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Movement for Universal Prosperity

As Humans we are intrinsically tied to one another, all other animal species, and the
planet itself by the collective impact of our actions. As our population increases as well as our
pollution things are going to get worse for other lifeforms more so than ourselves. Our reliance
on mass production of food and goods, fossil fuel energy, and a fictional price system is
developing a world that causes unnecessary suffering and has radically shifted the balance of
climate for plants and animals that rely on extremely sensitive conditions in their environment.
For example, if we pump out more carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and methane gas from our
massive industrial farms, among other chemicals and synthetic materials the ocean will continue
to lower in pH becoming more acidic and toxic to life that thrives in a temperamental state such
as mollusks with calcium carbonate shells and coral which is the basis of oceanic life. The
animal die offs we are seeing today are unprecedented, 1000s of fish washing up on beaches and
birds falling from the sky with no discernable cause of death, scientists are dumbfounded. This is
all happening for a reason and when one looks closer at the evidence and real world effects
human beings are having on the environment the truth is frightening. To see the effect of our
social systems on our psychology is also staggering because the most critical time for human
development is during ages 1-7 yet we break apart the natural development of children by
tossing them into school at the age of 4 or 5 during this critical time. We put them in a place that
conditions them into functioning a certain way, to follow orders and not to question the status
quo but be subservient to it. We all have the potential of becoming our highest and best selves
during and after our critical childhood development but that is taken away from us by a system
that has been caught in the trap of collective folly or group think. We have yet to break the cycles
of war, poverty, and social predation because we have not awakened to our natural reality of

abundance. From our first moments learning ancient human history, after the nomadic periods,
we are taught stateism, that is the Sumerian doctrine of having a state in which people are not
bound by tribalism or religion but by a government. We are then taught corporatism or how to
follow orders without question and accept the status quo. This has created a world in which
hedonism is perpetuated by popular culture and ignorance spans generations. We cannot remain
caught up in a system that keeps us subjected and oppressed. The system we have now is overly
complex and based solely on a concept of fiction, money. What is the most definite role of our
government? It is the largest spender in and outside the economy. Every year it collects trillions
in taxes than doubles that with a loan from the private Federal Reserve and spends it. If the
congress is gridlocked in partisanship and cannot agree on a spending bill the government shuts
down. The government is also the initiator of violent force because who else can take out a loan
for someone else? If I wanted to take out a loan but do it in the name of your children a bank
would say that I am crazy and that would be fraud. The government can do it though, take out
loans to pay for the instant gratification of past and present generations at the expense of future
ones. Those debts are to the private bankers running the Ponzi scheme that is government central
banking. The Federal Reserve act of 1913 marks the death of the economic sovereignty of
America and the beginning of covert rule by private banking interests. The name Federal Reserve
is itself a deception, much like the word bank, because all banks on all levels engage in
fractional reserve banking. This is the operating system of humanity. Private entities with
obvious conflicts of interest acting as a quasi-government agency, meaning they wield the power
of government without the checks and balances of a constitutional branch. Furthermore, the way
money is made is a Ponzi scheme. Money is created out of nothing by private banks, loaned into
existence at interest, which when paid overtime amounts to profits vastly exceeding the principle

