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Rhyming: Draw a Rhyme

Purpose: To determine a rhyming word that makes sense in a story to
complete sentences and create a class visual representation of the rhymes
students came up with.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Bodily/Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal
Materials Needed: Vocabulary words, rhyming story/poem, drawing paper,
scissors, markers, crayons, colored pencils, Rhyming worksheet
1. Choose a rhyming poem/story dealing with the same topics as the main
book to read aloud to the class. Sometimes leave out an ending rhyme for
parts of the book. Ask the students to draw something that could rhyme
with the word you has previously said.
2. Have students fill in each missing word by drawing on their papers their
rhyming word of choice. Ask the students how they know the word they
chose rhymes with the word you last said.
3. Have students share their drawings after reading the rest of the
story/poem out loud. Then compare results with other classmates.

Isolating and Identifying: Mirror, Mirror

Purpose: To identify and demonstrate the positioning of the mouth, lips, and
teeth with isolated sounds when speaking in the Spanish language.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, hand-held mirrors (could also use
video/picture booth on Chromebooks)
1. Select a word(s) from the book and say it. Make sure to break down each
sound with pause time between each.
2. With the hand-held mirrors (or Chromebooks) have students practice
positioning their mouths to say the sound you did. Ask them what their
mouth looked like when they started to say ____.

3. Have students pair up and then say the same isolated word parts to each
other. Have the students describe to each other what their mouths are doing
when they say these sounds.
4. Do the same as #3, but have them also describe their lips and teeth too.

Blending: Draw it
Purpose: To integrate phonemes to form a word and to draw a picture of the
word in Spanish.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical
Materials Needed: Class book, paper, pencil, colored pencils, markers,
crayons, pictures of objects from the book
1. Have students fold their sheet of paper into four different sections.
2. Have them listen as you pronounce the names of four different objects.
The objects that are chosen should be easy things for the students to draw
and also from the book of that unit.
3. As you say the name of each object, separate the word out by syllables,
rhymes, or phonemes. Tell the students to listen to the sounds you say and
put them together to make the word.
4. Have the students put the sounds together of the words that you say.
5. Give them time to draw the picture for each of the four words. Then ask
the class what object they saw in their mind when they put the sounds
together to make the word.

Segmenting: Silly Segmenting

Purpose: To separate out individual units of sounds in a word and
demonstrate sound through a tangible representation in Spanish. This
especially helps students learn to say every vowel in Spanish.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Materials Needed: Class book, clay/play-dough

1. Give students small balls of clay/play-dough and ask them to shape their
clay into snakes.
2. Pronounce a word from the class book you are reading and have students
separate their snakes into a corresponding number of segments (each part
represents a phoneme).
3. Have students point to each section of their snakes and say the sounds
4. Aske students to pick up each individual segment while pronouncing the
corresponding phoneme and place it into their hand, while saying the word
again. Ask them what sounds they hear in the words.
Manipulating: Say It Again
Purpose: To substitute phonemes to make new words in Spanish.
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal,
Materials Needed: Class book, individual student charts
1. Say a word from the class book and have the students repeat the word,
adding and deleting sounds to begin creating new words.
2. Ask the students if it as a word that makes sense, or a nonsense word.
Ask them how they changed the word to make a new one.
3. Record the newly created words on a chart so students can see how they
changed the sounds of the word to make new ones. Ask them what the
original word was, what the new word is, and how they are different.


Synthesizing: Stretch It
Purpose: To recognize and demonstrate that letters have names and that
sounds can be associated with letters. Especially used to hear every letter in
a word with Spanish.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Musical/Rhythmic, Bodily/Kinesthetic
Materials Needed: Class book, elastic strips, individual dry erase boards, dry
erase markers, tape

