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Drug Abuse is a Social Evil

"Drug is Death: Say no to Drugs " and other similar slogans visible on billboards and
newspapers are proofs of the social awareness drug abuse has attracted. Drug related
crimes are equally conscience stirring and have made people much over it.
We all have relied on the drugs. Our doctors have prescribed for the various diseases, so,
how can its use be an abuse. The use of psychoactive substances for obtaining relief from
mental tension or physical discomfort i.e. for therapeutic uses is legitimate use of drugs.
Contrary to this, when used for attaining pleasure or new experiences and consequent
physical or psychological harm is termed as drug abuse. Such drug abuse induces drug
dependence and ultimately addiction and habituation. In drug addicts there is enslavement
to drugs and compulsion to obtain and consume it by any means. They develop a
psychological and physical dependence on the effects of the drugs and an effect detrimental
to the individual and to the society.
The abusable drugs are of various types; sedatives or depressants that relax the central
nervous systems, induce sleep and provide a soothing effect. Stimulants activate the central
nervous systems and relieve tensions, make them aggressive and counteract fatigue.
Narcotics, like depressants affect — the central nervous system and produce feelings of
pleasure strength and lesson inhibitions. Hallucinogens produce distortion of perceptions
and dream images.
Drug abuse has been explained by psychologists and sociologists. It is generally regarded
that pleasurable sensations produced by drugs reinforce their use or it satisfies certain
psychological needs, or is a response to fear and insecurity to the conditions of modern life,
often association with users is also regarded as a reason for accepting drugs. Drug abuse
can also be explained in terms of weakening of social bonds between individuals and society
due to maladjustment alienation and noncommitments.
A new dimension in drug abuse has been its use by sports persons to enhance their
potential beyond humanly endurable limits. The incident of Ben Johnson was a jolt to the
sports lovers all over the world and has caused much thinking on effort to curb the
recurrence of such incidents. However, with unfailing regularity such controversies erupt, for
example Katrin Krabe.
It would be appropriate here to search for the causes of drug abuse. Among sports persons
it can be safely attributed to the search and urge for glory. It can be an attempt to gain an
unfair advantage over the others in the achievement orientation of modern society. The
ends have become all powerful and means have been relegated as secondary.
The use of drugs among children which is most shocking and astounding can be variously
explained. Juvenile delinquents take to it in defiance and deviance to the social values.
Some children accept it under peer group pressure and as an act of proving their
'masculinity. Others take to this due to weakening of emotional bonds between parents and
siblings. The children who are in an impressionable age require much effectual and
emotional bond to wean them away from such antisocial activities.
In rural areas the use of psychoactive substance is for religious purposes and on ritual
occasions. However, it is also used to relieve fatigue and also a source of entertainment.
In industrial urban setting the use is for more or less the same reasons.
Apart from the health and physical disadvantages drug abuse causes, it has also led to e
acceleration in crime. An addict would stop, nothing to get his dose of the drug. There has
been a spurt in thefts and murders by these addicts whose dependence physical and
psychological upon the drugs is so great that the accepted values and norms of the society
are shelved and their prime concern becomes acquiring their dosage.
There has been an increase in smuggling and peddling of those drugs as the economic
advantages are numerous. It has also made the gangs engaged in such activities more
vicious and violent as the economic stakes are very high.
This delineation of drug abuse brings us to the point where reference must be made to
efforts to curb their evil. Given that the use of drugs have historical and cultural context
makes prevention more complicated. Efforts have been made to combat drug trafficking,
treat addicts and prevent drug abuse.
India being on the transit route faces a challenging and unenviable task. However, our
Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Act has not been very effective, Seizures have increased and so have indictment
for offences but that is reflective only of the increase in those activities and not any positive
development of control of drug abuse. Other legal sanctions are merely suggestions of
intention and not actions.
Government regards drugs as a source of revenue and therefore its cultivation cannot be
stopped. The inefficiency of administrative machinery in policing and preventing abuse
needs no highlighting.
The only positive development is the establishment of de-addiction and detoxification
centers which, have enabled us to salvage some people from destruction. However, these
centers are expensive and the addicts have a tendency to relapse unless they have a strong
will power and a desire to abdicate the malaise. Voluntary associations have also been doing
a commendable task.
In conclusion, we can say that drug abuse has been realized as a major evil. It is a social
problem and has legal ramifications. It has been given a high profile now and mass media
has been disseminating information to educate people with the intention of preventing drug
abuse. The battle continues and war on drugs is on.

Scientific Temper and Rational Planning

"Realizing these limitations of reason and scientific method, we have siill to hold on to them
with all our strength, for without that firm basis and background we can, have no grip on
any kind of truth or reality".
These are a large number of people in our society who have formally studied or are studying
science, clearly driven by job expectations. This has caused the retreat of traditional values
and a degree of modernization and homogenization of society, it Is now certainly far less
segregated along lines of caste, language or religion. Those who are engaged in industry,
business and' commerce have no time to determine what identity their counterparts belong
to. This is certainly a major achievement in free India.
However, if one looks at some of our fundamental problems, there is much cause for dismay
and disappointment. Take the question of population. Even 50 years ago. At the time of
Independence, the Indian subcontinent was already crowded. Today's India is adding in
population in terms an Australia every year. But we are not adding to our resource base in
the same proportion.
Irrationality is the lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitary toilets for a large
majority of our population, while a small segment is busy with star TV, CNN, MTV and so on.
After independence a substantial and comprehensive base of science and technology has
been created and several scientists and technologists trained. Among the laboratories of the
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, there have been some very good examples of
integration with application. To mention only two : the Central Leather Research Institute
has done well to help export leather goods; the National Chemical Laboratory too has a
good record of working with industry.
The other laboratories, in spite of high quality manpower and facilities, have not yet been
able to upgrade industry or provide new designs and processes. A recent move to make
them earn fifty percent of their operating cost outside of the government funds, may force
them to integrate with industry.
Agriculture has seen a really successful tieup between the laboratories and the farms. We
must continue their association as agriculture will now face another revolution based on
biotechnological innovations, it is in atomic energy and space sciences, where the
applications have been tightly knit with laboratory work, that progress has been really very
impressive. Indian scientists and technologist expected that links between thelaboratories
and application areas would be strengthened, and that we would soon see a strong,
selfreliant industrial and agricultural development.
But now we face irrationality. The opening up of the economy and liberalization, after four
decades of regulation and control, has been widely welcomed. If the new open door policy
succeeds, India Is expected to have large manufacturing bases for products of
multinationals, hopefully supplying an overseas market with goods that will compete
globally in price, quality and performance. This could happen at least in a range of products
where our resource base would augment the advantage of lowcost skilled labor.
On the other hand, we will only be manufacturing to designs evolved in one of the advanced
countries. The design capability we have built up is in danger of wilting. The exceptions
would be where the MWCs find it' profitable to integrate Indian design effort into their
mainline work. This is likely to be limited.
What are the prospects of product of Indian technology breaking into the export market?
Software export has been growing well and there is considerable scope for expansion. As a
general rule, the scale of manufacture has been small. Even our larger activities would be
mini or micro in international comparison. Many of these industries have been too small to
support independent design effort, let alone research and development. There is a real
danger to the survival of many of these industries In the face of competition from overseas
giants who can indulge in price cutting and dumping with takeovers, dismantling of any line
of manufacture could easily happen in the guise of rationalization.
Why is it important for India to continue its faith in selfreliance? Many people would point
out that many economics such as those of South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia and others have done well in growing as part of international division of labour. Let
us recall that Indian with a population of 800 million and China with over one billion are the
two potentially largest economies. They will grow for the next several decades. They will
therefore, be large markets for both capital goods and consumer articles.
India will continue to build power stations, extended electricity supplies, add to its fleet of
trucks, modernize the railway system, build petroleum refineries, and so on. Equally, the
consumer demands for automobiles, two wheelers, TV sets and so forth will also continue. It
is important, therefore, that we not only manufacture these articles in the country but also
improve them with newer designs based on research and development undertaken in the
country. There is a need to integrate ourselves into the global economy at our own pace as
equal partners but not be stamped into joining as second class citizen.
Whenever one defends the policy of the opening up of our economy the case is on the basis
of bringing in the latest technology required to rapidly build up the nation. Quite often we
end up getting technology, for soft drinks or fast food. Verghese Kurien posed the question
"Why do we need to import the technology for potato chips?" A news item talks about the
entry to India of the American fast food chain, Mc Donalds. The entry is justified on the
ground that it would attract overseas tourists.
The list of irrationalities does not end here. At another level, there is the irrationality of the
Indian Science Congress instituting an award for astrology. Another irrationality staring us
in the face is the Dunkel Draft that is being negotiated by the GATT. Western
Pharmaceutical companies have complained in the past about India's patent laws. Even if,
these laws did not suit them, the country has been able to supply lifesaving drugs at
affordable prices. Under the new dispensation, this may not be so.
Even more ominous are the provisions relating to intellectual property rights as they apply
to agriculture. According to noted agricultural scientist M.S. Swaminathan, free flow of
knowledge across national frontiers helped the growth of agriculture and animal husbandry
worldwide. The provisions, of the Dunkel Draft favour Europe and North America and
mitigate against the developing countries. Even in the field of computer software, the
Dunkel provisions mitigate against the hours. In a number of cases, court orders were
wrongly interpreted to the chagrin of the affected parties, forcing them to go the High Court
or the Supreme Court for contempt proceedings.
Not surprisingly, the system of ready justice dispensed by criminals and antisocial elements
with the connivance of political parties is finding increasing acceptance in society. The Kini
murder case is only the tip of the iceberg. Political parties are not prepared to take up the
cudgels against the trend. Rather, they denigrate the judiciary.
It is not therefore, surprising that the leaders of political parties at the national level are
talking of reasserting the supremacy of Parliament visavis the judiciary and of amending the
Prevention of Corruption Act to exclude the elected representatives from its purview and so
on. There is also a move to amend the provisions of the Constitution to bring the judiciary
under the undisputed hold of the executive in the matter of appointment and transfers of
judges of the higher judiciary. The latest in this series of the proposed onslaughts is the
move to curtail the scope of Public Interest Litigation by making it obligatory for the
applicant to pay a deposit of Rs. 1 lakh and to confine the eligibility of the applicants to
those who are below the poverty line and so on.
The arrogance and insensitivity of the executive at the State and Central levels were
decisively brought home recently once again by its actions of invoking the provisions of the
Official Secrets Act. In a recent PIL case in the Bombay High Court pertaining to the
reported death of over 1.000 children during the last four, years in the tribal area of
Melghat in Amravati district, the Maharashtra Government took the unbelievable stand that
the two reports of inquiry made by Secretaries to the Government could not be made
available s they were secret. Fortunately, the court did not uphold this plea and directed
that they be made available to the parties to the litigation immediately. The other PIL onan
equally vital public issue—the safety standards in nuclear establishments—asked whether
precautions were being taken conforming to international standards and whether the
regulatory and overseeing institutional arrangements were adequate. Again, a plea of the
matter being secret was taken in the court by the Government of India. Unfortunately, the
court accepted the plea and dismissed the PIL.
As it happens, the State Government concerned is being ruled by a coalition of the Shiv
Sena and the BJP, and the Centre by a coalition of 13 political parties with Congress
support. Therefore, in a sense, almost all political parties are partners in making a mockery
of an open, transparent and responsible government which a democracy is expected to
provide. It also shows their disregard for the judicial process and judicial review in such
areas of critical public interest.
This inevitably raises the question of the direction in which the Indian democracy is heading.
Sooner than later, the question which Mr. Thackeray asked "Who rules this country, the
executive or the judiciary," will have to be answered in no uncertain terms. It is the rule of
law which governs the country. The executive or the judiciary or Parliament are mere
instrumentalities. It is a travesty of truth to say that during the 50th anniversary of our
Independence, answers to such basic questions are still unclear to the ruling political elite.

Information Technology and Small Entrepreneurs

A small scale enterprise is the dream of an ambitious individual who does not want to be
employed by others but to stand on his own legs. Such a person wants to have guidance in
the task of setting up the enterprise. If he succeeds he becomes wealthy and if he loses he
has lost everything. Therefore all his decisions should be sound and there is the importance
of information. Entrepreneurs require varieties of information when they get involved in the
process of identifying and formulating the project, raise various resources, implement them
and keep the same growing.
While in the process of identifying the project he needs to have a checklist of projects that
may suit his background, within his capacity to invest, relevant to the location he prefers,
and so on. Then, with the list of products or projects he has to undertake market research,
and by process of elimination select that single project of his dream and .prepare a detailed
project report, thereafter he has to raise resources, arrange for land building, plant and
machinery, recruit personnel, eject and commission the equipment, develop products,
establish marketing channels, sell his products, get customer feed back, keep competing in
the market and grow. All these activities require a mass of accurate and uptodate
For a given investment the employment potential of the small industry is the highest. Since
a government has to give high priority to solving the unemployment problem so as to
remain in power the State and Central governments have established a number of
organizations to undertake development of large, medium, small, tiny, and cottage
industries. Since the last three are very large in numbers running to millions spread far and
wide there are hundreds of organizations functioning at the district level, state Capitals and
throughout the country also. The Small Industry Development Organization of the
Government of India with its vast network of institutions across the entire country, state
level industry departments, district industry centers, small industry development
corporations, state financial corporations, village and khadhi industries commissions and
boards, and many more such organizations are spending enormous amount of resources. All
these organizations are supposed to provide varieties of crucial information to the
entrepreneur and help him take the right decision every time.
Some organizations have the mandate to provide uptodate project profiles for entrepreneurs
to make investment decisions. For about 8000 project profiles containing number of
variables with respect to item, location and chosen technology there is no one to provide a
reasonably uptodate project profile when demanded by the entrepreneurs. The same is the
fate unreceptive of getting market research data, analysis and reports, industrial potential
reports, area development study reports, requirements of product and services from small
industry by large and medium industry, central and state governments, are also supposed
to be within the reach of small entrepreneurs. Then there is the need for the small
entrepreneurs to know about foreign trade information concerning importers, exporters,
countries, their industry and business profiles, sources of technology, raw materials,
equipment, patents, quality standards, pi ices, government rules and regulations, taxes and
duties, and so on. But the entrepreneurs do not get the information. The export promotion
councils, and government undertakings have severe limitations to fulfilling the needs of
small entrepreneurs who themselves cannot afford to gather the same.
Now information services are well organized in the developed world due to the
developments in electronics, computers and telecommunication. The development in
electronic data processing, personal computers, networking, linking pc. modems and
telephones have now made it possible to collect large magnitude of data. Instant online

retrieval of information and storage through what are called CDROM desks have become a
reality, in the developed world data base companies such as Knight Ridder information inc.,
Compuserve, America Online and World Trade Centre network are revolutionizing business.
Internet is proving to be a fantastic for not only information but also communication
through Email, fax possibilities. Business publicity through Internet is spreading like wild
fire. There are something like ten thousand database companies collecting daily global
information, updating and making the same available worldwide.
Although many organizations in India, both government .and private are in the business of
providing information they have severe limitations with regard to resources, expertise,
technology and vision. A few organizations such as the centre for monitoring Indian
economy, BISNET of rICCI, India on line by DART, INSDOC, National Informatic Centre, and
others have appeared on he scene. Internet has been introduced.
But these developments have hardly been of any help to the small industry sector.
Electronic data processing is yet to be known to the small industry development
organization. National Informatics centre is nowhere near developing database for small
industry. Enormous information was gathered when the CENSUS of small industry was
organized. This was supposed to be for understanding the sector and taking policy decisions
for the development by the official machinery. While no one knows of any policy decisions
haying revolutionized the sector, it is quite obvious that an excellent opportunity to develop
a database of small industry was lost.
About two decades ago the National small industry extension training institute had put in a
lot of effort to build a documentation centre. But due to various reasons it has not emerged
as a national institution for coordinating the information needs of small industry. It is time
there is an apex organization network with all the promotional institutions in India as well as
abroad to build a specialized database centre for small industry.
The single most important database of crucial interest to millions of Indian entrepreneurs is
the project profile database. It should cost around hundred million rupees. There is need to
database concerning government policy, procedures, taxes, finance, technology, markets
and company profiles. Specialized database industry wise, area wise, and so on will also be
needed. Since small entrepreneurs individually cannot afford to spend on their own to
establish information centers there is a need for the Governments or nongovernmental
organizations to take up the initiative in the matter. Considerable investment may be
required to bring in equipment and expertise. Hundreds of organizations across the country
will have to network with each other and share the cost and work. But who will bell the cat?
To meet the needs of millions of small entrepreneurs it may be required to establish
hundreds of database. The Investment required will be substantial. The existing
organizations work in water tight compartments and have no idea of the magnitude of the
task. There is a widespread view that information should be provided to the entrepreneurs
when asked for without any cost. There is no way for organizations to share the information
and cost.
Neither the official machinery nor the small industry associations understand the importance
of information. While the official machinery plans for making stringent rules and regulatory
laws to ration the concessions, reliefs and subsidies the entrepreneurs and their associations
develop expertise to find shortcuts to get doles from government departments. The
infrastructure needs such as information, power and roads, are easily forgotten.
There is tremendous scope for service industries all over the world. Information services can
also be profitable when millions of persons are seeking the service, it is true that the poor
quality of service organized with lot of investment but offered almost free of cost at present
is a discouraging factor. But it is the experience of almost everyone who has involvement in
the extension services to the small industry that entrepreneurs do not mind paying as long
as the information is uptodate, available when asked for and reliable. The technology that is
emerging is exciting and can be easily marketed. The country is moving towards an
information revolution. Highly trained manpower is easily available. Science and technology
parks are being established. Therefore it is a matter of time that this service sector gets
noticed by the entrepreneurs themselves.
Millions of unemployed persons need net get frustrated and keep hunting for jobs. Upto
date information, available at affordable cost when asked for, will act as motivation for
them. So many small industries need pot fail for having taken decisions based on wrong or
insufficient information. Instead of looking for local markets the industry can hope to get
overseas markets. Networking with global entrepreneurs means better quality products at
cheaper prices for the consumers. It is not only empowering the entrepreneur but also
enriching him or her.
Major restructuring of promotional institutions is necessary to establish an apex organization
to coordinate the development of database centers for small industry in India. It is also
necessary to encourage private and non private institutions to join hands with government
departments to promote information services. The entrepreneurs should understand the
importance of information and be willing to pay for it. Such developments will benefit
millions of persons.

The Scourge of Unemployment

One of the principal manifestations of and factors contributing to the low levels of living in
developing nations is their relatively inadequate or inefficient utilization of labor in
developed nations. Underutilization of labor is manifested in two forms. First, it occurs as
underemployment—those people, both rural and urban workers working less than they
could. Underemployment also includes those who are normally working full time but whose
productivity so low that they would have a negligible impact on total output. The second
form is open unemployment—those people who are able and often eager to work but for
whom no suitable jobs are available. It is this form of underutilization of labor which is of
our concern here.
Open unemployment, often includes skilled workers highly trained in sophisticated
technologies within its ambit. This involves a colossal waste of the nation's human
resources. On a different plane, such unemployment causes unfathomable trauma and
alienation on the person thus affected.
The number of unemployed persons in a developing country depends primarily on the size
and age composition of its population. In this context two observations, are of the prime
significance. Developing countries like India succeeded in substantially reducing the death
rates without bringing about a commensurate reduction in the birth rates but also created
high present dependency ratios and rapidly expanding future labor ratios. The second
observation relates to the impact of fertility decline. Even if fertility rates were to decline its
impact on labor force size and age structure would be visible after a considerable period of
Having made these observations we now turn towards the aim of development for
developing countries with special reference to India. In developing countries most of the
unemployment is structural, here the demand for labor falls short of employment account of
agricultural backwardness, underdevelopment of industries and small size of the service
sector. Like all other underdeveloped countries, India presently suffers from structural
unemployment which exists both in the open and disguised forms.
Apart from structural unemployment the phenomenon of industrial recession in the last
couple of decades has also introduced, what is called cyclical unemployment. However, this
type of unemployment can be removed by antirecessionary policies and by raising effective
demand. Hence, structural unemployment remains our principal aliment. For analytical
purposes unemployment in the country may be thought to exist in two forms : urban and
rural. Urban unemployment includes industrial unemployment and educated unemployment
while rural unemployment can be either open or disguised. An important section of rural
unemployment in India is seasonal in nature.
Most of the unemployment in urban areas is open and undisguised. Industrial
unemployment in urban areas is on the rise despite the phenomenal expansion of the
industrial sector during the Plans. The circumstances which led to such an eventuality are
many. First, there has been a rapid increase in the economically active population which has
far outpaced the growth of economy. Secondly, population in urban areas has grown faster
than otherwise warranted because of a large influx of rural migrants. The slow growth of
industries has retarded the capacity of urban centers to absorb this surplus labor.
The education system in India continues to churn out lakhs of matriculates and graduates
every year. These people have little or no vocational training and they are unfit for any
skilful employment. The consequence of this is that they all hanker for white collar jobs and
other low paid unskilled jobs. It is not uncommon, therefore, to find graduates and others
with still higher qualifications competing for unbecoming jobs. The imperfect education
system with its theoretical bias, lack of aptitude, maladjustments between demand and
supply of educated workers are some well documented causes of educated unemployment.
Let us now look at some aspects of rural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment in the
farm sector is a normal occurrence in India. Indian agriculture being a gamble with
monsoons and the existence of a very small proportion of irrigated land ensures that the
persons working on unirrigated tracts remain unemployed during the dry months unless
they get some employment elsewhere —which is very difficult.
A widely acknowledged fact about Indian agriculture is that it is characterized by the
existence of considerable amount of surplus labor. In green revolution belt, demand for
wage labor has increased and agricultural laborers have had to be brought in to meet this
As already mentioned most of the unemployment in India is structural. Its main causes
need a deeper insight.
Evidently, the demographic factor has played a major role in contributing to the rapid
growth of labor force in the country since independence. However, in the Indian context
social factors affecting the supply of labor are as important as demographic factors. The
emergence of educated women has added a new dimension to the supply of labor force.
These women have a changed perception of employment and they have come forward in a
big way to compete with men for the few jobs available. The breakdown of the Jajmani
system of tradition order, upcoming new occupations and the expansion communication and
transport facilities have increased the mobility of labor. This has resulted in an exodus from
rural dwellings to urban locales thereby expanding the labor supply in urban areas.
Evidently, economic development in cities has failed to cope up in providing additional jobs
to these new urban entrants. Thus, in a way, at least some unemployment in the cities can
be definitely characterized as a spillover of unemployment in the countryside.
The size of employment in any country depends considerably on the level of development.
As the country develops a large proportion of workhorse gets absorbed in the secondary and
tertiary sectors. This has happened in India too but not at the desired rate because barring
a few exceptions the actual rate of growth of national income has fallen short of the
targeted rate in all successive Plans.
Moreover, the Indian planners seem to have overlooked the argument that in the early
phase of development there exists a real conflict between the objectives of economic growth
and employment. Another argument relates to the choice of technology mix. Though no
longer very fashionable, the argument rests on the premise that for a labor abundant
country like India labor intensive techniques of production should have been employed
which has not happened. The situation has been because of stewed administering of factor
prices in favor of capital. The distorted factor price .structure encouraged greater capital
absorption at the cost of labor.
As already mentioned the education System in India is also responsible for our predicament.
We have been following the Macaulay scheme which makes no attempt at development of
human resources. It is structured to provide clerks and lower level executives to the
government; .and government's needs are limited. Thus,' those who receive this kind of
education are according to Gunnar Myrdal, not only, inadequately educated but also wrongly
Unemployment has a very high linkage with 1 poverty and income distribution. It not only
leads to tremendous economic hardships but also a traumatized individual existence. It
reduces the self esteem of the individual and inevitably leads to his alienation from the
society. The roots of the current problems of youth unrest, juvenile delinquency and
growing crime rates can to a large extent be traced back to the problem of unemployment.
As already mentioned unemployment underemployment in the countryside leads to urban
migration. This put and immense strain on civic amenities in these areas thereby reinforcing
the spirit of despondency and alienation.
The Government is awake toward this scourge on civilization and it has launched various
schemes like Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Nehru Rozgar Yojana, etc. But these Yojanas though
necessary because they open direct assault on poverty need to be streamlined and
supplanted. Streamlined because these plans have a tendency to overlap, they are manned
by unmotivated, uncommitted and corrupt personnel and they do not have a clear line of
action, as such they are incapable of rising to the challenge. In any case, they have to be
supplemented by a vigorous attack at the root of the disproportionate rise in labor force
problem viz. population explosions. However, , even the most effective population control
drives will take a long time to overcome the 'population momentum'. Therefore in the short
run the need of vocationalizing of education and expanding self-employment cannot be

