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The Egypt Game

Comprehension Questions
Valentina Olivares and Isabella Ortega
Chapter 1: The Discovery of Egypt
1. Who owns the Antique store?
The person that owns the Antique store is the professor.
2. Where is the store located?
The store was located in a large university town in California on a street called
Orchard Avenue.
3. How do people in the community generally feel about the Professor?
No one seem to know for sure what the professor name actually was, and children
in the neighborhood have many things in common and one of those things was
the vague and mysterious fear of the old man called the professor, what was so
dangerous about the professor was uncertain like everything else about him, but
his appearance had something to do with rumors.
4. Who first witnesses the Egypt Game?
It was one day early in a recent September that the professor happened to be the
only witness to the very beginning of the Egypt Game.
5. What are the names of the three children the Professor watches through the window?
April, Melanie and Melanies little brother Marshall.
6. What is Marshall carrying with him?
He was carrying his octopus.
Chapter 2: Enter April
1. What does April Hall sometimes call herself?
She calls herself sometimes April Dawn.
2. What is the name of the building where April comes to live?
One month before the Egypt Game began in the professor backyard she had
come to live in the shabby splendor of and old California Spanish apartment
house called the Casa Rosada.
3. Who is Dorothea?
Dorothea is the beautiful and glamorous mother of April.
4. Who is Caroline?
Caroline is Aprils grandmother.
5. What happened to Aprils father?
Aprils father die in an accident before April even had a chance to get to know
6. Where does Caroline work?
Caroline worked in the library of the university.
7. Who is April supposed to check in with before leaving the building?
April is supposed to check in to Mrs. Ross.
8. What does April purchase from the drug store?
When April get to the drugstore she bought a false eyelashes.
9. Why is April impressed by the man at A-Z?
April was impressed by the man in the A-Z store because he was quite like
anyone else that April's knows, and his strange skimpy-looking little beard, and
his eyes were a deep set and as blank as an empty well. He everytime answer the
same to april, and not by so much as a flicker he always make a face that reveal
what he was thinking.
10. What does April tell the man she wants to be when she grows up?

April wants to be an archaeologist when she grow up.

Chapter 3: Enter Melanieand Marshall
1. Why is Melanie hopeful as she knocks on Apartment 312?
Melanie hopeful was to become a friend with April because in the Casa- Rosada
have not been any girls lately.
2. What is Melanies initial reaction when April opens the door?
Melanie's initial reaction was that when the door of the apartment 312 open for
the first time Melanie just for a moment look almost speechless.
3. Why doesnt April think Melanie will like her?
Because she was a very difficult person to be with.
4. How does April first describe her mothers job to Melanie?
April describes her mother's job as a she was very famous, she said she is a
singer and in the movie, and stuff like that. But right now she is singing with this
band and travels around different places.
5. What is Melanies favorite occupation?
Melanie's favorite occupation was reading.
6. What does Melanie keep hidden in the dull-looking old geography book?
Melanie keep hidden the dull-looking old geography book because, it had
something very special and secret.
7. How does April react to Melanies secret hobby?
April reacted in a good way, she did not tell bad things to Melanie or something
like that, she just asked what was that and why she have it there, April thought in
a beginning that it was for other things.
8. What name does Melanie give to the games that the girls play?
The name that Melanie give for the game that the girls play was: Imaginary
games or Paper Families games.
Chapter 4: The Egypt Girls
1. Where do Melanie and April go almost every day in August?
All through the month of August Melanie and April went almost every day to the
2. How do April and Melanie earn the name the Egypt girls?
Melanie and April earn the name of Egypt girls because, all the time that they
spent in the library, they just read and talk about Egypt.
3. Why are April and Melanie worried about the start of school?
April is worried because she knew from experiences that it is not easy to face a
new class in a new school, she was having nightmares about the first day of
school, also classroom nightmares, schoolyard nightmares, and principal office
nightmares. Melanie was worried about April.
4. What aspect of Aprils appearance most concerns Melanie?
The thing that most concerns Melanie about April's appearance was the
5. What reason does April give Melanie for her feelings about Caroline?
The reason that give April to Melanie about her feelings about Caroline was, April
say that Caroline didn't know that Dorothea's going to send me to come home
pretty soon.
6. What do April, Marshall, and Melanie find in the deserted yard that April considers a beautiful
messenger from out of the ancient past?
April, Marshall, and Melanie found a little message and a sculpture about Nefertiti
and the beautiful queen of ancient Egypt.
Chapter 5: The Evil God and the Secret Spy

