment. The
Visualization module allows you to display history output in X-Y plots. (For more information,
see ``Reading X-Y data from output database history output,'' Section 30.2.1.) When you
create a history output request, you can specify the individual components of the variables that
you want written to the output database.
For example, if you model the response of a cantilever beam with a load applied to the tip, you
might request the following output after each increment of the loading step:
The principal stress at a single node at the root of the beam.
The vertical displacement at a single node at the tip of the beam.
You could then use the Visualization module to view an X-Y plot of stress at the root versus
displacement at the tip with increasing load.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4

17.4.3 Selecting variables and components in an output request

When you use the field output editor to select a vector or tensor variable to be included in an output
request, ABAQUS automatically writes all components of that variable to the output database during
the step. For example, if you select the vector U in a three-dimensional model, ABAQUS outputs the
three displacement components U1, U2, and U3 to the output database along with the three rotation
components UR1, UR2, and UR3.


The Step module

The field output editor is illustrated in Figure 17-3. The top part of the editor contains a list of the
variable categories that are applicable to the step procedure. You can click the check box next to a
category name to select all of the variables within that category, or you can click the arrow next to a
category name to display the list of variables in that category and then select individual variables.

Figure 17-3 The field output editor.

In Figure 17-3 the user has selected the variable S, Stress components and invariants in the
Stresses category as well as all of the variables in the Strains and
Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration categories to be included in the output request for the step
named Beamload. ABAQUS will write output from the default section points after every five
Like the field output editor, the history output editor contains a list of variable categories that you can
expand to see the list of variables in each category. However, the history output editor also allows you
to specify individual components of a variable for which you want output. When requesting history
output, it is useful to specify individual components because these variables are typically output very
frequently--possibly as often as every increment.
For detailed instructions on selecting output variables and components, see the following sections:
``Creating and modifying field output requests,'' Section 17.9.3


The Step module

``Using the history output editor,'' Section 17.9.4

``Selecting default output requests,'' Section 17.9.6
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4

17.5 Understanding restart, diagnostic, and monitor output

This section explains the additional output controls available in the Step module.The following topics
are covered:
``Restart output requests,'' Section 17.5.1
``Diagnostic printing,'' Section 17.5.2
``Degree of freedom monitor requests,'' Section 17.5.3

17.5.1 Restart output requests

By default, ABAQUS writes restart information every time you submit an analysis. The Restart
Requests dialog box, invoked by selecting Output->Restart Requests in the Step module, allows
you to specify how often you want the restart file to be updated.
You can specify the frequency in increments (for ABAQUS/Standard) or in intervals (for
ABAQUS/Explicit) at which ABAQUS writes data needed to the restart file. You can set the
frequency to zero to avoid writing the restart file during an ABAQUS/Standard step. However, it is
impossible to avoid writing the restart file for ABAQUS/Explicit steps; if you set the frequency to
zero for an ABAQUS/Explicit step, restart information will be written only at the end of the step.
You can request that only one increment should be retained in the restart file, thus minimizing the
size of the file. When you select this option, data written to the restart file overlay data from the
previous increment. By default, ABAQUS does not overlay data.
For detailed instructions on requesting restart data, see ``Configuring restart output requests,'' Section
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Understanding restart, diagnostic, and monitor output, '' Section 17.5

17.5.2 Diagnostic printing

If the analysis of your model fails or produces unexpected results, you can examine its
iteration-by-iteration progress by looking at selected diagnostic information that is written to the


The Step module

following files:
For ABAQUS/Standard analyses:
Diagnostic information is written to the message file (.msg). By default, the information is
written during every iteration; you can request that ABAQUS discontinue writing diagnostic
information by specifying an output frequency of zero.
For ABAQUS/Explicit analyses:
Diagnostic information is written to the status file (.sta). For information on the frequency at
which this information is written, see ``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Using the Diagnostic Print dialog box is equivalent to including the *PRINT option in a solver input
file. You display the Diagnostic Print dialog box by selecting Output->Diagnostic Print from the
main menu bar.
For detailed instructions on requesting diagnostic printing, see ``Configuring diagnostic printing,''
Section 17.10.2.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Understanding restart, diagnostic, and monitor output, '' Section 17.5

17.5.3 Degree of freedom monitor requests

You can request that ABAQUS write the values of a degree of freedom at one selected point to the
status file (.sta) and, for ABAQUS/Standard analyses, to the message file (.msg) at specific
increments during the course of an analysis. In addition, a plot of the degree of freedom value over
time appears in a new viewport that is generated automatically when you submit the analysis. (For
more information, see ``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6.) You can use this
information to monitor the progress of the solution.
When you place your request in the DOF Monitor dialog box (which is invoked by selecting
Output->DOF Monitor from the main menu bar), you must first specify an existing geometric set or
node set that you have created using the Set toolset:
If you are working with a native geometric model, the set must contain only one vertex.
If you are working with an orphan mesh, the set must contain only one node.
(For information about creating sets, see Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets.")
Once you have specified a set, you must indicate which degree of freedom you want to monitor at that
vertex or node and how often you want the information printed to the status and message files.
Requesting this information is analogous to including the following line in a solver input file:


The Step module

*MONITOR, NODE=node_number, DOF=dof, FREQUENCY=N.

For detailed instructions on monitoring a degree of freedom, see ``Configuring monitor requests,''
Section 17.10.3.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Configuring monitor requests,'' Section 17.10.3
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Understanding restart, diagnostic, and monitor output, '' Section 17.5

17.6 Understanding adaptive meshing and contact controls

This section explains how you can specify adaptive meshing and contact controls for a particular step.
The following topics are covered:
``Adaptive meshing,'' Section 17.6.1
``Solution controls for contact problems, '' Section 17.6.2
Note: Currently, these options are available only for Dynamic, Explicit steps.

17.6.1 Adaptive meshing

Adaptive meshing allows you to maintain a high-quality mesh throughout an analysis, even when large
deformations occur, by allowing the mesh to move independently of the material. Currently, adaptive
meshing moves only nodes; the mesh topology remains unchanged.
You can define regions of the model where you want adaptivity by selecting Other->Adaptive Mesh
Domain from the main menu bar. If necessary, you can select Other->Adaptive Mesh Controls to
customize the adaptivity controls. Currently, you can define only one adaptive mesh domain for any
particular step.
Defining adaptive mesh domains and controls in the Step module is equivalent to including the
*ADAPTIVE MESH and *ADAPTIVE MESH CONTROLS options in an ABAQUS/Explicit input
For detailed information on adaptive meshing, see ``Adaptive meshing,'' Section 7.6 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
For detailed instructions for defining adaptive mesh regions, see ``Defining an adaptive mesh region,''
Section 17.11.2, and ``Specifying controls for adaptive remeshing,'' Section 17.11.3.

17.6.2 Solution controls for contact problems

If your model includes complex geometries and numerous contact interactions, you can customize the
variables that control the contact algorithms for selected contact interactions. The default solution
controls are usually sufficient, but customizing the contact controls may result in a more cost-effective


The Step module

You can access the contact controls by selecting Other->Contact Controls from the main menu bar.
Customizing contact controls in the Step module is equivalent to including the *CONTACT
CONTROLS option in an ABAQUS/Explicit input file. For more information, see ``Common
difficulties associated with contact modeling,'' Section 20.5.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Warning: Contact controls are intended for experienced analysts and should be used with great
care. The default settings of these controls are appropriate for most analyses. Changing these
values inappropriately may greatly increase the computational time of your analysis or produce
inaccurate results.
For detailed instructions for setting solution controls, see ``Customizing optional solution controls for
contact problems,'' Section 17.11.1.

17.7 Using the Step Manager

This section describes how you can use the Step Manager to create, edit, and manipulate steps. (For
general information on managers, see ``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5.) The following topics are
``The Step Manager,'' Section 17.7.1
``Creating a step,'' Section 17.7.2
``Editing a step,'' Section 17.7.3
``Accounting for geometric nonlinearity,'' Section 17.7.4

17.7.1 The Step Manager

You use the Step Manager to create, edit, and manipulate the analysis steps associated with the
current model. To start the Step Manager, select Step->Manager from the main menu bar. Columns
in the Step Manager dialog box display the following information about each step:

The name of the step. Names of linear perturbation steps are indented relative to names of
general steps.
The analysis procedure that you selected for this step when the step was created. You cannot
change the analysis procedure after you have created a step. The Procedure column also
indicates whether thermal and steady-state soils steps assume steady-state heat transfer or
transient heat transfer or if neither is applicable.

Whether the analysis step accounts for geometric nonlinearities. You use the Nlgeom button
to control the Nlgeom setting for a particular step. Once you have set the Nlgeom option for a


The Step module

step, your setting remains in effect for all subsequent steps.


The time period for the step. The default value for the time period is 1.0 time unit. Click Edit
to display the step editor so that you can modify the time period.
You use the buttons across the bottom of the Step Manager dialog box to create a step that follows the
selected step or to manipulate the selected step. You use the Dismiss button to close the Step
Manager dialog box. You can perform the same tasks using the pull-down menus available from the
Step menu, located in the main menu bar.
Warning: If you use the Step Manager or the Step menu to delete a step, objects associated with
that step, such as prescribed conditions or output requests, are also deleted.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Step Manager,'' Section 17.7
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3

17.7.2 Creating a step

You can create any sequence of procedures that is allowed by ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit; the procedure list in the Create Step dialog box is updated to show only the
available procedures for the new step. For example, if your first step contains a static
stress/displacement procedure, you cannot follow it with a new step containing a heat transfer
Detailed instructions for creating a step:
1. From the main menu bar, select Step->Create.
The Create Step dialog box appears.
Tip: You can initiate the Create procedure in two other ways:
Click Create in the Step Manager. (You can display the Step Manager by selecting
Step->Manager from the main menu bar.)
Click the

tool in the Step module toolbox.

2. If desired, use the Name text field to change the name of the new step.
All steps must have unique names, and you cannot name a step ``Initial''.


The Step module

3. From the list of existing steps, select the step after which the new step will be inserted.
4. Click the Procedure type menu button and select either General or Linear perturbation from the
list that appears.
The lower half of the dialog box displays a list of available procedures.
5. Select the desired procedure and click Continue.
The Edit Step dialog box appears.
6. Use the Edit Step dialog box to modify the settings from their default values and to provide values
for optional settings. (For detailed help on a particular editor feature, select Help->On Context
from the main menu bar and then click the feature of interest.)
7. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE closes the Edit Step dialog box, and the new step appears in the Step Manager.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Step Manager,'' Section 17.7
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3
``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 6.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual

17.7.3 Editing a step

You can use the step editor to edit the analysis procedure settings associated with an existing step.
Detailed instructions for editing a step:
1. From the main menu bar, select Step->Edit->step of your choice.
The step editor appears.
Tip: You can also select the step name in the Step Manager and click Edit.
2. Use the tabs within the step editor to modify the settings. (For detailed help on a particular editor
feature, select Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then click the feature of interest.)
3. Click OK to close the step editor and save the new settings.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Step module

``Using the Step Manager,'' Section 17.7

``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3

17.7.4 Accounting for geometric nonlinearity

The Nlgeom setting for a step determines whether ABAQUS will account for geometric nonlinearity
in that step. The Nlgeom setting is turned on by default for ABAQUS/Explicit steps and turned off by
default for ABAQUS/Standard steps.
The sequence of steps and the current Nlgeom setting determine whether you can change the Nlgeom
setting in a particular step. For example, if ABAQUS is already accounting for geometric nonlinearity,
the Nlgeom setting is toggled on for all subsequent steps, and you cannot toggle it off. Similarly, you
cannot change the Nlgeom setting during a linear perturbation step.
Note: When you create a step, you can click the Basic tab in the Step Editor and select On or Off
as the Nlgeom setting.
Detailed instructions for changing the Nlgeom setting for an existing step:
1. To display the Nlgeom dialog box and to change the setting where applicable, do one of the
From the main menu bar, select Step->Nlgeom.
From the main menu bar, select Step->Edit->stepname.
The Step Editor appears. From the Nlgeom field on the Basic tabbed page, click Edit.
From the main menu bar, select Step->Manager.
The Step manager appears. From the buttons along the bottom of the manager, click
2. From the Nlgeom dialog box, click the step name of interest to turn Nlgeom on or off for that
If Nlgeom is turned on for a step, a checkmark appears in the Nlgeom column. If Nlgeom is
turned off for a step, no tickmark appears.
3. Click OK to close the Nlgeom dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 17.3.2
``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3


The Step module

17.8 Using the step editor

This section describes the step editor and the options that appear in the step editor. The following
topics are covered:
``The step editor,'' Section 17.8.1
``The Incrementation tab,'' Section 17.8.2

17.8.1 The step editor

When you create or edit a step, the step editor displays a set of tabbed pages that allow you to
configure the settings for the procedure you selected. The pages are unique for each procedure; for
example, when you configure a Static, General procedure, the step editor displays the Basic,
Incrementation, and Other tabs. Settings you can configure with these tabbed pages include the time
period for the step, the maximum number of increments, the increment size, the default load variation
with time, and whether to account for geometric nonlinearity.
The text that you enter in the Description field on the Basic tabbed page is analagous to the first data
line after the *STEP option in a solver input file; ABAQUS stores this text in the output database, and
it is displayed in the state block by the Visualization module.
For detailed help on a specific feature of the editor, select Help->On Context and then click the
feature of interest.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3
``Using the step editor,'' Section 17.8

17.8.2 The Incrementation tab

When you configure general procedures, you use the Basic tab in the step editor to enter the total time
period for the step. You use the Incrementation tab to configure the approach that ABAQUS will use
to divide the total time period for the step into increments. For a general, static step as well as for many
other kinds of steps you can set the following options on the Incrementation tabbed page:
Time incrementation
When you choose Automatic time incrementation, ABAQUS starts the incrementation using
the value entered for the initial increment size. The size of subsequent time increments are
adjusted based on how quickly the solution converges. This option is the default selection.
When you choose Fixed time incrementation, ABAQUS uses the value entered for the initial
increment size throughout the step.


The Step module

Warning: Choosing Fixed time incrementation may prevent the solution from converging
and is not recommended.
Maximum number of increments
ABAQUS limits the number of increments in a step to the value that you enter for the
maximum number of increments. If the step exceeds this number of increments, the analysis
stops, and diagnostic information is reported to the Job module and written to the message file.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE sets the maximum number of increments to 10.
Initial increment size
ABAQUS starts the step using the value entered for the initial increment size.
Minimum increment size
ABAQUS checks for the minimum Increment size only when you analyze your model using
automatic time incrementation. If ABAQUS needs a smaller time increment than this value to
reach a convergent solution, it terminates the analysis, reports to the Job module, and writes
diagnostic information to the message file. If you do not enter a minimum increment size,
ABAQUS uses 10 -5 times the total time period.
Maximum increment size

ABAQUS checks for the maximum increment size only when you analyze your model using
automatic time incrementation. ABAQUS will not increase the increment size beyond this
value during the analysis. If you do not specify this value, ABAQUS/CAE sets the value to
that of the total time period.
Note: A value must be entered for each of the incrementation options described above.
ABAQUS/CAE does not allow you to create the step if you delete the default value for an
incrementation option but fail to provide another.
For detailed information on other items in the Incrementation tabbed page, click Help->On Context
and then click the item of interest.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding steps,'' Section 17.3
``Using the step editor,'' Section 17.8

17.9 Creating and managing output requests

This section describes the Output Database Request Manager and how output requests are defined
and managed. The following topics are covered:


The Step module

``Using the Output Database Request Manager to create and manage output requests, '' Section
``Creating an output request,'' Section 17.9.2
``Creating and modifying field output requests,'' Section 17.9.3
``Using the history output editor,'' Section 17.9.4
``Deleting output requests,'' Section 17.9.5
``Selecting default output requests,'' Section 17.9.6

17.9.1 Using the Output Database Request Manager to create and

manage output requests
You use the Output Database Request Manager to create, edit, and manage the output requests
associated with an analysis step. Select Output->Output Database from the main menu bar to display
the Output Database Request Manager . An output request is composed of the following:
The region of the model for which ABAQUS writes data.
The variables that ABAQUS writes to the output database during the step.
The frequency at which ABAQUS writes the variables to the output database.
Where applicable, the section points for which ABAQUS writes data.
To configure an output request, select the desired step from the list of steps on the left side of the
Output Database Request Manager . The Field output and History output tabbed pages display the
output requests defined during that step. You can use the buttons along the bottom of the Output
Database Request Manager to edit and manipulate these output requests or to create new output
Note: You must use the Output Database Request Manager to manage your output requests;
there are no equivalent menu selections.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9

17.9.2 Creating an output request

When you create a step, ABAQUS/CAE generates a default field output request based on the analysis
procedure that you selected for the step. You can use the Output Database Request Manager to edit


The Step module

the default field output request, or you can create additional field or history output requests.
Detailed instructions for creating an output request:
1. From the list of steps on the left side of the Output Database Request Manager , select the
analysis step during which ABAQUS will write the desired data to the output database.
2. Click either the Field output or the History output tab.
3. At the bottom of the Output Database Request Manager , click Create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the appropriate output editor. The list of variable categories at the top of
the editor reflects the procedure associated with the selected step.
4. In the editor, enter the data necessary to define the output request. For more information on using
the editor, see ``Creating and modifying field output requests,'' Section 17.9.3, or ``Using the
history output editor,'' Section 17.9.4.
5. When you have finished configuring your output request, click OK to save your selection and
return to the Output Database Request Manager .
The Output Database Request Manager displays the new output request.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9

17.9.3 Creating and modifying field output requests

You can use the field output editor to create and modify field output requests.
Detailed instructions for creating or modifying a field output request:
1. In the top part of the field output editor, use the following techniques to specify the variables of
In the top half of the editor, click the arrow next to the desired variable category. From the list
of variables that appears, select the variables of your choice.
Toggle the desired variable category. This action selects or deselects all variables within that
The check box next to a variable category becomes completely filled when all variables within that
category are selected. The box becomes half filled if only some of the variables within that
category are selected.


The Step module

Note: If you prefer, you can change the Variables option setting from Select from above to Edit and then manually type or
delete variables in the Edit text field.

2. Choose one of the following to modify the section points from which variables will be output
during the selected step:

Choose Defaults to request that ABAQUS write data to the output database from the
default section points. ABAQUS chooses the default section points based on the section
selected in the Property module. (The default section points are usually the outer fibers of
the section.) For more information see Chapter 15, "The Property module."

Choose List to manually type the section points for which ABAQUS will write data to the
output database. The specified section points are used only during the selected output
request; ABAQUS reverts to the default section points for subsequent output requests.
3. Specify the desired output frequency. For more information, see ``Controlling the output
frequency'' in ``Output to the output database, '' Section 4.1.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
4. Choose one of the following to modify the region from which variables will be output during the
selected step:
Whole model

Choose Whole model to request that ABAQUS write data to the output database for the
entire model.
Set name

Choose Set name to request that ABAQUS write data to the output database for only the
named region.
5. When you have finished modifying the output request, click OK to save your changes and return to
the Output Database Request Manager .

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9
Chapter 15, "The Property module


The Step module

17.9.4 Using the history output editor

You can use the history output editor to create or modify output requests.
Detailed instructions for creating or modifying a history output request:
1. In the top part of the history output editor, use the following techniques to specify the variables
and variable components of interest:
In the top half of the editor, click the arrow next to the desired variable category. From the list
of variables that appears, select the variables of your choice. If a variable of interest has
components, click the arrow next to the variable and select the components of interest. To
select or deselect all components of a variable, toggle the variable itself.
Toggle the desired variable category to select or deselect all variables and variable
components within that category.
The check box next to a variable category name becomes completely filled when all variables
within that category are selected as well as all of the components of those variables. The box
becomes half filled if only some of the variables or variable components within that category are
selected. Likewise, the check box next to a variable name becomes completely filled when all
components of that variable are selected. The box becomes half filled if only some of the
components of that variable are selected.
Note: If you prefer, you can change the Variables option setting from Select from above to Edit and then manually type or
delete variable components in the Edit text field.

2. Choose one of the following to modify the section points from which variables or components will
be output during the selected step:

Choose Defaults to request that ABAQUS write data to the output database from the
default section points. ABAQUS/CAE chooses the default section points based on the
section selected or defined in the Property module. (The default section points are usually
the outer fibers of the section.) For more information see Chapter 15, "The Property

Choose List to manually type or delete the section points for which ABAQUS will write
data to the output database. The specified section points are used only during the selected
output request; ABAQUS reverts to the default section points for subsequent output
3. Specify the desired output frequency. For more information, see ``Controlling the output
frequency'' in ``Output to the output database, '' Section 4.1.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.


The Step module

4. Choose one of the following to modify the region from which variables will be output during the
selected step:
Whole model

Choose Whole model to request that ABAQUS write data to the output database for the
entire model.
Set name

Choose Set name to request that ABAQUS write data to the output database for only the
named region.
5. When you have finished modifying the output request, click OK to save your changes and return to
the Output Database Request Manager .

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9
Chapter 15, "The Property module"

17.9.5 Deleting output requests

You can use the Output Database Request Manager to delete an output request. You cannot recover
a deleted output request.
Detailed instructions for deleting an output request:
1. From the list of steps on the left of the Output Database Request Manager , select the analysis
step containing the output request to delete.
2. Click the tab (Field output or History output) for the output request to delete.
3. Select the output request to delete. You cannot select more than one output request at a time.
4. At the bottom of the Output Database Request Manager , click Delete.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the selected output request.
Tip: To delete only selected variables from within an output request, select the output request
and click Edit. ABAQUS/CAE displays the appropriate editor, and you can add or delete
variables from the output request.


The Step module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is an output request?,'' Section 17.4.1
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9

17.9.6 Selecting default output requests

When you create an analysis step, ABAQUS/CAE creates a default output request associated with the
analysis procedure that you selected for the step. If you modify or delete the output request or create
additional output requests during the step, you can subsequently use the Output Database Request
Manager to restore the original default output request to either the Field output or the History output
tabbed page by clicking the tab and clicking Defaults.
Only the output requests in the selected tabbed page are restored to their default values. For most
procedures, the History output page is empty by default, so that selecting Defaults usually deletes all
output requests in the History output page.
Note: In most dialog boxes, when you click the Defaults button, ABAQUS/CAE reverts to the
default settings in every tabbed page. However, when you click the Defaults button in the Output
Database Request Manager , ABAQUS/CAE reverts to the default settings in only the tabbed
page being displayed--Field output or History output.
ABAQUS/CAE asks for confirmation before overwriting the existing output requests.
Detailed instructions for selecting default output requests:
1. From the list of steps on the left of the Output Database Request Manager , select the analysis
step for which all of the field or history output requests will be set to their default value.
2. Click either the Field output tab or the History output tab.
3. At the bottom of the Output Database Request Manager , click Defaults.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a warning message and asks you to confirm that you want to replace the
selected step's output requests in the selected page with the system-defined defaults.
4. Click Yes to restore the system-defined output requests for the selected type of output.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes all the output requests on the tabbed page and restores the default output
requests (if any).

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is an output request?,'' Section 17.4.1
``Creating and managing output requests,'' Section 17.9


The Step module

``Output to the output database, '' Section 4.1.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

17.10 Requesting specialized output

This section describes how you request and configure specialized output. The following topics are
``Configuring restart output requests,'' Section 17.10.1
``Configuring diagnostic printing,'' Section 17.10.2
``Configuring monitor requests,'' Section 17.10.3

17.10.1 Configuring restart output requests

Select Output->Restart Requests from the main menu bar to configure restart files.
Detailed instructions for configuring a restart request:
1. From the main menu bar, select Output->Restart Requests.
The Restart Requests dialog box appears with a list of the steps in the current model.
2. In the Frequency column for the desired step, specify the frequency in increments (for
ABAQUS/Standard) or in intervals (for ABAQUS/Explicit) at which ABAQUS writes model
definition data and output requests to the restart file.
By default, ABAQUS writes restart information after every increment. To avoid writing the restart
file during an ABAQUS/Standard step, set the frequency to zero. (It is impossible to avoid writing
the restart file for ABAQUS/Explicit steps; if you set the frequency to zero for an
ABAQUS/Explicit step, restart information will be written only at the end of the step.)
3. Click the Overlay column to request that only one increment be retained in the restart file, thus
minimizing the size of the file.
You can use the Overlay column only when the value in the Frequency column is greater than
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each step of the analysis.
5. When you have finished configuring your restart output requests, click OK to close the Restart
Requests dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Restart output requests,'' Section 17.5.1

The Step module

17.10.2 Configuring diagnostic printing

Select Output->Diagnostic Print to configure the diagnostic messages that ABAQUS writes to the
message file (for ABAQUS/Standard) or to the status file (for ABAQUS/Explicit) and reports to the
Job module during an analysis. If the analysis of your model fails or produces unexpected results, you
can examine these messages and look at a step-by-step description of the analysis. (For more
information, see ``Diagnostic printing,'' Section 17.5.2.)
Detailed instructions for configuring diagnostic printing:
1. From the main menu bar, select Output->Diagnostic Print.
The Diagnostic Print dialog box appears with a list of all the steps in the current model.
2. In the Frequency column, specify the frequency at which you want diagnostic printing data
written for each step. (This option is not available for ABAQUS/Explicit analyses.)
3. Click in the other columns to request specific diagnostic information during a particular step.
A check mark appears indicating that type of diagnostic printing has been enabled during the step.
Click in the column again to turn off diagnostic printing.
4. When you have finished configuring your diagnostic printing, click OK to exit the Diagnostic
Print dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Diagnostic printing,'' Section 17.5.2
``Requesting specialized output,'' Section 17.10

17.10.3 Configuring monitor requests

Use the DOF Monitor dialog box to monitor a degree of freedom at a point during the course of an
analysis. ABAQUS reports the degree of freedom values for that point to the Job module, to the status
file (jobname.sta), and, for ABAQUS/Standard analyses, to the message file (jobname.msg).
For more information, see ``Degree of freedom monitor requests,'' Section 17.5.3.
Detailed instructions for monitoring a degree of freedom:
1. From the main menu bar, select Output->DOF Monitor.
The DOF Monitor dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, toggle Monitor a degree of freedom throughout the analysis.
If Monitor a degree of freedom throughout the analysis is toggled on, the monitoring options


The Step module

become available in the dialog box.

3. Click the arrow next to the Point region field and select the set of your choice from the list that
appears. (ABAQUS/CAE displays an error message if you select a set containing more than one
vertex or node.)
4. In the Degree of freedom field, enter the degree of freedom that you want to monitor.
5. If you are performing an ABAQUS/Standard analysis, in the Print to the message file every n
increments field, enter how often you want ABAQUS to write the degree of freedom values to the
message file.
(There is no option to control the frequency at which values are written to the status file, since this
frequency is determined by ABAQUS. For more information, see ``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
6. Click OK to save your request and to exit the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Degree of freedom monitor requests,'' Section 17.5.3
``Requesting specialized output,'' Section 17.10
``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6

17.11 Customizing contact controls and adaptive meshing

This section explains how to customize contact and to how to configure adaptive remeshing in
particular analysis steps. The following topics are covered:
``Customizing optional solution controls for contact problems, '' Section 17.11.1
``Defining an adaptive mesh region,'' Section 17.11.2
``Specifying controls for adaptive remeshing,'' Section 17.11.3

17.11.1 Customizing optional solution controls for contact

The contact controls editor allows you to modify the algorithms used to enforce contact conditions.
Customizing contact controls is analogous to including the *CONTACT CONTROLS option in an
ABAQUS/Explicit input file. For more information, see ``Common difficulties associated with contact
modeling,'' Section 20.5.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Note: Currently, this option is available only for ABAQUS/Explicit steps.


The Step module

Detailed instructions for customizing contact controls:

1. From the main menu bar select Other->Contact Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Contact Controls Manager.
2. In the Contact Controls Manager, select the step of interest and then click Edit.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the contact controls editor.
3. In the editor, select Use values below .
4. Enter the data necessary to specify the customized contact controls.
For help on a particular editor feature, select Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then
click the feature of interest.
5. Click OK to save your customized settings and to close the editor.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Solution controls for contact problems, '' Section 17.6.2

17.11.2 Defining an adaptive mesh region

Specifying an adaptive mesh domain in the Step module is equivalent to including the *ADAPTIVE
MESH option in a solver input file.
Note: Currently, this option is available only for ABAQUS/Explicit steps. In addition, you can
define only one adaptive mesh domain for any particular step.
Detailed instructions for applying adaptive mesh controls to a region:
1. From the main menu bar, select Other->Adaptive Mesh Domain->Manager.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager showing the steps defined in the
model and the adaptive meshing controls associated with each step.
2. In the Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager, select the step during which you will configure the
adaptive meshing and click Edit.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the adaptive mesh domain editor.
3. At the top of the editor, select Use the adaptive mesh domain below .
4. Provide the following data:
a. Select the set corresponding to the region you want to remesh. (For information on


The Step module

creating sets, see Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets.")
b. If you want to specify nondefault adaptive mesh controls, toggle on Adaptive mesh
controls and then select the name of the adaptive mesh controls to associate with the
If you have not yet created mesh controls, you can click Create to the right of the
Adaptive mesh controls field to define the controls that you want to assign to the
adaptive mesh domain.
c. Type the Frequency, in increments, at which ABAQUS/CAE will remesh the region.
d. Type the number of Initial remeshing sweeps that ABAQUS/CAE will apply at the
beginning of the step.
e. Type the number of Remeshing sweeps per increment . An increment in this case is
each adaptive mesh increment, as defined by the Frequency setting above.
5. Click OK to save the settings and to close the adaptive mesh domain editor.
The Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager displays the adaptive mesh controls associated with the
6. Click Dismiss to close the Adaptive Mesh Domain Manager.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adaptive meshing,'' Section 7.6 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"

17.11.3 Specifying controls for adaptive remeshing

Specifying adaptive mesh controls in the Step module is equivalent to including the *ADAPTIVE
MESH CONTROLS option in a solver input file.
Note: Currently, this option is available only for ABAQUS/Explicit steps.
Detailed instructions for specifying controls for adaptive remeshing:
1. From the main menu bar, select Other->Adaptive Mesh Controls->Create.
2. In the dialog box that appears, type a name for the adaptive mesh controls and click Continue.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the adaptive mesh controls editor.
3. In the editor, select the desired mesh controls. (For more information, see ``Adaptive meshing and


The Step module

remapping,'' Section 7.6.3 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)

4. Click OK to save the named set of controls and close the editor.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Adaptive meshing,'' Section 7.6 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual


The Interaction module

18. The Interaction module

You can use the Interaction module to define and manage the following objects:
Mechanical and thermal interactions between regions of a model or between a region of a model
and its surroundings.
Analysis constraints between regions of a model.
This chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Interaction module,'' Section 18.1
``Entering and exiting the Interaction module,'' Section 18.2
``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3
``Understanding interaction properties,'' Section 18.4
``Understanding constraints,'' Section 18.5
``Understanding Interaction module managers and editors,'' Section 18.6
``Tutorial: Using the Interaction module,'' Section 18.7
``Using the Interaction module,'' Section 18.8
The tutorial will help you become familiar with techniques for creating and applying interaction

18.1 Understanding the role of the Interaction module

You can use the Interaction module to define the following:
Contact between two surfaces.
Elastic foundations.
Thermal film condition.
Radiation to and from the ambient environment.
A user-defined actuator/sensor interaction.
Interactions are step-dependent objects, which means that when you define them, you must indicate in
which steps of the analysis they are active. (For more information about step-dependent objects, see
``Understanding the status of an object in a step, '' Section 6.5.3.) For example, you can define film and
radiation conditions on a surface only during a heat transfer, coupled temperature-displacement, or
coupled thermal-electrical step. Similarly, you can define interaction with a user-defined
actuator/sensor only during the initial step.
The Set and Surface toolsets in the Interaction module allow you to define and name regions of your


The Interaction module

model to which you would like interactions applied. You can use the Amplitude toolset to define
variations in some interaction attributes over the course of the analysis.
ABAQUS/CAE does not recognize mechanical contact between part instances or regions of an
assembly unless that contact is specified in the Interaction module; the mere physical proximity of two
surfaces in an assembly is not enough to indicate any type of interaction between the surfaces.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Contact and interaction analysis: overview, '' Section 21.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and ``Contact analysis: overview,'' Section 20.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

18.2 Entering and exiting the Interaction module

You can enter the Interaction module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking
Interaction in the Module list located under the toolbar. Interaction, Property, Constraint, Feature,
and Tools menus appear on the main menu bar, and a Step list appears under the toolbar.
To exit the Interaction module, click another module in the Module list. You need not take any
specific action to save objects created in the Interaction module before exiting the module; they are
saved automatically when you save the entire model by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from
the main menu bar.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3

18.3 Understanding interactions

You can use the Interaction module to define the following types of interactions:
Surface-to-surface contact and self-contact
Surface-to-surface contact interactions describe contact between two deformable surfaces or
between a deformable surface and a rigid surface. Self-contact interactions describe contact
between different areas on a single surface.
Creating these types of interaction is analogous to including the *CONTACT PAIR option in a
solver input file. For more information, see ``Contact and interaction analysis: overview, ''
Section 21.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and ``Contact analysis: overview,''
Section 20.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Elastic foundation (ABAQUS/Standard only)
Elastic foundations allow you to model the stiffness effects of a distributed support on a
surface without actually modeling the details of the support. You can create elastic foundation
interactions only in the initial step. Once an elastic foundation is activated, you cannot
deactivate it in later analysis steps.
Creating an elastic foundation is analogous to including the *FOUNDATION option in an

The Interaction module

ABAQUS/Standard input file. For more information, see ``Element foundations,'' Section
2.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
Thermal film condition
Film conditions define surface heating or cooling due to convection by surrounding fluids. A
film condition interaction is analogous to including the *SFILM option in a solver input file.
You can define film interactions only during a heat transfer, fully coupled thermal-stress, or
coupled thermal-electrical step. For more information, see ``Thermal loads,'' Section 19.4.3 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.4.3 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Radiation to and from the ambient environment
Radiation interactions describe heat transfer between a nonconcave surface and a
nonreflecting environment due to radiation. A radiation interaction is analogous to including
the *SRADIATE option in a solver input file.
You can define radiation interactions only during a heat transfer, fully coupled thermal-stress,
or coupled thermal-electrical step. For more information, see ``Thermal loads,'' Section 19.4.3
of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.4.3 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
An actuator/sensor interaction models a combination of sensors and actuators and, therefore,
allows for modeling control system components. Currently, this type of interaction allows
sensing and actuation at just one point.
The interaction definition and its optionally associated property are used to define the basic
aspects of the interaction, but the user must provide user subroutine UEL to supply the specific
formulae for how actuation depends on sensor readings. You specify the name of the file
containing the user subroutine when you create the analysis job in the Job module.
Warning: This feature is intended for advanced users only. Its use in all but the simplest
test examples will require considerable coding by the user/developer. ``User-defined
elements,'' Section 18.8.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual, should be read before
Actuator/sensor interactions are available only for ABAQUS/Standard analyses. For more
information, see ``UEL,'' Section 23.2.19 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual, and Part
VIII, "User Subroutines and Utilities," of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Contact and interaction analysis: overview, '' Section 21.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and ``Contact analysis: overview,'' Section 20.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual


The Interaction module

18.4 Understanding interaction properties

You can define a set of data that is referred to by an interaction but is independent of the interaction;
for example, the coefficients that define orthotropic friction during contact. This set of data is called an
interaction property. One interaction property can be referred to by many different interactions.
You can create the following types of interaction properties:
A contact interaction property can define tangential behavior (friction and elastic slip) and
normal behavior (hard, soft, or damped contact and separation). In addition, a contact property
can contain information about damping, thermal conductance, thermal radiation, and heat
generation due to friction. A contact interaction property can be referred to by a
surface-to-surface or self-contact interaction.
Film condition
A film condition interaction property defines a film coefficient as a function of temperature
and field variables. A film condition interaction property can be referred to only by a film
condition interaction.
An actuator/sensor interaction property provides the PROPS, JPROPS, NPROPS, and
NJPROPS variables that are passed into a user subroutine UEL used with an actuator/sensor

18.5 Understanding constraints

Constraints allow you to model kinematic relationships between points. Currently, you can create the
following types of constraints:
Tie constraints allow you to fuse together two regions even though the meshes created on the
surfaces of the regions may be dissimilar. Once you activate a tie constraint, you cannot
deactivate it in any later analysis steps.
Creating a tie constraint is analogous to including the *CONTACT PAIR, TIED option in a
solver input file. For more information, see ``Defining tied contact,'' Section 21.2.4 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 20.2.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Equations are linear, multi-point equation constraints that allow you to describe linear
constraints between individual degrees of freedom. Defining an equation constraint is
analogous to including the *EQUATION option in a solver input file. For more information,
see ``Linear constraint equations,'' Section 20.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual


The Interaction module

and Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.

18.6 Understanding Interaction module managers and editors

This section describes how to manage and edit objects in the Interaction module using managers and
editors. The following topics are covered:
``Managing interactions, interaction properties, and constraints, '' Section 18.6.1
``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2
``Creating interaction properties,'' Section 18.6.3
``Creating constraints,'' Section 18.6.4

18.6.1 Managing interactions, interaction properties, and

The Interaction module provides the following managers that you can use to organize and manipulate
all interactions, interaction properties, and constraints associated with a given model:
The Interaction Manager allows you to create and manage interactions.
The Interaction Property Manager allows you to create and manage interaction properties.
The Constraint Manager allows you to create and manage constraints.
For example, a list of interaction properties appears in the Interaction Property Manager shown in
Figure 18-1.

Figure 18-1 The Interaction Property Manager.

The Create, Edit, Copy, and Delete buttons in the managers allow you to create new objects or to
edit, copy, and delete existing ones. You can also initiate these procedures using the Interaction,
Property, and Constraint menus in the main menu bar. After you select a management operation from
the main menu bar, the procedure is exactly the same as if you had clicked the corresponding button
inside the manager dialog box.


The Interaction module

The decision whether to use the menu or the manager dialog box is yours. In general, the menu is more
convenient if you are performing isolated operations; the advantages of the manager dialog box
become apparent when you are performing several operations in sequence, or when you need to
browse through a long list of existing objects.
In addition to creating, editing, copying, and deleting interactions the Interaction Manager and
Interaction menu allow you to rename an interaction. You cannot rename a property.
The Interaction Manager is a step-dependent manager, which means that it contains additional
information on the history of each interaction through the analysis. This manager also contains buttons
that allow you to manipulate the stepwise history of interactions. (For more information, see ``What
are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2.) The Interaction Manager is shown in Figure 18-2.

Figure 18-2 The Interaction Manager.

For detailed instructions on creating interactions, interaction properties, and constraints, see ``Creating
interactions,'' Section 18.8.1, and ``Defining equation constraints,'' Section 18.8.11.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding Interaction module managers and editors,'' Section 18.6
``What are basic managers?,'' Section 6.5.1
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

18.6.2 Creating and modifying interactions

To create interactions, select Interaction->Create from the main menu bar. A Create Interaction
dialog box appears in which you can provide a name for the interaction and choose the type of the
When you click Continue in the Create Interaction dialog box, you are prompted to select the regions
to which to apply the interaction. Once you have selected the region or regions, an interaction editor
appears in which you can specify additional information about the interaction, such as the interaction
property that you want to associate with the interaction.


The Interaction module

Each interaction editor displays the current step and the name and type of the object that you are
defining in the top panel of the dialog box. The format of the rest of the editor varies depending on the
type of object you are defining. For example, the surface-to-surface contact editor for
ABAQUS/Standard analyses is shown in Figure 18-3.

Figure 18-3 The surface-to-surface contact editor.

Interaction editors sometimes contain one or more Options buttons at the bottom of the dialog box. If
you click one of these buttons, another dialog box appears that allows you to specify data concerning
some aspect of the interaction. For example, the Interference Fit button in the editor shown in Figure
18-3 displays a dialog box that allows you to set interference fit options. If you do not change any
settings in an options dialog box, the default settings are applied automatically to the interaction.
Once you have created an interaction, you can modify the interaction in the following ways:
You can modify some or all of the data that you entered in the editor when you created the
You can use the Interaction Manager to modify the stepwise history of the interaction. (For more
information, see ``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2.)
You can display information on a particular editor feature by selecting Help->On Context from the
main menu bar and then clicking the editor feature of interest.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Interaction module

``Understanding modified step-dependent objects, '' Section 6.5.5

``Understanding Interaction module managers and editors,'' Section 18.6

18.6.3 Creating interaction properties

To create interaction properties, select Property->Create from the main menu bar. A Create
Interaction Property dialog box appears in which you can specify a name for the interaction property
and the type of interaction property that you want to create. Once you have specified this information,
click Continue in the Create Interaction Property dialog box to display the interaction property
The format of the interaction property editor depends on the type of interaction property you are
defining. For example, the film condition and actuator/sensor property editors display data fields in
which you can enter all of the information necessary to define the property. The film condition
property editor is shown in Figure 18-4.

Figure 18-4 The film condition property editor.

The format of the contact property editor, on the other hand, is identical to the material editor in the
Property module (see ``Creating materials,'' Section 15.6.1, for more information). Like the material
editor, the contact property editor contains menus from which you select options to include in the
property definition, as shown in Figure 18-5.

Figure 18-5 The contact property editor contains Mechanical and Thermal option menus.


The Interaction module

When you select an option from a menu, the name of the option appears in the Contact Property
Options list at the top of the editor, and the option becomes part of your interaction property
definition. In addition, the option definition area in the lower half of the editor changes to provide
fields in which you can specify information for the currently selected option.
For example, the Contact Property Options list in Figure 18-6

Figure 18-6 A mechanical contact property definition that includes the Tangential Behavior and
Normal Behavior options.

reflects that the Tangential Behavior and Normal Behavior options (located in the Mechanical
menu) have been included in the property definition. Tangential Behavior is currently selected, and
the related parameters appear in the lower half of the editor. If you want to remove an option from a
contact property definition, you can select that option from the Contact Property Options list and
then click Delete.
You can display help on a particular feature of the editor by selecting Help->On Context from the
main menu bar and then clicking the feature of interest. For detailed instructions for creating
properties, see the following sections:
``Creating interaction properties,'' Section 18.8.2


The Interaction module

``Specifying contact property options,'' Section 18.8.4

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding modified step-dependent objects, '' Section 6.5.5
``Understanding Interaction module managers and editors,'' Section 18.6
``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5

18.6.4 Creating constraints

To create constraints, select Constraint->Create from the main menu bar. A Create Constraint
dialog box appears in which you can specify the name and type of the constraint. Click Continue to
specify the regions to which to apply the constraint (if applicable) and to display the editor in which
you can enter the data necessary to define the constraint.
Each constraint editor displays the name and type of the constraint you are defining in the top panel of
the dialog box. The format of the rest of the editor varies depending on the type of constraint you are
defining. For example, the tie constraint editor is shown in Figure 18-7.

Figure 18-7 The tie constraint editor.

You can display information on a particular editor feature by selecting Help->On Context from the
main menu bar and then clicking the editor feature of interest.
For detailed instructions on creating constraints, see ``Defining equation constraints,'' Section 18.8.11,
and ``Defining tie constraints,'' Section 18.8.10.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding Interaction module managers and editors,'' Section 18.6

18.7 Tutorial: Using the Interaction module


The Interaction module

This section contains a short tutorial that will help you to become more familiar with the Interaction
module. The tasks in this tutorial involve the clamp model shown in Figure 18-8.

Figure 18-8 The clamp model.

You will create an interaction that defines the contact between the inner surfaces of the clamp. Such an
interaction would be necessary for an analysis in which a load is applied to each side of the clamp,
causing the prongs to come into contact.
Although you can create interaction properties in the middle of the procedure for creating interactions,
this tutorial will show you how to create the interaction property first and then create an interaction
that refers to that property.
After you have created the interaction, you will modify its history so that it is active in Step 2 and
inactive thereafter.

18.7.1 Opening the model database

To start the tutorial, you must first copy the model database that contains the clamp model to a local
directory; you then open the model database and continue the tutorial.
To open the model database:
1. The model database used by the tutorial is stored in abaqus_dir /cae/Tutorial/clamp.cae,
where abaqus_dir is the name of the directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed.
ABAQUS/CAE must have write permission to the current model database; consequently, before
you open the database, copy it to a local directory to which you can write. To determine the value
of abaqus_dir, type abaqus whereami at the operating system prompt.
Note: The path to the model database is abaqus_dir\cae\Tutorial\clamp.cae on Windows NT systems.

2. From the main menu bar, select File->Open.

The Open Database dialog box appears.
3. Click the File type arrow, and select Model Database (*.cae) if it is not already selected.
4. In the Selection field at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, delete the default text and
type the path of the file containing the model database.


The Interaction module

5. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE reads the model database containing the clamp model.

18.7.2 Creating an interaction property

In this section you will create an interaction property corresponding to a friction coefficient of 0.1 that
you will refer to later in a contact interaction definition.
To create the interaction property:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Interaction.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Interaction module loads. The clamp model appears
in the viewport.
Note: During the course of this tutorial, you can use the following techniques to manipulate
the position of the clamp in the viewport:
Use a combination of the view manipulation tools and the display option tools in the
toolbar and the tools in the Views toolbox to resize and reposition the model as necessary.
(The Views toolbox appears when you select

from the toolbar.)

and the rotation tool

In particular, you will probably find the magnification tool
useful for displaying the model at a convenient size and orientation.
in the Views toolbox to return the model to its
When necessary, click the Iso tool
original size and position in the viewport.
For more information on the view manipulation tools, see Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view
and controlling perspective."
2. From the main menu bar, select Property->Create.
The Create Interaction Property dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box:
a. Name the property Friction.
b. Accept Contact as the Type selection.
c. Click Continue.
The contact property editor appears.
4. From the editor menu bar, select Mechanical->Tangential Behavior. In the lower half of the
editor, specify information relating to the Tangential Behavior option:


The Interaction module

a. Click the Friction formulation menu button to see the available formulations. Select the
Penalty formulation.
b. In the Friction Coeff 1 field, type a friction coefficient of 0.1.
c. Look over the other options, and accept the defaults.
5. From the editor menu bar, select Mechanical->Normal Behavior. In the lower half of the editor,
review the settings for the Normal Behavior option:
a. Click the Pressure-Overclosure menu button to see the options for defining the
pressure-clearance relationship between the surfaces. Accept "Hard" Contact.
b. Accept the Allow separation after contact setting.
6. Click OK to exit the editor and to save your property definition.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3

18.7.3 Creating a surface-to-surface contact interaction

Next, you will create an interaction that defines the contact between the two inside surfaces of the
clamp. The interaction definition will include a reference to the interaction property that you just
To create the interaction:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.
The Create Interaction dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box:
a. Enter the name Contact for the interaction.
b. In the Step list located under the toolbar, click Step-1.
The interaction that you are defining will become active in this step.
c. Accept Surface-to-surface contact (Standard) as the Types for Selected Step
d. Click Continue.
3. Select the inside lower surface of the clamp to be the master surface, as shown in Figure 18-9.


The Interaction module

Figure 18-9 Select the inside lower surface.

4. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the selected geometry.

Note: If you had already defined the surface using the Surface toolset, you could click Surfaces at the end of the prompt area
and then select the surface name from the list that appears.

5. From the buttons in the prompt area, select Surface as the slave type.
6. Select the inside upper surface of the clamp to be the slave surface, as shown in Figure 18-10.

Figure 18-10 Select the inside upper surface.

By default, when you click in a region that overlaps more than one face, ABAQUS/CAE selects
the face that is "closest" to the screen. To select the inside upper surface of the clamp, you need to
turn off the default behavior and cycle through the valid selections.

a. In the prompt area, click the selection filter tool

An Options dialog box appears.


The Interaction module

b. In the dialog box, identify the Select the Entity Closest to the Screen tool by holding
the cursor briefly over each button in the dialog box; toggle off this tool.
c. In the viewport, click the inside lower surface of the clamp.
ABAQUS/CAE displays Next, Previous, and OK buttons in the prompt area.
d. Click Next or Previous until the desired face is selected.
e. Click OK to confirm your choice.
7. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the selected geometry.
A surface-to-surface contact editor appears.
8. In the editor, notice that the master and slave surfaces are labeled as (Picked) to indicate that you
picked them directly from the viewport. The Switch button allows you to interchange your master
and slave surface selections without having to start over.
9. Accept Finite sliding as the Sliding formulation selection.
10. Accept Friction as the interaction property. (If more properties were defined, you could click
the arrow next to the Interaction property field to see the list of available properties and then
select the property of your choice.)
11. Click Interference Fit to see the contents of the Interference Fit Options dialog box. You can
accept the default selections and values provided for the interaction.
12. Click OK to save the interaction definition and to exit the editor.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3

18.7.4 Creating an equation constraint

You can also create linear multi-point equation constraints between points in the Interaction module.
In this tutorial you will create a simple equation constraint on the displacements of the clamp ends in
the 3-direction. The equation constraint is of the form A + B = 0, where A is the displacement of the
upper left corner of the clamp and B is the displacement of the lower right corner of the clamp. To
create this constraint, you will need to create a geometry set for each point that will be constrained.
To create the geometry sets:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Set->Create.
The Create Set dialog box appears.


The Interaction module

2. In the dialog box, enter the name Top_Left for the first set, and click Continue.
3. Select the upper left corner point on the top clamp piece as the geometry for the set, and click
mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the selected geometry.
4. Use the same method to create a geometry set called Bottom_Right that contains the lower
right corner point of the bottom clamp piece.
To create the constraint:
1. From the main menu bar, select Constraint->Create.
The Create Constraint dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, enter the name asymmetry for the constraint.
3. From the Type list, select Equation, and click Continue.
The constraint editor appears.
4. Enter the constraint information in the table as shown in Figure 18-11.

Figure 18-11 Equation constraint.

See ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5, for more information on entering information in the
table editor.
5. Click OK to exit the constraint editor.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding constraints,'' Section 18.5


The Interaction module

18.7.5 Changing the stepwise history of the interaction

Interactions are step-dependent objects, which means that you can create and, in some cases, modify
and deactivate them for different steps of an analysis. For example, when you created the interaction
Contact, you specified that the interaction be activated in Step-1 of the analysis. ABAQUS/CAE
automatically propagates the interaction through Step-2 and Step-3 of the analysis unless you
deactivate the interaction in one of these steps.
The Interaction Manager displays all of the interactions that you have created and the status of the
interaction in each step. It also contains a series of buttons that allow you to change the status of
interactions in different steps. For example, the interaction Contact appears in the Interaction
Manager shown in Figure 18-12.

Figure 18-12 The Interaction Manager.

In this section you will use the buttons in the Interaction Manager to activate the interaction in
Step-2 of the analysis rather than in Step-1, and you will deactivate the interaction in Step-3. In other
words, you will specify that contact be recognized between the surfaces in Step-2 of the analysis but
become undefined in Step-3.
To alter the history of the interaction:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Manager.
The Interaction Manager dialog box appears.
2. Expand the width of the Interaction Manager by dragging either the left or the right edge until all
of the analysis steps are visible in the manager table.
3. In the Interaction Manager, click the cell labeled Created in the column labeled Step-1.
That cell becomes highlighted.
4. On the right side of the manager, click Move Right.
The Created status of the interaction Contact moves from Step-1 to Step-2.
5. In the manager, click in the cell labeled Propagated in the column labeled Step-3.


The Interaction module

That cell becomes highlighted.

6. Click Deactivate.
The Propagated status in Step-3 changes to Inactive.
7. Click Dismiss to close the Interaction Manager.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

18.7.6 Summary of key points

The following list summarizes the key points demonstrated in this tutorial:
When you define an interaction, you must specify the following:
- The interacting regions.
- The step in which the interaction begins.
Contact interaction definitions refer to interaction properties, which contain information about
friction and other behavior between surfaces.
You can use the Interaction Manager to view and, in some cases, to manipulate the stepwise
history of an interaction.

18.8 Using the Interaction module

This section describes in detail how to use different features of the Interaction module. The following
topics are covered:
``Creating interactions,'' Section 18.8.1
``Creating interaction properties,'' Section 18.8.2
``Creating constraints,'' Section 18.8.3
``Specifying contact property options,'' Section 18.8.4
``Defining surface-to-surface contact,'' Section 18.8.5
``Defining self-contact ,'' Section 18.8.6
``Defining foundations,'' Section 18.8.7
``Defining a convective interaction,'' Section 18.8.8


The Interaction module

``Defining a radiative interaction,'' Section 18.8.9

``Defining tie constraints,'' Section 18.8.10
``Defining equation constraints,'' Section 18.8.11
``Defining an actuator/sensor interaction,'' Section 18.8.12
``Editing the region to which an interaction or constraint is applied, '' Section 18.8.13
See also ``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2, for information on managing

18.8.1 Creating interactions

You can create the following interactions:
Contact between two surfaces.
Contact between a surface and an elastic foundation.
Heat flux on a surface due to convection.
Heat flux on a surface due to radiation to the environment.
Interaction between a point and a user-defined actuator/sensor element.
The available categories and types of interactions depend on the procedure selected for the step. For
example, you can define heat flux on a surface only during a heat transfer, coupled
temperature-displacement, or coupled thermal-electrical step. Similarly, you can define interactions
with a user-defined actuator/sensor only during the initial step.
Detailed instructions for creating interactions:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create
Tip: You can also create an interaction using the

tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the step in which the interaction will be used.
Select the interaction type.
3. Click Continue to create the interaction and to close the Create Interaction dialog box.


The Interaction module

4. Select the region to which to apply the interaction. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting
objects within the viewport.
5. In the editor that appears or, if applicable, in the prompt area, enter any data necessary to define
the interaction.
For detailed instructions on creating different types of interactions, see the following sections:
``Defining surface-to-surface contact,'' Section 18.8.5
``Defining self-contact ,'' Section 18.8.6
``Defining foundations,'' Section 18.8.7
``Defining a convective interaction,'' Section 18.8.8
``Defining a radiative interaction,'' Section 18.8.9
``Defining an actuator/sensor interaction,'' Section 18.8.12

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"

18.8.2 Creating interaction properties

You can create an interaction property by entering data in an interaction property editor. The format of
the editor varies according to the type of property you are defining; when you create a property, you
must first specify the property type so that the appropriate editor appears. For more information, see
``Understanding interaction properties,'' Section 18.4.
Detailed instructions for creating an interaction property:
1. From the main menu bar, select Property->Create.
Tip: You can also create a property using the

tool in the Interaction module toolbox.

A Create Interaction Property dialog box appears.

2. Enter a property name of your choice. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using
basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.


The Interaction module

3. Select the property type of your choice, and click Continue.

The editor for the property type you have specified appears.
4. In the editor, enter all of the data necessary to define the interaction property.
Note: You can display help on a particular editor feature by selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then
clicking the editor feature of interest.

5. Click OK to save the data and to exit the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating interaction properties,'' Section 18.6.3
``Understanding interaction properties,'' Section 18.4
``Specifying contact property options,'' Section 18.8.4

18.8.3 Creating constraints

You can create the following constraints:
Equation constraints that describe linear constraints between individual degrees of freedom.
Tie constraints that tie two separate surfaces together so that there is no relative motion between
Detailed instructions for creating constraints:
1. From the main menu bar, select Constraint->Create
Tip: You can also create a constraint using the

tool in the Interaction module toolbox.

2. In the Create Constraint dialog box that appears, do the following:

a. Name the constraint. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
b. Select the desired constraint type, and then click Continue.
3. Click Continue to create the constraint and to close the Create Constraint dialog box.
4. If applicable, select the region to which to apply the constraint. For more information, see Chapter
9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."


The Interaction module

5. In the editor that appears, enter any data necessary to define the constraint.
For detailed instructions on creating different types of interactions, see the following sections:
``Defining equation constraints,'' Section 18.8.11
``Defining tie constraints,'' Section 18.8.10

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"

18.8.4 Specifying contact property options

The contact property editor contains menus from which you can choose options to include in the
property definition. The Contact Property Options list at the top of the editor displays the options
currently included in the property definition; the list is updated as you add and delete options.
You can add, delete, or change property options as follows:
Adding property options
Select the options needed to define your property from the Mechanical and Thermal menus.
When you select an option, its name appears in the Contact Property Options list, and data
fields associated with the option appear in the data area in the bottom half of the editor. Use
the data fields to enter information for the currently selected option.
Deleting property options
In the Contact Property Options list, select the option that you want to delete, and click
Delete on the right side of the editor. This procedure removes the option from both the options
list and the property definition.
Changing option data
In the Contact Property Options list, select the option whose data you want to change. When
the data fields associated with the option appear in the bottom half of the window, change the
information that you have entered for the option as desired.

For information on related topics, click the following item:


The Interaction module

``Creating interaction properties,'' Section 18.6.3

18.8.5 Defining surface-to-surface contact

You can define surface-to-surface contact during the initial step and during subsequent steps. Select
Interaction->Create from the main menu bar, and select the master and slave surfaces. You can define
contact between edges of a wire or between faces of a solid or shell. For more information, see
``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3.
Detailed instructions for defining surface-to-surface contact
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.
Tip: You can also create an interaction using the

tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the step in which the interaction will be used.
Select the Surface-to-surface type of interaction.
3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.
4. Use one of the following methods to select the master surface:
Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see ``Selecting
objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2.) Click mouse button 2 to indicate you have
finished selecting. You must select a region from only one part instance; the region that you
select cannot span multiple part instances.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for
more information.
If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native geometric part
instances, click one of the following from the prompt area:
- Click Geometry if you want to select the surface or vertex from a native geometric part
- Click Mesh if you want to select the surface or node from an orphan mesh instance.


The Interaction module

If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to
create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
Use an existing surface to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click
Surfaces. Select an existing surface from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and
click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

5. Select the slave surface.

In the prompt area, click the menu button and select one of the following:
Select Surface if you want to select a surface.
Select Node Region if you want to select a region from which to create a contact node set.
Use one of the same methods described earlier to select the slave surface or region. As with the
master surface, the surface or region that you select cannot span multiple part instances.
6. After you select the slave surface, the Edit Interaction dialog box appears. The Switch button
allows you to interchange your master and slave surface selections without having to start over.
In the Edit Interaction dialog box, do the following:
If you will be performing an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, choose the mechanical constraint
formulation. For more information, see ``Interaction normal to the surface,'' Section 20.3.2 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Choose the sliding formulation. For more information, see ``Relative surface motions,''
Section 21.3.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 20.3.4 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
If you will be performing an ABAQUS/Standard analysis, specify the slave node adjustment
option of your choice. For more information, see ``Adjusting initial surface positions and
specifying initial clearances in contact pairs,'' Section 21.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Select an interaction property. If desired, click Create to create the interaction property.
Enter the interference fit options, if desired. For more information, see ``Adjusting initial
surface positions and specifying initial clearances in contact pairs, '' Section 21.2.2 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 20.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Note: You can display help on a particular editor feature by selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then
clicking the editor feature of interest.


The Interaction module

7. In the Edit Interaction dialog box, click OK to create the interaction.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2
``Creating interactions,'' Section 18.8.1
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9

18.8.6 Defining self-contact

You can define self-contact during the initial step and during subsequent steps. Select
Interaction->Create from the main menu bar and select the surface. You can define self-contact
between an edge of a wire, a face of a solid, or a face of a shell. For more information, see
``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3.
Detailed instructions for defining self-contact
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.
Tip: You can also create an interaction using the

tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the step in which the interaction will be used.
Select the Self-contact type of interaction.
3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.
4. Use one of the following methods to select the surface:
Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see ``Selecting
objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2.) You must select a region from only one part
instance; the region that you select cannot span multiple part instances.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for


The Interaction module

more information.
If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native geometric part
instances, click one of the following from the prompt area:
- Click Geometry if you want to select the surface or vertex from a native geometric part
- Click Mesh if you want to select the surface or node from an orphan mesh instance.
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to
create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
Use an existing surface to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click
Surfaces. Select an existing surface from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and
click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

5. In the Edit Interaction dialog box that appears, choose the interaction property.
6. From the Edit Interaction dialog box, click OK to create the interaction.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2
``Creating interactions,'' Section 18.8.1
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9

18.8.7 Defining foundations

You can model an elastic foundation by defining the foundation stiffness per area of a selected surface
(or per length for beams). Select Interaction->Create from the main menu bar, and select the surface
to be modeled as an elastic foundation. For more information, see ``Understanding interactions,''
Section 18.3.
Elastic foundations allow you to model the stiffness effects of a distributed support without actually
modeling the details of the support. You can create elastic foundation interactions only in the initial
step. Once an elastic foundation is activated, you cannot deactivate it in later analysis steps.
Detailed instructions for defining a foundation:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.


The Interaction module

Tip: You can also create an interaction using the


tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the initial step.
Select the Elastic foundation type of interaction.
3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.
4. Use one of the following methods to select the surface:
Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see ``Selecting
objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2.) You must select a region from only one part
instance; the region that you select cannot span multiple part instances.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for
more information.
If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native geometric part
instances, click one of the following from the prompt area:
- Click Geometry if you want to select the surface or vertex from a native geometric part
- Click Mesh if you want to select the surface or node from an orphan mesh instance.
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to
create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
Use an existing surface to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click
Surfaces. Select an existing surface from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and
click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

5. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the foundation stiffness per area.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the elastic foundation interaction.

The Interaction module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2
``Creating interactions,'' Section 18.8.1
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9

18.8.8 Defining a convective interaction

You can model heat transfer from surfaces due to convection by creating a film condition interaction.
Select Interaction->Create from the main menu bar and select the surface. For more information, see
``Understanding interactions,'' Section 18.3.
Detailed instructions for defining a convective interaction:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.
Tip: You can also create an interaction using the

tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the step. You can define heat flux from a surface only during a heat transfer, coupled
temperature-displacement, or coupled thermal-electrical step.
Select the Film condition type of interaction.
3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.
4. Use one of the following methods to select the surface:
Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see ``Selecting
objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2.) You must select a region from only one part
instance; the region that you select cannot span multiple part instances.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for
more information.


The Interaction module

If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native geometric part
instances, click one of the following from the prompt area:
- Click Geometry if you want to select the surface or vertex from a native geometric part
- Click Mesh if you want to select the surface or node from an orphan mesh instance.
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to
create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
Use an existing surface to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click
Surfaces. Select an existing surface from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and
click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

5. In the Edit Interaction dialog box that appears, enter the required data. You must use the
Amplitude toolset to create the desired film coefficient and sink amplitudes.
Note: You can display help on a particular editor feature by selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then
clicking the editor feature of interest.

6. From the Edit Interaction dialog box, click OK to create the interaction.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2
``Creating interactions,'' Section 18.8.1
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9

18.8.9 Defining a radiative interaction

You can model heat transfer between a nonconcave surface and a nonreflecting environment due to
radiation by creating a radiation to ambient interaction. Select Interaction->Create from the main
menu bar, and select the surface. For more information, see ``Understanding interactions,'' Section
Detailed instructions for defining a radiative interaction:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.


The Interaction module

Tip: You can also create an interaction using the


tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the step. You can define heat flux from a surface only during a heat transfer, coupled
temperature-displacement, or coupled thermal-electrical step.
Select the Radiation to ambient type of interaction.
3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.
4. Use one of the following methods to select the surface:
Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see ``Selecting
objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2.) You must select a region from only one part
instance; the region that you select cannot span multiple part instances.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for
more information.
If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native geometric part
instances, click one of the following from the prompt area:
- Click Geometry if you want to select the surface or vertex from a native geometric part
- Click Mesh if you want to select the surface or node from an orphan mesh instance.
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to
create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
Use an existing surface to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click
Surfaces. Select an existing surface from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and
click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

5. In the Edit Interaction dialog box that appears, enter the required data. You must use the


The Interaction module

Amplitude toolset to create the desired ambient temperature amplitude.

Note: You can display help on a particular editor feature by selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then
clicking the editor feature of interest.

6. From the Edit Interaction dialog box, click OK to create the interaction.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2
``Creating interactions,'' Section 18.8.1
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9

18.8.10 Defining tie constraints

A tie constraint ties two separate surfaces together so that there is no relative motion between them.
This type of constraint allows you to fuse together two regions even though the meshes created on the
surfaces of the regions may be dissimilar. You can define a tie constraint between edges of a wire or
between faces of a solid or shell.
You can create tie constraints only during the initial step. Once you activate a tie constraint, you
cannot deactivate it in any later analysis steps. For more information, see ``Understanding
interactions,'' Section 18.3, and ``Defining tied contact,'' Section 21.2.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual and Section 20.2.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Detailed instructions for defining a tie constraint:
1. From the main menu bar, select Constraint->Create.
Tip: You can also create a constraint using the

tool in the Interaction module toolbox.

2. In the Create Constraint dialog box that appears, do the following:

a. Name the constraint. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
b. From the Type list, select Tie, and then click Continue.
3. Use one of the following methods to select the master surface:
Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. (For more information, see ``Selecting
objects within the current viewport, '' Section 9.2.) Click mouse button 2 to indicate you have
finished selecting. You must select a region from only one part instance; the region that you
select cannot span multiple part instances.


The Interaction module

Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
selection filter tool
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for
more information.
If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native geometric part
instances, click one of the following from the prompt area:
- Click Geometry if you want to select the surface or vertex from a native geometric part
- Click Mesh if you want to select the surface or node from an orphan mesh instance.
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to
create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
Use an existing surface to define the region. On the right side of the prompt area, click
Surfaces. Select an existing surface from the Region Selection dialog box that appears, and
click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

4. Select the slave surface.

In the prompt area, click the menu button and select one of the following:
Select Surface if you want to select a surface.
Select Node Region if you want to select a region from which to create a node-based surface.
Use one of the same methods described in the previous step to select the slave surface or region.
As with the master surface, the surface or region that you select cannot span multiple part
5. After you select the slave surface, the constraint editor appears. The Switch button allows you to
interchange your master and slave surface selections without having to start over.
In the constraint editor, choose the node adjustment method. For more information, see
``Adjusting initial surface positions and specifying initial clearances in contact pairs, '' Section
21.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 20.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual.
6. Click OK to create the constraint.


The Interaction module

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2

18.8.11 Defining equation constraints

You can create an equation constraint by entering data in the Edit Constraint dialog box. The terms of
an equation consist of a coefficient applied to a degree of freedom of every node in a set. For detailed
information about equations, see ``Linear constraint equations,'' Section 20.2.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Detailed instructions for creating an equation:
1. From the main menu bar, select Constraint->Create.
Tip: You can also create a constraint using the

tool in the Interaction module toolbox.

A Create Constraint dialog box appears.

2. In the Create Constraint dialog box that appears, do the following:
a. Name the constraint. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
b. From the Type list, select Equation, and then click Continue.
The Edit Constraint dialog box appears.
3. In the table in the Edit Constraint dialog box, enter a row of data for each term in the equation.
The equation must have at least two terms. Click the Tip button for a description of the
relationship between the data in the table and the desired equation.
Each row should contain the following information:
The coefficient.
The name of an existing set. (For information on creating sets, see Chapter 45, "The Set and
Surface toolsets.") You can enter any set in the first row of the table. However, subsequent
rows must refer to sets that contain only a single vertex.
The degree of freedom.
The ID of the coordinate system in which you will apply the constraint. You can either accept
the default coordinate system or select an existing datum coordinate system. If the desired
datum coordinate system does not exist, you can create it using the Datum toolset. (For more
information, see ``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section 41.8.)
To determine the ID of a coordinate system, select Tools->Query from the main menu bar.
For more information, see ``Obtaining general information about the model,'' Section 44.2.2.


The Interaction module

4. When you have finished entering data, click OK to save your equation definition and to close the
Edit Constraint dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding constraints,'' Section 18.5
``Linear constraint equations,'' Section 20.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

18.8.12 Defining an actuator/sensor interaction

You can create an actuator/sensor interaction at a single vertex of your model. An actuator/sensor
interaction provides an interface to user subroutine UEL. The subroutine, in turn, represents a linear or
nonlinear user-defined element. Actuator/sensor interactions must be defined during the initial step and
are valid only for ABAQUS/Standard analyses.
Warning: This feature is intended for advanced users only. Its use in all but the simplest test
examples will require considerable coding by the user/developer. ``User-defined elements,''
Section 18.8.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual, should be read before proceeding.
Detailed instructions for defining an actuator/sensor interaction:
1. From the main menu bar, select Interaction->Create.
Tip: You can also create an interaction using the

tool in the Interaction module

2. In the Create Interaction dialog box that appears, do the following:

Name the interaction. For more information about naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Select the initial step.
Select the Actuator/sensor type of interaction.
3. Click Continue to close the Create Interaction dialog box.
4. From the assembly, select the point where the interaction will be applied. Click mouse button 2 to
indicate you have finished selecting the point.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the


The Interaction module

selection filter tool

in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Edit Interaction dialog box.
5. Enter the necessary data in the Edit Interaction dialog box. The required data are a function of
your user-defined element subroutine. You may need to create a real and integer actuator/sensor
interaction properties. For more information, see ``Creating interaction properties,'' Section 18.8.2.
The following table indicates the correspondence between the fields in the Edit Interaction dialog
box and the variables in user subroutine UEL.
UEL variable
User element type id
Degrees of freedom
Number of coordinate components
Solution-dependent state variables
The real and integer values entered into an actuator/sensor interaction property are used by the
PROPS, JPROPS, NPROPS, and NJPROPS variables. For a description of all the variables that can
be passed into user subroutine UEL, see ``User-defined elements,'' Section 18.8.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating and modifying interactions,'' Section 18.6.2

18.8.13 Editing the region to which an interaction or constraint is

You can edit the region to which an interaction is applied if the step selected in the Step list is that in
which the interaction was created. You can edit the region to which a constraint is applied regardless
of the selected step.
Detailed instructions for editing the region to which an interaction or constraint is applied:
1. If you are editing an interaction, select from the Step list located under the toolbar the step in
which the interaction was created.
2. From the Interaction or Constraint menu in the main menu bar, select Edit->interaction or
constraint name of your choice . For example, to edit an interaction, you would select
Interaction->Edit->interaction name.
Tip: You can also initiate this procedure using the following methods:
If you are editing an interaction:


The Interaction module

In the Interaction Manager, click the cell located in the row of the interaction that
you want to modify and in the column of the step in which it was created, and click
Edit. Alternatively, you can just double-click the cell.
If you are editing a constraint:
In the Constraint Manager, select the name of the constraint, and click Edit.
If you are editing a foundation interaction, either you are prompted to edit the region by selecting
or unselecting objects in the viewport or a Region Selection dialog box appears in which you can
select a surface that you have already created using the Surface toolset.
If you are editing any other type of interaction or a constraint, the appropriate editor appears. The
editor contains an Edit Region button for each region involved in the interaction or constraint
3. If you are editing a constraint or any type of interaction other than foundation, click Edit Region
for the region that you want to modify. For example, if you are editing a surface-to-surface contact
interaction and you want to modify the master surface, click Edit Region next to the Master
surface label in the editor.
4. Edit the region by selecting and unselecting objects in the viewport. When you have finished
editing the region, click mouse button 2. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport.")
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you would rather select from a list of existing sets or surfaces, do the following:
a. Click Sets or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area. (The name of the button
depends on the type of object you are editing. For example, if you are editing an
interaction, a Surfaces button appears.)
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available
sets or surfaces.
b. Select the set or surface of interest, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Sets or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

5. Finish editing the interaction or constraint definition as desired, and then press mouse button 2 (if
you are editing a foundation interaction) or click OK in the editor (if you are editing any other type


The Interaction module

of interaction or if you are editing a constraint).

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Interaction module,'' Section 18.8
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2


The Load/BC/IC module

19. The Load/BC/IC module

The Load/BC/IC module allows you to define and manage the following prescribed conditions:
Boundary conditions
Initial conditions
This chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Load/BC/IC module,'' Section 19.1
``Entering and exiting the Load/BC/IC module,'' Section 19.2
``Managing prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.3
``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Tutorial: Using the Load/BC/IC module,'' Section 19.6
``Using the Load/BC/IC module,'' Section 19.7
The tutorial will help you become familiar with techniques for creating and applying prescribed

19.1 Understanding the role of the Load/BC/IC module

Loads and boundary conditions in ABAQUS/CAE are step-dependent objects, which means that you
must specify the analysis steps in which they are active. You can use the load and boundary condition
managers to view and manipulate the stepwise history of loads and boundary conditions. You can also
use the Step list located under the toolbar to specify the steps in which new loads and boundary
conditions become active by default.
Initial conditions are not step-dependent because they are always applied at the beginning of the
analysis and cannot change from step to step.
You can use the Amplitude toolset in the Load/BC/IC module to specify complicated time or
frequency dependencies that can be applied to loads and boundary conditions. The Set and Surface
toolsets in the Load/BC/IC module allow you to define and name regions of your model to which you
would like to apply prescribed conditions.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Prescribed conditions: overview,'' Section 19.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 18.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual


The Load/BC/IC module

19.2 Entering and exiting the Load/BC/IC module

You can enter the Load/BC/IC module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking
Load/BC/IC in the Module list located under the toolbar. The Load, BC, IC, Feature, and Tools
menus appear on the main menu bar. A Step list appears under the toolbar.
To exit the Load/BC/IC module, specify another module in the Module list in the context bar. You
need not take any specific action to save your prescribed conditions before exiting the module; they are
saved automatically when you save the entire model by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from
the main menu bar.

19.3 Managing prescribed conditions

Prescribed condition managers are dialog boxes that you use to organize and manipulate the prescribed
conditions associated with a given model. Each kind of prescribed condition that you can define in the
Load/BC/IC module has a separate manager. You access the managers by selecting Manager from the
appropriate menus on the main menu bar.
Prescribed condition managers contain alphabetical lists of all the prescribed conditions of a certain
type that you have created. For example, the Initial Condition Manager shown in Figure 19-1 contains
a list of initial conditions.

Figure 19-1 The Initial Condition Manager.

The Create, Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete buttons in the managers allow you to create new
prescribed conditions or to edit, copy, rename, and delete existing ones. You can also initiate the
create, edit, copy, rename, and delete procedures by using the Load, BC, and IC menus in the main
menu bar. After you select a management operation from the main menu bar, the procedure is exactly
the same as if you had clicked the corresponding button inside the manager dialog box.
The decision whether to use the menu or the manager dialog box is yours. In general, the menu is more
convenient if you are performing isolated operations; the advantages of the manager dialog box
become apparent when you are performing several operations in sequence or when you need to browse
through a long list of prescribed conditions.
The load and boundary condition managers are step-dependent managers, which means that they


The Load/BC/IC module

contain additional information concerning the history of each load and boundary condition in the
model. These managers also contain buttons that allow you to manipulate the history of prescribed
conditions. (For more information, see ``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2.) The
step-dependent Load Manager is shown in Figure 19-2.

Figure 19-2 The Load Manager.

For detailed instructions on creating, editing, and manipulated prescribed conditions, see the following
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Entering concentrated force data in the load editor, '' Section 19.7.5
``Entering body force data in the load editor,'' Section 19.7.6
``Modeling bolt loads,'' Section 19.7.8
``Understanding methods for defining Displacement/Rotation boundary conditions, '' Section 19.7.9
``Entering boundary condition values for degrees of freedom,'' Section 19.7.10
``Fixing degrees of freedom at their current values,'' Section 19.7.11
``Defining initial velocities and initial temperatures, '' Section 19.7.13
``Defining initial translational velocity,'' Section 19.7.14
``Defining a constant initial temperature through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.15
``Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or beam section, '' Section 19.7.16
``Defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.17
``Editing the region to which a prescribed condition is applied, '' Section 19.7.19


The Load/BC/IC module

See also ``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2, for information on managing
step-dependent objects.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

19.4 Creating and modifying prescribed conditions

To create a prescribed condition, select Create from the appropriate menu in the main menu bar. A
Create dialog box will appear in which you can provide a name for the prescribed condition and
choose the type of the prescribed condition that you want to create.
When you click Continue in the Create dialog box, you are prompted to select the region to which
you want to apply the prescribed condition. Once you have selected the region, an editor appears in
which you can specify additional information about the prescribed condition, such as its magnitude.
The top panel of each prescribed condition editor displays the name and type of the prescribed
condition, the analysis step you are currently in, and the region of the model to which the prescribed
condition will be applied. If you are editing a prescribed condition in the step in which it was first
created, an Edit Region button appears next to the Region field; this button allows you to edit the
region to which the prescribed condition is applied. (For more information, see ``Editing the region to
which a prescribed condition is applied, '' Section 19.7.19.)
The format of the rest of the editor depends on the type of prescribed condition you are defining and on
the step specified at the top of the editor. For example, the editor for concentrated forces is shown in
Figure 19-3.

Figure 19-3 The editor for concentrated forces.

This editor contains special text fields in which you can specify the components of the force in the 1-,


The Load/BC/IC module

2-, and 3-directions. The editor also contains an Amplitude text field that allows you to vary the
magnitude of the prescribed condition as a function of time. You can accept either the default
amplitude or select an amplitude that you have defined using the Amplitude toolset. (For more
information, see Chapter 40, "The Amplitude toolset.")
In the case of displacement/rotation and velocity/angular velocity boundary conditions you can specify
the coordinate system in which you will apply the boundary condition. You can accept either the
default coordinate system or select an existing datum coordinate system. If the desired datum
coordinate system does not exist, you can create it using the Datum toolset. (For more information, see
``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section 41.8.)
Note: If you delete or suppress the datum coordinate system, the orientation of the boundary
condition reverts to the global coordinate system.
Once you have created a prescribed condition, you can modify the prescribed condition in the
following ways:
You can modify some or all of the data that you entered in the editor when you created the
prescribed condition.
In the case of loads and boundary conditions, you can use the managers to modify the stepwise
history of the prescribed condition. (For more information, see ``What are step-dependent
managers?,'' Section 6.5.2.)
To display help on a particular manager or editor feature, select Help->On Context from the main
menu bar and then click the feature of interest.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset
Chapter 40, "The Amplitude toolset

19.5 Understanding symbols that represent prescribed

When you apply prescribed conditions to a region, you can choose to display symbols (usually arrows)
in the viewport that indicate the following:
The regions to which you applied the prescribed condition.
The type of the prescribed condition.
The degrees of freedom to which you applied the prescribed condition.
If applicable, the direction (negative or positive) in which you applied the prescribed condition.


The Load/BC/IC module

This section explains how to interpret the symbols. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding prescribed condition symbol type and color, '' Section 19.5.1
``What do single-headed and double-headed arrows represent?, '' Section 19.5.2
``Understanding symbol location and direction,'' Section 19.5.3
For information about controlling the visibility of these symbols, see ``Controlling the display of loads,
boundary conditions, and initial conditions, '' Section 46.8.

19.5.1 Understanding prescribed condition symbol type and

The type and color of the symbols that represent prescribed conditions can vary with
the type of prescribed condition that the symbols represent and
the degrees of freedom to which you apply the prescribed condition.
The following tables summarize the significance of the symbol types and colors:
Force and Bolt
Surface heat flux
Boundary conditions
Orange for components applied to
degrees of freedom 1-3.
Blue for components applied to
degrees of freedom 4-6.
Symmetry/Antisymmetry/E Arrow
Orange for components applied to
degrees of freedom 1-3.
Blue for components applied to
degrees of freedom 4-6.
Velocity/Angular velocity
Sandy brown for components
applied to degrees of freedom 1-3.
Magenta for components applied to
degrees of freedom 4-6.
Initial conditions
Translational velocity
Sandy brown
Constant temperature over Cube
For example, Figure 19-4 displays a concentrated force applied to vertices. All of the arrows that
represent the different components of the concentrated force are yellow.

Figure 19-4 A concentrated force.


The Load/BC/IC module

On the other hand, Figure 19-5 shows a Velocity/Angular Velocity boundary condition that is applied
to both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. The sandy brown arrows represent components
of the boundary condition that are applied to translational degrees of freedom. The magenta arrows
represent components of the boundary condition that are applied to rotational degrees of freedom.

Figure 19-5 A boundary condition applied to an edge.

Note: When a boundary condition fixes a degree of freedom in place, the arrow representing that
component lacks a stem.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Controlling the display of loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions, '' Section 46.8

19.5.2 What do single-headed and double-headed arrows



The Load/BC/IC module

In most cases ABAQUS/CAE uses arrows to represent prescribed conditions in the viewport. These
arrows represent each component of the prescribed condition. The size of the arrows is uniform and
unrelated to the magnitude of the prescribed condition.
For example, the arrows that appear in Figure 19-6 represent the three components of a concentrated
force that is applied to two vertices.

Figure 19-6 A concentrated force with three components.

An arrow with a single arrow head represents a component of a prescribed condition that is applied to
a translational degree of freedom. For example, the three components of the concentrated force in
Figure 19-6 are applied to degrees of freedom 1 through 3; therefore, each arrow in the figure has a
single arrow head.
When a component of a prescribed condition is applied to a rotational degree of freedom, that
component appears as a double-headed arrow. The arrows in Figure 19-7 indicate that a
Velocity/Angular Velocity boundary condition is applied to degrees of freedom 4 and 6 of the

Figure 19-7 A boundary condition applied to rotational degrees of freedom.

A magnified view of the the double-headed arrows appears in Figure 19-8.

Figure 19-8 Magnified double-headed arrows.


The Load/BC/IC module

If you apply a prescribed condition to both translational and rotational degrees of freedom, both the
single-headed and the double-headed arrows appear. For example, a Velocity/Angular Velocity
boundary condition is applied to degrees of freedom 1, 3, 4, and 6 of the vertex in Figure 19-9.

Figure 19-9 Magnified view of a boundary condition applied to translational and rotational degrees of

In this figure the single-headed arrows are sandy brown and indicate that degrees of freedom 1 and 3 of
the vertex are fixed. The double-headed arrows are magenta and appear directly behind the
single-headed arrows; the double-headed arrows indicate that degrees of freedom 4 and 6 of the vertex
are fixed.
For information on arrow color, see ``Understanding prescribed condition symbol type and color, ''
Section 19.5.1. For information on when to expect arrows to point toward or away from a region, see
``Understanding symbol location and direction,'' Section 19.5.3.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Controlling the display of loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions, '' Section 46.8

19.5.3 Understanding symbol location and direction

The placement of symbols on a model can depend on the type of prescribed condition that the symbols
represent and the type of region to which the prescribed condition is applied. Table 19-1 indicates
where symbols appear on geometric models.


The Load/BC/IC module

Table 19-1. Symbol location on native geometry.

Location of symbols on the model
Region type to which the
prescribed condition is
At the vertex
Equally spaced along the edge
Pressure load, bolt load, and surface
heat flux symbols are equally spaced
over the whole surface. Symbols for
other prescribed conditions are equally
spaced along each edge of the surface.
Equally spaced along each edge of the
For example, Figure 19-10 shows a concentrated force applied to two vertices and a boundary
condition applied to a surface of a geometric model.

Figure 19-10 A concentrated force and a boundary condition.

Table 19-2 indicates where symbols appear on meshed models.

Table 19-2. Symbol location on meshes.

Location of symbols on the model
Region type to which the
prescribed condition is
At the node
Element edge (for
At the midpoint of the element edge
two-dimensional meshes)
Element face (for
At the centroid of the element face
three-dimensional meshes)
For example, Figure 19-11 shows a boundary condition applied to four nodes and a pressure load
applied to several element faces of a mesh.


The Load/BC/IC module

Figure 19-11 A pressure load and a boundary condition.

When a boundary condition fixes a degree of freedom in place, the arrow representing that component
points into the region and lacks a stem. For example, the boundary condition in Figure 19-12 fixes
degrees of freedom 1, 2, and 3 in place.

Figure 19-12 A boundary condition fixing degrees of freedom in place.

Likewise, if a positive pressure load is applied to a region, the arrows representing that pressure load
point into the region, as illustrated in Figure 19-13.

Figure 19-13 A positive pressure load.

In all other cases, arrows representing components of a prescribed condition point out from the region.
Note: When a component of a concentrated force is zero, no arrow appears for that component.


The Load/BC/IC module

Likewise, when a boundary condition leaves a degree of freedom unconstrained, no arrow appears
for that component.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Controlling the display of loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions, '' Section 46.8

19.6 Tutorial: Using the Load/BC/IC module

This section contains a short tutorial that will help you to become more familiar with the Load/BC/IC
module. The tasks in this tutorial involve the clamp model shown in Figure 19-14.

Figure 19-14 The clamp model.

In this tutorial you will fix the clamp in place by applying a boundary condition to the end of the
clamp, and you will apply a pressure load to the top of the clamp. In addition, you will use managers to
manipulate the stepwise history of the boundary condition and load.

19.6.1 Opening the model database

To start the tutorial, you must first copy the model database that contains the clamp model to a local
directory; you then open the model database and continue the tutorial.
To open the model database:
1. The model database used by the tutorial is stored in abaqus_dir /cae/Tutorial/clamp.cae,
where abaqus_dir is the name of the directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed.
ABAQUS/CAE must have write permission to the current model database; consequently, before
you open the database, copy it to a local directory to which you can write. To determine the value
of abaqus_dir, type abaqus whereami at the operating system prompt.
Note: The path to the model database is abaqus_dir\cae\Tutorial\clamp.cae on Windows NT systems.

2. From the main menu bar, select File->Open.


The Load/BC/IC module

The Open Database dialog box appears.

3. Click the File type arrow, and select Model Database (*.cae) if it is not already selected.
4. In the Selection field at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, delete the default text and
type the path of the file containing the model database.
5. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE reads the model database containing the clamp model.

19.6.2 Applying a pressure load

In this section you will apply a pressure load to the top surface of the clamp.
To define a pressure load:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Load/BC/IC.
The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Load/BC/IC module loads. The clamp model appears
in the viewport.
Note: During the course of this tutorial, you can use the following techniques to manipulate the position of the clamp in the
Use a combination of the view manipulation tools and the display option tools in the toolbar and the tools in the Views
toolbox to resize and reposition the model as necessary. (The Views toolbox appears when you select

from the

In particular, you will probably find the magnification tool

and the rotation tool

useful for displaying the

model at a convenient size and orientation.

When necessary, click the Iso tool

in the Views toolbox to return the model to its original size and position in

the viewport.
For more information on the view manipulation tools, see Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view and controlling perspective."

2. From the main menu bar, select Load->Manager.

The Load Manager appears.
3. In the Load Manager, click Create.
The Create Load dialog box appears.
4. In the Create Load dialog box:
a. Name the load Pressure.
b. Select Step-1 as the step in which the load is first applied to the model.


The Load/BC/IC module

c. From the Category list, accept the default selection of Mechanical.

d. From the Type for Selected Step list, select Pressure.
e. Click Continue.
5. To select the surface to which the pressure load will be applied, click the top face of the clamp in
the ABAQUS/CAE viewport. The desired face is shown in Figure 19-15.

Figure 19-15 Select the top face.

6. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the selected geometry.

The load editor appears.
7. In the editor, enter a load magnitude of 500.
8. Accept the default distribution setting of Uniform and the default Amplitude value.
9. Click OK to save your data and to exit the load editor.
Violet arrows appear in the viewport indicating the surface to which the load is applied. The
arrows point into the surface, indicating that a positive pressure load is applied onto that surface.
In addition, the name of the load appears in the load manager.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport

19.6.3 Changing the stepwise history of the pressure load

Loads are step-dependent objects, which means that you can create them in a step and then modify and
deactivate them in subsequent steps. For example, when you created the load Pressure, you


The Load/BC/IC module

specified that the load begin in Step-1 of the analysis.

You can view information about when a load is first activated and how it propagates through the
analysis by displaying the Load Manager, shown in Figure 19-16.

Figure 19-16 The Load Manager.

For example, the Load Manager above indicates that you have activated (created) the load
Pressure in Step-1 and that it remains in effect through Step-2 and Step-3. ABAQUS/CAE
managers that display information about an object's status in each step of an analysis are called
step-dependent managers. This type of manager also contains a series of buttons that allow you to
change the stepwise history of an object.
In this section you will use the buttons in the Load Manager to activate the load Pressure in Step-2
of the analysis rather than in Step-1, and you will deactivate the load in Step-3.
To alter the status of the load:
1. In the Load Manager, click the cell labeled Created in the column labeled Step-1.
That cell becomes highlighted.
2. On the right side of the Load Manager, click Move Right.
The Created status of the load Pressure moves from Step-1 to Step-2.
3. In the Load Manager, click the cell labeled Propagated in the column labeled Step-3.
That cell becomes highlighted.
4. Click Deactivate.
The Propagated status in Step-3 changes to Inactive.


The Load/BC/IC module

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2

19.6.4 Editing the pressure load

You will now edit the pressure load in two ways:
You will change the region to which the load is applied.
You will increase the magnitude of the load.
To edit the load:
1. In the Load Manager, click the cell labeled Created in the column labeled Step-2. Then click
The region to which the load is currently applied is highlighted in the viewport.
2. In the editor, click Edit Region.
The editor disappears.
3. In the viewport, select both the bottom and the top faces of the clamp, as shown in Figure 19-17.

Figure 19-17 Add the bottom face.

By default, when you click in a region that overlaps more than one face, ABAQUS/CAE selects
the face that is "closest" to the screen. To select the bottom surface of the clamp, you need to turn
off the default behavior and cycle through the valid selections.

a. In the prompt area, click the selection filter tool

An Options dialog box appears.

b. In the dialog box, identify the Select the Entity Closest to the Screen tool by holding


The Load/BC/IC module

the cursor briefly over each button in the dialog box; toggle off this tool.
c. In the viewport, [Shift]+Click the bottom surface of the clamp.
ABAQUS/CAE displays Next, Previous, and OK buttons in the prompt area.
d. Click Next or Previous until the desired face is selected.
e. Click OK to confirm your choice.
4. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the selected geometry.
The Edit Load dialog box reappears.
5. In the Edit Load dialog box, change the magnitude of the load from 500 to 5000. Then click OK
to save your changes and to close the editor.
A pressure load of magnitude 5000 is now applied to both the top and bottom faces. Violet arrows
point into both surfaces, indicating that a positive pressure load is applied to each surface.
6. Click Dismiss to close the manager.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4

19.6.5 Applying a boundary condition to the model

Like loads, boundary conditions are also step-dependent objects. In this section you will apply a
boundary condition to the model in the initial step and allow the boundary condition to remain in effect
for the entire analysis. The boundary condition will constrain the end of the clamp in all degrees of
To create a boundary condition:
1. From the main menu bar, select BC->Create.
The Create Boundary Condition dialog box appears.
2. In the Create Boundary Condition dialog box:
a. Name the boundary condition Constrain.
b. Select Initial from the Step list.
The boundary condition will be applied to the model in the initial step.
c. From the Category list, accept the default selection of Mechanical.


The Load/BC/IC module

d. From the Type for Selected Step list, accept the default selection of
Displacement/Rotation .
e. Click Continue.
3. In the viewport, select the face at the end of the clamp. The desired face is shown in Figure 19-18.

Figure 19-18 Select the face at the end of the clamp.

Again, you will have to turn off the default selection behavior and cycle through the valid
selections to choose the end surface of the clamp.
4. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to accept the selected geometry.
The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box appears. The editor contains a check box for each
degree of freedom. If a box is toggled on, the corresponding degree of freedom is constrained; if a
box is toggled off, the corresponding degree of freedom is unconstrained.
5. In the Edit Boundary Condition dialog box, accept the default coordinate system of Global.
6. Toggle on the check boxes labeled U1, U2, and U3 to constrain these degrees of freedom.
7. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.
Orange, single-headed arrows appear in the viewport, which indicate that the boundary condition
is applied to degrees of freedom 1-3. These arrows lack stems, which indicates that the boundary
condition fixes the degrees of freedom in place.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding methods for defining Displacement/Rotation boundary conditions, '' Section 19.7.9
``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4

19.6.6 Summary of key points


The Load/BC/IC module

The following list summarizes the key points demonstrated in this tutorial:
When you define a load or boundary condition, you must specify the following:
- The region to which you want to apply the load or boundary condition.
- The step in which the load or boundary condition becomes active.
You can use the Load Manager or the Boundary Condition Manager to view and, in some
cases, manipulate the stepwise history of a load or boundary condition.
When you apply a prescribed condition to a model, symbols representing that prescribed condition
appear in the viewport.

19.7 Using the Load/BC/IC module

This section describes in detail how to use different features of the Load/BC/IC module. The following
topics are covered:
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Starting the procedure to create a prescribed condition, '' Section 19.7.2
``Applying a prescribed condition to a region,'' Section 19.7.3
``Specifying prescribed condition data,'' Section 19.7.4
``Entering concentrated force data in the load editor, '' Section 19.7.5
``Entering body force data in the load editor,'' Section 19.7.6
``Defining uniform and nonuniform loads,'' Section 19.7.7
``Modeling bolt loads,'' Section 19.7.8
``Understanding methods for defining Displacement/Rotation boundary conditions, '' Section 19.7.9
``Entering boundary condition values for degrees of freedom,'' Section 19.7.10
``Fixing degrees of freedom at their current values,'' Section 19.7.11
``Specifying temperature degrees of freedom in shells,'' Section 19.7.12
``Defining initial velocities and initial temperatures, '' Section 19.7.13
``Defining initial translational velocity,'' Section 19.7.14
``Defining a constant initial temperature through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.15
``Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or beam section, '' Section 19.7.16
``Defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.17


The Load/BC/IC module

``Defining initial temperature gradients through a beam section,'' Section 19.7.18

``Editing the region to which a prescribed condition is applied, '' Section 19.7.19
See also ``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2, for information on managing loads and
boundary conditions.

19.7.1 Creating prescribed conditions

The following steps outline the procedure for creating a prescribed condition:
1. If you are creating a load or boundary condition, click in the Step list located under the toolbar
and select the step in which you want to activate the load or boundary condition.
2. Select Create from the appropriate menu in the main menu bar or click Create in the appropriate
3. In the Create dialog box that appears, specify information about the type of prescribed condition
you want to create.
4. Select the region or regions to which to apply the prescribed condition.
5. In the editor that appears or, if applicable, in the prompt area, enter any data necessary to define
the prescribed condition.
For detailed instructions for performing each of these tasks, see the procedures in the following
``Starting the procedure to create a prescribed condition, '' Section 19.7.2
``Applying a prescribed condition to a region,'' Section 19.7.3
``Specifying prescribed condition data,'' Section 19.7.4

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"

19.7.2 Starting the procedure to create a prescribed condition

When you begin the procedure for creating a prescribed condition, you must specify the type of


The Load/BC/IC module

prescribed condition you want to create as well as the step in which you want to activate it.
Detailed instructions for starting the procedure to create a prescribed condition:
1. If you are creating a load or boundary condition, click in the Step list located under the toolbar
and select the step in which you want to activate the load or boundary condition. (This action is
unnecessary if you are creating an initial condition, because initial conditions are not associated
with a particular step.)
Tip: If you are creating a load or boundary condition, you can wait to select a step using the
Create dialog box that appears in Step 2 of this procedure; see Step 3 of this procedure for
2. In the main menu bar, select Create from the appropriate menu. For example, if you want to create
a load, select Load->Create.
A Create dialog box appears with a default name displayed in the Name text field.
Tip: You can initiate the Create procedure in two other ways:
Click Create in the manager associated with the type of prescribed condition you are
Click the appropriate tool in the Load/BC/IC module toolbox. To see a short description
of each tool, briefly hold the cursor over the tool icon.
3. In the Create dialog box, enter all of the requested information:
a. Type a name for the prescribed condition that you are creating. For more information on
naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
b. If you are creating a load or boundary condition and have not already selected the step in
which you want to activate the prescribed condition, click the arrow next to the Step text
field and select the step of your choice from the list that appears.
c. From the Category list on the left side of the dialog box, select the category of your
The Type for Selected Step list on the right side of the dialog box changes to list all of
the prescribed condition type within the category you choose.
d. From the Type for Selected Step list on the right side of the dialog box, select the type of
your choice.
e. Click Continue.
You are prompted to select the region to which to apply the prescribed condition. For
more information, see ``Applying a prescribed condition to a region,'' Section 19.7.3.


The Load/BC/IC module

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1

19.7.3 Applying a prescribed condition to a region

When you create a prescribed condition, you must specify the region of the assembly to which the
prescribed condition is applied.
Detailed instructions for selecting a region to which to apply the prescribed condition:
1. Begin the procedure for creating a prescribed condition, as described in ``Starting the procedure to
create a prescribed condition,'' Section 19.7.2.
2. If the model contains a combination of orphan mesh instances and native part instances, you must
choose the part type to which you want to apply the prescribed condition. From the buttons in the
prompt area select one of the following:
Click Geometry if you want to apply the prescribed condition to a native part instance.
Click Mesh if you want to apply the prescribed condition to an orphan mesh instance.
3. Use the mouse to select a region in the viewport. When you have finished selecting, click mouse
button 2. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport.")
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to create a
surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
If you would rather select from a list of existing sets or surfaces, do the following:
a. Click Sets or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area. (The name of the button
depends on the type of prescribed condition you are creating. For example, if you are
creating a pressure load, a Surfaces button appears.)
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available
sets or surfaces.
b. Select the set or surface to which you want to apply the prescribed condition, and click


The Load/BC/IC module

Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Sets or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

Depending on the prescribed condition you are defining, either an editor appears or you are
prompted to enter data directly in the prompt area. The region to which you are applying the
prescribed condition is highlighted in the viewport. For more information, see ``Specifying
prescribed condition data,'' Section 19.7.4.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1

19.7.4 Specifying prescribed condition data

Depending on the type of prescribed condition you are creating, you can enter data concerning the
prescribed condition either in the prompt area or in the editor.
Detailed instructions for entering data that defines the prescribed condition:
1. Begin the procedure for creating a prescribed condition, as described in ``Starting the procedure to
create a prescribed condition,'' Section 19.7.2.
2. Select the region to which to apply the prescribed condition, as described in ``Applying a
prescribed condition to a region,'' Section 19.7.3.
3. Enter data concerning the prescribed condition in one of the following ways:
If an editor automatically appears after the previous step:
In the editor, enter all of the data necessary to define the object and click OK. (For
detailed information on a particular feature of the editor, select Help->On Context from
the main menu bar and then click the feature of interest.)
If you are prompted to enter data directly in the prompt area:
In the prompt area, enter the requested data concerning the object. When you are done,
press [Enter] or mouse button 2 to save your definition.
In some cases, More Options appears in the prompt area. If you click More Options, an
editor appears that provides you with more options for defining the object than are
available in the prompt area. For more information, see ``Using the More Options button,''
Section 6.2.3.
If you begin to enter data in the prompt area and then click More Options, those data are
transferred to the editor automatically.
If you click More Options in the prompt area:


The Load/BC/IC module

In the editor that appears, enter all of the data necessary to define the object and then click
OK. (For detailed information on a particular feature of the editor, select Help->On
Context from the main menu bar and then click the feature of interest.)
Symbols appear in the viewport that represent the prescribed condition that you just created. For
more information, see ``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1

19.7.5 Entering concentrated force data in the load editor

Defining a concentrated force is analogous to including the keyword *CLOAD in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for creating or editing a concentrated force:
1. Display the load editor. For more information, see ``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section
19.7.1, or ``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9.
2. In the CF1, CF2, and (if you are working with a model in three-dimensional space) CF3 text fields,
enter the components of the concentrated force in the 1-, 2-, and (if applicable) 3-directions.
If you leave a text field blank, a force of zero is assigned to that direction automatically. However,
you must enter at least one non-zero component in the editor to define the load.
3. Click the arrow to the right of the Amplitude text field. Select the amplitude of your choice from
the list that appears.
4. Toggle the Follow nodal rotation button.
If the Follow nodal rotation button is toggled on, the direction of the load rotates with the
rotation at this node.
5. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Concentrated and distributed loads, '' Section 19.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and


The Load/BC/IC module

Section 18.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.6 Entering body force data in the load editor

Defining a body force is analogous to including the keyword *DLOAD in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for creating or editing a body force:
1. Display the load editor. For more information, see ``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section
19.7.1, or ``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9.
2. Click the Distribution menu button, and select the option of your choice from the list that
Nonuniform distributed loads must be defined in user subroutine DLOAD (for ABAQUS/Standard)
or VDLOAD (for ABAQUS/Explicit). See the following sections for more information:
``Defining uniform and nonuniform loads,'' Section 19.7.7
``Specifying general job settings,'' Section 21.4.6
``DLOAD,'' Section 23.2.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``VDLOAD,'' Section 21.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
3. In the Component 1, Component 2, and (if you are working with a model in three-dimensional
space) Component 3 text fields, enter the components of the body force in the 1-, 2-, and (if
applicable) 3-directions.
If you leave a text field blank, a force of zero is assigned to that direction automatically. However,
you must enter at least one nonzero component in the editor to define the load.
4. Click the arrow to the right of the Amplitude text field. Select the amplitude of your choice from
the list that appears.
5. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Concentrated and distributed loads, '' Section 19.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 18.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.7 Defining uniform and nonuniform loads


The Load/BC/IC module

When you define loads, you can specify data for uniform loading directly in the load editor.
Alternatively, if you are defining a pressure load, a body force, or a surface heat flux load, you can
specify data for nonuniform loading by referring to a user subroutine.
Detailed instructions for defining a uniform or nonuniform load:
1. Display the load editor. For more information, see ``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section
19.7.1, or ``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9.
2. From the Distribution menu button, select one of the following options:
Select Uniform to define a load that is uniform over the surface to which it is applied.
Select Nonuniform to define a load that varies with position.
3. If you selected Uniform, enter any data necessary to define the load, and then click OK.
4. If you selected Nonuniform, perform the following steps:
a. If desired, enter default data and then click OK. (If you prefer, you can specify this data in
the user subroutine file to which you will refer.)
b. Enter the Job module and display the job editor for the analysis job of interest. (For more
information, see ``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3.)
c. In the job editor, click the General tab, and specify the file containing the user subroutine
that defines the variation in load magnitude:
If you are defining a nonuniform pressure load or body force, you must provide a
DLOAD (for ABAQUS/Standard) or VDLOAD (for ABAQUS/Explicit) user subroutine.
(For more information, see ``DLOAD,'' Section 23.2.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual, or ``VDLOAD,'' Section 21.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
If you are defining a nonuniform surface heat flux, you must provide a DFLUX user
subroutine. (For more information, see ``DFLUX,'' Section 23.2.3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.)
For more information, see ``Specifying general job settings,'' Section 21.4.6.
Note: You can specify only one user subroutine file in the job editor; if your analysis involves more than one
user subroutine, you must combine the user subroutines into one file and then specify that file.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4


The Load/BC/IC module

``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5

``Concentrated and distributed loads, '' Section 19.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 18.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.8 Modeling bolt loads

Bolt loads model tightening forces or length adjustments in bolts or fasteners. For example, the figure
below shows a container (A) that is sealed by tightening the bolts that hold the lid, which places the
gasket under pressure:

You can model the tension in the tightened bolts by applying a bolt load to each one in the first step of
the analysis. You define the load in terms of either a concentrated force or a prescribed change in
length, and you apply the load across a bolt cross-section surface that you specify. In later steps you
can modify the load to prevent further length changes so that the bolt acts as a standard, deformable
component responding to other loadings on the assembly.
When you create a bolt load, you must specify the following:
A surface that defines the bolt cross-section
ABAQUS/CAE applies the bolt load across the cross-section surface that you specify. The
surface that defines the bolt cross-section must cut through the the bolt geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE creates an ``internal'' surface at that location and associates the surface with
the *PRE-TENSION SECTION option in the analysis input file.
If you are working with bolt part instances made from native or imported geometry, it is
usually necessary to partition the bolt at the location where you want the cross- section to be
defined. For example, a partition is selected as the bolt cross-section in the figure below:


The Load/BC/IC module

If you are working with an orphan mesh part, you must specify the cross-section surface by
selecting element faces. For example, element faces define a cross-section surface for the
orphan mesh shown below:

For more information on selecting surfaces, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
viewport." For detailed information on selecting surfaces on wire part instances, see
``Specifying a particular side or end of a region,'' Section 45.2.5.
Note: Currently you can apply bolt loads only to solid and wire part instances. Bolt loads
on two-dimensional and axisymmetric part instances are unsupported.
A bolt axis
If you are defining a bolt load on a solid region, you must define a datum axis that indicates
the bolt axis direction (it need not be normal to the cross- section). If you are defining a bolt
load on a wire region, the bolt axis direction is always assumed to be the direction of the
tangent to the wire at the bolt cross-section.
ABAQUS/CAE uses both the cross-section surface that you specify and bolt axis to define the
*PRE-TENSION SECTION option data and the pre-tension reference node used by the solver.
(See ``Prescribed assembly loads,'' Section 19.5.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual,
for more information.)


The Load/BC/IC module

A method for applying the loading

When you create a bolt load, you must choose one of the following loading methods:
Apply a force to the bolt. This method models tightnening the bolt so that it carries a
specified load. Using this method is analogous to including the *CLOAD option in the
analysis input file to apply a load to the pre-tension reference node.
Adjust the bolt length. This method models tightening the bolt until its free length has
changed by the specified value. Using this method is analogous to including the
*BOUNDARY option in the analysis input file to apply a boundary condition to degree of
freedom 1 of the pre-tension reference node.
Fix the bolt at its current length. This method is available only if you have aready created
the load in the first analysis step and are now editing it an a subsequent analysis step. This
method allows the bolt length to remain unchanged so that the force in the bolt can change
according to the response of the model. Using this method is analogous to including the
*BOUNDARY, FIXED option in the analysis input file to apply a boundary condition to
the pre-tension reference node that fixes the bolt length.
A magnitude for the chosen method
If you are applying a force to the bolt, you must enter the force magnitude. If you are adjusting
the bolt length, you must enter the length change.
You can create a bolt load only in the first analysis step, but you can modify the loading method or the
magnitude of the load in subsequent steps. For example, you can apply a specific tension in the first
step and then change the method in the second step to fix the bolt length.
Detailed instructions for defining bolt loads:
1. If you are working with native or imported geometry, create a partition that indicates the desired
location of the bolt load. For more information, see Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset."
2. If you are working with a solid part instance, create a datum axis that indicates the desired
orientation of the bolt axis. (For more information, see ``Creating datum axes,'' Section 41.6.)
3. From the main menu, select Load->Create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Create Load dialog box.
4. In the Create Load dialog box, do the following:
a. From the Category list, select Mechanical.
b. From the Type for Selected Step list, select Bolt Load, and click Continue.
5. In the viewport, use the mouse to select the surface that indicates the location of the bolt load.
When you have finished selecting, click mouse button 2. (For more information, see Chapter 9,


The Load/BC/IC module

"Selecting objects within the viewport." For detailed information on selecting surfaces on wire part
instances, see ``Specifying a particular side or end of a region,'' Section 45.2.5.)
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you are selecting a surface from an orphan mesh, you have the option of either selecting
individual element faces or specifying a face angle. See ``Using the face angle method to create a
surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3, for more information.
If you would rather select from a list of surfaces that you have defined using the Surface toolset, do
the following:
a. Click Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available
b. Select the surface of your choice, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

If the bolt is modeled with wire or axisymmetric part instances, ABAQUS/CAE displays the bolt
load editor when you have finished selecting the cross- section surface. If the bolt is modeled with
solid part instances, you are prompted to select a datum axis.
6. If the bolt is modeled with solid part instances, select a datum axis that indicates the desired
direction of the bolt axis.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the bolt load editor.
7. Click the arrow next to the Method field and select the loading method of your choice from the list
that appears.
8. In the Magnitude field, enter the force magnitude (for the Apply force method) or the change in
length (for the Length method).
Note: The Fix at current length method becomes available if you edit the load in a step that
follows the step in which you create the load. If, while editing the load, you change the method
to Fix at current length, the Magnitude field becomes unavailable.
9. If desired, specify an amplitude. (See Chapter 40, "The Amplitude toolset," for more information.)
10. If you are creating a bolt load on a solid part instance or if you are editing a bolt load on a solid
part instance in the first analysis step, an Edit axis button appears at the bottom of the editor.


