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Post-Formal Observation Reflection Form—teacher and Evaluator Numbers 1-5 are optional for the Teacher to complete as preparation for the required post formal observation; Number 6 is required for the Evaluator to complete. Both must sign and date this form upon completion of the conference. The post formal-observation conference is required during year two of the 3-year evaluation cycle; however, a formal observation may take place at any time. Teacher (prin Building & Evaluator (prin): Ms. Thorne Burlington High School/ David Keane Date of Past-Conference: “Date/Time of Observation: | ogna015 03312016, (Grade LeveliCurviculum Area Observed: Mathematics 6. Evaluator reflection, including but not Iimited to feedback requested in reference to question 9 on the Pre formal observation Reflection Form. ‘The lesson was on triangles. The students were all participated in the problem solving activities by holding up their whiteboards. Students did ask some good questions and students responded to questions without making Ms. Thorne wait a long time for a volunteer. Ms. Thorne presented the relationship ofthe sides to one smother by first reviewing an equilateral triangle connecting new concept to prior learning. It was also a way to help students understand how the ratlo was derived. ‘The was followed by a number of examples students were asked to solve on their whiteboards. While presenting information Ms. Thorne capitalized on her rapport with students and used husidr to redirect students. There was one individual student who had a very difficult time listening, He made comments and repeated them if he was not initially acknowledged. Ms. Thorne was able to make quick responses to this student and still maintain the pace needed to keep the rest ofthe students engaged. The lesson was well designed in that prior knowledge was referenced, a new coneept was tied to prior learning by deriving the ratios. Students were able to solve the problems using the ratios Dut they also were able to tell why the ratios were what they were. The instructor made very good use ofthe time and the students were engaged throughout the Iesson. Thave seen a great deal of growth in Ms. Thorne in terms of her confidence. She has the skills and understands how to establish quality and appropriate relationships with her students. She has demonstrated that she has a good grasp on her content and the ability to plan and deliver a quality lesson. I would recommend that she attend the Project-based Learning workshop being offered this summer. Her philosophy and style will align well with a student centered learning environment PBL provides, "Teacher Signature and Da Evaluator Signature and Date: Name Grin): Aina Estee Date —— sian: ff 3 Wile | st Zy A fe-e— th Ve. Wihe teacher's signature notes Ghat the teacher ei Teview of this formal poscobservation form with the ‘evaluator but does not necessarily indicate agreement with the observation results (#6) If recived, the teacher may respond within ten (10) school days after receiving a copy of this form. Copies shall goto the evaluator and evalutee il servation tS @ taf Jt A Restroom, [hocker policy in glace (Le otto’) _* ‘bell etoger | peadine in iz (ass te cioftt) i 4 Radiech Taylor ———Beadiceed Evatt. Cateing) —— - ae tl gaan A Encrunagd “olupy, shade “hadent (coset) Hh aie lin sangugd th es chy partie — Date:01/21/2016 01:34:55 PM mepeni . Seated students: 18 Unseated students: 0 Desks: 25. & ) Pets: 4078-19 Geometry $2 N= OE tere J 2 ON Pye. G) we holt Vode | +2 bpm | perdbatl ce (oplavants Taylor qiteer Take [ unawp a Zo- 3.39 | [L_antony x _mityg OHH sacon 3°71 C. sean rp § Matthew ee en tee oye | 30 : Bar 2790 2 Hoes EEE fine - yale | epee | alett B45 Wel prac YX Sirs bee (ort, Ke 2 ewity a 3 durlsp 25)

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