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Love, like, not like, hate

Words list of unit 7th

1. Love /
2. Hate
3. Like
4. Horror /
5. Spider
6. Happy
7. Sad

8. Tired /
9. Angry /
10. Upset /
11. Cold
12. Hot

13. Thirsty
14. Hungry
15. Well
16. Ill

17. Surprised /
18. Prefer
19. Hope
20. Want

Prepared by: Hafizullah Ludin

I love to be a good servant for my society.

we all hate war and unsecure life.
she likes to walk from her office to home.
there was a horror movie on TV last night.
the black spider is very dangerous insect.
they are very happy because they have calmness life.
if you feel sad then change your location.
I am tired of your bad performance these days.
she is feeling very angry, so she wants something.
dont be upset too much they will bring back your money.
I am feeling cold case I have cold.
its too much hot in summer season.
give her some water she is thirsty.
I am completely hungry I want to eat the piece of cake.
I love to be always well in my duty.
I have to her case she is ill these days.
they surprised me very badly.
I prefer you to leave here.
I hope that you could speak fluently.
they want me to go there and make the contract.

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