The Load/BC/IC module

Click Edit axis if you want to change your datum axis selection.
11. Click OK to create the load and to close the Create Bolt Load dialog box.
Arrows appear in the viewport that represent the bolt load that you just created. For more
information, see ``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5
``Prescribed assembly loads,'' Section 19.5.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual

19.7.9 Understanding methods for defining Displacement/Rotation

boundary conditions
In some cases the editor for defining displacement/rotation boundary conditions allows you to choose
between two methods for specifying values for degrees of freedom:
Specify Constraints

Type the value of each degree of freedom in the editor.

Fixed at Current Position

Fix the degrees of freedom at their final values from the previous general step.
You can choose between the two methods only if both are valid for the step in which the boundary
condition is created. When the editor offers you a choice of methods, the Specify Constraints method
is selected by default.
For information about creating boundary conditions using the different editor formats, see ``Entering
boundary condition values for degrees of freedom,'' Section 19.7.10, and ``Fixing degrees of freedom
at their current values,'' Section 19.7.11.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Load/BC/IC module,'' Section 19.7
``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
``Boundary conditions,'' Section 19.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
18.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual


The Load/BC/IC module

19.7.10 Entering boundary condition values for degrees of

You can constrain a degree of freedom by toggling the appropriate button on in the boundary condition
editor and then entering a value in the corresponding text field. If the button next to a degree of
freedom is toggled off, that degree of freedom is unconstrained.
Using this method to define a boundary condition is analogous to including the *BOUNDARY option
in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for entering values for degrees of freedom:
1. Display the appropriate boundary condition editor. (For more information, see ``Creating
prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1, or ``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9.)
2. If a Method menu button appears toward the top of the editor, click the menu button and select
Specify Constraints from the menu that appears. (The Method button will not appear if only one
method is valid for the step in which you are creating the boundary condition.)
Text fields appear to the right of each degree of freedom. If you are creating a new boundary
condition, all the buttons are toggled off, indicating that all the degrees of freedom are
3. If you are creating either a displacement/rotation or a velocity/angular boundary condition you can
specify the coordinate system in which you will apply the boundary condition. You can accept
either the default coordinate system or select an existing datum coordinate system. If the desired
datum coordinate system does not exist, you can create it using the Datum toolset. (For more
information, see ``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section 41.8.)
4. Toggle the degree of freedom buttons on or off as desired:
Toggle a button on to constrain a degree of freedom. The text field becomes available in which
you can specify a value for the degree of freedom. If you are creating the boundary condition
in this step, a default value of zero appears in the text field. If you are modifying the boundary
condition in this step, the value propagated from the previous step appears in the text field.
Toggle a button off to leave the degree of freedom unconstrained. If you toggle a button off
after modifying the default or propagated value in the text field, the modified value is lost. If
you toggle that button back on, the default or propagated value reappears in the text field.
5. Click OK to save your data and to close the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding methods for defining Displacement/Rotation boundary conditions, '' Section 19.7.9


The Load/BC/IC module

``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4

``Boundary conditions,'' Section 19.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
18.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.11 Fixing degrees of freedom at their current values

You can fix degrees of freedom at their current values by toggling on the buttons in the boundary
condition editor. The current value of a degree of freedom depends on the step in which you are
defining the boundary condition:
If you are defining the boundary condition in the initial step or in the first analysis step, the degree
of freedom is fixed at zero.
If you are defining the boundary condition in one of the analysis steps that follows the first
analysis step, the degree of freedom is fixed at its final value from the previous analysis step.
Using this method to define a boundary condition is analogous to including the *BOUNDARY,
FIXED option in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for fixing the degrees of freedom at their current values:
1. Display the displacement/rotation boundary condition editor. (For more information, see
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1, or ``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section
2. If a Method menu button appears toward the top of the editor, click the menu button and select
Fixed at Current Position from the menu that appears. (The Method button will not appear if
only one method is valid for the step in which you are creating the boundary condition.)
The data entry areas to the right of each degree of freedom disappear.
3. Specify the coordinate system in which you will apply the boundary condition. You can accept
either the default coordinate system or select an existing datum coordinate system. If the desired
datum coordinate system does not exist, you can create it using the Datum toolset. (For more
information, see ``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section 41.8.)
4. On the left side of the editor, toggle the buttons on or off to constrain or release each degree of
Toggle a button on if you want to fix the degree of freedom either at zero (if you are defining a
degree of freedom in the initial step or in the first analysis step) or at its final value at the end
of the previous analysis step (if you are defining the degree of freedom in the second analysis
step or in a later step.)
Toggle a button off if you want to leave the degree of freedom unconstrained.
5. Click OK to save your data and to close the editor.


The Load/BC/IC module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding methods for defining Displacement/Rotation boundary conditions, '' Section 19.7.9
``Creating and modifying prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.4
``Boundary conditions,'' Section 19.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
18.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.12 Specifying temperature degrees of freedom in shells

When you create a thermal boundary condition on a shell region, you must specify the temperature
degrees of freedom to which to apply the boundary condition.
To specify temperature degrees of freedom in a shell:
1. Display the boundary condition editor. See ``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1, or
``Editing step-dependent objects,'' Section 6.5.9 for more information.
2. In the Degrees of freedom field, enter the temperature degrees of freedom that you want to
specify. For information on how shell temperature degrees of freedom are labeled, see either
``Heat transfer shell elements'' or ``Coupled temperature-displacement shell elements '' in
``Choosing a shell element,'' Section 15.6.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
You can enter multiple degrees of freedom by separating each number with a comma. For
example, if you want to specify degrees of freedom 11, 12, and 13, you must enter the following:

3. In the Magnitude field, enter the magnitude that you want to assign to the degrees of freedom
specified in the previous step.
4. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Shell elements,'' Section 15.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual

19.7.13 Defining initial velocities and initial temperatures

When you define initial velocities and initial temperatures, text fields appear in the prompt area in


The Load/BC/IC module

which you can enter all of the data necessary to define the initial condition. For detailed information
about individual procedures, see the following sections:
``Defining initial translational velocity,'' Section 19.7.14
``Defining a constant initial temperature through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.15
``Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or beam section, '' Section 19.7.16
``Defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.17
Detailed instructions for defining initial velocities or initial temperatures by entering data in the
prompt area:
1. Begin the procedure for creating or editing an initial condition. (For more information, see
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1, or ``Managing objects using manager dialog
boxes,'' Section 6.5.6.)
2. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the requested information.
3. Click mouse button 2 or press [Enter] to save your data.
In some cases, another text field appears in the prompt area after you click mouse button 2.
4. If additional text fields appear, repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the initial temperature or initial velocity
definition is complete.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.14 Defining initial translational velocity

When you create a translational velocity initial condition, you enter the necessary data directly in the
prompt area. However, when you edit an existing translational velocity initial condition, you can
choose between entering data directly in the prompt area or entering data in an editor.
Defining initial translational velocity is analogous to including *INITIAL CONDITIONS,
TYPE=VELOCITY in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for creating or editing initial translational velocity:


The Load/BC/IC module

1. Begin the procedure for creating an initial velocity (see ``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section
19.7.1) or select IC->Edit->initial velocity of your choice from the main menu bar.
An Initial velocity text field appears in the prompt area. If you are editing the initial translational
velocity, a More Options button also appears in the prompt area.
2. In the Initial velocity text field, enter the components of the initial velocity in the 1-, 2-, and (if
you are working in three-dimensional space) 3-directions.
Enter the components in the text field using the following format:
v1,v2 or v1,v2,v3

Do not put parentheses around the components.

3. If you are editing the initial velocity and want to change the region to which it is applied, do the
a. In the prompt area, click More Options.
The initial translational velocity editor appears.
b. At the top of the editor, click Edit Region and follow the prompts that appear in the
prompt area. (For more information, see ``Editing the region to which a prescribed
condition is applied,'' Section 19.7.19.)
c. If desired, modify the values entered in the V1, V2, and (if you are working in
three-dimensional space) V3 text fields to specify the initial velocity in the 1-, 2-, and (if
applicable) 3-directions. (If you leave a text field blank, an initial velocity of zero is
assigned to that degree of freedom by default.)
d. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.
4. If you have created or edited the initial velocity using the prompt area, press [Enter] or click
mouse button 2 to save your data.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Using the More Options button,'' Section 6.2.3
``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.15 Defining a constant initial temperature through a shell


The Load/BC/IC module

Use the prompt area to assign an initial temperature to a shell region that has a uniform temperature
through its thickness. Defining an initial temperature is analogous to including *INITIAL
CONDITIONS, TYPE=TEMPERATURE in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for defining a constant initial temperature through a shell section:
1. Begin the procedure for creating an initial temperature through a shell section (see ``Creating
prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1) or select IC->Edit->initial temperature from the main
menu bar.
An Initial Temperature text field appears in the prompt area.
2. In the Initial Temperature text field, enter the initial temperature of the shell region.
3. Press [Enter] or click mouse button 2 to save your data.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3
``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.16 Defining initial temperatures at points through a shell or

beam section
Use the prompt area to assign initial temperatures to each temperature point in a shell or beam section.
You can assign this type of initial condition to a region if the section that you apply to the region
specifies that temperature variation is piecewise linear through the shell thickness (for shells) or
interpolated from temperature points (for beams). For more information, see ``Selecting a method for
defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3. Defining initial temperatures is
analogous to including *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=TEMPERATURE in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for defining the initial temperature at points through a shell or beam
1. Begin the procedure for creating an initial temperature at points through a shell section (see
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1) or select IC->Edit->initial temperature from the
main menu bar.
An Initial temperatures text field appears in the prompt area.


The Load/BC/IC module

2. In the Initial temperatures text field, enter the temperature at each temperature point.
Enter the temperatures in the following format:

Do not use parentheses.

Note: For shells and beams, the number of temperature points in the initial temperature definition must correspond to the
number of temperature points specified in the section definition that you apply to the region (although the Load/BC/IC module
does not enforce this correspondence). For example, if you apply a shell section to the region that specifies two temperature
points, you must provide the temperatures at those two points in the initial temperature definition. For more information, see
``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section,'' Section 15.9.3.

3. Press [Enter] or click mouse button 2 to save your data.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3
``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.17 Defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell

You can specify the initial temperature at the reference surface of a shell region and the initial
temperature gradient through the cross-section of the shell. You can assign this type of initial condition
to a shell region if the section assigned to the region specifies that temperature variation is linear by
gradients. For more information, see ``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation
through the section,'' Section 15.9.3. Defining initial temperatures is analogous to including *INITIAL
CONDITIONS, TYPE=TEMPERATURE in a solver input file.
Detailed instructions for defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell section:
1. Begin the procedure for creating an initial temperature gradient through a shell section (see
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1) or select IC->Edit->initial temperature from the
main menu bar.
An Initial temperature text field appears in the prompt area.
2. In the Initial temperature text field in the prompt area, enter the initial temperature at the

The Load/BC/IC module

reference surface of the shell and then click mouse button 2.

A Gradient text field appears in the prompt area.
3. In the Gradient text field, enter the temperature gradient from the reference surface through the
4. Press [Enter] or click mouse button 2 to save your data.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3
``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.18 Defining initial temperature gradients through a beam

You can define the temperature at the origin and the temperature gradients along the 1- and
2-directions of a beam cross-section. The location of the cross-section axes varies according to the
section shape. For more information, see ``Beam cross-section library,'' Section 15.3.9 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.3.8 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
You can assign this type of initial condition to a beam region if the section assigned to the region
specifies that temperature variation is linear by gradients. For more information, see ``Selecting a
method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3. Defining initial
temperatures is analogous to including *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=TEMPERATURE in a solver
input file.
Detailed instructions for defining an initial temperature gradient through a beam section:
1. Begin the procedure for creating an initial temperature gradient through a shell section (see
``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1) or select IC->Edit->initial temperature from the
main menu bar.
An Initial temperature text field appears in the prompt area.
2. In the Initial temperature text field in the prompt area, enter the initial temperature at the
reference surface of the beam and then click the second mouse button.


The Load/BC/IC module

An N1 gradient text field appears in the prompt area.

3. In the N1 gradient text field, enter the initial temperature gradient along the n1 axis of the beam
and then click the second mouse button.
An N2 gradient text field appears in the prompt area.
4. In the N2 gradient text field, enter the initial temperature gradient along the n2 axis of the beam.
5. Press [Enter] or click the second mouse button to save your data.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating prescribed conditions,'' Section 19.7.1
``Selecting a method for defining the temperature variation through the section, '' Section 15.9.3
``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.2.1 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Specifying temperature and field variables'' in ``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define
the section behavior,'' Section 15.6.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

19.7.19 Editing the region to which a prescribed condition is

You can edit the region to which a load or boundary condition is applied if the step selected in the
Step list is that in which the load or boundary condition was created. You can edit the region to which
an initial velocity is applied regardless of the selected step.
Detailed instructions for editing the region to which a prescribed condition is applied:
1. If you are editing a load or boundary condition, in the Step list located under the toolbar, click the
step in which the prescribed condition was created.
2. From the Load, BC, or IC menu in the main menu bar, select Edit->prescribed condition. For
example, to edit a load you would select Load->Edit->prescribed condition.
Tip: You can also initiate this procedure using the following methods:
If you are editing a load or boundary condition
In the Load Manager or Boundary Condition Manager, click the cell located in the
row of the load or boundary condition that you want to modify and in the column of
the step of interest and click Edit. Alternatively, you can just double-click the cell.


The Load/BC/IC module

If you are editing an initial condition

In the Initial Condition Manager, select the name of the initial condition and click
Depending on the type of prescribed condition you are editing, either an editor appears or text
fields appear in the prompt area.
3. If text fields appear in the prompt area, click More Options on the right side of the prompt area to
display the corresponding editor. (For more information, see ``Using the More Options button,''
Section 6.2.3.)
4. In the top part of the editor, click Edit Region.
5. Edit the region by selecting and unselecting objects in the viewport. When you have finished
editing the region, click mouse button 2. (For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport.")
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection filter tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the selection filter of your
choice in the dialog box that appears. See ``Using the selection options,'' Section 9.3, for more
If you would rather select from a list of existing sets or surfaces, do the following:
a. Click Sets or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area. (The name of the button
depends on the type of object you are editing. For example, if you are editing an
interaction, a Surfaces button appears.)
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Region Selection dialog box containing a list of available
sets or surfaces.
b. Select the set or surface of interest, and click Continue.
Note: The default selection method is based on the selection method you most recently employed. To revert to the other
method, click Select in Viewport or Sets or Surfaces on the right side of the prompt area.

6. In the editor, finish editing the prescribed condition definition as desired and then click OK.
The symbols representing the prescribed condition in the viewport change to appear on the newly
edited region.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Load/BC/IC module,'' Section 19.7


The Load/BC/IC module

``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5

``Using the More Options button,'' Section 6.2.3
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2


The Mesh module

20. The Mesh module

The Mesh module contains tools that allow you to generate meshes on assemblies created within
ABAQUS/CAE. In addition, the Mesh module contains functions that verify an existing mesh. This
chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Mesh module,'' Section 20.1
``Entering and exiting the Mesh module,'' Section 20.2
``Mesh module basics,'' Section 20.3
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Assigning ABAQUS element types,'' Section 20.5
``Partitioning to control and improve meshes, '' Section 20.6
``Understanding mesh generation,'' Section 20.7
``Structured meshing,'' Section 20.8
``Free meshing,'' Section 20.9
``Swept meshing,'' Section 20.10
``Advanced meshing techniques,'' Section 20.11
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
``Tutorial: Using the Mesh module,'' Section 20.13
``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Creating and deleting meshes,'' Section 20.15
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Obtaining mesh information and statistics,'' Section 20.17
The tutorial will help you become familiar with creating meshes in ABAQUS/CAE. For information on
editing the nodes and elements that comprise an orphan mesh, see ``Editing an orphan mesh,'' Section

20.1 Understanding the role of the Mesh module

The Mesh module allows you to generate meshes on assemblies created within ABAQUS/CAE.
Various levels of automation and control are available so that you can create a mesh that meets the
needs of your analysis. The process of meshing the model, like creating parts and assemblies, is feature
based; therefore, you can modify the parameters that define a part or an assembly and the mesh
attributes that you specified within the Mesh module are regenerated automatically.


The Mesh module

The Mesh module provides the following features:

Tools for prescribing mesh density at local and global levels.
A variety of meshing techniques, including the following:
- Automatic one-dimensional meshing.
- Automatic quadrilateral meshing.
- Automatic triangular and tetrahedral meshing.
- Quadrilateral and hexahedral structured mapping methods.
- Automatic mesh sweeping and mesh revolving.
A tool for assigning ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit element types to mesh elements.
The elements can belong either to a model that you created or to an imported orphan mesh.
A tool for verifying mesh quality.
Tools for partitioning complex models into simple subregions that ABAQUS/CAE can mesh using
automatic techniques.
Model coloring that indicates the meshing technique assigned to each region in the model.

20.2 Entering and exiting the Mesh module

You can enter the Mesh module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking Mesh in the
Module list located under the toolbar. The Seed, Mesh, Feature, and Tools menus appear on the
main menu bar.
You can mesh only instanced parts within assemblies, not the original parts. Therefore, if you select a
viewport containing a model for which an assembly exists, the assembly will appear. If no assembly
exists, ABAQUS/CAE asks if you want to create an assembly by instancing one of the parts in the
model. If you choose to leave the assembly empty by not instancing any parts, many options in the
Mesh module will be unavailable.
To exit the Mesh module, select any other module from the Module list. You need not save your mesh
before exiting the module; it will be saved automatically when you save the entire model by selecting
File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar.

20.3 Mesh module basics

This section provides brief explanations of terms and concepts that you must understand to use the
Mesh module effectively. It gives you an overview of the functions available and describes the role
that each function plays in the mesh creation process. The following topics are covered:
``The meshing process,'' Section 20.3.1


The Mesh module

``Mesh attributes and controls,'' Section 20.3.2

``Mesh generation,'' Section 20.3.3
``Generating elements on a skin reinforcement,'' Section 20.3.4
``Information provided by the verification tool and the Query toolset,'' Section 20.3.5

20.3.1 The meshing process

The capabilities of the Mesh module fall into three general categories:
Functions for assigning mesh attributes and setting mesh controls.
These functions allow you to specify different mesh characteristics, such as mesh density,
element shape, and element type.
Functions for mesh generation
ABAQUS/CAE uses a variety of techniques to generate meshes. The different mesh
techniques provide you with different levels of control over the mesh.
Functions for verification
The verification tools provide you with information concerning the quality of the elements
used in a mesh.
The remaining topics in this section provide basic information about each type of function.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Mesh module basics,'' Section 20.3

20.3.2 Mesh attributes and controls

ABAQUS/CAE provides you with a variety of tools for controlling mesh characteristics:
You can control the density of a mesh by creating seeds along the edges of the model to indicate
where the corner nodes of the elements should be located. For example, Figure 20-1 displays a
model with biased seeding along the top and left edges.

Figure 20-1 A model with biased seeding.


The Mesh module

You can use the Partition toolset to divide part instances into smaller regions. The resulting
partitions introduce new edges that you can seed; therefore, you can combine partitioning and
seeding to gain additional control over the mesh generation process. You can also use partitioning
to create regions to which you can assign different element types. For example, you might want to
assign reduced-integration elements to some portions of your model and fully integrated elements
to others.
You can control the shape of the mesh elements by selecting options in the Mesh Controls dialog
box, which you can display by selecting Mesh->Controls from the main menu bar. For example,
Figure 20-2 shows a model that has been meshed first with quadrilateral elements and then with
triangular elements.

Figure 20-2 Two meshes with different element shapes.

You can choose the element type that is assigned to the mesh by selecting options in the Element
Type dialog box, which you can display by selecting Mesh->Element Type from the main menu
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Assigning ABAQUS element types,'' Section 20.5
``Partitioning to control and improve meshes, '' Section 20.6


The Mesh module

20.3.3 Mesh generation

ABAQUS/CAE can use a variety of meshing techniques to mesh models of different topologies. In
some cases, you can choose the technique used to mesh a model or model region. In other cases, only
one technique is valid. The different meshing techniques provide varying levels of automation and user
Structured meshing
Structured meshing gives you the most control over your mesh because it applies
preestablished mesh patterns to particular model topologies.
Most unpartitioned models are too complex to be meshed using preestablished mesh patterns.
However, you can often partition complex models into simple regions with topologies for
which structured meshing patterns exist. Figure 20-3 shows an example of a structured mesh.

Figure 20-3 A structured mesh.

Swept meshing
ABAQUS/CAE creates swept meshes by internally generating the mesh on an edge or face and
then extruding that mesh along a sweep path or revolving the mesh around an axis of
revolution. The result can be either a two-dimensional mesh created from an edge or a
three-dimensional mesh created from a face. Like structured meshing, swept meshing is
limited to models with specific topologies and geometries. Figure 20-4 shows an example of a
swept mesh.

Figure 20-4 A swept mesh.


The Mesh module

Free meshing
The free meshing technique is the most flexible meshing technique. It uses no preestablished
mesh patterns and can be applied to almost any model shape. However, free meshing provides
you with the least control over the mesh since there is no way to predict the mesh pattern.
Figure 20-5 shows an example of a free mesh.

Figure 20-5 A free mesh generated with tetrahedral elements.

ABAQUS/CAE uses different highlighting colors to indicate which meshing technique, if any, is
currently assigned to a region. For example, if a solid region is meshable using the structured meshing
technique, the region turns green when you enter the Mesh module; the green color indicates that the
structured meshing technique is assigned to that region by default. If a region is unmeshable using the
element shape currently assigned to it, the region turns orange when you enter the Mesh module.
You can change the meshability of a region by partitioning the region into smaller regions with simpler
topology or by changing the element shape assigned to that region.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding mesh generation,'' Section 20.7
``Assigning ABAQUS element types,'' Section 20.5
``Partitioning to control and improve meshes, '' Section 20.6


The Mesh module

20.3.4 Generating elements on a skin reinforcement

You can use the Property module to create a skin reinforcement on the face of a three-dimensional part
or along the edge of an axisymmetric part. A skin is associated with a part and appears on each
instance of the part in the assembly. For more information, see ``Creating and editing skin
reinforcements,'' Section 15.10.
You can use the Mesh module to generate two-dimensional elements on a skin reinforcement on a face
of a three-dimensional part instance. Similarly, you can generate one-dimensional elements on a skin
reinforcement on an edge of an axisymmetric part instance. ABAQUS/CAE generates the skin
elements when the underlying geometry is meshed; you cannot mesh a skin reinforcement
Figure 20-6 shows a three-dimensional part instance with a skin reinforcement on the top surface.

Figure 20-6 A three-dimensional part instance with a skin reinforcement.

When the part instance is meshed, the skin elements and the three-dimensional elements share the
same nodes and mesh topology. You can use mesh controls to assign a different geometric order to the
skin elements and to the three-dimensional elements. For more information, see ``Assigning element
types to skin reinforcements,'' Section 20.5.5.

20.3.5 Information provided by the verification tool and the

Query toolset
The Mesh module verification tool allows you to check the quality of the mesh on a selected part
instance. You can highlight elements in your meshed model based on the following selection criteria:
Aspect ratio
Angular deviation
In addition, the verification tool displays the following:
The ID of the selected part instance.
The total number of elements in the part instance.
The number of distorted elements.
The average distortion.


The Mesh module

The worst distortion.

The Query toolset allows you to obtain information about meshes, nodes, and elements while using the
Mesh module. The following information is available from the Query toolset:
The node label.
The coordinates of a selected node.
Instance mesh
The name of the part instance.
The number of nodes in the part instance.
The number of elements in the part instance.
The number of elements for each element shape.
The element label.
The element topology.
The element type that ABAQUS/CAE will use for the analysis.
Nodal connectivity.
Region mesh
The region identifier.
The number of nodes in the region.
The number of elements in the region.
The number of elements for each element shape.
The element type that ABAQUS/CAE will use for the analysis.
The geometric order.
The technique that was used to mesh the region.
The mesh algorithm and any options that were used to mesh the region.
The number of logical corners in the region if ABAQUS/CAE used structured meshing to
mesh the region.


The Mesh module

For detailed, step-by-step instructions for using the verification tool and the Query toolset, see
``Verifying element quality,'' Section 20.17.1, and ``Obtaining mesh information,'' Section 20.17.2.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Obtaining mesh information and statistics,'' Section 20.17

20.4 Understanding seeding

This section explains the concept of seeding and how to use seeding to improve meshes. The following
topics are covered:
``What are mesh seeds?,'' Section 20.4.1
``Controlling the seed density,'' Section 20.4.2
``Constraining seeds,'' Section 20.4.3
``Minimizing seed repositioning,'' Section 20.4.4
``Understanding the relationship between vertices and nodes, '' Section 20.4.5

20.4.1 What are mesh seeds?

Seeds are markers that you place along the edges of a region to specify the target mesh density in that
region. Both the mesh density along the boundary of the region and the mesh density in the interior of
the region are determined by the seeds along the edges of the region.
You can create and control seeds using the Seed menu in the Mesh module main menu bar.
ABAQUS/CAE generates meshes that match your seeds as closely as possible. You can distribute
seeds uniformly along an edge, or you can bias their distribution toward one end of the edge, as shown
in Figure 20-7.

Figure 20-7 A model with biased seeding.

Only minimal seeding is necessary if you do not have strict mesh requirements. For example, you can
seed just one edge of the part instance or region and then let ABAQUS/CAE use a similar element


The Mesh module

density for the unseeded edges.

If you want more control over the mesh, you can partition the region and then provide seeds along the
partitions you have created. This technique is described in greater detail in ``Partitioning to control and
improve meshes,'' Section 20.6.
Mesh seeds specify only a target mesh density. If you are using hexahedral or quadrilateral elements,
ABAQUS/CAE often changes the element distribution so that the mesh can be generated successfully.
You can prevent such adjustments by constraining the number of seeds along an edge.
However, even constrained seeds may not define the exact location of the elements. When you
constrain seeds, you are prescribing only the number of elements along the edge, not the precise
locations of the nodes; if necessary, ABAQUS/CAE adjusts the locations of the nodes to minimize
element distortion. In addition, you should use such constraints with care, since they can make it more
difficult for the mesh generator to obtain a mesh.

20.4.2 Controlling the seed density

You can control the seed density by specifying any of the following:
Average element size for the entire part instance.
Number of elements desired along an edge.
Average element size along an edge. (If the edge length is not an integer multiple of the element
length, ABAQUS/CAE will change the element length slightly to obtain an integer number of
elements along the edge.)
Bias ratio and number of elements desired along an edge. The bias ratio is the ratio of the largest
element to the smallest element along an edge. This method results in a nonuniform distribution of
elements along the edge as long as the bias ratio is not equal to one.
Seeds created by specifying an average element size for the entire part instance are called instance
seeds and appear in white; seeds created using the other three methods are called edge seeds and
appear in magenta. Edge seeds always override instance seeds; therefore, when you specify the average
element size for the entire part instance, instance seeds appear only on edges of the region that do not
already have edge seeds. New edges created by partitioning are given instance seeds by default.
When you seed an edge of a region that is assigned the swept or revolved mesh technique, the edge
seeding tools automatically propagate seeds from the selected edge to the matching edges in the region.
In other words, the seeds on the face or edge at the beginning of the sweep path are propagated
automatically to the face or edge at the end of the sweep path. Likewise, the seeds created on one edge
along the sweep path are propagated automatically to the other edges along the sweep path. For more
information, see ``What is swept meshing?,'' Section 20.10.1.
For detailed instructions on prescribing seed density, see the following sections:
``Defining seed density for the entire part instance,'' Section 20.14.1


The Mesh module

``Seeding an edge by prescribing the number of elements,'' Section 20.14.2

``Seeding an edge by prescribing element size,'' Section 20.14.3
``Prescribing biased seeding along an edge,'' Section 20.14.4
``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section 20.14.5
``Seeding previously meshed part instances or regions,'' Section 20.14.6
``Deleting instance seeds,'' Section 20.14.7
``Deleting edge seeds,'' Section 20.14.8

20.4.3 Constraining seeds

By default, mesh seeds prescribe only a target mesh density. When meshing with quadrilateral- or
hexahedral-shaped elements, the mesh generator usually alters the element distribution so that it can
successfully generate the mesh. To fix a specific number of elements to an edge, you must constrain
the seeds along that edge.
You can assign any one of the following three states to a group of seeds:
This is the default setting. The number of elements along an edge can either increase or
decrease so that the mesh can become denser or coarser than is specified by the seeds.
Unconstrained seeds appear as open circles.
Partially constrained
The number of elements along an edge may be increased during mesh generation but cannot be
decreased. This constraint allows the mesh to become denser than is specified by the seeds but
no coarser. Partially constrained seeds appear as upward-pointing triangles.
Fully constrained
The number of elements specified by constrained seeds along an edge cannot be altered by the
mesh generation process. However, the location of the nodes might not correspond exactly
with the location of the seeds. You can apply this constraint only to edge seeds, not to instance
seeds. Fully constrained seeds appear as squares.
ABAQUS/CAE always creates a fully constrained seed at each geometric vertex of a region to
indicate that a finite element node will be positioned at each vertex.
In many cases the mesh generator must redistribute elements (and deviate from the number and
location of the seeds) to successfully generate a mesh. For the greatest likelihood of meshing success,
leave seeds unconstrained or at least avoid fully constraining large numbers of seeds in a given part
instance so that the mesh generator has as much freedom to redistribute seeds as possible.
For detailed instructions on constraining seeds, see the following sections :


The Mesh module

``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section 20.14.5

``Relaxing constraints using the error dialog box, '' Section 20.14.9

20.4.4 Minimizing seed repositioning

During the mesh generation process ABAQUS/CAE uses the seeds that you create as target locations
for nodes along the edges of the mesh. However, if you are using quadrilateral- or hexahedral-shaped
elements, a close match between your seeds and nodes depends heavily on the following:
The element shapes you allow in transition regions
You will obtain a better match between your seeds and the nodes of the mesh if you allow
triangular elements in transition regions. The seeds and the nodes are less likely to match if
you restrict your mesh to including only quadrilateral elements.
How neighboring regions are seeded
When meshing multiple regions, ABAQUS/CAE often redistributes the elements so that the
mesh is compatible between regions. Even though a single region's seed arrangement may be
adequate for generating a mesh on that one region, the seed arrangement may need to be
changed since the number of elements must be compatible with neighboring regions along
shared edges.
Note: Mesh compatibility between part instances is not guaranteed. In some simple cases
seeding can help achieve part-to-part mesh compatibility. Techniques for obtaining
compatible meshes are described in ``Compatible meshes between part instances,'' Section
ABAQUS/CAE tries to adhere as closely as possible to the number and location of seeds that you
specified when balancing the element redistribution for the entire model. If given a choice between
making a large change along a single seeded edge and making a small change to many edges,
ABAQUS/CAE will make many small changes.

20.4.5 Understanding the relationship between vertices and

When you seed a model, ABAQUS/CAE automatically places fully constrained seeds wherever
vertices appear along the model's edges. Fully constrained seeds that appear at vertices always indicate
that nodes will appear at those vertices. (Fully constrained seeds that appear at other locations along an
edge of a region do not indicate the exact location of nodes; they indicate only the number of nodes
along that edge.) Therefore, when you sketch a part, you should keep in mind that the location of
vertices in the part influences the quality of the mesh that ABAQUS/CAE can generate. (For
information about altering vertex locations, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving
their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.)
For example, Figure 20-8 shows a sketch of a two-dimensional part.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-8 Vertices on a two-dimensional part.

Note the locations of the nine vertices. These vertices were created by sketching several line segments
along the top and bottom edges rather than one continuous line segment along each edge.
When an instance of that part is seeded, square-shaped, fully constrained seeds appear at each vertex,
as shown in Figure 20-9.

Figure 20-9 Fully constrained seeds appear at each vertex.

When the model is meshed, ABAQUS/CAE always places nodes at the location of the fully
constrained seeds that are located at vertices, as shown in Figure 20-10.

Figure 20-10 Nodes appear at the vertices.

Likewise, Figure 20-11 shows the sketch of two concentric circles that will be extruded to form a
hollow cylinder. Note the location of the vertices, which the Sketcher creates at the locations you click
to define the circles' perimeters.

Figure 20-11 Concentric circles with aligned vertices.


The Mesh module

When the cylinder is seeded, square-shaped, fully constrained seeds appear at each vertex, as shown in
Figure 20-12.

Figure 20-12 Fully constrained seeds appear at each vertex.

When the model is meshed, nodes always appear at the location of the fully constrained seeds that are
located at vertices, as shown in Figure 20-13.

Figure 20-13 Nodes appear at the vertices.

If you do not align the two vertices when you sketch the cylinder, you risk generating a distorted mesh.
For example, the vertices of the two concentric circles are not aligned in Figure 20-14.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-14 Concentric circles whose vertices are not aligned.

As a result, the mesh is slightly distorted on the right side, as shown in Figure 20-15.

Figure 20-15 A distorted mesh.

20.5 Assigning ABAQUS element types

This section explains how to assign ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit element types to mesh
regions and to elements of orphan meshes. The following topics are covered:
``How do mesh elements correspond to ABAQUS elements?,'' Section 20.5.1
``What kinds of elements must be generated outside the Mesh module?,'' Section 20.5.2
``Element type assignment,'' Section 20.5.3
``Assigning gasket elements to a region,'' Section 20.5.4
``Assigning element types to skin reinforcements,'' Section 20.5.5

20.5.1 How do mesh elements correspond to ABAQUS

The Mesh module can generate meshes containing the element shapes shown in Figure 20-16.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-16 Element shapes.

Most elements in ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit correspond to one of the shapes shown;
that is, they are topologically equivalent to these shapes. For example, although the elements CPE4,
CAX4R, and S4R are used for stress analysis, DC2D4 is used for heat transfer analysis, and AC2D4 is
used for acoustic analysis, all five elements are topologically equivalent to a linear quadrilateral.
Every mesh region has one or more ABAQUS element types assigned to it by default. Each element
type corresponds to an element shape that can be used in the region. For example, a solid mesh region
typically has a hexahedral, a wedge, and a tetrahedral element type assigned to it by default. You can
change the element assignment to any ABAQUS element that is topologically equivalent to the
element shape assigned to the region.
However, since no element type checking is done until you submit the analysis, it is possible to choose
an element that is inappropriate for the analysis you will be conducting. For example, ABAQUS/CAE

The Mesh module

does not prevent you from specifying heat transfer elements such as DC2D4, even though you may be
conducting a stress analysis.

20.5.2 What kinds of elements must be generated outside the

Mesh module?
You can use any element in ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit that is shaped like a
hexahedron, a triangular prism (wedge), a tetrahedron, a quadrilateral, a triangle, or a line. Elements
that do not fit these requirements include the following:
Springs, dashpots, and other point-to-point elements
Contact elements, such as gap contact and interface contact elements.
Infinite elements (CIN3D8, CINAX4, etc.)
Variable node hexahedra (C3D27, C3D27R, etc.)
Note: After you submit the analysis for execution, ABAQUS/Standard automatically converts
any C3D20(R)(H) element that is adjacent to a slave surface in a contact pair into the
corresponding C3D27(R)(H) element. (Neither element is available in ABAQUS/Explicit.)
Otherwise, there is no way to generate variable node hexahedra with ABAQUS/CAE.
If you want to assign these element types to a model, you must use a text editor to add them to the
input file generated in the Job module. For information on generating the input file, see ``Basic steps
for analyzing a model,'' Section 21.2.1.

20.5.3 Element type assignment

Element types can be assigned to the following:
A region selected from geometry-based part instances. The instances must have come from parts
you created in the Part module or from ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format parts you imported.
A set that refers to a region selected from geometry-based part instances. The set can also refer to a
skin reinforcement.
An element or an element set from an orphan mesh part instance. (Gaskets are an exception: you
can apply gasket element types only to geometry-based part instances and not to orphan meshes.)
All regions from geometry-based part instances and all elements from an orphan mesh part instance
have default element type assignments. These assignments depend on the kind of part to which the
region or element belongs. You can view and change the ABAQUS element types that are assigned
using the Element Type dialog box, which you can display by selecting Mesh->Element Type. For
example, the Element Type dialog box for a two-dimensional region is shown in Figure 20-17.

Figure 20-17 The Element Type dialog box for a two-dimensional region.


The Mesh module

At the top of the dialog box, you enter your preferences for element library, geometric order, and
family. Then, you select a specific element type by clicking the tabs in the bottom half of the dialog
box and choosing from the options that appear. The dialog box can contain from one to three tabs
depending on the dimensionality of the selected region or regions:
The Line tab allows you to assign one-dimensional element types to one-dimensional mesh
elements in the region.
The Quad and Tri tabs allow you to assign two-dimensional element types to two-dimensional
mesh elements in the region.
The Hex, Wedge, and Tet tabs allow you to assign three-dimensional element types to the
three-dimensional mesh elements in the region.
For example, in Figure 20-17 the options for a linear shell element from the ABAQUS/Standard
element library are selected. After clicking the Quad tab, reduced integration and finite membrane
strains are selected. The name and a brief description of the quadrilateral shell element that meets all of
these criteria appear at the bottom of the tabbed page.
The Tri tab in this dialog box is shown in Figure 20-18.

Figure 20-18 The Tri tab.


The Mesh module

The name and a brief description of the triangular shell element that meets all of the criteria specified
in the dialog box appear at the bottom of the Tri tabbed page in Figure 20-18. If the selected region in
this example happens to contain a combination of triangular and quadrilateral mesh elements:
The quadrilateral mesh elements are assigned the S4R element type.
The triangular mesh elements are assigned the S3 element type.
If the region contains only quadrilateral elements, all of the elements are assigned the S4R element
For detailed, step-by-step instructions for assigning element types to a mesh region, see ``Associating
ABAQUS elements with mesh regions,'' Section 20.16.9.

20.5.4 Assigning gasket elements to a region

Gasket elements are special-purpose elements used to model thin sealing components. (For more
information, see ``Gasket elements,'' Section 18.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.) When
you assign gasket element types to a region, the following restrictions apply:
The region must be geometry-based. You cannot assign gasket elements to an orphan mesh region.
If the region is a shell or a solid, you must assign the swept meshing technique to the region. If the
shell or solid region is not meshable using the swept meshing technique, you cannot assign gasket
elements to that region. The swept meshing technique ensures that the elements are structured in a
manner suitable for gasket modeling.
In addition, you should verify that the gasket elements are aligned correctly for regions where the
gasket axis has more than one possible orientation. When you mesh shell or solid regions, the axis of
each gasket element is coincident with the sweep path direction; therefore, you can control gasket
element alignment by specifying an appropriate sweep path.
For example, the part instance shown in Figure 20-19 has three possible sweep paths, and each path
has two possible sweep directions. If you mesh this part instance using gasket elements, you can
choose from six possible gasket axis orientations.

Figure 20-19 You must choose a sweep path and direction that provides an appropriate gasket axis
orientation for your model.


The Mesh module

For more information, see the following sections:

``Swept meshing,'' Section 20.10
``Specifying the sweep path,'' Section 20.16.6

20.5.5 Assigning element types to skin reinforcements

You use the Property module to create a skin reinforcement on the face of a three-dimensional part or
along the edge of an axisymmetric part. You can assign only shell, membrane, or gasket elements to a
skin reinforcement. You use the Mesh module to assign an element type to a skin reinforcement;
however, you cannot select a skin reinforcement directly from the viewport. Instead, you must first
create a named set that refers to the skin. When you are prompted to select the geometry to include in
the set, you must select the selection filter tool
that appears in the prompt area; and then select
Skins from the list of objects to filter. The skin filter is available only when you are creating a set.
After you create the set that refers to the skin, you can then assign an element type to the named set.
Select the named set by clicking the Sets button from the right side of the prompt area.

20.6 Partitioning to control and improve meshes

This section explains how to apply the Partition toolset within the Mesh module. The following topics
are covered:
``Why partition?,'' Section 20.6.1
``How are seeds and other attributes affected by partitioning?, '' Section 20.6.2
``Regenerating partitions after modifying geometry,'' Section 20.6.3
See Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset," for detailed information on how to use each tool in the
Partition toolset.

20.6.1 Why partition?

You can use the Partition toolset to divide part instances into smaller regions. There are three reasons
to create partitions in the Mesh module:
To divide a complex, three-dimensional part instance into simpler regions that ABAQUS/CAE
can mesh using primarily hexahedral elements with the structured or swept meshing techniques.


The Mesh module

(Almost all three-dimensional part instances are meshable using the free meshing technique, but
three-dimensional free meshes can include only tetrahedral elements.)
To gain more control over mesh generation.
To obtain regions to which you can assign different element types.
By default, the free meshing technique with quadrilateral elements is applied to all two-dimensional
part instances. When you create the mesh using this default technique, ABAQUS/CAE implicitly
creates partitions that divide the part instance into regions that can be meshed using the structured
meshing technique. (For more information, see ``Free meshing with quadrilateral elements,'' Section
20.9.2.) Therefore, all two-dimensional parts are meshable without any manual partitioning.
However, when a three-dimensional part instance is unmeshable using hexahedral elements, you must
take one of the following steps:
Change the element shape assigned to the part instance from hexahedra to tetrahedra so that the
free meshing technique can be applied to the part instance.
Partition the part instance into structured- or swept-meshable regions.
ABAQUS/CAE uses the color orange to indicate that a three-dimensional region is unmeshable using
hexahedral elements, as shown in Figure 20-20.

Figure 20-20 Unmeshable three-dimensional region.

With the addition of a partition, the model can be meshed with hexahedral elements, as shown in
Figure 20-21; the green region can be meshed using the structured meshing technique, and the yellow
regions can be meshed using the swept meshing technique.

Figure 20-21 The model is partitioned into three regions.


The Mesh module

Even when a part instance can be meshed without partitioning, you may still want to partition to gain
more control over mesh generation. Without partitions, the mesh is aligned only along the exterior
edges of the part instance; with partitions, the resulting mesh will have rows or grids of elements
aligned along the partitions. That is, the mesh "flows" along the partitions. For example, in Figure
20-22 the partition that divides the rectangle in two causes the mesh to flow at an angle along the

Figure 20-22 The mesh flows along the partition.

When partitioning, remember that partitions will become element boundaries. Therefore, try to ensure
that partitions make angles as close to 90 as possible with other partitions or edges.

20.6.2 How are seeds and other attributes affected by

Seed distributions along edges you have seeded may change during the partitioning process;
ABAQUS/CAE redistributes the seeds to accommodate any new vertices created by partitioning. For
example, the left and right edges of the part instance in Figure 20-23 are seeded with seven elements
per edge.

Figure 20-23 The left and right edges each have seven elements.


The Mesh module

If you create a partition that splits the part instance into two regions, new vertices are created at the
midpoints of both edges. In Figure 20-24 you can see how ABAQUS/CAE added seeds at the new
vertices so that nodes will exist at the corners of each region. ABAQUS/CAE also redistributed the
existing seeds to eliminate any overly small elements created by the new partition. However, this
redistribution can result in seeds that are not aligned. The top region has one seed more on the left side
than it does on the right, and the reverse is true for the bottom region.

Figure 20-24 Redistribution of seeds.

In this example you could change the number of elements along the right and left edges to an even
number to ensure that the seeds align after partitioning.
Any other mesh attributes, such as element shape or element type, that you have applied to the
assembly are applied automatically to each new region that you create when you partition the
assembly. However, once you have created the different regions, you can assign different mesh
attributes to each region.

20.6.3 Regenerating partitions after modifying geometry

Partitions are features associated with the part instance; therefore, you can modify and regenerate them
like any other feature.
For example, consider the partition on the right side of the part instance shown in Figure 20-25.

Figure 20-25 A partitioned part instance.


The Mesh module

If you return to the Part module and widen the right side of the model, the partition also expands and
continues to divide the face into two regions, as shown in Figure 20-26.

Figure 20-26 The partition is regenerated.

Sometimes regeneration of a partition creates unmeshable regions. In this situation simply add, modify,
or delete partitions until the part instance becomes meshable again.

20.7 Understanding mesh generation

This section explains basic concepts and terminology related to meshes and mesh generation. The
following topics are covered:
``Overview,'' Section 20.7.1
``Preserving the precision of nodal coordinates, '' Section 20.7.2
``Determining which regions are meshable,'' Section 20.7.3
``What is a mesh transition? ,'' Section 20.7.4
``What kinds of meshes cannot be generated automatically?,'' Section 20.7.5
``When will ABAQUS/CAE delete a mesh?,'' Section 20.7.6
``Do I have to mesh the entire model in one operation?, '' Section 20.7.7
``Can I change the geometric order of the elements in a mesh?,'' Section 20.7.8

20.7.1 Overview
ABAQUS/CAE follows these basic steps to generate a mesh on a part instance or on a set of regions:


The Mesh module

1. Generate a mesh on each region using the meshing technique currently assigned to that region. By
default, ABAQUS/CAE generates meshes with first-order line, quadrilateral, or hexahedral
elements throughout.
2. Merge the meshes of all regions into a single mesh. (For more information, see ``Meshing multiple
three-dimensional solid regions,'' Section 20.11.1.)
Typically, ABAQUS/CAE merges the nodes along the common boundaries of neighboring regions into
a single set of nodes. However, in certain cases ABAQUS/CAE creates tied surface interactions
instead of merging these nodes; for example, along the common interface between hexahedral and
tetrahedral meshes.
Meshes generated by ABAQUS/CAE conform to the geometry of the part instance they discretize, as
shown in Figure 20-27:

Figure 20-27 The mesh conforms to the geometry of the part instance.

A node is generated at each geometric vertex.

A connected set of element edges is generated along each geometric edge.
A connected set of element faces is generated along each geometric face.
Nodes that are on the boundary of the mesh (including the midside nodes of second-order
elements) are also on the boundary of the geometry.
Midside nodes of second-order elements that are internal to the part instance are centered between
the two corner nodes.
For detailed, step-by-step instructions on creating a mesh, see ``Creating a mesh,'' Section 20.15.1.

20.7.2 Preserving the precision of nodal coordinates


The Mesh module

When you create a part in the Part module, it exists in its own coordinate system, independent of other
parts in the model. In contrast, when you create an instance of the part in the Assembly module and
position it relative to other part instances, you are working in the assembly's global coordinate system.
To preserve precision, the Mesh module separates the positioning information of a part instance from
the geometry of the instance. As a result, when you generate a mesh, the nodal coordinates for the part
instance are computed relative to the coordinate system of the original part. (When the Job module
generates an input file, ABAQUS/CAE writes the nodal coordinates for each instance relative to its
own coordinate system and passes the instance positioning and orientation information to the solver
via the *SYSTEM keyword.)
The Mesh module stores these nodal coordinates in single precision. If the geometry of the part lies far
from the origin of its coordinate system, some precision of the nodal coordinates will be lost. To
prevent this loss of precision, you should try to position a part close to the origin of its coordinate
system. For example, the origin of the coordinate system of an ABAQUS/CAE native part is located at
the origin of the sketch that defined the base feature. Therefore, if possible, you should position the
sketch of the base feature over the origin of the sketcher grid.

20.7.3 Determining which regions are meshable

The color of a region in the Mesh module indicates the meshing technique currently assigned to that
region. The color coding is as follows:
Structured meshing technique: green
Free meshing technique: pink
Swept meshing technique: yellow
Unmeshable: orange
(See ``Structured meshing,'' Section 20.8; ``Free meshing,'' Section 20.9; and ``Swept meshing,''
Section 20.10, for information about each meshing technique.)
In many cases ABAQUS/CAE can use more than one technique to mesh a region; in these cases you
can either accept the default technique, or you can use the Mesh Controls dialog box to select an
alternative technique. In addition, you can change which meshing techniques are valid for a region by
adding partitions to the region or by assigning a different element shape to the region. For example, if
you change the element shape assignment of an unmeshable three-dimensional part instance from
hexahedra to tetrahedra, the part instance becomes meshable using the free-meshing technique. For
more information, see ``Why partition?,'' Section 20.6.1.
For detailed information on controlling the mesh technique and element shape assigned to a region, see
the following sections:
``Assigning mesh controls,'' Section 20.16.1
``Choosing an element shape,'' Section 20.16.2
``Selecting a meshing technique,'' Section 20.16.3


The Mesh module

``Changing mesh controls for previously meshed regions,'' Section 20.16.8

20.7.4 What is a mesh transition?

A mesh transition is an area where a mesh transitions from coarse (large elements) to fine (small
elements), as shown in Figure 20-28.

Figure 20-28 A mesh with a transition from coarse to fine elements.

ABAQUS/CAE provides mesh transition controls for the following types of meshes:
A two-dimensional mesh that is created using the free or structured meshing technique.
A three-dimensional mesh that is created by sweeping a two-dimensional mesh containing a
transition region. (For more information, see ``What is swept meshing?,'' Section 20.10.1.)
By default, the transition control is set to allow mesh transition. In certain cases, changing the
transition control to a minimum level of mesh transition will reduce mesh distortion. However, the
mesh may deviate further from the specified mesh seeds.
When transition controls are applicable to the type of mesh you are creating, an Algorithm Options
field appears on the right side of the Mesh Controls dialog box. This field contains a toggle button
that allows you to select the level of mesh transition. (To display the Mesh Controls dialog box, select
Mesh->Controls from the main menu bar.) For more information, see ``Setting transition options,''
Section 20.16.5.

20.7.5 What kinds of meshes cannot be generated

There are a few types of meshes that you cannot create using the mesh generator in the Mesh module:
Compatible meshes between part instances of the same assembly.
Compatibility means that the element faces or element edges of the meshes of adjacent part
instances share the same nodes and have the same topology at the common interface. You
cannot prescribe mesh compatibility between instances, although there are some techniques
you can use to work around the problem. (See ``Compatible meshes between part instances,''


The Mesh module

Section 20.11.3, for descriptions of these techniques.)

If strict compatibility is a serious issue, you can try creating a single part that corresponds to
the original set of parts. For example, instead of modeling a table as an assembly of four leg
part instances and a top part instance, model the entire table as a single part.
Symmetric meshes.
You cannot ensure that ABAQUS/CAE will mesh a symmetric part instance with a symmetric

20.7.6 When will ABAQUS/CAE delete a mesh?

The following attributes of a part instance or region affect how the mesh will be generated:
Element shape
Meshing technique
Logical corners of a two-dimensional structured region (For more information, see
``Two-dimensional structured meshing,'' Section 20.8.2.)
Transition control (For more information, see ``Setting transition options,'' Section 20.16.5.)
If you change any of the attributes listed, the existing mesh on the part instance or region will no
longer be consistent with its attributes. As a result, ABAQUS/CAE deletes the mesh and regenerates a
new mesh that matches the new attributes. (Element order and type are the only attributes that, when
changed, do not require the mesh to be deleted and regenerated.)
Whenever you make a change that will affect any of these attributes, ABAQUS/CAE displays a dialog
box similar to the one shown in Figure 20-29.

Figure 20-29 The warning dialog box.

You can delete the mesh by clicking the Delete Meshes button, or you can keep your mesh and exit
the procedure by pressing the Cancel button.
You can also avoid this warning message for the remainder of the current session by toggling


The Mesh module

Automatically delete meshes whenever required . The next time you attempt to change the

attributes of a part instance or region that already contains a mesh, the mesh will be deleted
immediately without any warning being displayed.
Warning: There is no way to avoid deleting the mesh when you change one of the attributes listed
above. Since regeneration of a deleted mesh can be time consuming for large or complex models,
you should use caution when changing these attributes.
If you save your model to a model database before you delete the mesh, you can revert back to that
mesh if you are dissatisfied with later meshing attempts.
For detailed, step-by-step instructions on deleting a mesh, see ``Deleting a mesh,'' Section 20.15.2.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Seeding previously meshed part instances or regions,'' Section 20.14.6
``Changing mesh controls for previously meshed regions,'' Section 20.16.8

20.7.7 Do I have to mesh the entire model in one operation?

ABAQUS/CAE allows you to mesh the model in an incremental fashion, where each meshing
operation meshes a different region of the model. You can use incremental meshing to fine-tune the
mesh in a selected region of your model without having to wait for ABAQUS/CAE to remesh the
entire model.
When you mesh a selected region, ABAQUS/CAE tries to preserve the existing mesh in other regions
of the model if possible. However, incremental meshing may force the nodes on the boundaries of the
existing mesh to move and can reduce the mesh quality along the interfaces between the regions. In
some cases ABAQUS/CAE cannot proceed with an incremental meshing operation and must delete all
the existing meshes before proceeding:
Incremental meshing cannot proceed if the seeding between the existing mesh and the selected
region cannot be honored. You must allow ABAQUS/CAE to delete the existing mesh and remesh
the original regions and the selected region.
For example, consider the part instance in Figure 20-30.

Figure 20-30 The central region cannot be meshed incrementally.


The Mesh module

The central region cannot be meshed incrementally because one end has a mesh with 4 4 mesh
pattern and the opposite end has a mesh with a 3 3 mesh pattern. If you try to mesh only the
central region, ABAQUS/CAE will detect the problem and allow you to choose between the
- Remesh the regions that are already meshed and the central region to generate a compatible
- Cancel the operation to mesh the central region.
Incremental meshing cannot proceed if the existing mesh needs to be derived from the mesh you
are trying to create. For example, consider the part instance in Figure 20-31.

Figure 20-31 The regions must be meshed in the correct sequence.

To create a compatible mesh between region 1 and region 2, the mesh of region 2 is derived from
the mesh of the cylinder in region 1. Similarly, the mesh of region 3 is derived from the mesh of
region 2, which in turn was derived from the mesh of the cylinder in region 1. As a consequence, if
you mesh region 3 first, ABAQUS/CAE cannot incrementally mesh regions 1 and 2. You must
allow ABAQUS/CAE to mesh region 1 prior to remeshing regions that were already meshed.
If incremental meshing cannot proceed, ABAQUS/CAE displays a warning message prior to deleting
an existing mesh.
If you want to mesh the assembly incrementally, you can follow a strategy that will minimize the
number of times ABAQUS/CAE has to delete the entire mesh. Changes to the seeding always
propagate out to the boundaries. As a result, you should start meshing from the interior of the assembly
and work out to its boundaries. The strategy depends on the modeling space of the assembly, the
element shape, and the meshing technique.


The Mesh module

Two-dimensional assembly
You should mesh the regions of a two-dimensional assembly in the following order:
1. Regions that require quadrilateral elements generated by free meshing.
2. Regions with more than five sides that can be meshed using the structured method.
3. Four-sided regions that use the structured method. Four-sided regions with mesh
transitions are the most forgiving.
Three-dimensional assembly
If you are creating a hexahedral mesh, you should mesh the regions of a three-dimensional
assembly in the following order:
1. Regions that require swept meshing.
2. Regions that can be meshed using the structured method.
Regions that are meshed by triangles or tetrahedral elements will never force the entire mesh to be
deleted during incremental meshing. ABAQUS/CAE can always remesh these regions, and you can
mesh them at any time.

20.7.8 Can I change the geometric order of the elements in a

If you have already meshed a part instance or a region, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to change the
element order without having to regenerate the entire mesh. If you change between linear and quadratic
elements, ABAQUS/CAE simply adds or removes the midside nodes as required.
Warning: If you change the order of the elements in adjacent regions, ABAQUS/CAE does not
automatically create tied contact between the linear nodes and the quadratic nodes at the
boundary of the two regions. You must go to the Interaction module and create the tied contact.
For more information, see ``Defining tie constraints,'' Section 18.8.10.
If the part instance is an orphan mesh, you can change the order of all the elements in the part, or you
can change the order of only selected elements. An orphan mesh contains no underlying geometry
information, and as a result you should take care when changing the order of the elements. If you
change the elements in an orphan mesh from quadratic to linear, all information on the location of the
midside nodes is lost. As a result, if you subsequently decide to change back from linear to quadratic
elements, you will not be able to return to the original mesh.

20.8 Structured meshing

This section describes the structured meshing technique and the types of regions to which this
technique can be applied. This section also discusses how you can use partitions to generate regions in
a part instance that can be meshed using this technique. The following topics are covered:


The Mesh module

``What is structured meshing?,'' Section 20.8.1

``Two-dimensional structured meshing,'' Section 20.8.2
``Three-dimensional structured meshing,'' Section 20.8.3

20.8.1 What is structured meshing?

The structured meshing technique generates structured meshes using simple predefined mesh
topologies. ABAQUS/CAE transforms the mesh of a regularly shaped region, such as a square or a
cube, onto the geometry of the region you want to mesh. For example, Figure 20-32 illustrates how
simple mesh patterns for triangles, squares, and pentagons are applied to more complex shapes.

Figure 20-32 Two-dimensional structured mesh patterns.

You can apply the structured meshing technique to regions that have been assigned the Quad or
Quad-dominated element shape option for simple two-dimensional regions (planar or curved) or the
Hex or Hex-dominated element shape option for simple three-dimensional regions. For more
information about assigning element shapes to a region, see ``Choosing an element shape,'' Section
When you mesh a region using any meshing technique, the nodes on the boundary of the mesh are
always located on the boundary of the geometric region. However, when ABAQUS/CAE creates a
mesh using the structured meshing technique, it is possible for nodes in the interior of the mesh to fall
outside the region's geometry, which results in a distorted, invalid mesh. This problem typically occurs
near concave boundaries.
For example, the region in Figure 20-33 has five sides; therefore, when ABAQUS/CAE meshes this
region using the structured meshing technique, it applies the mesh pattern for a regular pentagon to the

Figure 20-33 The mesh pattern for a regular pentagon is applied to the region.


The Mesh module

However, if you seed the region so that the number of elements is reduced, as shown in Figure 20-34, a
distorted mesh results due to the concavity at the highly curved edge. Nodes from the interior of the
mesh pattern (indicated by closed circles in Figure 20-35) fall outside the region's geometry, while
nodes on the boundary of the mesh (indicated by open circles in Figure 20-35) remain on the boundary
of the region's geometry.

Figure 20-34 Seeds prescribing a coarser mesh.

Figure 20-35 Nodes from the interior of the mesh fall outside the region's geometry.

When interior nodes fall outside the region's geometry, you can try the following techniques to
improve the mesh:
Change the mesh seeds and remesh. For example, the number of elements along the highly curved
edge in Figure 20-33 is greater than in Figure 20-35.


The Mesh module

Partition the part instance into smaller, more regularly shaped regions. For example, the model was
partitioned into three regions in Figure 20-36.

Figure 20-36 Partition the region.

Select a different meshing technique. This option is most useful for two-dimensional regions,
where you can switch from structured meshing to free meshing and still retain quadrilateral
elements in the mesh. (Three-dimensional free meshing is limited to tetrahedral elements. For
more information, see ``Free meshing,'' Section 20.9.) Figure 20-37 shows the region meshed using
the free meshing technique.

Figure 20-37 Mesh the region using the free meshing technique.

The mesh in Figure 20-37 is not symmetric, which is typical of free meshes.

20.8.2 Two-dimensional structured meshing

A two-dimensional region can be meshed using the structured meshing technique if it has the
following characteristics:
The region has no holes, isolated edges, or isolated vertices.


The Mesh module

The region is bounded by three to five logical sides, where each side is a connected set of edges.
ABAQUS/CAE combines edges into a logical side automatically if the edges subtend a shallow angle.
For example, each region in Figure 20-38 has five edges. However, since the top two edges in each
region subtend a shallow angle, ABAQUS/CAE considers these two edges to be one logical side.
Therefore, the mesh pattern for four-sided regions is applied to these regions.

Figure 20-38 Edges subtending shallow angles.

You can use the Redefine Region Corners button in the Mesh Controls dialog box to combine
edges yourself, regardless of the angle they subtend. (To display the Mesh Controls dialog box, select
Mesh->Controls from the main menu bar.) This technique allows you to control which structured
mesh pattern is applied to the two-dimensional region. (This technique is not available for
three-dimensional regions.) For more information, see ``Redefining region corners,'' Section 20.16.4.

20.8.3 Three-dimensional structured meshing

Figure 20-39 illustrates examples of simple three-dimensional regions that can be meshed using the
structured meshing technique.

Figure 20-39 Regions that can be meshed using the structured meshing technique.


The Mesh module

Meshing more complex regions with this technique may require manual partitioning. If you do not
partition a complex region, your only meshing option may be the free meshing technique with
tetrahedral elements. Meshes constructed using the structured meshing technique consist of hexahedral
elements, which are preferred over tetrahedral elements.
The characteristics described in the following list are required to successfully mesh a
three-dimensional region using the structured meshing technique:
The region cannot have any holes, isolated faces, isolated edges, or isolated vertices.

You can eliminate holes (whether they pass all the way through the part instance or just part way
through) by partitioning their circumferences into halves, quarters, etc. For example, the four
partitions in the figure below convert the part instance from one region with a hole to four regions
without holes.

You should limit arcs to 90 or less to avoid concavities along sides and at edges. For example, the
part instance in the figure below has been partitioned so that the single region with 180 arcs
becomes two regions with 90 arcs.


The Mesh module

All the faces of the region must have geometries that could be meshed using the two-dimensional
structured meshing technique. For example, without partitioning, the semicircles at either end of
the model below have only two sides each. (A face must have at least three sides to be meshed
using the structured meshing technique.) If you partition the model in half, each semicircle is
divided into two faces with three sides each.

Exactly three edges of the region must meet at each vertex. For example, the vertex at the top of an
unpartitioned pyramid is connected to four edges. However, if you partition the pyramid into two
tetrahedral regions, the vertex is connected to only three edges for each individual region.

The region must be bounded by at least four sides (a tetrahedral region), up to a maximum of 15
sides. If a region is bounded by fewer than four sides, you can partition the region as necessary to
create additional sides.
The angles between sides should be as close to 90 as possible; you should partition to eliminate
angles greater than 150.
Each side of the region must match one of the following definitions:
- If the region is not a cube, a side must correspond to a single face; that is, the side must not
contain multiple faces.
- If the region is a cube, a side can be a connected set of faces that are on the same geometric
surface. However, each face must have four sides. In addition, the pattern of the faces must
allow rows and columns of hexahedral elements to be created in a regular grid pattern along
that entire side when the cube is meshed. For example, the sides in the following figure have
acceptable face patterns:

If the cubes in the figure above are meshed using the structured meshing technique, a regular
grid pattern of elements is created in each mesh, with a consistent number of rows and
columns appearing on the partitioned sides, as shown below:


The Mesh module

The sides in the following figure do not have acceptable face patterns:

The face pattern shown on the left is unacceptable for structured meshing because each face
has only three sides. Each face in the pattern shown on the right has four sides, but the pattern
does not allow a regular grid of elements to be created on the partitioned side of the cube, as
shown below:

20.9 Free meshing

This section explains how you can use the free meshing technique to mesh two- or three-dimensional
models. The following topics are covered:
``What is free meshing?,'' Section 20.9.1
``Free meshing with quadrilateral elements,'' Section 20.9.2
``Free meshing with triangular and tetrahedral elements,'' Section 20.9.3

20.9.1 What is free meshing?

Unlike structured meshing, free meshing uses no preestablished mesh patterns. When you mesh a
region using the structured meshing technique, you can predict the pattern of the mesh based on the
region topology. In contrast, it is impossible to predict a free mesh pattern before creating the mesh.
Because it is unstructured, free meshing allows more flexibility than structured meshing. The
boundaries of regions that you mesh with the free mesh technique can be very complex.
You can use this technique to mesh a region with the Tri, Quad, or Quad-dominated element shape
options for two-dimensional regions or the Tet element shape option for three-dimensional regions.
For more information on assigning element shapes to a region, see ``Choosing an element shape,''
Section 20.16.2.

20.9.2 Free meshing with quadrilateral elements

Free meshing with quadrilateral elements is the default meshing technique for two-dimensional
regions. An example of a mesh generated with this technique is shown in Figure 20-40. Free meshes


The Mesh module

are usually not symmetric, even if the part instance itself is symmetric.

Figure 20-40 A free mesh generated with quadrilateral elements.

The free meshing technique with quadrilateral elements can be applied to any planar surface. Similarly,
the free meshing technique with quadrilateral elements can be applied to curved surfaces; however, the
region's boundaries should not be close to a singular point of a surface. Typically, surfaces with
singular points are created when you revolve a profile that touches the axis of revolution or when you
create blends or fillets in certain cases. (Examples of singular points are the two poles of a sphere.)
If you use the free meshing technique to mesh a region and then remesh the region (for example, after
modifying the seeds), some of the steps for creating the mesh are not repeated, and the new mesh is
generated more quickly.

20.9.3 Free meshing with triangular and tetrahedral elements

Free meshing with triangular elements can be applied to any planar or curved surface. This meshing
technique can handle large variations in element size, which is useful when you want to refine only
part of a mesh. Figure 20-41 shows an example of a mesh generated using this technique.

Figure 20-41 A free mesh generated with triangular elements.


The Mesh module

Free meshing with tetrahedral elements can be applied to almost any three-dimensional region; in fact,
very complex models can be meshed using this technique without the help of partitioning. Figure
20-42 shows an example of a free tetrahedral mesh.

Figure 20-42 A free mesh generated with tetrahedral elements.

Free meshing of three-dimensional solids using hexahedral elements is not supported.

20.10 Swept meshing

This section explains the swept meshing technique and describes the types of regions to which this
meshing technique can be applied. The following topics are covered:
``What is swept meshing?,'' Section 20.10.1
``Swept meshing of surfaces,'' Section 20.10.2
``Swept meshing of three-dimensional solids,'' Section 20.10.3

20.10.1 What is swept meshing?

ABAQUS/CAE uses swept meshing to mesh complex extruded or revolved solid regions as well as
revolved surface regions. The swept meshing technique involves two phases:


The Mesh module

ABAQUS/CAE creates a mesh on one side of the region, known as the source side.
ABAQUS/CAE copies the nodes of that mesh, one element layer at a time, until the final side,
known as the target side, is reached. ABAQUS/CAE can copy the mesh while following a straight
edge connecting the source and target sides; this is called an extruded swept mesh. Alternatively,
ABAQUS/CAE can copy the mesh while following a circular edge connecting the source and
target sides; this is called a revolved swept mesh.
For example, Figure 20-43 shows an extruded swept mesh. To mesh this model, ABAQUS/CAE first
creates a two-dimensional mesh on the source side of the model. Next, each of the nodes in the
two-dimensional mesh is copied along a straight edge to every layer until the target side is reached.

Figure 20-43 The swept meshing technique for an extruded solid.

To determine if a region is swept meshable, ABAQUS/CAE tests if the region can be replicated by
sweeping a source side along a straight or circular edge to the target side. It is not possible for the user
to control which side is the source side and which is the target side. In general, ABAQUS/CAE selects
the most complex side (for example, the side that has an isolated edge or vertex) to be the source

20.10.2 Swept meshing of surfaces

ABAQUS/CAE can apply the swept meshing technique only to surface regions that can be replicated
by sweeping the source side (an edge) along a straight or circular edge to the target side. You can use
this meshing technique regardless of whether the circular edge is revolved a full 360. ABAQUS/CAE
meshes the surface by first meshing the source side and then revolving that mesh around the axis of
You can apply the swept meshing technique to surface regions using either the Quad or
Quad-dominated element shape options. However, you must use the Quad-dominated element shape
option when the source side touches the axis of revolution at a point, because a layer of triangular
elements is generated at that point. For example, the source side touches the axis of revolution at the
top of the model shown in Figure 20-44.

The Mesh module

Figure 20-44 A layer of triangular elements.

(For more information on assigning element shapes to a region, see ``Choosing an element shape,''
Section 20.16.2.)
ABAQUS/CAE cannot generate a revolved surface mesh that touches the axis of revolution at two
points unless the revolved surface is a sphere.

20.10.3 Swept meshing of three-dimensional solids

ABAQUS/CAE can apply the swept meshing technique only to solid regions that can be replicated by
sweeping the source side along a straight or circular edge to the target side. The cross- section of a
swept region must remain constant and planar from the source side to the target side. If the source side
can be swept along a straight edge, ABAQUS/CAE creates an extruded swept mesh. Figure 20-45
illustrates how ABAQUS/CAE meshes the source side and extrudes that mesh along the straight edge
to the target side.

Figure 20-45 The extruded swept meshing technique sweeps the mesh on the source side along a
straight edge.

If the source side can be swept along a circular edge, ABAQUS/CAE creates a revolved swept mesh.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-46 illustrates how ABAQUS/CAE meshes the source side and revolves that mesh about the
axis of the circular edge to the target side.

Figure 20-46 The revolved swept meshing technique sweeps the mesh on the source side along a
circular edge.

ABAQUS/CAE can generate swept meshes on regions that have been assigned either the Hex or the
Hex-dominated element shape option. If you apply the Hex element shape option to the region,
ABAQUS/CAE uses the two-dimensional free meshing technique with the Quad element shape option
to generate the preliminary two-dimensional mesh on the source side. If you apply the Hex-dominated
element shape option to the region, ABAQUS/CAE uses the two-dimensional free meshing technique
with the Quad-dominated element shape option to generate the mesh on the source side; as a result,
the final three-dimensional mesh may contain columns of wedge elements.
The following limitations apply to three-dimensional swept meshing:
Every side that connects the source side to the target side must contain only a single face without
isolated edges or isolated vertices. For example, the model in Figure 20-47 cannot be meshed
using the swept meshing technique because one of the connecting sides is partitioned into two

Figure 20-47 A partitioned connecting side.

The target side must contain only a single face without isolated edges or isolated vertices. For
example, the region on the left in Figure 20-48 can be meshed using the swept meshing technique
because all of the isolated edges are on the source side; the region on the right, however, cannot be
meshed using this technique because the target side contains two faces.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-48 Only the region on the left can be meshed using the swept meshing technique.

For a revolved region, the profile that was revolved to create the region must not touch the axis of
revolution unless both the top and the bottom of the region are planar. If the top and the bottom of
the region are planar, you can use partitions to render the region meshable using the swept
meshing technique. For more information, see ``Sweep meshing a solid, revolved region whose
profile touches the axis of revolution, '' Section 20.16.7.

20.11 Advanced meshing techniques

This section contains information about how to accomplish advanced meshing tasks that are not
straightforward. The following topics are covered:
``Meshing multiple three-dimensional solid regions, '' Section 20.11.1
``Meshing multiple two- and three-dimensional shell regions, '' Section 20.11.2
``Compatible meshes between part instances,'' Section 20.11.3
``Parametric modeling,'' Section 20.11.4

20.11.1 Meshing multiple three-dimensional solid regions

ABAQUS/CAE assigns a default meshing technique to each region of a part instance depending on its
geometry and topology. However, sometimes the default meshing techniques applied to adjacent
regions of a three-dimensional part instance are not compatible, and ABAQUS/CAE cannot generate a
compatible mesh over the entire part instance.
For example, ABAQUS/CAE cannot generate a compatible mesh over the entire part instance in
Figure 20-49 using the default meshing techniques because the nodes from the structured mesh on the
left cannot be merged with the nodes of the swept mesh on the right. (The cube on the right side of the
part instance is a swept region because it is joined to the cylinder, which is also a swept region.)

Figure 20-49 A compatible mesh is impossible using these default meshing techniques.


The Mesh module

The mismatch that would occur between the nodes of the structured region and the nodes of the swept
region is obvious if you mesh the two regions separately, as shown in Figure 20-50.

Figure 20-50 The structured region and the swept region meshed separately.

If you initiate the meshing procedure and ABAQUS/CAE cannot generate a compatible mesh using the
default meshing techniques, ABAQUS/CAE attempts to replace the default meshing techniques with
new meshing techniques. These new techniques are determined not only by the region's geometry and
topology but also by the characteristics of neighboring regions in the part instance. ABAQUS/CAE
evaluates the interfaces between regions and tries to minimize the number of incompatible interfaces.
For example, the default meshing technique for the cube on the left side of the part instance in Figure
20-49 is structured. However, this cube can also be meshed using the swept meshing technique.
Therefore, ABAQUS/CAE changes the meshing technique assigned to this region from structured to
swept, and a compatible mesh is generated over the whole part instance. (The element types assigned


The Mesh module

to a region remain unchanged when ABAQUS/CAE changes the meshing technique assigned to the
When you initiate the meshing procedure for a three-dimensional part instance, ABAQUS/CAE
determines if a compatible mesh can be generated using the default techniques assigned to each region
in the part instance. If a compatible mesh is possible, meshing proceeds. If a compatible mesh cannot
be generated using the default techniques, ABAQUS/CAE checks to see if it can replace the default
meshing techniques with different techniques that will allow a compatible mesh to be generated.
If different techniques will allow a compatible mesh, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the incompatible
interfaces and prompts you to select one of the following options:
- Cancel the meshing procedure.
- Allow ABAQUS/CAE to replace the default techniques as necessary and generate a
compatible mesh.
- Allow ABAQUS/CAE to use the default meshing techniques and automatically generate tied
surface interactions across the incompatible interfaces. ABAQUS/CAE generates common
(merged) nodes on the perimeter of the incompatible interface and a tied surface interaction
between the interior surface nodes. The interior surface nodes of the two regions form a
contact pair, where each of the nodes on the slave surface are constrained to have the same
value of displacement, temperature, pore pressure, or electrical potential as the point on the
master surface that they contact. ABAQUS/CAE generally selects the surface with the higher
mesh refinement to be the slave surface. The computation for the depth of the adjustment zone
is based on the bounding dimensions of the interfacing regions. (For more information on tied
surfaces, see ``Defining tied contact,'' Section 21.2.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
and Section 20.2.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual. For more information on the
adjustment zone, see ``Adjusting initial surface positions and specifying initial clearances in
contact pairs,'' Section 21.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 20.2.2 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
If different techniques will still not allow a compatible mesh, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the
incompatible interfaces and prompts you to select one of the following options:
- Cancel the meshing procedure.
- Automatically generate tied surface interactions across the incompatible interfaces, as
described above.
If a compatible mesh cannot be generated, you can try one of the following approaches:
Partition the part instance as necessary to generate a compatible mesh.
Use the free meshing technique to mesh the entire part instance.
In general, the following restrictions apply to generating a compatible mesh on a three-dimensional


The Mesh module

solid part instance:

A swept region cannot share its target side with a structured region. However, it can share a source
side or a connecting side with a structured region, as shown in Figure 20-51.

Figure 20-51 The connecting side of the swept region is shared with the structured region.

A part instance cannot contain regions of hexahedral elements as well as regions of tetrahedral
In some situations ABAQUS/CAE cannot mesh a part instance that contains multiple regions that
have all been assigned the swept meshing technique. For example, ABAQUS/CAE cannot sweep a
mesh along the part instance shown in Figure 20-52 because a compatible mesh cannot be
generated on the shared target face.

Figure 20-52 A swept mesh cannot be generated along this part instance.


The Mesh module

20.11.2 Meshing multiple two- and three-dimensional shell

``Meshing multiple three-dimensional solid regions, '' Section 20.11.1, describes how the default
meshing techniques applied to adjacent regions of a three-dimensional solid part instance may not
allow you to generate a mesh that is compatible across the regions. In contrast, adjacent regions of a
two- or three-dimensional shell part instance are always compatible.
Figure 20-53 illustrates a three-dimensional shell part instance with adjacent regions that
ABAQUS/CAE can mesh using the free, swept, and structured meshing techniques.

Figure 20-53 Adjacent regions of a three-dimensional shell part instance.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-54 illustrates the resulting mesh.

Figure 20-54 The resulting mesh.

20.11.3 Compatible meshes between part instances

Currently it is not possible to automatically obtain meshes that are compatible between part instances.
If you require mesh compatibility between two or more bodies, first try to create a single part that
contains all the bodies so that multiple parts are not necessary.
If the two objects must be modeled as separate parts, consider using tied contact so that mesh
compatibility is not an issue. Keep in mind that this is not true compatibility, and the accuracy of the
solution may suffer. For more information on tied contact, see ``Understanding interactions,'' Section

20.11.4 Parametric modeling

A useful feature of the Mesh module is the ability to regenerate partitions and mesh attributes--such as
element type assignments, seeds, and mesh controls--after a part has been modified. (You must always


The Mesh module

recreate the mesh itself after modifying a model.)

For example, the model shown in Figure 20-55 has been partitioned into four regions and then seeded
to specify an approximate element size of 3.

Figure 20-55 Seeded model with small hole.

You can return to the Part module and modify the hole at the center of the model so that it is slightly
larger. When you return to the Mesh module, the partitions and the seeds are regenerated, as shown in
Figure 20-56.

Figure 20-56 Seeds are regenerated after the part is modified.

In addition, settings in the Mesh Controls and Element Type dialog boxes (such as element shape,
element type, and meshing technique) are also regenerated. (You can display these two dialog boxes by
selecting Mesh->Controls and Mesh->Element Type from the main menu bar.)
Note: If you drastically modify the part, the seeds and partitions may fail to regenerate. In these
cases you must create new seeds and partitions after reentering the Mesh module.


The Mesh module

20.12 Using the Mesh module toolbox

You can access all the Mesh module tools through either the main menu bar or the toolbox. Figure
20-57 shows the hidden icons for all the tools in the Mesh module toolbox.

Figure 20-57 The Mesh module toolbox.

For information on using each of the Mesh module tools, refer to the following sections:
``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Creating and deleting meshes,'' Section 20.15
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Obtaining mesh information and statistics,'' Section 20.17

20.13 Tutorial: Using the Mesh module

This section contains a short tutorial that will help you become familiar with the Mesh module. The
tasks in this tutorial involve the clamp model shown in Figure 20-58.

Figure 20-58 The clamp model.

As you work through the tutorial, you will perform the following procedures:
``Opening the model database,'' Section 20.13.1
``Partitioning the model,'' Section 20.13.2
``Seeding the model,'' Section 20.13.3
``Assigning element shapes to the model and specifying a meshing technique,'' Section 20.13.4


The Mesh module

``Creating and refining the mesh,'' Section 20.13.5

``Assigning an element type,'' Section 20.13.6

20.13.1 Opening the model database

To start the tutorial, you must first copy the model database that contains the clamp model to a local
directory; you then open the model database and continue the tutorial.
To open the model database:
1. The model database used by the tutorial is stored in abaqus_dir /cae/Tutorial/clamp.cae,
where abaqus_dir is the name of the directory in which ABAQUS/CAE is installed.
ABAQUS/CAE must have write permission to the current model database; consequently, before
you open the database, copy it to a local directory to which you can write. To determine the value
of abaqus_dir, type abaqus whereami at the operating system prompt.
Note: The path to the model database is abaqus_dir\cae\Tutorial\clamp.cae on Windows NT systems.

2. From the main menu bar, select File->Open.

The Open Database dialog box appears.
3. Click the File type arrow, and select Model Database (*.cae) if it is not already selected.
4. In the Selection field at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, delete the default text and
type the path of the file containing the model database.
5. Click OK.
ABAQUS/CAE reads the model database containing the clamp model.

20.13.2 Partitioning the model

When you first enter the Mesh module, the different regions of your assembly change color. The color
of a region in the Mesh module indicates the following:
Whether the region is meshable using the element shape currently assigned to the region.
If the region is meshable, which default meshing technique ABAQUS/CAE will use to mesh the
In this tutorial the entire model turns orange when it first appears in the Mesh module, indicating that
the part instance is currently unmeshable using the hexahedral element shapes that are assigned to the
model by default. You will make the part meshable with hexahedral elements by partitioning the clamp
into smaller regions.
To partition the model:
1. In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Mesh.


The Mesh module

The cursor changes to an hourglass while the Mesh module loads. The clamp model appears in the
viewport, as shown in Figure 20-59.

Figure 20-59 The clamp model appears in the viewport.

Note: During the course of this tutorial, you can use the following techniques to manipulate the orientation of the clamp in the
Use a combination of the view manipulation tools and the display option tools in the toolbar and the tools in the Views
toolbox to resize and reposition the model as necessary. (The Views toolbox appears when you select

from the

In particular, you will probably find the magnification tool

and the rotation tool

useful for displaying the

model at a convenient size and orientation.

When necessary, click the Iso tool

in the Views toolbox to return the model to its original size and position in

the viewport.
The view orientation triad in the lower left corner of the screen indicates the orientation of the model with respect to the view.
The triad in the middle of the model indicates the origin and orientation of the global coordinate system. For more information
on the view manipulation tools, see Chapter 8, "Manipulating the view and controlling perspective."

2. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.

The Create Partition dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box, select Cell from the list of Type options and select Extend face from the list of
Method options. Then click Apply.
4. In the viewport, select the clamp model, and click Done in the prompt area.
5. In the viewport, select the bottom face of the top part of the clamp, as shown in Figure 20-60.


The Mesh module

Figure 20-60 Select the face.

Use the selection options (accessible from the prompt area) to filter your selection so that you can
choose from all entities. If your selection is ambiguous, click Next or Previous in the prompt area
until ABAQUS/CAE selects the desired face. Click OK to confirm your choice.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
A partition is created by extending the face that you selected in the previous step all the way to the
end of the clamp, as shown in Figure 20-61.

Figure 20-61 The partition is created.

As a result of the new partition the top region of the clamp turns green, indicating that the region
can be meshed using the structured meshing technique.
7. Use a similar method to create a partition using the upper face of the bottom part of the clamp, as
shown in Figure 20-62.

Figure 20-62 Create the second partition.


The Mesh module

Both the top and the bottom regions of the clamp are now green, which indicates that both are
meshable with a structured mesh pattern. The middle region of the clamp is now yellow, which
indicates that it is swept-meshable.
8. In the Create Partition dialog box, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

20.13.3 Seeding the model

Seeds are markers that you place along the edges of your model to indicate how dense you want the
mesh to be. For example, if you create only a few seeds spaced widely apart along the edges of a
region, ABAQUS/CAE will generate a very coarse mesh in that region.
In this section you will seed the clamp in such a way that the middle region of the clamp (the region
with the hole) will be more finely meshed than the other two regions of the model.
To seed the clamp model:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Edge By Size.
2. In the toolbar, use the zoom tool
enlarge the model in the viewport.

, the magnification tool

, and the pan tool


3. Use the [Shift]+Click technique to select all of the edges of the middle region of the clamp, as
shown in Figure 20-63. When you have finished selecting edges, click mouse button 2. (To learn
how to use the [Shift]+Click technique to select all of the edges, see ``Selecting and unselecting
individual objects,'' Section 9.2.1.)

Figure 20-63 Select the edges of the middle region.


The Mesh module

4. In the text field in the prompt area, enter an approximate element size of 2 and then click
Constraints on the right side of the prompt area.
The Edge Seed Constraints dialog box appears. The options in this dialog box allow you to
control how closely ABAQUS/CAE adheres to the seeds on the selected edges when creating the
5. In the dialog box, click Allow the number of elements to increase only and then click OK.
This selection prevents ABAQUS/CAE from reducing the number of elements that appear along
the selected edges. In other words, ABAQUS/CAE can either create the same number of elements
as is specified by the seeds or, if necessary, create more elements than are specified by the seeds.
6. Click mouse button 2 to save your seeding specifications for the middle region of the model.
The edge seeds that you have created appear in magenta along the edges of the middle region of
the clamp. Their shapes have the following significance:
The triangular seeds are partially constrained; ABAQUS/CAE can only increase their number,
not decrease it, during mesh generation.
The square seeds are fully constrained and cannot be altered by the mesh generation process.
Fully constrained seeds always appear at vertices.
7. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Instance.
8. In the text field in the prompt area, enter an approximate element size of 3 for the remaining edges
in the model and then click mouse button 2.
Instance seeds appear in white along the edges of the model that have not yet been seeded. (The
edges that you have already seeded individually retain their magenta seeds.) The instance seeds are
circular, which indicates that they are unconstrained; if necessary, ABAQUS/CAE will change
their number and location to generate the mesh.


The Mesh module

9. Use the auto-fit tool

to return the model to its original size in the viewport.

20.13.4 Assigning element shapes to the model and specifying a

meshing technique
The Mesh Controls dialog box allows you to specify the shape of the elements in the mesh. For
example, the element shape options for three-dimensional models are as follows:
Hex (hexahedra only).
Hex-dominated (mostly hexahedra, but wedges are allowed in transition regions).
Tet (tetrahedra only).
The Hex option is selected by default; if you do not change the Element Shape option, your mesh will
contain only hexagonal-shaped elements automatically.
Note: If you had changed the element shape option to Tet at the beginning of the tutorial,
ABAQUS/CAE would have been able to mesh the model without any partitions using the free
meshing technique. To achieve a given accuracy, meshes composed of tetrahedral elements
generally require more elements than hexahedral meshes and, therefore, are more expensive to
analyze. As a result, the mesh generator does not use these types of elements unless you
specifically request them.
To specify the element shape and meshing technique:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
2. Select the top and the bottom regions of the model, as shown in Figure 20-64, and then click
mouse button 2.

Figure 20-64 Select the top and bottom regions.


The Mesh module

The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.

3. In the dialog box, accept the default element shape selection of Hex.
4. In the Technique list, accept the default technique selection of Structured.
5. Click OK to save the settings and to exit the dialog box.
6. Use a similar method to view and accept the default selections for the middle region of the model.
7. In the prompt area, click Done to exit the mesh controls assignment procedure.

20.13.5 Creating and refining the mesh

Now that you have seeded the model and approved the Element Shape and Technique selections for
the different regions, you are ready to create the mesh.
To create and refine the mesh:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Instance.
2. In the prompt area, click Yes.
3. Once the mesh is complete, click the shaded render style tool
should appear as shown in Figure 20-65.

Figure 20-65 The meshed model.


in the tool bar. The model

The Mesh module

4. Use the rotation tool

to view different sides of the model.

The elements in the top and bottom regions of the mesh become distorted as they approach the left
end of the clamp. You can improve the shape of these elements by creating additional partitions.
5. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Delete Instance Mesh. A prompt in the prompt area asks
whether to delete the mesh; click Yes.
The mesh is deleted.
6. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears.
7. In the Create Partition dialog box, select Cell from the list of Type options and select Extend
face from the list of Method options. Then click Apply.
In the prompt area, you are prompted to select the cells to partition.
8. In the viewport, select the top and bottom regions of the clamp model, and click Done in the
prompt area.
9. In the viewport, select the face shown in Figure 20-66.

Figure 20-66 Select the face.


The Mesh module

Use the selection options (accessible from the prompt area) to filter your selection so that you can
choose from all entities. If the selection is ambiguous, click Next or Previous in the prompt area
until ABAQUS/CAE selects the desired face. Click OK to confirm your choice.
10. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
Partitions are created by extending the face that you selected in the previous step through the top
and bottom regions of the model, as shown in Figure 20-67.

Figure 20-67 The top and bottom regions are partitioned.

11. Remesh the model. (It is unnecessary to seed the new partitions; they will be seeded
automatically.) The new mesh should appear as shown in Figure 20-68.

Figure 20-68 The mesh in the partitioned model.


The Mesh module

The partitions that you have added significantly reduce the distortion of the elements toward the
left end of the clamp.
12. In the Create Partition dialog box, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

20.13.6 Assigning an element type

The Element Type dialog box allows you to assign specific types of ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit elements to the mesh elements that you have created.
To view the default ABAQUS element types:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Element Type.
2. Drag a rectangle around the clamp to select the entire model. Then click mouse button 2.
The Element Type dialog box appears.
3. Accept Standard as the default Element Library selection.
This selection specifies that you want to select an element type from the ABAQUS/Standard
element library. If you were performing an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, you would select Explicit
so that you could select an ABAQUS/Explicit element type.
4. Accept the default Element Library, Geometric Order, and Family selections.
In the bottom half of the dialog box the Hex tab is visible. The name and a brief description of a
default hexagonal, three-dimensional stress ABAQUS/Standard element type appears at the
bottom of the tabbed page.
5. Accept the default element type selection. Then, click the Wedge and Tet tabs to view the wedge
element and tetrahedral element options. If your mesh contained any wedge- or tetrahedral-shaped
elements, the default ABAQUS element types that appear at the bottom of the Wedge and Tet
tabbed pages would be assigned to those elements.
6. Click OK to accept the default settings and to close the dialog box.

20.13.7 Summary of key points

The following list summarizes the key points demonstrated in this tutorial:
You can use the Partition toolset to partition an unmeshable model into smaller, meshable regions.

The Mesh module

In addition, you can create partitions to improve a mesh.

The density of a mesh is determined by the number and type of the seeds that you create along the
edges of the region.
The Mesh Controls dialog box allows you to assign an element shape and a meshing technique to
a region. The Element Type dialog box allows you to assign ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit element types to the mesh elements in a region.

20.14 Seeding a model

This section explains how to use the seeding tools to apply seeds throughout a part instance. The
following topics are covered:
``Defining seed density for the entire part instance,'' Section 20.14.1
``Seeding an edge by prescribing the number of elements,'' Section 20.14.2
``Seeding an edge by prescribing element size,'' Section 20.14.3
``Prescribing biased seeding along an edge,'' Section 20.14.4
``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section 20.14.5
``Seeding previously meshed part instances or regions,'' Section 20.14.6
``Deleting instance seeds,'' Section 20.14.7
``Deleting edge seeds,'' Section 20.14.8
``Relaxing constraints using the error dialog box, '' Section 20.14.9

20.14.1 Defining seed density for the entire part instance

You can select Seed->Instance from the main menu to define the approximate element size for all
edges of a part instance that do not already have magenta-colored edge seeds. Seeds defined in this
way are called instance seeds and are colored white. (For more information on instance seeds and edge
seeds, see ``Controlling the seed density,'' Section 20.4.2.)
Detailed instructions for creating instance seeds:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Instance.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also seed a part instance using the
tool, located with the seed tools in the
Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section


The Mesh module

2. If your assembly contains more than one part instance, select the part instance to seed and click
mouse button 2.
Note: Edge seeds always override instance seeds; therefore, if you have already individually
seeded all the edges of the part instance, the instance seeds are unused and do not appear on
the part instance. If necessary, use the seed deletion tool, described in ``Deleting edge seeds,''
Section 20.14.8, to remove any unwanted edge seeds; if you have assigned instance seeds to
the part instance, instance seeds automatically appear on the edges where you delete edge
3. In the text field in the prompt area, type an approximate element size.
4. If desired, change the default seed constraints by clicking the Constraints button in the prompt
area and responding to the dialog box that appears. See ``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section
20.14.5, for further information on setting seed constraints.
5. Press [Enter] or click mouse button 2 to commit the element size and constraint settings.
White seeds appear on all edges of the part instance except those already assigned magenta edge
6. To change the selected seed size or constraints, repeat this procedure from Step 3.
7. To exit the instance seeding procedure, press [Enter] or click mouse button 2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Constraining seeds,'' Section 20.4.3
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.2 Seeding an edge by prescribing the number of elements

You can specify the number of elements to use along a particular edge by selecting Seed->Edge By
Number from the main menu bar. All the edge seeding tools generate edge seeds, which are
displayed in magenta. Edge seeds override any part seeds you have specified.
You need not seed all edges of a region. If only some edges of the region have edge seeds (and you
have not created any instance seeds), ABAQUS/CAE can interpolate the element density requirements


The Mesh module

for the unseeded edges from those of the seeded edges.

Detailed instructions for seeding an edge by prescribing the number of elements:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Edge By Number.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also seed an edge by number of elements using the
tool, located with the
seed tools in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module
toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. Select the edges you want to seed. When you are finished selecting edges, press mouse button 2.
For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
3. In the text field in the prompt area, type the number of elements to be used along the selected
4. If desired, change the default seed constraints by clicking the Constraints button in the prompt
area and responding to the dialog box that appears. See ``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section
20.14.5, for further information on setting seed constraints.
5. Press [Enter] or mouse button 2 to commit the element size and constraint settings.
Magenta edge seeds appear along the selected edges.
6. To seed additional edges, repeat this procedure from Step 2.
7. To exit the edge seeding procedure, press [Enter] or click mouse button 2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Constraining seeds,'' Section 20.4.3
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.3 Seeding an edge by prescribing element size

You can define the element size to use along a particular edge by selecting Seed->Edge By Size from


The Mesh module

the main menu bar. All the edge seeding tools generate edge seeds, which are displayed in magenta.
Edge seeds override any part seeds you have specified.
You need not seed all edges of a region. If only some edges of the region have edge seeds (and you
have not created any instance seeds), ABAQUS/CAE can interpolate the element density requirements
for the unseeded edges from those of the seeded edges.
Detailed instructions for seeding an edge by prescribing the element size:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Edge By Size.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also seed an edge by element size using the
tool, located with the seed
tools in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module
toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. Select the edges you want to seed. When you are finished selecting edges, press mouse button 2.
For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
3. In the text field in the prompt area, type the approximate element size to be used along the selected
4. If desired, change the default seed constraints by clicking the Constraints button in the prompt
area and responding to the dialog box that appears. See ``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section
20.14.5, for further information on setting seed constraints.
5. Press [Enter] or mouse button 2 to commit the element size and constraint settings.
Magenta edge seeds appear along the selected edges.
6. To seed additional edges, repeat this procedure from Step 2.
7. To exit the edge seeding procedure, press [Enter] or click mouse button 2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Constraining seeds,'' Section 20.4.3
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12


The Mesh module

Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.4 Prescribing biased seeding along an edge

You can define a nonuniform distribution of elements along a particular edge by selecting
Seed->Edge Biased from the main menu bar. You must provide a bias value, which is defined as the
ratio of the size of the coarsest element to the size of the finest element along an edge.
For example, the bias value for the seeded edges shown below is five; the largest element on the edge
will be five times larger than the smallest element on the edge.

All the edge seeding tools generate edge seeds, which are displayed in magenta. Edge seeds override
any part seeds you have specified.
Detailed instructions for prescribing biased seeding along an edge:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Edge Biased.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also click the
tool, located with the seed tools in the Mesh module
toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. Select the edges you want to seed. As you select each edge, click near the end where you want the
mesh to be denser.
For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
3. Click mouse button 2 to commit your selections.
An arrow appears on each selected edge indicating the direction in which the element size will
4. In the text box in the prompt area, type the bias ratio to be used along the selected edges. The bias
ratio must be greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to 1.0E6.
5. Press [Enter] or mouse button 2 to commit your bias setting.
6. In the text field in the prompt area, type the desired number of elements to be created along the
selected edges.

The Mesh module

7. If desired, change the default seed constraints by clicking the Constraints button in the prompt
area and responding to the dialog box that appears. See ``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section
20.14.5, for further information on setting seed constraints.
8. Press [Enter] or mouse button 2 to accept the element number and constraint settings.
Magenta seeds appear on the selected edges of the part instance.
9. To seed additional edges, repeat this procedure from Step 2.
10. To exit the edge seeding procedure, press [Enter] or click mouse button 2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Constraining seeds,'' Section 20.4.3
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.5 Applying constraints to seeds

You can apply constraints to seeds at the same time you define them by using the Constraints button
that appears in the prompt area during the seeding procedure.
Caution: Use care when constraining mesh seeds; overconstraint can make automatic mesh
generation impossible if you are trying to generate a mesh that contains quadrilateral- or
hexahedral-shaped elements.
Detailed instructions for applying constraints:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Instance or Seed->edge seeding option of your
choice. Then select the part or the edges you want to seed and click mouse button 2. For more
information on performing these tasks, see the following sections:
``Defining seed density for the entire part instance,'' Section 20.14.1
``Seeding an edge by prescribing the number of elements,'' Section 20.14.2
``Seeding an edge by prescribing element size,'' Section 20.14.3


The Mesh module

``Prescribing biased seeding along an edge,'' Section 20.14.4

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. In the right corner of the prompt area, click Constraints.
The Instance Seed Contraints or the Edge Seed Constraints dialog box appears.
3. Choose the desired constraint. The choices are:
Allow the number of elements to increase or decrease

This option leaves the seeds totally unconstrained. Therefore, the number of elements that
ABAQUS/CAE creates along an edge can be greater or smaller than the number of
elements dictated by the seeds; however, the mesh generator tries to adhere to the
requested seed pattern as much as possible.
This option is the default. It provides the greatest flexibility to the automatic mesh
generator and, therefore, gives the greatest chance of success when generating the mesh.
Allow the number of elements to increase only

This option partially constrains the seeds so that the number of elements along an edge or
throughout a part instance can only be greater or remain the same as that dictated by the
seeds. It is sometimes helpful to know that unconstrained seeds that are located near
partially constrained seeds also tend to behave as though they are partially constrained.
Do not allow the number of elements to change

This option fully constrains the seeds so that the exact number of elements that you have
specified with your seeds is maintained. You can use this option only with edge seeds;
instance seeds cannot be fully constrained.
Use this option with care, since adjustment of the number of elements along the boundary
of a region is usually required to generate a mesh; preventing such adjustments can make
mesh generation impossible.
Note: The constraint options described above allow you to control only the number of elements along an edge, not the
positions of the nodes along the edge. ABAQUS/CAE creates meshes that adhere to the seeds as closely as possible, but the
locations of the seeds and the locations of the nodes along the mesh edges usually do not match exactly.

4. Click OK.
The mesh seeds change shape to indicate the constraint you have chosen:
Circle: unconstrained seed.
Triangle: partially constrained seed. The triangle points upward, indicating that the number of
elements along the edge can only increase.
Square: fully constrained seed.


The Mesh module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2

20.14.6 Seeding previously meshed part instances or regions

To reseed a part instance or region that has already been meshed, you must first delete the mesh in one
of the following ways:
Before seeding, use the mesh deletion tools, described in ``Deleting a mesh,'' Section 20.15.2, to
delete the mesh from the part instance or region of interest.
Do not delete the mesh yourself; instead, attempt to seed the part instance or region of interest. As
soon as you select the parts or edges to seed, ABAQUS/CAE displays a window similar to the

You can delete the mesh by clicking Delete Meshes, or you can keep your mesh and exit the
seeding procedure by pressing Cancel.
You can avoid this warning message for the remainder of the current session by toggling on
Automatically delete meshes whenever required . The next time you attempt to seed a part
instance or region that already contains a mesh, the mesh will be deleted immediately without any
warning being displayed.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4


The Mesh module

Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.7 Deleting instance seeds

Delete instance seeds by selecting Seed->Delete Instance Seeds from the main menu bar and then
selecting the part instances from which to delete the seeds.
Detailed instructions for deleting instance seeds:
1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Delete Instance Seeds .
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also delete seeds using the
tool, located with the seed tools in the Mesh
module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section
2. Select one of the following options:
If your assembly contains only one part instance, click Yes in the prompt area to confirm the
If your assembly contains more than one part instance, select the instances whose seeds you
want to delete and click mouse button 2 to commit your selections.
The instance seeds disappear from the selected part instance or instances.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.8 Deleting edge seeds

Delete edge seeds by selecting Seed->Delete Edge Seeds from the main menu bar and then selecting
the edges from which to delete seeds.
Detailed instructions for deleting edge seeds:


The Mesh module

1. From the main menu bar, select Seed->Delete Edge Seeds .

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also delete seeds using the
tool, located with the seed tools in the Mesh
module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section
2. Select the edges whose edge seeds you want to delete and then click mouse button 2 to commit
your selections.
The seeds disappear from all selected edges.
Tip: To delete seeds from an entire region or part instance, drag-select all the desired edges.
For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Seeding a model,'' Section 20.14
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.14.9 Relaxing constraints using the error dialog box

Sometimes mesh generation fails if seeds are overconstrained. When ABAQUS/CAE is unable to
create a mesh because of overconstrained seeds, the following dialog box appears:

In addition, the overconstrained seeds are highlighted in the viewport. You can choose one of the


The Mesh module

following options:
Click Yes to relax the seed constraints and to continue meshing the region.
Click No to save the seed constraints and to cancel the meshing procedure.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Applying constraints to seeds,'' Section 20.14.5

20.15 Creating and deleting meshes

This section explains how to use the meshing tools to create and delete meshes throughout a part
instance or region. The following topics are covered:
``Creating a mesh,'' Section 20.15.1
``Deleting a mesh,'' Section 20.15.2

20.15.1 Creating a mesh

You can create meshes throughout entire part instances or just within selected regions. To create a
mesh, select either Mesh->Instance or Mesh->Region from the main menu bar; then select the part
instances or regions to mesh.
Detailed instructions for creating a mesh:
1. From the main menu bar, select either Mesh->Instance or Mesh->Region.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also mesh part instances or regions using the
tools, located
with the mesh tools in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh
module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. Do one of the following:
If the assembly consists of a single part instance or region
The instance or region is selected automatically. Click the Yes button in the prompt area
to create the mesh.
If the assembly consists of multiple part instances or regions
Select the instances or regions to mesh and then press mouse button 2. (For more
information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport.")


The Mesh module

Select only those part instances or regions that are colored green, pink, or yellow,
indicating they are meshable. To make orange regions meshable, you must either
subdivide them using the partitioning tools or assign tetrahedral-shaped elements to them.
ABAQUS/CAE generates the mesh on those regions that are meshable.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding mesh generation,'' Section 20.7
``Partitioning to control and improve meshes, '' Section 20.6
``Advanced meshing techniques,'' Section 20.11
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.15.2 Deleting a mesh

You can delete meshes throughout entire part instances or just within selected regions. To delete a
mesh, select either Mesh->Delete Instance Mesh or Mesh->Delete Region Mesh from the main
menu bar; then select the part instances or regions from which to delete meshes.
Note: Deleting a mesh does not cause the underlying seeds to be deleted, so you can modify the
seeding pattern and regenerate the mesh.
Detailed instructions for deleting a mesh:
1. From the main menu bar, select either Mesh->Delete Instance Mesh or Mesh->Delete Region
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also delete meshes using the
tools, located with the mesh tools
in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,''
Section 20.12.)
2. Do one of the the following:
If the assembly consists of a single part instance or region
The instance or region is selected automatically. Click Yes in the prompt area to delete the
If the assembly consists of multiple part instances or regions
Select the instances or regions from which to delete the mesh and then press mouse button

The Mesh module

2. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the mesh throughout the selected part instances or regions.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.16 Controlling mesh characteristics

This section explains how to use the Mesh Controls dialog box and the Element Type dialog box to
control mesh characteristics. The following topics are covered:
``Assigning mesh controls,'' Section 20.16.1
``Choosing an element shape,'' Section 20.16.2
``Selecting a meshing technique,'' Section 20.16.3
``Redefining region corners,'' Section 20.16.4
``Setting transition options,'' Section 20.16.5
``Specifying the sweep path,'' Section 20.16.6
``Changing mesh controls for previously meshed regions,'' Section 20.16.8
``Associating ABAQUS elements with mesh regions,'' Section 20.16.9

20.16.1 Assigning mesh controls

The Mesh Controls dialog box allows you to specify the shape of the elements in a mesh as well as
the meshing technique that ABAQUS/CAE uses to create the mesh. In some cases, you can also select
transition options and redefine region corners.
Detailed instructions for assigning mesh controls to a region:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also click the
tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more
information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)


The Mesh module

2. If your assembly contains more than one region, select the regions whose mesh controls you want
to view or modify and then press mouse button 2. All the selected regions must have the same
dimensionality. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport.")
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.
3. Select the mesh controls of your choice. For information on specific mesh controls, see the
``Choosing an element shape,'' Section 20.16.2
``Selecting a meshing technique,'' Section 20.16.3
``Redefining region corners,'' Section 20.16.4
``Setting transition options,'' Section 20.16.5
4. If desired, click Defaults to change the settings in the Mesh Controls dialog box back to the
default values. (Clicking Defaults has no effect on the transition options selected for a region or
on the corners currently defined for a region.)
5. Click OK to save your settings and to close the Mesh Controls dialog box.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Assigning ABAQUS element types,'' Section 20.5
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.16.2 Choosing an element shape

You can control the shape of the elements in your mesh by selecting Mesh->Controls from the main
menu bar. The Element Shape options are located at the top of the Mesh Controls dialog box that
Detailed instructions for specifying the element shape to be used in a region:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can set the element shape using the
tool, located in the Mesh module
toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)


The Mesh module

2. If your assembly contains more than one region, select those regions whose element shapes you
want to view or modify and then press mouse button 2. All the selected regions must have the
same dimensionality. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport.")
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.
3. From the list of Element Shape options, select the element shape of your choice.
If you are meshing a two-dimensional region, you can choose from the following element shape

Use exclusively quadrilateral elements; do not use any triangles. This setting is the
default. The following figure shows an example of a mesh that was constructed using this


Use primarily quadrilateral elements, but allow triangles in transition regions. The
following figure shows an example of a mesh that was constructed using this setting:


Use exclusively triangular elements. The following figure shows an example of a mesh
that was constructed using this setting:


The Mesh module

If you are meshing a three-dimensional region, you can choose from the following element shape

Use exclusively hexahedral elements; do not use any triangular prisms (wedges). This
setting is the default. The following figure shows an example of a mesh that was
constructed using this setting:


Use primarily hexahedral elements, but allow some triangular prisms in transition regions.
The following figure shows an example of a mesh that was constructed using this setting:


The Mesh module


Use exclusively tetrahedral elements. The following figure shows an example of a mesh
that was constructed using this setting:

4. Click OK.
The next time you generate a mesh on the selected regions, your selections will be honored.
If the selected regions are already meshed, you will be prompted to delete the mesh or to cancel the
entire procedure.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Understanding mesh generation,'' Section 20.7
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"


The Mesh module

20.16.3 Selecting a meshing technique

ABAQUS/CAE assigns a default meshing technique to each region of your model based on the
geometry of the region and the current element shape selection for that region. ABAQUS/CAE uses the
mesh technique assigned to a region to generate the region's mesh. In some cases, you can use the
Mesh Controls dialog box to select an alternate meshing technique.
Detailed instructions for selecting a meshing technique:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can set the meshing technique using the
tool, located in the Mesh module
toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. If your assembly contains more than one region, select those regions whose meshing technique you
want to view or modify and press mouse button 2. The selected regions must all have the same
dimensionality. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects
within the viewport.")
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.
3. From the list of Technique options, select the meshing technique of your choice. (Some
techniques are available only if they are valid for the selected region.)
ABAQUS/CAE selects As is if, in the previous step, you selected multiple regions that have
different meshing techniques already assigned to them.
Select Free to create a free mesh.
Select Structured to create a structured mesh.
Select Sweep to create a swept mesh.
ABAQUS/CAE selects System-assigned if a change in element shape assignment results in
multiple techniques being assigned automatically to the selected regions. For example,
suppose the free meshing technique is applied to all the regions of a solid part instance. If you
change the element shape assignment of these regions from Tet to Hex or Hex-dominated,
ABAQUS/CAE automatically changes the meshing technique assigned to each region from the
free meshing technique to whatever technique is appropriate for each region; for example,
structured meshing for some regions and swept meshing for others.
For detailed information on each meshing technique, see ``Understanding mesh generation,''
Section 20.7.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box and to save your mesh technique selection.
The next time you generate a mesh on the selected part instance or region, your selections will be


The Mesh module

If the selected region already contains a mesh, you will be prompted to delete the mesh or to cancel
the entire procedure.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Understanding mesh generation,'' Section 20.7
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.16.4 Redefining region corners

Structured meshing patterns exist for regions with particular topologies. For example, ABAQUS/CAE
applies a particular structured pattern to quadrilateral regions and another pattern to pentagonal
regions. In some cases, however, you can change the structured pattern assigned to a surface region by
redefining the region's corners. (This option is available only for surface regions for which the
structured meshing technique has been selected.)
If you click Redefine Region Corners in the Mesh Controls dialog box, you can select which
corners of the region you want ABAQUS/CAE to consider when creating the mesh. If you leave a
corner unselected, ABAQUS/CAE internally ``combines'' the edges on either side of the unselected
corner into a single logical edge (though the actual topology of the region remains unchanged). For
example, if you leave one corner of a pentagonal region unselected, ABAQUS/CAE considers that
region to have only four edges instead of five. As a result, the structured meshing pattern for
quadrilateral regions will be applied to the region rather than the pattern for pentagonal regions.
For more information, see ``Two-dimensional structured meshing,'' Section 20.8.2.
Detailed instructions for redefining the region corners:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also click the
tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more
information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. If your assembly contains more than one region, select those regions whose corners you want to
redefine and then press mouse button 2. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9,
"Selecting objects within the viewport.") The regions that you select should have three or more
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.