Chemical Warfare and India

Media reports some time ago suggested that New Delhi was worried about India having
signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention, when the United States, Russia,
China and Pakistan appeared to be dragging their feet. Some reports even went so far as to
say that New Delhi was looking for loopholes that would let it renege on the commitment.
Cur ratification is not only morally correct but also in our best security interests. If India
indeed has second thoughts, an informed debate is must. Unfortunately, there is very little
awareness of the implications of chemical warfare in South Asia for such a debate.
Chemical agents could be nerve agents that are like insecticides and which kill very quickly.
Blister agents are liquids that primarily burn and blister the skin, within hours of exposure.
These were used widely in World War I, and mustard gas is an example. Choking agents are
volatile liquids, the fumes of which when inhaled, cause death by injuring the lungs and
causing choking. They are less powerful than the nerve agents. Blood agents like the
choking agents are also breathed in and they kill by preventing body tissues from utilizing
oxygen. These are also less potent than nerve agents.
In a nonnuclear situation, the possession of chemical warfare capabilities would be seen in
the strategic sphere as a formidable blackmail asset in the armory of the opposing side. It
would also be seen in the operational or tactical spheres as an invaluable asset for restoring
an adverse situation. In a nonnuclear weapon scenario, a one-sided Chemical Warfare (CW)
capability would be destabilizing. China* openly possesses such capabilities, and India and
Pakistan have the technological and industrial wherewithal to easily create CW capabilities.
Under these circumstances, the pressures on both the countries to actually do so either
openly or clandestinely would be great.
In a situation of nuclear asymmetry, a much touted belief exists that CW is a poor man's
answer to an adversary unclear capability. If the nonnuclear power uses its CW capability,
there has to be the presumption of an almost certain nuclear retaliation. It can be argued
that this fear of escalation into nuclear response was what deterred Mr. Saddam Hussain
from making first use of CW either against Israel's strategic targets or on tactic as targets in
the combat zone during the Gulf War. At any rate, a nuclear retaliation to a nuclear first
strike without provocation or when only conventional hostilities are underway. On the other
hand, a CW retaliation to a nuclear first strike. Whether in the strategic or tactical spheres,
is in terms of damage, going to be so puny by comparison, to say nothing of other
uncertainties including wind and weather, that its deterrence value would be questionable.
On balance, therefore, the view that a CW capability can deter an adversary's nuclear
capability is too simplistic and ought no; to be accepted by any serious planner. Only
nuclear weapons can deter nuclear weapons.
Let us assume that a minimum nuclear deterrence is operating mutually in the South Asian
context; this might be unweaponized. However, as long as it is tacitly accepted by all
parties to be capable of being used within a matter of hours of being needed, the first use of
CW by any country seems most unlikely, as the target of chemical attack is almost certain
to retaliate by making a second strike with weapons of mass destruction, if it possesses
both a CW and a nuclear capability, the second strike might use either, depending upon a
number of variables; however, the initiator will have to assume the worst. Therefore, it is
most unlikely that CW will be initiated. In case the target of the CW strike is either without
or believed to be without a CW capability, it would be almost axiomatic that nuclear
retaliation would ensue and deterrence would be stronger still. When a minimum nuclear
deterrence is in place, therefore, creating or deploying a CW capability will be an exercise in
futility. The threat of use of CW against city targets would have a high degree of effect on
the morale of the target population. Once used, this effect on morale, which is caused
primarily by the fear of the unknown, will decrease dramatically with every successive
attack. The use or threat of use of CW against city targets will have some impact but not on
the scale that the threat of use of even nominal yield fission weapons will have. The damage
from nuclear weapon use is of magnitude more severe than the damage caused by CW.
Neither India nor Pakistan can afford to equip every soldier, sailor and airman with complete
protective clothing and equipment for CW, especially if nerve gases have also got to be
taken into account. Even if one assumes that this would be possible, there are other
difficulties in providing protection against a surprise attack, and in continuing to wear
protective clothing for militarily significant periods. In the plains and the semi-desert and
desert terrain on the Indo-Pak borders, especially in summer, it would be impossible to
wear protective gear for long enough to perform worthwhile missions without unacceptable
loss of efficiency. There would be a severe danger also of heavy casualties from heat
exhaustion. In the summer, it is impossible to survive inside tanks and armored vehicles,
closed down. These factors indicate that the protection of troops against a surprise CW
attack would be virtually impossible. This will lead one to believe that only premeditated
first use might permit one's troops who are in the zone to be warned and protected;
However, such activity might lead to a loss of surprise, which is an essential prerequisite for
a successful CW attack.
First use in defense to restore an adverse tactical situation would be possible close to our
own defenses only if the defending forces have been equipped with protective gear and
warned about the intended use of CW, This may or may not be possible depending upon a
number of factors, especially whether the adverse situation developed suddenly, or whether
there was adequate lead time to deploy protective CW equipment. Making first use of CW in
areas that may not have an adequate and reasonably quick impact on the immediate
tactical situation would serve little purpose. Thus in this case, too, we do not see any great
wisdom in risking chemical or nuclear retaliation by making a CW first strike.
A retaliatory second strike is the only sensible and effective way of using CW if one's
adversary starts this form of horror. The target can be chosen in such manner that the
troops in the target area are unprotected; a total surprise can more easily be ensured,
because the choice of targets is wide in type and geographical location. The corollary is that
when both adversaries have CW capabilities, it appears that CW would be more suited for
deterring each other's chemical weapon capabilities than for first use in proactive situations.
Countries that have a nuclear weapon capability have truly no necessity for developing,
maintaining or deploying a CW capability. Doing so would definitely not be cost effective,
apart from being foolish, and going against the encouraging international trend of
proscribing CW. Those that do not or cannot have a nuclear weapon capabil' ity will find that
the CW capability is only cost effective as a deterrent against CW and not against nuclear
weapons. In a world that is moving decisively towards the abolition of chemical weapons.
Creating such a capability at this juncture will not be cost effective. Those that have
clandestinely created such a capability would now be wise to come clean and destroy
stockpiles, synchronising with the destruction of stockpiles, where applicable by their
potential adversaries.
India should maintain an effective minimum nuclear deterrent vis-a-vis China and Pakistan.
This has to be tacitly seen as being credibly present. As to whether it is weaponized arid
deployed or otherwise is not material as iong as it is believed all round that this capability
can be put to use within hours if there is a nuclear or chemical first strike against India by
of its adversaries. Given this, India need not produce, maintain or deploy chemical weapons
systems. If .any stockpiling has indeed taken place, India can even destroy its stocks
unilaterally, and clearly state that any chemical attack, whether in the strategic or tactical
sphere, will be met by activating in an adequately timely manner, a nuclear response.

Where Does Capitalism Go from Here ?

But where does capitalism go from here? Always a broad crunch, it seems all the broader
now that the competing paradigm (the command economy) is dead. Will the various species
of capitalism— American, European, East Asian, to name but three— come together or
move further apart? Given the new demands that will be put on developed economies over
the coming decades, will western capitalism of a recognizable sort even survive?
The main varieties of capitalism have always differed in significant respects. In America, for
instance, shareholders have a comparatively big say in the running of the enterprises they
own; workers, who are for the most part only weakly unionized, have much less influence.
In many European countries, shareholders have less say and workers more. In Germany,
for example, the representatives of unions serve on supervisory boards; the companies'
principle bankers also have plenty of clout in the strategic decisions of management. On this
spectrum, Japanese capitalism lies even further away from the American variety no role
except to provide capital, managers have been left alone to run their companies as they see
fit— namely, for the benefit of employees and of allied companies, as much as for
Despite these differences, all species of capitalism have had certain essentials in common.
These are the things that will need to be preserved if liberal economics is to go on to further
success. First and foremost, capitalist countries have separated, to a high degree, the
realms of politics and economics. As a result, in capitalist countries it makes sense to think
of each of these realms in its own right. Decisions about what goods and services are
provided, by whom, to whom and for how much, are made for the most part in markets, by
willing buyers and sellers. Governments in capitalist countries participate in markets, often
in big way, either as buyers or sellers, or as regulators. But they do not (except in certain
narrow areas) usurp the price system altogether. When they hire civil servants, for instance,
they pay a market wage according to the kind of worker they wish to attract. Put it this
way: in capitalist countries, the extent of government intervention is a matter of politics;
the manner of its intervention is, by and large, a matter of economics.
Under communism (as under feudalism), by contrast, the political and economic realms
were essentially one and the same. Those in power exercised their claims over resources in
fundamentally nonmarket ways. Illicit transactions aside, these systems left little scope for
voluntary economic arrangements. Private ownership has usually been a feature of capitalist
economies. Certainly, it is a natural counterpart, a reflection of the separation of politics and
economics. But it is not in fact a necessary counterpart because, in achieving that
separation, control matters more than the ownership does not guarantee control.
That is why you could argue, for example, that for much of the 1980s southern China was a
more capitalist place than India. In southern China state ownership of property was (and
still is) the rule, but enterprise managers (like farmers throughout China) were given
increasing freedom to run their business themselves. Even without private property, a
separation o£ politics and economics was achieved, and the price system began to direct
the allocation of resources. India, on the other hand, has much more private ownership, but
until the reforms of the early 1990s it also had a system of state control that rivaled that of
the Soviet Union. A factory making bicycles needed permission to increase its output, or to
reduce it, or to start making a new kind of bicycle. This "license raj" was so pervasive and
intrusive that, in effect, it unified the realms of politics and economics, despite the existence
of private property.
Capitalist economies, despite such institutional differences, also have much else in common.
In the market system that flourishes when politics and economics are kept apart, decisions
about the allocation of resources are highly decentralized. Instead of an explicit organizing
intelligence, there is spontaneous and unwitting coordination— the invisible hand. Instead of
planned cooperation, there is competition. This competition extends far beyond the static
rivalry of elementary economic theory— that is, far beyond competition among existing
producers and their products. It also encompasses competition among new, would be
producers, ideas of the products yet to be invented, alternative means of production and
different nodes of industrial organization.
Because capitalism is decentralized and competitive, it is especially good at conducting
experiments. This may be its greatest strength. Experiments can be conducted on a small
scale and at correspondingly small expense in resources. Successful ones reap big rewards.
That, of course, provides the incentive to undertake the experiment in the first place. But
profits are also the signals for others to follow, so successful innovations (of product,
service, method of production of mode of organization) are quickly taken up elsewhere.
Equally important, experiments that fail— as the overwhelming majority do — can usually
be abandoned with comparatively little pain, and at no cost to the politically powerful.
These conditions offer the maximum encouragement for efficient innovation. It is
unsurprising; therefore, that western capitalism has been relentlessly innovative. Rapid
development in East Asia has already caused much tension over trade in America and
European Community. As economic liberalization spreads, the pressure of competition on
the west's low and medium tech manufacturers will increase. The US already runs large
bilateral trade deficit with China, a fact the., weighed as heavily in last year's debate about
what tariffs to set on China's exports as did protests over China's infringement of civil
rights. Opponents of America's free trade agreement with Mexico emphasize the threat that
cheap imports pose to America's manufacturers. In the same way, the European Community
has been inexcusably slow to grant the reforming countries of Eastern Europe liberal access
to the Community's markets. These are disturbing, if unsurprising, signs that the spread of
capitalism in the poorest parts of the world may undermine support for the market
economics in the countries where it has already worked well.
Against the pressures threatening to undermine capitalism in the coming years, the
strongest countervailing force is likely to be technology, and especially the revolution in
communications. In many industries technological progress has reduced the fixed costs of
production, making it easier for smaller firms to compete with larger ones; or else it has
developed new products that broaden the possibilities of competition in another way. The
communications industry itself is a striking example. Where there was once a natural
monopoly needing to be regulated, namely the telephone company, there will be
competition in the future.
The same phenomenon is likely to become more common in other sectors. To deal with it,
governments will try to cooperate with each other in devising new systems of international
regulation (for example, the BASLE capital standards for banks, or the harmonization of
national rules in the European community). But this is difficult, as it is likely that technology
will continue to move faster than governments. As these opposing forces work themselves
out, governments of every political complexion ought to keep two broad choices in mind.
One, in effect, is to give way to the pressures that will tend to impede the market system —
that is, to favor more trade protection, help for declining industries, an eve: expanding
welfare state, and measures to limit cross — border regulatory avoidance. This may well be
the course that best responds to popular demands. But it is also the option that operates
against change, and hence against growth.
The alternative is to continue the work of the 1930s, in both rich and poor countries, to
extend the scope of the market. It means, among other things, free trade; policies to
protect workers unlucky enough to be in declining industries, rather than policies to save
their jobs; and a welfare state that helps the poor, not the middle class. This may be
politically impossible; capitalism is held in low esteem in the countries it made rich. It is,
nonetheless, the pro-change pro-growth choice.

Education As a Short of Commodity Today

Over the past three decades, there has been a sea change in the attitudes of people
connected with education Teachers, administrators and planners, students and parents are
all looking at education as a sort of commodity that leads on to better earnings and status
in society. It is not surprising that it is so. But what is unfortunate is another development
leading to an attitudinal change in society. The intrinsic value of education is no longer
recognized although pious platitudes are mouthed quite frequently.
The main reason is that the flux of change has caught up with education much more
dramatically than with other areas of activity. While the demand for education has been
growing steadily in the developing countries including India, quality has not kept pace with
it. Another factor, and an equally disturbing one, is the politicization of the campuses. Not
only colleges and universities, even high schools seem to be getting infected by this virus. It
is not uncommon to find on many campuses pedagogues espousing the cause of one
political party or the other, no in any academic sense, but with a fervor that would do a
party spokesman proud.
About 30 years ago, student unions and debating societies discussed live political issues.
The debates were of a high level with the participants thorough in their home work
Communication skills too were good and even those who set their sights on politics as a
career went through this exercise with earnestness and sincerity. Similarly, mock
parliaments marked the academic calendar in many colleges; the professors in charge spent
a lot of time and energy guiding students and training them in the art of debating.
These debates attracted a large number of students who came to cheer their compatriots.
There was on all sides a desire to learn, be informed and to enlarge the mental horizon. This
aspect, which made college life in the fifties and sixties valuable, is sadly missing today on a
vast majority of the campuses. Yet another aspect is that the pedagogues were by and large
scholars who believed in furthering knowledge. They had an abundant love for their
students and could spare time for those who cane to clarify their doubts. Thus, the mutual
bond of affection and scholarship helped cement a lifelong relationship between the teacher
and the taught. This is conspicuous by its absence today.
These losses cannot be counterbalanced by an impressive infrastructure in the form of
stately buildings and an array of instruments in laboratories. The human material of the
earlier years did in a large measure fulfill the task set out for it, namely becoming teachers
in the true sense of the word and this was done in an environment of virtual poverty of
hardware. It is here that the mentors of the olden days score over the pedagogues of today.
Perhaps, the teachers of these days worked in a spirit of self-effacement. An inexhaustible
love for learning characterized their daily schedule and this got transformed into an abiding
love or teaching, in a way, this was the next best that one could wish for in the place of the
ancient "gurukula" pattern. But the institutionalized classroom instruction has degenerated
in the last three decades or several reasons.
The unholy preoccupation with things that are material (which, of course, is the result of the
present consumerist trend), the craving to get rich quickly, the closing of the avenues for
certain fields of study to the youth who genuinely pine for these and the decadence that has
set in society as a result of the erosion of ethical values are to blame. Caste considerations
in the selection of candidates to courses and jobs are also contributing factors.
Educationists, by and large, feel that this type of affirmative action by the Centre and the
State Governments has been carried to the extreme and need? to be modified to meet the
aspirations of the rising generation.
It is a pity that parents are now intent on pushing their children into certain grooves of
academic activity. This is evident from the obsession of parents with getting for their wards
seats in the professional institutions. There are instances of middle class parents becoming
almost paranoid about seats in engineering and medical colleges.
The proliferation of these "self-financing" colleges has in a way satisfied this great demand.
But the categorization of seats under the labels "free" or "payment-based" and "payment"
has led to an anomalous situation. The students selected ur.der the "free" seat quotas are
perforce to pay tuition fees as prescribed for the Government or aided colleges. Often, the
hapless scholars have to pay something more on the sly, especially while opting for
preferred courses such as computer science arid engineering. But those selected under the
"payment" category have to shell out three or four times more. Not unexpectedly, this type
of differentiation — two sets of students paying vastly different fees for the same course —
produces in the minds of the youth a distorted sense of values.
To be fair to the private managements, it must be said that the cost of establishing and
running a professional college has gene up steeply in the last few years. Also, the pressure
on the managements to improve the facilities has increased, thanks to the statutory bodies
such as the All India Council for Technical Education and the Medical Council of India. The
objective, no doubt, is to make the errant managements who are in the habit of
commercializing education mend their ways. This has had a salutary effect in almost every
State where the self-financing colleges came up.
The conduct of examinations by different agencies including the school boards and
universities is another prickly issue. In the last few decades, the number of candidates
appearing for various public examinations right from the SSLC through the higher secondary
to the degree and postgraduate levels has grown up by leaps and bounds. Indeed, it is
becoming unmanageable (running into lakhs of candidates in certain categories) for any
centralized agency such as the school boards.
A strong case can be made out for decentralizing the system taking care at the same time
that a modicum of uniformity in evaluation and assessment of answer scripts in maintained.
What is to be guarded against is the leakage of question papers that has come to
characterize the modern scene. The "necessary evil" of examinations cannot in the present
context be replaced by any other system: the only remedy is to make the entire process,
right from the setting up of question papers, invigilation, paper dispatch and valuation to
the announcement of results foolproof. Whenever a reexamination is ordered, it is the
hardworking, studious candidates who undergo greater hardship. The curbing of
malpractices is only one aspect, refining the techniques of evaluation and selection of
teachers of integrity to be in charge of the process is the crucial part.
Campus watchers are struck by the distortion that has crept into the academic field in the
last three decades, namely the neglect of languages, the humanities and the social sciences.
A study of subjects such as history, politics, sociology, economics, psychology, philosophy,
languages and literature provides for a deeper understanding of human relationships,
behavior and social currents. A majority of students go in for sciences and commerce. While
this trend is in consonance with the science and technology age, the skewed preference for
these subjects may not in the long run benefit society.
There must be some way of making the humanities attractive to youth, both from the point
of view of employment opportunities and from a higher plane. Also, the teachers who
handle the subjects must be men and women of exceptional ability, capable of sparking
student interest. Unfortunately, such teachers are dwindling in numbers all over the
country. A vigorous effort must be made to attract talented youth to the humanities which
are essential for the evolution of human development.

Parties, Parliament and the Law — A Real Conflict

For all its familiarity, a political party is a peculiar entity. Presiding officers recognize it by
the number of elected members in a House. The Central Election Commission adjudicates
when there is a dispute over the symbol by two groups. The courts have their own criteria
for deciding the true claimant to the original nomenclature and assets in the event of a split.
It may exist at one level, like the TMC, in the Lok Sabha, and not at all be officially
recorded, in the Rajya Sabha.
Where you stand in Indian politics does not depend on where you sit in Parliament. Had Mr
G.K. Moopanar become Prime minister in the wake of Mr H.D. Deve Gowda's exit, the United
front coalition would have been led by a Congress party member of the Rajya Sabha. Ms
Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of state for civil aviation in the UF government, is also a
member of the Congress in the Rajya Sabha records. The Tamil Maanila Congress, of which
Mr Moopanar is the president and Ms Natarajan a member, has no official presence in the
Rajya Sabha.
Political parties are not an organic whole and this could be the cause when the Election
Commissioners is seeking stricter compliance with provisions, such as holding organizational
elections, maintenance of proper accounts and filing tax returns. The suggestion by one of
the Election Commissioners that parties should desist from issuing a whip in presidential
elections, is yet another provision which may catch up with the conscience of political
parties before they are prepared for this break with tradition. The cumulative result of
having to meet more external requirements will chip away at the "power of party bosses
over members.
The situation is further complicated where parliament and courts do not accept each other's
jurisdiction and the EC zealously guards its own domain. With the result, by the same set of
laws, a party that is split in Parliament may be an undivided organizational body, and a split
parliament party may be a unified legislature bloc. Theoretically, there could be as many as
six versions of a split party if it is affected at these three levels. Parties are the result of
their status being subject to different rules of recognition by different constitutional offices
and by the judiciary. When the organizational wing of a party splits, the rival claimants seek
to settle the matter in a court of law, or before the Election Commission which adjudicates
on the symbol.
Under the anti-defection law, whether a party has split or hot is decided by the Speaker. But
the ruling in the Lok Sabha could be at variance with that delivered in a state assembly. And
these two wings of the party, split or otherwise, get legally disconnected from the general
body and its organs which have to turn to the courts and the EC. Elections to the assembly
and Parliament remain the ultimate test of vindicating the true claimant. And. ironically,
therein lie the root of the problem.
To remain in the election process requires the party to adhere to EC rules and guidelines.
This burden is greater on the party than on the candidate contesting the poll. It is the party
that has to maintain accounts of income and expenditure and file tax returns. It is the party
that has to exert itself to hold organizational elections and go through the forms to keep its
members eligible for elections. And when a member joins the elected elite the falls under
the jurisdiction of the Speaker, and often the party needs him more than he needs the party
which is the bigger force.
A group of MPs or MILAs can reduce their party to role and failing to achieve that, break
away by inviting expulsion. Mr P.V. Narshima Rao; overcame the minority status of "his
party in Parliament by winning over small groups of MPs from other parties. Mr V.P Singh's
government was kept on tenterhooks even before it fell by a group of MPs who were
controlled by Congress strings. The anti-defection law institutionalized the primacy of
legislators over the party organization, except for the minor distinction it makes between a
defection and a split. All that it did was legitimize wholesale defection and put retail traders
out of business. Regardless of a party's share of votes, en masse defection could nullify its
very mandate.
It is a travesty of representative democracy when elected representatives can retain their
parliamentary status even after being alienated from the party's popular base on which they
were voted in. In this situation of declining party power, the whip remains one of the few
means of restraining errant members. And parties resisting surrender of this slender rein on
its elected members are understandable. The EC did well in not hastily adopting the
suggestion for this presidential election.
It is not the relative merits of a party whip, against conscience vote which prevented the
matter from being pursued any further. It was recognition of the fact that no master what a
constitutional scheme may be, its workability depends upon the consent and cooperation of
political parties, and not the clout of regulatory bodies like the Election Commission. Political
forces have always taken the view that constitutionalism taken to the extreme can mitigate
against the spirit of the statutes. By the same logic parliamentarism carried to excess in the
name of democracy can kill both conscience and content.
In a party democracy there cannot be partyless parliamentarism to its worst sense, which is
where politics would drift to if elected members were freed of primary commitment to their
parent bodies. This cannot be checked by asking Speakers, courts and election
commissioners to keep out of party terrain, because that is neither desirable nor possible. A
practical way out is for political parties to take the initiative for evolving functional norms
that meet the EC's terms for electoral purposes, do not clash with the jurisdiction of
presiding officers, reduce areas of conflict between courts and legislatures and, strengthen
their organizational hold on members regardless of their place in elected bodies.
Unless parties reform themselves, external regulations will continue to be viewed as the
only option with the bureaucracy gaining in primacy over political forces. Had political
parties functioned as they should with regular elections, proper bookkeeping and filing of
tax returns there would be little room for external intervention to enforce these. Compliance
with procedures would strengthen their credibility and moral authority to resist interference
in areas of political management.
It would be in the interest of parties to begin addressing these issues now instead of waiting
until they reach another flashpoint. On Article 356, parties have more or less arrived at a
certain unanimity. In much the same manner, issues of party management need to be
resolved so that recurrent conflicts involving the EC, courts, defections and splits are kept to
the minimum. Parties which have to be disciplined by official fiats can hardly be effective in
providing political leadership to the bureaucracy when in power.