1. Model for the students how to make stretch-it strips by doing a class
demonstration/follow along. Have the strips be taped to the dry erase
boards or just the table. Choose several words to use from the book in this
2. Using a dry erase marker, have students write the letters of a word on the
squares on the white board. Each square should represent the letter(s)
associated with the individual sound in the words. Ask the students how
many sounds they hear in each word.
3. Have students stretch the elastic word and then slowly bring the word
back together while combining the sounds and also saying them. Ask the
students what happens when they stretch the word and how it affects them
saying the word.
4. Reread the class book and use the words the students stretched. Still
have them stretch the words and say it as you are reading.
Analyzing: Roll-Read-Record (RRR)
Purpose: To focus on a word and analyze it for the specific parts in the word
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Bodily/Kinesthetic,
Materials Needed: Large and small number cubes, class book, Roll-ReadRecord paper chart
1. After reading the class book, have students take a number cube and roll it.
Then have them search for a word in the book that has the same number of
phonemes, syllables, etc. as the number they rolled on the cube.
2. Have the students analyze the parts of the word as they say it and put
those parts on the graph to record it. Ask students to look back at the word
and think about how it is made up. Then ask them to explain and point out
each part of the word they chose.
3. Students could also work with partners to roll, read, and record their
vocabulary words or spell them out. Then have them put the words in each
column of the RRR worksheet and explain why they put the words in those
columns to their partners.

Contextualizing: Word Detectives

Purpose: To use context clues and pictures to figure out unknown words
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Materials Needed: Copied pages of the class book, highlighter
1. While the students read copied pages of the class book, the students will
use a highlighter to mark the words they dont know.
2. When they are done reading, ask them to make a list of the words as a
table group. Then on a Google Doc all table groups will share their unknown
3. Ask the students what questions they asked themselves to figure out what
the unknown words meant. Ask them how the words around the unknown
word helped them figure it out. Ask them how the pictures on the pages may
have helped them too.
Patterning: Dancing With Diphthongs
Purpose: To examine and create a representation of various vowel
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Copy of the class book, music, digital camera, chart paper,
note cards
1. Describe to the class what a vowel diphthong is - how they glide, move
continuously from an initial vowel position to a final position. Compare the
description to dancing and discuss the types of dance steps that have
gliding movements in Hispanic Culture.
2. Hand out note cards with vowel diphthongs to the students. In pairs,
students come up with words that would match the diphthongs on their

3. The student pairs will then use the sound of their diphthong vowels and
make up a dance move to show the sound to the class. Rather than counting
the steps in a dance they say the vowel sounds and the share the dance
with the class.
Spelling: Word Walls
Purpose: To have students interact with words and be able to identify letters
they need when spelling words
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Musical/Rhythmic, Bodily/Kinesthetic
Materials Needed: Class book, words for the wall, space on the wall above
the overhead screen, different colored construction paper, scissors, file
1. Choose four or five words each week to add to the class word wall. The
words need to be ones that the students will use often in class and when
reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Spanish.
2. Write the words on different colored construction papers to put on the wall
to categorize the words
3. Put the words in alphabetical order for first semester. Later on in the year,
place the words in their categories of types of use.
Recognizing: High Frequency Words
Purpose: To recognize words that show up in Spanish often that students will
need to know and use.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, word wall above the overhead, highlighters,
magnetic letters, dry erase boards, dry erase markers
1. Word Wall - Using the word wall that was started at the beginning of the
year, categorize the words in different ways.
2. Highlighting students use their highlighters to make the high frequency
words they will be using pop in their notes, lists, etc.

3. Make and Break Students practice the high frequency words by using
magnetic letters to make the word, mix them all up again, and make the
word all over.
4. Word Games Student in different groups throughout the semester/year
will come up with games they can play using the high frequency words of
5. Writing and Reading In everything the students do such as homework,
tests, quizzes, practice games, listening, writing, and reading, make sure that
the high frequency words show up as their name implies for memory and
usage. Ask the students how many times they used the high frequency
words in their writing/reading. Ask the students how recognizing these words
helped them read/figure out what their reading was about.
Phrasing: Pausing With Punctuation
Purpose: To use punctuation appropriately when pausing for meaning in
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Materials Needed: Class book, sentences, chart paper, ELMO projector
1. Choose several sentences from different sections of the book. Show the
students how to read using punctuation. Show them one sentences on the
ELMO projector without punctuation to pause at and with punctuation to
pause at. Ask them which sounds better and why.
2. Put new sentences on the ELMO projector and ask a volunteer to read the
sentences in the two different ways also.
3. Students will then get into partners to decide and mark out the rest of the
sentences and where the punctuation should go in each.
4. Have the different pairings share with the class where they think it should
go and why they thought this.

