Senior Project Action Lesson Plan

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Intern Name: Hunter Monisky

Topic/Title of Lesson: Effects of Poverty on Education

Grade: 4th grade
Length of Lesson: 1 hour
Date Taught: 05/02/2016


Standards of
Essential Questions
Key Vocabulary or
Closure Activity

In this lesson students will understand the effects of poverty on education

and the significance of education overall. They will complete a simulation in
order to visualize the effects between America and Nicaragua.
Although there are no SOLs, the students will learn about education and
poverty as well.
How does poverty effect education? How is it affected in America and
Students will be able to see the negative impact that poverty has on
education and find simple solutions in order to help this problem. They will
also understand the significance of education and realize its importance.
The students need to understand the concept in education and will learn the
differences between school in America and Nicaragua. Barriers, education,
solutions, poverty.
21 pieces of paper, pencils, colored pencils, powerpoint, colored index cards
(2 red, 4 blue, 10 green, 11 yellow, 20 white), stickers
Introduce myself with power-point (who I am, the project itself). Ask
introduction questions (see below).

(See document below)

If I finish early- ask questions to students and discuss the survey.
If I run out of time- shorten solution discussion and reduce survey time.
There are no special needs children within the classroom.
Survey- 4 questions about the lesson, their experience, and their thoughts on
education. (survey document attached below)
Because this is not a graded assignment, there is no specific assessment but I
hope the students will take away something valuable.
Website for video:
Statistics: my research paper

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRASouth Carolina 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)

Powerpoint Sketch/Lesson Plan

5 MIN- Introduction to myself and my project
Introduction Questions (to go along with PPT)
1. How many of you students like your school altogether?
2. Did you know that other countries have school just like here?
3. Who knows where Nicaragua is? (map)
8 MIN- What are some of the things that you love about your school? (Fold paper in half) Draw on half
sheet and color the things you love the most about your school? Now draw something you wish was in
your school that it doesnt have..
10 MIN- If there were 100 people in the world have colored index cards to show statistics about
education. (Show on PPT) (hunger, jobs, motivation) Discuss what these statistics mean!!
RED- 11% of youth in Nicaragua have no formal education (2 red index cards you have no formal
BLUE- 1 in 5 children live in poverty in USA (4 blue index cards you live in poverty in America)
GREEN- Half of all children in Nicaragua live in poverty (10 green index cards you live in Nicaragua
and live in poverty)
YELLOW- 55% of children in Nicaragua complete primary school (11 yellow index cards you
completed elementary school in Nicaragua)
WHITE- 100% of children in America complete primary school (20 white index cards you completed
elementary school in America)
8 MIN- Now draw on the other half what you think Nicaraguan schools are like (Compare on
Nicaragua school video and what they have)
5 MIN- Teach students Spanish words- la escuela (school), la mochila (bookbag), la maestro (teacher)
Why are we learning words in Spanish? This is the language of Nicaragua!
Video about Education in Nicaragua! (4 min) Explain what Nicaragua schools are like (parents must pay
for books and uniforms, half days)
10 MIN- Mini PPT Presentation- Interactive with facts and questions for students. Compare America and
Nicaragua! They have the same problem, just at different levels
Parental Income
Emotional and Social Challenges
Even though American schools are so-called better and more advanced than other countries, such as
Nicaragua, the same problems still exist and affect students in school.
Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRASouth Carolina 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)

5 MIN DISCUSSION- Solutions- Do you think there are any solutions to these problems? What can you
guys as students do to help students in school? Give power tips- Motivate your classmates to do their
schoolwork! Share your lunch with a friend in need!
5-8 MIN- Survey- 4 questions about the mini-lesson and their personal thoughts on education.

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRASouth Carolina 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)



1. Would you want to go to school in Nicaragua? Why or why not?

2. After this lesson, do you think education is more important than you thought it was?

3. What can you do in your home and community to help those in poverty?

4. Did you enjoy this lesson? What did you enjoy during this lesson?

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRASouth Carolina 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)

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