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Summer Reading:

Transitional English 9
Assignment: Choose a fiction book to read, within your
Lexile range if possible, and prepare a short presentation to
share with the class. The presentation should use a visual aid
such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc. and follow one of the
Option 1: Interview. For this presentation you will need to
write at least ten questions to ask one of the characters in
the book, and prepare the characters responses. They
should give the character the chance to discuss his/her
thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. You will
need to present as if you are the character and you will get
someone else to read the questions.
Option 2: Monologue. For this presentation you will write a
300 word monologue (speech) expressing the thoughts and
feelings of one character from your summer reading novel.
You should choose a character who doesnt have as much
chance to have his/her say in the story. You need to write in
first person and perform in character (costumes not
required). At the beginning of the presentation you will need
to give a quick introduction to the book and a general idea
what is happening at the point in the story your speech
comes from.
Option 3: Character Analysis. For this presentation you
will give a brief summary of the book and a short
description/explanation of each main character. You will
describe which character you liked best and why, and which
character you are the most different from and why. Conclude
by explaining whether you would recommend the book to
others and why.

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