5. Show the students the sentences with the punctuation in the correct
places. Ask them how the true punctuation helps them when reading and
understanding the text.
Assisted Reading: Read-Alongs
Purpose: For students to gain confidence by hearing a native speaker do a
model read of the book while students read with it.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Student copies of the class book, Audacity files of the
book being read by a native speaker, computer to listen to that file
1. Have a recording of a native speaker reading the story at the levels of my
students reading.
2. Have the students listen to the story using headphones at the computers
(so as not to distract other students who may be ahead or behind them in
reading) and follow along with the recording.
3. Students will follow along in the book and watch/listen for punctuation
pauses, expression, vowel diphthongs, spoken words, etc. Ask them to try
and find some common traits of the book through oral and written words.
Expressing: Dramatic Sentences
Purpose: To show students how to dramatize sentences through body
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Bodily/Kinesthetic
Materials Needed: Class book, sentences that explain the book in a
shortened manner
1. Choose which sentences you would use to fully explain the story being
used in class (i.e. Se baa mini book in the La Mujer unit)
2. Read the sentences and show them on the ELMO projector, but without

3. Have students decide what type of punctuation should be in the

sentences. Then have them act out the sentences with body language for
punctuation. You could have someone volunteer to be punctuation marks
and other students to be the certain words in the sentences. This would also
get them speaking the target language.
Pacing: Digital Portfolio for Oral Reading
Procedure: To help students increase their reading rate and be able to selfasses their progress digitally.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Materials Needed: Student copies of the class book, Audacity on the
computer to record (on school computers)
1. Tell the students what section of the book they will be reading to enter in
their digital portfolios.
2. Students will then get a copy of the class book and go to their computer
and open Audacity.
3. Students will read their passage of the book while recording. They will
then save their recording in their digital portfolio folders.
4. Teacher will then set up times to talk with the student about their
recording and self-assess. After you are done with this section/passage of
the book, have a final post reading of that same passage to see if their
reading rate has increased.
Wide Reading: Book Clubs
Purpose: To determine a purpose for what they are reading and find an
interest in sharing books with others
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Different types of books on different or same topics, but
from different viewpoints (could use this during the El canto unit on
Migrant workers, same topic but different viewpoints)

1. Display the different books on the front whiteboard. Each book should
have the title showing with the cover out.
2. Have students choose a book that looks interesting to them, whether it be
because of the title, the cover picture, they type of reading it is, etc.
Students who choose the same books will be in the same club.
3. Each class the groups will meet and set goals of how much to read
independently. The last 10 15 minutes, they will regroup and talk about
what they read based on ideas, feelings, questions, concerns, and other
possible topics. Ask students how a book club can help improve their
reading abilities.
Accuracy: Syllable Segmentation
Purpose: To show the differences and sounds in a word and to look at the
different ways syllables can be segmented.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Bodily/Kinesthetic, Naturalist/Environmentalist
1. This would be later on in the year when students are more fluent in
reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Spanish.
2. Students will read books of poetry dealing with the topic and vocabulary of
the book from that unit. Have the students look at how the poets arrange
their words in different ways.
3. Students will make cinquains and/or haikus.
CINQUAIN EXAMPLE - - Line 1 = Title (two syllables), Line 2 = Describe (4
syllables), Line 3 = Action (6 syllables), Line 4 = Feeling or effect (8
syllables), Line 5 = Synonym for initial noun (2y syllables)
HAIKU EXAMPLE - - Line 1 = 5 syllables, Line 2 = 7 syllables, Line 3 = 5
Association: Compare n Share
Purpose: To make connections with other words in Spanish.

Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal

Materials Needed: Class book, notecards, colored notecards
1. Give each student a notecard with a vocabulary word on it and have them
write on the notecard other words that would describe the vocabulary word.
2. Give each student a colored notecard and have them read the words on
the cards. Then have the students record one example of something that
works with the description on each word card.
3. Split the class into groups and give them a stack of notecards and colored
notecards. Students will choose five examples cards and then rotate around
the group to give a word card.
Contextualizing: What Do You Mean?
Purpose: To show how students can use words in different contexts to change
what the word means.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal,
Materials Needed: Class book, chart paper, notebooks
1. Choose words from the vocabulary that have multiple meanings.
2. Show the class a word and ask them to turn to a partner and tell them
what they think the word means.
3. Read the word in a sentence from the book and then have the students
talk with their partners about what they think the word means. Ask the
students what words and what context of the sentence helped them figure
out what the word actually meant.
4. Put students into pairs and give each a word to use in two different
sentences. They then will draw a picture to go with whichever sentence they
had. Partners will then explain their thought process they had.
Categorizing: Picture and Word Sorts

Purpose: To decide and sort words depending on their features.

Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist/Environmentalist
Materials Needed: Pictures and/or words from the class book, note cards,
highlighter, pen
1. Figure out 15 20 words from vocabulary and/or passage from the book.
Write the words on the notecards.
2. Students will work in pairs or a small group and talk about the features of
each word. Students should put the words into different categories by their
similarities or differences (colors, nouns, actions words, etc.). Ask them to
make sure and agree as a group.
3. Once the students have the words in the correct categories, talk as a class
and let the students justify their answers for sorting the words. If needed,
students can rearrange words in their categories.
Visual Imaging: Eye Spy with My Eye
Purpose: To have students look at the pictures of the text and imagine,
question, and hypothesize what is going on in the picture and why
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, pictures from the book, magazine pictures,
1. Choose a passage from the text that has a picture. Ask the students to
look at it and describe what they see and why.
2. Read part of the passage that goes with the picture and have them try to
make a prediction about what they think happened before the picture they
are being shown.
3. Ask students to try and figure out what the scene is and also try and figure
out what they think the rest of the story will be about.

Analyzing: Vocabulary Tree Notebook

Purpose: To find morphemes in different words
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial
Materials Needed: Vocabulary Tree outline, pens, pencils, colored pencils,
markers, crayons
1. Using the vocabulary tree outline, give the students a notebook to keep
so they can refer back to their information at a later point if needed.
2. When a student finds a word wit that part, such as ing, they will write it
down on their vocabulary tree and what page they found it on.
3. As a class, in groups, or in partners share their information that was found
and ask how the words are similar.
4. Do this each time a new passage or book is read.
Word Awareness: Knowledge Rating
Purpose: To figure out the level of knowledge of a word for each student.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal,
Materials Needed: Knowledge rating chart, digital portfolios
1. Give students a list of vocabulary words dealing with the book/topic you
are reading.
2. Have the students look the list over and figure out what their familiarity of
the word is. Then they will put a checkmark on the chart to show their
knowledge level of the word.
3. Ask students to talk with a partner or in a group what they know about the
list of words and have the choose words to focus on during the readings.
4. After reading, have the students go back and self-assess their knowledge
of the words and remark the appropriate spot on their charts.

Wide Reading: Book Talks

Purpose: To be able to identify vocabulary words that show the meaning of
the book.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, student vocabulary, poster board, markers,
crayons, colored pencils
1. Have students read a large selection of books based on the theme/topic of
the unit that you are in. Tell them that they will be giving a book talk at the
end of the unit they will have to present to the class.
2. As students are reading, have them keep vocabulary logs so they can
write down interesting vocabulary words they ran across, but it helped them
understand the meaning of the book.
3. Have students share the words during their presentation. Presentation will
include a poster that illustrates and has details about the book.
Referencing: Glossary Use
Procedure: To learn how to appropriately use a glossary and identify
definitions of the words
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Class book with glossary, markers, crayons, paper
1. As a class decide which words from the book you should look up the
definitions for. Make sure that they know nonfiction books have glossaries in
the book pages, but most are in the back of the books.
2. Have students look up the words in the glossary. Ask them how they
would use a glossary to understand the meaning of a word.
3. Once they have read the definition in the glossary, have them retell the
definition in their own words. Ask them what feature helps them know if a
word will be in the glossary or not.

