Grade 7 Science Final Reviews

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Grade 7 Science activities from May 30th till the end

of June
Activities: class and homework worksheets, class games, quizlet
activities, videos, presentations, CYUs, kahoot, jeopardies
Part 1

Monday May 30th

Interactions between living and living things; food webs; food chains;
Types of matter

Part 2 May 31st/June 1st


Living with non-living interactions; water and carbon cycle
rocks and weathering; rock cycle
Physical and chemical properties
Physical and chemical changes

Part 3 Thursday/Friday June 2nd/3rd

Factors that limit the survival of living things within the ecosystems;
plates and boundaries and geological events associated with them
Part 4 Monday June 5th
Final cumulative review and pre-test
Part 5
Summative assessment: Final exam June 7th and 8th
Part 6

after June 8th

On-going assessment and evaluation and inquiry based activities

needed in preparing the students for the new curriculum.

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