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A) Complete the sentences. Use the past simple, past continuous, present perfect or past perfect
form of the verbs in brackets. (English Alive 4, End-of-year test 1)

I was looking out of the window when I saw the accident.

A: How long have you lived here? B: Since I was born.

We havent bought a ticket yet. Well buy it tonight.

They went to China ten years ago.

I have known him since he was a baby.

She realised that she had forgotten her mobile, so she went back home to pick it up.

It was snowing when he woke up.

B) Complete the sentences. Use the gerund or infinitive of the verbs in brackets. (English Alive 4,
End-of-year test 2)

Its best to wear warm clothes.

She decided to tell her mother.

Going to the cinema has become very expensive.

Im really shy about meeting people for the first time.

Id hate to live in a city.

My mother hates doing the washing up.

A: Did you remember to post the letter I gave you?

B: Oops! No, I forgot, but Ill do it tomorrow morning, ok?

A: Do you remember Anne, the girl I met at the party?

B: What party? To be honest, I dont remember going to any party with you!

C) Complete the conditional sentences. Use the First, Second or Third Conditional form of the
verbs in brackets. (English Alive 4, End-of-year test 1, ex 4)

If theyd seen him, they would have told the police.

If she arrives tomorrow, we will meet her at the airport.

If we spent less money, we wouldnt be so poor.

They wouldnt visit that country if they didnt have relatives there.

D) Write the following sentences in reported speech. (English Alive 4, Unit 3 test)

1 Ill answer the phone.

He said he would answer the phone.
2 My sister is getting married.
She said her sister was getting married.
3 I am very good at football.
He told me he was very good at football.
4 Where did you buy your shoes?
I asked her where she had bought her shoes.
5 Were going to have a party.
They said they were going to have a party.
6 Jade, you have to say sorry.

Jades mum told her to say sorry / that she had to say sorry.
7 What is his girlfriend called?
I wanted to know what his girlfriend was called.
8 They can speak French and Spanish.
They said they could speak French and Spanish.
9 How many English words do you know?
I asked her how many English words she knew.
10 Have you seen any good films recently?
She was wondering if I had seen any good films recently.
E) Complete the text with the verbs in the box. (English Alive 4, Unit 4 test)
When I was five, I (1) had to go to bed at seven oclock. That was the rule! But I always slept well.
Even though I went to bed really early, I (2) could sleep all night. I (3) couldnt speak English when
I was five, but now I (4) can speak English and French. I (5) dont have to go to bed at seven
oclock these days, but Im often not tired and I (6) cant sleep. Especially tonight, as Im worried
about my English test!
F) Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. One of the words is extra, so you
dont need to use it. (English Alive 4, Unit 4 test)

He isnt answering the phone. He cant be in.

He might be at his friends house.
He might not want to speak to me.


They are laughing. They must be happy.

They cant be sad.
They might be listening to a joke.


John has broken his leg. That must be painful.

He might not come to school. He cant walk.
He could be in the hospital still.


Real Madrid have won the league. They must be better than the others.
Barcelona cant be the champions.
If Barcelona win tonight, they might finish second. It depends on the other results.

G) Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE,
Dear Gary,
How are you? I (a) havent heard from you for a while. (b) Have you found a job yet? I (c) had an
interview last week, but I think the interviewers (d) had already chosen the person they wanted. Im not
worried, though, because I (e) am going to three more interviews next week.
(f) Are you still going out with Annabel? You (g) have been together for a long time, havent you? If you
asked her to get married, (h) would she say yes? I (i) split up with my girlfriend last month, but were still
friends. I (j) see her quite often at the sports centre.
Well, I must go now. Write soon with your news.
Best wishes,

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