Seniorissue 2016

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May 19, 2016


Volume 28, Issue 6



Here it is, the last issue of
the year of The Columns! As you
read through The Class of 2016s
answers to our questionnaire,
there are a few important trends
you should notice:
1) Cranberry chocolate chip
cookies still hold a special place
in our hearts
2) Mr. Braun will definitely be
3) Chatham Hall has undoubtedly
become our home during the past
four years and changed us all in
countless ways.

It really is difficult to
think that in just a day, Ill be
leaving, and in a few months, Ill
be 865.1 miles away. The people
Ive met here are unlike anyone
else, and the place itself is magic.
Ive had some of my best and
worst times here, and Ive been
blessed to share them with all of

you. No matter where I go next or

what I decide to do with my life,
all these memories will remain

Its just as hard to think of
what my life will be like without
Chatham Hall; even before I was
a student here, I knew I wanted to
come. But I guess thats because I
wont have tothis school will always be a part of my life, because
without it, there is no way that I
would be the person I am today.

People from home still
ask me why Im here and make
judgements about me because
I made this decision. This was
strange to me at first, but by now,
Ive grown used to it, and even
consider it to be something to be
proud of. Im the one who decided to go do something new, step
out of my comfort zone, and create a high school experience for

myself that Ill never forget. I did

this with the help of all of you, so
thank you.

There were plenty of days
when I wished I was anywhere
but here, but every time Id put
things into perspective, Id remind myself why Im here. Im
at Chatham Hall because I dont
know what Id do without these
people, who always find a way to
brighten my day and bring adventure into my life. Im here because
all of you, who have given me a
high school experience that is
different from what I may have
expected years ago, but wonderful
in all its own ways, and I wouldnt
have had it any other way.
Esto Perpetua.
-Robin Boch, 2015-16
Editor-In Chief of The Columns

UC Riverside, Undeclared major
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Econ and Psych
On a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color? Blue and pink, 9
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Make friends
What is your best physical attribute? Small hands
What is your vernacular definition of the south? South Korea
What tweet speaks to you the most? I dont do Twitter.
If I werent going to college, I would... I had no choice. I would go college anyway.
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? I should live in an urban city
What is your dream job? Earning the most money with the least work and stress
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Snow days and Spring break
Explain to me what has happened to this country during the last ten years. Obama was elected as US
president. Trump is running as a presidential candidate.
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? Dissecting an animal in a lab.
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? Im extroverted person.
Favorite movie? Any comedy or action movie in general.
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... YeaSeul Lee, my old friend
What is your guilty pleasure or one of your obsessions? Food, especially sweets


Im going to Tulane University and majoring in French,

Sociology, and Poli Sci with a concentration in International Relations. Who knows, maybe Ill go pre-law, too.
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your
senior year? 3-4 during 1st semester, 6-7 during 2nd semester
Favorite class at Chatham Hall? French II with Madame or my Discovery Challenge in International Relations with Mr. Braun
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? No, but quite a few of mine are missing...
How hard did senioritis hit you? The only grade I got in French this semester was a 43
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? The night before graduation every year. After lantern
ceremony, Ive done everything from crying while eating waffles to reminiscing about the year to
staying up until 3:30 in the Pruden TV room with my best friends.
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Seeing if I fit in at a top party school...
What tweet speaks to you the most? @schuyuyler @robinboch roast each other!!!!! -Giovanna
#chathamhallbecause.? I figured out how Im ring-related to like half the school
Any advice for underclassmen? Take every chance you get to explore new places with your friends. Get
out of your comfort zone and be adventurous because that makes life so much more fun.
Anything else youd like to share? Come visit me in NOLA :)


University of Rochester and I am majoring in Film and

Media Studies, but thats kind of like majoring in unemployment so maybe Ill choose a useful second major.
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Take a chill pill
Favorite Chatham Hall memory? Picnics under the Old Oak
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? The
time I was bitten by a boa constrictor because I tried to give it a kiss
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... Mr. Braun, Dr. E, and Mr. Wood
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? Three, and Ive also
gone at least three consecutive months without a keycard
What tweet speaks to you the most? Paying for college is like buying a new BMW and then crashing
it every year just because you dont like it anymore Anglica (tweeted by @VictoriaBongard hit me
with that follow)
Anything else youd like to share? I ate the Chathamungus, therefore I am invincible. So if you still
want to fight me over Pluto or chocolate chip cookies, you will lose.


