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Q1. GC bearing of B from A is 138. GC bearing of A from B is
300. Find
(i) CA
(ii) Hemisphere in which A and B are located
(iii) RL bearing of A from B

Q2. GC bearing of A from B is 060. CA is 4. If both A and B
are in the NH, find
(i) RL bearing of A from B
(ii) RL bearing of B from A
(iii) GC bearing of B from A

Q3. GC bearing of O from P is 040, RL bearing of O from P is
042, find
(ii) Hemisphere in which O and P are situated
(iii) GC bearing of P from O

Q4. GC bearing of B from A is 280, RL bearing of A from B is
096, find
(i) CA
(ii) Hemisphere in which A and B are located
(iii) GC bearing of A from B

Q5. RL bearing of P from Q is 050, GC bearing of Q from P is
228, find

(ii) Hemisphere of 2 places
(iii)GC bearing of P from Q

Q6. P & Q are on a parallel of Lat 30N , P is at 8W longitude,
GC bearing of Q from P is 087. WHAT IS THE LONGITUDE
OF Q???

Q7. X is at 45S175W. Convergency between X and Y is 7
degrees. If Y is due West of X, Find
(i) GC bearing of Y from X
(ii) Longitude of Y

Q8. Earth COnvergency between 2 points, 8 deg longitude
apart is 7.2 deg. On the same parallel of Lat, P is 173W and Q
is 176E, find :
(i)GC bearing of P from Q in NH
(ii) GC bearing of Q from P in SH

Q9. RL bearing of A from B is 055, what is RL bearing of B
from A in (i)NH and (ii)SH?

Q10. GC bearing of A from B is 090, Convergency = 4, find
GC bearing of B from A in (i)NH and (ii)SH both.

Q11. On what latitude is the convergency between 2
meridians equal to twice their convergency on Lat 20N?

Q12. Position of X 6400S 1150W. Position of Y 6400S
0510W. Find

(i) COnvergency between meridians of X and Y

(ii) GC bearing of X from Y
(iii)RL track from X to Y

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