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140 Ancient Secret Mantras

140 Amazing Mantras and Chants That Can Fulfil Your Fondest Dreams



Find a quiet room in which you will not be disturbed. You will need a straight-back chair on
which to sit. Sit down, keep your spine erect, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply.
Now slowly repeat the desired chant, to be vibrated from the bottom of the lungs. Do this a
total of fifty-two times, after which you can continue with your normal, daily routine.
Whilst repeating the chosen chant keep the object of your desire firmly fixed within your
mind. You are to repeat this entire exercise once a day, at a time convenient to you.
Continue until you receive your hearts desire, which should be obtained in a very short space
of time, usually between seven and ten days.
NOTE: The chants herein are to be pronounced as they are spelt.


TIGRIS Use this chant for overall success.

HUYUK Use this chant to induce astral travel.
AEUNN Use this chant to gain the love of a specific person or persons.
ENLIL Use this chant for financial gain.
ZIGGURATS Use this chant to heal a barren womb.
NIKIL Use this chant to gain clairvoyant abilities (To see into the past and to foresee
future events.)
LUGAL Use this chant to detect lost objects.
URUK Use this chant to win games where luck is involved such as pool, cards, bingo,
horse racing, etc.
NINKILIM Use this chant to remove any type of phobia.
UMMIA Use this chant to rid any unwanted person from your life.
NANNAIYA Use this chant to boost your sex drive.
NINGAL Use this chant to heal both mental and physical ailments.
URNAMMU Use this chant to induce lucidity within a dream (To become conscious
within a dream.)
SHULGI Use this chant to gain recognition in a chosen area of life.
LAZULI Use this chant to boost your physical strength.
NIMKACY Use this chant to gain telekinetic abilities (To move objects with the power of
the mind.)
EUTRUSCAN Use this chant for good visualisation abilities.
NINGRISU Use this chant to strengthen your memory.
ZAGGRO Use this chant to gain control over other peoples thoughts.
LUGALLASAGESI Use this chant to render any enemy harmless.
AKKAK Use this chant to telepathically communicate with others.

ISHTAAR Use this chant to improve your predictive abilities.

HAMMURABY Use this chant to ensure a balanced state of mind.
CEREPLUX Use this chant for general happiness.
TECCAS Use this chant for psychic protection.
BITTATY Use this chant to rid any addiction.
AKABIYAN Use this chant to detect any enemies.
SHUSHU Use this chant to gain mediumistic abilities (To communicate with departed
GESHTYN Use this chant to attract desired employment.
ATTRAHASIS Use this chant for physical protection.
NEPHERAPHTI Use this chant to overcome shyness.
AMMUNN Use this chant to gain direct communion with God.
HELPHTAFMANNY Use this chant to gain control over weather patterns.
ASHKKEENUTT Use this chant to gain the respect of employers.
NETCHERGAMU Use this chant to return any negative spell that has been cast against
you back to the sender.
HALUGANCHY Use this chant to gain invisibility from chosen persons.
PETTATRION Use this chant to succeed in any legal dispute.
GEDBEGURU Use this chant for meditating (This chant will still the mind.)
SOBEKTI Use this chant to turn an enemy into a friend.
DJERGU Use this chant to summon your guardian angel to appear before you (Only use
when his services are absolutely necessary.)
GARNOPIC Use this chant to induce levitation of the body.
VASTABA Use this chant to gain clairaudient abilities (To hear spirit and angelic voices.)
ZAQGURRA Use this chant to regress into past lives.
RARIT Use this chant to help with artistic pursuits.
EKFAPHRATYNE Use this chant to ensure protection of material objects such as house,
any mode of transport, etc.

KATEMU Use this chant for longevity (To increase the life-span of anything alive.)
TOWFAROT Use this chant to bestow virility.
KILCOTH Use this chant for success in any sponsoring activity.
MAATT Use this chant to receive anything that is owed to you.
MEKERETRE Use this chant to cure both male and female sterility.
PTHOPTECK Use this chant to gain entry into the Akashic library.
BYBLOSTYIOUS Use this chant for the ability to read the human aura.
PUABY Use this chant to gain information about your future incarnation.
KHUFTU Use this chant to prevent others from locking into your thoughts.