Emory University, International Relations

Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Just live your life and
voice your opinion even when youre scared to do so
What is your dream job? Something where Im traveling all the
time and speaking fluently in a foreign language
What is your greatest fear? That my student debt will swallow me
alive and that Im going too far away from my sisters
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I used to be a cheerleader for three years
(football and basketball) before I came to Chatham Hall
How hard did senioritis hit you? Not until the last week of APs
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 5.5 hrs maybe
Explain to me what has happened to this country during the last ten years. A black president got
elected to the highest position in this country and became the most disrespected person. Police brutality incidents make me think its the 90s. The Harry Potter era came to an end. And a whole generation
graduated from high school. So my emotions have been all over the place
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? No bedtimes and more interesting classes
#chathamhallbecause.? I got to go to school with my little sister for a year
What would you change about your high school experience? I wouldve come as a freshman


I will be attending Kenyon College. Im not sure what I

will be majoring in. I have been going through the list
of majors and saying them out loud to see what sounds
best. For example, Hi! my name is Srila and I will
be majoring in accounting.. No, still doesnt sound
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? duh, chocolate chip
What is your name? Is that a serious question? Chocolate Nevada
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Enjoy every single day and every friendship. Youll be
graduating before you know it.
What is your greatest fear? Figuring out how to live in the real world
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Lifes what you make it so lets
make it right...(as in Hannah Montana)
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? Anything involving my older sister.
What tweet speaks to you the most? Umm who has the floss - Jaden Smith
Name three previous Nobel Prize winners without using google. Britney Spears, Donald Trump, and
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without ME


Bates College, probably Economics, Social Psychology,

or Education!
If I werent going to college, I wouldcontinue to play golf!!
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? US History
If you could change anything about your high school experience,
what would it be? I would take riding lessons!!!
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without Mr. Braun :)
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? When Dr. Fountain announced that we had a Free Day
during the old girl party!
Favorite book? Movie? The Fault in our Stars and Harry Potter
What is your vernacular definition of the south? Where people say Yall all the time
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Trust yourself, be authentic.
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? Hahaha, Yes? I forgot to turn back the pencil
after the SAT test.
What is your favorite word and why? HELLO ! Cuz it works anytime!
#chathamhallbecause.? I found a place that is like my real home.
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 5 hours!!!!
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? Chocolate chips!!!

University of Rochester, Statistics
What is your greatest fear? Deadlines
Tell us your favorite joke. Are you the third derivative? Because
youre a jerk Jessica Zhou
How hard did senioritis hit you? I never turned off my lights
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Lantern Ceremony
If I werent going to college, I would...Travel around the world
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? Six
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? Sugar cookies
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without...Cookie Break
If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be? Make it shorter
Favorite movie? Inside Out
#chathamhallbecause.? I get to play sports with my friends
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Never rely on the Wifi
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? AP Human Geography
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Keep calm
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Having fun
Anything else youd like to share? I love yall


University of Rochester; Biology

What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Taking pictures
with the cherry blossomssomething I can only do here
What is your greatest fear? Now? Freshman 15
What is your vernacular definition of the south? Where there is
Bojangles (I am going to miss it so much)
What is your best physical attribute? My cheeks are very soft.
Describe your ideal significant other. Good looking and hmmmmm.
If I werent going to college, I would... Publish my first album with Sparkle
What is your guilty pleasure or obsession? I hang too many posters in my small closet-like room.
Whats your mantra, or is there a quote that describes you? Do it now or never!
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... Stink bugs in my room
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 5 only because I am
most productive when it is last minute
Do you remember anything from your first time at Chatham Hall? Preseason!
What are you most looking forward to about college? Coedness (just kidding, I think an exchange
How hard did senioritis hit you? Just waking up costs me too many ATPs.