The Mesh module

3. Select Structured as the meshing technique if it is not already selected.

The Redefine Region Corners button appears on the right side of the Mesh Controls dialog box.
4. Click Redefine Region Corners .
If you selected multiple regions, this procedure considers each of the selected regions in turn.
(ABAQUS/CAE skips selected regions that a structured pattern cannot be applied to or that
contain three or fewer vertices.) The region currently being considered becomes highlighted in
magenta. The currently selected corners for the region are highlighted in yellow.
5. In the prompt area, select an option for determining region corners.
If you click Accept Highlighted, ABAQUS/CAE accepts the currently highlighted corners. If
multiple regions are selected, options are presented for the next region. If only one region is
selected, the procedure is complete, and the Mesh Controls dialog box reappears.
If you click Select New , the currently selected vertices turn red. You must go on to the next
If you click Revert to Defaults, the default corners of the region are highlighted. You are
prompted to select either Accept Highlighted or Select New , described above.
6. If you clicked Select New in the previous step, select the vertices of the region that you want as
region corners. You can select between three and five vertices.
[Shift]+Click to select a vertex without unselecting all the other vertices.
[Ctrl]+Click to unselect an individual vertex without unselecting all the other vertices.
When you have finished selecting vertices, click mouse button 2.
Selected vertices are red, and unselected vertices are yellow.
If multiple regions are selected, the procedure starts over with the next region. If only one region is
selected, the procedure is complete and the Mesh Controls dialog box reappears.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.16.5 Setting transition options

The mesh transition option is applicable only to the following types of meshes:
A two-dimensional quadrilateral mesh that is created using the free meshing technique.


The Mesh module

A three-dimensional hexahedral mesh that is created by sweeping a two-dimensional mesh.

If the mesh transition option is applicable to the type of mesh you are creating, an Algorithm Options
field appears on the right side of the Mesh Controls dialog box. This field contains a toggle button
that allows you to select the level of mesh transition.
Detailed instructions for setting transition options:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also click the
tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more
information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. If your assembly contains more than one region, select the regions of interest and then press mouse
button 2. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears. If the mesh transition option is applicable to the type of
mesh you are creating, an Algorithm Options field appears on the right side of the Mesh
Controls dialog box.
3. Do one of the following:
Toggle on Use a minimum level of mesh transition to reduce the amount of mesh transition.
This selection helps ABAQUS/CAE to reduce the level of mesh distortion.
Toggle off Use a minimum level of mesh transition to allow unrestricted generation of
mesh transitions. This selection helps ABAQUS/CAE to adhere more closely to the seeds you
have created when the mesh is generated.
4. Click OK to save your data and to exit the dialog box.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``What is a mesh transition? ,'' Section 20.7.4
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.16.6 Specifying the sweep path

If you apply the swept meshing technique to a particular region, a Redefine sweep path button
appears in the Mesh Controls dialog box for that region. If the region has more than one valid sweep


The Mesh module

path, you can click Redefine sweep path to select the path of your choice. (For more information on
sweep paths, see ``Swept meshing,'' Section 20.10.)
This option is of particular interest if you are assigning mesh controls to a gasket region. When you
mesh the region, the axis of each gasket element will be coincident with the sweep path direction. (For
information on gaskets, see ``Gasket elements: overview,'' Section 18.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual.)
Detailed instructions for specifying the sweep path:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Controls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also click the
tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more
information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. If your assembly contains more than one region, select the sweep-meshable regions of interest and
then press mouse button 2. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9, "Selecting
objects within the viewport.")
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.
3. In the Mesh Controls dialog box, select Sweep as the meshing technique if it is not already
If more than one valid sweep path exists for the regions that you selected, a Redefine Sweep Path
button appears toward the bottom of the dialog box.
4. Click Redefine Sweep Path .
If you selected multiple regions, this procedure considers each of the selected regions in turn. The
region currently being considered becomes highlighted in magenta, and the default sweep path is
highlighted in red with an arrow indicating the sweep direction.
5. Specify the sweep path and direction of your choice by selecting the appropriate option in the
prompt area:
Click Accept Highlighted to accept the default sweep path indicated in the viewport.
Click Flip to change the direction of the currently selected sweep path. Then click Yes to
indicate that the new sweep path direction is correct.
Click Select New (if applicable) to select a different edge as the sweep path. Then perform the
following steps:
1. Select an edge in the sweep path. You can indicate the desired sweep direction by clicking
the mouse button toward the end of the edge that you want to coincide with the end of the
sweep path.


The Mesh module

The new sweep path is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating the sweep direction.
2. Click Yes in the prompt area if the path and direction are correct, or click Flip if you want
to change the direction of the sweep path. Then click Yes to indicate that the new sweep
path direction is correct.
If multiple regions are selected with more than one valid sweep path, the procedure starts over
with the next region. If only one region is selected, the procedure is complete and the Mesh
Controls dialog box reappears.

20.16.7 Sweep meshing a solid, revolved region whose profile

touches the axis of revolution
In most cases it is not possible to sweep mesh a revolved solid region if the profile that was revolved
to create the region touches the axis of revolution. However, if the revolved region has a planar top
face and a planar bottom face, such as the part instance shown below, you can create strategically
placed partitions that allow you to mesh the region using the swept meshing technique.

The partitioning technique involves dividing the part instance into two regions:
A cylindrical core region that can be meshed using the extruded swept meshing technique.
An outer region that can be meshed using the revolved swept meshing technique.
(For detailed information on sweep meshing solid regions, see ``Swept meshing of three-dimensional
solids,'' Section 20.10.3.)
Detailed instructions for partitioning a solid, revolved region for sweep meshing:
1. Use the Partition toolset to create a cylidrical core at the center of the region. (For detailed
information on partitions, see Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset.") The partitions creating the


The Mesh module

cylidrical core are outlined in red in the figure below.

The cylidrical core is meshable using the extruded swept meshing technique and therefore
becomes yellow. The outer region remains orange because it is still unmeshable.

In the next step you will create additional partitions that allow ABAQUS/CAE to recognize the
outer region as a revolved solid whose profile does not touch the axis of revolution.
2. Use the Partition toolset to create whatever partitions are necessary to outline a revolution profile
for the outer region. The profile will serve as the source side of the revolved mesh and will be
swept along the circular edge defined by the cylindrical core to create the solid mesh.
For example, partitions are used to outline the profile (shown in red) of the outer region in the
figure below.


The Mesh module

Once the profile has been defined, both the cylidrical inner region and the outer region are colored
yellow and are ready for sweep meshing.

The resulting mesh is shown below.


The Mesh module

20.16.8 Changing mesh controls for previously meshed regions

If you change any of the mesh controls assigned to a previously meshed region, that region's mesh may
become invalid. In these cases, the following warning dialog appears when you click OK in the Mesh
Controls dialog box.

You can delete the mesh by clicking Delete Meshes, or you can keep your mesh and cancel the new
settings in the Mesh Controls dialog box by clicking Cancel.
You can also avoid this warning message for the remainder of the current session by toggling on
Automatically delete meshes whenever required . The next time you attempt to change the controls
assigned to a region that already contains a mesh, the mesh will be deleted immediately without the
appearance of the warning dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16


The Mesh module

20.16.9 Associating ABAQUS elements with mesh regions

To associate particular ABAQUS elements with mesh regions or with an orphan mesh, select
Mesh->Element Type from the main menu bar. Then select those regions whose element type you
want to assign, and make the assignment using the Element Type dialog box that appears.
You can use the dialog box to specify ABAQUS element settings for all the element shapes that could
conceivably appear in the regions you select, even if the regions currently contain only a few different
element shapes. For example, even though a selected region may contain only quadrilateral elements,
you can associate an element type with other shapes, too, such as triangles.
The element type setting behaves like a feature. For example, if you assign element types to a region
and then later partition that region into several more regions, the new regions will inherit the element
type settings of the original parent region.
Detailed instructions for associating ABAQUS elements with mesh regions:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Element Type.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also choose element types using the
tool, located in the Mesh module
toolbox. (For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. If your assembly contains both orphan meshes and native part instances,
click Mesh in the prompt area to assign an element type to an orphan mesh, or
click Geometry in the prompt area to assign an element type to native geometry.
3. If you are selecting from multiple regions of native geometry or if you are selecting elements from
an orphan mesh, use the following selection techniques:
Native geometry
Use the mouse to select the desired regions in the viewport, and then click mouse button 2
when your selection is complete. For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter
9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
You can select only regions from parts of the same type; for example, you cannot select
both a rigid surface and a deformable body. Likewise, the regions that you choose must
have the same dimensionality.
Orphan mesh
Use the mouse to select the desired elements of the orphan mesh, and then click mouse
button 2 when your selection is complete. For more information on selecting objects, see
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."


The Mesh module

Alternatively, you can click Sets on the right side of the prompt area. A dialog box
appears with a list of all of the elements sets associated with the orphan mesh. Select the
element set of your choice and then click Continue. For information on creating sets, see
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets."
All elements that you select, regardless of the selection method, must be of the same
order. In addition, the elements must belong to parts of the same type.
The Element Type dialog box appears.
4. In the upper left corner of the dialog box, select the Element Library option of your choice.
Select Standard to choose from the list of ABAQUS/Standard elements, or select Explicit to
choose from the list of ABAQUS/Explicit elements.
5. Select the Geometric Order of your choice: Linear (first order) or Quadratic (second order).
Note: If you are assigning an ABAQUS element type to orphan mesh elements, this option is unavailable. The order of orphan
mesh elements cannot be changed.

6. From the Family list on the right side of the dialog box, select an appropriate element family for
the type of analysis you will perform on the model. For example, if you plan to do a heat transfer
analysis, select the Heat Transfer family.
If you have not yet assigned ABAQUS element types to the region, the name of a default element
for the element library, geometric order, and family that you specified appears in the lower half of
the dialog box.
Note: You can set the element type corresponding to only a single family. For example, you
cannot set the element type for linear triangles in both the plane strain and heat transfer
families; you must select either heat transfer or plane strain. If, after setting element types for
one family, you switch to another family, the settings for the first family are lost.
7. Choose the ABAQUS element type of your choice for each element shape.
a. Click the tab corresponding to the element shape of interest.
b. Select the element characteristics of your choice.
The name of the ABAQUS element that meets all your criteria appears at the bottom of
the tabbed page with a brief description.
8. Click OK to commit your element type assignments, or click Defaults and then OK to return all
element settings to their default values.
The element types are changed according to your specifications.
9. To set element types for additional regions, repeat this procedure starting from Step 2.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Mesh module

``How do mesh elements correspond to ABAQUS elements?,'' Section 20.5.1

``What kinds of elements must be generated outside the Mesh module?,'' Section 20.5.2
``Element type assignment,'' Section 20.5.3
``Importing parts,'' Section 13.5.2
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.17 Obtaining mesh information and statistics

This section explains how you use the verification tool to verify graphically the quality of the elements
used in a mesh. This section also describes how you use the Query toolset in the Mesh module obtain
listings of mesh, element, and node statistics. The following topics are covered:
``Verifying element quality,'' Section 20.17.1
``Obtaining mesh information,'' Section 20.17.2

20.17.1 Verifying element quality

To assess the quality of your mesh, select Mesh->Verify from the main menu bar. Use this option to
generate plots that illustrate the aspect ratios and angular deviations of all elements in the model.
Examples of the two types of mesh verification plots are shown in the procedure below.
Detailed instructions for verifying a mesh:
1. From the main menu bar, select Mesh->Verify.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
Tip: You can also verify a mesh using the
tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox.
(For more information, see ``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12.)
2. If your assembly contains more than one part instance, select the part instances whose meshes you
want to verify and press mouse button 2. (For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter
9, "Selecting objects within the viewport.")
A dialog box containing the two options listed below appears. Each option causes a color-coded
plot to be generated that illustrates the following information:
Whose aspect ratio exceeds: value

This plot highlights all elements whose aspect ratios exceed the specified value. The


The Mesh module

aspect ratio is the ratio between the longer and shorter dimensions of an element. Aspect
ratios should remain below two or three. For example, the aspect ratio of the square below
is one, while the aspect ratio of the rectangle is four.

Whose angular deviation exceeds: value

This plot highlights all elements whose angular deviation exceeds the specified value. The
angular deviation is the amount an element angle deviates from 90 for quadrilateral faces
or from 60 for triangular faces. For example, the angular deviation of the angle in the
triangle below is 30, and the angular deviation of the angle in the quadrilateral is 50.

3. From the dialog box, choose one of the verification options. Type any required values in the fields
that become available.
4. Click Plot.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a plot in the current viewport depicting the requested information. In
addition, the following information appears in the message area:
Part ID
A number that ABAQUS/CAE assigns to the part instance.
Total number of elements
The total number of elements in the mesh.
Number of distorted elements
The number of elements in the mesh that do not meet the criteria that you specified in the
Verify Mesh dialog box and the percentage of the mesh that these elements comprise.
Average distortion
The average value for the verification option that you selected in the Verify Mesh dialog
box. For example, if you selected Whose aspect ratio exceeds: value, the average
aspect ratio for all of the elements in the mesh is given.
Worst distortion
The worst value for the verification option that you selected in the Verify Mesh dialog
box. For example, if you selected Whose aspect ratio exceeds: value, the highest aspect
ratio of all of the mesh elements is given.


The Mesh module

5. Click Cancel to dismiss the Verify Mesh dialog box and to remove the mesh verification plot
from the viewport.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding mesh generation,'' Section 20.7
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

20.17.2 Obtaining mesh information

To obtain information on the mesh, select Tools->Query from the main menu bar. You can request
information on the following:
An instance mesh
A region mesh
A node from a part imported from an output database
An element from a part imported from an output database
If the assembly contains multiple meshed regions, use the following techniques to specify the region
you want to query:
If the region contains a native mesh:
Use the mouse to select the desired region in the viewport, and then click mouse button 2
when your selection is complete. For more information on selecting objects, see Chapter 9,
"Selecting objects within the viewport."
If the region contains an orphan mesh imported from an output database:
Click Sets on the right side of the prompt area. A dialog box appears with a list of all of the
element sets that you have created from the orphan mesh. Select the element set of your
choice, and then click Continue. For information on creating sets, see Chapter 45, "The Set
and Surface toolsets."
Detailed instructions for obtaining mesh information:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query.
in the toolbar.

Tip: You can also select the query tool

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Query dialog box.


The Mesh module

2. From the Query dialog box, select one of the following mesh queries and click Apply:
Select a point or a node.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:
The node label
The coordinates of a selected node
Instance mesh

Select a part instance.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:
The name of the part instance
The number of nodes in the part instance
The number of elements in the part instance
The number of elements for each element shape
The length of the shortest element edge
Tip: To enlarge the message area so that you can view the entire listing at once, drag
the small square at the upper right corner of the message area upward.
Select an element.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:
The element label
The element topology
The element type that ABAQUS/CAE will use for the analysis
Nodal connectivity
Region mesh
Select a region.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the following in the message area:
The region identifier
The number of nodes in the region


The Mesh module

The number of elements in the region

The number of elements in the model for each element shape
The element type that ABAQUS/CAE will use for the analysis
The geometric order
The technique that was used to mesh the region
The mesh algorithm and any options that were used to mesh the region
The mesh pattern
The number of logical corners in the region if ABAQUS/CAE used structured
meshing to mesh the region

3. Click Cancel to close the Query dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Controlling mesh characteristics,'' Section 20.16
``Verifying element quality,'' Section 20.17.1
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Using the Mesh module toolbox,'' Section 20.12
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"


The Job module

21. The Job module

You can use the Job module to perform the following tasks:
Create an analysis job.
Associate the analysis job with a particular model.
Submit the analysis job for processing.
Monitor its progress during processing.
Kill a job before processing is complete.
Start the Visualization module and view a basic plot of the analysis results.
This chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Job module,'' Section 21.1
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

21.1 Understanding the role of the Job module

Once you have finished all of the tasks involved in defining a model (such as defining the geometry of
the model, assigning section properties, and defining contact), you can use the Job module to analyze
your model. The Job module allows you to create a job, to submit it to ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit for analysis, and to monitor its progress. If desired, you can create multiple models
and jobs and run and monitor the jobs simultaneously.
In addition, you have the option of creating only the solver input file for your model. This option
allows you to view and edit the input file before submitting it for analysis. You can also view and edit
the solver input keywords for a model by selecting Model->Edit Keywords->model name from the
main menu bar.

21.2 Understanding analysis jobs

This section provides an overview of the Job module. The following topics are covered:
``Basic steps for analyzing a model,'' Section 21.2.1
``Entering and exiting the Job module,'' Section 21.2.2
``The Job Manager,'' Section 21.2.3
``The job editor,'' Section 21.2.4


The Job module

``Selecting a job type,'' Section 21.2.5

``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6
``Submitting a job remotely,'' Section 21.2.7

21.2.1 Basic steps for analyzing a model

After you have defined your model, you are ready to analyze it. Analyzing a model involves the
following steps, each of which can be performed using either the Job menu on the main menu bar or
the Job Manager:
Create and configure an analysis job
You create an analysis job by selecting Job->Create from the main menu bar. ABAQUS/CAE
asks you to name the new job and to associate it with a model selected from the model
database. You can select any model that exists in the database; you are not limited to the
current model. The job editor allows you to configure the job settings.
Write the input file
When you submit a job for analysis, ABAQUS/CAE first generates an input file representing
your model and then ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit performs the analysis using the
contents of this file. Alternatively, you can ask ABAQUS/CAE to generate only the input file;
ABAQUS/CAE writes the input file in ASCII format, and you can view and edit it in your
working directory.
Warning: If you edit the input file using a text editor outside ABAQUS/CAE and then
submit the job in the Job module, your changes to the input file will be lost. You must
submit that input file using the abaqus command at the operating system prompt rather
than using ABAQUS/CAE. (For more information, see ``Execution procedure for
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
However, if you use the Keywords Editor to modify the generated keywords for a model,
those modifications are retained in the model, and they apply to any jobs associated with
that model.
Submit the job for analysis
You submit the job for analysis by selecting Job->Submit from the main menu bar. As the
analysis progresses, ABAQUS/CAE displays information from the status, data, log, and
message files in the job monitor dialog box. After your job is completed, you can display
results from the output database in the Visualization module by selecting Job->Results from
the main menu bar.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2

The Job module

``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3

``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

21.2.2 Entering and exiting the Job module

You can enter the Job module at any time during a session by clicking Job in the Module list located
under the toolbar. The Job menu appears in the main menu bar.
To exit the Job module, select any other module from the main menu. If your job completed
successfully, you can also exit the Job module by selecting Job->Results from the main menu bar; if
you select this menu item, you will enter the Visualization module, and the output database for your
analysis job will be opened automatically.
You need not save your job before exiting the module; it will be saved automatically when you save
the entire model by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main menu bar.

21.2.3 The Job Manager

The Job Manager, which is similar to other managers in ABAQUS/CAE, allows you to do the
Create an analysis job and associate the new job with a selected model.
Edit the selected analysis job.
Copy, rename, or delete the selected analysis job.
In addition, the Job Manager allows you to do the following:
Write the input file without submitting it for analysis.
Submit a job for analysis.
Monitor the analysis as it progresses.
View the results from a job.
Kill a job that is currently running.
You can display the Job Manager by selecting Job->Manager from the main menu bar. Figure 21-1
shows the layout of the Job Manager.

Figure 21-1 The Job Manager.


The Job module

The four columns of the Job Manager display the following:

The Name column displays the name of the job. Click Rename to rename the selected job.
The Model column displays the name of the model associated with the job.
The Type column displays the job type that you selected when you configured the job using
the job editor. The job type can be one of the following:
Full Analysis
Data Check
Continue Analysis
(See ``Selecting a job type,'' Section 21.2.5, for more information.) You can use the job editor
to change the job type as long as the job is not running.
The Status column displays the current status of the analysis job and is updated continually
while your job is running. The status can be one of the following:
The job has not been submitted for analysis.
The input file has been written, and the job is being submitted for execution.
The job has been submitted for analysis and is running.
The analysis is complete. You can click Results to view the contents of the output


The Job module

database and graphically verify your results.

The job has been aborted due to problems such as fatal errors in the input file or lack
of disk space.
The job has been killed by the user.
For detailed instructions on using the Job Manager to create, edit, and manipulate jobs, see the
following sections:
``Creating a new analysis job,'' Section 21.3.1
``Writing the input file only,'' Section 21.3.2
``Submitting an analysis job,'' Section 21.3.3
``Terminating an analysis job,'' Section 21.3.4
``Viewing the results of your job,'' Section 21.3.5
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

21.2.4 The job editor

You use the job editor to customize the settings for a new job or to edit the settings for an existing job.
You can display the job editor by selecting Job->Create or Job->Edit->job name from the main
menu bar. (You can also click Create or Edit in the job editor.)
The job editor contains the following tabbed pages:
Use the Submission tabbed page to configure the submission attributes of your job, such as
job type, run mode, and submit time. You can also use the submission tabbed page to specify
that the job is to be submitted to remote queues that have been configured by your local
ABAQUS environment file or by your system administrator.
Use the General tabbed page to configure job settings such as the solver input file processor
printout and the name of the directory used for scratch files.


The Job module

Use the Hardware tabbed page to configure the hardware settings that ABAQUS uses when
analyzing your job, such as memory utilization and parallel processing resources.
Use the Solver tabbed page to specify either single or double precision for ABAQUS/Explicit
For detailed instructions on using the job editor to define jobs, see the following sections:
``Navigating the job customization options, '' Section 21.4.1
``Configuring job submission attributes,'' Section 21.4.2
``Choosing the job type,'' Section 21.4.3
``Choosing the run mode,'' Section 21.4.4
``Setting the submit time,'' Section 21.4.5
``Specifying general job settings,'' Section 21.4.6
``Controlling hardware settings,'' Section 21.4.7
``Controlling solver selection,'' Section 21.4.8
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

21.2.5 Selecting a job type

The Submission tabbed page in the job editor allows you to choose between the following job types:
Full analysis

Generate (or regenerate) the input file, perform a complete analysis of your model, and write
the results to the output database. This option is the default.
Data check

Check that the model is consistent and complete by running the input file through the solver
input file processor. This option generates (or regenerates) the input file for the job. To check
the outcome, review the data ( .dat) file in your working directory.
Continue analysis

When ABAQUS performs a data check analysis, it creates and saves all the files necessary to


The Job module

continue the analysis. You can then submit the job with the Continue analysis option
selected to complete the analysis.
Recover (Explicit)

This option is available only when you are running ABAQUS/Explicit. Submit a job with this
option selected to complete your analysis after ABAQUS/Explicit stopped unexpectedly; for
example, after filling a disk or after a network problem.
For detailed instructions on choosing a job type, see ``Choosing the job type,'' Section 21.4.3.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

21.2.6 Monitoring the progress of an analysis job

The Job Manager continually updates the status of all the analysis jobs in the model database. In
addition, ABAQUS/CAE prints any error messages from the solver to the message area and creates
diagnostic files in your current working directory.
You can monitor information concerning a submitted job by selecting Job->Monitor->job of your
choice from the main menu bar or by selecting the job of your choice and clicking Monitor in the Job
Manager. The job monitor dialog box for that job appears, as shown in Figure 21-2. You can display
as many job monitors as necessary to view information on multiple jobs.

Figure 21-2 The job monitor dialog box.

The top half of the dialog box displays the information available in the status ( .sta) file that


The Job module

ABAQUS creates for the analysis. The bottom half of the dialog box displays the following
Click the Log tab to display the start and end times for the analysis that appear in the log ( .log)
Click the Errors and Warnings tabs to display the first ten errors or the first ten warnings that
appear in the data ( .dat), message (.msg), and, for ABAQUS/Explicit analyses, status ( .sta)
files. If a particular region of the model is causing the error or warning, a node or element set will
be created automatically that contains that region. The name of the node or element set appears
with the error or warning message, and you can view the set using display groups in the
Visualization module. (For more information on display groups, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a
subset of your model.")
Click the Output tab to display a record of each output data entry as it is written to the output
database. In addition, if you requested that ABAQUS monitor the values of a degree of freedom of
a particular node to the message and status files, the Output tabbed page records each time this
information is written and the value of the degree of freedom at that point of the analysis. (For
more information, see ``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4, and ``Degree of freedom
monitor requests,'' Section 17.5.3.)
For detailed information on the different output files that ABAQUS creates during an analysis, see
``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
The information presented in the job monitor dialog box is updated continually as the analysis
progresses. If the job fails, the Errors tabbed page appears in front of the other tabbed pages
automatically to help you determine the cause of the failure.
If you requested DOF Monitor output on a particular degree of freedom for a particular node,
ABAQUS/CAE provides another opportunity to monitor the job by plotting the values of the degree of
freedom over time. The plot appears in a new viewport that is generated automatically when you
submit the job. If the visible part of the canvas is already filled with one or more viewports, the new
viewport may be placed on a part of the canvas that is not visible; in this case you should use the
scrollbars or enlarge the canvas to bring the viewport into view. (For information on requesting output
for a particular degree of freedom for a particular node, see ``Degree of freedom monitor requests,''
Section 17.5.3.)
If necessary, you can terminate the analysis job by clicking Kill in the lower left corner of the job
monitor dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3


The Job module

21.2.7 Submitting a job remotely

When you configure a job, you can request that ABAQUS/CAE route the job to a specified queue on a
remote UNIX host computer. You can specify the remote queue by selecting an associated queue name
in the Submission tabbed page of the job editor.
Each queue name that appears in the job editor refers to an entry in your ABAQUS environment file in
which you specify how you want the job to be run on the host computer. In other words, when you
select a queue name in the job editor, you specify not only the desired queue on the host computer but
also other options, such as the directory on the host computer in which you want to run the job and the
files you want copied back to your local directory when the job is complete.
You can specify your preferences for running a job remotely by adding the following to your ABAQUS
environment file:
def cae_startup():
import os
from abaqus import *
def makeQueues(*args):
addImportCallback('job', makeQueues)

This entry is written using the ABAQUS command language. The following list describes each
argument in the entry above.
The queue name that you want to appear in the Job editor.
The name of an existing queue on the host computer. (For information on creating queues on
the host computer, refer to the ABAQUS Site Guide.)
The name of the host computer. The default is the name of the local computer.


The Job module

When the analysis is complete, the value of this argument determines whether or not the
analysis files will be copied back to the directory from which the job was submitted. If the
hostName is different from the name of the local computer, the default is YES; if the hostName
is the same as the name of the local computer, the default is NO.
The name of the directory on the host computer where you want the job run. You must have
write privileges to this directory. The default is the local directory (the directory from which
you are submitting the job).
The name of the command on the host computer to execute ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit. The default is abaqus.
The platform on the local computer. You can specify either UNIX or NT (for Windows NT);
UNIX is the default.
The platform on the host computer. You can specify either UNIX or NT (for Windows NT);
UNIX is the default.
The three-letter extensions of the analysis files that you want copied back to the local directory
when the job is complete. By default, the files with the following extensions are copied: log,
dat, msg, sta, odb, res, abq, and pac.
Note: The restart (.res) file, the ABAQUS/Explicit state (.abq) file, and the packaging
(.pac) file are platform-dependent; if your localMachineType and remoteMachineType
settings differ, you will not be able to copy and use these files without some kind of
translation. All of the other files listed above can be copied across platforms without any
A short description of the queue.
The name and queueName arguments must be included in each queue definition. However, if you do
not include any of the other arguments in a queue definition, default values will be supplied
automatically. An example queue definition is shown below:
def cae_startup():
import os
from abaqus import *


The Job module

def makeQueues(*args):
directory='/scratch/' + os.environ['USER'])
addImportCallback('job', makeQueues)

The commands in the example above configure the following:


The queue name displayed in the job editor is long.


The queue name on the host computer is aba_long.


The name of the host computer is jobserver.


The directory on the host computer where ABAQUS will store the input file and all other files
associated with the job is /scratch/your user name.
Since the copyFiles, driver, localMachineType, remoteMachineType, and filesToCopyBack arguments
have been left out of the entry above, the default options for these parameters are assigned to this
queue automatically.
If you want to create two or more queues, you can repeat the line containing the session.Queue
command as many times as necessary. For example, the following ABAQUS environment file entry
specifies two queues, one named long and the other named job:
def cae_startup():
import os
from abaqus import *
def makeQueues(*args):
directory='/scratch/' + os.environ['USER'])
addImportCallback('job', makeQueues)


The Job module

The monitoring functions described in ``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6,
are available for jobs run remotely just as they are for jobs run locally. However, the output database
for the job, like any other analysis files that you may have requested, is not copied to your local
directory until after the job is complete; therefore, you cannot use the Visualization module to view
results generated by an analysis in progress.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Using the ABAQUS environment settings,'' Section 3.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
ABAQUS Scripting Manual

21.3 Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs

This section describes how you create, edit, and manipulate jobs using either the main menu or the Job
Manager. The following topics are covered:
``Creating a new analysis job,'' Section 21.3.1
``Writing the input file only,'' Section 21.3.2
``Submitting an analysis job,'' Section 21.3.3
``Terminating an analysis job,'' Section 21.3.4
``Viewing the results of your job,'' Section 21.3.5

21.3.1 Creating a new analysis job

To create a new analysis job, select Job->Create from the main menu bar. Analysis jobs are stored in
the model database and are maintained between sessions.
Detailed instructions for creating a new analysis job:
1. From the main menu bar, select Job->Create.
The Create Job dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also create a new analysis job by clicking the
or by clicking Create in the Job Manager.

icon in the module toolbox

2. Type the name of the new job in the Name text field. The name that you specify must adhere to the
file name rules of your operating system.
3. The Model list displays all the models defined in the model database. From this list, select the
model to associate with the new job.


The Job module

4. Click Continue.
The job editor appears.
5. In the editor, enter all data necessary to define the job and click OK. (For more information, see
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4.)

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3

21.3.2 Writing the input file only

By default, when you submit a job for analysis, ABAQUS/CAE generates an input file representing
your model and then ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit analyzes that input file. However,
sometimes you may prefer to generate the input file and then view or edit it before performing the
To write the input file without immediately performing the analysis, select Job->Write Input->job of
your choice from the main menu bar. You can also write an input file by selecting the job of your
choice and then clicking Write Input in the Job Manager.
The input file is written in ASCII format and can be viewed and edited using a text editor. If you are
familiar with ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit keywords, you can check the input file for
errors and check that the keywords, parameters, and data were generated as expected. You can also
modify the contents of the input file. For example, you can change a material property or the
magnitude of a load.
Warning: If you edit the input file using a text editor outside ABAQUS/CAE and then submit the
job in the Job module, your changes to the input file will be lost. You must submit that input file
using the abaqus command at the operating system prompt rather than using ABAQUS/CAE.
(For more information, see ``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,''
Section 3.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
However, if you use the Keywords Editor to modify the generated keywords for a model, those
modifications are retained in the model, and they apply to any jobs associated with that model.
(You can display the Keywords Editor by selecting Model->Edit Keywords from the main menu

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding unsupported keywords to your ABAQUS/CAE model,'' Section 12.8


The Job module

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2

``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3

21.3.3 Submitting an analysis job

To submit a job for analysis, select Job->Submit->job of your choice from the main menu bar. (You
can also submit a job for analysis by selecting the job name in the Job Manager and clicking Submit.)
ABAQUS/CAE submits the job for analysis using the job settings defined in the job editor.
For information on monitoring a job that you have submitted, see ``Monitoring the progress of an
analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3

21.3.4 Terminating an analysis job

You can use one of the following methods to terminate an analysis job:
From the main menu bar, select Job->Kill->job of your choice.
In the Job Manager, select the job name and then click Kill.
In the job monitor dialog box for that particular job, click Kill. (For more information, see
``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6.)
ABAQUS/CAE asks you for confirmation, terminates the job, and updates the status of the job in the
Job Manager to Terminated.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3

21.3.5 Viewing the results of your job

Once your analysis job is completed, ABAQUS/CAE stores the results of the analysis in an output
database. You can use the Visualization module to view these results graphically. Using the Results
command from the Job menu starts the Visualization module and gives you a basic plot of your model.


The Job module

Detailed instructions for viewing the results of an analysis job:

1. From the main menu bar, select Job->Results->job of your choice.
Tip: You can also select the job name in the Job Manager and click Results.
The Visualization module starts and presents you with a plot of the model.
Note: Using the Results command exits the Job module. To reenter the Job module, select Job from the Module list located
under the toolbar.

2. Use the Visualization module to create and customize different plots of your results. For more
information on using the Visualization module, see Part V, "Viewing results."

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs,'' Section 21.3

21.4 Using the job editor

This section describes how you use the job editor to configure the settings of a job. The following
topics are covered:
``Navigating the job customization options, '' Section 21.4.1
``Configuring job submission attributes,'' Section 21.4.2
``Choosing the job type,'' Section 21.4.3
``Choosing the run mode,'' Section 21.4.4
``Setting the submit time,'' Section 21.4.5
``Specifying general job settings,'' Section 21.4.6
``Controlling hardware settings,'' Section 21.4.7
``Controlling solver selection,'' Section 21.4.8

21.4.1 Navigating the job customization options

Use the job editor to customize a job's settings before submitting it for analysis. The job editor contains
the following tabbed pages:

Use the Submission tabbed page to configure the basic attributes of your job, such as the job


The Job module

type, the run mode, and the run time. You can also use the submission page to submit jobs to a
remote queue.

Use the General tabbed page to configure preprocessor printout and to specify a scratch
directory and a user subroutine file.

Use the Hardware tabbed page to configure the hardware settings that ABAQUS uses when
analyzing your job, such as memory utilization and parallel processing resources.

Use the Solver tabbed page to choose the solver that ABAQUS/Standard will use during the
analysis. You can also specify single or double precision for ABAQUS/Explicit analyses.
You can also use the ABAQUS environment file ( abaqus_v6.env) to control the default value of
many of the settings in the job editor tabbed pages. For more information, see ``Using the ABAQUS
environment settings,'' Section 3.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4
``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

21.4.2 Configuring job submission attributes

Use the Submission tabbed page in the job editor to configure atttributes related to job submission.


The Job module

You can use the Submission page to do the following:

Choose the type of analysis. (For more information, see ``Choosing the job type,'' Section 21.4.3.)
Choose the run mode. (For more information, see ``Choosing the run mode,'' Section 21.4.4.)
Choose the submit time. (For more information, see ``Setting the submit time,'' Section 21.4.5.)

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4
``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

21.4.3 Choosing the job type

Use the Job Type options in the Submission tabbed page to choose the type of job that ABAQUS
will run. You can choose one of the following options:
Full analysis

Submit a job with this option selected to perform a complete analysis of your model and to
write the results to the output database. This option is the default.
Data check

Submit a job with this option selected to check that the model is consistent and that all the
required model options have been set. To see the results of a data check analysis, review the
data (.dat) file in your working directory. You can also view the results of a data check
analysis by selecting Job->Monitor->job of your choice to display the job monitor dialog
box. (For more information, see ``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6.)


The Job module

Continue analysis

When you run an analysis with the Data check option above, ABAQUS creates and saves all
the files necessary to continue the analysis at a later time. Submit a job with the Continue
analysis option selected to complete the analysis.
Recover (Explicit)

This option is available only for ABAQUS/Explicit analyses. Submit a job with this option
selected to complete your analysis if ABAQUS/Explicit stopped unexpectedly; for example,
after running out of disk space or after a network problem.
The Job Type settings are analogous to parameters of the ABAQUS execution procecure; for more
information see ``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1
of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Detailed instructions for choosing the job type:
1. In the job editor, click the Submission tab to display the Submission tabbed page.
2. From the Job Type options at the top of the tabbed page, select the job type of your choice.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

21.4.4 Choosing the run mode

Use the Run Mode options in the Submission tabbed page to choose the mode in which ABAQUS
will run your job. You can choose one of the following options:
Background , to run your job locally in the background.
Queue, to submit your job to a named local or remote batch queue; select the batch queue from
the pull-down list. (You must define the queue in the ABAQUS environment file. For more
information, see ``Submitting a job remotely,'' Section 21.2.7.)
The Run Mode setting is analogous to parameters of the ABAQUS execution procecure. You can also
use the ABAQUS environment file ( abaqus_v6.env) to control the default run mode and to
customize the available queues. (See ``Submitting a job remotely,'' Section 21.2.7, for more
Detailed instructions for choosing the run mode:
1. In the job editor, click the Submission tab to display the Submission tabbed page.


The Job module

2. From the Run Mode options in the middle of the page, select either Background or Queue.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Submitting a job remotely,'' Section 21.2.7
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2
``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4
``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Using the ABAQUS environment settings,'' Section 3.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

21.4.5 Setting the submit time

Use the Submit Time options in the Submission tabbed page to choose when your analysis job will
Detailed instructions for setting the submit time:
1. In the job editor, click the Submission tab to display the Submission tabbed page.
2. From the Submit Time options at the bottom of the page, choose one of the following options:

The job executes in the background of your local machine immediately or is submitted to
the batch queue immediately.

The job executes in the background of your local machine after a waiting period. Type the
waiting period in the hours and minutes fields. (This option is available only on UNIX
platforms. In addition, it is not available if the job is being submitted to a batch queue.)

The job executes at a time that you specify. Click Tip to the right of the At field for
information on what syntax to use when specifying a time. (This option is available only
on UNIX platforms.)

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Job module

``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4

``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2

21.4.6 Specifying general job settings

Use the General tabbed page to configure miscellaneous job settings. You can configure the
Preprocessor Printout

The Preprocessor Printout options allow you to control whether ABAQUS prints an echo of
the input data, contact constraints, model definition data, and history data to the data ( .dat)
file. By default, each of these options is toggled on. The preprocessor printout options are
equivalent to the parameters of the *PREPRINT keyword.
Scratch directory

The Scratch directory option allows you to specify the name of the directory used for scratch
files. On UNIX systems the default scratch directory is the value of the $TMPDIR
environment variable or /tmp if the variable is not defined. On Windows NT systems the
default scratch directory is the value of the TEMP environment variable or \TEMP if the
variable is not defined. To specify a scratch directory, you can do one of the following:
Click in the Scratch directory text field, and type the directory path.
Click Select to display the Select Scratch Directory dialog box, and select the directory
of your choice.
User subroutine file

Provide the name of the file containing all user subroutines that are referred to by the model.
To specify a user subroutine file, you can do one of the following:
Click in the User subroutine file text field, and type the file path.
Click Select to display the Select User Subroutine File dialog box, and select the file of
your choice.
If your model refers to a user subroutine, but you do not specify the name of the subroutine file
in the General tabbed page, ABAQUS generates an error that is reported by the job monitor
dialog box. (You can display the job monitor dialog box by selecting Job->Monitor->job of
your choice from the main menu bar.) For more information on subroutines, see Part
VIII"User Subroutines and Utilities," of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and "User
Subroutines," Part VIII of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual."
You can use the ABAQUS environment file ( abaqus_v6.env) to control the default value of most
of the settings in the General tabbed page; for more information, see ``Using the ABAQUS
environment settings,'' Section 3.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the


The Job module

ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2

21.4.7 Controlling hardware settings

Use the Hardware tabbed page to configure the hardware settings that ABAQUS uses when analyzing
the job. You can control the following:
The number of CPUs to use for the analysis.
The number of megabytes of memory allocated by the solver input file preprocessor.
The number of megabytes used for each internal scratch buffer in the preprocessor.
The maximum number of megabytes of memory used by ABAQUS/Standard.
The maximum number of megabytes used for internal scratch buffer memory by
Settings within the Hardware tabbed page are equivalent to parameters of the job submission
command. For more information, see ``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.
Note: The memory-size settings of the job submission command are read by the solver as the
number of 64-bit words, not megabytes. Eight megabytes are equivalent to one million 64-bit
You can use the ABAQUS environment file ( abaqus_v6.env) to control the default value of the
settings in the Hardware tabbed page; for more information, see ``Using the ABAQUS environment
settings,'' Section 3.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2

21.4.8 Controlling solver selection


The Job module

Use the Solver tabbed page to select either the single or double precision version of
ABAQUS/Explicit. This option is equivalent to the double option in the ABAQUS/Explicit
execution procedure. For more information, see ``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the job editor,'' Section 21.4
``Understanding analysis jobs,'' Section 21.2


The Sketch module

22. The Sketch module

Sketches are two-dimensional profiles that are used to help form the geometry defining an
ABAQUS/CAE native part. You use the Sketch module to create a sketch that defines a planar part, a
beam, or a partition or to create a sketch that might be extruded, swept, or revolved to form a
three-dimensional part. This chapter explains how you use the tools within the Sketch module to
create, modify, and manage sketches. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding the role of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.1
``Entering and exiting the Sketch module,'' Section 22.2
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3
``Basic Sketcher concepts,'' Section 22.4
``Sketcher geometry,'' Section 22.5
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.7
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13
``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14

22.1 Understanding the role of the Sketch module

You use the Sketch module to create and manage two-dimensional profiles that are not associated with
a feature; these profiles are known as stand-alone sketches. Stand-alone sketches can be incorporated
in the current sketch, and they will overlay any existing geometry. For more information, see
``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14.

22.2 Entering and exiting the Sketch module

You can enter the Sketch module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking Sketch in
the Module list located under the toolbar. The Sketch module tools appear in the module toolbox, and
the Sketch menu appears on the main menu bar.
To exit the Sketch module, first exit the current drawing tool by clicking mouse button 2. Then click


The Sketch module

the Done button that appears in the prompt area, and select any other module from the Module list.
You need not take any specific action to save your sketches before exiting the module; they are saved
automatically when you save the entire model by selecting File->Save or File->Save As from the main
menu bar.
You should recognize the difference between the Sketch module and the Sketcher. When you create or
edit a stand-alone sketch, the Sketch module starts the Sketcher and displays the Sketcher tools in the
module toolbox. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE starts the Sketcher whenever you do one of the
Create or edit a feature while defining a part in the Part module.
Sketch a partition on a face of a part while working in the Part module.
Sketch a partition on a face of the assembly while working in the Assembly module or the Mesh
To exit the Sketcher and incorporate your sketch into the part or assembly, first exit the current
drawing tool by clicking mouse button 2. Then, click the Done button that appears in the prompt area.
Where applicable, follow any additional prompts to extrude, revolve, or sweep the feature.
ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and returns to the module that invoked it. In addition,
ABAQUS/CAE restores the original view of the part or assembly.

22.3 Overview of the Sketch module

This section provides an overview of the Sketch module. The following topics are covered:
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1
``Imported sketches,'' Section 22.3.2

22.3.1 Stand-alone sketches

You use the Sketch module to create and manage sketches that are not associated with a feature; these
sketches are called stand-alone sketches. A stand-alone sketch is stored in the model; like other objects
in the model, such as parts and loads, a stand-alone sketch can be edited, copied, renamed, and deleted.
To create a stand-alone sketch, click the sketch create tool

in the Sketch module toolbox.

When you are using the Sketcher (for example, when you are sketching the profile of a solid extrusion
in the Part module), you can save your work as a stand-alone sketch by clicking the sketch save tool
in the Sketcher toolbox. Similarly, you can incorporate one stand-alone sketch in another sketch
in the Sketcher toolbox. When you retrieve a stand-alone
by clicking the sketch retrieve tool
sketch, ABAQUS/CAE does the following:
Positions the retrieved sketch so that its origin is coincident with the origin of the current sketch.


The Sketch module

Resizes the viewport so that both the current sketch and the retrieved sketch are displayed.
Asks if you want to translate or rotate the retrieved sketch from the default position.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

22.3.2 Imported sketches

You can import stand-alone sketches into the model by selecting File->Import->Sketch from the main
menu bar. You can import sketches from files stored in the following industry-standard formats:
AutoCAD (file extension .dxf)
IGES (file extension .igs)
ACIS (file extension .sat)
When you import a file as a stand-alone sketch, ABAQUS/CAE translates the contents of the file into a
set of Sketcher entities, such as lines, arcs, and splines. ABAQUS/CAE can import most planar entities
from an IGES-format file. For a complete list of the IGES entities that can be imported into a sketch,
see ``IGES entities recognized by ABAQUS/CAE when importing a part or a sketch,'' Section 13.5.5.
When you import an AutoCAD- or ACIS-format file, ABAQUS/CAE recognizes only the entities
listed in Table 22-1 and Table 22-2. If ABAQUS/CAE finds geometry that it cannot translate, it
ignores that geometry and continues importing the sketch.

Table 22-1. AutoCAD entities supported by the Sketcher.

Sketcher entity
Spline and

Table 22-2. ACIS entities supported by the Sketcher.

ACIS entity
Sketcher entity


The Sketch module

Spline, ellipse,
and polyline

Spline (a
For ABAQUS/CAE to convert the file to a sketch, the file must contain a two-dimensional planar
profile that can be mapped to the sketch plane. If the file contains three-dimensional geometry,
ABAQUS/CAE cannot import the sketch.

22.4 Basic Sketcher concepts

You use the Sketcher to sketch the lines and curves that form the two-dimensional profile of a feature,
to add dimensions to the sketch, and to modify the sketch. This section describes some of the basic
concepts used by the Sketcher and how these concepts influence the behavior of the Sketcher tools and
appearance of the sketch. The following topics are covered:
``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1
``The Sketcher sheet and grid,'' Section 22.4.2
``How ABAQUS/CAE orients your sketch,'' Section 22.4.3
``Realigning the sketch grid relative to the sketch, '' Section 22.4.4
``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5
``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.4.1 The Sketcher tools

You can access all the Sketcher tools through either the main menu bar or the toolbox. Figure 22-1
shows the hidden icons for all the tools in the Sketcher toolbox.

Figure 22-1 The Sketcher toolbox.


The Sketch module

To see a tooltip containing a brief definition of a Sketcher tool, hold the mouse over the tool for a
moment. For information on using toolboxes and selecting hidden icons, see ``Using toolboxes that
contain hidden icons,'' Section 6.4.2.
The Sketcher tools allow you to do the following:
Create basic sketch entities, such as lines, circles, arcs, fillets, and splines.
Add construction geometry to your sketch to help you position and align sketch entities.
Add dimensions to your sketch to make your sketch geometry more precise.
Modify your sketch by moving vertices and changing dimensions.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Basic Sketcher concepts,'' Section 22.4
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

22.4.2 The Sketcher sheet and grid

When you enter the Sketcher and either create a new sketch or edit an existing sketch, ABAQUS/CAE
displays a sheet in the current viewport on which you sketch. In addition, the triad in the lower-left
corner of the viewport indicates the orientation of the part or the assembly relative to the Sketcher
sheet. The sheet is always square, and its height and width are determined by the sheet size.
ABAQUS/CAE determines the sheet size, which depends on what you are sketching:
If you are sketching the base feature of a new part, the sheet size is the same as the approximate
size of the part that you provided when you created the part. Similarly, if you are creating a
stand-alone sketch, the sheet size is the same as the approximate size of the sketch that you
provided when you created the sketch.


The Sketch module

If you are adding a feature to a part or to the assembly, the sheet size is the same as the size used
by the most recent sketch of a feature belonging to the part or assembly. The sheet size does not
depend on the size of the face on which you are sketching.
You can use the Sketcher display options to increase or decrease the sheet size if it does not
correspond with the size of the geometry you are trying to sketch. To access the Sketcher display
options, select the customization tool
magnify tool

from the Sketcher toolbox. You may need to use the

to view the entire Sketcher sheet within the viewport.

ABAQUS/CAE overlays the sheet with a grid of invisible grid points to help you position the cursor as
you draw, move, resize, or reshape objects. By default, when you move the cursor near a grid point, the
cursor automatically moves, or snaps, to the point. This behavior relieves you from having to position
the cursor precisely, although it also prevents you from positioning the cursor between grid points. If it
is more convenient, you can disable the snapping behavior so that you have full control over the
cursor. To help you visualize the grid points underlying the Sketcher grid, ABAQUS/CAE displays
visible grid lines that pass through the grid points at a selected interval; for example, every other grid
For example, Figure 22-2 shows a sheet whose size is set to 200 and a grid whose spacing is set to 10
units. Only one out of every two grid lines is visible; therefore, the spacing of the visible grid lines is
20 units. In addition, the Sketcher displays dashed lines along the grid indicating the X- and Y-axes of
the sketch; the lines intersect at the origin of the sketch.

Figure 22-2 The Sketcher grid.


The Sketch module

You can customize the appearance and behavior of the grid by choosing the spacing of grid points, the
spacing of the visible grid lines that overlay the grid points, and the sheet size. You can also realign the
grid relative to the sketch by moving the origin of the grid and by rotating the grid. Your sketch can
extend beyond the Sketcher grid; however, if you find that you need to sketch outside the grid, it is
recommended that you increase its size to include the entire sketch.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Turning snapping on or off,'' Section 22.8.2
``Customizing the sheet size and grid,'' Section 22.8.4
``Basic Sketcher concepts,'' Section 22.4

22.4.3 How ABAQUS/CAE orients your sketch

When the Sketcher starts, ABAQUS/CAE orients the view of the part or assembly so that the face or
datum plane on which you are sketching is parallel to the screen; this plane is known as the sketch
plane. The orientation of the sketch plane depends on the modeling space of the part or assembly and
the type of feature you are creating:
Two-dimensional or axisymmetric modeling space
When you add a planar feature to a two-dimensional or axisymmetric part or assembly,


The Sketch module

ABAQUS/CAE starts the Sketcher and aligns the X- and Y-axes of the part with the axes of the
Sketcher grid, regardless of the type of feature you are creating. (ABAQUS/CAE derives the
X- and Y-axes of the part from the axes of the sketch that defined the base feature.)
Three-dimensional modeling space
When you add a feature to a three-dimensional part or assembly, you must use the following
technique to determine the orientation of the view relative to the Sketcher grid.
1. Select the plane on which to sketch by selecting appropriate geometry; for example, a face
of a part or a datum plane.
2. If you are sketching the profile of an extruded or revolved feature, you must select the
direction of an arrow normal to the face. This arrow represents the direction in which the
sketch will be extruded or revolved.
3. Select an edge or datum axis that will appear vertical and on the right side of the Sketcher
grid. You can select any edge from the part or assembly that is not perpendicular to the
selected plane. You can select a datum axis, but you cannot select the edge of a datum
ABAQUS/CAE starts the Sketcher with the selected edge vertical and on the right side of the
grid. The vertical orientation of the view depends on the type of feature you are creating:
When you are sketching a cut feature in the Part module, ABAQUS/CAE orients the view
so that the resulting feature will cut away from you and into the screen.
When you are sketching a feature other than a cut (for example, an extrusion),
ABAQUS/CAE orients the view so that the resulting feature will protrude out of the
screen toward you.
If you are unsure of the part's or assembly's orientation relative to the sketch plane, use the
rotate tool to examine the sketch plane and the object on which you are sketching. Use the
cycle tool

to return to the original view.

Figure 22-3 illustrates how ABAQUS/CAE determines the sketch plane orientation after you
select a face, the direction of the arrow normal to the face, and an edge from a
three-dimensional part. This example assumes you are sketching the profile of an extruded

Figure 22-3 Determining the sketch plane orientation.


The Sketch module

Note: ABAQUS/CAE does not consider the modeling space of the part or assembly when you
sketch a partition; you must always select the face to partition and the edge that will appear
vertical and on the right. However, for a three-dimensional part or assembly, you do not have to
select the direction of an arrow normal to the face; ABAQUS/CAE assumes that you are sketching
an extrusion protruding out of the selected face and orients the view accordingly.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Basic Sketcher concepts,'' Section 22.4
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

22.4.4 Realigning the sketch grid relative to the sketch

When you are sketching a feature, the sketch grid does not always align with the vertices and lines of
the sketch or the underlying reference geometry. You can use the following techniques to realign the
Shift the grid relative to the sketch by selecting a vertex representing the origin of the grid.
Rotate the grid relative to the sketch by selecting a line that will be parallel to the X-axis of the
Remove any realignment and reset the grid to its original orientation.
Realignment applies only to the particular sketch, and the alignment of the grid is stored along with the
sketch in the model database. New and existing sketches retain their default alignment.
Even though you can rotate the sketch grid and change the coordinate system, the meaning of
horizontal and vertical does not change. Rotating the grid has the following effect:
The coordinates of the current cursor position are displayed in the upper-left corner of the

The Sketch module

viewport, and you can use these coordinates as a guide. The coordinates displayed are relative to
the current alignment of the sketch grid and change if you realign the grid.
When you enter the coordinates of a vertex in the prompt area, those coordinates are relative to the
current alignment of the sketch grid.
Horizontal and vertical dimensions remain horizontal and vertical. Similarly, new dimensions
remain aligned with the horizontal and vertical axes.
Old and new horizontal and vertical construction lines remain horizontal and vertical.
The lines generated by the rectangle tool remain horizontal and vertical.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Realigning the sketch grid,'' Section 22.8.5
``Basic Sketcher concepts,'' Section 22.4
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

22.4.5 The Sketcher cursors and preselection

There are two cursors active within the Sketcher: the primary cursor and the secondary cursor. The two
cursors are shown in Figure 22-4.

Figure 22-4 The Sketcher cursors.

The primary cursor is the one you use with most applications on your computer, including
ABAQUS/CAE. The primary cursor usually appears as an arrow pointer or a pointing hand; you
position this cursor by moving the mouse. The secondary cursor is active only in the Sketcher; it
appears near the primary cursor only when the Sketcher prompts you to select a point. The position of
the secondary cursor allows you to see exactly which point is selected before committing the selection.
If you move the primary cursor near a point that is eligible for selection, the secondary cursor jumps
directly to the point while the primary cursor remains fixed. If you click the mouse button,
ABAQUS/CAE selects the point under the secondary cursor.
The appearance of the secondary cursor changes as you move around the sketch. This behavior is
called preselection. Table 22-3 shows the shape assumed by the secondary cursor when the primary
cursor is close to the Sketcher entity listed.

The Sketch module

Table 22-3. Preselection symbols.

Sketcher entity
A vertex
The midpoint of a line or curve
The intersection of lines and curves

The projection of a line onto other lines and curves

---Points of tangency on circles and arcs (this symbol

appears only when creating lines)

Preselection applies to any entity that is a valid selection in the sketch. For example, as you move the
cursor around the sketch, preselection highlights the following to indicate a valid selection:
Vertices, midpoints, intersections, projections, and points of tangency highlight when you are
sketching a line, as shown in Table 22-3.
Circle and arcs highlight when you are adding a radial dimension.
Vertices and vertical lines highlight when you are adding a horizontal dimension.
Dimensions highlight when you are modifying a dimension.
You can customize the Sketcher's behavior as follows:
By default, the secondary cursor snaps to grid points. If you turn off this snapping, the secondary
cursor follows the primary cursor and can be positioned anywhere on the Sketcher sheet.
You can turn off preselection.
For more information on customizing the secondary cursor, see ``Turning snapping on or off,'' Section
22.8.2, and ``Turning preselection on or off,'' Section 22.8.3.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3
``Basic Sketcher concepts,'' Section 22.4

22.4.6 How Sketcher customization options are initialized and

Sketcher customization options are grouped into the following settings:
Sketcher options


The Sketch module

Preselection behavior
Sketch options
Sheet size, grid spacing, and grid display
The origin of the grid and the alignment of the axes.
The appearance of dimensions
Whether to display construction geometry
Sketcher options control the interactive behavior of the Sketcher, while Sketch options control the
appearance of an individual sketch. ABAQUS/CAE stores and uses your Sketcher customization
settings only for the duration of the session. In contrast, ABAQUS/CAE stores your Sketch
customization settings along with each sketch in the model database; the settings apply only to the
particular sketch. As a result, if you exit the ABAQUS/CAE session and return to the sketch at a later
date, the customization options are retained.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8

22.5 Sketcher geometry

This section describes the different types of geometry available in the Sketcher.The following topics
are covered:
``Reference geometry,'' Section 22.5.1
``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2

22.5.1 Reference geometry

When you sketch the profile of a feature, ABAQUS/CAE projects all the edges, vertices, datum axes,
and datum points of the part or assembly onto the sketch plane. These projected lines and points are
called reference geometry, and you can use them for reference while sketching. You typically use
reference geometry to position your sketch accurately by specifying a dimension between a sketched
entity, such as a line or a vertex, and the reference geometry. You can also use reference geometry to
realign the sketch grid. Not all reference geometry can be selected in the Sketcher; for example, you
cannot select the projection of a datum axis, although you can select the projected end points of a
datum axis. Similarly, the projection of curved edges from a three-dimensional part cannot be selected.
The order in which you create features influences reference geometry. When you edit a feature's sketch
using the Feature Manipulation toolset, the appearance and behavior of reference geometry depend


The Sketch module

upon whether the feature defined by the reference geometry was created before or after the feature you
are editing.
If the reference geometry was created before the feature you are editing:
The Sketcher displays the reference geometry, and preselection symbols appear when you
move the cursor over it; for example, at vertices and midpoints.
If the reference geometry was created after the feature you are editing:
The reference geometry is visible, but you cannot select it for any sketching operation; in
addition, preselection symbols do not appear when you move the cursor over the reference
If you have a choice, it is usually more convenient to edit the feature that was created most recently so
that you can take advantage of preselection with as much reference geometry as possible. You can use
the Query toolset to determine the order in which features were created; for more information, see
``Using the Query toolset to obtain feature information,'' Section 42.3.6.
When you sketch a new feature, you can constrain the position of the sketch to the underlying
reference geometry using one of the following methods:
Select entities from the reference geometry while sketching the new feature; for example, select a
vertex to define the center of a circle or one end of a line.
Create a linear dimension between the sketch and any reference geometry. For more information
on linear dimensions, see ``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.
Constraining the sketch defines how it is positioned relative to the reference geometry and how it will
be repositioned if you modify the reference geometry.
When you exit the Sketcher, ABAQUS/CAE determines whether you have constrained the sketch to
the reference geometry. If a constraint is found, ABAQUS/CAE creates a parent-child relationship
between the new feature (the child) and the selected reference geometry (the parent). If no constraints
are found, ABAQUS/CAE displays the following message in the message area: No sketch
placement constraints specified on feature id N. You do not have to constrain
the sketch, but if you do not, its position relative to the reference geometry may change if you modify
the parent feature.
When you use the sketch save tool
to save a stand-alone sketch, ABAQUS/CAE saves only the
sketch and does not save any underlying reference geometry. As a result, if the sketch includes a
dimension between a sketch line and a reference line, the dimension is not saved with the stand-alone
version of the sketch.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

The Sketch module

22.5.2 Construction geometry

You create construction geometry in the Sketcher to help you position and align the geometry in your
sketch; objects that you might need to position include holes, arcs, slots, or gear teeth. The Sketcher
allows you to add construction lines and circles to your sketch; in addition, points that you create using
the isolated point tool
are considered construction geometry. Construction lines, circles, and
points do not appear in the feature you are creating or modifying.
While you are adding construction geometry and moving the cursor around the sketch, ABAQUS/CAE
displays preselection symbols at the following locations:
The intersection of the new construction geometry and sketched lines or curves.
The intersection of the new construction geometry and existing construction geometry.
The intersection of the new construction geometry and reference geometry. ABAQUS/CAE
displays preselection symbols only when the reference geometry was created before the feature
being edited. (See ``Reference geometry,'' Section 22.5.1, for more information about the behavior
of reference geometry.)
The preselection symbols generated by construction geometry allow you to align objects precisely; for
example, along an oblique line or around a circle. For example, you could create an oblique
construction line and several vertical construction lines to help align a group of circles, as illustrated in
Figure 22-5.

Figure 22-5 Using construction lines to align sketch geometry.

Construction lines also define the axis of rotation when sketching revolved solids and surfaces. For
more information about the relationship between construction lines and the axis of revolution, see
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section 14.9.2.
Construction geometry is shown using dashed magenta lines to distinguish it from sketched geometry.


The Sketch module

Construction geometry is visible only while you are working on a sketch; as soon as you exit the
Sketcher, the construction geometry disappears. ABAQUS/CAE saves construction geometry with the
original sketch; if the Sketcher is invoked to modify a sketch that included construction geometry, the
construction geometry reappears along with the sketch.
To create construction geometry, select one of the construction geometry tools from the Sketcher
toolbox or select Sketch->Construction from the main menu bar.
Figure 22-6, Figure 22-7, and Figure 22-8 illustrate how construction geometry and preselection
combine to help you create the desired sketch. In this example the user is creating a sketch of a
connecting rod.
1. Create two construction circles (indicated by dashed purple lines), as shown in Figure 22-6.

Figure 22-6 Create the construction circles.

2. Sketch two fillets tangent to the construction circles (indicated by green lines), as shown in Figure

Figure 22-7 Sketch the fillets.

3. Sketch two circular arcs (indicated by yellow lines); a preselection symbol indicates the vertices at
the ends of the fillets when you move the cursor close to them. The arcs are centered on the center
of the construction circles and extend between the vertices, as shown in Figure 22-8.


The Sketch module

Figure 22-8 Sketch the arcs.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Reference geometry,'' Section 22.5.1
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

22.6 Specifying precise geometry

When you are using the Sketcher to sketch features, you can use the underlying grid and preselection
to position the cursor and create or modify sketch geometry. In addition, you can use the following
techniques to position the geometry precisely:
Entering coordinates
When you are using the Sketcher to create a feature and ABAQUS/CAE asks you to position a
point (for example, to define the end point of a line or the center of a circle), you can do one of
the following:
Select a point on the sketch using the Sketcher grid, existing vertices, or preselection.
Enter the desired X- and Y-coordinates of the point in a text box in the prompt area.
To help you determine the coordinates to provide, the X- and Y-axes of the sketch are
indicated by dashed lines, which intersect at the origin of the sketch. The coordinates that
you specify are relative to this origin. In addition, when you select a Sketcher tool, the
coordinates of the current cursor position are displayed in the upper-left corner of the
viewport, and you can use these coordinates as a guide.
For detailed instructions, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their
vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
Creating and modifying dimensions
After you have created the geometry, the Sketcher allows you to add dimensions between lines
and vertices and other pieces of geometry in the sketch. You can then refine the sketch by
replacing these dimensions with precise dimensions, and the sketch changes to reflect the new


The Sketch module

dimensions. In addition, dimensions allow you to annotate sketches for future reference.
You add dimensions by selecting from the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox or by
selecting Sketch->Dimension from the main menu bar. To modify a dimension, select the
from the Sketcher toolbox or select
Sketch->Modify->Dimensions from the main menu bar. For detailed instructions, see
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2.
modify dimension tool

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11
``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Overview of the Sketch module,'' Section 22.3

22.7 Modifying objects

The following section describes the techniques you can use to modify your sketch. The following
topics are covered:
``Selecting the vertices to move when modifying an object,'' Section 22.7.1
``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Modifying objects by moving vertices,'' Section 22.7.3

22.7.1 Selecting the vertices to move when modifying an object

You can modify the sketch by changing any dimensions that are visible; however, when you are
modifying linear and angular dimensions, you must indicate which vertices will be affected by the
change. Only vertices that can be moved unambiguously are valid choices. For example, consider the
sketch shown in Figure 22-9.

Figure 22-9 The original sketch.


The Sketch module

If you choose to modify the dimension, you must decide whether that modification will affect vertex 1
or vertex 2. If you select vertex 1 to move, vertex 2 will remain fixed when the modification is made,
as shown in Figure 22-10.

Figure 22-10 Moving vertex 1.

The reverse is also true; if you select vertex 2 to move, vertex 1 will remain fixed, as shown in Figure
22-11. You can select multiple vertices to move when modifying a sketch. However, selecting both
vertex 1 and 2 to move would be an invalid choice in this example, since it would not be clear which
direction the two vertices should move; ABAQUS/CAE issues an error message in this case. You
could select both vertex 1 and 3 to move; the resulting sketch is shown in Figure 22-12.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6


The Sketch module

``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12

22.7.2 Modifying objects by changing dimensions

Use dimensions between lines and vertices to define and maintain dimensional relationships between
features. Dimensions can be applied between lines and vertices from any of the following:
Sketch geometry
Reference geometry
Construction geometry

Figure 22-11 Moving vertex 2.

Figure 22-12 Moving vertex 1 and vertex 3.


The Sketch module

For example, consider a three-dimensional shell with an extruded circular post, as shown in the
following figure:

This part was created in two steps:

1. Create a part consisting of only the shell.
2. Extrude a solid feature from the face of the shell (the circular post).
In this example the user wants to keep the distance between the left edge of the shell and the center of
the post constant, regardless of how the shell is resized. To maintain this relationship, the user edits the
post and adds a dimension between the center of the sketched circle and the left edge of the reference
geometry that represents the shell, as shown in the following figure:

If the user moves either the left or the right edge of the shell, the distance between the center of the
circle and the left edge remains constant, as shown in the following figure:


The Sketch module

You can modify linear, angular, and radial dimensions. For detailed instructions, see ``Moving and
resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2.

22.7.3 Modifying objects by moving vertices

When you are modifying a sketch, you can implement your changes by either modifying a dimension
or by moving selected vertices. ABAQUS/CAE provides the following methods for moving selected
You can translate selected vertices by specifying the start and end coordinates of a translation
vector. The translation vector can start from any point; however, you may find it more
meaningful to start the vector from one of the selected vertices and end it at the vertex's new
location. Figure 22-13 shows the selected vertices, the translation vector, and the result of the

Figure 22-13 Translating selected vertices.

You can rotate selected vertices by specifying the coordinates of the center of rotation and


The Sketch module

entering the angle of rotation; a positive angle indicates a counterclockwise rotation. Figure
22-14 shows the selected vertices, the selected center of rotation, and the result of a 90

Figure 22-14 Rotating selected vertices.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12

22.8 Customizing the Sketcher

This section describes how you customize the behavior and the appearance of the Sketcher. The
following topics are covered:
``Overview of Sketcher customization options, '' Section 22.8.1
``Turning snapping on or off,'' Section 22.8.2
``Turning preselection on or off,'' Section 22.8.3
``Customizing the sheet size and grid,'' Section 22.8.4
``Realigning the sketch grid,'' Section 22.8.5
``Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8.6
``Displaying and hiding construction geometry,'' Section 22.8.7

Display the Sketcher customization options by clicking the options tool

at the bottom of the
Sketcher toolbox. For more information, see ``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and
saved,'' Section 22.4.6.

22.8.1 Overview of Sketcher customization options

Use the Sketcher customization options to control the appearance and behavior of the Sketcher. The
following options control the behavior of the Sketcher throughout the ABAQUS/CAE session:


The Sketch module

Whether the cursor snaps to the grid.

Whether preselection is active.
The following options control the behavior and appearance of only the current sketch and are stored
along with the sketch:
The sheet size, the grid spacing, and the number of grid lines to display.
Whether the grid is visible.
The origin of the sketch grid and the alignment of the X-axis.
The text height and the number of decimal places displayed in sketch dimensions.
Whether construction geometry is displayed.
To set the Sketcher options:

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the Sketcher customization tool

The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

2. Set the desired customization options. For detailed help on the items within the dialog box, request
context-sensitive help on the individual items.
3. Click OK to apply your changes and close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.8.2 Turning snapping on or off

Snapping to the grid helps you position the cursor when you want to select a Sketcher grid point. When
snapping is enabled and you move the cursor near a grid point, the secondary cursor jumps, or snaps,
to the grid point. Toggle Snap to grid in the Sketcher Options dialog box to enable or disable
snapping. (By default, snapping is enabled when you start the Sketcher.) The behavior you choose for
snapping applies to all sketches in the ABAQUS/CAE session. Snapping to the grid and preselection
are independent of each other.
Detailed instructions for turning snapping on or off:


The Sketch module

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the Sketcher customization tool

The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

2. Toggle Snap to grid.
When Snap to grid is on, the secondary cursor snaps to the closest grid point as you move around
the sketch. You cannot select between grid points unless you select existing sketch geometry, such
as a vertex or a midpoint.
When Snap to grid is off, the secondary cursor aligns with the primary cursor as you move around
the sketch. You can select anywhere on the sheet.
3. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to
close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The Sketcher sheet and grid,'' Section 22.4.2
``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``Turning preselection on or off,'' Section 22.8.3

22.8.3 Turning preselection on or off

Preselection helps you select reference geometry or Sketcher objects, such as lines, vertices, and
dimensions. When preselection is enabled and you move the cursor near one of these objects,
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the object so that you can more easily select it. For a list of the preselection
symbols displayed by different Sketcher objects as you move the cursor around the sketch, see ``The
Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5.
Toggle Preselect geometry in the Sketcher Options dialog box to enable or disable preselection.
(By default, preselection is enabled when you start the Sketcher.) Preselect customization is stored for
the duration of the ABAQUS/CAE session and applies to all sketches. Preselection and snapping to the
grid are independent of each other.
Detailed instructions for turning preselection off and on:

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the Sketcher customization tool
The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.


The Sketch module

2. Toggle Preselect geometry.

When Preselect geometry is on, ABAQUS/CAE highlights valid selections, such as vertices,
midpoints, and dimensions, as you move around the sketch.
When Preselect geometry is off, ABAQUS/CAE does not highlight valid selections.
3. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to
close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``Turning snapping on or off,'' Section 22.8.2
``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.8.4 Customizing the sheet size and grid

Use the Sketcher Options dialog box to control the sheet size and the grid. You can customize the
Sheet size

The boundary of the sheet is always square, and its height and width are equal to the sheet
size. If you find that the sheet size is too large or too small, you can use the Sketcher Options
dialog box to change the size.
When you create a part, the Create Part dialog box asks you to define the approximate size of
the new part, and ABAQUS/CAE bases the default sheet size on the approximate size of the
part that you provide. The approximate part size must be between 10 5 and 10-3 units.
ABAQUS/CAE does not use specific units, but the units must be consistent throughout the
Grid spacing

You can use this option to change the grid spacing using the same units that define the Sheet
size. If Snap to grid is enabled, the cursor will snap to each grid point.
Show grid: 1 out of n lines

The Sketcher grid helps you set the size and position of your sketch; by default, the grid is
visible when you start the Sketcher. The grid may become distracting if the geometry of your
sketch is complex, and you can use the Sketcher Options dialog box to remove the grid from
the sketch. If snapping is enabled, the cursor still snaps to the grid even if the grid is not

The Sketch module

Grid lines do not have to appear at every grid point. You can use the Sketcher Options dialog
box to define how many grid points are present between each grid line. If Show grid is
toggled off, the 1 out of n lines field is not available.
The following figure shows the relationship between the sheet size, the grid spacing, and grid lines:

Sheet size and grid customization options apply only to the current sketch and are stored along with
the sketch.
Detailed instructions for customizing the sheet size and grid:

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the Sketcher customization tool

The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

2. In the text box next to Sheet size, type the dimension of the square sheet that will contain the
feature being created or edited.
Specify the sheet size in units consistent with those used to describe the rest of the model.
3. In the text box next to Grid spacing, type the desired spacing between grid points.
Specify spacing in the same units that you used to define the sheet size.
4. Toggle Show grid to show or hide the grid.
5. In the Show grid: 1 out of n lines text box, enter a number indicating how many grid lines should
be shown. For example, if you enter a value of two, ABAQUS/CAE displays a grid line over every
other grid point.
6. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to


The Sketch module

close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``The Sketcher sheet and grid,'' Section 22.4.2
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.8.5 Realigning the sketch grid

In some circumstances the sketch grid does not align with the vertices and lines of the sketch or the
underlying reference geometry. You may find it easier to create the desired sketch if you use Sketcher
customization options to realign the sketch grid. The customization options allow you to do the
Shift the grid relative to the sketch by selecting a vertex representing the origin of the grid. To help
you locate the origin of the sketch, the X- and Y-axes of the sketch are indicated by dashed lines
that intersect at the origin.
Rotate the grid relative to the sketch by selecting a line from the sketch that will be parallel to the
X-axis of the grid.
Detailed instructions for realigning the sketch grid:

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the customization tool

The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

2. From the buttons across the center of the dialog box, do the following:
Click Origin to move the origin of the sketch grid relative to the part. Select the new origin
from the sketch or type the coordinates of the origin in the prompt area.
Click Angle to rotate the sketch grid relative to the part. Select a line that will be parallel to
the X-axis of the sketch.
Click Reset to restore the original sketch origin and to restore the original alignment of the
3. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to
close the Sketcher Options dialog box.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Realigning the sketch grid relative to the sketch, '' Section 22.4.4
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.8.6 Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher

When you add dimensions to your sketch, the default height of the dimension text is based on the
approximate size of the part you are dimensioning. Similarly if you are creating a stand-alone sketch,
the default height of the dimension text is based on the approximate size that you entered in the Create
Sketch dialog box.
If you change the sheet size or zoom the view, the original text height of dimensions may no longer be
appropriate. You can change the text height by typing a new value in the Dimension text height field
of the Sketcher Options dialog box.
In addition, you may want to change the number of decimal places to match the dimensions of the
feature you are creating and the sheet size. You can use the Decimal places field to control the
number of decimal places displayed in each dimension. Dimension customization options apply only to
the sketch you are working on and are stored along with the sketch.
Detailed instructions for customizing the appearance of dimensions in the Sketcher:

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the Sketcher customization tool

The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

2. Next to the Dimension text height label, type the desired height of the dimension text.
Specify the height in the same units you used to define the sheet size.
3. Next to the Decimal places label, click the arrows to increase or decrease the number of decimal
places that will be included in the dimension text.
The number of decimal places displayed can vary from zero to six.
4. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to
close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11


The Sketch module

``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8

``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.8.7 Displaying and hiding construction geometry

You can create construction geometry to help you position and align objects in your sketch. For
example, the following figure shows a series of holes aligned along an oblique construction line. The
holes are centered where the vertical construction lines intersect the oblique construction line:

If the construction geometry becomes distracting, you can use the Show construction geometry
option in the Sketcher Options dialog box to hide it. (By default, construction geometry is displayed
when you start the Sketcher.) If preselection is enabled, the cursor will still snap to items associated
with hidden construction geometry, such as the intersection of a line with a construction line.
Customization of the display of construction geometry applies only to the current sketch and is stored
along with the sketch.
Detailed instructions for displaying or hiding construction geometry:

1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the customization tool

The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

2. Toggle Show construction geometry.
When Show construction geometry is on, ABAQUS/CAE displays construction geometry in the
3. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to
close the Sketcher Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Sketch module

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2

``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Customizing the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8
``How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved, '' Section 22.4.6

22.9 Sketching simple objects

This section describes how to use the Sketcher tools to draw simple objects. The following topics are
``Sketching an isolated point,'' Section 22.9.1
``Sketching lines and polygons,'' Section 22.9.2
``Sketching rectangles,'' Section 22.9.3
``Sketching circles,'' Section 22.9.4
``Sketching arcs using a center point and two endpoints, '' Section 22.9.5
``Sketching arcs tangent to a line,'' Section 22.9.6
``Sketching fillets between two lines,'' Section 22.9.7
``Sketching splines,'' Section 22.9.8

22.9.1 Sketching an isolated point

Use the point tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw a single isolated point. You can use the resulting
point as a reference, and you can create dimensions between the point and vertices on your sketch.
Detailed instructions for sketching an isolated point:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the point tool

. For a diagram of the tools in the
Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

2. Click at the desired location of the point.

The point appears.
3. To create more points, repeat the previous step.
4. When you have finished creating points, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or


The Sketch module

Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or

Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the point tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.9.2 Sketching lines and polygons

Use the line tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw lines, connected lines, or polygons. The following
figure shows how you draw lines, connected lines, and polygons by clicking the locations shown, in
the order indicated below:

You should take care positioning points while sketching because this positioning can affect the quality
of your mesh. Points in the sketch become vertices of the part you are creating or modifying. In turn,
when you mesh your model in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE converts these vertices into fully
constrained seeds and places nodes at their location. For information on how to subsequently move
vertices, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
Detailed instructions for sketching lines and polygons:

1. From the line tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the connected lines tool
of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a diagram

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. To construct a simple line, click the two end points. To construct a connected line or a polygon,
click each vertex.
Tip: If necessary, you can use the text box in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates
of the vertices of the line. For more information on precisely defining the line, see ``Specifying
precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.


The Sketch module

The line or polygon appears as you click a vertex or enter the coordinates.
3. To complete the line or polygon, click mouse button 2.
Tip: If you make a mistake while constructing a connected line or a polygon, click the Undo
in the Sketcher toolbox to delete the most recent line segment. If you make a
mistake in an earlier segment, you can delete the incorrect segments using the Delete tool
and redraw them with the line tool.
4. To create more lines or polygons, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating lines and polygons, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the line tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.9.3 Sketching rectangles

Use the rectangle tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw rectangles. To draw a rectangle, click at any
two opposite corners as indicated by the numbering in the following figure.

You should take care positioning points while sketching because this positioning can affect the quality
of your mesh. Points in the sketch become vertices of the part you are creating or modifying. In turn,

The Sketch module

when you mesh your model in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE converts these vertices into fully
constrained seeds and places nodes at their location. For information on how to subsequently move
vertices, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1. For
information on how to subsequently move vertices that define rectangles, see ``Moving and resizing
Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
Detailed instructions for sketching a rectangle:

1. From the line tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the rectangle tool
tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a diagram of the

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click the desired locations of any two opposite corners of the rectangle.
Tip: If necessary, you can use the text box in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates
of the corners of the rectangle. For more information on precisely defining the rectangle, see
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.
The rectangle appears as you move the cursor or enter the coordinates.
3. To create more rectangles, repeat the previous step.
4. When you have finished creating rectangles, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the rectangle tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.9.4 Sketching circles

Use the circle tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw circles based on a center point and any arbitrary


The Sketch module

point on the circumference of the circle, as shown here:

You should take care positioning points while sketching because this positioning can affect the quality
of your mesh. Points in the sketch become vertices of the part you are creating or modifying. In turn,
when you mesh your model in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE converts these vertices into fully
constrained seeds and places nodes at their location. For information on how to subsequently move
vertices, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1. For
information on how to subsequently move vertices that define circles, see ``Moving and resizing
Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
Detailed instructions for sketching a circle:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the circle tool

. For a diagram of the tools in the
Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

2. Click at the desired location of the center of the circle.

3. Click any point on the circumference of the desired circle.
Tip: If necessary, you can use the text box in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates
of the center and the point on the circumference of the circle. For more information on
precisely defining the circle, see ``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.
The circle appears as you move the cursor. When you click the circumference, ABAQUS/CAE
draws the circle.
4. To create more circles, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating circles, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the circle tool in the Sketcher toolbox.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.9.5 Sketching arcs using a center point and two endpoints

Use the three-point arc tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw arcs using a center point and two
endpoints. The following figure shows the resulting arc:

An arc that forms part of an analytical rigid surface cannot subtend an angle greater than 180. If
necessary, append two arcs to create an arc that subtends an angle of more than 180. There is no such
limitation for deformable bodies or discrete rigid surfaces.
You should take care positioning points while sketching because this positioning can affect the quality
of your mesh. Points in the sketch become vertices of the part you are creating or modifying. In turn,
when you mesh your model in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE converts these vertices into fully
constrained seeds and places nodes at their location. For information on how to subsequently move
vertices, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1. For
information on how to subsequently move vertices that define arcs, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher
objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
Detailed instructions for sketching an arc using a center point and two endpoints:

1. From the arc tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the three-point arc tool
the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a diagram of

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click at the center of the desired arc.
3. Click the first endpoint to define the radius of the arc.
Tip: If necessary, you can use the text box in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates
of the center and the endpoints of the arc. For more information on precisely defining the arc,


The Sketch module

see ``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.

ABAQUS/CAE draws a circle showing the radius of the arc as you move the cursor from the
center of the arc to its first endpoint.
4. Click the second endpoint to define the length of the arc.
ABAQUS/CAE draws the arc in a clockwise direction as you move the cursor from the first
endpoint to the second endpoint or enter the coordinates.
Tip: If necessary, click the previous step button

to reverse the selection of the endpoints.

5. To create more arcs, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
6. When you have finished creating arcs, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the arc tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.9.6 Sketching arcs tangent to a line

Use the tangent arc tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw an arc that is tangent to a line at a selected
point and ends at a second selected point, as illustrated in the following figure:

You should take care positioning points while sketching because this positioning can affect the quality


The Sketch module

of your mesh. Points in the sketch become vertices of the part you are creating or modifying. In turn,
when you mesh your model in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE converts these vertices into fully
constrained seeds and places nodes at their location. For information on how to subsequently move
vertices, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1. For
information on how to subsequently move vertices that define arcs, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher
objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
Detailed instructions for sketching an arc tangent to a line:

1. From the arc tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the tangent arc tool
tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a diagram of the

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the point along the line or curve. The arc will be tangent at this point.
If more than one line or curve meets at the point, the arc will be tangent to the one that was most
recently created.
3. The radius of the arc changes as you move the cursor. Click at the desired endpoint.
Tip: If necessary, you can use the text box in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates
of the center and the endpoint of the arc. For more information on creating the desired arc, see
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.
4. To create more arcs, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating tangent arcs, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the arc tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13


The Sketch module

22.9.7 Sketching fillets between two lines

Use the fillet tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw fillets between two lines or circles. Enter the
radius of the fillet and select the two lines or circles as shown here:

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2, illustrates how you can create a fillet tangent to two
construction circles.
You should take care positioning points while sketching because this positioning can affect the quality
of your mesh. Points in the sketch become vertices of the part you are creating or modifying. In turn,
when you mesh your model in the Mesh module, ABAQUS/CAE converts these vertices into fully
constrained seeds and places nodes at their location. For information on how to subsequently move
vertices, see ``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1.
If you create a fillet and subsequently move the selected lines or circles, ABAQUS/CAE will move the
fillet and maintain the tangency.
Detailed instructions for sketching a fillet between two lines:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the fillet tool

toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, enter the radius of the desired fillet.
3. Select the two lines or circles (not arcs) to which the fillet must remain tangent.
The fillet appears between the two lines or circles.
Tip: When you select a line or circle from the sketch, ABAQUS/CAE uses the cursor position
to determine the location of the fillet. To create the desired fillet, you should position the
cursor close to the expected location of the fillet when making a selection.
4. To create more fillets of the same radius, repeat the previous step.
5. When you have finished creating fillets, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the fillet tool in the Sketcher toolbox.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.9.8 Sketching splines

Use the spline tool from the Sketcher toolbox to draw a spline curve connecting a series of points.
ABAQUS/CAE calculates the shape of the curve using a cubic spline fit between all points along the
spline; in addition, the first and second derivatives of the spline are continuous. As you create the
spline, you can influence the shape of the curve by placing the vertices closer or farther apart.
However, you cannot add or remove vertices from a spline after you have drawn it; you must delete the
spline and create a new one with the desired number of vertices. You can use the Modify tools to move
the original vertices. Only the endpoints of a spline become vertices of the part you are creating or
modifying; intermediate points of the spline do not appear outside the Sketcher.
If you want the spline to start tangent to an existing line, at the start of the spline create two adjacent
vertices that are colinear with the line. This method is useful for creating smooth rigid surfaces, as
illustrated in the following figure:

When you create an analytical rigid surface, you sketch a sequence of lines, arcs, and parabolas to
define its profile. To create a parabolic curve, sketch a spline defined by only three vertices.
Detailed instructions for sketching splines:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the spline tool


. For a diagram of the tools in the

The Sketch module

Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. To construct a spline, click each vertex.
Tip: If necessary, you can use the text box in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates
of each vertex of the spline. For more information on creating the desired spline, see
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6.
The spline appears as you click each vertex or enter each coordinate, and ABAQUS/CAE adjusts
the curve to maintain a cubic spline between all points.
Tip: If you make a mistake while constructing a spline, you can click the previous step button
to step back to the previous vertex. Alternatively, you can click the Undo button in the
Sketcher toolbox to delete the entire spline.
3. To complete the spline, click mouse button 2.
4. To create more splines, repeat the above steps beginning with step 2.
5. When you have finished creating splines, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the spline tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.10 Creating construction geometry

This section describes each of the Sketcher tools used to create construction geometry. Construction
geometry is used to help you create and align objects in your sketch and to define the axis of rotation
for revolved solids and surfaces. The following topics are covered:


The Sketch module

``Creating a horizontal construction line, '' Section 22.10.1

``Creating a vertical construction line,'' Section 22.10.2
``Creating an oblique construction line, '' Section 22.10.3
``Creating angled construction lines,'' Section 22.10.4
``Creating a construction circle,'' Section 22.10.5

22.10.1 Creating a horizontal construction line

Use the horizontal construction line tool from the Sketcher toolbox to help position and align objects
along a horizontal line. The following figure illustrates how a horizontal construction line and a set of
vertical construction lines can be used to align circle centers. (Purple dashed lines indicate
construction geometry.)

You can also use a horizontal construction line to define the axis of rotation for revolved solids and
Detailed instructions for sketching a horizontal construction line:

1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the horizontal construction tool
For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
The horizontal construction line moves vertically as you move the cursor around the Sketcher
sheet. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click a point that will lie on the horizontal construction line. Alternatively, you can type its X-Y
coordinates in the text field that appears in the prompt area. (The X-coordinate is arbitrary since it
is ignored.)
3. To create additional horizontal construction lines, repeat the previous step.


The Sketch module

4. When you have finished creating horizontal construction lines, either

Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the horizontal construction line tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.10.2 Creating a vertical construction line

Use the vertical construction line tool from the Sketcher toolbox to help position and align objects
along a vertical line. The following figure illustrates how a horizontal construction line and a set of
vertical construction lines can be used to align circle centers. (Purple dashed lines indicate
construction geometry.)

You can also use a vertical construction line to define the axis of rotation for revolved solids and


The Sketch module

Detailed instructions for sketching a vertical construction line:

1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the vertical construction tool
For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

The vertical construction line moves horizontally as you move the cursor around the Sketcher
sheet. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click a point that will lie on the vertical construction line. Alternatively, you can type its X-Y
coordinates in the text field that appears in the prompt area. (The Y-coordinate is arbitrary since it
is ignored.)
3. To create additional vertical construction lines, repeat the previous step.
4. When you have finished creating vertical construction lines, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the vertical construction line tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.10.3 Creating an oblique construction line

Use the oblique construction line tool from the Sketcher toolbox to help position and align objects
along an arbritrary oblique line defined by two points. The following figure illustrates how an oblique
construction line and a set of vertical construction lines can be used to align circle centers:


The Sketch module

You can also use an oblique construction line to define the axis of rotation for revolved solids and
Detailed instructions for sketching an oblique construction line:

1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the oblique construction tool
For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click two points that will lie on the oblique construction line. Alternatively, you can type their X-Y
coordinates in the text field that appears in the prompt area.
The oblique construction line appears when you select the first point. The line rotates about this
point until you select the second point.
3. To create additional oblique construction lines, repeat the previous step.
4. When you have finished creating oblique construction lines, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the oblique construction line tool in the Sketcher toolbox.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.10.4 Creating angled construction lines

Use the angled construction line tool from the Sketcher toolbox to help position and align objects
along a line running at a specified angle to the horizontal. The following figure illustrates how an
angled construction line and a pair of vertical construction lines can be used to position the vertices of
a rectangle. (Purple dashed lines indicate construction geometry.)

You can also use an angled construction line to define the axis of rotation for revolved solids and
Detailed instructions for sketching an angled construction line:

1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the angled construction line tool
For a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, enter an angle. Enter the angle in degrees measured


The Sketch module

counterclockwise from the horizontal axis; you cannot enter negative angles.
The construction line moves as you move the cursor around the Sketcher sheet.
3. Click a point that will lie on the angled construction line. Alternatively, you can type its X-Y
coordinates in the text field that appears in the prompt area.
4. To create additional angled construction lines, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating angled construction lines, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the angled construction line tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.10.5 Creating a construction circle

Use the construction circle tool from the Sketcher toolbox to help position and align objects around a
circle. The following figure illustrates how a construction circle and a pair of angled construction lines
can be used to position the centers of two circles. (Purple dashed lines indicate construction geometry.)


The Sketch module

Detailed instructions for sketching a construction circle:

1. From the construction tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the construction circle tool
a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Click at the desired location of the center of the construction circle. Alternatively, you can type the
X-Y coordinates of the circle center in the text field that appears in the prompt area.
The radius of the construction circle changes as you move the cursor around the Sketcher sheet.
3. Click a point that will lie on the circumference of the construction circle, or type its X-Y
coordinates in the prompt area.
4. To create more construction circles, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating construction circles, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the construction circle tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2


The Sketch module

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9

``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.11 Adding dimensions

This section describes each of the Sketcher tools used to add dimensions to sketches. The following
topics are covered:
``Adding horizontal dimensions,'' Section 22.11.1
``Adding vertical dimensions,'' Section 22.11.2
``Adding oblique dimensions between vertices, '' Section 22.11.3
``Adding angular dimensions between lines,'' Section 22.11.4
``Adding radial dimensions to circles and arcs, '' Section 22.11.5

22.11.1 Adding horizontal dimensions

Dimensions add clarity to your sketches and allow you to position objects precisely. Use the horizontal
dimension tool from the Sketcher toolbox to create horizontal dimensions between two vertices or
vertical lines. Select the dimension modification tool

to modify a dimension.

To create a horizontal dimension, select two vertices or vertical lines and move the dimension text to
the desired vertical position, as shown in the following figure:


The Sketch module

Note: If you want to create a horizontal dimension between vertical lines, the lines must be
exactly vertical and align with the Sketcher grid.
Detailed instructions for adding a horizontal dimension:

1. From the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the horizontal dimension tool
a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select a vertical line or a vertex at each endpoint.
The dimensioning bracket and the numerical dimension appear as you move the cursor.
3. Move the cursor vertically to the location where you would like the horizontal dimensioning line
to appear; click when you are satisfied with the appearance of the dimension.
4. To create additional horizontal dimensions, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating horizontal dimensions, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the horizontal dimension tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6
``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8.6

22.11.2 Adding vertical dimensions

Dimensions add clarity to your sketches and allow you to position objects precisely. Use the vertical
dimension tool from the Sketcher toolbox to create vertical dimensions between two vertices or


The Sketch module

horizontal lines. Select the dimension modification tool

to modify a dimension.

To create a vertical dimension, select two vertices or horizontal lines and move the dimension text to
the desired horizontal position, as shown in the following figure:

Note: If you want to create a vertical dimension between horizontal lines, the lines must be
exactly horizontal and align with the Sketcher grid.
Detailed instructions for adding a vertical dimension:

1. From the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the vertical dimension tool
diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select two vertices or horizontal lines.
The dimensioning bracket and the numerical dimension appear as you move the cursor.
3. Move the cursor horizontally to the location where you would like the vertical dimensioning line
to appear; click when you are satisfied with the appearance of the dimension.
4. To create additional vertical dimensions, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating vertical dimensions, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or


The Sketch module

Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the vertical dimension tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6
``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8.6

22.11.3 Adding oblique dimensions between vertices

Dimensions add clarity to your sketches and allow you to position objects precisely. Use the oblique
dimension tool from the Sketcher toolbox to create arbitrarily oriented dimensions between two
vertices. Select the dimension modification tool

to modify a dimension.

To create an oblique dimension, select two vertices and move the dimension line to the desired
position, as shown in the following figure:

Detailed instructions for adding an oblique dimension:


The Sketch module

1. From the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the oblique dimension tool
diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select two vertices.
The dimensioning bracket and the numerical dimension appear as you move the cursor.
Tip: If there is no vertex at the desired location, create a vertex using the single isolated point

and select the point.

3. Move the cursor to the location where you would like the dimensioning line to appear; click when
you are satisfied with the appearance of the dimension.
4. To create additional oblique dimensions, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating oblique dimensions, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the oblique dimension tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6
``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8.6

22.11.4 Adding angular dimensions between lines

Dimensions add clarity to your sketches and allow you to position objects precisely. Use the angular
dimension tool from the Sketcher toolbox to create angular dimensions between two lines. Select the
dimension modification tool

to modify a dimension.


The Sketch module

To create an angular dimension, select the two lines and the position of the dimensioning arc, as shown
in the following figure:

Detailed instructions for adding an angular dimension between two lines:

1. From the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the angular dimension tool
diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the two lines you want to dimension.
The dimensioning bracket and the angular dimension appear as you move the cursor.
3. Move the cursor to the location where you would like the dimensioning line to appear; click when
you are satisfied with the appearance of the dimension.
4. To create additional angular dimensions, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2. Repeat the
above steps beginning with step 2.
5. When you have finished creating angular dimensions, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the angular dimension tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11


The Sketch module

``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6

``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8.6

22.11.5 Adding radial dimensions to circles and arcs

Dimensions add clarity to your sketches and allow you to position objects precisely. Use the radial
dimension tool from the Sketcher toolbox to create dimensions indicating the radii of circles or arcs.
Select the dimension modification tool

to modify a dimension.

To create a radial dimension, select the circle or arc and the position of the dimension arrow, as shown
in the flowing figure:

Detailed instructions for adding a radial dimension to a circle or arc:

1. From the dimension tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the radial dimension tool
diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For a

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the circle or arc you want to dimension.
The dimensioning arrow and the dimensioning text appears as you move the cursor.
3. Move the cursor to the location where you would like the end of the dimensioning arrow to
appear; click when you are satisfied with the appearance of the dimension.

The Sketch module

4. To create additional radial dimensions, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
5. When you have finished creating radial dimensions, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the radial dimension tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Adding dimensions,'' Section 22.11
``Specifying precise geometry,'' Section 22.6
``Modifying objects by changing dimensions,'' Section 22.7.2
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Customizing the format of dimensions in the Sketcher,'' Section 22.8.6

22.12 Modifying objects

This section describes how to use the Sketcher tools to move, resize, copy and delete Sketcher objects.
The following topics are covered:
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Copying Sketcher objects,'' Section 22.12.3
``Deleting Sketcher objects,'' Section 22.12.4

22.12.1 Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their

Use the vertex modification tool from the Sketcher toolbox to move or resize Sketcher objects.
Whether the object is moved or resized depends on which of its vertices you select. You can move the
selected vertices along a specified vector, or you can rotate the vertices through a specified angle about
a specified point. For more information, see ``Modifying objects by moving vertices,'' Section 22.7.3,
and ``Selecting the vertices to move when modifying an object,'' Section 22.7.1.


The Sketch module

Detailed instructions for moving or resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices:

. For a
1. From the modify tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the vertex modification tool
diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
Handles appear on all vertices in the viewport. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt
area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the appropriate vertices of the objects you want to move or resize.
Which vertices you select depends on what type of object you selected and whether you want to
move or resize it.
Tip: In cases where you must select more than one vertex, hold down the [Shift] key as you
click each handle. To select multiple vertices, you can also drag a rectangle around them. To
unselect a vertex, use [Ctrl]+Click. When you are finished selecting vertices, click mouse
button 2. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
3. Use the buttons that appear in the prompt area to indicate how you will specify a new location for
the selected vertices.
Select Translate to translate the selected vertices along a specified vector. You can define the
start and the end of the translation vector by either selecting from the sketch or typing the Xand Y-coordinates of each end.
Select Rotate to rotate the selected vertices through a specified angle about a specified point.
You can specify the point at the center of rotation by selecting from the sketch or by typing the
X- and Y-coordinates. The angle of rotation you specify must be between 360 and -360
4. To move or resize more objects, repeat the above steps beginning with step 2.
5. When you have finished moving and resizing objects, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the vertex modification tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9


The Sketch module

``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10

``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.12.2 Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their

Use the dimension modification tool from the Sketcher toolbox to modify existing dimensions. You
cannot modify the dimension that defines the radius of an arc.
Detailed instructions for moving and resizing objects by modifying their dimensions:

1. From the modify tools in the Sketcher toolbox, select the dimension modification tool
a diagram of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

. For

ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. Select the dimension you want to change.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected dimension. If you selected any type of dimension other
than radial, ABAQUS/CAE also highlights all vertices in the viewport.
3. Select the appropriate vertices of the objects you want to move or resize.
Which vertices you select depends on what type of object you selected and whether you want to
move or resize it.
Tip: In cases where you must select more than one vertex, hold down the [Shift] key as you
click each handle. To select multiple vertices, you can also drag a rectangle around them. To
unselect a vertex, use [Ctrl]+Click. When you are finished selecting vertices, click mouse
button 2. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
4. Use the text box in the prompt area to enter a new value for the dimension.
The object moves or resizes to accomodate the new dimension.
5. To move or resize more objects, repeat the above steps beginning with Step 2.
6. When you have finished moving and resizing objects, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the vertex modification tool in the Sketcher toolbox.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.12.3 Copying Sketcher objects

Use the Copy tool from the Sketcher toolbox to copy Sketcher objects--lines, arcs, circles, fillets,
splines, or points--and postion the copied objects. You can have the Sketcher running in only one
viewport at a time; consequently, you cannot copy objects between sketches.
Detailed instructions for copying sketched objects:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the Copy tool

. For a diagram of the tools in the
Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

2. Select all the objects that you want to copy. Both sketch and construction geometry can be copied;
reference geometry and dimensions cannot be copied.
Tip: In cases where you must select more than one vertex, hold down the [Shift] key as you
click each handle. To select multiple vertices, you can also drag a rectangle around them. To
unselect a vertex, use [Ctrl]+Click. When you are finished selecting vertices, click mouse
button 2. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
3. Use the buttons that appear in the prompt area to indicate how you will specify a new location for
the copied objects.
Select Translate to translate the copied objects along a specified vector. You can define the
beginning and the end of the translation vector by either selecting from the sketch or typing the
X- and Y-coordinates of each end.
Select Rotate to rotate the copied objects through a specified angle about a specified point.
You can specify the point at the center of rotation by selecting from the sketch or typing the Xand Y-coordinates. The angle of rotation you specify must be between 360 and -360 degrees.
4. To copy more objects, repeat the above steps beginning with step 2.


The Sketch module

5. When you have finished copying objects, either

Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the Copy tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by moving their vertices,'' Section 22.12.1
``Moving and resizing Sketcher objects by modifying their dimensions,'' Section 22.12.2
``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.12.4 Deleting Sketcher objects

Use the Delete tool from the Sketcher toolbox to remove Sketcher objects: lines, arcs, circles, fillets,
splines, points, or dimensions.
Detailed instructions for deleting Sketcher objects:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the Delete tool

. For a diagram of the tools in the
Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

2. Select all the objects you want to delete. Both sketch and construction geometry can be deleted;
reference geometry cannot be deleted.
Tip: In cases where you must select more than one vertex, hold down the [Shift] key as you
click each handle. To select multiple vertices, you can also drag a rectangle around them. To
unselect a vertex, use [Ctrl]+Click. When you are finished selecting vertices, click mouse
button 2. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport."
3. When you have finished selecting objects, click mouse button 2.
ABAQUS/CAE deletes the selected objects and any associated dimensions.


The Sketch module

Tip: To restore accidentally deleted objects, click the Undo button in the Sketcher toolbox.
4. To delete more objects, repeat the above steps beginning with step 2.
5. When you have finished deleting objects, either
Click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or
Select any other tool in the Sketcher toolbox, or
Click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

Click the Delete tool in the Sketcher toolbox.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Sketching simple objects,'' Section 22.9
``Creating construction geometry,'' Section 22.10
``Modifying objects,'' Section 22.12
``Undoing and redoing sketching actions,'' Section 22.13

22.13 Undoing and redoing sketching actions

Use the Undo tool
from the Sketcher toolbox to undo your previous operation. For a diagram
of the tools in the Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
Depending on your previous action, clicking Undo can have the following effect:
Remove the object just created. Objects include sketch geometry (lines, arcs, circles, fillets,
splines, or points), construction geometry, or dimensions.
Restore the sketch to its state prior to the move, resize, copy, or delete operation just
Remove a retrieved stand-alone sketch, provided you have not positioned the sketch. Once you
have positioned the retrieved sketch, clicking Undo moves the origin of the retreived sketch back
to the origin of the current sketch.
You can undo only the previous action; prior actions cannot be undone.
If you click Undo a second time, ABAQUS/CAE cancels the effect of the first undo operation. For
example, if you sketch a line and click Undo, ABAQUS/CAE deletes the line. If you click Undo
again, ABAQUS/CAE restores the line.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Deleting Sketcher objects,'' Section 22.12.4
``Deleting Sketcher objects,'' Section 22.12.4

22.14 Managing stand-alone sketches

This section describes how to manage stand-alone sketches while working in the Sketch module. The
following topics are covered:
``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14.1
``Creating stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14.2
``Saving the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch, '' Section 22.14.3
``Adding stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14.4

22.14.1 Managing stand-alone sketches

Stand-alone sketches are stored in your model and are independent of any particular part or the
assembly. You can create a stand-alone sketch while working in the Sketch module, or you can save
the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch while sketching. You can add a stand-alone sketch while
creating or editing a feature or a partition, and an added sketch overlays the current sketch so that their
origins are coincident.
You use the Sketch module to manage the stand-alone sketches defined in your model. To create,
retrieve, copy, rename, and delete stand-alone sketches while working in the Sketch module, use one
of the following:
The Create, Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete items listed under the Sketch menu on the main
menu bar. Each item contains a submenu listing all the sketches in the current model.
The Sketch Manager dialog box. The Sketch Manager contains functions identical to those
listed under the Sketch menu, but with a convenient browser that lists all the sketches available in
the current model. To display the Sketch Manager dialog box, select Sketch->Manager from the
main menu bar.
Note: The Sketch menu and the Sketch Manager are available only from the Sketch module.
When you are sketching a feature in the Part module, for example, the Sketch menu and the
Sketch Manager are not available.


The Sketch module

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1

22.14.2 Creating stand-alone sketches

Stand-alone sketches are stored in your model and are independent of any particular part or the
assembly. To create a new stand-alone sketch in the current viewport, select Sketch->Create from the
main menu bar.
Detailed instructions for creating a stand-alone sketch:
1. From the main menu bar, select Sketch->Create.
The Create Sketch dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also create a stand-alone sketch by clicking the sketch create tool
Sketch module toolbox.

in the

2. In the Create Sketch dialog box, enter a name for the sketch. For information on valid names, see
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
3. In the Create Sketch dialog box, enter the approximate size of the sketch.
The size that you enter is used by ABAQUS/CAE to calculate the size of the sheet and the spacing
of its grid. The approximate size should reflect the largest dimension of the sketch and must be
between 105 and 10-3 units. ABAQUS/CAE does not require specific units, but the units must be
consistent throughout the model.
4. Click Continue to close the Create Sketch dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE starts the Sketcher and displays a square sheet on which you sketch; the width and
height of the sheet are approximately equal to the value that you entered in the previous step. If
you later find that your sketch extends beyond the edge of the sheet, you can change the sheet size
using the Sketcher customization options.
5. When you have finished sketching, click Done in the prompt area.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1


The Sketch module

22.14.3 Saving the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch

While you are sketching, you can save the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch. Stand-alone sketches
are maintained independent of any features; they can be subsequently retrieved into the Sketcher and
will overlay any existing geometry.
ABAQUS/CAE saves only items within the sketch. Reference geometry is not saved. Similarly,
dimensions between vertices and lines from reference geometry are not saved.
Detailed instructions for saving the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the save as tool

. For a diagram of the tools in the
Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.

2. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the name of the sketch.
ABAQUS/CAE saves the sketch and returns to the Sketcher.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1

22.14.4 Adding stand-alone sketches

While you are sketching, you can add a stand-alone sketch so that its geometry overlays the current
sketch. ABAQUS/CAE positions the added stand-alone sketch so that its origin is coincident with the
origin of the current sketch.
Detailed instructions for adding stand-alone sketches:


From the Sketcher toolbox, select the add sketch tool

. For a diagram of the tools in the
Sketcher toolbox, see ``The Sketcher tools,'' Section 22.4.1.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the Add Sketch dialog box.

2. Select the sketch to add from the list of stand-alone sketches and click OK to close the Add
Sketch dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE does the following:
Positions the added sketch so that its origin is coincident with the origin of the current sketch.
Resizes the view so that both the current sketch and the added sketch are visible.


