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Contingency Plan

For my music video, I will be using three different locations. The

first location is the Rotherfield studio which I have booked on
the 9th May for the surreal scenes of my video and the 12 th May
in the case of having to reshoot and make corrections. I have
no problem with shooting in the studio as I have booked my
slots 2 weeks in advance. The other two locations however are
outdoors, one being out in King James park and the other in
the woods in Fawley. With the weather over the next couple of
weeks looking dry and sunny, I have time to shift filming dates
in the case of overcast/rainy weather. I am assisting in three
other productions during this period, and my schedule including
my contingency plan fits in with this. In the case that one of my
actors or operators are unavailable, I have four backups ready.
Timetables between all of us dont vary too much therefore this
shouldnt be a problem, but if it does arise I am prepared.

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