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Spreadsheet Skills and Tools

By Usmaan Ali

Drop down list

A drop-down list usually has a small arrow on the right, that you
click on to reveal a list of choices. You then make a choice, this
closes the drop down list and makes you selection appear in the
drop-down field.

I used drop down list on : Titles, type of tickets, requested

seating area, allocated seating area and Application

Conditional formatting
Conditional formatting will alter the appearance of a
cell depending on what it contains.
I used conditional formatting on :Titles, type of tickets,
gender, Application successful and allocated and requested
seating area.

This what a vlookup function does - it allows
you to find a value within a table given.

A Countif formula will add up numbers only if
those numbers meet certain conditions

Logical functions
I used 2 logical functions in one formula (AND,FIND)
The find function allows you to research a certain item, and the FIND
function allows you to search for more than one item.
I used this to validate my email addresses By checking the email has an
@ symbol a . and no spaces, I also made an error message to alert my

Data entry
A data entry form is
often used to input data
in a quicker way. And
easier to read.

Pie charts and graphs

A pie chart is used to show proportions and the total number
of values will always add up to a 100%.
Graphs normally have at least one vertical axis and a horizontal
axis that allows one set of data to be plotted against another.

Macro Buttons
Macro buttons is a useful way to move to one
page to another by pressing one button.

The reason why we use a password on our spreadsheet is
because it has personal information about other people and it
can only be changed by people who know the password. To
make it a strong password you must use a mixture of capital
and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

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