The Sketch module

3. Use the buttons that appear in the prompt area to indicate how you will locate the added sketch.
Select Translate to translate the added sketch along a specified vector. You can define the
beginning and the end of the translation vector by either selecting from the sketch or by typing
the X- and Y-coordinates of each end.
Select Rotate to rotate the added sketch through a specified angle about a specified point. You
can specify the point at the center of rotation by selecting from the sketch or typing the X- and
Y-coordinates. The angle of rotation you specify must be between 360 and -360 degrees.
The sketch translates or rotates according to your specification.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Managing stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.14
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1


Viewing results

Part V: Viewing results

This part describes how to use the Visualization module to view your model and the results of your
analysis. The following topics are covered:
Chapter 23, "Visualization module basics"
Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "
Chapter 25, "Plotting the undeformed shape"
Chapter 26, "Plotting the deformed shape"
Chapter 27, "Contouring analysis results"
Chapter 28, "Plotting analysis results as symbols"
Chapter 29, "Plotting material orientations"
Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting"
Chapter 31, "Querying and probing"
Chapter 32, "Viewing results along a path"
Chapter 33, "Calculating linearized stresses"
Chapter 34, "Animating plots"
Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data reports"
Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model"
Chapter 37, "Customizing model display"
Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations"
Chapter 39, "Special graphical symbols"


Visualization module basics

23. Visualization module basics

You can use the Visualization module to view your model and the results of your analysis. This
chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Visualization module,'' Section 23.1
``Entering and exiting the Visualization module,'' Section 23.2
``Understanding plot modes and plot customization, '' Section 23.3

23.1 Understanding the role of the Visualization module

The Visualization module provides graphical display of finite element models and results. It obtains
model and result information from the output database; you can control what information is placed in
the output database by modifying output requests in the Step module. (For more information, see
``What is an output request?,'' Section 17.4.1.) Major capabilities of the Visualization module include:
Fast plot
A fast plot is a quickly drawn representation of your model.
Undeformed shape plotting
An undeformed plot displays the initial shape of your model.
Deformed shape plotting
A deformed plot shows the shape of your model according to the values of a nodal variable
such as displacement. A deformed plot is particularly useful for viewing the displaced shape of
your model.
Results contour plotting
A contour plot displays the values of an analysis variable at a specified step and frame of your
analysis. The Visualization module represents the values as customized colored lines, colored
bands, or colored faces on your model.
Results symbol plotting
A symbol plot shows the magnitude and direction of a particular vector or tensor variable at a
specified step and frame of your analysis. The Visualization module represents the values as
symbols (for example, arrows) at locations on your model.
Material orientation plotting
A material orientation plot shows the material directions of elements in your model at a
specified step and frame of your analysis. The Visualization module represents the material
directions as material orientation triads at the element integration points.
X-Y plotting


Visualization module basics

An X-Y plot is a two-dimensional graph of one variable versus another.

Probing model and X-Y plots
Probing displays model data and analysis results as you move the cursor around a model plot;
probing an X-Y plot displays the coordinates of graph points. You can write this information to
a file.
Results plotting along a path
A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model. You can view
results along the path in the form of an X-Y plot.
Stress linearization
Stress linearization is the separation of stresses through a section into constant membrane and
linear bending stresses. You specify the section as a path through your model, and the
Visualization module displays the linearized stresses in the form of an X-Y plot.
An animation is a sequence of images that the Visualization module displays in rapid
succession, resulting in a movie-like effect.
X-Y and field output reporting
An X-Y report is a tabular listing of X- and Y-data values; a field output report is a tabular
listing of field output values.
Plot customization
The Visualization module provides numerous options that you can use to customize your

23.2 Entering and exiting the Visualization module

You can enter the Visualization module at any time during an ABAQUS/CAE session by clicking
Visualization in the Module list located under the toolbar. The Result, Plot, Animate, Report,
Options, and Tools menus appear on the main menu bar, and the title bar of the current viewport
displays the name of the current output database, if one exists.
You can also enter the Visualization module by opening an existing output database. To open an
output database, select File->Open from the main menu bar. (For more information, see ``Opening a
model database or an output database, '' Section 12.6.2.) When you use this method to enter the
Visualization module, ABAQUS/CAE displays a plot of the model from the output database in the
current viewport.
To exit the Visualization module, select any other module from the Module list, or end the session by
selecting File->Exit from the main menu bar. When you end the session, ABAQUS/CAE closes all
files and windows. ABAQUS saves your plot options only for the duration of the session.


Visualization module basics

23.3 Understanding plot modes and plot customization

This section describes how to customize the appearance of a plot by entering a plot mode and selecting
plot customization options. The following topics are covered:
``What is a plot mode?,'' Section 23.3.1
``Identifying and activating plot modes,'' Section 23.3.2
``What is the fast plot mode?,'' Section 23.3.3
``Customizing your plots,'' Section 23.3.4
``Customizing multiple viewports,'' Section 23.3.5

23.3.1 What is a plot mode?

The Visualization module offers several distinct types of plots for viewing your model and results.
These plot types are:
Undeformed shape
Deformed shape
Material orientation
History or X-Y data
Time history animation
Scale factor animation
Each of these plots corresponds to a plot mode. Plot modes are important because most of the
customization options provided by the Visualization module are plot mode-dependent, which means
that they pertain only to a particular plot mode.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Identifying and activating plot modes,'' Section 23.3.2
``Customizing your plots,'' Section 23.3.4

23.3.2 Identifying and activating plot modes

You enter a particular plot mode by producing a plot of the corresponding type. For example, if you


Visualization module basics

produce an undeformed plot, the current viewport will then be in the undeformed plot mode. The plot
mode of a viewport persists until you produce a plot in some other mode in that viewport. If you create
multiple viewports, each viewport can be in a different plot mode.
The plot mode of the current viewport is identified on the left side of the prompt area, as shown in the
following figure:

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing your plots,'' Section 23.3.4
``What is the fast plot mode?,'' Section 23.3.3

23.3.3 What is the fast plot mode?

Immediately upon opening an output database, the Visualization module displays your model in the
Fast plot mode. A fast plot is a quickly drawn representation of your model. It is provided so that you
can verify that you have opened the intended output database. For more information on opening an
output database, see ``Opening a model database or an output database, '' Section 12.6.2. You can
produce a fast plot at any time during the session by selecting Plot->Fast Representation from the
main menu bar.
The fast plot mode does not display results and cannot be customized. To display results or to apply
plot mode-dependent customization options, you must enter one of the other (e.g., undeformed,
contour) plot modes.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Identifying and activating plot modes,'' Section 23.3.2

23.3.4 Customizing your plots

The Visualization module provides numerous customization options, which are available through the
Options and View menus of the main menu bar. These options fall into two categories:
Plot mode-dependent options
Plot mode-dependent options affect only plots in a particular plot mode. These are separate
options affecting undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots; X-Y
curves; X-Y graphs; time history animation; and scale factor animation.
Plot mode-independent options


Visualization module basics

Plot mode-independent options are those that affect all plots collectively. These are options
governing the viewpoint, graphics, individual item coloring, and such general characteristics
as plot legends, axisymmetric sweeping, and the appearance of text blocks giving the model's
title and state.
Plot mode-dependent options affect such plot attributes as the render style (for example, filled or
wireframe model rendering), visible edges, and line thickness of your model. You control these
attributes separately for each plot mode using the options associated with that mode. To choose the
render style of your undeformed plot, for example, you must use the Undeformed plot options. To do
so, you can select Options->Undeformed from the main menu bar. Alternatively, you can use the
Undeformed Options button on the right side of the prompt area, as shown in the following figure:

The Options buttons provide quick access to the plot mode-dependent customization options
applicable to the current viewport. Depending on the current plot mode, the right side of the prompt
area contains zero, one, or two Options buttons. If you have an X-Y plot in the current viewport, both
Curve Options and Plot Options buttons appear because both categories of options are applicable.
Similarly, if you are in the scale factor or time history animation mode, two Options buttons appear. If
the current viewport is in the fast plot mode, there are no plot mode-dependent customization options,
and no Options button appears.
Plot mode-dependent options affect only plots in the associated mode. If you select a render style from
the undeformed plot options dialog box, that render style will affect only undeformed plots. If the
current viewport is in the undeformed plot mode, you will see the effect of your changes when you
click Apply or OK in the undeformed plot options dialog box. However, if the current viewport is not
in the undeformed plot mode, you will not see the effect of your changes until you produce an
undeformed plot in the current viewport.
Plot mode-independent options affect plots across all plot modes. For example, if you select
View->Viewport Annotations from the main menu bar to suppress the appearance of the view triad,
the view triad will be suppressed for plots in all plot modes. For more information on customizing
plots, see Chapter 37, "Customizing model display."

23.3.5 Customizing multiple viewports

When you create a new viewport, it initially inherits the customization options of the current viewport.
For example, if you establish the Filled render style for undeformed plots in the current viewport and
then create a new viewport, subsequent undeformed plots in the new viewport will appear in the filled
render style. New viewports display the current output database (if any) in the fast plot mode; they do
not inherit the plot mode of the current viewport.
After a new viewport has been established, the plot mode and any subsequent customizations are
independent of other viewports. Multiple viewports can each be in a separate plot mode; if you use


Visualization module basics

multiple viewports, you must first designate a particular viewport as current to change its display.
Customization selections you apply affect only the current viewport. When you designate a viewport as
current, the options dialog boxes are refreshed to show the state of options associated with that
viewport. For more information on working with viewports, see ``Working with viewports,'' Section
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Identifying and activating plot modes,'' Section 23.3.2


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

24. Selecting model data and analysis results to

ABAQUS/CAE obtains all model data and analysis results from the output database. Results need not
be available to produce an undeformed plot; in this case output database information from a datacheck
run is sufficient.
This chapter explains how to select model data and analysis results for display. The following topics
are covered:
``Overview of results selection,'' Section 24.1
``Selecting the results step and frame,'' Section 24.2
``Selecting the field output to display,'' Section 24.3
``Selecting result options,'' Section 24.4
``Creating new field output,'' Section 24.5

24.1 Overview of results selection

ABAQUS/CAE reads analysis results from the output database. Output database results consist of
those you have saved during the analysis as field and history output variables. If, for example, you
have written data to the field output portion of the output database after every 10 increments, you can
now select results at 10 increment intervals only. These increment intervals are called frames.
In addition to the analysis results you have saved, you can operate on output database field output to
create new results called user field output objects. You can display the values of both field output
variables and user field output objects in the form of a deformed, contour, symbol, or X-Y plot; as X-Y
data obtained along a path through your model; by probing any model or X-Y plot; or in a tabular
report. Furthermore, you can display a subset of your model based on field output values, and you can
color code a portion of your model according to these values.
You can display output database history output values in the form of an X-Y plot.
Use the Result menu from the main menu bar to access the options affecting results; the following
menu items are available:
Frame: Control the step and frame at which ABAQUS/CAE obtains results.
Section Points: Control which section points provide shell and beam results for integration point
Field Output: The Field Output dialog box contains the following tabs:
- Primary Variable: Control the variable and, if applicable, the invariant or component for
which ABAQUS/CAE displays results.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

- Deformed Variable: Control the variable ABAQUS/CAE uses to display the deformed model
- Result Options: Choose to display field output or discontinuities, control the averaging of
element-based field output results, and control the computation of results at region boundaries.
History Output: Select history output for X-Y plotting.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Opening a model database or an output database, '' Section 12.6.2
``Selecting the results step and frame,'' Section 24.2
``Selecting the field output to display,'' Section 24.3
``Selecting result options,'' Section 24.4
``Creating new field output,'' Section 24.5

24.2 Selecting the results step and frame

You can control the step and frame at which ABAQUS/CAE obtains model data and results. You can
select a specific step and frame using the Frames dialog box, or you can step through frames using
controls available in the prompt area.
To view user field output objects you have created, if any, you must select Result->Frame->User
Defined Step. To view parametric shape variations defined in your analysis, if any, you must select
Result->Frame->Step 0.
It is possible to open an output database for an analysis that is still in progress. As the analysis moves
toward completion, the lists of completed steps and frames are updated every time you close and then
reopen the Frame Selector dialog box.
This section explains the following topics:
``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1
``Stepping through frames,'' Section 24.2.2

24.2.1 Selecting a specific results step and frame

You can select a specific step and frame at which ABAQUS obtains model data and results. Available
steps and frames consist of those for which analysis results have been saved. To view user field output
objects you have created during the ABAQUS/CAE session, if any, you must select
Result->Frame->User Defined Step. To view parametric shape variations defined in your analysis, if


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

any, you must select Result->Frame->Step 0.

It is possible to open an output database for an analysis that is still in progress. As the analysis moves
toward completion, the lists of completed steps and frames are updated every time you close and then
reopen the Frame Selector dialog box.
For information on stepping through results frames, see ``Stepping through frames,'' Section 24.2.2.
To select a specific results step and frame:
1. Locate the Frame Selector options.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Frame. The Frame Selector dialog box appears.
The Step portion of the dialog lists the available steps, and the Frame portion of the dialog lists
the available frames for the current output database.
Note: You can also access these options by clicking the Frame button in the Field Output dialog box.

2. From the Step list, click the step to display.

The selected step is highlighted, and ABAQUS/CAE refreshes the Frame list to show only frames
available for the selected step.
3. From the Frame list, click the frame to display. Select Frame 0 to display the base state of the
current step; for example, to contour initial stresses.
The selected frame is highlighted.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to show your model at the step and frame you have
selected. If active, the text in the state block changes to identify the selected step and frame. For
more information on the state block, see ``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3.
ABAQUS refreshes the Field Output dialog box to list variables available for the selected frame.
(You can access the Field Output dialog box by clicking the Field Output button on the bottom of
the Frame Selector dialog box.) ABAQUS also refreshes all dialog boxes in which the current
step and frame are identified.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "
``Saving user field output,'' Section 24.5.3

24.2.2 Stepping through frames


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

You can use the ODB Frame control buttons available in the prompt area to step through results
frames. Available frames consist of those for which analysis results have been saved. For information
on selecting a specific results frame, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1.
To step through results frames:
1. Locate the ODB Frame buttons. These buttons appear on the left side of the prompt area when you
are in the undeformed, deformed, contour, or symbol plot mode.

2. Click one of the following frame buttons:

First frame of step to display results from the first frame of the current step. This button has
no effect if you are already displaying results from the first frame of the step.
Previous frame to display results from the previous frame. If you are currently displaying
results from the first frame of a step, ABAQUS/CAE will display results from the last frame of
the previous step. This button has no effect if you are already displaying results from the first
frame of the first step.
Next frame to display results from the next frame. If you are currently displaying results from
the last frame of a step, ABAQUS/CAE will display results from the first frame of the next
step. This button has no effect if you are already displaying results from the last frame of the
last step.
Last frame of step to display results from the last frame of the current step. This button has
no effect if you are already displaying results from the last frame of the step.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to show your model at the step and frame you have
selected. If active, the text in the state block changes to identify the selected step and frame.
ABAQUS refreshes the Frame Selector dialog box, highlighting the selected step and frame and
the Field Output dialog box, listing variables available for the frame you have selected. ABAQUS
also refreshes all dialog boxes in which the current step and frame are identified.
3. Continue clicking frame buttons to step through available frames.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "
``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3

24.3 Selecting the field output to display

This section explains how to select field output variables to display. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of field output variable selection, '' Section 24.3.1
``Selecting the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2
``Selecting the deformed field output variable,'' Section 24.3.3
``Selecting the location of shell and beam output variables, '' Section 24.3.4
To learn how to select output database history output to produce an X-Y plot, see ``Reading X-Y data
from output database history output,'' Section 30.2.1. To learn how to select output database field
output to produce an X-Y plot, see ``Reading X-Y data from output database field output, '' Section

24.3.1 Overview of field output variable selection

Contour plots, symbol plots, model probing, and X-Y plots of results along a model path all show the
values of a particular field output variable at a specified step and frame of your analysis. Similarly,
when you form a display group or specify color coding based on results, these results pertain to a
particular field output variable. The variable whose values are shown is called the primary field output
Deformed plots show the shape of your model based on the values of a nodal variable (such as
displacement) at a specified step and frame of your analysis. The variable whose values are shown is
called the deformed field output variable.
You can choose to display contour and symbol plots on either the undeformed or deformed model
shape. When you use the deformed model shape, the contours or symbols represent the values of the
primary field output variable, while the shape of the underlying model is determined by the values of
the deformed field output variable.
To select field output:
1. Locate the Field Output options.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output. The Field Output dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also access these options by clicking the Field Output button in any dialog box
in which it appears.
2. Select the primary and deformed field output variables that you want as described in the following


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

``Selecting the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2

``Selecting the deformed field output variable,'' Section 24.3.3
``Selecting the location of shell and beam output variables, '' Section 24.3.4
The model plot in the current viewport changes to show the variables you have selected. If active,
the text in the legend and state block changes to identify the variables associated with the plot. For
more information on the legend and state block, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1, and
``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3. In addition, ABAQUS refreshes all dialog boxes in
which the currently selected variables are identified.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "

24.3.2 Selecting the primary field output variable

You can select the variable to display for contour plots, symbol plots, and model probing and for
which to obtain results along a model path; this variable is called the primary field output variable.
ABAQUS/CAE also uses the primary field output variable to form display groups or to apply color
coding based on results.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE lists for your selection all variables available at the current step and frame
of your output database. Use the Primary Variable options in the Field Output dialog box to choose
the variable and, if applicable, the invariant or component that you want.
To select the primary field output variable:
1. Locate the options that control the primary field output variable.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output. Click the Primary Variable tab in the
dialog box that appears.
The Primary Variable options appear.
Tip: You can also access these options by clicking the Field Output button in any dialog box
in which it appears.
To see the complete descriptions of the variables listed, increase the width of the dialog box by
dragging one corner.
2. To control which variables appear in the Name and Description list:
a. Toggle List only variables with results to display a list that is limited by the storage
location of the variables. Limiting the list helps you select variables by presenting, for
example, only integration point quantities.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

When List only variables with results is on, filter options become available in the pull
down menu.
b. Click the List only variables with results arrow to reveal the filter options.
c. Click the text stating the location of the variables you want to include in the Name and
Description list.
The text appears in the List only variables with results box, and the Name and
Description list is refreshed to include only variables having that location.
3. From the Name and Description list, click the name of the analysis variable that you want.
The selected variable is highlighted. If applicable, the Component and Invariant lists on the
bottom of the dialog box are refreshed to display available components or invariants, respectively.
4. If items are listed in the Component or Invariant list, click the component or invariant that you
The selected component or invariant is highlighted.
5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to show values for the analysis variable you have
specified. If active, the text in the legend and state block changes to identify the variable
associated with the plot. For more information on the legend and state block, see ``Customizing
the legend,'' Section 38.1, and ``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3. In addition, ABAQUS
refreshes all dialog boxes in which the current primary variable is identified.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "

24.3.3 Selecting the deformed field output variable

You can display the deformed model by producing a deformed plot or by selecting the deformed model
as the underlying shape of a contour or symbol plot. The shape of your deformed model is based on the
values of a particular deformed field output variable; you can select this variable.
To select the deformed field output variable:
1. Locate the options that control the deformed field output variable.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output. Click the Deformed Variable tab in the
dialog box that appears.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

The Deformed Variable options become available.

Tip: You can also access these options by clicking the Field Output button in any dialog box
in which it appears.
ABAQUS/CAE lists by name and description all variables available at the current step and frame
of your output database that can be used for a deformed plot (nodal vector quantities). To see the
complete descriptions of the variables listed, increase the width of the dialog box by dragging one
2. From the Name and Description list, click the deformed field variable that you want.
The selected variable is highlighted.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The deformed model shape in the current viewport changes to reflect the values of the deformed
field output variable you have specified. If active, the text in the state block changes to identify the
variable associated with the plot. For more information on the state block, see ``Customizing the
state block,'' Section 38.3.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "

24.3.4 Selecting the location of shell and beam output variables

For models containing shell or beam elements, you can use the Section Points dialog box to control
the section points from which ABAQUS obtains integration point results and material orientations. For
example, you can request results from the section points at the top surfaces of certain shells in the
model or from the middle section points of certain beams in the model.
The Section Points dialog box is shown in Figure 24-1.

Figure 24-1 Section Points dialog box.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

The Current section point settings field at the top of the dialog box displays a list of element
categories. The elements within each category share common section properties, such as those listed
Section type (shell or beam).
Material name or composite specification.
Number of section points.
Cross-section geometry (beams only).
Element set associated with section.
The label for each category includes information about the section properties of the elements within
the category. For example, the first category label that appears in the Category list in Figure 24-1
indicates the following:
The elements in this category are associated with a shell section.
The section definition includes the material A1.
The number of section points through the section is 5.
The Location list in the Current section point settings field displays the location of the section
point from which output is currently displayed for each category. In many cases the location of a
section point is described in terms of its position relative to the midpoint of the cross- section. For
two-dimensional beams, this relative position is reported as a fraction of the distance between the


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

midpoint of the cross-section and the top or bottom surface of the section. For shells, this relative
position is reported as a fraction of the distance between the midpoint of the cross- section and the
SPOS or SNEG surface of the section. A list of all of the available section point locations for the
selected category appears in the Available Section Points in Cross Section field at the bottom of the
dialog box.
For example, in Figure 24-1 the selected category contains a shell section with five section points.
Therefore, the Available Section Points in Cross Section field contains a list of the five section
point locations. The section point in the middle of the section is Mid, fraction = 0.0; the
section point between the middle of the section and the SPOS surface is fraction = 0.5; the
section point between the middle of the section and the SNEG surface is fraction = -0.5; and so
For beams with three-dimensional sections, the relative position of a section point can be reported as a
fraction of the distance between the midpoint of the cross- section and
the top or bottom of the section (along the local 2-axis of the section) or
the left or right side of the section (along the local 1-axis of the section).
For example, Figure 24-2 shows the section point locations in a three-dimensional L- section beam.

Figure 24-2 Section point locations in an L-section beam.

In other cases, angles or section point numbers are used to indicate section point locations. For
example, Figure 24-3 shows the section point locations in a three-dimensional pipe section.

Figure 24-3 Section point locations in a pipe section.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

For more information about where section points are located in different section types, see the
``Beam elements,'' Section 15.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.3 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Shell elements,'' Section 15.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
To select the location of shell and beam analysis results:
1. Locate the Section Points dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Section Points.
The Section Points dialog box appears.
2. In the Category field of the dialog box, select the element category or categories for which you
want to change the output location.
The Available Section Points in Cross Section field in the bottom half of the dialog box
changes to list the locations of the section points from which output was saved for the category
you have selected. If you have selected more than one category, only those locations that are
common to all of the selected categories appear in the list.
3. In the Available Section Points in Cross Section field, select the section point location of your
The location listed for the selected categories in the Current section point settings field changes
to reflect your selection.
4. In the Section Points dialog box, click OK to apply your settings and to exit the dialog box.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to display values from the specified section points.
The plot legend, if active, changes to identify the specified section points. For information about
the plot legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
Results for subsequent tabular reports, model probing, and X-Y data objects along a path will be
obtained from the section points you have specified.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "

24.4 Selecting result options

ABAQUS/CAE offers several methods for you to display field output results stored on the output
database. Some of these methods require that field output data originally saved to the output database
at element centroid or integration point locations be calculated at nodal locations. Such calculations
apply to line- and banded-type contour plots, probing at nodal locations, forming a display group or
color coding based on result values, and extracting element-based X-Y data along a path. Select
Result->Field Output->Result Options to locate the options that control these calculations. This
section discusses the result computations and the options that affect these computations. The following
topics are covered:
``Understanding how results are computed,'' Section 24.4.1
``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2
``Displaying field output values or discontinuities, '' Section 24.4.3
``Controlling result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4
``Controlling computations at region boundaries, '' Section 24.4.5

24.4.1 Understanding how results are computed

The computations necessary to display results stored on the output database depend on whether the
results are for a node-based quantity, such as displacement or velocity, or for an element-based
quantity, such as stress or strain.
How node-based field output results are computed
Node-based field output variables are written to the output database at each node. For the
display of nodal field output variables, ABAQUS/CAE reads the required values from the
output database for each node included in the plot. These values are then used without further
computation to produce contours, nodal probe values, display groups or color coding based on
results, or to provide X-Y data along a path.
How element-based field output results are computed
Element-based field output variables are written to the output database at the integration
points, the element centroid, or the element nodes, depending on the variable. For the display
of element-based field output variables, ABAQUS/CAE reads values from the output database
for all elements connected to all nodes included in the plot; this may include elements that are
not included in the current display. Computations are then applied to these values to produce
contours, nodal probe results, display groups or color coding based on results, or to provide


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

X-Y data along a path.

For results saved to the output database at the integration points or at the element centroid, the
first computation applied is extrapolation. (Results saved at the element nodes do not require
extrapolation.) For contour plots only, you can choose quilt-type extrapolation, in which case
the remaining computations discussed below do not apply. To learn more about quilt-type
extrapolation, see ``Understanding how contour values are computed, '' Section 27.1.1. For all
other methods of results display, ABAQUS/CAE extrapolates results to the nodes using
weighting appropriate for the element type and shape. Nodes common to two or more elements
receive contributions from each element.
Extrapolation of element tensor quantities is performed on the individual tensor components in
the local material coordinate system. For invariants (von Mises, Tresca), extrapolation of field
data may result in values that exceed the yield stress of inelastic materials.
ABAQUS/CAE then operates on the extrapolated data to calculate the desired quantity using
standard invariant or component formulas. Components are calculated based on the current
local material coordinate system at the integration point from which the data originate.
Nodes common to two or more elements will receive extrapolated values from all contributing
elements. Depending on the characteristics of your model, these contributions may originate
from more than one result region. A result region is a portion of your model that has
homogeneous materials, homogeneous section properties, and compatible element types.
Compatible elements
share the same basic element type (continuum, shell, beam, etc.),
use interpolation functions of the same order (first-order elements versus second-order
elements), and
have the same integration scheme (reduced integration, full integration, etc.).
If all contributions at a node originate from a single result region, the values are combined as
necessary in further computations. If contributions are received from more than one result
region, you can choose to respect the region boundary and keep the contributions separate in
further computations or to ignore the region boundary and combine the values. For more
information, see ``Controlling computations at region boundaries, '' Section 24.4.5.
Finally, computations depend on whether you choose to display the field output values or
discontinuities; discontinuities are the differences in field output values between adjacent
Field Output: For the display of field output values, the calculated invariants or
components at nodes common to two or more elements are averaged conditionally,
depending on the compatibility of contributing result regions and on options you select.
For more information, see ``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2.
Discontinuities: For the display of discontinuities, the calculated invariants or


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

components at nodes common to two or more elements are compared to determine the
greatest difference, depending on the compatibility of contributing result regions and on
options you select. Nodes associated with only one element and nodes receiving
equivalent values from all contributing elements will show a value of zero in a plot of
For more information, see ``Displaying field output values or discontinuities, '' Section 24.4.3.

24.4.2 Understanding result value averaging

Result value averaging is applicable to the display of element-based field output variables, such as
stress or strain, using any of the following methods:
line- or banded-type contours,
probing at nodal locations,
forming a display group or color coding based on result values, or
extracting X-Y data along a path.
The display of node-based field output variables (such as displacement), quilt contour plots, and plots
of discontinuities do not involve value averaging.
Extrapolated output database values at nodes common to two or more elements are averaged
conditionally. You can control the extent to which ABAQUS/CAE averages these values by selecting
the averaging criteria and whether averaging takes place across result regions.
The lower the averaging threshold you apply, the more the displayed values depict the individual
element results. Conversely, a higher averaging threshold produces a smoother effect with fewer
noticeable discontinuities from element to element.
ABAQUS/CAE averages values at nodes common to two or more elements when the contributing
elements lie in the same result region. You can choose whether or not ABAQUS/CAE averages values
at nodes common to two or more result regions. You can suppress averaging across regions to
emphasize visually any discontinuities at region boundaries, or you can request averaging across
regions to produce a more continuous effect. For example, Figure 24-4 shows a contour plot without
averaging across regions on the left and with averaging across regions on the right.

Figure 24-4 Contour plots without averaging and with averaging across regions.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

If you choose to average across regions, the extent to which values are averaged is controlled by the
averaging criteria that you specify as follows:
relative nodal variation =

(maximum at node minimum at node)

(maximum over whole model minimum over whole model)

If the relative nodal variation for each node included in the plot is less than your averaging criteria,
values of contributing elements are averaged at that node. If the relative nodal variation exceeds your
criteria, the values are not averaged. When you decide to average across regions, the averaging criteria
are considered in relation to the variation of values across the whole model, not just across the nodes
included in the plot. Setting a high averaging criteria would allow you to smooth out all but the most
extreme discontinuities relative to results across your whole model.
If you choose not to average across regions, the extent to which values are averaged at nodes within
each region is controlled by the averaging criteria that you specify as follows:
relative nodal variation =

(maximum at node minimum at node)

(maximum within region minimum within region)

If the relative nodal variation for each node included in the plot is less than your averaging criteria,
values of contributing elements are averaged at that node. If the relative nodal variation exceeds your
criteria, the values are not averaged. When you suppress averaging across regions, the averaging
criteria are considered in relation to the variation of values within each region rather than across the
whole model.
Select Result->Field Output->Result Options to locate the options that affect averaging.
``Controlling result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4, and ``Controlling computations at region boundaries, ''
Section 24.4.5, provide details on using the averaging options.

24.4.3 Displaying field output values or discontinuities

For element-based field output variables, such as stress or strain, you can choose to display the field
output values themselves or the differences in field output values between adjacent elements. This
choice is applicable to line- and banded-type contours, probing at nodal locations, forming a display
group or color coding based on result values, or extracting X-Y data along a path.
The default is to display Field output values. If you choose to display Discontinuities, the Nodal


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

Averaging threshold is not applicable.

Figure 24-5 displays a contour plot of field output values on the left and a contour plot of
discontinuities on the right.

Figure 24-5 Contour plots showing field output values and discontinuities in values.

To display either field output or discontinuities:

1. Locate the Quantity to Plot options.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output; then click the Result Options tab in the
dialog box that appears. The Quantity to Plot options are at the top of the page.
2. Click Field output or Discontinuities to choose the quantity that you want to plot.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
ABAQUS displays results in the current viewport according to your specifications.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent display of

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding how results are computed,'' Section 24.4.1

24.4.4 Controlling result averaging

You can control the averaging of element-based field output results, such as stress or strain. Averaging
is applicable to line- and banded-type contours, probing at nodal locations, forming a display group or
color coding based on result values, or extracting X-Y data along a path.
Element values are first extrapolated to the nodes. Nodes common to two or more elements will
receive multiple contributions. To control the averaging of multiple contributions, you can:


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

Set the averaging threshold.

Enable or suppress averaging across regions.
The averaging threshold governs the extent of averaging. If the relative difference between
contributions at a node is greater than the percentage threshold you set, ABAQUS/CAE will not
average the contributing values and your results will appear discontinuous at that node. Use a higher
percentage to produce a smoother, more continuous effect.
For information on averaging across regions, see ``Controlling computations at region boundaries, ''
Section 24.4.5.
To control result averaging:
1. Locate the Nodal Averaging options.
From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output; then click the Result Options tab in the
dialog box that appears. The Nodal Averaging options appear.
2. To set the averaging threshold, drag the Threshold (%) slider to the value that you want.
A value of 0 suppresses all averaging.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
ABAQUS averages result values for the display in the current viewport according to your
specifications. The contour legend, if active, changes to state the averaging threshold you have
specified. For more information on the contour legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent display of

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2

24.4.5 Controlling computations at region boundaries

A result region is a portion of your model that has compatible materials, section properties, and
element types. You can control computations at nodes common to two or more result regions. Choose
to ignore region boundaries to computationally combine results for a smoother, more continuous
effect. Choose not to ignore region boundaries to visually emphasize model discontinuities. See Figure
24-4 for an example of contour plots with and without averaging across regions; averaging across
regions occurs when you choose to ignore region boundaries.
To control computations at region boundaries:


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

1. Locate the Region Boundaries options.

From the main menu bar, select Result->Field Output; then click the Result Options tab in the
dialog box that appears. The Region Boundaries options appear.
2. To govern computations at nodes common to two or more result regions, toggle Ignore region
boundaries when computing values .
To ignore region boundaries means to combine values from incompatible result regions when
computing nodal averages or when computing discontinuities.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
ABAQUS computes result values for the display in the current viewport according to your
specifications. For more information on the contour legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent display of

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding how results are computed,'' Section 24.4.1

24.5 Creating new field output

The field and history output available in the output database are limited to those variables you have
saved during the analysis. You can augment these analysis results by operating on output database field
output to create new results called user field output objects. Use the
tool in the toolbox to create
user field output objects, or select Tools->Field Output from the main menu bar to create, copy,
rename, or delete user field output objects.
This section covers the following topics:
``Building valid user field output expressions, '' Section 24.5.1
``Overview of operations on field output,'' Section 24.5.2
``Saving user field output,'' Section 24.5.3
``Operating on user field output,'' Section 24.5.4
For information on selecting and plotting previously saved field output, see ``Overview of field output
variable selection,'' Section 24.3.1. For more information on using managers, see ``Managing objects
using manager dialog boxes,'' Section 6.5.6.

24.5.1 Building valid user field output expressions


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

To define a new user field output object, you build an arithmetic expression in the text field of the
Operate on Field Output dialog box.
An expression is composed of one or more previously created field output names, one or more
operators, and, optionally, parentheses and scalars. User field output object names must be surrounded
by quotation marks. See ``Overview of operations on field output,'' Section 24.5.2, for information on
supported operators.
User field output objects can consist of different types of data that may not be compatible. The
Operate on Field Output dialog box lists the type of each user field output object as one of four
general types: scalar, vector, tensor, and quaternion. The tensor types are further subdivided into five
subtypes that describe the dimensionality of the tensor and the components available. The following
rules apply:
Only like data types and subtypes can appear in an expression.
Operations on quaternion data types are not supported.
The multiplication and division operations are not supported between two vector objects nor
between two tensor objects.
Operations on tensors are performed on the tensor component data that ABAQUS/CAE reads from
the output database. Subsequently, the display of the resulting user-defined field output object may
give unexpected values for extrapolated components or for computed invariants. For example, if
the components of a stress tensor are negative, applying the absolute value operation to the stress
tensor will produce positive values for the stress components, but the values of pressure--an
invariant computed after the absolute value operation has been applied--may be negative.
Similarly, applying the sine operation to a stress tensor will produce component values within the
range {-1, 1}, but the extrapolation used to compute contour values of such components may
produce values beyond this range.
Operations on tensors are performed in the local coordinate system, if it is available; otherwise, the
global system is used. ABAQUS/CAE assumes that the local coordinate systems are consistent for
operations involving more than one tensor.
If more than one field output object appears in an expression, the expression produces new results
only at those locations for which all referenced field output is available. Locations for which
necessary data are not available are evaluated as having no results.
The following examples demonstrate valid user field output expressions:
Example 1
To create a user field output object by finding the difference in the stress fields for two
increments, type:
("stress at inc 2") - ("stress at inc 1")

in the expression text field of the Operate on Field Output dialog box.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

"stress at inc 2" and "stress at inc 1" are field output objects representing
stress at two different increments of a particular step. The result of this equation is a user field
output object representing the difference in the stress fields for the two increments.

Example 2
To create a user field output object by combining load cases at several steps, type:
("dead_load" * 3) + ("wind" * 1.5) + ("snow" * 2)

in the expression text field of the Operate on Field Output dialog box.
"dead_load", "wind", and "snow" are the reaction forces (RF) at increment 1 of Steps
1, 2, and 3, respectively. The result of this equation is a user field output object representing
the linear combination of scaled load cases at three different results steps.

Example 3
To create a user field output object by expressing pressure in decibels as a function of pore
pressure, type:
20.0 * log10(``POR''/``Pref'')

in the expression text field of the Operate on Field Output dialog box.
"Pref" is the reference pressure. The result of this equation is a user field output object
representing pressure in decibels as a function of the analysis variable POR.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Operating on user field output,'' Section 24.5.4

24.5.2 Overview of operations on field output

You can derive new field output objects by operating on previously saved field output objects. This
section lists the operations that you can perform on field output objects and the arguments accepted by
each operation. Arguments to trigonometric functions are assumed to be in radians. The following keys
are used to classify function arguments:
Text keys for operations on field output objects:
The argument can be a field output object, a floating point number, or an
The argument must be a floating point number.
The argument must be a field output object.
Operations on field output objects:
Perform addition.
Perform subtraction or unary negation.
Perform multiplication.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot


Perform division.
Take the absolute value.
Take the arccosine.
Take the arcsine.
Take the arctangent.
Take the cosine.
Convert degrees to radians.
Take the natural exponential.
Take the base 10 exponential.
Take the natural logarithm.
Take the base 10 logarithm.
Raise a field output object to a power.
Convert radians to degrees.
Take the sine.
Take the square root.
Take the tangent.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Building valid user field output expressions, '' Section 24.5.1
``Saving user field output,'' Section 24.5.3
``Operating on user field output,'' Section 24.5.4

24.5.3 Saving user field output

User field output objects are new results that you compute from those available on the output database.
For example, you might create user field output to show the differences in the stress fields between two
increments or to show the combined response to several load cases. For details on these examples, see
``Building valid user field output expressions, '' Section 24.5.1.
You create user field output objects by first saving and then operating on analysis results found in the
output database. You can display user field output objects in the form of a deformed, contour, or
symbol plot; by probing any model or X-Y plot; as X-Y data obtained along a path through your model;
or in a tabular report. User field output objects are saved until you end the session or close the output
database from which the field output originates.
To save a user field output object:
1. Locate the options for creating field output.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Field Output->Create.
The Create Field Output dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also specify field output by clicking Create in the Field Output Manager or by


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

using the

tool in the toolbox.

2. Indicate the source of your data.

a. Choose one of the following:
Click ODB field output to select and save analysis results as user field output. You
must choose this option to make field output available for operations.
Click User-defined field output to create new field output by operating on user field
output that you have previously created.
b. Click Continue.
ABAQUS displays either the Field Output or Operate on Field Output dialog box, according to
your selection.
3. To specify your data, configure:
The Field Output dialog box
The Output Variable list on the Primary Variable page displays variables available for
the current step and frame. Click to select the variable that you want to save. You cannot
select individual components and invariants; however, if these are available,
ABAQUS/CAE automatically saves them. For more information on using this dialog box,
see ``Selecting the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2.
The Operate on Field Output dialog box
Click to select user field output objects and operators, and type in scalars to form an
arithmetic expression in the text field. For more information on using this dialog box, see
``Operating on user field output,'' Section 24.5.4.
4. Click Save As to save (create) the user field output object.
The Save Field Output As dialog box appears.
5. The default name for the field output object appears in the Name text field. To provide a more
meaningful name, replace this default with the name of your choice (including blank spaces if you
6. Click OK to implement your changes and to dismiss the dialog box.
ABAQUS creates a new field output object, and this field output name appears in the Field
Output Manager list, the Field Output variable list for the user-defined step, and the Operate on
Field Output name list. Current results plots, if any, are not affected.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1
``Creating new field output,'' Section 24.5

24.5.4 Operating on user field output

Use the Operate on Field Output dialog box to define a new user field output object by operating on
previously created user field output objects. To learn how to create user field output objects, see
``Saving user field output,'' Section 24.5.3; for information on supported operations, see ``Operating on
user field output,'' Section 24.5.4.
To operate on previously created user field output objects:
1. Locate the Operate on Field Output dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Field Output->Create. Click User-defined field output
in the dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on Field Output dialog box
2. Build your expression in the text field:
a. Click on user field output object names and built-in operators in the dialog box to select
them. Use drag-select for multiple contiguous field output object name selection.
b. Use standard mouse and keyboard editing techniques to position the cursor and configure
your expression.
c. Adjust the syntax of your expression if necessary: field output object names must be
surrounded by quotation marks, and parentheses may be needed.
For more information, see ``Building valid user field output expressions, '' Section 24.5.1.
3. Click Save As to save (create) the user field output object.
The Save Field Output As dialog box appears.
4. The default name for the field output object appears in the Name text field. To provide a more
meaningful name, replace this default with the name of your choice (including blank spaces if you
5. Click OK to implement your changes and to dismiss the dialog box.
ABAQUS creates a new field output object, and this field output name appears in the Field
Output Manager list, the Field Output variable list for the user-defined step, and the Operate on
Field Output name list.


Selecting model data and analysis results to plot

6. To clear (erase) the expression, click Clear Expression.

7. When you are done, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Building valid user field output expressions, '' Section 24.5.1


Plotting the undeformed shape

25. Plotting the undeformed shape

An undeformed plot displays the shape of your model without any deformation. This chapter explains
undeformed plotting. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding undeformed shape plotting,'' Section 25.1
``Overview of undeformed plot options,'' Section 25.2
``Producing an undeformed shape plot,'' Section 25.3

25.1 Understanding undeformed shape plotting

ABAQUS/CAE obtains the information needed to produce an undeformed plot from the output
database. Immediately upon opening an output database, ABAQUS/CAE displays your model in the
Fast plot mode. This plot mode is a quickly drawn display of your model, intended to help you verify
that you have opened the intended output database. You can produce an undeformed plot by selecting
Plot->Undeformed Shape from the main menu bar. In this mode you can apply undeformed plot
options (and plot mode-independent options) to customize your plot. Customization options are
available under the Options menu in the main menu bar.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays your undeformed model at the last step available in the output
database. If this last step is a frequency extraction analysis, ABAQUS/CAE displays the undeformed
model at the first frame of the last step. For all other analysis types ABAQUS/CAE displays the
undeformed model at the last frame of the last step. If the base state of your model varies between
steps, perhaps because of the addition or removal of contact surfaces or the application of loads or
boundary conditions, you may want to view your undeformed model at steps other than the default.
You can choose the step at which to view your undeformed model by selecting Result->Frame from
the main menu bar. For more information, see ``Selecting the results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.
You can also use ABAQUS/CAE to combine your undeformed and deformed model shapes into a
single plot. For more information, see ``Superimposing deformed and undeformed model plots,''
Section 26.4. Combining the shapes provides a context for evaluating the deformations.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Producing an undeformed shape plot,'' Section 25.3

25.2 Overview of undeformed plot options

You can use the undeformed plot options to customize the appearance of undeformed plots. Select
Options->Undeformed from the main menu bar to access the Undeformed Plot Options dialog box.
Click the following tabs to customize the appearance of undeformed plots in the current viewport:
Basic: Choose render style and edge visibility.
Color & Style: Control model edge color and style and model face color.


Plotting the undeformed shape

Labels: Control element, face, and node labels and node symbols.
Normals: Control element and surface normals.
Other: The Other page contains the following tabs:
- Scaling: Control model scaling and shrinking.
- Translucency: Control shaded render style translucency.
To learn how to customize the render style and other display characteristics of your undeformed plot,
see Chapter 37, "Customizing model display."

25.3 Producing an undeformed shape plot

An undeformed plot displays the shape of your model without any deformation. Model and analysis
characteristics such as surface definitions can cause the appearance of your undeformed model to vary
from step to step; you can select the step and frame at which to display your undeformed plot. For
more information, see ``Selecting the results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.
To produce an undeformed shape plot:
1. Use the File menu to open the output database containing your model data. For the purpose of
undeformed plotting, analysis results need not be available; an output database resulting from a
datacheck run is sufficient.
2. Use the Result menu to select the results step to display.
3. Select the plot mode-independent and undeformed shape customization options that you want.
4. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Undeformed Shape .
Tip: You can also produce an undeformed plot using the

tool in the toolbox.

The current viewport displays a customized undeformed plot at the specified step and frame of the
current output database. ABAQUS/CAE is now in the undeformed plot mode.
In this mode ABAQUS automatically refreshes your undeformed plot each time you click Apply in
the results, plot mode-independent, or undeformed plot option dialog boxes. The current viewport
will remain in the undeformed plot mode until you produce a plot in some other (e.g., contour,
deformed) mode.


Plotting the deformed shape

26. Plotting the deformed shape

A deformed plot shows the shape of your model according to the values of a nodal variable such as
displacement. A deformed plot is particularly useful for viewing the displaced shape of your model.
This chapter explains deformed shape plotting. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding deformed shape plotting,'' Section 26.1
``Overview of deformed plot options,'' Section 26.2
``Producing a deformed shape plot,'' Section 26.3
``Superimposing deformed and undeformed model plots,'' Section 26.4

26.1 Understanding deformed shape plotting

A deformed plot shows the shape of your model according to the values of a nodal variable such as
displacement. You can choose the nodal variable (called the deformed field output variable) for which
ABAQUS/CAE displays results, and you can choose the step and frame of these results.
If you do not choose a deformed field output variable, ABAQUS/CAE attempts to select a default.
Most procedures in ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit write displacement to the output
database by default; in these cases ABAQUS/CAE selects displacement as the nodal vector quantity to
use for the default deformed variable. Some procedures--for example, *HEAT TRANSFER--do not
write displacement to the output database by default; therefore, ABAQUS/CAE does not select a
default deformed variable. ABAQUS/CAE cannot display a deformed plot if the output database does
not contain any variables that can be used to compute a deformed shape.
After obtaining the information needed to produce a deformed plot from the output database,
ABAQUS/CAE computes the shape of your deformed model by adjusting the coordinates of each node
according to:
The deformed field output variable (see ``Selecting the deformed field output variable,'' Section
The analysis step and frame (see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1).
Uniform or nonuniform deformation scale factors (see ``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2).
You can also use ABAQUS/CAE to combine your undeformed and deformed model shapes into a
single plot. Combining the shapes provides a context for evaluating the deformations.

26.2 Overview of deformed plot options

You can use the deformed plot options to customize the appearance of deformed plots. Select
Options->Deformed from the main menu bar to access the Deformed Plot Options dialog box. Click
the following tabs to customize the appearance of deformed plots in the current viewport:
Basic: Choose render style, edge visibility, and whether to superimpose the undeformed plot.

Plotting the deformed shape

Color & Style: Control model edge color and style and model face color.
Labels: Control element, face, and node labels and node symbols.
Normals: Control element and surface normals.
Other: The Other page contains the following tabs:
- Scaling: Control model scaling and shrinking.
- Translucency: Control shaded render style translucency.
- Offset: Control the offset of the undeformed and the deformed shape.
To learn how to customize the render style and other display characteristics of your deformed plot, see
Chapter 37, "Customizing model display."

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Superimposing deformed and undeformed model plots,'' Section 26.4.

26.3 Producing a deformed shape plot

A deformed plot displays the shape of your model at a specified step and frame of the analysis results,
according to the values of the deformed field variable. For more information on selecting a step and
frame, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1. For more information on
selecting a deformed field variable, see ``Selecting the deformed field output variable,'' Section 24.3.3.
To learn how to display the minimum and maximum values associated with your deformed plot, see
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To produce a deformed shape plot:
1. Use the File menu to open the output database containing your analysis results.
2. Use the Result menu to select the following:
a. The step and frame at which ABAQUS obtains values.
b. The deformed field variable for which ABAQUS obtains values. The variables that have
been saved during the analysis are available.
3. Select the plot mode-independent and deformed plot customization options that you want.
4. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Deformed Shape.


Plotting the deformed shape

Tip: You can also produce a deformed plot using the

tool in the toolbox.

The current viewport displays a customized deformed plot of the specified deformation field
variable at the specified step and frame of the output database. The state block, if active, changes
to show the name of the variable displayed. ABAQUS/CAE is now in the deformed plot mode.
In this mode ABAQUS automatically refreshes your deformed plot each time you click Apply in
the results, plot mode-independent, or deformed plot options dialog boxes. The current viewport
will remain in the deformed plot mode until you produce a plot in some other (e.g., undeformed,
contour) mode.

26.4 Superimposing deformed and undeformed model plots

You can combine the deformed and undeformed model shapes in a single plot. Combining the shapes
provides a context for displaying and interpreting the deformations. An example of superimposed
model shapes is shown in Figure 26-1.

Figure 26-1 Deformed shape superimposed on the undeformed shape.

To superimpose the deformed and undeformed shapes:

1. Produce a deformed plot.
From the main menu bar, select Plot->Deformed Shape.
2. Locate the Superimpose undeformed plot option.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Deformed. Click the Basic tab in the dialog box that
The Superimpose undeformed plot option is in the upper left corner of the Basic page.


Plotting the deformed shape

3. Toggle Show Undeformed Shape to request or suppress the display of the undeformed shape in
addition to the deformed shape.
Note: When Show Undeformed Shape is on, the position of the deformed shape relative to the undeformed shape is
controlled by the deformed plot Offset options.

4. Customize the offset of the deformed shape from the undeformed shape.
a. Locate the deformed shape Offset options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Deformed. Click the Other tab from the dialog
box that appears. Then, click the Offset tab.
The Offset options appear.
b. Click to select one of the following options:
No offset to suppress any shifting of the deformed shape's position.
Uniform to shift the position of the deformed shape equally in each of the X-, Y-, and
When Uniform is on, a single offset value becomes available. In the Value field, enter
a single offset value to add uniformly to nodal X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates.
Nonuniform to shift the position of the deformed shape unequally in the X-, Y-, and
When Nonuniform is on, individual X-, Y-, and Z-direction offset values become
available. Click on each of the X, Y, and Z value boxes to enter offset values to add to
the nodal X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates, respectively.
5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The deformed shape appears at the specified offset from the undeformed shape in the current
viewport. To customize the deformed shape, use the Deformed Plot Options dialog box; to
customize the undeformed shape, use the Undeformed Plot Options dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Producing a deformed shape plot,'' Section 26.3


Contouring analysis results

27. Contouring analysis results

A contour plot displays the values of an analysis variable at a specified step and frame. ABAQUS/CAE
represents the values as customized colored lines, colored bands, colored faces, or tick marks on your
model. This chapter explains contour plotting. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1
``Overview of contour plot options,'' Section 27.2
``Producing a contour plot,'' Section 27.3
``Customizing a contour plot,'' Section 27.4

27.1 Understanding contour plotting

A contour plot displays results that are stored in the output database. Each contour plot displays the
values of a particular field output variable at a specified step and frame of the analysis. These values
are shown as colored lines, colored bands, or quilt-type colored faces on the surface of your model,
depending on the customization options you select. Line, banded, and quilt-type contours are shown in
Figure 27-1.

Figure 27-1 From left to right: contours shown as colored lines, colored bands, and colored faces.

As with other elements, contour lines for line-shaped elements (beams, one-dimensional elements,
gasket link elements, and three-dimensional line gasket elements, as well as two-dimensional contact
surfaces) are plotted along the elements by default. Tick mark contour plotting provides an alternative
means of visualizing contours on beams and other line-shaped elements. The contour is displayed as a
curve plotted between two sets of lines normal to the elements, as shown in Figure 27-2. The contour
level is indicated by "tick marks" on these normal lines.

Figure 27-2 Tick mark contour plot.


Contouring analysis results

The key to interpreting a contour plot is the plot legend. The legend indicates the correspondence
between contour values and contour colors.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE evenly divides the difference between the minimum and maximum values
in the legend into 12 intervals. You can change the number of intervals if necessary. A color is
associated with each interval. For a line-type contour plot each colored contour line corresponds to a
set of locations in the model for which the field output variable has the value shown in the legend. For
a banded contour plot each colored contour band corresponds to a range of values within the bounds
indicated by the legend. For a quilt contour plot each colored element face corresponds to a single
value within the bounds indicated by the legend for that color. For a tick mark contour plot each
colored tick mark corresponds to a single value indicated by the legend.
This section discusses the computation of contour values and of contour limits. The following topics
are covered:
``Understanding how contour values are computed, '' Section 27.1.1
``Understanding contour limits,'' Section 27.1.2
To learn how to produce a contour plot, see ``Producing a contour plot,'' Section 27.3.

27.1.1 Understanding how contour values are computed

The computations necessary to produce a contour plot from results stored on the output database
depend on whether the contour plot displays values for a node-based quantity, such as displacement or
velocity, or for an element-based quantity, such as stress or strain.
How node-based field output variable contour values are computed
For contour plots of node-based field output variables, contour values are obtained directly
from the quantities on the output database. These values are then used without further
computation to produce colored lines or colored bands on the surface of your model.
How element-based field output variable contour values are computed
For contour plots of element-based field output variables, ABAQUS/CAE applies
computations to the output database results to form the contour values. The computations vary
according to the following criteria:
the quantity you choose to plot (field output or discontinuities),
the averaging options you select,

Contouring analysis results

the compatibility of elements included in the plot, and

the type of contour plot you request (line, banded, or quilt).
Select Result->Field Output from the main menu bar to choose the field output variable,
quantity to plot, and averaging options and to control the handling of incompatible elements
during the computation of element-based contour values. To learn more about these topics, see
``Selecting the field output to display,'' Section 24.3, and ``Selecting result options,'' Section
Select Options->Contour->Basic from the main menu bar to choose the type of contour plot
that you want. ``Choosing line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours, '' Section 27.4.1 contains
detailed instructions on choosing the contour type.
The type of contour plot that you request governs the extrapolation applied to the results read
from the output database. For line- and banded-type contours of element-based variable
values, ABAQUS/CAE extrapolates results to the nodes and then conditionally averages these
results. For quilt-type contours of element-based variable values, ABAQUS/CAE extrapolates
results to the element faces on the surface of your model and then takes a weighted sum to
produce a single value per face. Since quilt contour values are computed for each element face
individually with no averaging across element boundaries, a quilt contour plot is an effective
means of displaying results on an element-by-element basis. You can choose quilt-type
contours only for element-based field output variables.
For a given element-based variable, a line- or banded-type contour plot with averaging
suppressed is not the same as a quilt-type contour plot. Quilt contour computation is based on
integration point values that are extrapolated to the element faces, whereas line and banded
contour computations are based on integration point values that are extrapolated to the nodes.

27.1.2 Understanding contour limits

The minimum and maximum values shown in a contour plot can be computed by ABAQUS/CAE, or
you can specify them. You may want to specify one or both limits; for example, to eliminate extremes
or to examine variations within a fixed set of bounds.
Contours are shown on visible surfaces of your model only; however, contour values are computed
based on all elements included in the plot. The reported minimum and maximum values may,
therefore, occur at interior elements. You can display contours on the interior of your model by using
display groups to show only the interior elements in the plot or by shrinking all elements about their
centroids so that interior elements are visible between the bodies of exterior elements.
ABAQUS/CAE computes the minimum and maximum values differently, according to the type of field
output variable shown (nodal or element), the type of contour plot (quilt versus line or banded), and
options you select. For contour plots of nodal field output variables, the limits are the maximum and
minimum nodal values. For quilt-type contour plots, the limits are the maximum and minimum
element face values. For line or banded-type contour plots of element field output variables, you can


Contouring analysis results

choose to have ABAQUS/CAE compute the contour limits using

the minimum and maximum over individual element extrapolated values or
the minimum and maximum over values averaged at the nodes.
If you request that ABAQUS/CAE compute the minimum and maximum over individual element
extrapolated values, the bounds for your plot will remain fixed even if you vary the averaging criteria.
This method yields bounds that most closely match the individual element results.
If you request that ABAQUS/CAE compute the minimum and maximum over values averaged at the
nodes, the limits are based on the values used to create the plot. In this case the legend bounds may
vary as you vary the averaging criteria. To learn how to control the averaging criteria, see ``Controlling
result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4.
For detailed information on controlling contour limits, see ``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6. To
learn how to display the minimum and maximum values associated with your contour plot, see
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.

27.2 Overview of contour plot options

You can use the contour plot options to customize the appearance of contour plots. Select
Options->Contour from the main menu bar to access the Contour Plot Options dialog box. Click the
following tabs to customize the appearance of contour plots in the current viewport:
Basic: Choose the contour type (including whether to show tick marks for line elements),
intervals, render style, and edge visibility.
Color & Style: The Color & Style page contains the following tabs:
- Model Edges: Control the color, style, and thickness of model edges.
- Spectrum: Choose contour colors.
- Line: For line-type contours control the style and thickness of each line.
- Banded: For banded-type contours control the color, style, and thickness of contour edges.
Labels: Control element, face, and node labels and node symbols.
Shape: Choose to display contours on the undeformed or the deformed shape.
Limits: Control the computation of contour limits.
Other: The Other page contains the following tabs:
- Scaling: Control model scaling and shrinking.
- Translucency: Control shaded render style translucency.
- Tick Marks: Control tick mark plot display options.


Contouring analysis results

To learn how to customize the render style and underlying model of your contour plot, see Chapter 37,
"Customizing model display." For information on the computation of result values, see
``Understanding how results are computed,'' Section 24.4.1.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Customizing a contour plot,'' Section 27.4

27.3 Producing a contour plot

A contour plot displays the values of an analysis variable at a specified step and frame. ABAQUS/CAE
represents the values as customized colored lines, colored bands, or colored faces on your model or as
colored tick marks on lines drawn normal to your model. For more information on selecting an analysis
variable, see ``Selecting the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2. For more information on
selecting a specific step and frame, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1. To
learn how to display the minimum and maximum values associated with your contour plot, see
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To produce a contour plot:
1. Use the File menu to open the output database containing your analysis results.
2. Use the Result menu to select the following:
a. The step and frame to display.
b. The primary field output variable to display.
c. The deformed field output variable to display (for contours on the deformed shape only).
d. The quantity to plot and averaging options.
3. Select the plot mode-independent and contour plot customization options that you want.
4. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Contours.
Tip: You can also produce a contour plot using the

tool in the toolbox.

The current viewport displays a customized contour plot of the specified field output variable at
the specified step and frame of the current output database. ABAQUS/CAE is now in the contour
plot mode.
In this mode ABAQUS automatically refreshes your contour plot each time you click Apply in the
step and frame selector, field output options, plot mode-independent options, or contour plot


Contouring analysis results

options dialog boxes. The current viewport will remain in the contour plot mode until you produce
a plot in some other (e.g., undeformed or deformed) mode.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Overview of contour plot options,'' Section 27.2
Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis results to plot "

27.4 Customizing a contour plot

This section describes how to customize a contour plot. ABAQUS/CAE offers numerous options for
you to control the contour type, limits, intervals, and colors. The following topics are covered:
``Choosing line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours, '' Section 27.4.1
``Stylizing line-type contours,'' Section 27.4.2
``Customizing banded-type contours,'' Section 27.4.3
``Contouring line-shaped elements with tick mark contour plots, '' Section 27.4.4
``Customizing tick mark contour plots,'' Section 27.4.5
``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6
``Controlling how ABAQUS/CAE computes contour limits,'' Section 27.4.7
``Customizing contour colors,'' Section 27.4.8
``Customizing contour intervals,'' Section 27.4.9
To learn how to customize the render style, translucency, or model edge characteristics of your contour
plot, see Chapter 37, "Customizing model display." For information on the computation of result
values, see ``Understanding how results are computed,'' Section 24.4.1.

27.4.1 Choosing line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours

You can choose Line- or Banded-type contours to display the values of nodal (such as displacement)
or element (such as stress) field output variables. Line-type contours represent values as customized
colored lines on the surface of your model. Banded contours represent values as color-filled bands.
Line and banded contours of element-based variable values are computed by extrapolating results to
the nodes and conditionally averaging. Averaging depends on the characteristics of your model and on
options you select.
You can choose Quilt-type contours only for element field output variables. Variable values are
extrapolated to element faces on the surface of your model, with no averaging between elements. Quilt
contours are useful for evaluating results on an element-by-element basis.


Contouring analysis results

Banded-type contours are the default. You must choose line- or banded-type contours to produce a plot
Nodal-based field output values.
Element-based field output values averaged across elements.
Element-based results discontinuities rather than field output values.
Figure 27-3 shows the appearance of line-, banded-, and quilt-type contour plots.

Figure 27-3 From left to right: line-, banded-, and quilt-type contours.

To choose line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours:

1. Locate the Contour Type options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour; then click the Basic tab in the dialog box that
appears. The Contour Type options are in the upper left corner of the page.
2. Click Line, Banded, or Quilt to choose the contour type you want.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The contour plot in the current viewport changes to display the contour type you have specified.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding how contour values are computed, '' Section 27.1.1
``Stylizing line-type contours,'' Section 27.4.2
``Customizing banded-type contours,'' Section 27.4.3

27.4.2 Stylizing line-type contours


Contouring analysis results

ABAQUS/CAE displays line-type contours as customized colored lines on the surface of your model.
You can stylize individual contour lines to make them easy to distinguish. This option is particularly
useful when colors are not available; for example, for black and white hardcopy plotting. Figure 27-4
shows a contour plot with customized contour lines.

Figure 27-4 Line-type contour plot with customized contour lines.

You customize the colored lines one color (interval) at a time, referring to each interval by its position
in the contour legend. Interval number 1 is the first colored line starting from the bottom of the contour
plot legend. For information on the contour legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To stylize line-type contours:
1. Locate the Line options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour. Click the Color & Style tab in the dialog box
that appears; then click the Line tab. The Line options appear.
2. To choose the interval you want to customize, click the Interval arrows until the desired interval
number appears in the Interval box.
Note: The Style and Thickness buttons change to show the current style and thickness of this interval, respectively. The
numbers above and below the Interval box change to correspond to the adjacent interval numbers. The area above and below
the Style and Thickness buttons changes to show the style and thickness, respectively, of these adjacent intervals.

3. Choose the style of the interval line:

a. Click the Style button to reveal the style choices.
b. Click the style you want.
The specified style appears on the Style button.
4. Choose the thickness of the interval line:


Contouring analysis results

a. Click the Thickness button to reveal the thickness choices.

b. Click the thickness you want.
The specified thickness appears on the Thickness button.
5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to customize additional intervals.
6. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The contour lines of the line-type contour plot in the current viewport change to reflect your style
and thickness specifications. The contour legend, if active, will also change to show your
selections. For more information on the contour legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1
``Customizing a contour plot,'' Section 27.4
``Customizing contour intervals,'' Section 27.4.9

27.4.3 Customizing banded-type contours

ABAQUS/CAE displays banded-type contours as colored bands on the surface of your model. You can
display or suppress lines at the edges of each contour band; these lines are called contour edges.
Contour edges visually separate the colors used to represent contour values. You can further customize
the color, style, and thickness of contour edges. For example, in Figure 27-5 the contour plot on the
left has contour edges suppressed, while the plot on the right has contour edges displayed.
Note: Contour edges are not applicable to continuous interval contour plots.

Figure 27-5 Banded-type contour plots with contour edges suppressed and displayed.


Contouring analysis results

To customize banded-type contour plots:

1. Locate the Banded options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour. Click the Color & Style tab in the dialog box
that appears; then click the Banded tab. The Banded options appear.
2. Toggle Show contour edges to display or suppress contour edges.
When Show contour edges is on, the contour edge options become available.
3. Choose the color of the contour edges:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the contour edge color options.
b. From the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
4. Choose the style of the contour edges:
a. Click the Style button to reveal the contour edge style options.
b. Click the edge style you want.
The specified edge style appears on the Style button.
5. Choose the thickness of the contour edges:
a. Click the Thickness button to reveal the contour edge thickness options.
b. Click the edge thickness you want.
The specified edge thickness appears on the Thickness button.
6. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The contour edges of the banded contour plot in the current viewport change to reflect your

Contouring analysis results

Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Choosing line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours, '' Section 27.4.1
``Customizing contour intervals,'' Section 27.4.9
``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1

27.4.4 Contouring line-shaped elements with tick mark contour

Contour lines drawn on line-shaped elements are difficult to visualize clearly. To see the contours of
line-shaped elements (beams, one-dimensional elements, gasket link elements, three-dimensional line
gasket elements, and two-dimensional contact surfaces) better, you can choose to display the contour
lines using tick mark contour plots. A tick mark contour plot shows the contour curve drawn between
sets of lines that are normal to the actual elements. The contour level is indicated by "tick marks" on
these normal lines. Figure 27-6 shows the appearance of a tick mark contour plot.

Figure 27-6 Tick mark contour plot.

The normal lines, or tick mark axes, are drawn at nodes. At part boundaries, two tick mark axes are
drawn. Within a part, if the angle between two adjacent line elements is less than the specified feature
angle, a single tick mark axis is drawn in the direction of the average normal of elements sharing the
node. Otherwise, a tick mark axis is drawn normal to each element sharing the node. When averaging
normals, only displayed elements of the same type are considered in the calculation.


Contouring analysis results

To display tick mark contour plots:

1. Locate the Contour Type options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour; then click the Basic tab in the dialog box that
appears. The Contour Type options are in the upper left corner of the page.
2. Toggle Show tick marks for line elements .
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The contour plot in the current viewport changes to display tick mark plots for the line elements in
the model.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1
``Customizing tick mark contour plots,'' Section 27.4.5

27.4.5 Customizing tick mark contour plots

When you choose to show tick marks for line-shaped elements in your model, ABAQUS/CAE
indicates the contour levels as tick marks on lines (axes) drawn normal to the elements and displays
the contour curve between the axes. You can specify the length of the tick mark axes, the color of the
contour curve, the contour value (tick mark) that will intersect the element, and the normal direction in
which the axes will be drawn on beam elements.
To customize tick mark contour plots:
1. Locate the Tick Marks options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour. Click the Other tab in the dialog box that
appears; then click the Tick Marks tab. The Tick Marks options appear.
2. To choose the normal direction in which the tick mark axes will be drawn on beam elements,
toggle the N1 or N2 button in the Orientation field.
Note: This option will be ignored when tick mark contour plots are displayed on line
elements other than beams. In this case, the tick mark axes are drawn in the element normal
3. Choose the length of the tick mark axes:


Contouring analysis results

a. Click the Axis length button to reveal the length choices: Short, Medium, or Long.
b. Click the length you want.
The specified length appears on the Axis length button.
4. Choose the contour value that will intersect the element:
a. Enter the desired base contour value in the Base Value field.
The value specified will be checked to determine whether it falls within the contour range.
If it is above the maximum contour value, the maximum contour value will be used as the
base value; if it is below the minimum contour value, the minimum contour value will be
used as the base value. By default, zero is used as the base value.
5. Choose the color of the tick mark curve:
a. Click the Curve color arrow to reveal the color options.
b. Click the color you want.
The specified color appears in the Curve color box.
6. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The contour lines of the tick mark contour plot in the current viewport change to reflect your
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1
``Customizing a contour plot,'' Section 27.4

27.4.6 Setting contour limits

By default, ABAQUS/CAE automatically computes the limits of the values shown in your contour
plot. You can control the minimum and maximum values ABAQUS/CAE displays; for example, to
eliminate extremes or to examine variations within a fixed set of bounds.
Contour limits, once set, remain in effect for the duration of the session. To learn how to display the
minimum and maximum values associated with your contour plot, see ``Customizing the legend,''
Section 38.1.
To set the contour limits:


Contouring analysis results

1. Locate the Contour Limits options.

From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour; then click the Limits tab in the dialog box
that appears. The contour Limits options become available.
2. In the area labeled Max, choose one of the following options:
Select Auto-compute to request that ABAQUS compute the maximum contour value.
Select Specify to specify the maximum value yourself; then enter the maximum value of your
choice in the Specify text field.
3. In the area labeled Min, choose one of the following options:
Select Auto-compute to request that ABAQUS compute the minimum contour value.
Select Specify to specify the minimum value yourself; then enter the minimum value of your
choice in the Specify text field.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
In the contour plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS displays contour values within the limits you
have specified. The contour legend, if active, changes to show the limits you have specified. If you
have specified a maximum value that is less than the actual maximum or if you have specified a
minimum value that is greater than the actual minimum, ABAQUS displays the actual maximum
or minimum value (respectively) in the legend. For more information on the contour legend, see
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1. To learn how to control the color of values that exceed
your limits, see ``Customizing contour colors,'' Section 27.4.8.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour limits,'' Section 27.1.2
``Controlling how ABAQUS/CAE computes contour limits,'' Section 27.4.7

27.4.7 Controlling how ABAQUS/CAE computes contour limits

By default, ABAQUS/CAE automatically computes the minimum and maximum values shown in your
contour plot. Automatic computation does not apply if you have set limits for both the minimum and
maximum contour values.
For contour plots of nodal field output variables, the limits are the minimum and maximum nodal
values. For quilt-type contour plots, the limits are the minimum and maximum element face values.


Contouring analysis results

For line- or banded-type contours of element field output variables, you can control how
ABAQUS/CAE computes the contour limits. You can choose to compute the limits based on the
individual element extrapolated values or based on the values averaged at the nodes. Use extrapolated
values to accurately reflect extreme values that may otherwise be averaged out and to fix the range
regardless of changes in the results averaging threshold. The default is to compute the limits using
values averaged at the nodes. To learn how to control the results averaging threshold, see ``Controlling
result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4.
To control how ABAQUS computes contour limits:
1. Locate the When auto-computing contour limits options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour; then click the Limits tab in the dialog box
that appears. The When auto-computing contour limits are in the lower half of the page.
2. Choose one of the following computation methods:
Click Use only extrapolated values to use only extrapolated (not averaged) values to
compute the contour limits.
Click Use extrapolated, averaged values to use extrapolated averaged values to compute
the contour limits. In this case the limits may be affected by the results averaging threshold.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
For the contour plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS computes the contour limits according to
the method you chose. The contour legend, if active, changes to show the limits ABAQUS
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour limits,'' Section 27.1.2
``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6
``Choosing line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours, '' Section 27.4.1

27.4.8 Customizing contour colors

By default, ABAQUS/CAE represents contour values using a ``rainbow'' color spectrum from red (for
the maximum value) to blue (for the minimum value). You can select alternative color spectrums.
In addition, if you have limited the range of the plot by specifying a maximum contour value that is
less than the actual maximum or a minimum contour value that is greater than the actual minimum,


Contouring analysis results

you can choose the colors ABAQUS uses to represent values that exceed the limits you have specified.
By default, ABAQUS displays such values in shades of gray. For more information on limiting the
range of the plot, see ``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6.
To customize contour colors:
1. Locate the Spectrum options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour. Click the Color & Style tab in the dialog box
that appears; then click the Spectrum tab. The Spectrum options appear.
2. To choose the color of values within the limits of the plot, click the button under the spectrum type
you want.
3. To control the color of values that exceed the limits of the plot, do one of the following:
Click Specify; then use the Greater than max and Less than min color menus to choose the
colors you want. (In the dialog box, the spectrum types change to display the colors you
Click Use spectrum min/max to accept the minimum and maximum contour spectrum colors
for such values.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Contours in the current viewport change to the colors you have specified. The correspondence
between contour colors and contour values appears in the contour legend, if active. For more
information on the contour legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1
``Customizing a contour plot,'' Section 27.4
``Coloring elements with no results,'' Section 37.9.3

27.4.9 Customizing contour intervals

ABAQUS/CAE evenly divides the range between the minimum and maximum contour values into
intervals. You can customize the number of intervals and whether the intervals are represented by
discrete or continuous colors. By default, there are 12 discretely colored intervals. Figure 27-7 shows a


Contouring analysis results

banded-type contour plot with nine uniform contour intervals on the left and with continuous contours
on the right.

Figure 27-7 Contour plots showing uniform and continuous contour intervals.

The contour legend, if active, will include two more intervals than the number you choose.
ABAQUS/CAE adds intervals at the top and bottom of the legend to indicate any values that exceed
the contour plot limits. For more information on the contour legend, see ``Customizing the legend,''
Section 38.1.
To customize the contour intervals:
1. Locate the Contour Intervals options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour; then click the Basic tab in the dialog box that
appears. The Contour Intervals options are on the left side of the page.
2. Choose Continuous or Uniform to request continuous or discrete contour intervals,
Continuous intervals are available only for banded-type contours. ABAQUS represents your

contour values in a smooth, non-delineated color spectrum.

When you choose Uniform intervals, the Contour Interval slider becomes available.
3. For Uniform intervals, choose the number of intervals.
Drag the Contour Intervals slider to the number of intervals (between 2 and 24) that you want.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The contours and, if active, the contour legend in the current viewport change to reflect the
interval options you have selected.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this


Contouring analysis results

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1
``Customizing a contour plot,'' Section 27.4
``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1


Plotting analysis results as symbols

28. Plotting analysis results as symbols

A symbol plot shows the magnitude and direction of a particular vector or tensor variable at a specified
step and frame of the analysis. ABAQUS/CAE represents the values as symbols (for example, arrows)
at locations on your model. By default, ABAQUS/CAE creates symbol plots on the deformed shape of
your model. This chapter explains symbol plotting. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding symbol plotting,'' Section 28.1
``Overview of symbol plot options,'' Section 28.2
``Producing a results symbol plot,'' Section 28.3
``Customizing symbol plot appearance,'' Section 28.4

28.1 Understanding symbol plotting

Symbol plots allow you to visualize the magnitude and direction of vector and tensor variable results.
Each result value appears as an arrow drawn at the location in the model where the result was
obtained; arrows representing nodal quantities appear at nodes, and arrows representing integration
point quantities appear at integration points. (You cannot create a symbol plot of element quantities
stored at nodes.)
For example, a symbol plot of the principal stress tensor is shown in Figure 28-1.

Figure 28-1 Symbol plot of principal stress.

The relative sizes of the arrows indicate the magnitude of the result values. The directions of the
arrows indicate the global directions of the results. In tensor plots arrows with arrowheads pointing in
toward the arrow shaft represent compressive values; arrows with arrowheads pointing out from the
arrow shaft represent tensile values.
The symbol plot legend shows you how each arrow color corresponds to a specific variable or variable
component. To learn how to display the minimum and maximum values associated with your symbol
plot, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

By default, ABAQUS/CAE plots all of a variable's result values in a symbol plot. The maximum value
appears as the largest arrow in the plot, and all other arrows are scaled in proportion to that arrow size.
However, you can use the Symbol Plot Options dialog box to limit the range of values that appear in
a plot.
When you specify a particular maximum value, only arrows representing absolute values less than
or equal to that maximum value appear in the plot.
The largest arrow in the plot will represent the largest absolute result value that is less than or
equal to the limit you specify. All other arrows in the plot will be scaled in proportion to that
arrow size.
When you specify a particular minimum value, only arrows representing absolute values greater
than that minimum value appear in the plot.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Setting vector and tensor limits,'' Section 28.4.3.

28.2 Overview of symbol plot options

You can use the symbol plot options to customize the appearance of symbol plots. Select
Options->Symbol from the main menu bar to access the Symbol Plot Options dialog box. Click the
following tabs to customize the appearance of symbol plots in the current viewport:
Basic: Control render style and edge visibility.
Color & Style: The Color & Style page contains the following tabs:
- General: Control the color, style, and thickness of model edges and the model fill color for
shaded plots.
- Vector: Choose to plot the resultant or a selected component of a vector variable, and
customize the arrow appearance.
- Tensor: Choose to plot all principal components or a selected component of a tensor variable,
and customize the arrow appearance.
Labels: Control element, face, and node labels and node symbols.
Shape: Choose to display symbols on the undeformed or the deformed shape.
Limits: The Limits page contains the following tabs:
- Vector: Choose to either specify the minimum and maximum vector values or to have
ABAQUS/CAE automatically compute these values.
- Tensor: Choose to either specify the minimum and maximum tensor values or to have
ABAQUS/CAE automatically compute these values.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

Other: The Other page contains the following tabs:

- Scaling: Control model scaling and shrinking.
- Translucency: Control shaded render style translucency.
To learn how to customize the render style and other display characteristics of your symbol plot, see
Chapter 37, "Customizing model display." For more information on tensor and field output variables,
see ``Overview of field output variable selection, '' Section 24.3.1. For more information on selecting
the results step, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Customizing symbol plot appearance,'' Section 28.4

28.3 Producing a results symbol plot

A symbol plot shows the magnitude and direction of a vector or tensor variable at a specified step and
frame. ABAQUS/CAE represents the values as symbols (for example, arrows) at locations on your
model. For more information on tensor and field output variables, see ``Overview of field output
variable selection,'' Section 24.3.1. For more information on selecting the results step, see ``Selecting a
specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1. To learn how to display the minimum and maximum
values associated with your symbol plot, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To produce a symbol plot:
1. Open the output database containing your analysis results.
2. Select the results step and frame to display.
3. Select the primary field output vector or tensor variable to display.
4. For a symbol plot on the deformed shape, select the deformed field output variable to display.
5. Select the plot mode-independent and symbol plot customization options you want.
6. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Symbols.
Tip: You can also produce a symbol plot using the

tool in the toolbox.

The current viewport changes to display a customized symbol plot of the specified field output
variable at the specified step and frame of the current output database. ABAQUS is now in the
symbol plot mode.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

In this mode ABAQUS automatically refreshes your symbol plot each time you click Apply in the
step and frame selector dialog box or the plot mode-independent or symbol plot options dialog
boxes. The current viewport will remain in the symbol plot mode until you produce a plot in some
other (e.g., contour, deformed) mode.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of symbol plot options,'' Section 28.2

28.4 Customizing symbol plot appearance

This section explains how to customize the style of symbol plot vectors and tensors, how to choose the
quantity to display, and how to control the minimum and maximum values shown in the plot. The
following topics are covered:
``Plotting a specific component of a vector or tensor variable, '' Section 28.4.1
``Customizing symbol plot arrows,'' Section 28.4.2
``Setting vector and tensor limits,'' Section 28.4.3
To learn how to customize the render style and the underlying model attributes of your symbol plot,
see Chapter 37, "Customizing model display."

28.4.1 Plotting a specific component of a vector or tensor

When you display a vector variable in a symbol plot, you can choose from the following options:
Display arrows that represent resultant values of the variable. For example, a symbol plot of total
displacement appears on the left side of Figure 28-2.
Display arrows that represent specific component values of the variable. For example, a symbol
plot of displacement in the 1-direction appears on the right side of Figure 28-2.

Figure 28-2 Symbol plots showing total displacement and displacement in the 1-direction.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

Likewise, when you display a tensor variable in a symbol plot, you can choose from the following
Display arrows that represent each of the principal components of the variable. For example, a
symbol plot of maximum, middle, and minimum principal stress appears on the left side of Figure
Display arrows that represent a specific principal component of the variable. For example, a
symbol plot of only maximum principal stress appears on the right side of Figure 28-3.

Figure 28-3 Symbol plot showing all three principal components (left), and symbol plot showing only
maximum principal stress (right).

By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays resultant values in vector variable symbol plots and all principal
components in tensor variable symbol plots. If you want to display a specific variable component, you
must specify options in both the Symbol Plot Options dialog box and the Field Output dialog box.
To plot a particular variable or variable component:
1. Locate the vector or tensor Color & Style options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Symbol; then click the Color & Style tab in the dialog
box that appears. The Color & Style options appear.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

Click the Vector tab if you are creating a vector symbol plot.
Click the Tensor tab if you are creating a tensor symbol plot.
The options for the arrow type of your choice appear.
2. Click the Quantity menu button, and select the option of your choice.
If you are creating a vector plot
Select Resultant to display arrows that represent the resultant of the variable.
Select Selected Component to display arrows that represent a particular component of
the variable.
If you are creating a tensor plot
Select All Principal Components to display arrows that represent all three principal
components: maximum, middle, and minimum.
Select Selected Principal Component to display only arrows that represent a particular
principal component.

3. Click Apply to implement your changes.

Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this
4. Select the variable or variable component of your choice in the Field Output dialog box. For more
information, see ``Selecting the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2.

28.4.2 Customizing symbol plot arrows

You can customize the arrow color, maximum arrow length, arrow shaft thickness, and arrowhead
appearance of the symbol plot arrows.
To customize the arrow appearance:
1. Locate the vector or tensor Color & Style options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Symbol; then click the Color & Style tab in the dialog
box that appears.
Click the Vector tab if you are creating a vector symbol plot.
Click the Tensor tab if you are creating a tensor symbol plot.
The options for the arrow type of your choice appear.
2. Select the color or colors of your choice for the arrows in the plot.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

If you are creating a vector plot

Click the arrow next to the Color text field, and select the color in which you want the
variable or variable component arrows to appear.
If you are creating a tensor plot
If you are plotting all principal components, click the Maximim principal, Mid principal,
and Minimum principal menu buttons and select the colors in which you want each arrow
type to appear.
If you are plotting only one principal component, click the arrow next to the Color text
field, and select the color in which you want the principal component arrows to appear.

3. Click the Max length menu button, and select the arrow length of your choice. The default
selection is Medium.
Your selection determines the size of the arrow representing the largest value in the plot. All other
arrows in the plot will be scaled to that size.
4. Click the Thickness menu button, and select the arrow shaft thickness of your choice.
5. Click the Arrowhead menu button, and select the arrowhead design of your choice.
6. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The symbol plot vector or tensor arrows in the current viewport change to reflect your settings.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Customizing symbol plot appearance,'' Section 28.4

28.4.3 Setting vector and tensor limits

By default, ABAQUS/CAE includes all of a variable's result values in a symbol plot. However, you
can use the Symbol Plot Options dialog box to limit the range of values that appear in the plot.
When you specify a particular maximum value, only arrows representing values less than or equal to
that maximum value appear in the plot. When you specify a particular minimum value, only arrows
representing values greater than that minimum value appear in the plot.
To learn how to display the minimum and maximum values associated with your symbol plot, see
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.


Plotting analysis results as symbols

To set vector or tensor limits:

1. Locate the Limits options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Symbol; then click the Limits tab in the dialog box that
appears. Click either the Vector tab or the Tensor tab; the symbol plot Limits options for the
variable type of your choice become available.
2. In the area labeled Max in the top half of the page, choose one of the following options:
Select Auto-compute to use the largest result value as the maximum value.
Select Specify to specify the maximum value yourself; then enter the maximum value of your
choice in the Specify text field.
3. In the area labeled Min in the bottom half of the page, choose one of the following options:
Select Auto-compute to use the smallest result value as the minimum value.
Select Specify to specify the minimum value yourself; then enter the minimum value of your
choice in the Specify text field.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The symbol plot in the current viewport changes to display arrows only for variable values that fall
within the limits you have specified.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding symbol plotting,'' Section 28.1


Plotting material orientations

29. Plotting material orientations

A material orientation plot shows the material directions of elements in the model at the element
integration points. The material orientations are plotted at a specified step and frame of the analysis
and at a specified section point for shell elements. ABAQUS/CAE represents the material orientations
as triads. By default, ABAQUS/CAE creates material orientation plots on the deformed shape of your
model. This chapter explains material orientation plotting. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding material orientation plotting, '' Section 29.1
``Overview of material orientation plot options, '' Section 29.2
``Producing a material orientation plot,'' Section 29.3
``Customizing material orientation plot appearance, '' Section 29.4

29.1 Understanding material orientation plotting

Material orientation plots allow you to visualize the material directions of the elements in your model.
ABAQUS/CAE draws a triad at the element integration points to indicate the material orientation. For
example, a material orientation plot is shown in Figure 29-1.

Figure 29-1 Material orientation plot.

Material orientations are available only for those elements for which field output is requested at the
selected section points, with the exception of during the initial step when material orientations are
available for all valid elements at all section points. Valid elements include all shell elements, as well
as solid elements for which you have defined a local orientation. The material orientations are
displayed at the current step and frame of the analysis and at the current section point selection for
shell elements.
For information on related topics, click the following item:


Plotting material orientations

``Selecting field output section points, '' Section 35.3.3.

29.2 Overview of material orientation plot options

You can use the material orientation plot options to customize the appearance of material orientation
plots. Select Options->Material Orientation from the main menu bar to access the Material
Orientation Plot Options dialog box. Click the following tabs to customize the appearance of
material orientation plots in the current viewport:
Basic: Control render style and edge visibility.
Color & Style: The Color & Style page contains the following tabs:
- General: Control the color, style, and thickness of model edges and the model fill color for
shaded plots.
- Triad: Control the visibility, color, length, thickness, and arrow appearance of the material
orientation triad axes.
Labels: Control element, face, and node labels and node symbols.
Shape: Choose to display material orientation triads on the undeformed or the deformed shape.
Other: The Other page contains the following tabs:
- Scaling: Control model scaling and shrinking.
- Translucency: Control shaded render style translucency.
To learn how to customize the render style and other display characteristics of your material
orientation plot, see Chapter 37, "Customizing model display." For more information on selecting the
results step, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1. For more information on
selecting section point locations, see ``Selecting field output section points, '' Section 35.3.3.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Customizing material orientation plot appearance, '' Section 29.4

29.3 Producing a material orientation plot

A material orientation plot shows the material directions of the elements in a model at a specified step
and frame and a specified section point. ABAQUS/CAE represents the material orientations as triads at
the element integration points. For more information on selecting the results step, see ``Selecting a
specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1. For more information on selecting section point
locations, see ``Selecting field output section points, '' Section 35.3.3.


Plotting material orientations

To produce a material orientation plot:

1. Open the output database containing your analysis results.
2. Select the results step and frame to display.
3. Select the section point to display.
4. Select the plot mode-independent and material orientation plot customization options you want.
5. From the main menu bar, select Plot->Material Orientation.
Tip: You can also produce a material orientation plot using the

tool in the toolbox.

The current viewport changes to display a customized material orientation plot. ABAQUS is now
in the material orientation plot mode.
In this mode ABAQUS automatically refreshes your material orientation plot each time you click
Apply in the step and frame selector dialog box, the section point selector dialog box, or the plot
mode-independent or material orientation plot options dialog boxes. The current viewport will
remain in the material orientation plot mode until you produce a plot in some other (e.g., contour,
deformed) mode.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of material orientation plot options, '' Section 29.2

29.4 Customizing material orientation plot appearance

This section explains how to customize the style of material orientation plot triads. The following topic
is covered:
``Customizing material orientation plot triads, '' Section 29.4.1
To learn how to customize the render style and the underlying model attributes of your material
orientation plot, see Chapter 37, "Customizing model display."

29.4.1 Customizing material orientation plot triads

You can customize the color, length, thickness, and arrowhead appearance of the material orientation
plot triad axes. You can also suppress the appearance of one or more of the triad axes.
To customize the triad appearance:
1. Locate the triad Color & Style options.


Plotting material orientations

From the main menu bar, select Options->Material Orientation; then click the Color & Style tab
in the dialog box that appears. Click Triad.
The triad options appear.
2. Toggle on the buttons to the left of each of the axes to display or suppress them.
3. Select the color or colors of your choice for the visible triad axes in the plot.
4. Click the Length menu button, and select the axis length of your choice. The default selection is
5. Click the Thickness menu button, and select the axis thickness of your choice.
6. Click the Arrowhead menu button, and select the arrowhead design of your choice.
7. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The material orientation plot triads in the current viewport change to reflect your settings.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Customizing material orientation plot appearance, '' Section 29.4


X-Y plotting

30. X-Y plotting

This chapter explains the concept of X-Y plotting and gives details of how to create X-Y data objects
and how to produce and customize an X-Y plot. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding X-Y plotting,'' Section 30.1
``Specifying and saving X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.2
``Producing an X-Y plot,'' Section 30.3
``Operating on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4
``Customizing X-Y plot axes,'' Section 30.5
``Customizing X-Y curve appearance,'' Section 30.6

30.1 Understanding X-Y plotting

An X-Y data object is a two-dimensional array of data that ABAQUS/CAE stores in two columns. You
can display X-Y data as a graph in an X-Y plot or as a table in an X-Y report. In addition, you can probe
an X-Y plot to display the X- and Y-coordinates of graph points. This section discusses X-Y data objects
and the various methods you can use to create them. For more information on X-Y reports, see Chapter
35, "Generating tabular data reports;" for information on probing X-Y plots, see Chapter 31, "Querying
and probing." The following topics are covered:
``What is an X-Y data object, and what is an X-Y plot?,'' Section 30.1.1
``Understanding how to specify an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.1.2
``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names,'' Section 30.1.3

30.1.1 What is an X-Y data object, and what is an X-Y plot?

An X-Y data object is a collection of ordered pairs that ABAQUS/CAE stores in two columns--an
X-column and a Y-column. The X-Y data can originate from an output database, an ASCII file, or you
can enter the data using the keyboard. In addition, you can derive X-Y data by combining existing X-Y
data objects. For example, you might combine an X-Y data object containing stress values versus time
with a second X-Y data object containing strain values versus time to produce an X-Y data object
containing stress versus strain at equivalent times. You can save X-Y data objects for the duration of
the session; and you can edit, copy, rename, and delete them.
ABAQUS/CAE can display X-Y data in the form of an X-Y plot. An X-Y plot is a two-dimensional
graph of one variable versus another. Examples of X-Y plots include temperature versus time, load
versus displacement, and stress versus strain. You can display multiple X-Y data objects in one X-Y
plot, and you can use the customization options to control the appearance of each data object and the
overall appearance of the X-Y plot. Figure 30-1 shows an X-Y plot displaying three X-Y data objects.


X-Y plotting

Figure 30-1 X-Y plot displaying three objects of data.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Producing an X-Y plot,'' Section 30.3
``Specifying and saving X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.2.

30.1.2 Understanding how to specify an X-Y data object

To specify an X-Y data object, you first choose the source of the data and then provide any necessary
details. Possible sources are:
ODB History Output
Select this method to specify an X-Y data object by reading history output results from an
output database. You can specify which variables to read from the output database, from
which steps of the analysis to read, and the frequency at which to read the data; for example,
you can read every third data point. For more information, see ``Reading X-Y data from output
database history output,'' Section 30.2.1.
ODB Field Output
Select this method to specify an X-Y data object by reading field output results from an output
database. You can specify which variables to read from the output database, for which


X-Y plotting

elements or nodes to read the data, from which steps of the analysis to read, and the frequency
at which to read the data; for example, you can read every third data point. For more
information, see ``Reading X-Y data from output database field output, '' Section 30.2.2.
Operate on X-Y Data
Select this method to derive a new X-Y data object by manipulating previously saved X-Y data
objects. You specify the new X-Y data object by applying functions and mathematical
operations to existing data. An example of a function is Combine. If you Combine an X-Y
data object containing stress versus time with an X-Y data object containing strain versus time,
you produce an X-Y data object containing stress versus strain at equivalent times. For more
information, see ``Operating on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.
ASCII file
Select this method to read X- and Y-values from an existing text file. The file can contain more
than two columns of data, separated by commas, spaces, or tabs; and you can specify which
columns correspond to the X- and Y-axis data. In addition, you can specify the frequency at
which the data should be read from the file; for example, every third row. For more
information, see ``Reading X-Y data from an ASCII file,'' Section 30.2.3.
Select this method to manually type X- and Y-values into a simple table editor. Within this
method, ABAQUS supports several special editing techniques, as well as an option to read
data from a file. For more information on this topic, see ``Entering X-Y data from the
keyboard,'' Section 30.2.4.
Select this method to specify an X-Y data object by reading field output results at locations
along a path through your model. ABAQUS obtains results from an output database. You can
specify the points that make up the path and the step, frame, and variable for which to obtain
results. For more information, see Chapter 32, "Viewing results along a path."
In addition, you can create an X-Y data object while using the table editor to create a material in the
Property module. For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.
Once you have specified your X-Y data object, you can save it or you can display it in the form of an
X-Y plot. Saving the X-Y data object allows you to subsequently plot, edit, rename, delete, or operate
on it. For X-Y data originating from sources other than output database history output, you must save
your data to later produce an X-Y plot containing multiple data objects. Saved X-Y data objects are
retained only for the duration of the session.

30.1.3 Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names

By default, when you save or plot an X-Y data object, ABAQUS/CAE names it for you. This name is
an important means of identifying and referring to the X-Y data object. X-Y data object names appear in
the following instances:


X-Y plotting

When you plot X-Y data, the X-Y plot legend identifies by name all X-Y data objects appearing in
the plot.
When you select Tools->XY Data from the main menu bar, the Manager, Edit, Copy, Rename,
Delete, and Plot tools list all X-Y data objects created during the session by name.
When you customize the appearance of the curve representing an X-Y data object, you first select
the X-Y data object by name from those listed in the XY Curve Options dialog box.
In most cases ABAQUS/CAE is able to provide a meaningful default name for your X-Y data object.
As you save your X-Y data object, ABAQUS/CAE shows you the default name and gives you an
opportunity to override this default with the name of your choice. Once saved, you can provide a new
name for your X-Y data object at any time by renaming it. For information on renaming, see
``Managing objects using manager dialog boxes,'' Section 6.5.6.
There are three basic forms of X-Y data object names, as follows:
If you produce an X-Y plot by clicking Plot from any of the following dialog boxes:
XY Data from ASCII File
XY Data from Keyboard
Create XY Data from Path
Plot Expression from the Operate on XY Data dialog box
ABAQUS/CAE names your X-Y data according to the pattern Temp-1, Temp-2, etc. This
name indicates that the plot represents the data configured in the dialog box, which is
considered temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save As to save it.
Conversely, if Temp-n appears in your plot legend, you are plotting temporary data. You
cannot edit, copy, rename, delete, operate on, or produce a report of temporary data. To
accomplish any of these tasks, you must first save your data. You can select curve style
preferences for temporary data, but the curve styles will revert to the defaults if you replot the
data without having saved it. To learn how to save your data, see ``Saving an X-Y data
object,'' Section 30.2.5.
If you create a new X-Y data object using the Save As button provided in the XY Data from
ASCII File or XY Data from Keyboard dialog boxes, ABAQUS/CAE suggests a default name
for your X-Y data according to the pattern XYData-1, XYData-2, etc. To establish a more
meaningful name, you can use the Save XYData As dialog box to overwrite this default with
the name of your choice.
To locate the XY Data from ASCII File or XY Data from Keyboard dialog boxes, select
Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar; then click the choice of interest in the
dialog box that appears, and click Continue.


X-Y plotting

Meaningful names
You can establish a meaningful name (a name of your choice) for your X-Y data object either
by specifying a name as you save your data or by subsequently renaming it. As you save your
data, ABAQUS/CAE displays the default name in the Save XYData As dialog box; you can
overwrite this default. ABAQUS/CAE generates meaningful default names for X-Y data
created from the ODB History Output or XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog boxes.
To display the name of your choice in your X-Y plot legend, you must produce the plot by
selecting named data objects and then clicking Plot. To do so, select Tools->XY
Data->Manager from the main menu bar. For more information, see ``Producing an X-Y
plot,'' Section 30.3.

30.2 Specifying and saving X-Y data objects

This section explains the various methods of specifying and saving X-Y data objects. X-Y data objects
can originate from analysis results, an external file, keyboard entry, or operations on previously saved
X-Y data objects. The following topics are covered:
``Reading X-Y data from output database history output,'' Section 30.2.1
``Reading X-Y data from output database field output, '' Section 30.2.2
``Reading X-Y data from an ASCII file,'' Section 30.2.3
``Entering X-Y data from the keyboard,'' Section 30.2.4
``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5
For information on specifying X-Y data objects by obtaining field output results along a path through
your model, see Chapter 32, "Viewing results along a path;" for information on specifying X-Y data
objects by operating on existing X-Y data, see ``Operating on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.

30.2.1 Reading X-Y data from output database history output

You can read X-Y data from history output in the output database. Available data consist of history
output that were saved during the analysis. From this output, you can select the following:
a variable at a location--for example, U1 (displacement in the X-direction) at node 1;
the step or steps of interest; and
a pattern of frames within those steps--for example, every 10th frame.
ABAQUS/CAE then reads X-Y data pairs from the output database at the frames you specify. If you
select multiple variables, ABAQUS/CAE reads the data pairs and creates a separate X-Y data object for
each variable. For time-based analyses, X-values are taken as total time from the start of the analysis
or, in the case of a restarted analysis, as total time from the start of the last continuation of the analysis.
Y-values are taken as the value at that time of the variable at the location you specify.


X-Y plotting

To read X-Y data from output database history output:

1. Locate the ODB History Output options.
Select Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar, then choose ODB history output.
Tip: You can also specify history output by selecting Result->History Output from the main
menu bar.
The ODB History Output dialog box appears.
Note: The ODB History Output dialog box lists all history output saved during the analysis, giving the variable name and the
location at which it was saved. If this list is empty, history output is not available.

2. In the Output Variables field, click one or more variables that you want to read. Variables are
listed alphabetically along with their locations. The default is to read the first entry in the list. For
more information on selecting multiple items in dialog boxes, see ``Selecting multiple items in
lists,'' Section 6.3.8.
The specified variable and location are highlighted.
3. In the Steps field, click the step or steps you want to read. The default is to read data from all
available steps.
The specified steps are highlighted.
4. To customize the frequency at which ABAQUS reads frames, click either:
Read all to read all available frames or
Skip, then enter the number of frames to skip in the frames between reads box. For
example, if you enter 1, every second frame is read.
5. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
6. To save the data you have configured, click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data from the
pull-right menu.

7. When you have finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


X-Y plotting

``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5

``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names,'' Section 30.1.3

30.2.2 Reading X-Y data from output database field output

You can read X-Y data from field output in the output database. Available data consist of field output
that were saved during the analysis. From this output, you can select the following:
a variable at an output position--for example, S11 (stress in the 11-direction) at integration
a single location or a set of locations (elements or nodes);
the step or steps of interest; and
a pattern of frames within those steps--for example, every 10th frame.
ABAQUS/CAE then reads X-Y data pairs from the output database at the frames you specify. If you
select multiple variables or multiple locations, ABAQUS/CAE reads the data pairs and creates a
separate X-Y data object for each variable/location pair. For all time-based analyses, X-values are taken
as total time from the start of the analysis. Y-values are taken as the corresponding values of the
variable at the specified location.
To read X-Y data from output database field output:
1. Locate the XY Data from ODB Field Output options.
Select Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar, then choose ODB field output.
The XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog box appears.
Note: The XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog box lists all field output saved during the analysis. If this list is empty,
field output is not available.

2. Click the Position arrow to reveal possible positions at which to list variables for your selection;
then choose the desired position.
The list of variables is refreshed to show only those that can be read at the selected position.
3. Select the field output variables to be read using either the check box next to each variable in the
list (this method is the default) or the Edit text field at the bottom of the page.
To use the check box method:
1. In the Variables field at the bottom of the page, click Select from above to indicate that
you are using the check box method.
2. To select a variable and all of its components, click that variable's check box.
3. To choose among the individual components of a variable, click the arrow next to that
variable's check box to list its components; then click individual component check boxes


X-Y plotting

to select them.
To use the edit method:
1. In the Variables field at the bottom of the page, click Edit to indicate that you are using
the edit method.
2. In the Edit text field, enter the names of the variables and components to be read. To be
valid, a variable must be available on the output database for the current position.

4. Select the Elements/Nodes tab.

The Elements/Nodes options appear.
5. From the ODB Item list at the top left of the dialog box, select either Elements or Nodes.
ABAQUS refreshes the Selection Method list at the bottom of the dialog box and the item list at
the right.
6. Select the specific elements or nodes for which to read output data.
a. From the Selection Method list, choose:
Element sets or Node sets to specify elements or nodes by set name.
ABAQUS refreshes the item list at the right. If this list is empty, there are no items
that meet your selection criteria.
Pick from viewport to specify elements or nodes by picking them directly from the
The Selection field appears with the text (None) to indicate that no elements or nodes
have been picked.
Element labels or Node labels to specify elements or nodes by number.
The Part instance and Labels fields appear.
b. Specify the individual elements or nodes:
To specify element or node sets, select one or more set names from the item list. (For
more information, see ``Selecting multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8.) If your
output database contains many sets, you can use the filter to reduce the number of set
names displayed. Click the Tip button next to the Filter field to see examples of valid
filtering syntax. Verify your selection by toggling Highlight items in viewport.
To specify elements or nodes by picking them directly from the viewport, click Edit
Selection. Select elements for display group or Select nodes for display group
appears in the prompt area.


X-Y plotting

Select one or more elements or nodes from the viewport (for more information see
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"). The elements or nodes are
highlighted in the viewport.
Click Done in the prompt area when you have finished. The text next to Selection in
the XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog box changes to (Picked) to indicate that
you have selected elements or nodes.
To specify element or node labels, first select the name of the part instance for which
you are obtaining results from the list in the Part instance field. Type into the Labels
field a list of element or node numbers separated by commas or a range of numbers
such as 1:4. Verify your selection by clicking Highlight Items in Viewport .
The following table summarizes the restrictions that exist on the availability of element or node
data for the output position specified on the Variables page:
Output position
Available for
Integration point
Element nodal
Elements or nodes
Unique nodal
7. Select the Steps/Frames tab.
The Steps/Frames options appear.
8. In the Steps field, select the step or steps you want to read. The default is to read data from all
available steps.
The specified steps are highlighted.
9. To customize the frequency at which ABAQUS reads frames, click either:
Read all to read all available frames or
Skip, then enter the number of frames to skip in the frames between reads box. For
example, if you enter 1, every second frame is read.
10. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
11. To save the data you have configured, click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data from the
pull-right menu.

12. When you have finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5
``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names,'' Section 30.1.3

30.2.3 Reading X-Y data from an ASCII file

You can read X-Y data from an ASCII text file that contains columns of numerical data separated by
either commas, tabs, or spaces. The file can contain more than two columns of data; you can specify
which columns (fields) correspond to the X- and Y-axis data. You can also specify which rows of data
to read from the file.
To read X-Y data from an ASCII file:
1. Locate the XY Data from ASCII File options:
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Create. Click ASCII file in the dialog box that
appears; then click Continue.
Tip: You can also specify X-Y data by clicking Create in the Data Manager or by using the
tool in the toolbox.
The XY Data from ASCII File dialog box appears.
2. Enter the name of your ASCII file in one of the following ways:
Type the name into the File window at the top of the dialog box, or
Click Select to filter and browse existing file names.
The ASCII File Selection dialog box appears.
Filter and browse existing files. When you locate the file you want, click the name to select it;
then click OK.
3. Specify which columns of the file to read. Columns can be separated by spaces, tabs, or a comma.
a. To specify the column within the file to read as X-values, enter an integer in the Read X
values from field box. The default is field 1, the first column.
b. To specify the column within the file to read as Y-values, enter an integer in the Read Y
values from field box. The default is field 2, the second column.
4. Specify which rows of the file to read; the default is all rows.
Click Read all to read every row of the file, or


X-Y plotting

Click Skip; then enter the number of file rows to skip in the rows between reads box. A
value of 0 means read all rows; a value of 1 means read every other row. Reading always
begins with the first row.
5. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
6. To save the data you have configured, click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data
object from the pull-right menu.

7. When you have finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5
``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names,'' Section 30.1.3

30.2.4 Entering X-Y data from the keyboard

You can specify X-Y data directly from the keyboard. To do so, you type X- and Y-values into a simple
table editor.
To enter X-Y data from the keyboard:
1. Locate the XY Data from Keyboard options:
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Create. Click Keyboard in the dialog box that
appears; then click Continue.
Tip: You can also specify X-Y data by clicking Create in the Data Manager or by using the
tool in the toolbox.
The XY Data from Keyboard dialog box appears.
2. Use standard keyboard and mouse editing techniques to insert, modify, or delete X- and Y-values
in the XY Data from Keyboard table. For special table editing options or to read data from an
ASCII file, press mouse button 3. (For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section
3. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.


X-Y plotting

An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
4. To save the data you have configured, click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data
object from the pull-right menu.

5. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5
``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names,'' Section 30.1.3

30.2.5 Saving an X-Y data object

ABAQUS/CAE provides several dialog boxes to help you specify X-Y data. Each of these dialog boxes
contains a Save As button, which you can use to save the X-Y data object you create. You must save
your X-Y data to do any of the following:
Produce an X-Y plot containing multiple X-Y data objects from any source other than history
Edit, copy, rename, delete, or operate on your X-Y data.
Establish persistent curve style preferences for your X-Y data.
Produce a report of your X-Y data.
Saved data persist for the duration of the session. To save your X-Y data object beyond the duration of
the session, you must write the data to a file. For information on writing X-Y data to a file, see Chapter
35, "Generating tabular data reports."
To save an X-Y data object:
1. Specify your X-Y data.
a. From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Create.
The Create XY Data dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also specify X-Y data by clicking Create in the Data Manager or by
using the

tool in the toolbox.


X-Y plotting

b. Choose the source of your data from the list, and click Continue.
ABAQUS displays the appropriate dialog box.
c. Enter the necessary data or information in the dialog box.
2. Click Save As to save your data.
The Save XYData As dialog box appears. Accept the default name, or enter the data object name
of your choice in the text field; then click OK to close the dialog box. (If you select multiple
history variables in the ODB History Output dialog box or use the XY Data from ODB Field
Output dialog box, you must accept the default names.)
3. Click Dismiss or Cancel (as available) to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding how to specify an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.1.2

30.3 Producing an X-Y plot

To produce an X-Y plot, you first specify an X-Y data object. You can then choose to simply plot the
specified X-Y data object or to save the data object and plot it later. Use one of the following methods
to produce an X-Y plot.
To produce an X-Y plot of history data from an output database:
Select Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar; then choose ODB history output.
Click Continue. From the dialog box that appears, select one or more variables to plot and the
step or steps of interest; then click Plot.
You can also specify history output by selecting Result->History Output from the main menu
To produce an X-Y plot of field data from an output database:
Select Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar; then choose ODB field output.
Click Continue. From the dialog box that appears, select one or more variables to plot, the
location or locations from which to read the data, and the step or steps of interest; then click
To produce an X-Y plot of output database results along a path through your model:
To specify a path through your model, select Tools->Path->Create from the main menu bar;
then configure the dialog boxes that appear. For more information, see ``Creating a path
through your model,'' Section 32.2.
After you have created the path, select Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar.


X-Y plotting

Choose Path as the source of the X-Y data object, then click Continue. Configure the dialog
box that appears, then click Plot. For more information, see ``Obtaining X-Y data along a
path,'' Section 32.3.
To produce an X-Y plot of new data, not from an output database:
Select Tools->XY Data->Create from the main menu bar. Choose either Operate on XY data,
ASCII file, or Keyboard as the source of the X-Y data object; then click Continue. In the
dialog box that appears, enter your X-Y data object; then click Plot (or Plot Expression in the
Operate on XY Data dialog box.)
To produce an X-Y plot of one or more saved X-Y data objects:
To display a single X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar;
and select the X-Y data object from the pull-right menu.
To display multiple X-Y data objects on a single X-Y plot, select Tools->XY Data->Manager
from the main menu bar. Select the X-Y data objects from the dialog box that appears; then
click Plot.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding how to specify an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.1.2
``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object names,'' Section 30.1.3

30.4 Operating on saved X-Y data objects

You can derive new X-Y data by operating on previously saved X-Y data objects. This section discusses
how to operate on X-Y data and presents each of the possible operations you can perform. To learn how
to save data objects, see ``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5.

30.4.1 Understanding how to operate on saved X-Y data objects

You can derive new X-Y data by operating on previously saved X-Y data objects. You define your new
data by building a mathematical expression. The expression can include the names of previously saved
X-Y data objects, built-in functions, and mathematical operators. An example of an expression might
be: currentMax("XYData-1")+2.5. ABAQUS/CAE evaluates the expression to derive the new
X-Y data.
To build your expression, you use the Operate on XY Data dialog box. This dialog box lists the data
object names and operators available for your expression. You can click to select listed data objects
and operators, type values in using the keyboard, and use standard mouse and keyboard editing
techniques such as backspace, copy, and paste to configure your expression. The expression can
contain any syntactically valid series of supported operations. The following syntax rules apply:


X-Y plotting

Multiple arguments to a function must be separated by commas.