to the banks, especially for personal loans like mortgages, something 99% of us need to own a
house. They also keep a fraction of the money banked with them so when you have savings, most
of that money is invested elsewhere, they only keep about 10-20% of money on reserve, hence
fractional reserve. All loans made are entirely new money in the form of debt but with interest
there can never be enough money in circulation to pay off all outstanding debts in existence.
Money must be printed in excess of the previous years debts each year every year creating a
system that can only function through infinite economic growth which cannot be sustained. We
can use resources blindly in a market system to cater to every fantasy and whimsical desire for
material things we want even though we end up throwing it away to get the next new thing. The
next new thing will always come to the detriment of the planet because there is not incentive to
create something that is useful and durable because a company can make a product sell it and
then make a slightly better product and sell that as the next big thing. This is intrinsic or planned
obsolescence and a perfect example of this is smart phones. Our phones all do the same basic
thing, make calls and texts, use the internet, and store data. Even though all phones are already
the same thing new ones are released every day with one simple update or cosmetic difference
that frankly could have been added to previous models if they spent a little more time at the
drawing board and the obsessive motive to make profits over progress didnt exist. But we like to
have choices, even though my phone has the same functionality as yours I like the look and size
of mine better than yours and you like iOS. However these kinds of choices, what phone do I
want, what style clothing do I prefer, these products offer us the illusion of choice. Do we choose
when the next mass production cell phone comes out using more resources than the last even
though it only does the same basic things as the last? Do we choose what methods of energy
collection are used to power the manufacturing plants that make these useless gadgets and

clothes that go out of style and are thrown away once something that is only perceived to be
better comes along? Do we choose who dies and who lives, what animals and environments are
exploited and destroyed? No, we allow the market system to decide these things, a system,
foundationally controlled by a select few individuals in a top down fashion. A fictional and
abstract concept, the market, guided by a fictional yet less abstract concept, money. We have
been conditioned over generations to see no other formation of a free society other than markets
and money. How will we know how much something is worth without a price system? By
valuing reality. Money has distorted the value system that is intrinsic to life. The life of a fly is
not valued less or more than a human in the eyes of nature because a massive hurricane or
volcanic eruption will kill whatever it comes in contact with. A human being cannot drink salt
water (without technology) any more than a lion could so an extreme drought will kill us both.
What we need to understand is that nature is constantly evolving, so is our technology and
cognitive capabilities however our consciousness and what we value as a collective is not. This is
why what we need to solve our problems and mitigate the disasters weve caused and prevent
worse ones in the future, is not any kind of revolution, political or spiritual. What we need is an
evolution of consciousness reflected in our values and systematic operation. We have the
technology to harness infinite amounts of energy with no price tag. As an intelligent species
harnessing free energy our entire concepts of economics, government, and free enterprise will
change dramatically. We will have no need for money and unnecessary work. Free energy will
allow us to have free and abundant water through new methods of desalination and abundant
food due to new industrial farming techniques. We have the resources and the ingenuity to make
life free and basic necessities abundant for all people while reducing our environmental impact.
Knowing that the Earth has no concept of price and does not charge us for the resources we

usurp from her, why do we insist on charging one another for necessary communal function? It is
when we see that common decency and love transcends greed and selfishness will we be able to
live in a world without money. Money creates structural incentive to make profit and live in
excess. To manipulate people and the land to give us more, not just enough. To hold short term
profits higher on a pedestal than long term progress and make the tradeoff of inherent selfinterest for greed. At a basic level all life operates in accordance with its own self-interest in
order to pass along its DNA into new generations because life just wants to continue living. But,
is it in our own self-interest and the interest our offspring to continually and systematically
destroy the planet in delusion of our self-appointed rulers? It is not governments making these
detrimental decisions but rather a corruption of our elected officials by money and supranational
entities. In our government big money bribes have become a legal normality because of citizens
united. We did not vote on this decision because it was made by the Supreme Court yet as
citizens we do not dissent at such overt corruption. We continue to wade through the waters of
currency and by remaining silent and passive to the status quo we all serve individually to
collectively empower the embodiment of evil. That evil resides in the money elite. Those with
tremendous wealth and market power. Those in positions of resource acquisition, whose intended
goal, not at a fault of their own but a fault of our collective folly, is to make a profit and have a
bottom line to please investors. Investors that have no stated interest in the health of the
environment and who are disconnected from the actions of the corporation. However that bottom
line does not take into account the long term effects of our actions, it does not take into account
that enslavement of future generations through national debt, and it surely does not take into
account any principals of common decency. This is all a byproduct of the monetary system and
incentive structure that is built into the concept of money. While incentivizing negative behaviors

