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Bullying Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Hinckley, Kanjee, Peck

Activity: Is It Bullying? What It Is?
Grade(s): 4, 5, 6
Date: November 2016
ASCA Mindsets and

Learning Objectives

35 min

Gather evidence and consider multiple

perspectives to make informed decisions
Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility
Demonstrate empathy
Students will
Be able to distinguish between bullying, a mean
moment, teasing and conflict.
Be able to correctly verbalize to an adult if
someone is being bullied.

What is bullying? What is it? Chart

The A, B, C, and D of bullying poster

1. Students take T/F pretest to measure their

knowledge on bullying terms
2. Engage in a classroom discussion using the
What is Bullying? What Is It? chart
3. Then use the A, B, C, and D of Bullying poster
to elaborate on the definition of bullying
4. Call out various scenarios to the class and have
small groups discuss and advocate for what they believe
the scenario is an example of..bullying, being mean,
teasing, etc. Ideas below.
a. Each morning Sam tells Jared he
has to let him copy his homework or Sam will
embarrass him in front of the whole class
b. Mary and Tina argue about who
should be the captain of the team
c. Hannah rolls her eyes when
Candace walks in the room
d. Ryan and Paul are friends, and
Paul tells Ryan that his Lebron jersey is dumb,
because Lebron is dumb.
e. Mike breaks Sandys pencil on
5. Students take same T/F test to determine the
gained knowledge from the lesson
6. Hang bullying posters in the classroom for

Plan for evaluation

Process Data: All 4th, 5th, and 6th grade

students will participate
Perception Data: Students will take post test
after lesson plan to measure their knowledge.
Results Data: 25% decrease in disciplinary

Follow Up

Students will continue to participate in bullying

related activities throughout the year to maintain

knowledge and skills

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