Higher Education Sector, 2 (2), 193-207. Retrieved From

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Inayati, Nina. (2013).

International journal of innovation in English language teaching and

research. Sytematic Analysis of TESOL Practitioners Use of Social Media in the
Higher Education Sector, 2(2), 193-207. Retrieved from http://eresources.pnri.go.id:2057/docview/1438034116?pq-origsite=summon (Accessed on
15 March, 2015)

This journal is a reviewing and generalizing several previous studies, which held by the
studies on the social media uses. It is to show the impact of implementing an online course
due to enhance students language proficiency in higher education level. The topic includes
sum of social media devices that has own valuable features both in written or audio form in
order to help students to upload and give comments towards their friends posts, then revise
and submit it again through posting. Hence, that was the way how the interactive media work.
The evidence shows that through this way students can improve either their writing or
speaking skills productively. Blogs, wikis, Facebook, Skype, and YouTube were the technical
social media tools, which have widely known by the teacher and students to implement in
English language teaching recently. No matter what, there were strength and drawback of
social media utilization. While the author does not mention in detail of higher education age,
it was for students in under or post graduate. Because when we implemented it in Indonesia
for master or doctoral degree, who has as old as using internet networks, it will ineffective
manner to go way back. Nevertheless, she also embedded some suggestions that must be held
by the following researchers to tackle down further research. It is an extremely useful journal
for the teacher in order to obtain students attention using the media networks, which is trend
and hot applications nowadays, and enclosing sufficient references for them to do their
assessments. That reliable reason makes me choose this journal to be my main preference on
my next project.

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