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UCC Financing Statement

Colorado Secretary of State

Date and Time: 10/27/2015 10:57:31 AM
Master ID: 20152098349
Validation Number: 20152098349
Amount: $8.00

Debtor: (Organization)
Name: Nate's Food Co.
Address1: 15061 Springdale, Suite 113
City: Huntington Beach
State: CA
ZIP/Postal Code: 92649
Country: United States
Secured Party: (Organization)
Name: Lucosky Brookman LLP
Address1: 101 Wood Avenue South, 5th Floor
City: Woodbridge
State: NJ
ZIP/Postal Code: 08830
Country: United States

See Exhibit A.

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File name: Nate's Food Co. - CO UCC1.pdf

Uploaded: 10/27/2015 10:36:24 AM

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