Tulane University! Ill probably end up doing some

combination of English/Art/Business.
If I werent going to college, I would Live in Jamaica and fish for
a living!! Also subsistence farm with Alex Rains ;-))))
What is your favorite word and why? Hideous. Ask Torey Bates.
Do you remember anything from your first time at Chatham
Hall? Pruden kind of smelled like oatmeal.
Favorite Chatham Hall memory? Once I ate a peanut butter and bacon milkshake on advisory outings. Another time I got in trouble for climbing on top of the Pruden basement roof. Both good times.
What tweet speaks to you the most? kowabunga dudettes. im so pumped to be on this surfing kick.
who else surfs out there? gnarly day in the h2o. ridin waves! -@kimkardashian
If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be? Honestly, we
couldve thrown some more dance parties in there.
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without Las birthdaymy favorite holiday.
Explain to me what happened to this country during the last ten years. Im honestly not sure I was
paying attention when I was 8 years old.
What is your dream job? I cant pick just one. Id really like to travel and try different things out.
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Eat the lucky charms while theyre available.


James Madison University (Go Dukes!) Chemistry

Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Dont take life too seriously- keep things in perspective and know you are loved
Wheres Waldo? Probably lost in my junk drawer
What tweet speaks to you the most? #IsntItWeird how we have
eyebrows (follow @IsntIt_Weird on twitter)
On a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color? 7; blue
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without the random fire alarms and brunch
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? BrING BAcK ThE CRaNBERRY CHOCoLATE CHiP
What is your greatest fear? I fear that I will forget all of the memories I have made.
If I werent going to college, I would Probably open a bakery and do the facebook food tutoritials
What was your favorite class at Chatham? AP Psychology! I cant stop psychoanalyzing myself !!!
Explain to me what has happened to this country during the last ten years. Well where does one
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 7 hours. #blessed
How hard did senioritis hit you? It took me almost a week to write the conclusion to my ethics paper
What is your favorite 90s jam? Say My Name by Destinys Child
Anything else youd like to share? Peace, Love, Happiness


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Engineering

What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Physics!

Does Pluto count? Haha do you mean Pluto as that disney dog?
Most traumatizing childhood experience? My mom told me that
there was always a wolf lying under my bed when I was sleeping.
What are you most looking forward to about college? It is close to
Chicago. Being in a big city is always good.
On a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color? Red, 9 on a scale of 1-10
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? I dont usually use a pen...
Name three previous Nobel Prize winners without using google. Marie Curie, Barack Obama, Wilhelm Rontgen(I used him in the SAT essay!)
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... Its free days! The best ever!
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? The time I spent with our awesome teachers in the
class! Ex: Mr. Brauns U.S. History class
What is your greatest fear? Failing tests and getting no offer from colleges..
What is your dream job? Working at Disneyland! And I have a dream to go visit all the Disney theme
parks in the world, now it is 7/9 (I havent been to the one in Paris and the new one in Shanghai yet.).
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 5 hours.


Clark University... Majoring in Psychology and minoring in geography... Who knows, it will probably change.
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? MR. BRAUN
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? I steal
Robins all the time (but she watches me do it so. Idk)
What is your guilty pleasure? Sam Hunt Break up in a Small
Town just listen to it.
Favorite Chatham Hall memory? I was sick one day and I couldnt leave my bed. All of a sudden Anna
Grace walks into my room and says, Okay, lets do this. Next thing I know, Anna (my roommate) and
Anna Grace had taken all my laundry that had been sitting in my closet for two weeks, vacuumed the
floor, disinfected pretty much every inch of open space, and made me tea. #truefriendship
What is your greatest fear? The fact that the strongest correlation found for success in college is the
relationship you have with your freshman year roommate (Thanks, Dr. Edwards)
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... Mr. Braun
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I sing a lot like all the time constantlyOh! And I love country music (ask Robin).
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Spending three hours in a gym every day for
three months Why did I think this was a good idea?