Human Rights Violations

The prevention of child labor has become a crucial issue because it is not merely a question
of exploitation but also creates the problem of juvenile crime. The recent legislative curbs
have brought about some changes in the pattern of employment of children in the organized
Child workers fall mostly in the age category between 10 and 15 and are engaged in gainful
occupation which exposes them to hazardous work hampering any chance of their
development. According to the Labor Force and Planning Commission, the number of child
labor had gone up to 3,765 lakhs till 1995 and by the year 2000, there could be a threefold
rise to 25 millions.
At the root of the problem lies the question of poverty and the very low family income of
child workers. In recent years, there has been a decline in the proportion of child labor in
the organized sector but it has spread its tentacles in the unorganized sectors such as road
construction, weaving industry and restaurants. According to the 1981 census, Jammu and
Kashmir had 10.53 per cent, the highest number of child labor incidence out of which about
85 per cent was engaged in handicrafts and handlooms.
Aristotle had compared the superiority of the educated over the unlettered and said that it
was "as much as the living are to the dead." The importance of education for the physical,
intellectual and moral will of an individual cannot be overemphasized and its success lies in
releasing the individual from the clutches of ignorance in all possible permutation and
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has concentrated on eliminating child labor,
particularly child prostitution, which in a way has become an organized, clandestine
profession. The Commission has made stupendous progress in eliminating child labor in the
glass industry of Ferozabad district in Uttar Pradesh.
The news of the deportation of 75 Indian children, including girls, from Saudi Arabia points
the underground functioning of a powerful syndicate which sells poor, deformed children,
particularly female children, from the Murshidabad district of West Bengal. The Commission
can play an active role by involving nongovernment organizations and creating awareness
among the general masses.
It is paradoxical that while the percentage of literacy is increasing, the total number of
unlettered has also been increasing. Besides, there is a tremendous difference between the
male and female literacy ratio. In 1931, there were 560 male literates for every 100 literate
females In 1991, the tally was 63.9 and 39.31. Though there has been a significant
improvement in the literacy rate of the females and the difference has narrowed down to a
certain extent, the overall position of women has not improved much. Women workers are
exploited in the private and public sectors. In certain unorganized sectors, the womenfolk,
especially those belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, face sexual
harassment and are denied equal wages. Concerted efforts by the NHRC and
nongovernment organizations are needed to remedy the situation.
Another major challenge is the alarming population growth (16 per cent of the world's
population), rendering efforts towards tacking unemployment difficult. The International
Labor Organization's report on World Employment, 199697 says that the economies of most
countries have noticed a declining trend in employment opportunities but the overall
scenario of employment in India, the Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar is
particularly pessimistic. It is important that a major portion of the national resources should
be used to generate more job opportunities.
A Home Ministry report, Crime In India, says that 5,692 cases of juvenile crime such as a
criminal breach of trust, burglary and counterfeiting were registered in 1994,. Tamil Nadu
reported the highest number of juvenile offences (3.521) followed by Gujarat (703).
Education can play a major role in removing these distortions and discrepancies in society.
Hence, an organized attempt to impart education to even the poorest is essential.
Checking the abuse of power is a crucial strategy for maintaining human rights. On many
occasions, the Army and the paramilitary forces have gone berserk while tackling terrorists
and protesters. There are many instances when they have not even spared the womenfolk
and children. Besides, the armed forces have also been accused of atrocities including
torture, rape and killing in fake encounters. The powers given to police are enormous that
incidents of custodial deaths, counter killings, missing persons and torture are increasingly
being reported over the years. Besides, the prevalence of several repressive Acts is an
indication of the interference of the State machinery in the lives of the people. The Terrorist
and Descriptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 1985, originally enacted to tackle terrorists in
Chandigarh, Punjab and Delhi, was extended to other parts of country. The main criticism
against TADA is that the accused is considered guilty unless he proves his innocence. Under
this Act, a police officer can even act as a magistrate while the identity of the witness
produced against the detenu is kept secret and confessions (apparently extracted under
torture) are permissible as evidence. Amnesty International has criticized torture by
policemen and fake encounters and the inhuman conditions in jails. Police must advise a
multilayered approach based on a system checks and balances to gain credibility.
The policy of transparency that the Government has adopted after NHRC urged it to allow
the activists of Amnesty international to visit the Kashmir valley has been helpful in
reestablishing the Government's credentials. A lot of awareness has taken place after the
establishment of NHRC but there are still myriad challenges requiring a careful handling.
The growing problem of refugees has added a new dimension to the problem. The Chief
Executive of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC), in her address to
the 65th convention of the Indian women's conference titled the "Empowerment of Uprooted
Women" has highlighted the acute problem of refugees and the violation of rights across the
globe. She said that 70 per cent of the 26 million displaced people were women.
Afghanistan is having the maximum number of such refugees. About 1.2 million refugees
have been stranded in the war zone of eastern Zaire leading a stalemate. New Delhi has
25,000 refugees of different origins.
The problem of refugees generally makes the condition of women vulnerable. They are
invariably subjected to injustice and foul play. In the past, several incidents took place in
which women faced abuse and rape. Many Somali women refugees were sexually abused
when they took shelter in Kenya’s camps. The Chinese authorities tortured and imprisoned
many Tibetan nuns who were supporters of the cause of Tibetan independence.
The fourth United Nation Conference Women has provided a platform for the promotion and
protection of women's human rights by making them a core issue for international agenda.
But this alone cannot yield results unless the decisions are properly implemented.
Coordination between the United Nations and various women organizations will be useful.
Extreme poverty, natural calamity, violence, environmental degradation, civil war and
terrorism are the main causes of the refugee problem. A humane approach, with an attitude
change towards the refugees and long term structural solutions such as the provision of job
Opportunities, will be of help. Cooperation between UNHRC and NHRC can yield positive

Policy of Compensatory Discrimination: A need for Review

Compensatory discrimination is one of the most controversial issues. But out of the whole
issue one of its most debatable program is the policy of reservation. It is often confused
that compensatory discrimination or protective discrimination and reservation program are
the same thing. In fact, reservation program is one of the programs of the policy of
compensatory discriminations. lt includes, financial, housing and health facilities apart from
reservation in jobs and educational institutions.
It is true that reservation has generated much passion than any other issue. There are
reasons behind it. Reservation for SCs and STs had been accepted in late 1940s by our 1st
generation leadership who were much committed for the organic unity of the Indian society.
The stigma of 'untouchability' in case of SCs and 'isolation' of STs could be broken only by
education aid mass emancipation. For this, the masses were also educated, which is evident
especially after 1932, i.e., Poona Pact Gandhiji's special drive for the emancipation of the
untouchables helped to generate an ideology which could counter the communal ideology of
untouchabiiity. Thus, reservation for the depressed classes was an outcome of ideological
campaign along with the fear to lose national unity. So the whole issue had been
internalized in a different sociopolitical situation, forty years ago.
Now the situation has changed alongwith a major shift in the issue. At present reservation is
demanded not for "untouchables" of "Physically and culturally isolated tribal groups", who
constituted minority; but for a large section of masses who constituted 52% of the total
populations, which includes some big land owning castes like Yadavas & Kurmis (in Bihar).
Secondly, there is no threat to the unity of India, after forty years of independence it is
more secured. Now people want their share in the cake of national polity. And in this
particular point the reservation policy takes political dimension. The trend to use reservation
as a tool to mobilize certain sections of masses is also having a long history. In 1939,
Chaudhary Charan Singh demanded 50% reservation for the farmers. Later in 1947 he
wrote an article in Hindi in this regard. He achieved a little success to mobilize Kisans. As
neither constitutes a class or a community. In fact the present structure in India is not
homogeneous; they divided among big landlords, middle peasants and landless laborers. So
to unite them as one class is something out of question. Later, Chaudhary Charan Singh too
shifted to mobilize masses on the basis of caste. This is evident in his political career during
the Janata Government.
A similar move could be seen in the political mobilization of Shri Ram Manohar Lohia who
tried to break the hegemony of Brahmins and Banias by mobilizing the shudders and other
backward classes. The N.F. Government's move on August, 1990 is very conspicuous in this
regard. The Prime Minister was blamed dividing national unity on caste lines and promoting
casteism for personal political gains, the circumstantial evidences raised a needle of
suspicion on the intention of V.P. Singh.
But all these attempts at national level failed to mobilize a vote bank of more than 50%
masses. The reasons are quite simple. Firstly, the 52% of OBCs (as calculated by the
M.C.R.) is not a homogeneous category. There are economic, social, political, cultural and
ritual differences within these groups. There are depressed castes, communities juxtaposed
with politically dominant and economically well of castes. The dominant sections have
vested interest in the policy of reservation. But the really depressed are so backward that
they are not educated enough to reap the benefit of reservation.
In fact, it is a political battle of two groups of elites; the elites who belong to "forward
castes" and the elites who belong to the other" backward castes". The third group of elites,
i.e. the elites of SCs and STs had already had their share. And they do not find any
substantial gain by taking side of the OBCs as this would dilute their own interest.
Whereas elites of SCs and STs have their own mass bases, the elites of forward castes and
OBCs do not have distinct mass base. Now, this is clear that both the elites are trying to
carve out their own mass base so as to ensure their political position. But, where the SCs
and STs are homogeneous and distinct categories the OBCs are heterogeneous hence their
calculation is bound to fail.
Secondly, the nonacceptance of reservation policy by a vocal section of people of India
could be understood in terms of regional variations. The policy of reservations for the OBCs
is tremendously successful for South Indian states whereas it failed in the North Indian
states (i.e. Hindi belt, except Bihar). It is because of the historical and ideological roots of
the OBC movement in the state as it generated the socialist and secular political forms
which has taken support from the masses of both SCs the STs as well OBCs. This is mainly
due to the social composition. The masses of South Indian states are largely deducted and
the OBCs are dominant there both numerically and politically. This is not the same for North
Indian states where dominant sections belong to the upper castes.
There are various other reasons. The policy of job reservation could excite small sections of
masses but not the whole people." The "Economic Liberalization" has challenged the public
sector corporations and government jobs. Their absorption capacity is bound to decrease. In
an open market, naturally merit will be given priority. Hence, there is a need to review the
whole policy of compensatory discrimination, if we are really concerned about social justice.

Mass Communication and Social Change

"One of the objects of newspaper is to understand the popular feeling and give expression
to it; another is to arouse among the people certain desirable sentiments; and the third is
fearlessly to expose popular defects". — M.K. Gandhi
Historically, social structure and tradition in India remained impervious to major elements of
modernity until the contact with the west began through colonization. This contact had a
special historicity which brought about many farreaching changes in culture and social
structure of Indian society. There was, however, one important feature of Indian
modernization during the British period. The growth of this process was selective and
segmental. It was not integrated with the microstructure of Indian society, such as family,
caste, village community. At these levels, the British by and large followed a policy of least
interference, especially after the rebellion of 1857. Later, in the twentieth century, as the
nationalist movement gathered momentum which felt strong need to mobilize masses in the
active policies. The press became the chief instrument for carrying out the task that is for
arousing, training, mobilizing and consolidating nationalist public opinion. The influence of
the media on Indian masses was tremendous. It not only educated the masses politically,
but also motivated them to discard irrational, old and evil social practices.
The media of communication which have accelerated the rate of growth and cultural
diffusion of modernization have also been introduced in India by the colonial masters.
Printing was introduced by the Portuguese in the second half of the sixteenth century and
incentive for this was provided by the Christian missionaries. In the British territory, the first
press appeared in Bombay in 1674 on the initiative of an Indian named Bhimji Parekh. In
early eighteenth century a printing press was established in South India by the Danish
Lutheran Mission. Written newspapers called Akbar are known to have been in circulation
during the time of the Mughal Empire, but the printed newspapers came into existence only
after the contact with the west. A beginning in this direction was made about the first
quarter of the 18th century. Similarly, the British also introduced telegraph, railways and
modern postal system in India.
The changes which have followed since the expansion in these communication media in
India constitute an indirect but concrete index of modernization. During 194041, India had
between 3000 to 4000 printed newspapers and periodicals published from a variety of
centers in seventeen different languages, a few bilingual. The number of newspapers and
periodicals increased by almost 42.7 percent in almost twenty years. At the end of 1966
their number was 10,977.
Phenomenal increase has also been made in the means of communication such as postal
service,, movies, radio and information media through" posters, hand bills, and mobile
filmshow units. The increase in costal facilities alone may be evident from the fact that in
1836 there were only 276 postoffices in India which increased to 74,596 in 1962. Similar
increase has also been made in the other media of communication and transport. The
expansion in transport by the railways, roadways, airways and waterways has contributed
to the intensification in the volume of interaction and contact between one region and
another; travelling by railways and buses was an immediate blow to the principle of caste
hierarchy based; on the theory of pollution and purity, since in the same railway coach or
bus people of all castes, high or low, had to travel. In the beginning there was some
resistance from the conservative section of the upper castes, but such movements soon
petered out, devaluing by railways and buses was not only accepted but these were
increasingly used for pilgrimages and for other socioreligious purposes. These technological
innovations have, therefore, to some extent brought changes in the traditional outlook.
How far this impression is valid in India of today? How far do the press, radio and television
mould public opinion and bring about a change in the attitude of the government and the
people on important problems? The politicians and the bureaucrats acknowledge the
importance of the press and its freedom, and about the proper use of the government
controlled electronic media but when the need arises, have no hesitation in putting curbs on
the press and in using the electronic media for one sided propaganda. On its part, the .press
which claims to be free; conveniently forgets the constraints under which it functions
because of the control and ownership by large business houses. These in turn are obliged to
government for a number of things vital for publication of newspapers and the other
business interests of the proprietor. The editor has lost the importance and freedom that he
once enjoyed. In other words, the power of pen is no longer as powerful as it once was. The
reasons are obvious. They lie in the changed political situation in the country as also the
changes in the structure of the press during the year since independence.
In his autobiography, Mahatma Gandhi defined the role of the press in these words; one of
the objects of a newspaper is to understand the popular feeling and give expression to it;
another is to arouse among the people certain desirable sentiments; and the third is
fearlessly to expose popular defects." In the preindependent days publication of a
newspaper was a mission, it was another front of the freedom struggle. Circulation was
small and so was the revenue from the advertisements. Now publication of a newspaper
meant for the proprietor the opportunity to convey his point of view, influence public opinion
and the government. Multiple edition newspapers, chain newspapers and new newspapers
owned by industrialists sprouted, professional journalism course has reduced the prestige of
an editor o which he used to enjoy earlier. Now his pen is directed in the direction of the
publisher. Now publication of a newspaper has become a commercial enterprise. .
Apart from print media, electronic media has revolutionized the society. Television has
altered lifestyles, living patterns and indeed life itself. Some sociologists see this as a
portent of the second dark ages; to most it is the onset of an exciting new millennium
where information is the ultimate power tool. Alvin Toffler, once said that" the power of the
state has always vested on its control of force, wealth and knowledge. What is
professionally different is the changed relationship among these three. The new
supersymbolic System of wealth creation thrusts a wide range of information related issues
into the political agenda.
Is the Indian nationstate ready for this paradigm shift? Are Indian media professionals
ready for this change? And will these farreaching changes actually affect a third world
country like India?
The sheer size and complexity of India makes it a difficult country for mass media. With
over j (370 million people talking in 16 major languages and a variety of lifestyles to boot, it
is obvious one cannot address all of them together all the time.
The all pervasive influence of television cannot be denied. What is it that makes TV so very
different from other media? Most obvious is that it is audiovisual, unlike newspapers or
radio. It is a domestic medium where the images are received in the privacy of the home. It
is low cost, reaches large numbers and gives watchers a sense of participation. And, in a
country like India, with its high rate of illiteracy, it informs and educates, even as it
Every use of media presupposes manipulation. Each newspaper has an editorial policy which
gives its news a particular slant. Here in India, already the parameters laid down by
Doordarshan are wrapped, confused and out dated. Similarly, the attitude of Zee TV, the
Star TV has been disappointing. Despite the brouhaha over its launch, it is obvious that Zee
is still grappling with an identity problem. And because the owners have other business
besides broadcasting, they rekeeping away from hard news.
All news is elitecentred; but TV news is usually more ethnocentric. Its accent is on people,
places and events. But TV news must go beyond mere reportage of facts, and capture the
story between the lines.
Television is also a great window to the global market place. Goods and services are
continuously being sold through TV's dreamworld. Doordarshan has created many products
successes; Rasna, Nirma, Maggi etc. But they are all pointers to the power of the medium
as well as its drawback. TV sells a lifestyle, not just a product. This lifestyle must have an
element of fantasy mixed with identifiable characters and concepts. As is often said, TV
spawns desire, not demand. What is true for soap and noodles is also true for politician and
The expansion in the technological means of travel and transport and increase in the
number and circulation of the newspaper as forms of media exposure are directly associated
with cultural modernization. In the Indian case, this media exposure results both in
modernization and traditionalization. Postal and telegraph services not only bring with them
more information about distant places and the relatives located distantly, thus increasing
people’s mobility, but also the facility to organize caste associations and other traditional
group activities more efficiently. Hence the modernization of the channels of communication
results into a kind of cultural between the value systems of tradition and modernity.

Resource Crunch In Education

"Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is
worth reading."
Institutional education is the focal agency which 'socializes' the individual after his primary
exposure within the family. Education does not mean attaining literacy, nor does it mean
pursuing knowledge, nor does it mean pursuing knowledge merely for the sake of
knowledge. It means much more than that. Ideally speaking education must instill and
transmit the norms and values of a society; it should prepare the young people for adult
roles and select young people in terms of their talents and abilities for appropriate roles in
adult life. Moreover, education must realize its potential for creating a more equal and just
The imperative of the structure of education in a country are derived from its historical
education pattern and the present priorities. In India, historically our education system was
conspicuous by its specificity. For a long time access to learning was considered to be the
preserve of higher castes and that too only for males. Although there have been glaring
exceptions to this but this has been the general trend. The content of education was
nonsecular and was oriented towards making the individual accept and conform to the
structure of society and completely subsume his individuality into the society.
Seeds of modern education were sown by foreign Christian missionaries, the British
Government and some progressive Indians. The introduction of modern education in India
was basically motivated towards catering to the politicoadministrative and economic needs
of the British colonizers. As such the system was geared towards providing clerks and lower
level whitecollar workers to the Raj and requisite attention towards vocationalization of
education was not paid. Somehow, this system was maintained in postIndependence period
too, resulting in an immense proliferation of (substandard) institutions of higher learning, a
drain on the exchequer and worse the creation of a vast population of educated unemployed
youth thoroughly disenchanted with the system. The inadequacies in terms of quality and
quantity of primary education, the inaccessibility of education to sections of women and
other weaker sections of society are apocalyptical.
Recently the education process has been further vitiated by the process of politicization of
education. Politics has crept into education at the level of academic appointments, as well as
student activism and last but not the least, even to the 'content' of education imparted to
students. On top of it all, is the financial burden thrown on the education system by the
government by announcing reductions in educational allocations.
In fact the drying out of financial support from the government to education is only the
logical fallout of the resource stringency faced by the government grants. In this context the
talk of privatizing higher education and even privatizing textbooks is gaining currency.
In an era of prevailing financial exigency and the ongoing economic reforms, the need for
devising strategies for ensuring costeffectiveness of educational schemes cannot be
overstated. There are sufficient reasons to rationalize the funding of higher education on the
grounds of equity and efficiency. In this context it would be worth mentioning that higher
education enjoys government support to the extent of eighty five percent and the
government decision to freeze grants has come as a blot from the blue to the university
community. As it is, the education sector had been reeling under a less than adequate
budgetary support (approximately 4 percent in the Eighth Plan as against a six percent
upwards projection of the National Policy on Education Revised, 1992) and the double
impact of rapid inflation and rupee, devaluation. The combined impact of all this is that the
'real' allocation to education has declined over the years.
The university community can legitimately fell outraged because the level of funding has'
been decelerated at a time when they are already plagued with underinvestment and fiscal
deficits. Besides, the freeze has been slapped on, without providing alternative avenues of
fundinglike liberal loan scheme or taking policy initiatives on the fiscal front for mobilizing
additional resources by universities as are generally available to autonomous bodies.
The most important issue therefore is to identify alternative sources of finance which could
be exploited. At the same time effective and gainful utilization of available resources is
essential. Thus, a two pronged strategy can be envisaged— one relates to measures for
effecting economy in expenditure and other to the mobilization of additional resources.
More than sixtyfive percent of university expenses go towards the salary bill of teaching and
nonteaching staff. Economy measures therefore largely affect the staff in terms of either
retrenching staff or postponement of recruitment of faculty members. This not only
undermines the university plans to carry out ongoing schemes but also strikes at the root of
the intellectual viability of the university system. However, since economy in budgeting is
unavoidable one would be betteradvised to check nonacademic expenditure by scaling down
dependence on nonteaching staff and cutting administrative expenses. Economy can also be
effected by devising methods of interinstitutional sharing and lending of facilities like
libraries and laboratories on which huge investments are made and yet they are not fully
As far as the question of mobilization of additional resources is concerned, a case can be
made out for raising tuition fees. Though, the requirements of universities are too high even
for raised tuition fees to sufficiently provide for, yet a beginning in this direction is most
welcome. More so, because most' of the beneficiary groups largely hail from the better off
section of the society. In this context schemes need to be devised which would extract fees
from beneficiaries according to their income ability or allow them to meet the educational
expenses out of interestfree loans while the education of poor sections of society should be
suitably subsidized by the Government.
Besides an upward revision of fee structure (especially in professional courses) other
resource augmenting measures include full recovery of costs of education from foreign
students, mobilization of resources from industry by way of initiating relevant programs for
managerial and technical staff of industries and other commercial organizations,
undertaking consultancy projects from industry, revising users charges like hostel,
laboratory fees, library etc,
Thus, unless an equitable and efficient funding mechanism is devised the process of
upgradation of human capital the sine qua non of enhancing resource use and productivity
will be seriously handicapped. Moreover, productivity enhancing new innovations and
technologies will also be difficult to come by from the conveyor belt of institutions of higher
learning. Privatization of Textbooks
Privatization or denationalisation of textbooks is put forward as an extension of the process
of privatization of education. Let us first see what 'denationalization" of textbooks means
and what its implications are. Nationalization in its classical sense means the state or its
agencies like the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and its
affiliates in the states (SCERTs) are responsible for the editorial, printing and distribution of
textbooks. In this light one can argue that the debate on denationalization of textbooks is
irrelevant because firstly prescribed textbooks exists on!, for school level classes (I to XII)
there are no 'textbooks' as such for higher classes and secondly because the state does
intent the private sector to share the enormous load of printing of textbooks and is
completely dependent on the private sector for their distribution.
Despite, the at best 'partial nationalization' of textbooks that we presently have in India, to
lobby of private publishers want this sector to be thrown open to them which means that
they would be able to cater to the enormous demand of the growing school population.
Normatively, there can be no objection to such a proposal if it will lead to better textbooks
in terms of language, style, subject matter and production. The ability of private publishers
to singularly meet the enormous demand and the cost to the consumer can be the only
other considerations in this regard.
The prospects of private sector cunning out better textbooks are very bleak if the past
performances of this sector are any indication. Mostly, private publishing is.a one man show
with a majority of publishing houses lacking in even the mandatory editorial departments
not to speak of production staff, proofreaders etc.
The ability of the private sector to handle the vast magnitude of demand is also suspect
because no single publisher can possibly have the requisite infrastructure—in professional
staff, warehousing spaces, sales outlets etc. besides the huge financial investment required.
As far as the price to the consumer is concerned we can expect a steep rise in prices
because the private sector does not work on the ecclesiastic principle of 'noprofitnoloss'.
Private sector works only for profit.
If what we have said above seems like an advocacy ofstatus quo ante then we would like to
quickly state that what is required is a rational costbenefit analysis of the two extremes. The
private sector should weigh its merits visavis the state endeavor and devise ways which
maximize benefits to the society as well as the entrepreneur. Surely entrepreneurship
cannot be given precedence over the subjective quality of education. Efficiency of resource
utilization while at the same time ensuring quality in education so as to enable it to perform
the sociological task expected of true .education should be the only guiding criteria.

