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SAP Note

359180 - Variant matching during direct storage configuration

Version 5 Validity: 21.08.2001 - active

Language English

Header Data
Released On
Release Status

20.08.2001 22:00:00
Released for Customer
CRM-BTX-BF-CFG Product Configuration

Other Components CRM-BF-CFG Product Configuration


Recommendations / Additional Info


You enter a sales order with configuration in the CRM system and send it to the R/3 OLTP system.If
the OLTP system has a Release of >= 4.6B, in the CRM standard system the flag for direct storage of
the configuration is set.That means, in this case the sent configuration is not processed again in
the R/3 system but is stored directly in the respective database tables. In particular, the
configurable material is not replaced with the material variant in this case and the R/3 System does
not evaluate object characteristics whose value was changed by the IPC.
If the function of material variant matching for the orders transferred from the CRM system is
required in the R/3 backend, when you transfer the sales order, the flag for direct storage must not
be set.

Other Terms

Reason and Prerequisites

Since in this case, the CRM system is the leading system for order processing, the standard system
does not presume that the sales order should be changed after the transfer into the R/3 system.In
this case the direct storage in the database tables has a much better performance than if the R/3
backend system would process the configuration again.
The material variant matching in CRM will be possible in a later Release.

If the functions of material variant matching are needed in the R/3 backend for orders transferred
from the CRM, during the transfer of the sales order the flag for direct storage must not be set.
You can achieve this with the attached modification in the CRM system.

Software Component From Rel. To Rel. And Subsequent


Correction Instructions
Correction Instructions

Software Component Valid from Valid to Number


This document refers to:
SAP Notes
847643 Composite SAP Note: Configuration in CRM
556745 CRM: Text items in BOM
533738 VCSD_UPDATE and SCE configuration (IPC)

379761 Configuration data in R/3 diffrs from Mobile Sales

This document is referenced by:

SAP Notes (4)
379761 Configuration data in R/3 diffrs from Mobile Sales
847643 Composite SAP Note: Configuration in CRM
533738 VCSD_UPDATE and SCE configuration (IPC)
556745 CRM: Text items in BOM

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