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Raikin 1

Nicole Raikin
Mr. King
English 1
28 April 2016
Types of Love Podcast
Arranged love is when two people are matched together by their parents without their
consent. This type of love can be a slow snail compared to other types because a couple has to
learn to love each other, while in some types the love can come instantly. They have never met
prior to their marriage, and it will take a lot of time to build trust between them. Although
arranged marriage isnt typically common in the United States, I know many families who subtly
manipulate their children into falling in love with each other. The families spend a lot of time
together, and they know that the children will eventually learn to love each other. In other
countries, says that 60% of marriages are arranged. These arrangements are
actually successful because the couple has basic similarities such as social backgrounds,
education and intelligence levels. In Romeo and Juliet, the Capulet family arranged for Juliet to
marry a man named Paris. Lord Capulet was so eager to marry his daughter that in Act 3, Scene
4, Lines 23-24, he said: O Thursday let it be. O Thursday, tell her, she shall be married to this
noble earl. This statement clearly shows that Juliet was to be married in a few days to someone
she barely knew. Juliet did refuse to marry Paris, but in Act 3, Scene 5, Lines 154-156, Lord
Capulet said: But fettle your fine joints gainst Thursday next to go with Paris to Saint Peters
Church or I will drag thee on a hurdle hither. This statement shows that Lord Capulet did not

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care about Juliets feeling, and that she would be married even if he had to drag her to the
My other type of love in unrequited love which is when a persons love is not
reciprocated by the one being admired. This love is a disease. It infects a persons entire being
until all he does is think about ways to earn the one he desires. When I was younger, I had a
friend who was madly in love with a girl. He did everything to win her affections, but she
refused to have anything to do with him. In the end, my friend gave up on his unrequited love
and finally decided to move on. According to, unrequited love causes a
persons brain to create blissful and irresistible thoughts relating to the person being admired.
People can be so overtaken by these strong thoughts that even their dreams can be filled with the
image of the person that they desire. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo had deep affections for a girl
named Rosaline, but she did not reciprocate his feelings. Romeo became depressed of his
rejection and in Act 1, Scene 1, Lines 208-209, he said: From Loves weak childish bow she
lives uncharmed. She will not stay the siege of loving terms. This means that Rosaline was not
interested in Romeo, no matter how much he flirted with her. Also, Juliet rejected Paris. In Act 4,
Scene 1, Lines 24-29, Paris and Juliet had a conversation where Juliet admits that if she told
Paris that she loved him, she would not mean it. She loved Romeo and was forever faithful to

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Works Cited
Seltzer, Leon F., Ph.D. The Blissful Torture of Unrequited Love. Psychology Today. N.p., n.d.
Web. 28 Apr. 2016
Toledo, Myrna. First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love. ABC News. ABC News Network,
30 Jan. 2009. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.

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