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The Egypt Game

Comprehension Questions
By :
Germn Andrs Beltrn Pabn
Sebastian Arroyave Ortiz
And Sebastian Fernndez de Castro
Chapter 1: The Discovery of Egypt
1. Who owns the Antique store?
A strange old man known only as The Professor.
2. Where is the store located?
Is located in a university neighborhood surrounded by some buildings and
small houses.
3. How do people in the community generally feel about the Professor?
children and adults have a little fear of the man, his appearance and stare creating
discomfort to them.
4. Who first witnesses the Egypt Game?
The professor was the first to witness the Egypt game when he saw April
and her friends making like a type of ceremony in his back yard.
5. What are the names of the three children the Professor watches through the window?
Their names were April halls, Melanie Ross and Marshal Ross (Melanies
little brother).
6. What is Marshall carrying with him?
Marshal was carrying an teddy octopus.
Chapter 2: Enter April
1. What does April Hall sometimes call herself?
She usually called herself April Dawn
2. What is the name of the building where April comes to live? The name of the building April
comes to live was Casa Rosa.
3. Who is Dorothea?
Aprils mother
4. Who is Caroline?
Aprils grandmother
5. What happened to Aprils father?
April father die in a car accident before April know him.
7. Where does Caroline work?
She works in the library of the university
8. Who is April supposed to check in with before leaving the building?
She is supposed to check in the Rosss (Caroline neighbors )apartment
9. What does April purchase from the drug store?
She purchase from the drug store a pair of false eyelashes.
Why is April impressed by the man at A-Z?
She is impressed by a tiny statue, and the Professor reveals that it is a burial figure
made in Mexico more than two thousand years ago.
What does April tell the man she wants to be when she grows up?
She tells him she is planning to be an archeologist when she grow up.
Chapter 3: Enter Melanieand Marshall

1. Why is Melanie hopeful as she knocks on Apartment 312? Because meeting people for her
has been always easy for her.
2. What is Melanies initial reaction when April opens the door?
Her mouth opened and closed a few times when she first saw April.
3.Why doesnt April think Melanie will like her?
Because she thinks Melanie is not used to see people dress and act like her.
4. How does April first describe her mothers job to Melanie?
She describe her mom as a famous singer in Hollywood and that she sings in
5. What is Melanies favorite occupation? . Melanies favorite ocupation was to play
her inmaginary game with the paper dolls she cut from news paper.
6. What does Melanie keep hidden in the dull-looking old geography book? She keep
hiden some paper dolls.
7. How does April react to Melanies secret hobby?
At the beginning when she saw the dolls she thinks it was a little beat inmature but
when Melanie explains her the game she was pretty intrigued by it .
8. What name does Melanie give to the games that the girls play?
This game bowth girls play was a game where they make all kind of complex-stories
about the paper people and their families, but they didnt give the game any name.

Chapter 4: The Egypt Girls

1. . Where do Melanie and April go almost every day in August? Melanie and April go
almoust every day to the local library to read books related to Ancient Egypt.
2. How do April and Melanie earn the name the Egypt girls?
Afeter people in the library saw their interest and fascination with ancient Egypt they
give them the name The Egypt girls.
3. Why are April and Melanie worried about the start of school?
April is worried to face the new class in the school and Melanie is worried the
impression April is going to give to her class mates with her haughty and stuck-up
holywood actitude.
4. What aspect of Aprils appearance most concerns Melanie?
I think that the way April dress and her "Hollywood attitude"
5. What reason does April give Melanie for her feelings about Caroline?
When Melanie ask her for her feeling about her grandmother her eyes got narrow and then
she says that Caroline doesnt like her mother and that she doesnt think her mom is going to
come back for her soon.
6. What do April, Marshall, and Melanie find in the deserted yard that April considers a
beautiful messenger from out of the ancient past?

