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521 Apkujung
2-dong Kangnam-ku, Sel
Seoul, South Korea
25th February 2016

Dear sir Lee Soo Man

I saw your advertisement for a position as personal stylist for EXO
group in your company and i want the job.
I have degree in general stylist of hairstyle and makeup, so I have a
good academic preparation and i have worked in some entertainments
companies, so I have experience working. Please see my curriculum
vitae, in the same envelope for more details.
I started working in company when i was twenty-two, four years ago. I
left my last job two months ago because I wanted to find new places
where I can to develop my abilities. I feel i am ready for continue my
I would be available for an interview at any time.
I cant wait to hear from you.
Yours faithfully

Gabriela Honorio
DNA: 61585668

Be the stylist EXO South Korean group would be my dream job,
because they are my favorite band and it would be wonderful to work
near them doing something I like and I'm really good.

I think at the beginning would be nervous, not only know but also
because being a famous group, how they look or physical appearance
is very important for them and for your company, therefore, it would
improve my skills and obtain experience working for famous.

Being a professional stylist to me, it would be a great job, not only

because it would create new styles of makeup and hairstyles but also
because it's something I put a lot of effort and dedication to it, so work
alongside them would be great.

Gabriela Honorio

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