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You must complete the following research questions for BOTH of your planets.


1. Planet Name
2. What does the Planet's name mean?
In Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture
3. Where is your planet located?
It is the sixth planet from the sun, and is the second
biggest in the solar system
4. How far from the sun is your planets orbit?
1.433 billion Km
5. Is the planets orbit unusual?
Saturns orbit is in an elliptical shape, but all planets do that,
so it is normal
6. How long does it take for your planet to rotate on its own axis?
10. 656 hours
7. How long does it take your planet to orbit around the sun?
10, 755.7 Saturn revolves around the sun once every 29.4
earth years
8. How big is your planet?
5.683 10^26 kg (95.16 M)
9. How does it relate in size to the other planets?
Saturn is much bigger than all of the planets in the solar
system, except for Jupiter, which is bigger
What is your planets mass?
5.683 10^26 kg (95.16 M)

What is the force of gravity at the surface of your planet?
The gravity on Saturn is 107% the gravity on earth, so if one
weighs 100 pounds on earth, youd weigh 107 pounds on Saturn
How much would you weigh on your planet?
(I dont know my own weight, so Im just going to invent
Earth Weight: 150
Saturn Weight: 157
What is the composition of the atmosphere of your planet?
Its mostly made up of hydrogen, and the rest is helium. In
smaller regions, one can also find methane and ammonia
What is the temperature range on your planet?
288 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 178 degrees Celsius), Saturn is a
pretty cool(cold) planet.
What types of minerals are found on/ in your planets crust?
Not many, they are mostly found on the minerals in the rings
of the planet. There might be captured asteroids and remains of
stars and planets
What are the layers of your planet?
The layers of Saturn are very deep and made of liquid, but it isnt
water. The first liquid layer inside Saturn, right under the
atmosphere, is the liquid hydrogen layer. Under the liquid hydrogen
layer is a liquid metallic hydrogen layer.
At the deepest part of Saturn is the core.
What does your planet look like?
It is very big and its round. Its surface is a beige color that
mixes with dark and light shades of orange, yellow, and red. The
most interesting part of this planet is that it has rings around it,
rings that are made out of minerals and that are attracted to the
Why does your planet look this way?
Because many minerals from space circle Saturn more than
the other planets.

If there are moons orbiting your planet, describe them and
when they were discovered.
Christiaan Huygens discovered the first known moon of
Saturn. The year was 1655 and the moon was Titan. Giovanni
Domenico Cassini made the next four discoveries: Iapetus (1671),
Rhea (1672), Dione (1684), and Tethys (1684). Mimas and Enceladus
were both discovered by William Herschel in 1789.
If there are rings orbiting your planet, describe them and
when they were discovered.
They surround the planet all around and look like many
striped rings, but if you look closer, you realize that they are
actually just many minerals in the SHAPE of rings. They were
discovered in 1610.
How would a human being survive on your planet?
Saturn cannot support life, human or otherwise. The gas giant
planet has an average temperature of -288 degrees Fahrenheit and
is composed only of gases with no solid surface. Depending on the
composition of its core, landing on such a planet might be
Have spacecraft visited your planet? If yes, when, for how
long, and what did they discover?
In 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by and
study Saturn up close. Voyager 1 flew by in 1980 and Voyager 2 in
1981. These spacecrafts studied many of the moons of Saturn as
well. In July 2004, the Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn.
If spacecraft have not visited your planet, why do you think
they have not visited? And, could they visit some time in the future,
Maybe it was because the planet was too big or maybe too far away
for our technology to reach it. Maybe in the future, when we have
even BETTER technology we will get more advanced details of
Tell when your planet was discovered and by who.
.Saturn was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei
A fun fact about your planet.
Saturn can be seen with the naked eye:

It is the fifth brightest object in the solar system and is also easily studied
through binoculars or a small telescope.
A photo of your planet

1. Planet Name: Pluto
2. What does the Planet's name mean?
The name comes from a latinized form of Greek. It was derived
from the word ploutos which means wealth.
3. Where is your planet located?
Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun. It is right next to the
planet Neptune and the farthest planet from all the other
planets in the solar system.
4. How far from the sun is your planets orbit?
5.9 billion kilometers from the sun.
5. Is the planets orbit unusual?
Pluto is an unusual orbit because it takes about 248 Earth
years for Pluto to orbit around the sun. The orbital path that
Pluto takes it more elliptical and and it is inclined at an of 17
degrees. Which means that sometimes pluto can be closer to
the sun than other times.
6. How long does it take for your planet to rotate on its own axis?
About 6.4 Earth days to spin around once around its own axis.

7. How long does it take your planet to orbit around the sun?
About 248 years.
8. How big is your planet?
1,185 kilometers(radius).
9. How does it relate in size to the other planets?
Pluto is much smaller compared to other planets so it cant
really relate to other planets.
What is your planets mass?
13,050,000,000,000 billion kilograms.
What is the force of gravity at the surface of your planet?
0.658 m/s
How much would you weigh on your planet?
If I weighed 100 pounds then I would only be like 6 pounds in
Which means you have to multiply the number of pounds you
weigh with 0.06.
What is the composition of the atmosphere of your planet?
Some absorptions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen ices and
also solid methane.
What is the temperature range on your planet?
-229 degrees celsius.
What types of minerals are found on/ in your planets crust?
The minerals in Pluto are unknown but many believe that you
can find ices.
What are the layers of your planet?
The layers of Pluto are Ice I, Ice III snow, Ice V, Ice VI, liquid
ocean, and the core.
What does your planet look like?
It is a really small planet and it is round. The color is mostly
brown and very down of the planet you can see the shape of a
heart with a lighter shade of brown.

Why does your planet look this way?
The reason why it is kind of brownish the planet is because it
probably has no atmosphere. The color must have came from a
terrain directly.
If there are moons orbiting your planet, describe them and
when they were discovered.
Pluto has 5 moons. They are called Charon, Nix, Hydra,
Kerberos, and Styx. What the Charon looks like is kind of a
light brown. The Nix looks like a black planet. The Hydra is
color green. The Styx is grey. Finally, the Kerberos is kind of
reddish and orange. Charon was found in June 22, 1978, the
Nix and Hydra were found in June 21, 2006, Kerberos was
found in July 20, 2011, and the Styx was found in July 7, 2012.
If there are rings orbiting your planet, describe them and
when they were discovered.
Pluto has no rings orbiting around its planet.
How would a human being survive on your planet?
It wouldnt be very possible because there barely is sunlight
there, you arent able to grow anything there, the temperature
it too cold that it would freeze you to death no matter how
many clothes you wear. Also, there is no liquid water in there
and the gravity is only 7% of the Earth.
Have spacecraft visited your planet? If yes, when, for how
long, and what did they discover?
No, no one has gone to pluto.
If spacecraft have not visited your planet, why do you think
they have not visited? And, could they visit some time in the
future, how?
I think no one has gone to pluto because it is too cold in there
and it takes lots of years to get there. Eventually, anyone who
goes there will die. I dont think it is possible for anyone in the
future to be able to go to Pluto.
Tell when your planet was discovered and by who.
A man called Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in February 18,

A fun fact about your planet.
If you were to weigh 100 pounds you would only weigh 6
pounds in Pluto! Pluto is the planet that takes the longest to
orbit around the sun.
26. A photo of your planet

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