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Postpartum Depression

Project report

I chose postpartum depression for my topic for my health related survey project to see
how many mothers have experienced postpartum depression and how they have helped
themselves or would help others who are experiencing postpartum. Postpartum depression is a
very serious disease that can alter the mind. A mother is made to be a strong being who births
their offspring, raise children to become great adults, take care of her family, keep up with house,
and all the while making sure she is healthy and happy.
For my survey I have created a confidential survey through Google Forms. All
participants are anonymous, there is no name information required. I have obtained a total of 54
participants. I also included a message before the survey questions stating the reason for the
study and confidentiality statement provided by my instructor.
A few important variables in my survey are:

Experiencing non acceptance from family

Stressful living conditions/environment
Gestational difficulties
Newborn diagnosed with challenges, disease, or disabilities

These variables are important to calculate whether experiencing any of these challenges may be a
factor to postpartum depression. Since these may cause stress during and after gestation, an
imbalance in hormones may conflict with the hormone changes the body goes through after
My survey contains 10 questions which I have attached a survey tool showing the
different variables separately on my e-portfolios project section. I made sure that questions are

flexible enough for mothers who have multiple pregnancies and/or births; since, every pregnancy
is different per child so I wanted to make sure to cover all grounds possible.
I shared my survey to my social media page about twice a week to get the needed
participants. Since Google Forms already gathers the data and creates pie charts and bar charts
for questions that do not require additional unique answers, it made it easier for me to view the
data and create my own raw data charts. I also was able to verify the google created charts by
exporting the data to excel and manually look through the responses.
After reviewing the data I have found that only 5 out of 54 mothers did experience at
least one challenging experience or answered yes to one of the above variables; however, did not
end their experience with postpartum depression. 49 mothers experienced at least one variable
throughout gestation and have experienced postpartum depression.

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