JMU, Theatre (Im gonna be a superstar)

What is your favorite book? Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? My
siblings used to wrap me in a blanket and push me down the stairs.
Explain to me what has happened to this country during the last
ten years. We all just need to hold hands and itll get better.
#chathamhallbecause.? Im so tired of that freaking hashtag
Describe your ideal significant other. Someone who has no relation to boarding school whatsoever.
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? Yes. Sorry, Robin
Whats your mantra, or is there a quote that describes you? Whatever, Im getting cheese fries- Regina George. I put that on my senior page.
What was your favorite class at Chatham? Acting Values. TEACHERS, PLEASE OFFER THIS AGAIN
What is your greatest fear? Falling out of an eno. Ive done that and it was terrifying.
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? THE CRANBERRY CHOCHOLATE CHIP ONES WE
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? Im gonna say 8
Tell us your favorite joke. I put a joke on the back of my chemistry exam sophomore year, but I dont
remember it. So ask Mr. Oliver.


Cornell University, Mechanical Engineering

If I werent going to college, I around the world
and help people everywhere or start my own business.
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Basketball.
What was your favorite class at Chatham? Calculus AB and BC.
What is your dream job? Aerospace engineer.
Do you remember anything from your first time at Chatham?
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without...Chatham Hall changes all the time.
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 6
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? No.
Name three previous Nobel Prize winners without using google. Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and
Stephen Hawking.
#chathamhallbecause.? of every one of its students and faculty.
What is your vernacular definition of the south? The Southern Hemisphere.
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Be competitive.
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Learning new knowledge
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? 1.
Anything else youd like to share? Edgar Allan Poes works give me a panic attack (I dont know)


Mercer University, Nursing

Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Give your best and

dont compare yourself to others. All that matters is that you do
all you can.
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? When
my grandpa put rubbing alcohol on my arm and then set it on

What is your guilty pleasure or one of your obsessions? Jewish rye bread
What song best describes your work ethic? Work Hard, Play Hard
How many key cards have you been through during your time at Chatham Hall? 4... I think
If I werent going to college, I would... be teaching in Rwanda
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Anatomy
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 8-9
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Getting my ring
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? Cranberry chocolate chip

VCU; Pre-Physical Therapy
If I werent going to college, I would... Travel the world
Does Pluto count? YES
What is your dream job? Physical Therapist
What is your greatest fear? Losing contact with my best friends
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Anatomy
Favorite movie? Breakfast at Tiffanys
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Lantern Ceremony
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Participate in as many things as possible
What is your favorite book? The Harry Potter series
Whats your mantra, or is there a quote that describes you? It is what it is
If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be? Having boys here so
there would be football we could watch
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I love alpacas
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Friends are everything
Describe your ideal significant other. Tall, blue eyes, brown hair, smart, funny, and kind.
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? Falling in a toilet
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Having a real life


Pomona College (its in California); media studies/psychology/international relations/basically any major that
Ill never make any money from
What is your favorite book? The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Take lots of naps
Explain what has happened to this country in the last ten years. :(
Describe your ideal significant other: Ted Cruz.
What song best describes your work ethic? Stayin Alive by The Bee Gees
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? A little more than
Robin, a lot less than everyone else
What tweet speaks to you the most? As Cher once said:
ipad freezing up! Maybe its
overwhelmed,because it Just realized A
Fabulous DIVA Was touching it ! Cant really Blame it, SNAP OUT OF IT
What is your vernacular definition of the south? After I graduate, a place very far away from me
Whats your mantra, or is there a quote that describes you? I just go with the flow dude man -a real
sentence that came out of my mouth once
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? I can fall asleep anywhere and
any time