4. When all the words suggested have been looked up and defined, give each
student a word/definition. Have them draw a picture example of the word
and use it in a new sentence, not the same one from the glossary. Collect all
students definitions/pictures and make a class glossary to use throughout
the unit.
Previewing: What I Know.What I Wonder
Purpose: To activate background knowledge to preview a reading book.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Bodily/Kinesthetic,
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, chart paper, marker, hula hoops or some other
round shape
1. Have a class discussion to activate what the students already know from
person experiences that are in context with the book passage. Ask the
students what comes to their mind when they look at this passage and what
they already know.
2. Build on the students background knowledge that they might need to
study this text. Ask the students to ask themselves if they are familiar with
this certain topic in the selected passage.
3. Students will then reflect on what they wonder as the preview the
readings. Put two colored hula hoops (or other round large object) on the
floor. They will be for what the students know and the other for what
students wonder. Student will step into either of the hula hoops to show
their though process.
4. Have students then create a chart to write down their what they knows
and what they wonders. As you read the text, have them fill in if they were
correct or not, and if their wonders were answered.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Anticipation/Reaction Guides
Purpose: To confirm or change predictions about the readings.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Intrapersonal

Materials Needed: Class book, Anticipation/Reaction Guide, paper

1. Identify what the main topic or concept of the book is before meeting with
the class.
2. Make three to five statements that will challenge or support student
beliefs or that may reflect misconceptions about the subject, topic, or
concept. Write these statements on the Anticipation/Reaction Guide. (Use
this for El canto book).
3. Have students read the statements in class and put s or no if they agree
or disagree with the statements given. Ask the students if they
agree/disagree, why/why not, and to explain why they think that.
4. Students will read the text to decide whether the statements are true or
not. Then have them return back to the Anticipation/Reaction guide and talk
about how the information from the book either supported, contradicted, or
modified their opinions from before. Ask them how they supported their
thinking with either text, background knowledge, or both.
Predicting: Picture Walk
Purpose: To use the pictures from the books to make predictions about what
will happen.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Bodily/Kinesthetic,
Materials Needed: Class book
1. Students will look through the book at the pictures that are within. First,
they will describe in table groups what they see in the target language.
2. As a class, ask the students what they imagine the story is about based on
what they have seen.
3. Have the students then share their predictions and then read the book to
figure out if they were correct or not. Ask the class if their predictions were
true/false, why/why not.

Questioning: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review (SQ3R)

Purpose: To establish a purpose for reading books in the target language by
asking questions. (Use for La Mujer unit and the Se baa mini-libro)
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal,
Materials Needed: SQ3R worksheet, class book
1. Give each student a SQ3R worksheet and survey the book by looking at
the title, headings, illustration, key terms, etc. Make sure to use the
questions in the left column to guide them through the survey process.
2. SURVEY: Have the students skim and scan the book before reading to
survey what they think they are about to read.
3. QUESTION: Ask the students to think about what each of the items they
saw in the book and how it might relate to what they are going to read.
Have them turn to each of the above in #1 during this process. Students will
then write their questions in the middle column about the text.
4. READ: Students will then read the book and look for the answers to their
questions. Then discuss as a class some of the questions that are similar
and what was found.
5. RECITE: Make students recite or write their answers to the questions they
had without looking at the worksheet. If they need to reread, give them time
to do so beforehand.
6. REVIEW: Students will review the information that they learned and apply
this to another texts information. They could make a graphic organizer,
role-play the parts, draw a flowchart, summarize, and participate in group
discussions. Ask the students how their questions were answered, if some
were not, and what examples they could share to support this.
Visualizing: Wordless Picture Books
Purpose: To make pictures that support the meaning of the book or passage
in the target language.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,

