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Researchers Survey

Week 4
1. What forms of technology do you use in the classroom?
I use technology in whole group settings such as YouTube videos and
PowerPoint presentations.
I also use technology to create a variety of materials, games and
worksheets for my students to use during whole group and individual
2. What are your reflections of the introduction and small group
lesson plans?
I began with our whole group introduction. We talked about the new
Kindle device we will be using in our classroom. We discussed how
we should use and respect the device. Through our conversations, I
realized that a majority of my students have used technology in the
past and many of them have ample experience with tablets and apps.
This caused me to tailor my lesson and excluded some portions. I did
not want to present my students with opportunities that would distract
them from the intended task. During our group instruction, I only
addressed the basic information and instructions they needed to know
to operate the app we were using, Kids ABC Phonics.
3. Do you believe the students understood the expectations of
the intervention?
Yes, I do believe that students understood the expectations. My
students worked together to develop a list of rules when using the app.
They have had experience in the past using tablets and understand the
delicacy of device. After the first week, I think they are getting used
to the integration of the Kindle as an individual activity. Due to their
interest in the device, it has been difficult for some students to stay
engaged in other activities while waiting for their turn. Students also
enjoy watching their peers use the Kindle. If circumstances were
different and we didnt face time restrictions, I would allow this
because I believe they can still gain knowledge from watching their
friends. Unfortunately, I have to limit this behavior because I want to

ensure each student is fully engaged and involved in their experience.

Individual practice will allow me to observe their skill set and assess
their knowledge of letters and sounds.

4. How would you explain the transition to independent

Transitioning to an independent practice has been an adjustment.
Using the Kindle is an activity my students havent experienced in my
classroom. Everyone is very excited and interested in using the
device. It has been difficult to ensure this activity is conducted
independently. The students are interested in viewing all aspects of
the app and worried about not receiving a turn to use the device.
However, as time passes, students are becoming more mature and
5. Have the students requested support during their
independence practice? If so, what?
No, the majority have not requested support. They prefer to try to
figure out the app on their own.
6. How have you provided support to the students during
independent practice?
I have provided support to students by sitting near the table observing
the individual use of the app. The majority of the students have been
quite successful navigating the app and following the directions. I
offered help to students who experienced minimal problems. For
example, one student put the puzzle together, but it was in the wrong
location and the app didnt recognize the answer. When I tried to
provide other support, my students politely declined my help. It was
clear they wanted to explore and learn on their own which was one of
my goalsd.
Week 7
1. What are your reflections of the independent practice?
Integrating the Kindle into the classroom has been quite successful.
In order for this activity to become more independent, I developed a
schedule for the students to follow as well as a sticker chart to

document their progress. Students know now the order in which they
are to use the device. This helped eliminate the constant waiting by
the device, repetitive questioning and peer arguments. In addition to
following the schedule, students were asked to add a sticker to the
chart indicating they completed their turn using the device. Not only
did this method encouraged them to complete their turn, it helped me
track their usage.
2. Are the students demonstrating the expectations?
Yes, they have exceeded my expectations using the application. I had
concerns about the usability; however, they have demonstrated their
background knowledge of devices and learned how to operate the
Kindle independently. I was worried that their level of engagement
would decrease over time. However, they have continued to use the
app appropriately. Even the more advanced students have enjoyed
using the app that focuses on content they already know.
3. Have the students requested support during their
independent practice? If so, what?
No, the students did not request support during their independent
4. How have you provided support to the students during
independent practice?
I have only had to support students in turning the device on and off.
We have also run into challenges when the Kindle battery dies.
5. How has the use of this intervention changed your teaching
I think the intervention has expanded my teaching practices. I wanted
to integrate additional activities that incorporate technology. I am
interested in introducing new applications with simple instructions
and activities. I have also developed additional lessons that use
technology. For example, I used QR Codes during a lesson about
snakes. Each child used the Kindle to scan a code and the device
opened a page with a fact about snakes. They enjoyed the lessons and
asked for additional activities that use QR Codes.

6. How has the use of this intervention changed the classroom

Adding the Kindle to my classroom was an adjustment.
In the beginning, it completely changed our classroom
atmosphere. We had reached a point in the year where
everyone understood and demonstrated my classroom
expectations. This new addition was exciting and
distracting. It took some time for everyone to adjust to
the new activity. However, it has now become a regular
activity in our daily schedule. Students arent arguing
over the use, waiting for their turn or miss using the
device. Everyone transitions through the activities
appropriately and continue to meet the indicated
7. Have the students made connections outside of the
application and assessment? If so, how?
Yes, I believe they have made connections outside of the application.
I have seen an improvement in their reading and writing. It has
increased their interest in reading and they are more confident in their
8. Do you wish to continue this application? Or integrate new
Yes, I will continue to use this application. I am interested in
integrating the device earlier in the school year to see if it impacts
their phonics and phonemic awareness skills sooner. Although I
would like to introduce more applications. I realized I cannot offer too
many options because I dont believe they will be able to fully
engaged and engrossed in the application. I fear that if they have too
many applications, they will get confused with the expectations and
directions. However, I plan to add new applications that address
essential skills and information.
9. How has this technology intervention affected the use of
technology in your classroom?
Watching my students work independently using the Kindle has been
encouraging. Now, I am interested in adding more independent, long

term projects to my classroom. I think I will use some of the

strategies I incorporated during this project such as the schedule and
the sticker chart. In the future, I look forward to making my listening
center a permanent activity in the classroom. I will also investigate
more special projects for my students to use the device.
Do you believe other teachers can easily implement
this plan into their classroom?
Yes, I do believe teachers can easily implement this plan into their
classroom. I think it would be easier to begin this integration of
technology at the beginning of the year because then the activity is part
of the school schedule. I think the most challenging component of using
a device in the classroom is selecting the application. The teacher needs
to ensure the app is age appropriate and incorporates quality technology
What are changes you would make to the
implementation plan?
I would expand my timeline. I felt as though some aspects were
rushed and limited because I was on a tight time schedule. In the
future, I will take more time to assess my students skill level. I will
provide more opportunities for them to use the Kindle throughout the
school year and integrate partner and group activities.

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