Chapter 5: The Evil God and the Secret Spy

1. Who does Melanie suggest might be watching them through the window?
Melanie says that is difficult that professor catch them because she says that you can tell by
the weeds and everything that no one's been in here for ages . And about the window she
says that is isnt the kind that opens. Because they think Hed have to break the glass if he
wanted to get through and also melanie says that i will bet this windows in some little back
room he doesnt even use any more. Otherwise he wouldnt leave it so dirty
2. Who do the girls appoint pharaoh?
They say that marshall can be the young pharaoh
3. What do they name the pharaoh?
4. Why does Marshall agree to play the game?
She do not know what it was a pharaoh and she wasnt agree to play but when melanie got
down on her knees and tell her that is just a game and tell her what is a pharaoh , Marshall
frown lifted a little and his chin began to go back into its normal position. And then Marshall
nodded soberly and she say that she will play i think that she plays because in the game she
was the pharaoh and as april says everybody had to bow down to him and do exactly what
he says so she will have like the power in the game as well she had the most important roll
in the game
5. Who is Set?
Set is the god of evil
6. Where do the girls get the rules for the Egypt game?
at first set he was just supposed to be a character in that particular game and that first day
he was represented by a picture of a man with an animals head that melanie drew on a pice
of carboard and tacked to the wall,but once he got start, he seemed to grow and develop
almost on his own,his wicked tricks includes everything from atomic ray guns to sulfur and
brimstone but actually that was the way with all of the egyptian game .ideas began to grew
and afterwards it was hard to remember just how. that was one of the mysterious and
fascinating things about it.and that how the egyptian game starts.
She do not know what it was a pharaoh and she wasnt agree to play but when melanie got
down on her knees and tell her that is just a game and tell her what is a pharaoh , Marshall
frown lifted a little and his chin began to go back into its normal position. And then Marshall
nodded soberly and she say that she will play i think that she plays because in the game she
was the pharaoh and as april says everybody had to bow down to him and do exactly what
he says so she will have like the power in the game as well she had the most important roll
in the game
7. What happens unbeknownst to the girls after they throw the boxes over the fence?
When they had everything as far as the hole in the fence,they ran into a problem .the boxes
were just too big. And the only solution was to throw them over the top of the fence . it wasn't
easy and in landing they made quite a bit noise. Then the curtain of the small window at the
back of the professors store was push very carefully to one side. But April and Melani were
soo busy and they didnt notice . Only someone with very sharp eyes would have been able

to see the figure that stood silently behind the very dirty window in the darkened room pg 48
and 49.
Chapter 6: Eyelashes and Ceremony
1.Why is April having trouble concentrating the day before school is to begin?
She is having trouble with concentrating on her book because she was thinking about next
day, telling herself that it didnt matter whether the people at Wilson school were friendly or
not, because her mom would write soon saying she wanted her to come home.
2.Why is Melanie having trouble concentrating?
She is having trouble with concentrating on her book because she was worried about what
she is planning to do to make April dress usually and act usually at school.
3.What does Melanie take from Aprils room? How?
She took the eyelashes managed to walk right past to the Aprils dresser (where the
eyelashes where) as she went out of Aprils room.
4.How do the sixth graders at Wilson respond to April?
April is not received well by her classmates due to her stuck-up attitude and uncommon
outfits, but at least she gives up wearing the false eyelashes.
5.What nickname do Toby and Ken give to April? Why is it important?
They started calling her April, February.
6.What do Isis and Nefertiti represent?
Isis is the god of love for the Egyptians (who is represented by a plaster bust of queen
7.How are the rituals of the Egypt game recorded?
At first the records were on ordinary notebook paper, but then Melanie, whose handwriting
was the nicest, put it all down on onion-skin paper rolled on pieces of an old fishing pole
theyd found in the alley.
8. What is the Crocodile Stone? What do the girls do with it?
Is a strange dark stone Melanie found in the sidewalk and put it on the altar.
Chapter 7: Neferbeth
1.Who moves into Casa Rosada in September? How old is she?
Near the end of September, the Chung family moves into the Casa Rosada, in a semibasement apartment.
2.Who does Elizabeth look like to April and Melanie?
They notice that Elizabeth's profile reminds them of that of Queen Nefertiti.
3.Why do April and Melanie ask Elizabeth to join the Egypt game?
Elizabeth reminds them of Queen Nefertiti, so they finally decide to tell her about their
"Egypt Game", and she joins in.
Chapter 8: Prisoners of Fear
1.How does Elizabeth respond to the Egypt game?
She didnt give any ideas but she was exited but a little scared she was just crazy about
every part of the game
2.What name do Melanie and April give to Elizabeth in the game?
Melanie and April named Elizabeth Neferbeth
3.What puts a temporary stop to the Egypt game?
There was a murder in the neighborhood - a little girl is killed when she was going to a
drug store - and this puts an end to outdoor games, including the Egypt Game.
4.Who does the community believe is guilty?
Some of them suspect the Professor was the murder, as they saw two policemen entering
his shop the day after the murder

5.Who organizes the efforts to invite the Professor to leave?