Proper Manpower Planning: A Must For Development

The third world countries are exposed to the process of change operating at the national
and local level simultaneously, extending and expending both geographically and socially,
affecting both the form and functions of groups and organizations, and evolving new
patterns of living and thinking. The ruling elites of these countries are influenced by the
liberal or revolutionary philosophies of the West either of their earlier colonial masters or of
their allies in their battle against Imperialism. They have been equally impressed by the
industrial strength of the West supporting its production machine. Leadership of the third
world countries is therefore endeavoring in every way to introduce change on this pattern
and to strengthen its process- the process of development. For its leadership development
therefore is a recurring theme and a common idiom in the vocabulary.
Development, basically, is change with a predetermined direction affecting various
segments of the society. Politically it expresses faith in individual development in the
context of liberal or collectivist philosophy as adopted by the governing elites. It also
encourages individuals' conscious participation in its decision-making and decision
implementing process. Economically it aims at increasing goods and services and
increasingly putting economic efficiency (cost-benefit relationship) and follows growth
indicators of GNR Administratively it works for functional specialization amongst its
operating organizational structures and tries to support it by the concept of professionalism.
Collectively it makes the whole process communitarian with increasing social mobility and
with natural mobilization of community associations makes the whole process participative
and pervading stable and enduring.
On the eve of independence day as a third world country was stuck down in her efforts of
development with low capital formation, low per capita income, low literacy rate including
low functional literacy and low level of production organization; but with very high
population growth, high unemployment and under employment mark.
Planning has not been new to Indian leadership and in administration a department of
planning was constituted even before independence. After independence, full fledged
planning machinery was envisaged in the establishment of Planning Commission at the
Centre with Prime Minister as its Chairman. It works on a comprehensive data, collected,
compiled and classified on different indices of development and provides rationale for plan
targets and justification for plan implementation The National Development Council provides
political dimension to the process of planning and makes it more responsive and therefore
more adoptive. Member States also have similar machinery and their plans are discussed
and finalized within the broad frame work prepared by the planning Commission.
The Prime objective of planned development is naturally economic growth-increasing the
production of goods and services and increasing levels of individual consumption. To sustain
this process, the economy equally needs increasing levels of capital formation. India
adopted planning strategy with a positive role for public sector to realize the goal.
Human resources are an important variable in the overall efforts of development. Human
beings are ends and means at one and the same time and give meaning and justification to
the whole gamut of activities. The objectives of five year plans therefore lay emphasis on
policies of employment creating job, opportunities as well as modernizing production
processes for higher per labor output. The plans also aim at increasing general literacy and
functional literacy by providing facilities for acquiring technical skills. This is in addition to
literacy drives. Basically committed to social justice, the plan programs take special care of
backward classes and disadvantaged and unorganized groups of the population and draw
them into the main stream of development. Various poverty eradication progress like the
National Rural Employment program (NREP) Plan, the integrated Rural Development
Program (IRDP) 6th Plan, Rural landless Employment Guarantee Program (BLEGP) 5th plan,
The Jawahar Yojana (7th Plan), Development of women and children in Rural areas
(DWCRA) 7th Plan, The National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment
(TRYSEM, 6th Plan, Rural Training and Technology Centre (RTTC) 7th Plan, collectively
strengthen functional skills of working population and aim to make production efficient.
Population adequate qualified is an asset, a productive as set.
Population of developing countries has always been growing and growing at a faster rate.
This complicates the problem of development and the problem of balanced development. In
these countries political revolution has preceded industrial revolution. Socialist revolution
has increase anticipation from the people. But Government machinery in these countries is
underdeveloped and ill-equipped to tackle the problem of development with social justice in
India today support: nearly 15 p.c. of the world population, its population has been steadily
increasing and the decadal growth rate has therefore been consistently rising.
Population has functional and dysfunctions effects. Healthy and better equipped population
can support industrial growth while poor population would make country poorer. Application
of Malthusian law is ruled out and a positive strategy would be (a) the adoption of family
welfare programs (b) implementation of manpower planning (c) the diversification of
productive activities in the secondary and tertiary sectors.
Family welfare programs envisage a ne production rate of 1 p.c. by 2000 A.D. In
demographic transition; high growth in the second stage, but the third stage is
characterized by lo birth rate, low death rate, small size families a leading to decline in the
rate of population growth In rural areas primary health centers provide host of services
under one roof. A massive nutrition programs with awareness of community health is
operated through governmental and nor governmental agencies. The special Nutrition
Program caters children between 0-6 years an pregnant women and nursing mothers.
In manpower planning emphasis on investment in human capital is aimed at. This is realized
through health and educational Program operated in rural urban areas. This will improve
adaptability, productivity and mobility of labor. The 8th plan aimed at universalization of
elementary education and eradication of illiteracy in working age population. There was an
extension of 'Open Learning System' Schemes like DWCRA, TRYSEM, RELEGP, CRTTC, NERP
have a positive role to play in this field as rural unemployment, underemployment,
disguised unemployment is its main target. The 8th Plan expected employment growth rate
to reach 3 p.c.
Diversification of secondary and tertiary activities has been aimed at from the Second Five
Year Plan. Within the frame work of mixed Economy the plans give priority to public sector,
activities which aim to create infrastructure for development. In 1951, there were only 5
non-departmental public enterprises with an investment of Rs. 29 crores. By 1983-84 the
number of public enterprises (central) has gone to 228 with a total investment of Rs.
42.000 crores. Khadi and village industries also occupy a vital place in the process of
industrialization and growth with balance. With a total investment of Rs. 2000 crores in the
7th plan it provided employment to nearly 50 lakh people.
Development is a multifarious phenomenon and population policy .one of its variable. Proper
manpower-planning would definitely make the available human capital more productive and
would help to reduce its pressure on future growth. Properly linked with the strategy of
industrialization and modernization, population policy would open this vast potential growth
resource available to the third world countries extending the reach out of development
benefits and making its face more human.

School, Society and Family

Discipline is a scheme which is designed to facilitate school and society both working of
some activity whether it is the acquisition of knowledge by students or any other field like
craftsman. To each best possible end in each this, energy has to be harbored and canalized,
time must be measured arid allotted and many of man's impulses temporarily curbed.
Discipline is needed to subdue the natural ego-centric so that they can live in and with
society. Rules represent order, and the foundation of an orderly, disciplined way of life is
laid in schools from where the child begins.
But many people today believe that maintaining order in the school is becoming difficult,
though this should not come as a surprise. Society itself is changing and authority is under
attract society has changed. Primitive people women, home or fuel. As civilization grew the
need of laws to regulate the action of individuals and groups in community was recognized.
Laws were made and given an aura of holiness because they were necessary to enable
society to survive.
But inevitably there were those who felt they are treated unjustly, they challenged the law
often by force. The problem arises when some section of society sees law undermined and
perceive profit for them in the challenge itself and act without regard to consequence. When
violence is seen to bring advantage violence increases. That is what is happening today.
Young people see the example of violence as the successful challenge to .authority and tend
to emulate it. Communication media attempts" to present" the news, gives violence and
disruption, acceptance arid do not condemn It. Youngsters seeing it uncondemned come to
regard it as acceptance.
Children today are treated with a tolerance which allow for the rejection of authority.
Paradoxically parents are often critical of lax school discipline whilst tolerating such behavior
at home which would not have been widely accepted 20 or 30 year ago. Even more difficult
to understand is any steps to make discipline in school more effective is questioned.
Being brought up in a tolerant atmosphere children are often shocked when attempts are
made to make them behave reasonably at school. They find themselves having to adapt to
two quite different behavioral patterns. This has a traumatic effect up on some children,
which is itself an incitement to indiscipline.
Society as a whole appears to accept that the majority of children want to learn and that to
enable them to do so discipline must be maintained in schools. Schools in this age - cannot
operate in isolation, whatever happens and whatever is tolerated in the world has an effect
on the school. The attitude of adult with whom children come into contact, either by direct
experience or through media condition the attitude of the pupil to all influences on their
Until recently the few who disrupted school with extreme behavioral problem were from
environments which thrived on violence and misbehavior. But the growth of mass media
specially and the decline of censorship lies introduced a much wider group to extremes of
behavior. Thus a society which expects and believes that its children must be educated in a
reasonably ordered situation tolerates the daily visua1 exposition of activities which can
undermine and destroy that reasonable order. The problem arising from this contradiction
is: when schools attempt the reasonable order which society wants, the support of the
society is conditional. And in the long run this situation becomes intolerable. There is an
Increasing amount of violence and disruptive behavior. Liberal attitudes among adults have
probably given encouragement to these youngsters who have such disruptive inclinations.
Be it any country, one sees the difficulty into which undue tolerance can lead.
Rules represent order, and however anarchic we may feel, we need order, no one knows
completely the answer to the problem of maintaining order in schools. Schools cannot
operate on their own. This is a social problem which cannot be disregarded by society and
left to the schools. Neither must the schools assume that the teaching profession alone can
deal with it. One reason .for the dissatisfaction of the young with the society and family
pattern in which they grow is, there is no hard and fast line to give them security. They
themselves grow in an atmosphere of adult uncertainty leaving them bewildered.
Parental involvement and understanding is vital to the schools both in the avoidance of
extreme indiscipline and to its solution when it occurs. The main duty of the parents is to
equip the child for living and for making the best of life, and how to benefit from the
advantages of being a social animal. One of the lessons should be that in order to get the
advantage certain sacrifices have to be made.
Society must face up to the problem society is creating. Tolerance, overindulgence, neglect
of standards, abandonment of guidance, unwillingness to accept and reason are social
attitudes which are affecting the school. At the same time social neglect in poor housing,
unemployment, deprivation, lack of provision are also stimulating and fostering the
development of bad attitude.
To discipline a child means to teach him how to live with others, it does not mean breaking
but teaching, not only through rules, but its own attitude towards others and our own
towards it. It is essential to convince that it is possible and also if necessary to disagree but
this does not involve loss of dignity.
The thinking needs long term plan for social change. The fact is schools have their
problems. They must be dealt with and society must supply the support to the schools. This
is a demand which involves the protection and well being of the majority of children who
want to get the best out of the very effective educational provision. If investment in
children's education is investment in our society's future, then it is essential that society
safeguard its investment by supporting those to whom it has entrusted the realization of its
children's future.
Maladies Afflicting the Education System

The Indian educational scene today presents a picture of bewildering contradictions butane
feature sticking out like a sore thumb is that of utter confusion. The contradictions arise
from a variety of factors which include: social inequalities, rising expectations of the
emerging generation and erosion of the value system which prevailed during the mid-
twentieth century, in fact, these had led to the creation of educational institutions of
different types ranging from the very good (alas, very few in number) to the average or
mediocre type and way down to the poor (a very large number). The disparities in relation
to the quality and commitment of the teachers, the type of laboratory and library facilities
and the amenities like playgrounds are to say the least startling.

The confusion arises on account of the pulls and pushes which the system is subjected to by
a wide array of agencies, both government and private. There are a few bright spots in the
picture but these are fast dwindling.
Come June, the scramble for admission into the higher educational institutions becomes
almost painful to the parents and their wards. While a large number of arts and science
colleges have sprung up in the last two decades ail over the country, the number of seats
also going up in proportion, the growing number of aspirants desiring to acquire degrees
must also be reckoned with. There has been unfortunately a sort of distortion in the way
students are gaining entry into the colleges—theoretically all those who are eager to gain
knowledge must be accommodated but due to various reasons it has not been happening.
Several social factors and inequalities have led to this situation. There is now a danger of
the social fabric itself being torn asunder since the divisions into caste, sub-castes,
communities apart from religion are playing havoc with the campus atmosphere. No part of
subcontinent is Immune from this malaise.
When it comes to professional education, the picture turns still more murky. The parents of
the student completing the school leaving stage (10th class) get into an anxiety syndrome,
worrying constantly about the subjects their wards should take up in the higher or senior
secondary stage (11th and 12th class) which goes by different names in different States—
intermediate or pre-degree or plain higher or senior secondary. It is at the end of the 12th
class that the pupils must be prepared to get grilled—appearing for a number of entrance
tests (Joint Entrance Examination or JEE for the Indian Institutes of Technology, State level
engineering or medical colleges). April, May and June turn out to be a harrowing period for
a large number of middle class families as a result.
With several thousand students appearing for these examinations and the chances of only a
few getting in, the outcome is quite grim. It is frustration all round. The amount of time,
money and energy spent in preparing and appearing for these tests is staggering. In some
cases, almost a permanent scar is left as a result of this traumatic phase.
The Governments in several States have evolved different norms for selection of candidates
to the engineering, medical and other professional courses. Since the competition is very
stiff, a sort of adjustment in relation to reservation, quota for other States and special
categories becomes necessary but nowhere in the country has a satisfactory system been
evolved. The emergence of the self-financing professional colleges over the last two decades
has in a way eased the situation but other complications arose, mainly relating to the huge
amounts collected by way of capitation fees (euphemism for donation, not of a voluntary
type) and the tuition fees levied. The Supreme Court's intervention has now resulted in a
fee structure which goes to prove that the remedy is worse than the disease.
Indeed, right from the kindergarten stage, the education of a citizen is being shaped in
devious ways. In recent years, the demand for seats in the KG classes has gone up.
Actually, people go to any extent in order to admit the toddlers even in the pre-KG section.
This is part of the early childhood education (ECE) scenario. Several arguments are given in
favor of this trend.

These include: (a) the children get a head-start in schooling and in these days of hectic
competition, the little ones must get used early to the habit of turning "sociable"; (b) since
both parents are almost invariably employed, it is difficult to keep the children at home or
entrust them to the care of some domestic help; (c) after the break-up of the joint family
system, housewives by themselves are not able to look after the little ones since no in-laws
or mothers are there to help.
What must make the people sit up and take note is the erosion of values in the social set-
up. Respect for the elders and a spirit of give and take have virtually disappeared among
the youth of today. This can be traced to the influence o films and television which,
unfortunately, portray in a stark fashion the seamier side of life.

Just As Roads Need speed-breakers Developing Economies Needs Protection

Multinational corporations are routinely complaining that they do not have a level playing
field in India—and that justice and WTO alike demand that they get it. On the other hand,
Indian businessmen also fee! that they are denied a level playing field vis-a-vis MNCs, Both
sides, therefore, want a level playing field, it should, therefore, be possible to examine
where, to what extent, for whom and how it may be leveled.
Indian businesses certainly have certain advantages in India. They know the country and
the people. They know their workers, their managers and their consumers. And they know
their government. However, these are advantages enjoyed by every business on its
respective home ground.
We have the advantage of cheaper labor; but this labor is not as skilled as in the West. And,
in any case, we have to employ much more labor than there. Also, when an MNC starts
manufacturing in India, it also acquires the advantage of cheaper labor.
In addition, Indian business did, for years, have the protection of import substitution and
high tariff walls. However, today, these wails have been all but pulled down. So much so
that, to give just one example, today many steel mills in India, big and small, have had to
close down because of cheaper imports. But, on the other hand, the big foreign companies
— the MNCs — have tremendous, even overwhelming advantages. To treat Indian and
these foreign companies on par would be like throwing the lamb to the wolves — In the
name of 'equality'.
Because the West has dominated the world for the last two centuries. Its domination shows
in every sphere. Since it has more wealth and more capital, interest rates are much lower in
the West. While an American MIMC may have to pay only five percent interest, an Indian
company has to pay 20 per cent.
The same with technology The West is not only ahead of us in technology, it often refuses
to sell state-of-the-art technology us. The US not only refused to sell cryogenic engines to
us; it pressed Russia not to sell them to us.
Although much of the oil comes from the Persian Gulf area, world oil prices are determined
by adding what it would cost to transport this oil to Texas, in the Gulf of Mexico, and using
it as the base price. No wonder oil is cheaper in the US than in India. All this is possible only
because American and some other western oil companies control the world petroleum
These companies even organized the oil crisis of the seventies, to raise oil prices high and
earn oil superscripts. These oil profits were then used by the World Bank to tempt
developing countries to borrow money by the billion — and so walk into debt-traps. As a
western robber-baron engaged in telling even great 1,000-year old trees, put it candidly:
There's a story about the golden rule. He who has old rules, Nor is this western
predominance confined to the material factors of production. It is, if anything, even more
pervasive in the non-physical factors of economic life. Today we are living in a world of
instant communications and informalities. And hero again the West is miles ahead of us.-
There are riot only more western satellites in orbit monitoring the world --- and its marine
and underground resources — western electronic media is penetrating even/ nook and
corner of the world. It is influencing not only economic choices but also tastes and values.
The western advertising blitz is pushing western products. Today even Delhi police station
name boards carry Pepsi advertisements. When developing countries refuse tobacco ads,
these MNCs sponsor sports events to promote their smoking message. And so while
smoking is going down in the US — because of its known carcinogenic properties — tobacco
company profits are going up. Mr. Lawrence Summers, chief economist of the World Bank,
openly advocated that polluting industries and garbage be exported to developing countries.
In the name of a level playing field, American banks have set up shop in India. But they
never fulfill the social responsibilities shouldered by Indian bank, which latter have to open
branches in rural areas and give loans on concessional terms to agriculture, small stale
industry and cooperatives. This inequality shows even in the realm of law. Foreign
companies cc ling to India do not want to be judged by Indian law; they invoke the law in a
third country. In simple words, the level playing field of MNCs amounts to 'heads we win
and tails you lose."
The West has not only more guns and more gold — and even more grain in a hungry world.
Ail the powerful international organizations — with which to dominate the world, The UN,
World Bank, International Monetary Fund. World Trade Organization and International Court
of Justice — are based in the West and captive to the West. As Mr. Samuel P Huntington of
Harvard candidly puts it in an artrcle in Foreign Affairs Quarterly: "Through the IMF and
other international economic institutions, the West promotes its economic interests and
imposes on other nations the economic policies it thinks appropriate. " This leads to
resentment and the emergence of a conflict between "the West and the Rest". And so Mr.
Huntington concedes: "In any poll of non-western people, the IMF undoubtedly would win
the support of finance ministers and a few others, but get an overwhelmingly unfavorable
routine from just about everyone else.
But instead of redressing the grievances of ;he South, Mr. Huntington wants "the West to
maintain the economic and military power necessary to protect its interests in relation to
these civilizations " This is the reason why the US does not want India to go nuclear or
develop a missile capability. If India developed military muscle, the West would not be able
to extract more and more concessions from us for its MNCs. It will thus be seen that, in the
name of 'globalization', the West is only trying to perpetuate its hegemony on the world.
Coming back to the economic domain, we don't have to be taken in by the glib talk of "free
trade". Just as roads need speed-breakers, developing economies need protection. A 100
years ago, when Britain asked the UStc abolish its tariff walls and engage in free trade, then
US President Ulysses Grant reminded it that the UK had protected its industries for 100
years before launching out on free trade. The US, said Grant, would also do the same after
100 years.

Ignoring Innovation is Closing Windows of Opportunity

There cannot be any progress without the whole world following in the wake and it is
becoming everyday clearer that the solution of any problem can never be obtained on racial
or national or narrow grounds. Every idea has to become broad till it covers the whole of
this world, every aspiration must go on increasing till it has engulfed the whole of humanity,
nay, the whole of life, with its scope
This was Vivekanada's prophecy in 1897, a century ago. Advances in science and
technology, and the consequential complex cause and effect interactions with the
agriculture, industry, economics, business, trade, politics or culture, have truly brought us
to a stage where diabolism is really felt in many walks of life. Trans-border flows of ideas,
images, knowledge, goods, services, capital or people are taking place on an unprecedented
scale, despite the fact that most societies are still clinging to many age-old concepts of
governance, domination, controls, tariffs or denials.
Even while the grand vision is true, the nitty-gritty of actual living poses many problems
and challenges, to individuals, groups and societies. The impact of global competition is felt
by domestic industries brought up in a protected regime. Questions naturally arise whether
the doors are opened too early and too fast. Many institutional mechanisms such as
financing mechanisms, regulatory bodies, social welfare systems 'or indigenous technology
development systems are being severely jolted. Aspirations for following the rapid growth
models and consumption patterns taking place elsewhere are also having an impact on local
infrastructure in the country. There are increasing problems of urban environmental
pollution. Multiple lobbies and pulls and pressures from different groups in the country are
also creating a confusing picture.
How do we face these challenges before the country? No country can easily follow some
other model, that too at a different period in history. So we have to learn, to innovate with
our own systems.
Innovation is somehow inhibited in our country in a number of ways. Most of those who
control the levers or our economy — the administrators, business persons, financiers,
diplomats, and those in charge of public accountability systems — are often allergic to or
intolerant of failures and, therefore, are afraid of innovation. Even when their experience
shows that they have reached the end of the road, many prefer to keep their engines on at
idling speeds, rather than explore new paths. For any new idea that is thrown up, the
standard questions are: Has anybody done it elsewhere in the world? What is their
experience? Is there any experience of doing it in India?
Others experience often dominates our thinking. We tend to forget that the persons, the
business houses or administrations which had earlier experimented may not always share
with us the details of their experience and they themselves may have innovated further
steps based on their experience. With our penchant for caution, we of-ten emphasize
experience over innovation. If we have to be successful in the rapidly changing world of
today where, as Mr. A.RJ. Abdul Kalam, puts it, "Strength respects strength". He should
learn to treat knowledge-based experience and innovation as two sides of the same coin.
Such an approach is especially useful where we have considerable gaps in our knowledge
base, which essentially means we have lagged behind in building up an experience base
through innovations.
This is particularly true of the technology scenario in the country, where we lag behind
significantly in many areas. Around the world, most firms most firms who are world leaders
now have built up their technological strengths through an assiduous process of continual
and incremental innovations. In this process, they may occasionally be benefited by a few
breakthroughs, giving ' them a considerable lead over their competitors. It is often difficult
for the late-comers, who try to imitate the leaders, to bridge the gaps easily. Many
researched studies indicate that imitation is often as difficult as innovation in such
competitive environments. So most Indian firms, who have large gaps in their present
technological strengths, have to learn to tap the' experience base of others rapidly as well
as learn to innovate simultaneously.
For example, having missed the opportunity of venturing into large scale microelectronics
production about two decades ago, most Indian firms or laboratories may find it difficult to
attempt it now when investment for a viable microelectronics production facility would cost
$ 1.5 billion. But there is a reasonable experience base in the country to produce system
level products using microprocessors. We even have experience in making parallel
processors or supercomputers. We also have a fair bit of experience in application software.
But we need to learn to venture forth in a big way and not limit the innovation to a minor
level. We have suffered pilot plant syndromes too long. Innovation in order to capture and
capitalize on our strengths would mean instituting several measures, easier access to
finance: many special zones to attract industries; promotion of competitive research;
facilitation of potentially bright newcomers in their early days of start up arid so on. A few
failures out of these should not deter us. They can form the experience base, for further

