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Logarithmic Function Reference

This is the Logarithmic Function:

f(x) = loga(x)
a is any value greater than 0, except 1

Properties depend on value of "a"

When a=1, the graph is not defined
Apart from that there are two cases to look at:

a between 0 and 1

a above 1

Example: f(x) = log(x)

Example: f(x) = log2(x)

For a between 0 and 1

For a above 1:

As x nears 0, it heads to infinity

As x nears 0, it heads to -infinity

As x increases it heads to -infinity

As x increases it heads to infinity

It is a Strictly Decreasing function

it is a Strictly Increasing function

It has a Vertical Asymptote along the y-axis


It has a Vertical Asymptote along the y-axis


Plot the graph here (use the "a" slider)

In General:
It is always on the positive side of (and never crosses) the y-axis
It always intersects the x-axis at x=1 ... in other words it passes through (1,0)

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At x=a, f(x)=1 ... in other words it passes through (a,1)

It is an Injective (one-to-one) function
Its Domain is the Positive Real Numbers: (0, +)
Its Range is the Real Numbers :


is the Inverse Function of

ax (the

Exponential Function )

So the Logarithmic Function can be "reversed" by the Exponential Function.

The Natural Logarithm Function

This is the "Natural" Logarithm Function:

f(x) = loge(x)
Where e is " Eulers Number " = 2.718281828459 (and more ...)

But it is more common to write it this way:

f(x) = ln(x)
"ln" meaning "log, natural"
So when you see ln(x), just remeber it is the logarithmic function with base e: loge(x).

Graph of f(x) = ln(x)

At the point (e,1) the slope of the line is 1/e and the line is tangent to the curve.

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