University of Pennsylvania; Communication

If I werent going to college, I would...Be whupped
What are you most looking forward to in college? Parties
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? There are too many
to count, but I would say Lantern ceremony
What is your best physical attribute? My brows ;-)
Describe your ideal significant other. Anthony Bourdain
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Go into the woods and explore; also always speak out if
you want change of any kind
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? Approximately few
Explain to me what has happened to this country during the last ten years. Weve let racists and
bigots lead the pack, BUT we have also gotten tremendously better at memes, my friends, and that is
something to be proud of
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Astronomy because I got to give a ten minute presentation on the legitimacy of Area 51
How hard did senioritis hit you? Senioritis hit me so hard I just said Fine, Ill go to LA a week before
graduation (I actually went to my sisters graduation, ITS JUST A JOKE EVERYONE).
Anything else youd like to share? I love you people


Im going to Vanderbilt, and I wanna do neuroscience,

psychology, and French on a premed track. But Im having a crisis because apparently being a musicologist is
a job so I might do that instead.
Describe your ideal significant other. Biggie Smalls
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker are the same person
What song best describes your work ethic? Where Are U Now
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? Like 4 of my own
and one belonging to Katie Wood, our old athletic director
What is your dream job? Rich person
What tweet speaks to you the most? Anything that @alexxrainss tweets. What a legend
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? Cranberry chocolate chip. Gone but never forgotten
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? One time I did a trust fall on a concrete
driveway and my friend didnt catch me because I looked heavy
What is your best physical attribute? Everything
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Not having to sign out to go places
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without...Me!! Haha self-love

Elon University, Business

If I werent going to college, I would Spend all the money I have

following Beyonce on her upcoming tours.
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Yearbook
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Dont eat the Otis
Cookies after Tuesday; theyre not fresh anymore.
Wheres Waldo? In the pile of stuff under Maisie Strawns bed.
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I can rap all of Miami by Will Smith.
What song best describes your work ethic? Strive, ASAP Ferg
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? At least 8 every night.
What is your dream job? Rolling around the country in my own food truck designed around cheese.
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without Miss Pam.
What is your best physical attribute? When my eyes and forehead sometimes get swollen I look exactly like Sid the sloth from Ice Age and its awesome.
What tweet speaks to you the most? And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye -Kanye West
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? Cranberry chocolate chip all the way.
How hard did senioritis hit you? Writing apology notes to my teachers on tests I didnt study for.


Im going to the University of Richmond and I hope to

study Spanish!
Describe your ideal significant other. Liam Hedge lol
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... Late night and
deep conversations with my roommate.
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Freshman year
English, Astronomy, Art, Hebrew, or Mythology.
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? My very first graduation. The weather was amazing and
everyone was genuinely happy. Its the memory I always go back to.
What tweet speaks to you the most? My luck ranks alongside Bambis on ice nowadays - @samjoynerr
What is your dream job? To be a food editor for a magazine in Nashville or be a textile designer in
Richmond. Pretty specific I know, but thats what dreams are for.
Do you remember anything from your first time at Chatham Hall? I literally remember the outfit I
wore. It was a yellow shirt, green tops with white snails on it, and black flats.
How hard did senioritis hit you? I genuinely didnt experience senioritis until today.
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Always have spoons. People seem to need them the most.


University of South Carolina, Marketing/Business

Tell us your favorite joke. My life.
How many key cards have you gone through? 6!
What is your best physical attribute? Freshly waxed eyebrows
#chathamhallbecause.? Boarding school is cheaper than
rehab Jack Somers
If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be? I would have
started studying earlier, but thats overrated, so I really should have just stayed up later
Describe your ideal significant other. A dude who is just as loud and obnoxious as I am, but taller
and preferably a soccer or baseball player
What is your vernacular definition of the south? The holy grail of America because we have good
weather, better guys, sweet tea, and the SEC *go gamecocks*
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? Just @ me next Robin
What tweet speaks to you the most? getting out of bed before noon is considered an accomplishment
in my life and worthy of taking the rest of the day off - @MattBellassai
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? AP Geo because Mr. Braun makes my life
Anything else youd like to share? Its been lit fam