Mr. Schmitt organizes the efforts to invite the Professor to leave the neighborhood.
6.How do the players continue the Egypt game when they are confined to the Casa Rosada?
Even if the game was not very funny the four Egyptians start to make the altars and their
costumes and everything on their home.
7.How do accusations against the Professor affect his business?
Because of accusations to the professor buyers stop entering to his shop thinking he is a
8.What changes do the players notice in Egypt when they stop by briefly?
The only things that changes was that the Crocodile stone move a little beat a sure sign of
its sinister power.
Chapter 9: Summoned by the Mighty Ones
Under what circumstances are the kids in the neighborhood allowed to
The circumstances the kids in the neighborhood are allowed to trick-or-treat were in large
groups supervised by adults.
What is Aprils plan for revisiting Egypt?
April has the idea of slipping away from the group in the dark to visit the abandoned
storage yard and Melanie agrees.
What costumes do April, Elizabeth, Melanie, and Marshall wear for
April wears her Egyptian headdress, a short tunic made of pillowcase and her eyelashes.
Melanie dress also like Egyptians, Elisabeth Dress up like queen Nefertiti and Marshal
dress like an Egyptian pharaoh.
What token does April claim Set and Isis have sent to the players as a
Set and Isis have summed them to their temple.
1. What are the players watching for as they trick-or-treat?
I think they were watching for the A-Z back yard.
Chapter 10: The Return to Egypt
Who do the girls run into while trick-or-treating?
They run into two of their classmates, Toby Alvillar and Ken Kamata, who also appear to
be hanging behind. The two boys tease them, but finally leave them alone.
Describe Ken and Tobys costumes.
Their costumes were rubber monster costumes.
What does the Egypt gang claim to be the secret omen?
Because the Egypt gang is an omen that only they know.
Chapter 11: Egypt Invaded
What does April declare the Crocodile God demands for sacrifice?
April declare the Crocodile God demands for sacrifice because gods are angry because
the children were gone for so long, and that they demand a horrible sacrifice.
What does Marshall mumble under his breath after April tells him not to
Marshall mumble under his breath that April must be scarified because she said that
security must be scarified.
What do the players decide to use for sacrifices?
They decide to pull out some of their hair and cut some of their nails like a sacrifice.
What happens at the end of the Ceremony of Sacrifice?

They leave because Elizabeth give a gasp of pure terror.

Chapter 12: Elizabethan Diplomacy

1. Who enters Egypt uninvited?
Both Ken and Toby
2. Why does Elizabeth invite the boys to join their game?
Because April and Melanie wanted to fight them, Ken and Toby, and also because the
boys wanted to use the yard for doing something else.
3. Who does Melanie credit with saving the Egypt game after outsiders discover the games
Elizabeth, as she offered to the boys to join the game.
4. Why does Melanie think that Elizabeths method is successful?
Because it is in a non-violence way. She is happy because at least they dont have to
give the boys the yards yet.
Chapter 13: Moods and Maybes
1. Why do Melanies parents argue about the kids playing outside?
Because as a girl was murdered in the night, maybe they could be killed, so after arguing
they say to their children that they can go out but in large groups.
2. Why is April in a bad mood?
Because she doesnt likes the ide of ken and toby playing with them, because she doesnt
like them.
3. What kind of list does Toby ask the girls to make? What does he plan to do with it?
Toby asks the girls what things are there in the yard, and the surprisingly he brings more
things to decorate the altar and the whole yard.


Chapter 14: Hieroglyphics

What do Toby and Ken bring to Egypt?
They bring things to decorate the altar such as rubber insects, a dagger, an animal skull
and a stuffed owl.
Who is Thoth?
The owl, as a Egyptian god which is a bird headed one is called this way.
Why does Toby think they should finish the alphabet of hieroglyphics?
He thinks this because he wants to create secret messages, and also he wants for
everyone of the Egyptians to have a special name, something related to Egypt, a god or
something, and for them to be able to be written in Hyeroglyphics.
What do the players want to purchase with the money they earn?
They wanted to buy pens, for practicing the ancient art of hieroglyphic writing.
List the players Egyptian names and hieroglyphic symbols.
April is Bastet and her symbol is a cat head earrings. Elizabeth is Nefertiti, her symbol is a
heart. Melanie is Aida, her symbol is a bird. Marshall is called Paraoh Marshamosis, his
symbol is the double corown of Egypt. Toby is ramose, his symbol is an owls head. Ken
is Horemheb, his symbol is a bloody sword.
6.Who is Petey?
Petey is Elizabeths parakeet; they play with him and call him prince Pete-ho-tep.
Chapter 15: The Ceremony for the Dead