Data object names must be surrounded by quotation marks.
Parentheses must be used to group function arguments.
Parentheses can also be used to control mathematical evaluation or for visual clarity. ABAQUS/CAE
notifies you if your expression contains invalid syntax or cannot be evaluated for mathematical
reasons; for example, if evaluation would require dividing by zero.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Operating on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.3
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.2 Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation

ABAQUS/CAE performs X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation as necessary when you combine
multiple X-Y data objects. You can combine multiple X-Y data objects by using X-Y data operations or
by requesting that multiple data objects appear in a single table within an X-Y report.
A complete list of X-Y data operations appears in ``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4.
Several of the X-Y data operations that accept two or more previously saved X-Y data objects as input
arguments require that the data objects have matching X-coordinate values. Examples of such
operations are the Combine and Add functions.
Similarly, matching X-Y values are required for data objects appearing in the same X-Y report table.
For information on combining X-Y data objects into a single report table, see ``Controlling report
layout and width,'' Section 35.5.
If the X-coordinate values to be combined do not match, ABAQUS/CAE computes additional data
points to allow the objects to be aligned. For each unmatched X-coordinate value, ABAQUS/CAE
constructs a data pair by creating a matching X-coordinate value and computing a Y-coordinate value
as follows:
If the missing X-coordinate lies within the minimum and maximum available X-coordinates for the
data object, a new Y-coordinate value is computed by linear interpolation.
If the missing X-coordinate lies beyond the minimum or maximum available X-coordinates for the
data object, a new Y-coordinate value is computed by assuming the Y-coordinate value remains
constant beyond these extreme points.
These additional data points exist only to carry out the operation and are not saved as part of the input
argument data objects.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


X-Y plotting

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data reports"

30.4.3 Operating on saved X-Y data objects

To define a new X-Y data object by operating on previously saved X-Y data objects, select Tools->XY
Data->Create from the main menu bar; then choose Operate on XY Data from the dialog box that
To operate on saved X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. Build your expression:
a. Click on data object names and built-in functions in the dialog box to select them.
Use drag-select for multiple contiguous data object name selection.
Commas are inserted automatically between the data object names.
b. Use standard mouse and keyboard editing techniques to position the cursor and configure
your expression.
c. Adjust the syntax of your expression if necessary: data object names must be surrounded
by quotation marks, commas must separate function arguments, and parentheses may be
3. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As.
The Save XYData As dialog box appears. Provide a name for your data; then click OK.
4. To plot the expression you have configured, click Plot Expression.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the expression in the dialog box,
which ABAQUS considers temporary data, whether or not you have saved your new X-Y data
5. To plot your new, saved X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar
and select the X-Y data object from the pull-right menu.
6. To clear (erase) the expression, click Clear Expression.
7. When you are done, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding how to operate on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.1
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4
``Saving an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.2.5

30.4.4 Overview of X-Y data operations

You can derive new X-Y data by operating on previously saved X-Y data objects. This overview lists
the operations you can perform on X-Y data. The following keys are used to classify function
Text keys for X-Y operations:
A The argument can be an X-Y data object, a floating point number, or an
X The argument must be an X-Y data object.
The argument must be an integer.
The argument must be a floating point number.
The following list indicates the section where you can find more information for each X-Y data
Mathematical operations:

``Using addition on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.5

``Using negation or subtraction on X-Y data objects,''
Section 30.4.6
``Using multiplication on X-Y data objects,'' Section
``Using division on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.8
``Using division on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.8
``Taking the absolute value of an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.9
``Finding the average of two or more X-Y data objects,''
Section 30.4.10
``Finding the current average of an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.11
``Differentiating an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.12
``Integrating an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.13
``Normalizing an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.14
``Taking the square root of an X-Y data object,'' Section
``Taking the square root of the sum of the squares of two
or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.16
``Summing two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section
``Calculating vector magnitudes,'' Section 30.4.18


X-Y plotting


Trigonometric operations:
For more information, see ``Applying trigonometric functions to an X-Y data object,'' Section
Take the cosine of an X-Y data object.
Take the arccosine of an X-Y data object.
Take the hyperbolic cosine of an X-Y data object.
Take the sine of an X-Y data object.
Take the arcsine of an X-Y data object.
Take the hyperbolic sine of an X-Y data object.
Take the tangent of an X-Y data object.
Take the arctangent of an X-Y data object.
Take the hyperbolic tangent of an X-Y data object.
Logarithmic and exponential operations:
``Taking the exponential of an X-Y data object,'' Section
``Applying logarithmic functions to an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.21
``Applying logarithmic functions to an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.21
``Raising an X-Y data object to a power,'' Section 30.4.22
Filtering and smoothing operations:
``Applying SAE filtering to an X-Y data object,'' Section
``Applying sine-Butterworth filtering to an X-Y data
object,'' Section 30.4.24
``Smoothing an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.25
Range and magnitude related operations:
``Finding the current maximum of an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.26
``Finding the current minimum of an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.27
``Finding the current range of an X-Y data object,'' Section
maxEnvelope(A,A, ``Finding the current maximum of two or more X-Y data
objects,'' Section 30.4.29
minEnvelope(A,A,. ``Finding the current minimum of two or more X-Y data
objects,'' Section 30.4.30
``Finding the current range of two or more X-Y data objects,''
Section 30.4.31
Other operations:

``Appending two or more X-Y data objects,''

Section 30.4.32
``Combining two X-Y data objects,'' Section


X-Y plotting


``Converting the angular units used for X-Y
data objects,'' Section 30.4.34
``Converting the angular units used for X-Y
data objects,'' Section 30.4.34
``Swapping the order of an X-Y data object,''
Section 30.4.35

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding how to operate on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.1
``Operating on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.3

30.4.5 Using addition on X-Y data objects

Use the mathematical + symbol to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of
ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The + operator accepts two commutative arguments
and can be applied in one of two ways:
To add a scalar to an X-Y data object:
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as the scalar added to each
original Y-coordinate. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)];

(XYData + 5) = [(1; 6); (2; 7); (3; 8)]:

To add an X-Y data object to another X-Y data object:

This method yields a new X-Y data object having as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the
first data object and any additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the two objects.
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The
new data object has as its Y-coordinates the Y-coordinates of the first data object added to the
Y-coordinates of the second data object. For example, let
XYData1 = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)];



X-Y plotting

XYData2 = [(4; 4); (5; 5)]:

For alignment, ABAQUS/CAE computes the values of the first and second data objects as:
XYData1 extrapolated = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3); (4; 3); (5; 3)];

XYData2 extrapolated = [(1; 4); (2; 4); (3; 4); (4; 4); (5; 5)];

(XYData1 + XYData2) = [(1; 5); (2; 6); (3; 7); (4; 7); (5; 8)]:

Figure 30-2 illustrates the above example.

Figure 30-2 X-Y plot illustrating addition of data objects.

Note: This application of the + symbol has the same behavior as the sum function.
To use addition on X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the expression window.
3. From the Operators listed, click +.
The + symbol appears after the data object name in the expression window.

X-Y plotting

4. To specify the second argument, do one of the following:

Use your mouse and keyboard to enter a scalar as the second argument of the + operator in the
expression window, or
From the XY Data choices, click the name of a data object argument for the + operator in the
expression window.
5. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
6. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
7. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
8. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Summing two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.17
``Appending two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.32
``Combining two X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.33
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.6 Using negation or subtraction on X-Y data objects

Use the mathematical - symbol to perform negation or subtraction on a previously saved X-Y data
object (a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object.
To perform negation, precede a single X-Y data object with the - operator. Negation yields a new X-Y
data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE
computes the new Y-coordinates as the negative of each original Y-coordinate.
To perform subtraction, use one of three methods:
To subtract a scalar from an X-Y data object:
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original


X-Y plotting

X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as the scalar subtracted from
each original Y-coordinate. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 6); (2; 7); (3; 8)];

(XYData 5) = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)]:

To subtract an X-Y data object from a scalar:

This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as each original
Y-coordinate subtracted from the scalar. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 6); (2; 7); (3; 8)];

(5 XYData) = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)]:

To subtract one X-Y data object from another X-Y data object:
This method yields a new X-Y data object having as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the
first data object and any additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the two objects.
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The
new data object has as its Y-coordinates the Y-coordinates of the second data object subtracted
from the Y-coordinates of the first data object. For example, let
XYData1 = [(4; 4); (5; 5)]

XYData2 = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)]:

For alignment, ABAQUS/CAE computes the values of the first and second data objects as:
XYData1 extrapolated = [(1; 4); (2; 4); (3; 4); (4; 4); (5; 5)]

XYData2 extrapolated = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3); (4; 3); (5; 3)];



X-Y plotting

(XYData1 XYData2) = [(1; 3); (2; 2); (3; 1); (4; 1); (5; 2)]:

Figure 30-3 shows an X-Y plot of the above example.

Figure 30-3 X-Y plot illustrating subtraction of data objects.

To use negation or subtraction on X-Y data objects:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click -.
The - symbol appears in the expression window.
3. Use your mouse and keyboard to position the cursor in the expression window; then specify the
necessary arguments. Available X-Y data objects include all those previously saved within this
session (listed alphabetically in the XY Data field).
To use negation
From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object to negate.
To use subtraction
Use your keyboard to type in a scalar argument, or
From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate.
The arguments appear within the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.


X-Y plotting

5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.

6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.7 Using multiplication on X-Y data objects

Use the mathematical * symbol to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of
ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The * operator accepts two commutative arguments
and can be applied in one of two ways:
To multiply a scalar and an X-Y data object:
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as the scalar multiplied by
each original Y-coordinate. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)];

(XYData * 5) = [(1; 5); (2; 10); (3; 15)]:

To multiply an X-Y data object with another X-Y data object:

This method yields a new X-Y data object having as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the
first data object and any additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the two objects.
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The
new data object has as its Y-coordinates the Y-coordinates of the first data object multiplied by
the Y-coordinates of the second data object. For example, let
XYData1 = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)]


X-Y plotting

XYData2 = [(4; 4); (5; 5)]:

For alignment, ABAQUS/CAE computes the values of the first and second data objects as:
XYData1 extrapolated = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3); (4; 3); (5; 3)]

XYData2 extrapolated = [(1; 4); (2; 4); (3; 4); (4; 4); (5; 5)];

(XYData1 * XYData2) = [(1; 4); (2; 8); (3; 12); (4; 12); (5; 15)]:

Figure 30-4 shows an X-Y plot of the preceding example.

Figure 30-4 X-Y plot illustrating multiplication of data objects.

To use multiplication on X-Y data objects:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).


X-Y plotting

The X-Y data object name appears within the expression window.
3. From the Operators listed, click *.
The * symbol appears after the data object name in the expression window.
4. To specify the second argument, do one of the following:
Use your mouse and keyboard to enter a scalar as the second argument of the * operator in the
expression window, or
From the XY Data choices, click the name of a data object argument for the * operator in the
expression window.
5. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
6. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
7. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
8. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.8 Using division on X-Y data objects

Use the mathematical / symbol to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of
ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The / operator accepts two non-commutative
arguments and can be applied in one of three ways:
To divide a scalar by an X-Y data object:
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as the scalar divided by each
original Y-coordinate. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 2); (2; 10); (3; 20)];


X-Y plotting

(2 / XYData) = [(1; 1); (2; :2); (3; :1)]:

Note: As a convenience, the Operate on XY Data dialog box offers an inverse function, 1/A.
To divide an X-Y data object by a scalar:
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as each original
Y-coordinate divided by the scalar. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 2); (2; 10); (3; 20)];

(XYData / 2) = [(1; 1); (2; 5); (3; 10)]:

To divide one X-Y data object by another X-Y data object:

This method yields a new X-Y data object having as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the
first data object and any additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the two objects.
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The
new data object has as its Y-coordinates the Y-coordinates of the first data object divided by
the Y-coordinates of the second data object. For example, let
XYData1 = [(4; 4); (5; 5)]

XYData2 = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)]:

For alignment, ABAQUS/CAE computes the values of the first and second data objects as:
XYData1 extrapolated = [(1; 4); (2; 4); (3; 4); (4; 4); (5; 5)]

XYData2 extrapolated = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3); (4; 3); (5; 3)];

(XYData1 / XYData2) = [(1; 4); (2; 2); (3; 1:33); (4; 1:33); (5; 1:66)]:


X-Y plotting

Figure 30-5 shows an X-Y plot of the above example.

Figure 30-5 X-Y plot illustrating division of data objects.

To use division on X-Y data objects:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click /.
The / symbol appears in the expression window.
3. To specify each of the two arguments for the / operator, use your mouse and keyboard to position
the cursor in the expression window; then do one of the following:
Use your keyboard to type in a scalar argument, or
From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in
the XY Data field).
The arguments appear within the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for


X-Y plotting

inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.

7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.9 Taking the absolute value of an X-Y data object

Use the abs function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered pairs) to
produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as the
original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the absolute value of the original
Figure 30-6 shows an example of an X-Y plot produced using the abs function.

Figure 30-6 X-Y plot produced using the abs function.

To take the absolute value of an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click abs(A).
The abs function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can


X-Y plotting

choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the abs function parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.10 Finding the average of two or more X-Y data objects

Use the avg function to operate on two or more previously saved X-Y data objects (each object is a
collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has as its
X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the input data objects and any additional X-coordinates needed for
alignment of the input data objects. ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by
interpolation and extrapolation . ABAQUS/CAE computes the new data object Y-coordinates as the
average of all input Y-coordinates at the current X-coordinate. The arguments of this operation are
Figure 30-7 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced using the avg function.

Figure 30-7 X-Y plot produced using the avg function.


X-Y plotting

For information on how to find the current average of a single X-Y data object, see ``Finding the
current average of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.11.
To find the average of two or more X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click avg(X,X,...).
The avg function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of two or more X-Y data objects on which to operate.
You can choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed
alphabetically in the XY Data field).
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the avg function parentheses in
the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current average of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.11
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.11 Finding the current average of an X-Y data object

Use the currentAvg function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as
the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the average of all Y-coordinates up
to and including the current X-coordinate.
Figure 30-8 shows an example of an X-Y plot produced using the currentAvg function.

Figure 30-8 X-Y plot produced using the currentAvg function.

Note: The last value of the new X-Y data object represents the overall average Y-coordinate of the
original X-Y data object.
For information on how to find the current average of two or more X-Y data objects, see ``Finding the
average of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.10.
To find the current average of an X-Y data object:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click currentAvg(X).
The currentAvg function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can


X-Y plotting

choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the currentAvg function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the average of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.10
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.12 Differentiating an X-Y data object

Use the differentiate function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as
the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the numerical derivative of the
original Y-coordinates.
ABAQUS/CAE computes the derivative using three-point parabolic segments of the original X-Y data
object. The values at the first and last points are computed as the gradient at the start and at the end of
the associated parabolas, respectively. The slope at each remaining point is computed using the
midpoint of the parabola defined by two neighboring points. Figure 30-9 shows an example of an X-Y
plot produced using the differentiate function.

Figure 30-9 X-Y plot produced using the differentiate function.


X-Y plotting

To differentiate an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click differentiate(X).
The differentiate function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the differentiate function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Integrating an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.13


X-Y plotting

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.13 Integrating an X-Y data object

Use the integrate function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as
the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the numerical integral (using the
trapezoidal rule) of the original Y-coordinates.
Figure 30-10 shows an example of an X-Y plot produced using the integrate function.

Figure 30-10 X-Y plot produced using the integrate function.

To integrate an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click integrate(X).
The integrate function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the integrate function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.


X-Y plotting

5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.

6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Differentiating an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.12
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.14 Normalizing an X-Y data object

Use the normalize function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. This operation is analogous to normalizing a vector. The new
X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as the original X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE
computes the new Y-coordinates by dividing each original Y-coordinate by the root mean square (the
square root of the sum of the squares) of all original Y-coordinate values.
Figure 30-11 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced by using the normalize function.

Figure 30-11 X-Y plot produced using the normalize function.

To normalize an X-Y data object:


X-Y plotting

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.

From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click normalize(X).
The normalize function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the normalize function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Taking the square root of the sum of the squares of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.15 Taking the square root of an X-Y data object

Use the sqrt function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered pairs) to
produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as the
original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the square root of the original
Figure 30-12 provides an example of an X-Y plot produced using the sqrt function.

Figure 30-12 X-Y plot produced using the sqrt function.


X-Y plotting

To take the square root of an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click sqrt(A).
The sqrt function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the sqrt function parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Taking the square root of the sum of the squares of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section

X-Y plotting

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.16 Taking the square root of the sum of the squares of two
or more X-Y data objects
Use the srss function to perform a square root of the sum of the squares operation on two or more
previously saved X-Y data objects (each object is a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y
data object. Use this function, for example, to find the total magnitude of two or more X-Y data objects
at matching X-coordinates.
The new X-Y data object has as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the first data object and any
additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the remaining objects. ABAQUS/CAE computes
additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The new data object has as its
Y-coordinates the square root of the sum of the squares of all input X-Y data object Y-coordinates at
matching X-coordinates. The arguments to this function are commutative.
Figure 30-13 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced using the srss function.

Figure 30-13 X-Y plot produced using the srss function.

To square the sum of the squares of two or more X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click srss(X,X,...).
The srss function appears in the expression window.


X-Y plotting

3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of two or more X-Y data objects on which to operate.
You can choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed
alphabetically in the XY Data field).
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the srss function parentheses in
the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Taking the square root of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.15
``Normalizing an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.14
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.17 Summing two or more X-Y data objects

Use the sum function to operate on two or more previously saved X-Y data objects (each object is a
collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The sum function accepts two or more
commutative arguments.
Note: This function has the same behavior as the + symbol. For more information, see ``Using
addition on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.5.
To sum two or more X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click sum(A,A,...).


X-Y plotting

The sum function appears in the expression window.

3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of two or more X-Y data objects to sum together. You
can choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in
the XY Data field).
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the sum function parentheses in
the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using addition on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.5
``Appending two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.32
``Combining two X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.33
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.18 Calculating vector magnitudes

Use the vectorMagnitude function to perform a square root of the sum of the squares operation on at
most three previously saved X-Y data objects (each object is a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a
new X-Y data object. This function is essentially identical to the srss function (see ``Taking the square
root of the sum of the squares of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.16) except that the
operation can be performed on at most three data objects. You can use this function to plot the total
magnitude of a vector by calculating the square root of the sums of the squares of the three vector
The new X-Y data object has as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the first data object and any
additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the remaining objects. ABAQUS/CAE computes
additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The new data object has as its
Y-coordinates the square root of the sum of the squares of all input X-Y data object Y-coordinates at


X-Y plotting

matching X-coordinates. The arguments to this function are commutative.

Figure 30-14 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced using the vectorMagnitude function.

Figure 30-14 X-Y plot produced using the vectorMagnitude function.

To calculate vector magnitudes:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click vectorMagnitude(X,X,X).
The vectorMagnitude function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of three X-Y data objects on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the vectorMagnitude function
parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.


X-Y plotting

6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Taking the square root of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.15
``Normalizing an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.14
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.19 Applying trigonometric functions to an X-Y data object

Use the trigonometric functions cos, cosh, acos, sin, sinh, asin, tan, tanh, and atan to operate on a
previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The
new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as the original X-Y data object, but new
Y-coordinates are computed as the trigonometric function value of each original Y-coordinate.
Arguments to trigonometric functions are assumed to be in radians.
For example, if
XYData = [(0; 0); (1; 1:571); (2; 3:14)];

sin(XYData) = [(0; 0); (1; 1); (2; 0:00159)]:

Figure 30-15 shows an X-Y plot of the above example.

Figure 30-15 X-Y plot produced using the sin function.


X-Y plotting

To apply trigonometric functions to an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click one of the following trigonometric functions:
To compute the sine of your X-Y data object.
To compute the hyperbolic sine of your X-Y data
To compute the arcsine of your X-Y data object. Your
Y-data values must be in the range [-1, 1].
To compute the cosine of your X-Y data object.
cosh(A) To compute the hyperbolic cosine of your X-Y data
acos(A) To compute the arccosine of your X-Y data object.
Your Y-data values must be in the range [-1, 1].
To compute the tangent of your X-Y data object.
tanh(A) To compute the hyperbolic tangent of your X-Y data
To compute the arctangent of your X-Y data object.
The trigonometric function you choose appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the trigonometric function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.


X-Y plotting

5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.

6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Converting the angular units used for X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.34
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.20 Taking the exponential of an X-Y data object

Use the exp function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered pairs) to
produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as the
original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the exponential of the original
Figure 30-16 shows an example of an X-Y plot produced by using the exp function.

Figure 30-16 X-Y plot produced using the exp function.

To take the exponential of an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.


X-Y plotting

From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click exp(A).
The exp function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the exp function parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Raising an X-Y data object to a power,'' Section 30.4.22
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.21 Applying logarithmic functions to an X-Y data object

Use the logarithmic functions log and log10 to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a
collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same
X-coordinate values as the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the
logarithmic function value of each original Y-coordinate. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 1); (2; 2:71); (3; 7:39)];

log(XYData) = [(1; 0); (2; 1:0); (3; 2:0)]:

Figure 30-17 illustrates the above example.


X-Y plotting

Figure 30-17 X-Y plot produced using the log function.

To apply logarithmic functions to an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click either log(A) or log10(A) to apply the natural log or base 10 log
function, respectively.
The logarithmic function you choose appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the logarithmic function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.22 Raising an X-Y data object to a power

Use the power function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered pairs)
to produce a new X-Y data object. The power function requires two arguments, at least one of which
must be an X-Y data object. This function can be applied in three ways:
To raise a scalar to an X-Y data object: power (scalar, data object name).
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as the scalar raised to the
power of each original Y-coordinate. For example, if
XYData = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 3)];

power(2, XYData) = [(1; 2); (2; 4); (3; 8)]:

To raise an X-Y data object to a scalar: power (data object name, scalar).
This method yields a new X-Y data object having the same X-coordinate values as the original
X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new Y-coordinates as each original
Y-coordinate raised to the scalar. For example, if
XYData = [(2; 2); (3; 3); (4; 4)];

power(XYData, 2) = [(2; 4); (3; 9); (4; 16)]:

To raise an X-Y data object to another X-Y data object: power (data object name, data object
This method yields a new X-Y data object having as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the
first data object and any additional X-coordinates needed for alignment of the two objects.
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by interpolation and extrapolation . The
new data object has as its Y-coordinates the Y-coordinates of the first data object raised to the
Y-coordinates of the second data object. For example, let
XYData1 = [(1; 1); (2; 2); (4; 2); (5; 1)];


X-Y plotting

XYData2 = [(0; 1); (3; 2); (5; 6)]:

For alignment, ABAQUS/CAE computes the values of the first and second data objects as:
XYData1 extrapolated = [(0; 1); (1; 1); (2; 2); (3; 2); (4; 2); (5; 1)];

XYData2 extrapolated = [(0; 1); (1; 1:33); (2; 1:66); (3; 2); (4; 4); (5; 6)];

power(XYData1, XYData2) = [(0; 1); (1; 1); (2; 3:17); (3; 4); (4; 16); (5; 1)]:

Figure 30-18 shows a plot of the above example.

Figure 30-18 X-Y plot of one data object raised to another data object.

To apply the power function:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click power(A,A).


X-Y plotting

The power function appears in the expression window.

3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the power function parentheses in the expression
4. To specify the next argument, do one of the following:
Use your mouse and keyboard to enter a scalar as either the first or second argument of the
power function in the expression window, depending on the operation you want to perform,
and to separate the two arguments with a comma, or
From the XY Data choices, click the name of a data object argument for the power function in
the expression window.
5. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
6. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
7. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
8. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Taking the exponential of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.20
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.23 Applying SAE filtering to an X-Y data object

Use the saeFilter function to apply an SAE filtering operation to a previously saved X-Y data object (a
collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. This filtering operation can be used, for
example, to remove high frequency noise.
The parameters required for the saeFilter function are the data object name and the SAE class.


X-Y plotting

Possible SAE class values are 60, 100, 180, and 600. ABAQUS/CAE computes the cut-off frequency
from the SAE class as follows:
cut-o frequency = SAE class


Your X-Y data object must have a constant time step for it to be filtered. If the time step is not constant,
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional points at constant intervals by interpolation. The constant time
step for SAE filtering is defined by the smallest time step in the X-Y data object to be filtered.
Figure 30-19 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced using the saeFilter operation.

Figure 30-19 X-Y plot produced using the saeFilter operation.

To apply SAE filtering to an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click saeFilter(X,I).
The saeFilter function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can


X-Y plotting

choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the saeFilter function parentheses in the expression
4. Enter the SAE class.
Position your cursor after the data object name in the expression window. Enter a comma, then
enter either 60, 100, 180, or 600, depending on the filtering class you want to apply.
5. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
6. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
7. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
8. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Applying sine-Butterworth filtering to an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.24
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Smoothing an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.25

30.4.24 Applying sine-Butterworth filtering to an X-Y data object

Use the sbFilter function to apply a sine-Butterworth filtering operation to a previously saved X-Y data
object (a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. This filtering operation can be
used, for example, to remove high frequency noise.
The parameters required for the sbFilter function are the data object name, the cut-off frequency, the
sampling frequency, and the number of poles. The default value for the sampling frequency is five
times the cut-off frequency, while the default value for the number of poles is six.
Your X-Y data object must have a constant time step for it to be filtered. If the time step is not constant,
ABAQUS/CAE computes additional points at constant intervals by interpolation. The constant time
step is computed from the sampling frequency according to the following relationship:


X-Y plotting

constant time step =

2 sampling frequency

Figure 30-20 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced using the sbFilter operation.

Figure 30-20 X-Y plot produced using the sbFilter operation.

To apply sine-Butterworth filtering to an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click sbFilter(X,F,F,I).
The sbFilter function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the sbFilter function parentheses in the expression
4. Position your cursor after the data object name in the expression window and enter, in order, the
following three parameters separated by commas:
a. A floating point value for the cut-off frequency.
b. A floating point value for the sampling frequency.
c. An even integer value for the number of poles; higher values increase computational effort
and can eventually cause the filter to become unstable.


X-Y plotting

5. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
6. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
7. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
8. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Applying SAE filtering to an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.23
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Smoothing an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.25
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.25 Smoothing an X-Y data object

Use the smooth function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object having a smoother curve. The new X-Y data object has the
same X-coordinate values as the original X-Y data object. At each X-coordinate ABAQUS/CAE
computes the new Y-coordinate as the average of neighboring Y-coordinates of the original data object.
This computation is known as a ``moving average.'' You can specify the number of neighboring points
to include in the average; a larger value produces a smoother curve. ABAQUS/CAE interprets the
value you specify as the number of points to use on either side of the current X-coordinate. The default
is 2, which means ABAQUS/CAE averages 5 values to compute each new Y-coordinate.
Figure 30-21 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced using the smooth function.

Figure 30-21 X-Y plot produced using the smooth function.


X-Y plotting

To smooth an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click smooth(X, I).
The smooth function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the smooth function parentheses in the expression
4. Position your cursor in the expression window, and enter an integer value for the number of points
on either side of a given point to include in the average.
5. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
6. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
7. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
8. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Applying sine-Butterworth filtering to an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.24
``Applying SAE filtering to an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.23
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.26 Finding the current maximum of an X-Y data object

Use the currentMax function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as
the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the maximum Y-coordinate at or
before the current X-coordinate.
Figure 30-22 provides an example of an X-Y plot produced by using the currentMax function.

Figure 30-22 X-Y plot produced using the currentMax function.

Note: The last value of the new X-Y data object represents the overall maximum Y-coordinate of
the original X-Y data object.
For information on how to find the current maximum of two or more X-Y data objects, see ``Finding
the current maximum of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.29.
To find the current maximum of an X-Y data object:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click currentMax(X).


X-Y plotting

The currentMax function appears in the expression window.

3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the currentMax function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current maximum of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.29
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.27 Finding the current minimum of an X-Y data object

Use the currentMin function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as
the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the minimum Y-coordinate at or
before the current X-coordinate.
Figure 30-23 shows an example of an X-Y plot produced by using the currentMin function.

Figure 30-23 X-Y plot produced using the currentMin function.


X-Y plotting

Note: The last value of the new X-Y data object represents the overall minimum Y-coordinate of
the original X-Y data object.
For information on how to find the current minimum of two or more X-Y data objects, see ``Finding the
current minimum of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.30.
To find the current minimum of an X-Y data object:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click currentMin(X).
The currentMin function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the currentMin function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current minimum of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.30
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.28 Finding the current range of an X-Y data object

Use the currentRng function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data object (a collection of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has the same X-coordinate values as
the original X-Y data object, but new Y-coordinates are computed as the difference between the
minimum Y-coordinate and the maximum Y-coordinate at or before the current X-coordinate.
Figure 30-24 provides an example of an X-Y plot produced by using the currentRng function.

Figure 30-24 X-Y plot produced using the currentRng function.

Note: The last value of the new X-Y data object represents the overall range of Y-coordinates of
the original X-Y data object.
For information on how to find the current range of two or more X-Y data objects, see ``Finding the
current range of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.31.
To find the current range of an X-Y data object:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click currentRng(X).


X-Y plotting

The currentRng function appears in the expression window.

3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the currentRng function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current range of two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.31
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.29 Finding the current maximum of two or more X-Y data

Use the maxEnvelope function to operate on two or more previously saved X-Y data objects (each
object is a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has
as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the input data objects and any additional X-coordinates needed
for alignment of the input data objects. ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by
interpolation and extrapolation . The new data object has as its Y-coordinates the maximum
Y-coordinate of all input X-Y data objects at the current X-coordinate. The arguments of this operation
are commutative.
Figure 30-25 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced by using the maxEnvelope function.

Figure 30-25 X-Y plot produced using the maxEnvelope function.


X-Y plotting

For information on how to find the current maximum of a single X-Y data object, see ``Finding the
current maximum of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.26.
To find the current maximum of two or more X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click maxEnvelope(A,A,...).
The maxEnvelope function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of two or more X-Y data objects on which to operate.
Choices include all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session, listed alphabetically.
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the maxEnvelope function
parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current maximum of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.26
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.30 Finding the current minimum of two or more X-Y data

Use the minEnvelope function to operate on two or more previously saved X-Y data objects (each
object is a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has
as its X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the input data objects and any additional X-coordinates needed
for alignment of the input data objects. ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by
interpolation and extrapolation . The new data object has as its Y-coordinates the minimum
Y-coordinate of all input X-Y data objects at the current X-coordinate. The arguments of this operation
are commutative.
Figure 30-26 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced by using the minEnvelope function.

Figure 30-26 X-Y plot produced using the minEnvelope function.

For information on how to find the current minimum of a single X-Y data object, see ``Finding the
current minimum of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.27.
To find the current minimum of two or more X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click minEnvelope(A,A,...).


X-Y plotting

The minEnvelope function appears in the expression window.

3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of two or more X-Y data objects on which to operate.
Choices include all previously saved X-Y data objects, which are listed alphabetically.
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the minEnvelope function
parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current minimum of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.27
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.31 Finding the current range of two or more X-Y data

Use the rng function to operate on two or more previously saved X-Y data objects (each object is a
collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has as its
X-coordinates all X-coordinates of the input data objects and any additional X-coordinates needed for
alignment of the input data objects. ABAQUS/CAE computes additional X-Y data pairs by
interpolation and extrapolation . ABAQUS/CAE computes the new data object Y-coordinates as the
difference between the minimum Y-coordinate and the maximum Y-coordinate at the current
X-coordinate. The arguments of this operation are commutative.
Figure 30-27 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced by using the rng function.

Figure 30-27 X-Y plot produced using the rng function.


X-Y plotting

For information on how to find the current range of a single X-Y data object, see ``Finding the current
range of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.28.
To find the current range of two or more X-Y data objects:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click rng(A,A,...).
The rng function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of two or more X-Y data objects on which to operate.
Choices include all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session, listed alphabetically.
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the rng function parentheses in
the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Finding the current range of an X-Y data object,'' Section 30.4.28
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.32 Appending two or more X-Y data objects

Use the append function to link together two or more previously saved X-Y data objects (collections
of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object contains the data objects
you specify concatenated in the order you specify.
Figure 30-28 shows an X-Y plot created by appending an X-Y data object with Y-values varying from 1
to -1 to an X-Y data object with Y-values varying from 0.5 to -0.5.

Figure 30-28 X-Y plot produced using the append function.

To append two or more X-Y data objects:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click append(X,X,...).
The append function appears in the expression window.


X-Y plotting

3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of the X-Y data objects to append in the order you want
ABAQUS to concatenate them. You can choose from X-Y data objects previously saved within this
session (listed alphabetically in the XY Data field).
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the append function parentheses
in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Combining two X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.33
``Using addition on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.5
``Summing two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.17
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.33 Combining two X-Y data objects

Use the combine function to combine two previously saved X-Y data objects (collections of ordered
pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object contains data pairs consisting of the
Y-coordinate values of the first data object and the Y-coordinate values of the second data object,
combined wherever X-coordinate values for the two data objects match. For example,
XYData1 = [(1; 4); (2; 4); (3; 4); (4; 5); (5; 6)]

XYData2 = [(1; 9); (2; 8); (3; 7); (4; 6); (5; 4)];

combine(XYData1, XYData2) = [(4; 9); (4; 8); (4; 7); (5; 6); (6; 4)]:


X-Y plotting

The arguments of this operation are not commutative. If X-coordinate values for the two data objects
do not match, ABAQUS/CAE computes the missing data points to allow the X-Y data objects to be
aligned. For more information on how missing data points are computed, see ``Understanding X-Y
data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2.
A typical application of this function would be to combine a data object having X-values of time and
Y-values of load with a data object having X-values of time and Y-values of displacement to produce a
data object having X-values of displacement and Y-values of load. Another example would be to
combine a data object having X-values of time and Y-values of stress with a data object having
X-values of time and Y-values of strain to produce a data object having X-values of strain and Y-values
of stress, as shown in Figure 30-29.

Figure 30-29 X-Y plot of stress versus strain.

To combine two X-Y data objects:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click combine(X,X).
The combine function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the names of the two X-Y data objects to combine in the order


X-Y plotting

you want ABAQUS to combine them. Choices include all X-Y data objects previously saved
within this session, listed alphabetically.
The X-Y data object names appear, separated by commas, within the combine function
parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2
``Appending two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.32
``Using addition on X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.5
``Summing two or more X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.17
``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.34 Converting the angular units used for X-Y data objects
Use the degreeToRadian or radianToDegree function to operate on a previously saved X-Y data
object (a collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has
the same X-coordinate values as the original X-Y data object. ABAQUS/CAE computes the new
Y-coordinate values by converting each original Y-coordinate from degrees to radians or from radians
to degrees, depending on the function you specify.
To apply the degreeToRadian or radianToDegree function:
1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click degreeToRadian to convert from degrees to radians or
radianToDegree to convert from radians to degrees.

X-Y plotting

The respective function appears in the expression window.

3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the function parentheses in the expression window.
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.4.35 Swapping the order of an X-Y data object

Use the swap function to exchange the X- and Y-values of a previously saved X-Y data object (a
collection of ordered pairs) to produce a new X-Y data object. The new X-Y data object has as its
X-coordinate values the Y-coordinate values of the original X-Y data object and has as its Y-coordinate
values the X-coordinate values of the original data object.
Figure 30-30 illustrates the type of X-Y plot that can be produced by using the swap function.

Figure 30-30 X-Y plot produced using the swap function.


X-Y plotting

To swap the order of an X-Y data object:

1. Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY data->Create. Click Operate on XY data in the
dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears.
2. From the Operators listed, click swap(X) .
The swap function appears in the expression window.
3. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X-Y data object on which to operate. You can
choose from all X-Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the
XY Data field).
The X-Y data object name appears within the swap function parentheses in the expression
4. To continue to build your expression, position the cursor in the expression window and type in or
select the functions, operators, and X-Y data you want to include.
5. To evaluate and display your expression, click Plot Expression.
6. To save your new X-Y data object, click Save As and then provide a name in the dialog box that
Saving your data object makes it available for future operations within this session and for
inclusion in X-Y plots containing multiple data objects.
7. When you are finished, click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:


X-Y plotting

``Overview of X-Y data operations,'' Section 30.4.4

30.5 Customizing X-Y plot axes

This section explains how you use the XY Plot Options dialog box to customize the appearance of the
plot axes of an X-Y plot. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis type,'' Section 30.5.2
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis range,'' Section 30.5.3
``Customizing X-Y plot axis tick marks,'' Section 30.5.4
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis grid,'' Section 30.5.5
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis titles,'' Section 30.5.6
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis labels,'' Section 30.5.7
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis color and style,'' Section 30.5.8
``Adjusting the X-Y plot aspect ratio,'' Section 30.5.9

30.5.1 Overview of X-Y plot options

You can use the X-Y plot options to customize the appearance of X-Y plots. Figure 30-31 identifies the
X-Y plot characteristics that you can customize.

Figure 30-31 Characteristics of an X-Y plot.


X-Y plotting

Select Options->XY Plot from the main menu bar to access the XY Plot Options dialog box. Click the
following tabs to customize the appearance of X-Y plots in the current viewport:
Aspect Ratio: Adjust the relative scaling of the X- and Y-axis.
Axes: Choose axes color and thickness, and control numeric axes labels.
Grid: Control the style and occurrence of grid lines.
Scale: Choose axes scales and limits.
Tick Marks: Control the occurrence of tick marks.
Titles: Specify the content and appearance of axes titles.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the X-Y plot axis type,'' Section 30.5.2
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis range,'' Section 30.5.3
``Customizing X-Y plot axis tick marks,'' Section 30.5.4
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis grid,'' Section 30.5.5
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis titles,'' Section 30.5.6
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis labels,'' Section 30.5.7


X-Y plotting

``Customizing the X-Y plot axis color and style,'' Section 30.5.8
``Adjusting the X-Y plot aspect ratio,'' Section 30.5.9

30.5.2 Customizing the X-Y plot axis type

Click the Scale tab to choose either a linear or logarithmic scale for the X- and Y-axes of an X-Y plot.
The scales of the X- and Y-axes are independent. By default, ABAQUS/CAE uses a linear scale for
To customize the type of axes of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the Type options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Scale tab in the dialog box that appears. Options that control the X-axis are at the top of
the page, and options that control the Y-axis are at the bottom of the page.
2. From the X-axis Type options, click Linear or Logarithmic to choose the scale of the X-axis.
3. From the Y-axis Type options, click Linear or Logarithmic to choose the scale of the Y-axis.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The axes of the X-Y plot in the current viewport change to reflect your specifications.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1

30.5.3 Customizing the X-Y plot axis range

Click the Scale tab to customize the range of the X- and Y-axes of an X-Y plot. By default,
ABAQUS/CAE computes the minimum and maximum axis values based on the minimum and
maximum data points included in the plot.
To customize the axis range of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the axis Min and Max options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Scale tab in the dialog box that appears.
2. From the X-Axis scale options, click one of the following:


X-Y plotting

Max: Auto-compute
ABAQUS computes the maximum value of the X-axis, which is rounded to provide
reasonable tick mark intervals.
Max: Specify
The Specify text field becomes available, and you can specify the maximum value of the
3. From the X-Axis scale options, click one of the following:
Min: Auto-compute
ABAQUS computes the minimum value of the X-axis, which is rounded to provide
reasonable tick mark intervals.
Min: Specify
The Specify text field becomes available, and you can enter the minimum value of the
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the Y-Axis scale options.
5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The axes of the X-Y plot in the current viewport change to reflect your specifications. The
minimum and maximim values in the plot legend, if active, change to display the specified bounds.
For more information on the plot legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1
``Adjusting the X-Y plot aspect ratio,'' Section 30.5.9

30.5.4 Customizing X-Y plot axis tick marks

Click the Tick Marks tab to control how many major and minor tick marks appear along the X- and
Y-axes of an X-Y plot. You can control the X- and Y-axis tick marks independently. Examples of major
and minor tick marks are shown in Figure 30-32.

Figure 30-32 X-Y plot with major and minor tick marks indicated.


X-Y plotting

Major tick marks govern the placement of the X-Y plot major grid and the numeric axis labels. Minor
tick marks are shorter, unlabeled marks governing the placement of the minor grid lines.
By default, ABAQUS/CAE automatically computes the number of tick marks. You can specify major
tick marks by giving the increment between them or the total number of tick marks. You can specify
minor tick marks only by giving the total number between each major tick mark.
The color of the tick marks is governed by the color of the axes. For more information, see
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis color and style,'' Section 30.5.8.
To control the axis tick marks of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the axis Tick Marks options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Tick Marks tab in the dialog box that appears; the Tick Marks options appear.
2. Choose the method of computing the interval between major tick marks along the X-axis.
From the X-Axis Major options, choose one of the following:
ABAQUS computes the interval between major tick marks along the X-axis, rounding to
provide reasonable intervals.
The Increment text field becomes available, and you can enter the increment between
major tick marks along the X-axis.


X-Y plotting

Total number
The Total number text field becomes available, and you can enter the total number of
major tick marks to appear between the minimum and maximum values along the X-axis.
3. Specify the number of minor tick marks.
From the X-axis Minor ticks option, click the Ticks per interval arrow to specify the number of
minor tick marks between each major tick mark.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the Y-Axis tick mark options.
5. Click Apply to implement your change.
The axes of the X-Y plot in the current viewport change to reflect your specifications.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the X-Y plot axis grid,'' Section 30.5.5
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis labels,'' Section 30.5.7
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1

30.5.5 Customizing the X-Y plot axis grid

Click the Grid tab to control the appearance of the major and minor grid lines of an X-Y plot. Examples
of major and minor grid lines are shown in Figure 30-33.

Figure 30-33 X-Y plot with major and minor grid lines indicated.


X-Y plotting

You can enable and disable the horizontal and vertical lines in either the major or minor grid, and you
can select the color, style, and thickness of the lines in each grid.
Note: Major grid lines originate from major tick marks, and minor grid lines originate from minor
tick marks. To control the interval between grid lines, you must adjust the spacing of the tick
To customize the grid of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the axis Grid options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Grid tab in the dialog box that appears; the Grid options appear.
2. From the Major Grid Lines options, toggle Show horizontal lines and Show vertical lines to
display or suppress the horizontal and vertical lines of the major grid.
When either Show horizontal lines or Show vertical lines is on, grid line style, color, and
thickness options become available.
3. Select the style of the major grid lines.
a. Click the Style button to reveal the major grid line style options.
b. In the style list, click the desired line style.


X-Y plotting

The specified line style appears on the Style button.

4. Select the color of the major grid lines.
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the major grid line color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color.
The specified color appears in the Color box.
5. Select the thickness of the major grid lines.
a. Click the Thickness button to reveal the major grid lines thickness options.
b. In the list of thicknesses, click the desired line thickness.
The specified line thickness appears on the Thickness button.
6. To select the Minor Grid Lines options, repeat Step 2 through Step 5.
7. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The grid lines on the X-Y plot in the current viewport change to reflect your specifications.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing X-Y plot axis tick marks,'' Section 30.5.4
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1

30.5.6 Customizing the X-Y plot axis titles

Click the Titles tab to customize the titles that appear along the X- and Y-axes of an X-Y plot. You can
customize the following:
The text that appears as each title.
The color of each title.
The font of each title.
To customize the axis titles of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the axis Titles options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.


X-Y plotting

Click the Titles tab in the dialog box that appears; the Titles options appear.
2. To specify X-axis title text other than the default:
a. Click the Title source button and select User-specified.
b. In the Title text field, enter the text that you wish to appear along the X-axis.
3. Select the color of the X-axis title.
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the X-axis title color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color.
The specified color appears in the Color box.
4. Select the font of the X-axis title.
a. Click Set Font to display the Select Font dialog box.
b. Use the font selector dialog box to set the font properties that you want.
Note: You specify font size as a percentage of the viewport.

c. Click Apply to see the effect of your font selections.

d. Click OK to close the Select Font dialog box and to return to the axes titles options.
5. To customize the Y-Axis title, repeat Step 2 through Step 4.
6. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Axes titles on the X-Y plot in the current viewport appear according to your specification.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the X-Y plot axis labels,'' Section 30.5.7
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1

30.5.7 Customizing the X-Y plot axis labels

Click the Axes tab to customize the numeric labels that appear with the major tick marks along the Xand Y-axes of an X-Y plot. Examples of axis labels appear in Figure 30-34.


X-Y plotting

Figure 30-34 X-Y plot with axis labels indicated.

You can customize the following:

The format of the labels (automatic, decimal, or exponential).
The number of decimal places in the labels.
The frequency of the labels in relation to the major tick marks.
The font of the labels.
The color of the labels is governed by the color of the axes. See ``Customizing the X-Y plot axis color
and style,'' Section 30.5.8, for more information.
To control the axes labels of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the X-Axis Labels and Y-Axis Labels options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Axes tab in the dialog box that appears.
2. From the X-Axis Labels options, select the format of the X-axis labels.
a. Click the Format button to reveal the X-axis label format options.
b. Choose one of the following:


X-Y plotting

Based on the values of your X-Y data, ABAQUS automatically selects decimal or
exponential labels with the specified number of decimal places. This method is
the default.
Use decimal format with the specified number of decimal places.
Use exponential format with the specified number of decimal places.
3. Click the Decimal places arrows to specify the desired number of decimal places in each label.
4. Click the Frequency arrows to specify how often labels are printed relative to each major tick
mark. For example, if you select a frequency of two, labels will appear at every second major tick
mark along the axis. If you select a frequency of zero, no labels will be displayed along the axis.
You can request a label frequency of at most one greater than the number of major tick marks.
5. Select the font of the X-axis labels.
a. Click Set Font to display the Select Font dialog box.
b. Use the font selector dialog box to object the font properties that you want.
Note: You specify font size as a percentage of the viewport.

c. Click Apply to see the effect of your font selections.

d. Click OK to close the Select Font dialog box and return to the axes labels options.
6. To customize the Y-Axis labels, repeat Step 2 through Step 5.
7. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The axes labels on the X-Y plot in the current viewport change to reflect your specifications.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing X-Y plot axis tick marks,'' Section 30.5.4
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis titles,'' Section 30.5.6
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1


X-Y plotting

30.5.8 Customizing the X-Y plot axis color and style

Click the Axes tab to customize the color and thickness of the graph axes of an X-Y plot. Your
selections apply to both the X- and Y-axes; it is not possible to customize the axes individually.
Note: The color and thickness of the axes govern the color and thickness of the major and minor
tick marks as well as the color of the numeric axes labels.
To customize the axis color and style of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the axes Color & Style options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Axes tab in the dialog box that appears. The Color & Style options are at the top of the
2. Select the color of the axes.
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the axes color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color.
The specified color appears in the Color box.
3. Select the thickness of the axes.
a. Click the Thickness button to reveal the axes thickness options.
b. In the thickness list, click the desired line thickness.
The specified line thickness appears on the Thickness button.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The color and style of the axes of the X-Y plot in the current viewport change to reflect your
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing X-Y plot axis tick marks,'' Section 30.5.4
``Customizing the X-Y plot axis labels,'' Section 30.5.7
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1


X-Y plotting

30.5.9 Adjusting the X-Y plot aspect ratio

You can adjust the aspect ratio of an X-Y plot to customize the relative scaling of the axes. You can
adjust both the X-axis and the Y-axis to customize the aspect ratio, which is reported as X:Y and Y:X.
Figure 30-35 shows the appearance of an X-Y plot using different aspect ratios.

Figure 30-35 X-Y plots with different aspect ratios.

To adjust the aspect ratio of an X-Y plot:

1. Locate the X-Y plot Aspect Ratio options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Plot.
Click the Aspect Ratio tab in the dialog box that appears.
2. To adjust the relative scaling of the X- and Y-axis, drag one or both of the X-Axis and Y-Axis
When you stop dragging the slider, the aspect ratio appears in both X:Y and Y:X form at the
bottom of the Aspect Ratio frame. Continue dragging until the desired ratio is achieved.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The aspect ratio of the X-Y plot axes in the current viewport changes to reflect your specifications.
The aspect ratios of the titles, the labels, the symbols, and the legend are not affected.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the X-Y plot axis range,'' Section 30.5.3
``Overview of X-Y plot options,'' Section 30.5.1

30.6 Customizing X-Y curve appearance

This section explains how you use the XY Curve Options dialog box to customize the appearance of a
curve representing a selected X-Y data object. Only curves that appear in the most recent X-Y plot are
available for customization. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of customizing X-Y curve appearance,'' Section 30.6.1
``Selecting one or more X-Y curves to customize,'' Section 30.6.2
``Customizing the X-Y plot legend,'' Section 30.6.3
``Customizing the appearance of an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.4
``Customizing the symbols used on an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.5

30.6.1 Overview of customizing X-Y curve appearance

To customize the appearance of X-Y curves, select Options->XY Curve from the main menu bar. You
can customize the line style, symbol style, and legend text of each curve.
Only those curves that appear in the most recent X-Y plot are available for customization. You first
select and then customize one or more curves at a time. You can customize the following:
The text that appears in the legend describing the data. For more information, see ``Customizing
the X-Y plot legend,'' Section 30.6.3.
The appearance of the line representing the data (the curve). For more information, see
``Customizing the appearance of an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.4.
The appearance of the symbols along the curve. For more information, see ``Customizing the
symbols used on an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.5.
To set the X-Y curve options:
1. From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Curve; the XY Curve Options dialog box appears.
2. Use the curve options to select and then customize the appearance of the X-Y curves in the current
viewport. ABAQUS/CAE immediately applies your changes.
3. To restore the default appearance of one or more selected curves, click Defaults.
4. When you have finished customizing the appearance of your X-Y curves, click Dismiss to close


X-Y plotting

the XY Curve Options dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting one or more X-Y curves to customize,'' Section 30.6.2
``Customizing the X-Y plot legend,'' Section 30.6.3
``Customizing the appearance of an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.4
``Customizing the symbols used on an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.5

30.6.2 Selecting one or more X-Y curves to customize

To customize a curve, you first select it and then choose customization options. Use the XY Data field
in the XY Curve Options dialog box to select one or more X-Y curves to customize. The XY Data field
lists the X-Y curves displayed in the most recently produced X-Y plot, identifying each curve by name.
For information on curve naming conventions, see ``Understanding "Temp" and other X-Y data object
names,'' Section 30.1.3.
After you have selected one or more X-Y curves to customize, you then use the options in the
Attributes frame to control the line and the symbol representing the data and to enter the text that will
appear in the legend.
To select one or more X-Y curves to customize:
1. Locate the XY Data field.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Curve; the XY Curve Options dialog box appears.
The XY Data field is at the top of the dialog box.
2. Select one or more X-Y curves to customize. For more information on selecting multiple items in
dialog boxes, see ``Selecting multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8.
Note: To make an X-Y curve available for selection, you must first plot it.

If you have selected one curve, the Attributes frame displays the current attributes of that curve.
If you have selected multiple curves, ABAQUS/CAE displays the Legend text field as blank. The
display in the Attributes frame varies depending on whether the selected curves have the same
attributes or not. If the attributes are the same, ABAQUS/CAE displays them; if the attributes
differ, ABAQUS/CAE displays the following:
The Show line and Show symbol checkboxes are half-highlighted.
The line Color and symbol Color text fields display the term As is.
The Style, Thickness, Symbol, and Size buttons are blank.


X-Y plotting

The Frequency text field is blank.

3. From the Attributes field, you can control the following:
The text that appears in the legend describing the data. For more information, see
``Customizing the X-Y plot legend,'' Section 30.6.3.
The appearance of the line representing the data (the curve). For more information, see
``Customizing the appearance of an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.4.
The appearance of the symbols along the curve. For more information, see ``Customizing the
symbols used on an X-Y curve,'' Section 30.6.5.

30.6.3 Customizing the X-Y plot legend

The legend of an X-Y plot provides a key to associate each curve included in the plot with the X-Y data
object that it represents. Each legend entry contains a line segment in the color and style shown in the
plot. The legend entry also includes text stating, by default, the name of the X-Y data represented by the
curve. You can customize this text using the XY Curve Options.
The remaining characteristics of the legend are controlled by options in the Viewport Annotations
dialog box. For information on customizing the legend and on including in the legend a report of the
minimum and maximum X-Y values, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To customize the legend text of an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the XY Curve Options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Curve; the XY Curve Options dialog box appears.
2. From the XY Data field, select the single X-Y curve whose legend text you wish to customize.
Note: To make an X-Y curve available for selection, you must first plot it.

3. Click the Legend source button and select User-specified.

4. In the Legend text field, enter the text that you wish to appear in the legend for the X-Y curve you
have selected. Your text can include blank spaces.
5. On your keyboard, click [Enter].
The legend, if active, changes to contain the text you specify. For more information on the legend,
see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent X-Y plots of
this data.
6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for each curve whose legend text you wish to customize.


X-Y plotting

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Selecting one or more X-Y curves to customize,'' Section 30.6.2

30.6.4 Customizing the appearance of an X-Y curve

Use the XY Curve Options dialog box to customize the color, style, and thickness of the line used to
represent an X-Y data object in an X-Y plot. Figure 30-36 illustrates some of the ways in which X-Y
data curves can be customized.

Figure 30-36 X-Y plot with customized curves.

The color, style, and thickness that you select appear along the curve and in the legend. The
customizing options are available only when Show line is toggled on.
To customize the appearance of a curve in an X-Y plot:
1. Locate the Curves options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Curve; the XY Curve Options dialog box appears.
2. From the XY Data field, select one or more X-Y curves whose attributes you wish to customize.
Note: To make an X-Y curve available for selection, you must first plot it.

The customization options you choose will apply to all of the curves you have selected; if you
want to vary the appearance of multiple curves, you must customize them one at a time.
3. Toggle Show line to display or suppress the line representing each selected X-Y curve.
When Show line is on, the curve is displayed and the line attribute options are enabled.
4. Choose the line style:


X-Y plotting

a. Click the Style button to reveal the line style options (solid, dashed, etc.).
b. From the style list, click the desired line style.
The specified line style appears on the Style button.
5. Choose the line thickness:
a. Click the Thickness button to reveal the line thickness options.
b. From the thickness list, click the desired line thickness.
The specified thickness appears on the Thickness button.
6. Choose the line color:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the line color options.
b. From the list of colors, click the desired color.
The specified color appears in the Color box.
In the plot and in the legend, the line representing each selected X-Y curve changes to reflect your
specifications. For more information on the legend, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent X-Y plots of this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Selecting one or more X-Y curves to customize,'' Section 30.6.2

30.6.5 Customizing the symbols used on an X-Y curve

Use the XY Curve Options dialog box to customize the appearance of the symbol used to represent
data points on an X-Y curve. For example, in Figure 30-37 the plot on the left uses the default symbols,
while the plot on the right uses customized symbols.

Figure 30-37 X-Y plots with different data point symbols.


X-Y plotting

The symbol that you select appears along the curve and in the legend. The customization options are
available only when Show symbol is toggled on.
To customize the symbols used on an X-Y curve:
1. Locate the XY Curve Options dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Options->XY Curve; the XY Curve Options dialog box appears.
2. From the XY Data field, select one or more X-Y curves whose symbols you wish to customize.
Note: To make an X-Y data object available for selection, you must first plot it.

The customization options you choose will apply to all of the curves you have selected; if you
want to vary the symbols on multiple curves, you must customize them one at a time.
3. Toggle Show symbol to display or suppress the symbols representing each selected X-Y curve's
data points.
When Show symbol is on, symbols are displayed and the symbol attributes are enabled.
4. Choose the symbol:
a. Click the Symbol button to reveal the choice of symbols.
b. From the list of symbols, click the desired symbol.
The specified symbol appears on the Symbol button.
5. Choose the symbol color:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the symbol color options.
b. From the list of colors, click the desired color.
The specified symbol appears in the Color box.


X-Y plotting

6. Choose the symbol size:

a. Click the Size button to reveal the symbol size options.
b. From the symbol size options, click the desired symbol size.
The specified symbol size appears on the Size button.
7. Select the frequency of the symbols.
Type an integer into the Frequency text field to choose how often symbols appear along the
curve. For example, if you enter a frequency of two, ABAQUS displays symbols at every second
data point. The value zero is not allowed; to suppress the display of symbols, toggle Show
Along each selected curve and in the legend, the symbol representing the selected X-Y data points
changes to reflect your specifications. For more information on the legend, see ``Customizing the
legend,'' Section 38.1.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent X-Y plots of this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Selecting one or more X-Y curves to customize,'' Section 30.6.2


Querying and probing

31. Querying and probing

This chapter explains how you can use the query toolset to obtain general model information and to
probe model and X-Y plots for output data. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding general queries,'' Section 31.1
``Understanding probing,'' Section 31.2
``Using the query toolset,'' Section 31.3
For information on writing selected probe values to a file, see Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data
reports." For information on using the query toolset to obtain linearized stresses, see Chapter 33,
"Calculating linearized stresses."

31.1 Understanding general queries

The query toolset allows you to obtain general information about your model. ABAQUS/CAE displays
the requested information in the message area, and the same information is written to the replay file.
Select Tools->Query from the main menu bar, or select the query tool
from the toolbar to use the
query toolset. Items under General Queries provide the following information:
Deformed and undeformed coordinates of a selected node
Displacement of a selected node
Deformed and undeformed distance between two selected nodes
Relative displacement between two selected nodes

31.2 Understanding probing

When you select Tools->Query from the main menu bar or use the
tool in the toolbar and select
Probe values, ABAQUS/CAE enters probe mode. In this mode ABAQUS/CAE displays information
in the Probe Values dialog box as you move the cursor over the model in the current viewport.
Probing a model plot displays model data and analysis results; probing an X-Y plot displays X-Y curve
data. You can write this information to a file.
The Probe Values dialog box contains two separate display areas. ABAQUS/CAE updates the
Current Probe Values portion of the dialog box continuously to show the current probe values as you
move the cursor over the model in the current viewport. ABAQUS/CAE updates the Selected Probe
Values portion of the dialog box only when you click in the viewport to select values of interest.
Values accumulate in the bottom portion of the dialog box until you either delete them, clear the table,
or cancel probe mode.
This section explains the following topics:
``Probing model plots,'' Section 31.2.1


Querying and probing

``Probing X-Y plots,'' Section 31.2.2

31.2.1 Probing model plots

If the current viewport contains a model plot (an undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or material
orientation plot), ABAQUS/CAE allows you to probe results from the output database. The Probe
Values dialog box identifies the step, frame, and field output variable for which ABAQUS/CAE will
obtain values. To learn how to change the step, frame, or field output variable, see ``Selecting the
results step and frame,'' Section 24.2, and ``Selecting the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2.
For model plots you can choose to obtain node-based or element-based data and results, as follows:
Probing nodes
When you choose to probe nodes and position the cursor over a nodal location in the current
viewport, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the node and displays its label in the Probe Values
dialog box. In addition, you can choose to display any or all of the following:
the node's original coordinates,
the node's deformed coordinates (using the current deformed field output variable),
the elements sharing the node, and
the current field output variable.
You can display field output at the node whether the current primary variable was
originally saved to the output database at nodal, centroidal, or integration point locations.
ABAQUS/CAE calculates nodal values for centroidal and integration point data by
extrapolating to the nodes and averaging according to options you select. For more
information on averaging, see ``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2.
Probing elements
When you choose to probe elements and position the cursor over an element in the current
viewport, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the element and displays its label and type in the Probe
Values dialog box. In addition, you can choose to display either or both of the following:
the element's connectivity, and
the current field output variable.
You can display field output at the element only if the current primary variable is an
element-based variable, such as stress or strain. You can choose the output position at
which field output results are calculated: integration point, centroid, element node, or
element face. For each of these output positions, ABAQUS/CAE calculates probe results
on an element-by-element basis with no averaging.
Regardless of the render style in which the model is displayed, only visible elements can be


Querying and probing

probed. If necessary, you can create a display group to reveal otherwise unavailable interior

31.2.2 Probing X-Y plots

If the current viewport contains an X-Y plot, ABAQUS/CAE displays as probe values the X-Y curve
legend text, the sequence identification of each point within the curve, and the X- and Y-coordinates of
curve points. You can choose to display only the curve points that comprise an X-Y data object or to
interpolate to display arbitrary points along the curve.

31.3 Using the query toolset

You can use the query toolset to obtain general model information, to probe model and X-Y plots, and
to write the resulting probe values to a file. This section covers the following topics:
``Overview of the query toolset,'' Section 31.3.1
``Obtaining general model information,'' Section 31.3.2
``Overview of probe options,'' Section 31.3.3
``Probing nodes,'' Section 31.3.4
``Probing elements,'' Section 31.3.5
``Probing X-Y plots,'' Section 31.3.6
For information on writing selected probe values to a file, see Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data

31.3.1 Overview of the query toolset

You can use the query toolset to obtain general information about your model as well as information
specific to the Visualization module. The Query dialog box is divided into two regions.
General Queries
You can obtain information on the coordinates and displacement of a particular node.
You can obtain information on the distance between two points or nodes.
For more information on general model queries, see ``Obtaining general model information,''
Section 31.3.2.
Visualization Queries
Probe values


Querying and probing

ABAQUS/CAE displays information in the Probe Values dialog box as you move the
cursor around the current viewport. Probing a model plot displays model data and analysis
results; probing an X-Y plot displays X-Y curve data. For more information on probing, see
``Probing nodes,'' Section 31.3.4, ``Probing elements,'' Section 31.3.5, and ``Probing X-Y
plots,'' Section 31.3.6.
Stress linearization
Stress linearization is the separation of stresses through a section into constant membrane
and linear bending stresses. ABAQUS performs stress linearization calculations and
displays the results in the form of an X-Y plot. For more information on stress
linearization, see Chapter 33, "Calculating linearized stresses."

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Using the query toolset,'' Section 31.3

31.3.2 Obtaining general model information

You can use the query toolset to obtain general information about the geometry of the model in the
current viewport.
To query the model:
1. Locate the Query dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query or click the

tool in the toolbar.

The Query dialog box appears.

2. To obtain information on a particular node, do the following:
a. Select Node from the General Queries field of the Query dialog box, and click Apply.
ABAQUS displays a prompt in the prompt area.
b. Select a node from the viewport.
The undeformed and deformed X-, Y -, and Z-coordinates of that node appear in the
message area, along with the node's displacement.
3. To obtain information on the distance between two nodes, do the following:
a. Select Distance from the General Queries field of the Query dialog box, and click
ABAQUS displays a prompt in the prompt area.


Querying and probing

b. Select two nodes from the viewport.

The following information appears in the message area:
the undeformed and deformed X-, Y -, and Z-coordinates of each node, along with the
node's displacement;
the absolute undeformed and deformed distances between the nodes;
the X-, Y -, and Z-components of the undeformed and deformed vector between the
two nodes;
the absolute relative displacement between the nodes; and
the X-, Y -, and Z-components of the relative displacement between the two nodes.
c. To resize the message area, drag the small square at its upper right corner; to see
information that has scrolled out of the message area, use the scroll bar on the right
The same information that appears in the message area is also written to the replay file.
d. Click Cancel when you have finished requesting information.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Understanding general queries,'' Section 31.1

31.3.3 Overview of probe options

You can use the probe options in the query toolset to specify the values you want to obtain while
probing a model or X-Y plot. Select Tools->Query from the main menu bar; select Probe values in
the dialog box that appears (if it is not already selected); then click Apply to access the Probe Values
dialog box. Use the options in this dialog box to control probing in the current viewport.
For model plots
Use the Current ODB Settings options to choose the step, frame, field output variable, and
result options governing the probe data and results ABAQUS/CAE displays.
For model and X-Y plots
Use the Current Probe Values options to select the type of information you want to obtain
while probing.


Querying and probing

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Probing nodes,'' Section 31.3.4
``Probing elements,'' Section 31.3.5
``Probing X-Y plots,'' Section 31.3.6

31.3.4 Probing nodes

You can use the query toolset to obtain nodal data and results. As you position the cursor over a node
in the model plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the node and displays its label in
the Probe Values dialog box. In addition, you can choose to display the following:
the node's original coordinates,
the node's deformed coordinates (using the current deformed field output variable),
the elements sharing the node, and
the current field output variable.
To help locate nodes in the viewport, you may want to produce a model plot with node symbols visible
before using the query toolset. For more information, see ``Customizing node symbols,'' Section
To probe nodes:
1. Locate the Probe Values dialog box.
tool in the toolbar. Select Probe
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query or click the
values in the dialog box that appears; then click Apply. The Probe Values dialog box appears.
2. Select the step, frame, field output variable, and result options governing the probe data and results
ABAQUS/CAE will display.
In the Probe Values dialog box, the Current ODB Settings field identifies the current step,
frame, and field output variable.
To change the step or frame, click Frame.
To change the field output variable or result options, click Field Output.
3. Select the items to display.
a. Click the button next to Probe, and select Nodes.
The types of node information available are displayed in the second column of the
Current Probe Values table.


Querying and probing

b. In the Current Probe Values table, click anywhere along a table row to toggle probe
display of the item listed in the second column.
4. Move the cursor to probe the model plot in the current viewport.
As you position the cursor over a node, ABAQUS/CAE displays the values of the items you have
requested in the Current Probe Values table in the Probe Values dialog box.
5. To select and accumulate values of interest, and to allow subsequent writing of these values to a
file, click mouse button 1 while positioning the cursor over a node.
ABAQUS/CAE stores the data from the Current Probe Values table into the Selected Probe
Values table. To identify your data, ABAQUS/CAE always includes the Part Instance and Node
6. To delete data from the Selected Probe Values table or to clear or sort the table, click mouse
button 3. For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.
7. To save the data you have selected, click Write to File. For more information, see Chapter 35,
"Generating tabular data reports."
8. To exit probe mode, do one of the following:
Click the cancel

button in the prompt area.

Click Cancel in the Probe Values dialog box.

Click mouse button 2.
Produce a plot in some other (e.g. undeformed, deformed) mode.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Probing model plots,'' Section 31.2.1
``Probing elements,'' Section 31.3.5

31.3.5 Probing elements

You can use the query toolset to obtain element data and results. As you position the cursor over an
element in the model plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the element and displays
its label and type in the Probe Values dialog box. In addition, you can choose to display the
the element's connectivity, and


Querying and probing

the current field output variable.

Only exterior elements can be queried. If necessary, you can create a display group to reveal otherwise
unavailable interior elements. For more information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your
To help locate elements in the viewport, you may want to produce a model plot with all element edges
visible before using the query toolset. For more information, see ``Controlling element and surface
edge visibility,'' Section 37.3.1.
To probe elements:
1. Locate the Probe Values dialog box.
tool in the toolbar. Select Probe
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query or click the
values in the dialog box that appears; then click Apply. The Probe Values dialog box appears.
2. Select the step, frame, and field output variable for which ABAQUS/CAE will obtain values.
In the Probe Values dialog box, the Current ODB Settings field identifies the current step,
frame, and field output variable.
To change the step or frame, click Frame.
To change the field output variable, click Field Output.
3. Select the items to display:
a. Click the button next to Probe, and select Elements.
The types of element information available are displayed in the second column of the
Current Probe Values table.
b. In the Current Probe Values table, click anywhere along a table row to toggle probe
display of the item listed in the second column.
Note: Field output is available only if the current primary variable is an element-based variable, such as stress or

When you toggle on a row that contains the field output variable, the Position options
become available.
c. To choose the output position at which a field output variable is displayed, click the
Position arrow and select either Integration Pt, Centroid, Element Nodal, or Element
4. Move the cursor to probe the model plot in the current viewport.
As you position the cursor over an element, ABAQUS/CAE displays the values of the items you
have requested in the Current Probe Values table in the Probe Values dialog box.


Querying and probing

5. To select and accumulate values of interest, and to allow subsequent writing of these values to a
file, click mouse button 1 while positioning the cursor over an element.
ABAQUS/CAE stores the data from the Current Probe Values table into the Selected Probe
Values table. To identify your data, ABAQUS/CAE always includes the Part Instance, Element
ID, and Type.
6. To delete data from the Selected Probe Values table or to clear or sort the table, click mouse
button 3. For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.
7. To save the data you have selected, click Write to File. For more information, see Chapter 35,
"Generating tabular data reports."
8. To exit probe mode, do one of the following:
Click the cancel

button in the prompt area.

Click Cancel in the Probe Values dialog box.

Click mouse button 2.
Produce a plot in some other (e.g. undeformed, deformed) mode.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Probing model plots,'' Section 31.2.1
``Probing nodes,'' Section 31.3.4

31.3.6 Probing X-Y plots

You can use the query toolset to obtain information about curves in an X-Y plot. As you position the
cursor over an X-Y curve in the current viewport, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the nearest curve point
and displays the curve legend text, the point's sequence identification, and the X- and Y-coordinates of
the point in the Probe Values dialog box. You can choose to display only the curve points that
comprise an X-Y data object or to interpolate to display arbitrary points along the curve.
To help locate X- and Y-data points you may want to produce an X-Y plot with curve symbols visible
before using the query toolset. For more information, see ``Customizing the symbols used on an X-Y
curve,'' Section 30.6.5.
To probe X-Y plots:
1. Locate the Probe Values dialog box.


Querying and probing

From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query or click the

tool in the toolbar. Select Probe
values in the dialog box that appears; then click Apply. The Probe Values dialog box appears.
2. At the top of the dialog box, toggle Interpolate between points to enable or disable the display
of probe values for arbitrary points along the curve.
When you enable interpolation, ABAQUS/CAE displays the sequence identification of arbitrary
points by listing the bracketing X-Y data object points in parentheses.
3. In the Current Probe Values field, click table rows to toggle probe display.
4. Move the cursor to probe the X-Y plot in the current viewport.
As you position the cursor over a curve point, ABAQUS/CAE displays the values of the items you
have requested in the Current Probe Values table in the Probe Values dialog box.
5. To select and accumulate values of interest, and to allow subsequent writing of these values to a
file, click mouse button 1 while positioning the cursor over a curve point.
ABAQUS/CAE stores the legend text, sequence identification, and X- and Y-coordinates of the
current point into the Selected Probe Values table.
6. To delete data from the Selected Probe Values table or to clear or sort the table, click mouse
button 3. For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.
7. To save the data you have selected, click Write to File. For more information, see Chapter 35,
"Generating tabular data reports."
8. To exit probe mode, do one of the following:
Click the cancel

button in the prompt area.

Click Cancel in the Probe Values dialog box.

Click mouse button 2.
Produce a plot in some other (e.g. undeformed, deformed) mode.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Probing X-Y plots,'' Section 31.2.2


Viewing results along a path

32. Viewing results along a path

A path is a series of connected lines that you define by specifying a series of points through your
model. You can view results along the path in the form of an X-Y plot. This chapter explains how to
view results along a path. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding results along a path,'' Section 32.1
``Creating a path through your model,'' Section 32.2
``Obtaining X-Y data along a path,'' Section 32.3

32.1 Understanding results along a path

To view results along a path through your model, you first select Tools->Path to specify the path and
then select Tools->XY Data to obtain X-Y data along the path.
This section explains the following topics:
``Path specification,'' Section 32.1.1
``How ABAQUS/CAE obtains results along a path,'' Section 32.1.2

32.1.1 Path specification

A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model; these points can be
nodes or coordinate locations. ABAQUS/CAE offers two distinct types of paths:
Node list
The points making up the path consist of nodal locations only. You specify the points using
node labels and node label ranges. A node label is a persistent means of referring to a given
node; that is, node labels do not change as your model deforms. Because of this, the node
labels that comprise a node list path are equally applicable to the undeformed or the deformed
model shape. However, node labels are part instance-specific. In other words, you can have
the same node label for multiple part instances; therefore, you must specify to which part
instance you are referring when you use node labels. For more information, see ``Creating or
editing a node list path,'' Section 32.2.1.
Point list
The points making up the path consist of coordinate locations within your model. These
locations may or may not coincide with nodal locations. Point list coordinates remain fixed in
space and are independent of your model. For example, coordinates that coincide with a nodal
location on the undeformed shape may not coincide with any location on the deformed shape.
By the same logic, point list coordinates are independent of specific part instances. For more
information, see ``Creating or editing a point list path,'' Section 32.2.2.
ABAQUS/CAE forms the path by connecting the nodes or points that you specify in the order you


Viewing results along a path

have given.
After you create a path, you can select Tools->Path from the main menu bar to edit, copy, rename,
delete, or plot it. Plotting the path itself is a means to verify visually that you have specified the
intended line; to view results along the path, you must form X-Y data pairs and produce an X-Y plot.
For more information on managing paths, see ``Managing objects using manager dialog boxes,''
Section 6.5.6; for more information on producing an X-Y plot of path data, see ``Obtaining X-Y data
along a path,'' Section 32.3.

32.1.2 How ABAQUS/CAE obtains results along a path

ABAQUS/CAE obtains results along a path in the form of X-Y data pairs. ABAQUS determines the
data pair X-values based on the points that make up the path. These points define model locations at
which to obtain data. ABAQUS determines the data pair Y-values based on analysis results at those
model locations.
Path data X-values
You can choose to form X-values based only on the points you have specified for the path or
to additionally include all locations at which the path intersects the model. (An intersection
occurs where the path crosses an element face, element edge, surface face, or surface edge.)
You can also choose whether ABAQUS/CAE interprets the points that make up the path as
locations on the undeformed or the deformed model shape. Node list labels indicate model
locations and are equally applicable to the undeformed or the deformed model shape. Point list
coordinates are fixed locations independent of the model geometry. ABAQUS does not form
data pairs for points that do not coincide with the model shape you have chosen.
The node labels or point coordinates that comprise a path are usually not in a form suitable for
direct use as X-values. ABAQUS/CAE offers several options for you to convert this series of
points to useful X-values and subsequent X-Y plot axis labels. You can choose one of the
following options to convert path points to X-values:
True distance: X-values correspond to each point's actual distance along the path in
model space coordinates, starting with zero.
Normalized distance : X-values correspond to each point's distance along the path as a
fraction of the total length of the path.
Sequence ID: X-values correspond to the order in which each point occurs in the path
result list.
X, Y, or Z distance: X-values correspond to each point's actual distance along the path in
the single coordinate direction you specify, starting with zero. This option is particularly
useful for generating a plot of results versus radius in an axisymmetric model.
Path data Y-values
You can control data pair Y-values by choosing the results step, frame, and field output


Viewing results along a path

variable for which ABAQUS/CAE obtains results and by controlling how ABAQUS/CAE
computes certain types of results, as follows:
For node-based field output variables such as displacement to be obtained at nodal
locations, ABAQUS/CAE reads results directly from the output database with no further
For element-based field output variables such as stress or strain to be obtained at nodal
locations, ABAQUS/CAE reads results from the output database, extrapolates those
values to the nodes, then conditionally averages multiple contributions according to
options you select.
For both node-based and element-based variables to be obtained at path points that do not
coincide with nodal locations, ABAQUS/CAE computes values by interpolating from the
nodes to the requested location using a geometric approximation of the element's shape.
You cannot control this computation.
The averaging options for element-based variables are located in the Field Output dialog box.
Averaging reduces multiple contributions into a single value. When you select result options
to partially or fully suppress averaging, path points receiving multiple contributions produce
multiple data pairs. Such data pairs share the same X-value but have a separate Y-value for
each contribution. Depending on your path and on the characteristics of your model, the
following techniques may be necessary to avoid multiple data pairs sharing the same X-value:
Set result options to fully enable averaging.
Set result options to ignore region boundaries when computing values.
Avoid paths that traverse region discontinuities.
Avoid paths along a line separating discontinuous regions.
Use display groups to isolate individual regions prior to obtaining results along a path.
For more information on value averaging, see ``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section
ABAQUS/CAE does not form data pairs for points that do not have results for the specified
step, frame, or field output variable.

32.2 Creating a path through your model

A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model; these points can be
nodes or coordinate locations. This section explains the following topics:
``Creating or editing a node list path,'' Section 32.2.1
``Creating or editing a point list path,'' Section 32.2.2


Viewing results along a path

32.2.1 Creating or editing a node list path

A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model. In a node list path all of
the points are nodal locations. For information on including locations other than nodes in a path, see
``Creating or editing a point list path,'' Section 32.2.2.
You create a node list path by entering node labels and node label ranges into a table. To help
determine node labels of interest, you may want to produce a model plot with node symbols and node
numbers visible prior to creating the path. For more information, see ``Customizing model labels,''
Section 37.6.
To create or edit a node list path:
1. Locate the path creation and editing options.
To create a new path:
a. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Path->Create. The Create Path dialog box appears.
b. ABAQUS displays a default name for the path in the Name text field. To provide a more
meaningful name, replace this default with the name of your choice (including blank spaces if
you wish).
c. In the Create Path dialog box, click Node list; then click Continue.
To edit an existing path:
a. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Path->Edit. From the menu that appears, select the
path you want to edit.
Tip: You can also use the Path Manager to edit a path. From the main menu bar, select
Tools->Path->Manager to display the manager. Select the path you want to edit, and
click Edit from the buttons on the right side of the manager.
The Edit Node List Path dialog box appears.
2. Choose the part instance for which you are specifying nodes. Click the arrow next to the Part
instance field to see a list of the available part instances.
3. To specify the nodes along your path, use either of the following techniques:
Enter the node labels directly into the table:
a. In the Node Labels table, use standard keyboard and mouse editing techniques to insert,
modify, or delete node label expressions. A node label expression is either of the following:
- A single node label; for example, 5.
- A range of nodes that you specify with a starting and ending node label optionally
followed by an increment; for example, 5:10 or 5:10:2.


Viewing results along a path

For special table editing options or to read data from an ASCII file, press mouse button 3. (For
more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.)
b. After each node label expression, click [Enter].
On the model plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS highlights all nodes included in the path
and displays the node labels and the path connectivity.
Select the nodes directly from the viewport:
a. Click Select.
Select nodes to be inserted into the path appears in the prompt area, and the Edit Node
List Path dialog box disappears.

b. Select one or more nodes from the viewport (for more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting
objects within the viewport").
ABAQUS highlights the nodes as you select them and displays the node labels and the path
Note: You can only select nodes that are in the current display group and part instance.
c. Click Done in the prompt area when you have finished.
The Edit Node List Path dialog box reappears; the nodes in your path are listed in the Node
Labels table.
4. When you are done, click OK.
ABAQUS saves the path you have specified for the duration of the session. For new paths
ABAQUS adds the path name to the Path Manager list.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding results along a path,'' Section 32.1
``Obtaining X-Y data along a path,'' Section 32.3

32.2.2 Creating or editing a point list path

A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model. In a point list path all
of the points are model coordinate locations. These locations may or may not coincide with nodes. For
information on an alternative form of path specification, see ``Creating or editing a node list path,''
Section 32.2.1.
You create a point list path by entering the coordinates of points into a table. For points that coincide


Viewing results along a path

with nodal locations, you can specify the node label and ABAQUS will enter the undeformed
coordinates of the node into the table. To help determine which node labels are of interest, you may
want to produce a model plot with node symbols and node numbers visible prior to creating the path.
For more information, see ``Customizing model labels,'' Section 37.6.
To create or edit a point list path:
1. Locate the path creation and editing options.
To create a new path:
a. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Path->Create. The Create Path dialog box appears.
b. ABAQUS displays a default name for the path in the Name text field. To provide a more
meaningful name, replace this default with the name of your choice (including blank spaces if
you wish).
c. In the Create Path dialog box, click Point list; then click Continue.
To edit an existing path:
a. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Path->Edit. From the menu that appears, select the
path you want to edit.
Tip: You can also use the Path Manager to edit a path. From the main menu bar, select
Tools->Path->Manager to display the manager. Select the path you want to edit, and
click Edit from the buttons on the right side of the manager.
The Edit Point List Path dialog box appears.
2. In the Point Coordinates table, use standard keyboard and mouse editing techniques to enter,
modify, or delete coordinates.
To enter coordinates, use either of the following techniques:
Type in the coordinate values of a point:
a. Specify the values as X-, Y-, Z-coordinates separated by spaces or commas; for example, 1.0,
3.4, 2.0.
b. Click [Enter].
Include the coordinates of a nodal location:
a. Choose the part instance for which you want to determine nodal coordinates. Click the arrow
next to the Part instance field to see a list of the available part instances.
To obtain the coordinates of a node, type the node label into the Node label field; then click
either [Enter] or Query.


Viewing results along a path

ABAQUS displays the undeformed X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the node.
b. To enter these coordinates into the path definition table before, after, or at the currently
highlighted row, click Add Before, Add After, or Replace, respectively.
For special table editing options or to read data from an ASCII file, press mouse button 3. (For
more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.)
On the model plot in the current viewport, ABAQUS highlights all points included in the path and
displays the path connectivity.
3. When you are done, click OK.
ABAQUS saves the path you have specified for the duration of the session. For new paths
ABAQUS adds the path name to the Path Manager list.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding results along a path,'' Section 32.1
``Obtaining X-Y data along a path,'' Section 32.3

32.3 Obtaining X-Y data along a path

This section explains how to obtain X-Y data along a path. The following topics are covered:
``Choosing the path locations at which to obtain data, '' Section 32.3.1
``Controlling data pair X-values,'' Section 32.3.2
``Controlling data pair Y-values,'' Section 32.3.3

32.3.1 Choosing the path locations at which to obtain data

ABAQUS/CAE obtains results along a path in the form of X-Y data pairs. The data pair X-values
define the model locations at which to obtain data; the Y-values are analysis results at those
ABAQUS calculates the data pair X-values based on the points you have specified for the path. You
can choose to form X-values based only on the points you have specified or to additionally include all
locations at which the path intersects the model. (An intersection occurs where the path crosses an
element face, element edge, surface face, or surface edge.)
You can also choose whether ABAQUS interprets the points that make up the path as locations on the
undeformed or the deformed model shape. For node list paths, the node labels that constitute the path
are equally applicable to undeformed and deformed model shapes. However, point list path coordinates
remain fixed in space and are independent of your model. For example, coordinates that coincide with


Viewing results along a path

a nodal location on the undeformed shape may not coincide with any location on the deformed shape.
ABAQUS does not form data pairs for points that do not coincide with your model.
To choose the path locations at which to obtain data:
1. Locate the Create XY Data from Path options.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Create. From the dialog box that appears,
select Path; then click Continue. The Create XY Data from Path dialog box appears.
2. Click the Path arrow to select the path for which to obtain data.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to highlight the path you have selected.
3. Click the Undeformed or Deformed to choose whether ABAQUS interprets the points that make
up the path as locations on the undeformed or the deformed model shape, respectively.
4. To obtain X-Y data at locations where the path intersects the model as well as at the points that
make up the path, click Include intersections. The default is to obtain data only at the points that
make up the path.
5. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
6. To save the data you have configured, click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data
object from the pull-right menu.

7. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding results along a path,'' Section 32.1
``Creating a path through your model,'' Section 32.2
``Controlling data pair X-values,'' Section 32.3.2
``Controlling data pair Y-values,'' Section 32.3.3
Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting"

32.3.2 Controlling data pair X-values

ABAQUS obtains results along a path in the form of X-Y data pairs, calculating the data pair X-values

Viewing results along a path

based on the points you have specified for the path and optionally on additional points where your path
intersects the model. For more information, see ``Choosing the path locations at which to obtain data, ''
Section 32.3.1.
The node labels or point coordinates that comprise a path are usually not in a form suitable for direct
use as X-values. ABAQUS offers several options for you to convert this series of points to useful
X-values and subsequent X-Y plot axis labels.
To control data pair X-values:
1. Locate the Create XY Data from Path options.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Create. From the dialog box that appears,
select Path; then click Continue. The Create XY Data from Path dialog box appears.
2. At the top of the dialog box, click the Path arrow to select the path for which to obtain data.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to highlight the path you have selected.
3. In the X Values field, choose one of the following options to convert path points to X Values:
True distance: X-values correspond to each point's actual distance along the path in model
space coordinates, starting with zero.
Normalized distance : X-values correspond to each point's distance along the path as a
fraction of the total length of the path.
Sequence ID: X-values correspond to the order in which each point occurs in the path result
X, Y, or Z distance: X-values correspond to each point's actual distance along the path in the
single coordinate direction you specify, starting with zero. This option is particularly useful for
generating a plot of results versus radius in an axisymmetric model.
4. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
5. To save the X-Y data pairs you have configured as an X-Y data object , click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data
object from the pull-right menu.

6. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


Viewing results along a path

``Understanding results along a path,'' Section 32.1

``Controlling data pair Y-values,'' Section 32.3.3
Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting"

32.3.3 Controlling data pair Y-values

ABAQUS obtains results along a path in the form of X-Y data pairs. The data pair X-values define the
model locations at which to obtain data; the Y-values are based on analysis results at those locations.
You can control these Y-values by choosing the results step, frame, and field output variable for which
ABAQUS obtains results and by controlling how ABAQUS averages certain types of results.
To control data pair Y-values:
1. Locate the Create XY Data from Path options.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->XY Data->Create. From the dialog box that appears,
select Path; then click Continue. The Create XY Data from Path dialog box appears.
2. At the top of the dialog box, click the Path arrow to select the path for which to obtain data.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to highlight the path you have selected.
3. The Y Values field identifies the step, frame, and field output variable for which ABAQUS will
obtain results.
To change the step or frame, click Frame. For more information, see ``Selecting the results
step and frame,'' Section 24.2.
To change the field output variable, click Field Output. For more information, see ``Selecting
the primary field output variable,'' Section 24.3.2.
The averaging of element-based field output values is controlled by the result options settings
for the current viewport. To view or change these settings, click Field Output. For more
information, see ``Controlling result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4.
ABAQUS refreshes the Y Values field and the deformed, contour, or symbol plot in the current
viewport according to any changes you apply to the step, frame, field output variable, or result
4. To evaluate and display the data, click Plot.
An X-Y plot appears in the current viewport. The plot represents the data you have configured in
the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save
As to save it.
5. To save the X-Y data pairs you have configured as an X-Y data object, click Save As.
Note: To plot your saved X-Y data object, select Tools->XY Data->Plot from the main menu bar and choose the X-Y data


Viewing results along a path

object from the pull-right menu.

6. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding results along a path,'' Section 32.1
``Controlling data pair X-values,'' Section 32.3.2
Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting"


Calculating linearized stresses

33. Calculating linearized stresses

The calculation of linearized stresses is a capability for advanced ABAQUS users. It is most commonly
used for two-dimensional axisymmetric models. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding stress linearization,'' Section 33.1
``Obtaining linearized stress results,'' Section 33.2

33.1 Understanding stress linearization

Stress linearization is the separation of stresses through a section into constant membrane and linear
bending stresses. To linearize stresses in ABAQUS/CAE, the following procedure is used:
You define a section through your model. You specify the end points of the section by selecting
nodes in the model or coordinates in space.
ABAQUS/CAE defines the stress line by interpolating between the two end points to obtain a
user-specified number of equal intervals along a straight line.
The specified stress results are obtained at the equally spaced points along the line in a local
coordinate system defined by the line.
ABAQUS/CAE performs stress linearization calculations and displays the results in the form of an
X-Y plot. You can choose to save the data and/or to write it to a file.

33.1.1 Defining the stress line

You can define the end points of the section for which you want to obtain linearized stresses by
selecting nodes in the model or points in space. You select nodes in the model by typing the node
labels or by selecting the nodes directly from the viewport, and you define points in space by typing
the point coordinates.
A node label is a persistent means of referring to a given node; that is, node labels do not change as
your model deforms. Therefore, if you specify the end points of the section using node labels, these
points will be equally applicable to the undeformed or the deformed model shape. However, points in
space remain fixed and are independent of your model. For example, coordinates that coincide with a
nodal location on the undeformed shape may not coincide with any location on the deformed shape. If
you specify the end points of the section using coordinates in space, be sure to specify the coordinates
with reference to the correct shape.
For the best results for an axisymmetric model, the end points chosen should be normal to the interior
and exterior surfaces of your model and to the midplane (see Figure 33-1).

Figure 33-1 Recommended stress paths.


Calculating linearized stresses

The section can extend from surface to surface, or it can be entirely in the interior of the model. The
following guidelines should also be considered when selecting the end points for the section:
Avoid paths that traverse material or spatial discontinuities.
Avoid paths along a line separating discontinuities.
Use display groups to isolate individual regions prior to specifying the section.
If the section extends across spatial discontinuities, such as a hole, an error message will be given.
Material discontinuities will not generate an error.
After you choose the end points of the section, you can specify the number of segments into which the
line should be divided or you can accept the default number. ABAQUS/CAE defines the stress line by
interpolating between the two end points to obtain the specified number of equal intervals along a
straight line.

33.1.2 Calculating the linearized stresses

The stresses at each point along the stress line are obtained by interpolating the unique nodal stress
values using the averaging criteria defined in the Field Output dialog box (for more information on
specifying the averaging criteria, see ``Controlling result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4). ABAQUS/CAE
uses a local coordinate system that is defined by the stress line to obtain the stress results.
The stresses are then linearized. The stress linearization calculations differ for nonaxisymmetric and
axisymmetric models.
Nonaxisymmetric models
The membrane and bending stresses for nonaxisymmetric models are calculated by integrating

Calculating linearized stresses

the stress components at each point along the line.

Axisymmetric models
ABAQUS calculates the linearized stresses for axisymmetric models using the following
m = membrane stress =


b = bending stress =

M c

where F is the sum of the forces acting at a point, A is the area over which the forces are
acting, M is the bending moment, c is the distance from the neutral axis of the section, and I
is the moment of inertia. These values are obtained differently for the membrane, meridional,
hoop, and shear stresses.
For further information on stress linearization theory, refer to the following sources:
Gordon, J. L., "OUTCUR: An Automated Evaluation of Two-Dimensional Finite Element Stresses
According to ASME Section III Stress Requirements," Paper No. 76-WA/PVP-16, ASME Winter
Annual Meeting, December 1976.
Kroenke, W. C., "Classification of Finite Element Stresses According to ASME Section III Stress
Categories," ASME 94th Winter Annual Meeting, November 1973.
Kroenke, W. C., G. W. Addicott, and B. M. Hinton, "Interpretation of Finite Element Stresses
According to ASME Section III," Second National Congress on Pressure Vessels and Piping, June

33.2 Obtaining linearized stress results

You can obtain linearized stresses along a line through your model. ABAQUS/CAE separates the
stress results along the line into constant membrane and linear bending stresses and displays the results
in the form of an X-Y plot.
To obtain linearized stress results:
1. Locate the stress linearization options.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query or click the
The Query dialog box appears.
2. Select Stress linearization, and click OK.
The Stress Linearization dialog box appears.


tool in the toolbar.

Calculating linearized stresses

3. In the Stress line name field, provide a name for the stress line. This name will be used as a
prefix for the linearized results.
4. To save the X-Y data that will be generated, toggle on Save XY data. The data will be available for
the duration of your ABAQUS/CAE session.
5. Select the first end point for the stress line by selecting a node or a point in space.
Select a node
This is the default method. You can either type in a node label or select a node directly
from the viewport.
To type in a node label:
Enter a node label in the empty text field for Point 1. (To help locate nodes in the
viewport, you may want to produce a model plot with node labels visible before
creating the stress line. For detailed instructions on displaying node labels, see
``Customizing node labels,'' Section 37.6.4.)
To select a node directly from the viewport:
Click Select next to Point 1, and click on the desired node in the viewport.
The node label (including the part instance name) will appear in the text field for
Point 1.
Select a point in space
a. Click the arrow in the field next to Point 1, and select Coordinates from the list that
b. Enter a set of coordinates for Point 1. Specify the values as X-, Y -, and
Z-coordinates separated by spaces or commas; for example, 1.0, 3.4, 2.0.

6. Repeat either of the above procedures to select the second endpoint for the stress line, Point 2.
To verify the line that you have specified, click Highlight stress line. ABAQUS highlights the
line in the viewport.
7. Select the stress components to be linearized by toggling on each component.
8. Choose the model shape for which to obtain the stress results. The default is to obtain the results
for the deformed model shape. Toggle on Undeformed to obtain results for the undeformed model
9. Specify the number of intervals into which the stress line should be divided. Type a positive
integer greater than 0 into the Number of intervals on stress line text field. If you do not enter a


Calculating linearized stresses

number, ABAQUS will use a default number of intervals.

10. For axisymmetric models enter an approximate value for the radius of curvature of the midplane of
your model at the location of the stress line. The default value is Infinity, which implies a lack of
curvature. To specify a radius of curvature, click Specify and enter a number in the text field that
11. To write the linearized stress values to a file, toggle on Write to file in the Report area of the
dialog box. The File name field will become available with a default file name of
linearStress.rpt. Use the default name, enter a new name for your report, or click Select
and choose from the list of existing files that appears.
The default is to append new data to the file; if you wish to overwrite the file, toggle off Append
to file.
12. Click OK.
An X-Y plot similar to the one shown in Figure 33-2 appears in the viewport.

Figure 33-2 Stress linearization results.


Calculating linearized stresses

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting"


Animating plots

34. Animating plots

An animation is a sequence of images that ABAQUS/CAE displays in rapid succession, resulting in a
movie-like effect. This chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding animation,'' Section 34.1
``Producing and customizing an object-based animation, '' Section 34.2
``Saving and playing an animation file,'' Section 34.3
``Controlling animation playback,'' Section 34.4

34.1 Understanding animation

ABAQUS/CAE offers two means of animation:
Object-based animation
Object-based animation is the display of a sequence of either deformed shape plots, contour
plots, or symbol plots. ABAQUS/CAE can produce two different types of sequences of these
plots. These two sequence types are called ``time history animation'' and ``scale factor
Animating by time history produces a sequence of deformed shape, contour, or symbol plots
that vary over time according to actual analysis results. Animating by scale factor produces a
sequence of images that vary only in the scaling of a single deformed shape, contour, or
symbol plot. To better understand these two types of animation, see ``Time history animation,''
Section 34.1.1, and ``Scale factor animation,'' Section 34.1.2, respectively.
While an object-based animation is playing, you can dynamically change display
characteristics such as the view, any viewport annotations, and plot mode-dependent
customization options.
Image-based animation
Image-based animation is the playback of an animation file. You create an animation file in
ABAQUS/CAE by first playing object-based animations in one or more viewports and then
selecting Animate->Save As from the main menu bar. Once saved, your animation can be
replayed from within ABAQUS/CAE or played external to ABAQUS/CAE using the
ABAQUS movie player utility or industry-standard animation software. You can choose to
save your image-based animation file in either QuickTime or Audio Video Interleave ( AVI)
In general, animation playback from a file provides better performance than object-based
animation, particularly for large models. While an image-based animation is playing, you
cannot change display characteristics.

34.1.1 Time history animation


Animating plots

In a time history animation ABAQUS/CAE creates the images in the sequence by redrawing the
deformed shape, contour, or symbol plot for every frame found in the output database for the selected
steps. Each image in a time history animation displays actual analysis results.
If you are animating a contour plot, the display of the contour values depends on options you select.
The default behavior is for the values within the legend to scale with each image; however, if you use
the contour options to specify contour limits, the legend remains constant. To learn how to set contour
limits, see ``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Producing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.1
``Customizing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.2

34.1.2 Scale factor animation

Scale factor animation is most useful for simulating the vibration modes computed by an eigenvalue
analysis. In a scale factor animation ABAQUS/CAE creates all of the images in the sequence from a
single step and frame of the output database. Individual images are formed by multiplying the
deformation scale factor by a range of animation scale factors. You can choose to vary the animation
scale factors from 0 to 1 or from -1 to 1. For more information on scale factors, see ``Scaling
deformations,'' Section 37.5.2.
For contour and symbol plots ABAQUS/CAE also applies these animation scale factors to the field
output values displayed in the plot. For symbol plots this gives the appearance of the field output
evolving over time, although all images are produced from a single step and frame of your results.
If you are animating a contour plot, the display of the field output values depends on options you
select. The default behavior is for the values within the legend to scale with each image. When the
values in the legend change, the contour patterns on your model remain constant. However, if you use
the contour options to specify contour limits, the legend remains constant; and the contour patterns on
your model give the appearance of the field output evolving over time. Recall once again that all of
these images are produced from a single step and frame of your results; to view the actual evolution of
results over time, you must produce a time history animation. To learn how to set contour limits, see
``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6. To learn how to customize the legend, see ``Customizing the
legend,'' Section 38.1.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Producing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.1
``Producing a scale factor animation,'' Section 34.2.3

34.2 Producing and customizing an object-based animation

In a time history animation you can customize the analysis steps that ABAQUS/CAE includes in your


Animating plots

animation. In a scale factor animation you can customize the apparent motion of your model. For both
types of animation you can customize the underlying deformed shape, contour, or symbol plot.
At any time before or during object-based animation playback you can customize the deformed shape,
contour, or symbol plot that underlies your animation. For example, you can toggle the legend, adjust
the deformation scale factor, or choose a different field output variable. Use the View , Result, and
Options menus and the tools on the toolbar to customize the underlying plot of your animation.
This section explains how to produce and customize ABAQUS/CAE object-based time history and
scale factor animations. (Customization does not apply to image-based animations, which are played
from a file and cannot be customized.) The following topics are covered:
``Producing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.1
``Customizing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.2
``Producing a scale factor animation,'' Section 34.2.3
``Customizing a scale factor animation,'' Section 34.2.4
``Customizing the underlying plot of an animation,'' Section 34.2.5

34.2.1 Producing a time history animation

Animating by time history produces a sequence of plots that vary over time according to actual
analysis results. You can choose to animate a deformed shape, contour, or symbol plot.
To produce a time history animation:
1. Use the File menu to open the output database containing your analysis results.
2. To plot variables other than those ABAQUS selects by default, use the Result menu.
For animation of a deformed plot, select the deformed field output variable for which
ABAQUS obtains values over time.
For animation of a contour or symbol plot, select the primary field output variable to display.
If you want to display your animating contour or symbol plot on the deformed shape, select the
deformed field variable. For more information on field output variable selection, see
``Overview of field output variable selection, '' Section 24.3.1.
3. From the main menu bar, select Options->Animation; then click the Time History tab in the
dialog box that appears.
Select the steps to include in the animation.
4. Use the Options and View menus to select the customization options that you want. These may
include deformed, contour, symbol, and view options.
5. To initiate the animation, select Animate->Time History from the main menu bar.

Animating plots

Tip: You can also produce a time history animation using the

tool in the toolbox.

Animation begins in the current viewport, and the animation controls appear in the prompt area.
ABAQUS is now in the time history animation plot mode. In this mode ABAQUS automatically
refreshes your plot each time you click Apply or OK in the Results, Options, or View menu
dialog boxes. The current viewport remains in the time history animation mode until you produce
a plot in some other (for example, undeformed, deformed) mode. To learn how to control the
animation, see ``Controlling animation playback,'' Section 34.4.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.2
``Controlling animation playback,'' Section 34.4

34.2.2 Customizing a time history animation

You can select which results steps to include in your time history animation. By default,
ABAQUS/CAE includes all results steps that have applicable frames. To be applicable, a frame must
contain output for all field variables associated with the plot you are animating. You cannot select
individual frames to include; each applicable frame in each selected step is included automatically as a
separate plot in your animation.
To customize time history animation:
1. Locate the Time History options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Animation; then click the Time History tab in the
dialog box that appears. All available results steps are listed.
2. Click steps to toggle their inclusion in your animation. (For more information, see ``Selecting
multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8.)
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The time history animation in the current viewport changes to include all applicable frames of all
highlighted steps.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


Animating plots

``Producing a time history animation,'' Section 34.2.1

``Customizing the underlying plot of an animation,'' Section 34.2.5

34.2.3 Producing a scale factor animation

Animating by scale factor produces a sequence of images created from a single step and frame of the
output database. These images can consist of either deformed shape, contour, or symbol plots. For
deformed shape plots and for contour and symbol plots on the deformed shape, the images vary in the
scale factors applied to the deformations. For contour and symbol plots, the images also vary in the
scale factors applied to the field output.
To produce a scale factor animation:
1. Use the File menu to open the output database containing your analysis results.
2. Use the Result menu to select the analysis results to be plotted, including the step and frame, the
deformed field output variable, and, for contour or symbol plot animation, the primary field output
variable to be plotted. For more information on field output variable selection, see ``Overview of
field output variable selection, '' Section 24.3.1.
3. Use the Options and View menus to select the customization options that you want.
4. To initiate the animation, select Animate->Scale Factor from the main menu bar.
Tip: You can also produce a scale factor animation using the

tool in the toolbox.

Animation begins in the current viewport, and the animation controls appear in the prompt area.
ABAQUS is now in the scale factor animation plot mode. In this mode ABAQUS automatically
refreshes your plot each time you click Apply or OK in the Results, Options, or View menu
dialog boxes. The current viewport will remain in the scale factor animation mode until you
produce a plot in some other (for example, undeformed, deformed) mode. For more information on
customizing the underlying model shape, see ``Choosing the underlying model shape for contour,
symbol, and material orientation plots,'' Section 37.5.1.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Scale factor animation,'' Section 34.1.2
``Controlling animation playback,'' Section 34.4
``Customizing a scale factor animation,'' Section 34.2.4

34.2.4 Customizing a scale factor animation


Animating plots

You can customize the apparent motion of your animated model by choosing between the scale factor
range 0 to 1 and the extended range -1 to 1. The extended range is useful, for instance, to visualize a
vibration mode obtained by modal analysis. You can also vary the number of frames (separate images)
in the animation. A greater number of frames produces a smoother animation.
ABAQUS/CAE divides the scale factor range by the number of frames to compute the animation scale
factor values. These values are applied to the deformation scale factors in each coordinate direction
and to the field output variable values to produce each image in the animation sequence.
To customize a scale factor animation:
1. Locate the Scale Factor options.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Animation; then click the Scale Factor tab in the
dialog box that appears. The Scale Factor options appear.
2. To control the range of scale factors, click -1 to 1 or 0 to 1 to choose the Relative Scaling you
3. To choose the number of separate images in your animation, click the Frames arrow.
The specified number of frames appears in the Frames box.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The scale factor animation in the current viewport changes to reflect the relative scaling and the
number of frames you have specified.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Scale factor animation,'' Section 34.1.2
``Producing a scale factor animation,'' Section 34.2.3
``Customizing the underlying plot of an animation,'' Section 34.2.5
``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2

34.2.5 Customizing the underlying plot of an animation

Time history and scale factor animations both display a series of deformed shape, contour, or symbol
plots in rapid succession. At any time before or during animation playback you can customize the
deformed shape, contour, or symbol plot that underlies your animation. For example, you can toggle
the legend, adjust the deformation scale factor, or choose a different field output variable. Use the
View , Result, and Options menus and the tools on the toolbar to customize the underlying plot of


Animating plots

your animation.
To customize the underlying plot:
1. Locate the customization options applicable to the current plot mode.
For contour plot animation, select Options->Contour from the main menu bar.
For deformed plot animation, select Options->Deformed from the main menu bar.
For symbol plot animation, select Options->Symbol from the main menu bar.
2. From the dialog box that appears, select the plot mode-dependent customization options that you
want. For more information, see ``Customizing your plots,'' Section 23.3.4.
3. Set the plot mode-independent customization options you want by selecting the View->View
Options, View->Viewport Annotations, or View->ODB Display Options.
4. Choose the results variables to be animated by selecting Result->Field Output.
5. Select the results steps and frames to be animated:
For scale factor animation, choose the single step and frame to be animated by selecting
For time history animation, choose the steps to be animated by selecting Options->Animation
and then clicking Time History.

34.3 Saving and playing an animation file

You can save animations playing in one or more viewports to a file. Once saved, your animation can
be replayed from within ABAQUS/CAE, played external to ABAQUS/CAE using the ABAQUS
movie player utility, or played using industry-standard animation software. This section explains how
to save animations to a file, how to control the format of that file, and how to play animations once
saved. The following topics are covered:
``Saving animations,'' Section 34.3.1
``Choosing the animation file format,'' Section 34.3.2
``Playing an animation file,'' Section 34.3.3

34.3.1 Saving animations

You save animations to a file by first playing animations in one or more viewports and then selecting
Animate->Save As from the main menu bar.
You can choose to save all or just selected canvas objects (viewports and annotations). Viewports that
you save can be in any plot mode (for example, deformed, X-Y, animation). For viewports currently in


Animating plots

the animation plot mode ABAQUS/CAE saves all frames of the animation, starting with the first
frame; it does not matter whether the animation is playing at the time you perform the save. If you save
multiple viewports containing animations, ABAQUS/CAE saves them all as a single image-based
animation. ABAQUS/CAE synchronizes multiple animations on the file by repeating the last frame of
any animations that have fewer frames than the others.
To save animations:
1. Produce one or more time history or scale factor animations. For more information, see
``Producing and customizing an object-based animation, '' Section 34.2.
2. From the main menu bar, select Animate->Save As.
The Save Image Animation dialog box appears.
3. Use the Selection field to choose the canvas objects to save:
a. Click the Capture button to save All Canvas Objects (the default) or Selected Canvas
b. Toggle Capture viewport decorations to control whether ABAQUS/CAE saves visible
viewport decorations.
4. Use the Settings field to specify the name and format of your animation file:
a. Click Select to filter and browse file names, or enter the file name of your choice in the
File name field. For more information, see ``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section
b. Click the Format button to choose either QuickTime (the default) or AVI format for your
file. To learn more about these format options, see ``Choosing the animation file format,''
Section 34.3.2.
5. Click Apply to save your animations.
ABAQUS/CAE captures canvas objects to a file according to your specifications.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Playing an animation file,'' Section 34.3.3

34.3.2 Choosing the animation file format

You can choose to save animations to a file in either QuickTime (the default) or Audio Video
Interleave (AVI) format. You can additionally choose between compressed and uncompressed files in
either format. Additional image size options are available for both QuickTime and AVI format.


