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Lawyer, Author, Activist

By: Briona Hill

To be an activist?
A person who is an advocate for social change and stands in
support (nonverbal, verbal, in-action) with a political or social issue.
Someone who cares about a subject and advocates for change and
takes part in the movement in hopes to arise awareness and
support for the topic.

Why is she an activist to you?

Her activism in the black community and her ability to bring light to
situations that most of the populus of the U.S are not educated on.
She is a formal sit in when it comes to issues that have regard to
African-Americans, including past and present reflection.

Her Accomplishments
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness- (2010)
As of Fall 2015 all freshman at Brown University must read

Speaking on Hillary Clinton, Why Hillary Clinton Doesnt Deserve

the Black Vote
Graduate of Stanford School of Law
Directed the Civil Rights Clinic

Law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmum

For my future:
She is a lawyer and writer.
Her books and articles have been a great influence.
Political Science/Pre-Law
Career in Civil Rights Law

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