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To raise awareness within the UCI student community (and for
millennials, high school, and college students in general) about a specific
animal advocacy issue
To provide knowledge to the audiences about relevant research in the field
of animal science
To practice making arguments and using rhetoric in real-life media (logos,
ethos, pathos)
To learn the affordances of different social media sites and use each one
for its unique potential
To practice new media writing
To assess the efficacy of the social media campaign through a specific
1. Focus on a specific issue in animal studies and accompanying
scientific knowledge--give your campaign a name
make sure the issue you choose is specific and narrow
enough that you can do a good job campaigning for it in a one-week
after you post your idea for an issue, you will receive
feedback--your idea might not be approved if it is too broad
as soon as you have received the green light, you can start
building your campaign
2. Create a homebase for your campaign-- this is a micro site --a focused
site for your campaign issue--use Wix or Weebly
3. Use TWO social media tools to broadcast your campaign
One social media tool must be TWITTER
Make sure your Twitter account(s) have profile
information and images relevant to your campaign
Choose images and text to make
your profile inviting and relevant to your cause (you can
replicate some of the same images/text that you put on your
homebase page)
For the second platform, choose a tool that allows you to
do something different than what Twitter affords. Recommendations:
SnapChat, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest (all based on short video or images).

After you choose your second platform, create

a group account and give everyone in the group the login
Create a profile on this tool and
start following other users right away, asking them to follow
you back
Throughout your campaign, you
should integrate your SMC between your 2 platforms and
your microsite.
If you want to each have
individual accounts, that is fine--just remember you all need
to get followers fast. Might be easier to do it as a group. Your
4. Every day: Follow others and ask them to follow you. Your campaign will
not be successful if you dont have followers.
5. Create a hashtag unique to your campaign and use it in every post on
every platform and include it on your homebase
6. Create an original infographic--this will be something you share as a
post one day on your homebase and both social media platforms
7. Three posts per day PER GROUP MEMBER
Coordinate your posts so that each day your campaign
has a focus
Each post you devise should have one of these
To share knowledge and raise awareness
about your issue
To share original posts-- videos,
images, etc.--your group has created (including your
collaboratively created infographic)
8. Your posts should include the three rhetorical appeals
Logos: An appeal to the logic of your viewers
Pathos: an appeal to the emotions of your viewers
Ethos: an appeal to credibility, ethics
9. Create a day-by-day campaign plan (post link to that Googledoc on the SMC
Groups page)
Create an overall message for each day (then each group
member will create their own posts to help get that message across)
10. Devise a way to assess your effectiveness

The summaries for these organizations were written by previous 39C students; use the
links on this page and the notes to help you find information to post during your social
media campaign
SMC Presentation (week 7)
Your group should decide which format you want to use for this presentation-- a
predominantly image/video-based presentation, or a predominantly written text
presentation (that includes several images and links). Choose based on the skill sets in
your group.
This is not an exhaustive list-- if there is other information you want to include, you
1. Summarize what you did (give examples by including images and links)
2. What kind of response did you get?
3. What have you learned through this experience?

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