Significance of Forests

India is extremely rich in its ecology which is varied with genetically diverse forest resources
and is one of the world's top twelve nations having mega diversity in terms of biological
resources. The plant wealth found in India's forest are made up of 45000 species of trees,
shrubs, herbs and climbers which account for about 12 per cent of the global plant wealth.
The flowering plants alone number 21000 species and almost a third of these are endemic,
located mainly in 26 endemic centers of India. India's forests are the home of over 75,000
species of animals of which about 372 are mammals, 2,000 birds, 1, 693 fishes and as
many as 60,000 insect species.
Forests are removable resources and they contribute substantially to the social and
economic development of the country. They have major role to play in enhancing the quality
of our environment. The history of forest is linked with the history of civilization. The 4000
year old Agnipurana mentions that a man should protect trees to ensure material prosperity
and religious merit. 2500 years ago, Gautam Buddha preached that a man must plant trees
every five years. The great epics Ramayana and Mahabharata give attractive description of
forests like Dandakaranya, Mandavana and Khandvan. The Supreme God of Indus Valley
was supposed to live under Pipal trees. Pipal and Babul Plants were believed to have
descended on earth from heaven.
The people in ancient times lived in harmony with their ecosystem, which was formed by
the forests. They did not cut the trees recklessly and the forests produced more than
enough for everybody. The first indication of forestry administration is found in 300 B.C
during Chandra Gupta Maurya's reign, when a Superintendent of forests was appointed to
protect forests and wild life. Nund Rishi, the saint of Chare-shreef, preached that there
would be enough food only when there were forests. From top of the hill, he could could see
the fertile valley down below and realize that the miracle was due to fertile soil produced by
the hill forests. Similarly Lamboji, the founder of the Vaishnio sect in the desert of
Rajasthan, was preaching that to survive in the desert, green trees should not be felled and
no animals and birds be killed. The Bishnois have kept alive this tradition of saving the
Khejadi (Accacia) trees even at the cost of their lives. Modern science too recognizes that
forests are mothers of the rivers and factories of soil manufacture. For the British, Indian
forests were an inexhaustible source of durable and ornamental timber and other forest
products. Teak forests along the coast of Malabar were over exploited to meet the
requirements of the British Navy. The Sandalwood trees of South India were exploited for
the European markets. The two world wars were also the periods of great devastation of
Indian forests. Forests were cut recklessly to meet the increased demand. As a result, rich
productive forests vanished, causing an irreparable damage to the ecosystem and to the
Indian people, especially the tribes. Unfortunately, the forest destruction did not stop even
after the British had left and it is estimated that India is losing about 1.5 million hectares of
forests annually.
Forests have a significant role not only in ensuring the environmental stability but also
achieving economical benefits. Forest is not just a group of trees, but is an ecosystem in
itself, comprising all the living and non-living components. The main living components of a
terrestrial ecosystem are plants dominated by trees, forming the consumer element and
decompresses of the micro organisms. Soil, water, air and sunshine form the non-living
components of a forest/terrestrial ecosystem. These components interact with each other
and evolve the ecological energy cycle which consists of two other cyclic processes, namely
water cycle and matter (organic and inorganic) cycle. These processes maintain the
dynamic equilibrium between the living components and non-living components within an
ecosystem. Any imbalance or deviation in this process will lead to a total collapse of the
ecosystem. Droughts and floods are the two most important consequences of the imbalance
in forest ecosystem caused by the indiscriminate felling of trees. The forest ecosystem fulfils
extremely important protective, regulatory and productive functions both for the well-being
and development of society.
The importance of forests in the ecosystem can never be overemphasized. Forests have
numerous roles to play both natural and manmade. Natural functions involve protective and
regulative services, while man imposed functions relate to production and socio-ecological
services. Plants are valuable for us in many ways, besides protecting and improving the
environment in' which we live, they control run off, check floods and soil erosion, improve
soil fertility and help in reducing temperature and pollution. Thus they work as
environmental conditioners.
According to one estimate the real value of a 50tonne medium sized tree, by adding the
prices of all items of its produce and social benefits, rendered during the 50 years of its life
time, economic benefits of around Rs. 15,70,000/-is generated to the community in the
form of generation of (i) oxygen valued at Rs. 2.5 lakh, (ii) controlling of soil erosion and
improving soil fertility by Rs. 2.5 lakh, (iii) recycling of wastes to the tune of Rs. 3 lakh, (iv)
controlling of air pollution valued at Rs.. 5 lakh and other secondary benefits to the tune of
Rs. 3.5 lakh. Thus one can visualize how much economic benefits trickle down silently to the
community through a single tree over its life span of 50 years.
Rapid destruction of forests results in natural calamities, soil erosion and also contributes to
the greenhouse effect. Plantations cannot be the substitute for the natural forests as forests
are ecosystems in itself) but it can reduce the pressure on natural forests for timber, fuel,
fodder and other forest products. Therefore, opting for plantation will be beneficial to the
man and as well as to environment in the long run spite global awareness, tropical forests
are brindled at the rate of 72 acre a minute.
Worlds five billion acres of tropical forests are threatened by agriculture and poor farmers in
the developing world alone. Some 350 million people in the tropical countries live in forests
and depend upon them in one way or another for subsistence. During the process the
farmers slash and burn patches of forests to grow crops and once the soil gets depleted of
nutrients then the poor farmers move on to clear another patch. This wanton destruction of
forests is seriously affecting the environment and is straining the biosphere.
India has a land area of 38.50 million hectares under good forest cover which works out at
19.46 per cent against a target of 33 per cent for the plains and 66 percent for the hilly
regions. Although located in the tropics, the productivity of Indian forests is amongst the
lowest in the world. At the present level of consumption of forest resources, the country
needs a minimum 0.47 hectares of forest land for every individual against the actual
availability of 0.09 hectare. Forests in most of the states in India are qualitatively and
quantitatively very poor. The foremost reason is the drastic growth in population.
Comparing India's per capita forest land of only 0.09 hectare, Canada has per capita forest
land of 12.4 hectares and 6.8 hectares for Australia. The human demands on forests are
complex and diverse. They are related not only to matter and energy but also to space and
diversity. On the basis of available data, India needs to have 101.33 million hectares.
(33.33 per cent of reported area) under forests whereas it has only about 67million hectares
at present leaving a deficit of 34.33 million hectares. This deficiency can be made upto
83.75 per cent by afforesting the land under miscellaneous tree crops and groves. The rest
can be covered by afforestation of 5.56 million hectares of barren land from the available 20
million hectares of barren and uncultivated land in the country. The solution to problems of
Indian forests are a lot more complicated than simply passing new laws or restricting losing
companies, or echo-labeling or any other panaceas that are often on offer. Forest science
needs to make a conceptual shift if it is to contribute its full potential to today's needs. It
was poorly linked in the past to research on social, economic and biological issues relating
to forests.
During the post independence period, efforts have been made to conserve the forests,
however, the performance does not seem to be encouraging. There is dire need for a
comprehensive effort to plug root causes of deforestation, viz population, steeped in
poverty, bad natural resource management and of course distorted forest policies,
otherwise we are heading for a "Stressful biosphere" as we enter the next century (2001).
Depletion of forests on the planet earth will be contributing to growing concentration of
carbon-dioxide and by the middle of the next century civilization might oe on the threshold
of Mesozoic heat (warming), spelling doom. A rise of 1 degree to 2 degree C around equator
and 7 degree to 10 degree C at the north and South Pole, will result in melting of static
glaciers on mountains and the sliding of huge icebergs from poles, rising of sea level and
consequent inundation of coastal areas. The wanton destruction of forests is seriously
affecting the forests and the environment. This is going to lead us to disaster. The demand
for timber, pulp wood, fodder etc. is increasing at a very high rate. Measures to minimize
the gap between demand and supply of these products do not indicate any positive
response, since the demand is increasing with the increase in the population, accompanied
by the increase in income levels of the people Taking the demand of greeting cards, each
greeting card requires 10 gas of paper pulp and if we assume that 1 per cent of the total
850 million population of the country uses greeting cards to the extent of 150 cards per
individual, then the paper pulp required will come to 1.25 million tonnes and such a huge
quantity of paper pulp will entail the felling of one million trees to obtain 3.8 million tonnes
of wood. This is just, one example of the demand of natural resource and the' severe strain
this biosphere has to undergo.
It could be said that forests have moved from diffused (ownership wise) unmanaged and
unlimited resource-status to a fully owned (Govt., ownership), centrally managed (forest
department) and very scarce resource status in the last century.
All attempts of the Government to conserve this resource appear to have isolated the
resource from the people as far as their responsibility towards maintenance and
development of the resource is concerned, while their dependency and in-built pressures on
the-resources have on the contrary increased due to population explosion and advancement
in the use of technology.
The alarming increase in human population will demand at least four times more energy
than today by the year 2040 and the projected increase in the use of industrial wood 13
fold. Where will the huge volume of wood required for energy use— solid wood products and
paper making come from?"To thinking people around the world, wood from natural forests
is becoming an unacceptable answer. A recent report of the Food and Agricultural
organization says, the demand and consumption of forest products has risen so steeply that
large investment would have to be made for future use. It recommends private initiatives in
the industry. A world think-tank, headed by Dr. Wiliiam Sultan, Director of Research and
Strategy at Fletcher Challenge Forests, New Zealand; advocates a bold and novel concept.
(1) A major portion of any increased wood supply, must come from newly created
(2) the initiative and capital to grow large scale plantations must come from business
To meet the instigated demand of the domestic market, it is essential to redefine the
objective of forest management in the context of the national development. Thus there
should be a change from the present conservation oriented forestry to a more dynamic
program of production forestry. Considering the advantages of an aggressive orchard
silviculture or creation of manmade forests by planting, the future program should
concentrate on clear felling the mixed forests on good soils, opening them by
communication, and the planting of these areas with fast growing and valuable species,
indigenous or even exotics, yielding higher returns per unit area, per year. Wood remains
one of the most basic needs of man, with large scale uses in construction of homes, ships,
furniture, sleepers for railway tracks as well as fuel. With industrialization and urbanization,
forests have been indiscriminately felled all over the world. The earth loses almost forty
million hectares of forest area with no replacement, adding to an ever increasing shortage
of timber. India is having the best agro climatic conditions viz. tropical, sub-tropical and
temperate climatic zones where diversified tree species can be planted thus increasing the
production with elite management practices to have maximum biomass. This would go a
long way in conserving the ecosystem of the country within a short span of time.
The estimated cost of such national level plantation efforts comes to several thousand
crores. Such an investment is surely beyond the government resources which are already
under constant pressure to increase social spending. However, the magnitude of
investments required to establish plantations is within the scope of the business sector. For
this purpose production of forests should be increasingly privatized and involvement of
people must be from the initial stages of plantation. This further envisages that the state
forest departments should have a broader approach in forest management activities and
involve people at various decision making levels. The present day forester no doubt talks of
involving people in the protection and management of forests, but the people at the
grassroots level feel alienated. Such a situation does not augur well in the forest
management and immediate corrective measures need to be undertaken. Of late, there is a
positive response from the corporate sector, in forestry development. Many a private
companies with dedication have Undertaken mass area plantations in various parts of the
country. Although this is mostly to cater the needs of the industries, it would also go a long
way in adding to the quantum of forest products available to the people at large, that is why
private sector companies are attempting to raise captive plantations to augment raw
materials for industries. Thus their sphere of activities encompasses, providing soil cover
and thus reducing the pressure on biosphere and side by side provide employment
opportunities to the rural poor and above all involving the people at the grassroots level in
restoration of tree environment. Efforts need to be made by the government both at the
centre as well as at state levels to involve all possible agencies in a massive tree planting
efforts based on sound management practices accompanied by latest technologies.

Is so much Emphasis on Information Technology Justified?

The economy of a country is no longer measured by the strength of traditional industries

but by its technological advancement. Information Technology should be looked upon not as
an end by itself but as a means for achieving overall development.
The IT sector is perhaps the last opportunity in regaining competitive advantage for the
country, to develop rapidly, to improve the standards of living of our people and to grow out
of poverty.
Unlike traditional industries, the IT sector is people intensive and creates vast employment
opportunities. This implies a very low capital output ratio and an opportunity for all of us to
grow quickly. Presently, it is estimated that over 300000 software professionals are working
in the country. According to the NASSCOM report, India will be able to export software
worth over $50 billion by the year 2008. The domestic market is likely to expand to $37
billion at the same time. This growth is expected to create an additional 22 lakh jobs in
Some feel that this kind of growth in IT will benefit only the elite. But this is not true. IT will
primarily be responsible for eradicating poverty as well as strengthening democracy. IT will
be useful as a tool for every poor citizen to demand and secure his right to information.
Take the example of Karnataka. The government of Karnataka has already taken several
initiatives primarily to take the administration to the doorsteps of the common man. They
have plans to set up 7,500 Mahithi Centres (IT kiosks) all over Karnataka. Presently, the
state has land records of 60 lakh farmers in the computers. They plan to make this
information available on the Net. The same Mahithi Centres will be able to provide many
other value-added services like email, Internet information, birth and death certification,
panchayat taxes, information on government schemes, etc. These kiosks will also provide
the details of different government schemes and the amount spent in each and every
village, they can make land registration simple and easy. People go to sub-registrar offices
for registering sale deeds, mortgage deeds, etc. as well as for an encumbrance certificate.
This process is extremely cumbersome. To simplify the procedures for citizens, government
can initiate computerization of the department.
The government can use IT to protect the state's natural environment. The forest
department can implement computerized system track poaching and other forest offences,
improve wildlife management system as well as manage rare species.
The new technology can be used to effectively eradicate poverty and empower women. The
latest technology in eradicating poverty is via self-help group for women. These women
groups can be organized save money. The government can step in with revolving fund as
well as bank credit. This method can be the most effective in delivering rural credit as well
as eradicating poverty.
It can use e-governance as a tool and deliver a government that is more proactive and
responsive to its citizens. It'll play a vital role in coordinating with the government
departments as well as undertake a few critical projects that are likely to be used in more
than one department.
Since most decisions in our system of democracy are taken at the village and districts
levels, IT can provide an exhaustive database at a single point made available to all
decision-makers. We can~also analyze the data in an intelligent manner and provide a
sophisticated decision support system for the use of all decision makers. These are but a
few aspects where It can change our lives.
The people like Mr. Laloo Yadav says that the use of IT is confined to the hi-fi log. The
masses have! no access to it and get no benefit from it.
To those who harp on IT question is: Can IT plough the fields and provide electricity to
farmers? Besides, how do you expect people to take use of IT in places where there is no
power most of the time? It might be a priority with the urban elite but for the common man
the priority is still drinking water, health, education and power. Without these, Internet and
email make no sense.
Indeed, if IT is as important as it is made out to be why are they having to resort to manual
counting of votes in the US? Where are all their super computers? What good are they? The
American presidential election has exposed the tall claims of blind IT devotees.
It is obvious that IT cannot provide solutions to our problems. Take Bihar, for instance.
Farmers there have produced more than 80 metric tons of paddy this year. But they are not
able to sell it in the market because they are getting less than Rs 200 a ton, which is more
than the cost of cultivation. The Union government is not able to purchase their produce at
the minimum support price. Why? Because it has made a commitment to the World Trade
Organization (WTO) to purchase a certain amount of agricultural produce from the world
market. So our own stuff is rotting unsold. What will be the result? Farmers will stop
cultivating their fields and our agriculture will suffer. Does IT have a solution to this
problem? It needs common sense, not IT wizardry, to realize the implications of this ruinous
People should know that India is being treated as a huge market. Our shops are being
flooded with multinational goods — butter, milk, tomato sauce, you name it. Imagine, even
salt might be imported from foreign countries! And all this is being done with the help of the
IT-backed electronic media. In the process our dairies and indigenous industry are being
harmed. Do you need IT to tell you these simple things?
It can never be our sole thrust area. Too much reliance on IT is an alien approach. It does
not cater to 90 per cent of our population. A more indigenous approach is needed to solve
our problems.

The Ambit of Information Technology

India is today experiencing an IT revolution. There is hype about information technology

and the common perception is that it is a solution for each and every problem of the
country, state, city or even individuals. Hypes are essential tools for waking up the sleeping
and lazy lots. But at the same time realistic visualization of the potential, constraints,
limitation as well as common maladies are required.
Coupled with this, is the confusion on the definition and scope of IT. For a large number of
persons IT is nothing but internet, and its related applications. IT would be only limited to
www or dot com or similar acronyms. Most certainly, internet is one of the strongest means
for information exchange and due to this, physical distances have become meaningless and
the world is reduced to a global village (a very often used phrase). Another common
definition of IT is the integration of computers and communication. This will mean that any
application on a single computer from desktop to super computers will be outside the
purview of IT. In order to understand the ambit of IT in wider contexts, let us get down to
the basics of information.
Any action by individual or process may be categorized in one of the three:
* Information
* Interpretations
* Instruction
In fact the world is being ruled by the three 's. At the individual level, for example, a per-ion
'X' wakes up in the morning. He looks at the watch. It is 6.00 a.m. (he collects information)
Oh! I am late (interpretation) and he takes II actions to" get ready fast (instruction). A
suspicious wife receives her husband who is 1 hour late (information). She asks questions
and may examine his manner-ms or clothes (information). Based on previous experience,
the information is processed and a value judgment (interpretation) is obtained. What are
the actions (instruction) taken if the judgment is orated? In fact, so much of knowledge
based processing goes on in our brain that even supercomputers feel shy.
Thus a human being is an information technology system par excellence. One can go on
debating whether micro-computer is computer or not. However, let us pause and think.
Internet would not grow grains, weave clothes or construct houses. Perhaps the latest
information on pest management, grain prices, clothes design and architecture practices
may be provided through Internet and shared. Thus Internet is one of the means of
information exchange and sharing, but not a total solution. However, without going into the
merit or demerit of the arguments, we shall like to analyze whether out of the 3 I's
mentioned above, at least 2 I's are present in such systems and applications.
These are simple information display applications. The computers and networks are used
only for information entry and supply. The applications include display systems in banks,
stock exchanges, railway stations and utilities. These may be completely detached from the
main applications like railway reservations or may be interfaced to main applications for
information collection.
There are large numbers of applications in this group. These may be put in the following
— System software and utilities
— Transaction processing systems
— Communication systems and protocol
— Specialized applications systems
— Microcomputer based systems
— Data acquisition and supervisory control systems
The system software and utilities include compilers, interpreters, DBMS, case tools, GIS,
mathematical modeling systems and expert system shell. The system software and utilities
are the backbones of any computer system and demonstrate the power of the computer.
The transaction processing systems include all those on-line applications where interaction
with customer is the main part. Railway reservations, banking, post offices, stock exchanges
are some of the examples. These applications require large database as well as computer
network (mostly intranet) for transaction processing. Some of the applications also have
Internet connections for information dissemination eg. Railway reservation.
The specialized application systems include large and complex systems having both
hardware and Software combined, designed specifically to cater for any particular
application domain. Example include weather forecasting system, aerodynamic modeling
systems and nuclear reactor simulation The applications involve data collection through
sensors, knowledge base and powerful inference engine, mathematical modeling and
equations solving.
In general, micro-computer based systems are basically used to collect, process and present
information to the user on some specific parameters of interest. In case of instruments,
micro computer interprets it, based on either previously stored look-up tables or equations
and then the output is presented on LED-LCD display. These would include agri-
instruments, medical instruments and instruments for other applications, including test and
measuring instruments.
Data acquisition systems applications are varied and thus various names are prevalent arid
are used interchangeably. These are data loggers, data acquisition system and alarm an
enunciator, where data loggers are used for remote applications, in which the system
senses, processes and collects the information for defined parameters. These can be printed
and even communicated to computers using standard protocol. The Remote Terminal Units
(RTUs) perform the same tasks for telemetry operations i.e. the information is transmitted
to computers using VHFUHF, wire line or even satellite communication mode. The
distributed data acquisition systems are a higher end system and may have many RTUs and
data loggers are their components. They perform the task of information and Interpretation
over a large area. The information and interpretation may include even plant modeling,
analysis large historical database or even knowledge based system, expert systems or fuzzy
These are most powerful and complex application in which the instruction mechanism
controls the system to achieve desired pre-defined information environment. The
applications include from simple temperature control to satellite tracking, missile control to
power plant control and gas powerwater distribution control. Control and automation are
generalized names for these applications, it is basically an extension of data acquisition
systems with instructions part also. Thus all the three functions, information, interpretation
and instructions are present in automation or control in general. Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is a generalized name of such systems. The technologies
used for interpretation and instructions may be simple PID or one of the intelligent control
techniques like expert systems, model based self tuning, or adaptive control. The systems
used are DDC (Direct Digital Control),Distributed Digital Control, RTU based telemetry
control or programmable controllers.
It is important to look into IT with a holistic approach rather than in a limited and
compartmental way. The real life situations are multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary.
Solutions for real life problems thus, can be found by adopting a total definition of IT. .

"If USA have Fifty States, India can also recast its federation"

The disintegration of the Soviet Union has important implications for the Union of India.
Re--gional aspirations can no longer be dismissed as chauvinistic, and federalism will
have'to be taken seriously.
in his recent book Federal India: A Design for Change, Professor Rasheeduddin Khan makes
a plea for a comprehensive review of the entire gamut of Centre-State relations by a
National Assembly specially constituted for the purpose. His plea in substance is for a new
Constitution. The most vital change necessary at this point of history, he feels, is the
creation of a new federal balance in India. The following measures are vital for changing the
present "centralized federation" into a "cooperative and constructive federal policy":
(i) territorial reorganization of Stated on the criterion of providing the States "maximum
homogeneity within and maximum identity without";
(ii) increasing the autonomy of the States, by incorporation greater administrative and fiscal
powers to them;
(iii) activization of the Panchayati Raj and Nagarpalika system with necessary devolution of
authority to build and active grassroots democracy; and
(iv) building of a new "federal national" consensus to fight communalism, casteism and
separatism, and to defend the values of democracy, secularism, social justice and federal
Federalism in the polity and decentralization in administration are comprehended in the
same mindset.-Large, unwieldy States with more powers than at present will not really
federalize the polity. A reorganization based on the principles of techno-economic viability,
socio-cultural homogeneity and administrative and political the necessity. The application of
these principles leads to the creation of as many as 58 States. This would help mass
mobilization and keener participation for development, and bring functional politics closer to
the people by making it more responsive to local and specific sub-regional demands.
If the United States of America, with one-third of India's population, can have 50 States,
India can also recast its federation to have as many States as are required by the genuine
needs of its diverse population. Incidentally, the complicated procedure for amending the
Constitution is not required to be followed while creating new States or redrawing the
boundaries of existing States: this can be done by an ordinary law of Parliament. What,
however, is required is that the Bill for the purpose should be introduced on the
recommendation of the President, and the legislature of the State whose area or boundaries
are to be altered should be given an opportunity to express its views on the proposals.
The Sarkaria Commission did apply itself assiduously to the task of examining and reviewing
the working of the existing arrangements between the Union and the States. But it was not
given a Carre Blanche. It was asked to have "due regard to the scheme and framework of
the Constitution which the founding fathers have so sedulously designed to protect the
independence and ensure the unity and integrity of the country which is of paramount
importance for promoting the welfare of the people". That "scheme and framework" created
a federation with strong unitary and centralizing features; the Sarkaria Commission could
therefore not suggest an obliteration of those.
The centralizing features of our Constitution will in all likelihood be held to be part of the
basic structure and hence, indestructible.
By the same test, a new Constituent Assembly to rewrite the Constitution cannot be called
through the present Constitution. A limited amending power itself has been held to be one
of the basic features of our Constitution. In Kesavananda Bharati Case, Justice Khanna said
that if the people decided to have an entirely new Constitution, they would not need the
authority of the existing Constitution for this purpose. Apropos this observation, a
distinguished commentator says that it is not the business to suggest a revolution.

We are inching towards modern polity—there is no need of God to come to power

The ideas of bhakti, faith, belief and sensibilities are supposed to override all questions of
reason and logic. They comprise that area of human interaction that allows for no debate.
You either believe or you do not. You follow or are damned. There is a note of autocracy
and diktat in it which is so easy to use, particularly when dealing with a group that one
wants to keep weak.
There are many positive aspects of religious beliefs and teachings. After all, they form the
basis for a central idea of morality that keeps society together. Life, death, good and evil,
the limitlessness of the universe and the limitations of man, all emerge out of religious and
philosophical concepts. When the outward manifestations or symbols of these assume more
significance than the philosophical or moral ideas, they become ends in themselves and
objects for exploitation.
Since in themselves they were nothing but mere objects, they had to be imbued with special
meaning to attract the attention of the simple mortal who, at all or some times in life, needs
answers to unfathomable questions, solace during inexplicable tragedy, and a peg on which
to hang his hopes and failings. A miracle, a divine manifestation, cosmic power and
hallowed ground are all words and ideas pasted on to an object. A cloth with the imprint of
a face, supposedly used by Christ to wipe his face during his crucifixion, has attracted -we-
struck and devout pilgrims for years, until a forensic study with the latest technology raised
doubts about the authenticity of its age. Knock-knocks and accessories of the priests who
enable others to conduct a roaring business in black and red threads, copper, brass, silver
and gold amulets (taveez), conch shells, caps, scarves, shawls and so on. Religious
institutions such as temples were traditionally places which supported the work of many
different types of artisans and weavers.
The religious bodies and boards grew into mammoth institutions with a massive amount of
wealth. Wealth meant control, ownership, power. If one goes back to time immemorial, one
sees the Christians crusading across Europe, the battles for power between different sects
of Buddhists across central Asia, the battles right through history almost everywhere,
between Church and Church, or the Church and the state. In Pakistan, the clerics and the
army combined to obtain political power. The crossfire between different groups of Sikhs
across Punjab, all show the Ayodhya- BJP battle as just another extension of the same
The so-called modern democratic state and the advent of communism were all mechanisms
to deal with either theocratic or feudal power. They both sought to provide an answer to
people's daily needs, in the process acquiring land, collecting revenue through taxes and
laying down laws of governance. The essence of the matter was the same, whether man
ruled man in the name of God, the king or themselves. The battle today is between those
who are using the name of God to come to power and those who are painfully inching
towards a modern polity.
Politically, the process has three choices. Do we allow the Vishwa Hindu Parsihad to swallow
the Bhartiya Janata Party and bulldoze India in the name of Ram, do we continue with the
feudal dynasty of the Gandhi-Nehru family with its hypocritical, democratic face, or are we
ready for a modern secular state, where religion is a matter of personal and private action
only, and the state's foremost duty is to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land?
The income from the offerings proposed to be ejected at the temple of Ram, when it is built,
can that be used, to finance the controls of power. In fact, the VHP can probably fund the
entire BJP in the next election and there will be no need to account for the money. Since the
BJP could not come to full power by riding on the back of the Janata Dai, its plans went
totally awry when V.P. Singh announced in implementation of the Mandal Commission
Report. The name of Ram was the only rabbit they could pull out of the hat to retrieve and
revive their vote for a Hindu Rashtra. And into the trap will fall the weak, who will save their
meager pennies to enrich the coffers of the priestly chiefs, and the trading communities for
whom Lakshmi, wealth, is God.
There is no real bhakti in this exercise. It is only whipping up of emotions to consolidate
votes and notes and has nothing to do with Ram or patriotism. The BJPAHPRSS logic of
forgive and forget for the sake of nationalism is specious and hollow. According to them,
Hindus, must be recompensed for the hurt caused to their psyche by Babar. The Mughals
ruled India and as invading exploiters harmed us, they say for which they want be Muslims
to pay the price today. They ask the Muslims to give up the three sites, Ram Janamsthanam
in Varanasi in a spirit of 'good will' as mosques here are 'eyesores'. The Hindus cannot be
asked to forgot, but according to them, the Muslims can. Why the double standards? And if
today's Muslims must repair the harm done 400 years ago, why does the same BJP oppose
reservations where by today's upper castes are being called upon to sacrifice a tiny mite to
recompense the injustice done to others for 5000 years? The double standards reveal the
political motivation of such arguments.
The Hindu women of the 'forward' castes have always had both encouragement and leisure
to spend part of their day in a puja room or a visit to a temple. The virtue of a good Hindu
wife and mother is supposed to be demonstrated by her piety. For her, only God and her
father husband brothers on should matter, with God and the husband being an
interchangeable concept The Ram Janambhoomi is trying to further enslave those women
who are part of this syndrome, into mindless devotion to a plot of land and the idea (only a
mere idea) of a child Rama. What kind of a society are we that keeps a women behind the
veil, producing children till an adequate number of boys are hand, eating the leftovers on
the table, walking miles to fetch water and fuel, and remaining, all their life, a mere shadow
hovering about the kitchen or puja room? Women are not encouraged to become literate or
think as independent human beings who are aware of development policies, the problems of
unemployment, social causes of violence, technological advances in space or medicine, and
hundreds of other 'secular' matters.
Bhakti above sanity, order or concern for one's fellow humans is the slogan they have been
brainwashed over centuries into accepting. And what about all the other gods of the Hindu
pantheon the thousand names of Vishnu the incarnations of Shiva, a Kali and other forms of
mother goddesses? Aren't they supposed to be ultimately all one? Isn't that one also Christ,
Allah and the Supreme Guru? tf so then why are we chopping all our gods into hundreds of
pieces? And for a piece of real estate to house the idol of one of those pieces, we are
chopping up each other and our country into a many pieces. India is too large and too
diverse to become Ram Rajya ruled in the name of the sectarian God.