such as greed, exploitation, manipulation, theft, and fraud, money is facilitating the degradation
of our values and the destruction of the planet. We cannot intelligently utilize the advanced
technologies that have been created because there is no profit in making things free. Free energy
will become a basis for a free society yet we are dumbfounded by the conceptual upheaval that
getting rid of money would bring but its really all about how we perceive each other. Are we
consumers or citizens? Are we in competition or cooperation? Are we separated or as one? Many
of us imagine that getting rid of money would only lead to confusion and barbarism but that is
just a product of lifelong conditioning and coercion into accepting money as the end all be all of
exchange. Earlier in our history money was brought about by necessity and this was a step in the
evolution of our species. Today money is the very thing holding us back from our evolution,
keeping us from intelligently applying our technology where it is needed. As our technology has
advanced and money has become just slips of paper and digits on a screen we have become more
fundamentally disconnected form the reality of nature, pushing the real costs of our civilization
onto future generations. I am not here to say Im smarter than the rest of the world but to show us
all that what we are doing is illogical and immoral. To be harbingers of destruction then leave
our children to pick up the pieces. Industrial society and capitalism competition played its part in
advancing our technology but now we must apply that technology to make life free and to live in
the natural state of abundance that is the Planet Earth. We have enough resources to make this
possible but not if we continue wasting them for unnecessary products that give us instant
gratification yet long term servitude. If our religion was constituted by what we focus on
everyday then our God is debt and death, not happiness and spirituality. If there is a
manifestation of evil on this planet than it is money and the people that control it and use it to
manipulate the planet and humanity. And if God is good and Saint Marys is just one

embodiment of what is good in human beings, kindness, common decency, and love for others,
minimizing our impact on the Earth and furthering the betterment of society and advancement in
technology than we must rally against the monetary paradigm and the people who control it.
Once again this does not mean dropping our lives and descending into chaotic revolution but
rather to continue what we are doing and spread this message until a critical mass of awakening
is achieved then to actually do what we are talking about. Money only serves as a facilitation and
justification for doing things but when we change what we value to be prosperity for all and see
that the only real power is that which is vested in our minds will we be able to prosper. We do
not need conceptual facilitation by fiction only the realization that people will do what is in their
best interest. On this Earth there are people with functional knowledge and capability. There are
many of those people right here at SMC in our science departments who can help us. In order for
this plan to be enacted we need only connect the experts in various fields with the people who
are willing to make the world a better place. The Earth has the resources and we have the
knowledge to produce the labor. Take this simple scenario as a blueprint for the future. An
engineer who holds the blueprints and functional knowledge of how to build a free energy device
or implement solar farms goes to a community and says I need 100 volunteers to help me build
the energy infrastructure needed to bring your whole community free energy for many lifetimes
to come. 100 people, probably more would step up and help, build the infrastructure learn to
maintain it and live peacefully. Then we use that free energy to build a desalination plant so that
the community now can have free, abundant clean water from the oceans for generations. People
would do it on a voluntary basis, knowing that the Earth is not charging us money for the
resources so we shouldnt charge each other for the knowledge and labor because the end result
of free energy and water essentially forever is mutually beneficial for everyone in the community

