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Week 12 Workshop

Designing an interactive workspace

1. Who are your users, what are they like, and what do
you need?
a. Our users are university students undertaking a
bachelor of IT. As it students they need to be
able to have a work area that allows individual
and team collaboration.
2. What tasks do they need to be able to achieve?
a. The tasks that our users need to be able to
achieve are; the work/activities that are
presented during workshops, individual
assignment work and group work.
3. What technology is readily available to support their
a. Computer monitors, Towers, Chairs, Desks,
Mouse and Keybords and Overhead projectors.
4. What constraints exist on this technology and their
tasks (for example. Physical room, layout, visibility of
screens, accessibility needs etc)?
a. Currently the way those computer labs are lad
out is in columns where students are sitting
back to back and in rows. This does not allow for
easy group discussion. Students are unable to
easily see each others screens and in order to
see the projector at the front of the room
students have to turn.

Use design tools to outline your ideas

(sketches, wireframes, prototypes, mock ups
Via the use of sketches our team designed a collaborative
interactive workspace.
This workspace is a table that doubles as screen these are
imbedded in the desk and are touch screens. You are able

to have six chairs fit around the table comfortably. The

table can be split up into six individual screens powered
by their own monitors, which facilitates individual study,
or if students are engaging in group work the screens
merge as one and you can work together on one task.

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