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How to make a ballon faces

You will need:

• Flour
• Ballons
• A funnel
• Yarn
• Glue
• Felt-tip pens

1. Pour as much flour as you can through a
funnels into a ballon
2. tie a knot in the ballon
3. glue on some yarn for hair
4. draw a face on the ballon with your fingers
5. mold the ballon with your fingers

see what funny faces you can make

How to make banana shake
You will need:
1. 1 glass milk
1. 1 banana
2. 1 egg
3. 2 scoops ice cream
4. pitcher(jug)
5. bowl
6. fork
7. glass

1. pour the milk into the pitcher
2. carefully break the egg into the milk
3. peel the banana and mash it with afork
in the bowl
4. add the banana to the milk
5. add the ice cream
6. beat the mixture with the fork until it is
7. pour the mixture into the glass
8. clean up the mess
9. drink your bananas shake.

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