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At Master s thesis, faculty of history with topic ,, Imperial Poltics in Balcans (XVth- XVIth
centuries ). Military Border, State and Society from historycal perspective;author- Sobol
Structure of thesis- thesis was written in years of study of 2015th and 2016th , with next structure:
introduction as initiation in research field, three chapters and conclusions,

page text,

bibliography made from 80 titles, annotation and attachement list.

Key Words- Military Border , the Balkans , the Ottoman expansion , expansion of the Habsburgs
military conflict, militarization, reforms , demilitarization and separation.
The purpose of research- purpose of our investigation is to elucidate aspects of primordial
creation and existence of the Military Frontier in all its versatility: origins, premises, stages,
controversy, geopolitical dimensions, solutions and implementation difficulties. We formulated
the following research goals : Analysis of sources and historiography of the problem outlined in
the original development of Military Frontier , ethnicity , targeting key assumptions membership
that territory , dates aimed at training this buffer territorial conflicts ; Ways and means by which
the Military Frontier became a new region with special status in the Balkans. Elucidation of
main historical dates about Military Frontier. Revaluating of ethnic, political and religious
aspects. Systematization of problem in chronological order .Highlighting the main factors
( internal, external ) that have directly contributed to the appearance and performance by the
conflict , key figures and their contributions at highlighting major military conflicts , and their
Theoretic and applicative value of research- It is to systematize the main key moments that led
to the appearance of the area median respective history, highlighting the phenomena that have
contributed to the dismantling of the area, applying knowledge to work at this Master thesis that
are based on principles of objectivity, historicism and impartial analysis based on general values
of humanity. The importance of that work is that its elaboration as I applied research methods:
analysis, synthesis, generalization, deduction, and comparative method, retrospective and
systemic approach.

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