1. What happens to Prince Pete-ho-tep?

A cat killed him, so everyone was so sad.
2. How are the high priests of Anubis chosen for the ceremony?
Elizabeth, as she was the queen Nefertiti, she placed a pebble in one hand and let them
choose. Ken and Toby won.
3. How long does Toby think the mummification ceremony might take?
He says that in real Egyptian times the preparation for the death and the funeral
ceremony last as much as 40 days, but for them maybe from 5 to 6 days.
4. Who is the chief mourner?
It was Elizabeth, the queen mother and the chief mourner.
5. Why do the players become less cautious?
Because they started they feel more at home in Egypt. For example Ken began to find it
less embarrassing to be an ancient Egypt. The kids were happier, and prouder of their
6. What knowledge does one very small Egyptian keep to himself?
He kept to himself the little idea that the land of Egypt was being watched.
Chapter 16: The Oracle of Thoth
1. What gets the players interested in the topic of oracles?
In sixth grade class, the teacher Mrs. Granger at Wilson school mentions the topic about
Oracles, and Toby likes the topic so ask her to explain it more. Also at the library they
have plenty of time to read about it, so the Egyptians decide to include an oracle into their
game, for asking a lot of questions.
2. Who comes up with the idea of using Thoth as the oracle?
It was Tobys idea, as Thoth is the name for the Egyptian god of wisdom.
3. Who asks the first question?
Ken wrote the first question in the paper that next was folded and placed the paper in
Thoths curved beak.
4. Why does Ken think the rest of the players are crazy?
He thinks they are crazy because they are asking questions to something he doesnt think
is real, but toby tells him to give it a chance.
Chapter 17: The Oracle Speaks
1. Who performs the ceremony of Returning to the Oracle for the Answer?
It was Bastet (April), as she wanted to be the Oracles priestess since the day before.
2. What does Ken ask the oracle?
He asked: Will I be a big league star someday?
3. Who do the Egyptians argue about the oracles answer?
They argue about who may have written it. First they asked Ken, then to Toby, then April
and so on, accusation and counteraccusations, until Melanie suggested to repeat the
whole stuff, to see what happens.
Chapter 18: Where is Security?
1. What does Marshall leave in Egypt?
Marshall had lost his octopus, security, it had been left in egypt the night before
2. What does April ask the oracle?
When willd go home again?
3. How do the Egyptians react to the oracles answer?
They were amazed and concerned . Finally Melanie said i think we just better stop playing
this awful game

4. What does Marshall ask the oracle?

Where is security ?
5. Who is most worried about Marshalls question to the oracle?
Toby was the most worried of all


Chapter 19: Confession and Confusion

Why does Toby call April at home?
Because he needs to talk to april and ross
Why does Toby fake injury?
when recess started , toby went whooping down the hall and down the stairs with the rest
of the guys who were headed for the basketball court, but on the way down the stairs he
pretended to stumble and turn his ankle. he denied that he was badly hurt , but he managed
to look bravely in pain as he stumble over to sit out the recess on the bench near the parallel
bars pg167
So when April and Melanie will be surprise to find him in the bench , so he will have the
opportunity to confess all .
What does Toby confess to April and Melanie?
Toby confess that he was the one who wrote those answers, he was the oracle , but he was
worried because he doesn't know where security is and he is unable to prove the answer
How does the oracle answer Marshalls questions?
The oracle answer was look under the throne of set and when they see there was the
octopus under the altar

5. Why was everyone surprised by the oracles response to Marshalls question?

Because everyone agree that toby is telling the truth , they say that nobody, not even toby ,
was that good an actor i mean they do not know how is the oracle