1. Who does Melanie suggest might be watching them through the window?
Melanie suggest that maybe the professor was watching them through out the
2. Who do the girls appoint pharaoh?
The girls appoint to the little brother of Melanie that was Marshall for his toy.
3. What do they name the pharaoh?
Melanie and April named the pharaoh because the girls wanted him to be a king
of Egyptians.
4. Why does Marshall agree to play the game?
Because he finally knew what a pharaoh was so he agree to play the game.
5. Who is Set?
Set is the god of evil and black magic.
6. Where do the girls get the rules for the Egypt game?
The girls create the game so the ideas were coming, nobody get the rules.
7. What happens unbeknownst to the girls after they throw the boxes over the
The problem was that s the boxes were too big, they will need to throw them over
the top of the fence but that will made a lot of noise, but finally they get the
solution so they have to do it.
Chapter 6: Eyelashes and Ceremony
1. Why is April having trouble concentrating the day before school is to begin?
April was having trouble concentrating the day before school because she think
what would happen if the kids in the school doesn't like her the way she was, but
also he was thinking that she would not take care about it because Dorothea
could write soon that will made that April go out from school.
2. Why is Melanie having trouble concentrating?
Melanie was having trouble concentrating in the reading because, she was
thinking on the way how she could take that eyelashes form April so like that kids
will not bother her in the school at the next day.
3. What does Melanie take from Aprils room? How?
Melanie took from April room the eyelashes that were in the dresser, so the only
thing that Melanie need to do was to pass the hand throw them and took them,
and finally when Melanie already have the eyelashes in her hands she hide in
April's closet.
4. How do the sixth graders at Wilson respond to April?
The sixth graders respond to April very bad to April because they were teasing
Melanie, and this happen almost three weeks till september.
5. What nickname do Toby and Ken give to April? Why is it important?
The nickname that Toby and Ken give to April was April, February, Melanie knew
that everything would be all right. It was teasing, maybe, but not the kind you use
on outsiders.
6. What do Isis and Nefertiti represent?
Isis and Nefertiti represent the altar of the wicked god stood the birdbath throne
of the goodness of goodness.
7. How are the rituals of the Egypt game recorded?
The rituals were very complicated and the correct order of processings, chants,
prostrations, sprinklings with holy water and sacrificial offerings had to be
carefully written down so that the wouldnt be forgotten.
8. What is the Crocodile Stone? What do the girls do with it?
One day on way to school Melanie found a strange dark stone. It was lying in the
middle of a sidewalk, where a stone had no reason to be there, but even more







mysterious, when you held it at just the right angles it looked exactly like a pair of
long pointed jaws with a bulging snout and jagged teeth. So they put it on the
altar, too, and called it the Crocodile stone, and from then on it became the
mysterious and powerful source of much Sets power.
Chapter 7: Neferbeth
Who moves into Casa Rosada in September? How old is she?
Near to the end of September a new girl moved to the Casa Rosada, her name
was Elizabeth Chung she have nine years old, she and her mother and two little
sisters has rented the little semi basement apartment next to Mr. Bodler.
Who does Elizabeth look like to April and Melanie?
Elizabeth look like April and Melanie because they almost have the same age.
Why do April and Melanie ask Elizabeth to join the Egypt game?
April and Melanie ask Elizabeth to join to the Egypt game because Elizabeth look
to nice and when they go with her to school, let them see that Elizabeth was a
very good person.
Chapter 8: Prisoners of Fear
How does Elizabeth respond to the Egypt game?
Of Course as Elizabeth was new in the game, she at the beginning look a little bit
confused, but them she liked very much because with that game she could learn
more about history of Egypt.
What name do Melanie and April give to Elizabeth in the game?
Melanie and April give the name to Elizabeth of the queen Neferbeth.
What puts a temporary stop to the Egypt game?
The thing that put in a temporary stop to the Egypt Game was the death of a girl
that was walking in the way to the drugstore, so parents were very afraid to let
them kids go and play outside, thinking that maybe their kids can also be killed.
The only way that April and Melanie can play was through the little iron balconies
that the Casa Rosada had.
Who does the community believe is guilty?
The community believe that the Professor was guilty because it was the last
person that see the girl before its disappearing.
Who organizes the efforts to invite the Professor to leave?
Mr.Schmitt makes a campaign that he wants people to sign to get the Professor to
How do the players continue the Egypt game when they are confined to the Casa
When they are confined to the Casa Rosada, the players continue the Egypt Game
by making costumes for when they go back.
How do accusations against the Professor affect his business?
No one would come to his shop, except for some rare tourists and he lost many
What changes do the players notice in Egypt when they stop by briefly?
The small changes the players noticed on their brief visits before school, were
hardly changes at all. Nothing was taken away, improved, or moved around. The
only thing they noticed was that the Crocodile rock had moved slightly, a sign of
its dark magic, and that the flowers for Nefertiti were lasting longer than they had