Materials Needed: Class book, paper, music, pencils, colored pencils,

markers, crayons
1. Read the story with the students and talk about how they can make
mental pictures of what is being read. Ask them what pictures come to mind
when you are reading the book.
2. Ask students to stop at different times during the reading of the book to
draw what they are hearing and visualize during the section you are reading
at the time.
3. Ask the students to compare and share their answers with at least three
other people in the class. Talk about the differences and similarities there
may be, and also why each of them saw that passage as their picture in their
Inferring: Save the Last Word for Me
Purpose: To make interpretations and compare them with others about the
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, paper/notecards
1. Students read individually and choose a part of the book, phrases, words,
or sentences that stand out or catches their attention.
2. Ask them to write what that part they chose says that made it catch their
attention on the front of the paper/notecard. Tell them to try and read
between the lines of what it means.
3. Have students explain why they chose that part on the back of that
4. In small groups, students will talk about and put in order of importance
their cards they each have, depending on how much they want to talk about
certain things.

5. Each student will read the front of the card and get feedback on how the
others react to what is written.
6. The students that read the card then turns it over and reads to the group
why they chose that part of the book. This lets the original student have the
last word to change or stay with what they wrote down the first time.
Drawing Conclusions: Scenarios with T-Charts
Purpose: To have students be able to make inferences about a scenario
based on evidence from the book.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal,
Materials Needed: Class book, paper
1. Use different scenarios from the book that they can practice inferencing.
Students listen to these scenarios or read them to each other and decide
what they can guess on based on the evidence in each scenario.
2. In partners, they will take time giving their inferences and saying what
evidence they read that helped them come up with that guess.
3. In those pairs, they will create a T-chart and write their inferences on the
left side. On the right side, they will write the evidence or the why they
used to explain their thought process.
4. Students will reread the text and make any changes needed to their Tchart as they listen and follow along in the readings.
Summarizing: Summary Ball
Purpose: To create a group summary about a text in the target language.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal
Materials Needed: Class book, beach ball (or some other sort of ball), Google

1. Once the class or students have read a passage or book, the words Who,
What, When, Where, Why, and How? will all be on a beach ball they can
throw back and forth.
2. Students will throw the ball to each other. Whichever student catches the
ball, have them look at what is closest to their left thumb and answer the
question that is there about what they have read. (Must be in the target
3. If more than one student gets the same question, the others must
elaborate on what the first student has already said.
4. Record the answers the students give in a list on Google Docs to share out
the summaries to each student.
5. Once the summary has been reviewed as a whole in the class, ask the
students how making that class summary helped them understand the story
Determining Importance: Picture This
Purpose: To look at pictures for details and figure out the main purpose of
that picture.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Materials Needed: Pictures of various sources, plastic sleeve covers,
1. Find pictures from many different sources for the class to use/look at.
Rotate the pictures through the tables so each students gets to see all of
them. Ask the students what they think is happening in whichever picture
they have at that time, why they would think that, and why they think the
picture was taken.
2. Students will then talk about and share a title they think would be best for
the picture if they had to turn it in someplace.
3. Have the students share their groups information and suggestions in a
Wordle and share the picture and Wordle in a Google Doc.

4. Students will share their Wordles and Docs with each other. Then as a
class, decide what the main purpose of the pictures are and read/compare
the titles that were given that best fits each picture.
Synthesizing: Rewriting a Story
Purpose: To organize and write down the thought process from a specific
point of view in the book.
Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Musical/Rhythmic,
Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Materials Needed: Class book
1. Read the book as a class in any way that fits best for that class.
2. Tell students that they will rewrite the book from a different point of view,
from any character of the book just not the one its already written in. To
get them started in their thinking, ask them how new ideas and information
they have after looking at the book from a different view.
3. Have students share out to a group or in front of the class if they want to
their viewpoint of the story. Make sure they share their new story along with
new perspectives they have on the character or anything else from the book.
Ask them what made them think that way.

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