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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 30, 2016

Why should we always do good? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us so that our

lives may have the right direction.

Brahman or Divinity is present in your own heart and is

functioning as a witnessing consciousness all through. To
imagine and to deceive ourselves into thinking that there is
no one seeing us do a bad thing is not correct. Whether
anyone sees it or not, the aspect of Brahman which has
been described as one which has thousands of heads and
thousands of eyes is always watching you and the good and
bad that you do. Without recognising and understanding this
basic truth that God is always with you, you spend a great
deal of time and energy thinking that God is somewhere
outside and that you should find Him elsewhere. In the
Bhagavad Gita, this is the reason why God has been
described as being present wherever you go.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1976, Ch 3

I am always with you, in you, above you, around you, guiding, guarding and protecting you. Baba

30 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM hmySw,cMgy kMm ikauN krny cwhIdy hn? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr
nwl smJwauNdy hn qW jo AsIN,Awpxy jIvn nUM,shI idSw dy skIey[
au`qr: bRwhmn jW idivXqw,Kud swfy idl iv`c mOjUd hY Aqy auh,hr vyly,swfI
cyqnqw nUM vyKdI rihMdI hY[ieh soc lYxw ik ijhVw mwVw kMm mYN kr irhw hW,

aus nUM,koeI vyK nhIN irhw hY, glq hY Aqy Awpxy-Awp nUM DoKw dyx dy brwbr
hY[BwvyN quhwnUM koeI vyK irhw hY jw nhIN, pr ijhVy bRhmn(idivXqw) dy bwry
aup`r d`isAw igAw hY ,auh,auh idvXqw hY ijhdy hzwrW hI isr Aqy hzwrW hI
A`KW hn[auh,quhwfy v`loN kIqy cMgy jw mwVy kMmW nUM vyKdI rihMdI hY[ies mUl
scweI nUM smJy Aqy pihcwxy ibnW ik ,Bgvwn quhwfy AMdr hn,qusIN Awpxw
bhuq swrw smW Aqy SkqI,ies gl qy Krc kr idMdy ho ik Bgvwn ikqy bwhr
vws krdy hn Aqy qusIN aunHW nUM ,bwihr l`Bdy iPrdy ho[iehI kwrx hY ik
Bwgvd gIqw iv`c ieh iliKAw hoieAw hY ik qusIN ij`Qy vI jWdy ho,Bgvwn aus
jgHw mOjUd huMdy hn[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn,1976,A`iDAwey iq`n)[
mYN,hmySw quhwfy nwl hW,quhwfy iv`c hW,quhwfy aup`r hW,quhwfy ierd-igrd
hW,quhwfw mwrg-drSn krdw hW,quhwnMU swvDwn krdw hW Aqy quhwfI riK`Aw
krdw hW[(bwbw)[

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