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Evangelism Grid

We need a track to follow to help guide our thinking and our conversations with non-Christians.
Asking key questions is the best way to learn to dialogue the gospel, not monologue the gospel.



Main Points

God is personal and knowable.

He is our Creator.
He is revealed through Word and

Is God knowable?
What is He like?
Do you think knowing Him is important?
If God created the world/us, what are the implications?
How would you reveal yourself to a people?

Sin is anything short of Gods

Sin separates us from God.

Are you on good terms with God?

What is Gods perspective on this?
Have you ever done anything you knew was wrong?
What is sin?
What do you do about guilt?

The Person of

The Work of


Questions for Discussion

Whats the big deal about Jesus?

Whats different from Him and Buddha, Mohammed, etc.?
Who did He say that He was?

Jesus is God and was a man.

Jesus completely obeyed God/fulfilled

Jesus is the only means for

forgiveness or sin and life with God.
Through Jesus death
1. all our sins were paid for
2. we received all the righteousness
of Jesus

Is Jesus the only way?

Is it what you do or what He did that puts you on
good terms with God?
Who else meets Gods standard for perfection?
What about different religions and the unevangelized?

The gospel demands a response.

Our response to God is repentance
and faith.

What will I do about it?

Is knowledge of the truth enough?
How do I accept Jesus gift?



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