SWAFTIF Use this chant to heal arthritis.
ZASSU Use this chant to heal lung disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, etc.
ASUAN Use this chant to heal bladder infections.
MINNAK Use this chant to heal skin irritations such as eczema, measles, etc.
MYCENNO Use this chant to heal headaches.
OMPEDMI Use this chant to heal open wounds.
CHETHURUK Use this chant to heal stomach complaints.
TALLNYET Use this chant to heal influenza.
KEPURUTH Use this chant to prevent hair-loss.
PSAZTHYRE Use this chant to heal ear infections.
GALIPAL Use this chant to prevent tooth decay. Use also to ease toothache.
ELYSIAD Use this chant to heal torn muscles or tissues.
SHEEKAP Use this chant to heal sexually transmitted diseases.
LIAZUSU Use this chant to ease heart palpitations.
GANHAL Use this chant to heal sore gums.
TYFHAIIA Use this chant to overcome agoraphobia.
KURUCK Use this chant to overcome claustrophobia.
PWANABAL Use this chant to reverse any swelling.
PAPURJAMA Use this chant to overcome general nervousness.
YANCKABAN Use this chant to lower high blood pressure.

For an occultist to know the mantra, or words of power of any god-form, is to know how to
personally communicate with that god or goddess. For example, if the adept be a black
magician, he can, by use of mantras, call up and command an inferior spiritual being, because
a particular rate of vibration is attached to each individual spirit in existence, and to formulate
this as sound in a mantra will give the occultist the power to order any spirit to do his work.
A mantra is not spoken as normal speech but vibrated from the deep depths of the lungs, just
as a baritone uses his voice.
The following mantras each belong to individual universal vibrations, and if used correctly
will make almost anything possible to achieve.
Phenomenal changes in consciousness will be produced by the mantras; do not allow this to
disturb you in any way. What this means is that auric energy is being released when this
point is reached and it is a sure sign that things are moving in the right direction.
Mantras should in no way be taken lightly or mis-used. They are extremely powerful and
incorrect use of them can cause mental disorders, so please take note.
There is no need to construct any special temple to do the mantras in, just a room in which
you feel comfortable and where you will not be disturbed. You will need a straight-backed
chair, to support your spine, and a pair of earplugs as this will amplify the vibrations being
worked with.
Sit down, close your eyes and slowly breath in to the count of four, hold in for two, and
exhale to the count of four. Do this exercise for about five minuted before re-starting any
work with the mantras.
After this exercise, place in your earplugs and sit quietly for about a few minutes, then when
ready repeat the desired mantras a total of fifty-two times.
The mantras are to be pronounced as they are spelt unless otherwise stated. When this has
been done sit quietly for another couple of minutes and think about what you desire.
The chosen mantra ritual is to be done once a day until you succeed in getting what you want,
which will take no longer than seven days to achieve.

BAEL Use this mantra for making yourself or an object invisible to other people.
AGARES Use this mantra to produce activity where there is stagnation.
VASSAGO Use this mantra for both psychic and physical protection.
SAMIGINA Use this mantra to stop any bad feeling between people; also use to correct
any mistake.
MARBAS Use this mantra to pass examinations; good for all educational work.
VALEFOR Use this mantra for all inner workings such as pathworking.
AMON Use this mantra in any legal disputes.
BARBATOS Use this mantra to remove any spell cast upon you or friends.
PAIMON Use this mantra to remove anything unwanted.
BUER Use this mantra to heal any ailments.
GUSION Use this mantra to receive any secret information.
SITRI Use this mantra to gain sex drive, or to make others gain sex drive.
BELETH Use this mantra to gain the love of someone special.
LERAJE Use this mantra to cure headaches or for a general pick-me-up.
ELIGOS Use this mantra for inner strength and positivity.
ZEPAR Use this mantra to ensure conception; use for all fertility rites.
BOTIS Use this mantra for tranquillity and general happiness.
BATHIN Use this mantra to separate the consciousness from the physical and project onto
the astral plane. Use also to dream lucidly.
SALLOS Use this mantra to become at-one with all creation.
PURSON Use this mantra for successful interviews, blind dates and for successful business
MARAX Use this mantra for clear and mature thinking.
IPOS Use this mantra to overcome any kind of phobia.