Chapter 9: Summoned by the Mighty Ones

1. Under what circumstances are the kids in the neighborhood allowed to trick-ortreat?

Since the accident, none of the parents have let their kids outside for their safety.
They also won't let them out for Halloween since in the dark and in costumes
makes it more unsafe. However, the kids are really sad about this, so a plan is
revised that dads can chaperone the kids in big groups so that they can stay safe.
The chaperones for the Casa Rosada are Mr.Kamata and Mr.Barkley.
2. What is Aprils plan for revisiting Egypt?
April decided, the Egypt gang all stayed together, there might be a chance to slip
away from the big group to pay a visit to Egypt.
3. What costumes do April, Elizabeth, Melanie, and Marshall wear for Halloween?
April, Elizabeth, Melanie and Marshall wear Egyptian Costumes they created.
4. What token does April claim Set and Isis have sent to the players as a summons?
5. What are the players watching for as they trick-or-treat?
A secret omen that will cue them to return to Egypt
Chapter 10: The Return to Egy
1. Who do the girls run into while trick-or-treating?
The girls run into while trick-or-treat Toby Alvillar and Ken Kamata
2. Describe Ken and Tobys costumes.
The costumes of Ken and Toby were "The new american" and a monster
3. What does the Egypt gang claim to be the secret omen?
The "secret omen" the children had been waiting for is a shooting star, signalling
their ability to return to Egypt.
Chapter 11: Egypt Invaded
1. What does April declare the Crocodile God demands for sacrifice?
Marshall have the question of what is a sort of bloody, so April decide that the
gods will tell them what sacrifice will be made , and for them the Crocodile stone
was the sacred symbol of the set, and they think that after they touch the sacred
symbol, they will receive a message from what sacrifice to do.
2. What does Marshall mumble under his breath after April tells him not to yell?
As Marshall was yelling, April tell him to shut up because some one can hear
them, but then Marshall realise that they have already had hear.
3. What do the players decide to use for sacrifices?
They decide to sacrifice the fingernails and hair.
4. What happens at the end of the Ceremony of Sacrifice?
As they finish the ceremony and prepare to leave, they spot a misshapen figure
climbing over the fence, and leaping forward to land in the middle of Egypt.
Chapter 12: Elizabethan Diplomacy
1. Who enters Egypt uninvited?
Toby and Ken were the ones that enter to the yard but April recognize them.
2. Why does Elizabeth invite the boys to join their game?
As were Ken and Toby who entered to the yard who think that their intrusion is
very funny, which angers April so much that she wants to punch them in the
nose. Elizabeth comes up with the solution to ask them to join the game, figuring
that if they join they won't rat out the Egyptians and spoil the game.
3. Who does Melanie credit with saving the Egypt game after outsiders discover the
games existence?
Melanie credit toby and Ken because as she will join the game they will need to
keep the secret so they do it.
4. Why does Melanie think that Elizabeths method is successful?