Animating plots

To choose the animation file format:

1. Locate the animation file format options.
From the main menu bar, select Animate->Save As; the Save Image Animation dialog box
2. Click the Format button to select QuickTime or AVI format and to make additional format options
The format and options buttons change according to the format you select.
3. To select additional format options, click the AVI Options or QuickTime Options button.
The AVI Options or QuickTime Options dialog box appears.
4. In the options dialog box, choose one of the following methods to specify the size (in pixels) of the
animation image:
Click Use size on screen to use the size of the image on the screen. (ABAQUS/CAE
indicates the current image size in the options dialog box.) This method is the default.
Click Use settings below to set the width or height; then enter the value of your choice in the
Width or Height field. You specify only one dimension; ABAQUS/CAE computes the other
dimension to maintain the aspect ratio of the canvas objects.
5. In the options dialog box, specify whether your files should be compressed (run length encoded) or
uncompressed (raw).
For QuickTime format, click the Compression button to choose either Raw (24 bits/pixel) or
Rle (24 bits/pixel). Rle (24 bits/pixel) compression is a form of run length encoding. This is a
lossless compression method causing no image degradation.
For AVI format, click the Compression button to choose either Rle (8 bits/pixel), Raw (8
bits/pixel), or Raw (32 bits/pixel) . Choosing Rle (8 bits/pixel) compression or Raw (8
bits/pixel) can result in a loss of colors.
6. Click OK to close the options dialog box.
Your options settings are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Saving animations,'' Section 34.3.1
``Playing an animation file,'' Section 34.3.3


Animating plots

34.3.3 Playing an animation file

You can play animation files by using the ABAQUS movie player utility. This utility is accessible both
within ABAQUS/CAE and from the operating system command line. All of the animation file formats
that can be generated by ABAQUS/CAE are supported by the ABAQUS movie player utility. For more
information on these formats, see ``Choosing the animation file format,'' Section 34.3.2.
While your animation is playing, you can adjust the speed and repetition of playback, and you can
stop, restart, and step through your animation. For more information, see ``Controlling animation
playback,'' Section 34.4.
To play an animation file:
1. Choose one of the following methods to access the movie player utility:
To play an animation file within ABAQUS/CAE:
a. From the main menu bar, select Animate->Image Animation.
The Open Image Animation dialog box appears.
b. Use the dialog box to filter, browse, and select the animation file to play. For more
information, see ``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7.
c. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box and open the animation file.
To play an animation file external to ABAQUS/CAE:
From the system command line, enter:
abaqus movieplayer [movie=animation-file ]
The ABAQUS movie player utility appears, displaying the first frame of the animation file.
2. On the lower left of the movie player window, click the left-most control arrow to begin playback.
3. Click Dismiss to end animation playback.
Note: Movie players that you start from within ABAQUS/CAE will exit when you exit the ABAQUS/CAE session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Saving animations,'' Section 34.3.1
``Controlling animation playback,'' Section 34.4

34.4 Controlling animation playback

During animation you can control the speed and repetition of playback, and you can stop, restart, and


Animating plots

step through your animation. The available options and controls are nearly identical whether you play
an object-based (time history or scale factor) animation within ABAQUS/CAE or an image-based file
animation using the ABAQUS movie player utility. For object-based animations one additional option
is available: you can display or suppress status information while the animation is playing.
This section explains how to control animation playback. The following topics are covered:
``Stopping, restarting, and stepping through an animation, '' Section 34.4.1
``Controlling animation speed and repetition, '' Section 34.4.2
``Showing the animation frame counter,'' Section 34.4.3

34.4.1 Stopping, restarting, and stepping through an animation

During animation, the movie player controls appear on the left side of the prompt area.

You can use these controls to stop your animation, to step forward or backward through the animation
images, to step to the first or last image in the animation sequence, and to resume playback.
To stop, restart, or step through an animation:
1. Locate the movie player controls on the left side of the prompt area.
2. Click the movie player controls to execute the functions you want. The controls are listed below in
the order in which they appear in the prompt area, starting with the left-most arrow.
Resumes play. When your animation is playing, the control
arrow on the Play button is green.
Stops play. When your animation is stopped, the control
arrow on the Play button is black.
First image
Stops play and displays the first image in the animation
Previous image Stops play and steps to the previous image in the animation
Next image
Stops play and steps to the next image in the animation
Last image
Stops play and displays the last image in the animation


Animating plots

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Controlling animation playback,'' Section 34.4

34.4.2 Controlling animation speed and repetition

You can control the speed of your image or object-based animation playback, and you can choose to
play your animation once or to repeat it. If you choose to repeat the animation, you can select one of
two repetition modes: loop or swing. Loop repeats by jumping from the last animation frame to the
beginning of your movie. Swing repeats smoothly by playing your movie from beginning to end and
then playing from the end back to the beginning.
For object-based scale factor and time history animations, playback speed is also affected by the
Enable display list option, which is available in ABAQUS/CAE from the dialog box that appears
when you select View->View Options->Hardware . For more information, see ``Using display lists,''
Section 10.4.
To customize animation speed and repetition:
1. Locate the animation options.
For object-based animations
From the main menu bar, select Options->Animation; and click the Player tab in the
dialog box that appears.
For image-based animations
In the lower right corner of the movie player window, click Animation Options.
2. To control the playback speed of your animation, drag the Frame rate slider to the rate that you
3. To control repetition of the images in your animation sequence:
Click Play once to suppress repetition.
Click Loop to play the images in order from the first to the last, repeatedly.
Click Swing to play the images from the first to the last and then in reverse order from the last
back to the first, repeatedly.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The animation in the current viewport changes according to your specifications.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this


Animating plots

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Stopping, restarting, and stepping through an animation, '' Section 34.4.1

34.4.3 Showing the animation frame counter

For object-based animations you can display or suppress animation frame count information, which is
displayed in the upper-right corner of the viewport and consists of
the Scale Factor of each image in your scale factor animation, or
the Step and Frame (plot number within the step) of each image contained in your time history
You cannot customize the content or appearance of the counter, other than to turn it off entirely.
The step and increment associated with each animation step and frame are given by the state block. All
of the images in a scale factor animation are based on a single step and frame. For more information on
customizing the state block, see ``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3.
To show the animation frame counter:
1. Find the Show frame counter option.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Animation; then click the Player tab in the dialog box
that appears. The Show frame counter option is near the bottom of the page.
2. Toggle Show frame counter to display or suppress animation frame count information.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The animation in the current viewport changes according to your specifications. When Show
frame counter is on, ABAQUS/CAE displays status information in the upper right corner of the
current viewport. This information is updated for every image in your animation sequence. You
may need to stop playback to read it.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Stopping, restarting, and stepping through an animation, '' Section 34.4.1


Generating tabular data reports

35. Generating tabular data reports

You can produce a tabular data report of either X-Y data objects, field output results, or probe values.
ABAQUS/CAE writes the report to the file name of your choice. Generate a tabular report to save data
values beyond the duration of the session or to print these values. In addition, you can use a tabular
report as ASCII input in subsequent ABAQUS/CAE sessions.
This chapter explains how to produce and customize a tabular report. The following topics are
``Producing a tabular report,'' Section 35.1
``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2
``Selecting report data,'' Section 35.3
``Specifying your report file name,'' Section 35.4
``Controlling report layout and width,'' Section 35.5
``Sorting field output data,'' Section 35.6
``Formatting report values,'' Section 35.7
``Reporting data values, minimums, maximums, and totals,'' Section 35.8

35.1 Producing a tabular report

To produce a tabular report of either X-Y data objects or field output results, you first specify the report
content, format, and destination. ABAQUS/CAE generates the report when you apply these
customization selections.
To produce a report of probe values, you first produce and then probe a model or X-Y plot. While
probing, you can select probe values of interest and you can write the selected values to a file.
To produce a report of X-Y data or field output results:
1. From the main menu bar, select Report->XY or Report->Field Output. The Report XY Data or
Report Field Output dialog box becomes available.
2. Use the options to customize the report content, format, and destination.
3. When you have finished, click Apply to generate the report.
To produce a report of probe values:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query, then click Apply in the dialog box that appears.
The Probe Values dialog box appears.
2. Move the cursor to probe the model or X-Y plot in the current viewport.

Generating tabular data reports

3. To select and accumulate values of interest in the Selected Probe Values table in the Probe
Values dialog box, click mouse button 1 while probing.
4. When you have finished, click Write to File to access the report file options and to generate the

35.2 Overview of tabular report options

Select Report->XY or Report->Field Output to customize and generate a tabular listing of X-Y data
objects or field output variable values, respectively. Select Tools->Query to generate a tabular report
of probe values. The following list identifies the tabular report characteristics that you can customize
and the sections where you can find information. You can customize:
The X-Y data objects or field output variables to include in the report. See ``Selecting report data,''
Section 35.3.
The probe values to include in the report. See Chapter 31, "Querying and probing."
The file name to which the report is written. See ``Specifying your report file name,'' Section 35.4.
The layout and width of the report. See ``Controlling report layout and width,'' Section 35.5.
How field output or probe values are sorted. For field output, see ``Sorting field output data,''
Section 35.6; for probe values, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.
The format and significant digits of report values. See ``Formatting report values,'' Section 35.7.
Whether or not to include minimum and maximum value summaries or column totals. See
``Reporting data values, minimums, maximums, and totals,'' Section 35.8.

35.3 Selecting report data

This section explains how to select X-Y data objects to include in an X-Y data report, and how to select
field output variables to include in a field output report. The following topics are covered:
``Selecting X-Y data objects,'' Section 35.3.1
``Selecting field output variables,'' Section 35.3.2
``Selecting field output section points, '' Section 35.3.3
To learn how to control the contents of a tabular report of probe values, see Chapter 31, "Querying and

35.3.1 Selecting X-Y data objects

You can select one or more X-Y data objects to include in your X-Y report.
To select X-Y report data:


Generating tabular data reports

1. Locate the X-Y report XY Data options.

From the main menu bar, select Report->XY; then click the XY Data tab in the dialog box that
2. Select the X-Y data objects to include in your report from the list of available data objects. By
default, all previously saved X-Y data objects are listed. Choose one of the following options to
adjust the contents of this list:
Click All XY data to browse all previously saved X-Y data objects.
Click XY plot in current viewport to browse only those X-Y data objects included in the X-Y
data plot in the current viewport.
ABAQUS/CAE lists the X-Y data objects you have requested.
3. To limit the list for easier selection, type a filter pattern into the Name filter field, and press the
[Enter] key to apply the filter. Click the Tip button to the right of the text field to display
information about how to construct a filter.
ABAQUS/CAE lists only those X-Y data objects that meet your specification.
4. From the list of X-Y data object names and descriptions, select one or more data objects to include
in your report. For more information on selecting multiple items in dialog boxes, see ``Selecting
multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8.
To generate your report, configure any desired customization options on the Setup page, which is also
in the XY Report dialog box; and click Apply. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the
dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2

35.3.2 Selecting field output variables

You can select one or more field output variables to include in your tabular report. The variables that
are available consist of those you have saved to the output database for the current step and frame; this
step and frame is identified at the top of the Report Field Output dialog box.
ABAQUS/CAE can calculate and report values for a given variable at a variety of positions. The
possible report positions are: integration point, centroid, element nodal, and unique nodal.
Element nodal and unique nodal positions both involve reporting results at the nodes of the model;
however, reporting of unique nodal values produces only a single value at each node, whereas
reporting of element nodal values produces one value for each element that has a contribution at that
node. Unique nodal values and element nodal values are identical in the case of node-based variables


Generating tabular data reports

such as displacement, whereas for element-based variables such as stress, extrapolation and averaging
must be carried out to obtain the nodal values. The following table summarizes which output positions
can be reported, depending on what position was used when the variable was saved to the output
Report Position
Unique Nodal
For information on selecting the section point locations at which to report beam and shell section point
variables, see ``Selecting field output section points, '' Section 35.3.3.
To select field output report data:
1. Locate the options for field output report variables.
From the main menu bar, select Report->Field Output; then click the Variables tab in the dialog
box that appears.
2. Click the Position arrow to reveal possible positions at which to list variables for your selection;
then choose the desired position. Multiple variables can be combined in a single table only if they
are reported at the same position.
The list of variables is refreshed to show only those that can be reported at the selected
3. Select the field output variables to include in your report using either the check box next to each
variable in the list (this method is the default) or the Edit text field at the bottom of the page.
Note: You must use the check box method if you want to specify an individual section point at which to report values.

To use the check box method:

1. In the Variables field at the bottom of the page, click Select from above to indicate that
you are using the check box method.
2. To select a variable and all of its components, click that variable's check box.
3. To choose among the individual components of a variable, click the arrow next to that
variable's check box to list its components; then click individual component check boxes
to select them.
To use the edit method:
1. In the Variables field at the bottom of the page, click Edit to indicate that you are using


Generating tabular data reports

the edit method.

2. In the Edit text field, enter the names of the variables and components to include in your
report. To be valid, a variable must be available on the output database and reportable at
the current position.

To generate your report, configure the remaining options on the Setup page, which is also in the
Report Field Output dialog box; then click Apply. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the
dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting the results step and frame,'' Section 24.2
``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2

35.3.3 Selecting field output section points

If your field output report includes beam or shell element section point variables, such as stress or
strain, you can choose the section point at which ABAQUS/CAE reports values for those variables.
The default is to report values at all available section points.
To select field output section points:
1. Locate the section point options.
From the main menu bar, select Report->Field Output; then click the Variables tab in the dialog
box that appears.
2. Use the check box method to select beam or shell element section variables.
3. At the Section point label at the bottom of the dialog box, do one of the following:
click All to report values at all available section points, or
click Single to indicate that you will select one section point at which to report values.
If you have selected at least one element section point variable, the section point Settings
button becomes available.
4. To select one or more section points, click Settings.
The Field Report Section Point Settings dialog box appears. Use this dialog box to select the
desired section points. For more information, see ``Selecting the location of shell and beam output
variables,'' Section 24.3.4.


Generating tabular data reports

5. Click OK to apply your section point selections and to close the Field Report Section Point
Settings dialog box.
To generate your report, configure the remaining options on the Setup page, which is also in the
Report Field Output dialog box; then click Apply. When you have finished, click Cancel to close the
dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Selecting field output variables,'' Section 35.3.2
``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2

35.4 Specifying your report file name

ABAQUS/CAE writes your tabular data report to the file name of your choice. If you choose to write
your report to an existing file, you can further specify whether the new information should be
appended to the current file contents or whether the file should be overwritten. The default is to
append the new information.
To specify your report file name:
1. Locate the File options.
For a report of X-Y data or field output:
From the main menu bar, select Report->XY or Report->Field Output; then click the
Setup tab in the dialog box that appears. The File options are at the top of the page.
For a report of probe values:
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query, then click Apply in the dialog box that
appears. The Probe Values dialog box appears.
Move the cursor to probe the model or X-Y plot in the current viewport, then click mouse
button 1 to store values of interest in the dialog box. When you are finished, click Write to
File. The Report Probe Values dialog box appears; the File options are at the top of the
2. To select a file name using the standard file browser, click Select.
The Select XY Report File, Select Field Report File, or Select Probe Report File dialog box
appears. Use the dialog to filter and browse existing files. For more information on using this
dialog box, see ``Using file selection dialog boxes,'' Section 6.3.7. When you are finished, click
OK to close the dialog box.
3. Type into the Name field the name of the file to which your report is to be written.


Generating tabular data reports

4. Toggle Append to file to append this report to the current contents (if any) of the file you have
specified. When Append to file is off, existing file contents will be overwritten.
To generate your report, configure the remaining options in the dialog box; then click Apply (for X-Y
or field output reports) or OK (for probe values reports). When you have finished, click Cancel to
close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2

35.5 Controlling report layout and width

For tabular reports of X-Y data, field output, or probe values you can limit the width of the table; for
example, to the number of characters your printer can support.
An X-Y data report can include one or multiple X-Y data objects. Similarly, a field output report can
include one or multiple variables. For both types of reports, if you include multiple items, you can
choose to present each item in its own table or to combine items into a single table. If you combine
multiple items into a single table, additional columns of data are formed and the width of the table
To combine X-Y data objects into a single table, ABAQUS/CAE aligns the X-values of the data
objects. If any data objects do not have matching X-values, you can choose to have ABAQUS/CAE
compute the missing points by interpolation and extrapolation. To learn more about interpolation and
extrapolation, see ``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2.
For field output reports ABAQUS/CAE creates a separate table (of a single variable or of combined
variables, according to your specification) for every region in the current display group. A region is a
portion of your model that has compatible materials, section properties, and element types.
ABAQUS/CAE identifies the region associated with each table in the report. (For more information on
display groups, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model;" for more information on regions,
see ``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2.)
To control report layout and width:
1. Locate the Output Format options.
For a report of X-Y data or field output:
From the main menu bar, select Report->XY or Report->Field Output; then click the
Setup tab in the dialog box that appears. The Output Format options are in the center of
the page.
For a report of probe values:
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query, then click Apply in the dialog box that


Generating tabular data reports

appears. The Probe Values dialog box appears.

Move the cursor to probe the model or X-Y plot in the current viewport, then click mouse
button 1 to store values of interest in the dialog box. When you are finished, click Write to
File. The Report Probe Values dialog box appears; the Output Format options are in the
center of the dialog.
2. Select the X-Y or field output Layout option of your choice:
Select Single table for all X-Y data (or Single table for all field ouput variables) to
combine all of the selected data objects into a single table.
For X-Y data reports, toggle Interpolate between X values (if necessary) on if you want
ABAQUS to compute missing points. When this option is toggled off, missing points (if any)
appear as ``No Value'' in the table.
Select Separate table for each X-Y data (or Separate table for each field ouput variable)
if you want each of the selected data objects to appear in its own table.
3. Select the Page width (characters) option of your choice:
Select No limit to allow an unlimited table width.
Select Specify to limit the table's width. Then, in the Specify text field, enter the maximum
number of characters that can appear along the width of the table.
To generate your report, configure the remaining options in the dialog box; then click Apply (for X-Y
or field output reports) or OK (for probe values reports). When you have finished, click Cancel to
close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2
``Formatting report values,'' Section 35.7
``Understanding X-Y data interpolation and extrapolation, '' Section 30.4.2

35.6 Sorting field output data

For tabular field output reports you can choose to sort all of the data in the table according to the
values in any single column of the table and you can choose to sort in either ascending or descending
You control which columns ABAQUS/CAE includes in the table using the Variables options in the
Field Output dialog box. (For more information, see ``Selecting field output variables,'' Section


Generating tabular data reports

35.3.2.) The table has one column for each field output variable you have selected, and additional
columns to identify the origin of the field output; for example, if your table includes unique nodal
quantities ABAQUS/CAE provides a Node Label (node number) column.
For information on sorting the data in a tabular report of probe values, see ``Entering tabular data,''
Section 6.3.5.
To sort field output report data:
1. Locate the field output report sorting options.
From the main menu bar, select Report->Field Output; then click the Setup tab in the dialog box
that appears. The Sort by options are in the middle of the page.
2. Click the Sort by arrow to reveal the list of column choices.
3. Select the column to sort by from the list.
4. Click either Ascending or Descending to choose the order of the sort.
To generate your report, configure the remaining options in the dialog box; then click Apply. When
you have finished, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2

35.7 Formatting report values

You can specify the number of significant digits to present in your tabular data report; the default is 6.
More digits give greater precision but take more space and increase the width of the tables. In addition,
you can select one of the following number formats for your data values:
Very large values and very small values are expressed in scientific format. All remaining
values are expressed with no exponent and using the specified number of significant digits.
Values greater than or equal to 1000 (or values less than or equal to 0.001) are expressed as a
number ranging from 1 to 999 that is multiplied by 10 to the nth power, where n is a product
of 3 (for example, 20.5E+03 or 17.76E+06). All remaining values are expressed using the
specified number of significant digits.
All values are expressed as a number between 1 and 10 that is multiplied by an appropriate


Generating tabular data reports

power of 10 (for example, 2.05E+04 or 1.776E+07).

The default format is Engineering.
To format report values:
1. Locate the Output Format options.
For a report of X-Y data or field output:
From the main menu bar, select Report->XY or Report->Field Output; then click the
Setup tab in the dialog box that appears. The Output Format options are in the center of
the page.
For a report of probe values:
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query, then click Apply in the dialog box that
appears. The Probe Values dialog box appears.
Move the cursor to probe the model or X-Y plot in the current viewport, then click mouse
button 1 to store values of interest in the dialog box. When you are finished, click Write to
File. The Report Probe Values dialog box appears; the Output Format options are in the
center of the dialog.
2. In the Number of significant digits text field, enter the number of significant digits of your
You can also click the arrows next to the Number of significant digits text field until the desired
number appears.
3. Click the Number Format button, and select the number format of your choice from the list that
To generate your report, configure the remaining options in the dialog box; then click Apply (for X-Y
or field output reports) or OK (for probe values reports). When you have finished, click Cancel to
close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2

35.8 Reporting data values, minimums, maximums, and totals

For tabular reports of X-Y data or field output, you can include or suppress X-Y data or field output
values, column minimum and maximum value summaries, and column totals. By default,
ABAQUS/CAE includes only the actual data values in reports of X-Y data. In reports of field output
values, ABAQUS/CAE includes by default the data values as well as column summaries and totals.


Generating tabular data reports

For tabular reports of probe values, ABAQUS/CAE always includes the actual data values in the
report. You can include or suppress column minimum and maximum value summaries and column
totals for any columns in which such values would be meaningful.
To report data values, minimums, maximums, and column totals:
1. Locate the Data or Data Values options.
For a report of X-Y data or field output:
From the main menu bar, select Report->XY or Report->Field Output; then click the
Setup tab in the dialog box that appears. The Data options are at the bottom of the page.
For a report of probe values:
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query, then click Apply in the dialog box that
appears. The Probe Values dialog box appears.
Move the cursor to probe the model or X-Y plot in the current viewport, then click mouse
button 1 to store values of interest in the dialog box. When you are finished, click Write to
File. The Report Probe Values dialog box appears; the Data Values options are at the
bottom of the dialog box.
2. For X-Y data or field output reports you must choose one or more of the following items to include
in your report:
Toggle XY data or Field output to include the actual X-Y data or field output values,
respectively. Toggling this option off results in a report that consists of only the column total
or min/max data you request.
Toggle Column totals to include totals for each column.
Toggle Column min/max to include a summary of the minimum and maximum value
occurring in each column.
To generate your report, configure the remaining options in the dialog box; then click Apply (for X-Y
or field output reports) or OK (for probe values reports). When you have finished, click Cancel to
close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Overview of tabular report options,'' Section 35.2


Displaying a subset of your model

36. Displaying a subset of your model

By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays your entire model; however, you can choose to display a subset of
your model called a display group. This subset can contain any combination of nodes, elements, and
surfaces from the current output database. This chapter explains the concept of display groups and how
you can manage them. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding display groups,'' Section 36.1
``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2

36.1 Understanding display groups

A display group is a collection of selected model components and can contain the default (entire)
model or any combination of nodes, elements, and surfaces. Display groups allow you to reduce clutter
on your screen and focus on an area of interest within your model. For example, you can use display
groups to show contact surfaces but suppress elements or to produce a contour plot showing elements
in the interior of your model that would otherwise be obscured. You can plot, save, edit, copy, rename,
and delete display groups. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding how to create display groups,'' Section 36.1.1
``Understanding display group Boolean operations,'' Section 36.1.2

36.1.1 Understanding how to create display groups

A display group can contain any combination of model components: nodes, elements, surfaces, or the
default model. However, while creating a display group, you can perform operations on only one type
of model component at a time. Creating a display group containing selected components of more than
one type is an incremental process.
To create a display group, you first select the particular nodes, elements, or surfaces of interest. You
then perform a Boolean operation on your selection and the contents of the current viewport. This
sequence can be repeated as necessary to create the desired group.
You can save a display group, and you can create a new display group by editing (i.e., performing
additional Boolean operations on) the contents of a previously saved display group. Once saved, a
display group persists only for the duration of the session.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Creating a display group,'' Section 36.2.1

36.1.2 Understanding display group Boolean operations

To create or edit a display group, you perform Boolean operations on selected model components and
the contents of the current viewport. ABAQUS/CAE offers the following Boolean operations in the


Displaying a subset of your model

Display Groups toolset: Replace, Add, Remove, Intersect, and Either.

As an example of a simple Boolean operation, assume the current viewport shows the default model. If
you select a single element set and then apply the Remove operation, that element set is eliminated
from the display in the current viewport.
For each Boolean operation you perform to create or edit a display group, you can select only one type
of model component: either nodes, elements, surfaces, or the default model. For a given display group,
ABAQUS/CAE initially assumes that you want to include all nodes connected to all elements in the
group. However, if you select particular nodes, all subsequent operations on that display group include
only the nodes you have selected.
An explanation of each of the Boolean operations follows. In the icons below, the circle on the left
represents the items in the current viewport; the circle on the right represents your selection. The
cross-hatching represents the resulting display group.
Use the Replace operator to replace the current viewport contents with your selection.
Use the Add operator to add your selection to the current viewport contents.
Use the Remove operator to remove your selection from the current viewport contents. If your
selection includes one or more elements or surfaces, the nodes connected to those items are
also removed, provided that you have not specifically operated to include those nodes in the
display group.
Use the Intersect operator to display only those items common to your selection and the
display in the current viewport. Only viewport items of the same type as your selection are
affected by this operation. For example, if your selection includes elements, the operation
applies only to elements in the current viewport; surfaces currently displayed (if any) are not
Use the Either operation to display only model components that are either in your selection or
in the current viewport but not in both.
For information on related topics, click the following item:


Displaying a subset of your model

``Creating a display group,'' Section 36.2.1

36.2 Managing display groups

The Display Group Manager lists the display groups you have saved during the current session and is
similar to other managers in ABAQUS/CAE. The Display Group Manager allows you to create a
display group and to plot, edit, copy, rename, or delete a previously saved group. ABAQUS/CAE plots
an existing display group only if it is valid for the current output database.
To use the display group manager:
1. Locate the Display Group Manager.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Manager.
Tip: You can also access the display group manager using the uppermost

tool in the

2. Click the appropriate buttons on the right side of the manager to perform the display group
operation of your choice.
3. Click Dismiss to close the dialog box when you are done.

36.2.1 Creating a display group

To create a display group, you perform Boolean operations on selected model components and the
contents of the current viewport. You use the Create Display Group dialog box to create, display, and
optionally save a display group. Saved display groups persist for the duration of the session. Certain
display groups can be highlighted in the viewport.
To create a display group:
1. Locate the options for creating a display group.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Create.
Tip: You can also create a display group by clicking the uppermost

tool in the toolbox.

The Create Display Group dialog box appears. While you are creating a display group, all other
functions are dimmed in both the Tools->Display Group menu and the Display Group Manager.
2. Select the type of item to operate on.
From the ODB Item list at the top left of the dialog box, select one of the following (as available
for the current output database): Elements, Nodes, Surfaces, or Default Model.
ABAQUS refreshes the Selection Method on the left of the dialog box and the item list at the
right. If you select Default Model, these fields are empty and no further item specification is


Displaying a subset of your model

3. Select the specific elements, nodes, or surfaces on which to operate by first choosing a selection
method and then--if necessary--specifying the elements, nodes, or surfaces.
a. From the Selection Method list, choose (as available):
Element sets, Node sets, or Surface sets to specify elements, nodes, or surfaces by
set name.
ABAQUS refreshes the item list at the right. If this list is empty, there are no items
that meet your selection criteria.
Pick from viewport to specify elements or nodes by picking them directly from the
The Selection field appears with the text (None) to indicate that no elements or nodes
have been picked.
Element labels or Node labels to specify elements or nodes by number.
The Part instance and Labels fields appear.
Result value to specify elements, nodes, or surfaces containing results within a given
range of values.
The current variable to be filtered is displayed at the top right side of the dialog box,
and the result value options appear.
All elements, All nodes, or All surfaces to choose all elements, nodes, or surfaces.
No further item specification is necessary. (Highlighting of the display group in the
viewport does not occur if you choose All elements, All nodes, or All Surfaces or if
you select the default model.)
b. Specify the individual elements, nodes, or surfaces:
To specify element, node, or surface sets, select one or more set names from the item
list. (For more information, see ``Selecting multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8.) If
your output database contains many sets, you can use the filter to reduce the number
of set names displayed. Click the Tip button next to the Filter field to see examples of
valid filtering syntax. Verify your selection by toggling Highlight items in viewport.
To specify elements or nodes by picking them directly from the viewport, click Edit
Selection. Select elements for display group or Select nodes for display group
appears in the prompt area.
Select one or more elements or nodes from the viewport (for more information see
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"). The elements or nodes are
highlighted in the viewport.


Displaying a subset of your model

Click Done in the prompt area when you have finished. The text next to Selection in
the Create Display Group dialog box changes to (Picked) to indicate that you have
selected elements or nodes.
To specify element or node labels, first select the name of the part instance for which
you are creating a display group from the list in the Part instance field. Type into the
Labels field a list of element or node numbers separated by commas or a range of
numbers such as 1:4. Verify your selection by clicking Highlight Items in Viewport .
To specify result values to be used as criteria for the display group, first select the
variable to be filtered. The current variable is displayed at the top right side of the
dialog box. To select a new result variable, click Field Output. The Field Output
dialog box appears. You can specify the Output Variable, the Invariant, and the
Component. See ``Selecting the field output to display,'' Section 24.3, for more
information on selecting the result variable.
Choose from the list of filtering methods in the Result values field.
- If you select Inside bounds or Outside bounds , the Upper bound and Lower
bound fields are available. Enter values for the upper and lower bounds of the
range of results.
- If you select Above value or Below value , the Value field is available. Enter a
value above or below which the results should fall.
Highlighting of the display group in the viewport does not occur for elements, nodes,
or surfaces specified by filtering result values. If you choose a range of a values for
which no elements (or nodes or surfaces) exist, a warning message will appear when
you click Replace stating the applied operation has resulted in an empty display
Note: The bounds for filtering based on element, nodal, or surface output
variables are always based on the values of a variable at nodes. Therefore,
element- and surface-based output quantities are extrapolated (and possibly
averaged) at nodes before comparing them against the user-defined bounds. The
nodal averaging settings in the Field Output dialog box determine how elementand surface-based variables are calculated at the nodes. For example, consider a
case where elements are filtered based on Mises stress using the default nodal
averaging threshold of 75%. After extrapolation to the nodes, the values are
averaged according to this threshold. This conditional averaging may result in
several distinct values of Mises stress at the node based on contributions from the
various elements to which the node belongs. Any element whose Mises stress
contribution falls within the user-defined bounds is included in the display group.
Every element (or node or surface) in the model is used in the filtering process,
regardless of the current active display group in the model.


Displaying a subset of your model

4. From the icons in the bottom portion of the dialog box, click the desired Boolean operation.
ABAQUS carries out the selected Boolean operation on the model components you have selected
in the dialog box and the contents of the current viewport.
5. If the effect of the Boolean operation is not desired, you can undo the most recent operation using
the Undo button at the bottom of the dialog box.
When you click the Undo button, it changes to Redo. When you click the Redo button, ABAQUS
reapplies the most recent Boolean operation.
6. Repeat steps beginning with Step 2 as needed to produce the desired display group.
7. To save the display group, click Save As; then enter a name in the dialog box that appears. You
can plot, edit, copy, rename, or delete saved display groups. In addition, you can use a saved
display group to display the same subset of different models in different viewports.
8. Click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding how to create display groups,'' Section 36.1.1
``Understanding display group Boolean operations,'' Section 36.1.2
``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2
``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2

36.2.2 Saving a display group

As you create or edit a display group using the Create Display Group or Edit Display Group dialog
boxes, you can choose at any time to save either the contents of the current viewport or the items
selected in the dialog box. You must save a display group to do any of the following:
Plot the display group later in the session.
Apply the display group to a different model or to a different viewport.
Edit, copy, or rename the display group.
Display groups that you save are available only during the current session.
To save a display group:
1. Locate the Save As button.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group; then choose either Create or Edit to
operate on a new or a previously saved display group, respectively.


Displaying a subset of your model

The Create Display Group or Display Group Editor dialog box appears, according to your
2. Use the dialog box to select the model components of interest. For more information, see
``Creating a display group,'' Section 36.2.1, or ``Editing a display group,'' Section 36.2.3.
3. After you select model components but before you apply a Boolean operator in the Create Display
Group dialog box, you can save either the selection in the dialog box or the contents of the current
viewport. To do so:
a. From the lower left corner of the dialog box, click Save As.
The Save Display Group As dialog box appears.
b. Choose one of the following:
Only the current selection to save the selection in the dialog box.
Items in the viewport prior to selection to save the contents of the current viewport.
c. Enter a name for the display group in the Name field.
d. Click OK to close the dialog box.
ABAQUS saves the display group.
4. After you apply a Boolean operator, you can save the contents of the current viewport. To do so:
a. From the lower left corner of the dialog box, click Save As.
The Save Display Group As dialog box appears.
b. Enter a name for the display group in the Name field.
c. Click OK to close the dialog box.
ABAQUS saves the display group.
5. Click Dismiss to close the Create Display Group or Edit Display Group dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2

36.2.3 Editing a display group

You can edit the combination of model components in a previously saved display group. Editing a


Displaying a subset of your model

display group is similar to creating a display group: in both cases you select model components and
then apply Boolean operations on your selection and the contents of the current viewport. Certain
display groups can be highlighted in the viewport.
When you select a display group to edit, the contents of the current viewport update to show the
selected display group. You use the display in the current viewport to determine the model components
in the group you are editing; you cannot list the model components. When you are finished editing, all
viewports that use the display group will be updated.
To edit a display group:
1. Locate the options for editing a display group.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Edit. From the menu that appears, select
the display group you want to edit.
Tip: You can also use the Display Group Manager to edit a display group. From the main
menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Manager to display the manager. Select the display
group you want to edit, and click Edit from the buttons on the right side of the manager.
The Edit Display Group dialog box appears. While you are editing a display group, all other
functions are dimmed in both the Tools->Display Group menu and the Display Group Manager.
2. Select the type of item to operate on.
From the ODB Item list at the top left of the dialog box, select one of the following (as available
for the current output database): Elements, Nodes, Surfaces, or Default Model.
ABAQUS refreshes the Selection Method on the left of the dialog box and the item list at the
right. If you select Default Model, these fields are empty and no further item specification is
3. Select the specific elements, nodes, or surfaces on which to operate by first choosing a selection
method and then--if necessary--specifying the elements, nodes, or surfaces.
a. From the Selection Method list, choose (as available):
Element sets, Node sets, or Surface sets to specify elements, nodes, or surfaces by
set name.
ABAQUS refreshes the item list at the right. If this list is empty, there are no items
that meet your selection criteria.
Pick from viewport to specify elements or nodes by picking them directly from the
The Selection field appears with the text (None) to indicate that no elements or nodes
have been picked.
Element labels or Node labels to specify elements or nodes by number.
The Part instance and Labels fields appear.

Displaying a subset of your model

Result value to specify elements, nodes, or surfaces containing results within a given
range of values.
The current variable to be filtered is displayed at the top right side of the dialog box,
and the result value options appear.
All elements, All nodes, or All surfaces to choose all elements, nodes, or surfaces.
No further item specification is necessary. (Highlighting of the display group in the
viewport does not occur if you choose All elements, All nodes, or All surfaces or if
you select the default model.)
b. Specify the individual elements, nodes, or surfaces:
To specify element, node, or surface sets, select one or more set names from the item
list. If your output database contains many sets, you can use the filter to reduce the
number of set names displayed. Click the Tip button to see examples of the syntax
used in the Filter field. Verify your selection by toggling Highlight items in
viewport .
To specify elements or nodes by picking them directly from the viewport, click Edit
Selection. Select elements for display group or Select nodes for display group
appears in the prompt area.
Select one or more elements or nodes from the viewport (for more information see
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"). The elements or nodes are
highlighted in the viewport.
Click Done in the prompt area when you have finished. The text next to Selection in
the Create Display Group dialog box changes to (Picked) to indicate that you have
selected elements or nodes.
To specify element or node labels, first select the name of the part instance for which
you are creating a display group from the list in the Part instance field. Type into the
Labels field a list of element or node numbers separated by commas or a range of
numbers such as 1:4. Verify your selection by clicking Highlight Items in Viewport .
To specify result values to be used as criteria for the display group, first select the
variable to be filtered. The current variable is displayed at the top right side of the
dialog box. To select a new result variable, click Field Output. The Field Output
dialog box appears. You can specify the Output Variable, the Invariant, and the
Component. See ``Selecting the field output to display,'' Section 24.3, for more
information on selecting the result variable.
Choose from the list of filtering methods in the Result values field.
- If you select Inside bounds or Outside bounds , the Upper bound and Lower
bound fields are available. Enter values for the upper and lower bounds of the


Displaying a subset of your model

range of results.
- If you select Above value or Below value , the Value field is available. Enter a
value above or below which the results should fall.
Highlighting of the display group in the viewport does not occur for elements, nodes,
or surfaces specified by filtering result values. If you choose a range of a values for
which no elements (or nodes or surfaces) exist, a warning message will appear when
you click Replace stating the applied operation has resulted in an empty display
Note: The bounds for filtering based on element, nodal, or surface output
variables are always based on the values of a variable at nodes. Therefore,
element- and surface-based output quantities are extrapolated (and possibly
averaged) at nodes before comparing them against the user-defined bounds. The
nodal averaging settings in the Field Output dialog box determine how elementand surface-based variables are calculated at the nodes. For example, consider a
case where elements are filtered based on Mises stress using the default nodal
averaging threshold of 75%. After extrapolation to the nodes, the values are
averaged according to this threshold. This conditional averaging may result in
several distinct values of Mises stress at the node based on contributions from the
various elements to which the node belongs. Any element whose Mises stress
contribution falls within the user-defined bounds is included in the display group.
Every element (or node or surface) in the model is used in the filtering process,
regardless of the current active display group in the model.
4. From the icons in the bottom portion of the dialog box, click the desired Boolean operation.
ABAQUS carries out the selected Boolean operation on the model components you have selected
in the dialog box and the contents of the current viewport.
5. If the effect of the Boolean operation is not desired, you can undo the most recent operation using
the Undo button at the bottom of the dialog box.
When you click the Undo button it changes to Redo. When you click the Redo button, ABAQUS
reapplies the most recent Boolean operation.
6. Repeat steps beginning with Step 2 as needed to produce the desired display group.
7. Click OK to save the updated display group and to close the Edit Display Group dialog box.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding display group Boolean operations,'' Section 36.1.2


Displaying a subset of your model

``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2

``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2

36.2.4 Plotting a display group

You can plot a selected display group using the model in the current viewport. ABAQUS/CAE plots
only the components in the display group that are valid for the current model. For example, if the
display group references an element set called Fixture, the model in the current viewport should
also contain an element set called Fixture. ABAQUS/CAE ignores model components that are not
To plot a display group:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Plot.
2. From the menu that appears, select the display group that you want to plot.
Tip: You can also use the Display Group Manager to plot a display group. From the main
menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Manager to display the manager. Select the display
group you want to plot, and click Plot from the buttons on the right side of the manager.
The model plot in the current viewport changes to show the selected display group.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2

36.2.5 Copying, renaming, and deleting a display group

To copy, rename, or delete a display group, use one of the following:
The Copy, Rename, and Delete items listed under the Tools->Display Group menu on the main
menu bar.
The Copy, Rename, and Delete items contain submenus listing all the display groups you have
saved during the session.
The Display Group Manager dialog box. The Display Group Manager dialog box contains
functions identical to those listed under the Tools->Display Group menu on the main menu bar
but with a convenient browser that lists all the display groups you have saved during the session.
To display the Display Group Manager dialog box, select Tools->Display Group->Manager
from the main menu bar.
Note: If you try to delete a display group that is shown in multiple viewports, ABAQUS/CAE
warns that the display groups in those viewports will be reset to the default model.


Displaying a subset of your model

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2

36.2.6 Applying display groups to multiple viewports and models

You can use a single display group to view the same subset of different models, and you can view a
display group in multiple viewports. A single display group can apply to different models as long as
the display group is valid for each model. For example, Figure 36-1 shows a single display group
applied to two different models shown in two different viewports.

Figure 36-1 A display group applied to two different models.

To plot a previously saved display group in any viewport:

1. Double-click on the viewport border to make the viewport current.
2. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Plot. Select the display group to plot
from the menu that appears.
ABAQUS plots the display group in the current viewport. ABAQUS plots only the components in
the display group that are valid for the current model.

Displaying a subset of your model

To edit a previously saved display group in any viewport where it is displayed:

1. Double-click on the viewport border to make the viewport current.
2. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Display Group->Edit. Select the display group to edit
from the menu that appears.
The Edit Display Group dialog box appears.
3. Select the desired model components, and apply the desired Boolean operations.
During the editing process, the results of any Boolean operations appear only in the current
4. Click OK to close the Edit Display Group.
Your editing changes are applied to all viewports that reference the selected display group. If the
modified display group becomes invalid for one of the models (for example, by the inclusion of a
node not contained in that model), ABAQUS warns that part of the display group is now invalid.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing display groups,'' Section 36.2


Customizing model display

37. Customizing model display

This chapter explains how to customize the appearance of your model by selecting various plot
mode-dependent and plot mode-independent options. The following topics are covered:
``Overview of model display customization,'' Section 37.1
``Customizing render style, translucency, and fill color,'' Section 37.2
``Customizing element and surface edges,'' Section 37.3
``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4
``Customizing model shape,'' Section 37.5
``Customizing model labels,'' Section 37.6
``Displaying element and surface normals,'' Section 37.7
``Displaying boundary conditions,'' Section 37.8
``Customizing general model display,'' Section 37.9

37.1 Overview of model display customization

You can customize how your model appears in undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material
orientation plots. For each of these plot modes you can choose a render style and fill color; and you
can customize element and surface edges, model shape, and the appearance of model labels and node
symbols. Use the Options menu in the main menu bar to choose from these plot mode-dependent
customization options.
In addition to these plot mode-dependent customization options, you can select plot mode-independent
options governing colors for individual elements and surfaces, the appearance of boundary conditions,
the smoothness of curved edges, the color of elements with no results, and model sweeping and
extrusion. Select Tools->Color Code from the main menu bar to color individual elements and
surfaces. To choose from the remaining plot mode-independent options, select View->ODB Display
Options from the main menu bar.
ABAQUS/CAE provides the following customization options:
Render style
Render style is the style in which ABAQUS/CAE displays your model. Render style is a plot
mode-dependent option; that is, you control it separately for undeformed, deformed, contour,
symbol, and material orientation plots. Render style choices include wireframe, filled, hidden,
and lightsource-shaded, although some choices are not applicable to every plot mode. For
more information, see ``Customizing render style, translucency, and fill color,'' Section 37.2.
Element and surface edge style and visibility


Customizing model display

Edge style is the line style and thickness of element and surface edges; edge visibility is the
extent to which ABAQUS/CAE displays these edges. Edge style and visibility options are plot
mode-dependent. For more information, see ``Customizing element and surface edges,''
Section 37.3.
Element and surface edge color
You can control the overall color of element and surface edges using the plot mode-dependent
Color & Style options. In addition, you can customize the edge color of individual elements
and surfaces using the plot mode-independent Color Code dialog box. For more information
on overall edge coloring, see ``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section
37.3.3. To learn more about individual item edge coloring, see ``Coloring individual elements
and surfaces,'' Section 37.4. Individual item edge coloring applies only to wireframe and
hidden render style plots.
Element face and surface fill color
You can control the overall fill color of element faces and surfaces using the plot
mode-dependent Color & Style options. In addition, you can customize the face color of
individual elements and the fill color of individual surfaces using the plot mode-independent
Color Code dialog box. For more information on overall fill color, see ``Selecting overall fill
color,'' Section 37.2.3. To learn more about individual item color filling, see ``Coloring
individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4. Individual item fill coloring applies only to
filled and shaded render style plots.
Model shape
For contour, symbol, and material orientation plots you can choose to display your results on
the undeformed or the deformed model shape. Additional model shape options allow you to
scale coordinates, scale deformations, and shrink elements and surfaces. All model shape
options are plot mode-dependent. For more information, see ``Customizing model shape,''
Section 37.5.
Model labels and node symbols
You can change the visibility and customize the color and font of element, node, and face
labels and the color and style of node symbols. All of these options are plot mode-dependent.
For more information, see ``Customizing model labels,'' Section 37.6.
Element and surface normals
For undeformed and deformed plots you can choose to display arrows representing the element
and surface normals in the model. You can control the arrow size, color, and arrowhead style.
For more information, see ``Displaying element and surface normals,'' Section 37.7.
Boundary conditions
You can change the visibility of symbols representing boundary conditions applied during the
analysis. For more information, see ``Displaying boundary conditions,'' Section 37.8.


Customizing model display

General model display options

ABAQUS/CAE offers several other plot mode-independent general model display options.
These options include:
Sweep & Extrude to control the three-dimensional display of two-dimensional models.
For more information, see ``Sweeping and extruding your model,'' Section 37.9.1.
Curved Lines & Faces to control how quadratic and cubic element edges and faces are
displayed. For more information, see ``Refining curved edges and faces,'' Section 37.9.2.
Elements with No Results to control the color of elements having no results (for
example, rigid surfaces) in contour plots. For more information, see ``Coloring elements
with no results,'' Section 37.9.3.

37.2 Customizing render style, translucency, and fill color

This section explains how to customize the render style, translucency, and fill color of your model for
undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. The following topics are
``Choosing a render style,'' Section 37.2.1
``Customizing lightsource-shaded translucency,'' Section 37.2.2
``Selecting overall fill color,'' Section 37.2.3

37.2.1 Choosing a render style

Render style is the style in which ABAQUS/CAE displays your model. Render style is plot
mode-dependent; that is, you control it separately for undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and
material orientation plots. Possible render styles are Wireframe, Filled, Hidden, and Shaded; these
styles are shown in Figure 37-1. An explanation of these choices follows.

Figure 37-1 Model showing render style options. From left to right: the wireframe, filled, hidden, and
lightsource-shaded render styles.


Customizing model display

Displays model edges; both interior and exterior edges are potentially visible. Wireframe plots
produce a frame-like visual effect in which model faces are not displayed. Wireframe is the
most rapidly drawn render style.
Displays model faces ``painted'' in a uniform color. Filled plots produce a solid rather than
frame-like appearance in which only exterior faces are visible.
Displays a wireframe plot in which edges obscured by the model are not visible. Hidden plots
produce a solid rather than frame-like appearance.
Displays a filled plot in which a light source appears to be directed at the model. Shaded plots
produce a highly three-dimensional visual effect.
To choose the render style of your plot:
1. Locate the Render Style options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Basic tab in the dialog box
that appears. The Render Style options become available.
2. From the Render Style list, click the render style you want.
Tip: You can also select the render style by clicking the wireframe
, or shaded

, hidden

, filled

icons located in the toolbar, and then clicking in the desired viewport.

Contour plots support the filled and shaded render styles only.
Symbol and material orientation plots support the wireframe and shaded render styles only.
Symbol and material orientation plots in the shaded render style automatically activate translucency at a default value of

3. Click Apply to implement your changes.

Since the render style is plot mode-dependent, the render style changes to reflect your specification
in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this


Customizing model display

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing lightsource-shaded translucency,'' Section 37.2.2
``Choosing a render style,'' Section 46.2

37.2.2 Customizing lightsource-shaded translucency

Translucency options control the degree of transparency of your model, and they apply to
lightsource-shaded render style plots only. Translucency is plot mode-dependent; that is, you control it
separately for undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots.
Translucency behaves slightly differently depending on your plot mode. For shaded symbol and
material orientation plots, translucency is always turned on so that you can view symbol plot arrows
and material orientation triads located in the interior of the model. However, you can use the plot
options to change the percentage of translucency. For shaded contour plots, translucency options apply
only to those elements (if any) that have no results for the field output variable and frame associated
with the plot.
To customize translucency:
1. Locate the Translucency options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode. Click the Other tab in the dialog box that
appears; then click the Translucency tab. The Translucency options appear.
2. Choose the percentage of translucency.
Drag the slider to the percentage of translucency that you want. A value of .00 indicates
transparent plotting; 1.00 indicates opaque plotting. The default translucency for symbol and
material orientation plots is .30; for all other plot modes the default is .00.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since translucency is plot mode-dependent, the translucency of lightsource-shaded plots changes
to reflect your specifications in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing render style, translucency, and fill color,'' Section 37.2


Customizing model display

``Coloring elements with no results,'' Section 37.9.3

37.2.3 Selecting overall fill color

Fill color is the color in which ABAQUS/CAE displays your model faces. This color is plot
mode-dependent; that is, you control it separately for undeformed, deformed, symbol, and material
orientation plots. Fill color applies to filled and lightsource-shaded render style plots only, and it is not
applicable to contour plots.
You can choose one display color for your entire model, or you can optionally override this display
color for selected items, such as particular elements. For example, you can display your model in
green, with a group of elements shown in red. For more information on individual item coloring, see
``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.
To select the model fill color:
1. Locate the fill color options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, symbol, or material
orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Color & Style tab in the
dialog box that appears.
For the undeformed and deformed plot modes:
The Fill color in filled/shaded plots options are in the center of the Color & Style page.
For the symbol and material orientation plot modes:
Click the General tab. The Fill color in shaded plots options are in the center of the
General page.
Note: Fill color applies to shaded plots only, since the filled render style is not
supported for these plot modes.
2. Choose the fill color:
a. To reveal the color options, click the fill color arrow, which is labeled Fill color in
filled/shaded plots or Fill color in shaded plots.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
3. Toggle Allow color code selections to override options in this dialog off to display all
elements in the fill color specified above. Toggle it on to override this color using individual item
color selections. The default is on. For more information, see ``Coloring individual elements and
surfaces,'' Section 37.4.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.


Customizing model display

Since fill color is plot mode-dependent, the fill color changes to reflect your specifications in plots
of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

37.3 Customizing element and surface edges

This section explains how to customize the appearance of element and surface edges for undeformed,
deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. The following topics are covered:
``Controlling element and surface edge visibility,'' Section 37.3.1
``Defining model feature edges,'' Section 37.3.2
``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section 37.3.3
``Customizing element and surface edge style,'' Section 37.3.4

37.3.1 Controlling element and surface edge visibility

You can control the extent to which ABAQUS/CAE displays element and surface edges. Edge display
is plot mode-dependent; that is, you control it separately for undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol,
and material orientation plots. The following choices are available to control edge display: All,
Exterior, Feature, Free, and None. The first four options are shown in Figure 37-2.

Figure 37-2 Model showing edge display options.

To control edge visibility:

1. Locate the Visible Edges options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Basic tab in the dialog box
that appears. The Visible Edges options are on the right side of the Basic page.
2. To choose the element and surface edges you want to display, click one of the following:
Displays all element and surface edges. To see element edges on the interior of the model,


Customizing model display

you must also set the render style to wireframe. This choice is not available for contour
Displays only edges on the exterior of the model.
Displays only edges on the exterior of the model that are calculated to be feature edges.
Feature edges lie between elements that have normals that differ by more than the
``feature angle.'' The feature angle is set in the View->ODB Display Options->General
dialog; for more information, see ``Defining model feature edges,'' Section 37.3.2.
Displays only edges that belong to a single element. Free edge display is particularly
useful for locating potential holes or cracks in your mesh.
Suppresses the display of all edges. This choice is available only for plots rendered using
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since element and surface edge visibility is plot mode-dependent, edge visibility changes
according to your specification in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Defining model feature edges,'' Section 37.3.2
``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section 37.3.3
``Customizing element and surface edge style,'' Section 37.3.4
``Controlling edge visibility,'' Section 46.3

37.3.2 Defining model feature edges

The undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plot modes each provide options
for controlling which model edges appear in the plot. When you specify that only feature edges are to
be visible, ABAQUS/CAE determines which edges meet this criteria. Feature edges lie between
elements having normals that differ by more than the "feature angle." You can customize the feature


Customizing model display

angle. Larger angles will reduce the number of feature edges; conversely, smaller angles will cause
more edges to be visible. The default is 20. The setting of the feature angle applies to all plot modes.
In Figure 37-3 the plot on the left shows feature edges when the feature angle is set to 0, the plot in
the middle shows feature edges on the same model but with the feature angle set to 5, and the plot on
the right shows the model with the feature angle set to 20.

Figure 37-3 Plots showing feature angles of 0, 5, and 20.

To customize the feature angle:

1. Locate the Feature Angle options.
From the main menu bar, select View->ODB Display Options. Click the General tab in the dialog
box that appears. The Feature Angle options are at the bottom of the General page.
2. Drag the Feature Angle slider to the desired feature angle.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Feature edges for all plot modes change to reflect your feature angle specification, which is saved
for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Controlling element and surface edge visibility,'' Section 37.3.1
``Defining mesh feature edges,'' Section 46.5

37.3.3 Selecting overall element and surface edge color

You can customize the color in which ABAQUS/CAE displays element and surface edges. Edge color
options are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for undeformed, deformed,
contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. Within each plot mode you can choose a different edge
color for certain render styles, and for the contour plot mode you can choose a different edge color for


Customizing model display

certain contour types.

You can choose one display color for your entire model, or you can optionally override this display
color for selected items, such as particular elements. For example, you can display your model in
green, with a group of elements shown in red. For more information on individual item coloring, see
``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.
To customize element and surface edge color:
1. Locate the edge color options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Color & Style tab in the
dialog box that appears.
For the undeformed and deformed plot modes:
The Color options are at the top of the Color & Style page.
For the contour plot mode:
Click the Model Edges tab. The Edge Color options are at the top of the Model Edges
For the symbol and material orientation plot modes:
Click the General tab. The Color options are at the top of the General page.
2. Choose the color of the element and surface edges for wireframe and hidden render style plots and
line-type contours. (For all of these plots ABAQUS/CAE does not display model faces.)
a. Click the arrow, which will be labeled either Edges in wireframe/hidden plots , Edges
in wireframe plots , or In line plots, to reveal the color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
3. Choose the color of the element and surface edges for filled and shaded render style plots and
banded- and quilt-type contour plots. (For all of these plots ABAQUS/CAE displays model faces.)
a. Click the arrow, which will be labeled either Edges in filled/shaded plots , Edges in
shaded plots, or In banded/quilt plots, to reveal the color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
4. Toggle Allow color code selections to override options in this dialog off to display all edges
in the color specified above. Toggle it on to override this color using color code selections. The
default is on. This option is not available for contour plots.


Customizing model display

5. Click Apply to implement your changes.

Since element and surface edge color is plot mode-dependent, the edge color changes according to
your specification in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Controlling element and surface edge visibility,'' Section 37.3.1
``Customizing element and surface edge style,'' Section 37.3.4

37.3.4 Customizing element and surface edge style

You can customize the style and thickness in which ABAQUS/CAE displays element and surface
edges. Edge style options are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for
undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. For example, Figure 37-4
shows a plot with default element edges on the left and customized edges on the right.

Figure 37-4 Models showing default and customized element edges.

To customize element and surface edges:

1. Locate the Edge Attributes options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Color & Style tab in the
dialog box that appears.
For the undeformed and deformed plot modes:


Customizing model display

The Edge Attributes options are at the bottom of the Color & Style page.
For the contour plot mode:
Click the Model Edges tab. The Edge Attributes options are at the bottom of the Model
Edges page.
For the symbol and material orientation plot modes:
Click the General tab. The Edge Attributes options are at the bottom of the General
2. Choose the style of the element and surface edges:
a. Click the Style button to reveal the edge style options.
b. Click the edge style you want.
The specified edge style appears on the Style button.
3. Choose the thickness of the element and surface edges:
a. Click the Thickness button to reveal the edge thickness options.
b. Click the edge thickness you want.
The specified edge thickness appears on the Thickness button.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since element and surface edge style is plot mode-dependent, the edge style changes according to
your specification in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Controlling element and surface edge visibility,'' Section 37.3.1
``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section 37.3.3

37.4 Coloring individual elements and surfaces

This section explains how you can customize the edge and fill color of individual elements and
surfaces. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding how individual element and surface coloring interacts with model coloring, ''
Section 37.4.1


Customizing model display

``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.2

37.4.1 Understanding how individual element and surface

coloring interacts with model coloring
You can control the overall edge and fill colors of your model using the plot mode-dependent Color
& Style options. Within each plot mode, you can use the Color & Style options to select a single color
for all element and surface edges and a separate color for all element faces and surfaces. The colors
you select apply uniformly to the entire model.
You can also control the colors of individual elements and surfaces using the plot mode-independent
Color Code options. The Color Code dialog box allows you to select separate colors for individual
elements and surfaces. You must use the Color Code options to execute any complex, nonuniform
color scheme.
By default, individual item colors override the overall edge color and fill color associated with each
plot mode. You can change this behavior by using the undeformed, deformed, symbol, and material
orientation plot Color & Style options to specify whether individual or overall item colors should take
precedence. (Individual item colors do not apply to contour plots.)
When you specify an individual item color in the Color Code dialog box, ABAQUS/CAE applies the
color based on two characteristics of the current plot mode:
Color precedence setting
ABAQUS/CAE applies the color if, on the Color & Style page for the applicable plot mode,
Allow color code selections to override options in this dialog is toggled on.
Render style
In the wireframe and hidden render styles, ABAQUS/CAE displays only element and surface
edges. If the current plot mode uses the wireframe or hidden render style, ABAQUS/CAE
applies the individual item color to those edges.
In the filled and shaded render styles, ABAQUS/CAE displays element and surface edges as
well as element faces and filled surfaces. If the current plot mode uses the filled or shaded
render style, ABAQUS/CAE applies the individual item color to the element faces and filled
surfaces or to the element and surface edges.
In the filled and shaded render styles, line-type elements (such as beams) are treated as if their
lines are faces. In the filled and shaded render styles, ABAQUS/CAE applies the individual
item color to the lines representing such an element.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Selecting overall fill color,'' Section 37.2.3
``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section 37.3.3


Customizing model display

``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.2

37.4.2 Coloring individual elements and surfaces

You can customize the color of individual elements and surfaces, element and surface sets (either
defined or based on result values), or the default (entire) model. Individual item colors that you specify
apply to all undeformed, deformed, symbol, and material orientation plots. You can choose whether
overall edge color and fill color or individual item colors take precedence in each of these plot modes.
(Individual item colors do not apply to contour plots.)
Individual item colors revert to their default values when you open a new output database.
To color individual elements and surfaces (or the default model):
1. Locate the Color Code options.
From the main menu bar, select Tools->Color Code; the Color Code dialog box appears.
Tip: You can also access the Color Code options using the

tool in the toolbox.

2. Select the type of item to color.

From the ODB Item list at the top left of the dialog box, select (as available for the current output
Elements to color individual elements.
Surfaces to color individual surfaces.
Default Model to color the entire model.
ABAQUS refreshes the Selection Method at the bottom of the dialog box and the item list at the
right. If you select Default Model, these fields are empty and no further item specification is
3. Specify the elements or surfaces to color.
a. From the Selection Method list, choose (as available):
Element sets or Surface sets to specify elements or surfaces by set name.
ABAQUS refreshes the item list at the right. If this list is empty, there are no items
that meet your selection criteria.
Pick from viewport to specify elements by picking them directly from the viewport.
The Selection field appears with the text (None) to indicate that no elements have
been picked.
Element labels to specify elements by element number.


Customizing model display

The Part instance and Labels fields appear.

Result value to specify elements or surfaces containing results within a given range
of values.
The current variable to be filtered is displayed at the top right side of the dialog box,
and the result value options appear.
All elements or All surfaces to choose all elements or surfaces.
No further item specification is necessary. (Highlighting of the items in the viewport
does not occur if you choose All elements or All surfaces or if you select the default
b. Specify the individual elements or surfaces.
To specify element or surface sets, select one or more set names from the item list.
(For more information, see ``Selecting multiple items in lists,'' Section 6.3.8.) If your
output database contains many sets, you can use the filter to reduce the number of set
names displayed. Click Tip next to the Filter field to see examples of valid filtering
syntax. Verify your selection by toggling Highlight items in viewport.
To specify elements by picking them directly from the viewport, click Edit Selection.
Select elements for display group appears in the prompt area.
Select one or more elements from the viewport (for more information see Chapter 9,
"Selecting objects within the viewport"). The elements are highlighted in the
Click Done in the prompt area when you have finished. The text next to Selection in
the Color Code dialog box changes to (Picked) to indicate that you have selected
To specify element labels, first select the name of the part instance for which you are
selecting elements from the list in the Part instance field. Type into the Labels field
a list of element numbers separated by commas or a range of numbers such as 1:4.
Verify your selection by clicking Highlight Items in Viewport .
To specify result values to be used as criteria for an element or surface set, first select
the variable to be filtered. The current variable is displayed at the top right side of the
dialog box. To select a new result variable, click Field Output. The Field Output
dialog box appears. You can specify the Output Variable, the Invariant, and the
Component. See ``Selecting the field output to display,'' Section 24.3, for more
information on selecting the result variable.
Choose from the list of filtering methods in the Result values field.
- If you select Inside bounds or Outside bounds , the Upper bound and Lower
bound fields are available. Enter values for the upper and lower bound of the


Customizing model display

range or results.
- If you select Above value or Below value , the Value field is available. Enter a
value above or below which the results should fall.
Highlighting of the items in the viewport does not occur for elements or surfaces
specified by filtering result values.
Note: The bounds for filtering based on element, nodal, or surface output
variables are always based on the values of a variable at nodes. Therefore,
element- and surface-based output quantities are extrapolated (and possibly
averaged) at nodes before comparing them against the user-defined bounds. The
nodal averaging settings in the Field Output dialog box determine how elementand surface-based variables are calculated at the nodes. For example, consider a
case where elements are filtered based on Mises stress using the default nodal
averaging threshold of 75%. After extrapolation to the nodes, the values are
averaged according to this threshold. This conditional averaging may result in
several distinct values of Mises stress at the node based on contributions from the
various elements to which the node belongs. Any element whose Mises stress
contribution falls with the user-defined bounds is included in the display group.
Every element (or surface) in the model is used in the filtering process, regardless
of the current active display group in the model.
4. Choose the color you want to apply:
a. Click the arrow next to the items you wish to color: Edges in wireframe/hidden plots ,
Edges in filled/shaded plots , or Fill color in filled/shaded plots.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color field.
5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
If the current plot mode allows color code selections to override plot mode-dependent colors,
ABAQUS applies the specified color to the items you have selected. For more information, see
``Understanding how individual element and surface coloring interacts with model coloring, ''
Section 37.4.1.
6. Repeat Steps 2-5 to color additional items.
Note: Elements and surfaces can be members of more than one set. In such a case ABAQUS displays the color most recently
applied to the element or surface.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


Customizing model display

``Selecting overall fill color,'' Section 37.2.3

``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section 37.3.3
``Understanding result value averaging,'' Section 24.4.2

37.5 Customizing model shape

This section explains how to customize the shape of your model for undeformed, deformed, contour,
symbol, and material orientation plots. The following topics are covered:
``Choosing the underlying model shape for contour, symbol, and material orientation plots, ''
Section 37.5.1
``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2
``Scaling coordinates and shrinking the model,'' Section 37.5.3

37.5.1 Choosing the underlying model shape for contour,

symbol, and material orientation plots
For contour, symbol, and material orientation plots you can choose to display your results on the
undeformed or the deformed model shape. The default is the deformed shape. For example, Figure
37-5 shows a contour plot using the undeformed model on the left and using the deformed shape on the

Figure 37-5 Contour plots on the undeformed and the deformed shape.

To customize the underlying model shape:

1. Locate the Shape options for the plot mode that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contours, Options->Symbols, or Options->Material
Orientation. Click the Shape tab in the dialog box that appears; the Shape options become
2. Choose Undeformed shape or Deformed shape to display results on the undeformed or
deformed shape, respectively.
When Deformed shape is on, the Deformation Scale Factor options become available. To learn


Customizing model display

how to customize deformation scale factors, see ``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The underlying model of the current contour, symbol, or material orientation plot changes to
reflect your shape specification. For results displayed on the deformed shape, the state block, if
active, changes to show the deformed field output variable and the deformation scale factors. For
more information on customizing the state block, see ``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in the
current mode.

37.5.2 Scaling deformations

Deformations are the values of a deformed field output variable; for example, displacement or velocity.
ABAQUS/CAE computes the deformed shape by applying the deformations to the undeformed nodal
coordinates. You can scale the deformations to magnify, reduce, or otherwise distort the deformed
model shape. For example, Figure 37-6 displays a deformed shape contour plot on the left and the
same plot with the deformation magnified 15 times on the right.

Figure 37-6 Contour plots showing default and magnified deformation values.

Deformation scaling is plot mode-dependent; that is, you control it separately for deformed plots, for
contour plots on the deformed shape, for symbol plots on the deformed shape, and for material
orientation plots on the deformed shape. The default scaling is a uniform factor of 1.00 for
large-displacement analyses. For small-deformation analyses--for example, a perturbation
analysis--ABAQUS/CAE scales the deformation such that the maximum deformation is 10% of the
largest model dimension.


Customizing model display

To scale the deformations:

1. Locate the Deformation Scale Factor options for the plot mode (deformed, contour, or symbol)
that you want to customize.
For deformed plots:
From the main menu bar, select Options->Deformed. Click the Basic tab in the dialog
box that appears. The Deformation Scale Factor options are in the lower left corner of
the Basic page.
For contour, symbol, or material orientation plots on the deformed shape:
From the main menu bar, select Options->Contour, Options->Symbol, or
Options->Material Orientation. Click the Shape tab in the dialog box that appears. At
the top of the Shape page toggle Deformed shape on; the Deformation Scale Factor
options become available.
2. Choose one of the following scale factor options:
Click Auto-compute to request that ABAQUS automatically compute and uniformly apply a
single scale factor to all X-, Y-, and Z-components of deformation values.
Click Uniform to specify and uniformly apply a single scale factor to all X-, Y-, and
Z-components of deformation values.
When Uniform is on, a Value specification box becomes available. Click the Value box, and
enter your scale factor.
Click Nonuniform to specify individual scale factors to be applied to the X-, Y-, and
Z-components of deformation values.
When Nonuniform is on, X-, Y-, and Z-component scale factor specification boxes become
available. For each component you want to scale, click the component ( X, Y, or Z) scale factor
box and enter your scale factor.
3. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since deformation scaling is plot mode-dependent, the deformed shape changes according to your
specification in plots of the current mode only. The state block, if active, changes to show the
current deformation scale factors.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:


Customizing model display

``Scaling coordinates and shrinking the model,'' Section 37.5.3

37.5.3 Scaling coordinates and shrinking the model

You can magnify, reduce, or otherwise distort the shape of your model by scaling, and you can shrink
each element about its centroid. Scaling modifies all nodal coordinates in each of the X-, Y-, and
Z-directions. Shrinking reduces each element in size uniformly about its centroid. For example, the
elements shown in Figure 37-7 have been shrunk by 40%.

Figure 37-7 Elements showing the effect of shrinking.

Scaling and shrinking options are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for
undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots.
To scale or shrink your model:
1. Locate the Scaling options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or material
orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Other tab in the dialog box
that appears. Click the Scaling tab; the Scaling options appear.
2. Toggle Shrink elements to request or suppress shrinking each element about its centroid.
a. When Shrink elements is on, the shrink Percentage slider becomes available.
b. Drag the Percentage slider to the desired shrink percentage.
A value of 0 indicates no shrinking. A value of 100 shrinks all elements to dots.
3. Toggle Scale coordinates to request or suppress model scaling by nodal coordinate X-, Y-, and
a. When Scale coordinates is on, scale factors become available. Click the X, Y, and Z
boxes to enter scale factors for the X, Y, and Z nodal coordinates, respectively.


Customizing model display

4. Click Apply to implement your changes.

Since scaling and shrinking are plot mode-dependent, the model display changes according to your
specification in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2

37.6 Customizing model labels

This section explains how to customize the appearance of element labels, face labels, node labels, and
node symbols for undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. The
following topics are covered:
``Setting the label font,'' Section 37.6.1
``Customizing element labels,'' Section 37.6.2
``Customizing face labels,'' Section 37.6.3
``Customizing node labels,'' Section 37.6.4
``Customizing node symbols,'' Section 37.6.5

37.6.1 Setting the label font

For each plot mode ABAQUS/CAE uses a single font to display all element, face, and node labels.
You can set the properties (family, size, boldness, italics) of this font.
To set the label font:
1. Locate the font options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or material
orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Labels tab in the dialog box
that appears. The font options are at the top of the Labels page.
2. Click Set Font for All Model Labels.
The Select Font dialog box appears.
3. Use the Select Font dialog box to set the font properties that you want.
4. When you have set the desired font properties, click OK.


Customizing model display

The Select Font dialog box closes.

5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since the label font is plot mode-dependent, the element, face, and node labels change according
to your specification in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing element labels,'' Section 37.6.2
``Customizing face labels,'' Section 37.6.3
``Customizing node labels,'' Section 37.6.4

37.6.2 Customizing element labels

Element labels are numeric labels (element numbers) that identify each element. For example, the
elements are labeled in Figure 37-8.

Figure 37-8 Model showing element labels.

Element labels are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for undeformed,
deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. Toggle Show element labels to display or
suppress element labels and to choose their color.
To customize element labels:


Customizing model display

1. Locate the element label options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Labels tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Toggle Show element labels to display or suppress numeric element labels.
When Show element labels is on, the element label color options become available.
3. Choose the color of the element labels:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the element label color options.
b. From the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since element labels are plot mode-dependent, the labels change according to your specification in
plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Setting the label font,'' Section 37.6.1

37.6.3 Customizing face labels

Face labels identify the order of faces within each element. For example, the faces are labeled in Figure

Figure 37-9 Model showing face labels.


Customizing model display

Face labels are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for undeformed, deformed,
contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. Toggle Show face labels to display or suppress face
labels and to choose their color.
To customize face labels:
1. Locate the face label options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Labels tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Toggle Show face labels to display or suppress numeric face labels.
When Show face labels is on, the face label color options become available.
3. Choose the color of the face labels:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the face label color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since face labels are plot mode-dependent, the labels change according to your specification in
plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:


Customizing model display

``Setting the label font,'' Section 37.6.1

37.6.4 Customizing node labels

Node labels are numeric labels (node numbers) identifying each node. For example, the nodes are
labeled in Figure 37-10.

Figure 37-10 Model showing node labels.

Node labels are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for undeformed, deformed,
contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. Toggle Show node labels to display or suppress node
labels and to choose their color.
To customize node labels:
1. Locate the node label options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Labels tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Toggle Show node labels to display or suppress numeric node labels.
When Show node labels is on, the node label color options become available.
3. Choose the color of the node labels:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the node label color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the color box.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since node labels are plot mode-dependent, the labels change according to your specification in


Customizing model display

plots of the current mode only.

Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Setting the label font,'' Section 37.6.1

37.6.5 Customizing node symbols

Node symbols (circles, squares, triangles, etc.) identify the location of each node. For example, filled
circles are used to symbolize the nodes shown in Figure 37-11.

Figure 37-11 Model showing node symbols.

Node symbols are plot mode-dependent; that is, you control them separately for undeformed,
deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. Toggle Show node symbols to display or
suppress node symbols and to choose their color, type, and size.
To customize node symbols:
1. Locate the node symbol options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or
material orientation) that you want to customize.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Labels tab in the dialog box
that appears.
2. Toggle Show node symbols to display or suppress node symbols.


Customizing model display

When Show node symbols is on, the node symbol color, type, and size options become
3. Choose the color of the node symbols:
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the node symbol color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the Color box.
4. Choose the type (circle, square, triangle, etc.) of the node symbols:
a. Click the Symbol button to reveal the node symbol type options.
b. Click the symbol type you want.
The specified symbol type appears on the Symbol button.
5. Choose the size of the node symbols:
a. Click the Size button to reveal the node symbol size options.
b. Click Small, Medium, or Large.
The specified symbol size appears on the Size button.
6. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Since node symbols are plot mode-dependent, the symbols change according to your specification
in plots of the current mode only.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Customizing node labels,'' Section 37.6.4

37.7 Displaying element and surface normals

When you create an undeformed or deformed plot, you can choose to display arrows in the plot that
indicate the directions of the element and surface normals. You can display normal directions for
beams, pipes, contact surfaces, membranes, rigid elements, rigid surfaces, shells, three-dimensional
solids, and trusses. (For information about normal directions for a particular type of element or surface,
see Part V, "Elements," of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's


Customizing model display

To display and customize the appearance of element and surface normals:

1. Locate the Normals options for the plot mode (undeformed or deformed) of interest.
From the main menu bar, select Options->plot mode; then click the Normals tab in the dialog
box that appears.
2. Toggle on Show normals .
The Normals options become available.
3. In the area of the dialog box labeled Colors, select the colors in which you want the different types
of normals to appear.
4. In the area of the dialog box labeled Style:
a. Click the Length menu button, and select the arrow length of your choice. The default
selection is Medium.
b. Click the Thickness menu button, and select the arrow thickness of your choice.
c. Click the Arrowhead menu button, and select the arrowhead style of your choice.
5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Arrows appear in the viewport that indicate the normal directions of the elements and surfaces in
the model. In general, the arrows appear at the centroid of exterior element faces.

37.8 Displaying boundary conditions

On your model you can display symbols (usually arrows) representing boundary conditions that you
applied during the analysis. The symbols indicate the degree of freedom and, if applicable, the
direction in which the boundary condition was applied. Boundary condition display is plot

37.9 Customizing general model display

This section explains several of the plot mode-independent general model display options. The
following topics are covered:
``Sweeping and extruding your model,'' Section 37.9.1
``Refining curved edges and faces,'' Section 37.9.2
``Coloring elements with no results,'' Section 37.9.3

37.9.1 Sweeping and extruding your model

You can display axisymmetric models as planar, two-dimensional shapes or "sweep" the models
through a specified angle, producing a three-dimensional visual effect. Similarly, you can view just the


Customizing model display

modeled sector of a cyclic symmetric structure or "sweep" the sector to see a specified portion of the
entire model. (For more information on cyclic symmetric structures, see ``Analysis of models that
exhibit cyclic symmetry,'' Section 7.7.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual.) In addition, you can
view two-dimensional models (or three-dimensional cylindrical rigid surfaces) as planar or extrude
them to a specified depth, producing a three-dimensional visual effect. Sweeping and extruding are
particularly useful for displaying contour plots of two-dimensional elements and contact surfaces.
Axisymmetric analytical rigid surfaces can be rotated about an axis (swept), as can the following
elements: ACAXn, CAXn, CAXAn, CGAXn, DCAXn, DCCAXn, DSAXn, FAXn, MAXn, MGAXn,
RAXn, SAXn, and SAXAn. Models that contain three-dimensional axisymmetric analytical rigid
surfaces or CAXA elements are swept by default (the default start angle, end angle, and number of
sectors vary depending on the model type). If the model contains both analytical rigid surfaces and
CAXA elements, only the CAXA elements are swept by default.
Cyclic symmetric models are not swept by default.
You can extrude analytical rigid surfaces and all of the planar, two-dimensional solid elements in the
ABAQUS library along the Z-direction. For a list of these elements, see ``Two-dimensional solid
element library,'' Section 14.1.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 13.1.2 of the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Figure 37-12 shows an axisymmetric planar model in a planar view (left) and the same model with an
axisymmetric sweep angle of 90 and 10 sweep sectors (right).

Figure 37-12 Axisymmetric model with planar and swept display.

Figure 37-13 shows the original modeled sector of a cyclic symmetric fan (left) and sectors 1-4 of the
swept model (right).

Figure 37-13 Cyclic symmetric model: single sector and swept view of multiple sectors.


Customizing model display

Figure 37-14 shows a two-dimensional planar model in a planar view (left) and the same model
displayed with an extrusion depth of 0.1 (right).

Figure 37-14 Two-dimensional model with planar and extruded display.

To sweep your axisymmetric model:

1. Locate the General Sweep options.
From the main menu bar, select View->ODB Display Options. Click the Sweep & Extrude tab in
the dialog box that appears. The General Sweep options are in the upper portion of the page.
Note: If there are no sweepable elements in your model, the General Sweep options will not
be available.
2. Toggle Sweep elements .
3. Specify the sweep angle by typing a number (in degrees) in the Sweep from field (the default is
0) and a number (in degrees) in the To field (the default is 360 for all models except CAXA


Customizing model display

models, for which the default is 180).

Tip: You can also use the arrows next to the text fields to specify the angles.

ABAQUS/CAE sweeps the two-dimensional model counterclockwise about the axis of rotation
from the first specified angle to the second.
4. Specify the number of segments to use along the circumferential direction when sweeping by
typing a positive integer in the Number field or by clicking on the arrows next to the field. The
default number of segments used varies depending on the model type.
The angle between the segments is updated automatically in the dialog box. As you increase the
number of segments, curves in the model appear smoother (the angle between them decreases).
However, a smaller number of segments plots faster.
5. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Your sweep specifications are reflected in all plot modes and are saved for the duration of the
If the current plot mode is Contour, the contours appear on all swept faces.
If the current plot mode is Symbol, the model is swept as specified, but the symbols appear only on
the original planar model faces.
To sweep your cyclic symmetric model:
1. Locate the Sector Sweep options.
From the main menu bar, select View->ODB Display Options. Click the Sweep & Extrude tab in
the dialog box that appears. The Sector Sweep options are in the center portion of the page.
Note: If there are no cyclic symmetry elements in your model, the Sector Sweep options will
not be available.
2. Toggle Sweep cyclic symmetry sectors.
3. Click the arrow next to the Sector selection field to choose from the following available sweep
By Number
This is the default sweep method. The total number of sectors in the model is given in the
dialog box. You can specify which of these sectors should be displayed by typing positive
integers between 1 and the total number of sectors (delimited by commas) in the Sectors
field. The sectors are numbered counterclockwise from the original sector.
ABAQUS/CAE displays only the specified sectors (whether or not they are adjacent).
By Angle
The sector angle (the angle between each sector) is given in the dialog box. You can


Customizing model display

specify the sweep angle in increments of the sector angle by typing a number (in degrees)
in the Sweep from field (the default is 0) and a number (in degrees) in the To field (the
default is the sector angle). Both numbers should be divisible by the sector angle.
Tip: You can also use the arrows next to the text fields to specify the angles.
ABAQUS/CAE sweeps the two-dimensional model about the axis of rotation by the
number of degrees you specify. If you enter a sweep angle that is not divisible by the
sector angle, ABAQUS/CAE rounds up to the next number that is.
All Sectors
If you choose this sweep method, all sectors will be displayed; in other words, the model
will be swept 360 about the axis of rotation.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Your sweep specifications are reflected in all plot modes and are saved for the duration of the
If the current plot mode is Contour, the contours appear on all swept faces.
If the current plot mode is Symbol, the model is swept as specified, but the symbols appear only on
the original planar model faces.
To extrude your model:
1. Locate the Extrude options.
From the main menu bar, select View->ODB Display Options. Click the Sweep & Extrude tab in
the dialog box that appears. The Extrude options are in the lower portion of the page.
Note: If there are no extrudable elements in your model, the Extrude options will not be
2. Toggle Extrude elements.
When Extrude elements is on, the Depth option becomes available.
3. Specify the depth of the extrusion by typing a positive number (in model units) in the Depth field.
The default depth is 1.0.
ABAQUS/CAE extends your model the specified number of units in the negative z-direction.
Use the view manipulation rotation tool to view the extruded model in three dimensions.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Your extrude specifications are reflected in all plot modes and are saved for the duration of the
If the current plot mode is Contour, the contours appear on all extruded faces.


Customizing model display

If the current plot mode is Symbol, the model is extruded as specified, but the symbols appear only
on the original planar model faces.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Refining curved edges and faces,'' Section 37.9.2

37.9.2 Refining curved edges and faces

If your model contains quadratic elements, cubic elements, 2-node spring elements, or analytical rigid
surfaces having curved segments, you can control the refinement with which ABAQUS/CAE displays
these curved model components. Similarly, if your model contains 2-node dashpot elements, you can
control the refinement of the symbol used to represent those elements. Click the General tab in the
ODB Display Options dialog box to choose a refinement level between extra coarse and extra fine for
the display of curved edges and faces. When you select Extra Coarse refinement, ABAQUS/CAE
displays curved elements using straight lines; midside nodes have no effect on the shape displayed for
these elements. Extra Coarse refinement will treat springs and dashpots as straight lines.
For example, in Figure 37-15 the Extra Coarse refinement level was used to create the undeformed
plot on the left, and the Extra Fine refinement level was used to produce an undeformed plot of the
same model on the right.

Figure 37-15 Model plotted with different refinement levels (extra coarse and extra fine).

Note: As the refinement level increases, the display performance will decrease. The Medium
setting should produce acceptable results for most models.
To refine curved edges and faces:
1. Locate the Curved Lines & Faces options.
From the main menu bar, select View->ODB Display Options. Click the General tab in the dialog


Customizing model display

box that appears. The Curved Lines & Faces options are at the top of the General page.
2. Click the Refinement level button to reveal the refinement options.
3. In the refinement list, click the level you want. Extra fine produces the smoothest curves but may
slow plotting; conversely, coarse refinement gives a rough appearance but plots most quickly.
The refinement level you specify appears on the Refinement Level button.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Curved edges and faces for all plot modes change to reflect your refinement specification, which is
saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Sweeping and extruding your model,'' Section 37.9.1

37.9.3 Coloring elements with no results

To produce a contour plot, ABAQUS/CAE reads results for the variable and frame you specify from
the output database. Results for a particular variable and frame may not be available or may not be
applicable for one or more elements included in the plot. You can specify the display color for
elements that have no results. The default color is white.
For example, the contour plot in Figure 37-16 shows the von Mises stress generated when a blank
sheet is deformed using a die and punch (the punch is not shown in the figure).

Figure 37-16 Contour plot of blank and die.


Customizing model display

In this case the color gray was selected for elements with no results. The die elements appear gray
because the die is a rigid surface for which no stress results exist.
For contour plots, if you have set the render style to shaded, the translucency options apply only to
those elements with no results.
To color elements with no results:
1. Locate the Elements with No Results options.
From the main menu bar, select View->ODB Display Options. Click the General tab in the dialog
box that appears. The Elements with No Results options are in the center of the General page.
2. Click the Color arrow to reveal the element color options.
3. In the color list, click the color name that you want.
The color you specify appears in the Color box.
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
Elements with no results in contour plots change to reflect your coloring specification, which is
saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Producing a contour plot,'' Section 27.3
``Customizing render style, translucency, and fill color,'' Section 37.2


Customizing viewport annotations

38. Customizing viewport annotations

``Viewport annotations'' consist of the legend, the title block, the state block, and the view triad; all of
which are provided by ABAQUS/CAE to help you identify and interpret the contents of your plot. You
can toggle viewport annotations on and off, and you can customize their appearance using the
Viewport Annotation options. This chapter covers the following topics:
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1
``Customizing the title block,'' Section 38.2
``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3
``Overview of viewport annotation options, '' Section 38.4
For information on the view triad, see ``Customizing the view triad,'' Section 8.2.

38.1 Customizing the legend

The legend is a key to help you interpret your plots. For example, a contour plot legend shows the
values that each contour color represents; an X-Y plot legend refers to each curve by label and shows
the curve's style.
Figure 38-1 shows a contour plot legend and an X-Y plot legend.

Figure 38-1 Contour plot legend and X-Y plot legend.

You can display or suppress legends for all plot modes, and you can customize the following:
the position of the legend,
the font and color of the legend text,
the appearance of a box outlining the legend,
the number of digits displayed for the legend values,


Customizing viewport annotations

whether minimum and maximum plot values are shown, and

the appearance of the legend background (the rectangular area behind the legend).
You cannot directly specify the size of the legend. However, by varying the size of the text font you
can increase or decrease the legend's size.
The content of the legend depends on the plot mode and on plot mode-specific options such as the
number of contour intervals or the style of X-Y curves. For more information on contour plot legend
content, see ``Understanding contour plotting,'' Section 27.1; for information on X-Y plot legend
content, see ``Customizing the X-Y plot legend,'' Section 30.6.3.
To customize the legend:
1. Locate the Legend options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Viewport Annotations. Click the Legend tab in the
dialog box that appears. The basic legend options are at the top of the Legend page.
2. To display or suppress legends, toggle Show legend .
When Show legend is on, legend options become available.
3. To display or suppress a box outlining the legend, toggle Show bounding box . This ``bounding
box'' visually separates the legend from the underlying plot.
4. To display or suppress the minimum and maximum values associated with X-Y plots, toggle Show
min/max values.
5. To choose the number of digits shown in legend values, click the Decimal places arrow. Legend
values appear in exponential format, and the Decimal places option controls the number of digits
to the right of the decimal point. Larger Decimal places values require more display space.
The specified number of digits appears in the Decimal places box.
6. Establish the position of the upper left corner of the legend.
To control the X- or Y -position, click the % Viewport X or % Viewport Y boxes, respectively.
Enter the positions you want as a percentage of the total width of the current viewport.
7. Customize the legend text font.
a. Click Set Font.
The Select Font dialog box appears.
b. Use the Select Font dialog box to choose the font characteristics you want. For more
information, see ``Customizing fonts,'' Section 6.3.6.
c. When you are done, click OK to implement your changes and to close the Select Font
dialog box.


Customizing viewport annotations

8. Choose the color of the legend text.

a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the text color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the Color box.
9. To customize the background, click one of the following:
Match viewport to match the background to the viewport color.
Transparent to eliminate the background and show only the text.
Other color to reveal other background color options.
In the color list, click the desired color name; the specified color name appears in the Other
color box.
10. Click Apply to implement your changes.
In the current viewport, legends for all plot modes change to reflect your specifications, which are
saved for the duration of the session.

38.2 Customizing the title block

The title block contains text identifying the model and results shown in the current plot. This text
The name of the output database (from the name of the analysis job).
The description of the model (from the first line of the *HEADING option in the input file).
The product name (usually ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit) and version used to
generate the output database.
The date the output database was last modified.
You can display or suppress the title block for all plot modes, and you can display or suppress the
appearance of a box bounding the title block. In addition, you can control the position, text font, and
text color of the title block, and the appearance of the title block background. You cannot directly
specify the size of the title block. However, by varying the size of the text font you can increase or
decrease the title block's size. The content of the title block is fixed and cannot be customized.
To customize the title block:
1. Locate the Title Block options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Viewport Annotations. Click the Title Block tab in the
dialog box that appears. The basic title block options are at the top of the Title Block page.


Customizing viewport annotations

2. To display or suppress title blocks for all plot modes, toggle Show title block .
When Show title block is on, the title block options become available.
3. To display or suppress a box outlining the title block, toggle Show bounding box . This
``bounding box'' visually separates the title block from the underlying plot.
4. Establish the position of the upper left corner of the title block.
To control the X- or Y -position, click the % Viewport X or % Viewport Y boxes, respectively.
Enter the positions you want as a percentage of the total width of the current viewport.
5. Customize the title block text font.
a. Click Set Font.
The Select Font dialog box appears.
b. Use the Select Font dialog box to choose the font characteristics you want. For more
information, see ``Customizing fonts,'' Section 6.3.6.
c. When you are done, click OK to implement your changes and to close the Select Font
dialog box.
6. Choose the color of the title block text.
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal text color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the Color box.
7. To customize the background, click one of the following:
Match viewport to match the background to the viewport color.
Transparent to eliminate the background and show only the text.
Other color to reveal other background color options.
In the color list, click the desired color name; the specified color name appears in the Other
color box.
8. Click Apply to implement your changes.
In the current viewport, title blocks for all plot modes change to reflect your specifications, which
are saved for the duration of the session.

38.3 Customizing the state block

The state block contains text identifying the analysis results associated with the current plot. This


Customizing viewport annotations

information includes step, frame, results variables, deformation magnification factor, eigenmode, and
eigenvalue, as applicable.
You can display or suppress the state block for all plot modes, and you can display or suppress the
appearance of a box bounding the state block. In addition, you can control the position, text font, and
text color of the state block, and the appearance of the state block background. You cannot directly
specify the size of the state block. However, by varying the size of the text font you can increase or
decrease the state block's size. The content of the state block is fixed and cannot be customized.
To customize the state block:
1. Locate the State Block options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Viewport Annotations. Click the State Block tab in the
dialog box that appears. The basic state block options are at the top of the State Block page.
2. To display or suppress state blocks for all plot modes, toggle Show state block .
When Show state block is on, state block options become available.
3. To display or suppress a box outlining the state block, toggle Show bounding box . This
``bounding box'' visually separates the state block from the underlying plot.
4. Establish the position of the upper left corner of the state block.
To control the X- or Y -position, click the % Viewport X or % Viewport Y boxes, respectively.
Enter the positions you want as a percentage of the total width of the current viewport.
5. Customize the state block text font.
a. Click Set Font.
The Select Font dialog box appears.
b. Use the Select Font dialog box to choose the font characteristics you want. For more
information, see ``Customizing fonts,'' Section 6.3.6.
c. When you are done, click OK to implement your changes and to close the Select Font
dialog box.
6. Choose the color of the state block text.
a. Click the Color arrow to reveal the text color options.
b. In the color list, click the desired color name.
The specified color name appears in the Color box.
7. To customize the background, click one of the following:
Match viewport to match the background to the viewport color.


Customizing viewport annotations

Transparent to eliminate the background and show only the text.

Other color to reveal other background color options.
In the color list, click the desired color name; the specified color name appears in the Other
color box.
8. Click Apply to implement your changes.
In the current viewport, state blocks for all plot modes change to reflect your specifications, which
are saved for the duration of the session.

38.4 Overview of viewport annotation options

Use the viewport annotation options to customize the legend, the title block, the state block, and the
view triad for all plot modes.
To set the viewport annotation options:
1. From the main menu bar, select View->Viewport Annotations.
The Viewport Annotations dialog box appears. It contains the following tabs:
Triad: Control the appearance and position of the view triad.
Legend: Control the appearance and position of the legend and whether minimum and
maximum values are shown.
Title Block: Control the appearance and position of the title block.
State Block: Control the appearance and position of the state block.
2. Use the tabs in the dialog box to customize viewport annotations for all plots in the current

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Customizing the view triad,'' Section 8.2
``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1
``Customizing the title block,'' Section 38.2
``Customizing the state block,'' Section 38.3


Special graphical symbols

39. Special graphical symbols

The Visualization module uses special graphical symbols to display spring, dashpot, and mass
elements; contact node sets; rigid surface reference nodes; and tracer particles. These special symbols
appear when you produce a fast, undeformed, deformed, contour, or symbol plot of a model containing
any of these components. The list below presents the special graphical symbols used by the
Visualization module. For information on customizing the color of these symbols, see ``Coloring
individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.2.
Single-node elements and contact node sets

The Visualization module displays single-node acoustic interface,

dashpot, drag chain, mass, point heat capacitance, rotary inertia, slide
plane, spring, and tube elements and nodes in contact node sets as
small filled squares. You cannot customize the size or shape of this
Two-node dashpot elements

The Visualization module displays two-node dashpot elements using

the symbol shown. You cannot customize the size of this symbol.
You can choose to display a straight line in place of this symbol by
selecting Extra coarse refinement for all curved edges and faces in
your model. For more information, see ``Refining curved edges and
faces,'' Section 37.9.2.
Two-node spring elements

The Visualization module displays two-node spring elements using

the symbol shown. You cannot customize the size of this symbol.
You can customize the appearance of the curves in this symbol using
the options for refining curved edges and faces. The Visualization
module displays a two-node spring element as a straight line when
you select Extra coarse refinement for all curved edges and faces in
your model. For more information, see ``Refining curved edges and
faces,'' Section 37.9.2.
Rigid surface reference nodes

The Visualization module displays the reference node for a rigid

surface as a cross. You cannot customize the size or shape of this
Tracer particles

The Visualization module displays a tracer particle as a cross within

a square. You cannot customize the size or shape of this symbol.
In addition to the special symbols the Visualization module uses to display the model components
listed above, you can choose to display symbols representing results, boundary conditions, and nodal
For more information, see the following sections:
Chapter 28, "Plotting analysis results as symbols"
``Displaying boundary conditions,'' Section 37.8


Special graphical symbols

``Customizing node symbols,'' Section 37.6.5


Using ABAQUS/CAE toolsets

Part VI: Using ABAQUS/CAE toolsets

This part describes how to use each of the toolsets in ABAQUS/CAE. The following topics are
Chapter 40, "The Amplitude toolset"
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset"
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset"
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset"
Chapter 44, "The Query toolset"
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"


The Amplitude toolset

40. The Amplitude toolset

Amplitudes allow you to specify arbitrary time or frequency variations of load, displacement, and some
interaction attributes throughout a step using step time or throughout an analysis using total time. The
Amplitude toolset allows you to create and manage amplitudes in the Load/BC/IC module or in the
Interaction module. This chapter covers the following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Amplitude toolset,'' Section 40.1
``Understanding the amplitude editors,'' Section 40.2
``Creating an amplitude,'' Section 40.3

40.1 Understanding the role of the Amplitude toolset

The Amplitude toolset allows you to create any type of amplitude that is supported by
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit. Creating an amplitude using the Amplitude toolset is
analogous to including the *AMPLITUDE option in a solver input file. However, amplitudes created
in the Amplitude toolset always involve relative data; while amplitudes defined directly in the solver
input file can involve either relative or absolute data. (For more information, see ``Specifying relative
or absolute data'' in ``Amplitude curves,'' Section 19.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 18.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.)
Select Tools->Amplitude->Create from the main menu to create a new amplitude definition; select
Edit from the same menu to make changes to an existing definition. Either command opens the
amplitude editor, which allows you to select the options and provide the data needed to define your
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Amplitude curves,'' Section 19.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.1.2
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

40.2 Understanding the amplitude editors

You create amplitudes by entering data in the amplitude editor; you can type the data in using the
keyboard or you can read it in from a file. (For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section
The top panel of the editor displays the name of the amplitude and the amplitude type. The format of
the rest of the editor depends on the type of amplitude you are creating. For example, the editor for
creating a periodic amplitude is shown in Figure 40-1.

Figure 40-1 The amplitude editor.


The Amplitude toolset

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Amplitude curves,'' Section 19.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.1.2
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5

40.3 Creating an amplitude

Select Tools->Amplitude->Create from the main menu bar to create an amplitude. For detailed
information on amplitudes, see ``Amplitude curves,'' Section 19.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's
Manual and Section 18.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual.
Detailed instructions for creating an amplitude:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Amplitude->Create.
Tip: You can also create an amplitude by clicking Create in the Amplitude Manager.
The Create Amplitude dialog box appears.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the amplitude. For information on naming objects, see ``Using
basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
3. From the Type list, select the type of amplitude that you want to create and then click Continue.
The amplitude editor appears in which you can enter all of the data necessary to define the
amplitude. For special table editing options or to read data from an ASCII file, press mouse button
3. (For more information, see ``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5.)
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Amplitude toolset

``Amplitude curves,'' Section 19.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 18.1.2
of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
``Understanding the amplitude editors,'' Section 40.2
``Entering tabular data,'' Section 6.3.5


The Datum toolset

41. The Datum toolset

A datum is a construction aid that helps you progress through the modeling process when the model
itself does not contain the desired geometry. You use the Datum toolset to create these construction
aids. This chapter explains how you use the Datum toolset to create and position datum points, axes,
planes, and coordinate systems. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding the role of datum geometry,'' Section 41.1
``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2
``Understanding a datum as a feature,'' Section 41.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Creating datum points,'' Section 41.5
``Creating datum axes,'' Section 41.6
``Creating datum planes,'' Section 41.7
``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section 41.8

41.1 Understanding the role of datum geometry

As you proceed through the modeling process, you may find that you need a particular piece of
geometry, such as a vertex or an edge, that does not exist in your model. You can use the Datum
toolset to create the required piece of geometry, which is called a datum. An example of how you
might use a datum plane as a sketching plane involves the part shown in Figure 41-1.

Figure 41-1 Creating a sketch plane.

To extrude a blind cut into the curved surface, you need to sketch the profile on a plane that is tangent
to the curved surface. The desired plane does not exist, but you can create one with the Datum toolset
and sketch on the resulting plane. The datum plane and the resulting cut feature are shown in Figure

Figure 41-2 The resulting feature.


The Datum toolset

You can create datum points, axes, planes, and reference coordinate systems. You can use a reference
coordinate system to orient a boundary condition or an equation constraint. ABAQUS/CAE does not
generate meshes on datum geometry, and datum geometry has no effect on the analysis of your model;
it is simply a convenience to help you construct complex geometry. You should use the Partition
toolset if you want to add geometry to the model itself, such as a vertex along an edge or a plane
through a cell.
You create a datum by defining it with respect to existing geometry (such as vertices, planes, and
edges) or to other datum geometry. You can create a datum on a part in the Part module or the Property
module or on an assembly in other modules. For example, you can define a datum axis that passes
through two selected points of a part in the Part module, and you can use the axis to align instances of
the part in the Assembly module. A datum is a feature; and, like all features, it can be edited, deleted,
suppressed, and resumed. Similarly, a datum is regenerated when the assembly or part is regenerated.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Understanding a datum as a feature,'' Section 41.3

41.2 Using the Datum toolset

You can access the Datum toolset in any module by selecting Tools->Datum from the main menu bar.
The Create Datum dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 41-3.

Figure 41-3 The Create Datum dialog box.


The Datum toolset

You choose the type of datum to create--point, axis, plane, or coordinate system ( CSYS)--from the
buttons in the Type region at the top of the dialog box. The Method list changes to reflect the datum
you create. Select the desired datum tool from the Method list, and follow the prompts in the prompt
area to create the datum. ``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4, provides an
overview of the methods available for each type of datum. More information on creating datum
geometry on parts and assemblies is provided in ``Using the Datum toolset in the Part module,'' Section
14.11.1, and ``Using datum geometry in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.1.
You can also access the Datum toolset from the module toolbox; Figure 41-4 shows the hidden icons
for all the datum tools in the module toolboxes.

Figure 41-4 The datum tools.

To see a brief tooltip containing a definition of each datum tool, hold the mouse over the tool for a
moment. For information on using toolboxes and selecting hidden icons, see ``Using toolboxes that
contain hidden icons,'' Section 6.4.2.

41.3 Understanding a datum as a feature


The Datum toolset

A datum is a useful construction aid in the feature-based modeling process and is a feature itself. As a
result, you can use the Feature Manipulation toolset to delete, suppress, and resume a datum.
ABAQUS/CAE regenerates a datum along with the part or assembly, taking into account any changes
to underlying geometry. You can edit any numerical parameters that define a datum; for example, the
X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates used to define a datum point. However, a datum is always defined by the
same underlying geometry you selected when you created it; if you need to define the datum using
different geometry, you must delete the datum and create a new one.
When you modify a feature, you should be aware of any parent-child relationships between your datum
and the modified feature. For example, consider Figure 41-5, which shows a datum axis passing
through the midpoint of two arcs.

Figure 41-5 The original datum axis between two midpoints.

The midpoints of the arcs that define the location of the datum axis are parents of the datum axis. If
you modify the part, ABAQUS/CAE regenerates the datum axis so that it still passes through the two
midpoints, as shown in Figure 41-6.

Figure 41-6 The datum axis after the part is modified.


The Datum toolset

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset

41.4 An overview of datum creation techniques

This section provides an overview of the methods for creating each type of datum. When creating a
datum, you can select the following:
When prompted to select a point, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the points you can select. You can
select one of the following:
- A vertex (including the vertex created by partitioning an edge)
- A datum point
- The midpoint of an edge
- The center of a circle or arc
When prompted to select an edge, you can select an edge or a datum axis.
When prompted to select a face, you can select a face or a datum plane.
For more information, see ``Selecting and unselecting individual objects, '' Section 9.2.1.
The following topics are covered:
``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of the methods for creating a datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.4.4


The Datum toolset

41.4.1 An overview of the methods for creating a datum point

When you choose Point from the Create Datum dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for creating a datum point:
Enter coordinates
Enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the datum point, as shown in Figure 41-7. For detailed
instructions, see ``Creating a datum point by entering its coordinates,'' Section 41.5.1.

Figure 41-7 Creating a datum point by entering coordinates.

Offset from point

Enter the location of the datum point in the form of the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of an offset
from a selected point, as shown in Figure 41-8. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a
datum point at an offset from a selected point,'' Section 41.5.2.

Figure 41-8 Creating a datum point by offsetting from a point.

Midway between 2 points

Select two points on the model; ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum point midway between the
two selected points, as shown in Figure 41-9. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum
point midway between two points,'' Section 41.5.3.

Figure 41-9 Creating a datum point by selecting two end points.


The Datum toolset

Offset from 2 edges

Select two edges on the model; and enter the distance from the datum point to each edge, as
shown in Figure 41-10. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum point at a specified
distance from two edges,'' Section 41.5.4.

Figure 41-10 Positioning a datum point a specified distance from two edges.

Use parameter
Select an edge on the model, and enter the location of the datum point in the form of a
parameter value that represents a percentage of the edge length. An arrow along the edge
indicates the direction of increasing parameter value from the start vertex (corresponding to an
edge parameter value of zero) to the end vertex (corresponding to a value of one), as shown in
Figure 41-11. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum point by specifying an edge
parameter,'' Section 41.5.5.

Figure 41-11 Positioning a datum point a specified distance along an edge.

Project point on face

Select a point and a plane on which to project the point. ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum


The Datum toolset

point where the plane intersects a line that is normal to it and passing through the selected
point, as shown in Figure 41-12. The datum point also marks the shortest distance between the
selected point and the selected face. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum point by
projecting a point on a face,'' Section 41.5.6.

Figure 41-12 Creating a datum point by projecting a point onto a face.

Project point on line

Select a point on the model and an edge on which to project the point. ABAQUS/CAE creates
the datum point where the edge intersects a line that is normal to it and passing through the
selected point, as shown in Figure 41-13. The datum point also marks the shortest distance
between the selected point and the selected edge. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a
datum point by projecting a point on a line, '' Section 41.5.7.

Figure 41-13 Creating a datum point by projecting a point onto an edge.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating datum points,'' Section 41.5

41.4.2 An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis

When you choose Axis from the Create Datum dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for creating a datum axis:


The Datum toolset

Principal axis
Select one of the three principal axes with which the datum axis must be colinear, as shown in
Figure 41-14. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum axis along a principal axis,''
Section 41.6.1.

Figure 41-14 Defining a datum axis as one of the three principal axes.

Intersection of 2 planes
Select two non-parallel planar surfaces. ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum axis where the two
planes (or extensions of the two planes) intersect, as shown in Figure 41-15. For detailed
instructions, see ``Creating a datum axis along the intersection of two planes, '' Section 41.6.2.

Figure 41-15 Defining a datum axis as the intersection of two planes.

Straight edge
Select a straight edge on the model with which the datum axis must be colinear, as shown in
Figure 41-16. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum axis along a straight edge,''
Section 41.6.3.

Figure 41-16 Defining a datum axis as a straight edge on the model.


The Datum toolset

2 points
Select any two points on the model through which the datum axis must pass, as shown in
Figure 41-17. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum axis through two points,''
Section 41.6.4.

Figure 41-17 Defining a datum axis by selecting two points.

Axis of cylinder
Select a cylindrical face on the model. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis that lies along the
axis of the cylindrical face, as shown in Figure 41-18. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating
a datum axis along the axis of a cylinder,'' Section 41.6.5.

Figure 41-18 Defining a datum axis as the axis of a cylinder.

Normal to plane, thru point

Select a plane and a point that is not on the plane. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis that is
normal to the plane and passes through the point, as shown in Figure 41-19. For detailed
instructions, see ``Creating a datum axis normal to a plane and passing through a point, ''
Section 41.6.6.

Figure 41-19 Defining a datum axis by selecting a point and a plane.


The Datum toolset

Parallel to line, thru point

Select an edge of the model and a point outside the edge. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis
that is parallel to the edge and passes through the point, as shown in Figure 41-20. For detailed
instructions, see ``Creating a datum axis parallel to a line and passing through a point, '' Section

Figure 41-20 Defining a datum axis by selecting a point and an edge.

3 points on circle
Select three points on the model that define a circle. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis
along the axis of the circle, as shown in Figure 41-21. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating
a datum axis running along the axis of a circle defined by three points, '' Section 41.6.8.

Figure 41-21 Defining a datum axis as the axis of a circle.

Rotate from line

Select an edge and an axis of rotation, and specify the angle through which the edge will be
rotated. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis by rotating the edge about the axis through the
specified angle, as shown in Figure 41-22. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum
axis by rotating an existing edge through a specified angle,'' Section 41.6.9.

Figure 41-22 Defining a datum axis by rotating an edge through a specified angle.


The Datum toolset

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating datum axes,'' Section 41.6

41.4.3 An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane

When you choose Plane from the Create Datum dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for creating a datum plane:
Offset from principal plane
Select one of the three principal planes; and provide the location of the datum plane in the
form of an offset from the selected plane, as shown in Figure 41-23.

Figure 41-23 Creating a datum plane by offsetting from one of the three principal planes.

A positive value indicates an offset in the positive direction along the axis normal to the
selected plane; for example, along the X-axis normal to the Y-Z plane. For detailed
instructions, see ``Creating a datum plane offset from a principal plane,'' Section 41.7.1.
Offset from plane
Select any plane on the model; and provide the location of the datum plane by specifying the
direction of the normal and an offset from the selected plane along the normal, as shown in
Figure 41-24. You can specify the offset by entering a value or selecting a point. For detailed
instructions, see ``Creating a datum plane at an offset from a selected plane,'' Section 41.7.2.

Figure 41-24 Creating a datum plane by offsetting from any plane.


The Datum toolset

3 points
Select three points through which the datum plane must pass, as shown in Figure 41-25. For
detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum plane passing through three points, '' Section

Figure 41-25 Creating a datum plane by selecting three points.

Line and point

Select an edge and a point through which the datum plane must pass, as shown in Figure
41-26. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum plane through a line and a point, ''
Section 41.7.4.

Figure 41-26 Creating a datum plane by selecting a point and an edge.

Point and normal

Select a point and an edge; the datum plane passes through the point and is normal to the
selected edge, as shown in Figure 41-27. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum
plane passing through a point and normal to an edge, '' Section 41.7.5.


The Datum toolset

Figure 41-27 Creating a datum plane by selecting a point and a normal edge.

Midway between 2 points

Select two points. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum plane midway between the two selected
points and normal to the line connecting them, as shown in Figure 41-28. For detailed
instructions, see ``Create a datum plane midway between two points and normal to the line
connecting the two points,'' Section 41.7.6.

Figure 41-28 Positioning a datum plane midway between two points.

Rotate from plane

Select a face and an axis of rotation, and specify the angle through which the face will be
rotated. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum plane by rotating the face about the axis through the
specified angle, as shown in Figure 41-29.

Figure 41-29 Defining a datum plane by rotating a face through a specified angle.

For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum plane by rotating an existing face through a
specified angle,'' Section 41.7.7.


The Datum toolset

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating datum planes,'' Section 41.7

41.4.4 An overview of the methods for creating a datum

coordinate system
When you choose CSYS from the Create Datum dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for creating a datum coordinate system:
Position a rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical datum coordinate system at the same location
as the part or assembly coordinate system, as shown by the example involving a rectangular
system in Figure 41-30. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a default datum coordinate
system,'' Section 41.8.1.

Figure 41-30 Positioning a rectangular datum coordinate system at the default part or
assembly coordinate system.

Offset from CSYS

Select a coordinate system; and provide the location of the rectangular, cylindrical, or
spherical datum coordinate system by specifying an offset, as shown by the example involving
a rectangular system in Figure 41-31. You can specify the offset by entering a value or
selecting a point. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum coordinate system at an
offset from another coordinate system,'' Section 41.8.2.

Figure 41-31 Positioning a rectangular datum coordinate system by offsetting from another
coordinate system.


The Datum toolset

3 points
Select three points on the model that define the rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical
coordinate system. In the case of a rectangular system, the first point defines the origin, the
second point defines the X-axis, and the X-Y plane passes through the second and third points,
as shown in Figure 41-32. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum coordinate system
defined by three points,'' Section 41.8.3.

Figure 41-32 Positioning a rectangular datum coordinate system by selecting three points.