Im going to UVM. Im excited because theres skiing

and the school runs shuttles every weekend to the slopes
so I plan on, um, having a rich extracurricular life.
What song best describes your work ethic? Under Pressure
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your
senior year? Im actually an 83 year old woman. So, like, 9.5.
Tell us your favorite joke. Christine Walton
Explain to me what has happened to this country during the last ten years. Some people became
aware, others think they did, some progress was made, but Kentucky still endorses marriage to your
first cousin.
What is your favorite 90s jam? Sheep Go to Heaven by Cake. I dont know if its a jam per se, but I
like the claim that goats go to hell.
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? THE MITOCHONDRIA IS
How hard did senioritis hit you? At first it was like a pillow fight, then slowly it turned into air-soft
and finally there were bricks being thrown at my motivation
Whats your best physical attribute? The bottoms of my feet. Maybe thats why lots of people dont
find me attractive. My best feature is hidden all the time. (JK. I know Im a fine slice of quiche)


University of Washington; Biomedicine

What is your greatest fear? Being in a room with a cat.
What is your favorite word and why? Well. Because I can say it first
at any time when I dont know what to say.
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? M&Ms
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Anatomy
Favorite Movie? The Professional
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? For freshmen and sophomores: play hard. For juniors and
seniors: work hard, bitter must come before sweet.
What is your guilty pleasure or one of your obsessions? Mimicking others funny behaviors.
Do you currently have outstanding IOUs? No. Actually, I didnt know what IOUs are until last week.
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? Junior lantern ceremony.
Ideal significant other? Taller than me, kind, honest, humorous, nice to my parents and friends
Do you remember anything from your first time at Chatham Hall? Got off the Chatham Hall van
with Portia in front of Pruden, and received the warmest hug from Ms. Yassin.
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? When I start to make fun of someone,
that means I really like this person.
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Respect.

Bowdoin College, Biology

What is your favorite 90s jam? Baby Got Back by SirMixALot

How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your
senior year? 5-6, judging from how many times Robin and I made
eye contact in the 3rd Pruden hallway at 2 in the morning.
What is your dream job? Getting paid to cut people open.
How hard did senioritis hit you? Not that hard. Its not like I paid attention in my classes before...
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Anatomy & Physiology with Mr. Oliver: we spent
every class coloring, and we had a burial service for the fetal pigs we dissected at the end of the year (I
named mine Oliver, and Naomi named hers Dennis).
If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be? Sophomore
year. Thats all Im going to say.
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Dont procrastinate. Or, if youre like me, and procrastination is part of who you are, get really good at it. Be the master procrastinator. Why start things early
when you dont have to?
What is your best physical attribute? This is a trick question; I cant pick just one.

The University of South Carolina. Ive always thought Id be
majoring in political science, but lately Ive been thinking
about journalism or maybe international business.
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior
year? Three because of my roommate. Thanks, Imani, love you too!!
What is your favorite 90s jam? This is Why Im Hot
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Being around HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE!!! Like
theres gonna be twenty people at a LUNCH TABLE in college. Im so ready.
Whats your mantra? I aint here for a long time, Im here for a good time
How hard did senioritis hit you? So hard that my backpack is lost somewhere downstairs, and it has
been for two weeks, but I havent even tried to find it.
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I read. A lot. Like on my bedside table at home
my friends always freak out because I have a mountain of books on it and they never pegged me as the
literary type. But reading is my favorite pasttime; I do it whenever there is time.
Whats the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? How to make friends a family.
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? I cant count anymore;
right now I have three that I can rotate between.

