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My Simple Machine Timeline

**Please make a copy first! Save and share a copy of your notes with your classroom teacher.
Your job is to identify how we use this machine in our everyday life, the impact on the
environment and the significant innovations that have revolved around this simple machine.
You will be sure to include at least 6 historical slides and 1 prediction for the future. How has
your machine been used in the past? What are some interesting and unique examples? How
will we use it in the future?
Remember to include the following information for each slide:
Timeline dates (Year, etc).
Headline for slide (Is the heading engaging and descriptive?)
Text for each slide (Does each slide provide a summary of your understanding of
the historical tool?)
Media (Have you included an image/video for each slide and cited this source?)

Example #1


Who: The catapult was invented by the Greek Dionysius of

When: Made in approximately 399 B.C.E
Why: The catapult is an ancient weapon used to fire stones,
arrows and other projectiles. Some catapults could
even throw 350 pounds for greater than 300 feet.
What: The catapult would throw projectiles far and really high
and would create lots of destruction on impact and could kill
lots of people with one throw.

Example #2


What: A long, narrow board supported by a single pivot point

which is usually located in the middle, between both ends. As
one end goes up, the other goes down. Most commonly used
for the entertainment of children.
Origin of name: From French, meaning this-that, because of
the back and forth motion of the seesaw. The seesaw is also
known as a teeter-totter in America.

Example #3


Who: Chinese historical documents credit the invention of

the wheelbarrow to Prime Minister Zhuge Liang (181-234 AD)
of Shu Han from 197-234.
Why: It was originally invented to transport military supplies,
however, since then it has been used in many forms to
transport a large variety of things to help with construction,
mining, farming and everyday living.
What: There have been different structures of the
wheelbarrow from using one wheel, two wheels,
people/animals, motorized. All in some way to help with the
cultures environment and lives.

Example #4


Who: The scissors were invented in ancient Egypt.

When: The scissors were invented around 1500 BC.
What: They consist of two blades for cutting materials and
have been improved over time to be better for cutting.

Example #5


When: Tweezers were used in predynastic Egypt.

Why: Tweezers are small tools used for picking up objects
and most likely derived from tongs, pincers, or scissors-like
pliers used to grab or hold hot objects back then.
What: Tweezers come in different forms and are used for
different jobs from plucking hair to helping in medical

Example #6


Who: There is no single inventor or point in history for Pliers,

however, it is believed that they were used as far back as
several millennia B.C.E to handle hot materials for the
process of smithing or casting.
What: Pliers developed with different designs and being
made of different materials.This was because of the different
objects that they were used to handle like: horseshoes,
fasteners, wire, pipes, electrical items.
Why: Pliers continue to help in many ways in our lives from
day to day living and industry.

Example #7

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