Adv. and Disadv. of EU

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Being in the EU

Dan Kimberley 8CP

The advantages of being in the EU include the right of citizens living and
working in other member states. The UK does not lose any many due to
being in the EU and in fact makes a large profit from being involved in
business that runs off a single market. The UK would also lose laws about
unemployment and social protection.
The disadvantages of being in the EU include a certain amount being paid for
membership and the so-called 'Hidden Tariff' that occurs when goods are
transported around the EU.

Due to its geographical location in Europe open borders and free movement
between member states of the EU mean that tourists of bordering countries,
of which there are many, would easily be able to visit and gain money for the
country. Of course there is also the advantage of free trade.
Disadvantages of Germany's membership include countries such as Greece,
Portugal and Ireland that are financially unstable put a drain on the
effectiveness of the EU and put a drain on all of the countries. On a more
general note, having set laws for so many countries is potentially problematic
due to all the different cultures and social norms differentiating by country.

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