2 lines
Select two edges that define the rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinate system. In the
case of a rectangular system, the first edge defines the X-axis and the X-Y plane passes through
the second edge, as shown in Figure 41-33. For detailed instructions, see ``Creating a datum
coordinate system defined by two lines,'' Section 41.8.4.

Figure 41-33 Positioning a rectangular datum coordinate system by selecting two edges.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Creating datum planes,'' Section 41.7


The Datum toolset

41.5 Creating datum points

This section describes the tools that you can use to create a datum point. The following methods are
``Creating a datum point by entering its coordinates,'' Section 41.5.1
``Creating a datum point at an offset from a selected point, '' Section 41.5.2
``Creating a datum point midway between two points,'' Section 41.5.3
``Creating a datum point at a specified distance from two edges,'' Section 41.5.4
``Creating a datum point by specifying an edge parameter,'' Section 41.5.5
``Creating a datum point by projecting a point on a face,'' Section 41.5.6
``Creating a datum point by projecting a point on a line, '' Section 41.5.7

41.5.1 Creating a datum point by entering its coordinates

You can position a datum point by entering its X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates, as shown in the following

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point by entering its coordinates:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list, select Enter coordinates and click OK.
4. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the datum
point you want to create. If the datum is associated with the assembly, the coordinates you provide


The Datum toolset

are relative to the assembly's global coordinate system. If the datum is associated with a part, the
coordinates are relative to the part's coordinate system. If you are unsure of the location or
orientation of the part's coordinate system, first create a default coordinate system at the origin of
the part. For more information, see ``Creating a default datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.8.1.
The datum point appears. You can modify the coordinates of the datum point by selecting
Feature->Edit from the main menu bar and selecting the datum.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.5.2 Creating a datum point at an offset from a selected point

You can position a datum point by selecting a point on the model and entering the X-, Y-, and
Z-coordinates of an offset from the point.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point at an offset from a selected point:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list, select Offset from point and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,


The Datum toolset

a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.

5. In the text field that appears in the prompt area, enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the offset
from the selected point.
The datum point appears. You can modify the coordinates of the offset by selecting Feature->Edit
from the main menu bar and selecting the datum.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.5.3 Creating a datum point midway between two points

You can position a datum point by selecting two points on the model; ABAQUS/CAE creates the
datum point midway between the two selected points.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point midway between two points:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list, select Midway between 2 points and click OK.


The Datum toolset

4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select two points. The points can be either a
vertices, datum points, midpoints, or arc centers.
The datum point appears. You cannot modify a datum point created with this method; you must
delete the old point and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.5.4 Creating a datum point at a specified distance from two

You can position a datum point by selecting two two edges on the model and entering the distance
from the datum point to each edge.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point by specifying the distance from two edges:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list, select Offset from 2 edges and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select the plane on which to create the datum


The Datum toolset

5. Select a straight edge on the specified plane and enter the distance of the datum point from this
6. Select a second straight edge on the plane and enter the distance of the datum point from this edge.
The datum point appears. You can modify the position of the datum point by selecting
Feature->Edit from the main menu bar and modifying the distance from the datum to each edge.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.5.5 Creating a datum point by specifying an edge parameter

You can position a datum point by selecting an edge on the model and entering a parameter value that
represents a percentage of the edge length. An arrow along the edge indicates the direction of
increasing parameter value from the start vertex (corresponding to an edge parameter value of zero) to
the end vertex (corresponding to a value of one.)

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point by specifying an edge parameter:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list, select Use parameter and click OK.


The Datum toolset

4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select the edge on which the datum point will
be positioned.
An arrow appears on the selected edge indicating the direction of increasing parameter value.
5. In the text field in the prompt area, enter the value of the edge parameter.
The datum point appears. You can modify the position of the datum point by selecting
Feature->Edit from the main menu bar and modifying the value of the edge parameter.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.5.6 Creating a datum point by projecting a point on a face

You can position a datum point by selecting a point on the model and a plane on which to project the
point. ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum point where the selected plane intersects a line that is normal
to it and passes through the selected point.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point by projecting a point on a face:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.


The Datum toolset

2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list, select Project point on face and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,
a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.
5. Select a plane on which to project the point. The plane can be a planar face or a datum plane.
The datum point appears. You cannot modify a datum point created with this method; you must
delete the old point and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.5.7 Creating a datum point by projecting a point on a line

You can position a datum point by selecting a point on the model and an line on which to project the
point. ABAQUS/CAE creates the datum point where the selected plane intersects a line that is normal
to it and passes through the selected point.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum point by projecting a point on a line:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum point using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.


The Datum toolset

2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Point.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum point.
3. From the Method list , select Project point on line and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,
a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.
5. Select a straight line on which to project the point.
The datum point appears. You cannot modify a datum point created with this method; you must
delete the old point and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum point,'' Section 41.4.1
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6 Creating datum axes

This section describes the tools that you can use to create a datum axis. The following methods are
``Creating a datum axis along a principal axis,'' Section 41.6.1
``Creating a datum axis along the intersection of two planes, '' Section 41.6.2
``Creating a datum axis along a straight edge,'' Section 41.6.3
``Creating a datum axis through two points,'' Section 41.6.4
``Creating a datum axis along the axis of a cylinder,'' Section 41.6.5
``Creating a datum axis normal to a plane and passing through a point, '' Section 41.6.6
``Creating a datum axis parallel to a line and passing through a point, '' Section 41.6.7
``Creating a datum axis running along the axis of a circle defined by three points, '' Section 41.6.8
``Creating a datum axis by rotating an existing edge through a specified angle,'' Section 41.6.9

41.6.1 Creating a datum axis along a principal axis

You can position a datum axis by selecting one of the three principal axis to define as the datum axis.


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis along a principal axis:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Principal axis and click OK.
4. Select the principal X-, Y-, or Z-axis through which your datum axis must pass.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.2 Creating a datum axis along the intersection of two planes

You can position a datum axis by selecting two non-parallel planar surfaces. ABAQUS/CAE creates
the datum axis where the two planes, or a projection of the two planes, intersect.


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis along the intersection of two planes:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Intersection of 2 planes and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a plane.
5. Select a second plane that is not parallel with the first.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.3 Creating a datum axis along a straight edge

You can position a datum axis by selecting a straight edge on the model to define as the datum axis.


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis along a straight edge:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Straight edge and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a straight edge.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.4 Creating a datum axis through two points

You can position a datum axis by selecting any two points on the model through which the datum axis


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis through two points:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select 2 points and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select two points. The points can be either
vertices, datum points, midpoints, or arc centers.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.5 Creating a datum axis along the axis of a cylinder

You can position a datum axis by selecting a cylindrical or conical face on the model. ABAQUS/CAE
creates a datum axis that lies along the axis of the face.


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis along the axis of a cylinder:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Axis of cylinder and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a a cylindrical or conical face.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.6 Creating a datum axis normal to a plane and passing

through a point
You can position a datum axis by selecting a plane and a point that is not on the plane. ABAQUS/CAE
creates a datum axis thta is normal to the plane and passes through the point.


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis normal to a plane and passing through a point:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Normal to plane, thru point and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a planar face.
5. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,
a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.7 Creating a datum axis parallel to a line and passing

through a point
You can position a datum axis by selecting an edge of the model and a point outside the edge.


The Datum toolset

ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis that is parallel to the edge and passes through the point.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis parallel to a line and passing through a point:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select parallel to line, thru point and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select an edge.
5. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,
a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.
The datum axis appears. You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.6.8 Creating a datum axis running along the axis of a circle


The Datum toolset

defined by three points

You can position a datum axis by selecting three points on the model that define a circle.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum axis along the axis of the circle.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis along the axis of a circle defined by three
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Three points on circle and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select three points. The points can be either
vertices, datum points, midpoints, or arc centers.
The datum axis appears.You cannot modify a datum axis created with this method; you must
delete the old axis and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6


The Datum toolset

41.6.9 Creating a datum axis by rotating an existing edge

through a specified angle
You can define a datum axis by rotating a selected edge or datum axis about a selected axis of rotation
and through a specified angle.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum axis by rotating an edge through a specified angle:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum axis using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Axis.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum axis.
3. From the Method list, select Rotate from line and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select an edge or a datum axis to rotate.
5. The technique for specifying the the rotation depends on the modeling space of the part or
For a two-dimensional or axisymmetric part or assembly:


The Datum toolset

1. Select a vertex or datum point at the center of rotation. You can also use the text box that
appears in the prompt area to enter the precise coordinates of the center of rotation.
2. In the text box in the prompt area, enter the angle of rotation. A positive angle indicates a
counterclockwise rotation about the Z-axis.
The datum axis appears.
For a three-dimensional part or assembly:
1. Select an edge or a datum axis to represent the axis of rotation.
ABAQUS/CAE displays an arrow along the selected edge indicating the positive direction
of rotation using the right-hand rule.
2. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, type the angle of rotation.
The datum axis appears.
You can modify the angle of rotation by selecting Feature->Edit from the main menu bar and
selecting the datum axis. If you change the sign of the angle, ABAQUS/CAE reverses the direction
of rotation.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum axis,'' Section 41.4.2
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7 Creating datum planes

This section describes the tools that you can use to create a datum plane. The following methods are
``Creating a datum plane offset from a principal plane,'' Section 41.7.1
``Creating a datum plane at an offset from a selected plane,'' Section 41.7.2
``Creating a datum plane passing through three points, '' Section 41.7.3
``Creating a datum plane through a line and a point, '' Section 41.7.4
``Creating a datum plane passing through a point and normal to an edge, '' Section 41.7.5
``Create a datum plane midway between two points and normal to the line connecting the two
points,'' Section 41.7.6


The Datum toolset

``Creating a datum plane by rotating an existing face through a specified angle,'' Section 41.7.7

41.7.1 Creating a datum plane offset from a principal plane

You can position a datum plane by selecting any plane on the model (including another datum plane)
and specifying an offset from the selected plane; you can specify the offset by entering a value or
selecting a point.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane offset from a principal plane:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.
3. From the Method list, select Offset from principal plane and click OK.
4. From the buttons in the prompt area, select the principal plane.
5. In the text field in the prompt area, enter the offset from the selected principal plane. The offset
can be positive or negative. A positive value offsets the datum plane along the positive principal
axis normal to the selected plane.
The datum plane appears. You can modify the position of the datum plane by selecting
Feature->Edit from the main menu bar and modifying the value of the offset.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3


The Datum toolset

``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4

``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7.2 Creating a datum plane at an offset from a selected plane

You can position a datum plane by selecting any plane on the model (including another datum plane)
and specifying an offset from the selected plane; you can specify the offset by entering a value or
selecting a point.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane offset from a selected plane:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.
3. From the Method list, select Offset from plane and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a plane.
5. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following:
Enter Value

1. An arrow appears, indicating the offset direction.

2. Click Flip to reverse the arrow, if necessary. Click OK to accept the indicated offset
3. In the text field in the prompt area, enter the offset from the selected plane. The offset can


The Datum toolset

be positive or negative. A positive value offsets the datum plane in the direction indicated
by the arrow.
Select Point

From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point to define the offset from
the selected plane. The point can be either a vertex, a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc
The datum plane appears. You can modify the position of the datum plane by selecting
Feature->Edit from the main menu bar and modifying the value of the offset.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7.3 Creating a datum plane passing through three points

You can position a datum plane by selecting three points through which the datum plane must pass.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane passing through three points:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.


The Datum toolset

The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.
3. From the Method list, select 3 points and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select three points. The points can be either
vertices, datum points, midpoints, or arc centers.
The datum plane appears. You cannot modify a datum plane created with this method; you must
delete the old plane and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7.4 Creating a datum plane through a line and a point

You can position a datum plane by selecting an edge and a point through which the datum plane must

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane through a line and a point:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.


The Datum toolset

3. From the Method list, select Line and point and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a straight edge.
5. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,
a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.
The datum plane appears. You cannot modify a datum plane created with this method; you must
delete the old plane and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7.5 Creating a datum plane passing through a point and

normal to an edge
You can position a datum plane by selecting a point and an edge; the datum plane passes through the
point and is normal to the selected edge.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane passing through a point and normal to an edge:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.


The Datum toolset

3. From the Method list, select Point and normal and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point. The point can be either a vertex,
a datum point, a midpoint, or an arc center.
5. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select an edge.
The datum plane appears. You cannot modify a datum plane created with this method; you must
delete the old plane and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7.6 Create a datum plane midway between two points and

normal to the line connecting the two points
You can position a datum plane by selecting two points. ABAQUS/CAE creates a datum plane midway
between the two selected points and normal to the line connecting them.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane midway between two points and normal to the
line connecting the two points:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.


The Datum toolset

2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.
3. From the Method list, select Midway between 2 points and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select two points. The points can be either
vertices, datum points, midpoints, or arc centers.
The datum plane appears. You cannot modify a datum plane created with this method; you must
delete the old plane and create a new one.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.7.7 Creating a datum plane by rotating an existing face

through a specified angle
You can define a datum plane by rotating a selected face or datum plane about a selected axis of
rotation and through a specified angle.

Detailed instructions for creating a datum plane by rotating a face through a specified angle:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.


The Datum toolset

Tip: You can also create a datum plane using the

tool, located in the module toolbox.
For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose Plane.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum plane.
3. From the Method list, select Rotate from plane and click OK.
4. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a face or a datum plane to rotate.
5. Select any edge or a datum axis to represent the axis of rotation. The edge or datum axis you select
for the axis of rotation does not have to be coplanar with the face or datum plane you selected to
ABAQUS/CAE displays an arrow along the selected edge indicating the positive direction of
rotation using the right-hand rule.
6. In the text box that appears in the prompt area, type the angle of rotation.
The datum plane appears. You can modify the angle of rotation by selecting Feature->Edit from
the main menu bar and selecting the datum plane. If you change the sign of the angle,
ABAQUS/CAE reverses the direction of rotation.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum plane,'' Section 41.4.3
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.8 Creating datum coordinate systems

This section describes the tools that you can use to create a datum coordinate system. The following
methods are covered:
``Creating a default datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.8.1
``Creating a datum coordinate system at an offset from another coordinate system,'' Section 41.8.2
``Creating a datum coordinate system defined by three points,'' Section 41.8.3
``Creating a datum coordinate system defined by two lines,'' Section 41.8.4


The Datum toolset

41.8.1 Creating a default datum coordinate system

You can position a cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical datum coordinate system at the same location as
the part or assembly coordinate system.

Detailed instructions for creating a default datum coordinate system:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum coordinate system using the
tool, located in the
module toolbox. For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum
toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose CSYS.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum coordinate system.
3. From the Method list, select Default and click OK.
4. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following datum coordinate systems:
Cartesian: The X-, Y-, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Cylindrical: The R-, -, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Spherical: The R-, -, and -axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
The datum coordinate system appears. You cannot move or rotate a datum coordinate system.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:


The Datum toolset

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.4.4
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.8.2 Creating a datum coordinate system at an offset from

another coordinate system
You can position a cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical datum coordinate system by selecting a
coordinate system and specifying an offset; you can specify the offset by entering a value or selecting a

Detailed instructions for creating datum coordinate systems by the offset from coordinate system
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum coordinate system using the
tool, located in the
module toolbox. For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum
toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose CSYS.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum coordinate system.
3. From the Method list, select Offset from CSYS and click OK.
4. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following datum coordinate systems:
Cartesian: The X-, Y-, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Cylindrical: The R-, -, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,

The Datum toolset

Spherical: The R-, -, and -axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
5. From the current viewport, select a datum coordinate system.
6. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following:
Enter Value

In the text field in the prompt area, enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the offset from
the selected default coordinate system.
Select Point

From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point to define the offset from
the selected default coordinate system. The point can be either a vertex, a datum point, a
midpoint, or an arc center.
The datum coordinate system appears. You cannot move or rotate a datum coordinate system.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.4.4
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.8.3 Creating a datum coordinate system defined by three

You can position a cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical datum coordinate system by selecting three
points that define it. The first point defines the origin, the second point defines the X- or R-axis, and
the X-Y or R--plane passes through the second and third points.


The Datum toolset

Detailed instructions for creating a datum coordinate system defined by three points:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum coordinate system using the
tool, located in the
module toolbox. For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum
toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose CSYS.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum coordinate system.
3. From the Method list, select 3 points and click OK.
4. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following datum coordinate systems:
Cartesian: The X-, Y-, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Cylindrical: The R-, -, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Spherical: The R-, -, and -axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
5. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a point that will define the origin of the
datum coordinate system. The point you select can be either a vertex, a datum point, a midpoint, or
an arc center.
6. Select a point that will lie on the X- or R-axis.
7. Select a point that will lie on the X-Y or R{-plane.
The datum coordinate system appears. You cannot move or rotate a datum coordinate system.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.4.4
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4


The Datum toolset

``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6

41.8.4 Creating a datum coordinate system defined by two lines

You can position a cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical datum coordinate system by selecting two edges
that define it. The first edge defines the X- or R-axis, and the X-Y or R--plane passes through the

Detailed instructions for creating a datum coordinate system defined by two lines:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Datum.
The Create Datum dialog box appears. The dialog box outlines the types of datum geometry you
can create.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also create a datum coordinate system using the
tool, located in the
module toolbox. For a diagram of the datum tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Datum
toolset,'' Section 41.2.
2. From the list of types at the top of the dialog box, choose CSYS.
The Method list indicates the methods you can use to create a datum coordinate system.
3. From the Method list, select 2 lines and click OK.
4. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following datum coordinate systems:
Cartesian: The X-, Y-, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Cylindrical: The R-, -, and Z-axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
Spherical: The R-, -, and -axes are aligned with the 1-, 2-, and 3-global axes,
5. From the part or assembly in the current viewport, select a straight edge that will define the X- or
R-axis of the datum coordinate system.
6. Select a straight edge that will lie in the X-Y or R{-plane.

The Datum toolset

The datum coordinate system appears. You cannot move or rotate a datum coordinate system.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of the methods for creating a datum coordinate system,'' Section 41.4.4
``An overview of datum creation techniques,'' Section 41.4
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6


The Feature Manipulation toolset

42. The Feature Manipulation toolset

You build a model in ABAQUS/CAE by creating a series of features. For detailed discussions of
features and feature-based modeling, see ``The relationship between parts and features, '' Section
14.3.1, and ``Manipulating features in the Assembly module,'' Section 16.5.2. This chapter explains
how to use the Feature Manipulation toolset to modify and manage the existing features in your model.
The following topics are covered:
``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
``The feature list,'' Section 42.2
``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3

42.1 Modifying and manipulating features

The following list describes how you can use the Edit, Regenerate, Suppress, Resume, and Delete
tools to modify features or to control the appearance of features in a part or assembly.
Edit a feature
You can edit the features of a part only in the Part module. Any changes that you make to a
part are applied automatically to each instance of that part in the assembly. Likewise, you can
edit features of the assembly only in the Assembly and Mesh modules. For information on
restrictions that apply to editing partitions and datum geometry, see ``Understanding a datum
as a feature,'' Section 41.3, and ``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3.
Regenerate a feature
Regeneration is the process of recalculating model geometry after a feature of the model has
been modified. By default, ABAQUS/CAE automatically regenerates a part or assembly after
you have edited one of its features. However, you can control whether or not features are
regenerated automatically by toggling the Regenerate on OK option off or on in the Feature
Editor. For more information, see ``Editing a feature,'' Section 42.3.1.
Suppress a feature
When you work with many features in a complex model, ABAQUS/CAE allows you to
temporarily disable certain features to simplify the display or to speed regeneration. A
suppressed feature is not visible, cannot be partitioned or meshed, and is not included in the
solver input file. In addition, ABAQUS/CAE ignores all suppressed features when
regenerating a part or assembly. You can edit a suppressed feature, although your changes will
have no effect on the part or assembly until you resume the feature.
Suppressing a feature also suppresses any children of that feature. (For information on parent


The Feature Manipulation toolset

and child features, see ``The relationship between parts and features, '' Section 14.3.1.)
Alternatively, you can make a part instance invisible to the assembly but still retain that part
instance as part of the model by selecting options in the Assembly Display Options dialog
box. For more information, see ``Controlling instance visibility,'' Section 46.9.
Resume a feature
When you resume a suppressed feature, it reappears in the display of the part or assembly and
becomes reestablished in the model. If you edited the feature when it was suppressed,
resuming the feature causes ABAQUS/CAE to regenerate the model automatically to take into
account your changes. When you resume a feature, you have the option of resuming all of its
children as well. (You cannot resume a child feature without also resuming its parent.)
Delete a feature
Deleting a feature removes the feature from the model permanently. If you delete a parent
feature, all of its children will also be deleted and cannot be recovered.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3

42.2 The feature list

Most of the tools in the Feature Manipulation toolset require you to specify a feature on which to
operate. In most cases you can specify a feature either by selecting it directly in the viewport or by
selecting the name of the feature from the list in the Feature List dialog box, shown below:

(Suppressed features and assembly constraints cannot be selected in the viewport, so you must use the
Feature List dialog box to select these types of features.) The Feature List dialog box appears when
you click Feature List in the prompt area during an operation.
The Feature List dialog box contains a list of all the features in the current module. When you select a

The Feature Manipulation toolset

feature name from the dialog box list, that feature is highlighted in the viewport. You can select more
than one feature from the list of features when you are deleting, suppressing, or resuming features.
However, none of the Feature Manipulation toolset tools allow you to select more than one feature
directly from the viewport.
The Status column of the dialog box indicates which features are currently suppressed or have failed
to regenerate. If a feature is not valid for the current operation, the name of that feature appears in
italics and cannot be selected.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3

42.3 Using the Feature Manipulation toolset

This section describes how to use the Feature Manipulation toolset. The following topics are covered:
``Editing a feature,'' Section 42.3.1
``Suppressing a feature,'' Section 42.3.2
``Resuming suppressed features,'' Section 42.3.3
``Deleting a feature,'' Section 42.3.4
``Regenerating a part or assembly,'' Section 42.3.5
``Using the Query toolset to obtain feature information,'' Section 42.3.6
``Selecting a feature from the feature list,'' Section 42.3.7

42.3.1 Editing a feature

Select Feature->Edit from the main menu bar to modify geometric information for a selected feature.
The changes that you can make to a feature depend on how it was created. You can change any
numerical parameters that define the feature, and, where applicable, you can change a section sketch.
However, you cannot modify a feature that was created by picking geometric entities, such as points
and edges, on the screen. For example, you can modify the following parameters:
Depth of an extrusion
Radius of a fillet
Coordinates of a datum point
Shape of an extruded solid
If you cannot make the required changes with the Feature Manipulation toolset, you must delete the
feature and create a new one that incorporates the changes.


The Feature Manipulation toolset

Detailed instructions for editing a feature:

1. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Edit.

Tip: You can also edit a feature by clicking the

tool located in the module toolbox.

2. Select a feature to modify. You can select the feature either directly from the current viewport or
from the feature list. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport,"
and ``The feature list,'' Section 42.2.
The feature editor appears.
3. Edit the feature by doing one of the following:
In the Parameters field, type a new value for the desired parameter.
Select Edit Section Sketch to start the Sketcher and make the changes to your sketch. For
information on using the Sketcher, see Chapter 22, "The Sketch module."
4. Click OK to implement the changes in your model.
If you are editing a part feature, the part is regenerated immediately to incorporate your changes,
and the assembly is regenerated the next time you enter a module that displays the assembly. If you
are editing an assembly feature, the assembly is regenerated immediately.
Note: By default, ABAQUS/CAE regenerates the part or assembly every time you edit a feature. If you prefer to postpone
regeneration of the part or assembly, toggle Regenerate on OK off before you click OK in the feature editor. When you are
ready to regenerate the part or assembly, select Feature->Regenerate from the main menu bar.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1

42.3.2 Suppressing a feature

Select Feature->Suppress from the main menu bar to suppress a selected feature. Suppressing a
feature is equivalent to temporarily removing the feature from the part or assembly. Suppressed
features remain suppressed when you regenerate a part or assembly.
You cannot suppress the base feature. In addition, if you suppress a parent feature, all of its child
features are also suppressed automatically. Suppressed features can be restored by selecting
Feature->Resume from the main menu bar.
Detailed instructions for suppressing a feature:


The Feature Manipulation toolset

1. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Suppress.

Tip: You can also suppress a feature using the

tool located in the module toolbox.

2. Select a feature to suppress. You can select the feature either directly from the current viewport or
from the Feature List dialog box. If you use the Feature List dialog box, you can select multiple
features to suppress. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport,"
and ``The feature list,'' Section 42.2.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected feature(s). If you selected a feature that has child features,
ABAQUS/CAE also highlights the children.
3. In the prompt area, click Yes to suppress the feature and its children.
The suppressed features disappear from the viewport.
4. To exit the suppress procedure, either
click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or

select another operation from the Feature menu.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
``Resuming suppressed features,'' Section 42.3.3

42.3.3 Resuming suppressed features

Select Feature->Resume from the main menu bar to resume suppressed features. Resuming a feature
fully restores it to the part or assembly. You can resume the last feature you suppressed, all suppressed
features, or just selected features. When you resume a child feature, ABAQUS/CAE also resumes the
parent features automatically.
Detailed instructions for resuming a suppressed feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Resume.
Tip: You can also resume a feature using the
2. Do one of the following:


tool located in the module toolbox.

The Feature Manipulation toolset

Click Last Set to resume the most recently suppressed feature and all its parents.
Click All to resume all suppressed features.
Click Feature List and select the feature to resume from the Feature List dialog box. If you
use the Feature List dialog box, you can select multiple features to resume.
The resumed features reappear in the viewport.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
``Suppressing a feature,'' Section 42.3.2

42.3.4 Deleting a feature

Select Feature->Delete from the main menu bar to delete a selected feature. When you try to delete a
parent feature, you also delete all of its child features. You cannot resume a deleted feature.
Detailed instructions for deleting a feature:
1. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Delete.
Tip: You can also delete a feature using the

tool located in the module toolbox.

2. Select a feature to delete. You can select the feature either directly from the current viewport or
from the feature list. If you use the Feature List dialog box, you can select multiple features to
resume. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport," and ``The
feature list,'' Section 42.2.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the feature(s) that you selected. If you selected a feature that has child
features, ABAQUS/CAE also highlights the children.
3. In the prompt area, click Yes to delete the feature(s).
4. To exit the delete procedure, either
click the cancel button

in the prompt area, or

click mouse button 2 anywhere in the ABAQUS/CAE window, or

select another operation from the Feature menu.


The Feature Manipulation toolset

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1

42.3.5 Regenerating a part or assembly

When you modify features in a complex part or assembly, it may be convenient to postpone
regeneration until you make all your changes, since regeneration can be time consuming. (For more
information, see ``Editing a feature,'' Section 42.3.1.) When you are ready to regenerate the part or
assembly, you can select Feature->Regenerate from the main menu bar.
Detailed instructions for regenerating a part or assembly:
1. From the main menu bar, select Feature->Regenerate.
Tip: You can also regenerate a feature using the

tool located in the module toolbox.

ABAQUS/CAE regenerates the part or assembly.

2. If regeneration fails, a dialog box appears and ABAQUS/CAE issues a warning in the message
area indicating the ID of the failed feature. In this case you can choose one of the following
Click Undo Changes to return to the original part or assembly and discard all your changes.
Click Keep Changes to continue the regeneration, suppressing those features that failed to
Note: Features that are suppressed as a result of the failure are resumed automatically if
you correct the cause of the failure.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
``Suppressing a feature,'' Section 42.3.2

42.3.6 Using the Query toolset to obtain feature information

You can display information on a particular feature by selecting Tools->Query from the main menu
bar. You can request detailed information about a single feature or brief information about all features.
Detailed instructions for displaying feature information:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query.


The Feature Manipulation toolset

Tip: You can also select the query tool

in the toolbar.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Query dialog box.

2. From the Query dialog box, select Feature and choose one of the following options:
To display detailed information about a single feature, select the feature to query. You can
select the feature either directly from the current viewport or from the feature list.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the following information about the selected feature:
- Name, ID, and description; for example, solid extrude.
- Status--active or suppressed
- The ID of its parent, if any
- The IDs of its children, if any
- The value of any parameters that define the feature
To get brief information about all features, click List All Features in the prompt area.
ABAQUS/CAE displays a table containing each feature's ID, name, and status--active or
The information appears in the message area and is also written to the replay file (abaqus.rpy)
in the form of comments.
3. Click Cancel to close the Query dialog box.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1

42.3.7 Selecting a feature from the feature list

The feature list displays the name and status of the candidate features for each feature operation.
Detailed instructions for displaying the feature list:
1. From the Feature menu in the main menu bar, select Edit, Suppress, Resume, or Delete.
2. In the lower right corner of the prompt area, click Feature List.
The Feature List dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box, select a feature from the feature list and click OK.


The Feature Manipulation toolset

If a feature is not valid for the current operation, the name of that feature appears in italics and
cannot be selected.
The feature that you select is highlighted if it is visible in the current viewport.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``The feature list,'' Section 42.2


The Partition toolset

43. The Partition toolset

You use the Partition toolset to divide a part or assembly into regions. Regions are used throughout the
modeling process; for example, to indicate the location of a load, a change in material properties, or a
mesh boundary.
This chapter explains how you use the Partition toolset to create and position partitions on an edge, a
face, or a cell. The following topics are covered:
``Understanding the role of partitions,'' Section 43.1
``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2
``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3
``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``Partitioning edges,'' Section 43.5
``Partitioning faces,'' Section 43.6
``Partitioning cells,'' Section 43.7

43.1 Understanding the role of partitions

As you proceed through the modeling process, you may find that you need to select a particular region
that does not exist in your model. Such regions might be used to define material boundaries, indicate
the location of loads and constraints, and help refine your mesh. You use the Partition toolset to
partition your model into regions.
Partitions can be created on edges, faces, and cells. A partition along an edge creates a new vertex,
while partitions through faces and cells create new edges and faces, respectively. In all cases,
partitioning serves to subdivide the geometry being partitioned. Figure 43-1 illustrates partitioning an
edge, a face, and a cell.

Figure 43-1 Partitioning an edge, a face, and a cell.

You partition edges, faces, and cells by defining partitions that refer to existing geometry. You can
partition a part in either the Part module or the Property module, or you can partition an assembly in

The Partition toolset

the modules that operate on the assembly. For example, you can partition a face of the assembly in the
Mesh module, and you can seed the resulting internal edge to refine your mesh. A partition is a feature
and, like all features, it can be edited, deleted, suppressed, resumed, and queried. Similarly, a partition
is regenerated when the assembly or a part is regenerated.

43.2 Using the Partition toolset

You can access the Partition toolset by selecting Tools->Partition from the menu bar. The Create
Partition dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 43-2.

Figure 43-2 The Create Partition dialog box.

You choose the type of geometry to partition--edge, face, or cell--from the buttons in the Type region
at the top of the dialog box. The Method list changes to reflect the partitions you can create. Select the
desired partition tool from the Method list, and follow the prompts in the prompt area to create the
partition. Most of the tools allow you to partition multiple edges, faces, or cells in one operation. You
can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and [Ctrl]+Click to select the edges, faces, or
cells to partition.
``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4, provides an overview of the methods
available for each type of partition. More information on creating partitions on parts and assemblies is
provided in ``Using the Partition toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.3, and ``Partitioning the
assembly,'' Section 16.5.3.
You can also access the Partition toolset from the module toolbox; Figure 43-3 shows the hidden icons
for all the partition tools in the module toolboxes.

Figure 43-3 The partition tools.


The Partition toolset

To see a tooltip containing a short description of each partition tool, hold the mouse over the tool for a
moment. For more information, see ``Using toolboxes that contain hidden icons, '' Section 6.4.2.

43.3 Understanding partitions

This section describes basic concepts you should understand before using the Partition toolset. The
following topics are covered:
``Why partition?,'' Section 43.3.1
``Partitions as features,'' Section 43.3.2

43.3.1 Why partition?

Deciding when to use the Partition toolset depends on how you will use the resulting regions, as
described in the following list:
Partitioning parts
Use the Partition toolset in the Part or Property module to divide a part into regions. You
might use the resulting regions in the Property module to apply section definitions, which
include cross-sectional geometry information as well as material property information.
Partitions created in the Part module and Property module are associated with the part and are
available in every instance of the part in the assembly; however, you cannot modify or delete
the partitions in a part instance.
Partitioning the assembly
Use the Partition toolset in the modules that operate on an assembly to divide the part
instances in the assembly into regions. You might use the resulting regions to do the
Apply boundary conditions, initial conditions, and loads to regions.
Associate an output request with regions.
Gain finer control over the meshing process by adding internal edges that can be seeded.
Subdivide complex three-dimensional regions into simpler regions that the automatic
mesh generator can mesh.
Partitions created in an assembly are associated only with the assembly, not with the original
parts, and are available in all the modules that operate on the assembly. They will not appear
in other instances of the same part, and they are not available in the Part or Property module.


The Partition toolset

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3
``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4

43.3.2 Partitions as features

The geometry of each part is constructed from of a set of features; a partition is simply an additional
geometric feature that you add to the part. Because partitions are features, they can be edited, deleted,
suppressed, and resumed with the Feature Manipulation toolset.
If you create a partition and then modify the geometry of the underlying part or assembly,
ABAQUS/CAE regenerates the partition along with all the other features. Furthermore, the geometry
of the regenerated partition is dependent on the method you used to create the partition. The following
example illustrates that changes in underlying geometry can cause partitions to move or to change
shape when the assembly is regenerated.
1. The user partitions a face using a line between two selected points (the centers of the two circles),
as shown in Figure 43-4.

Figure 43-4 A partition between two selected points.


The Partition toolset

2. The user modifies the assembly, and the position of the selected points that defined the partition
changes. When ABAQUS/CAE regenerates the assembly, the partition is still defined as the line
between the center of the two circles, as shown in Figure 43-5.

Figure 43-5 The partition after regeneration.

You can use the Feature Manipulation toolset to make limited modifications to some partitions:
You can enter a parameter to partition an edge directly and to position a Bzier curve that
partitions a face. The parameter must be between zero and one and represents a fraction of the
length of an edge; the Feature Manipulation toolset allows you to edit the value you provided.
You can sketch a partition on a face; the Feature Manipulation toolset allows you to edit the
If you need to change a partition that you cannot modify with the Feature Manipulation toolset, you
must delete the partition and recreate it.
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``Using the Feature Manipulation toolset,'' Section 42.3
``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3


The Partition toolset

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4

43.4 An overview of partitioning techniques

This section provides an overview of the different partitioning techniques. When creating a partition
you can select the following:
When prompted to select a point, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the points you can select. You can
select one of the following:
- A vertex (including the vertex created by partitioning an edge)
- A datum point
- The midpoint of an edge
- The center of a circle or arc
When prompted to select an edge, you can select edges or datum axes.
When prompted to select a face, you can select faces or datum planes.
The following topics are covered:
``An overview of the methods for partitioning edges,'' Section 43.4.1
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2
``An overview of the methods for partitioning cells, '' Section 43.4.3

43.4.1 An overview of the methods for partitioning edges

Select Tools->Partition from the main menu bar to display the Create Partition dialog box. When
you choose Edge from the Create Partition dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for partitioning edges:

Use parameter

Enter a parameter value that represents a fraction of the edge length, as shown in Figure 43-6.
An arrow along the edge indicates the direction of increasing parameter value from the start
vertex (corresponding to an edge parameter value of zero) to the end vertex (corresponding to
a value of one). For detailed instructions, see ``Using the parameter method to partition
edges,'' Section 43.5.1.

Figure 43-6 Using a parameter to partition an edge.


The Partition toolset

Pick point

Select a point along the edge directly, as shown in Figure 43-7. For detailed instructions, see
``Using the pick method to partition an edge,'' Section 43.5.2.

Figure 43-7 Selecting a point to partition an edge.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``Partitioning edges,'' Section 43.5
``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3

43.4.2 An overview of the methods for partitioning faces

When you choose Face from the Create Partition dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for partitioning faces:
Partition a selected face by sketching a partition with the Sketcher, as shown in Figure 43-8.
For detailed instructions, see ``Using the sketch method to partition faces,'' Section 43.6.1.
You can sketch directly on the face to be partitioned, or you can sketch on a second face or
datum plane and then project the sketch onto the face that you want to partition. For an
example of projecting a sketch from a datum plane, see ``Using the Datum toolset in the Part
module,'' Section 14.11.1.

Figure 43-8 Partitioning a face using the Sketcher.


The Partition toolset

Shortest path between 2 points

Partition the face along the shortest path connecting two selected points; the resulting partition
will be curved if the face being partitioned is curved, as shown in Figure 43-9. You can select
points that are not associated with the face being partitioned; for example, the points can be
located on a different face or even a different part instance. For detailed instructions, see
``Using the shortest path method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.2.

Figure 43-9 Partitioning a face using the shortest path between two points.

Use datum plane

Partition a face using the intersection with the extension of a datum plane, as shown in Figure
43-10. For detailed instructions, see ``Using the datum plane method to partition faces, ''
Section 43.6.3.

Figure 43-10 Partitioning a face using a datum plane.


The Partition toolset

Curved path normal to 2 edges

Partition the face along a Bzier curve that is normal to two of the face's edges, as shown in
Figure 43-11. Position the curve by selecting two points anywhere along the two edges. The
arc subtended by the two edges must be less than 180. For detailed instructions, see ``Using
the curved path method to partition a face, '' Section 43.6.4.

Figure 43-11 Partitioning a face using a Bzier curve.

Extend another face

Partition the face using the intersection with the extension of another face, as shown in Figure
43-12. The face being extended can be either planar, cylindrical, conical, or spherical, and it
need not belong to the part containing the face to be partitioned. For detailed instructions, see
``Using the extended face method to partition faces,'' Section 43.6.5.

Figure 43-12 Partitioning a face using the extension of another face.

Intersect by other faces

Partition the face using the intersection of the target face with one or more other faces, as
shown in Figure 43-13. The faces can be intersecting or tangential. For detailed instructions,
see ``Using the intersection method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.6.

Figure 43-13 Partitioning a face using an intersection of faces.


The Partition toolset

When you mesh a face with quadrilateral elements using the free meshing technique, the Mesh
module internally partitions the face into regions with three to five logical sides before
meshing the face. For more information, see ``Free meshing with quadrilateral elements,''
Section 20.9.2. However, if you want to view and perhaps modify the automatically generated
regions before generating the mesh, you can use the auto-partitioning tool to partition the face
without meshing it. This tool is available only in the Mesh module. For detailed instructions,
see ``Using the automatic generation method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.7.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3
``Partitioning faces,'' Section 43.6

43.4.3 An overview of the methods for partitioning cells

When you choose Cell from the Create Partition dialog box, the Method list displays the following
methods for partitioning cells:
Define cutting plane
Partition a cell by cutting it with a plane; the plane will pass completely through the cell. Use
one of the following three methods to define the cutting plane:
Select a point on the cutting plane; then pick an edge or datum axis that defines the normal
to this plane, as shown in Figure 43-14.


The Partition toolset

Figure 43-14 Defining the cutting plane with a point and a normal.

Select three distinct and noncolinear points, as shown in Figure 43-15.

Figure 43-15 Defining the cutting plane with three points.

Select an edge and a point along the edge; the cutting plane will be normal to the edge at
the selected point, as shown in Figure 43-16.

Figure 43-16 Defining the cutting plane with an edge and a point.

For detailed instructions, see ``Using the cutting plane method to partition cells, '' Section
Use datum plane
Partition a cell using the intersection with the extension of a datum plane, as shown in Figure
43-17. For detailed instructions, see ``Using the datum plane method to partition cells, ''
Section 43.7.2.

Figure 43-17 Partitioning a cell using a datum plane.


The Partition toolset

Extend face
Partition a cell by cutting it with a shell, where the shell is the extended geometry of a face, as
shown in Figure 43-18. The face being extended can be planar, cylindrical, conical, or
spherical. For detailed instructions, see ``Using the extended face method to partition cells, ''
Section 43.7.3.

Figure 43-18 Partitioning a cell using an extension of a face.

Extrude/Sweep edges
Partition a cell by sweeping selected edges (that form the sweep profile) along a selected path
(known as the sweep path). You can select any number of edges to be swept, although all the
edges must be connected, must lie on the same plane, and must belong to the same part
Use either of the following two methods to define the sweep path:
Create a straight partition through the cell by extending the sweep profile infinitely in a
direction parallel to a selected straight edge or datum axis that acts as a sweep path; the
partition is created where the swept edge(s) pass through the selected cell, as shown in
Figure 43-19. The sweep path must be straight and perpendicular to the set of edges being

Figure 43-19 Sweeping a profile along a direction.


The Partition toolset

Create a straight or curved partition through the cell by extending the sweep profile along
or parallel to a selected edge. The partition extends only as far as the selected edge, and
the partition is created where the swept edge(s) pass through the selected cell, as shown in
Figure 43-20. The sweep path must begin in the plane containing the edges to be swept,
and its tangent must be perpendicular to the same plane.

Figure 43-20 Sweeping a profile along an edge.

For detailed instructions, see ``Using the extrude/sweep method to partition cells, '' Section
N-sided patch
Partition a cell by dividing it with a patch having three, four, or five edges; the patch must pass
completely through the cell. Use either of the following two methods to define the patch:
Select three, four, or five points that define the corners of the patch. If two of the points
are connected by an existing edge, the resulting partition will follow the curve of the edge,
as shown in Figure 43-21. The points must belong to the same part as the cell being

Figure 43-21 Defining a patch with corner points.


The Partition toolset

Select three, four, or five edges, as shown in Figure 43-22; the edges can be curved or
straight, must be connected, and must belong to the same part as the cell to be partitioned.

Figure 43-22 Defining a patch with edges.

For detailed instructions, see ``Using the N-sided patch method to partition a cell, '' Section

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``Understanding partitions,'' Section 43.3


The Partition toolset

``Partitioning cells,'' Section 43.7

43.5 Partitioning edges

This section describes the tools that you can use to partition a selected edge. The following topics are
``Using the parameter method to partition edges,'' Section 43.5.1
``Using the pick method to partition an edge,'' Section 43.5.2

43.5.1 Using the parameter method to partition edges

You can partition selected edges anywhere along their length by specifying a parameter that represents
a fraction of the edge length. An arrow along the selected edges points from the start vertex,
corresponding to an edge parameter value of zero, to the end vertex, corresponding to a value of one.
Partition are created along the selected edges at the location determined by the parameter, as shown in
the following figure:

To modify a partition that was created by specifying edge parameters, use the Feature Manipulation
toolset to change the edge parameter.
Detailed instructions for partitioning edges using the parameter method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the parameter method to partition edges using the
tool, located
with the partition edge tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Edge.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition an edge.
3. From the list of methods, select Use Parameter and click Apply.


The Partition toolset

4. Select the edges to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one edge to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected edges, and an arrow indicates the direction of increasing
parameter value. If the line selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through the candidate edges
using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Enter the desired edge parameter as a value between zero and one.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning edges,'' Section 43.4.1

43.5.2 Using the pick method to partition an edge

You can partition a selected edge by selecting the midpoint of the edge or a datum point anywhere
along the edge, as shown in the following figure:

You cannot directly modify a partition that was created by clicking along the edge; you must delete the
partition and create a new one. However, if you select a datum point to position the partition and
subsequently move the datum point, the partition will move along with the datum. If you want to
partition the edge at a position other than the midpoint or a datum point, you should use the parameter
Detailed instructions for partitioning an edge using the pick method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the pick method to partition an edge using the
tool, located with
the partition edge tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.


The Partition toolset

2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Edge.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition an edge.
3. From the list of methods, select Pick point and click Apply.
4. Select an edge to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected edge and indicates the midpoint. If the selection is
ambiguous, you can cycle through the candidate edges using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Click the midpoint of the edge or a datum point along the edge.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the partition.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport
``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning edges,'' Section 43.4.1

43.6 Partitioning faces

This section describes the tools that you use to partition a selected face. The following topics are
``Using the sketch method to partition faces,'' Section 43.6.1
``Using the shortest path method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.2
``Using the datum plane method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.3
``Using the curved path method to partition a face, '' Section 43.6.4
``Using the extended face method to partition faces,'' Section 43.6.5
``Using the intersection method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.6
``Using the automatic generation method to partition faces, '' Section 43.6.7

43.6.1 Using the sketch method to partition faces

You can partition selected faces by sketching the geometry of the partition using the Sketcher. You use


The Partition toolset

the Sketcher when you want to create a partition whose shape cannot be achieved with any of the other
partition tools. Sketching a partition offers other advantages:
You can use the Feature Manipulation toolset to modify the sketch if you want to change the shape
or the position of the partition.
You can dimension the sketch precisely, and you can use the Feature Manipulation toolset to
modify the dimensions.
If the faces to be partitioned are planar and lie in the same plane, you can sketch directly on that plane.
Your sketch can extend beyond the boundaries of the selected faces, but the partition will not extend
beyond the edge of the faces. The following figure illustrates a sketched partition on a planar face:

If any of the faces to be partitioned are non-planar, you must sketch on a second planar face, and
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition by projecting the sketch onto the faces to be partitioned. You can
specify the direction of the projection and the distance of the projection, normal to the sketch plane.
The following figure illustrates a sketched partition on a non-planar face using the projection of a
sketch drawn on a datum plane:

Detailed instructions for partitioning faces using the sketch method:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.


The Partition toolset

Tip: You can also use the sketch method to partition edges using the
tool, located with
the partition face tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.
3. From the list of methods, select Sketch and click Apply.
4. Select the faces to partition.If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through the candidate
faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
If you selected planar faces that lie in the same plane, ABAQUS uses that plane as the sketch
5. If the faces you selected include a non-planar face or do not lie in the same plane, do the
a. Select a planar face or a datum plane on which to sketch.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected face. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
b. From the buttons in the prompt area, select a method to determine how far ABAQUS/CAE
projects the sketch normal to the sketch plane. The partition is created wherever the
projected sketch extends through the non-planar face. The three methods are illustrated in
the following figure:

If you selected the Through All method, ABAQUS/CAE asks you to choose which
direction the sketch will be projected.
If you selected the Enter Value method, ABAQUS/CAE asks you to choose the
distance and direction that will be used to project the sketch. The default distance that
ABAQUS/CAE provides generates a partition that extends completely through the
non-planar face (resulting in the same partition as selecting Through All). The Feature
Manipulation toolset allows you to modify the projection distance after you create the


The Partition toolset

If you selected the Select Point method, ABAQUS/CAE asks you to choose the point
to which the sketch will be projected; the point defines both the direction and the
projection distance.
6. Select an edge that will appear vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid. The edge must not be
perpendicular to the sketch plane.
The Sketcher starts with the planar face or datum plane selected as the sketch plane and
highlighted on the Sketcher grid.
Tip: If the part or assembly does not have a suitable edge, you can create a datum axis that
will provide the desired orientation. You can then select the datum axis as the edge to appear
vertical and on the right of the Sketcher grid.
7. Use the Sketcher to sketch the partition. From the main menu bar, click Done to indicate you have
finished sketching the partition.
8. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 22, "The Sketch module
``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.6.2 Using the shortest path method to partition faces

You can partition selected faces with a line or curve that forms the shortest possible path between two
selected points. The points can be vertices, midpoints, arc-centers, or datum points. The path will be
curved if a face being partitioned is not planar, as shown in the following figure:

Detailed instructions for partitioning faces using the shortest path method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to


The Partition toolset

guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the shortest path method to partition faces using the
located with the partition face tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools
in the toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.
3. From the list of methods, select Shortest path between 2 points and click Apply.
4. Select the faces to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one face to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If a selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Select the vertices, midpoints, arc-centers, or datum points defining the start and end of the path.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the points.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.6.3 Using the datum plane method to partition faces

You can partition selected faces by cutting them with a datum plane, as shown in the following figure:


The Partition toolset

Detailed instructions for partitioning faces using the datum plane method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the datum plane method to partition faces using the
tool, located
with the partition face tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.
3. From the list of methods, select Use datum plane and click Apply.
4. Select the faces to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one face to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If a selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Select an existing datum plane. If a datum plane does not exist in the desired location, create the
datum using the Datum toolset.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected datum plane.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.


The Partition toolset

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.6.4 Using the curved path method to partition a face

You can partition a face with a curve normal to two edges that bound the face. The edges need not be
contiguous, but they must bound the face and subtend an angle less than 180 degrees, as shown in the
following figure:

You first select the face to partition and then select one of two methods to define the position of the
partition along the two edges; ABAQUS/CAE draws a Bzier curve connecting the two points. You
can locate the partition along the selected edges by either:
Entering a parameter value between zero and one, where zero represents the start vertex of the
edge and one the end vertex. This method allows you to precisely position the partition anywhere
along the edges. In addition, you can subsequently modify the partition using the Feature
Manipulation toolset to edit the two parameters that you entered to locate the partition.
Clicking the midpoint or a datum point along the edge. If you use this method to position a curved
partition, you will not be able to modify the partition later.
Detailed instructions for partitioning a face using the curved path method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the curved path method to partition a face using the
located with the partition face tools in the module toolbox.For a diagram of the partition tools
in the toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.
3. From the list of methods, select Curved path normal to 2 edges and click Apply.

The Partition toolset

4. Select the faces to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one face to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If a selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following method to locate the curve:
Use Parameter
6. Select any of the edges bounding the selected face.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected edge. If the pick is ambiguous, you can cycle through the
possible edges using the buttons in the prompt area.
7. Do one of the following:
If you selected the Use Parameter method, enter a value between zero and one. An arrow on
the selected edge indicates the direction of increasing parameter value.
If you selected the Pick method, click the midpoint or a datum point along the selected edge.
8. Select a second edge that bounds the face and repeat the previous step. The angle subtended by the
two selected edges must be less than 180 degrees.
9. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.6.5 Using the extended face method to partition faces

You can partition selected faces by extending another face so that it cuts through the selected faces.
Extending a face is analogous to creating an infinite plane that is coincident with that face.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a partition wherever this infinite plane slices the selected faces you are trying
to partition, as shown in the following figure:


The Partition toolset

If the infinite plane cannot intersect any of the selected faces, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error
message. The extended face need not belong to the same part as the faces to be partitioned; for
example, in the Assembly module you can partition the face of one part instance by extending the face
of a second.
Detailed instructions for partitioning faces using the extended face method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the extended face method to partition faces using the
located with the partition face tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools
in the toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.
3. From the list of methods, select Extend another face and click Apply.
4. Select the faces to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one face to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If a selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Select the face whose extension creates the desired partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected face.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4


The Partition toolset

``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.6.6 Using the intersection method to partition faces

You can partition selected faces using their intersection or junction with one or more other faces, as
shown in the following figure:

The faces need not belong to the same part; for example, in the Assembly module you can partition the
face belonging to one part instance using its intersection with a face belonging to a second part
instance. The resulting regions are especially useful for defining contact or constraint interactions
between part instances.
The following figure shows two partitions that you might create at the intersection of three part

Detailed instructions for partitioning faces using the intersection method:

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the intersection method to partition faces using the
tool, located
with the partition face tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.


The Partition toolset

3. From the list of methods, select Intersect by other faces and click Apply.
4. Select the faces to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one face to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If a selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Select the faces that join or intersect the faces to be partitioned.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If any of the selections are ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.6.7 Using the automatic generation method to partition faces

The Mesh module is capable of meshing any two-dimensional face automatically. Automatic meshing
with quadrilateral elements begins by internally partitioning the face into regions having between three
and five sides, as shown in the following figure:

Then, a mesh is generated on each of these regions, as shown in the following figure:


The Partition toolset

Normally, when you mesh a face, these two steps take place in what appears to be a single step.
However, to gain more control over the meshing process, you can perform the partitioning step
separately using the automatic partitioning tool in the Partition toolset.
Since the automatic partitioning tool is associated with meshing, it is available only within the Mesh
module. After you automatically partition the face, you can gain additional control over the mesh by
seeding or by adding or deleting partitions manually.
Detailed instructions for partitioning faces using the automatic generation method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the automatic generation method to partition faces using the
tool, located with the partition face tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition
tools in the toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Face.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a face.
3. From the list of methods, select Auto-partition and click Apply.
4. Select the faces to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one face to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If a selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.


The Partition toolset

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning faces,'' Section 43.4.2

43.7 Partitioning cells

This section describes the partition tools that you use to partition a cell. The following topics are
``Using the cutting plane method to partition cells, '' Section 43.7.1
``Using the datum plane method to partition cells, '' Section 43.7.2
``Using the extended face method to partition cells, '' Section 43.7.3
``Using the extrude/sweep method to partition cells, '' Section 43.7.4
``Using the N-sided patch method to partition a cell, '' Section 43.7.5

43.7.1 Using the cutting plane method to partition cells

You can partition selected cells by cutting them with a plane. You first select the cells to partition and
then select one of three methods to define the plane that partitions the cells. The three methods are:
Select a point and any straight edge. The cutting plane will pass through the point, normal to the
Select three points. The cutting plane will pass through all three points.
Select a straight or curved edge and a point on the edge. The cutting plane will pass through the
point, normal to the edge at the selected point.
The following procedure illustrates the three methods.
Detailed instructions for partitioning cells using the plane method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the plane method to partition cells using the
tool, located with
the partition cell tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Cell.


The Partition toolset

The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a cell.
3. From the list of methods, select Define cutting plane and click Apply.
4. Select the cell to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one cell to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected cell. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate cells using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. From the prompt area, click one of the following methods to define the cutting plane:
Use the Point & normal method to partition the selected cells along a plane that passes
through a selected point and is normal to a selected straight edge or datum axis, as shown in
the following figure:

Use the 3 Points method to partition the selectes cells along a plane passing through three
selected points, as shown in the following figure:

The three points can be anywhere on the part or assembly, but they must be distinct and they
must not be colinear.
Use the Normal to edge method to partition the selected cells along a plane that is normal to a
selected edge and passes through a selected point on the edge. The edge can be straight or
curved, and need not be part of the cells being partitioned, although you cannot select a datum
axis. This method is useful when you want to partition a cell normal to a curved edge, as
shown in the following figure:


The Partition toolset

6. Select points and edges as directed by the prompts in the prompt area. Points can be vertices,
midpoints, arc centers, or datum points.
7. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning cells, '' Section 43.4.3

43.7.2 Using the datum plane method to partition cells

You can partition selected cells by cutting them with a datum plane, as shown in the following figure:

Detailed instructions for partitioning cells using the datum plane method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the datum plane method to partition cells using the
tool, located
with the partition cell tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Cell.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a cell.
3. From the list of methods, select Use datum plane and click Apply.
4. Select the cell to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one cell to partition.


The Partition toolset

ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected cell. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate cells using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Select an existing datum plane. If a datum plane does not exist in the desired location, create the
datum using the Datum toolset.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected datum plane.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning cells, '' Section 43.4.3

43.7.3 Using the extended face method to partition cells

You can partition selected cells by extending another face until it cuts through the selected cells.
Extending a face is analogous to creating an infinite plane that is coincident with the face.
ABAQUS/CAE creates a partition wherever this infinite plane slices the cells that you are partitioning,
as shown in the following figure:

If the infinite plane cannot intersect the cells, ABAQUS/CAE displays an error message. The extended
face need not belong to the same part as the cells to be partitioned; for example, in the Assembly
module you can partition the cell of one part instance by extending the face of a second.
Detailed instructions for partitioning cells using the extended geometry method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the datum plane method to partition cells using the
tool, located
with the partition cell tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools in the
toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.


The Partition toolset

2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Cell.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a cell.
3. From the list of methods, select Extend face and click Apply.
4. Select the cell to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one cell to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected cell. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate cells using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. Select the face that will be extended to create the desired partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected faces. If any of the selections are ambiguous, you can cycle
through the candidate faces using the buttons in the prompt area.
6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.
ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning cells, '' Section 43.4.3

43.7.4 Using the extrude/sweep method to partition cells

You can create complex three-dimensional partitions using the sweep tool to sweep two-dimensional
profiles (known as sweep profiles) through three-dimensional parts or part instances. Using the sweep
tool is a two-stage operation. First you define the sweep profile by selecting the edges to sweep, and
then you select the path along which to sweep the selected edges (known as the sweep path). You can
choose between two methods to define the sweep path:
Extrude along direction
Sweep along edge
These two methods are illustrated below.
Detailed instructions for partitioning cells using the extrude/sweep method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.


The Partition toolset

Tip: You can also use the extrude/sweep method to partition cells using the
located with the partition cell tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools
in the toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Cell.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a cell.
3. From the list of methods, select Extrude/sweep edges and click Apply.
4. Select the cell to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one cell to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected cell. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate cells using the buttons in the prompt area.
5. To create the sweep profile, select the edges to sweep through the cells. The edges must all belong
to the same part, lie on the same plane, and be connected to each other.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected edges.
6. From the buttons in the prompt area, click on one of the following methods to define the sweep
Use the Extrude along direction method to partition a cell by extruding selected edges--the
sweep profile--along a straight edge or datum axis--the sweep path--in a selected direction.
The sweep path must be perpendicular to the plane containing the sweep profile. The partition
extends infinitely in the selected direction through the selected cell. Extruding a sweep profile
along a direction to partition a cell is illustrated in the following figure:

Use the Sweep along edge method to partition a cell by sweeping selected edges--the sweep
profile--along a straight or curved edge--the sweep path. The sweep path must begin in the
plane containing the sweep profile, and its tangent must be perpendicular to that same plane.
The resulting partition will extend only as far as the sweep path. Sweeping a sweep profile
along an edge to partition a cell is illustrated in the following figure:


The Partition toolset

7. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.

ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning cells, '' Section 43.4.3

43.7.5 Using the N-sided patch method to partition a cell

You can partition a cell by creating a patch that divides the cell into regions. You can define the patch
using either points or edges; the resulting patch can have only three, four, or five edges.
If you select a curved edge, or if you select two points connected by a curved edge, the corresponding
edge of the resulting N-sided patch follows the contour of the edge. However, if you select points that
are not connected by an edge, the patch simply connects the points; the patch will not follow the
contour of the cell, and the partition may be incomplete.
Warning: If possible you should create the desired partition using a partition tool that employs
existing geometry. You should only use the N-sided patch partition tool to create your partition if
you cannot create it using any other method.
Detailed instructions for partitioning a cell using the N-sided patch method:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Partition.
The Create Partition dialog box appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to
guide you through the procedure.

Tip: You can also use the N-sided patch method to partition a cell using the



The Partition toolset

located with the partition cell tools in the module toolbox. For a diagram of the partition tools
in the toolbox, see ``Using the Partition toolset,'' Section 43.2.
2. From the Type radio buttons at the top of the dialog box, choose Cell.
The Method list displays the methods that you can use to partition a cell.
3. From the list of methods, select N-sided patch and click Apply.
4. Select the cell to partition. You can use a combination of drag select, [Shift]+Click, and
[Ctrl]+Click to select more than one cell to partition.
ABAQUS/CAE highlights the selected cell. If the selection is ambiguous, you can cycle through
the candidate cells using the buttons in the prompt area.
Tip: Use the backup button (

) to undo the steps in a procedure.

5. From the buttons in the prompt area, select one of the following methods to define the N-sided
Use the Select Corner Points method to partition a cell by defining a N-sided patch using
three to five selected points. ABAQUS/CAE creates the patch by connecting the points in the
order that you select them; consequently, the order in which you select the points is
significant. The points can be vertices, mid-points, or datum points. If a curved edge connects
two of the points, the patch follows the contour of the curve, as shown in the following

Use the Select Edges method to partition a cell by defining an N-sided patch using three to
five selected edges. The edges must belong to the same part as the cell being partitioned and
must form a closed loop, as shown in the following figure:


The Partition toolset

6. In the prompt area, click Create Partition.

ABAQUS/CAE creates the partition.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``An overview of partitioning techniques,'' Section 43.4
``An overview of the methods for partitioning cells, '' Section 43.4.3


The Query toolset

44. The Query toolset

The Query toolset allows you to obtain information about your model. This chapter covers the
following topics:
``Understanding the role of the Query toolset,'' Section 44.1
``Querying the model,'' Section 44.2

44.1 Understanding the role of the Query toolset

The Query toolset allows you to obtain information about your model. In most cases ABAQUS/CAE
displays the requested information in the message area, and the same information is written to the
replay file. Select Tools->Query from the main menu bar to use the Query toolset, or select the query

from the toolbar.

You can always use the Query toolset to obtain general information about the model, regardless of
which module you are using, although the Query toolset is not available in the Sketch module or the
Job module. The items under General Queries in the Query toolset provide the following general
Coordinates of a selected point or node
Distance between two selected points or nodes
Feature information:
- ID
- Parameters
- Parent-child information
In addition, if the current viewport contains the meshed assembly or an orphan mesh part imported
from an output database, the Query toolset provides the following information about a selected part or
part instance:
Name of the part
Number of nodes
Number of elements
Number of elements for each element shape
Similarly, if the current viewport contains the meshed assembly or an orphan mesh part, the Query
toolset provides the following information about a selected element:
Element label


The Query toolset

Element topology; for example, linear hexahedron

ABAQUS element name; for example, C3D8I
Nodal connectivity.
When you are using the Visualization module, items under General Queries in the Query toolset
provide the following general information:
Deformed and undeformed coordinates of a selected node
Displacement of a selected node
Deformed and undeformed distance between two selected nodes
Relative displacement between two selected nodes
For more information, see ``Obtaining general information about the model,'' Section 44.2.2.
In addition, the Query toolset can provide the following information specific to the module you are
Part module
The items under Part Queries provide the following module-specific information about the
current part:
The part attributes:
- Name
- Modeling space
- Type (deformable or rigid body)
The precision of an imported part
The validity of an imported part
The volume of a solid and the coordinates of its centroid
The direction of the normal to two-dimensional shell elements
For more information, see ``Using the Query toolset in the Part module,'' Section 14.11.4.
Property module
The items under Property Queries provide the following module-specific information about
the current part:
Sections assigned to a selected region
Beam orientations assigned to a selected wire region (ABAQUS/CAE displays the (n1 ,
n2 , t) axis system on the selected wire region)

The Query toolset

Material orientations assigned to a selected region (ABAQUS/CAE displays the material

coordinate system on the selected region)
For more information, see ``Displaying information about section assignment and orientations
for a particular region,'' Section 15.11.4.
Assembly module
The items under Assembly Queries provide the following module-specific information about
a selected part instance:
Name, type, and modeling space
Position of the origin relative to the global coordinate system
Sum of the translations and rotations applied to the instance
Number of translational and rotational constraints applied
For more information, see ``Using the Query toolset to query the assembly,'' Section 16.9.
Step module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Step module.
Interaction module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Interaction module.
Load/BC/IC module
The Query toolset provides only general information in the Load/BC/IC module.
Mesh module
The Region mesh item under Mesh Queries provides the following module-specific
information about a selected region:
Number of nodes in the region
Number of elements in the region
Number of elements for each element shape and order
Element type
The technique that was used to mesh the region
Mesh algorithm and any options that were used to mesh the region
Mesh pattern


The Query toolset

Number of logical corners in the region if ABAQUS/CAE used structured meshing to

mesh the region
The items under Mesh Queries display information only about meshes generated on native
part instances in the assembly. Select Instance mesh or Element from the list of General
Queries to obtain information about the mesh on an orphan mesh part imported from an
output database. For more information, see ``Obtaining mesh information and statistics,''
Section 20.17.
Job module
None of the ABAQUS/CAE toolsets are available in the Job module.
Sketch module
None of the ABAQUS/CAE toolsets are available in the Sketch module.
Visualization module
The items under Visualization Queries provide the following module-specific information:
Probe values. ABAQUS/CAE displays information in the Probe Values dialog box as
you move the cursor around the current viewport. Probing a model plot displays model
data and analysis results; probing an X-Y plot displays X-Y curve data.
Stress linearization. Stress linearization is the separation of stresses through a section into
constant membrane and linear bending stresses. ABAQUS/CAE performs stress
linearization calculations and displays the results in the form of an X-Y plot.
For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying and probing" and Chapter 33, "Calculating
linearized stresses."

44.2 Querying the model

This section describes how you use the Query toolset to obtain information about your model. The
following topics are covered:
``Using the Query toolset to query the model,'' Section 44.2.1
``Obtaining general information about the model,'' Section 44.2.2

44.2.1 Using the Query toolset to query the model

You can use the Query toolset to obtain general information about the geometry of the model in the
current viewport and the features that define the model. In addition, you can obtain information
specific to the module you are using; for example, if you are using the Mesh module, the Query toolset
can provide information on the mesh, nodes, and elements.
Detailed instructions for querying the model:


The Query toolset

1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Query.

Tip: You can also query the model by clicking the query tool

in the toolbar.

ABAQUS/CAE displays the Query dialog box.

2. From the Query dialog box, select one of the following:
General Queries
- Point
- Distance
- Feature
- Instance mesh
- Element
For more information, see ``Obtaining general information about the model,'' Section 44.2.2.
Module-specific queries. For a complete list of the information available in each module, see
``Understanding the role of the Query toolset,'' Section 44.1.
3. From the bottom of the Query dialog box, click Apply. ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the
prompt area to guide you through the rest of the procedure.
ABAQUS/CAE displays the requested information in the message area. To resize the message
area, drag the small square at its upper right corner; to see information that has scrolled out of the
message area, use the scroll bar on the right side. The same information that appears in the
message area is also written to the replay file.

Click Cancel when you have finished requesting information.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Obtaining general information about the model,'' Section 44.2.2
``Understanding the role of the Query toolset,'' Section 44.1

44.2.2 Obtaining general information about the model

To obtain general information about your model, select Tools->Query from the main menu bar or
click the query tool
in the toolbar. Select one of the following from the General Queries field in
the Query dialog box that appears:


The Query toolset

Select a point or node. ABAQUS/CAE displays the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the point.
Select two points or nodes. ABAQUS/CAE displays the following:
The X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of each point.
The absolute distance between the points.
The X-, Y-, and Z-components of the vector between the two points.
Select a feature from the model, or click Feature List on the right side of the prompt area and
select a feature from the dialog box that appears. ABAQUS/CAE displays the following
information about the selected feature:
Name, ID, and description; for example, solid extrude.
Status--active or suppressed.
The ID of its parent, if any.
The IDs of its children, if any.
The value of any parameters that define the feature.
Alternatively, you can request information about all the features in the model. ABAQUS/CAE
displays a table containing each feature's ID, name, and status--active or suppressed.
Instance mesh
Name of the part
Number of nodes
Number of elements
Number of elements for each element shape
Length of the shortest element edge
Element label
Element topology; for example, linear hexahedron
ABAQUS element name; for example, C3D8I


The Query toolset

Nodal connectivity.
Element quality

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Query toolset to query the model,'' Section 44.2.1
``Understanding the role of the Query toolset,'' Section 44.1


The Set and Surface toolsets

45. The Set and Surface toolsets

When you want to specify engineering data, such as loading or contact, for a region of your model, it is
often convenient to define a set or surface that contains that region. To create and manage sets and
surfaces throughout ABAQUS/CAE, use the Set and Surface toolsets.
The Set toolset is available by selecting Tools->Set from the main menu bar in all modules except the
Visualization module. The Surface toolset is available by selecting Tools->Surface from the main
menu bar in the Assembly, Step, Interaction, and Load/BC/IC modules.
The following topics are covered:
``Understanding the role of the Set and Surface toolsets, '' Section 45.1
``Understanding sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.2
``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3

45.1 Understanding the role of the Set and Surface toolsets

The Set and Surface toolsets are collections of tools that allow you to create and manage sets and
surfaces. You can use these tools to perform the following tasks:
Create a set or surface
Create a set or surface by grouping similar entities together. You can select which entities to
include in a set or surface by picking objects from the screen or by combining and modifying
existing sets or surfaces.
Edit a set or surface
Modify a set or surface by adding objects to or deleting objects from it.
Rename a set or surface
Replace the current name of an existing set or surface with a new name.
Delete a set or surface
Permanently remove a set or surface from the model.
For detailed instructions on creating and manipulating sets and surfaces, see the following sections:
``Creating, editing, renaming, and deleting sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.3.1
``Creating sets,'' Section 45.3.2
``Creating surfaces,'' Section 45.3.3
``Editing sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.3.4
``Associating objects (such as loads and sections) with sets and surfaces, '' Section 45.3.5


The Set and Surface toolsets

45.2 Understanding sets and surfaces

This section describes basic concepts concerning sets and surfaces. The following topics are discussed:
``What is a set?,'' Section 45.2.1
``How do part sets and assembly sets differ?,'' Section 45.2.2
``What is a surface?,'' Section 45.2.3
``Regeneration of geometry sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.2.4
``Specifying a particular side or end of a region,'' Section 45.2.5

45.2.1 What is a set?

A set is a named region or collection of objects on which you can perform various operations. For
example, once you create a set, you can use it to perform the following tasks:
Assign section properties in the Property module.
Create contact pairs with contact node sets and surfaces in the Interaction module.
Define loads and boundary conditions in the Load/BC/IC module.
Request output from specific regions of the model in the Step module.
You can create two types of sets:
Geometry sets
A geometry set contains geometric objects (cells, faces, edges, and vertices) that you have
selected from one of the following types of parts or from instances of these parts:
Native parts (those created using the tools in the Part module)
Parts imported from an ACIS-, IGES-, or VDA-FS-format file
ABAQUS/CAE generates discrete sets (node sets and element sets) for each geometry set that
you have created and meshed. ABAQUS/CAE writes these discrete sets to the solver input file
using the *NSET and *ELSET options.
The most basic method for creating a geometry set is to select geometric objects directly from
the viewport. Depending on the shape and modeling space of the part, you can include any
combination of cells, faces, edges, and vertices in a geometry set. However, some operations
can be performed only on certain types of objects. In these cases the set that you use in the
operation must include only object types that are valid for the operation. For example,
concentrated forces can be applied only to vertices; therefore, the sets to which you apply
concentrated forces can include only vertices.
Discrete sets


The Set and Surface toolsets

A discrete set contains either nodes or elements that you have selected from a part that was
imported from an output database or solver input file; that is, an orphan mesh part or part
instance. Discrete sets can include either elements or nodes, but not both. ABAQUS/CAE
writes these discrete sets to the solver input file using the *NSET and *ELSET options.
Although you can create discrete sets from orphan meshes, you cannot create them from native
meshes. (Native meshes are meshes that you create using the Mesh module.) If you are
working with native meshes, you must define geometry sets containing the geometry of the
underlying part or assembly; these sets are then converted to discrete sets when the solver
input file is generated.
If you create a discrete set and a geometry set from an assembly and give both sets the same name, the
name of the geometry set changes slightly when you create the solver input file. (The set name remains
unchanged in the model database.) In the input file, _G is appended to the name that you specify for
the geometry set to differentiate it from the discrete set. For example, if you name the sets Hinge, the
geometry set appears as Hinge_G in the input file. When you use sets in the Visualization module, the
sets are referred to by the names that appear in the input file. For example, to create a display group
containing only the geometry set that you named Hinge, you would select Hinge_G in the Create
Display Group dialog box. (For more information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your
If you rename or delete a set, any objects associated with the set, such as sections or loads, become
invalid. However, if you change the name of a renamed set back to its original name or if you recreate
a deleted set using its original name, objects associated with that set are restored.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3

45.2.2 How do part sets and assembly sets differ?

The purpose of a set varies depending on whether you created it from a part or from part instances in
an assembly:
Part sets
Part sets are sets created in the Part or Property module. In the Property module you can assign
sections to regions specified by these sets. Part sets are not transferred to the assembly when
you instance the part; you must recreate the set in the Assembly, Step, Interaction, or
Load/BC/IC module if you need to use the set in any of these modules. However, the section
you assign to a region defined by a part set is copied automatically to all instances of that part
in the assembly. When you import an orphan mesh from an output database, you also
automatically import any sets stored with the mesh as part sets.
Assembly sets
Assembly sets contain regions of an assembly. You can use them to indicate, for example,


The Set and Surface toolsets

regions of the assembly where you would like to apply a load or boundary condition or to
obtain output. Assembly sets can include regions from multiple part instances.
An assembly set refers to the assembly itself and not the individual part instances. As a result,
ABAQUS/CAE does not delete an assembly set if you delete a part instance contained in the
set. You must manually delete the assembly set.
When you use the input file reader to import an orphan mesh, ABAQUS/CAE reads the sets defined in
the input file and generates both a part set and an assembly set for each set encountered. However, if a
set is defined in the input file that spans both a deformable and a rigid part, ABAQUS/CAE generates
an assembly set and two part sets--one containing the nodes or elements from the deformable part and
one containing the nodes or elements from the rigid part. (For more information, see ``Importing
models from ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4.)
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``What is a set?,'' Section 45.2.1
``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3

45.2.3 What is a surface?

Surfaces are collections of geometric or discrete objects that have an area associated with them but
have zero volume. Surfaces are more specialized than sets; while sets can be used for many different
applications, surfaces can be used only where an operation requires you to identify a surface in the
model. Such operations include applying distributed loads, such as pressure loads, and defining contact
interactions. If necessary, surface definitions distinguish between the positive or negative sides of a
region; for example, when you create a surface on a shell model.
You can define a surface only in the context of an assembly. The surfaces you can create in
ABAQUS/CAE are analogous to those you can create using the *SURFACE DEFINITION option in
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit.
You can create two different types of surfaces:
Geometry surfaces
Create a geometry surface by selecting geometric objects (faces and edges) from native or
imported geometry in an assembly. When the solver input file is created, the surface definition
in the input file specifies the element edges (in the case of axisymmetric part instances) or
faces that are associated with the surface geometry.
Mesh surfaces
Create a mesh surface by selecting element faces (for three-dimensional regions) or edges (for
two-dimensional regions) from orphan meshes in an assembly. Unlike sets, surface definitions
cannot be imported with orphan meshes.
If you rename or delete a surface, any objects associated with the surface, such as loads or interactions,


The Set and Surface toolsets

become invalid. However, if you change the name of a renamed surface back to its original name or if
you recreate a deleted surface using its original name, objects associated with that surface are restored.
For information on related topics, click the following item:
``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3

45.2.4 Regeneration of geometry sets and surfaces

Geometry sets and surfaces are regenerated automatically when you change the underlying geometry of
the model. However, if you change the geometry of the model significantly, objects that you had
previously included in sets or surfaces may be unidentifiable.
For example, if you delete or suppress a feature of a part, sets and surfaces associated with that feature
are altered:
If components of the feature were the only objects in a set or surface, the set or surface still
appears in the Set Manager but is empty. You can edit the set so that it includes new geometry.
If components of the feature were included with other objects in a set or surface, the set or surface
no longer contains the components of the feature but continues to contain all of the other objects.
If you suppress and then resume a feature, the sets and surfaces associated with that feature are
also restored, as well as any objects assigned to those sets and surfaces, such as loads or
For information on related topics, click any of the following items:
``What is a set?,'' Section 45.2.1
``What is a surface?,'' Section 45.2.3
``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3

45.2.5 Specifying a particular side or end of a region

When you create a surface definition from a shell or wire part instance, you must specify which side of
the part instance you want to include in the surface definition. ABAQUS/CAE displays colored arrows
in the viewport and prompts in the prompt area to help you make this choice.
For example, in the figure below a magenta arrowhead points to the near side of the face and a yellow
arrowhead points to the far side. Therefore, to select the near side of the face, you would click
Magenta in the prompt area; to select the far side, you would click Yellow .


The Set and Surface toolsets

(Magenta arrows indicate the default selections.)

Likewise, if you must specify a particular surface of a three-dimensional wire part instance,
ABAQUS/CAE displays the following arrowheads and prompt:

In this case you can select the end with the magenta arrowhead, the end with the yellow arrowhead, or
the circumferential surface of the part instance, which is indicated by the red highlighted edge. If the
wire part instance is two-dimensional, you can select either the top or the bottom surface of the part.

Likewise, if the part is an axisymmetric shell, you can select either the inside or the outside surface of
the part.


The Set and Surface toolsets

If you select more than one region for which you must specify a side, arrowheads appear in the
viewport for each region. For example, the face below is partitioned into two regions, and both regions
are selected; therefore, two sets of arrowheads appear.

In this example if you click Magenta in the prompt area, the near sides of both regions are selected. If
you click Yellow in the prompt area, the far sides of both regions are selected.
The third option in the prompt area, Flip a surface, allows you to switch the position of the colored
arrows for one or more of the selected regions. For example, in the figure below the arrowheads for the
region on the right were flipped; and the magenta arrowhead now points to the far side of that region.
If you clicked Magenta in the prompt area, the far side of the region on the right and the near side of
the region on the left would both be selected.


The Set and Surface toolsets

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is a surface?,'' Section 45.2.3
``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3

45.3 Using the Set and Surface toolsets

This section outlines the various tasks you can perform with the Set toolset and describes the
procedures for each. The following topics are covered:
``Creating, editing, renaming, and deleting sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.3.1
``Creating sets,'' Section 45.3.2
``Creating surfaces,'' Section 45.3.3
``Editing sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.3.4
``Associating objects (such as loads and sections) with sets and surfaces, '' Section 45.3.5

45.3.1 Creating, editing, renaming, and deleting sets and

To create, edit, rename, and delete set or surface definitions, use one of the following:
The Create, Edit, Rename, and Delete items listed under the Tools->Set and Tools->Surface
submenus in the main menu bar.
The Edit, Rename, and Delete menu items contain submenus listing all of the sets or surfaces in
the current model. The Set submenus vary depending on which module you are in; in the Part and
Property modules, only part sets are listed, while in all other modules, only assembly sets are


The Set and Surface toolsets

The set and surface managers. These managers contain functions identical to those listed under the
Set and Surface submenus but with convenient browsers that list all of the sets or surfaces within
the current model along with their type (such as geometry or mesh).
Note: Sets and surfaces that are empty as a result of feature modification will still appear in
the lists. See ``Regeneration of geometry sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.2.4, for more
To display a manager, select Tools->Set->Manager or Tools->Surface->Manager from the main
menu bar.
Warning: When you delete a set or surface, any objects associated with that set or surface, such
as loads or interactions, become invalid.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5

45.3.2 Creating sets

The Set toolset allows you to create three types of sets: geometry, node, and element. The type of set
you create depends on the type of object with which you are working and the module in which you are
Detailed instructions for creating a set:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Set->Create.
Tip: You can also click Create in the Set Manager.
The Create Set dialog box appears. The dialog box lists the types of sets you can create.
2. In the dialog box:
a. Enter a name for the set. For information on naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog box
components,'' Section 6.3.1.
Each set name must be unique within the category to which it belongs; for example,
different geometry sets must have different names. However, a geometry set, an element
set, and a node set can all have the same name, and a set can have the same name as a
surface. In addition, part sets from different parts can have identical names.
b. If necessary, select the set type.
c. Click Continue.


The Set and Surface toolsets

3. Select the objects in the viewport that you want to include in your set.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
When you are finished selecting objects, click mouse button 2.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is a set?,'' Section 45.2.1
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

45.3.3 Creating surfaces

The Surface toolset allows you to create geometry or mesh surfaces. Geometry surfaces can consist of
geometric faces or edges, while mesh surfaces can consist of element faces and edges.
Detailed instructions for creating a surface:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Surface->Create.
Tip: You can also click Create in the Surface Manager.
The Create Surface dialog box appears. The dialog box lists the types of surfaces you can create.
2. In the dialog box:
a. Enter a name for the surface. For information on naming objects, see ``Using basic dialog
box components,'' Section 6.3.1.
All surfaces in an assembly must have unique names regardless of whether they consist of
mesh or geometric objects.
b. Click Continue.
3. Select the objects in the viewport that you want to include in your set.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the
selection options tool
in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
When you are finished selecting objects, click mouse button 2.


The Set and Surface toolsets

If you must specify which side of the surface you want to select, a pair of different colored arrows
appears; one arrow points to one side of the surface and the other arrow points to the other side of
the surface.
If you must specify which surface on a beam you want to select, different colored arrows appear at
each end of the beam and, in three-dimensional space, the beam itself becomes highlighted. (For
more information, see ``Specifying a particular side or end of a region,'' Section 45.2.5.)
4. If you must specify a side of a surface, click the button in the prompt area that is labeled with the
color of the arrow pointing to the side of interest.
5. If you must specify the surface of a beam, click one of the following in the prompt area:
Click the button in the prompt area that is labeled with the arrow color appearing at the end
surface of interest.
If applicable, click Circumferential to select the outer surface of the beam, excluding the end
For more information on selecting beam surfaces and indicating sidedness, see ``Understanding the
correspondence between geometric and physical objects,'' Section 9.1.2, and ``Specifying a particular
side or end of a region,'' Section 45.2.5.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``What is a surface?,'' Section 45.2.3
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

45.3.4 Editing sets and surfaces

You can edit an existing set or surface by reselecting objects in the viewport.
Detailed instructions for editing a set or surface:
1. From the main menu bar, select Tools->Set->Edit->set of your choice or
Tools->Surface->Edit->surface of your choice.
Note: You can also click Edit in the Set Manager or in the Surface Manager after selecting
the name of the set or surface of interest.
The set or surface becomes highlighted in the viewport.
2. In the viewport, reselect objects to include in the set or surface. Use [Shift]+Click and
[Ctrl]+Click to change which objects are selected in the viewport.
Tip: You can limit the types of objects that you can select in the viewport by clicking the


The Set and Surface toolsets

selection options tool

in the prompt area and then clicking the options of your choice in
the dialog box that appears. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the
When you are finished selecting objects, click mouse button 2.
3. If necessary, specify the side or end of the regions that you want to include in the surface and then
click mouse button 2. (For more information, see ``Specifying a particular side or end of a region,''
Section 45.2.5.)

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3
Chapter 9, "Selecting objects within the viewport"

45.3.5 Associating objects (such as loads and sections) with

sets and surfaces
When you apply or assign an object such as a section or load to a region, you can choose between
selecting the region directly from the viewport or using an existing set or surface that you have created
with the Set or Surface toolsets. If you choose to use an existing set or surface, the Region Selection
dialog box appears. This dialog box contains a list of the sets or surfaces that are appropriate for the
object you are applying.
Detailed instructions for selecting an existing set or surface:
1. In the prompt area, click the button labeled either Sets or Surfaces. (The label of the button
varies depending on the type of object you are defining; for example, if you are defining a pressure
load, the button is labeled Surfaces).
The Region Selection dialog box appears.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
2. In the Region Selection dialog box, select the region of your choice.
3. Toggle Highlight selections in viewport as desired.
If Highlight selections in viewport is toggled on, the region that you selected becomes
highlighted in the viewport.
4. Click Continue to close the dialog box and continue to the next step of the procedure.


The Set and Surface toolsets

For information on related topics, click the following item:

``Using the Set and Surface toolsets,'' Section 45.3


Customizing geometry and mesh display

Part VII: Customizing geometry and mesh display

This part explains how you can customize your geometry and mesh display. Some of the options apply
throughout ABAQUS/CAE, while others are module-specific. The Visualization module has its own
set of options to customize plot appearance. For more information on using the Visualization module,
see Part V, "Viewing results."


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

46. Selecting geometry and mesh display options

This chapter explains how you can customize your geometry and mesh display. The Visualization
module has its own set of options to customize model appearance. For more information on using the
Visualization module, see Part V, "Viewing results."
The following topics are covered:
``Overview of geometry and mesh display options,'' Section 46.1
``Choosing a render style,'' Section 46.2
``Controlling edge visibility,'' Section 46.3
``Controlling curve refinement,'' Section 46.4
``Defining mesh feature edges,'' Section 46.5
``Controlling datum display,'' Section 46.6
``Customizing mesh display,'' Section 46.7
``Controlling the display of loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions, '' Section 46.8
``Controlling instance visibility,'' Section 46.9

46.1 Overview of geometry and mesh display options

Depending on the module you are using, ABAQUS/CAE presents you with one of the following menu
selections to customize geometry and mesh display:
View->Part Display Options

In geometry-related modules you can use this menu item to control your geometry render style,
edge visibility, curve refinement, element and node labels, and the visibility of the various
types of datum geometry.
View->Assembly Display Options

In assembly-related modules you can use this menu item to control your assembly render style,
edge visibility, and the visibility of the various types of datum geometry. You can also use it to
control the display of the mesh, element and node labels, part instances, loads, boundary
conditions, and initial conditions in those same assembly-related modules.
View->ODB Display Options

This menu item is applicable only to the Visualization module. For more information, see
Chapter 37, "Customizing model display."

46.2 Choosing a render style


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

Render style is the style in which ABAQUS displays your model. You can use the View->Part Display
Options and View->Assembly Display Options menu items to display your model in one of three
render styles: wireframe, hidden, or shaded; these styles are shown in Figure 46-1. An explanation of
these choices follows.

Figure 46-1 Model showing render style options. From left to right: the wireframe, hidden, and
lightsource-shaded render styles.

Displays model edges; both interior and exterior edges are potentially visible. Wireframe plots
produce a frame-like visual effect in which model faces are not displayed. Wireframe is the
most rapidly drawn render style.
Displays a wireframe plot in which edges obscured by the model are either not shown or are
shown as dotted lines, depending on which option you select. (For more information on this
option, see ``Controlling edge visibility,'' Section 46.3.) Hidden plots produce a solid rather
than frame-like appearance.
Displays a filled plot in which a light source appears to be directed at the model. Shaded plots
produce a highly three-dimensional visual effect.
Detailed instructions for controlling render style:
1. Locate the Render Style options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display
Options. In the dialog box that appears, click the General tab. The General form becomes
available; the Render Style options are across the top of the form.
2. Click Wireframe, Hidden, or Shaded to select the style that you want.
Tip: You can also select the render style using the Wireframe


, Hidden

, and

Selecting geometry and mesh display options


icons located in the toolbar.

3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.

ABAQUS/CAE renders the display in the selected style, and your changes are saved for the
duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"
``Choosing a render style,'' Section 37.2.1

46.3 Controlling edge visibility

Using the View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display Options menu items, you can
control the visibility of the following:
Geometry edges
If a part or part instance is displayed with the hidden render style, ABAQUS/CAE suppresses
obscured geometry edges by default. Alternatively, if you toggle on the Show dotted lines in
hidden render style option, ABAQUS/CAE displays the obscured edges using a dotted line
If a part or part instance is displayed with the shaded render style, ABAQUS/CAE displays the
edges by default. Alternatively, if you toggle off the Show edges in shaded render style
option, ABAQUS/CAE suppresses edge display.
If a three-dimensional part or part instance contains faces with curved edges, by default
ABAQUS/CAE displays gray ``silhouette'' edges originating from the faces, as shown in the
hidden-line plot in Figure 46-2. Unlike true edges, silhouette edges serve only as a visual aid;
for example, you cannot select or partition a silhouette edge.

Figure 46-2 Hidden-line plot showing silhouette edges.

Alternatively, if you toggle off the Show silhouette edges option, ABAQUS/CAE displays


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

only true edges.

ABAQUS/CAE displays a curved part using a faceted representation of the part, and you use
the Curve refinement option to specify the degree of faceting. For more information, see
``Controlling curve refinement,'' Section 46.4.
Mesh edges
For mesh edges within a meshed part or a part imported from an output database, the visibility
options are:
Displays all element edges. To see element edges on the interior of the model, you
must also set the render style to wireframe.
Displays only edges on the exterior of the model.
Displays only edges on the exterior of the model that are calculated to be feature
edges. Feature edges lie between elements that have normals that differ by more than
the ``feature angle.'' For more information on controlling the feature angle, see
``Defining mesh feature edges,'' Section 46.5.
Displays only edges that belong to a single element. Free edge display is particularly
useful for locating potential holes or cracks in your mesh.
These options are shown in Figure 46-2.

Figure 46-3 Model showing mesh edge display options.

If a mesh is displayed with the shaded render style, ABAQUS/CAE displays the edges by
default. Alternatively, if you toggle off the Show edges in shaded render style option,
ABAQUS/CAE suppresses edge display.
With the exception of showing hidden geometry edges as dotted lines, you cannot control the line
style, color, or thickness of edges.
Detailed instructions for controlling edge visibility:


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

1. Locate the Visible Edges options.

From the main menu bar, select View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display
Options. In the dialog box that appears, click the General tab.
2. Select the desired geometry edge settings.
3. Select the desired mesh edge settings.
4. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.
5. Click Defaults to restore the default edge visibility settings.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Defining mesh feature edges,'' Section 46.5
``Choosing a render style,'' Section 46.2
Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"

46.4 Controlling curve refinement

ABAQUS/CAE uses a faceted representation of a curved face or a curved edge when displaying a part
or part instance. When you are working in the Part module, you can use the Curve refinement option
from the Part Display Options dialog box to specify the degree of this faceting applied to the current
part. You can select one of five faceting levels between extra coarse and extra fine. Set the refinement
to Extra Coarse to speed up display of a large model. Set the refinement to Extra Fine if you want to
create a very accurate display for printing. ABAQUS/CAE applies the curve refinement setting only to
the part in the current viewport.
In addition, ABAQUS/CAE uses the faceted representation of a part instance in the Assembly module
when determining contact between part instances. You use the Curve refinement option to control the
accuracy of this contact computation.
Detailed instructions for controlling curve refinement:
1. Locate the Visible Edges options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display
Options. In the dialog box that appears, click the General tab.
2. Select the desired curve refinement setting.
3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

ABAQUS/CAE applies the curve refinement setting only to the part in the current viewport.
4. Click Defaults to restore the default curve refinement setting.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

46.5 Defining mesh feature edges

You can specify that only the feature edges of a meshed part are visible, as described in ``Controlling
edge visibility,'' Section 46.3. You use feature edges to mask the detail provided by a mesh; feature
edges are typically the physical edges of the part being meshed and do not include all the additional
element edges. Figure 46-3 shows a meshed part displayed at three different feature angles--0, 5, and

Figure 46-4 Plots showing feature angles of 0, 5, and 20.

Feature edges are defined as adjacent edges with normals that differ by more than the " feature angle."
You can customize the feature angle when you select Feature mesh edge visibility. Larger angles will
reduce the number of feature edges; conversely, smaller angles will cause more edges to be visible.
The default mesh feature angle is 20.
Detailed instructions for setting a mesh feature angle:
1. Locate the feature angle option.
From the main menu bar, select View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display
Options. In the dialog box that appears, click the General tab.
2. From the bottom of the dialog box, select Feature from the list of mesh edges to show.
ABAQUS/CAE displays an Angle data field to the right of Feature.
3. Click the Angle data entry field, and enter the desired feature angle.
4. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

``Controlling edge visibility,'' Section 46.3
Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"

46.6 Controlling datum display

You can use the View->Part Display Options and the View->Assembly Display Options menu
items to control the display of datum geometry in parts and the assembly in the current viewport. You
can control the display of each of the datum types--points, axes, planes, and coordinate systems.
Datum geometry that you choose not to display, although invisible, is still a feature of the part or
assembly. For more information on datum geometry, see Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset."
Datum geometry created on parts can be distracting when you are assembling instances of the part;
turning off the display of datum geometry can result in a clearer display of the assembly. Similarly,
turning off the display of datum geometry is useful for generating a clean printed image of a part or
Detailed instructions for controlling datum display:
1. Locate the Datum display options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display
Options. Click the Datum tab in the dialog box that appears.
2. Toggle the appropriate buttons to control the display of:
Datum points
Datum axes
Datum planes
Datum coordinate systems
3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes apply only to the current viewport and are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

46.7 Customizing mesh display

You can use the View->Part Display Options and the View->Assembly Display Options menu
items to specify whether or not node and element labels are displayed on an orphan mesh part or a
meshed assembly. Using the View->Assembly Display Options menu item you can also choose to
display or suppress your native mesh and, if displayed, to do so only in the Mesh module or in all
assembly-related modules.
Detailed instructions for customizing mesh display:
1. Locate the mesh display options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Part Display Options or View->Assembly Display
Options. In the dialog box that appears, click the Mesh tab.
2. Toggle Show native mesh to display or suppress the native mesh. When Show native mesh is
on, native mesh display options become available. Do one of the following:
Choose Mesh module only to display your native mesh only in the Mesh module.
Choose All assembly-related modules to display your native mesh in all modules that
support the display of the assembly.
3. Toggle Show node labels and Show element labels to affect the display of these items.
4. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"

46.8 Controlling the display of loads, boundary conditions, and

initial conditions
You can use the View->Assembly Display Options menu item to control the display of loads,
boundary conditions, and initial conditions in all assembly-related modules. For more information on
the symbols used to display loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions, see ``Understanding
symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5.
Detailed instructions for controlling the display of loads, boundary conditions, and initial
1. Locate the load, BC, or IC options.


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

From the main menu bar, select View->Assembly Display Options. The Assembly Display
Options dialog box appears. Click the Load, BC, or IC tab to control the display of loads,
boundary conditions, and initial conditions, respectively.
2. Toggle Show object of your choice (in current step).
When Show object of your choice (in current step) is toggled on:
a. Click Load/BC/IC module only to display the object only in the Load/BC/IC module.
b. Click All assembly-related modules to display the object in all modules that support the
display of the assembly.
When Show object of your choice (in current step) is toggled off, ABAQUS/CAE does not
display that object in any module.
3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items:

Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"
``Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, '' Section 19.5

46.9 Controlling instance visibility

You can use the View->Assembly Display Options menu item to control the display of part instances
in the current viewport. By default, ABAQUS/CAE displays all part instances included in the
assembly. You can turn the display of all instances on or off, or you can toggle the display of
individual instances. Part instances that you have suppressed cannot be made visible using this dialog
box; you must use the Feature Manipulation toolset instead. For more information, see Chapter 16,
"The Assembly module."
Detailed instructions for controlling instance visibility:
1. Locate the Instance display options.
From the main menu bar, select View->Assembly Display Options. Click the Instance tab in the
dialog box that appears. The Instance options become available; each part instance in the
assembly is listed.
2. To control instance visibility, do any of the following:
Click Set All On to make all (except suppressed) instances visible.
Click Set All Off to turn off the display of all instances.


Selecting geometry and mesh display options

Click individual instance names to toggle their appearance.

3. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.
Your changes apply only to the current viewport and are saved for the duration of the session.

For information on related topics, click the following item:

Chapter 46, "Selecting geometry and mesh display options"


Appendix A: Keyword support

This appendix contains a table you can use to determine whether a particular ABAQUS keyword's
functionality is supported by ABAQUS/CAE, and if so, which ABAQUS/CAE module embodies that
functionality. The table is contained in the following section:
``ABAQUS keyword browser table,'' Section A.1
You can also view this section by selecting Help->Keyword Browser from the main menu bar.
This appendix also describes the support from the ABAQUS/CAE input file reader for ABAQUS
keywords. The description is contained in the following section:
``Keyword support from the input file reader,'' Section A.2
The input file reader is described in ``Importing models from ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4.

A.1 ABAQUS keyword browser table

Use the following table to determine which ABAQUS/CAE module (or toolset) contains the
functionality associated with a particular ABAQUS keyword. To view documentation for the module
(or toolset), click the module (or toolset) name shown in the table.

Table A-1. Keyword browser table.




Define an adaptive mesh domain.

Step module


Specify motion of the mesh for

an adaptive mesh domain.



Specify controls for the adaptive

meshing and advection

Step module


Define an amplitude curve.

Amplitude toolset


Anneal the structure.

Step module


Define fluid variables for use in

loading immersed beam-type



Begin an assembly definition.

Assembly module


Define areas of integration for

contact elements used with
CAXAn or SAXAn elements.




Used to define the axial behavior

of beams.



Define the base motion for linear,

eigenmode-based, dynamic



Include baseline correction.

Amplitude toolset


Specify a beam section when

numerical integration over the
section is not required.

Property module


Specify a beam section when

numerical integration over the
section is required.

Property module


Used to provide equibiaxial test

data (compression and/or

Property module


Define bonds and bonding




Specify boundary conditions.



Define brittle cracking




Specify brittle failure criterion.



Define the postcracking shear

behavior of a material used with
the brittle cracking model.



Obtain eigenvalue buckling


Step module


Define a nondefault buckling

envelope for buckling strut
response of frame elements with
PIPE sections.



Define buckling length data for

buckling strut response of frame
elements with PIPE sections.



Define buckling reduction factors

for buckling strut response of




frame elements with PIPE



Modify bulk viscosity


Step module


Specify concentrated added mass

in a *FREQUENCY step.



Specify a cap creep law and

material properties.

Property module


Specify Drucker-Prager/Cap
plasticity hardening.

Property module


Specify the Modified

Drucker-Prager/Cap plasticity

Property module


Specify hardening in
compression for the gray cast
iron plasticity model.



Specify plastic material

properties for gray cast iron.



Specify hardening in tension for

the gray cast iron plasticity



Define a cavity for thermal




Specify concentrated electric

charges in piezoelectric analysis.



Specify concentrated current in

an electric conduction analysis.



Define the position of the

centroid of the beam section.



Define film coefficients and

associated sink temperatures at a



Specify concentrated fluxes in

heat transfer or mass diffusion



Change friction properties.




Specify hardening for the clay

plasticity model.

Property module


Specify the extended Cam-clay

plasticity model.

Property module


Specify a particular initial

clearance value and a contact
direction for the slave nodes on a



Specify concentrated forces and




Specify simultaneously the

normalized shear and bulk
compliances or relaxation moduli
as functions of time.

Property module


Define concrete properties

beyond the elastic range.

Property module


Specify thermal conductivity.

Property module


Begin the specification of a

connector behavior.



Define reference lengths and

angles to be used in specifying
connector constitutive behavior.



Define connector damping




Define connector elastic




Define a failure criterion for

connector elements.



Define friction forces and

moments in connector elements.



Specify loads for available

components of relative motion in
connector elements.



Define a locking criterion for

connector elements.



Specify the motion of available




components of relative motion in

connector elements.



Specify connector attributes for

connector elements.



Specify connector stops for

connector elements.



Specify additional controls for


Step module


Define viscous damping between

contacting surfaces.



Define results file requests for

contact variables.

Not applicable


Prescribe time-dependent
allowable interferences of contact
pairs and contact elements.



Assign nodes to a contact node




Specify contact variables to be

written to the output database.

Step module


Define surfaces that contact each




Define print requests for contact


Step module


Define contact responses for

design sensitivity analysis.



Provide contour integral




Reset solution controls.



Define cross-correlation
properties for random response



Fully coupled, simultaneous heat

transfer and stress analysis.

Step module


Fully coupled, simultaneous heat

transfer and electrical analysis.

Step module



Specify radiation conditions.



Define a creep law.

Property module


Control loadings based on the

maximum equivalent creep strain



Specify cycled yield stress data

for the *ORNL model.

Property module


Define cyclic symmetry for a

cavity radiation heat transfer



Specify the size of the elastic

range for the combined hardening



Define the number of sectors and

the axis of symmetry for a cyclic
symmetric structure.



Specify distributed added mass in

a *FREQUENCY step.



Specify material damping.

Property module


Define dashpot behavior.



Activate crack propagation

capability and specify debonding
amplitude curve.



Input distributed electric charges

for piezoelectric analysis.



Specify distributed current

densities in an electric
conduction analysis.



Specify the deformation plasticity


Property module


Specify material mass density.

Property module


Specify solution-dependent state


Property module


Directly specify design gradients

for design sensitivity analysis.




Specify design parameters with

respect to which sensitivities are



Specify responses for design

sensitivity analysis.



Define detonation points for a

JWL explosive equation of state.



Specify distributed seepage flows

for consolidation analysis.



Specify distributed fluxes in heat

transfer or mass diffusion



Control diagnostic messages.

Step module


Specify dielectric material


Property module


Specify mass diffusivity.

Property module


Specify nodes and weighting for

distributing coupling elements.



Specify distributed loads.



Specify parameters for drag chain




Specify the extended

Drucker-Prager plasticity model.

Property module


Specify a Drucker-Prager creep

law and material properties.

Property module


Specify hardening for

Drucker-Prager plasticity models.

Property module


Set DSA solution controls.



Input distributed electric surface

charges for piezoelectric



Specify distributed current

densities over a surface in an
electric conduction analysis.



Specify distributed seepage flows



normal to a surface.

Specify distributed surface fluxes

for heat transfer analysis.



Specify distributed surface loads.



Dynamic stress/displacement

Step module


Dynamic coupled thermal-stress

analysis using explicit

Step module


Define results file requests for

element variables.

Not applicable


Define data file requests for

element variables.

Not applicable


Specify elastic material


Property module


Create elements by copying from

an existing element set.

Not applicable


Specify electrical conductivity.

Property module


Define elements by giving their


Mesh module


Write element stiffness matrices

and mass matrices to a file.



Define output database requests

for element variables.

Step module


Define element responses for

design sensitivity analysis.



Incremental element generation.

Not applicable


Assign elements to an element


Set toolset


Specify surface emissivity.



End the definition of an


Assembly module


End the definition of an instance.

Assembly module



End the definition of a part.

Part module


End the preloading definition of a




End the definition of a step.

Step module


End a superelement definition.



Write energy output to the results


Not applicable


Define output database requests

for whole model or element set
energy data.

Step module


Print a summary of the total


Not applicable


Specify an equation of state




Specify shear behavior for an

equation of state material.



Define properties for

elastic-plastic joint elements.



Define linear multi-point




Specify thermal expansion.

Property module


Define element variables to be




Define nodal variables to be




Define element and nodal

variables to be monitored.



Define parameters for

strain-based failure measures.

Property module


Define parameters for

stress-based failure measures.

Property module


Define the shape of the failure

surface for a *CONCRETE

Property module


Specify predefined field variable




Specify format for results file

output and invoke zero-increment
results file output.

Not applicable


Define output written to the

results file.

Not applicable


Define film coefficients and

associated sink temperatures.



Define a film coefficient as a

function of temperature and field



Specify mass scaling at the

beginning of the step.

Step module


Define seepage coefficients and

associated sink pore pressures.



Define compressibility for a

hydraulic fluid.



Specify hydrostatic fluid density.



Specify the thermal expansion

coefficient for a hydraulic fluid.



Change the amount of fluid in a

fluid-filled cavity.



Define properties for fluid link




Define properties for hydrostatic

fluid elements.



Specify the crushable foam

plasticity model.

Property module


Specify hardening for the

crushable foam plasticity model.

Property module


Prescribe element foundations.



Specify crack propagation




Specify a frame section.




Extract natural frequencies and

modal vectors.

Step module


Specify a friction model.



Specify clearance and local

geometry for GAP-type elements.



Introduce heat conductance

between interface surfaces.



Specify electrical conductance

between surfaces.



Introduce heat generation due to

energy dissipation at the



Introduce heat radiation between




Begin the specification of a

gasket behavior.

Property module


Specify a gasket contact area or

contact width for average
pressure output.

Property module


Specify elastic properties for the

membrane and transverse shear
behaviors of a gasket.

Property module


Specify element properties for

gasket elements.

Property module


Specify a gasket
thickness-direction behavior.

Property module


Define a swelling gel.

Property module


Obtain a geostatic stress field.

Step module


Print a heading on the output.

Job module


Specify a point capacitance.

Property module


Include volumetric heat

generation in heat transfer

Property module


Transient or steady-state

Step module


uncoupled heat transfer analysis.


Specify nondefault hourglass




Specify elastic properties for

approximately incompressible

Property module


Specify elastic properties for a

hyperelastic foam.

Property module


Specify hypoelastic material


Property module


Specify a rate-dependent
elastomer model.



Define impedances for acoustic




Define the impedance parameters

for an acoustic medium



Introduce geometric
imperfections for postbuckling



Import information from a

previous ABAQUS/Explicit or
ABAQUS/Standard analysis.



Specify tolerances used in

importing model and results data.



Import element set definitions

from a previous
ABAQUS/Explicit or
ABAQUS/Standard analysis.



Import node set definitions from

a previous ABAQUS/Explicit or
ABAQUS/Standard analysis.



Reference an external file

containing ABAQUS input data.

Not applicable


Define output database requests

for time incrementation data.

Step module


Define the fraction of the rate of

Property module



inelastic dissipation that appears

as a heat source.


Specify initial conditions for the




Begin an instance definition.

Assembly module


Define properties for contact


Not applicable


Define properties for ITS




Define properties for JOINTC




Specify elastic properties for

elastic-plastic joint elements.



Specify plastic properties for

elastic-plastic joint elements.



Specify the jointed material




Define the fraction of electric

energy released as heat.

Property module


Specify the material parameters

s and p for mass diffusion
driven by gradients of
temperature and equivalent
pressure stress, respectively.

Property module


Constrain all or specific degrees

of freedom of a set of nodes to
the rigid body motion of a
reference node.



Specify latent heats.

Property module


Map a solution from an old mesh

to a new mesh.



Specify a point mass.

Property module


Transient or steady-state
uncoupled mass diffusion

Step module


Specify fluid mass flow rate in a



heat transfer analysis.


Begin the definition of a


Property module


Read in the stiffness or mass

matrix for a linear user element.



Specify section properties for

membrane elements.

Property module


Specify damping for modal

dynamic analysis.

Step module


Dynamic time history analysis

using modal superposition.

Step module


Write generalized coordinate

(modal amplitude) data to the
results file during a linear
dynamic procedure.

Not applicable


Write generalized coordinate

(modal amplitude) data to the
output database during a linear
dynamic procedure.

Step module


Print generalized coordinate

(modal amplitude) data during a
linear dynamic procedure.

Not applicable


Remove or reactivate elements

and contact pairs.



Specify the Mohr-Coulomb

plasticity model.



Specify hardening for the

Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model.



Define moisture-driven swelling.

Property module


Define a degree of freedom to


Step module


Specify motions as a predefined




Define multi-point constraints.



Used to define the first bending



moment behavior of beams.


Used to define the second

bending moment behavior of



Create nodes by copying.

Not applicable


Fill in nodes in a region.

Not applicable


Generate incremental nodes.

Not applicable


Map nodes from one coordinate

system to another.

Not applicable


Introduce a compressive failure

theory (tension only materials).



Introduce a tension failure theory

(compression only material).



Define shell or membrane

thickness at nodes.



Specify nodal coordinates.

Mesh module


Define results file requests for

nodal data.

Not applicable


Define output database requests

for nodal data.

Step module


Define print requests for nodal


Not applicable


Define nodal responses for

design sensitivity analysis.



Specify a particular normal




Assign nodes to a node set.

Set toolset


Define a local axis system for

material or element property
definition or for kinematic
coupling constraints.

Property module


Specify constitutive model

developed by Oak Ridge
National Laboratory.

Property module


Define output requests to the

Step module


output database.

Define parameters for input




Define dependence table for

tabularly dependent parameters.



Define parametric shape




Begin a part definition.

Part module


Define periodic symmetry for a

cavity radiation heat transfer



Define permeability for pore fluid


Property module


Specify physical constants.



Specify piezoelectric material


Property module


Specify element properties for

pipe-soil interaction elements.



Define constitutive behavior for

pipe-soil interaction elements.



Used to provide planar test (or

pure shear) data (compression
and/or tension).

Property module


Specify a metal plasticity model.