Because no one of them want that the Egypt Game get discovered, so if they let
that Toby and Ken join it then they will keep silence and will have more gamers in
the game.
Chapter 13: Moods and Maybes
1. Why do Melanies parents argue about the kids playing outside?
The parents are still reluctant to let their children outdoors because of the murder
case, but they finally decide to allow them as long as they stay in larger groups.
2. Why is April in a bad mood?
April is nervous and depressed as she got a letter from her mother Dorothea,
telling that she married her manager Nick and moved in with him. She states that
there is no room for April, and plans to send April's remaining things to Casa
3. What kind of list does Toby ask the girls to make? What does he plan to do with
As they were all leaving, a little before 5:30, Toby asked the girls to write down
the names of some of the best books about Egypt. He was planning to go to the
library that evening to check some out.
Chapter 14: Hieroglyphics
1. What do Toby and Ken bring to Egypt?
Toby and Ken bring several objects to the storage yard to decorate the "temple",
such as rubber insects, a dagger, an animal skull and a stuffed owl.
2. Who is Thoth?
They name the owl Thoth after the bird-headed god of wisdom and writing.
3. Why does Toby think they should finish the alphabet of hieroglyphics?
The boys also finish the hieroglyphic alphabet that the girls started, and use it to
write secret private messages.
4. What do the players want to purchase with the money they earn?
The Egyptian writing told how hieroglyphics were considered magical works of art
as well as writing, and because they were always done in many bright colors, it
was decided that some sets of colored pens were necessary. So the game was
suspended for a couple of afternoons while money was raised to buy the pens.
5. List the players Egyptian names and hieroglyphic symbols.
April is Bastet, named after a feline goddess. Her symbol is a cat head with
Elizabeth is Nefertiti, named after a queen. Her symbol is a heart
Melanie is Aida, named after the main character in Verdi's opera, a princess
captive in Egypt. Her symbol is a bird
Marshall is Pharaoh Marshamosis. His symbol is the double crown of Egypt
Toby is Ramose, named after a famous wise man. His symbol is an owl head
Ken is Horemheb, named after a pharaoh and commander. His symbol is a bloody
Chapter 15: The Ceremony for the Dead
1. What happens to Prince Pete-ho-tep?
Prince Pete-ho-tep has just fallen in a battle with a terrible monster, and his body
was being taken in a solemn procession to the temple of Anubis.

2. How are the high priests of Anubis chosen for the ceremony?
She put a pebble in a hand and let them choose.
3. How long does Toby think the mummification ceremony might take?
A long time he said it will take, and in Egyptian time the preparation of the
ceremony and the funeral will take forty days, it wouldn't take that long but
maybe five or six days.
4. Who is the chief mourner?
Chief mourner was the chief odf the Egyptians.
5. Why do the players become less cautious?
Because the Egypt game became the second nature of the six participants, and
they began to feel more and more at home in the land of Egypt.
6. What knowledge does one very small Egyptian keep to himself?
Every Egyptian keep to himself the way how to created a mummy.
Chapter 16: The Oracle of Thoth
1. What gets the players interested in the topic of oracles?
Toby heard about oracle's, Mrs Granger tell him the story about them and then
Toby told the members of the Egypt game about it and they go to Egypt to look
about the oracle.
2. Who comes up with the idea of using Thoth as the oracle?
April come up with the idea of using Thoth as the oracle and like that they make
the oracle a bit just the greatest thing they have found in the land of Egypt.
3. Who asks the first question?
Toby ask the first question.
4. Why does Ken think the rest of the players are crazy?
Because all the rituals and things they need to do, when he ask the question to
the oracle, he need to get in his knees and all that staff.
Chapter 17: The Oracle Speaks
1. Who performs the ceremony of Returning to the Oracle for the Answer?
April get in charge to perform the ceremony of Returning to the Oracle.
2. What does Ken ask the oracle?
Ken ask to the oracle if he will be a big league star someday?
3. Who do the Egyptians argue about the oracles answer?
Melanie said that is was suspicious that the oracle have an answer so she said
that is better to do it again so like that we can watch everyone carefully.
Chapter 18: Where is Security?
1. What does Marshall leave in Egypt?
Marshall leave in Egypt Security his plush octopus.
2. What does April ask the oracle?
April ask the oracle When will I go home again?.
3. How do the Egyptians react to the oracles answer?
The Egyptians when they see the answer of the oracle they said that there is
something strange because anyone do the written, it doesn't seem like a kids
would do.
4. What does Marshall ask the oracle?
Marshall ask the oracle Where is Security?
5. Who is most worried about Marshalls question to the oracle?
The most worried about Marshalls question was Toby.
Chapter 19: Confession and Confusion
1. Why does Toby call April at home?



