May 31 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 31, 2016

Why should we always adore the words of the Vedas? Bhagawan explains their
significance and the result of disregarding them.

The Vedas do not have their origin in human beings.

All history has been created by experienced people.
In such things which have been created by men,
there are possibilities for changes, additions and
alterations; but there is no such possibility in the case
of the Vedas. As the Vedas have been obtained
merely by listening to sound, it has been referred to
as Shruti (that which was heard). We have forgotten
the Vedic culture which has neither a beginning nor
will have an end, and placed our faith in material
comfort. We have also tried to give more importance
to what we see around us in the form of material
comforts and given up what is essential for our own
culture. This has brought our life into great difficulty.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1974, Vol 1, Ch 3

The day you root out selfishness from within you, divinity will blossom in your heart. Baba

31 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,vydW dy khy dw siqkwr,ikauN krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,ies dI
mh`qqw dsdy hn Aqy ienHW SbdW nUM nw m`nx dy, kI nqIjy huMdy hn,ies bwry
cwxxw pwauNdy hn[
au`qr: vydW dI AwpxI SurUAwq(mu`F),mnu`KW qoN nhIN hoeI[ies dw ieqhws
qW,AnuBvI lokW kwrx hI hY[auh cIzW,ijhVIAW mnu`K ny bxweIAW hn,aunHW

iv`c qbdIlI,aunHW iv`c vwDw krn Aqy Adlw-bdlI dI sMBwvnw huMdI hY[pr
ij`QoN qweIN vydW dw sMbMD hY,ies iv`c koeI vI qbdIlI hox dI koeI sMBwvnw
nhIN hY[ikauN jo vyd,Awvwz dI suxweI dy AwDwr au`qy ilKy gey hn,ienHW
nUM,SruqI vI ikhw jWdw hY[AsIN,vydW dI s`iBXqw nUM Bu`l gey hW,ijnHW dI nw qW
SurUAwq hY Aqy nw hI ijs dw AMq hovy gw pr mnu`K,sMswrI su`KW au`qy ivSvwS
krdw hY[AsW,sMswrI s`uKW nUM dyx vwlIAW cIzW Aqy jo ku`J swnUM,Awly-duAwly
ivKweI idMdw hY,aus nUM mh`qqw dyx dI koiSS krdy hW Aqy ijhVI cIz ,swfI
s`iBXqw leI zrUrI hY,AsW C`f id`qI hY[ies kwrx hI,swfy jIvn iv`c,bhuq
musIbqW AweIAW hn[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn,1974,AMk iek,A`iDAwey
ijs idn qusIN,Awpxy AMdroN, svwrQ Bwvnw nUM jVoN auKwV PYNko gy, ausy
idn,quhwfy ihrdy iv`c,idvXqw dw Pul iKV a`uTy gw[(bwbw)[

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