and outside it as well because if we dont have to worry about resource acquisitions we will no
longer have the need for war and the entire concept of power would dissolve to the most local
and responsive level allowing for self-governance and determination on the most intimate scale
based on common decency. We have to realize how this works, all based on common decency
and mutual respect for all life, concepts I know we can all get behind if money wasnt an issue.
Take away all the unnecessary jobs we do for money pushing paper at corporations and using
resources to make unnecessary products to fulfill our short term desires. Then ask, what are the
necessary jobs we need to live the way we have established ourselves to live, in communities of
homes with electricity, plumbing, water and food? Those are just the basic municipal services we
have become accustom to living with and establish a high standard of living. Those few jobs can
be dispersed on a local level, everyone can cycle through the various low skill jobs and if they
want to they can aspire to take up the higher skill jobs. We will do these jobs based on the mutual
understanding that we need to do these jobs for each other. This foundation of knowing whats
necessary then basing our reliance on common decency basically boils down to this: I work one
to three days a week in the various municipal services necessary for a community to function
because I know my neighbor will do the same for me just like everyone else in the community.
We have no need to work more than 10 hours or so a week because there is so many of us and so
few jobs. In the monetary paradigm we live with the notion that mechanization, robots, will take
our jobs and this will hurt our economy and we will have to find new jobs for these displaced
workers. Outside of the monetary paradigm mechanization is a blessing because it means fewer
things we need to spend our time doing and more freedom. Life is about the connections we
make with other people, our relationships, and expressing ourselves creatively through art and
learning new skills and concepts. In a free future like this one I propose, peer to peer dominated

educational institutions will be rendered completely unnecessary because there will be no need to
indoctrinate children to function in an overly complex society. As children we are naturally
curious about the world and our main function is simply learning and being happy. Our natural
curiosity shows us things we are interested in and what we want to do with our lives. We all
knew what we wanted to be as a kid, an astronaut or musician but that is taken away from us
when we are forced into school that teaches us all to be the same. In a free future we can grow up
learning and discovering, being in nature and becoming our best selves from the moment we are
born. If a child wants to pursue science, art, or music they can do it during their adolescence and
continue doing it without the burden of the state and homework and the need to make money in
order to survive. Then at a proper age when they have gone through the necessary cognitive
growth to understand our society we tell our children how the world works and what their
responsibilities are.
This is how I would explain this world to my child: You love art and you can continue doing
that all your life but when you get to a certain age (lets say 20?) you will have to start working
for your fellow human beings cycling around the various municipal jobs it takes for our
community to function in a healthy way. Just like how all the parts of your body function to
make you live there are some things we need to do for each other to make sure we can all live
comfortably. And know that all you friends are going to be a part of the work just like you
because we do it all for each other that way there is less to do individually for basic survival
(needs) and that is the beauty of common decency.
In this world we need only do the jobs that are necessary for life and if energy and water are free
on a community to community basis we can eliminate government because power will dissolve
to the lowest possible level of maintenance of the municipalities. This can all be done it only

takes many minds and a lot of love, empathy, and kindness towards one another. This plan will
not only reduce our environmental impact but also our social one. Kids will be free to really be
who they want to be and we can live in a state of abundance while self-limiting our own desires
based on common sense. Its all about the conceptual boundaries we put ourselves in and we need
to think outside the box that money creates in order for this to be possible. We need to reach a
critical mass of awakening then all it takes is for us to stand up and end this game being playing
on our backs by the bankers and corporate rulers making the decisions that will impact the planet
and humanity for generations to come. We can take our power back and make the world a better
place for all the animals that live on it.

We have the capability in us and the power within our minds to utilize the technology and
resources we have to create a truly free people and Earth for generations to come, if we are
smart, and consider these values. It only takes consciousness awareness to understand that this
world is all wrong, we have become civilized caged animals rather than evolving ones. IT only
takes us to start truly empowering ourselves and STOP accepting the US dollar and all forms of
currency and take action by committing to a more commonly decent, environmental conscious,
and technologically efficient world species to save the common heritage for your children, their
children, and their childrens children and so on, along with your neighbors and relatives across
the world. Not just humans but other animals, dont forget were just animals too. Not just dogs
and cats but cows, pigs, and chickens. What about horses and sheep. And these are just the
animals weve domesticated. What about the mollusks and corals of the ocean, our distant
relatives of life that provide a foundation for the great biodiversity of the ocean. ON the path of
destruction money lays out for us, this will all become a distant memory. If continue trudging on