Because he was worried and thought, and at last he broke down and did
something entirely against his principles he call up a girl ( April) and told her that
she need to talk to her tomorrow early.
Why does Toby fake injury?
Toby pretend to stumble and turn his ankle, and he fake because like that he
would go out and sit in the bench near the parallel bars, and the girls can see him
and go talk to him.
What does Toby confess to April and Melanie?
Toby confess to April and Melanie that he was the one who wrote the answers of
the oracle.
How does the oracle answer Marshalls questions?
The oracle answer Marshalls question this: Look under the throne set.
Why was everyone surprised by the oracles response to Marshalls question?
They first get paralyze and then, but then they felt pleased with the oracle.

Chapter 20: Fear Strikes

1. Who wants to ask the oracle another question?
April and Toby wanted to try the oracle once more to see what would happen.
2. Why are Marshall and April alone in the Rosss apartment?
They were alone in the apartment because the Rosses decided to go to a concert,
they were planning to take Melanie but Marshall had a way of going to sleep at
concerts, it was better to leave him at home, and April has homework to do so
she agreed to come down and baby sit until the Rosses got back.
3. Why do Marshall and April go to Egypt alone?
They go to Egypt because April left her math book there.
4. What happens to April after she climbs through the board in the fence?
April pass and the big crooked nails on which it swung let out a wild rusty shriek.
5. What does April wonder about Marshalls behavior as she is being attacked?
6. Who finally calls for help?
From the inside of the storage yard, there was a splintering crash and a strange
hoarse shout said Help!.
7. What happens to Aprils attacker?
Aprils attacker was gone.
Chapter 21: The Hero
1. Where do Marshall and April go after leaving Egypt?
After leaving Egypt Marshall and April go to the police station.
2. Who is Inspector Grant?
Was the man who was asking some questions to Marshall, he was a policeman.
3. How does Marshall describe the man who grabs April?
Marshall describes the man who grabs April as a big, old man, with orange hair.
4. Who does Marshall identify as the man who called for help?
Marshall identify that the professor was the man who called for help.
5. What does April call Caroline for the first time?
April call Caroline for the first time Grandma.
6. Who is the man who commits the crimes?
The man who commits the crimes was a big stocky man, with red hair and blotchy
red brown freckles from Schmitt's Variety Store.
7. How does Marshalls participation in the capture change his behavior?

He did not change a lot it justs change that he start leaving Security at home
when he went places.
Chapter 22: Gains and Losses
1. What happens to the land of Egypt after April is attacked?
The land of Egypt was boarded up, Egypt was lost and gone forever.
2. What is the Professors real name?
The real name of the Professor was Dr. Huddleston.
3. Who begins working at the Professors store?
Mrs. Chung began to work at the Professor's store.
4. What objects does the Professor show to April?
The Professor show April two things: a flat piece of marble with dim hieroglyphics
on it, and a small head of glowing milky white. That is alabaster.
5. To whom did the items the Professor showed to April once belong?
Those things once belongs to his wife.
6. How does April respond to Dorotheas letter?
She answer the letter with no much happiness, and not nearly as much anger to
be asked so.
Chapter 23: Christmas Keys
1. Who asks to see the Egypt gang on Christmas Eve?
Caroline asked April to phone all the members of the Egypt gang and ask them to
come to the Halls for just a few minutes, that night after dinner.
2. What reason does the Professor give for wanting to meet with the group?
The Professor was waiting for the group because he want to tell them his story
seen he was a young man.
3. What is the Professors former profession?
He was a really Professor at the university his subject was anthropology.
4. How did A-Z store get started?
The A-Z store was Anne idea, at the beginning the idea was to make it an outlet
for some of the native handicrafts from areas they have worked.
5. What information does the Professor give about the oracle?
He decided to play the part of the oracle, because he felt the obligation to tell
them where was Security, as he already know.
6. What does the Professor give each member of the Egypt gang?
He gave each of the Egypt gang member a new shiny key, they had a long chain
to wear around their necks, and on the head part it was engraved each one's
7. Why does April feel sad after the children receive their keys?
Shee feel that is not going to be the same when they go to Egypt again.
8. What question does April pose to Melanie at the end of the novel?
She ask Melanie: what do you know about Gypsies?

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