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First Day of School Procedures:


Welcome your students.

Opening (Go over what youre doing today).
Roll and Seating Chart/Arrangement.
Have students fill out student information cards with basic information
(Where they live, phone number, email etc.)

5. Go over classroom rules and procedures.

6. Go over the course goals so students know what you expect from them.
7. Assess preferred learning styles with the Cognitive Style Questionnaire.
8. Tell students about yourself.
9. Close the session/preview tomorrows session.
10. Take student questions.

List of Classroom Rules:

1. Be on time and prepared with all the necessary materials.
2. If someone is speaking, I expect you to be listening to what they have to
3. Be respectful of other people and their belongings.
4. Be an active participant in class.
5. Do not interrupt other students learning.
6. All electronic devices should be put away unless given permission by me.
7. Respect all ideas given in the class even if they differ from your own!
Never criticize the thoughts of your peers.
8. Keep classroom cleanPick up after yourselves!
9. Follow all district rules found in student handbook.
10. ALWAYS ask questions if youre confused!

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