University of Kentucky, Animal Science
Chatham wouldnt have been the same without... Struggling through
honors physics
What is your favorite 90s jam? Who let the dogs out
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I can bah
like a sheep
Favorite Yardley cookie? Cranberry chocolate chip
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? Astronomy. Doliver will blow your mind.
Do you currently have outstanding IOUs? Not that I know of, but anything goes at this time in the year
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Dont put the flag up. Just say it was supposed to rain.
What is your greatest fear? Scary people looking through windows at me
What was your most traumatizing childhood experience? When the dentist tried to pull a tooth out with
what I remember to be a wrench-like tool
What is your dream job? Getting money. Lots of itlike a money tree
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? Id say about two. I refuse
to go buy a new one until it is necessary even after faculty have insisted.
Have you ever broken the honor code by stealing a pen? Most likely, lets get real.
#chathamhallbecause.? I learned how to find boys even when they are far and few


Im going to Furman University in SC and will be a history major and possible music major.
Favorite movie? The Lord of The RingsAlways fav.
If I werent going to college, I would... Travel around the world and
never come back
What is your favorite Chatham Hall memory? The moment I got
my Senior RingActually I think Graduation is even better.
What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? AP MOD!!!!!!
What is your guilty pleasure or one of your obsessions? Hua Chenyu, my favorite singer. SUPER
cute, SUPER handsome. Writes and sings splendid songs.
Whats your mantra, or is there a quote that describes you? She is quick, curious, playful, and strong.
Whats something most people wouldnt know about you? I do care about A LOT OF things
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Treat friendship seriously!
What is your vernacular definition of the south? Jacks, Lilly dresses, and monograms.
What is your favorite Yardley cookie? Chocolate chip
#chathamhallbecause. Singing in Chapel feels wonderful. Horses make my day.
How many hours of sleep/night did you get on average your senior year? 6-7 (I know thats a lot)
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Furmans delicious chocolate chip cookies.

UC Davis, Psychology

What was your favorite class at Chatham Hall? H period (free)

Chatham wouldnt have been the same without ME
What is your dream job? Lawyer
What are you most looking forward to doing in college? Skipping
If I werent going to college, I would travel around the world
Any words of wisdom for underclassmen? Store some food in order to survive the weekends.
If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be? I wish Ms. Yassin was still here.
How many hours of sleep did you get per night on average your senior year? 4 hours
How many key cards have you gone through during your time at Chatham Hall? ZERO!!!
How hard did senioritis hit you? I have no idea what does study hall means
What is the most important thing youve learned while at Chatham? Sleeping is the most important
thing to do.
Anything else youd like to share? I nominated myself for our freshman leader in residence when I
had no idea what that was...

Cathy Baek...........................................Most Likely to Change her Name and Number
Robin Boch...............................................................................................Most Motivated
Victoria Bongard.........................................................................Biggest Transformation
Imani Brooks........................................................Most Likely to Meet Shonda Rhimes
Srila Chadalavada................................................................................Miss Congeniality
Portia Chen...................................................................................................Most Bubbly
Nancy Ding................................................Most Aggressive with a Field Hockey Stick
Phoebe Fei.............................................................................................................Funniest
Jane Hawthorne......................................................Most Likely to Live Under a Bridge
Amber Huggins..............................................Most Likely to Attend Multiple Colleges
Sparkle Jiang....................................................................................................Most Shiny
Anglica Joa..........................................................................Most Likley to Join the CIA
Catie Lewis..............................................................................Most Likely to be Famous
Vicky Liu......................................................................Most Likely to Quadruple Major
Mary Elizabeth Lively.....................................................................................Most Lively
Ashton Mitchell......................................................................................Most Outspoken
Schuyler Mitchell..................................Most Likely to Die by Falling Down the Stairs
Giovanna Paz......................................................................Most Likely to Marry Drake
Alex Rains...................Most Likley to Drop out of College and Move to Puerto Rico
Holly Rule..............................................................................................Most Fashionable
Torey Bates Samuel...........................Most Likely to Let a Haircut End a Relationship
Anna Grace Somers.........................................................Most Likely to Join a Sorority
Camille Walton..............................................................Most Likely to Move to Iceland
Janice Wei.....................................................................Most Likley to Become a Queen
Lauren Weller................................................................................Biggest Procrastinator
Ana Wilson............................................................................................................Craziest
Ana Zentner.........................................................................................Biggest Horse Girl
Anna Zhang.....................................................Most Likley to Win a Nobel Peace Prize
Finn Zhang..................................................................................................Most Graceful

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