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Otomatisasi Sorting, Termodinamika dan Actuator untuk

Optimalisasi Daur Ulang Sampah Bantargebang

Kukuh Satrio Wibowo1 , Irmansyah2
Computer Engineering, Faculty of Diploma, Bogor Agricultural University
West Java, Indonesia
Email :,

Landfill is a waste management point of using recycling systems utilize bacterial
decay by means of landfill. Recycling process increasing capability relies on the technology
applied in TPST. The spacious Bantargebang is 110.3 ha. Currently the land area which is
already used by 97%, the rest is 3% is expected to accommodate more waste until the year
of 2023, with the existing of composting and GALFAD (gasification / pyrolisis, landfill gas,
anaerobic digestion), the result hadnt had significant impact on quality of TPST
improvement. Thus, the need for waste management process more effective and efficient by
utilizing waste processing technologies. This methods apply the best technology
automatically sorting, thermodynamics, cracking, refining and actuators. The direct purpose
of this design is to apply the thermodynamic converter technology of garbage on TPST.
Import of organic and non-organic trash into the processing machine. In this machine, there
are four samples, are samples of soft litter, forest litter samples, samples of electronic waste,
metal trash samples. Trash is treated to its type, consistent with the results of research on the
standard of the melting point of the sample. Thermodynamic method applied is to make the
isolation process of the temperature on each sample to avoid confusion in the sorting process.
And with the temperature relevant to the melting point, boiling bins are ready extracted into
the chemical elements. The separation of the material output of the form of the element - the
element that separated mixed corresponding elements that can be accommodated samples
corresponding elements. Material elements provided by the garbage that has been extracted
will be used as a molding material 3D printers which can be modified and adjusted as
Keyword : sorting; thermodynamic; cracking; refinig; actuator.

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