Forests to Tribal’s as Water to Fishes

India is a land of diverse Natural resources. It is also a country with the strongest traditions
of nature conservation anywhere in the world. It is true that India has suffered an almost
unabated devastation of its natural biological heritage and much of what remains has been
preserved through the ages because of a wealth of conservation -oriented cultural and
religious traditions. One such significant tradition of nature conservation is that of dedicating
patches of forest to some deity by the tribal people. In fact, the tribal techniques are
basically conservation-oriented, it is the contact with modern civilization that has been
marring this ethics.
The tribal ethics of forest conservation stems from the fundamental facts of their own
existence. The dependence of tribals on forests is maximum and their long-term interest lies
in protection and not in destroying forests. Someone has said Forests to ‘adivasis (tribals)’
as water to 'fishes’. The tribal cultural heritages are shaped and maintained through a
symbiotic relationship with forests. Based on the age-old perception of the surrounding
vegetation, they demarcate plants as useful and un-useful, medicinal c. 1 non-medicinal,
ritualistic and non-ritualistic, edible and interact with them accordingly. In addition to
providing the daily amenities of life, the forests also satisfy their deep-rooted sentiments.
Their folklore revolves around the forests. Their sentiments, Their folklore revolves around
the forests. Their way of life is intimately connected with forests right from birth to death.
In the time of distress forests are their last succor.
Shifting agriculture on the hill slopes is perhaps one of the major anti-ecological practices in
today's context that can be cites against the tribes. It is the most ancient form of
subsistence pattern involving "slash and burn" of forest, followed by mixed cropping over
the burnt area for a year or two and then leaving the nutrient depleted land fallow for
natural regeneration to get it recuperated of soil fertility; moving to another field and
eventually coming back to the earlier one. When the forest-dwelling tribal population was
small; the effects of small clearing in large forest areas too were small and the slash and
burn cycle was long enough over 20-30 years to ensure the system self-sustaining. In
recent times, due to increasing population and steady decline in the area available, the
shifting cultivators are forced to return to the same plots and the cycle has been shortened
to 4-5 years. Although the economy is sustainable subject to vast availability of forest
lands, an increasing practice of shifting cultivation has caused serious environmental
damage resulting in rapid desensitization vast tracts of land. Forests which once covered a
vast area are no left only in patches.
Despite such colossal disturbances on forests, there are few pockets of undisturbed natural
forests preserved on religious grounds by the local tribes as 'Sacred groves'. These groves
represent near-virgin vegetation preserved in 'in situ' form without any outside interference
and are indicative of what forest wealth the country once harbored. All forms of life in such
a grove are under the protection of the reigning deity of that grove, and the removal of
even dead wood is taboo. This preservation of the entire vegetation in association with a
deity is quite a distinct phenomenon from the preservation of isolate trees like peepal.
These sacred groves may range in size from a group of few trees to a forest of trees spaced
over several hectares of land. Sacred groves occur in India and some other parts of Asia
and Africa as well. In India they have been reported from Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
and Meghalaya.
Folklores play a significant role in confirming the beliefs associated with the sacred groves.
Though most of the tribals are illiterate, they have scrupulously preserved their traditional
customs, rituals, ceremonies and way of forest life through folk beliefs with great fervor.
The tribals believe that all forms of life within the groves are afforded protection by the
grace of reigning deities. These deities often called 'Mother Goddess' by the local people of
the Western Ghats of Maharashtra are in fact in the form of stone lumps smeared with red
lead mostly lying under tall trees. The red lead represents the blood of sacrificial victims
which were no doubts humans in bygone times. Even today, the Goddess Shirkai from the
neighboring grove in Pune district is symbolically offered a human victim every year.
The tribal population inhabiting Meghalaya maintains large tracts of protected forests as
sacred grover. In Khasi hills there three such groves at Shillong Peak, Mawphlang and
Mawamai. The Khasis believe that the sylvan spirits reign in the groves often demand
sacrifices. It is a taboo for them to cut any plant or to kill inside the forests. The
belief is that anybody deities. All forms of wildlife, especially snakes are protected there as
the belief goes that a snake if killed, its dead body will breed many to kill the culprit. And
the villagers seem to a respect such beliefs with great sincerity.
Sacred groves are treasure troves of genetic resources supporting myriad of plants which
are either rare in the area or are becoming rare with the deforestation menace. These
habitats often serve as a last refuge for arboreal birds and mammals, and no doubt other
forest-loving animals as well. But is unfortunate that in the recent past, the value system
permitting the nature of such environments has been eroded. As a consequence, these
habitats are highly disturbed. Apart from erosion and modifications in the values, sheer
economic and other considerations like shortage of fuel wood have forced the" local people
to encroach upon these forests. However, when forest destruction at a rapid rate-such
religious practices still survive as the hope and a way of conserving the indigenous flora,
and every step should be taken to protect them as a part of a system of nature reserves.
International Co-operation through Science and Technology
In the history of human cooperation science and technology have played a crucial role,
though its more sensational contributions have often been in the realm of conflict and
warfare. From the invention of gun powder to nuclear weapons and the mind boggling
program of Star Wars, it was in the military sphere that international impact of science and
technology has been felt environment, ozone depletion and global warming.
Notwithstanding such precedents of our officers dealing with almost any subject under the
sun, it is essential for the success of the economic-cum-technological diplomacy of the
present-day world that there is direct association of scientists in bilateral and international
negotiations and also regular and structure inter-action between scientists and diplomats.
Some general training in some of the major areas of science and technology should also be
considered an indispensable qualifications for modern diplomats.
It is only tension among nations, scramble for markets, territorial disputes, pursuit of
power, accumulation of nuclear weapons and race for armaments, which today pose threats
to peace and to the future of mankind, but unrestrained growth of population, menace of
drugs and AIDS, destruction of the environment, the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion
and global warming. All these require cooperative action at the international level Involving
politics, economics, social engineering, and all the resources of science and technology. It is
believed that science and technology can play a crucial role in finding solutions to these
global problems. But it can provide only part of the answer, not the whole answer. Indeed
one has to go a little beyond politics, economics and science to find answers to the
overwhelming questions facing mankind today.
When we talk of science and technology for resolving problems and bettering the condition
of mankind, we often mean mainly producing and providing more and more of the good
glittering things of life. We need more and more things, firstly, for satisfying the unfulfilled
basic needs of millions of under-privileged and for meeting the needs of a rapidly growing
population, and secondly, for catering to the craves of the well-to-do for endlessly
multiplying wants and luxuries. For these purposes, perhaps more for the latter then for the
former, we use technology for producing more and more, and -better and still better goods
and gadgets. We explore and discover new resources, we split the atom and the genes, we
score the depths of oceans and conquer space believing that the hunger of man for lucre
and power could be satisfied in this manner.
Intoxicated by the material possibilities held out by science, we do not ask whether some
limitation upon the wants and cravings of man are not as much necessary, at least after a
certain level of satisfaction, as producing an abundance of goods and services. We do not
ask if the advancement of science should not be accompanied by the improvement of man
including a civilized sense of self-restraint. It seems that even the fullest utilization of
science and technology will not be able to satisfy the unlimited wants and desires of man
and his greed for power and the symbols of power.
To some of the social and environmental problems created by technology; part of the
answer is further development of technology itself like devices for controlling pollution
including CFC emissions, developing alternatives to these so called "gases of prosperity" and
technologies for conservation of energy, alternative sources of energy, etc. In all this
intensified international cooperation is essential, but on the basis of developmental equity
for the countries of the South.
Thus, without being altruistic and sacrificing their legitimate economic interests it should be
possible for the developed countries of the world to be guided by this spirit of sharing in the
sphere of international cooperation in science and technology. That would, besides, be an
indication that the development of the awesome power of science and technology will be
animated by the spirit of humanism for the good of mankind and not for purposes of
exploitation or destruction.

Education for All the Three—Body, Intellect and Soul

Today, in the age when education has become synonymous with students carrying bags
heavier than themselves, perpetually in fear of home work and examinations and constantly
being prodded by parents and teachers to get good marks, our outlook on education needs
revision. Do we want our educational system to produce good and able citizen or do we
want to produce an army of bookworms who may have knowledge but not education. Here
comes the question what good education means and what should it achieve?
Gandhiji said—"I do not value literary education, if it is not able to build sound character'
Tagore considered freedom and joy to be the basic tenets of an education system. He
therefore removed examinations, abolished punishment and all humiliating restrictions in
Shanti Niketan. We can consider building up of human personality as the primary purpose of
education—"to build better human beings". Man is not in this world to add to numbers but
each individual has a spirit—an individual personality that is strictly his own and distinct
from that of others. A good education system tries to retain his individuality, in fact to
further it and tries to bring the best out of him.
But man's individuality should not be considered as being egoistic or selfish; instead his
individuality should develop in the social milieu he lives in. His individuality should add to
the variety in the society like flowers in a garden. However, this individuality should not
develop into individualism. So, a good education system should be able not only to retain
individuality of a man but also to make him adjust according t6 the codes of human ethics
and morality.
What constitutes personality? Certainly not just knowledge. Personality should include
physical, intellectual and aesthetic elements. More than knowledge, it is the wisdom of man
that is more important. No doubt, knowledge is important but simply mugging books can't
make a man wise. Also, as age old saying "Healthy body leads to Wealthy mind" tells us
that without good health, proper knowledge can't be attained. So education should also
make man physically strong. It should include Yoga, PT, aerobics, games and sports. The
usual refrain that these are wasteful pastimes is to be opposed man should be able to labor
hard and use body as efficiently as his mind. No civilization can progress without man's
physical labor. It lies at the root of all so called higher labors of mind. After all it is
agriculture that lie at the root of economics not computers.
Another important element of personality is aesthetics. Education should be able to develop
taste of man in fine arts. "Man's feelings and emotions can effect social and political
changes", said Gandhiji, So good education should be after man's soul and should be able to
appeal to his heart, Painting, music, dance, drama etc, are only a few avenues open to man
to express his feelings, Painting helps him bring* forth the emotions deep within his heart.
About music, Tagore said, "while speaking creates bond between men and men, music
creates bond between man and nature". In a good educational system, fine arts should form
an important part. This means that a good education system should be after man's soul. It
should be able to satisfy man's emotional needs. This is possible only when element of fear
is removed and substituted by freedom and joy. For this, we must change our material
standards of success in life. A good musician or a good painter should be accorded same
status and given same respect as a good doctor or a good engineer. However, one should
not be tempted to teach art, instead |t should be cultivated in student's mind. 'Let thousand
flowers bloom'. Let each man be able to give expression to his feelings, his ideas in his own
In ancient India, education was imparted in Gurukuls. The responsibility of the Guru was to
create a "man out of the boy who was raw, untrained and inexperienced. A person did not
get any degree to prove his educational achievements; his personality and intellect was the
sufficient proof. In the Gurukul he was taught everything from arms training and physical
exercises to political science and religion to etiquette and mannerism and of course, fine
arts and moral values. A whole man was molded.
As we are passing to more advanced life, we are tending to forget basic human values and
so our education system has been converted Jo a machine that produces technically
superior but physically and emotionally inferior individuals. In today's educational system
the text book has become the source of all knowledge even though it fails to cater to
enlarging mind and growing sense of enquiry of a child. Examinations make education a dry
and fearful proposition. Sports and fine arts are frowned at. The result is that human
personality is getting distorted. Student unrest and violence, frustration leading to
increasing crime rate by young people, breaking of family bond, loss of respect for teachers
and, in general, the loss of morality in society and crisis of character all owe their origin to
our bad education, If we want human civilization to have all round, well balanced growth,
we must have education system catering to all three—body, intellect and soul.

Human Beings Share a Common Destiny

One of the modern world's greatest educational revolutionaries, Gurudev Rabindranath

Tagore said—"I never accept that the object of education is simply accumulation of
knowledge. Education should give all round personality in which the physical, intellectual,
aesthetic and spiritual growth would be harmonized into one Man began his life as a
homeless wanderer”. But his physical and emotional needs made him look for family and
group ties. The knowledge of growing crops helped him settle at one place. As developed
further, dwellings enlarged from small villages to large towns and cities. Very soon, men
had divided themselves into different nations. Loyalty to the nation and obedience to its
authority became a prerequisite for living in it. And today the situation is such that loyalty
to nation has made man forget about the basic human values. It has transgressed the limits
of love and borders on selfishness and exclusiveness. So much so that man will not think
twice before causing harm to another nation or its citizens. The concept of his fellow
nationals being the chosen few and the rest outside the pale is blindly accepted. Little does
he realize that his existence as a man, as a part of human civilization is more valuable,
more cherished a goal than being an American or French. In fact, not only, is it in
conformity with basic ethics and human values but is also the need of the hour. The reason
is that human beings share a common destiny—"We are one world".
So many wars were (and are being) fought, so much blood was shed and so many lives
were lost to prove one nation's superiority over the other, to gain wealth by looting others
and to become more powerful. But who has gained from these gory wars? Who came out
victorious and who was vanquished? No one was a victor and they were the human beings
who were the vanquished. Wars have never brought peace. They only brought hatred and
fear. Those who rejoiced at other's defeat and danced on other's graves knew little that
they were digging their own grave. Each war has pushed human civilization back by years.
Peace was destroyed, economy was ruined and rich culture was lost. Even 'those who won
.faced shortage of food and labor. Wars did not bring them prosperity. How could it be?
Nations are artificial banners created by man. What is natural is that we all are human
beings united by belonging to same species and by being endowed with similar capabilities.
If this were the case, how could victory of one group of human beings over the other be of
any good. Our relations as human beings make us equal shares of everything good and bad.
We cannot think of gaining at other's expense or trying to rise at other's ruins.
It was this realization that made leaders of the world create United Nations Organization. It
is the embodiment of the moral principle of equality and kinship and of the fact that we all
share the same destiny. Nations have created huge arsenals of deadly weapons. Of what
use are they? Do they realize that use of those deadly weapons against another country is
not going to leave them unscathed? In fact, even they may not survive and even if they do,
the world will not remain a place fit to live in. What they will do to protect or further their
identity as a nation will destroy the identity of the human beings. UNO is based upon this
premise only. It is impossible for any one nation to come out victorious in the nuclear war,
so why not think of peaceful ways to solve disputes. After all, the same energy can be used
to improve human beings life. We have to come together and think together because we
cannot but live together.
Environmental degradation is another problem facing the world today. Rich nations think
that it is the poor nations causing pollution and poor nations blame the rich ones for
destroying environment. But is this not the problem that we should face as human beings?
After all, our survival depends upon it. Rich nations think that by exploiting the environment
of the poor nations, they can fill their coffers. But do they realize that degradation of
environment anywhere in the world will affect human beings as a whole? It is not that
Americans will be less affected by it than the Indians. Degradation of rain forests in S.
America is affecting oxygen availability in not only S. America but in N. America and Europe
too. Providing good and clean environment to our descendents, be they Africans, Asians or
Europeans, is the responsibility of us ail as human beings. If earth becomes a place unfit to
live in, then human beings will become extinct (of course, without distinction of
nationalities). We all have to swim or sink together. Earth Summit was one good step
towards a unified human effort to save the planet earth. But the bickering there mean that
we still have a long way to go.
The same is the case with poverty and hunger. What is it it not our innermost feelings for
our fellow beings that tears come to our eyes seeing skeleton-like bodies in Somalia and
Ethiopia. These emotions are to be converted to concrete action. Our political leaders who,
more out of their own selfish motive than anything else, want to keen artificial barriers in
relations should be made to realize that not only our duty to help our brethren as we e all
humans but it is important for our development too. Who is going to buy goods made in the
rich countries if poor countries remain deprived? Also, hunger breeds frustration and
violence. And violence knows no boundaries. Unrest in one country will create problems of
refugees, terrorism, drugs and crime even in other countries. So, it becomes our
responsibility to work towards the goal of prosperity and welfare of all instead of wealth for
a few at the cost of others. Because if tears remain in a few eyes they will drown other's
joys too. Our fates are inexorably linked.
We are in the age of computers and satellites. The world is shrinking. No group can afford to
remain aloof and independent of others. In a few decades we may even be communicating
with living beings from other planets. If they are friendly we will present our hands of
friendship as inhabitants of earth and not as a British or an Australian. If they are hostile,
we will have to work as one for our protection. We owe our identity to being humans and
despite artificial barriers, we will have to work together to protect it. As Gurudev said,
"From now on, any nation that takes an isolated view of state, shall know no peace, it shall
run counter to the spirit of the new age. From now onward, the anxiety that each country
has for its own safety must embrace the welfare of the world, of human race."

Human Resource Development

In the age of fast growing population and over mechanization, we find that more and more
people are getting converted to a liability than a resource. Machines are rendering people
unemployed, traditional craftsmen and artisans are being obliterated, and in this fast pace
of life, we are losing taste for simple pleasure and joys. Creative talents are getting scant
attention causing them to remain stagnant. In this age of machines, are we becoming too
uniform, too similar lacking variety and vitality?
"Man is known by the company he keeps and a country is known by the people it has". One
can accept this fact without iota of doubt that people are any nation's greatest resource. It
is the resourcefulness, creativity, courage and' initiative by which man is characterized. Is
our development indeed helping us encourage these traits in man or are we all becoming a
part of a big machine without individuality. In pursuit for money and power, are we
becoming blind to our creative self our spirit.
There can be no doubt that development of technology and industrialization has widened
horizons of man's knowledge. They have helped him become more skilled and in a way even
more creative. They have helped to generate wealth, with more employment. But the
benefits haven't reached all. So we find that while traditional skills are being wiped out, no
new avenues are being opened. The result is that man is becoming unproductive, a burden
or a liability. It is not our development that is making all of us follow same worn path with
little scope of becoming different, but it is the way we are carrying it. Development and
mechanization may have eaten up jobs but at the same time has created multitude of
opportunities that only need to be seen to be exploited. Numerous avenues are being
opened where man can use his creativity, he only needs to be trained and guided. But when
everybody wants to follow same old path of becoming another doctor or an engineer, when
no one wants to be different,
That heaven would descend on earth if youth knew, if age could. In the age of rapid
development, urbanization and industrialization, when tension is increasing in the society
and relations are getting fractured, need both the revolutionary zeal of the youth and the
moderating influence of the aged. And why only today, all through the ages human society
has been harmed by lack of experience of youth and lack of energy in the old. So we have
numerous examples of great acts bringing disasters because they were not backed by
knowledge and experience, and of great ideas that remained on paper as the thinkers
lacked the zeal and enthusiasm to carry it to a practical end.
A young man has energy and is sparked by idealism. But excess energy of his has to be
channeled properly. Only if a sobering second thought is given to his actions, he can do
wonders. To cite an example, the young men are made to use their energy to break window
panes, to burn buses, to loot shops and to cause death and destruction by some
unscrupulous persons who use them as a tool to achieve their own selfish ends. They are
too innocent and totally ignorant about what they do and how much harm it causes to the
society. They lack understanding and experience. Only if they knew how to use their energy
for constructing the society, for eliminating evil, for spreading light of education and for the
defense of the country, the society would be transformed in no time. Only age can give
them experience. But by the time they age, all their energy is drained and they are too
weak on body to transform the great ideas they have in their mind into reality.
We need both—the young man's energy and the old man's knowledge. What becomes
important is that the young man is guided by the old to help him channel his energy into
right direction. Could Alexanders energy and zeal alone have helped him to win the world
without proper guidance and training of his great master, Aristotle? There are two ways of
getting the best out of both. One is that old people should remain healthy and strong
physically and alert mentally. But it is very difficult and much beyond man's control.
Howsoever fit an old man may be, he can't match the energy and strength of a young man.
He has to ripen with age. And the other more practical solution could be that the young men
get the knowledge, understanding and experience. Yes, experience can be taught. It is not
only by graying of hairs that man Seams. For example, management is an art, we have old
time managers who started down In the hierarchy of the company and over the years learns
the skill of managing. But today, management schools churn out young managers who
prove much more efficient than their older counterparts. The reason is that they learn from
the diverse experiences of a number of old managers and what they imbibe is the best of
all. So, we have young, smart, all knowing managers who rise fast and may reach the top at
the age of 40-45 years. They have the best of both worlds—energy of youth and experience
of age.
If we take example from our freedom struggle, we have a classic case of Nehruji and
Gandhiji. Nehruji symbolized Indian youth—energetic, impatient and enthusiastic. Gandhiji
was symbolic of Indian sage—old, thoughtful, moderate and patient. One doubts whether
Nehruji, a fine man that he was, could have transformed into a great leader and statesmen
if Gandhiji's guidance were not available to him. He himself acknowledged the influence of
Gandhiji on him. In his youth, he was more attracted towards revolutionaries but it was
Gandhiji who showed him the path of evolution and helped him understand the
righteousness and value of Satyagraha. These two great men together guided our country
to the light of freedom.
So what becomes a practical solution is that the young and the old work together. Today
when we talk about the generation gap and related problems, we must realize that old
people were young once and the young people of today will become old tomorrow. So both
should try to understand each other and give due respect to each other's strengths—old
man's experience and the young man's enthusiasm. It is only when both work together that
we will have youth how can we expect anything better than what we have. So we have
reached a situation when even doctors and engineers are remaining unemployed.
Human beings are a resource but it needs to be developed and harnessed else it is like an
unpolished diamond which is just a piece of coal. Development of human resource implies
physical, mental, spiritual and aesthetic development together. He has to be trained to
become useful for the society. The usefulness need not always imply economic productivity
though it Is Important but It may even Imply artistic creativity that serves the spiritual and
aesthetic needs of man. Even a musician or a painter is useful for the society.
But the first and foremost requirement is economic productivity to make man economically
productive, it become important that he is trained. Today, in the age of specialization, the
need is of well trained skilled workers. It is quite true that machines displace man from his
job but at the same time mechanization also causes a number of ancillary and support units
to come up. it throws open new and more challenging jobs which however require proper
skill. The important thing is not to oppose mechanization but to identify new avenues and
develop suitable skills for them.
Today in the age of computers, so many software and hardware related jobs are coming up
that suitable people are difficult to find and on the other hand numerous people with B.A.
and -B.Sc. are sitting idle. This mismatch of demand and supply in job market is to be
corrected. Even in traditional fields like agriculture and animal husbandry, new techniques
are getting developed, new fields of pisciculture, sericulture, aqua culture, mushroom
cultivation etc. are coming up. Prawn cultivation is a highly lucrative business.
Along with economic productivity, even creative talents need to be encouraged. It becomes
important that we change our outlook on standards of success in life and give adequate
respect to artists and craftsmen. The richness of human culture must not be buried under
machines. Physical wellbeing of our children demands that they are given suitable facilities
to play. A lot of things can be learnt on the play field—team spirit and leadership qualities
that are important in life.
To achieve true development of human resources, all types of inequalities and distinctions
based on birth should be removed. We should forget our social prejudices and all forms of
economic and social exploitation should be stopped. Everyone should get an opportunity to
develop his/her personality and get what he/she deserves. Human beings who are in chains,
who are exploited and abused, who do not have basic necessities of life cannot make Into a
resource, And when a large section of population is like this, how can a country be
prosperous? So, the prior requirement for wealth and progress of any nation is that its
biggest resource, its population, is turned into an asset.

