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Graduation Project Speech Outline

Attention Grabber Interesting fact, statistic, rhetorical question
Animals whose abuse is most often reported are dogs,cats,
horses and other live stokes based on number from of 1880 cruntly cases reported in media in one year .
Statement of Purpose Hello, my name is Nahom Yemane and
today I am here to convince you that... we should protect animal
rights from abuse by humans.

Statement of Relevance How can your audience relate to this

Animal rights consequence are teach us that certain things are
wrong as a matter of principle, that are some things that are
morally to do to animals .

Preview Statement Outline body of speech, i.e. In order to

understand why animals need protect from humans abuse , we
must first discuss the history of Animal Rights the causes and
effects of this issue, and possible solutions.
BODY POINT 1 (History of topic/overview of topic/explanation
of problem)
Topic Sentence
I will explain the history of animal right and why it is a problem
Historical Information Relevant to Topic
The Animal rights is a social movement which seeks an end to
the moral and legal distinction drawn between human and

nonhuman animals . an end to the status of animals as property

and an end to their use i n the research, food ,clothing and
entertainment industries .

Current Information Relevant to Topic

Transportation, sale and handling of certain animal more
specifically . it ensures that animals are provided with humane
care and treatment during transportation ,sales, housing care
and handling by pearson .
Why is this a problem in todays society?
Animal right activity oppose any killing of an animal for meat
whether it is done in a sought house or a forest, but there are
arguments specifically against hunting that are important to

Transition to Body Point 2

BODY POINT 2 (Causes & Effects)
Topic Sentence
I will explain the causes and effect of animal rights
Causes (Why do people become serial killers?)
Many young animals are born in capacity to grow up around
humans in an unnatural stress full environment .

Animals are trained using whips ropes bullhooks electric

prods and other weapons as well as food provision

Effects What are the effects of serial killers on our society

(positive and negative?
The animal rights groups desiring major changes in the way
the iditarod and other sled dog races are run have made
some strides over the years. In the early 1990s, suggested
changes from the groups -- including more frequent
veterinarian exams and requiring straw beds for dogs at
checkpoints -- were implemented by the Iditarod. As
recently as 2007, the Iditarod Trail Committee's board of
directors considered proposals such as holding any musher
with a dead dog in a checkpoint for 24 hours after the
death; the rule change did not pass.
Transition to Body Point 3
BODY POINT 3 (Solution)
Topic Sentence
The best solution in order to stop the awful trend is to teach
children while they are still young how to treat animals . they
are the future and teaching a child young can help help the
problem reduce.
General Solution What would happen in an ideal world? (i.e.
people would not become serial killers)
Volunteer to help animals is one of the best way to help animals
right now .
What positive effects would this have?
The foster families provide temporary homes for pets that are
abused injured or sick and who need something to recover. Short
term and loving care could be just what a pet- need before
adoption into a forever home

Transition to Body Point 4

BODY POINT 4 (Product)
Topic Sentence
My product is a QR poster in Charlotte N.C voluntary
opportunity about animal rights
Description of Product
My product is a flyer of QR codes and i will post in the blocks and
environment of garinger high school.
Extension of Research How does this apply the knowledge you
The first thing i was search how can work or how to produce in
google then i was search 6 volunteer opportunity in charlotte
and at last i did the QR reader .

Benefit to Society How will others be positively affected by

what you created?
The positive effect is the students of garinger high school will see
the poster and they go to help animals
Transition to Conclusion
Restatement of Thesis & Main Points
Animal rights to live free from use in medical research, hunting
and other services to humans .
Restatement of Relevance

Animal right teach have the same right that there are hunting
that are morally wrong to do to animals.
Tie-back to Attention Grabber
People are to respect this world and all its wonderful natural
resource the we might have the opportunity of saving at least
some of the wild place for the benefit of those who follow us

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