through the river of currency we will hit an inevitable waterfall. Evident in the continued
collapses of our paper economy. The concept itself drives inequality through the incentivized
manipulation of people and social institutions for the profit and power of the most corrupt people
among us. Making decisions that will impact future generations of all animals and the beauty and
biodiversity of the planet. We have yet to intelligently utilize advanced free energy technology
that has existed for decades because there is no incentive to make things free in a world with
money. We can create a peaceful new world free from the shackles of mere concepts and thrust
ourselves into a world of sustainability and abundance by embracing our common decency and
heritage with all plants and animals. We must understand that our impact on the world is the
greatest and effects we can have with weapons technology and dirty energy can and has already
devastated aspects of life. We must rise above our animalistic nature if we truly want to say we
are not animals by embracing an animalistic lifestyle of living in tandem with nature on just what
we need to be free and full. As animals we can do whatever we put our minds to. We cannot
allow ourselves to be deceived any longer, we must embrace a commonly decent and modest
mentality with a modern outlook and stop empowering the evil fueled by money. An outlook
grounded in foundational change, long term planning, and disbursement of municipal power
down to the most local and responsive levels. In this way we can foster a growth pattern based in
love, acceptance, and freedom to be who we want, generationally, with the slightest extension of
a social contract based on common decency and sense, working for each other through mutual
voluntarism and peaceful parenting in a much more structurally peaceful world. Its the best we
could do with what we have now for the future to be able to thrive and be its best version so why
not do it? If anyone else has any ideas that could help or are contrary to what I have presented I
would be open to hearing them all. We can only create a world of beauty and right our wrongs if

we suspend our certainty that we cannot. What we can do right now is take to our respective
networks. Families, Friends, and colleagues and spread this message of possibility, love, and big
ideas for the future. IF we come to them with enough genuine intention and whole heartedness
this plan will resonate with all people. To know that we here at Saint Marys have established a
blueprint and provided a framework of thought to move with, we will not be working against the
old or waiting for it destroy itself and us all, we will simply be moving into the new. When our
individual networks, as well as free minded waking up every day to the reality of our system,
individuals who will inevitably join just based on internet media we put out. People will continue
to get on this same page if our message is real and true. More people joining will only increase
the chance for more people to join. This is all possible if we suspend our certainty that its not.
When people with functional knowledge are joined with the people of a specific place where
technology will benefit, the people will volunteer to build the infrastructure that can keep their
community and offspring living comfortably for generations. That is the foundation of common
decency. Living together and dividing the work, in our case in America, only the few municipal
jobs that will be left needed to do by humans to be able to live as comfortably as possible with
the least amount of unnecessary work required in our lifetime, for everyone. The more people in
a community the less days one person needs work in the few jobs that will be needed to be done
on a daily basis. We can all cycle around the various municipal jobs a couple days a week or
strive to become thoroughly educated to become a doctor or scientist, high intelligence jobs that
will also always be needed and, through mutual respect, seeing each other all as parts of the
human organism functioning as efficiently as possible. With this mentality and foundational basis
for society there is no telling the amazing, sustainable, and smart technological advances we can
have with computer science, robotics, physics, biotechnology, and so much more. All we have

accomplished already would be a waste if it were used to cater to petty desires or for control or
only existent for the pursuit of more weapons or maybe the more wasteful, arguably worse use of
technology, our unuse and suppression of key market breaking technologies. Even more
important than our technological innovations are our relationships and connection to life humans
are capable of in this dimension. We will be laying the foundation for a world peace and
prosperity for all and freedom for the earth and ourselves. Where we will be able to do what we
love, fulfil our lives by working personally for our own communities, and pursue in depth the
great love of our social relations and collective wisdom. I am also confident that this proposal,
being based wholly in our material reality, embraces a high moral outlook and consideration for
the wellbeing of all lifeforms for as many generations to come as possible in accordance with the
inevitably finite resources of earth yet the evident reality that those resources are effectively
abundant, for now. Our species has mastered the act of killing now lets master the ART of

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