If Youth Knew, If Age Could

If old and experienced people are eyes and ears of a nation, the youth is their limbs. A
young man's energy, enthusiasm, vigor and vitality make' him one of the most important
cogs in the wheel of development. India is a large nation—its population (by 1991 census) is
833 million. Of this, 55% is the population of people between 18 years and 35 years who
can be technically called the youth. The young men of India come from various strata and
are engaged in a variety of occupations but all of them have one thing in common—their
energy and their idealism. It is their uncorrupted mind and unspent strength which can be
of immense use in the nation building activities.
Nation building is a vast task consisting of varied jobs. All these jobs lead to one goal—a
more prosperous, clean and safe nation. One of the prerequisites for using youth in the
nation building activities is that they are gainfully employed. For this, it becomes important
not only to have sufficient and varied employment opportunities but also proper training for
them. Another necessary pre-requisite is that the youth is well educated, well fed and
healthy and has a personality and individuality of his own. A young man with healthy mind
and healthy body is virtually indispensable for the nation. However, all his energy; his
idealism is of no use if it is not directed properly. Therefore, it is also important to have
enlightened and honest leaders who can channel the energy of the youth in the nation
building activities.
One of the biggest problems facing India today is illiteracy. Uneducated man is a liability
and education is an asset to the nation. So it becomes important to spread the light of
learning everywhere. And who is more suitable for this stupendous task than the youth?
Young men and women can not only spend their time and energy in teaching others but can
act as a catalyst to start literacy mission as a mass movement. The experiences of Kerala,
Burdwan and Kolhapur have shown that the school going teenagers and the college going
young men and women could do in one year what all the government's machinery' could not
do in 40 years.
Another great task that can be done by the youth is rural development. The spreading of
the message of cleanliness, child care and healthy living can be done very well by the
youth. Also, they can be used to spread the information about better agricultural
techniques, better animal husbandry techniques etc. They can also be used to educate
villagers about new avenues of employment open to them— like agro-based and forest-
based Industries. A young man has the knowledge and technical skills to understand
intricacies of new developments and also has the enthusiasm to transmit his knowledge in
simple words to the villagers. Youth can also be used in providing safe and clean drinking
water, better dwellings and in other works of rural construction. A young man has the
energy, it only needs to be tapped. This can be done by having special "Shram-Daan"
classes in schools and colleges and using their vacation time fruitfully.
The youth can be very effective in checking crimes. Their idealism coupled with their
courage can be used by the police to check petty crimes, eve-teasing and also drug-
trafficking etc. Youth vigilance committees can keep a check on the doubtful characters of
the locality, they can also be used to prevent a misguided youth from taking to crimes and
drugs. At the time of disturbances and riots, these committees, can be very helpful. In fact,
they can act as a very good source of information to the police in keeping rioters in check.
The youth can also be helpful to prevent hoarding and black-marketing by the merchants.
A number of irrational and obscurantist social customs and taboos can be broken by the
youth power; Dowry, a big menace that it is, can be prevented only by the young men and
women, if they refuse to give or take dowry themselves and form associations which help in
bringing to book dowry seekers, the demise of this brutal custom cannot be far. Female
infanticide, women's educational deprivation and widow remarriage restrictions are other
social evils, that can be prevented by youth. A young man's mind always wants good
reasons and rationale to accept any theory. Therefore, youth is most effective in fighting the
evil of Casteism and communalism. They can even be used to prevent electoral
However, for all this work, it is a healthy and happy young man is what is required. So, his
childhood should not be deprived of healthy upbringing and good education. Also, frustrated
and unemployed youth are most easily exploited by selfish elements and they are most
prone to incitement to violence and destruction. So, it is important that he is so trained that
he is gainfully employed. The example of Germany is very clear. The same young men who
fought against communism and won their freedom are becoming xenophobic and racist. The
reason is their frustration with the system. Let us prevent our young men from going the
same way. For this, our parents, teachers and leaders have a great responsibility.
As examples of Indonesia—where students overthrew Sukarno, Philippines—where they
helped overthrew, Marcos and usher in democracy, or E. Europe—where they were in
forefront of movement for democracy, or Burma-where they are relentlessly fighting for
democracy and freedom show that youth power is great. Even in our own struggle for
freedom, students and young lawyers played an important role. Who can forget the selfless
sacrifices of Bhagat Singh,, Chandra Shekhar, Rajguru and many others. Nehru and Bose
were the representatives of the Indian youth in freedom struggle. Today the nation which
goes independent by youth's efforts needs them to become great once again. Youth should
take up the challenge.

A Newspaper Is Always A Weapon In Someone's Hands

By a definition given in The Spectator, a British newspaper, the chief role of a newspaper is
to spread intelligence. Intelligence may be defined as information, news, especially that
related to important events. The importance of newspapers cannot be underestimated in a
democracy. They act as watch for the people. They are responsible for enlightening the
people about various events and their importance. The role that a newspaper plays as an
educator for the people makes it one of the important pillars supporting the super-structure
of democracy. That is why press is called the fourth estate along with legislature, the
executive and the judiciary.
Newspaper not only informs people about events by reporting them as news but also
analyses news and presents it as editorials, comments and lead articles. These analyses are
carried by editors and columnists. What they present is their own view point and the way
they judge an event, a happening etc. In fact, a newspaper's articles thinking are nothing
but the editor's line of thinking. However, this bias is not harmful as long as the objective of
the editor or the columnist remains unmotivated by extraneous considerations. For
interpreting a fact that is news, a number of viewpoints can be given and there is nothing
wrong in a healthy discussion. However, the interpretation and analysis should be done
objectively and rationally. The aims should be disseminating knowledge and not
propaganda. However, due to various types of pressures and pulls, we find that objectivity
and rationality is being compromised by the newspapers and instead they are appearing to
become pawns in big games of money and power.
The biggest pressure that newspapers face today is the pressure from the administration. In
India the administration holds the life to press by supplying them with concessional
newsprint. Also, government notices, circulars and advertisements are important sources of
revenue for a newspaper. The administration uses this relation to pressurize newspapers not
to print the misdeeds, abuse of power and authority by it. Use of various rules and
regulations is made both in peace time and troubled times to harass the newspapers.
Another source of pulls and pressures is the big advertisers and businessmen. They are .
the biggest source of revenue to the newspapers without which they cannot even run. So, in
this way, they are the most important guarantors of newspaper's independence. However,
where they try to misuse their clout by pressurizing newspapers into publishing favorable
reports and hiding their mis-endeavors and misdeeds, they become a challenge to the
integrity of the newspapers. Especially when potential investors read now-a-days, annual
reports and financial estimates and take their decisions on that basis, a report in the
newspaper may make or mar a company's fortune. So, newspapers may be forced by big
businessmen in distorting the facts by their interpretation and explanation.
Today when he has become old, he wants the youngsters to follow the same life, the same
values that he did when he was young. Little does he realize that by trying to do so he is
trying to fit a man into .a coat and not coat onto a man. So many changes have taken place
so fast that the generation of today follows entirely different set of rules from those followed
by the generation of yesterday. Today, young men have no time to sit to share small joys
and sorrows with others. They are to go to one or may be two jobs in the day. In the
evening, they are to go to health club. The night time is party time. In the jet age of today,
a man may be taking his breakfast in Delhi and lunch in Cairo and Dinner in New York.
When he sits down to rest, he is too tired to know what others are up to. The result is that
he is unable to cultivate relationships. He becomes lonely in the vast concrete jungles of the
cities. Loneliness and lack of love may drive a man towards drug and alcohol, in fact, in
alcoholism has taken alarming proportions.
The result of such a rapid pace of modernization is that while old people are finding it
difficult to adjust to the changed life style, the young people are unable to accede to the old
people's demand. Today, a young man doesn't go to the old for solving some problem, he
has no value for their advice and wisdom. He thinks that money can solve everything.
Money has become a deciding factor in his relationships. He thinks that if he has money, he
will have all the pleasures. Sadly, he is not always true and when he realizes his mistake, it
is usually too late.
The children are the worst sufferers of the ills of modernization. The childhood may be spent
in material fulfillment but emotional .deprivation. I hey thus develop a distorted personal
they grow in an emotional vacuum. They learn about the hard facts of life outside world and
do not even realize that there is much beyond the mad race' in the modern world.
It is not that modernization has no positive aspects. In fact, the forces of change has broken
the fetters of decay and chain of irrational, cruel and obscurantist customs. Today," a
modern young man believes in reason, rationality, justice, fair play and equality. For him,
religious fundamentalism, casteism have no value. Talent and merit are the only deciding
factor for finding a man's worth. He refuses to accept anything out of blind faith. In fact,
democracy and secularism is being sustained by the forces of modernization only.
The process of modernization cannot be stopped or reversed. In fact, any attempt to do so
would be suicidal for the human civilization. What is important is that we learn to reduce the
negative impacts of modernization and instead try to reap maximum benefit out of it. Also,
it is important that we learn to adjust to the changing realities. It becomes the duty of the
young people to try to balance the needs of the time and the demands of the old. Also, it is
for the old persons to see that they do not impose their own value system upon the young.
Above all our faith in the higher human values and ethics must not weaken.

Laugh and The World Laugh with You; Cry and You Cry Alone

That man is a social animal is an oft-repeated phrase. We all know that man lives in groups,
he can't live alone. Despite being physically weaker than many animals, he could survive
and today rules the world just because of his superior brain power and because he lived not
alone but a community. The basis of a community was sharing—everything belonged to
everyone and he used it according to his needs. However, as needs increased man became
more concerned about himself. And today such is the irony that man, social animal that he
has become thoroughly selfish. He knows how to take but has forgotten the art of giving.
Man lives to enjoy life. The first and fore- most necessity of his life is happiness. He wants
to indulge in pleasure and joys. He tries to have it in his own ways—even by sharing joys of
others. It is very easy to share a smile. After all, he gains something by laughing with
He may forget his pains for the moment, his mood is freshened and his heart lightened. And
why would man not take something that is being offered to him? In fact, it is desirable too
that we make others part of our celebrations. What is a party without friends?
However, the deplorable part is that while man loves to borrow a smile, he is most hesitant
to borrow someone's pains and worries. No one likes to become a share of other's miseries.
It is said that sharing lightens troubles. But few would like to help others out. People have
no time and little sympathy tor others as long as they have nothing to gain from them. So
much so that people even try to take pleasure out of other's problems. Have we not seen
people laughing at a blind man who has slipped on a banana peel or making fun of man with
physical deformities? What does this all indicate-laugh and the world laughs with you, cry
and you cry alone. No doubt the real test of friendship and relationship is in adversity. Wise
men have rightly remarked, "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
Can we forget the story of Lord Krishna & Sudama? Indeed, sharing pains is a Godly act. All
religions are based upon the ideas of compassion, charity and love. Our epics tell us the
tales of great men and women who gave their everything to help someone in need.
Scriptures tell us to be kind to the weak. Gandhiji shared the burdens and deprivations of
the oppressed and exploited classes. And he shines like a bright star in the galaxy of
In the olden days, the community feeling was stronger than it is today. People lived for a
community, a village etc. In the times of troubles, the whole village used to sit together and
decide. Marriage of a girl, which because of terrible social customs was considered a burden,
used to be a community affair. But even then the people who tried to further their selfish
ends at other's expense were not less. Today, such people appear to be in majority.
In fact, as life has grown materialistic, man has become more money minded. Relationships
have taken a back seat. Today, one can even trust one's relatives that they would help in
adversity. "If" they come to mourn a crash the real purpose remains sharing deceased's
property and wealth. However, if he has none, they would think twice before going.
However, if there is a celebration, a marriage or a party, they will drop in even uninvited. In
fact, today bridegroom’s party's size has become so large and unwieldy that it becomes a
headache for the bride's family.
If there is anyone one can safely rely on at the time of adversity, it KB the God one's own
parents. Come what may, parents are always on the side of their children. They may not
share their children joys if not called upon to do so but will be the first ones on their sides in
trouble. God is of course the last resort. Man might not be trusted but faith in Almighty does
give strength to one to face sorrows and smile even in the face of disappointments.
It is a well tested diction that everything bends before success but an unsuccessful man is
blamed for everything. He can do no right. No one will sympathize with him. However, if we
want world to change for better, we should learn to give our joys to others and share
sorrows of others. We should remember that joys multiply and sorrows divide if shared.
Even a word or two of comfort can enlighten somebody's life.

Sports Have Deeper Significance Than Mere Entertainment

Right from the time man evolved his civilization, he has used a variety of means for
entertainment. Sports were evolved for the same purpose. In fact, it will not be an
overstatement if we assert that sports today are most popular and viable means of
entertainment. No other form of entertainment is more wholesome and has a wider mass
appeal than sports. While the primary purpose of sports remains entertainment, today they
have come to have much deeper significance. They have developed a great educative value
and can be used to bring a number of improvements in the society.
First and foremost, sports can be used to (produce healthier and happier citizens. "Healthy
mind resides in a healthy body." Sports can be used to produce such men who would be
physically fit and therefore, mentally more efficient than work. At this same time, sports use
the bubbling energy of the youth. The basic requirement to be a sportsman is to have
sportsmanship. A number of qualities can be included in sportsmanship. Most of these
qualities are also essential to be a good human being. So, sports which inculcate
sportsmanship can also produce better members of the society. We can include team work,
discipline, leadership qualities, positive attitude in sportsmanship. We shall survey these
qualities briefly and discuss their role in the society.
Ours is a society with diversities and in fact there is hardly any society that is
homogeneous. For smooth functioning, it is important that each part of the society plays
harmoniously with others. Thus, in essence, is the Teamwork. Every person in a team is
assigned a certain role. He has to play that role in conjunction with others roles. Only when
everyone plays together like a well oiled machine, can the team play well. Similarly, only
when everyone in society works not for his selfish ends but for the society, the society can
Discipline is another hallmark of a sportsman. Similarly, discipline is an utmost necessity for
orderliness and peace in the society. In the field, everyone plays his role according to a set
of rules. In the society, such people who respect rules are required and sportsmen fit the
bill. In fact, any person playing sports can develop this quality. Leadership is another
requirement for a sportsman. Such qualities develop in him automatically as he plays by
applying his mind. Such people who can think are the flag bearers of democracy.
Democracy cannot flourish in the society where people are led but where they lead Such
leadership qualities as showing way, leading by example, concern for fellowmen are well
cultivated in the sports field.
A good sportsman is characterized by his courage, positive attitude and indomitable spirit.
He doesn't lose heart when he is losing a game but tries his best to win till the very end.
Adverse circumstances do not rattle him. Such people are invaluable to the society
especially at the time of crisis. Pessimists do not bring revolution, they cannot even sustain
evolution. Sportsmen can never be a pessimist. So they can be expected to keep spirits
high even in the face of adversity.
Respect for the opposition is profound in the heart of the sportsman. He doesn't go into the
field to fight but to play well, play to win. But he has due respect for other person's
strengths and good qualities. He remains honest till the very end whether he loses or wins.
A lot can be learnt from such sportsmen. In today's society relations are marred by
cheating, brow beating and one up manship. Everyone tries to dominate others. People
show scant regard to other person's needs, his feelings. Intolerance and hatred rule the
most. Under such conditions, do we not require men who still have the heart to give others
their due share.
To conclude, we can say that sports field is just an extension of our society. The same code
of morals and ethics that govern our society, govern the sports arena too. To be a good
sportsman, it requires to be a good human being first. In fact, sports field can be developed
into a training ground to produce better citizens of the society. How welcome would be the
day when the rivalry between two nations wouldn't drag them to war but they would match
their minds in the sports arena. The quality of the sportsmen gives the real idea about the
strength of a nation and its inhabitants, not the quality of its weaponry. Can we miss the
one to one correspondence between the stage of development of a nation and the quality of
its sportsmen as exemplified by USA, Germany and former USSR. So sports are not just
another means of entertainment but much more than that.

Forests—Need For Conservation

Trees are mankind's lifeline. If they are destroyed, there is no way that human beings can
survive. From the oxygen that we breathe in, the food that we eat, to the clothes we wear,
we owe it all to the trees. Not only this, trees act as purifiers of air and receptacles of our
waste products. Trees have great economic value too. We get fuel, fodder, timber,
medicines and numerous other valuable products from the trees. It is, therefore, not
surprising that trees were given great importance in our culture, our tradition, our
mythology and legends. The entire Panchatantra revolves around forests and its inhabitants.
Tulsi plant is always found and worshipped in a traditional home. Pipal tree is revered by all.
Neem is valuable as an insecticide, germicide and medicine, in the times when there were
no coolers or air conditioners people comforted themselves in the cool shades of mango,
neem and other trees during summer heat. The survival of entire wild life depends upon the
health and well being of our trees and specially our forests.
Today, however, the forests are in danger. Their survival is at stake as man, in his blind
pursuit of wealth and power, is bent upon destroying them. The urgent need today is to
save our forests from extinction. For sustaining ecological balance, for environmental and
other reasons, it is important that at least one third of our land is covered with forests.
However, today we have less than 20% area under forests and much of it is degraded
forest. Over felling of trees, hindering natural process of pollination and germination and
diverting land for other purposes have all taken their toll on forests. So, the need of the
hour is to work to save existing forests and help in bringing larger area under forests. The
need to conserve forests and upgrade them was recognized decades back by the Indian
Government. Subsequently, to promote research in forestry and allied sciences, a Forest
Research Institute, and for forest management, an Indian Institute of Forest Management
were opened. While Indian Forest Service was organized on an efficient basis by Sir John
Strachedy, a new orientation was given to it after independence. The need to involve public
was felt and so social forestry scheme was launched. The purpose was to make forestry a
mass movement. 'One tree for every child', Trees for Eco-development' and numerous other
schemes were launched. To provide financial support, Forest Development Boards were set
up. An innovative scheme to involve industries and private parties in afforestation drive was
launched under Industrial Plantation. To make use of the waste lands, marginal lands and
desert lands, 'energy plantations', fodder plantations' etc. were attempted. Under DDP,
forests were sought to be promoted not only to restore fragile ecological balance but also to
provide people with the means of livelihood. Similarly, DPAP was launched with afforestation
as its cornerstone.
Despite all such efforts, we find very little tangible result. Forests are still getting cut and
degraded and wildlife still being destroyed. Somehow, the awareness that forests are in
danger and that we should do something about it has still not reached many of us. And
many of us, who know the fact, do not know what to be done about it. Forestry is highly
labor intensive primary activity. Unless, people are involved neck deep in the afforestation
drive, little progress can be made. Spread of information by mass media, through social
workers, in schools and colleges, at work places, all these are required for the drive to
become a movement. While most of us know the importance of forests, we take them for
granted. Conservation of forests does not mean that they should not be used for economic
purposes but should be used efficiently and in a way that does not endanger the ecological
balance and does not destroy the home of wild animals. Presently, forests are being used
for mainly two purpose— fuelwood and timber—both involve felling trees.

This can be avoided by either developing alternative sources of energy (there are many-
solar, biogas etc.), alternative means for construction (CPWD has banned the use of wood in
houses) or by growing at least one (if not two) tree for each tree cut. Secondly, new, better
means of using forests should be evolved. Sericulture, mushroom cultivation, bee keeping,
horticulture, etc. are not only viable but also very profitable alternatives. At the same time,
forests should be protected as a system. This means that monocultures are avoided and
variety of trees suitable to the local environs be grown.
The question today is not whether or not afforestation but how. Our very survival depends
upon how successful we are in our mission. Let m think about future. In the greed for short
term gains, 4et us not put our very survival at stake. We all have role to play in this
movement. If each one of us grows just one healthy and suitable tree in his life time, the
problem will be solved. To misquote Armstrong—It is a small 'ask for each one of us but a
giant task for the mankind.

"Secularism is simply verbal replacement of the word tolerance"

What is Secularism? None can give you the right definition of the term. Even the most
ardent exponent of the term differs on its meanings. In fact, their zeal to institute
secularism in the Indian polity has pushed the term so far away from reality that today it
has come to be more of a mirage than an accepted norm. The vested interests are now
using this phenomenon of mirage as a magic wand for political gains and popularity among
minorities. It is ironic, not tragic, that minorities in India have come to be identified with
religion and not with community or profession. This is the reason that secularism today has
come to mean as preservation of religious minorities in their traditional modes. But this is
not the only meaning that is attributed to 'secularism'. There are others who consider it to
mean separation of religion from state. For some secularism relegates the religion to the
backyard. If you are secular you cannot put your religion to the fore. It must always come
afterward. But afterward of what? Nobody can tell you that.
Before we go on with what secularism means we must first find out that why the necessity
arose to adopt this covenant. We do not have to go far to find the answer. It was needed
because we wanted to have a stable polity in a religious, lingual and cultural diversity. In
other words it was needed to structure a united nation with common goals and ideals while
preserving the diverse identities in religion, culture and language. But have we succeeded in
it? No. Not even a little. In fact, secularism has not only grown gradually into an anathema
but also has come to be a red rag to the religious leaders with political aspiration. The
establishment of such organizations as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu
Parishad, Muslim Majlis-e-Musha-warat, Majlis Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen, Muslim United Front,
Shiv Sena, Adam Sena, United Akali Dal, Akali Dal and so on are testimony to the growing
antagonism to secularism. Because secularism today is being taken as a threat to religious
identities, to the existence of religious diversities, though secularism was never conceived
as such.
The very fact that secularism has not taken roots in the Indian polity requires that the term
should be reviewed. What is secularism, after all? Before we decide what it is we must tick
out what it is not? First of all secularism is not a rational term. It is not also a philosophical
concept. And it is not altogether a modern concept, as it is generally believed Secularism
simply is a covenant; a covenant among the religious identities for co-existence and
national homogeneity. Secularism means, in layman's language, tolerance. The concept of
tolerance was there even in Vedic time. So we cannot boast of having conceived it in the
modem times.
Besides, the concept of tolerance cannot be treated as a creed or a principle. It is
absolutely, exclusively an individual affair. It should have been publicized as such. Just
because we erred in introducing it at individual level, and instead introduced it as
regimentation, we have failed in achieving the intended objective, that is, a stable polity in
diversity, and also in checking the virus of communalism,
The need for tolerance, or for secularism, is a compulsion that springs from within the folds
of any diverse polity. But this compulsion must not be mistaken for a dictate. It is further a
safe-guard for a homogeneous society. But it cannot be the ideological structure for a
society. Similarly we cannot take it as a ground for a democratic setup. All it can be is a
goal. A goal for a polity with diverse religious identities, cultural entities and lingual
prolificacy. The concept of ground precludes the imperatives of game. Because then the
teams have the option to play on a particular ground or not. But the concept of the goal
preculdes this option. Because the concept comes into play only when the game is on. So
we come to the earlier conclusion again, that is, secularism is simply verbal replacement of
the word 'tolerances' that vas in vogue ever in Vedic times. One cannot Drench secularism
as a legal or logical dictate. Such a dictate is patently contrary to the fundamental concept
of secularism. Moreover, secularism is a matter of heart and not of mind. It flourishes in a
soil comprising compassion and piety, it dies in administrative or political fields.
Secularism is a free choice. If we want it interwoven in the socio-religious fabric then the
pre-conditions is free choice. And free choice on individual level. Not on community,
religious or political level. Because matters of heart react violently to constraints, bounds
and dictates. As such each religion, each individual has to chart its own way to the goal of
secularism. There can be no guidelines or guide posts for such a choice. And that is where
we have erred. We have tried to impose the choice, an act from which everyone shied. So
we failed in converting the Indian polity with religious diversity into a secular polity.
The question arises at which point we have gone astray from the right course of secularism.
This question leads to another. Were we ever on the right course? The answer is no, we
tried to induct secularism into the structure of our polity as a serum and not as a free choice
for homogeneity and co-existence. Hence, it was either a waste or just induced reaction. In
either case it failed to achieve the intended goal. The reaction took others interpreted it as a
force separating religion from State yet others though it a direct threat to the very existence
of religion. Because the way secularism has been preached over the years, it had come to
mean that be secular first and religious later, or that relegates the religion to the backyard
because we do not need it. We need only secularism. As such secularism came to be viewed
upon as a new religion. And everyone knows that conversions to new religions are not an
easy matter.
Bui these are not the only reason for hamstringing the induction of secularism into the
Indian polity, there are other and more potent reasons too. The most potent reason
obstructing the induction of secularism into the Indian polity is the constant proliferation of
communal sentiments all over India. A look back over the communal incidents over the past
five, decades shows a steadily growing scheme among the fanatics who carried the religious
standard but in fact, was having political ambition. Communalism became the bait for vote
catch, Communalism came to be exclusively identified with religious identity. Suddenly the
people came to believe, and the belief was kept alive by the religious crusaders, that their
religion was in danger of either extinction or of assimilation by another and larger religion.
The feeling was not confined to the minority religions. It even infected the Hindu religion.
Otherwise how one can explain the fear and the qualms of Hindus who -are in brute
majority in the country. Why should the Hindus be on the defensive? Why should the
Muslims consider themselves as a minority and not a second large majority? Why should
Sikhs feel that their religion is under threat without any reported instances of forcible
The situation that prevails in India today, that is, extreme communalism, is the direct result
of two factors. First, the opportunistic politics, which found that the political use of religion
can get them captive votes; and second, the economically frustrated intellectuals who want
to make their mark by bearing the standard of communalism. Both the elements are not
only the enemy of the Indian polity with religious diversity which incidentally is still the most
stable polity in the Third World Countries, but also destroyer of the hard won freedom by
the Indians. We should n6t also forget that when we talk of fundamentalism or religious
backlash, we are cutting the roots of secularism. The two terms belong to the medieval era
and are hallmark of the fanatics and the crusaders. These do not fit with the ideology of an
enlightened society.
It will be fatal if we accept setting up of so many senas by various religious fanatics simply
as a 'backlash'. Such senas are always anti-national the nation must come first. Because our
identify, whatever it.may be, religious, political or social, directly depends upon our liberty,
if we do not have liberty we do not have any identity but that of a slave. Certainly no Indian
wants to be slave again. At the same time we must remove the fear that secularism means
relegation of religion to the backyard, Let the people be religious first and then secular. Let
not secularism take precedence over religion. Because only religion teaches tolerance, It is
simply a vote catching device. But if this communalism grows into fascist populism or racist
nationalism then we have had it. Therefore, let secularism be the individual choice, a choice
by free will and not by imposition. Only then secularism will prevail.
Should Strikes be Banned

Strike is the refusal by workers to work, in order to pressurize the management to accept
their demands. Strike can also be 'sympathy' strike to express solidarity with their brethren
elsewhere. Other forms that strike can take are work to rule, go slow, lightening strike,
token strike etc. In another innovative form in Japan, workers may work more in order to
express their resentment. In whatever form it is, strike is a weapon to be used only in the
extreme circumstances when all other democratic means to negotiate have come to a end.
Today, industrial relations in our country are very bad. There is very little understanding,
leave alone solidarity between the management and the workers. Lack of effective
communication between the two creates a lot of misunderstanding and heat. So, strike
today has become almost the sole means for the workers to force the management accede
to their legitimate demands.
Who gains by strike? Whatever may be the end result, it is always found that strike harms
the nation, the community, the workers as well as the management. During the period of
strike, production comes to a standstill Inventories pile up. Stores are clogged. Transport
sector slumps. The workers remain idle during the period. They face monetary and
psychological problems. Their job is threatened. Millions of man-hours go waste.
Man -power, money, material resources, machines everything remain idle and this
constitutes a loss. Production level falls down, inventory losses mount, transportation
industry suffers, shortages are created, prices of commodities sky-rocket. The entire
planning and social welfare schemes go haywire. And can one forget the miseries of
common man who suffers silently because he neither has money power of the industrialists,
nor the muscle power of the workers. And if the employees of essential services go on strike
the problems are compounded.
Aren't the reasons cited above sufficient to convince one that strikes should be banned?
Before jumping to any conclusion, however, we should realize that ours is a democratic
country. If this right to strike is taken away from the workers, they will be left at the mercy
of the management with no recourse to justice. And in our country, with a feudal tradition,
it will not be a very happy situation. But strikes endanger the very functioning of our
democracy. So what is the remedy?
Perhaps the most important remedy is one based upon the maxim—Prevention is better
than cure. It is important that the industrial relations are improved. We need profit making
units but they should be owned and managed not by money minded people out by
professionals. Management ought to look after the welfare" of the workers. It requires
change in the attitude of both the management and the workers. Management should
understand that happy workers are more efficient and work harder. Also, workers should
cultivate a sense of belonging for the Company. Above all, it is our work culture, our
attitude towards work that should change. All this will go a long way in reducing the need
and frequency of strikes.
'Strike is a form of Satyagraha', claimed Gandhiji. If today it has acquired a bad name, it is
because politicians and unscrupulous leaders have virtually hijacked trade union and they
use worker's grievances to further their own career and sometimes, even to blackmail
industrialists. It is not strike that should be banned but the misuse of this right for unrelated
issues as well as for any petty grievance. It should be resorted to when negotiations yield
nothing but not to keep the whole country at ransom.

