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Teaching a child with autism to read

Autism is a neurological disorder that affects a childs ability to

understand language, communicate, play and relate to others, very often affects
the childs language and can have a strong effect on the childs reading.
Most children with autism are visual learners and need to have their
material presented to them visually, they do better with simple, and minimal
instructions for completing a task.
Ways to teach them to read:
many autistic children get fixate on a special interests, and this passion can be
used as an advantage when teaching. For example if they like cars you can give
them to read books about cars;
if they like toys you can stick a card with the first letter or even the whole name
of the toy and whenever they want the toy they have to read the letter or the
word on the card;
many children with autism like playing on the computer so you can search for
them reading apps and online books;
flash cards with pictures are also very helpful for this particular children;
some children can sing better than they can speak, they may respond better if
words and sentences are sung to them;
children often rely better on their touch sense, then letters can be taught by
letting them feel plastic letters;
Every child with autism diagnosis learns in a unique way. This means
that what works for one child may not work for another.

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