Property module


Define plastic axial force for

frame elements.



Define the first plastic bending

moment behavior for frame



Define the second plastic bending

moment behavior for frame



Define the plastic torsional

moment behavior for frame




Define bulk moduli for soils and


Property module


Specify elastic material

properties for porous materials.

Property module


Define porous material failure

criteria for a *POROUS METAL

Property module


Specify a porous metal plasticity


Property module


Postprocess for output from the

restart file.

Not applicable


Define an anisotropic yield/creep


Property module


Begin the preloading definition

of a superelement.



Select printout for the solver

input file processor.

Job module


Specify pressure penetration

loads with surface-based contact.



Specify equivalent pressure stress

as a predefined field for a mass
diffusion analysis.



Keep rebar prestress constant

during initial equilibrium



Associate a pre-tension node

with a pre-tension section.



Request or suppress output to the

message file in an
ABAQUS/Standard analysis or to
the status file in an
ABAQUS/Explicit analysis.

Step module


Define a cross-spectral density

frequency function for random
response loading.



Specify radiation conditions in

heat transfer analyses.




Define results file requests for

cavity radiation heat transfer.

Not applicable


Define output database requests

for cavity radiation variables.

Step module


Define print requests for cavity

radiation heat transfer.

Not applicable


Define cavity symmetries for

radiation heat transfer analysis.



Control cavity radiation and

viewfactor calculations.



Calculate response to random


Step module


Define a rate-dependent
viscoplastic model.

Property module


Define anisotropic swelling.

Property module


Define reinforcing in elements.



Define reflection symmetries for

a cavity radiation heat transfer



Release rotational degrees of

freedom at one or both ends of a
beam element.



Calculate the response based on

user-supplied response spectra.

Step module


Save and reuse data and analysis


Step module


Specify the degrees of freedom

that are to be retained as external
to a superelement.



Define a set of elements as a rigid

body and define rigid element

Part module


Define an analytical rigid surface.

Part module


Define rigid body rotary inertia.

Property module


Specify section controls.

Mesh module



Define results file requests of

accumulated quantities on
user-defined surface sections.

Not applicable


Used to locate points in the beam

section for which axial stress and
axial strain output are required.



Define print requests of

accumulated quantities on
user-defined surface sections.

Not applicable


Specify the cyclic symmetry

modes in an eigenvalue analysis
of a cyclic symmetric structure.

Step module


Select the eigenmodes to be used

in a modal dynamic analysis.



Define film coefficients and

associated sink temperatures over
a surface for heat transfer



Define seepage coefficients and

associated sink pore pressures
normal to a surface.



Used to define the position of the

shear center of a beam section.



Specify a shear failure model and


Property module


Define the reduction of the shear

modulus associated with crack
surfaces in a *CONCRETE
model as a function of the tensile
strain across the crack.

Property module


Specify the normalized shear

creep compliance or relaxation
modulus as a function of time.

Property module


Define a general, arbitrary, elastic

shell section.

Property module


Specify a shell cross-section.

Property module


Define impedances of acoustic




Used to provide simple shear test


Property module


Specify slide line surfaces on

which deformable structures may

Not applicable


Apply loads to a superelement.



Begin the definition of a

superelement load case.



Effective stress analysis for

fluid-filled porous media.

Step module


Specify element properties for

solid, infinite, and truss

Property module


Specify solubility.

Property module


Specify alternative solution


Step module


Define properties for USI SOR




Define absorption and exsorption




Define specific heat.

Property module


Define a response spectrum.



Define spring behavior.



Specify surface radiation

conditions in heat transfer



Static stress/displacement

Step module


Steady-state dynamic response

based on harmonic excitation.

Step module


Specify steady-state criteria for

terminating a quasi-static
uni-directional simulation.

Step module


Specify steady-state requirements

Step module



for terminating a quasi-static

uni-directional simulation.


Steady-state transport analysis.



Begin a step.

Step module


Specify driven boundary nodes in

submodeling analysis.



Begin a



Copy a superelement definition

from one library to another.



Remove a superelement from the

superelement library.



List information about the

superelements on a superelement



Generate a reduced mass matrix

for a superelement.



Write a superelement's reduced

stiffness matrix, mass matrix, and
load case vectors to a file.



Move inside a substructure to

obtain output or return back up
from within a previously entered



Translate, rotate, and/or reflect




Define a surface or region in a


Surface toolset


Define alternative
relationships for contact.



Define a surface or a region in a


Surface toolset


Define geometry of surface flaws.




Define surface interaction




Define surface properties for

cavity radiation.



Specify time-dependent
volumetric swelling.

Property module


Create a three-dimensional model

from an axisymmetric or partial
three-dimensional model.



Import results from an

axisymmetric or partial
three-dimensional analysis.



Specify a local coordinate system

in which to define nodes.

Not applicable


Specify temperature as a
predefined field.



Specify a tensile failure model

and criterion.

Property module


Define the retained tensile stress

normal to a crack in a
*CONCRETE model.

Property module


Used to define the thermal

expansion behavior of beams.



Define surface-based tie




Used to define the torsional

behavior of beams.



Print a summary of the total

torque that can be transmitted
across axisymmetric slide lines.



Define tracer particles for

tracking the location of and
results at material points during a



Specify a local coordinate system

at nodes.



Specify angular transport






Define transverse shear stiffness

for beams and shells.



Used to provide triaxial test


Property module


Used to define temperature-time

shift for time history viscoelastic

Property module


Define property values to be used

with a user element type.



Used to provide uniaxial test data

(compression and/or tension).

Property module



Generate the fluid mass matrix

for underwater shock analysis.



Define fluid variables for use in

underwater shock loading of
immersed structures.



Specify incident pressure




Redefine field variables at a

material point.

Property module


Introduce a user-defined element




Define material constants for use

in subroutine UMAT, UMATHT, or

Property module


Specify number of user variables.

Property module


Specify mass scaling during the


Step module


Write radiation viewfactors to the

results file in cavity radiation
heat transfer analysis.



Transient, static,
stress/displacement analysis with
time-dependent material response
(creep, swelling, and

Step module



Specify dissipative behavior for

use with elasticity.

Property module


Define the nucleation of voids in

a porous material.

Property module


Provide volumetric test data.

Property module


Define gravity waves for use in

immersed structure calculations.



Minimize the wavefront for the

frontal solver.

Not applicable


Define wind velocity profile for

wind loading.


A.2 Keyword support from the input file reader

*ACOUSTIC MEDIUM: Not supported
*AQUA: Not supported
*AXIAL: Not supported
*BASE MOTION: Not supported



*BIAXIAL TEST DATA (No parameters)
*BOND: Not supported
*BRITTLE CRACKING: Not supported
*BRITTLE FAILURE: Not supported
*BRITTLE SHEAR: Not supported
*BUCKLING LENGTH: Not supported
*BULK VISCOSITY (No parameters)
*C ADDED MASS: Not supported
DEPENDENCIES, LAW (All values except:


*CECHARGE: Not supported
*CECURRENT: Not supported
*CENTROID (No parameters)
*CFILM: Not supported
*CFLUX: Not supported





*CLEARANCE: Not supported
*CONNECTOR LOAD: Not supported
*CONNECTOR LOCK: Not supported
*CONNECTOR MOTION: Not supported
*CONNECTOR STOP: Not supported
*CONTACT CONTROLS: Not supported
*CONTACT FILE: Not supported
*CONTACT NODE SET: Not supported



*CONTACT PRINT: Not supported
*CONTACT RESPONSE: Not supported
*CONTOUR INTEGRAL: Not supported
*CONTROLS: Not supported
*CORRELATION: Not supported
*CRADIATE: Not supported
DEPENDENCIES, LAW (All values except:



*CYCLED PLASTIC (No parameters)
*CYCLIC: Not supported
*D ADDED MASS: Not supported
*DASHPOT: Not supported
*DEBOND: Not supported
*DECHARGE: Not supported
*DECURRENT: Not supported
*DESIGN GRADIENT: Not supported
*DESIGN PARAMETER: Not supported
*DESIGN RESPONSE: Not supported


*DESIGN VALUE: Not supported

*DESIGN VARIATION: Not supported
*DETONATION POINT: Not supported
*DFLOW: Not supported
*DFLUX: Not supported
*DIAGNOSTICS: Not supported
*DRAG CHAIN: Not supported
DEPENDENCIES, LAW (All values except:



*DSA CONTROLS: Not supported
*DSECHARGE: Not supported
*DSECURRENT: Not supported
*DSFLOW: Not supported
*DSFLUX: Not supported
*EL FILE: Not supported
*EL HISTORY: Not supported
*EL PRINT: Not supported


*ELCOPY: Not supported
*ELEMENT RESPONSE: Not supported
*EMISSIVITY: Not supported
*END ASSEMBLY (No parameters)
*END INSTANCE (No parameters)
*END PART (No parameters)
*END PRELOAD: Not supported
*END STEP (No parameters)
*END SUPER: Not supported
*ENERGY FILE: Not supported
*ENERGY HISTORY: Not supported
*ENERGY OUTPUT (No parameters)
*ENERGY PRINT: Not supported
*EOS: Not supported
*EOS SHEAR: Not supported
*EPJOINT: Not supported
*EQUATION: Not supported
*EXTREME NODE VALUE: Not supported


*EXTREME VALUE: Not supported

*FIELD: Not supported
*FILE FORMAT: Not supported
*FILE OUTPUT: Not supported
*FILM: Not supported
*FILM PROPERTY: Not supported
*FLOW: Not supported
*FLUID BULK MODULUS: Not supported
*FLUID DENSITY: Not supported
*FLUID EXPANSION: Not supported
*FLUID FLUX: Not supported
*FLUID LINK: Not supported
*FLUID PROPERTY: Not supported
*FOUNDATION (No parameters)
*FRAME SECTION: Not supported
*GAP: Not supported


*GAP FLOW: Not supported
*GAP HEAT GENERATION (No parameters)
*GAP RADIATION (No parameters)
*GEL (No parameters)
*GEOSTATIC (No parameters)
*HEADING (No parameters)
*HEAT GENERATION (No parameters)
*HEATCAP: Not supported
*HISTORY OUTPUT: Not supported
*HYSTERESIS: Not supported


*IMPEDANCE: Not supported

*IMPERFECTION: Not supported
*IMPORT: Not supported
*IMPORT CONTROLS: Not supported
*IMPORT ELSET: Not supported
*IMPORT NSET: Not supported
*INCLUDE (No parameters)
*INTERFACE: Not supported
*ITS: Not supported
*JOINT: Not supported
*JOINT ELASTICITY: Not supported
*JOINT PLASTICITY: Not supported
*JOINTED MATERIAL: Not supported
*JOULE HEAT FRACTION (No parameters)
DEPENDENCIES, TYPE (All values except: PRESS)
*LATENT HEAT (No parameters)
*M1: Not supported
*M2: Not supported
*MAP SOLUTION: Not supported
*MASS: Not supported


*MASS FLOW RATE: Not supported

*MATRIX: Not supported
*MODAL DAMPING: Not supported
*MODAL DYNAMIC: Not supported
*MODAL FILE: Not supported
*MODAL OUTPUT (No parameters)
*MODAL PRINT: Not supported
ADD, REMOVE, TYPE (All values except:


*MOHR COULOMB: Not supported

*MOISTURE SWELLING (No parameters)
*MOTION: Not supported
*MPC: Not supported
*NCOPY: Not supported
*NMAP: Not supported
*NO COMPRESSION: Not supported
*NO TENSION: Not supported
*NODAL THICKNESS: Not supported
*NODE FILE: Not supported
*NODE HISTORY: Not supported


*NODE PRINT: Not supported

*NODE RESPONSE: Not supported
*NORMAL: Not supported
*ORIENTATION: Not supported
*PARAMETER: Not supported
*PERIODIC: Not supported
*PLANAR TEST DATA (No parameters)
*PLASTIC AXIAL: Not supported
*PLASTIC M1: Not supported
*PLASTIC M2: Not supported
*PLASTIC TORQUE: Not supported
*POROUS BULK MODULI (No parameters)




*POST OUTPUT: Not supported
*PRELOAD HISTORY: Not supported
*PREPRINT (No parameters)
*PRESSURE STRESS: Not supported
*PRESTRESS HOLD: Not supported
*PSD-DEFINITION: Not supported
*RADIATE: Not supported
*RADIATION FILE: Not supported
*RADIATION OUTPUT (No parameters)
*RADIATION PRINT: Not supported
*RANDOM RESPONSE: Not supported
*REBAR: Not supported
*REFLECTION: Not supported
*RELEASE: Not supported
*RETAINED DOFS: Not supported


TYPE (All values except:


*ROTARY INERTIA: Not supported

*SECTION CONTROLS: Not supported
*SECTION FILE: Not supported
*SECTION POINTS (No parameters)
*SECTION PRINT: Not supported
*SFILM: Not supported
*SFLOW: Not supported
*SHEAR CENTER (No parameters)
*SHEAR FAILURE: Not supported
*SIMPEDANCE: Not supported
*SLIDE LINE: Not supported
*SLIDE PLANE: Not supported
*SLOAD: Not supported
*SLOAD CASE: Not supported


TYPE (All values except:


*SOR PROPERTIES: Not supported

*SORPTION: Not supported
*SPECTRUM: Not supported
*SPHEX: Not supported
*SPRING: Not supported
*SRADIATE: Not supported
*SUBMODEL: Not supported
*SUPER: Not supported
*SUPER COPY: Not supported
*SUPER DELETE: Not supported
*SUPER DIRECTORY: Not supported
*SUPER MASS: Not supported
*SUPER PATH: Not supported
*SUPER PROPERTY: Not supported
NAME, TYPE (All values except:



*SURFACE FLAW: Not supported


*SURFACE PROPERTY (No parameters)
DEPENDENCIES, LAW (All values except:



*SYSTEM (No parameters)
*TEMPERATURE: Not supported
*TENSILE FAILURE: Not supported
*TIE: Not supported
*TORQUE: Not supported
*TORQUE PRINT: Not supported
*TRACER PARTICLE: Not supported
*TRANSFORM: Not supported
A, B, PT
DEFINITION (All values except:


*UEL PROPERTY: Not supported

*UNIAXIAL TEST DATA (No parameters)
*USER DEFINED FIELD (No parameters)
*USER ELEMENT: Not supported



*USER SUBROUTINES: Not supported
*WAVE: Not supported
*WIND: Not supported


Appendix B: Visualization module limitations

This section lists output variables not supported by the Visualization module.

B.1 Unsupported variables

Table B-1 and Table B-2 list the variables that are not supported by the Visualization module or the
output database.

Table B-1. Unsupported ABAQUS/Standard variables.

Current values of distributed electrical charges.
Number of cracks at a concrete material point.
Unit normal to cracks in concrete.
Average contact pressure for link and three-dimensional line
gasket elements.
Flags for connector stop and connector lock status.
DG, DGij
Deformation gradient.
DGP, DGPn Principal stretches.
Total "artificial" strain energy density.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume by creep, swelling, and
Total electrostatic energy density.
Current values of distributed electrical currents.
Kinetic energy density.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume by rate-independent
and rate-dependent plastic deformation.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume resulting from static
Total elastic strain energy density.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume by viscous effects.
Current values of *FILM conditions.
Current values of distributed (heat or concentration) fluxes.
Current values of foundation pressures.
Current values of distributed loads.
Maximum axial stress on a section.
Total fluid pressures at the centroid of a USI element.
Current values of *RADIATE.
Angle in degrees between rebar and isoparametric direction.
Force in rebar.
Change in angle between rebar and isoparametric direction.
Strain jumps at nodes. (Use the contour averaging options to
obtain this variable.)
Area of the defined section.
Center of the total force in the section.
Total mass flow across the section.



Total current across the section.

Total force in the section.
Total heat flux across the section.
Total moment in the section.
Total pore fluid volume flux across the section.
Substresses for ITS elements.
Average shell section stress component n.
Total pore fluid volume flux leaving the slave surface.
Time integrated TPFL.

Table B-2. Unsupported ABAQUS/Explicit variables.

Azzi-Tsai-Hill theory failure measure.
BONDSTA Spot weld bond status for nodes.
BONDLOA Spot weld bond load for nodes.
CKE, CKEij Cracking strain in global directions.
Cracking strain magnitude.
Cracking strain in local crack directions.
Cracking stress in local crack directions.
Crack status of each crack.
Crack orientations.
Percent change in mass of model due to mass scaling.
Total "artificial" strain energy density.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume by viscoelasticity.
Internal heat energy density.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume by rate-independent
and rate-dependent plastic deformation.
Total elastic strain energy density.
Total energy dissipated per unit volume by viscous effects.
Maximum strain theory failure measure.
Maximum stress theory failure measure.
Angle in degrees between rebar and isoparametric direction.
Change in angle between rebar and isoparametric direction.
Average membrane or transverse shear stress component n.
Tsai-Hill theory failure measure.
Tsai-Wu theory failure measure.


Appendix C: Transitioning to the Visualization

module from ABAQUS/Post
This section compares the functionality of the Visualization module with that of ABAQUS/Post. For
each ABAQUS/Post command the related functionality within the Visualization module is discussed.
The following topics are covered:
``General differences between the Visualization module and ABAQUS/Post,'' Section C.1
``Visualization module functionality corresponding to each top-level ABAQUS/Post command,''
Section C.2
``Visualization module functionality corresponding to each ABAQUS/Post SET/SHOW
parameter,'' Section C.3

C.1 General differences between the Visualization module and

The most notable difference between the Visualization module and ABAQUS/Post is the way that you
interact with the product. In ABAQUS/Post you display your model and results by entering
alphanumeric commands using the keyboard. In the Visualization module you display your model and
results primarily by using the mouse to select icons and menu items and to configure dialog boxes.
ABAQUS/Post offers top-level commands such as *DRAW and *CONTOUR, and you customize
plots using the various parameters of the *SET command. Options you set, such as choosing the filled
render style, are in effect for all subsequent plots. In contrast, the Visualization module provides plot
mode-dependent customization options; you can choose, for example, a separate render style for
contour, deformed, symbol, and undeformed plots.
The default appearance of your model differs slightly between the Visualization module and
ABAQUS/Post. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, in the Visualization module:
Perspective is on.
Edge visibility is limited to feature edges.
Three-dimensional models appear by default in an isometric view.
All model plots (including undeformed) show title and state information.
Wireframe render style can be used during cursor-controlled panning, zooming, and rotating.
You can customize these and other Visualization module display characteristics, emulating
ABAQUS/Post if you choose. In general, the Visualization module offers features and options
extending beyond those available in ABAQUS/Post; however, in some cases functionality supported
by ABAQUS/Post is not yet available in the Visualization module. A detailed comparison of
functionality is given in ``Visualization module functionality corresponding to each top-level


ABAQUS/Post command,'' Section C.2, and ``Visualization module functionality corresponding to

each ABAQUS/Post SET/SHOW parameter,'' Section C.3.

C.2 Visualization module functionality corresponding to each

top-level ABAQUS/Post command
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, use the Animate menu in the main
menu bar. Differences between *ANIMATE in ABAQUS/Post and animation in the
Visualization module are as follows:
The ABAQUS/Post *ANIMATE command plays back a series of captured images; the
images can be any combination of ABAQUS/Post plots. In contrast, the Visualization
module animation plays either a previously saved animation file or an automatically
generated sequence of deformed, contour, or symbol plot images. Automatically generated
sequences can show results varying over time or results varying by scale factor. You can
customize these images as they are generated, but you cannot capture arbitrary
combinations of plots.
In the Visualization module you can play more than one animation at once using multiple
In the Visualization module you can change customization options, and you can change
the viewpoint while an automatically generated sequence is playing.
To learn more about animation in the Visualization module, see Chapter 34, "Animating
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->BC. You cannot customize the display of boundary conditions in the Visualization
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Color Code.
Differences between the *COLOR SET command in ABAQUS/Post and color coding in the
Visualization module are as follows:
The Visualization module extends this feature to allow color coding based on results and
picking of elements directly from the viewport.
In ABAQUS/Post you can assign separate colors to selected nodes; the color is applied to
the node symbols. This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.


In ABAQUS/Post you can specify separate colors for each element face. This feature is
not supported in the Visualization module.
The ABAQUS/Post *COLOR SET command can be used to control the translucency of
element sets; in the Visualization module translucency is controlled using plot
mode-dependent options, and it applies to the overall model or, for contour plots, to
elements having no results.
To learn more about color coding in the Visualization module, see ``Coloring individual
elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
To produce a contour plot in the Visualization module, click Plot->Contour. To access the
functionality of the ABAQUS/Post *CONTOUR, RANGE feature, click Report->Field
Output. Differences between *CONTOUR in ABAQUS/Post and contour plotting in the
Visualization module are as follows:
In ABAQUS/Post contour values are determined using elements on the exterior surface of
the model only. In the Visualization module values from all elements in the active display
group are used to compute contours.
In ABAQUS/Post you have limited control over nodal averaging; the Visualization
module offers extensive nodal averaging options.
In ABAQUS/Post nodal averaged tensor invariants are computed from the nodal averaged
tensor components. In the Visualization module nodal averaged tensor invariants are
computed at the element level using the extrapolated tensor components, and the resulting
element-nodal invariants are averaged at the nodes. For more information on how the
Visualization module computes the invariants, see ``Understanding how results are
computed,'' Section 24.4.1.
In the Visualization module you can produce a contour plot of nodal discontinuities; this
feature is not available in ABAQUS/Post.
In ABAQUS/Post you can specify only one section point from which to read results for all
shells, beams, and layered solids included in the plot. In the Visualization module you can
specify a separate section point for each category of beam and shell included in the plot.
In ABAQUS/Post elements with no results are always displayed in white; in the
Visualization module you can choose the color of elements with no results, and you can
control their translucency.
In ABAQUS/Post when you have not set C MINIMUM or C MAXIMUM, causing
automatic computation of the minimum and maximum contour values, details of this


computation are not subject to your control; the Visualization module allows you to
control aspects of this computation.
In the Visualization module you can specify the color of the curves in a tick mark contour
plot; in ABAQUS/Post the curves in a tick mark contour plot are always displayed in
In the Visualization module tick marks are plotted in model space. In ABAQUS/Post they
are plotted in the plane of the screen.
In the Visualization module you can specify the normal direction in which tick mark
contour plot axes will be drawn on beam elements; this feature is not available in
For more information, see Chapter 27, "Contouring analysis results," and Chapter 35,
"Generating tabular data reports."
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module. However, X-Y data objects and
curves in X-Y graphs can be multiply selected from displays in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->XY Curve. For more
information, see ``Customizing X-Y curve appearance,'' Section 30.6.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->XY
Data->Create->Operate on XY Data->data object. Differences in this functionality are as
The Visualization module offers a more extensive set of operations than those in
In ABAQUS/Post you can apply only one operation per curve definition; in the
Visualization module you can combine multiple operations to define a new X-Y data
The behavior of those operations available in both the Visualization module and
ABAQUS/Post is the same with the exception of curve smoothing. In ABAQUS/Post for
*DEFINE CURVE, OPERATION=SMOOTH you specify the total number of data points
to be included in the moving average; in the Visualization module the smooth(X,I)
operation interprets the number you specify as the number of data points to include on
each side of the current point.


For more information, see ``Operating on saved X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.4.3.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->XY Data->Manager or
Tools->XY Data->Delete->data object. The Data Manager facilitates curve selection by
providing curve descriptions, including information about the origin of the data.
For more information, see ``Managing objects,'' Section 6.5.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group.
Differences between *DETAIL in ABAQUS/Post and display groups in the Visualization
module are as follows:
In ABAQUS/Post you cannot name the detail and, hence, cannot refer to it again in the
same session. The Visualization module allows you to name the display group, and you
can save it for future use in the current session.
An ABAQUS/Post detail includes all elements, nodes, and surfaces contained in the sets
referred to by the ELSET, NSET, and SURFACE parameters. You can vary the contents
of the detail by specifying different sets or, indirectly, by applying the equivalent of the
Boolean operators Remove and Add to existing sets. In contrast, the Visualization
module directly allows most Boolean operations when working with display groups,
including Intersect, Remove, Either, etc.
The Visualization module extends this feature to allow the creation of display groups
based on results and the picking of elements and nodes directly from the viewport.
In ABAQUS/Post if you open a new restart (.res) file, the detail settings associated
with the previous file are lost. However, in the Visualization module you can save display
groups for future use in the current session, and you can apply them to other output
database files as long as they are valid.
ABAQUS/Post supports the specification of a detail based on bounding model coordinate
values. This feature is not supported by the Visualization module.
To learn more about display groups in the Visualization module, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a
subset of your model."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->XY Data->Manager or
Tools->XY Data->Plot. The Data Manager facilitates curve selection by providing curve
descriptions, including information about the origin of the data.
To learn more about X-Y plotting in the Visualization module, see Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting."


To access functionality comparable to the ABAQUS/Post *DRAW command, click

Plot->Undeformed Shape . For more information, see Chapter 25, "Plotting the undeformed
shape." To access functionality comparable to the ABAQUS/Post *DRAW, DISPLACED
command, click Plot->Deformed Shape. For more information, see Chapter 26, "Plotting the
deformed shape." Differences in functionality are as follows:
By default, the ABAQUS/Post *DRAW, DISPLACED command superimposes the
undeformed and deformed shapes; the Visualization module superimposes the two shapes
only when you toggle on Superimpose Undeformed Plot in the Deformed Plot Options
dialog box.
The variable that will be used to produce the deformed shape is specified in
ABAQUS/Post as a parameter of the *DRAW command; in the Visualization module this
variable is specified separately, in the Field Output dialog box.
In the Visualization module you can choose separate customization options for normals on
undeformed and deformed model plots. For more information, see ``Displaying element
and surface normals,'' Section 37.7. (Separate customization is not available in
The ABAQUS/Post capability to draw section points through the thickness for layered
solid elements is not supported by the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group.
Differences between *ELSET in ABAQUS/Post and display groups in the Visualization
module are as follows:
ABAQUS/Post element sets can contain only elements; the Visualization module display
groups can contain any combination of elements, nodes, and surfaces.
The Visualization module extends this feature to allow the creation of display groups
based on results and the picking of elements directly from the viewport.
In ABAQUS/Post you can color element sets using the *COLOR SET command. In the
Visualization module you can color selected elements and element sets using
Tools->Color Code.
ABAQUS/Post element sets support only the add, remove, and delete operations. The
Visualization module display groups support numerous Boolean operations and can be
copied and renamed.
ABAQUS/Post element sets can be referenced by the *READ CURVE command to
specify X-Y data to be read. This feature is not supported by the Visualization module.
ABAQUS/Post element sets can be defined based on bounding model coordinate values.
This feature is not supported by the Visualization module.


To learn more about display groups in the Visualization module, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a
subset of your model."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click File->Exit.
For more information, see ``Exiting an ABAQUS/CAE session,'' Section 5.1.2.
This functionality is supported in the Visualization module by the Select Font dialog box,
which is available from every dialog box in which font specification is meaningful.
Differences between *FONT in ABAQUS/Post and font support in the Visualization module
are as follows:
ABAQUS/Post font specification applies only to the title text; the Visualization module
supports font specification for all screen text, including: model labels, legends, axes
labels, graph labels, title blocks, state blocks, and annotations.
ABAQUS/Post provides only two font choices; the Visualization module offers
system-dependent font customization options.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->XY Graph.
Differences between *GRAPH AXES in ABAQUS/Post and the XY Graph options in the
Visualization module are as follows:
In ABAQUS/Post you specify the interval between tick marks; the Visualization module
extends this feature, allowing you to alternatively specify the total number of tick marks.
In the Visualization module you can choose the format of the numeric axis labels. (This
feature is not available in ABAQUS/Post.)
In the Visualization module you can customize the thickness of the graph axes and grid
lines. (This feature is not available in ABAQUS/Post.)
In the Visualization module you can customize the font of each axis title. (This feature is
not available in ABAQUS/Post.)
For more information, see ``Customizing X-Y plot axes,'' Section 30.5.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. The Visualization module extends this functionality to include legend
font specification.
For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Help. The Visualization module
help consists of an extensive online ``electronic book'' that you can browse and search;
context-sensitive help is also available.
For more information, see ``Getting help,'' Section 5.6.
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group.
Differences between *NSET in ABAQUS/Post and display groups in the Visualization module
are as follows:
ABAQUS/Post node sets can contain only nodes; the Visualization module display groups
can contain any combination of elements, nodes, and surfaces.
The Visualization module extends this feature to allow the creation of display groups
based on results and the picking of nodes directly from the viewport.
ABAQUS/Post node sets support only the add operation. The Visualization module
display groups support numerous Boolean operations and can be copied and renamed.
ABAQUS/Post node sets can be referenced by the *READ CURVE command to specify
X-Y data to be read. This feature is not directly supported by the Visualization module;
however, multiple selection provides similar functionality.
ABAQUS/Post node sets can be referenced by the *COLOR SET command to assign a
display color to the node symbols. In the Visualization module nodes and node sets cannot
be assigned a display color.
To learn more about display groups in the Visualization module, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a
subset of your model."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, you first specify a path by clicking
Tools->Path and then obtain X-Y data along the path by clicking Tools->XY Data.
Differences between the *PATH command in ABAQUS/Post and the path tool in the
Visualization module are as follows:


In the Visualization module you can display the path itself.

The Visualization module automates the inclusion of nodal coordinates during path
The Visualization module provides options to control the averaging of field output results
along the path.
In ABAQUS/Post paths defined by points (straight paths) are limited to two points; in the
Visualization module point list paths can contain any number of points that need not form
a straight line.
For more information, see Chapter 32, "Viewing results along a path."
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Report->XY. In addition to the
ABAQUS/Post functionality, the Visualization module offers extensive options for value
formatting, table layout, results combination, and column tabulation. For more information,
see Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data reports."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe elements
and selectively write the resulting values to a file. In the Visualization module the display of
material names is not supported. For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying and
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe nodes
and selectively write the resulting values to a file. For more information, see Chapter 31,
"Querying and probing."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe values
and selectively write them to a file. For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying and
In addition to probing and writing selected values to a file, in the Visualization module you
can produce a tabular report of values for a specified variable. To access this functionality,
click Report->Field Output. The Visualization module offers extensive options for value
formatting, table layout, results combination, and column tabulation. For more information,


see Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data reports."

To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->XY Data->Manager or
Tools->XY Data->Create.
To learn more about X-Y plotting in the Visualization module, see ``Specifying and saving
X-Y data objects,'' Section 30.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. The Visualization module highlights elements as you position the cursor over
them. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe elements and
selectively write values to a file. In the Visualization module the display of material names is
not supported. For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying and probing."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. The Visualization module highlights nodes as you position the cursor over
them. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe nodes and
selectively write values to a file. For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying and
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. The Visualization module highlights nodes or elements as you position the
cursor over them. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe values
and selectively write them to a file. In the Visualization module you can choose the output
position at which to calculate results. For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying and
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Query; then select
Probe values. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module allows you to probe X-Y
values and selectively write them to a file. For more information, see Chapter 31, "Querying
and probing."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click the Defaults button available in
every dialog box where defaults are meaningful.
To open a file containing model data and analysis results in the Visualization module, click
File->Open. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the Visualization module reads all model data and


analysis results from a single file, the output database. See ``Opening a model database or an
output database,'' Section 12.6.2, to learn more about opening output database files.
To select the equivalent of an ABAQUS/Post restart STEP and INCREMENT, click
Results->Frame. For more information, see Chapter 24, "Selecting model data and analysis
results to plot."
This functionality is not applicable to the Visualization module.
This functionality is not applicable to the Visualization module.
In ABAQUS/Post the *SEQUENCE command is used to display a series of plots in succession
and to facilitate the generation of an animation file. Comparable functionality in the
Visualization module is as follows:
comparable to the Animate->Scale Factor option in the Visualization module. The
Visualization module also offers scale factor sequences of contour and symbol plots.
The ABAQUS/Post *SEQUENCE, TIME command is comparable to the Animate->Time
History option in the Visualization module. The Visualization module does not support
customized combinations of plots during the sequence.
The ABAQUS/Post *SEQUENCE, REPEAT command is comparable to the
Options->Animation->Player->Loop option in the Visualization module. The
Visualization module also provides a Swing option for repeated playback.
To learn more about animation in the Visualization module, see Chapter 34, "Animating
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click the Options menu or click the
various toolbar icons. A detailed explanation of the differences between the *SET parameters
in ABAQUS/Post and the customization options in the Visualization module is given in
``Visualization module functionality corresponding to each ABAQUS/Post SET/SHOW
parameter,'' Section C.3.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click the Options menu dialog boxes.
Within each dialog box, the Visualization module highlights options that are on, displays the
names of selected colors, identifies current style choices, and so on. A detailed comparison
between the *SHOW command in ABAQUS/Post and the related functionality in the
Visualization module is given in ``Visualization module functionality corresponding to each


ABAQUS/Post SET/SHOW parameter,'' Section C.3.

This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group.
Differences between *SURFACE SET in ABAQUS/Post and display groups in the
Visualization module are as follows:
ABAQUS/Post surface sets can contain only surfaces; the Visualization module display
groups can contain any combination of elements, nodes, and surfaces.
The Visualization module extends this feature to allow the creation of display groups
based on results.
In ABAQUS/Post you can color surface sets using the *COLOR SET command. In the
Visualization module you can color selected surfaces using Tools->Color Code.
ABAQUS/Post surface sets support only the add, remove, and delete operations. The
Visualization module display groups support numerous Boolean operations and can be
copied and renamed.
To learn more about display groups in the Visualization module, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a
subset of your model."
This feature is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Canvas->Create Text. In
addition to this functionality, the Visualization module offers cursor controlled text relocation,
annotation arrows in several line styles, editing of existing text annotations, and extensive font
customization options.
To produce a symbol plot in the Visualization module, click Plot->Symbols. To access the
functionality of the ABAQUS/Post *VECTOR PLOT, MATERIAL DIRECTION feature, click
Plot->Material Orientation. Differences between *VECTOR PLOT in ABAQUS/Post and
symbol or material orientation plotting in the Visualization module are as follows:
For vector plots of integration point quantities, ABAQUS/Post extrapolates, averages, and
then displays vectors and tensors at the nodes; the Visualization module displays
integration point quantities at the integration points.
In the Visualization module material orientations are displayed on an element-by-element
basis at the material points, with no averaging across elements. In ABAQUS/Post material


orientations are first extrapolated to the nodes, then averaged.

In ABAQUS/Post you can specify only one section point from which to obtain results for
all shells, beams, and layered solids included in the plot. In the Visualization module you
can specify a separate section point for each category of beam and shell included in the
The Visualization module displays material orientations for all shell and beam elements
and only those solid elements whose section definition contains a local material
orientation. ABAQUS/Post displays material orientations for all element types defined in
a model.
In ABAQUS/Post you use the same options to customize both vectors and tensors. In the
Visualization module you can choose separate customization options for tensors and
In ABAQUS/Post you can specify a constant size for vector arrow tips, and you can
customize the maximum length of vector arrow shafts. In the Visualization module arrow
tips are always scaled, and shaft length options are limited to short, medium, and long.
The Visualization module offers a more extensive set of customization options than
ABAQUS/Post for the appearance of the material orientation triad.
For more information, see Chapter 28, "Plotting analysis results as symbols," and Chapter 29,
"Plotting material orientations."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Specify. To learn more
about view control, see ``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9.
In addition, the Visualization module facilitates view control with View->Views Toolbox ,
which provides quick access to up to 11 preset views, and with the


icons on the

To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click the Canvas menu and choose
one of the Viewport options. Unlike ABAQUS/Post windows, viewports are always active
and can each maintain their own customization settings, output database file, and so on.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Specify. To learn more
about zooming a view, see ``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9.
In addition, the Visualization module facilitates zooming with the



icons on the

C.3 Visualization module functionality corresponding to each

ABAQUS/Post SET/SHOW parameter
This section lists the ABAQUS/Post *SET and *SHOW command parameters alphabetically. Those
features not supported by the Visualization module are identified. For each supported feature, an
explanation is given of how the Visualization module functionality compares to ABAQUS/Post. For
information on ABAQUS/Post commands and parameters, see the ABAQUS/Post Manual.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->Sweep & Extrude . For more information, see ``Sweeping and extruding your
model,'' Section 37.9.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->Sweep & Extrude . For more information, see ``Sweeping and extruding your
model,'' Section 37.9.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Triad. The Visualization module extends this functionality to include font and
axes labels customization. For more information, see ``Customizing the view triad,'' Section
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->Sweep & Extrude . For more information, see ``Sweeping and extruding your
model,'' Section 37.9.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Undeformed->Normals or Options->Deformed->Normals. For more
information, see ``Displaying element and surface normals,'' Section 37.7.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Undeformed->Normals or Options->Deformed->Normals. For more


information, see ``Displaying element and surface normals,'' Section 37.7.

To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Undeformed->Normals or Options->Deformed->Normals. For more
information, see ``Displaying element and surface normals,'' Section 37.7.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Result->Field Output->Result
Options. The Visualization module extends this functionality to include additional averaging
options. For more information, see ``Controlling result averaging,'' Section 24.4.4.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Color
& Style->Banded. The Visualization module extends this functionality to include style and
thickness options. For more information, see ``Customizing banded-type contours,'' Section
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Basic.
The Visualization module extends this functionality by offering Uniform or Continuous
contour intervals. For more information, see ``Customizing contour intervals,'' Section 27.4.9.


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Shape.
For more information, see ``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Limits.
The Visualization module extends this functionality to include automatic computation options.
For more information, see ``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Limits.
The Visualization module extends this functionality to include automatic computation options.
For more information, see ``Setting contour limits,'' Section 27.4.6.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Basic.
For more information, see ``Choosing line-, banded-, or quilt-type contours, '' Section 27.4.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Color
& Style->Spectrum. For more information, see ``Customizing contour colors,'' Section 27.4.8.
You cannot directly scale contour values in the Visualization module; however, you can save
and then operate on results to create new user field output objects. For more information, see
``Creating new field output,'' Section 24.5.
This feature is not applicable to the Visualization module.
This feature is not applicable to the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Contour->Other->Tick Marks. For more information, see ``Contouring line-shaped
elements with tick mark contour plots,'' Section 27.4.4.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Contour->Basic.

For more information, see ``Contouring line-shaped elements with tick mark contour plots, ''
Section 27.4.4.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Title Block and View->Viewport Annotations->State Block. For more
information, see ``Customizing the title block,'' Section 38.2, and ``Customizing the state
block,'' Section 38.3.
To save one or more currently playing animations to an animation file in the Visualization
module, click Animate->Save As. In the Visualization module, you cannot save an arbitrary
sequence of images to an animation file. For more information, see Chapter 34, "Animating
In the Visualization module you cannot specify a set of model coordinates to appear in the
center of the viewport; however, you can rescale your display and center it within the viewport
using View->Auto-Fit or the
icon on the toolbar. For more information, see
``Understanding the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
You cannot show the current element and surface color definitions in the Visualization
module; however, you can apply colors to selected elements and surfaces using Tools->Color
Code. For more information, see ``Coloring individual elements and surfaces,'' Section 37.4.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
Contact elements are plotted by default in the Visualization module. For more information, see
Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."


Contact surfaces are plotted by default in the Visualization module. For more information, see
Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Tools->XY Data->Manager,
which lists X-Y data objects by name and states the origin of the data. You cannot show the
number of members of an X-Y data object in the Visualization module, and you cannot display
detailed information about the attributes of the data. For more information, see ``Managing
objects using manager dialog boxes,'' Section 6.5.6.
In the Visualization module you can display the X-Y data pairs in an X-Y data object only by
editing the data; however, you can report these values to a file. For more information, see
Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data reports."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Deformed->Color
& Style. The Visualization module extends this functionality to offer both edge and fill color
customization. For more information, see ``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,''
Section 37.3.3, and ``Selecting overall fill color,'' Section 37.2.3.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Deformed->Basic.
For more information, see ``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Deformed->Other->Offset. For more information, see ``Superimposing deformed
and undeformed model plots,'' Section 26.4.


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Title Block and View->Viewport Annotations->State Block.
For more information, see ``Customizing the title block,'' Section 38.2, and ``Customizing the
state block,'' Section 38.3.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Deformed->Other->Translucency. For more information, see ``Customizing
lightsource-shaded translucency,'' Section 37.2.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Color
& Style. The Visualization module offers several dash styles. For more information, see
``Customizing element and surface edge style,'' Section 37.3.4.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->Sweep & Extrude . For more information, see ``Sweeping and extruding your
model,'' Section 37.9.1.
You cannot list the contents of a display group in the Visualization module. For more
information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Result->Frame. For more
information, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Labels.
The Visualization module extends this functionality to include label font customization. For
more information, see ``Customizing element labels,'' Section 37.6.2.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To list all available element sets in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group.
This functionality is comparable to the ABAQUS/Post *SHOW, ELSET command. In the
Visualization module you cannot list the elements in an element set (as you can with the
ABAQUS/Post *SHOW, ELSET=name command); however, you can highlight an element set
in the viewport. For more information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Labels.
The Visualization module extends this functionality to include label font customization. For
more information, see ``Customizing face labels,'' Section 37.6.3.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Basic.
For more information, see ``Selecting overall fill color,'' Section 37.2.3.
This functionality is supported in the Visualization module by the Select Font dialog box,
which is accessible from all dialog boxes that support font customization. For more
information, see ``Customizing fonts,'' Section 6.3.6.


This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.

To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->XY Graph. For more
information, see ``Customizing X-Y plot axes,'' Section 30.5.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
The functionality is not supported in the Visualization module; however, you can position
your graph by clicking View->Specify or by using the toolbar
, or
icons. For more information, see ``Using the view manipulation tools,'' Section 8.4.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->XY Graph->Aspect
Ratio. For more information, see ``Adjusting the X-Y plot aspect ratio,'' Section 30.5.9.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click File->Print. For more
information, see Chapter 11, "Printing canvas objects."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Basic.
For more information, see ``Choosing a render style,'' Section 37.2.1.
This command is not applicable to the Visualization module.
In the Visualization module you cannot control the name of the file to which session
commands are written.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->General. The Curved Lines & Faces options are at the top of the dialog box. For
more information, see ``Refining curved edges and faces,'' Section 37.9.2.


This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.

The ABAQUS logo does not appear in the Visualization module viewports; however, you can
control whether or not the logo appears in the Visualization module PostScript files. For more
information, see ``Customizing the image sent to a PostScript printer or file, '' Section 11.2.5.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
You cannot change the functions of the mouse buttons in the Visualization module.
You cannot change the functions of the mouse buttons in the Visualization module.
You cannot change the functions of the mouse buttons in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Specify. For more
information, see ``Applying a specified view,'' Section 8.4.9.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Labels.
The Visualization module extends this functionality to include label font customization. For
more information, see ``Customizing node labels,'' Section 37.6.4.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Labels.
The Visualization module extends this functionality to include node symbol type options. For
more information, see ``Customizing node symbols,'' Section 37.6.5.


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->General. The Feature Angle options are at the bottom of the dialog box. For more
information, see ``Defining model feature edges,'' Section 37.3.2.
To list all available node sets in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group. This
functionality is comparable to the ABAQUS/Post *SHOW, NSET command. In the
Visualization module you cannot list the nodes in a node set (as you can with the
ABAQUS/Post *SHOW, NSET=name command); however, you can highlight a node set in
the viewport. For more information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Basic.
The Visualization module extends this functionality by offering Exterior and Free edge
display. For more information, see ``Controlling element and surface edge visibility,'' Section
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click File->Print. Extended output
format options become available when you click File as the Destination. For more
information, see ``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1.
In the Visualization module you can pan your display by clicking View->Pan or
View->Specify or by using the

icon on the toolbar. For more information, see

``Understanding the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Report->XY->Setup,
Report->Field Output->Setup, or Tools->Query. For more information, see ``Specifying


your report file name,'' Section 35.4, or ``Using the query toolset,'' Section 31.3.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
The ABAQUS/Post *SHOW, RESTART command shows the name of the restart file and the
available restart numbers, times, steps, and increments. The Visualization module displays the
available output database steps and frames when you click Result->Frame. The name of the
current output database appears in the title of all model plots and in the context bar. To control
plot titles, click View->Viewport Annotations->Title Block.
For more information, see ``Selecting a specific results step and frame,'' Section 24.2.1, and
``Customizing the title block,'' Section 38.2.
This functionality is not applicable to the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot
mode->Other->Scaling. For more information, see ``Scaling coordinates and shrinking the
model,'' Section 37.5.3.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not applicable to the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot mode->Basic.
For more information, see ``Choosing a render style,'' Section 37.2.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->plot
mode->Other->Scaling. In ABAQUS/Post setting shrink to zero is equivalent to turning
shrink off. In the Visualization module you can enable shrink at a percentage of zero. This has
the effect of causing all element and surface edges to be visible, regardless of edge visibility
For more information, see ``Scaling coordinates and shrinking the model,'' Section 37.5.3.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To list all available surfaces in the Visualization module, click Tools->Display Group. This
is comparable to the ABAQUS/Post *SHOW, SURFACES command. In the Visualization
module you cannot list the surfaces in a surface set (as you can with the ABAQUS/Post
*SHOW, SURFACE=name command); however, you can highlight a surface set in the
viewport. For more information, see Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model."
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->ODB Display
Options->Sweep & Extrude . For more information, see ``Sweeping and extruding your
model,'' Section 37.9.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is supported in the Visualization module by the Select Font dialog box,
which is accessible from all dialog boxes that support font customization. For more
information, see ``Customizing fonts,'' Section 6.3.6.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.

To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Undeformed->Color

& Style. Unlike ABAQUS/Post, the color you specify applies to undeformed model display
with or without the deformed shape. The Visualization module extends this functionality to
offer both edge and fill color customization.
For more information, see ``Selecting overall element and surface edge color,'' Section 37.3.3,
and ``Selecting overall fill color,'' Section 37.2.3.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click
Options->Undeformed->Other->Translucency. For more information, see ``Customizing
lightsource-shaded translucency,'' Section 37.2.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Deformed->Basic.
For more information, see ``Superimposing deformed and undeformed model plots,'' Section
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Symbol->Color
& Style->Vector or Options->Symbol->Color & Style->Tensor. For more information, see
``Customizing symbol plot arrows,'' Section 28.4.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Symbol->Color
& Style->Vector or Options->Symbol->Color & Style->Tensor. For more information, see
``Customizing symbol plot arrows,'' Section 28.4.2.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Symbol->Color
& Style->Vector or Options->Symbol->Color & Style->Tensor. For more information, see
``Customizing symbol plot arrows,'' Section 28.4.2.
To customize the color of arrows representing element and surface normals, click
Options->Undeformed->Normals or Options->Deformed->Normals. For more
information, see ``Displaying element and surface normals,'' Section 37.7.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Symbol->Color
& Style->Vector or Options->Symbol->Color & Style->Tensor; choices are limited to short,
medium, and long. For more information, see ``Customizing symbol plot arrows,'' Section


To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport

Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Options->Symbol->Color
& Style->Vector or Options->Symbol->Color & Style->Tensor. For more information, see
``Customizing symbol plot arrows,'' Section 28.4.2.
To show the current view in the Visualization module, click Options->View->Specify. For
more information, see ``Numerically specifying a view,'' Section 8.1.9.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access buffering and other graphics options in the Visualization module, click View->View
Options->Hardware . For more information, see Chapter 10, "Tuning display performance."
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click Report->XY->Setup. For more
information, see ``Specifying your report file name,'' Section 35.4.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Viewport
Annotations->Legend. For more information, see ``Customizing the legend,'' Section 38.1.
To access this functionality in the Visualization module, click View->Specify. For more
information, see ``Applying a specified view,'' Section 8.4.9.
This functionality is not supported in the Visualization module.


This section contains short definitions of terms that appear throughout the ABAQUS/CAE
documentation. Following each definition are cross references to relevant sections throughout the
documentation. To see glossary definitions beginning with a particular letter of the alphabet, click that
letter in the table below.
When you are viewing the online documentation and move the cursor over a term that appears in the
glossary, the cursor changes to a pointing hand. If you click mouse button 1, a separate window is
displayed that contains the description of the term from the glossary and cross references to associated
material. To close this glossary window, select File->Close View from its menu bar.

ABAQUS/Aqua is an add-on analysis capability for ABAQUS/Standard that provides wave
loading, drag, and buoyancy calculation capabilities for modeling offshore piping and floating
platform structures.
For more information:
``ABAQUS/Aqua analysis,'' Section 6.10.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
ABAQUS/CAE is a Complete ABAQUS Environment that provides a simple, consistent
interface for creating, submitting, monitoring, and evaluating results from ABAQUS
simulations. ABAQUS/CAE is divided into modules, where each module defines a logical
aspect of the modeling process; for example, defining the geometry, defining material properties,
generating a mesh, submitting analysis jobs, and interpreting results.
For more information:
Part I, "Getting started with ABAQUS/CAE"
ABAQUS/Design is an add-on capability for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit that
allows an ABAQUS model to be defined with parametric variables. Parameter studies with such
models can be performed easily with scripts that generate models with various values for the
parametric variables, run the analyses, and gather the results. These scripts are developed using
Python, an interpreted language.
For more information:
``Parametric input,'' Section 1.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
ABAQUS/Explicit is a batch input, finite element program that provides nonlinear, transient,


dynamic analysis of solids and structures using explicit time integration. Its powerful contact
capabilities, reliability, and computational efficiency on large models also make it highly
effective for quasi-static applications involving discontinuous nonlinear behavior.
For more information:
``Introduction: general,'' Section 1.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
ABAQUS/Post is HKS's original interactive postprocessor for ABAQUS. It provides deformed
and undeformed configuration, contour, vector, and X-Y plots, as well as animation of results
and reporting of model and analysis data. ABAQUS/Post is an interactive, command-line-driven
program that was available with version 5.8 of ABAQUS but will not be available with future
releases; it will be replaced by ABAQUS/Viewer.
For more information:
ABAQUS/Post User's Manual
ABAQUS/Standard is a batch input, general-purpose finite element program that can be used for
analysis of static, dynamic, heat transfer, and a variety of coupled problems. ABAQUS/Standard
provides both automatic and direct user control of the time step and is effective for analyzing the
static, dynamic, thermal, and electrical response of both linear and nonlinear models.
For more information:
``Introduction: general,'' Section 1.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
ABAQUS/Viewer is a subset of ABAQUS/CAE that provides graphical display of finite element
models and results. It obtains model and result information from the output database (ODB). The
major capabilities of ABAQUS/Viewer include undeformed and deformed shape plotting, results
contour and symbol plotting, X-Y plotting and reporting, field output reporting, plot
customization, and animation.
For more information:
Part V, "Viewing results"
ABAQUS/USA is an add-on analysis capability for ABAQUS/Standard that allows Unique
Software Applications' USA program to be used within ABAQUS/Standard for Underwater
Shock Analysis of structures. With ABAQUS/USA, the USA code is executed entirely within
ABAQUS/Standard: the user provides data to ABAQUS/Standard; in turn, ABAQUS/Standard
writes the necessary data for USA.
For more information:
``Underwater shock analysis,'' Section 6.11.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual


ACIS-compatible files
ACIS is an industry-standard library of geometric modeling functions that reads and writes ACIS
(file extension .sat) format files. ACIS files give you a way to move geometry between
ABAQUS/CAE and third-party modeling products. You can import the base feature of a part
from an ACIS file; in addition, you can export a part or the part instances in the assembly to an
ACIS file.
For more information:
``Using the File menu,'' Section 12.5
analytical rigid part
Use rigid parts to model rigid bodies in ABAQUS/CAE. You can create analytical rigid parts
only from sketched lines, arcs, and parabolas. You use the sketched profile to create extruded or
revolved three-dimensional analytical rigid parts or two-dimensional planar analytical rigid
parts. If possible, you should use an analytical rigid part instead of a discrete rigid part because it
is computationally less expensive.
For more information:
``Rigid parts,'' Section 14.4.3
analysis procedure
See procedure.
You can create three types of annotations when working with ABAQUS: canvas annotations,
viewport annotations, and online documentation annotations. Canvas annotations are text strings
and arrows that you position on the ABAQUS/CAE canvas to clarify and enhance the display.
Typically, these annotations are used to add explanations to the contents of a viewport and are
useful when the viewport is printed. Viewport annotations include the triad as well as the
legend, title block, and state block of the Visualization module plots. Annotations that you add
to the online documentation allow you to mark, link, and add notes to important sections of an
online manual.
For more information:
``Working with canvas annotations,'' Section 7.4
Chapter 38, "Customizing viewport annotations"
``Creating and using annotations'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
annotation filter
Annotation filters allow you to organize annotations you have added to the online
documentation into different categories based on parameters that you specify.
For more information:
``Filtering annotations'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation


An ABAQUS/CAE assembly is composed of part instances that you orient relative to each other
in the global coordinate system. Loads, boundary conditions, and interactions are applied to the
assembly, and the finite element mesh is generated on the assembly. The model contains only
one assembly.
For more information:
Chapter 16, "The Assembly module"
Assembly module
Use the ABAQUS/CAE Assembly module to create instances of your parts and to construct an
assembly by positioning those instances relative to each other in a global coordinate system.
For more information:
Chapter 16, "The Assembly module"
assembly set
Assembly sets are sets that contain regions of an ABAQUS/CAE assembly. Assembly sets have
many uses; for example, you can use assembly sets to indicate where on an assembly to apply a
load or boundary condition or from which regions you want data output during an analysis.
For more information:
``How do part sets and assembly sets differ?,'' Section 45.2.2
AutoCAD files
Two-dimensional profiles stored in AutoCAD (file extension .dxf) files can be imported into
ABAQUS/CAE as stand-alone sketches.
For more information:
``Imported sketches,'' Section 22.3.2

base feature
The first feature you create when building an ABAQUS/CAE part is called the base feature; you
construct the remainder of the part by adding more features that either modify or add detail to
the base feature. All other features of the part are children of the base feature; therefore, the base
feature cannot be suppressed or deleted.
For more information:
``The base feature,'' Section 14.3.2
basic manager
Basic managers are ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes that contain lists of all of the objects of a
certain type that you have created in the current model. For example, the material manager
contains a list of all of the materials that you have created. Basic managers also contain Create,


Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete buttons that you can use to manipulate existing objects and to

create new ones. See also step-dependent manager.

For more information:
``What are basic managers?,'' Section 6.5.1
See boundary condition.
beam sections
Beams are used in two and three dimensions to model slender, rod-like structures that provide
axial strength and bending stiffness. Beams represent structures in which the cross-section is
assumed to be small compared to the length. The current version of ABAQUS/CAE allows you
to create only general beam sections with linear response. Beam sections can be assigned only to
wire regions. In addition, you must assign an orientation to the regions with beam sections.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
A blend feature smooths an edge of a three-dimensional solid part. You can smooth the edge
using a chamfer or a round.
For more information:
``Blend features,'' Section 14.6.5
blind cut
A blind cut is a cut that penetrates a three-dimensional object only to a specified depth, rather
than passing all the way through it. In ABAQUS/CAE this depth is stored as a parameter of the
cut feature and can be modified.
For more information:
``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
If you refer often to a particular section of the online documentation, you can create a bookmark
annotation that allows you to access that section quickly and conveniently. When you display an
online book, you can use the annotation manager to scroll immediately to any bookmarked
section. Bookmarks that you create are saved from one session to the next.
For more information:
``Creating bookmarks'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
book window
The ABAQUS online documentation is available in the form of electronic books. When you
select a book, it appears in a book window on your screen. You access information by browsing
through the book just as you would flip through a manual in printed form. A book window


consists of a table of contents panel, which displays the table of contents of the book, and a
content panel, which displays the material for you to read.
For more information:
``Opening and browsing a book'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
Boolean search
You can perform a Boolean search for information in the online documentation by using the
words ``and,'' ``or,'' and ``not'' to narrow or widen your search. For example, if you enter
warping and torsion in the search panel, the search command finds all occurrences of the
words warping located near the word torsion, and vice versa.
For more information:
``Searching based on logic (Boolean searches)'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
boundary condition
You use boundary conditions to prescribe the values of basic solution variables, such as
displacement, rotation, or temperature.
For more information:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module"
``Boundary conditions,'' Section 19.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
18.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

The canvas is the region of the ABAQUS/CAE main window where work takes place. The
canvas can be thought of as an infinite screen or bulletin board on which you post objects such
as viewports and annotations. You can imagine the canvas extending beyond the main window
and your monitor; the visible portion of the canvas is called the drawing area, which you can
increase by increasing the size of the main window.
For more information:
Chapter 7, "Managing objects on the canvas"
You can use the blend tools in the Part module to chamfer or bevel selected edges of the part in
the current viewport. You enter the distance that the chamfer extends into each face, and
ABAQUS/CAE uses the distance to define the chamfer. A chamfer creates a straight blend; a
round creates a rounded blend.
For more information:
``Blend features,'' Section 14.6.5


When you import a part from an IGES file, ABAQUS/CAE can check the part for precision
errors that require healing.
For more information:
``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4
check box
You can toggle the check boxes that appear in some ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes to turn a
particular option alternately off or on.
For more information:
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1
child feature
A child feature is one that, when created, depends on an existing feature called the parent feature
for geometric and dimensioning information. When you modify a parent feature, the
modification may change its child features. Likewise, when you delete a parent feature,
ABAQUS/CAE automatically deletes all of its child features.
For more information:
``The relationship between parts and features, '' Section 14.3.1
compatible mesh
Two meshes that meet at a common interface are compatible if the mesh topology is consistent
across the interface. Currently, it is not possible to use ABAQUS/CAE to create compatible
meshes between two or more part instances automatically.
For more information:
``Compatible meshes between part instances,'' Section 20.11.3
construction geometry
You use construction geometry (points, lines, or circles) in the ABAQUS/CAE Sketch module to
help you position and align objects in your sketch. Construction geometry is visible only when
you are sketching; it is not visible on the part or assembly you are creating or modifying after
you exit the Sketch module.
For more information:
``Construction geometry,'' Section 22.5.2
context bar
The context bar is located directly under the toolbar in the ABAQUS/CAE main window. The
context bar contains a Module list from which you can select a module. Other items in the
context bar are a function of the module in which you are working.
For more information:
``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1


context-sensitive help
Context-sensitive help allows you to gain immediate access to specific information in the
ABAQUS/CAE or ABAQUS/Viewer online manual. You invoke context-sensitive help by
selecting Help->On Context from the main menu bar and then clicking almost any feature of an
ABAQUS/CAE window or dialog box. The help consists of a short description of how to use the
feature, shown in a separate window.
For more information:
``Displaying context-sensitive help,'' Section 5.6.1
contour plot
A contour plot displays the values of a particular analysis variable at a specified step and frame.
These values are shown as colored lines, colored bands, or colored faces on the model,
depending on the customization options that you select.
For more information:
Chapter 27, "Contouring analysis results"
CSYS is an abbreviation referring to an ABAQUS/CAE datum coordinate system, either
rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical.
For more information:
``Creating datum coordinate systems,'' Section 41.8
current viewport
The current viewport is the one in which all work in ABAQUS/CAE takes place. There is only
one current viewport at any time, and it is indicated by a red border and title bar.
For more information:
``What is a viewport?,'' Section 7.1.1
custom view
ABAQUS/CAE allows you to apply one of eleven predefined custom views to the object in a
selected viewport. (A view is a particular combination of position, orientation, and scale factor.)
The custom views are front, back, left, right, top, bottom, isometric, and four user-defined
For more information:
``Custom views,'' Section 8.1.8

data check
A data check run is an abbreviated ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit execution that
checks only that the model is consistent and that all required model options have been set.


For more information:

``Selecting a job type,'' Section 21.2.5
``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
data line
An ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit input file is composed of a number of option
blocks, each containing data that describe a part of the model. Each option block begins with a
keyword line, which is usually followed by one or more data lines. The data required in the data
lines for particular option blocks are specified in the ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit
User's manuals.
For more information:
``Input syntax rules,'' Section 1.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
A datum is a feature that represents auxiliary geometry which can be used for reference when
modeling a part or assembly. The following types of datum are available: points, axes, planes
and coordinate systems.
For more information:
``Understanding the role of datum geometry,'' Section 41.1
Datum toolset
You use the ABAQUS/CAE Datum toolset to create datum geometry. The Datum toolset allows
you to create datum points, axes, planes, and coordinate systems with respect to a combination
of existing geometry, such as vertices, planes, edges, and existing datum geometry.
For more information:
Chapter 41, "The Datum toolset"
In ABAQUS/CAE viewport decorations are defined as the viewport title and the viewport
For more information:
``Working with viewports,'' Section 7.3
deformable part
A deformable part is one that can deform under load. Any arbitrarily shaped axisymmetric,
two-dimensional, or three-dimensional part that you can create or import in ABAQUS/CAE can
be specified as a deformable part.
For more information:


``Part types,'' Section 14.4.2

deformation scale factor
The deformation scale factor is the factor that is applied to the deformation field when you
display a plot of a deformed model in ABAQUS/CAE. You can scale the deformations to
magnify, reduce, or otherwise distort the deformed model shape.
For more information:
``Scaling deformations,'' Section 37.5.2
deformed field output variable
The deformed field output variable is the variable whose values control the shape of the model
in a deformed shape plot in ABAQUS/CAE. Deformed field output variables can only be vector
quantities such as displacement or velocity.
For more information:
``Selecting the deformed field output variable,'' Section 24.3.3
deformed shape plot
An ABAQUS/CAE deformed shape plot displays the shape of a model at a specified step and
frame of the analysis results, according to the values of the deformed field output variable that
you specify.
For more information:
Chapter 26, "Plotting the deformed shape"
degree of freedom
Degrees of freedom are the fundamental variables calculated during an analysis. For example, in
a stress/displacement analysis the degrees of freedom are the translations and, for shell and beam
elements, the rotations at each node. The degrees of freedom active at a node are determined by
the element types associated with the node.
For more information:
``Conventions,'' Section 1.2.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
discrete rigid part
Any arbitrarily shaped axisymmetric, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional part that you can
create or import in ABAQUS/CAE can be specified as a discrete rigid part. Rigid parts are used
to model rigid bodies in ABAQUS/CAE.
For more information:
``Rigid parts,'' Section 14.4.3
discrete set
An ABAQUS/CAE discrete set is composed of either nodes or elements that you have selected
from an orphan mesh.

For more information:

Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
display group
An ABAQUS/CAE display group is a collection of selected model components and can contain
any combination of nodes, elements, and surfaces, or the default (entire) model. Display groups
allow you to reduce clutter on your screen and focus on an area of interest within your model.
For more information:
Chapter 36, "Displaying a subset of your model"
display list
Display lists are used in ABAQUS/CAE to help you display repeated images faster. When an
object is displayed repeatedly (for example, in an animation) the system must perform many
computations to render each animation frame. If you enable the display list option, the results of
these computations are stored in a display list the first time you display the animation. The next
time you display the animation, ABAQUS/CAE refers to the display list instead of performing
the calculations again; as a result, the animation is faster.
For more information:
``Using display lists,'' Section 10.4
double buffering
Double buffering is a graphics rendering technique used in ABAQUS/CAE to prevent screen
flicker when the viewport is refreshed.
For more information:
``Using double buffering,'' Section 10.2
drag mode
In ABAQUS/CAE drag mode controls the render style and, therefore, the speed with which
intermediate images are drawn during mouse manipulations such as panning, zooming, and
For more information:
``Controlling drag mode,'' Section 10.1
drawing area
The drawing area, which is the visible portion of the canvas, is the area of the ABAQUS/CAE
main window in which viewports and annotations are displayed.
For more information:
``Components of the main window,'' Section 5.2.1

edge parameter


In ABAQUS/CAE an edge parameter represents a position along an edge, expressed as a fraction

of its length. You can use an edge parameter to partition an edge and to position a datum along
an edge. ABAQUS/CAE displays an arrow along the edge indicating the direction of increasing
parameter value from the start vertex (corresponding to an edge parameter value of zero) to the
end vertex (corresponding to a value of one).
For more information:
``Creating a datum point by specifying an edge parameter,'' Section 41.5.5
``Using the parameter method to partition edges,'' Section 43.5.1
element set
An element set is a named collection of elements. In ABAQUS/CAE you can create element sets
directly only by selecting elements from an orphan mesh. ABAQUS/CAE automatically
generates element sets for each geometry set that you create and mesh.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
``Element definition,'' Section 2.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
ABAQUS/CAE allows you to save images of selected canvas objects (viewports, text, and arrow
annotations) in EPS-format files. EPS is a variation of PostScript that describes a single graphic
designed to be included in a larger document without modification. EPS files are identical to
PostScript files except for some information that describes the size and positioning of the image.
Most word processing and graphics applications support the inclusion of EPS files.
For more information:
``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
equation solver
Equation solver refers to the linear equation solver in ABAQUS/Standard.
For more information:
``Linear equation solution,'' Section 8.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual

face angle
To create a new surface from an orphan mesh, you must select the element faces that make up
the set. To speed up the selection process, ABAQUS/CAE provides the face angle method. You
first select an element face from the target face and then enter a face angle (from 0 to 90).
ABAQUS/CAE selects every adjacent element from the target face until the angle between the
element faces is equal to or exceeds the face angle.


For more information:

``Using the face angle method to create a surface from an orphan mesh,'' Section 9.2.3
fast plot
Immediately upon opening an output database, the ABAQUS/CAE Visualization module
displays the model in the fast plot mode. A fast plot is a quickly drawn representation of the
model that does not display results and cannot be customized.
For more information:
``What is the fast plot mode?,'' Section 23.3.3
Each native part and assembly that you create using ABAQUS/CAE is composed of geometric
features and the parameters that define each feature. ABAQUS/CAE retains the parameters that
define each feature, such as size, location, and depth, and uses the information to regenerate a
part or assembly if a feature is modified.
For more information:
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3
feature angle
You can suppress the visibility of some element edges in a meshed ABAQUS/CAE model by
varying the feature angle. The edge between two elements is suppressed if the angle between
their normals is less than the feature angle.
For more information:
``Defining model feature edges,'' Section 37.3.2
``Defining mesh feature edges,'' Section 46.5
Feature Manipulation toolset
The Feature Manipulation toolset contains tools that you use to create and manage features.
For more information:
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset"
field output
Field output is the output of variables that are written relatively infrequently to the output
database. Typically, you request field output from your entire model or a large region of your
model; ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit write every component of the variable to the
output database at the selected frequency. In the ABAQUS/CAE Visualization module you can
view field output in the form of a deformed, contour, or symbol plot, and you can produce a
report of field output.
For more information:
``Which variables are in the output database?, '' Section 4.2


A fillet is a circular arc that joins two lines in a continous manner. Fillets of a specified radius
are used in both sketches and parts in ABAQUS/CAE. When you are using the Sketch module,
you can create a fillet between two lines meeting at an angle. When you are creating or
modifying a three-dimensional solid part, you can fillet, or round, selected edges.
For more information:
``Sketching fillets between two lines,'' Section 22.9.7
``Blending edges,'' Section 14.20
See annotation filter or search filter.
filter group
Filter groups allow you to organize all of the annotation filters that you create in the online
documentation by dividing them into filter groups, each group with its own name.
For more information:
``Organizing filters into filter groups'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
fixed part instance
The fixed part instance is the part instance whose position remains fixed during the application
of an assembly constraint in ABAQUS/CAE.
For more information:
``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2
ABAQUS/CAE undeformed, deformed, contour, and symbol plots all display your model at a
particular point in the analysis. The specific step and increment (or mode in the case of an
eigenvalue analysis) at which you display the plot is called a frame. In addition, the term
``frame'' applies to a single plot in an animating series.
For more information:
``Selecting the results step and frame,'' Section 24.2
Chapter 34, "Animating plots"
free meshing
Unlike structured meshing, free meshing uses no preestablished mesh patterns. When you mesh
a region using the structured meshing technique, you can predict the pattern of the mesh based
on the region topology. In contrast, it is impossible to predict a free mesh pattern before creating
the mesh.
Because it is unstructured, free meshing allows more flexibility than structured meshing. The
boundaries of regions that you mesh with the free mesh technique can be very complex.


For more information:

``Free meshing,'' Section 20.9

geometric nonlinearity
Geometric nonlinearity refers to the nonlinear stiffness variations caused by large deformations.
For more information:
``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 17.3.2
``Linear and nonlinear procedures,'' Section 6.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
geometry set
An ABAQUS/CAE geometry set is composed of geometric objects (cells, faces, edges, and
vertices) that you have selected from an unmeshed part or assembly. The geometric objects in a
set can be of different types; for example, you can include a face and an edge in the same set.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
geometry surface
A geometry surface is a surface you create in ABAQUS/CAE by selecting faces or edges from
native or imported geometry in an assembly.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
graphic link
Graphic links appear in the online documentation and operate similarly to hyperlinks. If a
graphic exists anywhere in the manual that is related to the text that you are reading, the
presence of the graphic is indicated by a small camera icon. You can double-click the camera
icon to display the graphic in a separate window.
For more information:
``Using graphic links'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
graphic viewer
You can use a graphic viewer window to manipulate your view of the graphics that appear in the
online documentation. In addition, the graphic viewer allows you to print a graphic.
For more information:
``Using the graphic viewer'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation

When you import a part from an IGES file, ABAQUS/CAE can heal the part and remove any


precision errors.
For more information:
``Importing a part from an IGES-format file,'' Section 13.5.4
The activity of a step-dependent object through the course of an analysis is called its history. For
example, you might create a load in one step, modify it in the next step, and then deactivate it in
a later step. In ABAQUS/CAE you can view the histories of step-dependent objects by
displaying the appropriate step-dependent manager.
For more information:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
history data
History data form the portion of an ABAQUS input file that defines what happens to the
model--the sequence of events or loadings for which the model's response is sought.
For more information:
``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
history output
History output is the output of variables that are written relatively frequently to the output
database--as often as every increment. You typically select history output for a small area of
your model, such as a single integration point or a small region. You can use history output in
the ABAQUS/CAE Visualization module to generate X-Y plots.
For more information:
``Which variables are in the output database?, '' Section 4.2
homogeneous section
Homogeneous solid and shell sections define the section properties of solid and shell elements
and refer to a single material.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section 15.6.5 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
``Using the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section
15.6.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.5 of the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual
``Solid (continuum) elements,'' Section 14.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and


Section 13.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

Hyperlinks are electronic links between sections in the online documentation. You can use
hyperlinks to display material that is related to the material that you are currently reading. Some
hyperlinks already exist in the documentation, but you can also create your own.
For more information:
``Using hyperlinks'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
``Creating hyperlinks'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation

See initial condition.
IGES files
The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) is a neutral data format designed for
graphics exchange between computer-aided design (CAD) systems. You can import
IGES-format parts, and you can export parts in IGES format. In addition, you can import and
export a sketch from an IGES file.
For more information:
Chapter 13, "Importing and exporting geometry data and models
initial condition
An initial condition is a condition you prescribe to define the initial value of a solution, state, or
field variable such as displacement, stress, or temperature.
For more information:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module"
``Initial conditions,'' Section 19.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section
18.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
input file
An input file is an ASCII file that is read and processed by ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit. It contains keywords and data that define your model. When you submit a
job for analysis using ABAQUS/CAE, it generates an input file based on the model you have
defined. If necessary, you can modify the input file generated by ABAQUS/CAE using the
Keywords Editor. In addition, you can import input files into ABAQUS/CAE; ABAQUS/CAE
translates the options and data lines in the imported input file into a new ABAQUS/CAE model.
For more information:
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``Importing models from ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit input files,'' Section 13.4


``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
input parameter
The parametric input capability in ABAQUS/Design allows the user to create an input file in
which parameters are used in place of input quantities. The parameters are evaluated according
to their definition and are substituted for the parametrized quantities before an analysis is
performed by ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit. See also keyword parameter to learn
how keyword parameters are used in an ABAQUS input file.
For more information:
``Scripting parametric studies,'' Section 25.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 23.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
See part instance.
ABAQUS is capable of modeling mechanical, thermal, coupled thermal-mechanical, coupled
pore fluid-mechanical, and coupled thermal-electrical interactions between bodies. In
ABAQUS/CAE an elastic foundation is also considered a form of interaction.
For more information:
Chapter 18, "The Interaction module"
Interaction module
Use the ABAQUS/CAE Interaction module to define interactions between regions of a model or
between a region of a model and its surroundings.
For more information:
Chapter 18, "The Interaction module"
interaction property
An interaction property is a collection of data that is necessary to completely define certain types
of interactions in ABAQUS/CAE; you include the name of the interaction property of your
choice in the interaction definition. You define interaction properties independent of any
particular interaction.
For more information:
Chapter 18, "The Interaction module"

A job is a process you submit for execution on any computer or network. You submit an
ABAQUS model for analysis in the form of an analysis job.
For more information:


Chapter 21, "The Job module"

``Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 3.2.1 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
journal file
A journal file (file extension .jnl) is a file containing commands that ABAQUS/CAE can use
to replicate the model database, should it become corrupted. When you save a model database,
ABAQUS/CAE also saves the journal file automatically.
For more information:
``Recreating an unsaved model database,'' Section 12.4.3
Job module
The ABAQUS/CAE Job module allows you to create a job, submit it for analysis, and monitor
its progress.
For more information:
Chapter 21, "The Job module"

All data definitions in ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit are accomplished with option
blocks. Each option block is introduced by a keyword line that begins with a particular keyword
(also known as an ``option''). The keyword (or option) indicates the kind of information
specified in the option block. For example, if you want to use a particular material in an analysis,
you must add an option block beginning with the keyword *MATERIAL to the input file.
Keywords are always preceded by an asterisk and appear in upper case in the ABAQUS
For more information:
``An introduction to using ABAQUS,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``An introduction to using ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
keyword line
The first line of an option block in an ABAQUS input file is called the keyword line. Keyword
lines begin with a particular keyword, followed, in some cases, by parameters associated with
the keyword. For example, the keyword line of an option block describing a material might
appear as *MATERIAL, NAME=name. In this case *MATERIAL is the keyword and NAME is
a parameter that allows you to specify the name of the material being defined.
For more information:
``An introduction to using ABAQUS,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual


``An introduction to using ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's

keyword parameter
Keywords in an ABAQUS input file are often followed by parameters on the keyword line of an
option block. Keyword parameters, which can be optional or required, provide additional
information concerning the keyword. For example, the keyword *ELEMENT requires the
keyword parameter TYPE to specify what type of element (such as solid, beam, or shell) is being
defined. See also input parameter to learn how input parameters are used in ABAQUS/Design.
keywords editor
The keywords editor is a specialized text editor that allows you to modify the ABAQUS input
file generated by ABAQUS/CAE before submitting it for analysis.
For more information:
``Adding unsupported keywords to your ABAQUS/CAE model,'' Section 12.8

library window
The library window displays and provides access to all the manuals that are available in the
online documentation collection.
For more information:
``Opening and browsing a book'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
A load causes deformation or, in general, change of state of a structure, such as concentrated or
distributed tractions or concentrated or distributed fluxes.
For more information:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module"
``Applying loads: overview,'' Section 19.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
Section 18.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Load/BC/IC module
The ABAQUS/CAE Load/BC/IC module allows you to define prescribed conditions such as
loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions.
For more information:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module"

main window
You interact with ABAQUS/CAE through the main window. The main window contains a menu
bar, toolbar, prompt area, and a variety of other components that allow you to perform the tasks
necessary for creating and analyzing a model. Certain aspects of the main window, such as the

menu bar and the toolbar, can change as you work through the modeling process.
For more information:
``Overview of the main window,'' Section 5.2
See basic manager and step-dependent manager.
material orientation triad
ABAQUS/Viewer indicates the material directions of elements in your model by displaying
material orientation triads at the element integration points.
For more information:
``Customizing material orientation plot triads, '' Section 29.4.1
membrane sections
Membranes represent thin surfaces in space that offer strength in the plane of the surface but
have no bending stiffness. Membrane sections consist of a material name, membrane thickness,
and section Poisson's ratio.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
menu button
Menu buttons are buttons that appear in some ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes. When you click a
menu button, a menu appears from which you can select the item of your choice. The current
selection appears on the button.
For more information:
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1
A mesh is an arrangement of finite elements defined on an ABAQUS model. In ABAQUS/CAE
meshes can be defined only on the assembly.
For more information:
Chapter 20, "The Mesh module"
``Element definition,'' Section 2.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Mesh module
The ABAQUS/CAE Mesh module contains tools that allow you to generate meshes on
assemblies created in ABAQUS/CAE. In addition, the Mesh module contains query functions
that provide information about existing meshes.
For more information:


Chapter 20, "The Mesh module"

mesh surface
You can use the ABAQUS/CAE Surface toolset to create a mesh surface by selecting element
faces or edges from orphan meshes in an assembly.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
message area
ABAQUS/CAE displays information and warnings in the message area, which is located at the
bottom of the main window.
For more information:
``Overview of the main window,'' Section 5.2
message file
The message file (job_name.msg) contains diagnostic or informative messages about the
progress of an ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit analysis.
For more information:
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
``Diagnostic printing,'' Section 17.5.2
``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual
A finished model contains all the data that are needed to conduct an analysis. The term model
also refers just to the physical object being analyzed.
For more information:
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
model definition
The model definition is the internal ABAQUS representation of the model.
For more information:
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model?,'' Section 12.2
``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
model data


The term model data refers to the portion of an ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit input
file that defines a finite element model: the elements, nodes, element properties, material
definitions, and so on--any data that specify the model itself. Model data include all data in an
ABAQUS input file that appear before the *STEP keyword.
For more information:
``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
model database
ABAQUS/CAE uses model databases to store your models and analysis jobs. While you may
have multiple model databases stored on your computer or network, ABAQUS/CAE can work
on only one at any time. The model database in use is known as the current model database, and
ABAQUS/CAE displays its name across the top of the main window.
For more information:
``What is an ABAQUS/CAE model database?,'' Section 12.1
modeling space
In ABAQUS/CAE, modeling space refers to the space a part inhabits rather than to the topology
of the part itself. Thus, you can create a part in three-dimensional modeling space that contains
shells or wires, which are two-dimensional features. A part can inhabit three-dimensional,
two-dimensional, or axisymmetric modeling space.
For more information:
``Part modeling space,'' Section 14.4.1
ABAQUS/CAE is divided into modules. Each module defines a logical aspect of the modeling
process, such as defining the geometry, defining material properties, and generating a mesh.
For more information:
``What is a module?,'' Section 5.3
The monitor capability in ABAQUS provides you with several ways to monitor the progress of
an analysis job that you have submitted.
For more information:
``Monitoring the progress of an analysis job,'' Section 21.2.6
``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual
movable part instance
The movable part instance is the part instance whose position can change during the application
of an assembly constraint in ABAQUS/CAE.

For more information:

``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2

native part
You create native parts using the ABAQUS/CAE Part module. ABAQUS/CAE stores each
native part in the form of an ordered list of features. The parameters that define each
feature--extruded depth, hole diameter, sweep path, etc.--define the geometry of the part.
For more information:
``Understanding feature-based modeling,'' Section 14.3
NLGEOM is an abbreviation for geometric nonlinearity.
node set
A node set is a named collection of nodes. In ABAQUS/CAE you can create node sets directly
only by selecting nodes from an orphan mesh. ABAQUS/CAE automatically generates node sets
for each geometry set whose underlying geometry is meshed.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
``Node definition,'' Section 2.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Notes are annotations that you can add to the online documentation. Creating a note in an online
manual is like writing a note in the margin of a printed book for future reference. Notes that you
create are saved from one session to the next.
For more information:
``Creating notes'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation

online documentation
The ABAQUS online documentation contains electronic versions of many of the printed
ABAQUS manuals, as well as some manuals that are not available in print. You can search an
online manual for a word or a phrase, and you can add your own notes and bookmarks.
For more information:
``Getting help,'' Section 5.6
OpenGL is a graphics library that provides high speed graphics rendering. You can choose
between two graphics drivers to operate your ABAQUS/CAE display: X11 and OpenGL

For more information:

``Choosing a graphics driver,'' Section 10.3
The word ``option'' has multiple meanings in ABAQUS. In some cases the word is used
interchangeably with the word ``keyword.'' In other cases it refers to choices presented to you by
the ABAQUS/CAE graphical user interface.
For more information:
``An introduction to using ABAQUS,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``An introduction to using ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
option block
ABAQUS input files are composed of option blocks. Each option block contains data
concerning a particular option (or keyword) that describes part of the problem definition. An
option block begins with a keyword line and is often followed by one or more data lines. The
user chooses those options that are relevant for a particular application.
For more information:
``An introduction to using ABAQUS,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``An introduction to using ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
orphan mesh
An orphan mesh is a collection of nodes, elements, surfaces, and sets with no associated
geometry. You can import a part into ABAQUS/CAE from an output database or from an input
file in the form of an orphan mesh. In effect, the mesh information has been orphaned from its
parent geometry. An imported orphan mesh appears in the model's list of parts; however, you
cannot modify it or add geometric features to it. You can instance an orphan mesh part in the
Assembly module.
For more information:
``Imported parts from ACIS-, IGES-, and VDA-FS-format files,'' Section 14.5.2
output database
Output database files ( job_name.odb) contain the results from your analysis. You use the
Visualization module to open an output database and to view a graphical representation of the
contents. In addition, you can import a part from an output database in the form of an orphan
For more information:
``Opening a model database or an output database, '' Section 12.6.2


output request
You create output requests to instruct ABAQUS to write data of interest to various output files,
such as the data file ( .dat), the output database ( .odb), and the restart file ( .res). The
variables that ABAQUS writes during a step, the rate at which they are written, the region of the
model associated with the output, and the section points of interest define an output request.
For more information:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual

In general, a parameter is a variable quantity that restricts or gives particular form to the thing
that it characterizes. This term is used in ABAQUS/CAE to refer to modifiable parameters that
define features (for example, the length of an extrusion). It is also used in the term ``edge
parameter'' to describe a position along an edge, expressed as a fraction of its length. See also
keyword parameter to learn how parameters are used in ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit, and see input parameter to learn how they are used in ABAQUS/Design.
For more information:
Chapter 42, "The Feature Manipulation toolset
``An introduction to using ABAQUS,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``An introduction to using ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
parent feature
See child feature.
Parts are the building blocks of an ABAQUS/CAE model. You assemble parts to create an
assembly that you can then mesh and analyze.
For more information:
``Understanding the role of the Part module,'' Section 14.1
Part module
You use the ABAQUS/CAE Part module to create, edit, and manage the parts in the current
For more information:
Chapter 14, "The Part module"
part set


An ABAQUS/CAE part set is a set consisting of a region of a part. Part sets are available only
when you are in the Part or Property modules.
For more information:
``How do part sets and assembly sets differ?,'' Section 45.2.2
part instance
An ABAQUS/CAE part instance can be thought of as a copy of the original part, except that an
instance also maintains its association with the original part so that if you modify the part, the
part instance is also modified at the same time. When you assemble your model, you work with
part instances and not with the original parts.
For more information:
``Part instances,'' Section 14.3.3
Partitions are features that are used to divide an ABAQUS/CAE part or assembly into regions.
Such regions have many uses; for example, applying loads or assigning mesh attributes.
For more information:
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset"
Partition toolset
Use the tools in the ABAQUS/CAE Partition toolset to create partitions.
For more information:
Chapter 43, "The Partition toolset"
A path is a line you define by specifying a series of points through your model. You can view
results along the path in the form of an X-Y plot.
For more information:
Chapter 32, "Viewing results along a path
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
PNG is an industry standard for storing bitmap images. The use of PNG files has been
popularized by the World Wide Web, and PNG images are displayed by most popular web
browsers running on a variety of operating systems. A PNG file consists of color information
and a compressed bitmap representation of the image. ABAQUS/CAE allows you to save images
of selected canvas objects (viewports and text and arrow annotations) in PNG-format files.
For more information:
``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
point sections
A simple way to model a rigid body is to define a point with the same mass and moment of


inertia properties as the rigid body. You can specify these properties by defining a point section
with inertial properties and then applying the section to the rigid body's reference point. The
section definition can also include optional damping data.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
position constraint
A position constraint is a constraint used to prescribe the positions of part instances during
assembly in ABAQUS/CAE.
For more information:
``How the position constraint methods differ, '' Section 16.4.2
prescribed condition
A prescribed condition is an external condition, such as a load or a boundary condition, that you
apply to a model.
For more information:
Chapter 19, "The Load/BC/IC module"
``Prescribed conditions: overview,'' Section 19.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
and Section 18.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Preselection symbols appear on an ABAQUS/CAE sketch as you move the cursor around to
select a point, such as the center of a circle or the end of a line. Preselection symbols help you
position the cursor and indicate a point on the sketch that can be selected, such as a vertex or a
midpoint. If you click when a preselection symbol is visible, ABAQUS/CAE selects the point
represented by the symbol.
For more information:
``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5
primary cursor
There are two cursors active within the ABAQUS/CAE Sketch module: the primary cursor and
the secondary cursor. The primary cursor is the one you use with most applications on your
computer, including ABAQUS/CAE. The primary cursor usually appears as an arrow pointer;
you position this cursor by moving the mouse.
For more information:
``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5
printed output file
The printed output file (file extension .dat) contains information generated by the ABAQUS
solver input file preprocessor, including the model definition and any error or warning messages


that were detected while processing the input data. In addition, the printed output file contains
any printed output data written during the analysis.
For more information:
``Understanding output requests,'' Section 17.4
``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual
When you select Tools->Query from the main menu bar or use the
tool in the toolbar,
ABAQUS/CAE enters probe mode, as indicated in the prompt area. In this mode
ABAQUS/CAE displays information as you move the cursor around the current viewport.
Probing a model plot displays model data and analysis results; probing an X-Y plot displays X-Y
curve data. You can write this information to a file.
For more information:
Chapter 31, "Querying and probing"
The word procedure has two meanings in ABAQUS. When you use ABAQUS/CAE, many tasks
that you perform are broken into step-by-step procedures. When you perform one of these
procedures, ABAQUS/CAE displays instructions for each step at the appropriate time in the
prompt area near the bottom of the main window.
In addition, the type of analysis to be performed during an analysis step is referred to as the
analysis procedure. For each step in an analysis, you must specify the analysis procedure. Static
stress, dynamic stress, eigenvalue buckling, and transient heat transfer are examples of analysis
For more information:
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
``Procedures: overview,'' Section 6.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
When you create a beam section, you must also create a generalized profile (area, moments of
inertia, and torsional rigidity) that will be referred to by the section. If the beam section is open,
its profile definition must also include the sectoral moment and warping constant.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
prompt area
The prompt area is located at the bottom of the ABAQUS/CAE main window, just above the


message area. The prompt area displays instructions for you to follow during a procedure.
For more information:
``Using the prompt area during procedures,'' Section 6.2
The &propmod; allows you to define the material and section properties of a model by creating
section definitions and assigning them to parts or to regions of parts. Most section definitions
refer to material definitions, which you also create using the &propmod;.
For more information:
Chapter 15, "The Property module&rdquo;
PostScript is a page-description language developed by Adobe Systems that offers flexible font
capability and high-quality graphics. The best-known page-description language, PostScript uses
English-like commands to control page layout and to load and scale outline fonts. PostScript is
used in many printers, either as the only print mode or as an alternative among several.
ABAQUS/CAE allows you to print images of selected canvas objects (viewports and text and
arrow annotations) directly to a PostScript printer or to save the same image in a
PostScript-format file.
For more information:
``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
proximity search
Proximity searches allow you to search for a particular word or phrase near another word or
phrase in the online documentation.
For more information:
``Searching based on proximity'' in Using &A; Online Documentation

Query toolset
The Query toolset allows you to obtain information about your model. ABAQUS/CAE displays
the requested information in the message area, and, in most cases, the same information is
written to the replay file. Select Tools->Query from the main menu bar to use the Query toolset,
or select the query tool

from the toolbar.

For more information:

Chapter 44, "The Query toolset"
A queue allows you to execute jobs on a computer in a sequential manner. When you configure a
job in the ABAQUS/CAE Job module, you can choose between running the job locally in the


background or submitting the job to a named batch queue on a host machine.

For more information:
``Submitting a job remotely,'' Section 21.2.7
Example: ABAQUS/CAE startup customization in the ABAQUS Site Guide.

radio button
Radio buttons allow you to choose between mutually exclusive options in some ABAQUS/CAE
dialog boxes. When a particular option is controlled by radio buttons, you can choose only one
of the buttons at a time. For example, you can control the perspective option in the View
Options dialog box by clicking either the On or the Off radio button.
For more information:
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1
recovery file
A recovery file is a file containing commands that ABAQUS/CAE can use to replicate the model
database currently in memory, should it become lost due to a catastrophic interruption of your
ABAQUS/CAE session such as a power outage. The recovery file contains only those
commands that were executed since the last time the model database was saved; all remaining
commands are saved in the journal file.
For more information:
``Recreating an unsaved model database,'' Section 12.4.3
reference geometry
When you sketch a feature, ABAQUS/CAE first projects lines and vertices from any existing
features onto the sketch plane. These projected lines and vertices are called reference geometry;
you can select reference geometry to help position objects and to constrain the sketch to the
underlying geometry.
For more information:
``Reference geometry,'' Section 22.5.1
reference surface
The nodes of a shell element are located at its reference surface, which is usually coincident with
the shell's midsurface.
For more information:
``Defining an initial temperature gradient through a shell section, '' Section 19.7.17
``Defining the shell element's initial geometry,'' Section 15.6.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User's Manual
``Shell elements: overview,'' Section 14.4.1 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual


The process of regeneration recalculates model geometry after a feature of an ABAQUS/CAE
model has been modified; by default, ABAQUS/CAE automatically regenerates all dependent
features if you modify a feature. For example, if you modify a feature of a part, ABAQUS/CAE
regenerates the part, any instances of the part in the assembly, and the final mesh.
For more information:
``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
A region is any particular portion of an ABAQUS/CAE model. A region can be a vertex, edge,
face, cell, node, element, or a collection of these entities. You can specify and name specific
regions of a part or assembly by creating sets and surfaces that contain those regions. You can
divide a part or an assembly into more regions by partitioning it.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
render style
Render style is the style in which you display an object in a viewport in ABAQUS/CAE.
Examples of render style are Wireframe, Hidden, and Shaded.
For more information:
``Choosing a render style,'' Section 46.2
replay file
Almost every operation that you perform in ABAQUS/CAE is recorded automatically in the
replay file (abaqus.rpy) in the form of ABAQUS commands. Executing the replay file is
equivalent to replaying the original sequence of operations.
For more information:
``Recreating an unsaved model database,'' Section 12.4.3
restart file
The restart file (job_name.res) is used to continue an analysis job.
For more information:
``Restart output requests,'' Section 17.5.1
``Restarting an analysis,'' Section 7.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
resource file
The ABAQUS resource file allows you to control certain aspects of the appearance and behavior
of ABAQUS/CAE such as the size and style of fonts, the color of dialog boxes, or which files
are displayed by default in the Open Database dialog box.


For more information:

``Customizing X resources,'' Section 6.1
``Opening a model database or an output database, '' Section 12.6.2
In ABAQUS/CAE, resuming a suppressed feature fully restores it to the part or assembly. See
also suppress.
For more information:
``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
revolved solid or shell
You create a revolved solid or shell in ABAQUS/CAE by sketching the two-dimensional profile
of the feature and sweeping it through a specified angle about the axis of revolution. A
construction line in the sketch defines the axis of revolution.
For more information:
``Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, '' Section
rigid body
In general, rigid body is one that is so much stiffer than the rest of the model that its deformation
can be considered negligible. In ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit, a rigid body is a
collection of rigid elements. See also analytical rigid part or discrete rigid part for information
about rigid bodies in ABAQUS/CAE.
For more information:
``Defining analytical rigid surfaces,'' Section 2.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
rigid body reference point or node
The rigid body reference point is a selected point that is used to define the motion of a rigid body
(a rigid part in ABAQUS/CAE) or to apply constraints to a rigid body. The rigid body reference
node is the node located at the rigid body reference point. When constraining the rigid body, you
apply constraints to the degrees of freedom of the rigid body reference node.
For more information:
``The reference point,'' Section 14.4.5
``Defining analytical rigid surfaces,'' Section 2.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
You can use the blend tools in the Part module to round selected edges of the part in the current
viewport to the desired radius. A chamfer creates a straight blend; a round creates a rounded


For more information:
``Blend features,'' Section 14.6.5

scale factor animation

In ABAQUS/CAE a scale factor animation displays a series of plots created from a single step
and frame of the output database (ODB). The different plots are formed by multiplying the
deformation scale factor by a range of animation scale factors.
For more information:
``Scale factor animation,'' Section 34.1.2
A script is a type of program that consists of a set of instructions to an application. In
ABAQUS/CAE almost every operation that you perform during a session can be duplicated by a
script containing a set of ABAQUS/CAE commands. You can find examples of ABAQUS/CAE
commands in the replay file (abaqus.rpy) that is written automatically during every
ABAQUS/CAE session.
For more information:
``Understanding the files generated by creating and analyzing a model,'' Section 12.3
search filter
You can use search filters to search for particular types of ABAQUS terms in the online
For more information:
``What is a search filter?'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
search history
All of the searches that you perform in a particular online manual appear in a search history list,
which is located in the search history dialog box. You can use the search history dialog box to
repeat and modify past searches.
For more information:
``Repeating and modifying searches'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
secondary cursor
There are two cursors active within the ABAQUS/CAE Sketch module: the primary cursor and
the secondary cursor. The secondary cursor looks like a plus sign (+) and appears near the
primary cursor whenever the Sketch module prompts you to select a point. By default, if you
move the primary cursor near a point that is eligible for selection, the secondary cursor jumps
directly to the point while the primary cursor remains fixed; therefore, you can easily see exactly
which point is selected before committing the selection.


For more information:

``The Sketcher cursors and preselection,'' Section 22.4.5
A section definition is the data that specify the properties of regions in an ABAQUS/CAE
assembly or in a set of elements in an ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit model. A
section definition can contain information such as a material name, Poisson's ratio, transverse
shear data, and various other parameters.
For more information:
Chapter 15, "The Property module"
``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section 15.6.5 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
``Using the *BEAM SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section 15.3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.3.6 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
section points
When you define shell or beam sections that are integrated during an analysis, you must specify
the number of section integration points through the thickness of the section. A group of section
points is located at each material integration point over the surface of a shell element or along
the length of a beam element.
For more information:
Chapter 15, "The Property module"
``Using the *SHELL SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section 15.6.5 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.4.4 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
``Using the *BEAM SECTION option to define the section behavior, '' Section 15.3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Section 14.3.6 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
In ABAQUS/CAE, seeds are markers that you place along the edges of an unmeshed assembly to
indicate the desired density of the mesh. By default, mesh seeds provide only a target mesh
density; if necessary, the mesh generator alters the original seed distribution to successfully
generate the mesh. You can prevent this redistribution by constraining seeds.
For more information:
``Understanding seeding,'' Section 20.4
selected viewport


You select an ABAQUS/CAE viewport by clicking its border; a selected viewport is indicated
by handles around its border. You can have more than one selected viewport at a time.
ABAQUS/CAE applies Canvas menu operations, such as Delete and Make Viewport Current ,
to selected viewports. See also current viewport.
For more information:
``Working with viewports,'' Section 7.3
Session refers to the time during which a program accepts input, processes information, and
responds to user commands. An ABAQUS/CAE session begins when you start ABAQUS/CAE
and continues until you exit.
For more information:
``Starting and exiting ABAQUS/CAE,'' Section 5.1
A set is a named region or collection of objects on which you can perform various operations.
For example, you can assign section properties or apply a load to a set. See also node set,
element set, geometry set and discrete set.
For more information:
``Understanding sets and surfaces,'' Section 45.2
``An introduction to using ABAQUS,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual
``An introduction to using ABAQUS/Explicit,'' Section 1.1.2 of the ABAQUS/Explicit User's
Set toolset
The Set toolset is a collection of ABAQUS/CAE tools that allows you to create and manage sets.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
shell sections
Shell sections define the section properties of shell regions. Shells model structures in which one
dimension (the thickness) is significantly smaller than the other two dimensions and in which
the stresses in the thickness direction are negligible. A homogeneous shell section includes the
shell thickness, material name, section Poisson's ratio, and optional transverse shear data.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
A sketch forms the two-dimensional profile of an ABAQUS/CAE feature. You use sketches to
create planar or axisymmetric features, or you can extrude, revolve, or sweep a sketch to form a


three-dimensional feature.
For more information:
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
Sketch module
Use the ABAQUS/CAE Sketch module to create and manage stand-alone sketches.
For more information:
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
Use the sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of a feature. You can also use the
sketcher to sketch a partition on a selected face.
For more information:
Chapter 22, "The Sketch module"
Some ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes contain sliders that you drag to set the value of an option
that has a continuous range of possible values.
For more information:
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1
solid sections
Solid sections define the section properties of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and
axisymmetric solid regions. Homogeneous solid sections refer to a single material. If the section
will be used with a two-dimensional region, you must also specify the section thickness.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3
Solver usually refers to the linear equation solver in ABAQUS/Standard. (See equation solver.)
Solver sometimes also refers generically to one of the ABAQUS analysis products; for example,
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit.
solver input file
See input file.
solver input file processor
The solver input file processor is a computer program within ABAQUS that processes the input
file and submits the resulting data to the appropriate analysis program, either
ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit. The functions of the solver input file processor are to
interpret the ABAQUS options, perform the necessary consistency checking, and prepare the
data for the analysis program.


For more information:

``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
A spline is a curve defined by a mathematical function that connects separate points with a high
degree of smoothness. Use the spline tool in the ABAQUS/CAE Sketch module to sketch a
smooth curve that connects a series of points. ABAQUS/CAE calculates the shape of the curve
using a cubic spline fit between all the points along the spline; as a result, the first and second
derivatives of the spline are continuous.
For more information:
``Sketching splines,'' Section 22.9.8
stand-alone sketch
Stand-alone sketches are ABAQUS/CAE sketches that are independent of any particular feature;
you can incorporate a stand-alone sketch into the current sketch.
For more information:
``Stand-alone sketches,'' Section 22.3.1
status file
The status file (file extension .sta) is generated during an ABAQUS/Standard or
ABAQUS/Explicit analysis job and contains information about the progress of the analysis.
For more information:
``Degree of freedom monitor requests,'' Section 17.5.3
``Output,'' Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit
User's Manual
Within a model you define a sequence of one or more analysis steps. The step sequence provides
a convenient way to capture changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the model,
changes in the way parts of the model interact with each other, and any other changes that may
occur in the model during the course of the analysis. In addition, steps allow you to change the
analysis procedure, the data output, and various controls. You can also use steps to define linear
perturbation analyses about nonlinear base states.
For more information:
``What is a step?,'' Section 17.3.1
``Defining a model in ABAQUS,'' Section 1.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
step-dependent manager
Step-dependent managers in ABAQUS/CAE contain a list of all of the objects of a certain type

that you have created. They are similar to basic managers in that they contain Create, Edit,
Copy, Rename, and Delete buttons that you can use to manipulate existing objects and to create
new ones. However, unlike basic managers, step-dependent managers contain additional
information concerning the history of each object listed in the manager. They also provide
buttons that you can use, in some cases, to manipulate the history of each object.
For more information:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
step-dependent object
Step-dependent objects are objects that you can create and, in some cases, modify and deactivate
in particular steps of an analysis. Loads, boundary conditions, and interactions are
step-dependent objects.
For more information:
``What are step-dependent managers?,'' Section 6.5.2
Step module
Use the Step module to create and configure analysis steps and to request output for each step.
You can also use the Step module to specify adaptive meshing and contact controls.
For more information:
Chapter 17, "The Step module"
structured meshing
The structured meshing technique generates structured meshes using simple predefined mesh
topologies. ABAQUS/CAE transforms the mesh of a regularly shaped region, such as a square or
a cube, onto the geometry of the region you want to mesh.
For more information:
``Structured meshing,'' Section 20.8
Suppressing a feature temporarily deletes it from an ABAQUS/CAE model and can simplify the
appearance of a part or assembly. In addition, suppressing a feature can increase the speed of
regeneration. See also resume.
For more information:
``Modifying and manipulating features,'' Section 42.1
A surface is a named region that can be defined on the faces or edges of a geometric rigid body
or a discrete finite element model. A surface definition can also contain information to
distinguish between the positive and negative sides of the surface.
For more information:


Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"

``Surfaces: overview,'' Section 2.3.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the
ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual
Surface toolset
The Surface toolset is a collection of tools that allows you to create and manage surfaces.
For more information:
Chapter 45, "The Set and Surface toolsets"
swept meshing
ABAQUS/CAE uses swept meshing to mesh complex extruded or revolved solid regions as well
as revolved surface regions. The swept meshing technique involves two phases:
ABAQUS/CAE creates a mesh on one side of the region, known as the source side.
ABAQUS/CAE copies the nodes of that mesh, one element layer at a time, until the final
side, known as the target side, is reached.
For more information:
``Swept meshing,'' Section 20.10
symbol plot
An ABAQUS/CAE symbol plot shows the magnitude and direction of a particular vector or
tensor variable at a specified step and frame of the analysis. ABAQUS/CAE represents the
values as symbols (arrows) drawn at the locations in the model where the results were obtained.
For more information:
Chapter 28, "Plotting analysis results as symbols"

For the sake of organization and convenience, the objects in some ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes
are arranged on separate pages. You can view each page by clicking its labeled tab. Tabs are
arranged either horizontally or vertically along the edge of a dialog box.
For more information:
``Using dialog boxes separated by tabs,'' Section 6.3.4
table of contents
Online manuals appear on your screen in book windows. Each book window has a table of
contents panel that displays a hierarchical outline of the topics in the book. This outline remains
visible as you browse the book, allowing you to identify your current location and to move
quickly from one part of the book to another. When you click a table of contents entry, the
content panel immediately scrolls to the corresponding section in the book.


For more information:

``Browsing and customizing the book window'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation
text field
Text fields are areas in ABAQUS/CAE dialog boxes in which you can enter information. For
example, when you create a material, you must enter the name of the material in the Name text
field in the Create Material dialog box.
For more information:
``Using basic dialog box components,'' Section 6.3.1
through hole
A through hole passes completely through a three-dimensional solid object. The path of the hole
continues to infinity and cuts the object anywhere it intersects.
For more information:
``Adding a cut feature,'' Section 14.19
TIFF (Tag Image File Format)
TIFF is a standard bitmap graphics file format commonly used for storage of graphic images.
Depending on the display device, the TIFF format provides options to adjust both color and
grayscale images and can encode very high-quality images. ABAQUS/CAE allows you to save
images of selected canvas objects (viewports and text and arrow annotations) in TIFF-format
files. ABAQUS/CAE does not compress the data stored in TIFF-format files, and, as a result, the
files can consume large amounts of disk space.
For more information:
``Printed image formats,'' Section 11.1.1
time history animation
A time history animation displays a series of plots that vary according to result values over time.
See also scale factor animation.
For more information:
``Time history animation,'' Section 34.1.1
The toolbar is located directly under the ABAQUS/CAE main menu bar. It contains a
convenient set of tools for managing your files and for viewing results. Items in the toolbar are
shortcuts to functions that are also available from the main menu bar.
For more information:
``Components of the toolbar,'' Section 5.2.3
Toolboxes are collections of icons that provide quick access to commonly used ABAQUS/CAE


functions. The tools available in a toolbox are also available from the main menu bar.
For more information:
``Understanding and using toolboxes,'' Section 6.4
See view orientation triad or material orientation triad.
truss sections
Trusses, like beams, are used in two and three dimensions to model slender, rod-like structures.
A truss provides axial strength but, unlike beams, it provides no bending stiffness. Truss
sections consist of a material name and the cross-sectional area.
For more information:
``Defining sections,'' Section 15.2.3

If ABAQUS/CAE cannot mesh a solid region automatically using hexahedral elements, that
region is considered unmeshable. Unmeshable regions become orange when you enter the Mesh
module. An unmeshable region can be made meshable by partitioning or by assigning tetrahedral
elements to the region.
For more information:
Chapter 20, "The Mesh module"
user-defined view
In ABAQUS/CAE you can save the current position, orientation, and scale factor as one of four
user-defined views. You can subsequently apply the view to any viewport. User-defined views
are saved for the duration of the session.
For more information:
``Saving a user-defined view,'' Section 8.4.8
user subroutine
User subroutines are subroutines you write to increase the functionality of several ABAQUS
options for which data line usage may be too restrictive. User subroutines are typically written as
For more information:
Chapter 23, "User Subroutines," of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and Chapter 21 of
the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual

The position, orientation, and scale factor define the view of an object in an ABAQUS/CAE


For more information:
``Understanding the view manipulation tools, '' Section 8.1
view orientation triad
Each part or assembly is positioned relative to a default Cartesian coordinate system. The
orientation of this default coordinate system within a viewport is indicated by the view
orientation triad.
For more information:
``Customizing the view triad,'' Section 8.2
Viewports are areas on the ABAQUS/CAE canvas where you can display models or analysis
results. You can create multiple viewports, and they can be moved, resized, and deleted.
For more information:
``What is a viewport?,'' Section 7.1.1
Visualization module
The ABAQUS/CAE Visualization module provides graphical display of finite element models
and results. It obtains model and result information from the output database (ODB). Major
capabilities of the Visualization module include undeformed and deformed shape plotting,
results contour and symbol plotting, X-Y plotting and reporting, field output reporting, plot
customization, and animation.
The Visualization module is also the sole module incorporated in ABAQUS/Viewer.
For more information:
Chapter 23, "Visualization module basics"

A wildcard is a special character that can stand for any other character or set of characters. When
you conduct a search through the ABAQUS online documentation, wildcards enable you to
search for words or phrases that contain certain letters or patterns of letters. The online
documentation supports two wildcard characters: a question mark (?) can represent any single
character, and an asterisk (*) can represent any set of zero or more characters.
For more information:
``Searching with wildcards'' in Using ABAQUS Online Documentation

X, Y, Z

X11, more precisely called "The X Window System," is the standard graphical user interface to


UNIX. It provides a standard and portable way of displaying graphics. You can choose between
two graphics drivers to operate your ABAQUS/CAE display: X11 and OpenGL
X-Y data object
An X-Y data object is a two-dimensional array that ABAQUS/CAE stores in two columns: an
X-column and a Y-column. You can use the Visualization module to display X-Y data in the form
of an X-Y plot.
For more information:
``What is an X-Y data object, and what is an X-Y plot?,'' Section 30.1.1
X-Y plot
An X-Y plot is a two-axis graph of one variable versus another. ABAQUS/CAE can display X-Y
data objects in the form of an X-Y plot.
For more information:
Chapter 30, "X-Y plotting"
X-Y report
An X-Y report is a tabular listing of X and Y data values. ABAQUS/CAE can generate an X-Y
report from the data contained in X-Y objects.
For more information:
Chapter 35, "Generating tabular data reports"


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