Chapter 20: Fear Strikes

1. Who wants to ask the oracle another question?
Toby and April wanted to try the oracle once more to see what would happen but no one else
seemed very enthusiastic.
2. Why Marshall and April alone in the Rosss apartment?
The one evening there was to be a concert at the university and the rosses decide to go .
they were planning to take melanie, but since Marshall had a way of going to sleep at
concerts, it seemed best to leave him at home. April had some homework to do anyway, and
she agreed to come down and baby-it until the rosses got back pg 178
3. Why do Marshall and April go to Egypt alone?
Because April notice that her math book is missing , then she finally remembered what had
probably happened to her math book . That afternoon, in Egypt, she'd put her books down on
the edge of the temple floor and Ken had been fooling around and knocked them off, he must
have left the math book on the ground,she started getting madder and madder at Ken.
Because she says that it was all his fault. And for the first time in her life she had been
getting pretty good grades in math, and now her record was going to be ruined,mrs Granger
was terribly strict about getting assignments in an time . So she plans a short visit to egypt to
recover his math book , and marshall decides to follow her .
4. What happens to April after she climbs through the board in the fence?
As Marsha held the light on the right spot April reached through shoved the board to the
right side and squeezed it out she was holding the door open for Marshall When, out of the
darkness and silence behind something grabbed here with crushing strength, and big hard
fingers smothered the scream that sprang into her throat
5. What does April wonder about Marshalls behavior as she is being attacked?
in one terrible moment April found that the shock of certain danger is almost always a battle
call. twisting frantically, she managed to free their arms enough to reach for and grab the
loose board swung far to one side . for a fraction of a second april's eyes, above the hand
gagged her mouth, caught a glimpse of marshall, still standing just inside the fence holding
the flashlight and looking back over his shoulder at the wall behind him whats wrong with
him ? why doesn't he scream for help ? pg 183, 184
6. Who finally calls for help?
There was a splintering crash and a strange hoarse shout .help! the strange voice raspect
7. What happens to Aprils attacker?
then there were footsteps and shouts at the mouth of the alley and suddenly The Crossing
arms were gone crushing ,when their reserves arrive at a moment later they found April lying
on the ground and Marshall is crazy now to meet them through the fence no one else was
there and the only sound was the rest of april breeding as she struggled to force air back into
her lungspg 184
Chapter 21: The Hero
1. Where do Marshall and April go after leaving Egypt?
They went to the police station
2. Who is Inspector Grant?
He is the man who had been asking the most questions to april and Marshall about the
attacker , He wasn't wearing a uniform , but he was a policeman
3. How does Marshall describe the man who grabs April?
marshall reveals that it was a robust man with orange hair and spotted skin

4. Who does Marshall identify as the man who called for help?
He described it saying that he's the man who carries things at the store
5. What does April call Caroline for the first time?
Grandmaand April said to her if she can ask them if they can go home now because she
was terribly tired.
6. Who is the man who commits the crimes?
Mr. Schmitt's cousins
How does Marshalls participation in the capture change his behavior?
Marshall was a real hero around the neighborhood. She saved the professor from being
unjustly accused and described the murder so that the police were able to catch him , finally
everyone wanted to see him and ask him questions about what happened.
Chapter 22: Gains and Losses
1. What happens to the land of Egypt after April is attacked?
2. What is the Professors real name?
Dr. Huddleston
3. Who begins working at the Professors store?
4. What objects does the Professor show to April?
The Professor took down a small box and opened it carefully on the counter. There were two
objects that he showed it to april , a flat piece of marble with dim hieroglyphics on it , and a
small head of a glowing milky white .
5. To whom did the items the Professor showed to April once belong?
They had once belonged to his wife
6. How does April respond to Dorotheas letter?
Aprils letter said Thank you for inviting me to palm Springs. It sounds like lots of fun . But
Grandma and i have our plans all made for christmas and i have a date to spend part of
Christmas Day with my friend, Melanie . So i guess i can't make it this time.



Chapter 23: Christmas Keys

Who asks to see the Egypt gang on Christmas Eve?
One the morning of Christmas Eve, Caroline had a telephone call from the professor , and
afterwards she asked April to phone all the members of the Egypt gang and ask them to
come to the halls for just a few minutes that night after dinner
What reason does the Professor give for wanting to meet with the group?
Because he was coming to tell them a story
What is the Professors former profession?
How did A-Z store get started?
The A-Z store was anne's idea, in the beginning. Her plan was to make it an outlet for some
of the native handicrafts from areas where the professor and anne had worked There had
been some unrest in the next province, but they thought- well , there was an uprising, a small
local rebellion. The mission was attacked and Anne was killed- by the very people she was
trying to help.
What information does the Professor give about the oracle?
The professor said that he was afraid because he must plead guilty to that, too.He see when
she leave that night and he saw the otopus left behind in the rain . So he went out and pried
open the old padlock and went into the yard. what i did then , in behalf of security , was done
on the spur of the moment, and afterwards i tried not to think about it. I think i decide to play

the part of the oracle because i felt obligated to let you know what i had done with security,
and the oracle offered a way to do it without any direct contact the professors says in pg 200
6. What does the Professor give each member of the Egypt gang?
He gives each one a key . The keys had long chains to wear around the neck, and on the
head part of each one name was engraved.
7. Why does April feel sad after the children receive their keys?
April and Melanie says that they were sad because It`s about egypt . Going back and
everything. It seems like it won`t be the same and aprail says that it`s awful when you go
back to something that was so great the way you remembered it and it`s no good anymore . It
even ruins remembering
8. What question does April pose to Melanie at the end of the novel?
Melanie she said , what do you know about gypsies? that was the question of
aprail at the end of the novel

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