AIM Use this mantra for easier breathing. Excellent for asthma.
NABERIOUS Use this mantra for communication with discarnate friends, spirits and
GLASYALABOLAS Use this mantra to dissolve any unwanted situation.
BUNE Use this mantra to gain large amounts of money.
RONOVE Use this mantra for general stability.
BERITH Use this mantra to gain recognition.
ASTAROTH Use this mantra for overall success.
FORNEUS Use this mantra to gain fame in a chosen career.
FORAS Use this mantra for good health and a long life.
ASMODAY Use this mantra to abstain spirit help and guidance.
GAAP Use this mantra to keep secrets hidden from others.
FURFUR Use this mantra to keep tempers cool; good for calmness.
MARCHOSIAS Use this mantra to summon your personal guardian angel.
STOLAS Use this mantra for practicality.
PHENEX Use this mantra for general happiness and tranquillity.
HALPHAS Use this mantra for self-esteem and moral strength.
MALPHAS Use this mantra when feeling down (It will pick you up.)
RAUM Use this mantra to receive visions of lost objects, and where they will be.
FOCALOR Use this mantra to return negative spells back to their sender.
VEPAR Use this mantra to prevent storms from breaking down hot, settled, summer
SABNOCK Use this mantra to send telepathic messages.
SHAX Use this mantra to keep enemies at bay. A protection mantra.
VINE Use this mantra if you desire to formulate your own rituals and spells. It will
enhance creativity.
BIFRONS Use this mantra to strengthen your willpower.

VUAL Use this mantra to gain psychometric abilities (The reading and interpreting of
vibrations within an object.)
HAAGENTI Use this mantra to transform your life from old habits to new adventures.
CROCELL Use this mantra for general happiness.
FURCAS Use this mantra to gain clairvoyant abilities to divine the future.
BALAM Use this mantra to communicate with the spiritual masters.
ALLOCES Use this mantra to gain wisdom directly from the spirit-source.
CAMIO Use this mantra for good intuitive abilities.
MURMUR Use this mantra to induce total calmness in both body and mind.
OROBAS Use this mantra to induce ethereal projection (To project the consciousness from
the physical body and travel anywhere at will within the physical plane.)
GREMORY Use this mantra to see with clairvoyant sight.
OSE Use this mantra to gain telekinetic abilities (To be able to move objects with the
AMY Use this mantra to gain the ability to interpret the message of dreams.
ORIAS Use this mantra to control weather patterns as you choose.
VAPULA Use this mantra to produce divine sounds within your place of abode (You will
hear divine messages.)
ZAGAN Use this mantra to gain mediumship abilities.
VALAC Use this mantra to gain entry into the Elysian Fields. (The land where the gods of
Ancient Greece reside.)
ANDRAS Use this mantra to release negative thoughts from your mind.
HAURES Use this mantra for creative abilities, such as painting, writing, playing
instruments, etc.
ANDREALPHUS Use this mantra to summon the salamander spirits to work under your
command. (Do not pronounce the second letter A in this mantra.)
CIMEJES Use this mantra to insure against theft and fire.
AMDUSIAS Use this mantra to gain the ability to see the human aura.

BELIAL Use this mantra to raise kundalini, move the spirit outside the physical body to
travel at will. (The spirit is pure, so this exercise is not the same as projection of the etheric
DECARABIA Use this mantra to dissolve negative thought patterns.
SEERE Use this mantra to obtain information on who you were in previous lives.
DANTALION Use this mantra to gain visions of the hereafter and loved ones who have
passed on.
ANDROMALIUS Use this mantra for deep meditational work.

The chakras are situated within the physical body. They are where psychic energy circulates,
and when these are activated it results in the individual becoming psychically sensitive and
gaining mediumship.
There are seven psychic points. These are shown as below:


Bottom of Spine
Center of Forehead
The Crown (Top of the head, facing the sky)

Each chakra has an associated mantra, which enables the individual to activate the powers
that lie dormant within. Working with the following mantras will, in time, result in you
becoming a master in your own right.
Each chakra is associated with a certain day of the week, therefore only work on the mantras
on their proper days. This will be beneficial and ensure eventual success. The mantras are to
be worked with indefinitely. Once mediumship has been obtained, keep on with the exercises
so that it does not slip away from you.

MULADHARA Day of the week: Sunday
SVADHISTHANA Day of the week: Monday
MANIPURA Day of the week: Tuesday
ANAHAT Day of the week: Wednesday
VISHUDA Day of the week: Thursday
AHNA Day of the week: Friday
SAHASRARA Day of the week: Saturday

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