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Plant Cell Structures

Although, animal and plant cells are both Eukaryotes

Due to life processes of plants(Ex. photosynthesis), they will have features
that animal cells will not
Cell wall
Large Vacuole
Plastids (chloroplasts)

Plant Cell Structures

Cell Wall
A rigid layer that is found outside the cell
membrane and surrounds the cell.
Composed of cellulose, proteins and
Cellulose mostly makes up the
primary cell wall
Some plants have secondary cell
Pores in the cell wall allow water and

nutrients to move in and out

Plant Cell Structures

Central Vacuole
Occupying over 30% of cells
volume, its main function to
maintain the turgor pressure against
the cell wall
This means maintain water pressure
that pushes against the cell wall + cell

It has a membrane called a tonoplast

These vacuoles can be the storage
units for several different molecules
These include water, pigments, cell

sap, or toxins

Plant Cell Structures

Functions include being responsible
for photosynthesis, storage, and
production of certain molecules
Chloroplasts the organelle of
Chromoplast make and store
pigments that give petals or fruit the
color orange or yellow
Leucoplast essential for the
storage of starch, lipids, or proteins

3.11 Organization of Cells

Organization of Cells
Biological organization exists at all levels in organisms
Examples Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic
Some bacteria, single celled organisms, are able to carry out all life processes without the
While others will pack together to form a large grouping of bacteria that sticks to a surface
and makes a protective coating over itself
This large grouping is called biofilm

3.11 Organization of Cells

Although biofilms will display some
similarities with multicellular organisms,
biofilms are still single-celled organisms
Nevertheless, they do have a division of labor,
just as the cells of a multicellular organisms
Biofilms are examples of colonial organisms
This means that if separated each cell can
survive on its own
This is not the case for multicellular
Scientists do believe that is cooperation
between single-celled organisms led to

3.11 Organization of Cells

The Colonial Theory
This scientific theory states that
cooperation between many organisms of
the same species led to the development of
multicellular organisms

Multicellular organism an organism

made up of more than one cell and have
specialized cells that are grouped
together to carry out specialized
Due to their complexity, multicellular
organisms have several levels of
Cell Tissue Organ Organ system

Transport of Cells
4.1 Diffusion
The phospholipid membranes ability to control what
molecules or ions can enter or leave the cell is called
selective permeable or semipermeability
This permeability depends on the organization of the membrane lipids and
The phospholipid bilayer limits the types of molecules that can through it
Hydrophobic molecules can easily pass through
Ions and polar molecules cannot pass through the bilayer
Transport proteins will allow ionic, large, or polar molecules to pass through

There are 3 main ways that molecules can be transport through the
phospholipid membrane
Passive Transport
Active Transport
Vesicle Transport

4.1 Diffusion
Passive Transport
The mode of transportation that requires no energy
input by the cell
Three types
Facilitated Diffusion

4.1 Diffusion


The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an

area with a lower concentration
This difference between concentration of a molecule in two area is
called the concentration gradient
Diffusion results in equal concentration or equilibrium

4.2 Osmosis
A solution is a mixture of
two or more substances
that has the same
composition throughout

This mixture can be

categorized into two
The solute is the substance
that is being dissolved
The solvent is the
substance that the solute
dissolves in

4.2 Osmosis

There are 3 different gradients, in terms of solute

If the solute has a higher concentration than the solvent, the
solution is hypertonic
If the solute has lower concentration than the solvent, the
solution is hypotonic
If the solute and the solvent have equal concentration, the
solution is isotonic

4.2 Osmosis
Osmosis the diffusion of water molecules across a
selectively permeable membrane from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration
What happens when a cell is placed in a?
Hypertonic Solution
Hypotonic Solution

Is there a difference between animal cells vs plant cells in this

If so, what is it?

4.2 Osmosis
Plasmolysis the process by which
the plasma membrane pulls away
from the cell wall as it shrivels

4.2 Osmosis
Controlling Osmosis
Osmotic pressure, the main cause for support in plants, is the
occurrence that takes place when the cell exerts turgor
pressure on the cell wall
This prevents water from being allowed in

In plants, the central vacuole holds on in water or possibly

other nutrients
In organisms that live in a hypotonic environment, there is a
presence of a cellular structure that prevents the taking of too
much water
Contractile vacuole a vacuole that removes excess water from a

4.3 Facilitated Diffusion

Even though its the last form
of diffusion, facilitated
diffusion will still follow the
trend of Passive Transport
Facilitated Diffusion
The diffusion of solutes through
transport proteins in the plasma

There are 3 types of

transport proteins
Channel Protein
Gated Channel Protein
Carrier Protein

4.3 Facilitated Diffusion

Channel Proteins
Act like a pore in the
membrane that lets
water molecules and
small ions through
(Ex. Water and Ion)

Gated Channel Protein

Transport protein that

opens a gate allowing a
molecule to pass through
the membrane

Carrier Protein*

Transport protein that

is specific for an ion,
molecule, or group

4.3 Facilitated Diffusion

Ion Channels
Allow the formation of concentration gradient between the
extracellular fluid and the cytosol

4.4 Active Transport

With Passive Transport, we were working down the

concentration gradient
In Active Transport, the molecule will be traveling against the
concentration gradient
This process is going to use energy that is produced during cellular respiration

4.4 Active Transport

Active Transport
The energy-requiring process of pumping molecules and ions across
membranes, against a concentration gradient or uphill
The small ions and molecules will be travel across the membrane through the
use of transport proteins (2 ?s)
The larger molecule, such as starch, travel across the membrane by the
processes called endocytosis and exocytosis

Keeping a stable internal environment
Refers to balance or in this case, equilibrium

There has too be a balance between the Processes of Passive Transport and
Active Transport
Active Transport helps to maintain this process

4.5 Sodium-Potassium Pump

During Active Transport, energy is need to go against
the concentration gradient
This energy comes in the form of ATP (Adenosine
This ATP molecule will supply a carrier protein with a phosphate
group causing

This will then allow for the molecules or ions already attached
travel across the membrane

4.5 Sodium Potassium Pump

Mechanisms of the Sodium-Potassium Pump
From the cytoplasm, three sodium (Na+) ions will
bind to the carrier protein.
ATP will donate one phosphate group, causing the
carrier protein to change shape and the three Na+ to
be transported out the cell
Still open to the outside of the cell or extracellular
fluid, the carrier protein will have two potassium
ions (K+) bind to it
This causes the bonded phosphate group to be
Finally, the potassium ions are released inside the

4.5 Sodium-Potassium Pump

Electrochemical Gradient
This transport of ions causes an imbalance of
In order words, there is now the presence of an ion
gradient between the inside the cell and outside the
Specifically, the outside of the membrane is
positively charge; while the inside of the membrane
is negatively charged
This voltage across the membrane is called
membrane potential
This potential will play a huge role in the
transmission of impulses by nerve cells and their
use of the electrochemical gradient

4.6 Exocytosis & Endocytosis

Vesicle Transport
A form of active transport that
uses vesicles or other bodies to
transport macromolecules into or
out the cell
This can occur through two

4.6 Exocytosis & Endocytosis

the process of capturing a substance
or particle from outside by engulfing
it with the cell membrane
This engulfing will then create a
vesicles and pinch off

Two types
This is when the membrane engulfs
solid material (Cellular eating)

This is when the membrane engulfs
liquid material (Cellular drinking)

4.6 Endocytosis & Exocytosis

The process of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their
contents to the outside of the cell
This process also can put new proteins or lipids on plasma membrane

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