Teach a Man and You Teach An individual, Teach a women and you teach a

Women can never see her children go uneducated. She will be most insistent upon sending
her children to school be it even at the cost of her hobbies, interests or even stomach. This
is because she appreciates the importance of education. So with an educated mother, we
'can safely assume that we have most effective motivator for the spread of education. The
so-called 'Filtration theory' fits very well into it. If we teach a woman, she acts as a filter to
spread education among many others.
Woman belongs to a weaker section of the society because she suffers from many
handicaps due to rigid, outdated social customs and religious practices. But an educated
woman cannot be exploited easily. She is aware of her rights and will go any length to
defend them.

Having experienced problems herself, she understands the difficulties faced by other
women. She is therefore more sympathetic to their cause. Also, with the armor of education
around her, she acts as a way a '"motivator and a leader of the movements to remove
social malaise from the society. She can share very intimate relationship with other women
and therefore, promote them to voice their grievances. She then acts as a carrier of their
aspirations and lets the people in power know it. Having studied history and politics herself,
she understands the power of unity. So she can act as the force to unify the unprivileged
section of the society and' then force leaders to accede to its demands. Of course, she acts
as a grand role model for other women to follow. Not only in India, but' even in the
developed countries like US and UK, the right of vote was obtained by the women only
when they themselves waged a struggle' under the leadership of those who were fortunate
enough to get educated.
Going back again to her role as a mother, she is solely responsible for the health and well
being of the family. She knows the importance of cleanliness and well balanced nutritious
diet. So she produces children who are healthy and also conscious of their civic duties. She
acts as a very good civic teacher. All the campaigns for following traffic rules, fighting
diseases, hygiene etc. will be a waste if the woman of the family is uneducated and they will
be not only very effective but sometimes even unnecessary if the woman of the family is
All the discussion above goes on to prove that female education is very important. In fact, it
should be the thrust area for our literacy drive. Man may get himself educated for purely
economic reasons and being the sole bread earner in most of the cases, he doesn't pay so
much attention or is inspired as much for his children's education as his educated wife
would be. So by teaching women, we are in fact creating a torch bearer of change, a
harbinger of literacy.

Repression Brings Revolution

"Power has to be made secure not only against power but also against weakness. And
herein lie the greatest danger of losing balance. The weak are as dangerous to the strong as
quicksand to an elephant. The people who grow accustomed to wild power forget that by
doing so they give rise to unseen force that rends the power to pieces one day. The air that
is so thin and unsubstantial can give rise to storm that no one can resist. The weak find
awful support in the law of moral balance".
These words were spoken by a great humanist democrat and a spiritual leader. The above
lines were a warning to the British rulers who were blinded by absolute power that they

They forgot that repression breeds revolution. And one day Tagore's prophecy that "wheels
of fortune will turn one day and the British will have to leave came true. And it was mass
upsurge of people, subdued and crushed under their exploitative rule that made it possible.
If we look into history, who will find numerous examples which prove that exploitation and
repression have always resulted in defiance and revolution.
Government becomes dictatorial and instead of serving people, tries to suppress the then
people lose faith in it. They make it their goal to over-throw such a government.

They do not believe in its promises and defy its authority. They revolt. Such a revolution
may be either violent or bloodless but the motive and the goal remains the same—sudden
and immediate overthrow of authority. The people of France in the eighteenth century were
being ruled by the King and Queen who asked them to eat cake if they had no bread. Such
rulers who were so aloof, so much away from their people commanded no confidence, leave
alone any respect. People had no hope for any improvement under them. So they had no
option but to overthrow them. They were repressed and they revolted.
People may have appearance of weakness under normal circumstances. But when situation
warrants they acquire awesome strength. They are not deterred by the lack of equipment or
training because they have the strength of their convictions and the faith in their cause.
They know that they are fighting for a noble cause and their firm belief in nature's law of
morality carries them through. The Americans who defeated the powerful British Army had
no training, no proper equipment and were lesser in number. Yet, they won because they
were sparked by the slogan of equality, liberty and fraternity. They believed in their cause
which was to end tyranny.
We find history being repeated today. Be it in Philippines or in Nigeria or in E. Europe,
everywhere it were once timid people who fought for their freedom and liberty and won it
too. When the tide came, it felled once impregnable Berlin wall too. Today, more and more
countries are moving towards democracy, equality, liberty and freedom. Rulers are
gradually realizing that durable peace and economic progress cannot be assured if people
are repressed. The weak do not assist progress because they do not question, they only
drag the society down.
To conclude, we can say that while people do not mind obeying laws, being disciplined and
being loyal to their country, they do resent snatching of their rights and freedom on these
grounds. They have a limit of tolerance. If this limit is crossed, then doom awaits the rulers.
As Alwin said—"The voice of the people is the voice of God. So heed it." history has proved
it over and over ages that "Repression brings revolution."

Environmental Pollution

One of the biggest problems the plaguing mother nature is the problem of pollution. Man is
just one of millions of life forms existing on the earth, albeit a very intelligent one. But this
does not entitle him to interfere in nature's law of ecological balance. He is as much
dependent upon other living forms as they are on hire. When man (or anyone else)
introduces something extraneous in the natural cycle which positively harms life and creates
imbalance, it is known as pollution. Since man is the only life form who has been able to
understand nature to some extent, he is the only one in position to cause pollution and
unfortunately, he has been doing it at his own free will.
Pollution can be of many types. One of them is the Air Pollution. The very air we breathe in
and which sustains life is being poisoned by exhausts from automobiles, smoke from
chimneys, dust flam mining and construction activities and numerous other sources of
dangerous gases and vapors. Air should have a certain composition which is mostly
Nitrogen, Oxygen and very little of other gases but these sources emit carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, hydro carbons and radioactive vapors.
This disturbs the composition of air and harms all the biological processes dependent upon
Another type of pollution is water pollution. 90% of our body is water. We need water for
cooking, drinking, bathing, cleaning, industrial processes and cooling etc. Many types of life
forms lie in it. All animals and plants need water for survival. In fact, presence of water is
one main reason why life exists on earth. But man has not spared even this life giver.
Sewage effluents, chemical discharges, dyes, agricultural wastes (fertilizers etc.), fuels of
ships etc. have converted clean, sparkling water of rivers, lakes and seas into dull, rotting
mass of sludge. The aquatic life is being destroyed; dirty water has become the sources of
epidemics, diseases and foul smell. Fresh water bodies are being converted into chemical
Yet another type of pollution is the land pollution. Agricultural chemicals, sewage effluents,
chemical discharges from industry, mining and construction activities have denuded the
surface of earth. Once lush green land has been converted into a desert. Land subsidence,
floods, ground water pollution, dust and fumes are all the results of land pollution. Wild life
is being deprived of its habitat and the very trees man used to worship once, are today
becoming victims of his greed and carelessness.
While on one hand, atomic power is being used in innumerable ways for mankind's benefit,
on the other hand, the same is becoming a major and highly hazardous source of pollution
called Radiation Pollution. In this case it is not the atomic power plants but atomic
explosions that are the real culprits. Harmful rays and particles, emitted can create
abnormalities in body, deformities, mutations, skin cancer, blood cancer and a number of
other diseases.
A brief survey of pollution done above shows very clearly that it is man himself who is
responsible for his doom. His insatiable greed and use of a poor model of development are
responsible for bringing things to such a pass today. It is not that this is the only way that
development can be pursued. There are better and more sustainable ways existing. Such a
development which bases itself on man's harmony with nature is aptly called 'sustainable
development'. It defines development as betterment of human life without jeopardizing the
ability of the future generations to live a healthy life. It has many aspects and if
implemented can help us live a better life, materially, aesthetically and spiritually.
Implementation of such a model calls for mass participation. This in turns means that
awareness and understanding needs to be generated among common people regarding
environment and its protection. For example, the scheme of 'Paryavaran Vahini', which
includes establishing a committed cadre of environmentally conscious and citizen who will
help in protecting environment and bringing pollutants to book, is one step in this direction.
Voluntary agencies, citizens, government and industry should join hands in such an
endeavor. For example, use of organic fertilizers, environment friendly chemicals, bio-
fertilizers, bio- pesticides, optimum use of water etc. by agriculturists can be done if they
are informed, trained and helped by government, voluntary agencies etc. Use of ESPs in
chimneys, treatment plants, use of eco-friendly products etc. can be done by the industry.
Time is running out fast. We have only one earth to live in and if we do not do something to
save it, we can only start the reverse count. Let it be a duty of each one of us to do our best
to save and improve environment. We can plant trees, use eco-friendly products, bio-
degradable packings, ecomarked goods, spread the awareness and prevent others from
polluting earth. Else the day is not far when clean water, safe air, undisturbed land may
become a rarer commodity- than gold. May be then, even man will be found only in

"...All The World's A Stage And All The Men And Women Merely Players."

These lines were spoken by a character in the Shakespeare's play 'As you like it'. What do
these lines suggest? Are they symbolic of the author's (or the character's) abject surrender
to fate and nature's laws or they represent his renunciation of the worldly pleasures and
material gains as being momentary and unreal. Whatever it may be, it will be really
interesting to try to understand it further.
'All the world's a stage’ symbolizes the world being like a stage on which plays are
performed. Just as different scenes are enacted on the stage, different events and incidents
happen in the world. As scenes change on the stage during a play, in a similar way, times
change in the world. Plays are performed by players on the stage, events and incidents
occur with men and women in the world. Men and Women are as much a part of an event or
an incident as actors are of a play. They perform their role in their respective, domains—the
world and the stage respectively. As role ends, the actor leaves the stage, similarly as
man's work in the world ends, he leaves it. So the correlation that Shakespeare has tried to
highlight appears quite reasonable.
However, the important part of the statement is the word 'merely'. Actors at that time were
not like stars of today. They obeyed their director and performed as he directed. They could
not change their roles, modify it or perform it differently from what the director (or the
writer) desired. Hence, the word 'merely' Here, Shakespeare by calling 'men and women
merely actors' has tried to emphasize their state of helplessness and submission. Here the
authority is the God. He has complete control over the human beings and makes them do
things as he wishes. Man is bound by his fate. His role is pre-assigned and he cannot
change it. This to some, may sound like defeatism. But to some extent, we are indeed
To elaborate it further, let us take the example of birth and death. Birth is the biggest
accident that happens in one's life. Accident may sound harsh but birth just happens. Else
how can we explain two infants born at the same time, one of who has silver soon in mouth
and other may have just rags to cover his body? What makes them different? Then how can
two new born have such a different life when neither of them has performed any action.
Some explain it in terms of our previous birth and some call it pure fate. Whatever it may
be, certainly it is beyond our control. Similar is the case of death. Why so many very
talented people like Ramanujam, Vivekananda etc. died so early when they had so much to
do and why Hitler and Stalin lived so long? We cannot deny that for most of us, the course
of our life is determined by the family we are born in, the place we are born in, the
upbringing and many other beyond our control.
Though, one's upbringing plays a major role in determining one's future, the situation is not
so helpless. If a man is determined enough, has the guts and courage to face adversities,
he can do wonders by his hard work. Even in a play, there are different actors. Not all of
them perform equally. Even, the same role can be "done by two different actors very
differently. Some actors stand out because of their performance and become famous all
over. Same is the case in this world that a few people make their mark in different fields of
activity. They become great leaders, academicians, doctors, artists etc. There are people
who have shown in adversities and rises from the bottom because they faced circumstances
head on.
However, this is only one aspect of the statement. It also hides another very deep and very
relevant thought. It is that world is too big a place for anybody to consider himself its
master. All the great kings, generals, leaders had to leave one day. The world did not stop
them. They played their role and moved away to let others play theirs. We are not
immortal, the world is. Different actors play different roles in a play. Some are important
ones and some are not-so-important ones, but no one can say that play is because of him.
Everyone has to bow to the Almighty, a great and unknown power which is all
encompassing and all knowing. We should keep away from attachment, lust, greed etc.
because we are in this world only till our role demands it. This was the philosophy that
ancient Indians propounded and that all religions have commanded.
All this does not mean that one should leave everything to him. An actor has to give his
best to the role he performs. Similarly all of us must do our duty with devotion and honesty.
A play is successful only when each one of the actors performs well. World will progress
when each one of us contributes his best to it. A director can promote an actor; God can
change man's life. 'World being as stage' doesn't mean that we are puppets but that we are
actors. We have to shun not hard work but our negative traits like attachment, greed and
lust. A well performed role howsoever small is well appreciated by the audience. Similarly, a
well lived life becomes a lesson for others to follow. One gets praise, love, respect and fame
if he does what is assigned to him with devotion and honesty howsoever small or as it may
Peace In the Mind is Peace Everywhere
"Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace
means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real
meaning of peace."
Peace is a state or condition in which there is absence of aggression, anger, violence and
hostility. It is a state or condition in which our mind, body and soul is at rest. It is an experience
of being calm and cool from within. Peace is a condition of harmony, establishing mutual and
cordial relationship from within and with others too.

If a person has peace in mind, his thinking power and imagination skill increases. There is rise in
his resolution skills and he will opt for a superb judgement.

As per Maslow theory of Motivation, Human needs are categorised in 5 levels: Basic or
physiological needs , Safety needs , Love and belongingness needs , Self Esteem Needs and
lastly Self Actualization Needs. An Individual is surrounded by all these needs in order to fulfill
it and In doing so he loses and forgets his peace of mind. He forgets his real action. He forgets to
take proper care of his own body, his health and above all meditate.

Worst form against peace is frustration, stress and tension which provides for the evolution of
disaster in the society. Now a days, Terrorism is a common term which is known to everybody.
Terrorism is also a danger and disastrous form due to lack of peace of mind.

Here goes a story which I heard from my father in Childhood:

There was a king who announced a prize to that artist who would paint the best picture of peace.
Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked,
and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful standing mountains
all around it. Above it was a blue sky with white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it
was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky,
from which rain fell and in which lightning occurred. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a
foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked closely, he saw
behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had
built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest - in
perfect peace.

Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture. Do you know
"Because," explained the king,

Youth and Terrorism

The first word that comes to mind when one hears the word youth is ebullience, enthusiasm and
The energetic youth, the so called future of country are like the juvenile stage of river which is
full of flow and exuberance. and gradually slows down as it meets the ocean in its mature stage.
Similarly, the youth grows up to face the world and look towards the challenges which
emphasizes more on experience rather than amateur talented youths. Both river and youth can be
tapped for advantages and thus can be used as excellent corporeal. But to tap the best potential of
today’s youth is not an easy task, as they think that they are mature enough and best in the world.
The main issue of concern today is that the talent and energy of the youth is getting vulnerable
and easily plundered.
Acts of terrorism underscore the urgent need to promote peace, particularly initiated by youth as
they are talented, intelligent and lifeline of the nation.
Unfortunately today some youths are diverted towards anti social activities by the destroyers of
the future or the anti-social agents. There is an urgent need to chalk out the major reasons that
attracts the intelligent and potential youth of the nation. Is it money? Is it a better living? Or is it
just revenge?
The major reasons are
They want some excitement (As the case of Ajamal Kasab convict of 26\11 Mumbai terror
They are not equipped with most powerful tool which a human being can have i.e., knowledge
and studies.
Some people may argue that even talented engineer, doctors and many philanthropist even
resorts to this anti human act. Answer to that questions are as follows, they equip themselves
with all the technology so that they can carry forward their mission .which has been handed over
to them after telling them the fake stories that if they would do these activities then so called
jihad mission would be completed or God would become happy. Since when they are juvenile,
they are flooded with feelings which are antagonist to humanity. But the darker side of the image
is that they are taught that this is the best way to persuade God.
Terrorism has taken several forms today it is not just by creating terror in between people by
planting bombs, but also today cyber terrorism, bio terrorism and space terrorism are also present
to steal away sleep of the common man. All these types of terrorism are blessed by constant
support and major participation of youths. So how these practices can be ended or at least
stopped. People would say that government should keep eye on these activities. But it is not
possible for any country to keep eye on its own progeny. It is only active participation from
common people that can reduce such activities and the day on which this thing would happen the
famous maxim by respected late PM Shri Lal Bahaduri Sashtri would attain its global
Also madarssa education system should also be checked, youth especially in their salad days
should be given proper attention. And the when these thing would happen every slum dog would
become millionaire and not terrorist.
Globalization and urbanization
Globalization and Urbanization are the terms which are interlinked with each other in spite of the
very dissimilar definitions. Globalization is a process of economy which deals with trading
across the borders for mutual growth and thus making world as one urban city. Where as
urbanization is a growth process of economy through which the rural areas are developed into a
high living standard area that is urban area. Both concludes to growth and prosperity, but are
some what different in their perceptions.

In the world where we live globalization is very essential for a country to grow. When trades are
done at a higher pace with different foreign countries, foreign capital starts to flow in which thus
increases foreign direct investments and this in turn increases our GDP by significant numbers.
This is a basic economic policy which human beings are dealing from a very early stage of their
civilization. These policies brought industrial revolution in many western countries. Which in
turn let their financial condition to grow and prosper and now they have most advanced cities.
The citizens of these countries have a better healthy life style.

Today India is soaring high in economy, its GDP is increasing, economic condition is getting
better, more number of people are getting employed, per capita income is increasing which
means people are getting rich and their life style is getting better, the people under poverty line
are decreasing. More and more villages are getting good infrastructure and loans are getting
waived off due to substantial growth of our service sector and thus urbanization is taking place
around the villages and the concept of r-urbanization( a recent term in use) can be visualized in
the countryside areas as many barren and unused lands are been taken up by many companies for
SEZ purpose. This in turn is increasing job prospect for many skilled workers who use to earn
less through agriculture. Indeed globalization is one of the important factors that led to all this
development. It’s just because whole world has united and has come so close that demand of
quantity with quality has increased many folds. That is why India has come up with so many
shopping malls, multiplexes, and many desi Indian handicraft shops has directly opened their
outlets in foreign countries. This has been possible only because of globalization. This economic
reform of the 1990’s has given India such an economic boost that it is at present second fastest
growing economy after China. India has already flexed their economic muscle and if this pace of
globalization and thus trading continues, it won’t take more than ten years to become a super

But as we know everything has both positive and negative side, similarly globalization has both
sides. Till a year back we saw a very prosperous side of globalization, but now as the recession
hit American economy, the globalization factor made the business in various countries feel
serious jolts. This happened because of over dependence on American economy which actually
happened because of this globalization factor. Haven’t the other countries relied on each other
for export and import to this extend the scenario would have been much different.
In India where GDP was sailing to near about 9.5%, due to this global meltdown it is expected to
come down to around 6-7%. This meltdown ripped off many jobs and about 20 lakhs people in
India are jobless to date. This in turn has affected the urbanization process severely, as
government is going on poor funds for growth. Thus here the main villain is the globalization.

Hence we saw that globalization was the messiah, who brought unbelievable economic growth in
India, and thus helped in urbanizing the villages and also to raise the status of people. But again
due to over dependence on this kind of policy we saw the global meltdown and thus causing
unemployment, poverty and thus reduction in economic growth, which thus caused recession in
urbanization. So we can say that over dependence is the main culprit. A balance is therefore
required to grow and prosper efficiently.
Global Impacts Of Recession
The advancement of technology and globalization has led the individual national economies
under one roof of the global economy. The economic gain or loss experienced by developed
economy makes a deep impact globally. The era from 2002 to 2007, the developed economies
were enjoying the growth period so as the world economy. The global managers and reputed
funds estimated the growth to continue at a double pace from there too. In order to earn
competitive edge over other and to gain supremacy, every economic participant doubled their
operations capacity without taking sufficient risk measures, which ultimately resulted in
'Recession- A curse to the economy'.

The prevailing recession in the world economy started with the famous US Sub-Prime Crisis.
This crisis in their probation period was the hint to the economy reformist for the up coming
problem they are likely to face. But they failed to crack the hint and in their accordance it was
not so big to tackle. This crisis also resulted in recession which had very adverse impact on the
world as a whole.

Firstly, it led to closures of big financial institutes & banks which were operating from centuries.
Lehman brothers propounded by two brothers in 1875 filled his bankruptcy because of this
crunch. DSP Meril Lynch operating from last 50 decades had to shut its shutter because of the
credit crunch. Citi group, Bear Sterner, AIG, JP Morgan are some other institutes which got
deteroited in this recession storm. The problem doesn’t stop here. The failure of these institutions
created the problem of credit for the industry and business which require a huge amount of credit
to finance their operations. As a result the running companies found themselves in suffocating
environment of viscous circle.

Secondly, there was the loss of confidence. For the smooth running of trade & business a mutual
trust and a keen confidence is a must in the market. Recession in the market led to the loss of
confidence among members. As a result, it led to the suspension of the contracts & agreements
between the parties. Realtors & the infrastructure companies were the major losers on this
ground. Many land deals, acquisitions deteroited and consequently resulted in big losses to the
Thirdly, unemployment came as a very devastating consequence of the recession. The shut down
of the institutions and big concerns resulted in job loss of thousands of skilled and semi skilled
personals. The problem doubles itself as the new entrants enter the market. The situation is very
adverse and pitiful as the potential & substantial resource of the country remains idle. Because of
the unemployment, the resource which is contributor to the growth becomes the consumer &
hurdle of the growth.

The Growth and the Recession, both are like two side of the coin, the which way it going to spins
no one knows. But we should take enough measures to take care of both the situations. Future is
unpredictable, so every economy should have suitable risk management scheme to deal with
such devastating problem.

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